Cleveland Guardians Starting Pitching Puts Them in an Uphill Battle Again in Loss to Detroit Tigers

Cleveland Guardians Starting Pitching Puts Them in an Uphill Battle Again in Loss to Detroit Tigers

by Jeff Ellis, Locked On Podcast Network

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35:26 minutes

published 25 days ago


Speaker 30s - 44.88s

It's the Lockdown Podcast Network, your team every day. Well, I said yesterday it was going to be another low-scoring game. Of course I was wrong. We don't know baseball here, but we're going to talk about it anyway. Guardian starting pitching put the offense behind the eight ball. They responded, but in the end, couldn't hit enough shots to come back overall.We'll touch on that. Logan Allen's PERSON rough start. And why picking first overall in the draft risk is a little bit different when it comes to assessing overall talent. It's time for Lockdown Guardians. You are Locked on Guardian ORG.

Speaker 144.88s - 54.54s

Your daily podcast on the Cleveland Guardians ORG. You are Locked-on Guardian. Your daily podcast on the Cleveland Guardians ORG. Part of the Locked-on Podcast Network, your team every day.

Speaker 256.12s - 93.64s

Hello, everyone, and welcome to the show. Today's episode is brought to you by eBay Motors ORG. From breaks to exhausts, and beyond, eBay Motors has over 122 million parts to keep your ride or die alive. With all the parts you need at the prices you want, it's easy to bring home the big win. keep your ride or die alive. All the parts you need at the prices you want. It's easy to bring home the big win. Keep your ride or die alive at items only. Exclusions apply. eBay ORG guaranteed fit, only available to you guys customers. And yes, I did have to pause there to remember what day is it? It's been one of those weeks. And today was one of those games.You know, it started out. Sure was. You know, just up and down and up and down. And then, then down. I didn't see that back and forthcoming early on.

Speaker 393.64s - 256.08s

I got to be honest, like, you know, Logan Allen, two straight days, the Guardians gave up a lead off Homer PERSON to start the game, which is never how you want to do it. Got ambushed early. But, you know, McKenzie turned things around. He was good.And it's not like this tiger's offense is good. Like, there's a lot of holes in this Tigers ORG lineup right now, and they're not scoring runs. So it looked good that Tristan McKenzie wasn't having issues against them on Monday. But Logan Allen PERSON, we cannot say the same forward, but I didn't see them responding the way they did offensivelyand even taking the lead early. Like, you know, we said yesterday I wouldn't be surprised. Or I said, I'll take the blame for it. I said that wouldn't be surprised if Tuesdays were a low-scoring affair. And it was low-scoring for the first two pitches of the game. And then after that, it was not.And I kept thinking, well, the first team to score two touchdowns is going to win. And the Tigers ORG kept, I think the Tigers ended up getting an extra field goal there out of that. Yeah, an extra safety in a field goal. And Guardian ORG scored a touchdown. And they just stopped scoring. But really the big story was Logan Allen PERSON, just out of the gate.And he's had starts like this before. Like this is some stuff you've seen in the miners from him. He is not a guy who's got elite stuff, right? Like he's got a 90, a fastball that's top side of 93. And it's more deceptive than it is power.And he's got to command into the right spots. And then the sweeper is good. If he's ahead, they can throw up a strikes. Like he's got two pitches that can induce swing and misses or weak contact. But he's got to be ahead and he's got to they can throw up strikes. Like, he's got two pitches that can induce swing and misses or weak contact, but he's got to be ahead and he's got to throw those pitches for strikes in order to execute them.And, you know, he only threw four called strikes in the fastball and six foul ball, six in play. So the strike ran in the fastball was just abysmal in this game. And he is not the kind of pitcher who can overcome. Nobody can overcome basketball command truthfully. If you can't control your fastball, you're going to get, you know, hit around because the major league hitters are eventually going to not swing anything else, and they're going to wait until you throw the fastball in the zone. Andhe was never able to do that. He threw the basketball in the zone when he did, it got crushed. And the secondary stuff was just not there at all. And he's had bouts like this in the minors before. He is a guy who does rely on command, and he nibbles sometimes. He gets deep into counts. He can't put guys away. And he only had two walks.He was in two and third innings, granted, so it wasn't good. But just a guy who has to pitch differently when you're, when you throw like he does and, you know, just put them in a bad spot. This is probably one of the worst starts I think I've ever seen from him, truthfully. No, good.

Speaker 2256.12s - 265.84s

It's the, the, he's an interesting case, right, where one can make a solid argument that his fastball is his worst pitch and it's a secondary offering oh it is 100

Speaker 3265.84s - 270.08s

yeah and we talked about this a little bit last year where you know sarah said that great piece about

Speaker 2270.08s - 294.7s

pitchers overcoming expectation because they have like a good change and a good sweeper and even though their velocity is not there because that's the thing when they drafted him most people thought this a future reliever like that was what was almost universally the grade given on him. There were a few of us who thought that he'd be a starter. And yeah, this wasn't the best game. And they need him.They need him right now.

Speaker 0295.04s - 297.94s

They don't have any starting pitching room to spare,

Speaker 2298.64s - 311.9s

especially because Detroit ORG's offense has been putrid nor the way around. I mean, this is Detroit ORG needed this type of game. So hopefully it does not get them jump started. But, yeah, he had a bad game.

Speaker 3312.12s - 315.66s

The bullpen, frankly, didn't have a great one either.

Speaker 2315.88s - 332.1s

I mean, they're asked to do a lot, so it's hard to get too upset. But we're going to see them give up more runs, the more they get ridden hard like this. That's just also part of it. Like there's, you know, okay,so most of, most of our listeners are in the,

Speaker 3332.12s - 333.7s

too bad by now because we lost. Yeah,

Speaker 2334s - 345.04s

well, true, but those who are left are like in our age range. It's like a health bar in a video game. Like you're depleting that health bar with this bullpen. There's only so many bullets,so many pitches they can throw.

Speaker 3346.04s - 350.44s

And you got to find room to hide behind some kind of shield somewhere.

Speaker 2350.68s - 352.94s

And you need, you need the ability to like recoup.

Speaker 3353.5s - 356.54s

You know, they need to to find cover.

Speaker 2356.74s - 359.44s

But I mean, I guess the cover is just having more arms.

Speaker 3359.56s - 360.2s

It's health packs.

Speaker 2360.24s - 371.72s

It's not cover. It is going to do the approach with some of their depth. But yeah, it's a. Logan Allen PERSON's a story. It's not cover is going to do the approach with some of their depth. But yeah, it's a – Logan Allen PERSON's a story. The offense was relatively great.

Speaker 3373.76s - 375.94s

Then they kind of got completely shut down. Yeah, we got to talk about them fading out later.

Speaker 2376.46s - 379.16s

The Tigers are a bottom 10 offense.

Speaker 3379.4s - 413.18s

Like they are – they're 24th in the league right now at producing runs at 93 overall, which is, you know, close to league average, but it's not. It's not there. They have scored the least, they've scored the 20th moment. Yeah, their bottom 10 offense. They've scored 145 runs.That puts them in 20th overall. Guardians, by the way, 177 and 7 overall. So guardians PRODUCT are a much better offense, but they, and they showed it because they were able to come back, but couldn't finish the job. And some of that's really, when this team scores seven runs, they should win. And that's always been the M.O. It's like, this season.

Speaker 2413.18s - 415.38s

Or they're winning mostly. Yeah.

Speaker 3415.5s - 560.82s

It's almost like this season has been a total reversal of a fortune from the last several years. Like, even going back to, like, you know, we'll throw 2020 out, but like 2019 and 2020, which is a horrid year overall because of a lot of reasons. But like if you go back into the end of the last run with Michael Brantley and Kipness PERSON and Santana and Lindor and Jose PERSON and all those guys,pitching was still the backbone of those teams. You know, they still,itching was still the backbone of those teams. You know, the starting pitching was the backbone of those teams. And last year, the pitching was the backbone because the offense was terrible. In 2022, you know, they dinked and dunked their way to the playoffs. The pitching was okay. It wasn't great.It was enough to get them through the season. The bullpen was okay. But it's almost like this season so far. It's only May 7, thankfully, or May 8th as people are listening to this. So there's still time for this to change, but it's got to change sooner than later before you burn the bullpen out. But it's just a weird reversal of fortune that the offense is hanging inthere and is keeping them in some games. The bullpen has been great, obviously, but the rotation is just very messy, which, again, was one of the outcomes we discussed in the preseason was, yeah, there's a version of this rotation that's really good, and one of the best in the league is also a version of this rotation that's not good. And we're seeing the bad version because no Shane Bieber PERSON.And we're seeing the bad version because, you know, until recently, Tristan McKenzie PERSON was building back this. And then you've the bad version because, you know, until recently, Tristan McKenzie PERSON was, was building back this. And then you've got, you haven't seen Gavin Williams PERSON yet. And you've got two sophomore starters who are trying to navigate offenses adjusting to them and then them adjusting back and navigating their first full big league season.Just very weird. But at some point, this has to change. The starting pitching cannot continue to put them behind the eighth ball because you're not going to score seven runs tonight. And the offense has consistency issues, the bottom of the order. And the bullpen is going to get burned out.But that's the risk in not having any depth that nobody to call up. A year ago, you had Tainter Bive PERSON to call up. You had Logan Allen PERSON to call up. You had Gavin Williams PERSON to call up. There is nobody to call up now. Like Joey Cantill PERSON tell it might come back and be fine we don't know but he's a risk too and people are screen for zavian curry but like he's not doing one triple a and i don'tknow if he's any better than logan allen or ben he's nothing that better than been lively at this

Speaker 2560.82s - 567.96s

point and yeah i think the krasco thing is the carassas is krasco know, the bullpen's been pretty solid, but like going back to some of your points

Speaker 3567.96s - 571.92s

there, it's like starting pitching and even the lineup have been incredibly inconsistent.

Speaker 2572.48s - 615.42s

And, you know, there was a great comment on the local broadcast day. It's like yesterday's game was the first multi-hit game for Ty Freeman since opening day. Like, that, you know, he's essentially like won and done. And that's why he's hitting under, he might be above 200 now. They had two hits the other day. But even though his support page is all read, you know, you got to do other bits.And Lurion, not Lurio, you know, Florio PERSON had some defensive issues in the game. But he's hitting. He's showing why they went out of the way to get him. And, man, what a roller coaster he has been just in terms of like, we traded for him. He's going to be a plus defender in center field and hit for power.Cut him because he couldn't hit in spring training. And oh, he needs to play him. It just been.

Speaker 0616.06s - 620.88s

And I was wrong on him.

Speaker 2620.96s - 678s

I didn't think he would even give him this much. So that's something I totally got wrong. But it's like, I think right now the one thing I'll say, too, is as much as I appreciate the flexibility in the lineup, it certainly feels like with the way things are beat up, with Brennan hitting the ball hard and Florio PERSON showing things offensively.We know what the outfield's going to be. We basically know what the infield is. Odd man out is Arias PERSON. And, you know, we know where they got to be. So hopefully some of these pieces like beau will start getting together jose hopefully it's not just that he's faces the tigers that healways dominates and that this will be the springboard to him recovering a lot of people got kind of mad in the comments about us saying that you know he's never going to hear his high points again it's just smaller players with his increased chase rate is is a. That's what we're saying. You know, this is, they need this to springboard. Let's win this series. This is the important series to win, not the end of last year.So hopefully we'll see a win tomorrow. And, you know, this being kind of positive step forwards for multiple hitters.

Speaker 3678.92s - 698.26s

I love the broadcast talking about how the Tigers ORG were talking about how important it was to beat the Guardians last year and especially that last series. And And I'm like, neither team was going to the playoffs. That series meant absolutely nothing, but they found it important to win. And it cost them draft spots. Now the Guardians are picking number one overall, thanks to that. So sure, good for you, Tigers ORG.

Speaker 2698.36s - 708.1s

You got a moral victory. I will take Travis Bizanna or Charlie Condon. Yeah. And you guys can pick whoever at 10, we're 11, whatever they're picking.

Speaker 3708.1s - 711.76s

I mean, probably the best guy to me who's going to be there at their pick is probably James Tibbs PERSON.

Speaker 2711.88s - 720.54s

And I love James Tibbs PERSON. He'll probably be the only guy who's in my top 10 who is available. It's James Chibbs or Tray Yousevich PERSON right there. That's who you have to pick from.

Speaker 3720.98s - 722.86s

I will take Condon or Bizzana PERSON.

Speaker 2723.28s - 725.06s

I'll take Conner and Bizzana PERSON over them too.

Speaker 3725.86s - 728.82s

Yeah, I'd be thrilled about losing that series in September last year.

Speaker 2729.96s - 733.94s

All right, we'll talk a little more about the pitching, just Logan Allen PERSON and just in general

Speaker 3733.94s - 736.62s

needing better starts from them and we'll get into the offense.

Speaker 2736.84s - 742.1s

Then we're going to wrap up the show today coming up with why risk picking 1-1 overall

Speaker 3742.1s - 747.26s

is just a lot different than where the guardians have been in the past couple of years in the risks they've taken.

Speaker 2747.44s - 750.46s

So look forward to that as we get into more draft talk on a night.

Speaker 3750.56s - 941.24s

The guardians just were not good enough to win, even though they hit the ball early on. That was a lot of fun. So stick around for that. Guys, what are you waiting for at this point? Mother's Day is just rapidly approaching. I would be nervous at this point if i had not already made mother's day plans i forgot when i was getting my mom at this point um and quitefrankly there are still some things i could do some shopping for it i'm going to get on door dash and i'm going to take a look at some stuff i can get for my mom last minute for mother's day because it's a good offer 50% off your next order up to $15 when you spend $15 or more on your next convenience, grocery or retail order on DoorDash ORG. That's our, we use our code locked on MLB ORG, whatever mom is into, whatever, if your wife had and you have kids together, you want to get there, something special for Mother's Day.Don't be the guy going to the store at the last second trying to Hem and Hall and figure out what to do with the card or what kind of gift you're going to do. Just you're on your phone anyway. Let's be honest. Go scroll through on DoorDash ORG. Know what your mom wants or your wife, the mother of your kids wants.And go on DoorDash ORG and shop for them. You can get all your Mother's Day gifts in one place. You can get 50% off your next order up to 15 when you spend 15 or more on your next flower convenience of grocery or retail so order now with our code locked at MLB all one word all caps that's locked in lb order door dash today terms apply and speaking of getting the right gifts and the right parts ebay motors passion drive Drive and Patience is the formula for winning championships, and it keeps your ride or die alive. eBay Motors ORG has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to peak performance. The Guardians need to find something at eBay Motors for Logan Allen PERSON, superchargers, roof racks, exhaust kits, LED headlights.That might be illegal to put on a ball player, but whatever you're into, if it's speed, power, style, eBay Motors has your car covered with over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die. You'll always find exactly what you're looking for. And with eBay guaranteed to fit, even though the guardian starting pitching is not guaranteed to go six inning, eBay ORG guaranteed fit parts are guaranteed to fit your ride every time or your money back because the eBay motors, you are burning rubber, not cash, you're not burning out your bullpen with your savings, with all the parts you need and the prices you want, easy to make your car, the MVP, bring home huge wins, keep your rider die alive at, eligible items only,exclusions apply, eBay guaranteed fit only available to U.S. GPE customers. And tune in to the Guardians game today on your Sirius XM ORG app. It's a matinee against the Tigers ORG. You can just search Guardians ORG when you're on the app to hear all the action while you're after you're done listening to us and you're eating your lunch or whatever you're doing.Not going to get too upset about the bullpen, right? Like, I mean, Kate Smith gave two hits and a run. Tim Herron gave three hits and a run. Two runs overall. One was earned. But Barlow PERSON, hey, Barlow was good again.Nine pitches, one inning of work. Remember the first, like, I don't know, four outings of the year. Everyone was freaking out about Scott Barlow PERSON,

Speaker 2941.28s - 941.94s

and now he's been.

Speaker 3942.18s - 944.58s

We had people in our comments out who were, like,

Speaker 2944.68s - 950.56s

cut that hippie. Like, cut the guy with the hippie hair like that was in literal and I'm not saying

Speaker 1950.56s - 961.32s

I know people either love or hate when I discuss the comments it is funny that there is no if you're in between on that put in the comments um but he has been really good and that's again the same thing of

Speaker 2961.32s - 974.52s

florio and you know why we all listen you and I have to do this show five days a week. We have to have some hot take sometimes. But in general, you and I are of the, hey, you got to give it until end of A to really formulate a hard decision. Sure.

Speaker 3975.18s - 980.38s

My only kind of guy I'm maybe against that with is Carasco right now, but maybe it'll prove me wrong.

Speaker 0981.94s - 983.1s

Not much option, though.

Speaker 2983.3s - 983.86s

Yeah, I know.

Speaker 3984s - 984.56s

That's the problem.

Speaker 2984.56s - 991.24s

But I think that is one of those things to take away when you're looking at some of these guys. It is.

Speaker 3991.34s - 1021.54s

Yeah. I mean, it's, there's still early. Overall, the guardians are still in a good spot in terms of the division and the offense. You're still getting some good pieces. I mean, it's going to be tough to survive offensive without Stephen Kwan PERSON because that really shortens the lineup up a bit a little bit. I mean,if you can get a one for four every night out of Best-Van Florial, one of those four is a is an extra base hit. Maybe he walks. That's a good night for him against right-handers. Jose Ramirez kind of had a signature Jose Ramira his night. I mean, he had three hits.

Speaker 21022.22s - 1027.16s

One was hustle double. One was bad base wedding error, which never made sense in the past.

Speaker 31027.26s - 1027.94s

That's so weird.

Speaker 21028.76s - 1029.88s

Yeah, that's the one.

Speaker 31030.32s - 1031.32s

His team in general.

Speaker 21032.52s - 1034.14s

Yeah, we talked about that yesterday.

Speaker 31034.24s - 1037.48s

He said, what are the guardians have to do to survive?

Speaker 11037.48s - 1039.32s

That's seen around and they have to stop making.

Speaker 31040.08s - 1120.52s

Yeah, Josh Naylor made it to home on Will Brennan's PERSON double, which I didn't think was going to happen. But, you know, he forced a bad throw from the outfielder, and they didn't have a good relay. A good throw beats him. And those are situations where it's okay to get thrown out because it takes a perfect throw.You know, that's not going to happen all the time. It didn't. But like, you know, yeah, Jose Amiris had a good night, had the infield hit, but he had the hustle double. The thing that stung about the hustle double is that, okay, he had the hustle double, he got thrown at third on Naylor PERSON's ground out when he shouldn't have moved because it was hit to the shortstop.And then Naylor's on, and then Will Brennan PERSON comes up, it's double play, and he over. And that kind of felt like what happened to the offense all night. Like that was what, the third or fourth inning that happened? And that took the wind out of their sails. Like Kentimeda PERSON came out out the bullpen came in and we said early uh i think we said on monday's podcast that you don't want to have aof a deficit against the royals when their bullpen comes in because their bullpen is just as good as the guardians like the guardians has been statistically better but the tigers has been really good and they showed it because the guardians had four base runners after the second inning all night. That's not good. And it's hard to sit here and blame the offense because they scored seven runs. That should be enough to win most major league baseball games.But Logan Allen PERSON was off. You had to throw Pedro O'Neill PERSON out there who you ideally wouldn't. But he pitched better than Logan Allen PERSON.

Speaker 01120.66s - 1124.16s

You have one run in three innings, and then you're two young guys, give up runs.

Speaker 31124.16s - 1124.52s


Speaker 01124.86s - 1146.08s

Yeah. I mean, I was, the way Logan Allen was going, I was thinking, geez, they're going to have to call somebody up tomorrow. But they couldn't call up. Shrews lucky because he just went down. And then West Parsons was starting for the Clippers on Tuesday. So they have nobody to call up. So he's got to eat this. And then Pedro had to eat it. But that's the thing with the offense, though, is like, okay, so Florida ORG had a great hit.

Speaker 31146.5s - 1174.6s

That's all you're going to get from him each night. You know, Andres had a rough night. He did have a walk, which is good because you haven't seen out a lot from him in the past. Jose was in the zone all night. Like, he did not chase out of the zone. He earned his fast balls.He did good. Neiler PERSON had the big home run. That's what you went out of him. You had a walk. Well, Brennan had one big hit. It seems like,well, Brennan's been good for one big hit lately. The bottom of the order just wasn't good. I mean, Sardo PERSON is still struggling to see the right pitch he wants to swing at.

Speaker 21174.6s - 1200.1s

He's, he looks, I believe in him 100%, but he looks like a kid pressing for his first hit. Like he's, he's swinging at bad pitches.He's expanding his own. He's missing on good ones. It's, that happens. You know, it's a at bad pitches he's expanding his own he's he's missing on good ones it's that happens um you know it's a hard game that's why jackson holiday the number one prospect in baseball was up for a week and a half like it's a it's a tough tricky game but yeah no I mean the the bomb of the

Speaker 01200.1s - 1206.38s

lineup is a mess I mean Rooker at least had those two walks. So at least he, I mean, he got him based three times.

Speaker 21206.54s - 1208.7s

That's, that's as good as anyone on this team.

Speaker 11209.4s - 1210.68s

Freeman PERSON is really struggling.

Speaker 01210.68s - 1216.38s

I mean, Freeman PERSON, Freeman is right now, he's approaching.

Speaker 21218.1s - 1227.74s

He's basically as productive as Miles Straw PERSON with worst defense. But, I mean, that's, that's the truth of it. And is the ceiling higher? Absolutely. Can he do better? Absolutely. But right mean, that's a truth of it. Is the ceiling higher? Absolutely. Can he do better? Absolutely.

Speaker 01227.98s - 1231.82s

But right now the production is he's mild straw with worst defense.

Speaker 21232.06s - 1273.8s

Now, hopefully he'll get together. But it's been a struggle there. Bo Nailer PERSON is even worse than that. Bo Nailer is below the Zanino line that got Zanino cut a year ago. It's we have, maybe this is just the curse of ago. It's, we have, maybe this is just the curse of Cleveland ORG.Here's my hot take. This team is just cursed to have a black hole in center field in catcher. Like it doesn't matter who you put in. They're just going to be two of the worst hitters in baseball because that's, it's been the rule of catcher in center field over the last, what, three, four years,whoever it's been. It's just been black holes of production. You know, it's like having your pitcher hit at those two spots. Now when Bo came up last year, he changed that. But this is the historical precedent. And this year it's still happening.

Speaker 31274.7s - 1277.18s

Yeah, I will say, Bo PERSON is hitting the ball harder lately.

Speaker 21277.3s - 1285.42s

He did have a lineout that was 830 expected batting average. He did have one hit that was a little less so, but you'll take that.

Speaker 31285.94s - 1298.72s

I do think Bo PERSON is going to turn it around. I think it's just there's good. He may have some issues with the swing. I think he's kind of looking like that 20-21 version of himself in double A, so there might be some swing issues to work out.

Speaker 01299.26s - 1300.42s

Defensively, he was better, I will say.

Speaker 11300.8s - 1302.64s

He did a good job blocking balls in the dirt.

Speaker 01302.72s - 1304.68s

Logan Allen PERSON could not throw a slider for a strike.

Speaker 31304.68s - 1317.14s

He was desperate to try to keep it down because the tigers were getting everything in the air against him. And Bo PERSON got down and blocked everything. So I will give him credit. And he should have thrown a run around at second twice, but Jimenez PERSON, for whatever reason, couldn't keep the ball on his glove.

Speaker 21317.46s - 1330.66s

So better defensively tonight. I just want to point out something interesting is like looking at this Tigers ORG team real quick. I was a huge Alex Fayetteau, Mark PERSON. I really like Tyler Holton in Florida. Alex Lang, who was out there at the end. point out something interesting is like looking at this Tigers team real quick. I was a huge Alex Fayetteau Mark PERSON. I really liked Tyler Holton in Florida ORG. Alex Lang PERSON, who was out there at the end.

Speaker 11330.8s - 1331.84s

Florida ORG was.

Speaker 21333.64s - 1334.4s

Oh, well, he was LSU ORG, wasn't he?

Speaker 11338.34s - 1338.68s

But Fayette was Florida was Florida and Holpin was Florida State ORG.

Speaker 01340.94s - 1341.94s

But the reason I bring these guys up, I liked all of them.

Speaker 11342.82s - 1346.78s

Starters to relievers. Just always keep that in mind. When we talk about Sam Hensches PERSON, you look at,

Speaker 21348.02s - 1350.58s

I think Heron PERSON was not a starter in college. It could be wrong there.

Speaker 31350.76s - 1351.5s

No, he was not.

Speaker 21351.86s - 1369.7s

But it's like a lot of starters to relievers. Like that just stood out to me. And that's the other thing. Like Cleveland faced a good pen and they were able to out duel him today. And that's going to happen. But I'm not going to get two down when they score seven runs. Not at all. No. And we said we're not going to get down on the pen because they had a bad

Speaker 31369.7s - 1374.04s

night. It's going to happen. I mean, I can't remember last time Tim Heron PERSON even gave up a run and

Speaker 21374.04s - 1379.72s

defense got a low down there. One point six ERA after today. Yeah, just insane. And K. Smith PERSON's been

Speaker 31379.72s - 1419.12s

great too. So no reason to get down on down. It's they're going to, that's going to happen. And honestly, I'd rather have it happen tonight on a night where your offense was scoring. So you felt like at least there was a chance to come back the way the offense was hitting. It's just they never got it back together. And it's that bottom of the order. It's got to find consistency. You've got to get something on a mansard. You got to, I mean, Rokio PERSON did his job for the most part. Freeman and Naylor, you know, really not a whole lot, even though I know Nailer got unlucky on the one.All right. We'll talk about game three in this series and we will talk about why picking it 1-1 comes with a different way to look at risk in the Guardian's draft this year. So stay tuned for that.

Speaker 21422.82s - 1468.6s

So let's talk about our good friends over at prize picks. And when I open up their page, it's interesting right now to go look at their numbers and statistics and all of that. Because it's just you versus numbers. You don't have to worry about anyone else, just you, is like they've got, I need to know more about stuff.But right now what's interesting is the WMBA is leading off. And it's, I guess maybe there's just not much time you left, but like, Caitlin Clark, half a point, maybe left in the game. Is she going to get more than half a point? It's all WMBA stuff right now, 21 and a half points overall in one of her games. You think she'll be more or less, the WMBA is hot.That's where apparently the action is. It took me right there. If I switch over the MLB side of things, Bryce Harper hitter fantasy score of 8.5 against Toronto ORG.

Speaker 31469.8s - 1471.48s

I don't know how I feel about that one.

Speaker 21472.66s - 1472.86s

This is where you got to do your math.

Speaker 31474.54s - 1474.6s

I know they're bad.

Speaker 21475.24s - 1507.52s

You got to dig in. You got to see. I think this is interesting going over to hockey. Jeremy Swayman versus Florida ORG, 30.5 goalie saves. That's a lot of goalie saves.I feel like I would, but then it's postseason. I think I might still go over. But that's the point. Prize picks. That's a lot of goalie saves. I feel like I would, but then it's a postseason. I think I might still go over. But that's the point. Prize picks, it's you versus numbers.You do your research. You spend your time. If you are watching these games, you know best, you know what's likely to happen. Download the app,use the website, and use code locked on MLB for a first-deprives match up to $100. That's using the code locked on MLB ORG, all one word, all lowercase, first deposit match up to $100. Pick more, pick less, it's that easy.

Speaker 01509.62s - 1542.42s

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Speaker 31545.4s - 1645.1s

Also very easy to find the Guardians and Tigers ORG rubber match on your Sirius XM app to listen to on Wednesday. Just search Guardians ORG. That'll be Tanner Bytey versus Bree Solson PERSON. I don't want to make the prediction that it's going to be low scoring, but I hope for the Guardian ORG's sake,it's low scoring because that would mean Tanner Bivey's PERSON pitching well. And the Tiger's offense had a good night Tuesday, but it's not a good offense overall. And the Guardians need six innings from Tanner Bivey PERSON in the worst way just because of, you know, I don't know. You're going to play some white socks in a four-game set.They don't have an off day until next Thursday. So a week from today when we're talking about this, that's Thursday, by the way. It's another Wednesday, I'm sorry. So they don't have another off day for another seven straight games. So starting pitching is going to need to get better over the next week.And that's going to include everybody, you know, Bybee against the Tigers and the White Sox you're going to have Carasco and Allen PERSON again. And McKenzie's going to face them. Pretty much everybody except for Logan Allen PERSON. I think Logan Allen will face them. So, yeah, going to be the only person that won for i think logan allen and logan allen will face them so yeah going to be the only person that won't face him is tanner by because he's going onwednesday so starting pitching is going to have to be better against the tigers but rees olson is a tough customer too he has pitched very well this year it's going to be a tough matchup you mentioned not have not seen gabbiarius rocchio PERSON's approach has been much better lately the hits haven't been there i haven't seen him really put up good ball in play recently but he is staying in the zone he's nice walking when he take when you know the pitches aren't there but that's the problem with arrasus approach right now it's just kind of a mess so i don't know i expect roki to be back in there onthursday on wednesday probably expect david friday PERSON to catch, I'm assuming.

Speaker 21648.54s - 1649.82s

And then after a night game, I bet it's outside chances, hedges.

Speaker 31652.7s - 1653.62s

Yeah, they could use someone to get the starting pitcher on track.

Speaker 21654.52s - 1654.82s

That's the big thing.

Speaker 31658.7s - 1658.76s

Is pitch crawling right now for Tanna by this year has been very weird?

Speaker 21663.92s - 1665.12s

Him and Boa PERSON, like, seem like they've been out of sync in terms of sequencing.

Speaker 31665.3s - 1665.32s

You know,

Speaker 21666.98s - 1667.02s

he threw a lot of curveballs in that last start.

Speaker 31668.46s - 1674.84s

And curb ball is his fourth best pitch. Like, it's okay, but it's not a, you don't want to be in your worst pitch. You know, you'd rather have gotten through your best pitch. I know.

Speaker 21674.94s - 1675.58s

That's a risk.

Speaker 31676.22s - 1676.42s


Speaker 21676.9s - 1679.48s

Oh, I was just going to jump into the draft thing. Yeah.

Speaker 31679.6s - 1702.94s

So we were talking about risk there about getting being your fourth worst pitch. I wanted to have this conversation about the difference picking 1-1, because the guardians have taken a lot of risks in the first round. But, you know, I don't want to steal your thunder, Jeff PERSON. But as you move down the draft board, like you said, the ceiling and the safety is no longerthere, the further down you pick. The guardians are used to picking in that 15 to 25 range.

Speaker 21703.7s - 1705.46s

Sealing is no, the safety is no longer there.

Speaker 31705.66s - 1706.74s

So you're going out and you're taking.

Speaker 21706.74s - 1711s

Courage those guys to go to the Dominican Republic GPE, right? That was the news today.

Speaker 31712.32s - 1716.66s

Yeah, that's a rough one. I honestly did not think about that. That's, that's a,

Speaker 21716.66s - 1779s

I mean, I've thought about it before, but we've seen so few examples. I'm just very curious about that, what caused that story to break. So when it comes to the draft, one of the things I have to scream from the rooftops is I did the math. I went through and did the years of draft data.You have a better chance of a college player being a star level player, getting to a 12 plus war over his career, than a high school player does of getting to six. a 12 plus war over his career than a high school player does of getting to six. So we're saying that just the bare minimum six war, a college player is more likely to get to double that than a prep guy is to even get to the minimum. So you're taking a bigger risk for a smaller chance at the high payout. So you should just first off eliminate unless it is a general generational talent, any high school name.And for the most part, that's been there. But here's the other thing. There is always ceiling, always, always ceiling in a draft. What goes away first is floor.What goes away first is safety. You know, it's when you look at the top players in this class.

Speaker 11780.08s - 1780.48s


Speaker 21780.74s - 1855.58s

because it's harder to get that stuff down. I was talking with Justin PERSON, before the show. Like, one of the most interesting guys in this draft to me is stuff down. I was talking with Justin PERSON before the show. Like one of the most interesting guys in this draft to me is Marcus Morgan PERSON. I've talked about multiple times. Iowa kid, four-star athlete, could have gone and been a quarterback at the Division II ORG level.His dad played basketball at Iowa GPE. His sister played in the play in the WMBA. His brother plays in the G League ORG. I think his aunts and uncles, we're Olympians NORP, or maybe that's like the nailers, and I'm getting confused with Denzel Clark's PERSON parents.But I believe he's, you know, it's like all this stuff over. He's got two off-speed pitches that he can spin like heck and a fastball in the mid-90s. That sounds like a first rounder,doesn't it? He's not even an MLB's top 150 because he's got command issues. There's control issues. But he's at Iowa GPE. And, you know, Brody Brecht and Kate Oberbuehler PERSON, it's maybe the most interesting rotation in college baseball and they're all struggling.So it's like, the ceiling is high. You can get that guy probably in the fifth or sixth round in spite of that. This is why there are so many fantastic players who are not first round picks. But, you know, there's always Grant Garrett Scholl PERSON. I want to talk about big time power. Aidan Harris PERSON probably has the best raw power this entire draft.

Speaker 31856.6s - 1858.14s

It's not, it's not jock.

Speaker 21858.24s - 1859.12s

It's not Condon PERSON.

Speaker 31859.16s - 1874.06s

It's Aiden Harris PERSON. He's maybe second to third round. High school kid. I mean, it's just, it's close to,'s close to 80 grade as there is in this class um but sealing is always available if you have money to spend

Speaker 21874.06s - 1913.22s

ceiling is always available there are always high ceiling guys um now you're trying to mitigate ceiling versus floor and that's basically how high of a floor can we get while still having a ceiling and that's going to be the debate. Because here's the thing. I don't think there's anyone out there who thinks that Travis Bizzana PERSON isn't the safest player in this class. I think if you know baseball, you know the draft, he is the safest guy.I think even most people who are big Condon PERSON fans who really know the game would agree with that. Now, does Conant ORG have the higher ceiling? Yes, because of the power potential. And, you know, guys with his size. Now, his size of have the higher ceiling, yes, because of the power potential. And, you know, guys with his size. Now,his size is the, you know, is it the double two-bladed sword. Is that the acronym?

Speaker 31913.64s - 1918.32s

Double-short, yeah. Yeah, because, man, I'm tired. Sorry,people. But it's like,

Speaker 21918.94s - 1933.22s

the guys over 6'5 also have a much higher failure rate. Like, that was one of the reasons Aaron Judge PERSON fell in his draft. It was like 6-7. No one at 6-7 ever hits.I remember that because I scattered him at Fresno ORG, and I was the high man. I had him at 16. No one else had him in their top 20.

Speaker 01933.58s - 1936.42s

Now, again, I had him at 16, so it's not like I can take that as a win.

Speaker 21936.94s - 1948.7s

It's not like I put Aaron Judge in the top 20. But I've been doing this long enough where I did have Aaron George PERSON in there. I did go through and have people tell me there's no point to judge because he's too big and it will never be successful. So there's risks and four teams.

Speaker 31948.88s - 1951.06s

But what is he? He's a unicorn.

Speaker 21951.74s - 1951.94s


Speaker 31952.12s - 1952.54s

I mean,

Speaker 21952.66s - 1954.04s

don't comp anyone to Aaron Judge PERSON.

Speaker 31954.14s - 1958.22s

That's the little easiest comp. I think like for Nick Castellanos

Speaker 21958.22s - 1961.12s

to Charlie Condon PERSON might be one of the best comps

Speaker 01961.12s - 1977.72s

in this draft in terms of like profile. But I think, I just think it's important to know that if they take condigrate, I trust that they have the data to back that up and that they think that this, that the ceiling versus safety thing. And again, it's not like he's a huge risk.There's just, he's not quite as safe.

Speaker 21978.3s - 1978.68s

But I think.

Speaker 31978.68s - 1980.46s

It's a different level of risk, right?

Speaker 21980.46s - 1984.6s

It's more palatable. Yes. It's palatable. And it's okay.

Speaker 31984.6s - 1990.4s

For both of us is not palatable. Exactly. It's, you know, if you're picking fifth overall and

Speaker 21990.4s - 1994.82s

Cags PERSON is there, yeah, you take Cags because guess what? He is the next most talented player on

Speaker 31994.82s - 2071.2s

the board. Each pick you go down, you lose safety, right? That's pretty much how it goes. There's a reason for that. It's because like you said, safety goes first because you can always have higher ceiling players lower in the draft and you can take a bigger risk. The guardians have done a terrible job with risk. And that's not to say it's a bad pick. It just hasn't worked out for them. I mean, when they get to the 15 to 25 range, you're taking the best player available and you are lacking safety. So you're saying, you know what?We're not going to get a guy that we think for sure is going to be this level of player. The guardians have not had access to players like Pizana and Conn PERSON than before. So it's probably not as smart to continue playing risks one, one overall. You can do that down the board because guess what? Even though we know this classis top heavy with bats, there are still some good bats depth wise later in the class. And the same with pitching. That's why you're not taking pitching one overall, right? Because this class is pitching stinks for the most part. But when you get to day two, it's much better in terms of depth. So you can take some more risks there and you can do some more developmental things. And they have money to spend. Spend the money on the risks later in the draft that you couldn't get before.

Speaker 02072.44s - 2074.24s

Take the safety early. And if they take condo, like you said,

Speaker 32074.64s - 2098.34s

that assumes they know there is a level of risk there that is a little bit lower than what they normally did. It's just, you know, you have to absolve as much risk as you can with that first overall pick because there's no, you know, doovers here. They won the lottery at a 2.7% chance. And if they take the playoffs this year, they're not going back in the lottery and who knows. But you really don't get a.

Speaker 22099.14s - 2106.82s

Go get someone like Jay Dunkey, who I sent to you yesterday, who's like, as a 103 max exit velocity is a high schooler.

Speaker 32106.88s - 2108.68s

Like that's where you want to go make those.

Speaker 22108.8s - 2111.48s

And it's, again, to us, it's a clear one to this year.

Speaker 12111.58s - 2113.96s

And I think that's just what it really comes down to.

Speaker 32114.38s - 2119.84s

But there's no taking Chase the Waters and Ralphie Velasquez and Daniel Espinos PERSON.

Speaker 12120.06s - 2122.84s

They're taking those shots down the board because that's who's there.

Speaker 32123.46s - 2126.88s

And you're not going to get safety at the top of the class.

Speaker 22127.3s - 2128.48s

And they gamble on help.

Speaker 32129.12s - 2130.4s

Yes, they gamble on health.

Speaker 22130.4s - 2133.34s

This year, this year that shouldn't be a problem.

Speaker 32133.58s - 2134.68s

But you want to,

Speaker 22134.68s - 2138.74s

you want to try to eliminate as much risk as you can with this pick because this is

Speaker 32138.74s - 2139.52s

when you don't want to blow.

Speaker 22139.66s - 2141.42s

And I understand, you know, even,

Speaker 32141.52s - 2143.52s

even though we think Connit ORG has more upside,

Speaker 22143.52s - 2146.72s

it doesn't mean Bizzana PERSON is not going to be a great player.

Speaker 32147.18s - 2147.86s

No, not at all.

Speaker 22148.7s - 2151.28s

Well, all our listeners, you are not slouches.

Speaker 32151.34s - 2154s

We appreciate you sticking around for this conversation.

Speaker 02154s - 2157.36s

And especially if the Guardians ORG had a rough day overall.

Speaker 32157.48s - 2158.7s

So thank you for listening.

Speaker 02159.36s - 2160.88s

Please leave us a review.

Speaker 32161.58s - 2162.76s

Every day or Stephen Hill PERSON.

Speaker 22163.72s - 2163.92s


Speaker 32164.24s - 2167.6s

And thank you all for joining us. Remember to read and review. Download it helps.

Speaker 22168.48s - 2173.86s

Click that bell and all that fun stuff and go go, Guardian ORG. Hey, Prime members.

Speaker 12174.28s - 2181.36s

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