Florida Gators That Earned Playing Time for 2024 Season During the Spring Game

Florida Gators That Earned Playing Time for 2024 Season During the Spring Game

by Locked On Podcast Network, Brandon Olsen

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28:04 minutes

published 1 month ago


Speaker 00s - 7.22s

It's the Lockdown Podcast Network, your team every day.

Speaker 310.64s - 16.32s

Shereve Denson is the young Florida Gator that earned the most playing time in 2024.

Speaker 022.16s - 31.82s

You are Locked on Gators, your daily podcast on the Florida Gators, part of the Locked on Podcast Network, your team every day.

Speaker 333.38s - 43.88s

Hello, and welcome back to another episode of Lockdown Gators, part of the Lockdown Podcast Network, your team every day.

Speaker 143.98s - 46.5s

Thanks for making Lockdown Gators, your first listen of the day.

Speaker 346.5s - 495.74s

Every day. We are available daily and free reviews on the podcast and on YouTube ORG. Happy Wednesday. I'm Brandon Olson PERSON. Today's episode of Lockdown Gators is branched by Monopoly Go PRODUCT. And I admit it, I have that competitive side.And I'm a big fan of Monopoly PRODUCT Go, the mobile hit twist on classic Monopoly, which is my favorite board game. So join your friends that download Monopoly Go now free on the App Store or Google Play ORG. And like I said, Shreep Denson is, I think, the Florida ORG Gator that earned the young Floridator that earned the most playing time during the spring game. Like that's what I want to talk about. I'm ignoring all spring practice reports of the short media sessions, what we're told on the inside.I'm telling you that from watching this spring game EVENT, there are a few guys that I think really stepped up, a few young guys that I think really stepped up and impressed. And if you're not part of the subtext group, it's join subtext.com slash lock on gaiters. Links in the description below. I'm going through the list right now of two players a day. We're evaluating, and I'm sending out the scouting reports strictly off the springgame. And Shreve Denson's on today's report. And I have to say, going solely off the spring game, I really liked what Sheree Denson did. Like, let's start off with, he's playing the star position, which for the Florida Gators going into this season, wide open.Jaden Hill PERSON played the overwhelming majority of snaps there. Now he's at Texas A&M. So he played the overwhelming majority of snaps last year for the Florida Gators at Star ORG. Not here anymore. That spot's wide open. And it's the hardest position to play on the defensive side of the ball.It's, in my opinion, the hardest position to play on the defensive side of the ball. It's, in my opinion, the hardest position to play that isn't quarterback because you have to be able to do everything. You have to be able to basically play corner, play safe. You have to play man on a slot receiver that could be 510, 190, and then you have to play man on a tight end that's 6-6-255 you've got to be able to play man coverage on both of those guysyou've got to be able to play every type of zone coverage that you can imagine you got to do it all you have to be able to defend the run rush the passerhardest position to play I've said it before I played corner you got to do it all. You have to be able to defend the run, rush the passer, hardest position to play. I've said it before. I played corner. I played safety. I could not play in the nickel.I could not do it. Just going to straight up tell you, I could play both corner and safety. You put me in the slot. I was like, no, I'm cooked. I'm cooked.I can't do it. You have to be an unreal level of agile with reactive athleticism. That's just different. You look at the guys that are at the top of the game, and it's insane, how smart they are and how reactive athletically they are, right? So I think Shereve Denson PERSON really, he popped out to me in the spring game consistently. Like, you can go back to the third down interception that he had that Graham Merchthrew over the middle of the field. And Sharif Denson just straight up mulled Chimri Dike PERSON there. He just went right up over him and like right over the top and just ripped it from him. That like that kind of ball skill is great. We saw Shreve Denson play a little bit. And just based on what we saw last year and in this spring game, he has improved considerably, I'll say. And so I love what he did in thespring game. Like you talk about that interception, we've, we have not had a Florida Gator defensive back that is just go give me the ball. And's what shrieff PERSON doesn't can bring to the table i will also say that i loved watching shrieff denson PERSON line up everywhere you can ask him to like he lined up straight up on the tight end like he was basically playing jack linebacker he was on the line of scrimmage at the very end of the line standing right in front of the tight end. And he just pressed and he played man coverage there like nothing.Shreve Jensen PERSON's not a big dude. I want to throw that one out there. Like he's not this big safety that's coming down. Like he's not Jordan Castell. It's like 6'4. Shrethensen's 511 186. And he's playing man toman coverage press on tight ends. That's impressive to do and stick with them and not be bullied at the line of scrimmage. And then you could see him play man-to-man coverage on slot receivers like nothing too. I'm not saying he's Chauncey Gardner Johnson, but I am saying that Shreve Denson PERSON has a potentially be really good for the star spot for the Florida Gators ORG. Like his spring game was good.And a lot of the DBs, you compare to last year to this year and what they saw in the spring game EVENT, and they look considerably improved. It's clearly coaching there has gotten them right a bit. And Shreve Denson is one of those guys that I think when you look at, okay, there's a vacancy at that Star spot for 2024. And Shreve Denson played it a bit last year. He's competing mostly with Aaron Gates for playing time this year, but Shreve Denson earned that time this year. I'm not saying he asked to start, but I am saying Shereve Denson PERSON looked damn good in that spring game at start.And I will also say that this part's not really from the spring game. It's also not from last season. It's just based on watching him move and watching what he can do and what we know Ron Roberts likes to do and what we know that Austin Armstrong PERSON used to do at Southern Miss. I think that Sheree Denson PERSON gives you more creative blitzing opportunities from the star spot than Jaden Hill did last year.And I've talked about it before where I really think that Austin Armstrong PERSON got away from blitzing that star spot and blitzing the nickel, whatever you want to call it, blitzing that slot corner last year, and we saw him do it a lot at Southern Miss, and he didn't do it much last year. We saw Ron Roberts PERSON do it a ton throughout his career, really,but also at Auburn last year, blitz the star a lot. I can see them going back to that this year, not just because you brought Ron Roberts PERSON over, so not just because you brought a guy over, so not just because you brought a guy who did it a lot last year and did it at the SEC ORG level and has done it with successas well. I'll throw that one out there. He wasn't just doing it to do it. He was finding success using that star to blitz or whatever Auburn ORG called them. But using that star to blitz, he was finding success doing that. But also, I think Sheree Denson's PERSON skill set, he's more physical than Jaden Hill PERSON was, more athletic than Jaden Hill PERSON was. And I think that now that we've seen him kind of,he's had a year in college, he's a wretcher or a true sophomore, I believe, because he did burn his redshirt last year. But we saw him play a little bit last year. We're going to see him play more this year. I think that he gives you the opportunity to blitz that star more consistently and more successfully.And so I think that having just the culmination of Austin Armstrong and year two in the SEC ORG, he's got a little bit of a better feel forward, hopefully. Ron Roberts PERSON joining the staff, he likes to blitz the slot. Trief Denson PERSON being an aggressive guy that can man up a tight end, man up a slot receiver, man up a running back if he needs to. And blitz, rush the pastor, defend the run.

Speaker 1495.82s - 499.78s

Like we saw last year, I feel like that was where we saw more plays from him was defending the

Speaker 3499.78s - 625.02s

run than anything else. And so to see a guy that can live at the line of scrimmage like that, and he lived at the line of scrimmage like that in the spring game as well, I think that Shreve Denson has earned a considerable amount of playing time this year. I just, again, watching the film from the spring game and even trying to isolate, like, I'm not worried about what he did last year. I'm not worried about what the reports were during spring.Just the spring game. He played a damn good spring game. And so I know it's a small sample size, but if we're using that to evaluate him, he did a pretty good job and he earned more playing time. And so Sharif Jensen PERSON is someone that I do think can play a lot,especially just considering that the star spots open for competition, where even if he loses the starting battle, he should rotate it. Like, he should be the first guy in there. And I do think that we'll see both Cherieft-Denson and Aaron Gates PERSON play there a lot, even some DJ Douglas PERSON down there. But Shreve-Denzen earned that playing time this year, like plain and simple.Based off the spring game, Shreve-Denson earned that playing time for the 2024 Florida Gators ORG. Now, we're going to flip to offense for the remainder of spring game. Shreve Denson earned that playing time for the 2024 Florida Gators. Now, we're going to flip to offense for the remainder of the show. Apparently, that's the trend of my shows lately. It's just first segment defense final two on offense. But before we talk about some of those offensive players, you're going to get a quick word from Fandul ORG.It's winner take all time in the NBA and NHL ORG, and Fandle ORG is giving you a shot to bring home a big win of your own. Right now, new customers get $150 in bonus bets with any winning $5 bet. It's $150 to bet on spreads, money lines, player props, and more. You could bet on a ton if there's a run in the first inning or not. No run first inning is a fun one to bet. I'm just saying. Visit fandle.com slash locked on and make every playoff shot count. Remember thatFandul is America's number one sportsbook. Hey, every dayers.

Speaker 2627.52s - 665.96s

Once you're caught up on your favorite college program, make sure you check out Locked-on College Football ORG. Between the transfer portal and recruiting trail, there's no more off-season for college football, and every big move, five-star commitment, coaching change, and more is covered daily on the Locked-on College Football ORG podcast.Mark your calendar to check out Locked-on College Football ORG, which provides insight and opinions you won't find anywhere else. Locked-on College Football is available five days a week on the Locked-on Podcast Network, your team every day. Thanks for your first listen of the day.

Speaker 3666.04s - 781.34s

Every day. We are available daily and free wherever you listen to the podcasts and on YouTube ORG. And again, if you're not part of the subtext group and you want to join, you should. It's join subtext.com slash lockdown gators. Links in the description below, whether you're on YouTube ORG or on audio platforms. I recommend or request that you like this video, just saying.But the next player they were talking about is Jaden Baugh, who Jaden Baugh's report went out yesterday. So it went out on Tuesday. And let me tell you, I think that everybody knows he was kind of the talk of the spring game. I think that every Florida Gators fan was just drooling over what Jaden Ball PERSON put on film during the spring game. It was very impressive with his cutbacks and his burst and his lateral agility. And even Ernst Graham PERSON was tweeting like he runs with the perfect tempo for a running back.Because he does, like he runs with an unnatural feel of the game for someone that is still learning how to play running back he played so many different positions in high school so did canaan daniels by k d daniels PERSON uh forgot he k d daniels is canaan daniels he wants to go by k d daniels so k d daniels also played lot of positions. He was playing QB receiver running back in high school. Jaden Ball PERSON was playing receiver running back. He also played a little bit of Wildcat ORG quarterback, if not mistaken,he played on the defense the side of the ball. These guys played everything. They're football players. I will say that with Jaden Ball PERSON, and I just want to throw this one out there just a little bit, just lobbing it up, I am slightly skeptical of the spring game success translating to regular season successonly because it was literally every time he touched the ball, he was trying to look for a cutback immediately.

Speaker 0782.78s - 785.28s

Like he would run, press the line, and then cut back.

Speaker 3785.76s - 907.98s

Or he would just take the hand off and cut. And I have to say that he was doing that against the Florida Gators ORG backup defenders, right? He was doing it against the blue team defense, which the blue team defense is the backup because the blue team offense was the starters. So he was doing it against the blue team defenders.And again, he was finding the cut lanes. He was doing all that. He was, he did a great job. I am slightly skeptical of that success carrying over just because it feels very boomer bust to me. If you take a hand off and you try to cut back immediately and you're going up againstSEC ORG starters, those lanes aren't always going to be there. It's also important to acknowledge that, yeah, he was doing that also with the Florida Gators ORG backup offensive linemen, which not many of us are optimistic for the Florida Gators ORG starters on the offensive side of the line. So backups, he was doing it with against, again, backup defensive players. I don't think those lanes are going to be there against SEC ORG starters. So I don't think that you can cut back as frequently as he was.You can still cut back, but you might want to, sometimes you just got to take the ball and get there. But again, the way that he would step up to the line more often than not and then try to cut back is good because you also minimize the loss of yardage there. Like if you cut back into a defender there and you're right at the line of scrimmage, it's a very small loss. Which, by the way, I don't remember him losing any yards throughout the game just because again the cutback lanes were there whether or even if they weren't he would make a man miss afterwards uh there was one i think it was cam james that he just put on the ground it was a sick cutback it was it was beautiful he just took the handoff and just like hop through quick and it was it was a great job there um so i always am slightly skeptical about that carrying over but if you can get that to translate, we'll get at a big time contributor there.

Speaker 0909.52s - 916.78s

But aside from the cutbacks, like the constant cutbacks, again, that's my issue is not cutting back.

Speaker 3917.18s - 1362.16s

It's that he was trying to do it on every carry. And I feel like that's the kind of guy where we're going to go, why are you dancing around in the back field? Just get up and go when you lose yardage, which reasonable. And also true freshman. First year of fully playing running back. Those are going to be some issues.But that and pass protection were the only negatives that I really wrote for him from the spring game. Did. And even then, pass protection, he had one rep, one pass pro rep that I marked as, as like a full pass pro rep, not chip a guy and run. But one pass pro rep, and he whiffed on it completely. I have no problem, no problem saying that. But again, he's a true freshman. They are almost always terrible at pass protection. Like, it's not a thing that you learn frequently in high school. I remember when I was playing a high school ball. I remember the running backs they were trying to be taught to pass protect,and it was just the worst thing ever. It was terrible. Quarterback got hit pretty much every time. It was disgusting to watch, got hit pretty much every time. It was disgusting to watch, but also kind of funny. Besides the point, true freshman are almost always terrible at it because it's so rare in high school that you ask for running back to pass protect. One, because teams tend torun so much in high school that the running back is usually running the ball. And two, when you do throw, you're not usually asking the running back to pass protect. They're usually leaking out, catch the ball, run after there. But when you look at Jaden Ball in that spring game, first off, what stands out is his size. He's a massive human being for a true freshman running back.Like, I don't even remember what he's listed as technically. I'll look it up right now, but it's a massive human being for a running back. It's like for a true freshman running back too, he's a big dude. He's not a giant height wise, but just rocked up frame. So his size stands out immediately, just cut on the film. And you look at him and you're looking at a dude that's just sent a broad shoulder.It's ridiculous wild to just sent a broad shoulder. It's ridiculous. Wild to see if we're running back. The athleticism is clearly there. Like even if the cutbacks are what gives me a little bit of pause as to whether or not he's going to succeed right away, being able to stop and start at the frequency that he does or at the rate that he does and just easily take the hand off, run up cut like to be able to do that he doesn't lose much speed or obviouslyhe loses speed on the cut but like he gets right back up to the speed so his athleticism stands out a ton and his skill as a ball carrier we saw a couple of times where he brought out a little bit of a stiff arm and it was nasty you look at him consistently keeping his legs churning as a ball carrier. He's fallen forward almost every time he's got that clear power. I'm not sure how early he contributes. What I do want you to do is whether or not we see him much against Miami ORG,I'm not too concerned against Samford ORG. I want to see Jaden Ball PERSON get the ball a lot. Like I want to see you force-feed Jaden Ball against Sanford PERSON, I want to see Jaden Ball get the ball a lot. Like, I want to see you force feed Jaden Ball against Sanford, just because, like, there are not many times where you're going to get to feed a true freshman running back this year with this schedule. It's just not something that's going to happen frequently.So I think you just give him the ball as frequently as you can in that game. Jaden Ball's with his just under 6.1, 240 for a true freshman member. It's just nuts. But I think you just give Jaden Ball the football a lot against Samford ORG, and you let him get up to speed because that'll, again, it's Samford ORG. It's not the SEC ORG.It's not even the ACC ORG or anything like that. But you just let him get the ball in real game situations. You let him get the ball there. Do his cutbacks if he wants to. Figure out if he's going to be cutback happy in game or if he's going to just take what's there sometimesand you let him get up to speed a little bit. I'm going to see Jaden Ball and Katie Daniels PERSON. Get the ball a ton against Sanford this year. Figure out what they're going to do in games consistently. Also, and I sent this to the subtext group yesterday when I was preparing this episode, that I was just want you to know, like, I want them to get the ball because I feel like theyboth might be rhythm runners where you got to let them get the ball a little consistently, get the ball, just figure out what they're going to do. Figure out what they do in actual live game situations. So every time that you have a bit of a lead, I would like to see them come out and get them up to speed. Because I don't think you could just go,oh, yeah, Miami first game, just beat them the rock. I think you're going to want to give Montreal ORG the ball a lot in that game. Start the year 1 and 0, he's probably going to give you the better chance. But Jaden Ball PERSON is someone that I think has earned playing time. I'm not saying he's running back too, but he's earned playing time. And I think that over time we'll see him earn more.He might be a little boom or bust at the beginning, but a lot of times with running backs like that, you look at freaking Saquan Barclay, second overall pick in the draft. He was so boomer bust. But when you have boom as often as Saquan PERSON does, you live with the bust every now and then. Like, yeah, like, he's averaging six yards of carry because he's going out, gain of one, gain of two, loss of one, gain of 43.Like, sometimes you live with those. And if that's what you're going to do, if that's what you're comfortable living with, then that's what you live with. And for Jaden Ball PERSON, he might just be that kind of guy, but there's a role for those kinds of guys as well. But again, if you're a rhythm runner or if you're that kind of boomer bus guy, you've got toget the carries to hit the boom. And I think that Jaden Ball PERSON has earned the opportunity to be given those carries. We are about the stick on the offensive side of the ball. We're moving out of the backfield, though. But first, we're going to get a quick word for Monopoly Go PRODUCT. All right, game off.We got to pause here to talk more about Monopoly Go PRODUCT. And I know what you're saying, flag on the play. You already talked about that at the beginning of this episode. But there's just so much good stuff in this game. 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There's always something fun to discover a Monopoly PRODUCT goes. So get off the bench and go download it now free on Google Play ORG or the app store. Game on. Hey, every dayers.

Speaker 21362.4s - 1395.88s

Once you're caught up on your favorite college program, make sure you check out Locked-on College Football ORG. Between the transfer portal and recruiting trail, there's no more off-season for college football, and every big move, five-star commitment, coaching change, and more is covered daily on the Locked-on College Football podcast. Mark your calendar to check out Locked-on College Football ORG, which provides insight and opinions you won't find anywhere else. Locked-on College Football is available five days a week on the Locked-on Podcast Network ORG,your team every day.

Speaker 31400.12s - 1771.36s

Thank you once again for making Lockdown Gators your first listen of the day every day. We are available daily and free wherever you listen to podcasts. And the last player that we're talking about is Jurey Tank Hawkins PERSON. I will be completely honest with you. I wanted to put Gregory Smith PERSON here. I considered putting Gregory Smith PERSON here.But the thing that held me back was that I think there are already four, five safeties that are going to get playing time. There's not a ton of snaps available in the safety room right now. You got Jordan Castell, you got Asa Turner, you got Bryce Thornton, you got DJ Douglas PERSON. Like there's there's guys in that room. There's Bryce Thornton PERSON.Like there's guys in that room that are going to play probably over Gregory Smith PERSON. So I'm going with Tank Hawkins PERSON. And even then, like Tank PERSON didn't light up the field. Tank didn't do a ton. I would have liked to see him featured more in the spring game. We'll talk about that a minute.But this is mostly that the way Tank Hawkins PERSON was used. He showed that he's capable of being used the same way Eugene Wilson III PERSON, Trey Wilson, was used in 2023. And frankly, that's all I needed to see. My whole selling point when Tank Hawkins became a Florida Gator ORG was if he can do what Trey Wilson did in 2023 as that gadgety type, then I want him playing this year.I don't need him to have as many touches as Trey Wilson have. I don't expect him to be as successful as Tray Wilson PERSON was on those touches. However, Tank Hawkins, just being the threat that he is with how fast he is, opens up the field for Tray Wilson PERSON. It opens up, you have to respect that underneath, that underneath touch, little pop pass, jet sweep, whatever it is. You have to respect that from Tank Hawkins PERSON. Defense comes up.Trey Wilson, more opportunity to run over the middle of the field, intermediate, deep, and get open there. However, just having Tank Hawkins PERSON play in that role means that you have Trey Wilson doing other things. My biggest complaint, not even criticism, whatever you want to call it.My biggest thing that I've said with Trey Wilson for 2024 is that I need to see him play wide receiver. He, again, the true freshman all-American was incredibly productive on his touches and even towards the end of the year was running more downfield intermediate routes. He was being used more like a receiver. My thing is that I need to see him play wide receiver in 2024, which also I put his evaluation from the spring game up on the subtext group. So if you want that, DJ Lagway is also there, but and Damien George PERSON.But for Tray Wilson PERSON, I want to see him play more wide receiver. Having Tank Hawkins PERSON be able to do the gadgety stuff opens that up. Having Tank Hawkins PERSON be able to just catch a screen and run or catch a little swing and run, whatever it is, having a guy like that can just run opens up Traybos PERSON and the play actual wide receiver this year. And so I think Tank Hawkins PERSON just showing he can contributein that way has given him the right to say, hey, I proved in the spring game that I can contribute that way. Let me do it in actual games. And like I said, I would have liked to see Tank Hawkins featured a little bit more in the spring game. Just to see, you know, if we give you a couple more of these touches, can you break them for bigger plays against the defense, whatever it is? But I also understand that in the spring game, the Florida Gators ORG spent a lot of time kind of trying to figure out how much they can push the ball in a passing game. We saw a couple of long touchdowns or a couple of long plays.We saw them work a lot of posts where were frequently featured in that spring game. We saw, I mean, from the start of the game, they were throwing deep down the sideline, first play. First play of the game was a deep ball to Aidan Mizeel PERSON down the sideline. It was incomplete, but first play of the game, they took that shot. And we saw Graham Mertz PERSON try to take those shots as well.And so I think that in that spring game, they were trying to figure out what they could do while also testing the secondary. You don't test the secondary much by running these little pop passes and just go, okay, well, secondary, we're going to test your tackling here. Sure. But you wanted to test a secondary on deep ball through they got killed last year. And so that's why I'm fine with not doing the gadgettyrole, because the gadgetty role just isn't going to be featured when you're trying to work the ball downfield. So I understand it, but I would have liked to see just a couple, just a couple more, maybe instead of some of the runs that they did, just pop past and see how that goes. But Tank Hawkins, to me, showed enough where I think you can justify using him in that role. And again, Trey Wilson is still going to do some of the gadgety stuff. You'd be silly to not use him in the gadgety role a little bit.We saw him find success to do it in 2023. Don't remove it completely. I just want to see him do it a little bit less where we can see him run more actual routes and have Tank Hawkins PERSON do the gadget roll. Simple as that. But I think Tank Hawkins PERSON has earned that plenty of time. There were a lot of true freshmenand a lot of redshirt freshman or true sophomores that played well during the spring game and hopefully we'll carry over to the actual regular season. But thanks for making a lot on Gators ORG, your first listen of the day, every day. We are available daily and free,wherever you listen to the podcast and on YouTube ORG. We will be back tomorrow. Talk more Florida Gators ORG football. For Locked on Gators, I'm Brandon Olson PERSON.Don't forget to follow me on Twitter at WNS underscore Brandon PERSON. Find all my written work with Giants Country and NFL 33 ORG, and I'll see you all next time.

Speaker 21772.6s - 1781.52s

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Speaker 01786.36s - 1818.92s

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