What will Atlanta Falcons 2024 NFL Draft say about their vision of the future?

What will Atlanta Falcons 2024 NFL Draft say about their vision of the future?

by Locked On Podcast Network, Aaron Freeman

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29:50 minutes

published 1 month ago


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Speaker 044.24s - 60.06s

So what will the Falcons do in this year's draft that will speak volumes? You are Locked on Falcons, your daily Atlanta Falcons ORG podcast.

Speaker 260.8s - 65.26s

Part of the Locked on Podcast Network, your team every day.

Speaker 067.1s - 1830.92s

Welcome back, everyone, to another illustrious episode of the Lockdown Falcons ORG podcast, your daily Atlanta Falcons podcast, part of Lockedon Sports Atlanta, your team every day. And today's episode is brought to you by Monopoly Go PRODUCT. I admit it I have a competitive side, and it is a big fan of Monopoly Go PRODUCT, the mobile hit, twist on classic Monopoly PRODUCT. So join your friends, download Monopoly Go, now free on the App Store or Google Play ORG.So, guys, if you don't know me, I'm your very humble host, Aaron Freeman, aka Mr. Drew, aka a series black, AKA a whole bunch of other AKAs. But I get so much feedback from you guys, some of you guys hate the AKAs ORG, but I'm going to keep doing it because I enjoy the AKAs ORG. And ultimately, you know, I'm going to do what I do because I got a microphone and you have to listen to me. I don't have to listen to you.But I've been covering the Falcons for far too many years, formerly at FalkFeds.com ORG, RIP. And I think each and every one of you guys, that is in every everyday, even the ones that skip over the AKAs ORG, right? Appreciate you. Everybody that makes this illustrious podcast, their first watch or first listen of the day, all you got to be due to becoming every day is subscribe or follow for free on YouTube or wherever you listen to podcasts. So we got a jam-pack show for you today.We won't be talking about the Falcons not losing picks over tampering like we did on yesterday's episode. We did get an update that the NFL will not, will not conclude their investigation of the Falcons alleged tampering with the signing of Kurt Cousins, as well as the Eagles tampering, allegedly, with Saquan Barkley PERSON before the draft. So if the Falcons and Eagles ORG lose picks, it will be in the 2025 draft, not the 2024 draft. The other thing that we got today was Terry Fontenow PERSON speaking to the media. And, you know, I don't think he really said anything of note in the press conference.It was a lot of Terry PERSON isms, Terry talk, whatever you want to call it, best player available. You know, we believe in makeup and character. You know, we're open makeup and character. You know, we're open to doing anything, you know,sort of the classic GM speak of like saying a whole lot of nothing, right? But it does beg the question, like, what really is Terry PERSON going to tell us? And, you know,I think we'll get our answers on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday win the draft on night one, night two, and in day three of the draft because actions speaklouder than words. And I think this is a very intriguing draft for the Atlanta Falcons ORG because, you know, with the hiring of Rahim Morris PERSON and with that sort of pressure to win, there's clearly like this kind of two-year window kind of hanging over this Falcon ORG team. And essentially, when you look at the way this roster is kind of constructed, it's sort of design where, you know, their goal is to try to get the most out of these next two years, right? Kurt Cousins has two years worth of guarantees on his contract, right? You have two years beforeyou technically have to make, you're forced to make any major financial decisions on second contracts with Kyle Pitts, Drake London, and Bejohn Robinson, you know, and if you're assuming there's not going to be any significant drop- off from these three starters on your offensive line, 60% of your offensive line should be intact for another two years with Jake Matthews, Chris Lindstrom PERSON, and Caleb McGarrick PERSON. And then you look at the defensive side of the ball.Grady, Jared, and David on Yamada both only have two years left on their contract. Arnold Liketti, Kadellis, Tori Anderson, Nate Landman also have basically two years left on their contracts. Jesse Bates has three years left on their contract. Arnold Bucetti, Cade Nellis, Troy Anderson, Nate Landman also have basically two years left on their contracts. Jesse Bates has three years left on his contract. If A.J. Terrell PERSON does get a contract extension at some point between now and start the season, it's likely the first three years will be guaranteed and then we'll see, right?And so similarly to Jesse Bates, it's a three-year window for him. And so, you know, you can be pretty confident right now if you're the Atlanta Falcons ORG, looking at this roster in sort of this two-year window where you can potentially maximize this. And the question is, how do you maximize it? And how does that influence this team's approach to the 2024 NFL draft? Now, we know that most players typically don't necessarily impact until like their thirdand fourth years in the NFL. So does that mean that the Falcons ORG lean a little bit more heavily towards players that may have a little bit more of a higher floor that are maybe a little bit more NFL ORG ready, right, rather than leaning on the sort of typical draft picks, which are, you know, you're waiting three plus years for those guys to really hit their stride. And, you know, that can be embodied in a lot of ways in the debate between Dallas Turner, the Alabama edge rusher in Laiatu, Latu, the UCLA ORG edge rusher who are currently according to Fandu PERSON, you know, both, you know, even odds plus 250to be the eighth overall selection in the draft, right? We look at a player like Turner PERSON, all the tools, all the traits that we're looking for. But it's, he's's a little rar than, you know, Latu PERSON is and a lot of other pass rushers that, you know, typically get drafted that high. And so it's probably going to take the better part of three years for him to develop, right? Meanwhile, Latu PERSON is much more pro ready, right? And if your goal is to kind of maximize this two-year window, it would seem that LATU is a much better betto be able to contribute at a higher level in that two-year window. Right. But let's be clear. This is how I view the Atlanta Falcons ORG. Like internally, you know,and we know Terry and Rahim listen to the pod. They're every dares. You know, they may be listening to this pod going like, that's not at all how we see it. You know, we don't see this two-year window. We think it's a five-year window or ten-year window or something like that.But this is just kind of how I see where the Falcons ORG are as they sit here right now. And it's going to beg the question of where are they going to be after this two-year? Where are they going to be when we're coming to the end of the 2025 season and heading into 2026? Are we going to be talking about this team being one of the top teams in the NFL ORG that's competing at the highest levels in the league that we're sitting there being like,let's run it back. Even though we have to restructure some contracts and re-sign some guys, let's run it back, similar to what we saw Dan Quinn and company do post-2016, right? We might be going into year three of the Rahim Morris PERSON regime and hearing several prominent media members from the national football media sort of picking the Falcons to be their, you know, Super Bowl pick in 26.Or we could be sitting here at the end of 2025 heading in 2026 being like, this team is an also ran, right? They couldn't get over the hump. And, you know, whether that's winning a playoff game, whether that's, you know, making the playoffs. And we're going in a year three of Rahim Morrisors PERSON being like, you know, that seat is warming up, right? And we're talking about, you know, how can we kind of cleanly blow this thing up and sort of reset this thing and rebuild this thing, right? So who knows where we'll be in two years, right?We shall see. But I think this draft is an important aspect that's going to help determine that. Now, I'm not going to go and like it, it all depends on the draft. You know, I think the drama that, you know, fans tend to get like everything rides on this draft pick and this draft class tends to get overstated. Right.The draft does matter. But I think football, you can course correct, right? You know, often your success in football, I think, especially in the NFL ORG, is often dictated by your ability to successfully course correct, right? I use the example constantly of why Ozzie Newsom was a better general manager than Thomas Dimitrov PERSON, because Dimitrov PERSON would draft the player high and double down on that guy developing. While Ozzy was like, yeah, we win some, we lose some, right?Courtney Upshaw PERSON is the prime example. I've used many times on the podcast in the past. He was their top pick in the 2012 draft in the second round. To be Terrell Suggs' PERSON running mateopposite him didn't work out after that first year. And guess what they did? They went out and signed an all pro in Elvis Dumerville PERSON in 2013 and proceeded to prosper,right? And you also see this sort of course correction ability manifests itself in that next man up mentality during the course of a season, right? Your star player gets hurt, you know, how do you course correct? How do you adjust to not having that star player? Because your ability to win football games is going to matter at that point.So the draft definitely is going to matter when it comes to this, you know, but it's part of the reason why, like, I don't necessarily go into these drafts being like, if they do this one thing, if they do X, this is good. If they do Y, it is bad, right? Because, you know, my thing is it's like, just get good players and generally it's going to work itself out in your favor, in general, right?Just focus on that, right? But I also don't think there's really a wrong answer to how this team approaches the conversation around whether or not there's this two-year window. Sure, you can absolutely draft high floor guys that are going to potentially maximize this two-year window, but you can also look at it from the perspective of, you know, a large percentage of your players, especially on defense, you know, and especially on the front seven may not be here in 26. And so let's start laying the foundation for the who are going to be the core players on,you know, three plus years from now, you know, rather than looking at it from, we have this two-year window that we got to maximize. Let's see if we can expand that window to five years, right? Because we're able to sort of retain a strong core after this two-year window that we got to maximize, let's see if we can expand that window to five years, right? Because we're able to sort of retain a strong core after this two-year window. So how the Falcons decide to answer that question is fascinating to me. And is really what Terry PERSON is going to tell us on Thursday and Friday and Saturday, as opposed to anything he said on Tuesday. But I do want to talk a little bit more about these top three edge rushers, right?Take a deeper look at the ways that they win as, you know, part of this conversation. And we'll do that as we continue today's Locked on Falcons. Passion Drive, Patience, it is the formula for winning championships. 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Eligible items only exclusions apply.eBay guaranteed fit only available to US GPE customers So guys check out the locked on NFL mock draft available now the ultimate six part series Available on locked on NFL ORG draft podcast Either on YouTube or your preferred podcast platform with the local lock on On experts like myself selecting for their respective teams in the first round and some in the second round Check out locked on the NFL mock draft available now on locked on nfl draft on YouTube or wherever you get your podcast Locked on experts like myself selecting for their respective teams in the first round and some in the second round.Check out Locked on the NFL mock draft available now and Locked on NFL draft on YouTube or wherever you get your podcast. So, you know, I've gone through the film of these top three edges, Dallas Turner of Alabama, Lyotulatu of UCLA and Jared Verst of Florida State in recent weeks as part of a series of film breakdowns I did for each guy in the last three weeks for the Lockdown Falcons Insider ORG. If you want to check out those film breakdowns, you can get a 14-day free trial. If you sign up at the link in the description below at join subtext.com slash Lockdown Falcons ORG.So go check that out if you want. But how I kind of stack these edges, I have Turner at the top, Latu, number two, and verse number three. And the oversimplification is, you know, talking about eBay Motors ORG, you know, speed power or style, right? Speed power or technique, right? It's sort of the simple ways that you can win as an edge rusher in the NFL ORG. And I've talked about this before. We talked about this a ton when we werebreaking down Arnold Ebiketti and DeAngeum Lone and Zach Harrison in recent years in their post-draft, right, and talking about the ways that those guys went, right? And basically, the argument I've presented before is like, this is an oversimplification, but speed is going to beat the slow guys, power is going to beat the weak guys, but technique is going to beat everybody. Right. And I'm going to revise that statement somewhat, but when I look at these three guys,and that's kind of why I stack them the way I do, I have Turner PERSON at the top because I think he has the potential. He's not there yet. He's still developing. He has the potential to win in all three ways, with speed, with power, with technique.Now, right now, his probably most developed pass rush move is his long arm, which is more of a power move. He also has a rudimentary chop move. He doesn't really win reliably with speeding. That's why I kind of think, you know, you get him in the right building, right coaching,right development. You know, I think his floor is higher than people think, but, you know, we'll see if he can develop into that. And certainly I think it's fair to question whether or not the Falconsare going to be able to develop a player like Dallas Turner. Right. I know Rahim Morris PERSON is, you know, pushing hard that we're going to develop and we're going to maximize all the players in this building. But, you know, every coach says that, you know, classic coach speak. So, you know, again, we'll see actions speak louder in the words. We'll see in your actions whether or not you are actually successful in pulling it all. Now, we'll circle back to Latu in a second.But why I have verse PERSON at the bottom is I think he mostly wins just with power, right? He is go-to move besides a bull rush. He does have a chop move, but I don't think that chop move is going to be very effective at the next level because I just don't think verse PERSON has the bend to really maximize that ability. And so I think that's going to lead verse PERSON to be much more of a pressure guy at the next level, as most power rushers tend to be, or at least guys that are only power rushers tend to be, right, because it's harder to disengage from that offensiveline. And you can kind of collapse the pocket very easily, but getting off that guy in order for you to wrap up and sack the quarterback, it becomes harder at that point. Now, Latu PERSON is in the middle because I think Latu is exceptional from a technical standpoint, from a stylistic standpoint, right?He's got lots of style, right? But I wonder if he can win with the speed and the power. Not a whole lot of battle on his film. Right? Now, his go-to move is a cross shopand it's deadly, right? And we'll talk a little bit more about that a little bit later. But I do wonder, is there a significant speed or power element to his game? And that's where I kind of revised my previous statement, where I've said, you know, technique beats everybody.But I wonder now today that I didn't necessarily wonder a year or two ago when talking about Arnold McKinty and Zach Harrison PERSON and talking about their technical abilities as past rushers. Can you win just with technique? Right? Because I think the technical abilities of NFL ORG offensive tackles, there's a significant jump from the college level to the NFL ORG levelversus the guys that you're going to be facing regularly at the next level, right? You look at Jake Matthews PERSON is a great example of this, right? Jake is PERSON very good against speed. He's very good against technical pass rushers. He's a little susceptible to power. And most high-level NFL ORG offensive tackles, you know,are going to be able to check two of those box. They're going to be able to negate at least two, if not three, right? The elite guys, the Trent Williams PERSON is of the world, right? They're negating all three of those things. And that's why, you know, those guys give up like 12 pressures a year, right? And like, to me, this is like Jake PERSON good against technical rushers because I rememberduring Nick Bosa's PERSON record setting rookie season where he broke like every rookie pass rush record ever, he didn't do anything against Jake Matthews in that like, what, week 15 game against the 49ers ORG? And Bosa's as technical a pass rusher as we've seen coming to the NFL ORG in recent memory. Right. Now, Bosa did play well that week.He, you know, he was able to beat, you know, the other four offensive linemen to the falcons head on that Sunday, which, you know, I think is another interesting aspect of LATU where there is some overlap between him and Bosa PERSON a little bit in that regard. But it's why I wonder if Latu PERSON ceiling is maybe a little bit lower, then many would assume based off of he's one of the most productive college pass rushers ever, right? You know, since PFF ORG has been, you know, calculating and, you know, I can't think of the word, doing stats for college players, doing stats. That's the technical there for like the last,what, 10, 12 years or whatever it has been. But I think it's a legit question, right? Why wasn't he winning with speed and power, right? Is it because he can't win with speed of power? Or is he just simply didn't win with speed and power? It is he just simply didn't win with speed of power? It's basically a question of, is he incapable of winning in those ways? Or did he simply not have to win those ways?Because his technique was so good, right? I don't have the answer to that question, but I tend to lean more that it's a can't than I didn't, but that's going to be the unanswered question with Lato PERSON. And certainly, if you think it's a didn't, then you're probably a lot higher on LATU in terms of what his ceiling could be at the next level. And you may see him as that Nick Bosa PERSON type of player.Now, I also think Nick Bosa PERSON had the speed and power elements of his game. Those boxes checked compared to LATU. But we'll see. We'll see. Again, I could be low-balling Latu PERSON in that regard. And he may be able to unlock those abilities at the next level.And that gets us to where I want to wrap today's episode. Because I want to talk more about the journey that I've gone on with Latu PERSON, where I was extremely high on him at the start of this offseason. And now I'm lower. And I'm sure some of you guys are like, wait, you changed your mind? Like, that's not possible.Like, you have to die on a hill. Like, that's how this whole thing works. But, you know, I want to talk about how that journey went. And also some of the other things that he's bringing to the table, should he be the Atlanta Falcons ORG pick? And we'll do that to break down to wrap up today's Locked on Falcons. So, guys, I try to keep my competitive side tamped down.But sometimes you just got to unleash it. And one of the ways I feed my competitive size is with Monopoly Go PRODUCT. I'm sure you've heard of it because it's been downloaded over 150 million times. That's probably the exact number of crosschops that Laiatu Latu has put on film over the last two years. And, you know, it's Monopoly PRODUCT goes, a great twist on Monopoly, and you can play on not one, but hundreds of monopoly boards in crazy locations.You can build amazing cities that are going to bring you in big money. And the best part is you can have fun with your friends. And by fun, I mean absolutely messing with them and destroying them like Lyotu Latu PERSON does to your average Pacacti ORG offensive tackle. You can charge them rent on iconic properties just like classic Monopoly PRODUCT.You can rob their vaults so their money becomes my money. Team up with friends. Show your competitive side to people all around the world in time terminates to earn huge rewards. So get in the gameand join your friends. Download Monopoly Go now for free on the app store or Google Play. So guys, let's wrap up today's episode. Tomorrow, your first listen will be joined, I think, by Jarvis Davis PERSON for our last pre-draft episode. And at the end of today's episode, I'll tell you sort of my plans for Thursday night and the rest of the weekend. But, you know, the journey I've been on with Laiatu Latu PERSON has been long and circuitous, right? You know, one of my first impressions of him came in January of 2023 when he absolutely destroyedmy beloved pit panthers in a bowl game. We had our backup left tackle, I think it was, in that game, and he just got ripped a new one. And it was rough to see. And it was one of the most impressive, one of the most dominant single player performances. And instantly I fell in love with Laiatu Latu PERSON.Where I was ready at that point, even before the 2020 drive, he's better than Will Anderson PERSON. Right? He's better, already better. And he's only got another year of development to go.But, you know, the Love Fest EVENT kind of slowed down. It kind of hit a snag this past fall where he kind of had a relatively quiet game, at least for the quarter of the game that he went toe to toe with Oregon State's Taliase Fuaga PERSON, who's potentially going to be a top 15 pick in this year's draft. And so, you know, I was like, okay, it's a one-off, you know, everybody has a bad game every now and then. And so I was very eager to see what he would do at the senior bowl, right? Becauseyou know, I wanted to see if he could win in different ways than the usual, you know, swipes and swims and all the stuff that he does so well, right? And if you're in every day or this podcast, you knew I was hyped going into the senior bowl week and be like, oh, we're going to be talking a lot about Latu PERSON. And then you kind of hurt me being kind of underwhelmed coming out of Mobile GPE with it.Because I think he basically, you know, just did the same things that he's always done. And I don't think the swipes and the swims and all that stuff were as effective at the senior bowl in the one-on-ones as, you know, they are in the games. Right. And is that a coincidence that, you know, several of the offensive tackles he was facing in those senior bowl one-on-ones or potential top 50 picks? You know, you know, you know, you know, that's how I,I sort of see and why I think his ceiling is a little lower, right? Because I think as you level up the competition, his production goes down, right? Which is true of all players, right? But, you know, to me, it's a down, right? Which is true of all players, right? But, you know, to me, it's a disparity, right? But that's why, you know, I'm lower on Latu PERSON's ceiling, but, you know, I'm very high on this floor, right?That cross top is absolutely deadly, right? And we've talked several times over the last couple of years about, you know, the Arnold Adik Angeloans PERSON, can they develop a cross chop a la Yannick Engakwe PERSON, right? Who has had a deadly crosschop since he came into the NFL ORG, has been a reliable up until this past year,eight-sat guy every single year, primarily using that cross-chop. And so for that reason, like I sit here and I go, like, Latu should be able to use that just as effectively as Ingaqwe PERSON and should be, you know, day one and eight sat guy, right? But, you know, one of the frustrating things watching more and more film as I have done in recent weeks on Latu PERSON is like,you didn't always get to see him going up against the best and the best, right? You know, and it's a negative because it's frustrating because it's like, I want to see more of him against Taliazai Fuaaga PERSON than a quarter worth a game. I want to see more than 10 snaps going up against Jordan Morgan, another potential top 50 pick, right? And we're not seeing the best on best, but you know, college coaches get paid too. They get paid to win, right? And so it's a positive, I think, for a lot to, even if it's a negative for his evaluation, right, my personalfrustrations with not being able to evaluate best on best. But it's a positive because oftentimes he wasn't facing the opposing team's best offense. He's often facing the weakest offensive alignment, right? Whether that's a guard or a tackle. And, you know, again, UCLA ORG coaches know what they're doing, even if it's frustrating from a draft standpoint, right? And that was one of the things I like about LATU is how effective he was going up against guards.Because, you know, it's why I like LATU in Atlanta, but I would probably love him maybe in another city on another team because of their potential to line him up more on the interior than he probably would in Atlanta with the presences of Grady Jarrett and David Anyamada PERSON, right? That he may not get as many one-on-ones in those obvious passing downs that I could see him dominating at the next level, right? Like I look at a team like the Rams ORG, right? Like they could put together a NASCAR package on like third and long where they have Michael Hoyt and Byron Young on the outside, Kobe Turner on the inside, and guess who's replacing Aeron Donald PERSON?It's Laiatu Lato PERSON. Right. We saw the Rams do this for the last, you know, decade with Arundano PERSON, they would move him around to get him favorable matchups. And I think Latu PERSON has that same type of ability because of that technical wizardry, right? That I think his technical and his hand uses is going to be even moreeffective against guards than it is against tackles for a variety of reasons, right? And it's like the idea of like if I'm, if, if I'm a defensive coach and I have a lot to a lot to and I'm facing the Atlanta Falcons ORG, like I can put, move him around the formation to get him matched up against whatever offensive linemen. I'm like, that guy has the weakest technique of any other offensive linemen. So on these obvious passing downs,we're going to feature you in that matchup so that you can consistently win and beat that guy. So, for example, if I'm facing the Falcons ORG, I'm circling Matthew Bergeron, third and long, Lyatou Latte PERSON, you're lining them against Bergeron because his tendency to double punch.And, you know, that swim, that swipe, that chop is going to absolutely destroy any offensive linemen that double punches, which is what so many college offensive linemen do. And, you know, if you do that in the NFL, you'll, you'll be out of league in two or three years. So we'll be, we'll be paying attention to Matthew Bergeron's technique this year as one of the reasons why he makes a year to jump. But I do thinkLatu is a natural fit in this Falcon's three, four defense. I think he's very natural and very comfortable rushing from a two point stance. Like you contrast it with Jared Verst PERSON, who I think is way better rushing from a three point stance and the two point stance, much more explosive coming out of three point stance. Dallas Turner's kind of in between worlds. I think it's just part of like the quote unquote rawness of Dallas Turner. Like he's not, he hasn't really mastered anything.So it's just like he's just kind of, again, this not completely raw piece of clay. But like he is much more moldable in terms of what he can be in the future. So I do like Latu in Atlanta. I would love Latu in L.A. as one example. But I do think he could be a very good player here in Atlanta. And for all the reasons, it totally makes sense if the Falcons ORG do decideto take Laiatu, Latu PERSON, even if he isn't my top edge rusher, I'm like, who cares? Right. Like, if the Falcons ORG, like, you know, they'll get the benefit of the doubt until they don't, right? Like, no one's going to sit here and be like, how, how could, you know, I mean, I'm sure there will be somebody out there that's like, how, how could you take lie out to a lot to over Dallas Turner or Jared Verst PERSON? But, like, if you, if you can't understand why a team would choose any one of these threeguys over the other, depending on their circumstances and what they're looking for, then, like, that's an you issue. Like, you're not thinking hard enough. And again, for a lot of the reason we've already discussed, like, there are plenty of reasons why the Falcons would choose lie out to Lato PERSON, one of which is, you know, having the high floor.But, again, I still sit here about, what, 48 hours from the Falcons ORG pick, thinking that Turner is likely to be the pick, likely or to be the pick than Latu PERSON, but we'll see, we'll see. And again, a lot of that is based off be the pick, likely or to be the picked in Latu PERSON, but we'll see, we'll see, right? And again,a lot of that is based off of the team's recent draft tendencies over the last three years that we discussed, um, one of these mock draft Mondays, either this past Monday or the previous Monday. I can't remember which one of what. They all blur together guys.Um, but like, you know, that's another aspect of this. Like, we've sat here and, and thought,okay, well, these are the tendencies we've seen under Terry Fonten over the last three years. But, you know, they could break those tendencies of the Rohingymoors NORP, right? And that's another intriguing aspect that we might learn about this draft. And in addition to, you know, do they, are they trying to maximize the two-year window? It's like how much of those tendencies, the way that they've done things the last three years, how much of that is a Terryism versus in Arthur Smithism, right? We'll have an answer, you know, on Saturday orSunday. So I'm sure that will be a topic of discussion, you know, this weekend and next week. And speaking of this weekend and next week, again, tomorrow plan is to have one last sort of final pre-draft show with Jarvis Davis, a Lockdown Sports ORG Atlanta. Maybe we'll talk about the tampering stuff or whatever else is coming to mind. Or maybe we'll actually give Matt Ryan PERSON his flowers for once on this podcast. But, you know, my tentative plan, and again, plans might change.I'll have to hit up, you know, my supervisors at the Lockdown Podcast Network ORG, your team every day, to see sort of if there's a network-wide sort of initiative that they want to do. But my initial plan, the last couple of years, they've kind of let us do our own thing. So if I'm going to do my own thing, I'll probably wind up doing like another live show at 7.30 Eastern time on Thursday night leading into, you know, the kickoff of the first round at 8 o'clock and then probably around 11.30 midnight whenever the round one wraps up, we'll do another live showrecapping it. So you guys will have the opportunity to actually give me the feedback in the chat and whatnot rather than just talking amongst yourselves. So that is my plan for Thursday night. And then, of course, Friday will do another recap show. If we need to do, if there's other topics worth discussing during the day, we might do, you know, a Friday pre-show or whatever. Usually I don't do that, but like, we'll see.We'll sort of see. Usually I can, you know, usually, like, here's what they got to do on day two at the end of the night one, day one recap. So, and then, of course, Saturday will do another recap once the draft is all wrapped up. And then, you know, Sunday. So you guys are going to get a show every day this weekend, uh, and all next week. So usually I'm running a guess by the time we get to the Thursday after the draft because, you know,I've done like 10 or 12, 13 or whatever the number is, straight shows in a row. But that is our plan right now, guys. I really appreciate you.If you tune in to whatever future episodes we do, continue to make us your first listen here on the Lockdown Podcast Network ORG. It's your team every day.

Speaker 21833.16s - 1842.1s

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