Lakers WIN Over Bucks In Double OT!! WHAT A GAME!!

Lakers WIN Over Bucks In Double OT!! WHAT A GAME!!

by, Blue Wire

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67:07 minutes

published 2 months ago


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Speaker 40s - 29.72s

Why take one vacation with the family when you could take all of them? With Royal Caribbean ORG, you don't just go to the beach. You visit a private island and race down the tallest water slide in North America LOC. You don't just go for a road trip. You ATV and zipline through the jungle. You don't just go somewhere new.You repel down waterfalls and discover ancient temples. Because this isn't just any vacation. This is all the vacations. Come seek the Royal Caribbean ORG. Ships Registry, Bahamas GPE.

Speaker 530.48s - 215.36s

Hello, Lakers Nation ORG. Welcome to Lakers Nation ORG live. I am Trevor Lane PERSON. And the Lakers get the win in Milwaukee GPE. What a comeback victory for L.A. It looked like it was over.We were talking about it on the live play by play. Is it time to pack it in? Is it time to sit the guys down and get ready for tomorrow in Memphis GPE? And then it happened. The Lakers ORG, the epic comeback run. Oh my goodness. The two seed in the epic comeback run. Oh my goodness.The two seed in the Eastern Conference, the Lakers, 27 to 13, they win the fourth quarter, goes to overtime, goes to double overtime. And the Lakers ORG get it done. What an effort, what fight, what heart in this Lakers ORG team to pull this out. It was a rough night for the Lakers ORG most of the way. They had multiple comeback attempts only to give the points right back. We saw it in the second quarter. We saw it in the third quarter. We thought we weregoing to see it again in the fourth quarter. The Lakers ORG were going to come all the way back to say a six or seven point deficit at one point. They were down 19, only to it again in the fourth quarter. The Lakers were going to come all the way back to say a six or seven point deficit. At one point, they were down 19, only to once again give the points right back. This time, though, it stuck. And the Lakers get the win in Milwaukee GPE. Gotta love that.Gotta love that the Lakers ORG got that W. Let's take a look at the stats. My goodness, once again, the Lakers tip off in Memphis in like 21 hours. They have to play again.But Anthony Davis played 52 minutes. That's right, 52 minutes tonight for. He almost played two games tonight. AD 34 points, 23 rebounds,didn't shoot all that well for much of the game. In fact, the beginning of this game, which felt like it started like 10. tonight. AD 34 points, 23 rebounds. Didn't shoot all that well for much of the game. In fact, the beginning of this game, which felt like it started like 10 hours ago, AD ORG was not shooting the ball well, but 12 of 31 shooting tonight for AD overall, 23 rebounds again,four blocks and court, including a couple of big blocks late, big block at the end of overtime on Damien Lillard to send that one into WOT. 29 points for DeLo, just 7 to 22 shooting, 5 of 12 from 3, but 10 of 10 at the free throw line.We need to talk about the free throws, but 29 and 12 for DeAndro Russell plus seven rebounds. He played 50 minutes in this game. Austin Reeves played 48 minutes, 29 points, 14 boards, 10 assists. That's a triple double for Austin Reeves PERSON. Oh my goodness.What a win for the Lakers ORG. Joining me now jumping on. John David PERSON. This is one of the best wins of the season. Oh my gosh. Like I need time to catch my breath there.I feel like this game took years off my life. But what a win for the Lakers ORG to come away with.

Speaker 7216.14s - 252.18s

What a big time win to kickstart, you know, the road trip off the right way. And I mean, just what a gutsy win, man. I think that's like the very first thing that comes to my mind with everybody tired. LeBrona, I mean, LeBrona playing 80 on one leg, especially down the stretch, and just a gutsy, gutsy performance from these guys. And what a way to, you know, pull out a big time win. And this kind of epitomizes this team, Trevor PERSON.Like they can beat anybody and they can literally lose to everybody. But, you know, big time win.

Speaker 5253.18s - 321s

Yeah, I mean, this is a quality opponent for sure. The Milwaukee Bucks, the two seed in the Eastern Conference ORG. The Lakers ORG already beat them. They already beat them once this season without LeBron PERSON in L.A. That was the game. DeAngel Russell went crazy. Now they go into Milwaukee and they beat the Bucks without LeBron PERSON again.Unbelievable stuff. And I'll tell you what, Sean, again, at the end of the night, the Lakers ORG, they did not shoot the ball that well. Typically, you don't get away with shooting 32% from three against the box, 39% from the field. Now, the box didn't shoot great themselves, 29% from three, 41% from the field. The Lakers turned the ball over 17 times, though, but what saved them in this game, they shot 30 of 32 from the free throw line. That's 94% from the free throw line. Sean PERSON, that made all the difference in this game. Not only were the Lakers ORG able to continue to push and put pressureon the rim, but they were able to get to the line and make their free throws. That's what allowed

Speaker 7321s - 334.3s

them to win this game. Yes. The free throw shooting was absolutely a big, big part of the tonight's win. And once again, I just can't emphasize enough how massive of a win this is. All right.

Speaker 5334.3s - 378.3s

Let's get into some of the chat questions here. Cliff PERSON said, what a game. Give Austin Reeves PERSON a statue. I don't know about a statue in front of an award for sure. And we'll get into the awards in just a moment. But Austin Reeves, heck of a performance hits the big three late in order to put the Lakers up against the Bucks, the gutsy three. I thought, John, that deep three at thebuzzer, I thought he hit that. I thought he hit that one in order to send to win the game and regulation. I thought that was going in. But then he winds up hitting the big three and double overtime that gives the Lakers ORG the W. What did you think of Austin's performance tonight? Gutsy.

Speaker 7378.48s - 398.14s

I mean, I was going to keep using that word. He hits the shot late. Obviously, that puts the Lakers up three and they would hold on to the remainder of the way. I thought he competed his tail off defensively. It was a really, you know, fluid and just solid playmaker for most of the night. And he, again, I thought he was really, really great, really good performance fromAustin PERSON.

Speaker 5399.52s - 444.02s

Mission 86 said, if you turn the game off two minutes in, you've got exactly what you deserve. It did not look good, Sean PERSON. The Lakers had, what, four points through the game off two minutes in, you've got exactly what you deserve. It did not look good, Sean. The Lakers had, what, four points through the first like five minutes. They had their lowest scoring half of the season, 42 points at halftime. Good win. Now again, never stop.We're still here. Sean, the Lakers ORG, I mean, it's kind of a duh statement. They need LeBron to play tomorrow, but. They need LeBron to play tomorrow, but they really need LeBron to play tomorrow. He's the only one with fresh legs at this point. Austin PERSON play.I mean, these guys all played 50 minutes. Oh, man, they're going to be limping into Memphis on fresh LeBron James if he can go tomorrow. Much needed for that game.

Speaker 7445.24s - 452.26s

Absolutely. Absolutely. I mean, what, AD played 52 minutes tonight? Like, you need these guys tomorrow.

Speaker 5452.9s - 481.66s

And he was a little gimpy. It looked like he hurt his knee, maybe bang knees, something like that. Madison PERSON said, best win. I'm buying Austin, the goat, Austin Reeves, Jersey GPE, AD, uh, fire emoji there. Yeah.So was this the best win? Does this, is this a better win than the Boston GPE win? Uh, is this a better win than, what was the other, the other big comeback that they had? The chat will remind me.

Speaker 7482.08s - 484.9s

They all blew together. Yeah.

Speaker 5486.3s - 487.84s

Um, is this the best one of the season?

Speaker 7488.02s - 488.78s

Oh, the Clippers ORG, the Clippers.

Speaker 5488.92s - 490.44s

The Clippers ORG, the Clippers. That was it. The Clippers ORG.

Speaker 7490.68s - 502.74s

This surpasses the Clippers one, I think. I still think the Boston wins probably number one. This is a very close second, though. It's a very close second.

Speaker 5503.54s - 509.72s

No LeBron PERSON, no AD. This is against Boston GPE. That's a very close second. No LeBron, no AD. This is against Boston. That's still the top winner.

Speaker 7509.9s - 528.78s

In Boston GPE. In Boston GPE. But given the context, given that the Lakers ORG right now are trying to make up ground in the standings, they're trying to get out of the nine seed,they've been trying. I've talked about this. They're actually playing better basketball. They're winning at a higher clip that they did last season.

Speaker 5529.56s - 581.48s

That's what they're doing right now. They're 40 and 32. The problem is not necessarily the Lakers ORG. Not to say they've been perfect because they haven't been. But the problem is the West LOC. They'd be like the four seed right now in last year's Western Conference ORG.The West this year is bonkers. The Warriors won tonight. The Lakers now, though, two games back of Phoenix and Phoenix has the most difficult schedule in the NBA ORG remaining and, and the Lakers have the tiebreaker over the suns. Sean PERSON, this win may be the win that we look back on and say that was it. That was the win that allowed them to move up. This was a big, big night for the Lakers ORG. And a few weeks from now, we may be looking back and pointing to the night as the night that allowed them to get out of the nine seed.They got a long way to go to get there. But this was big.

Speaker 7582.82s - 588.02s

I'm laughing because I feel like we've said that a lot this year. We have.

Speaker 5588.52s - 589.96s

But this was a really, really big one.

Speaker 7590.02s - 591.78s

I'm not trying to degree from the moment, but

Speaker 5591.78s - 598.28s

this is a big time win. You need Bronn tomorrow. Yeah, I think now you need

Speaker 7598.28s - 612.36s

get Bronn PERSON back, hopefully for tomorrow night's game. You've got to win tomorrow. I think the chat's saying right now, and I'm going to fact check really quickly but i i want to say sacraman ORG was losing uh i'm i'll check it out

Speaker 5612.36s - 655.76s

i've got it up here uh yeah dallas is up four with two minutes to play in the second quarter so we'll keep an eye on that game too we'll keep an eye on that one as well now the the as far as which team we want to win, I would prefer to see the, I'd prefer to see the Mabs ORG win. I'd prefer to see the Mabs ORG winbecause I think Sacramento ORG has the more difficult schedule from here on out, and I want somebody the Lakers ORG can leapfrog, maybe even move up to the 70, who knows. But I think you made a good point when we were doing the live play by play.Whoever wins, you want them to win both games because the Mabs and the Kings ORG play again real quick here. So you want one team to win both games and knock the other team down a couple of

Speaker 7655.76s - 661.86s

spots. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, that's exactly what you want. As the chat saying, you can't have

Speaker 5661.86s - 668.5s

them split. All right, let's get to this. Chat, who's the superstar of the night from this game? Let's get to that.

Speaker 1670.24s - 675.56s

Superstar of the night. Who gets it?

Speaker 5676.5s - 719.38s

And it's Austin Reeves PERSON. Who is the superstar of the night from this game? I've got Daniel says Anthony Davis PERSON. Charles says Anthony Davis PERSON. Cameron says Austin Reeves PERSON. Matt says Austin Reeves PERSON.I see a lot of AD and a lot of AR all the way down the screen. Plop says it's Austin Reeves PERSON. Kamal says it's LeBron PERSON. Fired up on the sidelines. Man, the Lakers need LeBron to play tomorrow.Who would you go with? Now I'm getting a lot of Anthony Davis PERSON in the chat here. Who would you go?

Speaker 7719.38s - 721.54s

I'm supposed to be in a lot of AR though. Oh, man.

Speaker 5721.54s - 725.72s

There's a lot. It's going back and forth. I might have to make a poll for this one.

Speaker 7726.6s - 747.66s

Yeah, make a poll. Damn it. Who do you have? Trevor, you go first. I can't. This is so tough because I thinkAustin PERSON gets a lot of the vote. And I really would be interested to see what the poll looks like because of the game

Speaker 5747.66s - 749.84s

I'll put it up there and because like I'm not

Speaker 7749.84s - 799.98s

saying like besides that he doesn't he doesn't deserve it right but like he does get a lot of it because of the game winner but AD he reallyfreaking struggled early and the shot I mean the field group or such is get a tank after tonight. But the game should have really been decided in overtime one, when he gets a block on oneleg that just somehow happens to fall back into Janus PERSON's lap. Swing, swing, swing. Ruby PERSON doesn't rotate leads to a dame three in the corner. But the game should have been over then. dame three in the corner but the game should be overthen because if they rebound that's the game and then he comes right back down he seals the deal with the block which doesn't fall back in the laps to make sure we go to double OT I think

Speaker 5799.98s - 816.58s

I was going to lean AD because and it's simply because of this. He gutted it out through a knee injury, limped his way through. He knocked in some, what do you have? Three threes on the night? Hit some threes for you.

Speaker 7816.62s - 825.3s

Yeah, this is the most threes. Most threes I've seen him take in a super long time. Maybe his entire 10 years a Laker ORG. Yeah.

Speaker 5826.02s - 837.04s

So I was, my plan was honestly to pick whoever you didn't pick. If you were going to make me pick first, I'd probably pick AD. But Austin PERSON was also fantastic in this game.

Speaker 7837.4s - 838.82s

Well, then here, let's do Starry role PERSON then.

Speaker 5838.82s - 925.64s

Because Starry Rolls is out of shadow without Austin Reeves PERSON. Well, let me see. Because right now the chat, the poll right now, we've got 1,200 votes. Anthony Davis is up 60 to 40, 61, 39% right now.AD is up. So let's do that. If we call the superstar of the night, Anthony Davis PERSON, let's do this. Star in your role. No LeBron PERSON.You needed somebody to step up. You needed somebody that was going to handle the ball. Some nights it's been D-Lo. Some nights, honestly, it's been Spencer Dinwiddie PERSON that's done this. But Austin Reeves finishes this night, triple double, 14 rebounds.And he also got the offensive rebound to help seal the win. I thought Austin PERSON was really, really important on the glass in this game. 10 assists, 29 points, two blocks, two block shots tonight for Austin PERSON. 50% from the field, four of 11 from three, five and six from the free to line. This was a great performance out of Austin Reeves PERSON and one in which he got, you can see how exhausted he was.And he gutted out, including hitting the big three to put the Lakers ORG ahead for good. Austin PERSON deserves a lot of credit in this game. And as much as we're all going to focus on the big three and double overtime,the rebounding is what I look at the most here and say Austin PERSON really stepped up in that area to help this team.

Speaker 7926.18s - 930.9s

I see his competitiveness defensively and I saw it's also going to be super, super huge and was super

Speaker 0930.9s - 931.94s

huge for the Lakers ORG win.

Speaker 5932.48s - 936.38s

I thought he navigated nicely when guarding Dame ORG and even guard.

Speaker 0936.42s - 955.62s

He guarded Chris Middleton a good bit tonight too. Again, this is the playmaking ability that he was able to flash off tonight as well. Just freaking shout out, Austin Reeves PERSON. And the shot, such a huge shot. I already broke down the clip, the game winner on Twitter at Shaw ORG underscore DVI. I'll do a voiceover of it later.

Speaker 7955.62s - 964.66s

But that's such a big time shot and such a, I mean, just a big time win, obviously, to reiterate that same point.

Speaker 5966.02s - 1024.2s

From what I'm seeing, basketball Twitter right now is making fun of Doc Rivers PERSON for blowing another lead. Which is not a surprise. Andrew PERSON, what a win. Needed to win this after it got all the way to double overtime because of the back-to-back situation. What a comeback and effort. But lots to fix, especially in regulation. Shout out DeLo, Austin Reeves PERSON, AD.Yeah, Sean PERSON, that was really the danger. Once it got to overtime, you thought, man, they really need to make sure they win this game because they play tomorrow. They had to walk away with this win. You can't go to overtime and burn your legs out in this game and get nothing for it. And so that's a sigh of relief in and of itself that they didput the win on their record. They didn't go to double O.T and burn out their legs and then go have to play in Memphis without having first gotten this win against the bucks. Yeah. I mean,

Speaker 71024.32s - 1055.48s

we were really, really worried about that with the status of bronze still being kind of unknown for tomorrow. The fact they're able to get this win, I mean, we talked about this on the pod last night that you really wanted to try to split these two. Now, there's still an opportunity to get, I mean, two, but now worst case scenario is you still end up with a split.And if you do somehow lose tomorrow, it's more than likely going to be more towards fatigue. And because of this game being so drawn out the way it was, dragged out the way it was.

Speaker 01055.98s - 1065.16s

So again, massive, massive win. Glad they were able to pull it out with all the fatigue that was going on from, I mean, admittedly from both sides because it was a ridiculously long game. Oh, they went. What was it? The first two and a half minutes of the second that was going on. I mean, admittedly from both sides, because it was a ridiculously long game.

Speaker 51065.66s - 1070.26s

Oh, they went. What was it? The first two and a half minutes of the second overtime, neither team scored.

Speaker 71070.76s - 1072.76s

You could see both of them,

Speaker 51072.96s - 1079.84s

both sides had no legs left. And understandably, it was double O T, but both sides were completely gassed. Yeah.

Speaker 71082.24s - 1083.34s

Face reality said,

Speaker 51083.44s - 1116.14s

A.D. PERSON, I'm assuming this means depoy Reeves PERSON is him both outstanding tonight you know what I thought Sean PERSON midway through this game I thought oh my gosh this is going to be a MasterLock PRODUCT AD game because he was not shooting the ball well at allhe was missing jumpers he was just he just seemed off he was fumbling the ball it was not a good Anthony Davis PERSON game but boy did he turn it around from the fourth quarter on and really got things going especially on the defensive side of the of the ball he really picked it up that was great to see because again there was a point in

Speaker 71116.14s - 1146.62s

this game where we were pretty worried about ad weren't we yes yeah just missing shots i thought he was a little jumper happy earlier on in the game, particularly from the mid range. But again, AD ORG turned it around, starting getting him some easier looks. He hit some big threes.I think the Lakers were down three in the first overtime, and then he hits another three. I mean, just big time, just again, gutsy performance. We would keep freaking saying it, but just a big time performance by Anthony Davis and when they needed it most.

Speaker 51147.54s - 1184.94s

Everybody, we've got a ton of people in here watching this show right now. Do me a favor. If you haven't done so yet, if you're on the YouTube side, hit that like button right now. Let's get this out to as many people as you can.And then if you're not a subscriber to the channel yet, hit the subscribe button. We're going to keep you informed on everything Lakers all the way through the playoffs, of course, into the postseason and everything beyond. So make sure you do hit that subscribe button as well.All right. Let's see. Delo said MasterLock PRODUCT the Bobby Portis Chance. L.O.L. Good comeback. I already have something in mind for my MasterLock in the night, Sean PERSON.Oh, I do, too.

Speaker 71185.58s - 1188.82s

We'll get there. But I think it's going to be a pretty epic one.

Speaker 51190.12s - 1198.44s

The Bobby Portis chance, it's fun if you're a Bucks ORG fan, but at least the Lakers ORG walked away with the win. That's all that matters.

Speaker 71199.92s - 1205.12s

Arun said, I started watching after work from 93 to 101.

Speaker 51205.38s - 1218.16s

What a game. Oh, the score was what 93 to 101. I want all of us to take this energy to the end. Go Lakers ORG. No lies. I almost had a couple of heart strokes.It's like a heart attack and a stroke at the same time.

Speaker 31218.76s - 1220.7s

That's how tense the moment was.

Speaker 51221.88s - 1250.76s

Yeah, this was a stressful game, Sean PERSON. But you know what? This is, there are games where you need that stress-free win. You want to put your feet up. You want to lay back in the hammock and just enjoy a comfortable Lakers ORG win, right? Those games, you cherish those games.But games like this, games like tonight, you don't forget because of how stressful it was, games like tonight will stick with you. Oh, yeah.

Speaker 71251.58s - 1261s

I mean, I feel like this season, we'll remember this game a ton. We'll remember, you know, we're going to remember Boston GPE.

Speaker 51261.22s - 1262.42s

Clippers come back Boston GPE.

Speaker 71263.44s - 1271.86s

We're going to remember the OKC ORG wins a little bit actually too personally. Yeah. We're going to remember the OKC wins a little bit actually too personally. Yeah, we're going to remember these games for sure coming in the season.

Speaker 51272.4s - 1281.48s

There was a point where we were over on playback and you, you had to take your headphones off and you just like checked out for a minute there.

Speaker 71281.94s - 1291.34s

No, because I remember now, I was so pissed off because now you come into a rent. The Lakers ORG did all this great work to come back from down like 16 or whatever. Yeah.

Speaker 51291.52s - 1293.62s

They're down 5, 430 left.

Speaker 71293.94s - 1311.14s

The Bucks ORG call timeout. The Bucks ORG missed a shot. And the Lakers ORG' offensive attack for the next two minutes was flat garbage. And they, I thought, tanked their momentum. And I was so checked out.But they made up where I got the win. That's what it was.

Speaker 51311.58s - 1314.94s

Mamba Mentality gifted five Lakers Nation ORG memberships. Let's go.

Speaker 71314.94s - 1315.52s

Oh, my God.

Speaker 51315.62s - 1344.82s

You guys haven't checked out the channel membership program. We do a weekly get together where we jump on. Everybody gets to come on with us. Come on stage. We talk Lakers ORG basketball with everybody. It's a lot of fun.So click the join button if you haven't checked out the membership program yet. But Mamba Mentality, gifted five memberships. Wow. Really cool when we see stuff like that going on. All right. Let's go here.DeNitrify PERSON said, where are the AR haters at? Probably in the corner tonight.

Speaker 71345.54s - 1347.32s

Probably crying a little bit tonight.

Speaker 51348.16s - 1385.74s

Austin Reeves PERSON, great performance. Great performance. And I love celebrating good, good to great performances, certainly much more than, you know, bemoaning poor performances. But Austin PERSON was fantastic in this one.And I know you really noticed a lot of the things Austin PERSON was doing defensively. There were some possessions where he got stuck on Damien Lillard PERSON and he afforded himself well. Even had a big block on Dame ORG. Was this just a, as you said, kind of a gutsy Austin Reeves PERSON defensive performance? Or were there some things that you picked up that he was doing in terms of tactically that allowed him to have a good all-around night.

Speaker 71386.36s - 1463.4s

I just think that Austin's technique is really, really solid tonight, in terms of how he navigated the screens, how he would, you know, I thought he had actually run really, really bad close-out that. I remember, like, calling out live that led to a unnecessary rotation that led to an open three eventually. But I thought outside of that, I saw it was a really solid game,maybe a turn back the clock game, if you go for Austin Reeves PERSON, even though he's, what, 26 years old, whine back the clock to his rookie year from the defensive side of the floor. But, yeah, I thought he was super, super solid. I thought he moved more, most importantly. I think the goal of defense sometimes I think is like a little bit off from like the,the viewer sometimes. I think what people think the goal of defense is is not really what it should be. The goal of defense should be to make every shot as tough as possible, right? Because I mean, there isn't a perfect defense. There were shots that Dame hit tonight. Dame had won over Dinwiddie PERSON, I thought, where I was like, damn, that's good defense, shrug.But Dinwiddie PERSON on that particular possession just made it as tough as possible. And I thought for the most part tonight, Trevor, Austin PERSON competed defensively, was gutsy defensively. Keep going back to that word and just made every shot when he was contesting as tough as possible. Yeah.

Speaker 51463.54s - 1486.82s

And that's all you can do. You're playing the percentages game. You're making it as difficult as possible. Yeah, and that's all you can do. You're playing the percentages game. You're making it as difficult as possible. Sometimes the shot still goes in. And I think you're right. I think too often when we're evaluating defense, we focus on did the ball go intothe basket or not rather than was the defense was good defense played? Because sometimes the ball still goes in the basket even when you're playing good defense. Muhammad said, God bless Anthony Davis PERSON. God bless Austin Reeves PERSON. God bless America GPE.

Speaker 01489.5s - 1510.32s

I feel like we need, I think we need a picture of Austin Reeves PERSON and Anthony Davis like standing in front of a waving American NORP flag right now for that one. If we can find a way to make that up. Rhee said that's the defensive player of the year right there. A.D. Give that man his rest tomorrow. What a win, LFG PERSON.We got a shot to win out this trip now.

Speaker 51511.22s - 1530.76s

Now this is just game one of a six game road trip. We got a long way to go. I don't think they can, unless if AD ORG's knee is really hurting them, that's the only way I seethat they actually can rest AD tomorrow. I mean, if you go in tomorrow and you drop the game to Memphis GPE because you're so exhausted tonight, does that kind of undo tonight's win?

Speaker 71532.76s - 1556.68s

No, because I think this is, this was a character win where like I thought you really saw like the, there is good character in that locker. I'm not saying that there never wasn't, right? But I think this just resolidify like, okay, no, there's some heart, there's some character, there's some grit, some gutsiness or whatever.That's going to be the word of the year at this point.

Speaker 11557.46s - 1559.54s

But yeah, I think regardless,

Speaker 01560.16s - 1562.04s

it doesn't really negate this win.

Speaker 71562.24s - 1571.28s

Now, you would have to win out the rest of the road trip still, if you do lose tomorrow, which I think our mindset was five and one would be great, four and two at the absolute freaking worst.

Speaker 51571.82s - 1625.7s

So yeah, you still got to find a way to win tomorrow's game. So here's what we've got here. This is you just got the win in Milwaukee, the remainder of the road trip at Memphis tomorrow, at Indiana on Friday, at Brooklyn on Sunday. Then you go at Toronto at Washington, Tuesday and Wednesday. So another back to back here.And you follow up that back to back with a home back to back versus Cleveland GPE versus Minnesota Saturday and Sunday. Oh boy. That's rough. But now you do, I think this was arguably, this or Indiana GPE are the most difficult games of your road trip. And so I think this does increase the possibility of winning out.But how gimpy are the Lakers, how gimpy is Anthony Davis tomorrow in Memphis GPE? That's going to be a big question now from here. Yeah.

Speaker 71628s - 1636.06s

Hold on. One sec. Why take one vacation with the family when you could take all of them?

Speaker 41636.32s - 1662.18s

With Royal Caribbean ORG, you don't just go to the beach. You visit a private island and race down the tallest water slide in North America LOC. You don't just go for a road trip. You ATV and zipline through the jungle. You don't just go somewhere new. You repel down waterfalls and discover ancient temples.Because this isn't just any vacation. This is all the vacations. Come seek the Royal Caribbean ORG. Ships Registry Bahamas GPE.

Speaker 31662.64s - 1696.12s

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Speaker 51696.12s - 1700.46s

see. What?

Speaker 71701.92s - 1707.3s

Go look at Dilo PERSON's Twitter right quick. DeAngel Russell's Twitter right quick. DeAngelo Russell's PERSON Twitter?

Speaker 51707.94s - 1708.28s


Speaker 71709.22s - 1714.2s

Somebody in the chat put it. I can't repeat what he said.

Speaker 51715.02s - 1718.16s

It says Austin effing Reeves PERSON, but he doesn't say effing.

Speaker 71718.84s - 1719.42s

There you go.

Speaker 51721.1s - 1728.34s

Well done, Dilo PERSON. Well done. Ham deserves some respect from the fans today. Sean, did you like what we saw out of Darwin Ham in this one? Hell yeah, Delo. Well done. Ham deserves some respect from the fans today. Sean, did you like what we saw out of Darvinham PERSON in this one?

Speaker 71728.96s - 1780.1s

Hell yeah, I did. I mean, there was some moments where I was like, again, the timeout, not them calling the timeout, the game playing out of the timeout. I really hated. But, I mean, I thought the set to win the game was freaking perfect. Again, go check it out on my Twitter page.I already have it broken down. I thought the play calling in general, there were some, there's going to be eaves and flows throughout the game, right? But I thought winning mattered most for the most part. I thought they played called at a really high level. They had a really nice game plan for the most part,especially after that first quarter. So yeah, shout out Darwin PERSON. And yeah, I thought they made some really, some of the adjustments we talked about at halftime, Trevor PERSON, on our playback stream or the live stream of the game here on YouTube, they went to during the fourth quarter. I think the only one they didn't go, the only didn't go to one of the adjustments

Speaker 01780.1s - 1781.74s

of the ones that we made.

Speaker 81781.88s - 1782.8s

The only didn't go to one.

Speaker 01783.4s - 1786s

So I thought it was a really, really well,

Speaker 71786.32s - 1789.52s

you know, good game from, from Darwin PERSON.

Speaker 51790.28s - 1798.86s

Yeah, I think the, I was confused in terms of why he called a timeout with Tori and Prince PERSON going to the free throw line. I believe that was the end of the fourth quarter.

Speaker 71798.86s - 1799.78s

I remember that one.

Speaker 51800.14s - 1804.8s

He iced his own shooter and didn't change his lineup at that point,

Speaker 71804.88s - 1812.18s

which was surprising. I didn't understand what the plan was there. But other than that, I mean, Tori hit the free throws.

Speaker 51813.14s - 1835.4s

So we'll take it. We'll take it. I do like that a lot of the adjustments that you identified at halftime, as you said, Darvin PERSON actually executed, the team executed. And they were able to do that. Always winning said, I'm him a bunch of times in a row.Chris PERSON said, I did your fake comeback thing so we'd win. Sean PERSON, I just kept saying I'm not falling for it.

Speaker 71835.9s - 1837.84s

We are undefeated when you don't fall for it.

Speaker 51838.02s - 1839.18s

I can't fall for it.

Speaker 71839.82s - 1850.4s

That's the rule. You can't fall for it. And I have to be like insanely invested and get emotional when, yeah. So that's the rule. You can't fall for it. And I have to be like insanely invested and get emotional when, yeah. So that's the plan going forward.

Speaker 51851.12s - 1869.5s

They start the comeback and I have to stay strong, stay composed, not fall for it, not buy into it. And then hope they prove me wrong. But we, I mean, we saw multiple fake comebacks in this game, where they came back and then instantly gave all the points right.

Speaker 71869.5s - 1874.86s

Every quarter. The second quarter, end of the third. Crazy.

Speaker 51874.86s - 1875.36s

I thought,

Speaker 71875.5s - 1883.06s

I thought they were going to do it again in the, in the fourth. What was that a, uh, went after that 4.30 timeout. It got back to what,nine, right?

Speaker 61883.18s - 1883.5s


Speaker 51883.9s - 1884.5s

And we were like,

Speaker 61884.56s - 1884.74s


Speaker 51884.84s - 1886.06s

nope, they did it again.

Speaker 71886.24s - 1893.94s

And they were, they were able to somehow pull out the win. I mean, it was, I was happy to see it

Speaker 51893.94s - 1918.22s

because again, we're so, we're so accustomed to the fake comeback now. And it's become such a stressor for Lakers ORG fans. So to already see them twice battled to get themselves back and then immediately to end the quarter, give back all the points. And then some in some cases, it was nice to see them actually pull off the W.Joining us now, we've got my guy, Mark Gunnels PERSON. Mark PERSON, how are you doing?

Speaker 81919.16s - 1922.6s

Wow, I'm still catching my breath with that game, man. Right?

Speaker 71923.24s - 1923.92s

I heard you remember.

Speaker 51924s - 1924.96s

And what Trevor PERSON said.

Speaker 71925.6s - 1926.08s

Oh, really? Oh, wow. I didn't hear that. Right. I remember. And what Trevor PERSON said. Oh, really?

Speaker 51926.3s - 1926.88s

Oh, wow.

Speaker 71926.96s - 1927.6s

I didn't hear that.

Speaker 81928.14s - 1930.34s

I did hear him to say about the fake comeback.

Speaker 71930.54s - 1931.54s

And I was thinking that too.

Speaker 81931.58s - 1979.5s

When they cut it to like five, I'm like, okay, this is cool, but this is not really going to happen. It's not actually going to win this game. And they did. I mean, how about AD, though? Not just his points.His defense, man. It seemed like every time they needed a crucial stop, how about AD ORG though? Not just his points, his defense, man. It seemed like every time they needed a crucial stop, he came up with a big block or a big rebound or even altered a shot. He even didn't block it. I mean, he was a complete menace down low. And I think it's funny how it was March Madness right nowbecause it reminded me of, if you guys remember, his Kentucky ORG team beat my kansas jahawks the national championship game back in i think 2012 i think it was and he had like 10 blocks in that game so yeah i kind of got a little flashbacks there watch them tonight anthony david PERSON so big

Speaker 51979.5s - 2030.34s

defensively in this one and man what a stressful game I was I was out of breath but they got it done they got it done thank goodness Mark PERSON whenever we have you come on we always take a look at our sponsor which is which is Sleeperwe'll take a look at this Sean PERSON I'll bring it back in in just a moment here let's take a look at some of our plays here everybody you guys can play along with us use the Sleeper PRODUCT app. You can download it using the QR code that's on the screen.Guys, check it out. Download Sleeper PRODUCT. Use our code to get a $500 deposit match. Great way to help out the show, support a brand that helps support us. Mark PERSON, we always make our selections here real simple. Kevin Durant PERSON, there's a free square.That's how easy it is on Sleeper sometimes. Very, very easy. So we're going simple. Kevin Durant PERSON, there's a free square. That's how easy it is on sleeper sometimes. Very, very easy. So we're going to take Kevin Durant. I hope the sons lose,

Speaker 02030.7s - 2037.34s

but we're going to take him more than 0.5 points. Let's take a look. You know, the Knicks ORG have been fantastic.

Speaker 52038.26s - 2067.54s

They've been a real pain for teams to deal with. I look at our old friend, Josh Hart PERSON, who's been playing pretty well. 33 and a half points, rebounds and assists for Josh Hart PERSON, though. He's hit that on the last game, and he's been less than that on the three prior to that. Chat, I'm leaning less than 33 and a half points, rebounds, and assists. How are you guys feeling? Mark PERSON, how do you feel about that one?

Speaker 82068.84s - 2073.8s

Yeah, I would have to go there too. And then you also have the blowout factor there. Yeah.

Speaker 52073.88s - 2074.12s


Speaker 82074.38s - 2084s

Against the Toronto Raptors who are doing a lot of things right now, to say the least, talking about wagering on the game.

Speaker 32084s - 2090.74s

So, yeah, I think the under going lower here is probably the better play on Josh Hart PERSON.

Speaker 82091.84s - 2092.56s

All right.

Speaker 32092.66s - 2093.18s

I agree.

Speaker 82093.28s - 2094.86s

I'm going to go less with that one.

Speaker 52095.56s - 2104.94s

Yeah. The scary part of Sky Falcon notes, he might play 48 minutes thanks to Tibbs PERSON. Tom Tibido PERSON, he was playing his guys a lot of minutes.

Speaker 02104.94s - 2108.18s

But if it's a blowout, which I think it could be, then to Tibbs. Tom Thibito PERSON, he was playing his guys a lot of minutes. But if it's a blowout, which I think it could be,

Speaker 52111.8s - 2157.16s

then I think that less than sidal hit. All right, let's get one more. Let's look here. We'll go away from the Knicks ORG. Let's go over to, oh, this could be a big blowout factor here.Anthony Edwards going up against Detroit, 10.5 assists and rebounds for Anthony Edwards. He has gotten more than that easily, easily in all four of his last four games. The blowout factor is a concern. But again, you look at the last four, Mark PERSON, and he's gotten that 15, 16, 18, 14. Like, he's clearing that, no problem. Anthony Edwards.

Speaker 82157.98s - 2158.9s

Do you look at his points?

Speaker 52158.98s - 2160.44s

I think I'll feel a little better one there.

Speaker 82160.86s - 2162.62s

27 and a half on points.

Speaker 52163.12s - 2164.52s

See, I think I'll go.

Speaker 82168.88s - 2169.42s

More on two of them and under on two out of the last four.

Speaker 52169.66s - 2169.86s


Speaker 82171.2s - 2174.96s

I think I like that. I'd rather go less than on that one because you have more variance.

Speaker 52175.3s - 2176.88s

Obviously, with more points there.

Speaker 82181.44s - 2189.12s

I don't think he's going to have to be the guy that dominates scoring-wise. And I don't think he's even going to play in the fourth quarter. See, with the rebounds and assist, I'm scared of that he can pile up a lot of rebounds in the first half

Speaker 52189.12s - 2192.62s

because it's so athletic and so freakish, you know?

Speaker 82192.76s - 2196.44s

So I'll rather go less than on the points there. All right.

Speaker 52196.68s - 2246.92s

And last one we're going to do, KD says Devencenzo under on threes. Yeah, he smashed that three point number in his last game, hit 11 of them, which is crazy, but he was less than that on the prior three games. So we'll go less on Dante DiVincenzo PERSON.So there we go. There's our entry. If you guys want to play along with us, check it out over on Sleeper PRODUCT. You can use the QR code that's on the screen. Make sure you use our code Lakers Nation ORG.Guys, we really do appreciate it when you support the companies that help support us. So check it out. Link is in the description down below. You can use the QR codes on the screen as well. We got Kevin Durant, Josh Hart, Anthony Edwards, Dante DiVincenzo PERSON. Go check out.Sleeper. Mark PERSON, always a pleasure having you on. Love talking through all of that with you. And what a lakers win

Speaker 82246.92s - 2254.58s

tonight huh yeah yeah and you know i tweeted this out on x so i hope it doesn't happen but

Speaker 52254.58s - 2261.54s

we know how this lakers season has been no they continue don't lose tomorrow right but no i don't

Speaker 82261.54s - 2265s

say it i don't think that's going to happen. Don't say it. I don't think that's going to happen.

Speaker 52267.08s - 2267.42s

I think when LeBron not playing tonight,

Speaker 82268.94s - 2268.96s

he's probably going to have to carry tomorrow, though,

Speaker 52269.88s - 2270.34s

because they're going to be tired.

Speaker 82271.54s - 2271.9s

I mean, double overtime.

Speaker 52273.06s - 2273.44s

It's going to be a lot of tired legs.

Speaker 82275.64s - 2284.74s

A.D., who knows if he's going to play or not? I'm probably leaning he's not going to play tomorrow, especially he got banged up a little bit in tonight's game. So I think LeBron is going to have to carry tomorrow against a young Memphis GPE team,

Speaker 52284.82s - 2285.4s

who still, you know,

Speaker 32285.46s - 2286.66s

they're still playing hard.

Speaker 52287.64s - 2312.78s

Yeah, we're going to need a big performance. I think out of LeBron in tomorrow's game because he's the one who's going to have the freshest legs now. I think you're absolutely right on that. And fingers crossed, I hope that Anthony Davis can at least be out there and give you even 60% of AD could be much needed because they don't have much in the way of backup bigs here.But Mark, next game, Friday, I think you said you're going to be on for the whole post game show, right?

Speaker 82313.4s - 2315.08s

Yeah, Friday I'll be on for a full show.

Speaker 52316.18s - 2319.68s

Sounds good. Well, Mark PERSON, thank you again for joining. I appreciate it.

Speaker 82320.24s - 2321.96s

All right, you guys, take care. All right.

Speaker 52322.04s - 2379.18s

We'll see you. Sean PERSON, welcome back in. Let's get to this one. So there's a few comments here that I really want to get to this one. I said, we live, baby, never hear any Austin Reeves PERSON disrespect here for his weakness. Guys, such a big time player.You can't teach guys who play in big moments. And AD ORG, way to soldier up. Why the three ball is so key. Yeah, it was nice seeing Anthony Davis hit those threes. AD ORG, I got to check it out, but AD, I believe he's hit one in each of his lastfour games. And that used to be a fairly consistent weapon of ADs. He used to hit him, yeah, here we go. Four games in a row. Anthony Davis PERSON has hit at least ADs. He used to hit him. Yeah, here we go.Four games in a row. Anthony Davis has hit at least one three. He was three for eight from three in this game tonight. Sean PERSON, is this an outlier? Or is this the return of the three ball to Anthony Davis's arsenal?

Speaker 72380.42s - 2388.92s

I'm still going to say it's an outlier. I will love to be wrong because, gosh, good grief.

Speaker 62389.04s - 2395s

Does this just open up so much more for, like, the Lakers ORG schematically and, like, tactically?

Speaker 72395.16s - 2396.26s

This would be massive.

Speaker 02396.56s - 2400.06s

You can finally say, well, put back, put AD back at the four.

Speaker 62400.24s - 2404.78s

You can maybe do that if Anthony Davis's three-point shot is, like, actually coming back.

Speaker 32404.78s - 2405.06s

But for the time being, I'm going to say it is just an outlier, especially tonight. you can maybe do that if Anthony Davis's three-point shot is like actually coming back.

Speaker 62410.26s - 2410.32s

But for the time being, I'm going to say it is just an outlier, especially tonight's game.

Speaker 02411.58s - 2419.58s

Or like we said, this is the most three. I wish we had the stat on this. I don't know how long it's been since 80s taken, God, more than four threes. And he took eight threes tonight.

Speaker 72419.78s - 2434.22s

So they looked well. I mean, the shots looked all right. And yeah, hopefully it's something that can continue going forward. Although we have a chat here that says, the comment here says, AD wasn't moving so well. So he was kind of relegated to shooting threes.

Speaker 02434.38s - 2441.22s

And that might be a fair point as well. How many threes does AD take if he's moving well?

Speaker 72441.38s - 2446.32s

His knee doesn't get a little banged up. I don't think we've gotten any update on that yet um

Speaker 52446.32s - 2452.08s

darvin just praised ad for gutting it out and said that he'd he banged knees but didn't say anything

Speaker 72452.08s - 2460.86s

official on uh the next game gotcha so ad i'm just taking a quick cursory glance here

Speaker 52460.86s - 2477.94s

it's possible i miss something of course uh so far, I've gone back two seasons and I've yet to see AD shoot eight threes in a game. I'm going back in 2020 right now. Okay, here we go in 2020. No.

Speaker 72478.96s - 2484.5s

Wait, like the championship year or the year after? I'm talking. I'm in, oh, I'm in 2020,

Speaker 52484.5s - 2486.46s

2021, the year after right now.

Speaker 72486.96s - 2488.58s

I'm in 19. Okay. He had a 10,

Speaker 52488.58s - 2494.34s

three point attempt game, uh, on January 5th of 2021.

Speaker 72494.88s - 2501.96s

Okay. Because I was just going to say I have one where he took eight threes, uh, August 3rd in the bubble against the Utah Jazz ORG.

Speaker 52502.08s - 2579.28s

He went four free in a 42 point game. So it's been a while, bottom line, since he's taken this many threes. I agree with you. I don't think this is necessarily a locked in sign that it's back. I hope it is,because like you said, it makes a big difference when Anthony Davis is hitting those threes. But four games of hitting threes, I'm not going to fall for it. Let's say at that point, if he does this for a month, for a couple of months, okay, we can start talking about the three-pointer becoming part of Anthony Davis's arsenal again.But I'll tell you what, it's a good sign that he's shooting it right now. I like him shooting it. I think it's important. If they do, we've got a lot of people. In fact, we have this discussion during the game about why the Lakers haven't gotten another bag or why Yannis and Brooke Lopez worked together on the floor. You've got a bag out there with Yonis PERSON. And it's becauseof Brooke Lopez's ability to shoot the three. And we mentioned that if AD shot the three, you could get a traditional bag to put next to him and you'd be just fine. That's what we saw in the championship year in 2019, 2020. They had traditional bigs in Javail McGee and Dwight Howard PERSON, and it worked out fine because Anthony Davis was a threat behind the three-point line. So I sure hope, Sean PERSON, that this is a sign of things to come. That'd be so fun.

Speaker 72579.86s - 2580.34s

It would be.

Speaker 52580.88s - 2589.32s

It'd be great. Coe said you can't teach what AD ORG does, man. He's been great.

Speaker 42591s - 2591.68s

Let's go.

Speaker 52592.26s - 2626s

Trixer said win of the year, Reves PERSON is the goat. I don't know if it was the win of the year. We mentioned this. I think it's close. Al said, wise call on James being off. We have worthy games to win besides this one.James worthy, like that. This will give us a big lift moving forward when James plays. Is this a confidence builder? No, LeBron, the Lakers ORG don't have to lean on him. They didn't have to rely on him.They mount this epic comeback without LeBron PERSON. Does this build confidence for the team moving forward?

Speaker 72626.76s - 2662.7s

You would hope so, right? Like this is such a big game, such a big win. You would hope so, especially just again, going back to how gutsy it was. You really had to work for this and earn this one. Where the first bucks game,unless my memory is failing me, that was a way closer game. It was more back and forth throughout where this one, Trevor PERSON, like that start was so bad. We were worried if, I think somebody asked us on the playback side, maybe middle of the first quarter is,are they going to pull AD in like Delo at the start of halftime

Speaker 02662.7s - 2664.44s

because of how bad this might get?

Speaker 12665.02s - 2668.8s

And they really had to dig in, get gritty.

Speaker 02669.34s - 2670.06s

And, uh, and yeah.

Speaker 72670.14s - 2703.56s

So this absolutely can be a confidence builder, especially if you're on a four game win streak now, you got to take this one game at a time, obviously. You don't want to look ahead, but you're on a four game one streak, especially if this leads into you, let's just say, hypothetically, winning out the road trip and you go back home, what's that, a nine-game road, nine-game win streak?Are you ready to close out the remainder of your season? Like, this could definitely be a compass booster, but got to take it one game at a time for now.

Speaker 52704.56s - 2722.06s

All right. mama mentality says, I'm going to own it. Looking at who we were missing and also the big lead Milwaukee GPE had, I didn't think we were going to win. Tired legs tomorrow.I don't care because we got the big win. Let's go Lakers ORG. Darwin PERSON called out Dan Wojke after the game for him suggesting on Twitter.

Speaker 32722.62s - 2726.88s

Yeah, he saw the tweet of Dan Wojkeie PERSON saying it might be time to pull the starters.

Speaker 52726.98s - 2727.54s

I'm paraphrasing.

Speaker 32727.54s - 2728.56s

He said something to that effect.

Speaker 52729s - 2761.26s

But Dan PERSON was far from the only one. Muff mentality said he's saying the same thing. You and I were saying the same thing. A lot of people were saying that. Maybe it's time to pull the starters. Darwin PERSON gets to dunk on all of us right now.And we know what happens with Darwin PERSON dunks. Backboards get shattered. But Darwin PERSON gets to dunk on all of us because he didn't pull the guys when a lot of people, a lot of people were saying, hey, you play tomorrow. Maybe time to pull everybody. And they wind up getting this epic win.So, Darwin PERSON, hey, take your victory lap.

Speaker 72762.26s - 2776.72s

That, this is going to be a really random poll. But this is almost as funny to me where this goes back to the first year when I was the lake station. Take your victory lap. This is going to be a really random poll, but this is almost as funny to me where this goes back to the first year while it was the legislation. I think we're playing the Bulls ORG or something really random. And we're getting, so you know how the season was going.It's a really bad season.

Speaker 02777.28s - 2789.62s

We're looking for anything to be positive. And I very randomly shout out Taylor Horn and Tucker PERSON for making a good play, I think. And it's halftime and Taylor and Tucker PERSON likes the tweet. At halftime?

Speaker 52789.9s - 2791.14s

At halftime, I think.

Speaker 72792.42s - 2793.12s

Darwin PERSON's

Speaker 52793.12s - 2796.54s

privileges. That's hilarious.

Speaker 72797.1s - 2798.82s

Shout out, Garvin, for the night.

Speaker 52798.96s - 2799.58s

For the night.

Speaker 72800.38s - 2803s

Still won Kevin Younger, David Alamette PERSON in here.

Speaker 52803.18s - 2803.82s

But Darwin PERSON, good time.

Speaker 72806.5s - 2807.78s

Great game, Darwin PERSON.

Speaker 52807.9s - 2809.6s

We still want you gone. But great game.

Speaker 72809.9s - 2810.5s

Great game.

Speaker 52811.86s - 2818.52s

That's a hell of a compliment there, Sean PERSON. The hell of a team. Hell of a ball club they got. DJ.

Speaker 62818.9s - 2823.66s

So what grind and what guts to complete this amazing comeback?

Speaker 52823.88s - 2837.98s

I love this group of guys. AD for Deepoy PERSON. Who do we want to lose tonight between the Mavs and the Kings ORG? Can we still make seventh or eighth? Sean, well, right now, oh, Dallas ORG is a big.

Speaker 72838.28s - 2839.74s

He's getting ugly in that game.

Speaker 52839.78s - 2843.6s

I was just going to say that. They're up big. They're up 19 right now.

Speaker 72844.28s - 2854.64s

That Dallas ORG team, when they're healthy, they can be scary. Like, you do not want to see Dallas in round one. No, thank you. No.

Speaker 52856.52s - 2860.6s

You also, but do you want to see the Kings ORG? I'd rather see it.

Speaker 72860.64s - 2863.36s

But I'm talking about like if I'm like a top 16. Gotcha.

Speaker 52864.86s - 2945.18s

So here's the standings right now. Again, just to just to go over this. So Dallas, if they win tonight, that would, they would flip flop. They would switch places with Sacramento ORG. Dallas would become the sixth seed. The Kings would become the seven seed.Can the Lakers ORG become the question asked. Can the Lakers become the seven or the eight seed? Again, you need the kings. You need one of these teams, or at least one of them, to lose enough for the Lakers ORG to leap wrong them. And the only, again, if the Lakers win out and Phoenix wins all their games but one,then there's nothing that can be done, right? You're not going to move up. You need these teams to lose games too. Phoenix GPE, I think you have a better chance of jumping over because you have the tiebreaker and they've got the most difficult schedule in the NBA ORG remaining.So there's that. Sacramento, though, has the third most difficult schedule. So Sacramento loses this game and they lose again to Dallas ORG after that. You do not have the tiebreaker over the Kings ORG. So I'm not saying it's likely. I'm not saying it's going to happen.But I think Phoenix and Sacramento are the Lakers' best chance to move up to the seven or eight seed. And, Sean, I will be relieved if they can just get up to eight. I feel like I'm getting greedy if I say I want them to be seven at this point.

Speaker 72945.98s - 2982.94s

You're extra greedy if you say six. Six is actually unrealistic at this point. You like shot your dreams of getting the six seed dead in the face when you lost to Sacramento ORG both times. That was the day when your six seed hopes we're over with. But yeah, if you can get to the seven seed, I mean, hopefully, right?But I mean, if you definitely can get to the seven seed, I mean, hopefully, right, but I mean, if you definitely can get to the 80, you will take that now. It would be kind of ironic. If somebody put this on the on the playback side, Trevor PERSON, worst case scenario probably, right? Is if you get up to the eight seed, you play that seven, eight playing game,

Speaker 32983.36s - 2985.56s

and Denver's the two seed.

Speaker 72986.36s - 2988.56s

That might be worst case scenario.

Speaker 32989.72s - 2990.3s

That might be.

Speaker 72990.66s - 2991.2s

That might be.

Speaker 52991.24s - 3053.22s

But right now, I mean, we're rooting for Oklahoma City Thunder ORG wins because I would prefer to see OKC sitting in the one seed because I think the most likely, you know, we're getting wrapped up and can the Lakers move ahead of Phoenix GPE? Can they move ahead of Sacramento, Dallas ORG, whatever? I think the most likely outcome right know, we're getting wrapped up and can the Lakers move ahead of Phoenix? Can they move ahead of Sacramento, Dallas, whatever? I think the most likely outcome right now is the Lakers finish in the nine seed. That's the most likely outcome.It's not impossible for them to move up. It would be great to see them move up. But the most likely outcome is that they finish in the nine seed. And if that's the case, yeah, you really don't want to see Denver in the one seed because the best, the only way the Lakers can get into the playoffs is as the eight seed and they would be taking on whoever is the one in the first round. So right now, not only are we looking at looking forKings losses, for Mavs losses, for Sun's losses, for Warriors ORG losses, we're also, in my opinion, we're looking for Thunder wins and Nuggets ORG losses because I think there's a decent chance. If the Lakers do get into the playoffs, they're the eight seed. And I don't want to see Denver ORG sitting there as the one. I'd rather it be OKC ORG.

Speaker 73053.84s - 3061.38s

I'm just going to agree with you because I lost my mic for a second and had to refresh. So whatever Trevor PERSON said, yeah, unless it's wrong.

Speaker 53061.78s - 3068.6s

You would have agreed with what I said. I just said you would prefer to see OKC in the playoffs than Denver ORG. Oh, yeah.

Speaker 73068.7s - 3069.44s

Oh, yeah. Absolutely.

Speaker 53069.56s - 3128.88s

Right. Pretty easy. All right. Solek said, I turned the game off. We were down by 15 in the third and had to hold myself back from turning the game on during the comeback. Bravo.That you took one for the team and we all appreciate it. He went away. He turned the game off in frustration and he didn't want to risk it. Didn't want to risk upsetting the balance,upsetting the basketball gods by turning the game back on once the comeback started. You don't want to mess with anything like that. You don't want to jinx it in any kind of way. He went away. The team starts coming back.He made the choice, made the sacrifice for all of us. Stayed away. Said, I can't risk changing anything now. John PERSON, that's some good fan behavior right there.

Speaker 73129.44s - 3145.24s

I learned the hard way about not, about turning games off, you know, too early in the game. But it's the opposite way, obviously. Yeah, Chargers, Jaguars NORP, if nobody understands the reference. Turn the game off. I think it turned the game off, but it was nobody understands the reference. Turned the game off.

Speaker 63145.28s - 3148.46s

I think it turned the game off, but it was 27-0-0 or 27-3,

Speaker 73148.56s - 3155.26s

turned the game off, started playing 2K, started winning two with the Lakers ORG, and this broke my heart.

Speaker 53156.4s - 3190.26s

That's, yeah, that's not a good feeling. Yeah, the chat is noting he's the real MVP. This is why, this is why when I say I'm not falling for it, I got to stay on that side. You don't want to upset the balance in any kind of way. That's the way that it goes.That's what it goes. All right. We're going to do a few more. Boy, we got a big day tomorrow. Big day tomorrow. M. Dread PERSON said, ice in their veins.D.Lo, Austin Reeves PERSON, A.D. wearing bronze, was he? That's right. He doesn't

Speaker 73190.26s - 3191.32s

have his own shoe.

Speaker 53192s - 3192.36s


Speaker 23193.92s - 3196.42s

This episode is brought to you by Hyper Ice,

Speaker 53196.74s - 3198.3s

the leader in advanced warm-up

Speaker 23198.3s - 3226.82s

and recovery technology. They have tons of innovative products, like Venom-Heated PRODUCT wearables to help soothe sore back muscles, Norma-Tek compression boots to speed up recovery and increase circulation, andHypervolt PRODUCT massage guns to improve mobility. Loved by athletes like Naomi Osaka and Erling Holland PERSON. Try them yourself. Get 10% off your order with the cold move at's only a kick. A jump. A block. It's only a kick. A jump.

Speaker 63226.82s - 3250.46s

A block. It's only a serve. It's only a tackle. A run. It's only for the fans. After all, it's only pressure.You got this. Adidas ORG. Ah, A said dame is cooked.

Speaker 53250.88s - 3252.34s

Doesn't look the same in Milwaukee GPE.

Speaker 73252.9s - 3268.92s

I think I, I don't think he's cooked, but I do agree. Like, there's something missing. There's something like weirdly. I still, he's still the same threat. So that's why I won't say he's cooked. But there's something,something is it all the way right in Milwaukee GPE.

Speaker 53269.42s - 3274.54s

He had 27 points in eight assists, which on the surface sounds good. But in a double overtime game,

Speaker 33274.96s - 3276.94s

he was nine for 29 shooting.

Speaker 83277.46s - 3279.18s

Three of 14 from three.

Speaker 33279.38s - 3279.92s

Like that's,

Speaker 83280.34s - 3282.48s

that's the issue.

Speaker 33282.66s - 3283.12s

He's not,

Speaker 53284.12s - 3312.42s

he could still have throwback performances, but he's shooting 43% from the issue. He's not, he could still have throwback performances, but he's shooting 43% from the field on the season on a pretty good Bucks ORG team where he should be getting better looksthan he did last year with Portland on a bad Portland ORG team. He shot 46% on a bad Portland ORG team. His free throw attempts have dropped by almost three per game. Yeah, he's just not, he's not quite that same guy.

Speaker 73312.92s - 3332.02s

I don't think he's who they traded for. He's an upgrade offensively over Drew still, yes. I don't think he's who they. The Damila they traded for is a top eight to 10 offensive player on the planet that is a number one offensive option for a championship team. I don't thinkthat's what they traded for. I don't think that's who he is

Speaker 53332.02s - 3342.14s

right now. Yeah. He's probably I mean, this is without actually making a list, he's probably a top 20 offensive option. Yeah. You say that? Probably right.

Speaker 73342.96s - 3343.26s

All right.

Speaker 53344.1s - 3442.64s

Ricky PERSON said, I don't care what happens after this. Nobody can question 80s toughness again. This man continues to play the most minutes of our players and is there every night. I sure hope he's okay to go tomorrow. But like, I mean, 52 minutes like he really, he played two basketball games tonight. That's that's crazy.And especially on a bad knee, hopefully he's okay for tomorrow. But this is a very quick turnaround. And yeah, let's give Anthony Davis PERSON credit, though. For all the narratives about him, and it took what? It took one eye injury against Golden State ORG for instantly everybody to come piling on again. And oh, street clothes and Mr. Glass and all this. Anthony Davis PERSON is doing it again. He's just weak.And all that stuff, all that stuff got reignited with one incident. But if you look at the course of the season, hell look at the last year you look at the last calendar year go back 365 days Anthony Davis PERSON has been very available for this team he's playing through whatever he can play throughit took his eye swelling shut for him to come out of that game um AD ORG man he's he's way tougher this is why all the nicknames and stuff,they're not really fair for Anthony Davis PERSON, because if you're just jumping in to dunk on AD every time that something bad happens with him, every time there's an injury, and you're not really paying attention to the team night in, night out, you're missing so much of what does make this guy special.

Speaker 73444.28s - 3486.32s

Yeah, I don't ever want to, uh, to hear somebody call AD ORG street clothes ever again. Like he's been consistently one the most healthy players in the league for the past two years now. And, um, yeah, I mean,he's going to qualify for all the awards. And, uh, I wonder if, uh, some of the other people who should be called street clothes or if they're going to qualify. Like, I wonder why. I don't like the term in general, but I wonder why we haven't called Durala Beach Street Close PRODUCT yet, or glass yet.We're literally the past, I want to say three playoff runs, and B's gotten hurt in the playoffs, each of the past three years.

Speaker 53488.64s - 3491.18s

He started his NBA ORG career hurt, literally. He got, he was hurt while he was drafted.

Speaker 73494.06s - 3504.78s

He missed an entire playoff series in the bubble because he was hurt. Like, but we never call him street clothes. It's because AD plays for the Lakers ORG, so I get that, right? But like, come on,I don't want to hear it ever again because it's ridiculous.

Speaker 53506.72s - 3552s

As Sir Harrow said, LeBron better start warming up right now for tomorrow's game. Boy, they need a big they need a big one for LeBron from LeBron tomorrow. All right. Let's do a couple more. Delo PERSON. Oh, you know what?We didn't do the master lock yet. We've been we've been so positive. We didn't do the master lock. We We've been so positive. I'll show. We didn't do the master lock. We need to get to that. All right.Let's do that next. Delo said four games in a row. It's our time now. Dre PERSON is a menace. He's talking about the Dreyman Green play from earlier tonight. That was yikes. But yeah, four games in a row, four wins in a row for the Lakers ORG.We'll take it. Let's go. All right, chat. You know what time it is. Fired off in the comment section. What is the master lock of the night?Let's do it.

Speaker 13553.26s - 3560.18s

Master lock of the night. And we've already got Master Locked, Dylan Brooks PERSON.

Speaker 53561.82s - 3598.66s

Bill and Brooks getting Master Locked every night. Gotta love it. Gotta love it. Gotta love it. Master lock, oh, Master Lock Malik Beasley PERSON, who suddenly can occasionally hit threes.MasterLock Malik Beasley PERSON or the refs with the missed calls. Sean, I'm seeing a lot of Malik Beasley PERSON. I'm seeing a lot of, oh, Jay Crowder PERSON. That must be a Matt,the Optimus Peralta, chiming in with that one. Oh, Malik Beasley PERSON for taunting. Did you see Beasley PERSON and DeLo and Beasley yelling at the Lakers ORG benchand all that stuff?

Speaker 73598.96s - 3599.7s

He did,

Speaker 53599.94s - 3600.54s


Speaker 73600.56s - 3603.64s

the Lakers ORG bench. I do remember that. So that was something.

Speaker 53604.76s - 3613.24s

I'm getting a lot of MasterLock Beasley PERSON here. Sean PERSON, what would you MasterLock from this game? What's the most annoying thing? Just officiating.

Speaker 73613.42s - 3625.82s

I think as a coach, I think the most frustrated part. You very much understand, right? The officials have a very frustrating job, a very thankless job in most ways.

Speaker 83626.42s - 3633.62s

So the only thing that is a coach you ever ask of the officials is to be consistent.

Speaker 73633.62s - 3713.72s

And there were too many times tonight where I just felt like it just wasn't consistent. There's a couple of instances. One, now, this is an inconsistency thing. This is a league. This isn't a foul thing. Now, now, this is an inconsistency thing. This is a, like, league. This isn't a foul thing. Now, granted, we got the call back with Austin PERSON.There's a awful, awful foul call for Damia Lillard PERSON down the stretch in this game. I can't remember if it was in single overtime or in double overtime. I hate that foul so much because Dane PERSON just, like, leans forward and, like, exaggerates it with his legs to draw the foul call. And I also does the exact same thing on the other end of the floor to also draw the foul. So I mean, yay consistency there. But like I just don't think that's a foul.And it should be called a foul in a league where you already give the defense kind of no like way out anyway. You give the offense another bailout. But the play I'm really pissed off about Trevor is there's a play early in the game where Torian PERSON has a very obvious travel, right? It's a swing, swing, swing play.And instead of Toran PERSON being aggressive, it is shooting the damn ball, he tries to, like, I don't know what he's trying to do. I think he's trying to drive. He travels. He shovels his feet and travels.Obvious call. We're cool with it. Game on the line. Yannis gets a pass on at the elbow. His, I mean, not the elbow at the wing.

Speaker 53713.98s - 3715.58s

He's a similar spot on the floor.

Speaker 73716.22s - 3718.74s

Similar spot on the floor. His was way more egregious.

Speaker 13718.74s - 3722.44s

He takes a full extra step and then drives.

Speaker 53722.68s - 3725.02s

And I think he spends, draws a foul or whatever.

Speaker 13725.74s - 3726.5s

And we're just like,

Speaker 73726.54s - 3747.36s

you can't challenge a trial, you can't, you can't challenge a non call. Right. So it's like, bro,you're going to, if they have won the game off of that, they're going to win the game off of a missed call that I can't even challenge if I wanted to, which defeats the freaking purpose of the challenge rule in the first place. Like that the,you're 100% right.

Speaker 53747.56s - 3752.06s

And that's also going to be my master log. But I'm going to rewind it one play before that.

Speaker 03752.58s - 3761.92s

One play before that, DeLo gets into the paint and he goes up to shoot and gets fouled across the arms by Malik Beasley PERSON.

Speaker 63762.34s - 3763.48s

Ball goes out of bounds.

Speaker 53764.06s - 3765.16s

It's Lakers ORG ball.

Speaker 13765.56s - 3766.68s

The Bucks ORG challenge it.

Speaker 53767.28s - 3859.92s

And everybody can see playing as the, playing as day, it's a foul on Malik Beasley PERSON. Easy to see. And it may be at this point, who the hell knows what the rule is, right? Like who knows what they can change and what they can't? Because it's all so convoluted. But you go, you look at the replay, it's clear.Obviously, DeAndre Russell PERSON got fouled. It should have been free throws for Delo PERSON. Probably should have ended the game right there in regulation. But who knows what would have happened after that. But instead, you have to ignore the foul or they choose to ignore the foul and the ball goes to the bucks to set up that, that Yonis PERSON play that you're talking about.It makes no sense. Whether we want to call that whether that's a those officials problem or an NBA ORG rule problem when you go to review something if there's an obvious foul that everybody can see that needs to be addressed de angrile russal PERSON the end of get the ball went out of bounds because delo got fouled not because delo the ball went out of bounds because Delo PERSON got fouled, not because Delo PERSON just threw it out of bounds. So what they review, if they're going to have the review rule at all, needs to be adjusted.At this point, Sean PERSON, though, I would just say, just throw it away. Just throw away the whole review, throw away the challenges, and let's just call it good. That's where I'm at because it's more frustrating than anything else, saying them still get things wrong. Have some stuff get reviewed. Other stuff can or can't be.It's a mess. Just get rid of the whole thing. I'm game with that.

Speaker 73860.38s - 3882.32s

Really quick update on the poll. We got over 5,000 votes on this poll. You guys are ridiculous. Let's get one more like Spike PERSON while we're at it too. You guys are awesome. And on the poll, 56% of the vote right now is Anthony Davis for a superstar of the night.It's gotten a little closer for sure. But, um, yeah. Or yeah, yeah, really, really fun. All right.

Speaker 53882.4s - 3947.34s

Yeah, we do have, we've got the, uh, those likes coming in. We do appreciate that. The Mavs up 20 heading into the fourth. Woo. That is, uh, that's turning into a blowout for the Mavs ORG. But you never know, as we saw tonight when teams can come back.I'll potentially get a win. Uh, all right. Malcolm PERSON said my heart can't take another game like that. But wow, what a win. Wonder how 50 minutes is going to affect our guys tomorrow, though. That's the big question.That's the big question. What does Memphis GPE look like now? What does that game look like? Now the Lakers have to go get on a plane, fly to Memphis GPE, get there in the middle of the night, and then play. That's not easy.That's going to be tough to do. I mean, they would still be fatigued day after tomorrow. I mean, that game tips off in 20 hours.That's going to be tough. Orange ORG said, when I saw Beasley taunt the bench after he hit that first three in overtime, I knew we were going to win.That made me more glad that they won.

Speaker 03947.42s - 3948.72s

Like when you see a player hit a three

Speaker 83948.72s - 3949.96s

and then turn and yell at your bench,

Speaker 03950.2s - 3970.12s

now I would imagine the Lakers ORG bench was probably saying things to him as he was shooting that three. But still, it feels there's some extra joy in getting a winwhen you see another guy that's yelling stuff at your bench. All right.

Speaker 53970.2s - 3997.8s

Last one here. JJ PERSON said, I'm proud of this team for fighting all the way back and getting this win. They know how every game matters at this point. Yeah.They did. They fought hard. They stuck with it. I thought, Sean PERSON, I thought we were going to see them start they fought hard. They stood, they stuck with it. I thought, Sean PERSON, I thought we were going to see them start to let up.But instead, they gave it one last, one last shot. And boy, it didn't work out. Gutsy,as you would say. It's just about to say that,

Speaker 73997.9s - 4003.54s

but he took it out my mouth. So we're good. Gutsy win. And back at it tomorrow. Got to win tomorrow too.

Speaker 54004.38s - 4005.96s

Gotta win tomorrow. Got to win tomorrow, too. Gotta win tomorrow.

Speaker 04009.18s - 4035.98s

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