Lakers Collapse In 2nd Half, Lose Game 2

Lakers Collapse In 2nd Half, Lose Game 2

by, Blue Wire

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75:30 minutes

published 1 month ago


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Speaker 40s - 70.4s

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Speaker 571.72s - 160.72s

Hello, Lakers Nation ORG. Welcome in. Trevor Lane here for Lakers This is Lakers Nation ORG live. Everybody coming in, probably pretty angry right now. And frankly, you should be.That was one of the worst things I think that we've seen from this Lakers. One of the worst things this team has done the collapse in the second half, unbelievable. And you lose at the buzzer. Now drop 02 in the series, and that could very well be your season right there to drop that game. Given the things that went right for the Lakers in the first half, we've got a lot to talk about. What happened down the stretch?Why no timeouts from Darvindam PERSON? Why not challenge the phantom foul or at the very least the tickey tack foul that Jamal Murray enjoyed there to get two free throws at the end? Lots of questions. What happened to the Lakers ORG' offense? Once again, going away from all the things that got them there.Frustrating night, I'm right there with all of you. Trust me, if I was not on the air right now, things would be thrown. But we've got a lot to talk about. So welcome in, everybody. A lot of stuff for us to break down. Join to me.I can already see him backstage. And he is, is not happy. Maybe in a state of quiet meditation here. It's Sean Davis PERSON. Sean PERSON, how are you doing? Not good.

Speaker 1161.64s - 183.56s

It's a very rough viewing experience. I'm not going to lie. That's kind of, I kind of feel like, I don't even know if numb is the word, because I feel like it's overused.But look, I'm going to, and I'm going to piss people off by saying this. I don't care. I already did it on Twitter. As regards to the final play, I'm sure we're going to talk about it a ton.Sure.

Speaker 5185.44s - 187.18s

I am okay with that shot from Brian.

Speaker 1187.66s - 188.34s

I get it.

Speaker 5188.34s - 195.08s

It is semi early in the shot clock, but there is no guarantee if you wait for a better,

Speaker 1195.2s - 200.34s

if you wait for a better shot in error quotes, so you can get a better look than that,

Speaker 0200.76s - 204.46s

especially considering he's already taken two and made them.

Speaker 1205.44s - 281.58s

And he's been a good three-point sure this season. You did not lose the game in that final play. And then, unfortunately, I mean, ironically, your second best player, or arguably your best player, who cares at this point, Anthony Davis PERSON, Jamar Marie PERSON just hits a tough shot.And, you know, the part that I can live with, Trevor PERSON, regardless of the BS from the refs, and I, regardless from some very easy stuff that the Lakers ORG just didn't counter to, just, I'm not to get mad, despite the fact that it took them two full games to finally go to Spain pick and roll, which I've been freaking calling for the entire seriessince when we finally were playing ever since last Tuesday or whatever. And immediately, when they go to, they get three good looks, get Dela open layup, Braun, open layup, Braun, open three. They obviously just miss. Despite all that, the final two plays of the game involved two best players. So from a coaching perspective,if the final two plays went like that where our best, our best two best players got a chance both offensively and defensively to bring it home, it's just unfortunate at that point. And game three on Thursday.

Speaker 5282.88s - 285.24s

Yeah, I mean, Sean, game three on Thursday.

Speaker 1285.4s - 288.4s

How did, I don't know how you mentally bounce back.

Speaker 5288.66s - 290.58s

I don't know what you say in the locker room right now.

Speaker 1290.76s - 291.46s

You don't.

Speaker 5291.94s - 292.62s

You don't.

Speaker 1292.86s - 295s

I don't know what you say in that locker room right now.

Speaker 5295s - 305.62s

Yeah, you don't bounce back from that because you got, you got what you needed in this game. You got seven of 11 from three. You got the heater performance out of Dilo PERSON. You got Anthony Davis PERSON. That's the bad Jamal Murray performance. You got 7 of 11 from 3. You got the heater performance out of Delo. You got Anthony Davis.

Speaker 1305.9s - 307.28s

That's a bad Jamal Murray PERSON performance.

Speaker 5307.88s - 449.84s

You got a bad Jamal Murray PERSON. Nine of 24 for Jamal Murray PERSON hits that last shot. You got everything that you could have wanted. Now, I was worried, you know me. I worry all game. The mistakes piled up for the Lakers ORG.They kept making them and kept making the little things that you can't do. You can't miss layups against Denver ORG. They did it, a bunch in this game. Just things like that will kill you, but you got what you needed for the most part in this game. Rui Hachamura PERSON,bad performance, one for seven. And this one did not play well. But, I mean, you've got the DELO heater you needed. LeBron finished with 26, 12, and 8. Anthony Davis did his 32 and 11 and he had a heater going in the first half. And you still don't walk away with the win. You give up 20 to Murray, 27 to Yokic, 22 to Porter on 6 of 10 from 3.You've got the same thing we've been seeing for the last couple of years now of a random play where the ball bounces the Nuggets way and it turns into a three for Porter PERSON. That happened again. Murray PERSON hits the buzzer beater. You've got everything you needed in order to win this game against Denver ORG and you still found a way to lose. And again, I put this out on X. If you open a door, Denver will walk through it every single time. And the Lakers ORG open the door. They opened the door.They went, what, five minutes plus without scoring. So I don't know that you bounce back from this. Just being honest. I hope they do. I hope they go. They win both games at home and off we go.But mentally, knowing what you just got out of your guys tonight, knowing what you got from AD ORG, knowing what you got from D. Lo, how do you bounce back from that? That's top. The whole game, I felt like it was closer than it should have been. And you just don't finish the game the way you needed to. Certainly frustrating. Let's get into some of our questions here.Heartbreaking Kobe-type shot from Cliff PERSON. Rui, Gabe, Hayes, and Dinwiddie combined for three points. I mean, Gabe Hayes and Dinwiddie PERSON don't store a lot to begin with, but it was certainly a poor performance. When I talk about the missed layups, a lot of those were Rui PERSON.

Speaker 1450.16s - 451.26s

Oh, man.

Speaker 5451.52s - 454.54s

He missed so many shots right at the rim.

Speaker 1454.96s - 458.08s

He missed two layups, but he missed the dunk on his baseline cut.

Speaker 5458.86s - 520.04s

Yeah. Yeah, I mean, you just, and he's been pretty good on the season. It was a bad night for, and that's the problem is you can't have, like last game, it was Delo PERSON. You can't have a stinker performance out of anybody, essentially, if you're going to beat this team. And unfortunately, most nights, you're going to have somebody who's off tonight.It was Rui PERSON. Mamadu said, is the season over? Honestly, probably, right? Now, look, I hope I'm wrong. I hope I'm wrong and the Lakers come back and they win two at home.But now you have to win four out of the next five against Denver ORG. The odds of that happening when you just got what you got out of these guys tonight, pretty slim.And then on top of that, you got the heater game out of theo you got what you needed there and mentally i don't know how you bounce back Sean PERSON i don't know they've got three days i guess you've got till Thursday i don't know how mentally they bounce

Speaker 1520.04s - 561.32s

back from this that that's the biggest problem. I mean, we talked about the entire show after, after game one. I'm sorry, sorry, heading into tonight, excuse me, about like, you just got to respond. You got to respond mentally. You got to respond to the punch that they were through. And they battled, yeah, but there was still a moment like they lost the world. But it felt like they, it felt like they had like grabbed the hold of it again.And where they put themselves in a position still despite all the nonsense to have a chance to win. And especially for the game to end like that. Yeah.

Speaker 2561.5s - 566.1s

And that's why I said, like I genuinely don't know what you would say

Speaker 1566.1s - 567.7s

heading into that locker right now.

Speaker 5567.7s - 569.62s

Well, I'll tell you what Darwin PERSON's saying.

Speaker 1570.18s - 579.96s

This is from Darwin PERSON. Oh, boy. Okay. This is from Darwin PERSON. He says the Lakers ORG will be better than this. And all the Nuggets did was hold serve at home and now the Lakers ORG need to do the same.

Speaker 5580.8s - 584.24s

And he said the Lakers ORG need to remember the feeling, even though.

Speaker 1584.24s - 590.82s

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no. and he said the Lakers need to remember the feeling, even though it's saying to come out and be ready for game three. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Do not do to remember the feeling, BS.

Speaker 5591.34s - 703.1s

Like, dog, remember losing the previous nine straight times. Like, dog, no, I'm, that is not an acceptable answer. I apologize for cutting you off. That is not an acceptable answer. Yeah, that's, that's what Darwin PERSON said. And I think,Darwin PERSON, honestly, he's going to try to put a positive spin on everything. But if he's looking at this and Darwin PERSON is saying, well, all the Nuggets ORG did was hold serve on their home court and that's, and that's it. Darv PERSON, I mean, I have to imagine that's, that's just what he has to say. He knows what this meant. He knows what this meant.He has to. He has to know what this meant. He knows what this meant. He has to. He has to know what this, what this game meant. He has to. My heart hasn't sunk like this in a long time. Yeah, for sure. That was, I mean, that's about as crushing as you could be if you were to try to scriptsomething as heartbreaking as possible that was probably it right that would be probably what you come up with that your guys that you need to step up step up and they play great and they're hitting the shots they need to and they're fired up and they're making plays and then to slowly painfully you felt it away you could feel it's slipping away and the whole time it's like the entire second half is happening in slow motion and you're screaming no stop doing what you're doing fix this and youjust are stuck watching it happen over and over and over again as you see it slip away and then to end on the final play like that you could not script anything worse i think than what we just witnessed Sean PERSON if this was not my job i'd be calling in sick tomorrow

Speaker 1703.1s - 708.8s

dog i might legitimately call in sick tomorrow for my...

Speaker 5708.8s - 711.72s

I'm taking a mental health day.

Speaker 1712.94s - 721.56s

Andrew PERSON said as crushing as it can get. Turnovers, play calling drought again. Terrible officiating too, but we gave this one away.

Speaker 5722.56s - 808.92s

The officiate, I mean, DeAndre Russell PERSON got smacked in the face. The referees reviewed it, looked at it, all in slow motion, from all they saw him get hit in the face and said,oh, no, no foul. Again, you can point to a lot of things, but I'm going to continue my crusade. What's the point of having the review system? Just get rid of it. Scrap the whole damn thing if you're going to have a review system and still get it wrong.And so blatantly, obviously wrong. There's no point. There's no reason to have a review system. If you can't trust the referees to go look at it, see it happen, an obvious foul, happen in slow motion on the replay, different angles,and you still can't trust the refs to get it right? Get rid of it. There's no reason to stop the game then. Get rid of it. But again, this is, as frustrating as the officiating was,you scored 40 points in a half with your season essentially on the line. Were the Lakers ORG fouled sometimes where they probably should have gotten free through? Yeah. But that's got to be on the Lakers ORG. You can't just score 40 points and a half and expect to win.The review system is an embarrassment to the NBA ORG.

Speaker 1809.28s - 812.16s

And that's honestly how I feel. Yeah.

Speaker 2812.2s - 813.08s

So essentially,

Speaker 1813.08s - 831.44s

so essentially what we learn tonight is if Trevor Lane PERSON shoots a jumper, I am allowed. I'm sorry, shoots a lay, it goes up for a layup. The ball is out. I know, sorry, shoots the layup, it goes up for a layup. The ball is out. I just have to wait into the ball is out of his hands.And it's fair game.

Speaker 5832s - 832.9s

It's fair game.

Speaker 2833.38s - 836.96s

If I hire the rock to come in and rock bottom,

Speaker 1837.34s - 842.7s

Trevor PERSON while he's midair, I mean, it's not foul.

Speaker 2843.16s - 850.5s

That is essentially what we learned tonight. The Angela Russell, the ball is out of his hands, gets full face palmed,

Speaker 1850.78s - 861.46s

but I don't even know who I want to say with Aaron Gordon. Maybe I'm wrong. I think it might be Jamal PERSON actually. And upon replay review, it is not a foul. Okay.

Speaker 5863.26s - 937.32s

That's awful. And now he mentions turnovers as well. 14 turnovers for the Lakers ORG. That's actually not that foul. Okay. That's awful. And now he mentions turnovers as well. 14 turnovers for the Lakers ORG. That's actually not that bad. The nine offensive reboundsfor the Nuggets ORG was tough. And again, the Nuggets didn't shoot well from three, shot 24% from three and rounded up to get there. The Lakers ORG did shoot well,shot 43% from three. But too many mistakes. Too many mistakes against this team. You can't do it. You can't do it. And they, you know, the officiating was bad.There's no question, especially down the stretch. But Kronos PERSON said, I know he's had some nice glue guy activity, but Austin feeling like a total non-factor across two games with a fraction of Delo PERSON scrutiny is silly. I think what's happening is the job Austin PERSON's been doing defensively, hasn't been getting enough credit, but him shooting four for 11 and one for five from three in this game,it's certainly fair to criticize that. Missed a big three late. We talked about it before the series, though. This happens with Austin PERSON. we've seen this happen last couple of seasons he burns his legs out chasing us step curry defending a jamal murray and his offensive game suffers i think that's kind of what we're saying here in this series

Speaker 1937.32s - 1013.94s

i'm uh i think the biggest thing with austin GPE maybe this is the legs or whatever and and that sounds like a conditioning thing with Austin PERSON then, what you're referencing? And I'm not, you know, trying to make any assumptions or anything like that. But I think the biggest thing with Austin PERSON has tanked his value as an offensive player more than anything. And why the D-Lo Austin PERSON pairing isn't as special as well as last year. Because Austin's efficiency as a off-ball player has severely fallen off. As an on-ball player, he's still mostly, he has a game like tonight where I thought on-ball he wasn't that great.But, I mean, outside of that, he's been mostly still like the same on-ball Austin PERSON. It's just that off the ball, he's been rough. There'll be moments where you're like, oh, hey, Austin hits a couple of catch and shoot threes. But for the most part, man, just the off ball efficiency has reallyjust tanked his value as an offensive player next to DeAndler Russell PERSON, which is unfortunate. And it detracts from the fact that Austin's been great on Jamal Murray for the most for most of these two games. Yeah.Yeah. Frustrating.

Speaker 51015.4s - 1119.82s

Folks, if you haven't done so yet, if you're over on the YouTube channel, hit that subscribe button. And don't forget to hit the like button as well. Let's try to get those those likes up, get this video on to as many people as we can. Delo PERSON, I mean, bounce back, you can't be too mad at Delo PERSON. Bounce back in a big way.7 of 11 from 3, 23 points. Did what you needed to do. Four turnovers, including a couple of sloppy ones, a bad one on a lob to AD late that really hurt, but it's hard to complain about DeAngel Russell when he has 23 points on 7-11 from 3. He was big, I think, for the Lakers tonight.You've got what you needed to out of him. So unfortunately, tough loss. But hopefully that gets some of the scrutiny off of him. But unfortunately, because it didn't result in a win, I think that's still going to exist. But he really, I mean, it can't be mad at the Andrew Russell. Coah said, sad to say, but we're never going to beat them up 20 in thethird and lost on a buzzer beater. There's no coming back from this man. That's kind of where I'm at. I don't know how you've got a couple of days off, but mentally, how the hell do you come back from that, given the context? That's 10 straight. You've got everything you need to do. How do you come back? I just, hey, I would hope somehow the Lakers ORG have the mental toughness to fix this and to go back at them.But I don't know if we've seen a lot of mental toughness from this team this season. And to some degree, they've come back in games and things like that, but I was worried about the body language in game one. I'm really worried about what the body language is going to look like in game three. Yeah.

Speaker 11120.46s - 1134.5s

And I mean, like I say, you can't even blame them. You got everything you needed, man. You got the D. Lo PRODUCT heater. I know you said this at the top, but it's like just now hitting me personally.

Speaker 01135.14s - 1136.4s

You got the Dilo PERSON heater.

Speaker 11137.08s - 1163.12s

You got the AD ORG dominant game for at least the first three quarters. And then Braun comes in the fourth and was seemingly, with everybody else is starting to get shell-shocked almost. Braun PERSON's like, no, we are not doing this again. He gets a couple of big-time steals, gets a block at the rim, get hits the two-threes that at one point,when it really felt like the Lakers ORG were going to lose, and maybe he'll lose by a lot. Braun hits two-threes.

Speaker 01163.32s - 1165.34s

And at the time, at least push the lead back up to eight.

Speaker 11167.66s - 1174.36s

You got almost everything you needed, man. You got the Jamal Murray PERSON quiet game until the freaking last two minutes.

Speaker 21175.64s - 1177.52s

And you were up 20.

Speaker 11178.44s - 1180.4s

You can see down the stretch.

Speaker 51180.5s - 1299.14s

You could see the third and fourth quarter of the Lakers ORG defense just did not get enough stops. We're begging, pleading for stops on the live show over on playback and on YouTube ORG. And they're just not finding them. They justaren't finding stops all the way throughout. They couldn't find a way to get stops when they needed them. And it was an absolute crusher. Mava mentality says Jamal PERSON give you props, but seeing how close it was, refs, come on. You know you hitLeBron on the wrist and and Deelow PERSON was definitely hit on the face. Oh, the officiating was terrible. There's no question. This is a poorly officiated game with some major mistakes made at key moments.And Darwin PERSON referenced that after the game. He said he thought like there were a lot of bad no calls late in the game. And he's right. That was, I mean, there were opportunities that were taken away by the officials, but still, the Lakers ORG have got to do better than what we just saw.You can't, you can't take a game where you've got the momentum and everything and just let it all slip away the way they did in this one. And here's, here's the thing, Sean PERSON. Here's what I don't understand. Why again, you went through a five-minute spell in the third quarter where you didn't score no field goals for five minutes in the third quarter and they did the same thingthey just started freelancing it's like they panic and stop running the stuff that gets them that we talked about on the podcast yesterday about how you're in a fight, right? We're in a boxing match and they're jabbing. They're jabbing. They're jabbing. They're jabbing. They're jabbing. And it's scoring points. And it's scoring points. And suddenly you get hit a couple times and you throw yourplan out the window and he suddenly start throwing haymakers. That's what the Lakers ORG do. That's what the Lakers do. They're throwing that jab. They're finding success with it. They get hit by a quick combo. And they just abandon it. And they start running freelance offense rather than sticking with the stuff that works. Sean PERSON, you might reference the Spain pick and roll. Got him a look right at the rim. They scored off of it.

Speaker 11300.82s - 1303.64s

Twice. Why? And look, twice.

Speaker 51304.48s - 1305.82s

Doug. This goes back. Sean, this goes back to Darwin PERSON. This goes twice dog this goes back

Speaker 11305.82s - 1308.56s

Sean PERSON this goes back to Darwin

Speaker 51308.56s - 1352.46s

this goes back to Darwin PERSON Ham you've got to have your hands on the steering wheel you can't let go of the wheel in these moments and say oh that's okay keep running freelance you're fine this is where you have tosay this is what we're running. Run this play right now because we believe this is going to get us a good look. Instead, they go through the stretch and it's just, well, let's hope we make this shot. It makes no sense. No sense whatsoever. We've tried to sort it out.I wish we could explain why go away from all the stuff that gets you there.

Speaker 11353.52s - 1462.14s

I wish we were able to clip out my reaction to the Lakers ORG finally going to it. It makes it seem like I'm mad, which I wasn't. I was, okay, I wasn't mad at the results. So like, Dilo, we run Spain, pick and roll, or stack action. For Deelow, the first time, DeLo gets wide up and lay up. I'm like, okay, thank God PERSON about time.They go to it again. And Maria PERSON, I just stood up. I walk off camera. I walk back, hands up like this. Because, talk, this reminds me of, ironically, the Denver series series last year where we are like hey you know you need to start ruy you need to do this you need to do that with yokeage and it takes themthree games to do it and the you and me are like huh that's freaking funny that we do it. You get some success. They're like, dog, why did it take us three games to do it? And this, this baby girl thing sounds so like minuscule or whatever, right? But when it's a staple of your offense, it actually works. And it just so happens to counter a something that Denver ORG is doing schematically.And it takes you until the last 45 okay maybe 40 5 seconds is harsh the last minute in 30 or whatever of a must win game on the road when it's tied up to go to it is freaking ridiculous to me and i just posted this on my on my twitter page at shan underscore d ORG a i underscore DABI. I want a damn explanation. What is the thought problem? The idea is we're,we're trying to set this up and save it for this right moment. I call BS because here's the reason why I call BS, Trevor PERSON. If we're trying to set, how do you set it up when you haven't done anything that's mirroring it yet?

Speaker 21463.06s - 1465s

Like, like, like, yeah.

Speaker 51465.92s - 1467.66s

And here's the thing, here's the thing, though.

Speaker 21468s - 1472.54s

A Spain pick and roll is not some damn secret play.

Speaker 51473.38s - 1475.06s

Everybody in the league runs it.

Speaker 21475.06s - 1482.08s

Everyone runs it. It's not something that you that, oh, we, once we do it, once everybody sees this, the cat's out of the bag. No.

Speaker 51483.04s - 1484.3s

It's not a play.

Speaker 21484.48s - 1487.1s

It's not some creative reinventing the wheel

Speaker 11487.1s - 1508.42s

scheme every single team in the NBA ORG I guarantee you if I had the the wherewithal and the time to go do this if I went to go track every single team's ball screen offense I could probably finally five plays of them running spain picking a roll yeah so. So like, there's a thing for play callers, right, where it's called sequencing, right?

Speaker 21508.5s - 1520.88s

Essentially running something multiple times or running it once or twice to set up the big play down the stretch. Yep. And it's not like we did that. It's not like the Lakers ORG said, all right,in game one, we're going to run this action,

Speaker 11521.92s - 1541.12s

already having the wherewithal in mind. Hey, all right, game two with a minute left. We're going to go to stack action or even tonight in the third in the, in the first quarter of first half,whatever. All right. We're going to run this to set up stack. I know. It's not like we're. It is,

Speaker 51541.24s - 1543.58s

it's the same in baseball.

Speaker 11544.22s - 1548.66s

It's the same thing where you have pitchers who set up a batter.

Speaker 51548.92s - 1549.92s

I lost Sean PERSON apparently.

Speaker 11552.64s - 1557.72s

Sean PERSON collapsed it on himself like a dying star here due to the,

Speaker 51557.84s - 1598.84s

the frustration level. It's the same thing in baseball. You set up a batter. You're throwing the heat. You're throwing the heat. You're throwing the heat. Boom. Here's the change up. Right? It's the same thing in baseball. You set up a batter. You're throwing the heat. You're throwing the heat. You're throwing the heat.Boom. Here's the change up. Right? It's the payoff pitch. You're setting them up for something. Right?We don't see that right now with this Lakers ORG play call. Again, again, you go away from play calling for such long stretches. It's nonsensical. It's costing you games. It costs you a game tonight, I believe it was a big part of the problem. And you're right. It's not like you need It costs you a game tonight, I believe it was a big part of the problem. And you're right.It's not like you need to hide a Spain pick and roll and just not try it because, oh, no, we got to save this for later on in the series. You're done if you don't win this game.

Speaker 11598.84s - 1605.54s

It's not like a box or one or something. It's not like a box or one where nobody except like Nick Nurse PERSON and a few other coaches are running it.

Speaker 21605.9s - 1607.16s

It's not like that.

Speaker 11607.72s - 1618s

Where, okay, we are going to hold on to this one thing until it's life life or death. No, that's not it. Coa PERSON said, sad to say, we're

Speaker 51618s - 1643.22s

never going to beat them. Oh, okay, I got that one already. Wicked Bronco said, oh, Giosi, let me get to this first. Frank Vogel PERSON would be winning with this roster. Maybe, I mean, maybe you don't give up so many defensive. The Lakers' offense has been better than Frank Vogel's PERSON offense. I'll say that.By a lot. For sure. By a lot. For sure. Darvin Yams PERSON needs to go. Don't wait till after the series.Oh.

Speaker 11643.92s - 1645.8s

Don't wait till after a series is Oh. Don't wait till after series is insane.

Speaker 51647.1s - 1653.1s

Don't wait till after the man. He has to walk back to LA GPE. He doesn't get back on the plane.

Speaker 11653.76s - 1659.24s

Do you remember like James Hardin PERSON? They wouldn't let him get on the plane. What was that situation

Speaker 51659.24s - 1665.94s

earlier in the season? Really? Oh, he was when he was with the 76ers ORG, he was going to, they wouldn't let him on the team plane.

Speaker 21666.48s - 1668.5s

They barred him from getting on the team plane.

Speaker 51668.98s - 1677.06s

Do you do that with Arvatham PERSON? Do you let him back on the team plane? Does he get a seat on the plane? Hey, man.

Speaker 11677.78s - 1681.02s

Hey, I didn't look. I didn't see it.

Speaker 51682.02s - 1687.22s

Do you leave him there? Just leave him in Denver ORG? Do you feel handy? Your Just leave him in Denver ORG? Did it feel handy?

Speaker 11687.72s - 1688.22s

Your job?

Speaker 51689.28s - 1690.66s

I'm kidding, obviously, but

Speaker 01690.66s - 1694.9s

he went away from what got them up 20.

Speaker 11695.1s - 1696.08s

Master Locked the refs.

Speaker 01696.2s - 1698.8s

Evidently, you can hit MFers in the face now.

Speaker 51699.44s - 1725.98s

Nuggets got every call in the third, which gave them momentum. Yeah, and they fed on that momentum. They got a great whistle, especially in the third which gave them momentum. Yeah, and they fed on that momentum. They got a great whistle, especially in the third and fourth quarters. They said it was a poorly officiated game.That said, you should not, you still should not score 40 points in a half of a must-win game. By the way, Anthony Davis PERSON, 24 points at halftime finishes with 32. Yeah. Did the Lakers Anthony Davis, 24 points at halftime finishes with 32. Yeah.

Speaker 11726.08s - 1727.76s

Did the Lakers ORG just go away from him?

Speaker 51730.16s - 1730.58s


Speaker 11730.72s - 1733.58s

I would have to go back and look at the film.

Speaker 21733.94s - 1734.34s


Speaker 11734.84s - 1745.94s

And I don't want to do that right now. I'm definitely not staying up until 3 o'clock rewatching this game. If anything, I am burning this gameand they'reasing it.

Speaker 51746.16s - 1747.06s

What's the thing called?

Speaker 11748.18s - 1749.84s

The men in black thing.

Speaker 51749.96s - 1780.64s

Oh, the men in black, the, yeah, the flashy thing that erases your memory. Yeah, let's do that. You know what else will do that? What's it called? Alcohol.We're going to need a lot of it. We're going to need a lot of it. We're going to need a lot of it. Syrac ORG said refs, contact, marginal. Everyone, you keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means. That's right. That's right. Phoenix said brutal ending. LeBron PERSON's got to make that

Speaker 11780.64s - 1793.96s

shot. And that's honestly what it comes down to for me, man. Like, I get it. I just, LeBron PERSON, you know what? I'll do you want better. If this was Braun last year, I am furious right now. I think context.

Speaker 51793.96s - 1795.6s

He took it with 16 seconds left.

Speaker 11796.42s - 1797.76s

11 seconds on the shot clock.

Speaker 51798.28s - 1801.48s

He's a better than 40% three point shooter. Yep.

Speaker 11802.08s - 1803.68s

But I mean, hindsight's 2020.

Speaker 51803.9s - 1805s

He was wide open.

Speaker 11805.48s - 1811.96s

Bro, if Braun PERSON hits that, oh my gosh. We are, we would not stop singing LeBron PERSON's praises right now.

Speaker 51812.26s - 1813.84s

Then Denver comes down and hits a three.

Speaker 11814.26s - 1818.48s

If LeBron PERSON hits that. You know it would have happened.

Speaker 51818.86s - 1819.9s

You know it would have happened.

Speaker 11820.82s - 1861.56s

From, okay, well, no, here's another thing then. LeBron PERSON hits that. And the Lakers don't foul up three.'m throwing my mic I do not care they did not they would because that's what they don't do for some weird reason but yeah like I mean Bron it just came down to one of your two best players who is a top three player of all time at worst missed the shot that was wide open. And it sucks.It hurts like hell. But I'm not going to overanalyze that. He missed a while up a shot. And be mad. I get it. I'm not telling anybody how to think, obviously, right?But again, last year, I'm furious, Trevor PERSON. Because Bron was an awful three-point shooter last season.

Speaker 51861.76s - 1862.5s

And he's great now.

Speaker 21863s - 1864.36s

I would have my pitchforks ready.

Speaker 11865.12s - 1865.34s

Yeah. But he's, you know, would have my pitchforks ready. Yeah.

Speaker 51866.54s - 1869.78s

But he's, you know, dare I say elite three point shooters.

Speaker 11869.9s - 1874.38s

And he had just hit two literally a minute and a half and ago.

Speaker 51874.38s - 1877.38s

Like I think context really, really matters here.

Speaker 11877.8s - 1879.76s

And we're not talking about a bad shooter.

Speaker 21879.94s - 1883.14s

We're not talking about a player that's out of rhythm in terms of the goal of the game.

Speaker 11883.14s - 1884.78s

It wasn't Jackson Hayes shooting the three.

Speaker 51885.42s - 1886.74s

Hell is not. It wasn't even Austin PERSON. I the three. Hell is that it wasn't even Austin.

Speaker 11887.04s - 1890.64s

I probably would have been pissed off that was awesome too because Austin PERSON is having a bad game.

Speaker 51891.96s - 1894.9s

Yeah, I would have been pissed if it was Austin PERSON genuinely.

Speaker 11895.18s - 1897.26s

So, I mean, I think context matters here.

Speaker 51898.84s - 1910.68s

Scorpio Sky ORG said we can't beat them series over. Most likely, like you've got to win four out of five now. You haven't beat them in 10 games. How are you going to win four out of five now. You haven't beat them in 10 games. How are you going to win four out of five? And especially again, I don't know how you bounce back from that. Sky PERSON.

Speaker 21913.08s - 1916s

Again, that's not what I hope for, but let's just be honest.

Speaker 11916.68s - 1917.52s

Sky, my dog.

Speaker 21917.82s - 1920.14s

Take, poor, poor one for me.

Speaker 11920.3s - 1921.22s

I appreciate it.

Speaker 51921.62s - 1922.66s

Let me ask you this.

Speaker 11922.66s - 1925.04s

Because we got news like Like during the game,

Speaker 51925.4s - 1929.58s

randomly news comes out that Jared Vanderbilt might try to play in game three.

Speaker 11930.52s - 1931.12s

I would assume,

Speaker 51931.24s - 1945.6s

along with Christian Wood PERSON, we already heard about. So I would assume that what they're going to do is they're going to practice on Wednesday, probably. And they'll see how they feel. And then maybe they're available.Do you bother trying to bring back Vando and Christian Wood PERSON now?

Speaker 11946.4s - 1955.86s

I mean, I think if they're able to go, I think you've got to. Why not? Why not? But like, is it changing anything in the series? Probably not.

Speaker 01959.02s - 1986.02s

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Speaker 01989.54s - 1992.18s

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Speaker 52057.68s - 2136.14s

Darvin will keep those two timeouts to take them home. Oh my God. We haven't even we haven't even talked about that yet. them home. Oh my God. We haven't even talked about that yet. Sean PERSON, I said coming out of halftime that this was a game where becauseLeBron and AD ORG we're going to have to play so heavy minutes, such heavy minutes that Darwin should, when the game is over, the chamber should be empty on timeouts. He should have no timeouts left. You should burn them all to make surethat you get your guys as much rest as possible. He finishes the game with two timeouts, still sitting there, didn't use them, moments where you probably should have used them to have nothing else settle your team down. And that's the story of the season. Why, Sean PERSON, did he tease us the last game of the regular season against the New Orleans Pelicanswhere he was on it with his timeouts? Finish the game with zero left, called them all at the appropriate time. Was that just to troll us to say, see, I can use these timeouts when I need to? And now here we are, critical game, and he leaves the game, walks off the court,and has two of them still in his pocket. I swear at this point, he's messing with us. It's got to be.

Speaker 12138.16s - 2143.78s

Whatever the reason is, doesn't make it feel any better, I suppose.

Speaker 52143.78s - 2153.76s

Like what, or what, you've got an extra timeout, right? So why not at least challenge the questionable foul call that, that Jamal Murray PERSON got? The Nuggets ORG used both their challenges.

Speaker 22154.14s - 2154.76s

Why not challenge that?

Speaker 12155.5s - 2156.6s

Did they not challenge this game?

Speaker 52157.2s - 2161.66s

I don't think they did. Chat, you can tell me if I'm wrong. I don't recall the Lakers ORG challenging.

Speaker 12162.32s - 2165.14s

See, I thought the Lakers ORG had challenged already,

Speaker 52165.22s - 2168.46s

which is why I never really got upset at the not challenging anything.

Speaker 12169.66s - 2173.14s

Chat, Jasa PERSON in the chat, no. Chad PERSON's saying no.

Speaker 52173.26s - 2175.46s

They really didn't challenge at all.

Speaker 12176.46s - 2177.24s

Oh, my God.

Speaker 52177.74s - 2262.22s

Yeah, I didn't, I didn't think they did. So that's the other thing. Like, why not? Especially when you've got two timeouts. You've got to, like, what are you? There's 50 seconds left in the game or so right then.Why not challenge that? Right? Especially when the referees had just shown that they're making up this thing called marginal contact that they're going to apply to a hit to the face. I shouldn't say making up marginal contact. Marginal contacts a thing, but Sean PERSON's holding up.Help me on his whiteboard right now. But you just saw that they applied marginal contact on a hit to the face. So wouldn't marginal contact then apply to whatever the hell, Jamal Murray PERSON got that call for? So why not challenge that? That's the kind of in-game stuff that's got to get better and can really cost you.Comment says, I'm rebuilding this team and I'm not giving LeBron PERSON the max. He simply can't get it done to get us to the chip. That third,he simply can't impact the game anymore. It gets tired. This series is over. I don't want Braun PERSON anymore. He blew it. Like, LeBronmissed that three. LeBron PERSON. But LeBron was 9 for 19, which is not up to part for him. But how many big shots did he make in thefourth? Like, LeBron

Speaker 12262.22s - 2270.96s

shot what, hold on, let me see. He had 14 points in the fourth quarter, he was 5 for 9. The Lakers as a team, by the way, in the fourth. Like LeBron shot what, hold on, let me see. He had 14 points in the fourth quarter. He was five for nine. The Lakers as a team, by the way, and the fourth quarter scored 20 points.

Speaker 52272.18s - 2305.6s

So what are we talking? Like, I know LeBron PERSON missed that last shot, but come on. I can't blame LeBron PERSON for that loss. He missed the last shot. And so if you want to be upset with him for taking it a little too early, sure, you could make an argument that he took it last shot. And so if you want to be upset with him for taking it a little too early, sure, you could make an argument that he took it too early.And you could say, man, I wish he would have made. I wish he would have made that shot. But I thought LeBron PERSON did what you would hope he would doin the fourth. And he got to the basket. He made, he made threes. The Lakers ORG couldn't score the ball. He had 14 of their 20 points.Yeah, i can't

Speaker 12305.6s - 2314.56s

i can't blame lebron in this one so i think it's actually 13 i think either way six nine

Speaker 52314.56s - 2330.16s

because that was the ann one uh 11 14 13 so yeah like bro i'm sorry i i i personally, I really do apologize for not blaming Braun PERSON in this game.

Speaker 12330.22s - 2385.16s

I apologize. Like, I mean, our biggest criticism of Braun PERSON after game one was the turnovers. He had 12 assists in two turnovers. And then in the fourth quarter, he had 13 points, 14 points, whatever it actually is. And it just freaking sucks that he just missed. Like, one of your best play, at worst, your second best player missed a Y open three to win the game.I'm sorry. As a coach, I am, I am living with that personally. I'm living. I'm not only with the 20 point deficit and living with my horrible performance as a coach no but I am living with the game on the line my argue be my best player um arguing my best player just missing a three an open one is not like he forced anything? Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 52386s - 2516.1s

Maddie James PERSON said, I honestly don't want to watch this team play the rest of the series. Masterlock, the whole team, for blowing a 20 point lead and for unforced turnovers and not boxing out. There was some frustrating missed rebounds. Late, Yokch got to put back on one, where you finally got the nuggets PRODUCT felt like they weren't missing at all.You finally got a miss, and then Yokic PERSON got the rebound and put it back up and in. The end won on Anthony Davis that Yokic got the rebound and put it back up and in. The end one on Anthony Davis that Yokic got towards the end two. The unforced turnovers. I mean, the turnovers were 14 total,but those are, you can't make mistakes. You can't make mistakes in a game like this against Denver ORG. You can't make mistakes. And they did. And that's the problem, Sean PERSON. It's, if there was ever a clear sign of how slim the margin for error is,it was this game. Like how many things did not go the Lakers ORG way in terms of their scoring and everything? Like just a few, but that's all it takes. You have to have everything going your way if you're going to get this win. Stephen PERSON said, why is this team so disappointing? We should have never blown a 20-point leador let a player who've been ice cold get that shot off. What, Jamal Murray PERSON getting the shot off? I don't know what we're talking about there, but why is the team so disappointing? That's sports sometimes. That's life sometimes.But this was a particularly brutal one. And when you had so many things go your way to still find a way to lose it, I mean, that's some like Thanos PERSON level self-defeat right there. And you give the Nuggets ORG credit for hitting the shots that they did and coming back again in the fourth.I do think it's in the Lakers ORG' heads at this point. But yikes. I mean, should have never blown a 20-point lead. You had every opportunity to take this game. And you just, you didn't do it. Again, you scored 40 points after half timetwo 20 point quarters can't do that can't do that and expect to win a game and that's exactly

Speaker 12516.1s - 2524.08s

what got them beat can't do that against this caliber team no no and again that's where

Speaker 52524.08s - 2616.06s

I was concerned at halftime because I said it should have been more than 50 when you looked at the box score you looked at the stats like this actually should be a bigger lead than 15 and it wasn't you're like that's I just had this bad I'm like that's not good that it's only 15 right now that's actually a problem and um unfortunately it ended up being a big, big problem. McKell PERSON said no time out on the last possession.DeLo on the bench for so many minutes went hot. No AD in the fourth as much as we needed. Well, he was in foul trouble. All on Darwin PERSON, fire him immediately after the series. Sean PERSON, I still, I mean, DeLo, I got, the Lakers ORG went defense late.Now, you could have argued it should have been Deelow in the game instead of Austin PERSON. But Austin PERSON was doing a good job defensively too, and the Lakers ORG were trying to protect the lead. So I got that. But Deelow still played 39 minutes in this game. I don't look at this and say,man, Dilo PERSON shouldn't need him more minutes. Getting pulled when he was hot, sure, that did happen. And then AD ORG, I thought was a foul trouble thing that got him. And that's why we didn't see him as much. All those things added up, but still, not good. Not good.Vanessa and Hunter PERSON, so the fact that AD didn't have 20 shot attempts when he was that hot is sickening to man the ball.

Speaker 22617.34s - 2618.64s

Yeah, he finished with 19.

Speaker 02619.6s - 2621.9s

I mean, Dilo and LeBron and A.D. PERSON both

Speaker 52621.9s - 2644.46s

had 19 shot attempts. 16 for Dilo PERSON, 11 for Austin, 7 for Rui PERSON. I'm still, I'm surprised AD only had eight points in the second half, given the rhythm that he was in in the first half. I know they put Aaron Gordon on him, and we would have to go back and look at the film to figure it out,but him not getting the ball more in the second half is certainly a head scratcher.

Speaker 12645.98s - 2657.6s

Yeah, it seemed like when Denver ORG made the adjustment and went with, went with Aaron Gordon on AD, Yolkich on AD, I mean, Yokoja on Rudy PERSON.

Speaker 02657.74s - 2662.32s

There's actually possession laying the fourth where Denver went Yolkech PERSON and gave Vincent

Speaker 12662.32s - 2699.02s

even as another counter to L.A because L.A. just started pulling Rui PERSON into the screening action because Yokic was scarring Rui. We definitely have to go back and look at the film. I mean, technically there's, technically there's still, I mean, a bunch of adjustments that can be made. But, I mean, I think it just boils down to like, like you said, the top travel. I like, do the Lakers ORG have, like, anything mentally left, like, to where they can say, all right, let's just. I mean, Braun PERSON had a quote saying, we've got to take care of home court.But that's like, what are you supposed to say, right?

Speaker 02699.22s - 2704.78s

I mean, honestly, like, can Bron PERSON go out there and say, well, the series is over?

Speaker 12704.9s - 2707.32s

No, absolutely not brawn can't say

Speaker 52707.32s - 2715.88s

um oh what you wonder what lebron did say uh okay so i'm sorry finish finish your point and then i've got

Speaker 12715.88s - 2722.68s

a quote from lebron that i need to read you oh no i mean i again just to kind of wrap up my my point then

Speaker 52722.68s - 2725.24s

um there's adjustments that gets to be made,

Speaker 12725.36s - 2729.84s

but just about where the Lakers are at mentally heading into game three. Okay.

Speaker 52730.18s - 2773.06s

This is LeBron on the overturn or the call against DeLo, where he gets hit in the face. Oh. This is LeBron PERSON. Go ahead. LeBron PERSON said, what the F do we have a replay center for?What are we doing? I don't understand what's going on in the replay center, to be honest. DeLo clearly gets hit in the face on a drive. What the F do we have a replay center for if it's going to go like that? It doesn't make sense to me. It makes no sense.It bothers me. Like stuff. Like I saw what happened in the Sixers' Knicks ORG game too. Like, what are we doing? It's effing stupid.

Speaker 12775.02s - 2777.44s

Bron PERSON, I will pay your fine.

Speaker 22778.04s - 2782.76s

You are a very rich man, though. You are a very rich man. So you'll be fine.

Speaker 12782.96s - 2785.6s

But if you wanted me to, I would. I would pay you're fine but

Speaker 52785.6s - 2796.72s

because no he's freaking right he's absolutely right he's absolutely right that was as i already

Speaker 12796.72s - 2803.44s

ranted about this what is the point what is the point of having a replay center and having replay

Speaker 52803.44s - 2864.8s

at all if you're going to get stuff like that so blatantly and obviously wrong? What's the point? Makes no sense. Mix master Mike said Lakers ORG are getting swept. This team continues to play stupid, undisciplined basketball. What they did in the second half. This is an extension of their coach. You know, Sean PERSON, you mentioned Mike Malone PERSON, making the adjustments at halftime, putting Aaron Gordon on AD, making those fixes and things like that.I feel like that's an area where Darwin PERSON really falls short is in-game adjustments. And that's not to say it's an easy thing. But what's, and that's been my fear with this series is the nuggets PRODUCT will adjust to things in game and find ways that work. The Lakers ORG don't adjust to those adjustments very well. And that's, I thought that's what we saw in this one too.And it really cost them because once the Nuggets made that switch, the Lakers ORG just never really got themselves going again.

Speaker 12866.06s - 2984.1s

So I, here is a real example that I know right now to top my head, that outside the Rui PERSON adjustment, which you already talked about, where Denver made an adjustment in L.A. GPE had no counter for it, at least tonight.In the second half, L.A. try to get Austin PERSON more involved, right? And I, no, two, I I guess Darwin PERSON's credit at least, are not even to his credit. Defending him only in this moment, I can't completely confirm if this is more of an adjustment or just a thing that Denver ORG already had in place that we just didn't see a ton because Austin PERSON didn't get a bunch of on ball reps. But, and that's not really defending Darwin PERSON, actually. It's more so just like shifting the blame to a different category.Like it's either you suck that your pre-series prep or it's the end-game adjustment piece. Either one, right? I lean more towards it was an in-game adjustment for Denver ORG. But there was a stretch late third quarter where there was no delo on the floor. There's no deal, no braon. It might have been AD in Austin PERSON together.And naturally, the Lakers go to more Austin, two-man-game with AD ORG. And Denver ORG just iced it on the right side. I sit, icing, good grief. Or it's also called weak, depending on how you talk to. It's just basically keeping everything on that side of the floor. And it forced some really freaking tough looks.And because L.A. was, you guessed it, unorganized, offensively running freelance, they had no, they had no counter attack for Denver icing the Austin Reeves PERSON ball screen. And it took me a second to catch on to it. I'm like, bro, okay, I caught onto it by now. What are we doing here? Bravo.What? Anthony Day, you know what, ADF ORG, the organization finds you for this. I will cough up a pretty penny to do this.

Speaker 32985.06s - 2986.02s

What did they a D.

Speaker 12986.02s - 3003.84s

Davis says we have stretches where we don't know, where we don't know what we're doing on both ends of the floor. Just got to get right on Thursday. Bravo A.D. Now, granted, not the most optimistic sign for a team that's trying to come back down 02.

Speaker 53004.44s - 3005.72s

Oh my gosh

Speaker 13005.72s - 3012.1s

But But Good grief

Speaker 53012.1s - 3012.8s

I mean

Speaker 13012.8s - 3015.12s


Speaker 53015.12s - 3017.06s

That's damning man

Speaker 13017.06s - 3018.32s

I don't care

Speaker 53018.32s - 3025.86s

Darwin PERSON can't survive that Right I mean am I wrong?

Speaker 13026.44s - 3027.92s

No, no, you were absolutely right.

Speaker 53028.4s - 3078.06s

If your star player says we don't know what we're doing, that's it. That's game over. That's game over. He's got to be gone.You're done. You don't come back from that we don't know what we're doing on either end of the floor in the playoffs whose responsibility is it for them to know what they're doing it's the coach goodbye you're gone right like there's if a d believed in this coaching staff there's no way in hell he's saying that right because ad knows what that means am i reading too much into that i mean tell me am i am i overreacting

Speaker 23078.06s - 3087.7s

that am i reading too much into that tell me if i am i am my mind, your star player is saying,

Speaker 53087.82s - 3127.24s

we don't know what we're doing on either end of the floor in the playoffs is, that's it. You're done. Sean PERSON's having issues with his connection, so he jumped out. Wow. Wow. I mean, having done jumped out. Wow. Wow.I mean, having done this for a long time now, I've done this for a long time and Sean PERSON's back. I haven't done this for a long time. I can't think of a time. I'm sure there's been some, but specifically with the Lakers ORG where a players said something like we don't know,said something like what AD ORG said here. He's done.

Speaker 13128.9s - 3129.94s

And that's all I was trying to.

Speaker 53129.94s - 3134.52s

You were asking if you were like overreacting or something like that before I cut off.

Speaker 13135.18s - 3136.82s

No, you're not like dog.

Speaker 53137.06s - 3139.98s

Darwin PERSON is is done because of that.

Speaker 13140.5s - 3153.58s

Like just from an organizational standpoint, I'm sure you hit on this, your best player, arguably, at worst, your second, and your other best player is a free agent this summer. Happen to be a part of the same agency, by the way. Yeah.

Speaker 23153.58s - 3155.56s

Your best player just publicly said,

Speaker 13155.74s - 3157.6s

we don't know what we're doing.

Speaker 23157.9s - 3161.2s

And we are in a, another potential Fobb PERSON,

Speaker 13161.4s - 3176.24s

we are in the freaking playoffs against the defending champs and we don't know what we're doing. Darwin PERSON, no, there is absolutely no way Darwin Ham can be back next season. Wow.

Speaker 53177.36s - 3187.04s

I was, you know, I was expecting the Lakers ORG to be pretty open with the things they were going to say after this game. I wasn't anticipated. We don't know what we're doing on either of those way

Speaker 13187.04s - 3192.04s

wow they they just and I know I laughed at first about it

Speaker 53192.04s - 3195.18s

because I mean at this point I mean in that moment I was like okay

Speaker 13195.18s - 3209.6s

that was kind of fun to hear not funny here but like I my wording is terrible right now but like yeah he absolutely cooked Darwin PERSON right there there oh my god yeah yeah there's just

Speaker 53209.6s - 3217.76s

there's there's no coming back for that there's no way like damn near and not even well it's not

Speaker 13217.76s - 3227.22s

gonna happen damn it not even a championship would allow you to come back from that. Wow.

Speaker 53230.28s - 3230.68s

Ghost PERSON said that was demoralizing all that effort for nothing.

Speaker 13234.36s - 3237.3s

I was like Iron Man doing all the fancy stuff and hitting Thanos PERSON with that crazy kick.

Speaker 53237.42s - 3274.38s

And then Thanos PERSON says all that for a drop of blood. All that for a drop of blood. Right. Yeah. The Lakers ORG threw what they had at him and still didn't walk away from the, with the win.As this one says, this is an off night for Jamal PERSON, mind you. Yeah, it was. It was an off night. Prad nemesis says,bro, it doesn't get more surreal than this. LOL feels like there's no scenario where we beat them by Darwin PERSON, and then Braun PERSON missed the game winner. I'm really done.That, yeah, that's, he's, he's done.

Speaker 13274.46s - 3293.04s

That's now like now front and foremost on my mind. Like, Darwin PERSON is gone. He has to. How bad would it be if Darwin PERSON comes back at this point with this quote I mean he would have to like know where the bodies are buried or something

Speaker 53293.04s - 3335.74s

right like I mean there's there's no way and that's the other thing like LeBron PERSON having a player option Dilo PERSON player option like I would have to imagine this is going to come up when those guys are talking about contracts with the lakers it's going to be hey what do you think about darvin as a coach you knowthat's going to become a thing but yeah I mean that that to me that's the nail in the coffin that's the nail in the coffin you can't say we don't know what we're doing now if a d later clarified and said I meant the pressure of the moment made us forget what say we don't know what we're doing. Now, if AD ORG later clarified and said, I meant the pressure of the moment, made us forget what we're supposed to do or something like, okay, you could walk it back.But in the moment right now, like to say we don't know what we're doing on either end of the floor,

Speaker 13336.94s - 3340.62s

that's deep. Like, again,

Speaker 53340.74s - 3370.06s

and that goes back to my hands off the steering wheel analogy, because that's what it seems like. It seems like no one is driving the car. Nobody has their hands on the wheel. The car's going down the road, but nobody's controlling it. And it's these long periods of time where it just gets into whatever the hell is going to happen, it's going to happen.And there's no real rhyme or reason to what's going on out there. You need somebody to drive the car.

Speaker 13372.84s - 3389.46s

Well, on top of the draft and free agency and all the other shenanigans we cover here a Lakers Nation, you might be hearing some head coaching news from us. Maybe. We'll see.

Speaker 53390.36s - 3396.9s

We'll see. The reps helped them win. We fought hard as hell. Again, the officiating was bad.

Speaker 13397.34s - 3399.28s

It was bad, but still, you can't.

Speaker 23399.82s - 3401.06s

You shouldn't have lost that game.

Speaker 13401.5s - 3402.16s

But they were awful.

Speaker 53402.94s - 3403.38s

They were awful.

Speaker 13404.38s - 3405.38s

I could be surfing.

Speaker 53405.5s - 3519.3s

That was painful. One single thing had to go our way. One single thing. I think we can at least save our pride and win one at home. Oh, yeah. Please.Win as many as you can at home. Just to break the streak and all that crap. Yeah. Definitely. Yeah. You needed.They needed this game. They needed this game. They should have won it. But, you needed, they needed this game. They needed this game. They should have won it. But yes, I would love to see this team go back home and win both games. That would be fantastic. Win one game.Great. I'm not confident they're going to do that, but I would love to see it. No question. Arun PERSON said, I have officially given up. If we don't make changes to this team, we will never win. We will never be able to change the script.Okay. So that's the other thing. So we talked about this heading into the series, that if this goes poorly, then you know. No doubt, you know this team doesn't quite have it. You're not good enough.And that informs your decision making over the summer, that you're going to need to do some stuff, that some things are going to have to happen over the summer. And that can be coaching, that can be players, it's probably both. So that is one of the benefits of this series, even if it's painful,it informs your decision making over the summer. Now, if you play well, you win the series, okay, that tells you a different thing. But that's not the way it's going right now. So this informs you that for Rob Polinka PERSON, whoever's making the final decisions,it's Jeannie PERSON, that change has to come. Because to keep this group together has to. Yeah, you can't do it. You can't do it.

Speaker 13519.84s - 3548.6s

I think the biggest thing, right? And this ultimately leads back to where I think it all, I don't even know where I started, but if the goal is to win a thing, right? And this ultimately leads back to where I think it all, I don't even know where I started, but if the goal is to win a championship, right? Okay, who is the biggest threat? Stopping you right now or stopping anybody, quite frankly, from winning its ship or coming out of the West, the answer is Denver ORG.And you don't have personnel that matches up with Denver ORG. You just don't.

Speaker 23548.76s - 3552.84s

I think that's an objective fact. Like you don't match up well with Denver ORG.

Speaker 13553.38s - 3564.82s

Like your back court, a lot of their value ties into their offensive game. Now, Austin PERSON's been a really improved defender. I will give him that since probably the All-Star EVENT break or so.

Speaker 03564.86s - 3570.26s

But still, like we're talking about an above average defender, right? Brons almost 40.

Speaker 13571.18s - 3576.26s

So we're not asking him to defend enough. I mean, you can't really nearly 40. Right.

Speaker 53576.78s - 3582.24s

Ruby PERSON's fine, but like, you need a, you need some, some bulk on the way you need. Essentially,

Speaker 13582.24s - 3621.12s

I'm saying is, man, like, your, your, your best five player, and this comes back to a conversation you and I had a while ago about the wing you need. Essentially, what I'm saying is, man, like your best five players, and this comes back to a conversation you and I had a while ago about the same matchup. And why I had said that you can't play this group being together because I thought my biggest problem,my biggest fear a while ago was a year five best players, you can't play your five best players against Denver ORG. And your five best players are the five players in the starting five. But I bring that up to say, because your five best players you can't play your five best players against Denver and your five best players are the five players in the starting five but i bring that up to say because your five best playersultimately just don't match up well with denver's five best players and that's where you know like hey we got to retool this roster and like you said changes have to come this summer yeah yep it's got to

Speaker 53621.12s - 3630.18s

come and for the lakers that probably means superstar hunting. Right or wrong. That's what history tells us.

Speaker 13630.18s - 3639.16s

From the Lakers ORG, history tells us. History tells us that whether or not you want them to or not, Trey's going to be in the rumors all summer.

Speaker 53639.6s - 3642.88s

100% of it's going to be in the summer in the rumors all summer.

Speaker 23643.5s - 3643.64s


Speaker 13643.76s - 3693.44s

But like, and I know I've been on the side of getting Trey PERSON, but like watching this Denver matchup in these two games unfold. Who does he defend? Who does he defend? One, who does he defend? But it's not even out.I trust Trey PERSON's all for the most part. But like, my thing is, like, do you just bail on that and say, let's just go get, I don't know if he's available. I doubt he's available like Brooklyn, just cough up McCleber PERSON, just do it. You want to. Or like something along those lines where, and again, maybe, maybe Mikel PERSON is unrealistic. But the point is, like, bro, like, I really just think you need, I think you just need more depth and more, more defense, well, also competent shooting at the same time.Yeah.

Speaker 53695.02s - 3718.72s

Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you've got to find a way to add that offensive pop to your team without sacrificing your defense and how you do that. I don't know. But I know they're going to be, they're going to be looking to make changes that's for sure uh asa hearts said two words self-inflicted constantly deviating from running offense for what you can you see it happening

Speaker 43720s - 3730.72s

you see it happening and it's like you still, and you know what's coming and you just can't quite get them to stop, right?

Speaker 33730.98s - 3732.16s

And they just keep doing it.

Speaker 43732.16s - 3736.8s

Keep going into this freelance mode and it, it's self-defeating.

Speaker 03737.44s - 3737.8s


Speaker 53737.92s - 3793.04s

So, man, that sucks. Four minutes stretch in the third where you couldn't score. Game within 10. Lost the non-yokage minutes. It's deflating. Had the nuggets PRODUCT sweeping.But at this point, you just got to reevaluate your choices. Yeah, a lot of this is very much the Lakers choices. couldn't score game within 10 lost the non-yokage minutes it's deflating had the nuggets PRODUCT sweeping but at this point you just got to reevaluate your choices yeah a lot of this is very much the lakers choices the the lakers that made in this game put them down this path uh especially in the second half and once again not reacting quickly enough to what denver PERSON was doing and not adjusting to it it's a problem. Changer said, this one hurts different because we might be seeing LeBron PERSON's last game.If Denver sweeps them again, part of me feels like LeBron PERSON retires. I don't think he's going to retire. But, I mean, he could leave, I guess, in free agency. That could happen. You never know. He could just say say you know whateff it i'm sick of this i'm done i'm done last season remember last season when he said he wasn't

Speaker 13793.04s - 3796.76s

sure what the future held or whatever i'm paraphrasing whatever he said we're gonna get that again this

Speaker 53796.76s - 3803.08s

summer oh my god we're so getting that this summer i i bet it's gonna be longer too we're like we're

Speaker 13803.08s - 3805.02s

like we are dragging this whole thing out

Speaker 03805.02s - 3806.76s

until the end of the NBA ORG playoffs

Speaker 13806.76s - 3819.58s

we're like well you know like I don't know if I really want to play stuff like that we're going to get that until the middle of June probably

Speaker 53819.58s - 3826.34s

Jay said MasterLock me for thinking this time would be different you know we haven't done the Master Lock PRODUCT yet.

Speaker 13826.7s - 3828.84s

Oh, geez. Might take too long.

Speaker 53829.36s - 3837.86s

I know. Henny said, I'm calling out for work for emotional distress tomorrow. Ain't no way Ham PERSON didn't call a timeout for the last play. Shake in my head.

Speaker 13838.08s - 3838.26s


Speaker 53838.44s - 3850.7s

That's not the most egregious part. Like, like, I know we were both saying call time, that's not the most egregious part of how that whole being transpired what's the most egregious part not calling a freaking

Speaker 13850.7s - 3854.68s

timeout to challenge that oh yeah yeah okay

Speaker 53854.68s - 3857.9s

I thought you were just talking about the last play yeah not challenging

Speaker 13857.9s - 3861.84s

when you had if you only had one I could have understood he had two

Speaker 53861.84s - 3869.34s

he had two timeouts and really fast if ah why if you're

Speaker 13869.34s - 3929.68s

going to go back to the last play of the game where Bronn gets the three and he just misses they go back to the spain pick and roll which ironically if that was always the plan to just go back to it it does make sense to just play on. Reason being is because it's more likely for Denver ORG to be more ready for that. If you call a timeout, you would just set up in a half court. Whereas you brought it down and then you flow into it.Denver ORG probably knows it's coming, but it's still harder for them to adjust to it then. When Denver ORG in the timeout could say, okay, cool, if they goes, bam, pick your world, we're going to do X, Y, Z. Right. That is, I still understand a lot of the arguments of calling timeout and, hey, I'm not disagreeing with anybody that says, or are you Trevor PERSON that said call timeout?But that is, I would try to, I'm just basically trying to justify any reasoning here because I'm also confused. Yeah.

Speaker 53930.94s - 3957s

It made no sense. Can't remember the last time I've seen another NBA team do this to one team. This is historical. I'm sure it's happened before there's been streaks and things like that. But Senpai PERSON said, that's all folks. and things like that. But, um, said, that's all folks.Sweep and coming. Glad I knew how unsurious this team is and bet Nuggets money line at half time to win a good chunk of cash. Well, at least, I mean, at least he got that.I mean,

Speaker 13957.1s - 3957.44s

good job.

Speaker 53957.52s - 4047.58s

Any money, I guess. Wicked Broncos said, I wonder how much Denver ORG paid the rafts. Lakers will play against the Nuggets ORG, refs,altitude and their own head coach. Some fixing going on. It's sus. I don't know. Like, it doesn't make sense for the NBA ORG to try to fix it for the Nuggets ORG, though.Like, they'd be, if you're the NBA and your job is to make money, the Lakers ORG advancing would be way more profitable than the Nuggets ORG advancing. But as far as the Denver ORG paid the reps or something, I think the reps are just really bad.And again, like, you know, I put it out over on X. I said, you know, hey, same thing, echoing what LeBron PERSON said. So there's no point in having the review system. And people are, you know, fans of other teams are chiming at. Oh, Lakers ORG are crying or whatever. No, no, no. This is this is bigger than just this game this is what we'veseen across the season with specifically the review system that there's no point to it there's no point to it uh darvin not challenging the foul on murray shaking my head i can cry right now. This one hurts so bad we must be cursed. Watching this game, it's hard to feel that.Hard to not feel that. Darius PERSON said, I don't want to hear anyone say the Lakers ORG get all the calls. CB3 is vindicated. Let's do this. Let's get faster. Let's do this.

Speaker 14048.84s - 4052.7s

Let's get into the Master Lock PRODUCT, since we're so late in the show. Yeah. Yeah, go ahead. Go ahead.

Speaker 54053.08s - 4054.46s

Here we go.

Speaker 14056.1s - 4059.3s

Master Lock of the night.

Speaker 54059.74s - 4060.44s


Speaker 14061.68s - 4062.96s

What are we master locking?

Speaker 54064.5s - 4078.28s

What are you master locking from from this one? Let me know in the comments section. What was the most annoying thing from this game?

Speaker 14079.2s - 4080.84s

You see the Delo PERSON tweet?

Speaker 54081.28s - 4103.18s

I see it now. Diangelo Russell said that's a foul. We all saw it on national television. Yeah. 100%. I've got a lot of people master locking that call.Sean PERSON, what are you master locking? Jamal Murray PERSON.

Speaker 14104.64s - 4111.58s

I mean, just the shot. And I mean. I mean, just the shot. And I mean, honestly, like fair play to him, I guess.

Speaker 04111.66s - 4113.04s

Like, it's an incredible shot.

Speaker 14113.66s - 4132.58s

But Jamal PERSON. Oh, no, you know what? Screw that. I'm master walking, blowing a 20 point lead and a half. There we go. That's why I'm going to master lock.Blue a 20. You don't get, Jamal Murray PERSON is to get that opportunity to put us in heartbreak or whatever if you don't blow a 20 point lead. So yeah, there we go.

Speaker 54135.54s - 4155.82s

I, my master lock, it's easy. It's got to be Darwin Ham PERSON, especially after what AD said. When when ad said we don't know what we're doing for stretches of the game on both ends of the floor that's it it's got to bedarbin ham PERSON and people are putting in the chat you know like the scoring dry spell and stuff

Speaker 24155.82s - 4167.14s

that's that's under this umbrella yeah that's that's part of this you can't have an NBA ORG team out of the floor not knowing what they're doing. And that falls on the coaching stuff.

Speaker 54167.9s - 4236.98s

So that's the master law for me. It's Darwin Ham PERSON. Is Darwin Ham PERSON? And again, were there a lot of things that contributed to this game? For sure. There were a lot of things.But AD ORG's comment revealing that the team doesn't know what they're doing, that's it. That's it. That's damning. And some of it, look, the players have to produce too. You know, you can't have Dinwiddie and Gabe Vincent contributing zero points in a total of 25 minutes.You can't have that. You can't have your bench putting up six points total. You can't have Rui scoring three points in this game. There's lots of things that contributed to this. But if the team saying we don't know what we're doing, that falls on Darbinham ORG. And it looks like it.It looks like they don't know what they're doing for stretches, which again makes no sense because Sean PERSON, there's long stretches too where they look like they know exactly what they're doing. And it's great. That's how you get to a 20-point lead.

Speaker 14238.18s - 4238.52s


Speaker 54239.9s - 4300.48s

You could, yeah, you don't get to a 20-point lead if you don't know what you're doing. Oh, man. Sean PERSON, I know you've got the post-post game show, and we've already gone overtime on this one. Oh, that was a frustrating one. This one, always offensive rebounds, always figure it out when people like you figure it out and complain about it enough, our team might figure it out.Number one problem's not close. You think we have way more power than we do. Because we've been complaining about a lot of stuff all season. Does the team pay attention to what we say? Yes. Yes.The team pays attention to what the different people covering the team say. But that doesn't mean they're going to dictate what's happening based on what we're saying. Otherwise, they'd probably be running organized offense the entire game,

Speaker 14300.82s - 4310.42s

not going through this stuff that we've been seeing. You know how many like laker content creators like including myself us like or whatever that been calling out the the organized

Speaker 54310.42s - 4319.24s

offense for the entire lineups that we saw yeah the crazy lineups the adjust i mean hey we had the power

Speaker 14319.24s - 4323.54s

i would have sent over my my notes from game one saying here darvin here's why i think we should

Speaker 54323.54s - 4325.18s

do adjustments wise here Here you go.

Speaker 14326.26s - 4329.6s

Now, I will say, look, the offensive rebound problem,

Speaker 54329.68s - 4349s

it was not as prevalent in this game as it wasn't last game. Last game was 15 offensive rebounds this time when it was nine. Is that a problem? Yes. Is it the only problem? No.But that's so if in that commenter was saying offensive rebounds are the problem, we've talked about offensive rebounds all season.

Speaker 14349.88s - 4365.92s

And so I think why you think, why the commenter thinks that we don't talk about offensive rebounds enough, it's because when we talk about not having another true physical big, that falls under that, that's the,

Speaker 54365.92s - 4445.8s

the drill down of that is the offensive rebound problem. When we talk about not having that big physical bruising presence in the middle, along with Anthony Davis PERSON, not having that option, that is an offensive rebound conversation, right? Giving up those offensive boards,that's part of it. You're just drilling down for that to get to specifically offensive rebounds. We talk about needing another big a lot. We talk about needing somebody who's physical. They can take some of that burden off of Anthony Davis PERSON. That can help you out on the glass.Those are the typical things that we're talking about. Offensive rebounding falls under that. So we do talk about that a lot or offensive rebounds given up. We do talk about it a lot. Do we specifically say offensive rebounds?Sometimes we talk about another big, but that's part of that conversation. All right. Let's do one more. Three theory. I'm sick.Why can't we ever have a game where Denver ORG against Denver, where Austin, Dilo, Rui all play well offensivelyly along with LeBron and AD. Ham PERSON is a criminal. I mean, that's really what you have to have. That's what you can't have a game where any of your guys are making too many mistakes or having an off night if you want to win. Your margin for error is that thin in this matchup.

Speaker 14445.8s - 4469.48s

That's what we said heading to the series. Like you don't have a margin of error essentially. Yeah. Where you don't have players showing up. There's some schematic and tactical things that are wrong. Yeah, you still have no margin of error.And that's why this is even more heartbreaking, if you will. But, well, we will still be here, guys. We're not going anywhere.

Speaker 54469.96s - 4480.84s

Yes, yeah, we're not going anywhere. AJ PERSON missed free throws, unforced turnovers, lack of focus of attention into detail, lack of a third scoring option down the stretch. Yep. All of it.

Speaker 14481s - 4482.34s

Exactly. All of it.

Speaker 54483.44s - 4539.12s

All the things. And free throws, they shot 77%. I mean, the Lakers only took 13 free throws. The Nuggets took more free throws than the Lakers ORG did in this game.17 to 13. There you go. Rigged. Hashtag rigged for the Lakers ORG, right? All right, everybody. I do appreciate all you guys for joining him.Sean's going to get the post-post game show started in just a moment. I know we went overtime here. Obviously, very, very difficult night. Very difficult night, very frustrating night. And there's going to be a lot to talk about over the coming days. And we'll see what happens on Thursday.But again, thank you, everybody, for joining. Till next time, we'll see you. And stay safe. Without the ones like you who work tirelessly to keep things running,

Speaker 34539.38s - 4563.86s

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