Jalen Brunson's Reed-esque Performance Leads The Knicks To 2-0 | ft. Stephon Marbury

Jalen Brunson's Reed-esque Performance Leads The Knicks To 2-0 | ft. Stephon Marbury

by Blue Wire

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128:43 minutes

published 22 days ago

American English

© 2021 Knicks Fan TV: The Podcast

Speaker 00s - 77.84s

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Speaker 279.74s - 170.18s

Here we go. Salute to Nick's Nation on this Wednesday evening. Another edition, a KFTV ORG's postgame live, presented by Underdog Fantasy ORG. C.P. the franchise, Alcatraz, Tadis, Stadie Sports Talk ORG in the building. Steph Rambal Berry PERSON on the way.It wasn't pretty, but it was gritty. And on a night, when the Knicks lost their guy, Jalen Brunson, in the first quarter, he would evoke the spirit of the captain in Willis PERSON. On the anniversary of the 1970 championship team, Jalen Brunson comes back in the second half to put on a Broadway show in front of the MSG FAC audience. And on a night when the MVP was named, it was the most clutch player in the NBA ORG right now. Missed the fourth quarter to take his team home and take a two zero lead on this series man one 30 to 121 the Knicks ORG bounce backthe cardiac kids they never say quits their new york grits to put on another one man 130 to 121 let's get it going taking it to indiana man call us up 65 657383-183-1509, or you can hit us up on the KFTV ORG Discord, man. Let's go.

Speaker 21174.34s - 179.66s

Unbelievable, Phel's.

Speaker 2180.7s - 289.32s

Unbelievable, man. Just when you felt like you couldn't be more proud of this team for the way that they fight, for the heart, for the grit that they show, they take it up another notch. I said it after game two of the Philly series when DeVincenzo's three went in, I said, championship be damned, this team, this franchise just gives you moments that no other team in this league can give you.That is why we are the greatest fan base in sports. That is why we rock with this team time in and time out. This game starts in the first quarter. On the heels of losing Mitchell Robinson PERSON to injury for the rest of the season. The whole garden is silent after you lose Jalen Brunson in the first quarter. Not to even return for the entire first half.Knicks go out and 11 point lead. Pacers quickly evaporate that lead within a minute. And then you're like, okay, now it's time to panic. Now it's time to concern. Where is Brunson PERSON? But as soon, J.D. PERSON, you were on a halftime.We were all together halftime. I said, look, if you don't come back in the second half, it's a problem. What we heard he came back and he was out there warming up. I said, okay, we you don't come back in the second half, it's a problem. What we heard he came back and if, well, he was out there warming up. I said, okay, we're about to win this game. It was just that simple because these dudes do not quit. And Captain Clutch PERSON was not going to let these guys down, bro.29 points, 5 assists, 20 plus in the second half. Another brilliant performance by Jalen Brunson PERSON with a right foot injury, man. Let's talk about it, man.

Speaker 21291.16s - 294.22s

And what's the anniversary today, C.P? Let them know.

Speaker 2294.22s - 324.06s

The 1970 championship team. He evoked the spirit of Willis Reed PERSON, bro. You can't make it up. It is the unscripted nature of sports. That's what keeps me going on this platform because you just never know a night in a night out what is going to happen. The story unfolds in front of your eyes live in a living color, bro. On the eve, on the anniversaryof the championship team in Willis Street's FAC heroics. Come on, man. And the way, the way it happened, too,

Speaker 21324.12s - 460.28s

it was like smooth because those type of moments, you know, it's timing also adds to the anticipation and it adds to the emotion. So you have him, you know, he's out the second quarter and then he comes back. Literally, I have time for the warmups. And, you know, I also heard that there were a lot of people that, you know, typically I have time. That's the moment that everyone goes.They use the bathroom. They go to the concession stand. They said, like, a lot of people stayed in their seats. That's how much concern and anticipation there was for anyone to know anything. People were on their phones. You know, I'm doing the play-by-play, and I'm missing plays because I'm refreshingTwitter ORG. I'm trying to get the latest update on Jalen Brunson PERSON. He comes in, he warms up, he even tells the crowd to like take it easy, MVP WORK_OF_ART chance, and he gives it a go for the second half. And what a great win by this team. I mean, guys, add this to the laundry list of another piece of adversity that the Knicksand Jalen Brunson have had to deal with, you know, in terms of what happened with OG PERSON, what happened with Jalen PERSON himself. And for them to continue to just figure out these ways to win at different points of the game. You know, we've already seen games to last possession. They put it out.We see games, you know, they're down double digits. They come back and win. This game, you know, sometimes when you get an injury like what happened with OG PERSON, when you get what happened with Jalen PERSON, you could even have a lead. It doesn't matter what the score is. Those are moments that sometimes just flat out derail a team. Your inspiration goes down, your energy goes down. And this team found a way to just keep it at bay so that when Jalen Brunson PERSON came back,he can, you know, finish the game and he showed you him being a star, you know, 29 points in 32 minutes. I mean, you talk about a guy that was on pace again for another 40 point, 40 point burger. He was on pace to have another.

Speaker 2460.28s - 461.44s

And missed two quarters.

Speaker 20462.44s - 468.14s

And missed two quarters and had 29 points on 11 of 18 shooting

Speaker 21468.14s - 524.04s

three of six from three and some of those shots when he came back were even tough shots because he didn't quite have that explosion he he quite he didn't quite have that explosive aspect of his game and he hits that fade away from the mid-range over Nemhar PERSON, like all over his grill. He hits that three-point shot. It was unbelievable. And great team win.And now you're up to O.O. And you're going to continue to face adversity. But sometimes, CP, you get at a point where I know a lot of the concerns tonight is going to be about OG. But I'm at a point with this team where it seems like it just doesn't matter. Obviously, this may not be the most sustainable, but for right now, for this series, it may not matter. They'll figure out a way to win.Wow, man. It may not matter. They'll figure out a way to win.

Speaker 17524.7s - 526.26s

Wow, man.

Speaker 21530.1s - 531.04s

Dude, fellas, I don't even know what to say at this point.

Speaker 17533.42s - 586.92s

I mean, we could talk about Bruns, and we could talk about OG PERSON. We could talk about Dodd. We could talk about anybody on this team and how they perform tonight. But I just want to take a step back and appreciate this Knicks team because they're playing how we New Yorkers NORP want to see a sports team play. When you just think about hustle, Brit, never letting down and always bouncing back, this is truly what fans live for, man.And this is honestly a privilege to watch a team like this because I don't know about you guys but because of the game of the week previous I get to you know I follow a lot of content creators from different teams now and going through the sixers and now going through the Pacers ORG andseeing other team team content creators and just seeing their fan base and how they feel about the New York Knicks it's you can tell when you have a good team because everybody's hating.

Speaker 8587.72s - 590.04s

You know you made it to the top. You know you made it

Speaker 20590.04s - 591.86s

to the top when everybody's hating what you're doing.

Speaker 8591.86s - 593.94s

Yeah. Whether it's complaining about

Speaker 20593.94s - 595.9s

how Jell and Brunz PERSON is able to attack

Speaker 8595.9s - 597.98s

or flopping and this stuff and all this other

Speaker 20597.98s - 600.06s

nature. You know we have a good team

Speaker 8600.06s - 602.46s

and people, other fanbases

Speaker 17602.46s - 631.06s

are getting tired of watching a good team come from just starting to rise, man. Like a burning Phoenix GPE. And when you watch this Knicks ORG team, I'm just proud. They represent the name on that chest through and through. It is truly gritty, hustle.Nothing will stand in my way. I will do whatever it takes to succeed. And that's why I love this team, man. That's why's why i love this like the fact that brunson goes down that second quarter gets out of

Speaker 0631.06s - 637.06s

hand fellas out of hand the paces are up 10 points they could have been up more we didn't have

Speaker 7637.06s - 644.2s

our MVP we didn't have our guy it could have been easily out of hand and it was still chaotic in

Speaker 0644.2s - 645.02s

that second quarter

Speaker 17645.02s - 664.7s

Brunson PERSON comes back You see Josh Hart PERSON talking to him You see Dante PERSON talking to Brunson They take responsibility saying Let our guy ease back in Let's not put the pressure on him immediatelyAnd what do you get? You get Dante PERSON going off You get Josh Hart PERSON attacking the rim Talk about a unit Talk about togetherness

Speaker 8664.7s - 689.94s

This team continues to fight And I love everything about it attacking the rim. Talk about a unit. Talk about togetherness. This team continues to fight, and I love everything about it. I just got to take a step back, man, because this team, any fan base, they are dying to have teams like this.We've seen teams pack it up, call in a quits, and just don't have enough energy. They'll be down 10, 20 points, and they'll say, you know what? It's not it tonight.I'm packing it up. I'm going home. We'll get the next one.

Speaker 17690.72s - 691.26s

Not this team.

Speaker 2692.64s - 694.44s

Not this team. And I love them for that.

Speaker 17695.18s - 695.24s

Unbelievable, man.

Speaker 2696.44s - 809.58s

Sluat everybody in the chat once again. Hit that thumbs up on free boys. Throw a number two in the chat to support these guys, man. 2 and 0 in the second round. And unbelievable. I'm Stare PERSON in the chat. My thoughts exactly.He says I'm stunned to be stunned. I'm absolutely stunned. I don't know where this second win came from because like J.D. said when he came out at second half, I'm like, is this just a test to see if he could give it a go? Is he going to come?I thought that first time out the Knicks ORG took, he was about to come back out the game because he was laboring so badly. And all of a sudden, fourth quarter, turn me up. It's go time. T.J. McConnell PERSON, bye-bye, hit the bench. Oh, NEPA ORG's in the game.This is food. Out of there there i could not believe it bro where did it come from this is what super you know the superstar think this is what superstars do clutch most clutch in the playoffs Most points in the fourth quarter in the playoffs. Minutes be damned. That is excellence. That is clutch. That is killer instinct that the paces don't have.And this is why I told you on Monday night that they can wrap this up early if things go all way. Now, we'll get to the bad. We'll get to the tough news later. Because I want to, we got to get Brunton PERSON his flowers and these guys, their flowers. We'll get to the tough stuff. But my thought was that at their best, even without Julius PERSON right now,they can run these guys out the gym because of how they play. They have the clutch factor. They have the boards. They have the toughness. The Pacers ORG are a soft team. That is why I say we should have no problem with this team.Now, problems are coming. We'll talk about that another time.

Speaker 8811.4s - 812.42s

Problems are coming.

Speaker 2812.76s - 874.94s

You know what I'm saying? We're going to talk about that. But for right now, man, I just got to give these guys their credit. I love the way that they executed. You know, they've seen the extra attention all the time in the fourth quarter all season long.Two on a ball. You get it to heart. You get it to Hartenstein PERSON. Good things happen. Especially when the paces have no real front end force. There's nobody to be afraid of on the interior.So you could drive in on them. You play four on three. And there you go. You find an open three ball. You find, you know, somebody wrapping around the baseline, finding a cutter down the middle.I heart slam. Precious slam. Like DeVincenzo 3. They were picking them apart in the fourth. And if it wasn't for the mental errors that continues to hurt this team and maybe it was mental fatigue from all the minutes,it wouldn't have even been close in the fourth quarter. Is this the softest pacers five?

Speaker 17875.16s - 878.56s

Is this a softest five in the league with regards to the pace?

Speaker 2878.56s - 884.72s

Because I find it interesting when you watch, there's no resistance whatsoever, right? Zero.

Speaker 17885.96s - 889.96s

And this is where I'm going to go with this. It's an interesting coaching decision on Rick

Speaker 8889.96s - 891.98s

Carlos part where the bench is just

Speaker 0891.98s - 903.52s

demolishing. I mean, T.J. McConnell, Obie Toppin is getting after it. You know, Ben Shepard PERSON's getting after it. Jackson PERSON's getting after it. None of those guys were seen in the fourth quarter. None of them.

Speaker 17904.08s - 905.9s

Yeah, that was an interesting decision by Carlisle PERSON,

Speaker 2905.98s - 924.7s

who ends up leaving the game early in a hissy fit. Like, bro, you almost cost you team. How you ain't leave McConnell PERSON in the game? Two games in a row. You take McConnell PERSON out, but that's the star treatment. You got to make your decision.Could they, you know, do you take net part? I don't know. I don't know, man. That's for them to figure out. You don't know what I'm saying?

Speaker 21924.78s - 983.9s

That's their problems, bro. In the last two quarters, CP and Alex, Jalen Brunson has scored 35 points in the fourth quarter. Wow. Two quarters, 35 points, 21 game one, 14 in the fourth quarter tonight. So you talk about and give credit to him early when he came back in that second half, he became all of a playmaker. He had three assists in that third quarter.He was not forcing it, right? As soon as the double team came, he made the pass. He made the pass early. And so when you talk about the superstar, you know, conversation, another thing I learned tonight is Jalen Brunson PERSON inspires the team. He elevates his teammates. Just him being out there.Just. And you see that with true superstars around the league where their stars and their players play better because they are on the court. Yeah.

Speaker 8983.9s - 1004.22s

I mean, look what happened in Phoenix GPE. And look what happened in these other teams that have quote unquote stars. And you look at them on paper and you see the names and you see the role players. You're like, oh, these are like solid role players. This is not a bad supporting cast. But somehow it just doesn't work.Somehow these players don't elevate their games around these stars. Yep.

Speaker 211004.46s - 1039.12s

But Jalen Brunson PERSON, his presence has elevated just the effort and the execution of his teammates. Like they believe, they really believe that this 6-1 guard, as long as he's on the court, OG can get hurt, Mitch Robinson can get hurt, Randall PERSON can get hurt, anybody can get hurt. As long as he's there, I mean, Jacob Topping PERSON might, at this point, he might get on the court, but he's going to believe that the Knicks ORG have a shot if he gets on thecourt. You know, like that's when you know that you have a true leader and a true superstar on your team.

Speaker 21039.82s - 1109.46s

See, the franchise, Alex Ratar's PERSON J.D. Sports Talk in the building. Stefan Marbury on the way. Somebody in the chat asked where is Steph PERSON. He was at the garden. We got to give him some time to get to the crib, log in. You know what I'm saying?Get the equipment up. Steph Ramborey PERSON will be here, man. Make no mistake making his KFTV ORG post game live debut. Also, the game three watch party tickets are available now. And Stefan Marbury PERSON will be in the building, man. So if you want to watch the game with me, J.D., of new york city man we are going to be there we're changingthe venue up this time because we need a bigger venue stepha marlberry PERSON's going to be in the building this game three it's a friday night we will be at slate slate nyc FAC man so make sure you guys come through we got a lot of giveaways we coordinate the giveaways we're going to finalize the giveaways tomorrow. Lots to go on. But kFTVwatch.com ORG to get your tickets.Go ahead and get your tickets right now. Okay. So that was the good. Another good. The FU. Reggie Chance PERSON. We'll get to that.The foolery part. But the unfortunate part was lost OG, man. That one hit.

Speaker 81109.46s - 1117.24s

That one hit, man. That one, I'm still wounded off of that one. And that's why I had to, you know, really rejoice off the brunts and stuff

Speaker 21117.24s - 1119.66s

because OG stuff really, that hit me hard, man.

Speaker 211120.24s - 1121.12s

That's going to be tough.

Speaker 21121.32s - 1123.3s

Now to the funeral part. Now to the funeral.

Speaker 211123.94s - 1127.82s

Because, and I'm telling you, man, like, every game.

Speaker 21127.82s - 1130.32s

Can the NBA ORG God stop for once?

Speaker 171130.96s - 1137.4s

Like every game, even when he's like here, man, every game I see the guy hit the deck,

Speaker 21138.3s - 1144.52s

I worry about injury. The only player I worry about that with. I don't worry about it with heart, not with Brunson PERSON.

Speaker 211149.62s - 1153.72s

I'm numb to it with Mitch. I'm numb to it with Mitch. You know what I'm saying? You're used to it with Mitch, but every time OG, especially in that Philly GPE series, because it was so grueling.

Speaker 21154.14s - 1159.94s

Every time he hit the deck, I said, oh, it's, that's it. That's it. That's it. And this time

Speaker 211159.94s - 1166.12s

was finally it, man. Oji Anobie PERSON, um, on the fast break, we'll pull the playup,

Speaker 21166.16s - 1171.6s

but on the fast break, did, you know, left the court

Speaker 211171.6s - 1174.32s

and never came back to the other side of the court.

Speaker 21174.46s - 1212.76s

And you know, he's one of those plays where I'm sure when it went to the patient's side of the court, you're waiting, you're waiting, you're waiting, like, where is he, where is he? Never came back, bro. It was stuck in one position under the bad guy said that's not good man the the announcers are hoping it was a cramp but it lookslike it will be a hamstring strain and that that is just awful because he started off the gates very well 28 points he finished on the night four boards three assists a block 10 and 19 from field four seven from downtown. This was the OG from game four of the Philly GPE series, just straight up attack mode. He was killing Seacom tonight.

Speaker 171213.68s - 1241.14s

Bro, he was. Killing Seacom ORG, bro. You know, when Raptors fans were looking for the next Kauai Leonard PERSON after he left, you never really saw it. But the way OG is developing this offensive game since he came to the Knicks ORG, man,and especially late in the season, this is just very impressive because you didn't, no one saw this out in Toronto GPE. The way that he's creating separation with a shoulder, the way he's just able to attack off the dribble, you see how they're running the same pistol actionthey did for RJ for OG PERSON, man.

Speaker 211241.26s - 1263.68s

And he's just able to just body his way through defenders and finish through contact that it was a whole other level just watching OG tonight and I mean you talk about that second quarter where Brunton PERSON's out this guy is just carrying the team absolutely carrying the team like not only offensively but defensively too I mean outside of the injury

Speaker 171263.68s - 1287.82s

being you know, like it's just awful because you see him go for the way up, you just see him stop and he's just on the stanza, just like, I'm not moving. You know, you see him holding his leg, limping back to the bench.It goes all the way back to the locker. You're like, he's not coming back in. Hopefully, we don't know if it's a cramp strain. I don't know what it is. Did they confirm it to strain? Because all they said was like,

Speaker 21288.6s - 1290.88s

Blake PERSON soreness. They just said, that's what Chris Haynes PERSON said.

Speaker 171291.18s - 1296.22s

And, yeah, and you know, the Twitter ORG doctors are saying acute hamstring strain. Didn't look good.

Speaker 21296.28s - 1297.94s

Didn't look good at all. Definitely wasn't a cramp.

Speaker 211298.9s - 1303.14s

He's off for the series, man. I'm going to guess he's probably out for the series.

Speaker 21303.98s - 1306.54s

Based on his track record, he's out.

Speaker 211306.54s - 1311.16s

That did not look like, I mean, he couldn't even move.

Speaker 21311.16s - 1312.16s

Couldn't move, bro.

Speaker 191312.16s - 1318.12s

If you saw, if you saw where he was grabbing it under the basket, he was grabbing his leg,

Speaker 211318.12s - 1328.26s

he like was grabbing it at an angle where he didn't even want to, like, stand up straight for, for some time there. It's like he was like, sideways. Right. And he just, he didn't even want to like stand up straight for for some time there. It's like he was like sideways. Right. And he just, he didn't even want to move.

Speaker 21328.36s - 1329s

That looked weird.

Speaker 211329.64s - 1417.86s

That was strange. And, you know, when he finally is able to walk, you see he's literally dragging the foot. Like he's not walking and just kind of limping a little bit where you're like,okay, it's just because there's different levels. There's hamstring tightness, which is not necessarily a string or pull. Right. It's just it got very tight. It just tightened up on you.You just need to let it rest, you know, a couple days and you're good. This seems to me like he strained it. And obviously, you know, he's going to get test and that's going to be, you're going to look at what grade is a grade one, is a grade two, is a grade three. Even if it's a grade one, to me, you're already heading into game three of this series. I think, like I said, obviously it's just my guesstimate. I think you're likely, likely looking at, you know, him being out for the rest of the series and trying to come back next series.And at this point, whatever. Like, the best case scenario is what you hope for because, bro, I never, I wouldn't want to get ahead even if I'm up three O. But it's natural. I'm a fan.And when you're up to O, when you see the best player in this series is Jalen Brunson PERSON, it's normal for me to think ahead and say, you know what? I need Oji for Boston GPE. Like we need him for Boston GPE. For sure.We need him for Boston GPE. And tonight 28 points in 28 minutes.

Speaker 21417.86s - 1419.28s

Bro, he was killing him.

Speaker 211419.82s - 1420.42s

Kill it.

Speaker 21420.62s - 1423.32s

You had baby Kauai OG tonight.

Speaker 211424.1s - 1434s

Four threes, locking up Pascal, Pascal tonight. I know he didn't play defense him throughout the whole night, but Pascal ended with 14 points on about 18 shots,

Speaker 111434.54s - 1435.64s

quiet night for him.

Speaker 01436.28s - 1440.16s

And you saw it all tonight from OG and Obie PERSON,

Speaker 211440.16s - 1497.38s

the drive, the mid-range, the aggressiveness, the violence, you know, against the rim because he goes know, against the rim. Because he goes up strong to the rim. And it's just like, and I just wonder, I ask you, if he does come back, do you have to just look at OG in a way that Tibbs PERSON just cannot play him like he's playing the other guys. Josh Hart tonight, 44 minutes, 48 minutes.Again, Dante DiVincenzo tonight has 43 minutes. You know, Hartinstein, 39 minutes. Listen, OG PERSON comes back. You have to, like, at this point, because this is the first time in his life that he's playing these type of minutes. First time in his life. And you have to wonder if that has catch.Because when you, that type of injury, remember when Dante Vincenzo PERSON, he had that stretch with his minutes,

Speaker 21498.1s - 1500.2s

ballooned, and then he heard his hamstring?

Speaker 211500.32s - 1500.96s

Rockets ORG, yeah.

Speaker 21501.66s - 1503.84s

Hamstring injuries like that sometimes are

Speaker 211503.84s - 1520.32s

because of just extra stress on the ligaments on, on your body. They're going to have to kind of tone it down with him when he comes back. Keep him in that high 30s. But, you know, at this point, you just hope for the best. It's the worst news of the night.

Speaker 21520.32s - 1526.4s

It's the worst news of the night, bro. That's the one play you can't miss. I feel like you can miss anybody else.

Speaker 211527.08s - 1554.14s

You can find the way. If you miss Dante PERSON, it hurts. Throw McRide PERSON in there. You can find a way. You miss Mitch PERSON. You see tonight precious.You can find the way. You miss Randall PERSON. You brought OG PERSON here. You go small ball. You can find a way. You miss Deuce PRODUCT.Bring somebody else. Burke PERSON's next. You can find a way. OG miss Deuce. Bring somebody else. Burke PERSON's next. You can find a way. OG is the one guy that I feel like, oh, it's going to be tough to make up for him.

Speaker 21554.14s - 1626.56s

Because we don't have no other wings. No wings. And it's just, you know, the minutes, these guys are taxed right now, man. I mean, Josh Hart PERSON, another game. He plays 48. He plays 48. Plays 48.Brunson played the entire second half. Did not sit down. 32 for him. 44 for DeVincenzo. 39 for Iheart PERSON. I mean, this is just the soldiers we go into war with.They're delivering, but damn, it's like, man, you got to tip your hat to them because they are working. And, you know, hard to know the direct correlation because OG PERSON does get those knick-knack injuries, man. But, man, that hurts. That hurts, man. Let's get to some calls. Stefan Marbury PERSON on the way.So to everybody in the chat once again. $10 super chat for Mark PERSON, franchise channel member says, please check out Rick Carlisle's PERSON post game. Really officiating loss of that game, please.We had our star players out and y'all couldn't win. Okay, so Carlisle PERSON's crying. We're going to get to the fans. We don't really want to hear from him. We don't really want to put him up there that early in the show.But we will get to it. So thanks for the super chat. Mark, Kino does it on the Discord PRODUCT. Go ahead and I meet your mic. Kino PERSON does it. Yo, I'm gonna stay positive.

Speaker 31626.76s - 1628.22s

Okay. Start off with the good.

Speaker 21628.36s - 1629.84s

So like, share,

Speaker 31630.02s - 1635.42s

subscribe, y'all know the drill. Yep. My son has to go to Villanova first and foremost.

Speaker 81636.3s - 1637.66s

It is non-adversible.

Speaker 31638.86s - 1640.94s

Villanova ORG or he's off the will.

Speaker 81643.18s - 1644.32s

Good, good one, man.

Speaker 31644.74s - 1665.68s

Yo, I literally watch this team come out firing in that first quarter, hitting on every cylinder, and it looked like it was going to be a blowout. And then Jalen Brunson, I'm air quoting, Bruce PERSON foot, sore foot. He ain't hurt his foot. I don't know what it is, but you know this organization, they like to lie about their injuries or maybe not lies the right word omit information

Speaker 81665.68s - 1671.68s

and they just yo they did not stop fighting like you saw they was trying they were trying

Speaker 31671.68s - 1680.32s

they was holding on o g oh g was sent down from canada to america to save the nix ORG i swear to god this

Speaker 81681.12s - 1683.18s

family show family show almost cursed yo this is ridiculous Family show, family show almost cursed.

Speaker 31684.2s - 1686.28s

Yo, this is ridiculous.

Speaker 81688.16s - 1688.22s

Brunson comes back almost like Willis Reed PERSON,

Speaker 31689.96s - 1692.04s

Willis Reed S. PERSON This is crazy. You cannot make this stuff up.

Speaker 81692.84s - 1693.5s

He comes back.

Speaker 201696.68s - 1696.74s

One foot, one foot, two foot, redfish, bluefish.

Speaker 31697.24s - 1698.68s

It don't matter. They can't stop this man.

Speaker 81700.08s - 1700.2s

They cannot stop Jalen Brunson PERSON.

Speaker 01700.78s - 1702.04s

It's ridiculous.

Speaker 31703.56s - 1703.8s

Yo, this team, I love this team.

Speaker 01704.86s - 1706.22s

I love this next team. love this Knicks ORG team.

Speaker 31708.34s - 1716.88s

If we, the basketball guys are cruel because if we had a healthy randau, a healthy Mitch PERSON, you want to talk about out the window? Oh my goodness. I would lose my damn mind.

Speaker 21717.04s - 1717.72s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 31719.4s - 1728.08s

But anyway, Nixon 6, Nixon 6. We got to rest OG up for the Boston GPE series. Appreciate everything. Appreciate the call. Salute, man. Salute, man OG up for the Boston GPE series. Appreciate everything. Appreciate the call. Salute, man.Salute, man.

Speaker 21728.74s - 1795.46s

Nick PERSON's nation in the chat, man. Hall out our sponsors. One of our sponsors tonight at Cutsman ORG. Cutsclothing.com. Go to Cutsclothing.com. Use our code KFTV for a 20% off your first order, man.Check out Cuts, man. Stylish T's, polos, khaki shorts. You name it, man. As we enter into the spring in the summer, keep it locked with our guys at cuts clothing, man. Great, great gear for today's man.My man said, my son is going to Nova ORG. They built. They're getting off the will. The Nova ORG boys are built differently, man. You had 29 from Brunson, 19 from heart, and 28. Raghu had a big game tonight, too, man. You had, you had 29 from Brunson, 19 from Hart, and 28.Raghu had a big game tonight, too, man. Big game from Ragu ORG tonight. 28 points, 10 to 20 from the field, 6 to 12 from downtown, six boards, four dimes, and a steel. 19 and 15 for Hart PERSON. Seven dimes, a steel, and a block.Yeah, the turnovers were a little rough in the first half you know there's a couple we don't need that moments from him but he's been such a star for his team i give those a pass man he's been he's been that great for us al you know what i'm saying

Speaker 171795.46s - 1806.2s

absolutely i mean look the the turnovers from heart are going to be JD PERSON said it best on the last post game

Speaker 21806.2s - 1808.56s

man it's like it's like Randallesque PERSON right

Speaker 171808.56s - 1810.12s

he does so many good things and you're like

Speaker 21810.12s - 1812.72s

what what why are you deciding to do that at that moment

Speaker 171812.72s - 1815.98s

but for the position that he's put in guys

Speaker 01815.98s - 1817.08s

a guy who was

Speaker 171817.08s - 1862.78s

supposed to be a bench player then moved up to be a starter Julius PERSON goes down OG goes down and now he's shoulder the responsibility of being the best rebounder on this team. And a guy that just relentlessly attacks the paint, not only in transition, but when even in the half court, right? Where they kick it out to him on three.Most of the time, you know he's going to like pass up the three and just drive it. And this guy has taken on a whole new role and has elevated his game where at points like this, you just got to look over, especially going to win where it's like it's going to happen. They're asking him to do a lot more. But 19 points, 15 boards, 7 assists, close to a triple double, man. Yeah.My God.

Speaker 01863.2s - 1870.18s

Like, we almost had two guys get a triple double tonight. Both hearts. Yep. That's, I don't know.

Speaker 171870.34s - 1905.86s

Josh Hart, though, like, it just impresses me how a 6-4 shooting guard goes out there and out rebounds everybody. I mean, you're talking about centers, power forwards. Like, there is nobody on the Pacers ORG that has double-digit rebounds. Seacom is the closest with nine. But yet again, Josh Hart comes out here with double-digit boards, 15. And then he gets you to two offensive boards.I mean, it's just, man's all over the place. When I think of Josh Hart PERSON, I think of Sonic

Speaker 21905.86s - 2016.72s

the Hedgehog. He was running all around the place. It's like just collecting coins. Like, nope, I'm taking that. I'm taking that. I'm taking that. Unlimited energy. Heart, tenacity. Man, just everything, bro.What a great group. Great group, man. So to everybody in the chat, once again. We got 4,600 people on the check-in, man. KFTV postgame live presented by Underdog Fantasy ORG. Stefan Marbury PERSON on the way.Call us up 657383-1-509 or you could hit us up on the KFTV ORG Discord, man. We are going to the calls. We're going to shout out the super chats that have come in, ton of super chats. Shout out to, let's pick it up, the rhyme animal Chuck D. Fellas, 10-dust chat says, in my opinion, we on house money. What this season is showing is that when we do get our full squad healthy,not playing like this will be tremendously unacceptable next year. This game was top 25 all time, in my opinion. Shout out to the rhyme animal Chuck D PERSON, man. Yeah, it makes you happy about what they're doing, but it makes you wonder like, damn, at full strength. Whoa, this thing could look very, very scary come next season.But you know, hey, this season's still in it. They are alive and doing well, 2 and O. House money, just like you said. Let's hope for positive and good news on the dog, even though that was a tough, tough injury to lose him to. So we'll wait and see.Al, if you could just refresh Twitter ORG, send me anything that might be notable to share in the Jumbotron. On the phones, 646, what's your name? Where you're calling in from? 646.'s your name where you're calling in from 646 going once all right we're going to drop you offwe're going to go to overseas man 971 what's your name where you're calling it from

Speaker 82016.72s - 2018.56s

turn down the audio

Speaker 22018.56s - 2021.72s


Speaker 42021.72s - 2023.72s


Speaker 22023.72s - 2025.94s

yes hello Hello Hello Hello Yes hello

Speaker 82025.94s - 2029.32s

Sixth four six Go once

Speaker 22029.32s - 2032.42s

I don't These guys can't hear me Hello hello

Speaker 82032.42s - 2035.48s

All right we gotta drop him off

Speaker 22035.48s - 2071.94s

He's got us on the TV too All right let's try this again 267 what's your name Where you calling in from All right Might be having somesome sort of issue here with the phones Let me I'm going to hang up on the phones And and reconnect here See if we see if we get that back So to everybody in the chat once againHit that thumbs up on free boys CPJD Alex In the building KFTV ORG post game live We're trying to get the phones back up and running. Just hang tight and wewill get to it man. Nix PERSON beat the pace to start your

Speaker 162071.94s - 2074.26s

1.30 to 121.

Speaker 112075.4s - 2076.06s

Big win

Speaker 22076.06s - 2103.38s

man. Captain Clutch Jalen Brunson PERSON with a heroic Willis Reed-esque return in the second half to really power these Knicks ORG to victory, man. So just an incredible job.Okay, let's see if we have it. 267. Are you there? I'm here. I'm here. Okay.What's your name? Where are you calling in from? I'm calling from Pennsylvania GPE, baby. Okay, let's go. Let's go what she takes. Let's go.C.P., I see you.

Speaker 62103.5s - 2109.56s

I tried to call you guys last week, but got hung up. I saw you at the fifth game, man, repping hard body.

Speaker 202109.6s - 2113.04s

In Philly, game four. Game four. In four.

Speaker 62113.76s - 2118.46s

You know, and I want everybody to really understand this, how hard it is to raise a Nick PERSON fan

Speaker 82118.46s - 2125.2s

and six the country, how hard it is to raise a Giants fan and Eagle Country GPE?

Speaker 62125.56s - 2128.42s

So on a personal level, I needed this.

Speaker 182128.8s - 2133.14s

I needed this to give to my son to rep where we come from, right?

Speaker 62133.26s - 2134.26s

Because we're taking over.

Speaker 02134.92s - 2138.44s

When I tell you, this team is amazing, right?

Speaker 62138.64s - 2139.5s

This team is amazing.

Speaker 02139.98s - 2142.84s

And you guys hit it on the head.

Speaker 112143.3s - 2145.16s

Imagine if we're healthy. Imagine it. But imagine how much better we it on the head. Imagine if we're healthy.

Speaker 02146.12s - 2146.88s

Imagine it.

Speaker 62147.24s - 2150.74s

But imagine how much better the foundation, right?

Speaker 82150.98s - 2152.44s

The championship is the third floor.

Speaker 02152.82s - 2153.86s

We're building the basement.

Speaker 62154.48s - 2155.88s

We're building the first floor.

Speaker 82156.14s - 2157.48s

We're building the foundation.

Speaker 62157.78s - 2158.18s

Let's go.

Speaker 72158.18s - 2160.94s

This team is about to get after it.

Speaker 62161.1s - 2162.16s

It's not about this year.

Speaker 72162.56s - 2163.58s

It's not about winning.

Speaker 62164s - 2169.08s

It's not about being the paces. It's about bringing the championship back to the mecca. Back to the after it. It's not about this year. It's not about winning. It's not about being the paces. It's about bringing the championship back to the mecca.

Speaker 22169.26s - 2170.38s

Back to the mecca, baby.

Speaker 62171.12s - 2173.08s

Let's go, man. Salute to you, man. Stay up.

Speaker 22173.9s - 2174.96s

salute to everybody in the chat.

Speaker 62175.2s - 2176.12s

I appreciate it.

Speaker 72176.68s - 2194.36s

Hit that thumbs up on free boys, man. Seth R. Marbury coming through in just a few minutes. We're going to recap this game, man. Back overseas we go. Let's get to that 971 number. Let me get them in here.Phone should be working out. 971. What's your name? Where you're calling in from? We're driven by the search for better.

Speaker 02194.62s - 2263.7s

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Speaker 52263.84s - 2265.96s

John from Dubai GPE, man. We go back and forth on Twitter.

Speaker 22266.04s - 2272.76s

My guy, John Lobriel PERSON, was good, man. I thought you was going to be on the plane. You coming to the game three watch party? No, I'm going on the plane.

Speaker 52272.88s - 2285.16s

I'm getting in the plane in a few hours, man. In a few hours. I'll be there. I just bought the ticket. Going to slate on Friday. I'll be there with my girl.So looking forward to seeing you. Shout out Alex PERSON. We've gone back and forth to IG and shout out J.D. For the play by play. Shout to my guy, John and Dubai, man. Let's go. Shout out Alex. We've gone back and forth to IG and shout out J.D. PERSON for the playbys.

Speaker 22285.2s - 2289.68s

Shout of my guy, John, in Dubai GPE, man. Let's go. Yeah, man.

Speaker 52289.74s - 2302.26s

Anyway, these guys are going to push me to buy extra sessions of therapy, honestly, because it's been an up and down. And I'm going to name my first son, Jay. I just told my girl tonight, there's no debate about that.

Speaker 82302.26s - 2305.46s

There you go. That's what's definitely going to have. But one take. Do you go. That's what's definitely going to happen.

Speaker 52312.66s - 2315.36s

But one take, do you guys think that OG should just get sat down for the rest of the series or at least as far down as possible?

Speaker 82315.82s - 2318.9s

Because, look, it looked really bad that hamstring injury.

Speaker 52319.08s - 2324.1s

I've gone to a hamstring injury before, and those things are not easy to come back from.

Speaker 22324.18s - 2351.7s

Yeah. I mean, i think first we got to find out you know what what the extent of the injury is you know what i'm saying and then i'm clearly if if they feel like there is a risk to re-injure which with hamstrings you easily can tyrese halliburton was was just derailed by hamstring injury the entire second half of the season so you just don't know there's different grades, is different type like JD PERSON was saying.So we just got to wait and see what the prognosis is first. Absolutely, absolutely.

Speaker 52351.94s - 2354.5s

And I'm on a group chat with some of my best friend,

Speaker 22354.58s - 2355.32s

one final thing.

Speaker 52355.68s - 2368.5s

And they're all Lakers fan, so they always call me the Elusual Knicks ORG fan. I tell them, don't talk to me about pain. Okay. Here's why. I've seen Alfred Payton, I've seen Alonzo Trier PERSON, Pablo Prijioni, Shane Larkin PERSON,Bino Udre, Jose Cajaron PERSON.

Speaker 82369.16s - 2371.76s

So don't talk to me about pain talking about point guards, right?

Speaker 52371.82s - 2377.92s

We finally got Jalen Brunson PERSON. He's our guy. He's the reason why I tune in now every single day. I've been tuning in for 25 years now.

Speaker 02378s - 2379.06s

But he's the reason why.

Speaker 22379.36s - 2414.58s

Yeah, call me a little delusional. But Nixon 5, let's go. Let's go. I'll see you on Friday, guys. Let's go. Appreciate you, John PERSON.Safe travels. We'll see you at Slate on Friday, appreciate you John safe travels we'll see you at slate on Friday man pull up pull up pull up okay uh Ian Begley says according to jaylon Bruncey says I'm all good in terms of the right foot sorenness and that's it didn't get any imaging on the foot when he was out the game I don't remember do you guys remember when he heard his foot last year that was a mysterious injury um last year in the Kings ORG game. Was that the right or the left foot?Is it a reaggravation? Who knows? I'm just kind of just throwing that out there. But he says he's all good, man. Clearly.

Speaker 172415.8s - 2418.86s

I mean, he made old easy in the second half as soon as he returned.

Speaker 22419s - 2431.42s

Clearly, I mean, Andrew Neffhard PERSON, what was your perspective? I like to hear from Andrew Neffard tonight. I don't want to hear from Carlisle PERSON. I want to hear from Andrew Nepphardt while he was getting cooked on a skillet in the fourth quarter with a guy on one foot.

Speaker 172432.58s - 2453.88s

Can you imagine in here? I'm going to go with a deep conspiracy theory. Can you imagine if somebody higher up is like, look, guys, I get that we are short-staffed on this roster. But can we please get J.B. PERSON a break. Forrest Tibbs his hand to play deuce because Brunton will play another 40-some-odd minutes tonight. Tell him to go back and take a rest.

Speaker 22454.22s - 2462.5s

Do whatever. Just hold him back in the locker room for a minute. And then he can play the entire second half. Boy, oh, boy, man. What a guy, man.

Speaker 212463.58s - 2495.34s

And he's probably not all right, like he's saying. Yeah, of course that. You know, the thing is, and this happens around the league more than people like to admit. You have your players that they understand the media narrative, the media coverage of them. And so a lot of times I do believe players have a nagging injury or something. And for the camera, they over-exaggerated a little bit because that adds a lot of times I do believe players have a nagging injury or something. And for the camera, they over exaggerate it a little bit because it adds more spice to the story.It adds more, you know, oh my God, look at the way he's limping.

Speaker 02495.46s - 2509.56s

And look at it. I do believe players do that. Not all, but I do think they do that. You know, if they feel okay, they limp a little bit more than what they have to. It just adds to the legacy, right? And, you know, we've never had those players.

Speaker 212510.2s - 2512.38s

You know, we talk about Marbury PERSON. Marbury PERSON wasn't like that.

Speaker 22512.84s - 2514.38s

You know, Marbury PERSON wasn't a flopper.

Speaker 192514.48s - 2515.14s

Then we had Mello PERSON.

Speaker 22515.26s - 2516.34s

Mello PERSON wasn't like that.

Speaker 212517s - 2524.26s

You know, Mello PERSON got a tough whistle. Now we have Brunton PERSON. And Brunton PERSON is a tough son of a gun. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 72524.42s - 2526.88s

And I'm pretty sure that he's probably,

Speaker 212527.06s - 2538.38s

you know, you know how that is the adrenaline. He's probably pretty sore right now. But he's going to tell everyone that he's good because that's that Villanova ORG pedigree of we don't make excuses.

Speaker 22538.68s - 2553.54s

We just play ball. True indeed. True indeed, man. Back to the phones. This is the people show. Call us up 130 to 121. Nick's win, take a 2-0 lead on the Pacers. Call us indeed, man. Back to the phones. This is The People Show. Call us up 130 to 121. Nick's win, take a 2-0 lead on the Pacers ORG. Call us up, man. Let us know what you think. 917-330.What's your name? Where you're calling in from?

Speaker 102555.2s - 2558.48s

Yo, man, this is Tucson from Brooklyn GPE. Tuss out.

Speaker 22558.92s - 2563.78s

Shout out, Alex PERSON. Shout out, JD PERSON. Yeah, it's been a while, man.

Speaker 102563.82s - 2571.62s

It's been a while, man. I've just been, you know, I was working at the garden all year last year, man. Okay. I've just been in my little nest, man.

Speaker 22571.72s - 2572.06s

Yes, sir.

Speaker 102572.62s - 2635.62s

But I had to call in tonight. First of all, shout out Miles Turner PERSON for that little step back. I don't know what he thought he was doing with that. But we appreciate it. We'll take it nonetheless. I ain't going to a lot.Coming into the series, I was a little worried. But it's like with every single game, I think it's like the battle between the depths, but there is different between from Philly because Philly GPE had, you know, two stars who impacted the gamein such a different way. And it's like Indiana GPE is just, they're even. They're pretty balanced. But T.J. McConnell PERSON, I've seen him going at it with somebody. I want to know who he was going at it with, man.He had a little exchange like before Rick Carlisle ended up being rejected. But overall, man, I'm looking forward to Indiana GPE. And I'm hoping that, you know we we have a lot more dominance that we did when we went to Philly that first game game three when we get out there so

Speaker 82635.62s - 2640.82s

shout out to y'all thank you for taking the call and I'll definitely stop being a stranger man

Speaker 102640.82s - 2646.34s

I appreciate it man good to hear from you good to hear from you man that's uh Tucson GPE from Brooklyn

Speaker 22646.34s - 2656.56s

salute to Tucson um here was the Brunson PERSON clip after the game this is courtesy of S and Y was uh here's uh here's Brunson PERSON here's Brunson here I guess this

Speaker 92656.56s - 2658.94s

what ended up happening with it

Speaker 152658.94s - 2661.86s

but how were you able to play through it?

Speaker 92664.1s - 2664.4s


Speaker 152664.4s - 2667.02s

I'm all good.

Speaker 92667.62s - 2671.18s

And, um, that's it.

Speaker 182671.76s - 2673s

Do you remember how it happened to go?

Speaker 32673.64s - 2675.76s

No, that's one thing I don't know.

Speaker 182676.36s - 2676.98s

Don't know.

Speaker 32677.58s - 2679s

I just felt a little discomfort.

Speaker 92680.3s - 2683.64s

And then went from there.

Speaker 32684.78s - 2685.4s

All right.

Speaker 92685.44s - 2690.4s

So Brunson PERSON says he's not clear on where the injury occurred or how it occurred.

Speaker 32691.66s - 2693.34s

But there it is.

Speaker 92693.66s - 2694.52s

He says he's all good.

Speaker 32694.52s - 2699s

There was Devin Chenzo on Brunson's return in the second half and his heroics.

Speaker 92699.12s - 2700.34s

Here's the big ragout.

Speaker 32700.4s - 2700.84s

Here we go.

Speaker 122701.28s - 2704.02s

What was it like from your perspective to watch him to keep the game

Speaker 22704.02s - 2706.38s

and then watch him check back in and have him back to him?

Speaker 92707.68s - 2733.62s

I mean, he's a warrior. That's all I got. I mean, there was no doubt in our minds that, you know, he'll be back all season long, no matter what is starting at him, you know, injury bug or whatever. He always mounts back. We knew the, you know, the severity of the game and everything, so we knew, you know, everybody had confidence he was coming back.All right.

Speaker 22733.64s - 2752.1s

Everybody was confident, man. Not me. I didn't know. Because, you know, I kid you not. Because, yo, he missed the entire first half. So I'm like, man, I came back to to to play by playmade sure jadee was good make sure the setup was good you were like they make sure jd didn't leave

Speaker 212752.1s - 2757.96s

the leave the street that's what i wanted to do boy let me tell you go ahead go ahead bro no because i

Speaker 22757.96s - 2763.64s

was going to say like you mentioned the detail for me of you know when you said you didn't think

Speaker 212763.64s - 2765.88s

you weren't so confident that he would come back because of the time that that elapsed for me of you know when you said you didn't think you weren't so confident that he would come back

Speaker 22765.88s - 2772.16s

because of the time that that elapsed for me it was that and also when I saw on Twitter that

Speaker 212772.16s - 2777.86s

Rick Brunson PERSON had left the bench now this is you know Rick Brunson yes that's his dad but he also

Speaker 22777.86s - 2782.68s

has a job to do he's the assistant coach first row right he's not Othella Harrington PERSON in the

Speaker 212782.68s - 2800.3s

back row he's first row coaching he still has a job to do and in my estimation for him to just say forget this game right now and go back and he also didn't come back out at all i said okay if the dad is going back there something is going on yeah yeah

Speaker 22800.3s - 2805.92s

that's when i was looking that's when i got scared yeah i was I was looking to see if Rick PERSON had left the bench.

Speaker 212805.98s - 2806.46s

I didn't see.

Speaker 22806.54s - 2810.74s

But when I came up to make sure that that play-by-play was straight,

Speaker 212810.8s - 2813.92s

I didn't have another monitor up here to see what was going on.

Speaker 22813.92s - 2816.18s

So that was tough, man.

Speaker 212816.28s - 2818.3s

But unbelievable.

Speaker 22818.84s - 2822.8s

Because you guys know me. I'm more of a glass, half-empty type of guy.

Speaker 82822.9s - 2825.26s

Now, with this series, I've been a bit more confident. Just the way they got through Philly, I'm more of a glass, half-empty type of guy. Now, with this series, with this series,

Speaker 22826.92s - 2833s

I've been a bit more confident. Just the way they got through Philly GPE, I was more confident that they should be able to take this series if they were, you know, fairly healthy.

Speaker 172833s - 2834.16s

Unfamiliar territory for people.

Speaker 22834.16s - 2845.62s

I'm familiar, man. But you know what? When me and the lady watch these games, we like the Ying and the Yang because she's like Captain Optimus PERSON. She's always like,yo, we're straight, we're straight. Don't worry. You know what I'm saying?

Speaker 112845.72s - 2855.6s

Like, she's watching with a smile. I'm watching with a growl. I'm just waiting for the shoe to fall off every time. And every time on the money, they prove her right, man.

Speaker 22855.72s - 2856.06s

They prove it.

Speaker 212856.06s - 2857.68s

Bro, that has to be great, though.

Speaker 22857.88s - 2885.7s

It's funny. Yeah. It's hilarious. Yeah. Because I've seen some of her energy too. Like, yeah.She is like, O.D. Hight. Hight PERSON. And shout out to Nickenator PERSON. One time we was at the game and he caught us. He was sitting in the front and we used a couple rows back up and he caught us in like in a, like a candid pose watching a game.And it was just like that. Like me with a scowl on my face. Her with an optimistic look on her face. And that's just how we watched the game, man. That's just how we watch the game.

Speaker 172886.06s - 2887.72s

Now, that would be good content, C.P.

Speaker 22887.8s - 2974.74s

That would be good. I'll watch along with you and the next trick, just seeing how it all pans out. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Hold up, hold up, hold up, man. Hang on, wait a second. Hang on.We got some company coming through here. We got some company coming through. Let me just make sure he's getting him in here. So we get him in here. We got that thumbs up button for you, boys. C.P. the franchise, Alcatraz, J.D. Sports Talk ORG. And I believe our special guest is on the way. We got away from the setup. Just give some time for the technology to set it up. Just give us some time a little bit here. Special guest, he was at the garden. He was in the middle of the melee.If you were watching on the telecast, he didn't sit down. Not one second. He was in the players' lounge, and the players' lounge, it's getting deep in there, man. Shout out to MS. They're doing a great job of bringing the legends back. Once and Nick PERSON, always the Nick.The barbecue is popping down there on the baseline. I'm just going to wait for him to get in here, man. Salute, man. Who else we got? I'm going to salute some super chats while we wait. $10 super chat from Will N PERSON says,I swear the Knicks are like the basketball version of Final Destination WORK_OF_ART. Julius PERSON already gone. Then Mitch, bogey, now OG, later possibly Brunson PERSON with that hamstring. Unbelievable. 5,000 people on the check-in. Let's go.Shout out to Rick Carlisle. Shout out to Rick Carlisle, man.

Speaker 212974.74s - 2981.58s

He's making the whole, he's making the whole post game about, he's creating this whole, it's weak.

Speaker 172981.98s - 2983.16s

He's talking to TCP ORG.

Speaker 22983.76s - 2986.12s

He's talking about small market teams.

Speaker 172986.36s - 2987.48s

Oh, my God.

Speaker 22987.58s - 2989.36s

My man's grasping for straws.

Speaker 212989.66s - 2992.36s

Your team's soft, man. Period. Period.

Speaker 22993.24s - 3005.84s

I mean, what more do you want me to say? Like, they had every chance. You had these guys on the ropes. Put O.G.M. O.B. and McConnell PERSON back in, and maybe you see something differently. You know what I mean?

Speaker 173007.04s - 3026.26s

All right. Yeah. Go ahead. Well, I'm setting up the, I'm setting up the show right now. So go ahead. I just get tired of the whole small market team, like, angle where you just had the bucks win not too long ago. We've seen other teams make it to the file. I mean, what else do we need? We have OKC GPE just doing the damn thing right now.

Speaker 213026.32s - 3031.72s

Isn't that a small market team? Right. Like, when do we get to stop with the whole small market

Speaker 173031.72s - 3040.94s

team not being properly represented? I mean, we had the Nuggets in Miami Heat in the finals last year. We really wanted everything to, this is where sometimes the conspiracy theories go a little too far.

Speaker 23041.48s - 3052.5s

I don't know what he's so tight about. I mean, you had control the game. You had control of the game. It had nothing to do with small market anything. Don't tell me about the calls this time because I had nothing to do with it.

Speaker 213053.3s - 3095.7s

Ironically is when the team is down 2-0, just like remember what Embed PERSON was saying. Yeah. Right? And as I mentioned, sometimes when you're down 02, you're frustrated. And it could be a buildup from what happened with Game 1 with Rick Carlisle. But it does not make sense for you to make it about a big market team versus a small market team.Hey, coach, you know, he talked about how he submitted this to the league. And he said, usually when you submit these things to the league, you know, you expect to get a fair shot the next game. Well, Rick PERSON, I have a message for you. Because in the game three, why don't you submit the fact that the last two games you've left T.J. McConnell in the fourth quarter on the bench?

Speaker 73096.24s - 3115.1s

Why don't you submit your fourth quarter decisions, your coaching decisions, your strategies, submit that to the league. And how about, you know, you want to talk about small market team versus Mick market team? Coach, you're lucky that you're on a small market team because some of the scenes you made this series, if you were in New York GPE, that would have been the talk of the night.

Speaker 23115.42s - 3131.98s

True indeed, true indeed, man. Ladies and gentlemen in the chat, we have our guest. Our guest other night is in the building. He was in Madison Square Garden FAC. Did not have a seat? Did you even sit down, sir?I don't think he sat down for the entire night.

Speaker 123132.38s - 3168.24s

I don't think I sat down. He was rallying the troops. Stefan Marbury PERSON in the building. Starberry ORG, talk to us, man. Let's go, man. Let's go.That game was incredible. The energy inside the building, every time they shoot, it's like our energy is like forcing the ball to go in. And we keep doing it over and over. Big moments, big, big plays. And it's not just jailing. Big, big fella stepped up.How you say his last name, the kids from Toronto GPE.

Speaker 23168.82s - 3170.28s

O.G. and Nobie PERSON.

Speaker 123171s - 3172.28s

Not O.G.

Speaker 23172.48s - 3175.62s

Ciac. Oh, he's talking about Achua PERSON.

Speaker 123176.06s - 3176.96s

Presses a Chua.

Speaker 23177.22s - 3177.56s

A chua.

Speaker 123178.82s - 3205.78s

He came in and played big for us. You know, and that's what the playoffs is about. Somebody go down, somebody step up. You know what I'm saying? Josh PERSON, she's just been unbelievable. I mean, he's just all of energy.And when we chair for them the way I reach for them, that's going to carry over going into the Indiana GPE. You know what I'm saying?

Speaker 23206.02s - 3218.36s

That's what it's going to do. It's a big game tonight. Man, what was the vibe like, you know, first quarter Brunson PERSON gets hurt with the foot injury, goes back to the locker room. Were you concerned?Were you looking for him? Like, what was the vibe like when he went down?

Speaker 123218.36s - 3250.68s

No, I was, my focus was, it's an opportunity for somebody else to step up. That's the playoffs. That's when you get to shine. You've been sitting on the bench talking about what you're going to do. Now you get the opportunity to go on the court and do what you said you was going to do when you was on the bench.And everybody heard you said. So now when you go on the court and you do what say, you're going to do to help the team. And that's what happened tonight. Big fella stepped up.

Speaker 23250.8s - 3266.62s

Steped up, stepped up. And from your vantage point, they were on defense on your side of the court in the second half. You know, what did you see out there? How are they communicating? What was the defense looking like in that second half, man? Because you didn't hear much from Halliburton Osciaka much in that second half,especially in the fourth quarter.

Speaker 123266.62s - 3282.74s

You know, it's crazy because I noticed they switched baskets so they can have the defense go so he didn't want to play office on a bench. And I said, okay, that looked like strategy right there.

Speaker 73283.58s - 3287.68s

Because when you got your bench, you got us down there screaming,

Speaker 123288.24s - 3313.54s

that's different type of energy right there. When you're shooting them three-point shots, it's like I said, it's all of the energy from the fans. We're giving it to all of the players. So every time they hear that, they feel like, boom. Defensively, when we down there, now you allow Tibbs PERSON to be in his space.Because now defensively, he could talk to them.

Speaker 83314.58s - 3322.4s

He can communicate with them while they're on defense because everybody knows Tibbs PERSON is, he's a defense-oriented coach.

Speaker 123323.3s - 3337.14s

So our defense creates our offense. So no matter what, we're going to always be in the game because we got a principle. We got defensive strategy. There you go.

Speaker 23337.36s - 3362.92s

There you go, man. Call us up, man. 657-3-8-3-1509. Call in to talk to Stefan Marbury PERSON, man. Let's go. Big win tonight130 to 121 we got over 5,000 people on their check in nix nation stand up we are in here man number one show for the fans by the fans is on and popping we got starberry in here man let's go man let's go all right let me load some people up in here ace on the discord go ahead and uh on mute your mike man

Speaker 153362.92s - 3366.2s

c t uh c p my man, what's going on?

Speaker 23366.22s - 3368.56s

We're here, man. Let's go, man. You're on with Starberry ORG, man. Let's go.

Speaker 153368.92s - 3369.5s

Yes, sir.

Speaker 23370.1s - 3371.14s

Shout out, shout out, Stefan PERSON.

Speaker 153371.14s - 3373.26s

Uh, shout out, shout out the legend.

Speaker 23373.38s - 3375.48s

Shout out the OG. Stefan Marbury PERSON, man. Yes, sir.

Speaker 03375.58s - 3378.12s

Uh, I'm going ahead to keep the rapid fire.

Speaker 153378.54s - 3393.2s

The resiliency from these groups, you got no OG. You got no Randall, no Mitch PERSON, no boge. Uh, next man up mentality. Pretty much like, um, going from pin to paper embodying what they coach represents, the toughness, the never give up mentality.

Speaker 113396.42s - 3396.58s

Brunson PERSON toughness going up the game, bouncing back, big body Brunson.

Speaker 153400.9s - 3401s

And the words, Kendrick Perkins PERSON coming in, the mentality was amazing,

Speaker 113402.38s - 3403.3s

the energy was infectious.

Speaker 153406.14s - 3406.22s

But I do got one thing to say, though.

Speaker 03406.68s - 3406.9s

Yeah, let's go.

Speaker 153412.08s - 3425.6s

I feel almost disrespected when Indiana go in the building into MSG FAC and think they could full court press us. We have to find a way, we have to find more ways to create more fluent and efficient off-ball movement and get these guys off-of-the-backs. We've got to run better routes. We got to run better routes. We got to run better routes.

Speaker 123425.96s - 3427.92s

I thought they did. I thought they did, though.

Speaker 153428s - 3430.12s

Jalen PERSON got up off the ball. Right.

Speaker 23430.22s - 3437.02s

He got to walk the ball. He did. He basically went and he saved all of the energy. He didn't have to dribble the basketball up that much.

Speaker 153437.18s - 3454.34s

I thought they executed well in that fourth quarter though. No, no, no, no, no. They did, but I'm talking about the whole duration of the game. It's just the inbounds feel so stagnant. Like, it's almost every inbound you think about holding your breath. We got to find ways to punish them and not only punish them, but return that against them.

Speaker 23454.34s - 3456.84s

And impress the issue on them.

Speaker 153457.08s - 3458.64s

Yeah, definitely agree that.

Speaker 23458.74s - 3459.08s

Go ahead, Jeff PERSON, go ahead.

Speaker 153459.26s - 3461.6s

They're using a tactic right now.

Speaker 123462.02s - 3463.62s

They're trying to wear him down.

Speaker 23464.12s - 3466.18s

But his will is so strong

Speaker 123466.18s - 3468.1s

that in the fourth

Speaker 23468.1s - 3470.1s

quarter, when

Speaker 123470.1s - 3472.06s

they tie it from picking up

Speaker 153472.06s - 3474.16s

94 feet, now they got

Speaker 123474.16s - 3476.1s

to try to guard him at a

Speaker 103476.1s - 3476.98s

key moment.

Speaker 83478.06s - 3479.92s

So at the end of the day,

Speaker 103480.04s - 3482s

yeah, they're playing 94 feet, but

Speaker 123482s - 3503.04s

if you're a condition, which Tim PERSON's team's condition because of them practicing, that's why at the end of the game, he's still able to make moves. But I do agree with you.We got to be able to get the basketball in smoother. We can even do pressure release where we just dribble at the main and just dribble them out.

Speaker 03503.6s - 3505.5s

We can't do a better job at doing that.

Speaker 123505.54s - 3507.48s

I agree. Yep.

Speaker 153507.96s - 3509.2s

But rapid fire.

Speaker 23509.34s - 3510.48s

I mean, I appreciate so all.

Speaker 123510.6s - 3512.26s

Thank you for coming on, Stefan Marbury PERSON.

Speaker 23512.9s - 3513.82s

All love, OG.

Speaker 153513.98s - 3514.48s

Appreciate it.

Speaker 23514.74s - 3517.22s

Appreciate the call. A, soot to everybody in the chat, man.

Speaker 153517.48s - 3533.52s

We got a $100 super chat. Our guy, John Shin PERSON, franchise channel member says, Let's go with Nix PERSON. He says, yo, is that Stefan Marbury PERSON? Yes, it is, sir.Number one show for the fans by the fans got the kid from Coney Island GPE in here. Where do they do that at? Nowhere. When are you coming back for some sushi?

Speaker 213533.94s - 3535.6s

He says, he met you through some friends

Speaker 113535.6s - 3547.2s

at Riverside Surgery ORG. He said, met you through some friends at Riverside surgery when you're coming back for some sushi. So John Shin PERSON, he's a manager at a nice sushi jointout here in New York City GPE, man.

Speaker 123547.2s - 3549.6s

Said you guys, made moons ago DATE, man.

Speaker 23549.8s - 3550.58s

I'm a foodie.

Speaker 123550.74s - 3560.58s

So if you're all of the restaurants, I'm a foodie. I don't know if you see my doing or my videos. I love to go eat.

Speaker 23560.98s - 3561.44s

There you go.

Speaker 123561.5s - 3567.7s

That's what I do in Shannon GPE right there. That's all day. I don't eat everything, but I love to eat. There you go. That's what I do in Shannon right there. That's all day. I don't eat everything, but I love to eat.

Speaker 23568s - 3578.9s

There you go. There you go, man. We got to go to the Glockster ORG, man. We got to go to the Glockster ORG. Cody Glock PERSON. That's one of staff's favorite callers, man.Let's go. Cody Glock PERSON, go ahead and I'll meet you mic on the disco.

Speaker 123579.2s - 3580.2s

I want to hand go.

Speaker 23580.28s - 3580.7s

Let's go.

Speaker 123582.5s - 3586.16s

I need it for like two minutes. Let's go. Let's go. The Glockster ORG, you all, bro. Let's go let's go I need it for like two minutes

Speaker 23586.16s - 3587.52s

let's go let's go

Speaker 123587.52s - 3594.28s

the Glock PERSON's do you all bro let's go Cody let's go

Speaker 23594.28s - 3618.56s

all right Cody go ahead and restart your discord he's having an issue so we're going to get back to Cody go ahead and restart your discord and we'll get you back stronger we straight man just a little technical difficulties for Cody Glock PERSON. To the phones we go,9-17. What's your name where you call it in from? Hello? Yes, loud and clear. What's your name where you're calling in from, bro? This is Ty from Brooklyn GPE.

Speaker 43618.8s - 3619.8s

Ty, what's good, man?

Speaker 23620.82s - 3624.06s

I'm chilling, baby. Listen, I'm going to take a different angle, but first I'm going to say

Speaker 43624.06s - 3626.7s

salute to the panel. I love you, all you guys egg, but first I'm going to say salute to the panel. I love you, all you guys.

Speaker 23626.8s - 3627.24s

Appreciate it.

Speaker 83627.24s - 3632.06s

I just want to say, there's only one ball to go around, but I'm going to give the game ball

Speaker 23632.06s - 3632.96s

to three people.

Speaker 83633.46s - 3635.7s

O.G. was on pace for a 40 piece.

Speaker 43636.4s - 3637.98s

Chew a step in and did his thing.

Speaker 83638.34s - 3642.16s

But I'm going to give another game board the tips because he got these guys ready.

Speaker 43642.64s - 3646.18s

I just hope that he see what I see and see that we stole

Speaker 03646.18s - 3647.9s

Indiana GPE hard. And

Speaker 83647.9s - 3649.96s

he should just basically play these guys

Speaker 03649.96s - 3651.86s

in moderation for game three

Speaker 83651.86s - 3654.06s

to get us ready to take them

Speaker 23654.06s - 3656.12s

out and game five back at the guard

Speaker 03656.12s - 3658.04s

and do it the right way. Yeah, but thing

Speaker 23658.04s - 3661.8s

is, you know, with Tibbs PERSON, there is no moderation with Tibbs PERSON. We're going to pedal to the medal, baby.

Speaker 123663.2s - 3664.2s

This is the playoffs.

Speaker 43664.72s - 3665.88s

This killer be killed. Steph PERSON talk to him. This is the playoffs. It's killer be killed. Staff

Speaker 23665.88s - 3666.68s

talk to him, man.

Speaker 123667.28s - 3674.52s

Playoffs. It's not one inch. It's none. That's it.

Speaker 23675.8s - 3686.16s

That is it, man. So, yeah, no coasting with Tibbs PERSON. But damn, you know, the OG injury, Steph PERSON, I mean, talk about it. That was tough. I know his next man up, but that's a tough injury, bro.

Speaker 123686.44s - 3753.24s

It's definitely tough because he was in his element. He was shooting threes without even thinking. He was out there getting to the basket. He was doing things that put him in a position, like kind of like that Chris Middleton PERSON. Remember Middleton PERSON just exploded. He started like doing so many different things on the courtfrom shooting jump shots to get to the basket, Duncan PERSON. So losing him tonight, that was tough. But at the end of the day, he's going to get himself back to the best that he could get himself, but to give somebody else the opportunity. And, you know, with Josh PERSON,you got, now you can play somebody else. We could go smaller because Josh PERSON can rebound. So with him at Hardinstein FAC, them two in the back court, I mean, in the front line, and then you got Dante PERSON,you even go, Mabry PERSON, and you can go with Jalen PERSON. Because McBride PERSON is tough. He could play defense, so he could guard big guards. You got what I'm saying?

Speaker 03753.24s - 3758.2s

So you got that little nucleus. It's kind of like that Golden State ORG field.

Speaker 123759.04s - 3767.8s

You know what I'm saying, with Draymond PERSON and having, you know, heart playing that same similar style road. Okay, okay.

Speaker 23767.9s - 3787.54s

And on the point card question, I got one for you. We're going to take a call about. I got one point card question for you. But for JD and Alex PERSON, I mean, if you got to figure,obviously I don't think he's going to play on Friday, but you got to figure they go three-guard lineup, right? McBride PERSON. You're going to go Brunson, Raghu and McBride PERSON, right?

Speaker 173788.74s - 3802.28s

Yeah, I mean, the way that this team plays, they play with essentially, what, three guards out there? Because he got Naismith, Nebhardt, and Halliburton, those are three guards, so I'd go with Brunton, McBride, and go with Dante PERSON. Harkham PERSON.

Speaker 63802.28s - 3811.82s

Yes. He did a solid job on Pascal Ciacom PERSON once OG PERSON went out and then obviously the center position's not changing. I go in that direction and just clamp up. Like places

Speaker 123811.82s - 3813.72s

this team is going to come down to.

Speaker 173814.14s - 3827.92s

This Pacer ORG's team is not physical like the Knicks ORG. And if you just put somebody like McBride PERSON out there and look, I know McConnell PERSON is giving him a little bit of trouble, but having, you know, go against Nebhardt PERSON, I feel like that's an easier way to get his confidence going,

Speaker 73827.92s - 3830.64s

and then we'll see some different mojo from McBride

Speaker 123830.64s - 3831.7s

and get him back into his game.

Speaker 173832.48s - 3834.5s

Now, you know, sorry, okay.

Speaker 123835.04s - 3835.78s

Got ahead, Marbles PERSON.

Speaker 73838.06s - 3841.54s

McBride PERSON, when he's on the court with a point guard,

Speaker 173842.46s - 3844.48s

now he could get in his bag.

Speaker 123845.02s - 3849.28s

But when he got to take the basketball and run the team and get his spots,

Speaker 213849.88s - 3850.88s

set things up,

Speaker 173851.2s - 3853.64s

now for him to shoot the basketball,

Speaker 123854.14s - 3854.88s

he got to think.

Speaker 23855.24s - 3857.56s

And he's more like a tweener.

Speaker 123858.28s - 3858.84s

You know what I'm saying?

Speaker 23859.16s - 3859.2s


Speaker 123859.2s - 3861.68s

And a point guard body, but a two guard.

Speaker 23862.22s - 3863.8s

But when Jalen PERSON is on the court,

Speaker 123864.4s - 3868.74s

when he drives, you got to stay honest. It's like with Eddie House PERSON.

Speaker 83869.3s - 3875.86s

Yeah, Eddie House PERSON. And Ron, though, you lose Eddie House PERSON.

Speaker 123876.2s - 3883.34s

That's three points. It's the same thing, kind of like situation with McBride PERSON. So, again, somebody got to step up.

Speaker 23883.62s - 3894.72s

Good point. Good point. Somebody in the chat says, Steph PERSON lost his voice at the guard. And that's a real Knicks ORG fan,right? This is Nick PERSON's fan TV, baby. Period. We pray, give it to you straight,

Speaker 123894.8s - 3897.1s

no chaser, man. Just the nation, baby.

Speaker 23897.36s - 3911.62s

That's it. That's it. So the point guard question, Steph PERSON, why are they having trouble with T.J. McConnell PERSON, man.His last bucket before he came out the game, he was talking to you. I think he was talking to you after he scored that buck. He shook somebody up in it and he was talking to you, bro.

Speaker 123912.12s - 3913.24s

Yo, let me tell you something.

Speaker 83914.28s - 3917.94s

That kid got in-between game.

Speaker 123919s - 3924.62s

If he get a walk-up, pull-up, jump shot three-point shot,

Speaker 83925.54s - 3931.04s

he'll be wicked with siding, like crazy.

Speaker 123931.68s - 3933.6s

Like, he could get to the basket.

Speaker 73934.18s - 3935.9s

He got herky jerky moves.

Speaker 123936.62s - 3946.16s

He played defense. He's tough. He's smart. I listened to him in an interview when they tried to get him to talk about the referees

Speaker 23946.16s - 3953.98s

last game. He was like, nah. He was going for it. He wasn't going for it. He didn't bite. So I love

Speaker 123953.98s - 3976.66s

seeing the next generation of players playing like this. I went to college. So I love college basketball. I grew up watching college. So when I see how these guys are playing in the NBA ORG college-style basketball, it's beautiful. Because it's like, you know, watching the development from seeing guys playing that All-American Camp EVENT,

Speaker 23977.16s - 3982.22s

five-star basketball camp, teaching camps where guys really learn the game.

Speaker 123982.22s - 3982.86s


Speaker 23983.36s - 3984.78s

Because, yeah, the fundamentals.

Speaker 123984.94s - 4000.24s

Because globally, that's all is being taught. You know, being athletic is not going to get us by anymore because other kids are turning in to kids who are just as athletic. There you go.

Speaker 24000.4s - 4013.02s

Throw a number three in the chat. Everybody in the chat. Throw a number three in the chat, man. Marbury PERSON in here preaching. We got that for Marlbairian in here. Hit that like button, hit the share button. Subscribe to the channel. Throw a number three in the chat everybody in the chat throw a number three in the chat man marbury in here preaching we got that four marbury in here hit that like button hit the share button subscribe to the channel throw number three in the chat to salute starberry in here all right back to it

Speaker 184013.02s - 4019.44s

let's uh let's get our guy cody glock let's get the glocks that back in here because we we got to get

Speaker 24019.44s - 4025.36s

that brook energy in here man cody glock if you can hear us on the Discord PRODUCT, go ahead and unmute your mic.

Speaker 194027.52s - 4032.72s

Oh, man. Let's go. I'm here. Loud and clear, bro. It's your show.

Speaker 214032.8s - 4037.76s

Yo, shout out manscape, man. Shout out man escape, I have his air turnovers because of man escape.

Speaker 24037.9s - 4041.84s

I take care of my ball profusiesies with the utmost friction in my mission. No test.

Speaker 194041.84s - 4045.26s

No test I'm on you. Yo, listen, man.

Speaker 24047.76s - 4048.42s

It's tough out here in the streets, guys.

Speaker 194050.1s - 4050.84s

Mitchie gone for the season, baby.

Speaker 04052.04s - 4052.18s

Scrassful, man.

Speaker 24052.3s - 4052.76s


Speaker 194056.84s - 4057.42s

I don't want to think about it, but I don't know if we seen Mitchie's last game in the Nick Jersey PRODUCT.

Speaker 24057.72s - 4060.64s

I'll be in shambles. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 194060.88s - 4063.64s

I'm stressing, stress. Yeah.

Speaker 24064.64s - 4067.14s

Next man up. I love the energy from Precious. That's your hold up, but we can't lose OG PERSON, yeah. I'm stressing, stress. Yeah. Next man up, I love the energy from Precious.

Speaker 194067.24s - 4110.5s

That's your hold up, but we can't lose OG PERSON, bro. It might look like we losing him for the series, bro, but we can't lose him for the playoffs. He's our most important defender out there. It seems like every time he gets in the groove, you're just about to see that Kauai An Anobie PERSON come out,he gets injured, and we get to, we got to pick up the pieces. Big pun out there pulling the Rillis Reed PRODUCT on the anniversary of the realest read game. This has been happening to us the whole year and it's scratch for scraps. But we two-oh from getting a 71 piece dropped on us in the first half alone. Tyrese got hot with that weird jumper of his.He shoots like my Puerto Rican NORP friend from the hood. Shout out my son, I thought I see you, baby.

Speaker 84111.06s - 4115.82s

Shoot the high as hell just so he could hear the coof from the net, you know?

Speaker 194116.62s - 4170.48s

The Nova Free is a real thing, guys. But I heart really stepped up tonight. Near Triple Double, he was aggressive. He didn't leave no points at the line. The Knicks ORG did they patent fourth quarter offensive rebound tirade,and that's how they've been winning their games. Best fourth quarter execution game I've seen today from the Knicks ORG in the playoffs. Low turnover is in the fourth quarter, efficient shot making. We got the Don Talah Don't DeLey, we got a three again.Don't Talah Don'tee PERSON. We got a three. We got a Josh Hart three again. And we should have had another big pun 40 piece, but he did play only one half, basically. Yeah.Like I said, midseason, when we got OG, Triple OG, OG, OG, double OG. First time in my lifetime where I've watched the Knicks ORG go down, and I'm not worried. All due respect, Steph PERSON. I love you, baby.I'm not worried in the slightest. It's when I used to watch Warriors go down 10 in the fourth quarter. It looked like a four-point lead. That's you, baby. I'm not worried in the slightest. It's when I used to watch Warriors go down 10 in the fourth quarter. It'll look like a four-point lead. That's how it looks with the Nick PERSON.

Speaker 04170.48s - 4176.88s

Josh Hart is playing like Charles Bockeley. Forty-go-old. I got the Bockelly. Knicks. Nick PERSON's five

Speaker 194176.88s - 4182.72s

window, Nick's in five, man. Windows gymnastics. I'm doing Billy Kidman shooting Star Press PRODUCT out the window

Speaker 04182.72s - 4189.46s

right now. Shout out Nicky Pipes PERSON, man. Shout out CP Freethos PERSON, man. Shout out Ryan PERSON and those Chuck Neat. You feel me?

Speaker 84191.32s - 4191.92s

Hashtag Pee and then chat profusely.

Speaker 04194.94s - 4195.08s

Shout out my Army fatigue, suit goons, mob deep video.

Speaker 194197.96s - 4198.52s

We're looking like them gritty mob deep video guys right now. Let's go.

Speaker 24198.82s - 4202.86s

Like the war report. Like the war report. You feel me?

Speaker 194203.06s - 4206.34s

We seven-man rotation now, but we still M-O-B-B.

Speaker 24206.6s - 4213.28s

Shout out the black, blue, you feel me? Look, listen, shout out the black, blue, shiny, top orange, starberries.

Speaker 194213.4s - 4214.58s

I killed the block with them.

Speaker 84214.74s - 4215.12s

Let's go.

Speaker 114215.18s - 4217.24s

When they first dropped, like, oh, I was 10.

Speaker 84217.7s - 4225.62s

Stupid. Shout out New York, Nico PERSON, man. Why you see New York Nico PERSON in the street fall back, because you sprinkle me, man. That's your man. Sprinkle me, man. Sprinkle me, man. New York, Nico's a big fan of you, too, man. Shout out to Nico, man. Why you see New York Nico in the street fall back. Sprinkle me, man. That's your man.

Speaker 24225.74s - 4227.98s

Sprinkle me, man. New York Nico PERSON's a big fan of you, too, man.

Speaker 194228s - 4228.96s

Shout out to you, man.

Speaker 24229.6s - 4230.56s

Shout out of New York GPE.

Speaker 194231.06s - 4231.88s

Sprinkle me, man.

Speaker 24232.06s - 4246.12s

Now, y'all be cool, high, I'll be cool. Y'all ain't see me. I ain't water. Cody Glock PERSON, man. That's the Glock PERSON, man. That's the Glock PERSON's there and playoff for him, man.Cody Glock PERSON. That's all got. Call back any time, man. Salute. Salute. locks then playoff for him and cody clock PERSON that's all got call back anytime man so

Speaker 84246.12s - 4258.3s

salute cote cuck man yeah the arturo GPE story was funny yeah you i do be seeing people on the

Speaker 24258.3s - 4264.38s

courts they be shooting mad high just to see the just to hear the neck yeah crazy man crazy

Speaker 84264.38s - 4265.7s

um shout out shout out chatt catching austria shout out john smith PERSON 50 Just to see the, just to hear the neck. Yo, crazy, man. Crazy.

Speaker 24266.26s - 4266.44s

Shout out.

Speaker 214267.44s - 4268.64s

Catching Australia GPE.

Speaker 24269.78s - 4269.9s

Shout out John Smith.

Speaker 214271.66s - 4271.82s

$50 super chat for my guy, John Smith.

Speaker 24273.12s - 4273.22s

Franchise channel members, well, says,

Speaker 214274.84s - 4274.94s

yo, Stefan Marbury PERSON.

Speaker 174277.32s - 4277.46s

I watched you on that sideline and thought you were a cheerleader.

Speaker 24278.04s - 4278.28s

I loved it.

Speaker 174278.72s - 4278.8s

Thank you.

Speaker 24280.22s - 4280.32s

And that great energy, we love you.

Speaker 174281.38s - 4281.94s

Let's go Nix.

Speaker 24283.24s - 4283.88s

So shout out to John Smith, man. No thanks.

Speaker 124284s - 4287s

No thanks. No thanks. Sorry. It's all love, baby. Marbury, I got a question for you. you less go nix so shout out to john smith PERSON no thanks no thanks no thanks sorry yes it's no

Speaker 214287s - 4316.84s

i got i got a question for you how's it been you know coming back and and you know getting involved now coming to these games and just seeing like the love from like the nick fans the community social media like really connecting with you now. How's that like made you feel? Since you know, you had a career in China GPE, you're back, and now you're around the team, man. Like, I can't imagine how you how that makes you feel.Right.

Speaker 124317.06s - 4353.28s

So it was like the kid, the big brother gave the little brother a lesson. The little brother went to China and Karate Kid PERSON. The whole movie came back to America and Karate Kid PERSON it like that. You know what I'm saying? So you know, your big brother could beat you up.You could say anybody, your brother can say anything about you, but when somebody else sees something about your brother.

Speaker 24353.66s - 4356.54s

It's fights. You're like, it's on. Yeah, yeah, it's on.

Speaker 114356.78s - 4358.52s

I can talk about my brother,

Speaker 124358.72s - 4360.12s

but you can't talk about my brother.

Speaker 114360.22s - 4360.8s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 124360.92s - 4361.72s

You got what I'm saying?

Speaker 24361.72s - 4368.88s

So with New York GPE, especially because I grew up here, I drink the water here.

Speaker 124369.38s - 4375.44s

Like people like, you drink tap water? I'm like, what? New York GPE got the best water on the planet. They'd be like, you wild it.

Speaker 84376s - 4377.2s

Now, you wallet.

Speaker 124379.34s - 4381.5s

It's like I grew up on this.

Speaker 84381.94s - 4384.56s

This is straight. No chase.

Speaker 124385.22s - 4387.68s

No, this is puritan. Pure. this. This is straight. No chase. No, this is puritized.

Speaker 24387.84s - 4388.12s


Speaker 124388.32s - 4391.4s

We believe that in our heart and in our minds.

Speaker 24391.84s - 4393.92s

You can't tell us nothing about our water.

Speaker 124394.08s - 4395.08s

Yes, yes, sir.

Speaker 24395.08s - 4401.44s

For me being able to be home to have went someone up where else

Speaker 124401.44s - 4431.86s

and had an experience to bring how I was raised and how I was brought up to another place and for them to accept that and love that. It shows that we, you know, it's special. So for me to give the love and for me to be able to give the love, it's all reciprocal. We became in love at the same time, and it's both coming at the same time. So that's why the energy is like how it is.

Speaker 24432.2s - 4439.06s

It's pure, man. And I'm showing a picture that you guys took. The players' lounge has been looking popping, man. Knicks ORG are doing a great job.

Speaker 124439.2s - 4443.4s

You have Novak, Houston, Sprewell, Marbury, Tim Thomas, the legend.

Speaker 114443.52s - 4444.94s

Clyde PERSON, right in the middle.

Speaker 124445.4s - 4447.88s

Bernard. Statt City GPE came through.

Speaker 114448s - 4453.42s

John Stark, Cheryl Wilkins PERSON. What was that picture like for you, Ben PERSON? You and Clyde PERSON, shoulders, shoulder.

Speaker 124454.1s - 4461.8s

It's beautiful because it's like the big brother is saying, we're so happy that you hear. That's so.

Speaker 24462.68s - 4463.5s

You know what I'm saying?

Speaker 124463.62s - 4469.22s

It's like Bernard King PERSON, I'm sitting down, me man, little brother. Like, I'm just so happy that you hear. That's so. You know what I'm saying? It's like Bernard King PERSON, I'm sitting down. He's man, little brother. Like, I'm just so happy that you're here.

Speaker 24469.62s - 4471.38s

You're supposed to be here with us.

Speaker 74472.24s - 4473.3s

You know what I'm saying?

Speaker 24473.42s - 4477.6s

So it's like, especially he came before he left.

Speaker 74477.66s - 4480.08s

He said, I just want to tell you something.

Speaker 24480.96s - 4481.84s

I said what?

Speaker 74482s - 4486.36s

He said, I agree what Isaiah said, you belong

Speaker 124486.36s - 4487.34s

in the Hall of Fame ORG.

Speaker 74487.62s - 4489.26s

And I think that means a lot

Speaker 84489.26s - 4490.72s

coming from you.

Speaker 74491.5s - 4493.52s

I say, you know, it's God's will

Speaker 124493.52s - 4511.36s

and it's his way. And I just want him to just keep using me. That's all. I just wanted to keep using me showing the next generation kids that my story has glory, but at the same time, it's a story.

Speaker 24511.78s - 4512.42s

Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 124512.42s - 4520.92s

It's a story for you to watch because so many of us, we watch the story together watching the kids from Tony Allen PERSON.

Speaker 24521.22s - 4521.34s


Speaker 124521.6s - 4528.88s

But so many of you guys was watching inside of my movie. I was in my movie.

Speaker 84529.3s - 4531.84s

So to hear people speak and talk about

Speaker 124531.84s - 4560.42s

what they saw when I was in high school. And man, I watched you play at the garden. Oh, I've seen you at Lafayette FAC. I watched you at Sheepshay Bay FAC. I seen you play against, you played against us against FDR PERSON.So the memories, when you go back into the memories of it, it's like that is what me, you're into who you are, who you become. You become formless, become shapeless like water.

Speaker 24561.12s - 4561.54s

That's that.

Speaker 124562.22s - 4562.68s

That's that from sleep on.

Speaker 24562.68s - 4577.16s

Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. If you put it into a teapot, it becomes a teapot. Water can flow or water can crash. Let's go. Be water, my friend.

Speaker 124577.6s - 4582.28s

Throw some fives in the chat. Throw some five to the chat. Let's go. So that's what it is.

Speaker 24582.52s - 4586.82s

You know me? So if it's all love, you're going to feel it.

Speaker 124587s - 4618.74s

I don't need nobody to tell me about who I am. I know who I am. I know God got me. So me to be able to have this experience here with you, your brothers, who you've been building with, to be a part of Mix Nation ORG.I'm on it to be able to even do this show because this is where is that? You know, this is letting our fans know. People would be like, oh, you're cheering for the Knicks ORG. I'm like, that's my hometown team.

Speaker 84619.82s - 4620.3s


Speaker 124621.18s - 4623.66s

I grew up doing this.

Speaker 84624.16s - 4625.86s

So when I'm next to Bernard King PERSON,

Speaker 124626s - 4628.16s

you don't know how special that is to me.

Speaker 84628.24s - 4628.58s

It's real.

Speaker 124629.58s - 4641s

It's black and white TVs. That's what I'm trying to tell them. I was holding the antenna like this, holding a TV, sticking a bent up the, bent up the hangars.

Speaker 24641s - 4643.28s

The hangers, yep, yep. Yep.

Speaker 124643.92s - 4650.46s

You don't be bent up the hanger. Stop stuck the hanger in the portal from where your little brother

Speaker 24650.46s - 4657.86s

knocked off the antenna piece, had to rip that part up with pliers, open that up, stick that in there.

Speaker 124657.92s - 4659.08s

Rapt a tin foil on it.

Speaker 74659.8s - 4661.58s

You feel, me put some luminous for you.

Speaker 124661.92s - 4663.02s

You know what I'm saying?

Speaker 84663.36s - 4666.84s

And then when you hold it, you finally be like, okay, I've been,

Speaker 124667.24s - 4674.64s

my energy been holding it up the whole time watching it. And then now I can put my hand away and be like, I can finally watch the TV.

Speaker 84677.02s - 4686.1s

You'd be up with a corner of the TV watching the TV like that. Your mom's come in and be like, why are you watching the TV like that?

Speaker 124687.84s - 4692.18s

They've been making me a hole in sit there. They're making me a hole in antenna.

Speaker 24692.58s - 4694.02s

Because if you move, it's gone.

Speaker 124694.56s - 4697.2s

Why they're speaking it. This is like six boxes.

Speaker 84699.84s - 4701.62s

But, you know, that's what it is.

Speaker 24702.12s - 4703.54s

But if you don't know these stories

Speaker 124703.54s - 4704.56s

and if you don't know me,

Speaker 24704.6s - 4706.82s

you ain't going to really know what's up. That's it.

Speaker 124707.02s - 4718.42s

A lot of people who do know us, they know the story. So being able to be next Bernard King, like Gerald Wilkins PERSON, like 21 in the garden,

Speaker 84718.54s - 4722.08s

he used to get busy. He used to get busy.

Speaker 124723.66s - 4729.08s

He used to have the best when he scored. He ran up the sideline the best.

Speaker 24730.62s - 4731.5s

Check it out.

Speaker 124732.46s - 4733.08s

Check it out.

Speaker 24733.88s - 4740.48s

Yeah, we in here with Steph Ballberry PERSON, man. Tell these OG stories. It suits everybody in the chat, man. Hit that thumbs up button for you boys, man.

Speaker 84740.66s - 4743.56s

You're getting this nowhere else but the number one show for the fans by the fans.

Speaker 114743.88s - 4751.06s

Like, share, subscribe, like we always tell you to do, man. We'll take care of the rest. Corso on the Discord PRODUCT. Go ahead and unmute your mic. Corso on the Discord.

Speaker 144752.18s - 4764.44s

Oh, man. What a game. First of all, I was nervous following up Cody Glock PERSON after his, you know, his monologue he gave. And then Steph PERSON starts the talk. And I'm like, all right, well, maybe let's see how this goes.

Speaker 84764.44s - 4772.28s

But then he's dropping Bruce Lee PERSON bars. And I'm like do I even what do I even say to follow that I mean

Speaker 144772.28s - 4790.68s

I think the only thing I want to say I'll try to make this quick is that every Knicks ORG fan right now I feel like really needs to take step and appreciate take a step back and appreciate this moment like we may have better teams than this team down in the future. I mean, as long as Brunson PERSON's on this team and we have the

Speaker 114790.68s - 4795.76s

villain over three on this team, which kills me as a St. John's ORG fan, by the way. But as long as we

Speaker 144795.76s - 4798.98s

have those guys, there's going to be some level of magic to this team, but there's just something

Speaker 114798.98s - 4806.28s

about this specific group of guys that I've never seen a team like completely

Speaker 84806.28s - 4808.02s

embody the identity of a city

Speaker 114808.02s - 4809.46s

the way that this team has.

Speaker 144809.94s - 4817.12s

Just no quit. There's never been a game this year where I've thought we were out of it. I don't care if we're down two. I don't care if we're down 30.

Speaker 114817.58s - 4819.04s

This team just fights, man.

Speaker 84819.1s - 4820.1s

They just fight like hell.

Speaker 114820.18s - 4833s

They get back into these games and to win these games. It doesn't matter the circumstance, the odds, who's in, who's out, what guys playing, what's guys not playing. Like, we always talk about, I wish I knew I was in the good times when they're happening.

Speaker 144833.32s - 4838.64s

Like, every Knicks ORG fan right now needs to know, like, these are the good times. So really, really enjoy this run.

Speaker 84839.18s - 4840.4s

Enjoy this win tonight.

Speaker 114840.82s - 4844.12s

I hope that OG maybe it's just maybe like a cramp.

Speaker 84844.3s - 4847.44s

I don't know. That's me to get the rosy colored glasses. Maybe

Speaker 204847.44s - 4851.3s

I think you try to split one of these next two games and then

Speaker 114851.3s - 4855.76s

maybe try to bring them back for game five and maybe you can get

Speaker 144855.76s - 4857.98s

20 good minutes out of him. But that's all I got. I mean,

Speaker 114858.9s - 4860.66s

what crazy that steps on here.

Speaker 144861s - 4863.96s

I still can't believe that. Great game. Shout out to y'all.

Speaker 24864.12s - 4870.4s

Great show. Peace out. Salute. Nickson five. Hopefully. Next in five. All right, man. on here like I still can't believe that great game shout out to y'all great show peace out salute nixen 5 hopefully next in 5 all right man we're gonna we gonna keep it

Speaker 144870.4s - 4878.08s

rapid fire rapid fire shine jc PERSON on the discord again I'll meet your mic shine jc going once

Speaker 24880.24s - 4885.88s

okay don't look like we have them smooth tito smooth tit smooth Tito PERSON on the Discord. Go ahead and unmute your mic.

Speaker 134887.2s - 4893s

Salute, salute to the Knicks ORG, fam. Let's go. Love you. How you're doing? Straight from Sheep PERSON said, baby.

Speaker 24893s - 4896.14s

I'm doing, baby. Let's go.

Speaker 134896.42s - 4897.42s

How you doing?

Speaker 24898.7s - 4899.68s

There we go.

Speaker 134899.78s - 4942.62s

So, narrative coming into the series. Can the Knicks ORG keep up the pace with the pacer's obviously they can can the nicks they got to keep them in the hundreds low one tens well what do they do today one 30 on them brunson doesn't play the second quarter prayers right now for o g hammies are never good but i'm trying to be optimistic and very excited. So real quick, Steph PERSON, you were talking about who or what type of person you are.About 25 years ago, I was playing ball in my school. And every year we would play a game on the court in American Airlines Arena when you were playing for the Nets ORG. And I'll never forget it.

Speaker 04945.84s - 4946.94s

My sister, her friend, they went into the tunnels while we were playing and had to go to the bathroom.

Speaker 84947.06s - 4948.42s

They run out there like, yo,

Speaker 04948.78s - 4970.16s

yo, it's Steph PERSON. Steps here. About 30 of us, 30 of us kids. I was about 12 years old, bombarded you. And you were nothing beloved. Smiles ear to ear, hugs.Sign in. And I'll never forget it. And that's why we love you. You are part of the Knicks ORG fan and we love

Speaker 24970.16s - 4981.74s

you. Salute, salute, man. Well said. Smooth Tito PERSON on the Discord PRODUCT, man. Well said, man. Well said, man. Let's go to J-Cal. J-Cal. I'll mute your mic. What's good? What's good? Big love.

Speaker 164981.82s - 4983.88s

We and him, man. Staff from Bay Ridge, Brooklyn GPE.

Speaker 24984.88s - 4986.2s

Brooklyn GPE, stand up.

Speaker 164986.28s - 4986.7s

Yes, sir.

Speaker 24987.28s - 4994.2s

And, yeah, listen, Dante with the six threes, you know, if he scores four or five, six

Speaker 164994.2s - 4996.92s

threes, he feels like every game goes our way.

Speaker 24997.42s - 4999.82s

Next man, oh, G, incredible.

Speaker 165000.06s - 5008.9s

I just want to ask Steph, if he could break down Brunson PERSON's game, you know, point God to point God here.

Speaker 05009.02s - 5010.08s

How good is he?

Speaker 165010.32s - 5016.92s

How much more upside is he? What makes him so special from your unique point of view, Steph PERSON?

Speaker 125018.18s - 5096.04s

Okay, so his will to win is beyond incredible because of the understanding of the game. Because of his understanding of the game because of his father, his father vicariously lives through him, and he lived through his father watching his father play in the NBA ORG. He was on the court at a young age. So being that he was on the court at a young age. So being that he was on the court at a young age,he was always touching the basketball. He was always feeling the crowd, the sound, when big shots were made, he felt that. It's like if you bring a kid from a place where they never experienced thunder, and then you bring them to New York during April showers, and the baby here, one of our loud thunder shocks,the baby will feel a shock that it never fell before. So Brunton PERSON, he has experiences from seeing in the garden big shots, the sound of making big shots.

Speaker 05096.6s - 5098.78s

So when he's on the corner, he's doing that,

Speaker 125099.34s - 5121.86s

he doesn't hear anything. It's silent. And he just want to keep doing it over and over and over again. So his gift is his experience from being with a professional basketball player who worked hard because Rick Brunton had to work hard to play in the NBA ORG.

Speaker 75122.36s - 5129.58s

So he knew the work ethic that he was going to need to push him to be this type of player.

Speaker 125130.48s - 5169.96s

So the thing about Jalen PERSON is he'll continue to be consistent. That's what's great about him. It's not going to be where he's going to be flying doing windmill dunks. It's kind of like how Steph Perry became a very consistent three-point shooter. He'll be a consistent guy that plays this style for a long period of time. And because he's not a guy that high flies and junk,he saves himself way more than those guys that play in the air all the time. Take out so there?

Speaker 25172.32s - 5174.68s

I think we lost them. Did we lose him on disco? Do you drop up?

Speaker 165176.32s - 5179.64s

No, man, we lost that. It was just dropping so much knowledge there.

Speaker 25181.04s - 5183.2s

You know, the other thing I just want to point out, I don't know,

Speaker 165183.32s - 5212.9s

we've got a lot of young folks in the audience. What Starberry ORG did, you know, the other thing I just want to point out, I don't know, we've got a lot of young folks in the audience. What Starberry did, you know, for sneakers and for kids in Brooklyn, dropping those $15, $25, Starberry ones, you know, that was a big deal at the time because kids were out there spending $200 or $300 on sneakers and he just made it accessible for everybody. I thought that was like really like his heart was in the right place. I don't know if you remember that, if that was before your time, CP. No, definitely.

Speaker 25213.5s - 5231.28s

Definitely, man. Starberries ORG was ahead of his time, man, you know? And the culture certainly appreciates it. We need more of that, you know. And we talked about that on the interview, man. How much stuff has given to the game that needs to be talked about more.Yeah.

Speaker 165231.4s - 5249.24s

I mean, he was here at a very dysfunctional time for the Knicks ORG. And, you know, that's a shame. But he's just such an amazing player. You got that sense that he could not be stopped. Remember those moves when he would drive to the basket? He tucked that ball in right by his ribs.

Speaker 25249.44s - 5250.46s

That was my favorite move.

Speaker 165250.46s - 5254.18s

That move to the basket, man. Come on there.

Speaker 25255.14s - 5256.88s

Just like he was like a tank.

Speaker 165257s - 5259.32s

That pull-up three. Ooh.

Speaker 25260.56s - 5262.76s

It's just so great when we had them for those years.

Speaker 215264.52s - 5266s

That was it, man. I'm dead serious. When I played basketball, that them for those years. That was it, man.

Speaker 25266.12s - 5266.86s

I'm dead serious.

Speaker 215266.96s - 5268.92s

When I played basketball, that was my favorite move.

Speaker 25268.96s - 5269.54s

That was it, man.

Speaker 215270.32s - 5271.68s

You played against high level.

Speaker 185271.76s - 5273.86s

When you do that, right, you go to the basket.

Speaker 85275.34s - 5277.38s

People don't even think about it.

Speaker 215277.46s - 5282.12s

The first thing you do when you go to go grab it, people go to swipe at it.

Speaker 05282.5s - 5285.24s

So you get so many and ones because

Speaker 125285.24s - 5287.64s

the referee got a call at.

Speaker 85288.28s - 5290.18s

If you go swipe at the ball,

Speaker 125290.6s - 5305.1s

if I go cuff it and you swipe, I'm already locked. I'm strong. I got everything solid. So now when you swipe and you hit me,oh, you got to blow that. That's two points right there. That's the hand one.

Speaker 165305.6s - 5306.62s

I know where you got that.

Speaker 125306.62s - 5311.36s

You got that in Coney Island GPE because you're going to get it.

Speaker 165311.6s - 5315.08s

You get that from the concrete. Tell them about it.

Speaker 125315.38s - 5357.4s

What did you call that move? How did you develop it? Tell us. You got to, I mean, I'm literally, you go in a basket. You don't want to get stripped. That's the worst thing to me, to me.When you go to the basket and somebody swipe the ball and steal a ball from you when you get ready to go up to take a shot as a professional basketball player, to me, that's not, you got to make that adjustment where nobody should never be able to do that so that is one way of protecting the ball there there it is man all right

Speaker 25357.4s - 5363.32s

let's let's we're going to get to the to members lounge step uh great job and uh hey uh cp check your email

Speaker 165363.32s - 5365.06s

okay all right sounds good sounds good man appreciate you j cow you get another special guest come Steph, great job. And hey, CP ORG, check your email. Okay. All right. Sounds good.

Speaker 25365.14s - 5366.6s

Sounds good, man. Appreciate you, Jake PERSON.

Speaker 165366.6s - 5367.92s

We've got another special guest coming.

Speaker 25368.22s - 5370.96s

What's that? But, you know,

Speaker 165371.08s - 5373.06s

it's a show that's coming. I mean,

Speaker 25373.18s - 5379.24s

not Steph PERSON, legendary, but we got another, whoa. Active player coming. Hang on,hang on. I mean,

Speaker 165379.24s - 5388.92s

should I read this on the air? Should I read it not on the air? What do you think? Say we drop it. I say we drop it because you could get Steph PERSON's feedback on that player. All right.

Speaker 25388.96s - 5397.72s

Let's see here. Hang on. Let me refresh. Let me refresh. Let me refresh you. Wait,which email did you send it to? I don't think you see see me on it. I did.

Speaker 165397.72s - 5399.12s

I sent us the email you sent me.

Speaker 25399.18s - 5399.32s


Speaker 215399.32s - 5400.28s

I'll just tell you right now.

Speaker 25400.4s - 5400.52s


Speaker 215401.24s - 5402.36s

If it's,

Speaker 25402.36s - 5403.74s

if it's what I think it is.

Speaker 215403.78s - 5405.36s

Is it who we think it is? Is it who we think it is?

Speaker 165405.82s - 5406.98s

It is who you think it is.

Speaker 25407.04s - 5407.92s

The bad boy's coming.

Speaker 205408.08s - 5408.52s


Speaker 165408.52s - 5409.6s


Speaker 25410.8s - 5411.26s

No way.

Speaker 165411.26s - 5412.36s

I was talking to Dremon PERSON.

Speaker 85412.46s - 5412.72s

He said,

Speaker 25412.82s - 5414.22s

I got to be on Nix PERSON fan TV.

Speaker 85414.44s - 5414.76s

No way.

Speaker 25415.06s - 5416.06s

Put me in touch with CP ORG.

Speaker 85417.02s - 5418.04s

Drops in your inbox.

Speaker 25419.06s - 5421.16s

J-Cal dropping bombs here.

Speaker 165423.22s - 5425.52s

Traymond green coming to Knicks Fad TV ORG.

Speaker 25426.12s - 5427.3s

Definitely got to check him.

Speaker 165428.14s - 5429.98s

Steph PERSON, yeah, we, yeah,

Speaker 25430.18s - 5431.8s

we got to do this, man.

Speaker 215432.6s - 5433.98s

We got to make this happen, bro.

Speaker 25435.1s - 5436.94s

What do you think of this game, Steph PERSON?

Speaker 165437.02s - 5438.82s

What do you think of Dremont ORG's game, his energy?

Speaker 125440.98s - 5447.68s

I mean, he's the dude you don't want to play. He's a dude that you don't want to play against, but the guy you want to play with.

Speaker 75449.84s - 5450.26s


Speaker 125451.72s - 5452.36s

That's it.

Speaker 165454.14s - 5454.56s


Speaker 125454.68s - 5456.46s

You hate him unless he's on your team.

Speaker 165457.86s - 5459.94s

I mean, I don't want to play against him.

Speaker 125460.64s - 5461.58s

He's strong.

Speaker 85461.78s - 5462.54s

He's dirty.

Speaker 125463.02s - 5464.26s

He played physical.

Speaker 85464.54s - 5466.46s

And he let everybody know he play like that

Speaker 165466.46s - 5468.76s

so I like those are the guys

Speaker 85468.76s - 5469.5s

in the part

Speaker 125469.5s - 5471.22s

I pick him first

Speaker 75471.22s - 5474.42s

all the time

Speaker 125474.42s - 5482.8s

the guys when you go to the gym always pick the guy that's going to play defense that don't want to come off the court

Speaker 85482.8s - 5485.04s

those are the guys you always pick first what if he defense that don't want to come off the court.

Speaker 125487.44s - 5489.06s

Those are the guys you always pick first.

Speaker 165491.56s - 5496.74s

If he shakes loose this summer, what impact would he have on this spot? You think he would fit in, Steph PERSON?

Speaker 25498.88s - 5499.66s

Would it be the same as the impact that he has with Dolores PERSON? I don't know.

Speaker 125499.86s - 5511.8s

I don't know if him being with this group would be the perfect fit for him.

Speaker 165513.16s - 5520.78s

So if he goes someplace, it got to be a perfect fit for him for it to be a perfect fit for

Speaker 125520.78s - 5542.7s

that team. Because that team, they got to want that when he goes to that team. Everything that he brings to a team, they got to basicallywant to have that type of energy to help them try to win the championship. Who are you picking up to some?

Speaker 165542.86s - 5544.04s

If we could get somebody,

Speaker 85544.14s - 5545.16s

who would you pick up the summer? You would GM? See If we could get somebody, who would you pick up the summer?

Speaker 125545.52s - 5545.58s

You would you get somebody?

Speaker 25545.58s - 5548.78s

You would you pick up this summer? See it again.

Speaker 125549.14s - 5549.36s

He said,

Speaker 25549.4s - 5550.42s

who would you pick up this summer

Speaker 125550.42s - 5551.2s

if you were the gym?

Speaker 25554.62s - 5555.6s

Me personally,

Speaker 125555.78s - 5580.3s

I think I like, I would like for us to get somebody that could give Jalen a nice breather. Like somebody that could compliment that won't bring us down,but it bring us up, or keep us the same. And somebody that could make, that could play one, two, with McBride PERSON.

Speaker 75582.42s - 5584.12s

Because if McBride PERSON,

Speaker 125584.62s - 5612.96s

if he don't, he's like a, he's a microwave. He get that first three against the sixes when he first checked into the game next to the bitch. After that, it was over with. All his shots was, they look like he checked shots. And when he catches, he pulling. So I know when you got a guy like that,he can get you in the game when you're down because he can score fast.

Speaker 85613.56s - 5615.68s

So when you give that up,

Speaker 125615.88s - 5671.46s

you got to know that you get him if you're giving that up. But to have a guard that can actually come in, give Jalen PERSON a nice breather, and Jalen PERSON can actually watch the game and see other things while he's sitting down, not just I'm getting a breath, and I'm running back on the court. So if you have somebody that can basically play one end suit, like that's a tweena, but can really play the point because they did a complimentI believe from what I'm seeing as a compliment McBride and Dante PERSON, because Dante, he moves great without the basketball. He's my favorite. He's a gamer. He's a big, big gamer. He takes shots from anywhere, and he knows they're going on. There we go, man.

Speaker 25671.62s - 5674.74s

J-Cal PERSON, appreciate you, man. We're going to get some more callers in here, man.

Speaker 125675.04s - 5675.56s

Respect you, man.

Speaker 215677.14s - 5679.4s

Draymond Green, coming to KF TV ORG.

Speaker 185679.58s - 5681.68s

Wow, that might be a blockbuster, man.

Speaker 25681.9s - 5683.28s

That might be a blockbuster, man.

Speaker 175683.28s - 5688.08s

Oh, that's, you have to check him on the Knicks ORG. The Knicks hate, man. And we got, we got man. Oh, that's... You got to have to check them on the Knicks. The Knicks ORG hate, man. And we got...

Speaker 85688.08s - 5690.64s

We got Starberry ORG, man.

Speaker 75691.24s - 5695.74s

We got Starberry ORG, man. We got Starbury ORG, man. We sit here.

Speaker 25696.28s - 5696.92s

Represent, man.

Speaker 85697.2s - 5698.3s

You know what I'm saying? We're in here, man.

Speaker 25698.68s - 5699.96s

So, everybody in the chat, once again,

Speaker 85699.98s - 5702.88s

hit that thumbs up button for you boys. CPJ PERSON. Hello, one second.

Speaker 115703.16s - 5724s

Yeah, go ahead. Special guest, Steph R. Marbury PERSON, in the building, man. Hit the like button, hit the share button. Subscribe to the channel. We are in here. Remember to go to kFTV watch.com.Get your tickets to this Friday's watch party, man. If you want to come watch the game with me and Steph and a whole bunch of others from KFTV ORG, man,

Speaker 25724s - 5793.34s

we're going to be in the building heavy. Make sure you guys pull guys pull up on us man make sure that you guys are pulling up on us that is going to be at slate slate NYC GPE make sure you guys come through I'm going to pull up the address right now 54 West 21st Street doors are going to open at 5 I'll be there 5 and make sure that you guys are get sign up at KFTVwatch.com. Go ahead and get your tickets. It is going to be one that you don't want to miss, man.We got the bigger venue. Nice to joint. Prizes and giveaways will be announced. Once you wrap that up, DJ Eric L. Beats in the building will be on the ones and twos. Marvin Smith PERSON. The CP1 is Mello PERSON coming.Hey, maybe you see that Slate FAC. Who knows? We might have some surprises for you on Friday. This is what I'm trying to tell you. Friday, it's going down. Slate FAC is where you're going to want to be.Everybody's doing watch parties now, but make no mistake. Nobody does like the number one show for the fans by the fans, man. So you're gonna wanna come through, man. Starberry ORG will be there, franchise will be there. Jada PERSON, are you pulling up, man? What are you doing, man?You're gonna be there, man? I'll be there.

Speaker 215793.8s - 5797.4s

All, you wanna jump on the Greyhound PRODUCT, man,

Speaker 25797.48s - 5799.58s

come through, you know, jump on the Amtrak, you know?

Speaker 215800.56s - 5801.32s

I'm in the Amtrak.

Speaker 125802.36s - 5803.44s

Jumping to Peter Fann PERSON.

Speaker 25804.06s - 5808.98s

Not only are we doing the watch party, but we're going to live stream too.

Speaker 125809.22s - 5809.64s

Let's go.

Speaker 25809.84s - 5810.58s

Let's go.

Speaker 125810.78s - 5811.74s

It's on.

Speaker 25811.96s - 5812.34s

It's on.

Speaker 125812.34s - 5815.52s

Play by play, reactions and all that.

Speaker 25815.56s - 5816s


Speaker 125816.24s - 5819.9s

Let everybody fill the energy in the past, and it ain't going nowhere.

Speaker 25820.2s - 5822.74s

Game three, Friday is going down.

Speaker 125822.84s - 5824.52s

Make sure that you guys pull up, man.

Speaker 25824.94s - 5826.84s

I saw like Lloyd Banks PERSON was in the chat.

Speaker 125826.92s - 5827.98s

Is Banks PERSON still in the chat?

Speaker 25828.86s - 5829.9s

Is Blue He PERSON still in the chat?

Speaker 125829.96s - 5830.44s

He is, man.

Speaker 25830.52s - 5831.34s

Shout out to Lloyd Banks PERSON.

Speaker 125831.68s - 5833.56s

I think, did we miss his...

Speaker 25833.56s - 5845.36s

Now, his birthday was maybe last week or the week before that. I think we did hail him up for his birthday, so making sure we didn't skip any beats here. Rhyme Animal, Chuck D's in the chat, Starberry ORG. Never misses a show. Shout out Chuck D. Chuck D. Everybody throw a hashtag P.E. In the chat starberry never misses a show shout out chuck d

Speaker 125846.08s - 5852.24s

Everybody throw a hashtag PE in the chat chuck these in here without that without him is no us

Speaker 25852.24s - 5864.16s

That's it that's it okay all right we gonna get back to the phone take a couple more before we wrap Hp cuzco go ahead now meet your mic Hp cuzco go ahead Yo yep how you feeling

Speaker 185865.8s - 5868.12s

Yo we got starberry in this choice.

Speaker 25868.44s - 5869.3s

We got star parry, man.

Speaker 185870.32s - 5871.26s

We got to star very.

Speaker 25871.32s - 5872.4s

Hendrik Perkins PERSON.

Speaker 185873.04s - 5874.24s

What's that from Marbury PERSON?

Speaker 25874.24s - 5881.3s

But HP PERSON, what did I say before the playoff started? What did I say? Who did I say?

Speaker 185881.3s - 5882.84s

Am I a man of my word or what, bro?

Speaker 25882.98s - 5885.1s

I told you we was taking it up a notch.

Speaker 185886.64s - 5888.5s

Definitely all the way. Yeah.

Speaker 25888.88s - 5889.58s

All the way.

Speaker 185889.58s - 5890.38s

That's what we do, man.

Speaker 25890.52s - 5891.06s

I love it.

Speaker 185891.14s - 5891.64s

I love it.

Speaker 25891.76s - 5892.92s

What the time to be a next thing.

Speaker 185893.08s - 5898.94s

Yeah. We hear. Hey, man. I'm about that boy, White, Dante PERSON. Killing it.

Speaker 25899.3s - 5899.9s

Great game.

Speaker 185899.9s - 5904.68s

I love it, bro. Quick trigger, man. I'm glad. I'm glad.

Speaker 25925.4s - 5925.56s

I'm glad. I'm glad that's it because I'm thinking like people talk about D-Book, but honestly, it's something about having someone with chemistry and it's someone that's going to know what their job is, you know, like a specialist. I really, I really like my boy. I really like that boy.

Speaker 185925.7s - 5926.1s


Speaker 05927.56s - 5928.4s

That man is nice.

Speaker 85934.72s - 5938.72s

I would say, I would say like, I really, my favorite part of the game, I think was like the third quarter when J.B. PERSON came back and he was like off the ball.

Speaker 185939.22s - 5946.28s

I think we should do more of that to like save his stamina for the fourth and just kill him again I think we did a

Speaker 75946.28s - 5951s

better job of controlling the pace in this game than in the first game for sure okay appreciate

Speaker 85951s - 5959s

the call man step step you said no to debuked man what do you think man I'll give you an example

Speaker 185963s - 5965.28s

oh oh I thought we lost them.

Speaker 75966.58s - 5966.68s

We lost, we lost Starberry ORG.

Speaker 185968.54s - 5968.8s

Hang tight suits everybody in the chat once again.

Speaker 75969.84s - 5970s

Oh, technical difficulties.

Speaker 185970.36s - 5970.44s

It's all right.

Speaker 25971.68s - 5972.08s

We'll be back up and running.

Speaker 185974.9s - 5975.68s

See, but the franchise Alistrat ORG, shady sports talk in the building.

Speaker 25976.44s - 5976.64s

A cliffhanger.

Speaker 185976.86s - 5977.02s


Speaker 125979.3s - 5981.44s

Well, you might have been showing that debug disappears.

Speaker 185984.1s - 5985.58s

I mean, I'm showing give up the house for something

Speaker 25985.58s - 5987.4s

when we already got something that's good.

Speaker 125987.66s - 5987.92s


Speaker 25988.36s - 5991.38s

It's kind of like chemistry is one thing that you really can't replace

Speaker 215991.38s - 5992.32s

and that's what we got.

Speaker 25993.32s - 5996.26s

You don't want to add some ingredients to the pot that's going to make it.

Speaker 215997.26s - 5998.2s

Nah, we got it.

Speaker 185998.26s - 6000.12s

They got that championship DNA.

Speaker 216000.46s - 6002.2s

So I'm ready to roll with it.

Speaker 26003.5s - 6004.76s

You know, I'll tell you one thing.

Speaker 186004.76s - 6007.26s

Just looking at this thing is shaping up.

Speaker 26007.86s - 6013.86s

Like, you see how Minnesota has taken off OKC GPE,

Speaker 186014.62s - 6016.86s

the parody of the league.

Speaker 26016.98s - 6019.38s

That's what the trend is.

Speaker 86019.68s - 6021.92s

I feel like it's kind of getting better.

Speaker 216022.34s - 6023.4s

It's open, man.

Speaker 86023.62s - 6024.98s

It's kind of, it's open, man.

Speaker 216024.98s - 6027.52s

Yeah, but this league

Speaker 86027.52s - 6035.84s

like you said okay see look at the core they already have and he still got a bazillion picks yeah yeah

Speaker 216035.84s - 6043.04s

look at minnesota um like you got a couple young teams or land those on the you know on the

Speaker 86043.04s - 6047.9s

trajectory it's parity but you know

Speaker 216047.9s - 6052.98s

somebody from this team could develop into a potential dynasty you never know because it seems like

Speaker 86052.98s - 6058.3s

that that always happens in like every decade you got the warriors you got the lakers like every

Speaker 216058.3s - 6063.16s

decade it seems to be that one team that becomes a powerhouse so the nicks ORG got a great core

Speaker 86063.16s - 6065.04s

but you got to continue to, you know,

Speaker 216065.1s - 6067.64s

look to get better and be up to speed

Speaker 76067.64s - 6069.14s

for the rest of the competition.

Speaker 26070.32s - 6071.4s

We got staff back.

Speaker 76071.54s - 6071.86s

You good?

Speaker 216072.52s - 6073.1s

Yeah, I'm here.

Speaker 26073.2s - 6078.94s

Good to go. All right. Your thoughts on, he was asking about Booker and Devin Chenzo PERSON.

Speaker 126079.14s - 6142.46s

I said like this. I'll give you an example. Last game, the big three that Dante PERSON made, right? Jalen PERSON was dribbling in the middle of the court. He had his man locked, meaning his man could not steal a basketball for him.And he was dribbling, and he was dribbling. And Dante, when you see them, you can see the lift between them because the pass that Jalen PERSON made was he picked it up and then he threw him the basketball. He got underneath the basketball and he was able to give him a nice, solid pass. But Dante PERSON, he was ready,but when he went down one more level, Jalen PERSON threw him to basketball. That connection has been built from college. Exactly.

Speaker 186143.4s - 6146.24s

You can't, you can't retool that. You can't get another player in college. Exactly. You can't you can't

Speaker 126146.24s - 6204.68s

retool that. You can't get another player and come in and then they have that type of chemistry. They're not going to never have that chemistry. It'll takea period of time. When you win the championship, obviously you went in college. These guys have been stars in their time period of playing basketball. So they're going to get better. In the NBA ORG, they're playing college-style basketball in the NBA.Some people, they don't like it. But when you see the playoffs at the end of the game, when you see the playoffs at the end of the game, you can't do nothing about it.You got what I'm saying? And it's fun because they're still in the game, even when you think they're out of the game

Speaker 86204.68s - 6206.66s

for the opposing team.

Speaker 126206.66s - 6268.02s

But you're never out because they got ball movement. It's not traditional poster, everybody's face, somebody make a move. We, it's not that. It's cutting. It's backdoor. It's backdoor, back door, back door, dribble handoff, fake another back door.That's basketball. That's real basketball. And we got that type of chemistry with Josh, Jalen, and Dante PERSON. That's a three-core. That's like Clay PERSON. That's like Steph PERSON andDraybond PERSON. You got what I'm saying? You got that type of nucleus and the culture is shifting and changing in New York GPE. It's not the same thinking. Once you start changing the thinkingand how you think as far as how you're trying to get towards the destination, you start blocking off what other people start talking about.

Speaker 76268.36s - 6273.26s

And the whole city get behind what Tibbs PERSON made a decision to do.

Speaker 126273.9s - 6306.34s

So you trust him, you believe him, you go down with him. That's why Boston GPE has a rich tradition of sports, of winning, because they trust, they believe they go down with the coach. They talk mess about the coach, but they trust the strategy because they've seen the strategy play out. You're watching guys play that guys don't even think these guys can do the job,but they're getting on the court, and they're doing their thing.

Speaker 76308.02s - 6309.76s

Because OG go down.

Speaker 86309.88s - 6312.86s

You don't think nobody else is going to step down, step up.

Speaker 126313.98s - 6323.24s

Jalen PERSON gets hurt. Now Jalen PERSON is hurt. The mood was like this after every, when they didn't see him back on the court. The garden was like, dead.

Speaker 86324.46s - 6325.56s

It was dead. It was desolate. Like, garden was like, dead. It was dead.

Speaker 126325.7s - 6334.4s

It was desolate. Like, it was like, what happened? He's been going too long. You start paying attention. Like, hold up. In fact.

Speaker 46334.4s - 6335.38s

I've seen him get hurt.

Speaker 126336s - 6336.8s

Something went on.

Speaker 46336.96s - 6337.74s

He's in a lot.

Speaker 126338.28s - 6348.92s

Hold up. Why is he still on the court? Why we didn't call the time out? But that's all we're supposed to play out. Somebody else got to step up. There you go.

Speaker 26349.12s - 6360.14s

There you go, man. Dan from New Jersey GPE, go ahead. I'll mute your mic. Rapid fire. Let's go. Okay, got okay.Wow, wow, why. Let's go. C.P.J.D. Alex PERSON.

Speaker 206360.9s - 6364.4s

Thank you for bestoring Coney Island's finest to us today.

Speaker 26364.64s - 6365s

Yes, sir.

Speaker 206365.16s - 6368.74s

54 years after Willis Reed PERSON came out from the tunnel,

Speaker 26369.5s - 6373.32s

we saw a similar site today, Jalen Brunson PERSON, limping back.

Speaker 206373.96s - 6433.6s

Chance of MVP as he's shooting some free throws as the second half is about to begin. I am not going to forget this game. OG PERSON really stepped up for us. OG PERSON was looking solid. I loved Isaiah Hartenstein, 12 rebounds. What I really like that the Knicks did today, I love watching Brunsonplay off ball. We know he has that experience playing with Luca PERSON, but I just felt like we got the ball up the court quicker by having Josh PERSON bring it up. I know his dribbles a little bit shaky sometimes, but he gets the job done. And, you know, Brunson PERSON on the cuts, going through the screens, getting the off ball action. I felt like our offense flowed so much better,and it was more unpredictable. It was a team game. It was a team win. I'm very happy for our guys. Shaq and Chuck PERSON, listen, man, it's a lot of goofies with a checkout here.That's why I'm here. I only rep the real. We got Stefan Marbury PERSON in here. We don't want no Stephen A ORG's, man. We don't want no Reggie Millers PERSON.

Speaker 26433.86s - 6435.34s

Keep those guys over there.

Speaker 206435.54s - 6436.28s

I'm out of here, man.

Speaker 26436.94s - 6438.78s

Oh, man, Reggie was hating all night.

Speaker 206438.9s - 6440.9s

I had to put him and Stan Van Gundy PERSON on mute, man.

Speaker 26440.9s - 6443.18s

I was listening to Sports Talk ORG on the play-by-play.

Speaker 206443.54s - 6444.34s

Shout out to J.D.

Speaker 26444.46s - 6445.3s

Man, because he killed it. Once he said he was the boogeman, once he did that, I was like. Yeah, man. I was listening to sports talk on the play-by-play. Shout out to J.D. Man PERSON, because he killed.

Speaker 206445.78s - 6447.5s

Once he said, I'm the boogeyman.

Speaker 26447.62s - 6448.9s

Once he did that, I was like,

Speaker 206449s - 6450.82s

Yeah, get him out of here, man.

Speaker 26451.12s - 6452.02s

Get him out of here, man.

Speaker 126452.02s - 6453.4s

I was like, you're the what?

Speaker 26453.5s - 6454.28s

Yeah, the what?

Speaker 126454.34s - 6459.76s

I said it's a hope, man, stop. Yeah. All of this, that's over the way. You've been doing that.

Speaker 26460.08s - 6463.32s

You've been driving in it for how many years? It's played out. It's over with.

Speaker 126463.94s - 6468.48s

Anyway, I want to say something to getting him off the basketball.

Speaker 86469.5s - 6472.26s

Isaiah Thomas PERSON used to teach me and tell me about this.

Speaker 126473.5s - 6497.74s

He says, sir, when you get off the basketball and you get below the defense, he said, now nobody don't know where you are. But when you got the basketball coming up the court, it's nine people looking at you. Literally, you got the guy that has got to you and the other four guys,and then you got your guys.

Speaker 76498.66s - 6502.1s

So when he get behind the defense

Speaker 126502.1s - 6530.5s

and Josh PERSON is bringing the basketball, when he go down and he get that pin down screen and he's coming off that loop, you got shooters. Now the court is space. So now you got the core space and now he's not using no energy to bring the ball up, which is beautiful. But sometimes he got to bring the basketball up the court so we can keep tempo, pace, and flow. There you go, man.

Speaker 26530.62s - 6578.16s

Starberry in here, throw number three in the chat to salute our guys that far Marbury PERSON. Soot to everybody in the chat. Once again, hit that thumbs up on free boys as well. Shout it to AG, who sends a CZK 500 PRODUCT. I think we got this before.I don't know what currency that is. Says, a longtime listener, this episode is Topps ORG. Those are fire emoji in there. Says,let's go Nick PERSON. So shout out to him. Victor Perez Martinez PERSON says, I had Reggie PERSON muted. Yeah. It was,I mean, they kept milking. I don't think they went to the 1970 championship on the anniversary one time on the TNT Telecast ORG.I don't think they did that one time. They didn't salute Clyde or Willis PERSON, nobody like that. All they was talking about was Reggie PERSON, Reggie. Of course you're going to bring Reggie PERSON on the telecast. He's going to be hating on the Knicks the entire night. My other gripe with the commentary is...

Speaker 126578.16s - 6580.14s

But it was so good because we beat them.

Speaker 26580.22s - 6582.82s

Well, yes, we beat them. It don't even matter.

Speaker 126582.94s - 6583.1s


Speaker 26583.94s - 6584.86s

My other great...

Speaker 126584.86s - 6589.78s

It don't even matter. My other great would playoff commentary, the fact that they got my guy

Speaker 26589.78s - 6611.12s

Gus Johnson PERSON on the bench somewhere, I don't like that, man. I don't like that, man. I think my guy, Gus, this is playoff time, Gus Johnson, MSG FAC, he need to be on every telecast that the Knicks ORG do. I don't care what it is. Gus Johnson PERSON needs to be involved, man.I don't like the fact that they don't got them there, man. But it just is what it is. All right, a couple more before we wrap, man.

Speaker 136611.2s - 6612.76s

Let's go to the Philippines GPE. 90 seconds.

Speaker 26613.56s - 6629.92s

H.P. Carlos PERSON. Go ahead and I'll meet your mic. H.P. Carlo on the Discord PRODUCT. I'll meet you mic. H.P. Carlo PERSON. I mean, Carlo, Carlo, from the Philippines GPE. Go ahead. I'll meet you mic. H.P. Carlo. I mean, Carlo, Carlo, from the Philippines.Go ahead. Now I meet your mic. Oh, Salami, Paul PERSON.

Speaker 126629.98s - 6630.68s

Yes, sir.

Speaker 16630.96s - 6631.76s

Yes, sir.

Speaker 26632.76s - 6633s

Yes, sir.

Speaker 126633s - 6634.12s

How much, my catropa?

Speaker 16634.28s - 6638.04s

First of all, I'm honored that I'm here talking to the one and only Starbury ORG.

Speaker 26638.24s - 6638.6s

Yes, sir.

Speaker 86638.84s - 6642.4s

One of my favorite things of all time. I saw you here in BGC ORG.

Speaker 16642.52s - 6649.6s

I had a picture together and I told you I was a Nick PERSON fan and you gave me a dab. I doubt if you remember that but that moment was surreal for me. But

Speaker 86649.6s - 6654.56s

fellas let me paint a picture for you. I'm sitting at home watching the first quarter.

Speaker 16654.56s - 6660.08s

I didn't go to work. I called in sick and I saw J.B. PERSON got hurt. I called my wife immediately

Speaker 86660.08s - 6667.14s

and told her what happened and she told me to stop watching the game. And my ears got deaf when she said,

Speaker 76667.26s - 6669.06s

J.B. PERSON is a flopper, blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 06669.1s - 6669.84s

And I told her,

Speaker 16670.5s - 6677.54s

woman, I love you, but I'm going to hang up the phone right now, and I'm going to keep watching the game. And I was not wrong for hanging up.

Speaker 06677.92s - 6680.96s

A really sweet type performance by Captain Clutch PERSON.

Speaker 86681.32s - 6693.78s

This current team reminds me of the 1990 team. We are depleted, but we still keep on fighting. That's our battle cry. You don't see this camaraderie anywhere else. Every game, you see Knicks ORG grade and alumni from different Knicks area.

Speaker 16694.08s - 6702.48s

Watching together. Starks and Stefan PERSON rubbing elbows. We even saw Gerald Wilkins PERSON in the cookout.

Speaker 76703s - 6705.94s

You won't see Larry Bird watching Boston GPE games.

Speaker 86706.06s - 6708.2s

You won't see Charles Barkley watching Philly GPE games.

Speaker 76708.26s - 6709.16s

This is something special.

Speaker 16709.48s - 6709.62s


Speaker 76709.74s - 6713.78s

And the only thing I hated about this game is Stan Van Gundy PERSON on the play-by-play.

Speaker 16713.88s - 6714.74s

He's a Knicks ORG hater.

Speaker 76715.04s - 6716s

Yeah, they all hate him.

Speaker 86716s - 6717.26s

And Reggie PERSON, of course, for that matter.

Speaker 76717.74s - 6721.08s

He keeps on insinuating on putting TJ PERSON back in the game.

Speaker 86721.16s - 6722.48s

But good thing that they didn't.

Speaker 76722.54s - 6725.64s

And I also asked why Rick Carlisle did put him.

Speaker 26725.98s - 6727.28s

But there's something special, man.

Speaker 76727.36s - 6727.64s

Yeah, man.

Speaker 26727.98s - 6749.18s

Absolutely, man. Carlo checking in from the Philippines GPE. Yes, that Carlo PERSON, he'll say forget work. I'm watching the Knicks ORG, man. That's Carlo PERSON. He's a real one.He's a real Knicks ORG fan, man. So shout out to him. Let's go to South Carolina GPE, and we're going to close it up with our guy, Ron Cleveland PERSON in the building, man. South Cack. Let's go. South Carolina, and we're going to close it up with our guy, Ron Cleveland, in the building, man. South CAC ORG, let's go. Oh, Ron PERSON.

Speaker 106749.34s - 6751.98s

Man, man, man.

Speaker 116752.2s - 6752.6s

Let's go.

Speaker 106752.66s - 6753.08s

He's back.

Speaker 116753.22s - 6753.72s

He's back.

Speaker 106754.16s - 6754.66s


Speaker 116754.98s - 6755.46s

Let's go.

Speaker 26755.6s - 6756.2s


Speaker 116756.54s - 6757.64s

Give you a call, Ron PERSON.

Speaker 26759.36s - 6760.28s

Starberry ORG, man.

Speaker 116760.36s - 6800.88s

What's going on, Starberry ORG, man. Hey, quick little talk tidbit to you, man. My very first NBA game was in Atlanta. We played against the team that had Josh Smith PERSON, and I was in the stands on my anniversary weekend DATE, me and my wife down in Atlanta,and they wanted to move us down to the floor seat. And I told the guy, I said, man, look here, man. I said, I'm going to tell you like this. I can't go down there and cheer because I'm a Knicks ORG fan, man. So you know what I mean? I appreciate the offer, but I'm going to stay up here.You know what I mean? And it was a game where you went for over 30, and we won that game and overtime my very first game.

Speaker 56801s - 6803.76s

So shout out to you, man. Hey. Wow.

Speaker 116804.02s - 6814.26s

Hey, you, me, I'm going to tell you like this. And I tell anybody, the last great point guard we had has been you. And now we got one in Jalen Brumster PERSON.

Speaker 06814.64s - 6819.64s

And I got a nickname for Jalen Brumson PERSON. I ain't ever heard nobody use. Every time I see this dude play,

Speaker 116820.04s - 6824.08s

all I think about is the Wolverine ORG. Because he will cut you up.

Speaker 106824.5s - 6825.6s

He will cut you up. He will cut you up.

Speaker 86826.68s - 6829.86s

It doesn't make a difference.

Speaker 106830.4s - 6831.76s

That's what I call Jalen Brunton PERSON.

Speaker 86831.86s - 6834.48s

No matter how big you are, he will cut you up.

Speaker 116835.2s - 6838.92s

Man, with this team here, man, it is a beautiful thing.

Speaker 86839.22s - 6843.38s

When I'm watching this team, Tom Tibuto PERSON pushing all the right button.

Speaker 106843.8s - 6845.3s

He's out coaching these coaches.

Speaker 86845.64s - 6846.52s

You got Kyle PERSON out

Speaker 106846.52s - 6846.96s


Speaker 86847.44s - 6848.32s

I didn't know

Speaker 106848.32s - 6848.74s

if they were going

Speaker 86848.74s - 6849.16s

to give him a

Speaker 106849.16s - 6849.48s


Speaker 116849.78s - 6850.56s

give him a bottle.

Speaker 86850.94s - 6857.12s

You know what I mean? That's what I'm seeing with him. He's crying about foul. Man, this has a man's game,man.

Speaker 206857.42s - 6861.64s

You know what I mean? Let's play the game of basketball. And the thing I love about these next man,

Speaker 116862.4s - 6890.16s

next man up mentality. And so as much as we know, Brunson PERSON is the head of the snake. Any given night, it could be somebody else's turn. So you can kill on Brunson PERSON all you want, but somebody else will kill you. And that's what I'm seeing. And I agree 100% with you, Strawberry, when you talked about DeVanzenzo PERSON,and that connection a lot of times you'll see them guys pass to each other before they even get to the spot

Speaker 86890.16s - 6891.6s

100%. You know each other.

Speaker 06892.02s - 6893.9s

You can't, you can't buy that.

Speaker 116894.12s - 6896.16s

Yeah. And so, man, I'm going to tell you like this.

Speaker 86896.8s - 6898.12s

I'm going to tell you like this.

Speaker 116898.7s - 6914.3s

I give Indiana GPE, they might get one. I'm thinking this thing over in five. Ananobe PERSON, rest up, man. Hey, this is your cat who's speaking. Put your chair in the upright position, fast.Talk to him.

Speaker 26916.3s - 6917.26s

Talk to him.

Speaker 116917.26s - 6918.86s

Let's go.

Speaker 26918.98s - 6919.58s

And I'm out.

Speaker 116919.82s - 6920.52s

Let's go.

Speaker 26920.64s - 6922s

Ron Cleveland PERSON, man.

Speaker 116922.62s - 6923.84s

From South Carolina GPE,

Speaker 26923.84s - 6927.5s

long time, listening, long time call it. One of our day ones, man. One of our Ron Cleveland, man. From South Carolina, long time listening, long time caller, one of our day ones, man.

Speaker 116927.6s - 6928.98s

One of our day ones, man.

Speaker 26929.56s - 6941.82s

Oh, man, this was a show. This was a time. A lot of us will never forget, man. Nix fans everywhere worldwide. Steph PERSON, it's a worldwide phenomenon. We are global, man.Nix fan TV, man.

Speaker 126942.72s - 6943.52s

Let's go, man.

Speaker 26943.52s - 6944.14s

Great show.

Speaker 126944.48s - 6946.54s

We're about to take it to another level yes

Speaker 26946.54s - 6952.18s

sir absolutely man um i'm gonna go ahead and read the rest of the donations step you're gonna you're gonna

Speaker 126952.18s - 6957.14s

cut or you're gonna stick around me don't basically okay all right we in there man so let me go

Speaker 56957.14s - 6961.72s

ahead and um and read the rest of the super chats in here so it's everybody that donated man we

Speaker 26961.72s - 7040.48s

definitely appreciate the support all let me get to sky zoo shout out to skies who we got to get skies who on the show next definitely uh with the go new york with the orange and blue remix d a fight out super chest PERSON is cardiac nix baby love the stress love the grit nix and five also tj is a free agent this year just need him to stop killing us yeah he is a nick killer man since he was into sixes on every team he'd been on was killing the nicks man jane l to rey fight out superch chats is another victory another victory bdk shout out rhyme animal chuck d once againdennis carea says um yep we heard that about josh hard what he said to reggie we got that brian o'reante fight out super chat PERSONs says thanks for calling reggie come back anytime shout out to cornell marshall gary riker 10 now super chat says yo boys these guys battle scary losing people and and almost losing people what are run in these playoffs we need a blowout to get some other people in the game shout out that guy eric l beats dj extraordinaire he's our resident DJ. He'll be at Slate on Friday, Steph PERSON.Fightout Super Chat ORG says, we was on full tilt tonight at the watch party. Paces fans were real quiet at the watch party during that third quarter. We have Pacea fans at the watch party tonight. Says that third quarter run, another gritty win tonight. Let's go.

Speaker 207041.14s - 7062.68s

Red Man, MagFed Games, Fight Out of Super Chats WORK_OF_ART. Bers came out the trunk for 44 seconds, and they put him back in. Yeah, my guy made an appearance, man. He made appearance. Shout out, Big Surge, Fight-out, Super Chats. It's all hail Josh Hart for exercising the ghost of Reggie Miller PERSON with a hot mic family show you.Josh Hart PERSON, the legend. The ghost of Reggie PERSON is dead.

Speaker 27063.4s - 7064.86s

Young Kobe, $10,000 Super Chats.

Speaker 87066.42s - 7073.22s

It's over. Shout out to Coo says this is the NBA's jason vorhees they will not die they just keep coming

Speaker 27073.22s - 7092.8s

back that's a fact man peris card salute right man mochukti 10 now super chet PERSON says this team goes after four four quarter rebounds like his death if they don't get the ball we are chopped up but remember the tit, this team right here. They are carnivorous dogs, rabid, hyenas, leopards, and tigers.

Speaker 127093.5s - 7095.42s

Al, what was the, yeah, go ahead, Seth PERSON.

Speaker 27096.7s - 7097.86s

No, I said give them.

Speaker 127098.08s - 7098.76s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 27099.14s - 7109.82s

Al, what was the second chance points battle tonight? What was it looking like tonight? Because Indiana GPE had their fair share of offensive rebounds as well. Second chance points. We're talking about how many points they actually got tonight?

Speaker 177109.82s - 7120.84s

Yeah, how many offensive rebound? How many second chance points we actually got tonight? Offensive rebound. Nick's got 12 and the Pacers got 14.

Speaker 87120.84s - 7122.86s

Actually, when it came to offensive rebounding.

Speaker 27123.08s - 7124.7s

So the Paisers ORG did win that matchup.

Speaker 87124.84s - 7128.04s

But when it came to actual second chance points,

Speaker 27128.28s - 7139.42s

Nix won 16 to 10. 16, 10. All right, there you go. There you go, man. Got to play that game, man. Got to.Got to scrap for it. Rare edition, $10 Super Chat says, they not like us. They not like us.

Speaker 117139.66s - 7159.86s

That team is rattled. Carlisle PERSON getting tossed is apparent that this team, it doesn't have the will power to hang with us. Let's go Knicks. Get one in Indy. The way he vocal, Clyde PERSON-out super chats is J-B ain't Jesus, but he may be Moses PERSON because he's bringing us to the promised land. Let's go. Bomani U.F.G. ORG Bumani U.G. Where are we?

Speaker 27160.8s - 7163.82s

Damn, we got a lot of super chats. I got to read here. Hold on. Damn.

Speaker 87164.46s - 7197.8s

I lost that and I scrolled all the way up. Bomani PERSON, UFG. The 14-hour Canadian Super Chat says 949-99 and 04 Knicks ORG squads are my favorite Knicks teams of my lifetime.I believe Brunson PERSON will bring a chip to the guard and let's go Knicks ORG. KFTV ORG for life. Shout out Mark PERSON. I think I got that. Emerson 6868. 10-out Super Chat. Appreciate it.It's Harry Cal PERSON. Fight-out Super Chat says, is TNT against the Knicks ORG? Seems like they don't want us to win. That's why we need Knicks ORG fan TV for the fans, by the fans.Salute.

Speaker 177198.18s - 7202.88s

Do you see Shaq and Chuck both upset after the Knicks one man when they went back to

Speaker 27202.88s - 7203.36s

the studio?

Speaker 127203.56s - 7205.54s

No, I don't see that.

Speaker 177205.9s - 7211.38s

No, those guys were salty. They were like, they had a scow on their face. They were not happy at all.

Speaker 27211.56s - 7217.24s

Can we get that? Can we get that, that clip? Do you see the clip? You see the clip on Twitter out?

Speaker 177217.76s - 7219.12s

I don't see the clip on Twitter.

Speaker 27219.16s - 7273.86s

I'll look for it, but they were not happy. They were just kind of like, yeah, because they can't hate. They can't hate, man. Vamos Rafa PERSON. Fight Out Super Chats says, need these games on MSG Network ORG.All these guys in TNT ORG, hating. Even the commentators, SMH, need that Mike and Clyde PERSON. Sheldon Blackman, Fight Out Superchats ORG. It says, IHeart, OG, and Ragoo PERSON with the impressive dunk can say enough about these guys in Jalen Brunson, Reed PERSON. Wow, just amazing.Nixon Dimes, gifted five, franchise channel membership, salute. Shout out to Jay Reid PERSON. A franchise channel member says, TNT, ESPN, ABC ORG, bring the hate. Hate fuels this squad, KFTV ORG for Life. Let's go, Nix PERSON. Robert Randolph, Mr. Friday Night, Nixon here, in here $20 super chat says nix going to the NBAfinals now that ogy PERSON is out for three weeks Alec burks will be a big scorer sergeant sources

Speaker 217273.86s - 7275.98s

sergeant sources

Speaker 87275.98s - 7278.72s

sergeant sources man

Speaker 217278.72s - 7280.52s

shout out to will end man

Speaker 87280.52s - 7282.04s

$10 super chat

Speaker 27282.04s - 7307.94s

he says uh I swear the nicks ORG are the basketball version of oh i got that final destination got that one salute to him who else we got in here shout out to the glocks their five out super chat says i had the black blue and orange starberries with the shine orange at the front dealt with him swiftly guess jean sprinkle me sprinkle me ma, he says, you know what's real when Banks PERSON is in here.

Speaker 67308.02s - 7327.2s

Yeah, Lloyd Banks PERSON was in the chat. Shout out to Banks PERSON. J.W. Event Group $20 super chat to Steph PERSON. Starks PERSON was my all-time favorite player, but I modeled my game after you. I had the high fade with the part down the middle, just like you at Georgia Tech ORG as a freshman. And point guard, let them keep doubting us.New York GPE versus the world. I love it. Let's go. You know it. Let point guard, let them keep doubting us. New York versus the world. I love it. Let's go.

Speaker 27327.78s - 7363.84s

You know it. Let's go, man. Salute, salute. I'm trying to find the rest of my joint. What is, um, I think I lost it for a second. Okay, here we go.Uh, okay, John Smith, I got that. DJ Etsy, $20 super chat, 20 pounds. He's over there in the UK GPE. Says, uh, milk and two sugars, please. OG PERSON was really throwing a spanner in the works, but him going down is a massive loss.Every time I see T.J. PERSON on the bench, I crack a smile because Brunson PERSON is going to cook them other guards. Shouted to Luca Baskerty PERSON. Fancied channel member. Rondell Hartley, $10,000 Super Chat to salute to Marbury PERSON. We need those Starberry ORG sneakers back, fan.

Speaker 87364.8s - 7375.46s

Yo, Chase, he says they're coming. Let's go. Yo, Chase, Boogie, fight our Super Chat PRODUCT says, this is the end of the cardiac Knicks ORG era. Double M, fight out Superchette PERSON says,

Speaker 27375.54s - 7413.14s

how ironic the basketball gods got us battling with the same guys. We've been fighting with the most important times of our season. Tutu Azuri, Italian NORP. Fight out Super Chat says,much love and respect to JD PERSON and panel. Greetings from our entire Italian NORP national rugby training, rugby team, training in Edinburgh, Scotland GPE. Let's go Knicks ORG. We all around the world, man. The Italian national rugby team training in edinburgh scotlandis tapping into the nix ORG and tapping into nix fan tv so there you go man there you go shout

Speaker 87413.14s - 7420.8s

out to jack city it's a starberry in the building cooking a meal on kf tv let's go shout out to

Speaker 27420.8s - 7430.36s

uh lloyd barkerog junior 10 out super chats is yo Steph, Grady High School over Lincoln all day, every day. I do. Great.

Speaker 87432.12s - 7432.76s

Let's go.

Speaker 27435.52s - 7448.52s

Shout out to Sean PERSON. Oh, fight out super chats. Saw the quote Starberry when you were in China GPE. I am Marbury PERSON. You are Marbury PERSON. We are all connected.And it feels so true. I can feel it in my veins. Salute, man.

Speaker 117449.48s - 7484.02s

Salute, man. Salute to Jammerbird 3 for the Super Chat. Salute. Corsal 117, 10-0 Super Chat. Speaking of Starberry ORG additions to this team, it might finally be Rokos Yaaku PERSON by this time.That kind of player on the second round money could be exactly what we need to round out this team. Could play the one and two. Well, it depends on what type of role he wants. You know, they say he's going to test it out. He's going to come for summer league.But we'll see, man. We'll see. Could he go back to Barcelona ORG? We'll see what happens with Rokaz PERSON. But that could be it. Could be a nice pickup that we already have.

Speaker 27484.52s - 7572.6s

Javier Alcantara turned out Super Chat since I just want to say that the Knicks ORG are facing their old demons. First Lowry, now McConnell PERSON. Next up is Christop's Porzingis PERSON. Okay, let's go. Aaron Lazenby, $20,000 Super Chat says, this is chemistry, anything is possible. The bonds are covalent.Nicks in five. Mr. J. Russ Russ 20 dollar super chat says New York GPE is too gritty for the paces Carl out crying post game just like nurse and the result will be the same KFTV number one show with the best content for the real nix ORG fans bringing nix legends on the channel hashtag salute the driven sold 10 out super chat says love the no is one on my bead day he says thank youthank you my nicks forever with my pops at the game okay so it looks like they won on his bid day and his pops was with him at the game so that that's a beautiful thing family show tricks the barb 10 now super chats a salute to kf tv squad and the man the legend starberry PERSON great game tonight and as always great show to follow shout at dressito says i've been waiting for moments like this since the 2013 run great to see step marlbury PERSON on the show and at msg keep it up fellas let's go nixdr droy brammer on fight our superchettes says nix against the world nixon five ed patterson salute mark five dollar superchats says shack and barclay making fun of that NYC GPE street meet. But that and the NYC GPE tap water equals why we fight so hard and win. Steph PERSON could attest to that.

Speaker 117573.2s - 7590.42s

Jack, Game Barco, $20, Super Chat says May 13, 2013, game 6. Nix went into the fourth quarter with 16 free throw attempts versus the Pacers having 21. At the end of the game, it was 18 and 46 for the Pacers ORG. And Carlisle PERSON was crying about fouls, cry more. Nixon 5.

Speaker 27591.64s - 7601.86s

Shout out Christian McLaughan and shout out to Cornell Marshall PERSON. And I think I got everything, man. It's Cornell Marshall, fight out superchettes, and salute to Stefan Marbury PERSON. And that's that, man.

Speaker 87602.26s - 7603.06s

That's that, man.

Speaker 27603.32s - 7611.82s

So remember that to show's available in audio podcast format, guys. No reason to miss it. Catch us on all major podcasts. Platforms. Great show tonight, man.130 to 121.

Speaker 217612.32s - 7621.48s

Shout out to Stefan Marbury PERSON for joining us. J.D. Go ahead. No, I just wanted to say, before we go, man, Marbury PERSON, nice to meet you,first time meeting you tonight.

Speaker 27622.04s - 7634.72s

You know, McDonald's ORG All-American, ACC, Rookie of the Year, NBA, all-rooky first team, two-time All-Star, two-time All-MBA. Listen, man, I'm, you know, you, you, you was that dude, man.

Speaker 217634.86s - 7636.22s

I'm a Die-hard Knicks ORG fan.

Speaker 07636.9s - 7640.6s

And, you know, when they made the move that you were going to be a Nick PERSON, man,

Speaker 217640.6s - 7645.66s

I went on YouTube and I was watching mixed videos. I was hype. I was one of those young kids hype watching you play, man. I went on YouTube and I was watching mixed videos. I was hype. I was one of those young

Speaker 07645.66s - 7651.3s

kids hype. Watching you play, man. Every time you play the Nets ORG, I wanted you to kill him. The All-Star

Speaker 27651.3s - 7655.82s

game with Alan Iverson. That was a big moment for me as a fan. So to me, I don't know by anyone

Speaker 57655.82s - 7661.38s

else, man, but to me, for real, this is like surreal to me that I'm literally like on a panel

Speaker 07661.38s - 7667.12s

with you. So just thank you. And, you know, I mean, I, it's surreal to me.

Speaker 217667.18s - 7669.16s

After the show, I'm going to be texting my best friends,

Speaker 47669.28s - 7670.1s

send them the link.

Speaker 217670.28s - 7673.6s

Yo, I was just on the show with Sir Paul Marbury PERSON.

Speaker 47673.76s - 7674.16s

Yes, sir.

Speaker 27674.32s - 7676.56s

Remember, you know, my best friend is a Nets ORG fan.

Speaker 07676.68s - 7677.56s

And we used to argue.

Speaker 87677.88s - 7680.6s

We used to argue, you know, he was a J. Kit PERSON fan.

Speaker 117680.6s - 7681.76s

And I'm a Knicks ORG fan.

Speaker 87681.88s - 7684.3s

So, you know, this is a great moment.

Speaker 07684.3s - 7685.92s

And thank you for showing love to the

Speaker 27685.92s - 7692.54s

next community man let's keep doing it absolutely man shout out to ari from taiwans it's kf tv heavy

Speaker 117692.54s - 7697.26s

heavy hitting salute salute to rhyme animal chuck d man for making this connection and making this

Speaker 217697.26s - 7702.9s

possible you know it's it's amongst you know people comment on the hate man the love always

Speaker 117702.9s - 7751.54s

overpowers the hate on this channel and there's people who genuinely want to see us win out here. And that's why we continue to move in the way that we do, man, with the support of the global fan base and from people that's, you know, just trying to make it happen for us, man. So shout out to the rhyme animal Chuck D. Once again, people, we want to see you guys on Friday, man.Come on out to Slate FAC, 54 West 21st Street, Game 3 Watch Party, man, the franchise, Starberry ORG. J.D. PERSON will be there. We'll get Alice to come down from Boston GPE, man. It's going to be a party, man. It's going to be a vibe.We got giveaways to give out. It's definitely going to be a vibe. So make sure that you guys go get your tickets at kFTVwatch.com. And we'll have further announcements on the Friday watch party tomorrow. So basically just be on the lookout for it, man. All right. We out of here, man.Steph PERSON, great show. Appreciate it.

Speaker 207751.62s - 7752.1s


Speaker 117752.28s - 7752.76s

Appreciate it.

Speaker 27753.24s - 7754.54s

We out of here, man. Peace.