Kyle's CHER impression is *chef's kiss*

Kyle's CHER impression is *chef's kiss*

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9:37 minutes

published 13 days ago


Copyright iHeartRadio

Speaker 40s - 4.4s

Johnny and Rich PERSON. Kyle Unfug, what are three things we need to know?

Speaker 14.54s - 97.32s

The Iranian NORP president and the country's foreign minister were actually found dead after a helicopter crash, basically leaving the Islamic Republic without two key leaders. So the vice president was actually named caretaker and insisted the government was in control. But these deaths are said to possibly have a deep ripple effect on the tensions that are already pretty high in the Middle East LOC. So something definitely to keep an eye on. Friday morning was pretty shocking.John Jay PERSON told me that this headline popped out and I was like, no. He was like Scotty Sheffler, the number one golfer in the PGA ORG was arrested. I'm like, that's definitely not true because he has a squeaky clean image. However, he was arrested and what happened was he was on his way to the tournament. There was a pretty chaotic situation. There was a pedestrian fatality earlier that morning in the area.An officer was directing traffic, told Scotty PERSON to stop. He misunderstood, kept going. This officer actually attached himself to Scotty's car and was drunk for several feet. So, of course, Scotty PERSON finally stops. They take him out. They handcuff him.They arrest him. They take a mug shot. I don't know. You probably saw a million memes over the weekend. My favorite one was, geez, Scotty's really taking that seriously chasing Tiger Woods PERSON records. And it had both of their mugshots next to each other.But now we're actually hearing that the Kentucky GPE prosecutors are expected to drop the charges. What's crazy is after the tournament in his interview. Scotty was like, never in a million years did I think I would be stretching and warming up for a PGA championship in a jail cell, which is what he did that morning.

Speaker 497.5s - 128.22s

You know what I heard too? I heard that. So he gets arrested. He's in the back of the cop car, taking him to jail, whatever. And the cop that's arresting with the two cops were driving in the car. And they're like, so, like, why did you do what you did?And he's like, well, I'm a golfer. Like, yeah, but, you know, like, where were you headed? Because he didn't say who he was and they didn't recognize him. And then he finally's like, well, I'm playing. They're like, what? He's like, yeah, I'm Scotty Schaeffler PERSON, and they were like, oh my God.I can't even get arrested.

Speaker 3128.32s - 130.76s

Wait, hey, whoa, I'm getting, hey, you know how a lot of celebrities are like.

Speaker 1130.88s - 131.56s

Do you know who I am?

Speaker 3131.82s - 134.32s

He was, because I've heard he's the nicest guy in the world.

Speaker 1134.32s - 135.88s

Yeah, that's why everyone was so shocked.

Speaker 4135.96s - 142.66s

It's like, Scotty PERSON, what? And then I heard because the cop didn't have the body cam footage, that's why they're dropping the case or something like that, right?

Speaker 1142.82s - 189.82s

Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. It is pretty easy to refresh your mental health. If you've just got too many tabs open in your brain and you're feeling overwhelmed, it's that kind of time of year. Like, May is always insane. I know, like, for me, personally, May is like maybe even busier than December.So I'm like, I saw this. I'm like, I need this. So maybe other people need this. They say it's as easy as just stepping outside, but you've got to stay there for a while. They actually found people need to spend 67 minutes outside each day to feel refreshed. You do this. You will find yourself more relaxed. It's going to put youin a better mood and it will help you clear your head. 67 minutes a day. Kind of sounds like a lot of time because, you know, the majority of the time, we're inside, inside we're in our house we're on our phones we're at work whatever but get outside it's really going to help you and that's three things you need to know

Speaker 4189.82s - 191.88s

let's get to horoscopes pain what's the vibe today

Speaker 0191.88s - 205.06s

it's be a millionaire day so I'm going to tell you which sign is most likely to become a millionaire also we're in tour season and if it's your birthday day you're sharing one with an attorney not in Buster WORK_OF_ART rhymes and shareShare's birthday?

Speaker 4205.26s - 206.24s

Yeah. Oh.

Speaker 1206.5s - 207.14s

Everybody at all.

Speaker 0208.28s - 211.24s

All right, 877-937-1047.

Speaker 4211.52s - 216.06s

Hello, Shane PERSON. What's your sign? Good morning. Good morning.

Speaker 2216.16s - 217.22s

I'm a Scorpio.

Speaker 0217.44s - 222.16s

We've got to hear something good. I just started my own business yesterday. Well, hey.

Speaker 2222.26s - 223.06s

We've got to hear something good.

Speaker 0223.06s - 227.98s

Look at that. This is perfect because Scorpios are number two on the list of most likely to become a millionaire.

Speaker 2228.48s - 249.54s

Look out. Yeah, your family and your friends know that you're someone who's destined for greatness and you're very intuitive so you know how to follow your heart instead of just your brain. And anyone who wants to get involved with your schemes to get rich, they just need to trust your intuitiveness and you'll be good to go. Oh, I like to hear that.I like to hear that. I like to hear that. And I did just get an investor that told me the same thing on Friday. So we'll see.

Speaker 4249.66s - 253s

I love it. What line of work did you start? What kind of job? What kind of company?

Speaker 2253.9s - 271.96s

It's a window covering restrings and repair. So a lot of people out there that have to get new blinds because they have to get one fixed and they can't get a bunch. They don't want to pay thousands to get new blinds for one window. No. You know, so now I have the ability to repair those and under Douglas PERSON certified the whole works.

Speaker 4272.08s - 272.78s

Right on, man.

Speaker 3272.86s - 273.18s

What's that?

Speaker 2273.18s - 273.56s

Thank you.

Speaker 3273.56s - 274.24s

Thank you for listening.

Speaker 4274.7s - 275.38s

Have a great day.

Speaker 2275.38s - 276.24s

Yeah, thank you.

Speaker 3277.84s - 278.74s

Hello, November.

Speaker 2280.48s - 281.32s

Good morning.

Speaker 3281.48s - 282.38s

Can I be number one?

Speaker 2282.58s - 284.44s

Oh, I'm sorry to break the news TV.

Speaker 4284.6s - 287.14s

As they're number four on the list, which isn't bad.

Speaker 0287.26s - 306.14s

So if anybody embodies the phrase, work hard and play hard, it's a tourist. You understand the value of hard work, but you also know that play is just important to succeed. And you actually have a lot of people looking up to you and admiring your success. So that's some really good stuff to take into the day and into the week. Yes, it is. Thank you, Ms. Payton.You're welcome. Okay. I'll talk to you guys later.. Thank you, Ms. Payton. You're welcome. Okay, I'll talk you guys later.

Speaker 4306.34s - 309.54s

Bye. Hi, Michelle PERSON. What's your sign? Hi.

Speaker 0309.92s - 320.82s

Calling from PA GPE. I am a Capricorn PERSON. Capricorns. You guys are not the type of person to make silly mistakes and just shug it off. So you guys come in at number fiveas most likely to become a millionaire.

Speaker 3321.48s - 323.58s

Right kind of in that sweet spot of the middle.

Speaker 2323.84s - 327.64s

So instead, you guys pride yourself and being someone that makes decisions with your head.

Speaker 3327.64s - 329.76s

And this might not in not your heart.

Speaker 2329.84s - 334.2s

So that might seem a little cold or too unemotional, but you guys just know how to get results, Capricorn PERSON.

Speaker 3335.6s - 335.96s


Speaker 0336.98s - 337.8s

All right, Michelle PERSON.

Speaker 4337.8s - 338.1s

Thank you.

Speaker 0338.22s - 342.56s

Thanks for listening on the IHeart Radio app. Jennifer in Tucson GPE.

Speaker 4342.88s - 344.36s

Good morning. Yes.

Speaker 0344.6s - 345.36s

The Gemini. Jennifer. The Gemini.

Speaker 4345.36s - 346.52s

Jennifer PERSON, the Gemini.

Speaker 0346.68s - 349.84s

Of course, I need to know where do I rank, Peyton PERSON.

Speaker 3350.02s - 353.72s

I'm sorry to break my Gemini's hearts right now, but you guys are dead last.

Speaker 0353.86s - 374.78s

Number 12 at most likely to become a millionaire. You guys can be very hesitant to take a chance or make a big decision. And instead of being spontaneous or trusting your gut, you guys take a lot of time weighing out the pros and cons, and that might come back and bite you in the butt later on. You know, that is so strange because I'm not that. I'm spontaneous and risky.

Speaker 3375.04s - 378.16s

Oh, you're just special. And if I can't be a millionaire, I'm certainly going to date one.

Speaker 5378.24s - 379.1s

Oh, gosh.

Speaker 3380.4s - 383.54s

We are no longer worried about Jennifer PERSON.

Speaker 5383.74s - 384.54s

She's got to figure out.

Speaker 3384.82s - 386.28s

Don't be worried about me.

Speaker 4386.44s - 386.86s

No, man.

Speaker 0387.52s - 388.1s

All right, Jennifer PERSON.

Speaker 4388.24s - 388.98s

Have a great day.

Speaker 0389.74s - 390.5s

I'm always good. Thank you for listening.

Speaker 4391.34s - 392.36s

How about Kyle PERSON the Libra?

Speaker 0392.8s - 400.78s

Yeah, Kyle, my Libra PRODUCT's. You guys come in at number 11 on the list. So not too far from Jevon PERSON.

Speaker 1400.78s - 410.06s

It's okay. I feel like just like not motivated by money. You know, it's like you just have to find a way to feel, be content and be happy with what you have. I mean, yeah,

Speaker 0410.16s - 418.7s

that's literally what this explanation is. You guys have the ability to be happy and make a difference no matter what in life. So who cares about the money? A millionaire in different ways.

Speaker 4418.82s - 423.3s

Yeah. Yeah. I'm rich, but not that way. Yeah. Speaking up, how about rich?

Speaker 0423.46s - 428.64s

Rich number 10 on the list for Pisces as least likely to become a millionaire.

Speaker 4428.82s - 432.1s

Many people will tell you that your head is too much in the clouds for you to find some success.

Speaker 0432.3s - 434.32s

But that's just because you like to weigh out your options.

Speaker 4434.5s - 438.5s

So it might be good in some situations, but your overthinking does take it over everything.

Speaker 5438.6s - 441.78s

I don't know if it's overthinking. I think I'm just more motivated by other stuff.

Speaker 0442.02s - 443.9s

You know, like music's more important than money.

Speaker 5444.08s - 444.58s

I feel you.

Speaker 0444.72s - 444.94s

You know?

Speaker 5445.04s - 446.26s

I disagree, but I feel you.

Speaker 0447.16s - 448.44s

Okay, how about for you, Leo PERSON?

Speaker 4448.76s - 451.82s

Leo's, we're number three on the list of most likely become a millionaire.

Speaker 5452.76s - 456.42s

We know the importance of not giving up just because someone doesn't agree with us,

Speaker 0456.42s - 458.38s

and everything that we do in life is deliberate.

Speaker 4459.26s - 460.4s

Okay, how about Virgo?

Speaker 0460.88s - 464s

Virgo's coming in at number one on the list.

Speaker 4465.62s - 469.64s

Virgo's the most likely to become a millionaire because Virgo's,

Speaker 0469.72s - 472.18s

no one else can do what you do, which is predict success.

Speaker 4472.42s - 473.4s

You guys know where it's at.

Speaker 0473.9s - 476.6s

You know, I said that earlier to Rich PERSON, we were having a pre-meeting before I meeting,

Speaker 4477s - 481.68s

and we were talking about people that, you know, whatever, and I just had to remind him how talented I am.

Speaker 3482.4s - 484s

I predict success.

Speaker 1484.6s - 485.98s

What was the phrase that you used? Obscely. I said, I go that's true, Rich PERSON, you're right, but you forget how obs him how talented I am. I predict success. What was the phrase that you used?

Speaker 3486.56s - 486.9s


Speaker 4486.9s - 487.7s

I know that's true, Rich PERSON.

Speaker 5487.8s - 491.8s

You're right, but you forget how obscenely talented I am. I said, I'm sorry.

Speaker 4491.88s - 500.9s

I should have started the conversation that way. I said if you didn't hear your sign, go to our website, John Jane PERSON, Brian, good morning. You're on the air. What's up?Good morning. Good morning.

Speaker 6501.02s - 536.7s

Hey, I wanted to call in. I was listening to the gal earlier about the dirty little secret and pulling office pranks. Yeah. And I kind of got one that I used to do that all the time. I was a dispatcher way back when, and we used to do that all the time to our coworkers,the tape under the mouse, hand sanitizer on the receivers, so when they put it to their ear. And then the best one was the, you take a screenshot of their desktop, remove all of their icons, save it as their ear. And then the best one was the, you take a screenshot of their desktop, remove all of their icons, save it as their wallpaper, and then when they go to click something, it's their wallpaper and they're sitting there.That's really good.

Speaker 3538.82s - 538.84s

That's epic.

Speaker 5538.84s - 539.82s

That's good, dude.

Speaker 3539.94s - 540.96s

Why aren't these working?

Speaker 5541.2s - 542.38s

That's really funny, Brian.

Speaker 0543.7s - 544.1s


Speaker 5544.76s - 545.16s

Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 3545.76s - 547.34s

You need to call in and tell you that.

Speaker 5548.18s - 550.52s

When you needed something in an emergency,

Speaker 3550.96s - 552.54s

and they're just having a good old time at work.

Speaker 5552.62s - 555s

Oh, when he says dispatch, you mean like 911 dispatch?

Speaker 6555.26s - 555.98s

Is that what you mean, Brian?

Speaker 5556.48s - 557.06s

Yes, sir.

Speaker 6557.18s - 558.3s

Oh, my gosh.

Speaker 5559.54s - 562.36s

You called 911 and they got tape over their mouth to get here?

Speaker 3563.36s - 564.62s

Oh, my God.

Speaker 6565.54s - 566s

All right.

Speaker 3566.06s - 566.7s

We have fun here.

Speaker 4567.94s - 569.44s

A couple people died, but it was fun.

Speaker 3571.28s - 572.4s

All right, brother.

Speaker 4572.52s - 573.44s

That two limitations up.

Speaker 6573.48s - 574.34s

I can tell that story now.

Speaker 4575.56s - 576.26s

Thank you, man.

Speaker 3576.3s - 576.8s

Thanks for listening.