Johnjay went to Rich's house.

Johnjay went to Rich's house.

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About This Episode

7:07 minutes

published 13 days ago


Copyright iHeartRadio

Speaker 00s - 7.82s

I'm so glad you're here. As the person who currently occupies your attention, I would like to thank you for listening to John Jane Rich PERSON.

Speaker 29s - 48.78s

I have like 35 thoughts in my head at the same exact time, or at the same time, like there's all these little things I want to say. We'll do them all right now. Like being at Rich's house on Saturday, first time I've been to his house ever because he lives so far away. And Kyle's husband, Fish PERSON and I were going,Rich PERSON was like, do you want to, let me show you guys the basement, the studio. I'm like, right, I got a plate of carnisada, I've got chicken, I got guacamole on top of it, I got pico de guy, I got everything, it's overflow, I got, it's a huge plate. I'm like, sure, walking down the stairs into his basement. And it's, you know, Rich PERSON, it's plush, it's perfect. There's not a spot or stain or dirt or there.There's an air filter down there. I go, it'll keep it read my food? He goes, I don't know. No one's ever done that before.

Speaker 450.54s - 54.8s

Which is in other words. No. I was already halfway down the stairs.

Speaker 356.5s - 58.76s

Somebody left their plate down there. That's all I know.

Speaker 058.76s - 64.56s

But after seeing your basement and the music and the speakers and the guitars and the turntables,

Speaker 364.7s - 68.34s

I was like mad respect for your passion for music, man.

Speaker 268.38s - 69.16s

That's pretty amazing.

Speaker 369.48s - 69.9s

Thank you.

Speaker 270.22s - 70.56s

It was good.

Speaker 370.64s - 72.3s

Well, you know, I appreciate that.

Speaker 472.64s - 74.08s

But Audrey PERSON, this is Audrey's party.

Speaker 374.54s - 76.36s

So she wanted, you know, John Jay PERSON to be there.

Speaker 276.44s - 79.04s

And she wanted Kyle to be there and Blake PERSON because she loves you guys.

Speaker 379.5s - 111.04s

And it was like full of high school kids, which is cool. And we had food set up, like John Jay said, the Mexican NORP food. Then we had like a lemonade stand that was making non-alcoholic lemonade for all the kids. Like set up right in front where everybody can see it. And then like off to the side of the kitchen, Stacy made some sangria for the parents. However, I guess that message didn't get passed around to some of the LDS NORP kids who went for a big old cup of the sangria.What is this?

Speaker 0111.14s - 112.56s

I'm like, oh, God, don't tell your parents.

Speaker 5112.94s - 117.4s

Well, they did look like just delicious beverages and they were not labeled.

Speaker 3118.32s - 131.68s

So someone stopped me as I was going to get some. And they were like, oh, that's sangria. And I was like, oh, I really wanted to try one of those lemonade. And they were like, oh, that's around the corner. That's around they were like oh that's around the corner that's around the corner so i apologize to the parents of some of the kids who aren't ever going to have alcohol in their whole lives

Speaker 2131.68s - 141.22s

they had a little at the bear house FAC so also also going through my head was the movie i saw in kiles PERSON um you know it's funny on your stories you were all walking movie theater with your kids

Speaker 5141.22s - 146.3s

and i was like are they going to see planet of the Apes? No. Because my kids want to go see Planet of the Apes WORK_OF_ART,

Speaker 2146.34s - 148.12s

and I was trying to do that, but we had a basketball tournament instead.

Speaker 5148.38s - 165.92s

That's so funny. No, I really wanted to see the Ryan Reynolds PERSON movie, if, which stands for an imaginary friend, or what if, according to the movie. And I will say, it did start off a little bit slow.The character building took a little bit too long for me, because if you watch the trailer for it, it looks like it's hilarious front to back.

Speaker 2166.22s - 167.46s

And it seems like a great idea too.

Speaker 5167.46s - 189.16s

Yeah, and it was a really great idea. And once they got into it with the imaginary friends, it was so cute. It was funny. It was touching. I did cry a couple of times.But it's one of those where you're like, oh, she found out. This is great, you know. And I looked over it and my son, who's only six years old, he was grabbing the napkin to wipe away a two to.

Speaker 2191.16s - 192.46s

So he loved it.

Speaker 3192.58s - 193.3s

I know.

Speaker 5193.7s - 195.06s

Yeah, I thought it was really good.

Speaker 3195.18s - 195.56s

That's good.

Speaker 5195.74s - 198.38s

If you got to just get past, like, the first, I think, 20 minutes.

Speaker 1198.5s - 202.32s

Because it's good to hear a person review of it because everything I read was terrible.

Speaker 5202.5s - 204.64s

I gave it a 49 on Rotten Tomatoes ORG.

Speaker 1205.02s - 206.4s

The only thing it bothered me about the movie,

Speaker 3206.46s - 207.96s

which I didn't see was the preview when it goes,

Speaker 2208.34s - 210.24s

from the mind of John Krasinski PERSON,

Speaker 5210.76s - 212.1s

all right, that's Jim PERSON on the office.

Speaker 3212.34s - 213.66s

Like, somebody wrote that part for him.

Speaker 2213.66s - 214s

Well, he's the dad.

Speaker 1214.06s - 214.92s

He plays the dad.

Speaker 5215.02s - 215.9s

I know, but he also created,

Speaker 2216s - 217.02s

that's he made up the whole movie.

Speaker 5217.32s - 222.8s

Right. Like, to sell it, like, he's an actor that played a role in the office. He didn't create the office.

Speaker 3223.26s - 225.94s

He's an actor to played Tom Clancy's

Speaker 4225.94s - 227.22s

whatever. Do you know what I mean?

Speaker 3227.3s - 228.46s

Like you're saying like

Speaker 4228.46s - 230.18s

was that supposed to hold a lot of weight?

Speaker 2230.36s - 232.06s

Yeah. To me I'm like, okay.

Speaker 4232.24s - 234.62s

Right. You're like it's not like it's Stephen Spielberg.

Speaker 5234.78s - 235.02s


Speaker 2235.38s - 235.74s


Speaker 4236.58s - 237.02s


Speaker 2237.3s - 237.48s


Speaker 5237.58s - 250.42s

So you say. You make it past the first part. Like if it were on Netflix ORG, I would say fast, like play at 1.5 speed up until I go. And then enjoy it, sit in it, because it gets really cute.

Speaker 2250.42s - 252.12s

Doesn't that suck in the movies? You can't fast forward?

Speaker 5252.24s - 252.7s

I know.

Speaker 3254.06s - 256.32s

It's weird to me that things are only in theaters.

Speaker 5256.92s - 258.64s

We might as well to stream them, too. I know.

Speaker 1259.04s - 261.84s

Liz PERSON, do you have a dirty little secret?

Speaker 2262.68s - 263.08s


Speaker 1264.06s - 298.08s

So very recently, I was at a girl's night with my friends and I got way too drunk and on the Uber ORG on the way home I was about to throw up. I had to throw up so bad. I knew it was coming and I was like oh my God I cannot throw up in this Uber ORG like I use Uber a lot for work. I cannot have my rating go down. And so, I was like, oh, crap, what am I going to do? So I told the Uber ORG driver that I was pregnant, and I did throw up, but he didn't make me pay for it.

Speaker 3298.88s - 305.86s

Oh, my gosh. That's pretty smart. I was about to say,, how genius, like you're in your drunken state

Speaker 1305.86s - 307.32s

and you come up with an excuse,

Speaker 4307.6s - 309.42s

that good is really impressive.

Speaker 1309.78s - 311.62s

And worried about being the work day.

Speaker 3311.82s - 312.82s

Like, I use this for work.

Speaker 4312.9s - 313.3s

I can't.

Speaker 3313.3s - 314.84s

I can't party like this.

Speaker 4314.96s - 316.52s

You're like a responsible drunk.

Speaker 5318.44s - 319.2s

That's awesome.

Speaker 2320s - 322.22s

That's bad karma though. Karma.

Speaker 5322.56s - 325.54s

So like when she does get pregnant, she's going to have really bad morning sickness.

Speaker 2325.82s - 327.02s

I was at a concert one time.

Speaker 5327.1s - 330.74s

It was after 9-11 EVENT. I was at a concert with my wife and a friend of hers.

Speaker 2331.5s - 337.38s

And we had the wait. So it was after 9-11 EVENT, it had metal detectors everywhere. So there's huge lines to get into the arena, right?

Speaker 0337.58s - 346.76s

Long, absurd lines. We'd go see the band, you two. And I remember she goes, I'm going to go to the front. And she just cuts to front everybody and tells security that she's pregnant. She wasn't pregnant.

Speaker 2347.18s - 349.86s

And she got right in. And then guess what? She couldn't get pregnant.

Speaker 3350.24s - 352.1s

When time came for her to get pregnant, she couldn't get pregnant.

Speaker 1352.48s - 353.3s

That's bad.

Speaker 3353.3s - 353.96s

That's karma.

Speaker 1354.2s - 361.58s

I mean, this is years later. She couldn't get pregnant. Karma. So Liz PERSON, do you have kids now? I do not, but I did want kids.

Speaker 2361.94s - 362.68s

Not going to happen.

Speaker 1362.84s - 364.14s

Oh my gosh. John Jay PERSON.

Speaker 5364.24s - 365.08s

That is not it.

Speaker 4365.44s - 366.8s

Get that Uber ORG driver's listening.

Speaker 2366.92s - 368.06s

He's so in the karma your way.

Speaker 4368.06s - 376.5s

No, I like Kyle PERSON's way. She's probably just going to have really bad pregnancy symptoms and get sick. Or maybe the karma is someone's going to throw up in your car.

Speaker 3376.84s - 378.5s

Well, that would be the best version of that. Yeah.

Speaker 4379.58s - 380.72s

Would it be actually?

Speaker 3380.82s - 387.8s

I think I would rather have my own morning sickness and have my own throw up than someone else is. I mean, that smells not going away any time too

Speaker 1387.8s - 393.62s

i can't all right liz thanks for sharing your dirt little secret with us thank you

Speaker 4393.62s - 398.28s

anybody here ever throw up in a car you're a throbbing a car yeah of course you have absolutely

Speaker 1398.28s - 403.84s

your own car somebody else's car my car but i was in the passenger seat oh and i was out the window

Speaker 3403.84s - 409.14s

of a car it was um on my way home from rich's wedding actually and it was all over me and my best friend kelsey had

Speaker 2409.14s - 414.7s

undress me it was really embarrassing that alcohol bill was that cheap and it's probably because of

Speaker 1414.7s - 421.98s

paten gets a plate for sure french 45s PRODUCT did me dirty that was the biggest seller yeah i couldn't catch a

Speaker 2421.98s - 425.76s

buzz to save my life and next thing you know boom that's judging me