DIRTY LITTLE SECRET: Jaycee's Jenga Disney Hack

DIRTY LITTLE SECRET: Jaycee's Jenga Disney Hack

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7:43 minutes

published 13 days ago


Copyright iHeartRadio

Speaker 10s - 2s

John Jay and Rich PERSON.

Speaker 52.14s - 8.8s

It's time for Jace, J.C. J.C. What's your dirty little secret? Okay.

Speaker 19.4s - 127.7s

So when I was younger, my favorite place to go with my family was Disneyland FAC. And I've always been really short, like short people problems kind of situation. So when I was 10, like I was unusually short for my age. And so my dad would, came up with this idea so that I could go on all the rides because the rest of my family was tall enough and they didn't want to have to like leave someone behind.And I was like brave and, you know, really wanted to go on the ride. So we would put, and I realize this is really dangerous now, but we would put jenga blocks into my shoes. And so I was able to go on all the rides and it was great. But what happened was that on one of the rides we were going on to Space Mountain. And I, well, okay, so first of the ride, so first of the ride, we were going on to Space Mountain. And I, well, okay, so first of all, the jingle blocks are really uncomfortable to walk around in.And so they kind of made me walk funny. And so I was in line with my family and I was walking. And then one of the staff came up and asked if if we wanted to be moved up to the front of the line and what I came to realize and what we came to realize is that they thought that because of how I was walking that I had like a like a disability of some sort which again like we've revisited this as a family and realized, like, wow, that on so many levels, what we did was so wrong. But I don't think that we realized untilafter we went on the ride that that's why, like, my brother is actually the one that was just like, hey, guys, like, by the way, I think that that's why we got brought up.

Speaker 5127.86s - 129.7s

Because you're walking with Jenga blocks in your shoes.

Speaker 1129.8s - 130.54s

You're walking funny.

Speaker 5130.64s - 153.54s

Yeah, you know, I did this to my son Dutch. I think you remember the story I was waiting in Pinetop GPE? There was a go-cart place, and he was too short to get his own golf cart. Go-cart. So I put tissue paper in his shoes to raise him up higher. Tissue paper worked. And then the owner of go the go car place ORG came out and yelled to me we got a huge fight oh no and i was like i'm my dad i want him to be in the go

Speaker 0153.54s - 158.6s

cart and she's like that's like a liability for them for sure but that i never she called me a bad

Speaker 3158.6s - 165.64s

bad dad oh wow oh yeah she was it was brutal and then I haven't been back to that place again.

Speaker 5165.9s - 166.56s

And it's thriving.

Speaker 3166.96s - 167.32s

Is it?

Speaker 0167.32s - 168.22s

I don't know if it is.

Speaker 5168.32s - 168.44s

I don't know.

Speaker 0168.82s - 170.52s

But Jaga PRODUCT blocks seem so pain.

Speaker 4170.52s - 170.8s


Speaker 5170.96s - 172.32s

So uncomfortable.

Speaker 4173.08s - 175.38s

Like just regular shoes walking around all day.

Speaker 0175.4s - 178s

Third or fourth ride, you're definitely walking like you got a disability.

Speaker 4178s - 178.28s


Speaker 5178.32s - 178.82s

Forget it.

Speaker 4178.88s - 180.94s

I don't want to go to Disneyland FAC anymore.

Speaker 5181.28s - 182.28s

That's what I would say.

Speaker 4182.46s - 186.2s

I'm glad to hear that I'm not that my family wasn't the only

Speaker 5186.2s - 187.86s

one to come degree

Speaker 4187.86s - 190s

that had this idea.

Speaker 5190.3s - 192.18s

Like, I totally get

Speaker 4192.18s - 194.14s

it and my dad kind of said the same thing.

Speaker 0194.26s - 196.2s

He was just like, you know, like I just wanted you to have

Speaker 1196.2s - 198.04s

fun and, you know, be with the

Speaker 0198.04s - 200.24s

family and now it's like, okay,

Speaker 1200.6s - 202.3s

like that maybe

Speaker 0202.3s - 204.06s

we should have gone on a different vacation.

Speaker 1204.06s - 208.48s

You would have better off with, you would have been better off of the Legos in your shoes in Jagger PRODUCT.

Speaker 5210.64s - 213.56s

I think with great shoes, it hurts walking around Disney all day.

Speaker 1213.56s - 216.48s

You honestly, they're on a trip because it's kind of like, what can we do to make her taller?

Speaker 4216.92s - 217.96s

Bring out the Jenga set.

Speaker 5218.28s - 218.92s

You know what I mean?

Speaker 0218.98s - 220.58s

Like, it was in the back of the station wagon.

Speaker 1221.36s - 221.72s

All right.

Speaker 4221.84s - 226.94s

I mean, it was also, like, before, like, the time of platforms for, like, kids, too.

Speaker 1227.1s - 231.78s

So nowadays, we could have just got me a pair of, like, cute platforms.

Speaker 4231.78s - 232.26s


Speaker 1232.52s - 234.48s

I didn't even think about something like that.

Speaker 5234.48s - 236.94s

Or maybe inject a little human growth hormone.

Speaker 1237.08s - 237.82s

Come on.

Speaker 4238.16s - 239.7s

That would have been the next step.

Speaker 5240.3s - 241.98s

Talk about being questionable.

Speaker 4242.72s - 244.76s

All, Jay-C. PERSON, thanks for sharing that dirty little secret with us.

Speaker 5245.84s - 246.84s

Yeah, thank you so much.

Speaker 1247.46s - 248.58s

Leslie PERSON, thanks for holding.

Speaker 4248.7s - 249.14s

What's happening?

Speaker 3249.74s - 253.12s

Okay, so I've got a story for you that happened on Mother's Day, okay?

Speaker 5253.24s - 253.46s


Speaker 1254.68s - 256.6s

So my grandson, he's nine years old.

Speaker 5257.38s - 259.72s

And just a backstory real quick.

Speaker 1259.8s - 262.9s

That morning, I had cut up a pound of strawberries,

Speaker 2262.9s - 264.54s

and while I was at the store,

Speaker 5266s - 267.54s

other grandmother gave him the whole bowl.

Speaker 2267.84s - 320.42s

He ate it all. So that was first, because we're like, oh, no, he's going to have the runs, whatever. So we go to the park later that afternoon, and sure enough, we're at the park, no bathrooms, and he has to go. Well, we're at this park that's kind of outside of town, so nobody's there. So I'm like, okay, well, we'll just, you know, go under a tree.We'll figure this out. I have TP in the car, whatever. So I put him under this tree, and I'm like, okay, just lean up against the tree because he's never been camping. So he has no idea that he has to kind of squat. And I walk away so I can, like, do look out in case anybody comes to the park and everything. And other grandmother goes, he's not leaning against the tree.He's like standing straight up. I look over. His shorts are like down. He is standing straight up underneath this tree. And I'm like, oh, no. I said, you think he's going to lean?She's like, I don't know. I look over and no, he did not lean.

Speaker 4320.62s - 322.44s

Oh, no. It's coming down.

Speaker 5323.94s - 327.34s

There's a lesson you only need to learn one time, though. Right? Yeah. But I'm like, Oh, no. It's coming down. There's a lesson you only need to learn one time, though. Right?

Speaker 2327.84s - 336.04s

Yeah, but I'm like, oh, no. And for some reason, my dumb butt just starts running over to him, sprinting like I can stop it or something, and it's already happened.

Speaker 0336.78s - 341.7s

And other grandma is just laughing her butt off, and I'm going, oh, my God, no.

Speaker 2342.5s - 353.5s

I go over until I'm like, okay, well, we got to get at home. So can you just kind of shake it out of your underwear, you know, just shake it? And instead, he reaches in with his hand in. Oh. Oh.

Speaker 4354.12s - 356s

What are you doing?

Speaker 2357s - 360.96s

Like, he's a smart kid, so I was like, what are you doing?

Speaker 4361.86s - 363.26s

And he was like, ah!

Speaker 3363.8s - 365.78s

So he starts with were off everywhere.

Speaker 4366.56s - 367.42s

Other grandma's

Speaker 3367.42s - 368.26s

laugh her butt off

Speaker 2368.26s - 368.92s

on the other side.

Speaker 3369.02s - 369.58s

I'm just like,

Speaker 2369.66s - 370.24s

oh my God,

Speaker 3370.26s - 370.96s

what are we going to do?

Speaker 4371s - 371.6s

What are we going to do?

Speaker 2372.06s - 372.66s

So anyway,

Speaker 3372.82s - 373.46s

long story short,

Speaker 2373.52s - 379.2s

we put him in the car and we're driving home and he's like, got his hand. I'm like, do not touch anything.Don't touch anything.

Speaker 3379.72s - 386.42s

Like I put him seat belt in everything. We're going home and he's in the backseat with his hands up as if he's like, what is it called?

Speaker 2386.52s - 388.54s

I go, oh, meditating.

Speaker 4390.94s - 392.4s

We're like,

Speaker 2392.48s - 404.5s

just don't touch anything. And let me tell you what, we get home. Other grandma is still laughing her butt off. And I'm taking care of it. I'm like,that's why you're laughing because you're not taking care of it. And I just threw those underwear away.

Speaker 3404.64s - 404.9s


Speaker 4405.32s - 405.86s

Yeah. How old is he?

Speaker 2407s - 407.4s


Speaker 3407.94s - 408.48s


Speaker 5408.48s - 408.52s


Speaker 2410.56s - 413.5s

I told me he got the runs because of a pound of strawberry.

Speaker 5414.24s - 416.88s

I was picturing like a two-year-old or a three-year-old.

Speaker 2416.98s - 420.84s

I think at nine you have common sense to move your underwear out of the way when you're pooping outside.

Speaker 5420.84s - 421.64s

I just panicked.

Speaker 3422.1s - 424.06s

Yeah, you probably just, yeah, I had no idea.

Speaker 5424.22s - 424.98s

Still, wow.

Speaker 3425.12s - 425.92s

We're in that moment.

Speaker 0426.02s - 429.24s

Like, I've been at the park and there's no, like, why don't they put bathrooms at the

Speaker 4429.24s - 429.42s


Speaker 5429.42s - 429.92s

They should.

Speaker 0430.02s - 431.04s

Like, homeless people are in there.

Speaker 4431.04s - 434.32s

I know, but like, when you're there and your kid has to go, you're like looking for,

Speaker 5434.56s - 435.74s

is there a bush big enough?

Speaker 1435.82s - 436.98s

Is there a tree big enough?

Speaker 4437.04s - 438.02s

And to have this situation?

Speaker 5438.64s - 443.48s

That's crazy. I like the way you were going to dive for the poop like you were covering somebody for a straight

Speaker 3443.48s - 443.74s


Speaker 5444.42s - 445.46s

You're going to dive across?

Speaker 3445.56s - 450.06s

No! It was a slow motion moment.

Speaker 5450.14s - 454.34s

That'd be funny to see. I've seen the poop come out of a butt so slow. Oh, my God.

Speaker 3454.6s - 454.86s


Speaker 4456.62s - 458.38s

Thank you, Leslie PERSON, for sharing that story.

Speaker 3459.3s - 459.94s

You're welcome.

Speaker 5460.04s - 460.54s

Have a good day.

Speaker 2461.12s - 461.88s

It's John Tien Rich PERSON.