by Scott Knowles

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About This Episode

125:57 minutes

published 26 days ago


Speaker 00s - 43.12s

Hello, I'm Shell of Lionheart's Fitness ORG. If you don't know about us by now, please check out our website, lionheart's fitness.com. Free fitness for all youth, particularly obstacle course racing. Right now, here is your podcast. I am Spartan podcast with our favorite host, Scott Knowles PERSON.Enjoy. enjoy I am Scott the Fane Knowles and you're listening to another episode of I'm a Spartan OCR WORK_OF_ART podcast.

Speaker 243.8s - 152.8s

What's up everybody? Do me a huge favor and go to monkey grip.com and ORG check out a couple of new products they have for 2024. They have the new cast iron cannonball grips, which is exactly what it sounds like, a cast iron cannonball, and they're on a strap, and they hook around a pull-up bar just like the original rope grips do, and you can take them off with ease and you can wrap themaround some dumbbells and use them for farmer carries as well they also have a new callous care bomb that you can put on those rough calluses to take care of them before they tear and as always they have the original rope grips the monkey fist grips and we could all use some liquid chalk. So go and check out these new products and do me a huge favor and follow them on Instagram as well. What's up everybody?We are going to recap the Fayetteville Ultra, me, Michael, and Brian. We had a fun with this episode. It went kind of long, so I'm going to stay short and brief here. But I do want to thank everybody that came up to me at the race this weekend. I don't think I've ever had as many people come and talk to me about the podcast at a race as I did this weekend. And I really appreciate everyone and their kind words. People were even coming upto Brian and Michael and talking about the episodes they were listening to. I think one guy was even joking with Michael about eating the little Debbie PERSON, the ding-dongs or whatever while he was in transitions. That's pretty funny. But anyway, here's the episode with Michael Robertson, Brian Bill, and me recapping the Fayetteville Ultra EVENT. Fayetteville Ultra Recap, 2024. What is up?Brian Bill PERSON here. Michael Roberson. What is up?

Speaker 7152.8s - 153.12s

What up?

Speaker 2154.24s - 161.52s

Okay. So let's unwind this package of a race we had. We were told.

Speaker 1161.52s - 162.86s

We had.

Speaker 2163.46s - 189.76s

Yeah. So we all made our predictions on the last episode and Brian overshot as normal he was on pace for the first half of the race killing it crushing it he did great job I was proud of my boy he come in what did you leave transition at like 235 or something like that

Speaker 1189.76s - 197.1s

232 233 something like that yeah yeah and then I think all three of us

Speaker 2197.1s - 207s

bonged on the second lap and so Brian missed his prediction time by hour and 16 minutes.

Speaker 6207s - 209s

17 minutes? Yeah.

Speaker 2209s - 253.64s

And I predicted 630. I was well underpaced for the first lap. I went out too hot to. I went three hours on the first lap and then like three fifty eight on the second lap so I was almost an hour longer on the second lap so I was six fifty six fifty seven six fifty eight something like that total time and Michael takes the day becauseprobably because he fucking sandbagged and went, what was it, eight hours, 59 minutes and 22 seconds. And he said he was going to do it in nine hours.

Speaker 5253.94s - 257.56s

Well, granted, though, I said nine hours sticking around.

Speaker 2257.68s - 259.32s

But I said I wanted to do it.

Speaker 5259.44s - 265.12s

And if it was a 31 mile race and what if I broke 8 between 8 and 1815 CARDINAL,

Speaker 2265.76s - 268.88s

I actually hit a 31-mile mark at 809.

Speaker 4269s - 270.3s

So I was on face for that.

Speaker 2270.88s - 271.02s


Speaker 5271.02s - 273.28s

But I got almost 34 miles too.

Speaker 2274.06s - 297.78s

Yeah, so I got 33.3. I filled the spear. So I had that one penalty loop. And so, I mean, we could all say we easily, if it would have been a 30.5 race, like they said it was going to be, we would have all been 20 to 30 minutes shorter.

Speaker 0298.6s - 300.32s

So, and that would have been right.

Speaker 6300.7s - 304.22s

Like that would have been, I would have been like happy with my fitness.

Speaker 0304.22s - 308.06s

Then I was kind of beating myself up a little bit because of this race.

Speaker 2308.38s - 347.94s

Because I just thought, man, I just died so much on the second lap, you know. I ran out of so much pace, but I guess like my first lap was so good. And thinking back to all the other races, you know, that I've done there usually I mean you either equal out do about the same both laps or you die and add almost an hour to your second lap so I really don't I mean I guess I mean because it's like you said if it would have been a 31 mile race or 30.5 I would have been right there at the sameamount of time I've done the race in previous years.

Speaker 4349.62s - 366.48s

Yeah, I think I was averaging 15, 16 mile QUANTITY per, uh, met miles there at the end. It's a little easier running. So, you know, you get off 45 minutes there and

Speaker 2366.48s - 393.64s

they had 8 15 yeah I wonder what my time was like right at 31 miles I'd be curious to find that out but yeah okay so we'll just go over Brian's race first since Michael is in Home Depot ORG, dicking around. And Brian's not going anywhere, but in a truck, probably 85 miles an hour.

Speaker 1394.46s - 395.68s

Go on, that's in Tennessee GPE.

Speaker 2396.5s - 404.64s

Right. One of these days, we're going to actually be able to record an episode where everybody's just sitting and paying attention.

Speaker 1405.6s - 406.48s

We're making it happen. We're making it.

Speaker 2407.84s - 409.44s

We're making magic.

Speaker 1409.44s - 410.16s

We're making magic.

Speaker 2410.16s - 411.04s

That's right.

Speaker 1411.04s - 418.48s

Some people work for damn little. Yeah, Brian's delivering tulips. No, sir. No tulips.

Speaker 2418.48s - 424.64s

No tulips on his dick. Who lives on these duts? What are you delivering, Brian?

Speaker 1420.88s - 432.7s

who lives on these duts. What are you delivering, Brian? Dude, if I looked at these flowers, I couldn't tell you one fucking plan on this truck besides ferns, and that's because I fucking hate them.

Speaker 2433.34s - 434.58s

You hate ferns?

Speaker 1435.4s - 443.02s

Yeah, because they wrap them in a saran wrap, and then the humidity in the trailer, and it ain't like I'm working with about an inch on each side of spare room.

Speaker 6443.54s - 445.8s

So they stick to the fucking trailer walls.

Speaker 1446.1s - 460.3s

It's a good leg workout when you pull them out of the middle row or pull them off the left row and they're fucking sliding slowly. They're just, it's like, it's like pulling, it's like a plate drag over and over and over. Right.

Speaker 2460.62s - 461.08s

I'll bet.

Speaker 1461.2s - 464.62s

That's not all. Yeah. Yeah. It's pain. Pays the bills.

Speaker 2464.62s - 477.02s

So Brian, we all come out hot. It was obvious. Right, I bet. That's not all. Yeah, that's pain. Pays the bills. So, Brian, we all come out hot. It was obvious. How did your first lap go and how did you feel, you know, starting the second lap?

Speaker 1483.62s - 494.38s

Well, I thought we went out pretty modest for what I thought I could do. When I looked down, we was doing, I mean, I had a 745 mile, but that's not anything that's, that I can't hold for 20. You know what I'm saying?

Speaker 0497.42s - 497.54s

Straight miles, even through the woods, depending on the terrain.

Speaker 1503.34s - 518.4s

Well, based on, I should say the quote unquote, the Fayetteville Woods, 745 should be holdable for a long time. So I thought we went out pretty moderate. You know, me and the Russian NORP dude, we kind of, we didn't break away from the pack, but me and him started pacing together and talking. It was like a rocky four moment. I didn't make that joke, but I probably should have because now the opportunity is gone.

Speaker 6521.4s - 523.7s

Not to mention if I'd have made that joke and he would have won the race, and I let the United States GPE down and that's not cool.

Speaker 7524.56s - 527.74s

But, yeah, man, I mean, we felt,

Speaker 1527.94s - 539.26s

I felt pretty good pacing that whole first lap. And when I look down, though, at the Barbar Fire Pit FAC, and I noticed my watch was already at 15 and a half or 16.

Speaker 7539.5s - 542.88s

I got a little, like, it got him to my head a little bit,

Speaker 0543.08s - 545.34s

because I'm already like, like okay I'm kind of burning

Speaker 1545.34s - 587.02s

but I also you know I backed off those last four miles of the first lap because I knew I was running too hot and I took out of you know it took off transition like about out of hell trying to let people know like hey okay I'm I've got it I'm gonna hold it man I didn't hold it I held it to about I don't know probably two of those miles were decently paced. And then after that, I started running hot. And I just backed it way down to, like, cruising at like 10-minute miles QUANTITY.And I held it to about 21 miles in. Then I ran about a mile with Brian, who was the first person to pass me, and then Rocky passed me. I held about half mile with him. And a Russian NORP guy passed me, Demir PERSON, I think his name was.

Speaker 6587.24s - 587.58s


Speaker 1588.94s - 617.9s

Man, I just couldn't get it going. Like that second lap. And I, like, I fueled, I didn't really eat a lot of breakfast. I think I only had that one pack of Pop-Tarts PRODUCT,which is about normal for me. But I fueled, man, as far as, like, the Goopaks PRODUCT. Oh, I had one or two before I started. Three or four of my first lap.I think I took one at transition, took four with me. So, I had one or two before I started, three or four of my first lap. I think I took one at transition, took four with me. So, I mean, dude, everything should have went right. I just don't think it did for whatever reason. Could have been, I ran too hot. Could have been one of them days. It's like, well, you thought you had it, but you don't.

Speaker 2618.44s - 625.68s

Well, you had said the night before at dinner, too, that you'd been up for, what, like 24 hours or something like that? Yeah, yeah. That could have factored into it, man. I know. at dinner too that you'd been up for what like 24 hours or something like that yeah yeah

Speaker 1625.68s - 635.72s

that could have factored into it man uh no i think obviously for everybody who don't my dad is my boss

Speaker 2635.72s - 644.14s

as we do for about 12 weeks straight and he's like man it ain't you it's just the work

Speaker 1644.14s - 648.68s

schedule i'm like first of all i didn't fucking say it was me. Second of all, no, I'm just kidding.

Speaker 6649.4s - 653.38s

But I try not to use that excuse because, like I said, if I, I mean,

Speaker 1653.48s - 664.22s

I did the same shit last year and I come out and won the damn race. It is a lot of it. But some days it does, you know, some days it does. That's just all there is to it.

Speaker 7664.42s - 664.62s


Speaker 1664.62s - 698.02s

I mean, you got to make excuses. I've read more miles in April than I've ran recently, like on my feet. You know, last April I was at like 110. This time I actually maintained up to like 150, which, you know, it's pretty good considering fucking that the hours worked or whatever. But that's just one of days. I think, I think around mile 21, it called up with me a mile 25.I was fucking talking, hanging out with people, setting my bucket down like a little bitch. Fucking, I was, uh, long out. You set your bucket down?

Speaker 2698.66s - 699.38s

I'm so ashamed.

Speaker 1699.58s - 708.48s

Dude, I set my, uh, wait a second. I set the bucket. I don't think I'm, I don't know if I set the bucket down. I did set the sandbag down, though. Man, I don't lie, dude. You just a second. I set the bucket. I don't think I'm... I don't know if I set the bucket down. I did set the sandbag down though.Man, I won't lie, dude.

Speaker 7709.3s - 713.3s

You just been hurt. Ryan, he passed me at a... Dude, I'm Scott at that second lap.

Speaker 1713.4s - 756.56s

Jonathan Ryan PERSON, I knew he's going to catch me eventually. He looked at me and it's like, come on, dude. He was trying to fire me up. He's seen me... I did, I had like four cups of water just over my head every time. And every creek we got to, that was like a foot deep i mean i'm face down laying in thecreek like for a solid 10 seconds TIME just to cool my body down i mean i don't know if i was just running that hot or if my body was like i said i may have been i think what's happening is i don't know if i feel like i'm in better shape than normal but i do feel like I'm in better shape than normal, but I do feel like I'm able to, I think my calorie expenditure is the word I'm looking for. I think I'm putting out more calories per hour because I'm running faster than what I used to.Yeah.

Speaker 0756.66s - 765.2s

And I'm used to 150 calories an hour, maybe 200. And I think I'm starting to burn so much that it's like, I got to figure out a way to make that fucking

Speaker 1765.2s - 769.58s

three to four hundred an hour if I want to keep running at that high pace for that long period of time

Speaker 4769.58s - 773.08s

it could be she's running too fucking fast

Speaker 1773.08s - 777.66s

I mean god I don't know who would say that you know

Speaker 2777.66s - 782.56s

how far ahead were you on second place coming into transition

Speaker 4784s - 785.12s

shit not far, dude.

Speaker 1785.16s - 786.62s

I came out of barbed wire.

Speaker 2789.64s - 790.82s

Quarter mile, maybe.

Speaker 1792.88s - 797.12s

Yeah, I mean, not about maybe three minutes, four minutes.

Speaker 2797.56s - 797.88s


Speaker 1798.4s - 799.84s

That's still a good piece.

Speaker 2800s - 804.48s

Dude, I'm, and I'm surprised because, dude, I took my time through that barbed wire

Speaker 1804.48s - 835.66s

because, you know, Sheila PERSON was telling me, like, hey, you got to feed up. You know, there, you know I took my time through that barbed wire because, you know, Sheila PERSON was telling me, like, hey, you got to feed up. You know, there are chainsawls in the barbed wire when I'm coming up the damn slip wall. And, you know, there's not a lot of space in between there. And I told her, I was like, I know, I was like, I'm pacing myself. I literally paced myself through the barbed wire, through the dunk wall, wasn't trying to do any extra energy.Just kept telling myself, get to transition and then race after that. Sadly, I think that time on feet in the past month, the six, seven hours TIME a week, I don't, I don't think that cuts it. Not when you're trying to race hard for six hours straight, you know.

Speaker 2837.14s - 855.46s

Yeah, so, you know, chainsaw, like, broke his timing chip on, like, the first obstacle or something, and he was, like, looking for it for a long time. And he passed me, like like probably almost at mile two later on it had to be in but he was in

Speaker 1855.46s - 860.3s

front of me yeah yeah because he was up front yeah he was in front of us and I seen him drop

Speaker 2860.3s - 878.34s

something and then go back like 10 feet but I didn't know he broke it or anything yeah it was his time and chip I think he said some people were or anything. Yeah, it was his timing chip. I think he said some people were trying to help him find it. It took him a minute. It must have took him a long time to find it because, I mean,he didn't pass me until it was well after Twister PRODUCT, well after Twister PRODUCT.

Speaker 6879.24s - 884.32s

Because Izzy failed Twister PRODUCT. Izzy failed Twister PRODUCT.

Speaker 2888.98s - 896.96s

And then both of them passed me about the same time. And then he was trying to, and Chainsaw PERSON was trying to catch back up. He did pretty good for falling behind that far too.

Speaker 1898.1s - 906.26s

Dude, I was about to say, damn, I figured, yeah, I didn't even know he stayed behind. I figured he just fell behind 30 seconds and we just never seen him, you know what I'm saying? Like, we just held the same face. Damn, I didn't know he's back here for a minute.

Speaker 2906.62s - 914.88s

Yeah, and it looked like he was, you know, looking at transition times. It looked like he was in transition for like 12 minutes DATE almost. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1915.08s - 918.88s

I think he kind of went into chill mode after that first lap. Right.

Speaker 2920.68s - 931.46s

So I know I called it too. You know, I was just messing with you and I said Jonathan Ryan PERSON was probably going to wax your ass and he totally did he did indeed

Speaker 1931.46s - 937.52s

and I caught up with him like at mile one because he stopped and tied his shoes or he

Speaker 2937.52s - 944.36s

had to stop the tie shoes but I tell you who ran that right that race perfectly and that

Speaker 1944.36s - 946.1s

was Rocky.

Speaker 2947.4s - 947.74s

Man, Rocky is such a beast.

Speaker 1947.88s - 949s


Speaker 2956.84s - 985.36s

So I finished Twister PRODUCT, and I'm already running past that water station, and Rocky's like comes right there beside me. And I said, Rocky, I thought you were already in front of me and he said no i started all i start off slow and just work and pace the whole race and by god that's exactly what he did um i assume he was probably running in the low nines and tens probably most of that race probably just consistent the whole freaking time.

Speaker 1986s - 986.4s


Speaker 2987.18s - 987.78s

It worked.

Speaker 1988.16s - 1001.04s

The people who do that, man, the patience that takes and to know it pays off, it's just insane. I mean, that is, I respect the hell of that because I do not have patience for that shit at all. I mean, it just, man,

Speaker 21001.14s - 1001.44s


Speaker 11001.8s - 1025.26s

dude, I did the same shit. Like, y'all took off and, you know, I'm running with y'all. And I'm like, you know what? I feel pretty good running this, you know, and about after the first mile,I knew I couldn't stay with you all after the first mile. So I backed off a little bit then. And but I totally, you know, looking back at all my times. And I mean, I definitely ran the first four miles of that race faster than I should have, you know.

Speaker 21025.74s - 1052.84s

And do, I mean, is it possible that it screwed the whole rest of the race for me? I don't know. Maybe, probably. But, yeah, I just wonder if, you know, just sticking to your goal time, which my goal time would have been 630. If I would have just tried to maintain that pace for that, would it have caused me not to blow up?Work for Rocky. You know what I mean? Yeah.

Speaker 11053.3s - 1055.34s

It just always depends on what your goals are.

Speaker 21055.5s - 1056.32s

You always run the rate.

Speaker 11056.76s - 1085.28s

The only problem with racing like that, which is there's not a problem with racing like that is if you go for the wind and you do do that it to me it seems harder to run a fast second lap if you even if you pace your first one correctly which i know is not true but it's almost i don't know it's hard because when you see people go out hot it's like okay last year i went out hot and nobody went with me, right? Right.

Speaker 31086s - 1091.78s

But I just had just enough in the tank to hold off Jonathan Ryan by five minutes.

Speaker 11092.04s - 1109.62s

So it's like that day going out hot paid off because if I had a pace with Jonathan Ryan come to the second lap, I may have not had that same energy level because I would, I would have been like, oh God, he's near me, you know, I don't know how I would have handled it. So it is, it's a ballsy strategy, but hell it seems to pay off when you do it, right.

Speaker 21115.22s - 1121.42s

And it can all boil down to, you know, it doesn't matter what pace you go out at. The heat could still just, you know, freaking get to you, and it's just the bad day happens. Either way.

Speaker 11121.64s - 1122.02s


Speaker 21122.42s - 1192.48s

You know, you either just start off hot and do the best you can for the first half and hope that the second half goes you know not as fast as the first lap but you can at least hold on and have a competitive stride the rest of the race but that that wasn't the case for me and definitely you know not for you either, you know, and I was right there with Rocky. I was probably 25 or 30 yards back from Rocky when we come to the Irish NORP tables. And, you know, he got a, he bruised his rib and got a contusion on his rib or something.When he fell off the inverted wall in New Jersey GPE the weekend before I think he did 17 miles there and he didn't finish so he um he told me I think he told me he'd only run like one time that week you know and he said that his rib was still really sore man when he jumped up on the Irish table you know like I said I was about 30 yards back I heard him scream so loud when he jumped up on the irish table you know like i said i was about 30 yards back i heard him scream so loud when he jumped up on that irish table and i was thinking to myself

Speaker 71192.48s - 1200.28s

damn man you got a long day right right oh god but man i'm happy for the dude because it's

Speaker 21200.28s - 1205.02s

first sleep podium and you know he's taken he's taking some lumps you know

Speaker 11205.02s - 1210.6s

I guess his first elite podium yeah damn I just assumed it was like his fifth for some

Speaker 21210.6s - 1216.78s

reason I know like I said I just assumed well I think he's I think he's almost I think

Speaker 11216.78s - 1223.78s

he's ran age group he may have run elite in Dallas ultra last year but he rolled it he rolled

Speaker 21223.78s - 1225.5s

his ankle really bad then and had to

Speaker 11225.5s - 1231.04s

just kind of go into survival mode to finish the race too oh okay but yeah man he's

Speaker 21231.04s - 1238s

he's good he's real good I think once he gets another year underneath him he'll

Speaker 71238s - 1244.66s

be like a thread at any race he shows up to just from getting more oh yeah I didn't

Speaker 21244.66s - 1247.18s

hear seem to run that race pretty good, too, the guy who got second.

Speaker 71247.74s - 1247.98s


Speaker 21247.98s - 1253.02s

Because he, uh, when, you know, when Rocky passed me, I pace with Rocky for a minute,

Speaker 11253.02s - 1255.9s

you know, and he was trying to motivate me, you know, getting me going.

Speaker 21255.9s - 1260.14s

And like I said, I stayed with him for about a mile and his face was just a little too fast.

Speaker 71260.4s - 1264.6s

And, uh, but he looked good when he passed me, you know, like, like strong stride.

Speaker 11264.6s - 1265.8s

He looked like he was doing pretty good.

Speaker 21266.46s - 1272.32s

And when I separated from him at that water station on that dirt road before armor.

Speaker 71272.9s - 1273.26s


Speaker 11273.34s - 1277.2s

And when I sat down my armor, DeMere ORG passed me like I was sitting still.

Speaker 61277.3s - 1280.62s

And I was like, that's going to be a battle between second and third right there.

Speaker 11280.66s - 1304.92s

Because I won't lie. Brian looked so good when he passed me. I was like, yeah, he's going to end up holding off. I think everybody else, you know, assuming he keeps doing what he's doing. But man, when DeMere ORG passed me, he had that look in his eyes and like, yeah, he's hunting people down. Like, I'm surprised he didn't get a little closer to Brian. But Brian was, he started feeling good at the right time. And he said he kicked it in after thatsecond lap. So obviously, congrats to him on the win.

Speaker 21310.4s - 1347.44s

Dude, I saw. He ran a pretty damn good race too i was at the finish line and i saw demure finish the super too man and i don't think he he i don't think he started in the first group but it looked like he won the second group i mean he was man i was so i was so jealous of all those people that ran the ultra and they were back out there running the super the next day man because I couldn't do it and I saw all these people doing it and I was just and they all looked like they were having fun even though they said they were all in pain and it was hurting but it just I was jealous man because I wanted to go back out there and race but I justI knew it was better to not race instead of in and dig a deeper hole than I was already in so

Speaker 11347.44s - 1368.3s

dude what I mean was that course I figured that course would have been way trash but or I wonder if it came up short because if it didn't and Kevin Thompson ran like a 51 PRODUCT in that mud and shit or I don't know how much mud was involved or that's a quick time for I mean I know it's a flat course but I figured that course would have been trashed. You know what I'm saying? So, you know, they said that the rain was going to be

Speaker 21368.3s - 1397.94s

worse there like Sunday morning, but honestly, we got like one little easy shower the whole time I was there and we probably didn't leave until like 11 o'clock and I think like a little rain shower come in as we was getting in the car then, but for the super, like they didn't get any rain. come in as we was getting in the car then, but for the super, like, they didn't get any rain. That one muddy section, like right before you got to the spear throw, I heard it was pretty tore up, but besides that, I don't really think there was a lot of other mud places you went through.

Speaker 11399.06s - 1422.14s

Oh, okay. Well, I'm glad I didn't come out there because, dude, I was, I was, I was debating because I was like, man, with all that rain and it being a trash course, I'm like, you know, I don't think I can run with Kevin Thompson or, you know, strobo or Cole PERSON on a, you know, on a perfectly flat, smooth course. But once you start throwing some mud in there, I do got that, you know, I do a little better on the terrain where everybody slows down a little bit, you know, to even it out.

Speaker 61422.68s - 1425.96s

But, hell if I had showed up, I think I ought to got my ass waxed.

Speaker 21426.6s - 1435.14s

And Brent, Brent came, you know, and he didn't race the beast the day before. And he was like he couldn't even keep up with Kevin PERSON, Kevin.

Speaker 11436.06s - 1436.32s


Speaker 21436.44s - 1436.88s

That's right.

Speaker 11437s - 1437.36s

Or Brent PERSON.

Speaker 41437.44s - 1437.58s


Speaker 11437.62s - 1438.12s

I thought it was Brent PERSON.

Speaker 41438.12s - 1443.46s

No, Brand. I couldn't remember. Yeah, I forgot he showed up because I'm, I told, I meant to message you.

Speaker 11443.46s - 1447.2s

I was going to like, I would at least give him the respect of getting a rematch from Atlanta.

Speaker 21447.2s - 1472.52s

I would have came out there, you know, just to let him beat me. Yeah, I was talking to him after race because he didn't race the day before. So I was giving him pointers on what pointers there was on some of the obstacles. And yeah, he he did really good. But like Kevin PERSON, Kevin failed his spear and he still had enough gap to finish the penalty loop. And Brent PERSON made a spear.And, I mean, there was still no chance of him.

Speaker 11472.8s - 1473.52s

Yeah, he's fast.

Speaker 21474.1s - 1475.94s

Yeah, he put on a show for sure.

Speaker 11476.68s - 1481.2s

He had a hell of lead coming into a barbed wire, you know, so.

Speaker 21483.64s - 1499.04s

But, yeah, man, I thought it was, it was just impressive as hell to me just seeing all those people that ran ultra just come back and were putting down some really evil times in a super and i was like man that's that's pretty badass yeah oh yeah mad respect for that i was

Speaker 11499.04s - 1504.64s

spectating like hell yeah i didn't even expectate i slept until about nine a m TIME we did i was like i'm

Speaker 21504.64s - 1507.14s

out we're going to cracker bro. I'm going to the house.

Speaker 11508.82s - 1516.5s

So in hindsight, Brian, do you think that is there anything that you may have done differently?

Speaker 21519s - 1532.08s

I've got to find a more, I got to find a breakfast that doesn't normally like I said I said, I stick with my super donuts, but I didn't have them this race because I forgot to get them when we left Lincoln GPE and they're not available everywhere.

Speaker 11532.62s - 1584.26s

I got to start figuring out a way to like at least preload 400 to 600 calories QUANTITY because I don't mind running with stuff on my stomach. Not a lot anyway, you know. Dude, I really don't think so. Honestly, I don't think I would have slowed down my pace at all because I just now look. I didn't have a mile that went over 11 minutes still about 24 miles. I think my 24th mile I went to 15.So the fact that, and I thought I slowed down a lot actually in between transition and there, but that's still decent times, you know, holding 10 minute miles, nine minute miles, feeling like I was done. I don't think lot, actually, in between transitioning there, but that's still decent times, you know, holding 10-minute miles, 9-minute miles, feeling like I was dying.I don't think I would have ran it any differently. I think that's what my body had. You know what I'm saying? I think it was either do that or go for the wind or run a slower first lap and have a slower overall time. You know what I'm saying? I don't think it would have been any different, no matter how I ran it.

Speaker 21585.46s - 1589.06s

So the classic Brian Bill PERSON strategy, go for broke.

Speaker 11589.9s - 1591.06s

Go for broke. Yeah.

Speaker 21592.16s - 1624.04s

So what I did for breakfast is I couldn't sleep. Man, I woke up at probably 2.30. I had my alarm set for 3 o'clock. I woke up at like 2.30 and, you know, you start thinking about the race and I'm like, fucking I'm already, I'm not going back to bed. I'm already thinking about the race. I'm wide awake. So I just went ahead and got up, you know, and I drank, I drank two cups of coffee and Iate four honey stinger waffles, which, what is that? Each one of those are like 150 calories piece. So that was about 600 calories.

Speaker 01624.76s - 1633.44s

Light, 600 calories light 600 calories you know it's not like a real heavy breakfast and I mean I felt great with that so like I said

Speaker 21633.44s - 1682.94s

just got to sit there chill drink coffee play galaxy heroes and um like I got to the race man I was feeling good you know I did a few little strides just kind of jogging around felt good in my step you know we get in there and like I was running out with y'all I mean of course I wasn't right beside y'all I was you know probably about 10 or 20 yards QUANTITY back but I was I was with y'all until probably we went under the bridge y'all made that turn and I pretty much never saw the top group again after that point. Right. And I come off a twister and I was like, and I dialed it back a little bit and I was watching my pace. I was still kind of running in the nines, you know, and kind of feathering into eights a little bit for pacing. And I'm like, I don't need to be doing that.

Speaker 71683.7s - 1686.12s

But when it felt good, you know, I was kind of hanging in there. And I was like, don't need to be doing that but when it felt good you know I was

Speaker 61686.12s - 1692.86s

kind of hanging in there and I was like well I'll just stay right here in this high nine low tens

Speaker 71692.86s - 1699.58s

but I probably really should have just backed off and just stayed in the tens and just avoided you

Speaker 61699.58s - 1706.16s

know low nines and just stayed and you know very high nines and just stayed in, you know, very high nines and just stayed in between 10 and 11.

Speaker 01706.7s - 1709.66s

I think I probably would have done a lot better, maybe.

Speaker 21710.32s - 1782.84s

Man, and I don't know what's going on, man, but like I got nauseous. And I had a good plan and it was working. I took like two bags of gummies. I think the Pro Bar PRODUCT brand. And then I had a brand of like Honey Stinger PRODUCT gummies. I mixed them together in a Ziploc PRODUCT bag.So I didn't have to fight with packaging. I had to flip a little zip pocket, the Nathan PERSON little zip pocket belt. I'd open that zipper, open that zip lock bag, and I was eating four of those gummies every 30 minutes.So that's like 100 calories an hour right there. And at least, probably a little bit more. And I was feeling good with that. And another thing that I decided to do kind of like a last minute thing is I bought these, it's not a water bottle, a water soft flask. It's like one of the goo brand soft flask because you're supposed to just fill it up with goo.And it has like.

Speaker 11782.84s - 1784.98s

Oh, yeah, yeah. I know exactly.

Speaker 21789.2s - 1876.58s

Yeah, the bigger dispenser right and um so you you put you can you can just squirt like it's kind of like instead of carrying five goos you could put five gooes in this one soft flask and it's got a twist like mouthpiece on it where you can squirt that goo into your mouth. But the thing about it is, is with water, like you can make the water come out so much faster with that piece. You don't have to bite down on it for, you know, to release it like you do on those other soft flask. You know, when I was wearing those cheap Teslacompression pants that you get off of Amazon ORG and they've got a little side pocket dude I was filling up that little bottle at the aid stations and still drinking a cup and that way I had like five ounces of water maybe a little more it might hold six ounces of water and I had that in between aid stations and like sometimes I drink the whole bottle sometimes I wouldn't and it rode so good in that pocket because it wasn't like enough to be heavy andbulky it was perfect man I love that I'm going to start doing that from now on um but so like I felt great for the whole first lap and I come in at three hours and I was like, damn, that's really good, especially since this is a 16.6 course. That's what I had. And that's including failing the spear on the first loop.

Speaker 71877.5s - 1881.92s

And I walked that loop the day before, and it was two-tenths of a mile QUANTITY.

Speaker 21883.26s - 1885.94s

And so I finished the first trans I mean the first

Speaker 71885.94s - 1891.46s

loop coming to transition Jason Barnes PERSON the race director he was in there and I was

Speaker 21891.46s - 1937.32s

like hey man thanks for the extra miles and he said he's like well how much did you get I said I got 16.6 and he's like no way I said yeah man I'm using a Phoenix 7 you know running off both satellites, you know? And right. He's like, he's like, well, it wasn't supposed to be. So I mean, I don't care.You know, I know there was a lot of people, you know, fussing and complaining about how long the ultra was. You know, but here's my take on it. If I'm doing an ultra, I don't care if it's my first fucking ultra. I would rather my first ultra be more than a 50 EVENTK than less than a 50K. You know what I mean?

Speaker 11937.88s - 1953.5s

One thousand percent. Don't damn. If I run an old, that's like at one in South Carolina a couple years ago. My first one ever, I'm pretty sure. Not ultra, but my first Spartan Ultra EVENT.Supposed to be quote unquote, 50K at some bitch is 26.9 miles QUANTITY.

Speaker 21953.58s - 1963.84s

Yeah. And that was off my watch, Shield ORG's watch, your watch, Michael ORG's watch. And I'm like,yeah. It wasn't Michael ORG's because he bitched out and didn't go and do that race with us. That was Spartan Bird PRODUCT.

Speaker 11963.88s - 1964.5s

Oh, I didn't know that.

Speaker 21965.16s - 1966.28s

Yeah, he didn't show up.

Speaker 11966.72s - 1972.7s

And it was his idea. Mike was like, let's do three altrues this year. This year, let's do three ultrass.

Speaker 21973.06s - 1974.62s

And he only did two of them.

Speaker 51974.88s - 1978.84s

That's because I signed up with that 50 mile QUANTITY. I did a 50 mile race the month after that.

Speaker 21979.3s - 1983.1s

Hey, I was just going off of the pact that we made.

Speaker 51983.1s - 1986.6s

I, by, I, bye, bye, bye,. You were like, let's do three olders.

Speaker 21986.6s - 1987.74s

Was it the blood pact or something?

Speaker 51988.14s - 1990.9s

No, it was your wife not letting you do it at the time.

Speaker 11992.56s - 1998.78s

I tell you what, Scott, one thing I did forget about, though, my, you know, my first lap, I felt pretty good, right?

Speaker 21999.58s - 2002.32s

And then my second lap, I felt like I had this nag injury.

Speaker 12002.58s - 2005.82s

It's like the people who picked me up in the morning, they kept trying to hit

Speaker 22005.82s - 2007.92s

the gas pedal as I was getting

Speaker 12007.92s - 2011.84s

in the truck. And then they're like, oh, put your cooler

Speaker 72011.84s - 2014.04s

in the back. And I'm like, all right. And I think

Speaker 02014.04s - 2023.6s

the guy's driving. I mean, I can't remember his name. It might be Michael ORG possibly. Fucking ran over my fucking foot with a truck that weighed, I don't know, it's all 6,000 pounds. So really,

Speaker 12023.86s - 2033.34s

so basically, let's go ahead and scrub my whole fucking race and be like, look, it felt good for 25 miles. Then after that, that nag and foot injury just came back and really bit me. That's what we're going to say anyway.

Speaker 22034.48s - 2038.98s

Yeah, it was Michael ORG's fault because he was trying to get his stupid little joke, laugh,

Speaker 12039.1s - 2040.92s

chuckle out of the way first thing in the morning.

Speaker 52041.62s - 2043.76s

It's not like I'm highly trained Olympic Adelaide GPE.

Speaker 12043.88s - 2044.62s

Don't worry about it.

Speaker 22044.64s - 2047.38s

Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. I'll be fine. I'm tough.

Speaker 12047.46s - 2048.2s

I can handle it.

Speaker 52048.44s - 2058.76s

I have some, I have some valid points to, combat that. Number one, it's not 6,000 pounds.

Speaker 02059.08s - 2060.94s

The motor in the entire truck with 6,000 pounds.

Speaker 72061.3s - 2064.36s

I ran over your little toe with just the back tire.

Speaker 02064.88s - 2067.78s

So maybe 7,800 pounds, tops.

Speaker 12069.4s - 2070.54s

Hold on, hold on.

Speaker 72071.02s - 2072.5s

There was no toe full.

Speaker 12072.58s - 2074.48s

That the motherfucker was on my ankle.

Speaker 52075.34s - 2076.54s

They divided me in two more.

Speaker 12076.64s - 2078.8s

I mean, you ran over my whole fucking foot.

Speaker 52078.8s - 2081.04s

I'm surprised you didn't park on and laugh about it.

Speaker 12081.58s - 2082.58s

My second point.

Speaker 52083.02s - 2084.26s

Nobody's fucking perfect, dude.

Speaker 12084.54s - 2085.2s

Nobody's perfect.

Speaker 52085.72s - 2088.14s

Third point, tough to fuck up.

Speaker 12089.08s - 2091.64s

Yeah, I mean, it was a good joke.

Speaker 52091.94s - 2096.78s

We can all agree that it was a good joke that went wrong, okay?

Speaker 22097.8s - 2104.92s

And Brian's being over dramatic, it probably just kind of ran over the tip of his shoe and none of his toes were under it.

Speaker 72104.92s - 2107s

You know where you tie your shot at the top.

Speaker 12107.48s - 2109.3s

That was underneath the fucking tire.

Speaker 72110.12s - 2112.28s

Scott Michael PERSON thought he had another fucking speed bump.

Speaker 12112.48s - 2113.94s

I'm like, no, that's my fucking foot.

Speaker 52114.58s - 2119.02s

I mean, I thought it was weird at Sky ORG to get jack out, jack the back truck up, pull your ass out.

Speaker 12119.22s - 2123.48s

Exactly. Oh, God, that shit was funny, though.

Speaker 22124.62s - 2128.34s

You never know what you're going to get when me and Michael come and pick you up in the morning.

Speaker 12128.94s - 2134.78s

Hey, I mean, it was, you know, God, that's funny as shit. We didn't even charge you anything either.

Speaker 62135.94s - 2138.6s

And I was straight up, though, you did not affect my race at all.

Speaker 22138.76s - 2140.28s

I ain't even going to begin to say that.

Speaker 12140.28s - 2142.36s

That hurt for almost about six minutes TIME.

Speaker 62142.48s - 2143.96s

And then I was like, okay, back to normal.

Speaker 12146.64s - 2147.3s

Until we stopped making fun of you.

Speaker 32148.9s - 2148.98s

He said, I can't play this no more.

Speaker 12149.8s - 2151.08s

There's a little laugh at me.

Speaker 22154.3s - 2283.28s

Yeah, so, but yeah, I'm there in transition, just kind of talking to Jason. And everything works great according to plan transition. I've took my frozen bottles of water. I had another frozen bottle of electrolytes there. And it was like a mix, like you shake it up. And it's pretty good, but it does kind of have a strong taste, even in 16 ounces of water.And I dumped, you know, my cold bottle of water on me. It was almost unfrozen. It wasn't completely unfrozen, but most of it was. So that were good. And then I just changed out my belts and I was running out of transition with the other bottle and I drank most of it and then I got like halfway through it and I was like man this is justtoo much so I ended up just pouring it out and I just threw the bottle away at the first aid station and I had in that belt I had I think I had like a fun size thing of M&Ms PRODUCT in a zip block bag with a honey stinger waffle that I have broken the quarters I ate that first quarter of the honey stinger waffle and I was like nope I don't want that and I ate like four M&Ms PRODUCT and I was like nope I don't want that either and so I was like all right I'm just gonna go back to eating the gummies.And like, I think I might ate two at that next 30 minute interval. And I was like, uh-oh, I'm starting to feel nauseous already. And maybe, and I kind of got screwed up on my electrolytes because on the first lap, I opened up my pill bottle while I was running and I dropped one and I looked for it and I couldn't find it and I was like well so I already didn't have enough anyway so I think I only had one electrolyte peel for the first lap for the secondlap I only had two and I probably really needed three for the first lap and three for a second lap. I don't know why I didn't plan that accordingly. So I didn't, I might, I may have ate two more gummies, maybe. And then when I got to the, um, the ultraloupe, they had those bananas there.

Speaker 72283.28s - 2305.4s

I was like, well, I'm going to try to eat a banana and just I took one bite out of it and I just almost threw it up but I got that one bite down and just threw the rest of it away after that I didn't eat nothing else so I probably went two hours with no fuel I was drinking plenty of water but I wasn't I didn't have any electrolytes man and I was just good dude

Speaker 02305.4s - 2311.16s

after the race I mean y'all saw me I was just nauseous as hell um right and I was like I just

Speaker 22311.16s - 2324.88s

hit a balk man like I started getting slow and I started getting slow fast and my hip flexors man were killing me and that pain that I was telling that pain I was telling you all about in

Speaker 02324.88s - 2331.86s

like my groin where I think it's either like a strained hip flexor or maybe the start of a hernia I'm leaning more towards

Speaker 22331.86s - 2374.9s

a strain but man it bothered me from the from the first overwall we jumped over and it's like it progressively got worse and it caused my hip flexor to hurt on my left leg and then on the second lap like both of my hip flexors were were bother me i don't know if it was because all the sand running or the high stepping in the technical terrain on the ultra loop but man it was killing me i even tried to start running with my toes kind of pointing outward. And that kind of gave it a little bit of relief, but, but not a lot, man. And I just, man, just having to run through that pain, it just sucks so bad.

Speaker 02374.94s - 2377.96s

And that was probably the most difficult part about that race,

Speaker 72378.16s - 2382.2s

besides not being able to fuel was just, you know,

Speaker 02382.26s - 2386.9s

trying to run through pain when all you wanted to do was just walk. It was miserable.

Speaker 12388.38s - 2395.18s

Hell, Jr. PERSON, I think I did walk more than once, but I can't tell if I was walking because I was beat to death or I was throwing myself a fucking pity party.

Speaker 22395.72s - 2397.84s

But I made a lot of cool people.

Speaker 12398.14s - 2398.86s

Don't get me wrong.

Speaker 22398.98s - 2425.6s

I mean, I walked here and there just to kind of relief my hip flex was flexures a little bit and sometimes it would it would be weird it's like I would jump over a wall it hurt really bad but just that pause and the change and the motion of not running I'd get relief for like the next few minutes it was so weird man I've never had that problem with my hip flexors before I'm surprised you didn't have that because didn't you do the 50

Speaker 12425.6s - 2427.32s

mile or I forgot in Florida that one year.

Speaker 62427.7s - 2429.9s

Yes. I didn't have any problems.

Speaker 12431.12s - 2496.1s

Yeah, I say every time I do a long, anything that goes over normally 40, 50 miles, mine will do the same thing like it. Dude, sometimes at like Rim to River, you know, I set out, we done, God, I think like 28 miles and like four hours and 20 minutes. Felt great. Then I realized exactly how fast I was running.We backed off the pace, blah, blah, blah. But like, mile 70, Sarah Nichols PERSON was pacing me. And, dude, it was all I could do to, like, I was running 10 minute base and about to die. Like, just hip flexors were hurting. And then I was like, fuck this, I got to walk. So I started walking about 13 to 15 minute TIME pace. It was about to die, like, just hip flexors were hurting. And then I was like, fuck this, I got to walk. So I started walking about 13 to 15 minute pace.It was about to die. And then, dude, I randomly started, like, opening up miles at, like, 8, 30, 9 minute QUANTITY miles. Had a good stretch of, like, five miles. After that, I felt great. Never had a problem again. Now, granted, that pace didn't last long, obviously.But I guess that change of, I guess I just needed a change of motion because that shit was hurting. So I can see how, you know, going back and forth, change it up a little bit. It would help. So you'll think this is funny. When I was coming out

Speaker 22496.1s - 2536.5s

of transition, Bear PERSON was announcing to the next crowd trying to go out, which I was trying to beat too coming out of transition as fast so I wouldn't get caught in that crowd. And Bear PERSON was bragging about his banana eating skills and asking them the people in the corral if there was anybody that was voluntled to do this race. And about that time I was running by the corral.And I was like, me, me, I was violent told to do this race. And he was like, he said something like shut up Scott Brian's already up front talking about how slow your ass is and I said I yelled back about that time I was getting on course I yelled back and I saidhe's telling the truth right

Speaker 52536.5s - 2539.08s

that's funny

Speaker 12539.08s - 2541.78s

so how long were you in transition

Speaker 52541.78s - 2543.8s

I was in transition

Speaker 22543.8s - 2550.8s

about 10 seconds longer than brain was. I think Brian was in there like two minutes and three seconds.

Speaker 52551.56s - 2553.52s

I was in there like two minutes and 15 seconds.

Speaker 22554.08s - 2557.48s

Not time and chip, time and ship, like in the transition area there.

Speaker 52558.92s - 2565.68s

I would shit probably a minute because I was two minutes between timing mats.

Speaker 22566.76s - 2567.08s


Speaker 52567.22s - 2593.46s

Same with you, Brian. Yeah. Yeah, I think I went into the little transition square, and I think I was in there right at just under two minutes. I went back out of the square. Now, of course, I was pretty much walking to the other mat,but I'd check my watch. I was actually in the transition, other mat. But I checked my watch. I was actually in the transition, broke off place two minutes. Because somebody turned my fucking bucket over. I went to pick it up on the top fell out.

Speaker 12595.02s - 2598.94s

I may not have kicked it completely out of transition on my way out.

Speaker 52599.52s - 2600.48s

No, I'm just kidding.

Speaker 72600.58s - 2601.14s

I didn't do that.

Speaker 12601.48s - 2604.68s

If I would have thought about it, I definitely would have, though. I didn't even think about it.

Speaker 52605s - 2607.98s

No, fucking Scott PERSON turned my goddamn bucket over. I get over there. I didn't do that. If I would have thought about it, I definitely would have, though. I didn't even think about it. No, fucking Scott turned my goddamn bucket over. I get over there.

Speaker 12607.98s - 2611.16s

Oh, that's funny. I had my other stuff laid out perfect.

Speaker 22611.58s - 2612.72s

What fuck you know what was me?

Speaker 52613.38s - 2615s

Because your bucket is right beside mine.

Speaker 22615.08s - 2616.2s

You're fucking smart ass.

Speaker 52616.88s - 2618.48s

Man, as soon as I picked it up,

Speaker 72618.92s - 2621.32s

my shit fucking fell out, everything.

Speaker 32621.86s - 2624.82s

And what I needed, so that means what I needed was actually on the bottom now.

Speaker 52625.22s - 2626.38s

I'm a motherfucker on the bottom now. I was motherfucker.

Speaker 62627.68s - 2629.76s

So, that's funny.

Speaker 22630s - 2639.2s

Funny story, going back to 2019 when we were at Tron ORG doing that rainy ass ultra there,

Speaker 52639.94s - 2647.94s

Michael ORG had printed out a picture of my mother and taped to his bucket.

Speaker 62648.14s - 2650.86s

And of course, I get to transition before Michael ORG does.

Speaker 22651.86s - 2654.1s

Garfield PERSON's there in transition at the time.

Speaker 62655.02s - 2657.38s

And I'm like already getting ready to go.

Speaker 22657.5s - 2660.9s

Brian, me and you were right beside each other right then. I don't know if you remember this or not.

Speaker 12661.56s - 2665.84s

And, yeah, you dropped my ass like a hot pocket about a quarter mile later, but go ahead, sorry.

Speaker 22666.08s - 2681.7s

And so Michael ORG's got that bucket there. So I picked up the bucket and I shook it really, really hard. And then I turned it upside down then too. And Garfield PERSON's looking at me like I'm crazy. And I said he printed out a picture of my mom and put on his bucket.

Speaker 62682.96s - 2684.02s

That's a freaking funny.

Speaker 72684.68s - 2696.48s

And then there was another race. I forget what race it was, but Michael ORG printed out a picture of old big Dick Barry PERSON and put in my bucket. So when I opened it up, that was the first thing I saw.Yeah.

Speaker 52697.38s - 2697.98s


Speaker 22698.12s - 2699.52s

Bear PERSON would.

Speaker 32699.84s - 2700.16s


Speaker 52700.56s - 2701.84s

Hey, I do that in my,

Speaker 32702.36s - 2703.1s

everybody listens.

Speaker 52703.28s - 2706.5s

I do that in my baggage at the airport.

Speaker 22706.62s - 2707.58s

I check my bags.

Speaker 52707.96s - 2718.6s

You know, sometimes they'll just go through your shit. It's always put in a picture. I mean, put it in there. So they open it up, start going through my bags. That's the first thing you know, see.

Speaker 62719.52s - 2723.16s

So, you know, I'm able to check to, who was it,

Speaker 52723.18s - 2729.08s

an electrician or somebody last month. And I printed it, I printed out a little picture, put it in an envelope.

Speaker 32729.7s - 2732.16s

Somebody opened it up, you to check that picture was in there.

Speaker 22733.08s - 2737.38s

Somebody gave me a Christmas shirt with him on it.

Speaker 42737.44s - 2740.82s

And I think it says Barry PERSON Christmas on it. Yeah.

Speaker 22741.16s - 2752.34s

Like if we go to Central Florida this year and like if I, if I managed to get on the podium, I'm going to like wear that shirt on the podium. I swear to God. Well, it's just like when.

Speaker 52752.48s - 2754.7s

Because now they don't care what shirts you wear on the podium.

Speaker 22755.04s - 2755.88s

No, the code.

Speaker 52756.84s - 2761.66s

Yeah. You know the code to my truck and you put the air freshener of him in there.

Speaker 22761.82s - 2762.22s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 52763.12s - 2763.46s


Speaker 32763.96s - 2765.4s

So there's a good.

Speaker 22767.6s - 2768.1s

The thing's feel like frustration and cocoa butter.

Speaker 32774.66s - 2774.76s

There's a dude at work and he had like a high school graduation party for all these kids that come to the house.

Speaker 22777.22s - 2777.26s

But he took all their keys away or something like that.

Speaker 52777.66s - 2778.18s

I don't know.

Speaker 22780.78s - 2782.28s

And so he put one of those air fresheners out in all their cars.

Speaker 02784.7s - 2785.52s

Or maybe it was a college kids or something like that and he gave me one of

Speaker 32785.52s - 2794.88s

those do you still got it in your truck michael PERSON uh it's in the big luck bar of my truck was

Speaker 52794.88s - 2802.88s

the load of motor so yeah i'll pick up my truck um thursday morning so they got it fixed

Speaker 32802.88s - 2805.36s

got new motor booth.

Speaker 02805.76s - 2806.36s


Speaker 52809.14s - 2812.52s

Turn your camera off, Michael ORG, because you're breaking up, starting to break up.

Speaker 22814.64s - 2814.9s

No, nobody wants to look at my pretty face.

Speaker 62815.16s - 2815.98s


Speaker 22816.44s - 2817.22s

Just your mom. We also have to.

Speaker 52817.46s - 2817.98s

All about that.

Speaker 22818.14s - 2824.98s

We also have to shout out all Cassandra for stomping every man's ass, essentially, besides the top three, I think.

Speaker 42825.32s - 2827.38s

Because I think, I know she beat my time.

Speaker 22827.62s - 2830.32s

And she may, I think she'd be Jonathan Ryan's PERSON time too, didn't she?

Speaker 42830.36s - 2831.68s

So she would have been fourth overall.

Speaker 12832.04s - 2832.48s

Hang on.

Speaker 52832.58s - 2832.6s

Hang on.

Speaker 12832.6s - 2832.84s

Hang on.

Speaker 52832.84s - 2833.84s

Hang on.

Speaker 12834.48s - 2837.12s

I got the results pulled up on my work phone.

Speaker 52838.16s - 2843.58s

So one thing about me and her is I think she passed me after Twister PRODUCT.

Speaker 22844.24s - 2849.16s

And then the terrain got technical technical and like I caught back up

Speaker 12849.16s - 2855.74s

with her and I stayed in front of her through the ultra loop a little bit and when we came to that

Speaker 22855.74s - 2863.08s

that water station that you did on both sides where they had the bananas at like she I stopped

Speaker 12863.08s - 2866.14s

and drank a glass of water and dumped the glass of water on my head

Speaker 22866.14s - 2871.64s

she just ran by it dumped the glass of water on her head and just kept running dude by the

Speaker 12871.64s - 2876.46s

time I finished drinking water and I probably filled up my flask too I don't think I was there

Speaker 22876.46s - 2885.7s

a minute I turned around and she was like already like halfway across that field and I never freaking saw her again. She was gone.

Speaker 12887.86s - 2891.66s

So her time. Yeah, when she passed me, she looked like she was pretty moving, pretty hot.

Speaker 22892.42s - 2893.92s

Yeah, she definitely was.

Speaker 12894.76s - 2895.98s

Hang on, I got all the results.

Speaker 22896.3s - 2897.26s

Messed up on here.

Speaker 12898.3s - 2899.8s

Dude, you should have seen her husband.

Speaker 22899.8s - 2901.94s

She was 6.07.

Speaker 62902.24s - 2909.02s

She was 6.07 and that would have, that would have beat your time.

Speaker 12909.12s - 2910.48s

That wouldn't have beat Jonathan PERSON time.

Speaker 22910.58s - 2916.58s

So she was fifth overall. Damn, that's impressive.

Speaker 12916.94s - 2918.26s

Yeah, she was cooking, man.

Speaker 22920.28s - 2923.12s

And yeah, her husband was out there taking Joe PERSON.

Speaker 12923.12s - 2929.36s

What was before Bender PERSON obstacle-wise? Was it?

Speaker 22929.52s - 2929.92s


Speaker 12930.64s - 2932.48s

And then Bender PERSON? No, that's not it.

Speaker 22932.48s - 2933.48s

I think Olympus ORG.

Speaker 12934.22s - 2935.72s

Either way, he watched me do something.

Speaker 22936.56s - 2937.12s

Oh, okay.

Speaker 12937.5s - 2940.14s

He watched me do Olympus ORG.

Speaker 22940.36s - 2941.14s

I swear to God.

Speaker 12941.14s - 2946.48s

And he took off down that gravel road before I got to bender. And got to me.

Speaker 62947.74s - 2955.42s

You're going to repeat all that.

Speaker 12958.82s - 2959.9s


Speaker 62961.04s - 2962.56s

You're going to have to repeat all that brain.

Speaker 12964.64s - 2965.42s

I'm on,

Speaker 62965.42s - 2967.94s

I'm on Black Mountain LOC.

Speaker 22968.84s - 2971s

You sound clear now.

Speaker 42971.26s - 2973.56s

You said something about he was going out of gravel road,

Speaker 22973.78s - 2974.46s

and then what?

Speaker 12976.04s - 2977.46s

Yeah, man, I'm going down to gravel road.

Speaker 22977.46s - 2979.76s

He made me to bend her.

Speaker 12981.12s - 2984.2s

Dude, I'm telling him. He was quick. Yeah.

Speaker 22988.72s - 2998s

Well, he used to run track, too think like really quick because she ran track i know because she told me that in new york yeah um man he got some of the

Speaker 12998s - 3003.84s

best pictures because me and her were kind of close together and like coming through the venue

Speaker 23003.84s - 3005.04s

like he got some awesome pictures of me jumping into the dunk wall water and got a kind of close together and like coming through the venue like he got some awesome

Speaker 13005.04s - 3011.36s

pictures of me jumping into the dunk wall water and got a video of me going across twister got pictures

Speaker 23011.36s - 3016.8s

and videos of me at the spear and everything yeah man i got like better pictures from him than the ones

Speaker 63016.8s - 3023.04s

i actually bought i bought these because i had that spartan plus discount code i think it ends at the end

Speaker 23023.04s - 3040.24s

of the month but you get like $20 off but you have to buy after the fact so it still costs 20 bucks so technically you're only getting $10 because I can sell out what I can sell out yeah I'm

Speaker 13040.24s - 3046.9s

all my pictures well I was just going to use the code the code expires is in the mayor sure what he said.

Speaker 23049.14s - 3056.84s

But I did get some good pictures at this race. Even Spartan NORP pitchers are pretty good. Better than all the other races I've been up. Who's honking?

Speaker 13057.2s - 3059.56s


Speaker 53060.62s - 3060.82s

Oh, could y'all hear that?

Speaker 13061.88s - 3062.82s

Yeah, where are you honking at?

Speaker 23063.68s - 3064.8s

Oh, hold on one second.

Speaker 73065.24s - 3066.84s

Nobody. Y'all hear that? Yeah. No were you hoping? Oh, hold on one second. Nobody.

Speaker 23067.68s - 3067.86s

Y'all hear that?

Speaker 13068.12s - 3068.42s


Speaker 53070.06s - 3071.28s

No, we didn't hear that honk either.

Speaker 13074.12s - 3076.92s

Well, a lot of times there's voice cancellation crap. It cancels everything. I'm surprised y'all could hear that.

Speaker 23078.24s - 3078.3s

Yeah, it didn't sound super loud.

Speaker 13079.48s - 3080.58s

It sounded like a clown horn. Yeah, this is a hot tank for everybody on the road.

Speaker 73082.08s - 3087s

Well, if you're doing 65 in a 65, just go ahead and give your license to me.

Speaker 13087s - 3088.58s

That way I can put it in a fucking shredder.

Speaker 73089.22s - 3091s

Because you're holding everybody up.

Speaker 23091.5s - 3094.94s

I'm just saying, if you ain't doing 10 over, you really don't need to be on the road.

Speaker 73095.66s - 3101.8s

Says the truck driver that's going to 85 passing people in the fast lane when they're not supposed to.

Speaker 13102.28s - 3105.54s

The faster I go, the more I make, Junior PERSON, that's how it works.

Speaker 23105.86s - 3106.38s

Junior PERSON.

Speaker 13107.68s - 3111.6s

So what did you guys think about the obstacles at the race?

Speaker 23111.72s - 3117.08s

I actually liked all, I mean, the bucket carry was pretty much in the same spot as it was last year.

Speaker 13117.24s - 3135.04s

But I think that this layout, the way they had the obstacles, I liked it better this year than probably any year we've ever done. The sandbag carry was great. Then putting that sandbag carry where it was, and you, the way they had the obstacles, I liked it better this year than probably any year we've ever done. The sandbag carry was great. Then putting that sandbag carry where it was and you had to go up that beach sand hill, that was awesome, man. I mean, it was cool.

Speaker 23135.22s - 3146.2s

It was pretty tough. I mean, it wasn't like, it wasn't like super tough, but it was almost enough that you couldn't jog up that little hill, you know. Well, I couldn't jog up that little hill, you know, so. Well, I couldn't jog up that little hills.

Speaker 53148.16s - 3152.02s

I think I, the first loop, I jogged all the way up it,

Speaker 23152.06s - 3155.3s

but the second loop I had to walk it, some, towards the top.

Speaker 53156.88s - 3159.3s

And that ridge line we did.

Speaker 63160.6s - 3161.3s

Do what?

Speaker 53162.68s - 3164.16s

I said, I think I preferred it.

Speaker 63164.4s - 3167.2s

I liked it better last year just because I

Speaker 23167.2s - 3173.74s

liked the idea of getting those hard obstacles out of the way in the middle of the

Speaker 63173.74s - 3178.06s

race versus having to be really beat down and then do them on the back half of the

Speaker 23178.06s - 3183.46s

race that's just me and that makes sense like I totally I totally get that too

Speaker 13183.46s - 3186.34s

because like even coming in you know I was

Speaker 63186.34s - 3191.8s

pretty tired you know I was ready for the race to be over for sure and you still had like a gauntlet of

Speaker 13191.8s - 3199.84s

tough obstacles you know Olympus ORG bucket bender and you had you know that barbed wire crawl rope

Speaker 23199.84s - 3208.2s

climb rig so I mean there was some tough stuff in the last mile in, like, what did we have last year in the last mall?

Speaker 13208.44s - 3210.28s

Helix, Hercules PRODUCT hoist.

Speaker 23211.08s - 3212.66s

That was pretty much it, wasn't it?

Speaker 13213.62s - 3214.64s

I can't remember.

Speaker 23214.64s - 3215.1s


Speaker 03215.4s - 3215.72s

It wasn't a lot.

Speaker 23216.84s - 3222.92s

Didn't we have Beater PRODUCT, like, in that same place they always kind of had it in on the way back in?

Speaker 13223.78s - 3226.08s

I feel like we did.

Speaker 23230.3s - 3230.54s

But I remember last year, it was so, the way it was laid out was so easy.

Speaker 13235.44s - 3244.14s

I remember having like seven miles to go and I just started fucking cranking out miles because I was just like, hell, there's nothing. I was like, it's not like I have to save energy to do anything. You know what I mean? Those last six or seven had like four obstacles. Right.

Speaker 23245.14s - 3245.92s

That wasn't bad.

Speaker 13246.66s - 3255.92s

So on the first lap, I picked, I come to Olympus, and there was one wall that was kind of leaning

Speaker 23255.92s - 3298.5s

away from the side that I would want to get on, so you had a little bit. It wasn't much, but it was enough. So if you were looking at them left to right, it was the second one over from the left. I used it. It worked great. It was dry. And on the second lap, I come to that and the guy was just getting on it. And I was like, you know, whatever. I'll go to the one, the first one on the left, on the left side. And I was on it, going across it, it was working fine. All the holes were like really high.And then on the last three panels, like all of the holes were like a foot lower. I'd never seen that on an Olympus ORG panel ever.

Speaker 13299.24s - 3301.4s

So it was all lined up a foot lower?

Speaker 23301.82s - 3302.4s


Speaker 13303.4s - 3321.78s

And so I got real low and like I had to grab a chain because there just wasn't an available hole to grab at the moment and I grabbed that chain and then I had to cross over and grab a hole and I made it but still that one shoot that one they didn't have a rock you could grab or you just grabbed the

Speaker 23321.78s - 3325.58s

I was already I was already too low oh I got you

Speaker 13325.58s - 3332.42s

yeah I couldn't I couldn't get to the rock hold I want to say I when when the holes

Speaker 23332.42s - 3345.46s

drop down though like I had to grab a rock hold to ease myself down a little bit lower to get to where the holes were at I Damn. I've had that happen every now.

Speaker 13345.76s - 3346.78s

It's been a minute.

Speaker 23346.98s - 3348.54s

I've never seen them in a row like that,

Speaker 13348.58s - 3356.96s

but I've definitely grabbed them lower holes and then had to hold myself with my left arm and reach up to a rock with my right arm. I've done that once or twice. Right.

Speaker 23357.22s - 3362.8s

I'm sure everybody out there that went to that far panel, they'll remember what I'm talking about for sure.

Speaker 43363.76s - 3368.08s

But, man, besides that... What do you think about the sure. But man, besides that, the height of eight foot wall.

Speaker 23369.22s - 3375.72s

See, I mean, it seemed normal to me. I didn't think it was any higher. I think me and Izzy hit that about the second time.

Speaker 43376.44s - 3379.5s

And Izzy said he thought it seemed higher than eight feet.

Speaker 53382.94s - 3383.92s

What did you say, Michael ORG?

Speaker 03384.78s - 3387.4s

I said, what did you think about the about the height of the eight-foot wall?

Speaker 23387.96s - 3391.84s

Yeah, I mean, I think it was maybe just a little bit higher than normal,

Speaker 53392.08s - 3395.12s

but me and Izzy PERSON were right there beside each other,

Speaker 23395.14s - 3398.28s

and he said he felt like it was pretty tall. I thought it was too.

Speaker 13398.28s - 3413s

Well, it was because the grant, did you notice how the ground was cut out a solid four or five inches QUANTITY below the wall? So when you actually did have to jump up and grab it, you know, I look, because I always look at the walls, you know, I'm looking for the wherever that wall is the closest to the ground. You know what I mean?

Speaker 63413.02s - 3413.84s

That's common sense.

Speaker 13414.34s - 3418.66s

And every, every bit of that wall was four to six inches off the ground, you know,

Speaker 63421.16s - 3422.62s

But it, yeah, so it was a little taller.

Speaker 23424.52s - 3429.06s

But I think on stairway, when I got there the first time,

Speaker 63429.26s - 3431.62s

I climbed up it and like I didn't,

Speaker 23431.68s - 3434.52s

wasn't concentrating on like hooking my fingers around it

Speaker 63434.52s - 3437.94s

and like my fingers spread out and slipped on one of those holds.

Speaker 23438.6s - 3462.32s

And I had to retry it. But on the second lap I didn't have any problems with it. It's like you just really got to focus on hooking your making a hook out of your hand and to move up those rock holds I think it those rock holds are starting to get wear on them you know and now they're just more slick than they used to be and you just don't have as good a grip on them or maybe maybe I'm just getting weaker I don't know I

Speaker 13462.32s - 3466s

think it's your getting a way or I never had to try to say away more than once really no I'm just kidding no I really don't know. I'm thinking that you're getting weaker. I ain't never had to try to say away more than once. Really?

Speaker 33466.22s - 3467.38s

No, I'm just kidding.

Speaker 23467.38s - 3468.12s

No, I really don't.

Speaker 33468.16s - 3469.68s

Well, dude, I won't lie.

Speaker 13469.88s - 3474.36s

When I'm wanting people, when I come to an obstacle,

Speaker 33474.86s - 3476.48s

I truly, did I mute myself?

Speaker 23476.68s - 3476.82s


Speaker 33477.1s - 3479.78s

When I come to an obstacle, I'm like, if I don't do this first try,

Speaker 13480.04s - 3493.94s

it's fucking, I'm done, I'm over it. I can't. So there's no, you know what I'm saying? I'm very one and done. So I might take an extra four seconds to rest every now and then. But, yeah, first time I jump up and grab that shit, I ain't coming back down.Typically.

Speaker 23494.32s - 3501.46s

So what are you saying? If you jumped up on stairway and you didn't make it the first try, you're not going to try it again. You're going to go straight to the penalty loop?

Speaker 13502.02s - 3508.6s

No, hell no. I'm saying if I jump up to the stairway, I'm not fucking falling back down is what I'm saying. Okay.

Speaker 73509.44s - 3512.66s

Yeah, I've never had to second jump at stairway ever.

Speaker 23512.86s - 3513.44s

I don't think.

Speaker 13513.68s - 3515s

Or Olympus ORG or, you know.

Speaker 23515.42s - 3518.9s

You don't until you have to. And now you're going to have to because you're talking shit.

Speaker 13519.36s - 3522.62s

Just like old boy when he was talking shit about Seawall.

Speaker 23522.74s - 3533.66s

I think his name is inside OCR ORG. Wasn't he talking shit about Helix and then failed it? I'm pretty sure. Yeah, yeah like old boy when he was talking shit about Seawall. I think his name was inside OCR ORG. Wasn't he talking shit about Helix PRODUCT and then failed it? I'm pretty sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hell, I can't say anything I've failed it too.

Speaker 13533.96s - 3542.76s

Right. I've never failed Helix, but I remember that one day in Jacksonville. Dude, I was fucking in the race, in that age group national series, maybe like that first year.

Speaker 03549.24s - 3553.4s

And they had the monkey bars on top of the hill within like half a mile to start dude i missed that bell by a fucking foot for no reason and that was when we had to do 30 burpees oh dude i was out of the race i mean it was done i mean

Speaker 13553.4s - 3558.92s

i worked my way back up to like six or seventh out of just pure pissed offness you know right damn

Speaker 73558.92s - 3564.36s

i whiff that bell by at least a foot not even remotely closed i was like man that was one of

Speaker 13564.36s - 3566.42s

those days nice we've all had

Speaker 23566.42s - 3574.44s

those days though um man I was about to say something I forgot what it was coming out of the

Speaker 13574.44s - 3583.42s

closet no okay um big reveal no what I wanted to ask you is when you do stairway

Speaker 23583.42s - 3585.52s

michael's in the Port of John FAC.

Speaker 13586.84s - 3589.42s

He turned his camera back on just so we would notice that.

Speaker 23589.54s - 3589.78s


Speaker 63590.58s - 3594.1s

So when you do stairway,

Speaker 13594.8s - 3602.76s

do you jump up, grab two plastic holds and like climb with your hands

Speaker 23602.76s - 3607.6s

until you get to the top part of the board and then do you put a foot on it

Speaker 73607.6s - 3611.12s

or do you put a foot on it while you still have your hands on the rock holds

Speaker 23611.12s - 3621.64s

I go so I always look for the lowest rock I jump up with that one grab it with my right hand

Speaker 13621.64s - 3625.88s

there's another rock to the left about another foot QUANTITY up right so I jump up grab that one with my right hand there's another rock to the left about another foot up right

Speaker 33625.88s - 3631.08s

so i jump up grab that one with my right hand immediately grab that one with my left hand

Speaker 13631.08s - 3639.66s

and then put my foot my left foot goes up on the other rock to the left of that and then climb my

Speaker 23639.66s - 3646.38s

way up up and over so you don't you don't go up any higher on the rocks when you initially put two hands on the rocks?

Speaker 13649.18s - 3668.68s

I don't think so. No, I mean, I know. I'm sure I do once I get my foot up there, but I'm pretty sure. Now, I may be moving my right hand up, but I think once I have both hands on the first two rocks that I'm grabbing, my left foot automatically goes to that left rock, and then I put my right hand up to the next rock and continue on from there.You know what I mean?

Speaker 23669.64s - 3672.44s

Well, see, I don't use my legs.

Speaker 13672.8s - 3694.7s

I don't use my legs until I get my feet into the first open space of the, until I get to the top of the rock hold grip board. I don't put my feet on any rock holds until then. Why don't you try it like that big boy why would I do that one is I got a burn up less forearm energy I forgot you got that cheerleader flexibility

Speaker 23694.7s - 3698.9s

so you can probably throw your leg up there a lot easier in most men I ain't

Speaker 13698.9s - 3702.98s

saying I don't cramp every now and when I'm doing it but you know I don't think I

Speaker 23702.98s - 3707.66s

do that I don't trust my grip I think if I tried to do that, I would lose grit with my hands

Speaker 13707.66s - 3732.18s

while I was trying to move my leg up. I might try it one day when we're, if it's around and it's open heat or something. Well, put it this way. If you're, if you're standing straight up, you can kick your leg out to the side and get it to your, you know, if you lift your leg up, you can get it even with your hip, you know what I mean?And then if you, if you compliment that with just pulling up a little bit on the rocks, like kind of doing like half a pull up on those two rocks.

Speaker 63732.78s - 3734.4s

Oh, yeah, dude, your leg would get up there easy.

Speaker 03735.32s - 3737.14s

Yeah, it is weird.

Speaker 13737.26s - 3740.26s

You honestly might do it, not even realize it, but, hell, maybe not.

Speaker 23740.72s - 3743.84s

And you bring, and you bring, so your left hand is high,

Speaker 13743.84s - 3758.62s

your right hand is low, and you bring your left leg up to the rock? No, right hand is higher. So I jump on the, the highest rock goes to my right hand. I jump high on the right rock. You know what I'm saying?

Speaker 23758.78s - 3759.68s

See, I do the opposite.

Speaker 33760.5s - 3763.38s

I jump low right, high left.

Speaker 23764.46s - 3765.02s

Oh, okay.

Speaker 33765.16s - 3769.5s

Then that would almost make you lean a little weird to be able to do what I'm doing.

Speaker 13769.82s - 3770.08s


Speaker 23770.18s - 3773.3s

But yeah, yeah, I go right hand high, left hand low.

Speaker 33773.3s - 3780.34s

And then the other rock that I put my left leg on is about even with the left hand rock.

Speaker 13780.6s - 3780.72s


Speaker 63781.18s - 3781.66s

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 13781.72s - 3785.04s

I mean, I can see the pattern in my head and what you're

Speaker 23785.04s - 3795.84s

saying makes more sense because I thought you were saying you did it like me, left hand high, right hand low, because then if you moved your left leg up, you'd be moving your let, try to move

Speaker 13795.84s - 3817.32s

your left leg to a higher rock. Yes, so honestly, maybe I don't know if the rocks are laid out like that, but hell, you could do it the way you're doing it and just do it with your right leg instead. But I mean, I will say this. It makes it to where soon as I grab, now that first rock, don't give me wrong. I mean, I don't know how many people can jump upand grab that first rock with the right hand because it is pretty tall. Right.

Speaker 73817.36s - 3822.16s

But I'm only using my forearm strength for, you know,

Speaker 13822.38s - 3831.42s

fucking four seconds TIME. As soon as I jump up and grab it, it's a four, three second TIME process. And once my left foot's on there, you know, fucking four seconds. As soon as I jump up and grab it, it's a four, three second process. And once my left foot's on there, hell, you know, I ain't doing one that work after that. My legs doing all the work.

Speaker 23831.62s - 3834.26s

Right. I need to try it like that one time.

Speaker 13834.34s - 3840.88s

I'd be scared to try it like that in a competitive wave, but I mean, I might try it on an open day when I get out there or something. Right.

Speaker 63841.12s - 3846.76s

Just to have an, I mean, I like having optional ways to do every obstacle you know

Speaker 23846.76s - 3851.2s

yes like because when Olympus is dry I'm going to stay on my feet but when it's wet I'm going to

Speaker 63851.2s - 3857.2s

go to my knees you know because you kind of got to and like the rig when the rigs tough

Speaker 23857.2s - 3884.74s

I'll do one for one but if the rigs dry I'm going to skip rings you know and like the monkey bars when the monkey bars is wet you're going to go one to one know. And like the monkey bars, when the monkey bars is wet, you're going to go one to one. But like this weekend, the monkey bars were, they were dry and they were pretty easy. And those two that are always really close together, I skipped one of those on both times I did it. And I think I skipped the last bar on both runs, too. Do you overthink?

Speaker 13884.98s - 3889.36s

Like when I go to Olympus ORG, I have no pattern planned out whatsoever. I know this.

Speaker 23889.44s - 3892.4s

I'm going to grab any hole that I can reach and any rock I can reach.

Speaker 13892.82s - 3901s

Okay, guys, I was wondering, I was like, hell, I don't overthink shit when it comes to that. As long as it's a hole in a rock, I'm grabbing it. I ain't really worried about the chains.I don't even, as far as I'm concerned, they don't exist.

Speaker 23901.24s - 3975.76s

It would be. And it's not very fun. Well, you know, because they mix up the patterns. So you can't really go by a pattern anymore. When they had the old style, when it was plywood, it was the same exact pattern on every single board all the way across.Well, now if you'll look at it, you'll see it'll be a normal pattern. And then you have two that are kind of mirroring each other where it'll have two low holes right there close to each other and that's where you get in the bind if you're like an all holes person and right because then you're going to have a crossover problem there and you never know like those two holes might be at the beginning of the wall the middle of the wall or towards the end of the walldepending on how they set it up so normally when I get there like sometimes I can still stay on all the holes but if I get in a bind or if it's like towards the end of the wall you know I might can grab a chain just to reach over one time and get back on the holes and I can get back set if it's like towards the end of the wall, you know, I might can grab a chain just to reach over one time and get back on the holes and I can get back set. If it's dry, you know,if it's wet, you know, it's definitely way more difficult. I do like those holes though.

Speaker 13975.78s - 3978.7s

They are very like precision cut. Like you can,

Speaker 23978.86s - 3979.86s

you can damn near to,

Speaker 73980.1s - 3983.8s

you can, I could sit there and hang on them holes for a hot minute. Like if I get in a bind, you know,

Speaker 23984.32s - 3984.96s

you could really,

Speaker 13987.32s - 3987.74s

you know, put your hands in there.

Speaker 23989.2s - 3989.66s

Hold on for dear life if you need to do.

Speaker 13990.54s - 3990.74s

Yeah, the plywood.

Speaker 23991.92s - 3992.36s

It's like I do with Michael ORG's mom.

Speaker 13992.72s - 3994.24s

Sorry, boy.

Speaker 23996.64s - 4012.42s

The holes on the plywood, they were a little more. But, yeah, like, I mean, besides me having to retry stairway one time i i don't think i mean i was getting

Speaker 14012.42s - 4018.86s

so sore on my legs like i wasn't flipping over i think i flipped over the uh vertical cargo

Speaker 24018.86s - 4022.92s

net one time but on the second lap you know i was already losing time and i was like what's

Speaker 14022.92s - 4031.12s

another few seconds to you know save some pain so i just kind of went over it like most people do stepping over the top of

Speaker 64031.12s - 4037.92s

it but besides that i i'd shoot the obstacles were they were they were easy they flowed easy

Speaker 14037.92s - 4042.24s

i don't have any problems they were all dry for most of the day i didn't get caught out there in

Speaker 64042.24s - 4045.42s

the rain i'm sure that made them a lot more difficult for a lot of people out there.

Speaker 14045.72s - 4048.14s

But the buckets were pretty heavy.

Speaker 64048.84s - 4052.44s

I think I got a lighter sandbag on the first lap than I did the second

Speaker 14052.44s - 4052.74s


Speaker 64052.82s - 4053.36s

I know that.

Speaker 24053.86s - 4054.92s

You and me both there.

Speaker 04054.92s - 4056.98s

That second lap sandbag about beat my ass to death.

Speaker 24057.24s - 4058.48s

Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 64059.44s - 4061.38s

Or either we were just more wiped.

Speaker 24061.54s - 4061.96s

Who knows?

Speaker 14063.4s - 4065.32s

It could very much well be possible.

Speaker 24068.32s - 4069.74s

Michael ORG, me and,

Speaker 14070.1s - 4072.1s

me and Brain PERSON have talked about our races.

Speaker 24073.18s - 4073.4s


Speaker 14073.62s - 4075.08s

How did you feel, Michael ORG?

Speaker 54075.5s - 4075.78s


Speaker 24076.86s - 4078.46s

My legs felt good.

Speaker 54078.46s - 4084.82s

My foot shit out on me. Around mile, probably 20, 21.

Speaker 44085.82s - 4090.96s

I started getting severe foot pain, but I think it was running all that sand and stuff

Speaker 54090.96s - 4094.52s

and just from my ankle going, you know, flexing side to side.

Speaker 44096.34s - 4104.96s

So I had to walk a bunch and get that back in. But, I mean, I like the course, like the layout of everything.

Speaker 54104.96s - 4132.2s

So, you know, good job with it. I like the course, like the layout of everything. So, you know, good job with it. I didn't mind that it was, you know, over 33 miles. The only issue I have, and Spartans ORG done this a bunch, where they'll tell you it's one distance, go, oh, they're Spartan NORP miles. And the thing is fucking funny.But when you do trail races and they say, hey, you get eight stations here, here, here, you plan your nutrition, your hydration based on that. See what I mean?

Speaker 74132.64s - 4139.8s

So you're going out for a, you think it's going to be a 31-mile QUANTITY race and you're planning, you know, two and a half, three more miles QUANTITY. Well,

Speaker 54139.96s - 4143.96s

on the surface, you know, two and a half three QUANTITY, it's bad. Well, yes, it is.

Speaker 44150s - 4154.6s

That's a, that's a huge difference in the trail running world you know because you don't carry a lot that's a that's an hour difference for some people yeah exactly

Speaker 54154.6s - 4158.92s

so that's one thing i didn't like about it you know but i guess you just take it with a

Speaker 14158.92s - 4164.28s

grain and solid that's how spartan does it i don't like to do that uh just because um

Speaker 54164.28s - 4166.86s

ultras especially longer ultras.

Speaker 14168.6s - 4173.34s

When you're trying to plan your race, you can run to problems like that.

Speaker 44174.3s - 4182s

So in defense to that, so, you know, I talked to Jason Barnes PERSON in transition and

Speaker 54182s - 4189.8s

then after the race, I told them that I had 33.3 miles on Sunday when I saw him, he had,

Speaker 44190.34s - 4191.38s

we spoke again.

Speaker 54191.46s - 4197.88s

And he said that there was a, there was a part on the ultra loop that was added on that

Speaker 44197.88s - 4199.76s

wasn't supposed to be added on.

Speaker 54200.22s - 4203.5s

And it was that cool ridge line that we did that we've never done before.

Speaker 44203.58s - 4205.6s

He said that that wasn't supposed to be there.

Speaker 54205.6s - 4208.44s

And I was like, dude, that was like one of the coolest parts back there.

Speaker 24208.94s - 4210.38s

So that was super fun.

Speaker 14210.38s - 4211.2s

That was fun.

Speaker 24211.28s - 4223.98s

I mean, and it wasn't like really crazy or nothing, but it was a centric that we had never saw before. And I loved it. And even that little steep like washout hill you had to go down on the end.

Speaker 14224.62s - 4227.12s

Like, I mean, that was super fun too that was fun too

Speaker 24227.12s - 4269.5s

yeah and um so and i was like dude i mean i didn't mind it at all he's like and he asked me to send him my gpx file just so he could know you know compare it to what they planned and then to what it was because he said if he would have known it would have been that many miles ahead of time, we would have only done that loop once.And when I said, look man, it was fine with me, you know, I like doing a little ridge line. But he said,he's like, yeah, but the only bad thing is is I told everybody, it was only going to be 30.5. And, you know, he didn said, he's like, yeah, but the only bad thing is, is I told everybody, it was only going to be 30.5 and, you know, he didn't want that.

Speaker 14270.16s - 4291.6s

Well, honest mistake is honest mistake. Not to mention, let's be, all right, and let's pull this down. If you're signing up for a Spartan race and 31 miles, if it turns out to be 33, if you can finish 31, I'm a firm believer, you can finish 33. Just pack enough shit to where always pack extra. That'srule number one. Always pack extra.

Speaker 74291.78s - 4294s

And I will say this, dude, as

Speaker 14294s - 4309.12s

much as, you know, that second lap, everybody's like, oh, good job, blah, blah, blah. Because, you know, you do lap people. Man, I know what we do is, I mean, I don't consider impressive. You know, you can take fucking a whole lot of people come out here and smoke all of our asses. That's

Speaker 64309.12s - 4314.94s

just 100%. We're mediocre in the world of runners. I'm more impressed by these motherfuckers who

Speaker 74314.94s - 4320.28s

line up and they do that first lap in six hours and they're like, yeah, I'll just refuel and go out

Speaker 14320.28s - 4327.08s

for another one. Yeah, I mean, that's fucking insane, dude. I mean, and, you know, I do have a slight understanding of that because I run

Speaker 74327.08s - 4329.06s

longer races than, oh, than 50Ks.

Speaker 14329.46s - 4333.56s

But I'm like, man, to me, I am so impressed by those people on that second lap.

Speaker 74333.56s - 4335.88s

I'm just like, see, y'all's the fucking tough motherfuckers.

Speaker 14336.3s - 4353.04s

Because, you know, I'm out here doing six hours, 15 minutes, quote unquote, having a bad day. And these people are like, yeah, I'm shooting for 11. And I'm like, man, y'all are just, there's a lot of tough people out there. I'm very, I mean, I love that second lap. Just because you see so many tough people out there just fucking grinding it out.

Speaker 24353.36s - 4353.88s

Oh, absolutely.

Speaker 14354.44s - 4354.88s


Speaker 24354.98s - 4372.28s

I mean, I would rather go out there and suffer harder for six, six hours, six and a half, seven hours is what it took me. And, but then you have some people they're out there like all day 12 hours 13 hours i totally believe that that person had a way more tougher race

Speaker 74372.28s - 4379.98s

than i did hands down hands right yeah i mean they were on time on feet 13 hours i was time on

Speaker 24379.98s - 4387.04s

feet seven hours to me they had a harder day i don't care if they walk the whole thing that was a

Speaker 74387.04s - 4395.6s

that was a tougher day to me like i would much rather go out there and run that race in in seven hours

Speaker 24395.6s - 4416.84s

eight hours then go out there and be out there all day doing it to me that's harder that's more mental and you've got more you know you, you're more fear of making the cutoffs and not knowing if you're going to finish. So, I mean, there's a lot, you know, there's a lot to say about that for sure.

Speaker 14417.38s - 4451.32s

I'm always impressed by that's like, I don't know. I mean, you know, you listen to race brain and running public. Well, when they actually talk about Spartan NORP races, you know, they'll give you minimums to run. Dude, I think the minimum, if you're actually preparing for this race or an ultra in general, that's a 50K. You know, what do you say, 30 miles a week should be about the minimum if you want to just complete it. To be sure you complete it, about 30 miles a week minimum. Dude, there's people out here that just, they just sign up for this shit and wing it. To be sure you complete it, about 30 miles a week minimum. Dude,there's people out here that just, they just sign up for this shit and wing it. And I'm like, that's balls. That's balls all day long.

Speaker 24451.44s - 4456.66s

I was like, I respect the hell out of that because they're fucking nuts. Man, I know for a fact.

Speaker 14456.66s - 4458.7s

I like people who do shit like that. That's fun.

Speaker 24459.06s - 4493.5s

When me and Michael went to New Jersey GPE in 2016 and did our first ultra. I was running three days a week. And on the weekends, my long run consisted of one weekend, I would run eight miles. The next weekend, I would run 10 miles. And then the next weekend, I'd run 13 miles.And during the week, I might have done two five Ks in between that that was my mileage so yeah I mean I wasn't doing a lot more over 15 miles training for New

Speaker 14493.5s - 4503.28s

Jersey so that's pretty that's yeah that's wild but I will say this volume I we're

Speaker 24503.28s - 4505.12s

not going to go on a small tangent.

Speaker 14510.52s - 4520.3s

But, dude, volume matters because, like I said, when I was over the winter, I was like, I mean, there was a couple days where I just ran marathons in the mountains because it was fun and like four hours, four and a half hours, you know, with, you know, six, seven thousand feet QUANTITY of climbing.

Speaker 74521.02s - 4526.04s

And then I dropped my volume down to six hours a week during April and you're saying

Speaker 14526.04s - 4528.88s

I made it 24 miles before I really blew up and hit the bed.

Speaker 74529.32s - 4534.18s

So if you're training for an ultra, everybody listening to this, yeah, volume matters.

Speaker 14534.32s - 4539.68s

Like even if you're walking, go out and walk, go out and run, go out and do, you know,

Speaker 74539.78s - 4542.3s

I don't do heavy carries and shit because I ain't got time for that.

Speaker 14542.72s - 4544.3s

But yeah, just get out and walk.

Speaker 74544.46s - 4550.1s

If you got two extra hours, you got an extra extra hour extra 20 minutes go go on a walk that's what I that's

Speaker 04550.1s - 4556.18s

dude I did that over the winter freaking build fitness like a motherfucker I mean it just works it works

Speaker 14556.18s - 4564.1s

then and back then too I was working out and like lifting weights working then I was working out more

Speaker 24564.1s - 4590.04s

running less so you know and not to mention I was working out more, running less. So, you know, and not to mention I was working eight hour days and on my feet, a majority of those days. So I had time on feet, but most of it wasn't all running hours. But that was one of the most miserable races of my life because, like, I got, you know, IT band syndrome in both knees before the first lap was over.So I had to do the whole second lap with that pain.

Speaker 64590.04s - 4591.8s

And it was rough.

Speaker 24591.8s - 4611.38s

Like man, we and we this was the stupidest idea we ever come up with. We drove to this race from South Georgia, which was a 16 hour drive. And I because I think we were staying north of the race where we should have got a hotel kind of south of the race. So it was even further away.

Speaker 64611.38s - 4618.68s

Right. And that next is like that next morning, like we finished the race. We went and ate. And then we went to bed.

Speaker 24619.52s - 4626.42s

And we got up at like 2 a.m. and drove home. And we were in like a Honda Odyssey all day long, dude.

Speaker 14626.52s - 4633.38s

We were so stov up every time we come to a stop. It was the worst idea ever. Don't do that.

Speaker 24633.48s - 4634.34s

Fly to the races.

Speaker 14636.72s - 4661.48s

Yeah, trust me, Sunday night, you know, because it ran Saturday, which is my longest run in the previous month and a half. And then Sunday night, I went to go step out of the truck after the three-hour drive back, then the hour drive to work, and then the five-and-half hour drive, my first stop. Dude, them carts, I swear to God,every one of them weighed 700 pounds. It was all I could do to get the motherfuckers to the lift gate to put them on the ground. I was fucking die.

Speaker 74661.82s - 4663.72s

It was as slowest freaking,

Speaker 14664.38s - 4672.52s

I had a couple fall off, you know, fall off the cards here and there. They may or may not got slung across the parking lot, but it was just, it was a rough night.But,

Speaker 24672.58s - 4685.34s

you know, I wouldn't have it any other way. But, you know, I say, you know,if you can work yourself, you know, to, you know, and it doesn't have to be about the mileage. I would do it,do by time, you know, if you can. Yeah, time is better. If you can do like, you know and it doesn't have to be about the mileage I would do it do by time

Speaker 14685.34s - 4690.32s

you know if you can yeah time is better if you can do like you know some hour

Speaker 24690.32s - 4781.26s

runs during the week you know three times during the week and then on the weekend if you can get to where you're running for an hour hiking for another hour or two you know plan in that kind of three hour or like a half hour, a half a day hike where you might just kind of, you only run for an hour, but then do like a two or three hour hike behind it. You know, I'm not telling you to go run four hours.I'm not telling you to do that. But, you know, as your volume progresses, like I did a few three hour long runs TIME, you know, and it wasn't going out there and killing myself. I wasn't trying to hit a mileage goal. The goal was three hours of time on feet jogging. And there might have been some times where I was taking like a two minute walk in between like a 15 minute, you know, 15 minutes at zone four and take a two minute walk and recover and then repeat that, you know,with a warm up and a cool down. So, you know, stuff like that. But what I'm telling you is, is it doesn't have to all be running time. You can, you know, go run for an hour, then walk for two hours. It's a great time to put on your hydration vest, your camelback, and practice your nutrition. That's definitely something I need to do, which, and that's something that's probably why I can't figure out why I keep getting nauseous. I used to could eat anything and not get nauseous, but I never, I never practice overthree hours because that's just a lot.

Speaker 64782.32s - 4789.62s

And usually after three hour mark in a race is when my nutrition starts to shit the bed.

Speaker 04790.06s - 4794.06s

So am I going to start training over three hours because of that?

Speaker 24794.68s - 4797.52s

No. No.

Speaker 14797.82s - 4798.88s

I mean, I don't either.

Speaker 24799.08s - 4811.3s

Like, I mean, unless there's a hike, unless there's more, unless it's going to be like half running, half hiking, yeah, I would do that. But no, I mean, I'm not going to.

Speaker 14811.3s - 4815.24s

Even then, it's hard to find people who want to go out in the mountains for five hours.

Speaker 24815.54s - 4816.14s

Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 14816.98s - 4835.14s

And which is don't even wrong. I do it by myself sometimes, especially over the winter. I think I had multiple six hour days, five hour days, four hour days. But, you know, it does get, it's annoying when you want to hit everybody up and everybody's like, I'm going to do this 10 miles on the road. And I'm like, yeah, I'm going to go do like 28 in the mountains. But, you know,

Speaker 24835.22s - 4843.68s

same thing, same time, I guess. Yeah. See, I mean, I don't think now last year, getting ready for

Speaker 14843.68s - 4847.68s

Killington, you know, we were doing some long days at Stone Mountain LOC.

Speaker 24847.68s - 4858.64s

We may have done four or five hour day there, but the difference was we were power hiking up a mile at Stone Mountain and then jogging back down.

Speaker 04859s - 4862.68s

So it was half hiking, half running for this whole period of time.

Speaker 34863.22s - 4865.8s

And that's what we were doing to get ready for Killington GPE.

Speaker 04865.8s - 4868.5s

And there was a couple of days we hit 20 miles doing that.

Speaker 24868.5s - 4870.5s

And there was a couple of days we'd only...

Speaker 14870.5s - 4871s

That's a big day.

Speaker 24871s - 4901.08s

Yeah. And it was just one of those things as we were going until we got tired of doing it or it was got too hot. Most of the days we'd only get like 15 or 16 miles because it would wear you out. And but that's what I'm saying is if if you ever see any time in a training run that of mine that goes over three hours it ain't all running I can tell you that yeah you know to summarize uh go outside and

Speaker 14901.08s - 4906.22s

play for a really long time very often as often as you can yeah i mean finish your next

Speaker 24906.22s - 4912.92s

ultra as long as you're doing an ultra like Fayetteville GPE or you're doing an ultra like newberry

Speaker 14912.92s - 4922.02s

i mean you can probably finish those races power hiking very fastly you're going to be out there

Speaker 24922.02s - 4940.44s

all day but you know I strongly suggest you get some jogging under you some trail running under you because it'll make the race a better experience for you you don't want to have to worry about time cutoffs the whole day you want to be able to stay in front of that all day

Speaker 14940.44s - 4988.22s

and let's go ahead and let's go ahead and put this out there too because uh i keep seeing these anonymous posts in these facebook groups dude i don't give a damn if you're 300 500 800 200 pounds if you want to sign up for the ultra and go out there and walk your happy ass around every fucking obstacle now preferably you do do the penalty loops because that is part of the race but who gives a shit if you don't do them i get it people i've seen one every fucking obstacle. Now, preferably you do do the penalty loops because that is part of the race. But who gives a shit if you don't do them?I get it. I've seen one. I was like, oh, if, you know, they don't deserve the buckle, if they didn't do the penalty loops, hey, they paid the fucking money. They're doing the race. They might have cut some corners.But I'll tell you what, it's better than 99.9% of whatever else the rest of America GPE is doing. So leave them fucking people alone. Let them do what they won't.

Speaker 24988.8s - 4989.02s

Yeah, I agree.

Speaker 14991.26s - 4991.5s

I mean, they're out there.

Speaker 24992.64s - 4997s

They're doing it, you know. Of course, you know, you're running open heat. I don't have a problem with that.

Speaker 14997.32s - 5004.28s

Correct. Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, for sure. If you're doing age group, you sign up that red head band and I catch you skipping a fucking penalty loop. I will call you out in front of everybody.

Speaker 25004.88s - 5013.18s

Right. You know, and I didn't really hear of anybody this weekend doing anything wrong usually you do I didn't hear anything so I didn't either and the

Speaker 15013.18s - 5017.94s

volunteers are pretty volunteers are good this weekend I was very uh they was on it

Speaker 25017.94s - 5026.18s

dude shout out to the volunteer at the monkey bars I think he was the best one and that girl that was at Irish tables I don't remember she was on the first loop but she was she was really good like I mean she wasn't at the monkey bars. I think he was the best one. And that girl that was at Irish tables, I don't remember if she was on first loop.

Speaker 15026.58s - 5027.26s

But she was there.

Speaker 05027.38s - 5028.14s

She was really good.

Speaker 65028.14s - 5040.34s

Like, I mean, she wasn't at the most popular obstacle, but she was making the best out of it. And then the volunteer that was at the monkey bars, he was, he was on it, man.He was on it. Did we have monkey bars?

Speaker 15040.5s - 5042.52s

Oh, that's near the festival area. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 25043.8s - 5044.86s

Brian skip monkey bars.

Speaker 15050s - 5054.4s

Yeah, Brian's skip that whole second ultra loop. was having a bad race i was fuck these rules i'm out the one i won't dude and then they shut the monkey bars down for a little bit

Speaker 25056.4s - 5061.2s

when that rain came through yeah i was i was seeing one bolt of lightning and i was like well

Speaker 15061.2s - 5064.96s

there went to race and then luckily i think they only shut that one down i'm like that's pretty cool

Speaker 25064.96s - 5068.02s

oh was there i didn't see the bolt to lightning

Speaker 15068.02s - 5072.98s

I just I was wondering why they shut it down I didn't know it was like barely heat lightning

Speaker 25072.98s - 5076.86s

beside behind some clouds but it was quite noticeable you know if they happened to be looking

Speaker 15076.86s - 5083.5s

in that direction you would have definitely noticed it you know right so what y'all got

Speaker 65083.5s - 5087.06s

coming up next I'm not doing nothing until Asheville GPE, homie.

Speaker 25088.2s - 5088.8s

Oh, shit.

Speaker 15089.12s - 5089.98s

Damn, when is Asheville GPE?

Speaker 25090.42s - 5091.92s

August, first week in August DATE?

Speaker 15093.28s - 5094.14s

Oh, hell with that.

Speaker 25094.2s - 5095.1s

We're going to get you on an ultra.

Speaker 15095.24s - 5097.36s

We'll meet up over the summer and go to a trainer and run or something.

Speaker 25097.52s - 5100.98s

I don't know when it would be. I don't have anything planned.

Speaker 15100.98s - 5107.72s

Well, if you ain't got nothing, that's what I'm saying. Well, damn, we'll plan something. Me and Mike can go out in the woods or, you know, for a couple days or something. Right.

Speaker 65108.64s - 5110.12s

No, he doesn't make broke back mountain.

Speaker 15110.52s - 5115.12s

As I say, yeah, not like broke back mountain or anything, you know, just we go get some.

Speaker 35115.28s - 5117.2s

Damn, actually, y'all can take me to that stone mountain, Georgia.

Speaker 15117.28s - 5118.66s

I've always wanted to go up there and run that.

Speaker 35118.86s - 5119.72s

You've never done it?

Speaker 25119.76s - 5120.44s

It's pretty cool.

Speaker 15120.98s - 5122.76s

It's worth doing at least once.

Speaker 25123.72s - 5124.08s


Speaker 15127.72s - 5139.24s

It's like the best mountain to train for mountain races it's in south of the north georgia LOC anyway right what else we want to talk about

Speaker 25139.24s - 5147.78s

the race y'all michael PERSON what did you fuel with? I fueled, yeah, big cock.

Speaker 75151.58s - 5156.04s

Well, you know, in the morning I ate the bow-jangled Cajun Filet PRODUCT biscuit

Speaker 25156.04s - 5157.56s

because it's just eating good.

Speaker 75158.48s - 5159.2s

Amen to that.

Speaker 55159.34s - 5159.54s


Speaker 75159.7s - 5162.18s

Weren't you eating that on the way to the venue?

Speaker 55163.22s - 5165.54s

No, he didn't they took the microwave. I was eating. I ate something else in a way of the venue? No, I didn't. He took the microwave.

Speaker 25166.54s - 5168.6s

I ate something else in a way of the venue, too.

Speaker 75168.64s - 5169.36s

I can't remember what it was.

Speaker 25170s - 5172.68s

Yeah, I kind of snacking on something else after that.

Speaker 55172.68s - 5179.32s

But yeah, I think my nutrition was on point, which it, you know, I typically on faster

Speaker 25179.32s - 5184.48s

ultras, not mountain ultras because those are all suck ass anyway, but typically on those

Speaker 55184.48s - 5189.46s

flatter type ultras, I do pretty good with my nutrition.

Speaker 25189.46s - 5195.58s

I just did the little, the waist belt with the two little eight-ounce bottles back there.

Speaker 55195.82s - 5199.38s

I had two loaded, had one two loaded up, one of them in drop bin.

Speaker 15200.14s - 5204.98s

I think I put two or three spring energies in there.

Speaker 55204.98s - 5205.58s

I think I put two or three spring energies in there.

Speaker 15206.34s - 5210.66s


Speaker 25212.36s - 5214.3s

G.U. J.L.

Speaker 55221.32s - 5222.68s

A couple of glutamine tablets and electrolyte pills.

Speaker 45224.24s - 5225.5s

Something else, I forgot.

Speaker 55228.12s - 5229.12s

I was just like little energy gummies,

Speaker 45231.86s - 5232.12s

but I had the same thing in each little,

Speaker 55234.88s - 5271.58s

each little pouch, and I basically went through all that stuff. So I never felt like crampy all over, I think there towards maybe the early mid-20 mileage DATE. I was able to run on those flat sections, like my upper hamstring, like right under your ass cheek, started kind of twinging up a little bit. Like, they're just fucking running that many miles,but nothing ever cramped up. So I think it worked out pretty good for me. Like he said, it's just, for me, I overheat anyway. So I was doing the same thing you were doing. I was literally taking a fucking bath at every single water station.

Speaker 65271.84s - 5274.64s

I mean, I ran that whole second TIME. I'm telling you. Soaking wet.

Speaker 55275.26s - 5287.12s

And it got so hot where I took my tank top off, just wet them bill of my fast stomachs hanging out a whole thing to lose. I can give a shit.

Speaker 35287.12s - 5288.94s

Looks easy to me. Dude.

Speaker 55289.18s - 5290.1s


Speaker 35290.1s - 5292.34s

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 55292.52s - 5312.32s

You better get that shit tan if you want to, people have not noticed it. So, Mary PERSON showed me some pictures you took. I'm like, damn, you could have got a better angle than that. You know, bad ass stomach. Then I'm hanging out. But, see, that's my thing.I don't like lifting weights. I'll lift the weights all through college. So I'm thinking I'm going, see, that's my thing. I don't like lifting weights. I lift the weights all through college. So I'm thinking I'm going to start lifting weights again and just try to get my other body bigger. Somebody fucking stomach, they'll look at fat, you know?

Speaker 45312.38s - 5315.06s

That way you don't lose weight.

Speaker 75315.52s - 5318.8s

I can still eat ice cream and it still looks proportional.

Speaker 25320.38s - 5321.92s

That doesn't sound like a good plan.

Speaker 45322.76s - 5323.52s

I don't know.

Speaker 25323.56s - 5325.06s

I'm just some spitballed hair, you know?

Speaker 45325.54s - 5326.98s

I think the best picture we got,

Speaker 55327.06s - 5327.4s

Michael ORG,

Speaker 25327.4s - 5329.1s

was the one I took and put with our,

Speaker 55329.1s - 5329.38s


Speaker 25330.04s - 5334.04s

our prediction results in my stories yesterday. I think it was the best.

Speaker 15334.06s - 5334.9s

Oh, that was funny.

Speaker 25335.64s - 5336.42s

Which one was that?

Speaker 15336.5s - 5338.76s

What the one? He drew the hair in on me?

Speaker 55339.4s - 5339.78s


Speaker 25340.88s - 5342.68s

You didn't draw the hair on that one?

Speaker 55342.68s - 5344.74s

You didn't see the story I posted yesterday?

Speaker 25345.9s - 5350.6s

Yeah, I can't remember that. It was the one where you took it from above I was doing a barbed right took took a picture of you're

Speaker 55350.6s - 5357.84s

bald yeah and I put congratulations to Michael ORG he was the closest to his prediction you crushed it

Speaker 25357.84s - 5363.14s

bro and it had a picture of John Travolta PERSON you know from pole fiction like he's looking for something

Speaker 65363.14s - 5366.84s

and I had that circle going around that bald spot in your head.

Speaker 55367.84s - 5368.2s


Speaker 25368.9s - 5373.12s

Well, what's so funny is that what's the guy Brian?

Speaker 65373.3s - 5373.8s

What's his name?

Speaker 05373.86s - 5374.58s

It's the photographer.

Speaker 55376.06s - 5376.7s

Pick it.

Speaker 05377s - 5377.22s


Speaker 55377.26s - 5379.78s

He took a picture, posted it.

Speaker 15379.78s - 5383.98s

And Brett PERSON tagged me in it.

Speaker 55384.28s - 5391.56s

And it was just me running, going towards the ultra loop right there in that little downhill section after the water station.

Speaker 15391.8s - 5392s


Speaker 55392.12s - 5395.4s

And I remember seeing somebody taking pictures, but it was on the second loop.

Speaker 15395.48s - 5396.7s

So I'm the only one in the picture.

Speaker 55397.2s - 5414.86s

So I downloaded sent to Mary PERSON. And she was like, that's a good picture. I'm like, oh, fuck, I look ball-headed because my head's soaking wet. So I'm like, what hair I had laying down. My smart-ass wife actually texts back, hey, you should send that picture to Scott PERSON. Let him put you some hair on your head.

Speaker 25419.14s - 5421.08s

That's like, I do.

Speaker 65423.18s - 5426.54s

We're all a bunch of jokers in our road crew.

Speaker 25428.34s - 5436.26s

I want to give a shout out to, what was Brian's last name who is in your age group,

Speaker 65436.4s - 5437.22s

did his first ultra.

Speaker 25437.3s - 5438.14s

What's his last name?

Speaker 65438.48s - 5439.58s

I can't pronounce that a long.

Speaker 25439.68s - 5440.4s

Kerkoba PERSON?

Speaker 65440.74s - 5442.04s

I don't know if that's pronounced right.

Speaker 25442.52s - 5444.06s

Brian Kekoba PERSON, sounds right.

Speaker 65444.14s - 5445.66s

Yeah, the dude who introduced himself.

Speaker 25446.12s - 5446.4s


Speaker 65447.16s - 5447.6s


Speaker 25447.88s - 5448.98s

that was his first ultra.

Speaker 55449.1s - 5449.64s

He crushed it.

Speaker 25449.64s - 5449.68s


Speaker 15449.78s - 5450.74s

what a beast going out there.

Speaker 55450.9s - 5451s


Speaker 15451.82s - 5452.78s

He's fast as hell,

Speaker 55452.78s - 5453.04s


Speaker 15453.32s - 5453.58s


Speaker 55454.44s - 5457.58s

So he'd messes me a bunch and asking questions.

Speaker 15457.58s - 5459.64s

He looks like he lives weights 10 hours a week.

Speaker 25460s - 5460.26s


Speaker 15460.42s - 5463.76s

Like he'd asked me a bunch of like beginner questions and stuff.

Speaker 25463.76s - 5463.96s


Speaker 15464.06s - 5464.62s

you know,

Speaker 25464.64s - 5468.34s

I was all, you know, I'm more than happy to ask anybody that messages me.

Speaker 15468.54s - 5470.5s

And he's like, man, I hate to bother you again.

Speaker 25470.52s - 5471.68s

I was like, man, you ain't bothered me.

Speaker 15472.26s - 5473.72s

But, man, I was happy for him.

Speaker 25473.72s - 5474.8s

He went out there and crushed it.

Speaker 15474.9s - 5476.54s

I saw him a couple of times on course.

Speaker 25476.64s - 5478.96s

And then once on the second half, I didn't see him again.

Speaker 55479.04s - 5479.48s

He was gone.

Speaker 05479.96s - 5484.98s

See, if it wasn't for him and one of the person, if they wouldn't show up, I got third.

Speaker 55486.08s - 5486.54s

Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 25487.06s - 5487.3s


Speaker 55488.42s - 5489.54s

You almost had him.

Speaker 15490.32s - 5493.56s

I got fifth of all the 11th, so I beat six people.

Speaker 55494.78s - 5495.18s

Hell yeah.

Speaker 25495.96s - 5499.4s

That dude Frank Castle PERSON, like I've met him.

Speaker 55500.02s - 5503.6s

I mean, I've seen him at many races,

Speaker 25503.6s - 5509.08s

but I don't think I've ever talked to him besides just, you know, in passing at a race saying, hey, man, good job.

Speaker 55509.34s - 5514.28s

But man, he passed me on the second loop like he was still running his first loop.

Speaker 25514.68s - 5520.58s

And I think he was top 10 overall, and he was in the 55, an up age group.

Speaker 55520.58s - 5523.5s

And I saw him the next day in the super.

Speaker 25524.08s - 5525.98s

And I think he plays first in his age group on the next day in the super and I think he placed first in his age group

Speaker 55525.98s - 5532.36s

on the next day in the super he ran New Jersey ultra the week before and he was telling me that

Speaker 25532.36s - 5537.64s

he was planning on going to Montana to do that ultra he's going to Fort Carson GPE do that

Speaker 15537.64s - 5542.6s

ultra and he's going to Killington GPE to do that ultra too says he never misses it just hitting all the

Speaker 25542.6s - 5545.7s

ultras man I do that, that's impressive.

Speaker 55545.86s - 5546.86s

That impresses a shit out of me.

Speaker 25546.86s - 5547.42s

What's his name?

Speaker 15547.82s - 5548.6s

Frank Castle PERSON.

Speaker 25549.32s - 5550.46s

Dude, that's the name of the Punisher PERSON.

Speaker 35551.52s - 5553.3s

I think that's pretty what his name was.

Speaker 25554.28s - 5555.1s

So he's the Punisher PERSON?

Speaker 35555.6s - 5557.86s

No, he's not the Punisher PERSON, but that was the name.

Speaker 55558.94s - 5559.48s

Hold on.

Speaker 35559.52s - 5560.06s

Let me make sure.

Speaker 55560.14s - 5561.26s

Now you got me second guessing.

Speaker 25561.74s - 5562.12s


Speaker 35564.78s - 5568.32s

Well, his name's Frank castle now no my bad john castle

Speaker 25568.32s - 5575.12s

i don't matter how did i mix that up because frank castle is the same funny you said frank i

Speaker 35575.12s - 5579.04s

what he messed the fucking name of the butcher i could just morning john if you're listening your

Speaker 55579.04s - 5585.78s

name's frank every time we see you you're frank so i was talking to because his wife was right there at the finish line.

Speaker 25586.68s - 5593.36s

And his wife said that, you know, a lot of people thinks that he's kind of a, he's a jerk.

Speaker 55593.82s - 5596.1s

But he wears, he doesn't hear good.

Speaker 25596.16s - 5597.04s

He wears hearing aids.

Speaker 55597.04s - 5601.4s

So, you know, I don't know what that has to do with it.

Speaker 25601.74s - 5605.7s

But I was, he ran by me and he was wearing those new VJ PRODUCT extremes.

Speaker 55606.06s - 5608.24s

And I said, hey, you like those VJ PRODUCT extremes?

Speaker 25608.32s - 5610.22s

And he was already ahead of me at that point.

Speaker 55610.28s - 5612.32s

And he kind of turned around and stopped.

Speaker 25612.4s - 5614.28s

And it was like, he said, do what?

Speaker 55615.66s - 5621.96s

And I was, I mean, I knew he didn't hear me, but then it made sense once he told me that

Speaker 25621.96s - 5625.42s

he was hearing. Dude, I'm going to start using that excuse too.

Speaker 15626.04s - 5628.62s

Hey, who are you talking to, bitch?

Speaker 25629.1s - 5630.8s

But yeah, John Castle PERSON.

Speaker 15630.98s - 5635.26s

That dude, that dude's tough, man. He was, let's see.

Speaker 25637.08s - 5644.06s

He was seventh overall. He was right behind Jared 622. I can't think what this dude looks like.

Speaker 15645.22s - 5646.42s

He's shorter. He's going to be crazy. I just tried to what this dude looks like. He's shorter.

Speaker 25646.86s - 5651.64s

Brian, you'll recognize him.

Speaker 55651.9s - 5654.96s

He's got a black t-shirt on with a white skull on the front of it.

Speaker 15658.52s - 5660.5s

We lost Brian, so he ain't going to hear you.

Speaker 25660.52s - 5662.32s

And he probably has a bunch of guns on him.

Speaker 55662.62s - 5662.84s


Speaker 25666.82s - 5674.14s

I don't know why I was thinking Frank but yeah John Castle PERSON that's a good show it it was okay it was okay

Speaker 55674.14s - 5682.12s

Mike well yeah I had I'm in a run around but yeah he's got he's got blonde

Speaker 25682.12s - 5687.56s

hair he's he's kind of short I mean he to honest, he doesn't really look like a fast runner.

Speaker 05687.66s - 5689.34s

But, man, he was getting it.

Speaker 75689.64s - 5691.32s

He had a good time in the Super, too.

Speaker 25695.18s - 5695.88s

Oh, man.

Speaker 35696.24s - 5697.02s

But he impressed me.

Speaker 25697.02s - 5697.04s

I think he impressed me.

Speaker 35697.12s - 5707.5s

But so when we took off, right after, between the bridge and Twister PRODUCT,

Speaker 25708.04s - 5710.26s

there's this younger kid that passed me.

Speaker 35710.3s - 5713.8s

It's probably early mid-20s, Hispanic NORP kid.

Speaker 25714.04s - 5716.96s

And bigger than I was, man.

Speaker 55717.06s - 5719.88s

I mean, as fast as he passed me, he didn't look.

Speaker 25719.94s - 5721.66s

I was like, damn, that big old boy can move.

Speaker 55722.32s - 5724.84s

But, man, I get hearing come behind me, breathing hard,

Speaker 25724.96s - 5728.5s

and just clopping with his feet, you know, but, man, he was fucking moving.

Speaker 35729.66s - 5732.1s

So he passed me for Twister PRODUCT.

Speaker 55732.48s - 5760.86s

I'm guessing he failed Twister because between Twister and eight-foot wall, I heard him come past me again. Somewhere after an eight-foot wall, he passed me again, so I'm guessing he felled eight-foot wall. But didn't have any I'm guessing he felled the eight-foot wall. But didn't have any hydration, nothing on. But he was running his ass off.And dude, I ain't a joke. He's probably a couple inches shorter than me and easily 2.30, 2.40. But then I called it with Luke PERSON.

Speaker 05761.58s - 5769.3s

And then I was like, hey, I said, see it, kid the pair of that dude's already running his ass off. I said, he's already failed like three things. He keeps passing him this early.

Speaker 55770.42s - 5781.58s

And Luke PERSON made a comment. I wonder if he can keep that pace up. I don't know. He's, you can do it right now. But man, on the ultra loop, when we were climbing up to get to that ridge point, you know,

Speaker 05781.6s - 5784.92s

it's kind of a little sandy section, maybe 20 foot tall.

Speaker 75785.72s - 5790s

I start getting up to it. Man, he's sitting there scooting up it backwards.

Speaker 55790.94s - 5802.72s

I was like, oh, hey, so I stopped. Say, man, you're all right? Well, he said, he's cramping. So I gave him a couple of, a couple of tabs. I said, here, man, I can spare this right here for you. You can't do that.

Speaker 25802.88s - 5809.1s

You know that right. Well, I knew I'd brought a little extra, though. So that's, I said, hey, no big deal. And I was feeling good at that point.

Speaker 55809.62s - 5830.44s

But, man, plus, dude, him, hell, he is six and a half miles in at that point. He was already cramping. Dude, that didn't got hot yet. So I felt bad for the kid, man. But I saw him later in the race, and I saw him up and moving. I don't know.I wish I'd got remembered the bid, and I can't remember if he finished or not, but man, if he finished, he had a long-ass day.

Speaker 25832.84s - 5838.96s

I know Izzy rolled his ankle coming to monkey bars on the first lap

Speaker 55838.96s - 5844.66s

because I caught up with him and I saw him hobbling and I was like, dang, man, I've been there. I know what he's going through.

Speaker 25850.84s - 5857.66s

Yep. But he tucked it out and he out he finished yes that's a good thing I like about you know we talked about the distances me personally I don't mind it being longer than the 31 miles

Speaker 55857.66s - 5864.08s

but I just heard a lot of people complain about you know the distance especially on that second

Speaker 05864.08s - 5865.8s

loops and and the beast people.

Speaker 55866.18s - 5878.78s

I'm like, no, man, we've got, you know, five or six miles ago. Well, why am I? It's longer just staying there with it. So, I can understand where they're coming from, you know, then you start looking at hydration. That's why I made that comment.

Speaker 45879.52s - 5884.4s

But, um, but fuck I've lost me down,

Speaker 55884.46s - 5884.9s

Trent PERSON thought.

Speaker 45887.98s - 5888.24s

It's not a surprising thing that

Speaker 55888.24s - 5892.66s

yeah really I've been working for almost 14 hours now dude

Speaker 45892.66s - 5895.9s

so yeah

Speaker 25895.9s - 5898.1s

but fuck I don't know

Speaker 45898.1s - 5901.16s

what hell I was going to say now great podcast material well

Speaker 25901.16s - 5902.96s

I mean it's like I was

Speaker 15902.96s - 5904.06s

saying earlier

Speaker 45904.06s - 5904.08s

I'll tell you what

Speaker 15904.08s - 5904.44s


Speaker 45904.44s - 5908.14s

go ahead brain is 31 too. Well, I mean, it's like I was saying earlier. I'll tell you what.

Speaker 25909.18s - 5910.86s

Go ahead, brain. This is 31, prepare for 35.

Speaker 15911.86s - 5912.32s


Speaker 25913.12s - 5922.16s

I don't think we've ever had one that was that far over. But I mean, it's, I mean, the only way this, to me, the situation is this.

Speaker 65923.12s - 5928.62s

If you said, I'm doing my first first ultra when you come back home and you tell

Speaker 15928.62s - 5934.66s

everybody you know what it was a 33 mile race it was supposed to be 31 it just makes you look

Speaker 65934.66s - 5940.74s

that much more badass that you finished it yes I know sounds better I like watching people

Speaker 25940.74s - 5950.82s

right the con in this situation is you made it to 32 miles and you got cut by a time hack.

Speaker 65951.58s - 5956.08s

And I'm sure that that's rough.

Speaker 25956.08s - 5964.56s

And that person's probably maybe super pissed saying, well, if it was a 31 mile 50 EVENTK,

Speaker 65964.74s - 5966.76s

I would have got my buckle at my first, at my first Spartan Ultra, but I didn't if it was a 31 mile QUANTITY 50k I would have got my buckle at my first

Speaker 25966.76s - 5977.88s

50 at my first Spartan Ultra but I didn't because it was a 33 mile QUANTITY race when they told us it was 30.5 so I could understand both sides of this coin but

Speaker 15977.88s - 5985.42s

you know quick pause that person go what a that person and do that do it do it

Speaker 25985.42s - 5986.42s


Speaker 15986.42s - 5990.66s

repeat that

Speaker 25990.66s - 5991.16s


Speaker 15991.16s - 5993.9s

can y'all

Speaker 25993.9s - 5997.22s

yeah we can hear you now no

Speaker 15997.22s - 6000.14s

probably not can you really yeah

Speaker 26000.14s - 6003.72s

barely oh okay

Speaker 16003.72s - 6005.04s

how about now yeah sounds good basically okay Barely. Okay. How about now?

Speaker 26005.82s - 6007.78s

Yeah, sounds good.

Speaker 16009.1s - 6017s

Basically, okay. I was like, if you're that person, way to go, way to make it that far, train hard again and go do it again. That's all I'll say.

Speaker 56017.86s - 6031.96s

That's all you can say. That's what, that's my point a minute ago, watching people struggle and there, especially in the race where it took me almost nine hours and me looking at people going, hey, it's going to take them, you know, 12, 13, 14 and seeing them still out there. I mean, good for them, you know.

Speaker 26033.76s - 6041.04s

I know when it's when you always pass that first ultra person when you're on your second lap,

Speaker 56041.7s - 6046.04s

and it's the first person that's still on their first lap you know the last

Speaker 26046.04s - 6052.58s

person in the the ultra heat i don't know what you're talking about yeah you can you can see them

Speaker 36052.58s - 6060.36s

walking there and you're like hmm i know what they're thinking they're already just walking really

Speaker 26060.36s - 6070.7s

slow and i mean you can already tell that they've pretty much already quit but I mean all you can do is just run by

Speaker 76070.7s - 6076.78s

them say you know good job ultra keep pushing it ain't over yet and that's what I say to every single

Speaker 26076.78s - 6081.72s

one of them I go by that is still in their first lap when I if they look like they're struggling

Speaker 56081.72s - 6085.48s

always run by them and say that. Hold on.

Speaker 26085.86s - 6087.96s

You see me struggling and you bust my down balls.

Speaker 56088.36s - 6089.48s

It's because you're you.

Speaker 16089.64s - 6093.74s

Dude, if Michael ORG, if you're struggling, we're literally going to kick you while you're down because it's fun. Right.

Speaker 56093.9s - 6095.42s

But anybody else will lift them up.

Speaker 16096.18s - 6096.42s


Speaker 56096.48s - 6105.68s

I come in the damn ball wire the second time. Scott PERSON says, Michael ORG, what's taking you so long? I'm getting my damn money's worth. I'm over there. It's like, Michael ORG, I'm taking you so long? I'm getting my damn money's worth.

Speaker 26106.06s - 6108.96s

I'm over there. It's like, Michael ORG, I'm taking pictures of you're bald.

Speaker 56110.52s - 6122.7s

I swear to God, man. I was taking a loop when my foot tight enough on me. I couldn't jump up to do the eight foot wall. I couldn't jump to do the seven foot wall. I was taking the fucking tour of Fayetteville GPE out there. And all the one country loops I was doing.

Speaker 26123.02s - 6128.94s

Yeah, that's what I wanted to ask you. What obstacles did you fail?

Speaker 56129.94s - 6164.94s

Uh, first round, uh, just Olympus ORG and, uh, stairway because I physically, it hurts my foot less to run and put in that position and try to climb. And then the second time around those two, um, the two 70 foot walls, look, I couldn't,I couldn't jump rope right now. You paid me a thousand dollars. I couldn't jump rope. Um, and then actually fell off of, uh,beat her, which I never do, but that was right when the damn rain shower was pouring down. That thing was soaking ass wet.

Speaker 46166.06s - 6168.56s

So my hand slipped off of it.

Speaker 56169.08s - 6172.62s

I remember back the day when we first started doing this,

Speaker 46172.62s - 6176.32s

like Michael ORG would make all the obstacles before I would.

Speaker 56177.78s - 6179.54s

Now the times have changed.

Speaker 46180.04s - 6182.74s

Well, at first year, I couldn't even get my fat ass up the damn walls, remember?

Speaker 26183.54s - 6184.56s

I can't get up there.

Speaker 46184.78s - 6185.92s

Are you talking about eight foot wall?

Speaker 26186.9s - 6188.7s

Eight and seven, you'd give me them boost.

Speaker 56188.9s - 6201.3s

Dude, to, to this day, the hardest eight foot wall I ever jumped up on was that eight foot wall at Durham town in Union City, Georgia.

Speaker 26201.76s - 6204.74s

Because there was a puddle of mud underneath it.

Speaker 56205.04s - 6206.88s

That was the muddest race I've ever done.

Speaker 26206.98s - 6208.84s

There's never been a race that was muddier than that one.

Speaker 56208.84s - 6212.68s

That race was worse than sharp than trial in 2019.

Speaker 26214.14s - 6218.2s

And that and like the mud,

Speaker 76218.26s - 6218.82s

there was like this,

Speaker 26219s - 6223.62s

there was probably like six inches you could see up underneath the eight foot wall.

Speaker 76223.84s - 6227.28s

I think it took me like three times to get over that wall,

Speaker 56227.38s - 6228.68s

but I finally got over it.

Speaker 76230.76s - 6231.56s

It was tough.

Speaker 26232.64s - 6232.8s


Speaker 06232.98s - 6238.78s

So I had flashbacks of my very first Spartan NORP races when I couldn't get over the walls.

Speaker 26238.78s - 6248s

But remember in 2015 when we did Atlanta and you come to the walls and it was back to back walls. You had

Speaker 46248s - 6250.24s

six foot wall, then maybe like

Speaker 26250.24s - 6252.54s

a car link and a half, then you did

Speaker 56252.54s - 6256.08s

seven foot wall and then like another car link and a half and you did

Speaker 46256.08s - 6258.58s

the eight foot wall. No, I do not remember that.

Speaker 56258.58s - 6263.28s

We don't remember that. No. That is badass. I've never heard of that.

Speaker 26263.28s - 6265.22s

Yeah, but I remember. You've done 200 races? No. Close to badass. I've never heard of that. He's done two Spartan NORP races.

Speaker 56266.18s - 6267.56s

Yeah, but I remember. You've done 200 races?

Speaker 16268.68s - 6268.88s


Speaker 26268.88s - 6269.68s

Close to it, yeah.

Speaker 16269.98s - 6270.28s

I'm at,

Speaker 26270.32s - 6270.86s

close to it.

Speaker 16270.92s - 6274.5s

I'm at 189, I think.

Speaker 26275.24s - 6276.06s

Oh, shit.

Speaker 16276.56s - 6278.28s

Damn, I'm like 70.

Speaker 26278.7s - 6280.28s

I'm counting extra laps, too.

Speaker 16280.44s - 6285.18s

So there's been a lot of times I've ran four laps of a sprint in one day.

Speaker 26285.58s - 6290.94s

Yeah, yeah. But still, damn it must be one. I'm in the 160, I think. Yeah.

Speaker 16293.4s - 6308.78s

I was hoping to get at 200 this year, but I don't know if I'm going to be able to do it because I was hoping to get more laps at Palm Beach, but I was having that pain bother me. And I didn't get to run the super and the sprint this weekend either, so I don't know if I'll be able to do it.

Speaker 26308.78s - 6309.2s

Just do four or five at Killington GPE.

Speaker 16309.66s - 6309.96s


Speaker 26311s - 6311.64s


Speaker 16312.24s - 6314.46s

I still want you to come up there and do Killington GPE.

Speaker 26314.52s - 6317.54s

I think you would love that race, Brian, but I think you'd hate it, too.

Speaker 16318.84s - 6323.32s

No, it's definitely my type of suffering, so I'll get out there way if I don't get.

Speaker 26323.62s - 6325.76s

I'm slowly, but surely getting drawn more to the trail world. Man. But I swear to God, one way if I don't get. I'm slowly but surely getting drawn more

Speaker 16325.76s - 6326.74s

to the trail world.

Speaker 26327.32s - 6327.72s


Speaker 16327.98s - 6328.96s

But I swear to God,

Speaker 26329s - 6330.3s

if Spartan NORP don't make a new obstacle,

Speaker 16330.4s - 6341.54s

I'm going to lose my shit. Please just make something new. Anything new. I don't care if it's fucking, you got to stop and play checkers for five minutes. Just make something new.Anything. Dude.

Speaker 56341.54s - 6344.8s

Brian, did you ever run, Brian, when they had to do the memory test?

Speaker 16350.12s - 6355.28s

No, no. Yeah, I was probably in elementary school well they said well you you didn't have to if you were running elite you didn't have to do

Speaker 26355.28s - 6358.32s

the memory test that was only for open waves yeah

Speaker 16358.32s - 6365.1s

over in Greece GPE I think you still they still have a test that's like that.

Speaker 46365.14s - 6366.5s

It's not like the one we had here.

Speaker 26366.6s - 6369.46s

It's a different memory test and the elites do have to do it.

Speaker 46369.54s - 6371.8s

I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure they do have that over there.

Speaker 26373.76s - 6380.1s

But, yeah, it was like you had, it was a word and like, it was almost like a phone number, right, Michael ORG?

Speaker 56380.6s - 6389.04s

It was your last, is your, your first two digits digits of your, of your bib and last two digits, wouldn't it?

Speaker 26389.14s - 6390.96s

Do you remember the two words or some shit like that?

Speaker 56391.16s - 6393.28s

Yeah, it was the word and then the number.

Speaker 26393.46s - 6427.68s

And you had to sit there and recite it to yourself the whole time. And then that later on in the race, you didn't know what it was. They'd ask you what it was. And if you didn't know what it was, you had to do 30 burpees. But it was all open wave. And then somebody took a picture of that banner. And it was like if you didn't know what it was you had to do 30 burpees but it was all open wave and then somebody took a picture of that banner and it was like the same banner at all the races and it got out on all the Facebook groups so everybodyknew what it was and then people started writing it on their arm with a marker yeah you know it was lame too I miss the Tarzan PERSON swing I wish they'd bring that back. I agree. That was cool.

Speaker 56428.02s - 6430.06s

That was Atlanta the first year we'd done it, wouldn't it?

Speaker 26430.32s - 6434.46s

Mm-hmm. Oh, you remember that one, but you don't remember the three walls stacked.

Speaker 56434.88s - 6440.7s

Well, because the Tarzan PERSON swing, we had on several. Yeah, that thing was fun, man. You can get your ass hurt on it, but yeah.

Speaker 46440.92s - 6442.08s

We had it at Atlanta.

Speaker 26442.34s - 6448.9s

We had it at Charlotte, and it was at Ohio GPE, and then I don't think we ever saw it again after that. Yeah.

Speaker 16449.18s - 6449.98s

That's pretty cool.

Speaker 26451.3s - 6460.32s

Because it wasn't at Durhamtown GPE. It wasn't at Alabama GPE. What else did we do that year? It wasn't in Carolina GPE.

Speaker 56461.48s - 6464.3s

They don't see how you remember those venues to me years.

Speaker 26464.9s - 6466.36s

I was not to say, I don't know, man.

Speaker 56466.4s - 6470s

I barely remember what I'd done last week, much less six months in a year.

Speaker 26470.56s - 6476.92s

I remember, I remember all the races from our first, I mean, because that was, we did three trifectas in the first year.

Speaker 56476.98s - 6478.02s

They were all open heat.

Speaker 16478.14s - 6478.98s

Those are easy to remember.

Speaker 56479.94s - 6480.14s


Speaker 26480.2s - 6503.58s

I did Atlanta. I didn't know you. I did Charlotte back to back Saturday and Sunday by myself. And then we did The Beast WORK_OF_ART before we did a super. And that was where we met you in Ohio, Michael ORG. Yep.And then I forget which race was next. I think Asheville GPE was next.

Speaker 56503.88s - 6509.42s

Y'all did Asheville GPE. I did Virginia. I did. You did Virginia because you were in a baseball tournament.

Speaker 26509.78s - 6515.48s

I had that Dunkin, Duncan Donuts ORG, get together.

Speaker 56515.84s - 6517.36s

Oh, I thought you were to baseball thing.

Speaker 26517.9s - 6547.3s

And then me and you did, we did Durhamtown,town Alabama GPE and we did Dallas we flew out we flew to Dallas that morning rented a car went and did the race came back to the airport and flew home yep in the sameday and like a big rainstorm hit then and it was only like a freaking 11 and a half mile QUANTITY beast but we still think we got most of the obstacles in. Yeah.

Speaker 46547.56s - 6550.04s

And then we did the Carolina beast at the end of the year.

Speaker 26550.16s - 6553.94s

And you had to do the sprint the next day because you didn't have another sprint.

Speaker 56554.68s - 6557.64s

That's when you were volunteering being addicted.

Speaker 26557.64s - 6564.72s

At the eight foot wall, I was not being a dick to everybody. People just took it that way. Yeah.

Speaker 16565.56s - 6571.72s

Not you. No, I was like, I was just like, I was like just, I was kind of like, you know, I was into it.

Speaker 26571.76s - 6574.34s

I was like, he was so fucking into it.

Speaker 16574.44s - 6575.7s

I was like to hear him coming.

Speaker 56576.04s - 6576.98s

We're family.

Speaker 36577.34s - 6578.12s

Help each other.

Speaker 26578.18s - 6579.08s

It's what we're here for.

Speaker 56579.08s - 6579.32s


Speaker 26579.62s - 6580.44s

I was into it.

Speaker 56580.44s - 6584.6s

I like volunteers like that because it takes my mind.

Speaker 26584.6s - 6584.84s


Speaker 56584.84s - 6586.3s

The pain and suffering I'm going

Speaker 16586.3s - 6586.6s


Speaker 26586.96s - 6587.94s

Everybody remember me.

Speaker 56588.06s - 6589s

Some people loved it.

Speaker 16589.08s - 6590s

Some people hated it.

Speaker 26590.18s - 6591.4s

We're a family.

Speaker 56591.9s - 6596.62s

I guarantee you back then was when the volunteers could help the racers.

Speaker 16597.24s - 6600.5s

Now they don't want the volunteers to help racers.

Speaker 26600.5s - 6606.36s

I was more sore from helping people get over that eight foot wall. I was covered in

Speaker 56606.36s - 6612.54s

much. I bet I helped two to 300 people get over that eight foot wall that day. I'm not kidding you.

Speaker 26613.44s - 6617.14s

Scott PERSON, that actually makes me think you're a decent person. I mean, you're not, but it makes me

Speaker 16617.14s - 6619.76s

think you are. Your mom thinks I'm a wonderful person.

Speaker 06621.84s - 6623.18s

It's a wonderful personality.

Speaker 26623.18s - 6626.52s

Before I lose signaling this gorge of death

Speaker 16626.52s - 6628.28s

of this rolling roadblock

Speaker 26628.28s - 6630.14s

for the past 20 fucking minutes

Speaker 16630.14s - 6631.88s

but why I don't

Speaker 26631.88s - 6634.4s

all right so I mean I had plenty of people

Speaker 16634.4s - 6646.82s

offer me sunflower seeds shout out to that woman whoever she is goopags I mean so what is the role why is there a role saying that you can't hand people stuff?

Speaker 26646.86s - 6647.88s

Is that an insurance thing?

Speaker 46647.88s - 6648.2s


Speaker 26648.76s - 6649.68s

somebody got fucking hurt.

Speaker 46650.76s - 6650.98s


Speaker 26651.1s - 6653.7s

I don't think you're not supposed to take any outside help.

Speaker 46654s - 6654.24s

I mean,

Speaker 26654.28s - 6655.6s

you're self-supporting.

Speaker 16655.64s - 6659.7s

But what, what is there, is that, but is there a reason for that rule or is it just, oh,

Speaker 56659.8s - 6666.76s

you're smart. Is that the reason for the rule? Didn't, uh, wasn't somebody helping somebody on monkey bars and they were on their shoulders and they fucking flip off?

Speaker 66667.26s - 6669.54s

Oh, I thought he was talking about, he's talking about fueling.

Speaker 56669.54s - 6672.26s

I'm talking about fueling and shit like that.

Speaker 16672.44s - 6672.94s

Oh, oh, oh.

Speaker 56672.98s - 6676.76s

Like I wonder if somebody, did somebody give somebody an ibuprofen and then they overdosed on it?

Speaker 16676.82s - 6679.9s

And next thing you know, it's like, whoa, whoa, don't take anything from anybody else.

Speaker 66680.44s - 6688.14s

I think it's just one of those things where you have to carry your own fuel and you can't have other people outside help for fuel.

Speaker 16689.24s - 6691.1s

I think that's all that boils down to.

Speaker 66691.1s - 6692.9s

Me personally, I think that's a stupid rule.

Speaker 26693.24s - 6697.58s

I think, yeah, I mean, to me, I just don't, I don't agree with that.

Speaker 16697.7s - 6703.34s

Well, I'm sure everybody's broken at some point when they've done Killington

Speaker 26703.34s - 6705.7s

because at the top of the death march of Killington GPE,

Speaker 16705.7s - 6709.28s

there's always people out there like handing out candy and stuff like that.

Speaker 26709.28s - 6713.96s

And even, dude, if I would have told yes, like, I mean, I didn't take any fuel because I had fuel.

Speaker 16714.6s - 6718.42s

But if somebody would have given me fuel, I'm sure nobody would have actually enforced that,

Speaker 26718.52s - 6721.44s

nor would any other racer who's really racing give a shit.

Speaker 16721.66s - 6723.24s

I was just wondering why I was an actual role.

Speaker 56723.24s - 6726.82s

And technically, you know, candy is not fuel.

Speaker 16728.38s - 6728.74s


Speaker 26729.58s - 6732.24s

But I don't know.

Speaker 56732.32s - 6733.28s

I'd have to go back and,

Speaker 26734.2s - 6735.96s

I don't think it says the reason why,

Speaker 56736.06s - 6737.18s

but I'm pretty sure it says that.

Speaker 26737.18s - 6741.66s

But it's one of those rules like, you know, used to when they would send out,

Speaker 76741.66s - 6744.68s

when they would send out the race day program

Speaker 36744.68s - 6746.3s

for the ultras

Speaker 76746.3s - 6753.96s

you were not supposed to have an ultra bin over seven and a half gallons and now you'll see

Speaker 26753.96s - 6765.08s

people bring in a freaking fucking car to a rolling truer i think i saw one guy bringing a roll in Yeti PRODUCT, man.

Speaker 16766.62s - 6767.18s

What was, what did that?

Speaker 26769.42s - 6769.78s

What did Jimmy have that one time?

Speaker 56770.62s - 6772.14s

What did he? He bought a Yeti PRODUCT.

Speaker 26772.38s - 6774.64s

He bought a Yetty five gallon bucket.

Speaker 56774.94s - 6775.7s

He's so boogie.

Speaker 26776.5s - 6776.82s


Speaker 56779.28s - 6781.22s

It's like a hundred dollar bucket.

Speaker 16781.82s - 6783.36s

Yeah, for a fucking five-garn bucket.

Speaker 56784.2s - 6785.28s

That means his name brand.

Speaker 16785.4s - 6786.46s

So, I mean, God PERSON forbid.

Speaker 56788.26s - 6789.7s

Yeah, I was just curious on that.

Speaker 26789.78s - 6791s

Because, I mean, dude, I won't lie.

Speaker 56791.2s - 6795.84s

When I have extra fuel, it's like, man, and, you know, I don't, I don't, I ain't

Speaker 26795.84s - 6797s

saying I would never break that rule.

Speaker 16797.04s - 6799.34s

If you need help and I got something fucking here, you can have it.

Speaker 66799.5s - 6803.7s

But that is, to me, that is a weird rule for Spartan NORP hack, because it's technically all

Speaker 16803.7s - 6814.56s

about the community. So it's like, hey, it's all about the community. Let somebody give somebody in give somebody fucking jail like I said it is I don't think I've ever seen it in force but I was just curious you heard it here first guys Brian's a cheater

Speaker 26814.56s - 6825.7s

if you see me and you need it fucking come get it I'll break that fucking roll if y'all need to go back I gave that kids and them uh brine PERSON will break off a piece of his kit

Speaker 16825.7s - 6832.5s

cat boy that's right he'll share one of his ding don'ts with you

Speaker 26832.5s - 6840.28s

hell yeah many of y'all are in need of some ding dong sharing you know it's the it's the bat

Speaker 56840.28s - 6845.7s

size so don't worry yeah right you won't you won't fill up on it all right

Speaker 16845.7s - 6850.26s

we've been talking about this for a long time is there anything else we want

Speaker 56850.26s - 6856.14s

to add about Fayetteville guys real quick congrats to Preston Hart PERSON on

Speaker 26856.14s - 6859.68s

winning the beast because I said he would and I was right let's be honest I'm

Speaker 56859.68s - 6867.12s

never wrong and congratulations don't like a struggle correction you were wrong about four hours and 58 minutes TIME.

Speaker 16867.18s - 6868.38s

Continue with what you were saying.

Speaker 26869.78s - 6871.1s

Congratulations to Mike Strobel PERSON.

Speaker 16871.34s - 6873.72s

I'm pretty sure he is the only person that ran the ultra loop.

Speaker 26874.08s - 6877.5s

And not only did he run the ultra loop for the beast race, he ran it backwards,

Speaker 16877.84s - 6881.48s

which means he went through the obstacles backwards, which I find fucking hilarious.

Speaker 26881.78s - 6884s

He didn't do, he didn't do the whole loop.

Speaker 56885.12s - 6887.3s

Oh, I thought he said he'd done the whole, well, what do he make it to?

Speaker 26887.3s - 6887.78s


Speaker 16888.04s - 6889.94s

No, he didn't make it to an obstacle.

Speaker 56890.12s - 6893.34s

He made it to that ridge line that we were talking about that we liked.

Speaker 16893.64s - 6895.24s

And then he turned around and went back.

Speaker 26895.98s - 6896.8s

Oh, damn.

Speaker 16896.92s - 6898.32s

Well, I'll take my congratulations back.

Speaker 26898.36s - 6900.42s

He should have fully committed at that point, ran it backwards.

Speaker 16901s - 6904.32s

Dude, you know how funny it would be to watch him go through barbed wire the opposite way and be like,

Speaker 26904.36s - 6905.78s

what the fuck's this guy doing?

Speaker 16906.42s - 6907.34s

That'd be hilarious.

Speaker 26908.08s - 6908.56s

I'm sure.

Speaker 16909.14s - 6909.46s

I mean,

Speaker 76909.5s - 6913.44s

he probably realized when he saw one of the aerosigns turned around point in the other

Speaker 16913.44s - 6913.86s


Speaker 46914s - 6914.9s

That's probably what he realized.

Speaker 26914.9s - 6915.72s

And he still plays second,

Speaker 16915.84s - 6916.1s

I think,

Speaker 26916.14s - 6916.76s

in his age group.

Speaker 16916.88s - 6919.48s

So that just goes to show that he's way too fucking fast.

Speaker 26919.78s - 6919.8s


Speaker 16919.94s - 6920.52s


Speaker 26923s - 6923.4s


Speaker 16923.44s - 6924.64s

that was a bummer for him,

Speaker 26924.64s - 6924.94s

you know,

Speaker 16924.94s - 6929.66s

making a mistake like that. And that was, well, that's pretty early in a beast.

Speaker 26929.9s - 6931.1s

So, you know.

Speaker 16931.5s - 6935.56s

Yeah, but it was a long enough mistake to where it kind of put him out of the race for the most part.

Speaker 26935.68s - 6946.2s

Oh, absolutely. But it was. But it was early enough in the race to where, well, maybe I can stay in it. Maybe other people fail stuff

Speaker 16946.2s - 6952.18s

and i can get back in you know that's true that's right but bully for him for you know trying

Speaker 26952.18s - 6970.76s

to push through that ooh i do want to shout do another shout out for uh Greg hurst who stayed with us he's from he's from Ireland i always see him at the palm beach LOC race and i think he did the Fayetteville Ultra in 2021, or 2022. I can't remember. But anyway,

Speaker 06970.76s - 6979.8s

he stayed with us, and he came to packet pickup, and he was going to buy, he was buying the venue shirt, and I was like, man,

Speaker 26980.68s - 6983.78s

it's bad luck to buy the venue shirt before you do the race, man.

Speaker 06984.92s - 6988.54s

And he, he's's like and he bought

Speaker 26988.54s - 7013.42s

it anyway and I forget what he said and he's like well I guess I can't it's like I guess I'm going to have to finish it you know he said that he got he got so hot that he took like a 20 minute break and like laid under a tree Michael ORG passed him didn't even know he passed him and he said the whole time he was laying under that tree. Michael ORG passed him, didn't even know he passed him. And he said the whole time he was laying under that tree, all he could think about was how I said.It was bad luck to buy that shirt back. Pick-o.

Speaker 17014.18s - 7016.66s

He didn't fuck that man's whole mindset up, Scott PERSON. Damn.

Speaker 27016.92s - 7018.42s

Yeah. Dude,

Speaker 67018.6s - 7022.1s

was it last year or was it a year before?

Speaker 77022.34s - 7025.76s

We were walking through the Killington GPE area?

Speaker 67026.14s - 7034.6s

And I was hollering that out walking through there. Everybody was in line to get the venue shirt. And I was like, it's bad luck to buy the venue shirt before you do the race.

Speaker 27037.1s - 7039.26s

Everybody was giving me each shit looks.

Speaker 57039.96s - 7042.36s

Yes, I fucking bought it and given that shit to you.

Speaker 27042.52s - 7044.4s

You damn sure did because you didn't finish race.

Speaker 57045.26s - 7045.96s

That's a danger. I was supposed to say that's to you. You damn sure did, because you didn't finish race. Dude, that's a danger.

Speaker 27046.06s - 7047.06s

I was supposed to say that's a gamble.

Speaker 57047.26s - 7050.8s

I made sure when I got my Georgia death race tattoo,

Speaker 17050.92s - 7052.94s

I scheduled it for the Friday after the race.

Speaker 77053.14s - 7055.76s

That way I didn't DNF, like a retard and then fucking,

Speaker 17056.24s - 7061.18s

and then go get it, you know, which I could have changed it, but still, I was like, nah, can't be doing that.

Speaker 27061.38s - 7071.24s

It's bad luck. Absolutely. I know Michael bought it on Friday too and I was like dude it's bad luck to buy it he's like well I left in the bagand bring it back and I said I'll just buy it from you if you don't know

Speaker 17071.24s - 7081.84s

I don't know if I've ever bought a fay it I mean I don't know if I've ever bought a V shirt honestly I think I may have bought one for Palmerton GPE but I'm not sure

Speaker 27081.84s - 7084.96s

dude I bought the one in Atlanta because I had that skull it was cool

Speaker 17084.96s - 7090.2s

what yeah you didn't see it no and that's probably

Speaker 27090.2s - 7093.18s

the best weekend I've ever had a race and hell I might go back online and get that

Speaker 17093.18s - 7097.04s

one that sounds pretty cool yeah I think it was like it had a skull he had a cowboy

Speaker 27097.04s - 7100.82s

hat on and it had two spears crossed in the background it was cool that sounds

Speaker 17100.82s - 7104.48s

like some shit I'd get tattooed because it was because wasn't it for St. Patrick's Day

Speaker 27104.48s - 7107.12s

or something too I think it had four leaf clovers on it was cool. That sounds like some shit I'd get tattooed. Because it was, because wasn't it for St. Patrick's Day or something, too? I think it had four leaf clothes on it. It was cool.

Speaker 17108.78s - 7113.26s

Cowboys from Ireland GPE, Pantera ORG version. That's what it sounds like. It's real.

Speaker 57114.22s - 7119.92s

And Brian, tell me if you think my joke's funny. So, because is this appropriate?

Speaker 17120.54s - 7122.86s

Greg is from Ireland GPE. Okay.

Speaker 57123.34s - 7125s

Oh, this is a stupid joke.

Speaker 27125.02s - 7126.12s

No, it's not, dude.

Speaker 57126.32s - 7127.88s

I already know the joke, but go ahead.

Speaker 27127.96s - 7128.58s

I'll let you slide.

Speaker 57128.58s - 7128.96s

Go ahead.

Speaker 27129.08s - 7131.1s

It says, hey, are you from Ireland GPE?

Speaker 57132.02s - 7133s

I have my penis is doubling.

Speaker 27133.48s - 7135.12s

You have my penis doubling.

Speaker 57135.98s - 7136.54s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 27137.02s - 7138.1s

That's the pickup line.

Speaker 17138.6s - 7139.68s

You must be from Ireland GPE.

Speaker 57140.34s - 7141.46s

You got my penis doubling.

Speaker 17141.82s - 7144.66s

That's a stupid Michael ORG joke right there for everybody.

Speaker 57146.96s - 7147.98s

All right, guys.

Speaker 27148.7s - 7150.08s

I think that's enough for now.

Speaker 57151.62s - 7152.06s


Speaker 27152.36s - 7152.54s


Speaker 17152.54s - 7153.26s


Speaker 27154.18s - 7162.08s

Congratulations, everybody. Way to knock that shit out. If you DNFed, I'm sorry. I'd be an F like 100 fucking times. You'll get it next time. Yeah.

Speaker 67162.68s - 7163.62s

Blame Scott PERSON.

Speaker 17163.9s - 7168.78s

Blame Jason Barnes PERSON for making the race long. Hell, blame everybody but yourself. It's all everybody else is.

Speaker 27168.78s - 7170.02s

Don't worry about training.

Speaker 67170.18s - 7172.02s

Just show up unprepared and you'll be fine.

Speaker 27172.26s - 7175.18s

And go out as fast as you possibly can, right, Brian?

Speaker 17175.92s - 7176.32s


Speaker 27176.62s - 7192s

Pop-Tarts and Monster Energy ORG drinks. We pick up, Brian, at the hotel. He's outside sitting on the curb with a cooler drinking a monster drink with his shorty little skimpy shorts on and his ultra penny on. That's right.

Speaker 57192s - 7192.24s

That's right.

Speaker 27192.24s - 7195.08s

A little scampy shorts and a fucking little getaway sticks.

Speaker 57195.08s - 7200.54s

He's got to. You know we're making fun of you.

Speaker 17200.74s - 7202.56s

He brown looks homeless out there. Yeah.

Speaker 57203.52s - 7206.08s

Michael, I literally look homeless every fucking day of my life DATE.

Speaker 17206.08s - 7209.5s

I have no idea what was different that day. So, yeah.

Speaker 27209.86s - 7211.88s

And then Michael ORG ran over his damn foot.

Speaker 17214.28s - 7224.08s

And, uh, yeah, if you're listening to this, wish me look, quest for the crest. I'm going to try to, uh, mosey my way under 10 hours this year. I think I was like 10, 15 last year. So we'll see what we can do.

Speaker 27224.3s - 7224.88s

What is that?

Speaker 17226.4s - 7228.52s

Um, not this Friday, but next.

Speaker 27228.62s - 7229.9s

Or not this Saturday, but next.

Speaker 17230.44s - 7243.76s

I'll be with you there in spirit. And my birthday will be that Friday. I'm like, do you know last time I didn't work on my birthday? I can't fucking tell you, but I ain't got to work that Friday night during packet pickup. And I get to go suffering the mountains for like 10 hours on Saturday.

Speaker 27244.18s - 7246.64s

How old are you going to be 16?

Speaker 37247.34s - 7250.42s

The big 3-0, junior, the big 3-0.

Speaker 17250.5s - 7252.6s

Oh, man, your life's about start going downhill.

Speaker 27252.96s - 7258.36s

Yeah, I hope she will get you a birthday cake and some cupcakes and some candles, Brian.

Speaker 37258.48s - 7261.72s

Dude, if I have one more bad fucking race, I think I'm going to go give me some testosterone.

Speaker 17261.72s - 7264.78s

I can get him a Spider-Man PERSON birthday cake.

Speaker 37266.58s - 7267.34s

Spider-Man PERSON.

Speaker 17267.46s - 7271.74s

First of all, I would get Spun Bob way before I got Spider-Man PERSON.

Speaker 37271.84s - 7274.1s

I don't like any of that gay comic book shit.

Speaker 17274.28s - 7275.78s

I prefer cartoons myself.

Speaker 57277.04s - 7278.4s

That makes no sense.

Speaker 17278.9s - 7279.48s

Yeah, I know.

Speaker 27280.6s - 7281.4s

All right, guys.

Speaker 57281.52s - 7283.88s

Yeah, huge shout out to all the listeners.

Speaker 27284.16s - 7285.86s

I bet I talk to more listeners at this

Speaker 17285.86s - 7291.28s

race than any race ever ever i didn't know that many i mean i all i nothing that gets your

Speaker 27291.28s - 7295.84s

podcast i just didn't know that many people listen to podcasts i reckon or cared that we actually

Speaker 57295.84s - 7300.56s

get on here bullshit it is pretty cool having people been like oh listen to the podcast yeah yeah

Speaker 17300.56s - 7305.42s

y'all are fun and most of the ones i got were like you ain't going under suball are funny. I'm like, and most of the ones I got, we're like, you ain't going under sub five,

Speaker 57305.48s - 7305.76s

are you?

Speaker 27305.8s - 7306.06s

And I'm like,

Speaker 57306.12s - 7306.62s

fuck off.

Speaker 27307.42s - 7307.8s


Speaker 57307.84s - 7308.66s

if y'all think we're funny

Speaker 27308.66s - 7309.22s

on the podcast,

Speaker 17309.42s - 7310.86s

y'all should be around us unplugged.

Speaker 57311.4s - 7311.82s


Speaker 17311.94s - 7312.58s

Oh, God.

Speaker 27312.58s - 7314.94s

We have to get all the nasty shit out

Speaker 57314.94s - 7316.92s

before you start recording these podcasts.

Speaker 17317.26s - 7317.66s


Speaker 27318.48s - 7320.34s

Michael ORG has to get all the nasty shit out.

Speaker 57320.38s - 7320.66s


Speaker 27321.32s - 7322.86s

Here's Scott PERSON before every,

Speaker 17323.02s - 7323.34s

we started.

Speaker 27323.7s - 7324.04s

All right,

Speaker 57324.06s - 7324.24s


Speaker 17324.3s - 7324.7s

you're ready.

Speaker 57324.96s - 7325.5s

I'm about to hit a report, record button. So you've got any, any's Scott PERSON before every, we started all right, y'all, y'all ready? I'm about to hit a

Speaker 27325.5s - 7327.88s

record button. So you've got any

Speaker 57327.88s - 7331.92s

any foul, basically foul thing you're going to say, go ahead and get it out. Me and Brown PERSON's

Speaker 37331.92s - 7337.5s

top page, bitch, bitch, blah, blah, blah, blah. Yep, exactly.

Speaker 27338.12s - 7339.38s

And y'all still manage to

Speaker 57339.38s - 7346.62s

smut it up. Y'all still have to smut it up the whole episode either way. No, we do not. Sure you do.

Speaker 27347.14s - 7350.14s

Colorful language and funny jokes are not smutting it up.

Speaker 57350.52s - 7351.9s

Whatever. All right.

Speaker 17352s - 7354.76s

Colorful language. All right.

Speaker 37354.82s - 7355.66s

Peace out, y'all.

Speaker 57356.44s - 7356.74s

All right.

Speaker 27356.78s - 7357.08s

You're so.

Speaker 57360.38s - 7363.7s

Hope you enjoyed the recap episode with Michael and Brain PERSON.

Speaker 27364.38s - 7366.76s

We have a lot of fun doing these episodes,

Speaker 57367.38s - 7369.86s

and it looks like they're getting longer and longer.

Speaker 37372.24s - 7373.68s

Like I said earlier,

Speaker 57373.82s - 7379.1s

maybe one of these days we'll be able to have one where Brian's not driving a truck

Speaker 27379.1s - 7384.42s

and Michael ORG's not working with subcontractors while, you know,

Speaker 37384.54s - 7387.02s

we're recording but anyway I just

Speaker 27387.02s - 7545.7s

want to congratulate everybody got their buckle this weekend it was a tough race it was hot race it was a humid race and you know it was longer than a 50k and like we were saying in the recap you know it's it's cooler to say yeah I did more than a 50k than to say, I was just short than a 50K. If this wasn't your day and you didn't finish the race, lick your wounds and get ready forthe next one. Newberry is at the end of the year. You know, there's plenty of time to get more time on feet and prepare for it. Like I said, I want to thank everybody who came and talked to us at the race and just appreciate what we're doing here. We do this for fun and we enjoy it and we enjoy meeting new people in the community. And having this podcast has done a lot of that for me.Most of my friends, some of my best friends are because I do this podcast has done a lot of that for me. Most of my friends, some of my best friends are because I do this podcast, and that's one of the reasons why I keep doing it. I want to thank Jason Barnes PERSON and his staff for putting on a great race. There was no complaints. I had no complaints of the race this weekend.I mean, to me, it was a great race. The course was great. It was marked very well. There was plenty of water stations, you know, and these are the questions they always ask you in the survey. I don't have any complaints. I mean, I can see where people would complain about it being long. And yes, it was long, but, you know, it's not the first time we've gone to a race and expected it to be one distance and it'd be something else. And back in the day, they used to never tell you what the exact distance was.I remember us having five-mile sprints and 11-mile super. It's back in my day. But anyway, I want to just shout out Jason Barnes PERSON and the staff. They put on a great race. And I want to do a out Jason Barnes PERSON and the staff they put on a great race and I want to do a huge shout for bear start line MC man he's great he's out there screaming his head off all day long I don't know how he doesn't lose his voice for doing it he alwaysgets every single heat going out pumped up he does us a great job getting us ultra's pumped up ready to get out of there I appreciate what he does he's a good friend of mine But anyway, we'll see it next race that's a few weeks off for me. I'm not doing my next race until Asheville GPE which is actually trying to start with the Asheville But anyway hope to see everybody there follow us on Facebook and Instagram and I will see you at the next race Peace WORK_OF_ART on Facebook and Instagram and I will see you at the next race peace