Today Your Love, Tomorrow the World Series, Episode 158: The .500 Club

Today Your Love, Tomorrow the World Series, Episode 158: The .500 Club

by Home Run Applesauce

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59:03 minutes

published 22 days ago


Copyright 2023, Home Run Applesauce LLC


Speaker 80s - 26.8s

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Speaker 457.82s - 58.88s

Judy PERSON was boring.

Speaker 559.06s - 59.32s


Speaker 459.64s - 62.44s

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Speaker 862.44s - 63.96s

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Speaker 464.2s - 65.68s

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Speaker 865.82s - 67.86s

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Speaker 6118.24s - 137.46s

No purchase necessary. VGW Group ORG. Voidware prohibited by law. 18 plus. Term terms and conditions apply.

Speaker 2140.86s - 229.06s

Hoy, Mets fans. Welcome back to Today Your Love Tomorrow, the World Series WORK_OF_ART. My name is Brian with me, as always is Chris PERSON. We apologize for the week off last week. Chris was not feeling well. He's still on the mend, but he's a trooper and is here today. And we are here to talk about the Mets, who are a 500 baseball team. End of show. Goodbye, everybody. No, you know, Chris PERSON and I were talking before we started recording about how just since April 23rd, they have been either two games above or below 500 and then everywhere within there.And, you know, right now being a 500 team is not the end of the world. You and I have talked on this podcast for years now about how Memorial Day is sort of the first real milestone in the season for wanting to be at least at 500 at Memorial Day. And so we're not quite there yet. We have another few weeks. And it looks like the Mets ORG have a chance to maybe be at about 500 at Memorial Day. You know, the next two series are against the Braves ORG andthe Phillies to demonstrably better baseball teams in the Mets right now. But then after that, they get Miami and Cleveland GPE. So, you know, there is a chance that at the end of, you know, the next, you know, 10 games or so 12 games, we're back here saying, well, the Mets are a 500 baseball team. We can't really debate that status. So the question I'm going to ask you, Chris PERSON, as always,it's sort of a vibe check question here. How do you feel about the Mets being a 500 team

Speaker 1229.06s - 249.96s

six weeks into the season? Well, not surprised, I guess, but still learning to live with that kind of team. We haven't had too many seasons where the Mets were just straight up a 500 team. Right, yeah.

Speaker 2250.06s - 255.52s

In perpetuity, usually things either go really south or every once in a while,

Speaker 1255.58s - 256.5s

they go really, really well.

Speaker 2256.84s - 258.3s

They're definitely a feast or famine team.

Speaker 1258.5s - 354.72s

Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, this is, I think two off days in a row, thanks to the game that was rained out in St. Louis the other day, sort of gave a little time to just digest what this team is and what the emotions of following it are. And on Sunday against Tampa Bay GPE, it was like, all right, this is just a bad baseball team. Whatever. Like, we've seen it before.Let's just reach that conclusion. And then they go out and they win their next two games. They're 18 and 18. At the moment that we're recording, technically they're in a three-way tie by winning percentage for the third wild card. San Diego's played four more games than them and won two of them and lost two of them.So they're also 500. They just have more games banked. So I guess that's technically why they're in that spot. But that doesn't matter in May. But yeah, it's just trying to remind myself that they probably aren't going to take off and win 10 out of 12 and then just sit with a winning record the rest of the season. And I guess on the optimistic side, they're probably not going to have the opposite of that happen.I mean, they did dip a bit. They had a six-game winning streak not too long ago, which really just helped to make up for the 0-and-5 start to the season. Right. So what you're

Speaker 2354.72s - 359.86s

saying is that, take it all told, they're a 500 team. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's just,

Speaker 1359.86s - 459.02s

I am telling myself to remember that pretty much during every game they're playing. But it can be hard to do. And especially when they, I mean, on Sunday in particular, I think it was easy to feel awful about them. One, because that, you know, solidified that they were getting swept swept they would have ended that series at 500 if they had won that game but instead they were two games under and the game itself just looked I remember texting a couple friends during it like did they just not, like, sleep last night?You know, I don't think Tampa Bay has necessarily the party reputation of Miami GPE, but it felt like, and it wasn't a sharply played game by the race either. It looked like both teams just went out the night before and we're like, all right, I guess we got to play a game today. And that style of play, you know, physical and mental error is happening all in the same game. Losing a game that maybe you could have won.All that stuff is super frustrating. But I don't know. I guess that are the 24 Mets the episode of Seinfeld where Jerry PERSON is like, I always break even. Two losses happen now when the next two? Like, is that what this is? Is that should that be the approach to who the Mets ORG are right now?

Speaker 2460.12s - 465.94s

Well, so, sorry, maybe. Yeah. Yeah, no, no, it's not, it's not a profound thought or anything.

Speaker 1467.64s - 475.38s

Well, you know, it's, it's funny when we think about this because looking at the schedule and results page on baseball reference,

Speaker 2476s - 479.54s

those first five games were obviously a bummer.

Speaker 1479.54s - 484.52s

And then the Mets ORG won a bunch of series in a row even before they went on their winning streak.

Speaker 2484.82s - 491.68s

But once they lost their first series after that streak of, I think it was like five series in a row, they won.

Speaker 1493.28s - 497.14s

It's been the exact mirror image of that.

Speaker 2497.58s - 568.76s

And while when you think of a 500 team, I tend to think of in a very simplistic dumb guy thought process. Like you win one, you lose one, you win one, you lose one. But the Mets ORG have been streaky in their 500ness. You know, there have been very bad stretches and very good stretches. And then the stretches in the middle kind of feel like any other baseball team because the season is so long that even when your team is doing well,a loss is not an unusual thing, right? And a win is not an unusual thing. In the best and worst seasons of baseball that you watch, when you watch a week of baseball, you're going to probably see at least one win or loss, no matter how good or bad your team is. So the streakiness has been the we weirder part for me than the 500ness. And it just looks like with the schedule coming up the way it is, it looks like that streakinessis going to continue because of the strength of schedule that they have that they have for the rest of this month. You know, again, Dodgers ORG, Phillies, Marlins, Guardians, Giants, Dodgers. I said Dodgers ORG twice. I met Braves, Phillies ORG. I was looking ahead of the schedule.

Speaker 1569.38s - 571.6s

And then Diamondbacks ORG.

Speaker 0571.74s - 581.94s

Those are more or less pretty good teams and the Marlins and the Guardians ORG are whatever. I think the Guardians ORG are going to be better than maybe they've been playing as of late. They're not playing terrible.

Speaker 2583.4s - 584.82s

No, they're in first.

Speaker 1585.52s - 592.96s

But I feel like they don't scare me the way that um the dodgers do or even the orials ORG do right now

Speaker 2592.96s - 599.78s

the guardian PERSON no no that's yeah that's i think that's very fair um and i'd be surprised that they

Speaker 1599.78s - 606.76s

maintain that position the twins have been pretty yeah red hot. I mean, that whole division has

Speaker 2606.76s - 611.1s

played better than people expected. And some of that might have had to do with the White

Speaker 1611.1s - 633.14s

Sox just starting the season playing abysmal baseball. They've actually up their winning percentage somewhat significantly. I don't know how much of that was the other four teams in the division feasting on them. But yeah. But yeah, I would not consider them to be in the Braves Dodgers ORG tier of teams. No.

Speaker 2634.7s - 692.22s

And right now the Giants ORG are not playing particularly good baseball. The Diamondbacks are under 500. So they could rack off some wins here. But it does feel like a 500 season DATE. And like you said, we're just kind of not used to that. But in the modern baseball era, when 88 wins probably gets you a playoff spot and 82 wins is 500,you know, this is not the worst place for the Mets to be throughout the season. If they get hot at the right time, this seems like a, you know, a team that could squeak into that third wild card spot, which is a damning notion for baseball because baseball used to be the hardest sport to get into the postseason for. You know, for a good chunk of my life, at least, there were two division winners in every league, and that was the playoffs.

Speaker 0692.92s - 707.52s

And then when they went to the three divisions, even four in each league felt like a significant challenge to get into. But now with so many playoff teams,

Speaker 2708.44s - 749.72s

it, you know, on one hand, that's super fun and great. And it makes it makes rooting for your mediocre team a lot more palatable for a lot longer in the season. But there is a part of me that thinks that this is a silly system a silly system i am willing to exploit as a metz fan don't get me wrong but a silly system regardless so being a 500 team doesn't really mean what it does 10 15 years ago um certainly not what it did 25 years ago you know right um was it the 85 Mets that won, was it 95 games DATE and made the playoffs?

Speaker 1750.94s - 757.98s

Yeah, well, the 85 and 87 Mets ORG were like good teams. Very good teams, yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2758.64s - 762.2s

Not only in this system, but the previous system would have easily made.

Speaker 1762.5s - 765.2s

Yeah, it went 98 and 64 and 85.

Speaker 2766.12s - 766.78s

I mean, come on.

Speaker 1767.3s - 774.56s

98 wins not making the playoffs. And then in 87, they won 92 games. Yeah.

Speaker 2775.48s - 775.8s


Speaker 1776.04s - 784.9s

That obviously the math wouldn't work out every year, but it, it almost feels like if you win X number of games, you should just be guaranteed a spot.

Speaker 2785.76s - 799.56s

By the way, just I have to share this because what the fuck, on the Wikipedia page for the 1987 New York Mets season, they have like bullet points of interesting things that happened. And I'm just going to read you the June 5th, 1987 event here.

Speaker 3801.1s - 804.12s

A mock ceremony called Spider-Man's Wedding WORK_OF_ART took place

Speaker 2804.12s - 826.52s

to promote a special wedding issue of the Amazing Spider-Man comic book at Home Plate in front of more than 45,000 fans just before the Mets played the Pirates. Actors portrayed as fictional comic character Spider-Man and Mary Jane Watson, wearing a wedding gown designed by Will Smith PERSON, not the rapper, I presume, participated in the ceremony. Stan Lee, publisher of Marvel Comics, and co-creator of Spider-Man, officiated the ceremony prior to the Mets ORG match. The Mets won the game after 5 to 1.

Speaker 1827.78s - 832.84s

Wow, that is a, that is some, we got to get that into the state and Mets ORG history rotation.

Speaker 2833.3s - 833.94s

Yes, we do.

Speaker 1834.44s - 853.92s

Can you imagine like celebrating, I'm not like a Marvel ORG movie hater. I enjoy them for what they are, you know, but can you imagine like celebrating just an issue of a comic book? Well, to be fair, I'm sporting event. Like now, now would be like,

Speaker 2854.1s - 859.78s

you know, the Samsung LED boards are spider webs all day. Right. Exactly. Yeah. Like,

Speaker 1860.7s - 864.92s

there are so many things about this that are fascinating to me. First of all, I had this comic when I

Speaker 2864.92s - 868.2s

was five years old because it's who I am.

Speaker 1868.32s - 880.44s

I can't change who I am. But, like, comics now are at least vaguely mainstreamed, but at this point, it was, like, the nerdiest thing in the world to be considered an adult comic book fan.

Speaker 2881.04s - 882.16s

So who was this for?

Speaker 1882.5s - 883.3s

That's my question.

Speaker 2884s - 884.4s


Speaker 1884.5s - 885.56s

I mean, just look at The Simpsons WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 2886.26s - 887.46s

Yeah, exactly. Yes.

Speaker 1887.96s - 891.48s

And like comic book guy, I mean, also look at what like real life.

Speaker 2891.48s - 898.46s

Like, I mean, I get there's some overlap. That person and there are baseball card references there as well.

Speaker 0898.46s - 905.22s

But like, yes. The baseball card comic book that, you know, but I think both of those things we're still

Speaker 1905.22s - 912.58s

seen as is relatively nerdy fringe things yes yes absolutely yeah as a guy who

Speaker 2912.58s - 917.32s

loves both of those things I feel vindicated in the year 2024 but that was just

Speaker 1917.32s - 920.76s

crazy anyway back to the real Mets ORG that's just I had to I had to bring that up I'm sorry

Speaker 2922.56s - 926s

but yeah so let's let's look at the, well, I guess

Speaker 4926s - 927.98s

the one thing that has stood out since we last

Speaker 2927.98s - 968.34s

recorded and we have to talk about it is Christian Scott's MLB ORG debut. I had the, I'm going to call it, a privilege of writing up that game because I was watching it very closely. Whereas, you know, on a Saturdaynight when the family's home, I'm not always watching every pitch, but I made an effort because I was writing about the game to sit and watch every pitch and really, you know, dig into it. And, you know, I hate that it happened on a national broadcast because you get to hear just dumb shits talk about the Mets ORG and they don't know what they're talking about. Like, they must have said five times during the game, this is one of the most hypedMets pitching prospects in the last 10 years.

Speaker 0969.3s - 990.72s

And I just felt like saying, no, he wasn't. Until this pass off season, very few people were talking about Christian Scott PERSON. And nobody was talking about Christian Scott the way that they were talking about Matt Harvey PERSON or Zach Wheeler or Stephen Matt's PERSON. You know, it just, it wasn't, I'm sorry, it's not true.

Speaker 2991.26s - 997.26s

And I know that those guys were slightly more than 10 years ago, but am I wrong with Scott not that hyped?

Speaker 1998.52s - 1003.56s

Yeah, not, you're right, not a long time hyped guy.

Speaker 21004.56s - 1010.18s

So I didn't actually get to catch him in a minor league ballpark between last year and this year,

Speaker 11011.08s - 1020.24s

mostly because life was chaotic last year. I probably would have caught him in Binghamton GPE just even unintentionally if I'd gone to more games there last season.

Speaker 01021.08s - 1028.96s

But I remember he got promoted there and was one of the guys who people were saying

Speaker 11028.96s - 1089.44s

they're sort of like keeping an eye on. He's interesting. But that's still very much like a, all right, prove it kind of thing. And he did. He pitched well in his time in Binghamton GPE. And then a lot of people bought into that and were correct to do so because he gets to Syracuse ORG and he was just yeah he was he was outstanding so I didn't get to see him pitching person at all and and you know it is satisfying when you see somebody who isn't quite on the radar yet or you see a thing with a player that stands out and then get to watch it develop as they move up and then do it at the major league level.But I did tune in a little bit on MILB TV ORG. There's got to be a better way to say that. MLB-TV ORG just flows. Yes.

Speaker 01089.54s - 1093.38s

Minor league, whatever, baseball TV, it doesn't.

Speaker 11093.48s - 1100.64s

But it's included if you have MLB ORG-TV and, you know,

Speaker 01100.64s - 1106.46s

tuned in to a couple of his starts and wasn't watching them as closely as that major league debut.

Speaker 11106.46s - 1275.48s

But something that stood out that Carlos Mendoza PERSON also said, I think it was an in-game interview during that broadcast. But Scott PERSON is just unfazed if he runs into trouble early in the game and he did in that game against the raise on Saturday night and you know that had happened a couple timesthere was one of his starts in Syracuse and there were only a few before he got promoted but he walked the first battery faced he gave up a two run home run to the second and then he went something like seven innings with 10 strikeouts and that might have been the only walk. Kind of reminds me.And obviously, not saying the overall, I'm not putting expectations of a Hall of Fame ORG career on this dude. But in the brief time that Justin Verlander PERSON was a met, we kind of got acquainted with that concept that Verlander PERSON was a met, we kind of got acquainted with that concept, that Verlander was always somebody who, if you're going to get to him, it was usually in the first inning through most of his career. Yep. We'd get into a groove and it would be much harder to hit as the game went on, which is sort of counter to just the norm.So, yeah, I think what Scott PERSON did was on brand. And, yeah, I know, I mean, I think one good way of kind of comparing, you know, where someone stands, what their status is as a prospect. It's just looking at where they ranked on national lists and who ranked them. And, you know, Jeff and Jarrett PERSON and the baseball prospectus crew have more familiarity with the MED system than any other national prospect writers.That's just, you know, blatantly obvious and true. And baseball prospectus was the only place that ranked him in the top 100 list. And granted, the three that are listed on baseball reference are ORG, baseball America, and BP ORG. So if Fangraphs had them or Keith Law PERSON or what, you know, there are other rankings out there.But I think that quick snapshot that you get looking at a player on baseball reference that goes to show you that that is not that hyped. That's, you know, the two not that hyped that's you know the the two the list that's heavily uh made up by two Mets ORG fans who I think if if anything made

Speaker 21275.48s - 1282.54s

an admission to not be too high on Mets ORG prospects yeah but I think that that is somewhat of a

Speaker 11282.54s - 1294.34s

scoop whereas everybody else that essentially ignored him. You know, I agree. It's much more of like a de Grom PERSON than, yeah.

Speaker 01294.54s - 1295.38s

Yes, exactly.

Speaker 31296.18s - 1298.72s

And I'm giving him Verlander and de Grom comps.

Speaker 01300.18s - 1308.38s

But yeah, it's a DeGrom PERSON scenario where, I mean, even up to the point that he was called up, DeGrom was supposed to pitch in relief.

Speaker 21308.82s - 1312.36s

It was, it was only an injury, Dylan G. PERSON injury, right?

Speaker 11313.44s - 1348s

That sounds correct, yes. That got him a start instead. So, yeah, but I mean, I love it. I love when that kind of pitcher does that sort of thing. But, you know, coming into the year, and like on this show, I've spoke highly of Blade Tidwell PERSON recently. But I'd say coming into this season, Tidwell probably had more prospect stock or whatever you want, you know, whatever word is uh then scott did last year and and

Speaker 31348s - 1354.86s

look i mean maybe tidwell follows a similar path and is pitching in the big leagues before uh too much

Speaker 11354.86s - 1361.46s

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Speaker 51361.46s - 1386.88s

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Speaker 71387.42s - 1393.7s

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Speaker 61393.7s - 1398.88s

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Speaker 71398.88s - 1404.34s

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Speaker 61404.34s - 1407.38s

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Speaker 71414.16s - 1421.7s

No purchase necessary. VGW Group. Void were prohibited by law. 18 plus turns and conditions apply. It's time for today's Luckyland Horoscope with Victoria Cash PERSON.

Speaker 61422.28s - 1442.36s

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Speaker 71442.36s - 1448.4s

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Speaker 01448.9s - 1476.36s

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Speaker 71476.46s - 1479.08s

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Speaker 21480.26s - 1534.74s

The start itself was remarkable for a number of reasons. Just the depoys on the mound is really phenomenal. I mentioned this in my recap. My favorite moment of the game was there was a, he only walked one batter. And when he walked the batter,he kind of like smirked and smiled at the umpire in his direction, just being like, really? Because it was a close pitch. And he didn't seem like pissed off by it. He didn't seem terribly disappointed by it. He was just like, come on, man. And that is not the reaction of a dude making his first start usually. That is a veteran reaction where you are, you're used to doing what you're doing and you're notliving and dying by every single, you know, pitch result. But this kid was just like, oh, look at that. You made a shitty call. Oh, well.

Speaker 01535.22s - 1551.28s

And that's an incredibly mature way to handle your first walk in the big leagues, you know. His stuff just looked, and he had a had a you know he had a bit of a rough uh i think it was the second inning or i first i get again i'm not looking at my notes at this

Speaker 21551.28s - 1706.94s

point but you know he he did not get off to a like a rousing start it was a little bit tough for the first couple of innings there at least the i think it was the first in another thing this out loud and uh but you know he recovered recovered and he went into the seventh inning and looked like a bona fide major league pitcher. And I know it's very different to compare Christian Scott and Jose Buto, but the Mets now have two guys in their rotation who were not supposed to be there right now. And both of them are holding their own, if not to a cramulent standpoint for Budo PERSON,to an, to a, you know, they're just, the guys were called up and they have answered the call and they are doing so well. And this is a Mets pitching staff that was coming to the season, not looking too great. You know, they went after so well. And this is a Mets pitching staff that was coming to the season, not looking too great.You know, they went after Yamamoto PERSON. It didn't happen. They did not sign Montgomery or Snell PERSON, which people were calling for. You know, pretty much it was Senga PERSON and then a bunch of guys you're rolling the dice on. And for the most part, those dice rolls have been better than expected and the call-ups been better than expected. And we haven't had Senga. So with Senga coming back back not too far down the road with scott looking good with budobeing decent with um you know sean mania and louis severino PERSON each looking sort of like the maybe the high to mid-high range of expectation for them going into the season. Like the Mets ORG pitching staff has been considered, the starting pitching has been considerably better than we feared. And the bullpen has been phenomenal. So that's a long way to say Christian Scott PERSON did,had a good first start and I'm looking forward to his second. But yeah, on the offensive side, you know, we have, we have, we have recorded since JD Martinez PERSON has joined the team, but it, it sort of feels like maybe we haven't talked much about him in part because his season hasn't been all that remarkable yet. He has, you know, he has gotten a couple of nice hits. He has not hit for a ton of power.He's still basically within the realm of spring training at-bats in terms of pure number of the bats. Anything stand out to you specifically about the early JD Martinez experience as a met?

Speaker 11709.2s - 1709.76s


Speaker 21709.76s - 1711.66s

really, which

Speaker 11711.66s - 1782.44s

kind of fits the whole vibe of the team. Yep. I mean, look, talked about wanting the mess to sign him a lot over the off season. I was thrilled when they did.Yeah, hopefully he's just kind of getting started. There's just, there's been no power there at all. I mean, his isolated and sluggy might be, let's look it up. Let's do an actual comparison. But it feels and looks at first glance like it's one of the lowest marks on the team. Obviously, that needs to change.And there's, you know, there's time for that. But yeah, let's see. Does he have the lowest isolated slugging of any met with, he only has, what, 41 played appearances, I think it is? So something like that. Yeah, let's say.No, Omar Narvaez has just edged him out for the title of the least amount of power of Mets ORG hitters but Harrison Bader PERSON hasn't beat so that's surprising actually yeah no I mean he's he's

Speaker 21782.44s - 1787.36s

he's hitting 297 but he's slugging 351. Wow. So he's been a

Speaker 11787.36s - 1805.88s

singles hitter with a good batting average. And again, it's early. I don't want to jump to conclusions or panic or anything yet, but, you know, that, and I think expecting a repeat of last year is probably also slightly unfair, because one thing that stood out in particular was that his isolated slugging

Speaker 21805.88s - 1813.8s

it was over 300 and that that I mean even as a defender of mid to late 30s players doing

Speaker 11813.8s - 1833.04s

that doing that multiple times in that era that phase sorry of your career yeah that's probably unlikely but they the Mets that is they needed to be in the, the only two guys who have shown significant power by that metric are Pino Loanzo and DJ Stewart PERSON.

Speaker 21833.76s - 1835.94s

And Pete Alonzo PERSON has been cold as ice.

Speaker 11836.84s - 1839s

Yeah, although it heated up a little bit.

Speaker 21839.24s - 1842.86s

He did the last game of, yeah, before the break, yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 11843.08s - 1879.62s

And, you know, the power is there. And that was kind of the issue last year, too. Lots runs but you know sort of not as good overall numbers as a hitter um but yeah i don't i don't need jd martinez or peterlons that i hit 300 um right martinez is the type of hitter that can do that. I'm not particularly alarmed by this high strikeout rate that's kind of been there. I mean, he's been fine even though that's gone up in recent years.But yeah, I need to see some power there.

Speaker 01885.92s - 1886.28s

So 30-something home runs like he did with the Dodgers last year and just tons of extra base hits.

Speaker 11894.68s - 1895s

It doesn't have to be that, but I mean, look, Francisco Alvers only had one home run before he got hurt.

Speaker 01906.08s - 1913.68s

But even with him back and healthy and being a power threat, you need Jady Martinez to be essentially the second biggest power threat on the team behind Alonzo. So, you're saying having DJ Stewart as the second power header isn't

Speaker 11913.68s - 1922.2s

ideal? I mean, hey, credit to him because the dude's hit in 185, but still has 133 WRC plus QUANTITY.

Speaker 21922.94s - 1925.22s

That's true. Yeah. Without paying not much either.

Speaker 11926.24s - 1926.46s


Speaker 21926.6s - 1927.04s

Yeah, no.

Speaker 11928.04s - 1929.32s

Inconsistent playing time.

Speaker 21931.18s - 1935.12s

Probably as much uncertainty about even making or staying on the major league roster as

Speaker 11935.12s - 1953.4s

anybody wants to sign Martinez PERSON. But he's provided a very specific thing that the Mets ORG have very little of. So good for him for doing enough to make it really, it would be blatantly stupid to send him to Syracuse ORG anytime soon. Yeah.

Speaker 21954.32s - 1955.48s

So good for him.

Speaker 11956.68s - 1968.48s

At no point was I rooting against him. But let's hope that J.D. Martinez is hitting better than DJ Stewart PERSON by, I don't know, June 1st. That sounds like a good goal.

Speaker 21969s - 2008.68s

Yeah, why not? So just overall with the team, they got swept by Tampa GPE looking absolutely dog shit and then looked better against the Cardinals ORG, especially that second game against the Cardinals ORG, they came back and had some fight. And we saw Alonzohit a home run and, you know, just generally looking a little better, you know, against, against St. Louis. But offensively, the team has been struggling. Aside from Pete PERSON, is there anybody that has been particularly worrisome for you? I guess, and J.D. Aside from those two guys, Anybody sort of particularly bothering you or causing you some ajana?

Speaker 12013.92s - 2137.7s

It's like everybody aside from that. And even J.D. Martinez PERSON fits into this. You know, when you're just looking at relative to league average, by WRC plus,excuse me, or OPS Plus plus if you prefer baseball reference. Nimmo PERSON is really the only guy doing what I'd expect him to do. And that's, actually, I think he's capable of more as well, but you just kind of look up and down and it's like, all right, there's a bunch of guys around league average or a little bit above it. Lind Dorrell PERSON will get there. He always does.And, you know, I don't know what it is with the slow starts, but it's not out of character for him. I mean, even with that, he's hit six home runs. He's got four stolen bases. You know, that's not like 2023, Roland Ocuna Jr. PERSON or anything, but like, he'll get there. McNeil is probably the one guy that, I mean, you want to talk about lack of power. There's not much pop in the bat.He's barely striking out, but he's not making great contact. And I know he's kind of struggled with his, you know, what should the approach be? Should it be really trying to drive the ball and hit for power? Should it be hitting for average, which we know he sometimes is very capable of? But right now he's doing neither of those things. And, I mean, look, the state of offense in the game is not fantastic right now.Nope. When, you know, you look, McNeil is hitting 248, 324, 320, and he's only six points shy of being league average, Wow. On the WRC plus scale. That's pretty pathetic, but not him, but just the fact that that is really not that far off where the league is hitting.

Speaker 02139.3s - 2140.44s

Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 12140.44s - 2194.36s

But if he could just do one of the two things, well, that'd be fine. I really, for quite a while, I bought into those two metrics, right? That there are more than one way to be a productive hitter at the plate. And as long as you're doing something that makes you way above the average overall, one way to be a productive hitter at the plate. And as long as you're doing something that makes you way above the average overall, I don't have too strong a preference.I feel like it gets talked about ad nauseum that teams are too relying on home runs or they strike out too much or, you know, those things don't, there's no inherent thing that is better really when you look at these things.

Speaker 22194.54s - 2198.42s

I mean, I think selling a percentage correlates slightly more with run scoring than on-based

Speaker 12198.42s - 2202.96s

percentage, but that used to not be the case, but I believe it is now.

Speaker 22204.16s - 2207.9s

But either, like, but do one of those two things very well.

Speaker 12208.08s - 2241.42s

Right. Yeah. And you've got yourself, you know, a major league hitter. You know, so I don't mind that Jannie Martinez PERSON is going to strike out a lot. He's just, he's got to hit home runs and generally hit for power to go with it. I don't care that Brandon Nimo is hitting 229 because he's getting our base like he always does. And, you know, I could watch a lineup full of nimos and a lineup full of the good version of J.D. Martinez's PERSON and not really hate it.

Speaker 02241.42s - 2248.54s

But, yeah, there's just, there's a lot of just okay in this lineup right now.

Speaker 12250.06s - 2299.68s

And so if that changes. If it did, I think the pitching is good enough to be one of the teams in that mix. And right now that mix is nine teams for two spots. Wow. If you think plays or Braves ORG might fall off and kind of come back into that actual wild card race and not just be a lock for the first one, then 10 teams for three.But I, and you know, you said it earlier, the Giants, the Cardinals ORG, those are teams that are not playing well, but they're also the, just because of the damn logos on the hats, it's like they're not gone you know like that that that kind of team can hover around being mediocre for five months and then and then go on a hot streak in September and um you know be nipping at the heels of whoever's in that third

Speaker 22299.68s - 2312.4s

wild card spot so yeah yeah i mean the thing that worries me about the entire um the sort of the whole

Speaker 12312.4s - 2319.72s

situation with the Mets ORG is that there is there's only a certain amount of innings that I feel

Speaker 22319.72s - 2332.84s

your bullpen can throw before I am just worried about the bullpen collapsing and And the Mets ORG bullpen has been so, so good, but it's also been just so overworked.

Speaker 12333.02s - 2342.2s

I don't see how, I don't see how this can continue without serious regression to the

Speaker 22342.2s - 2356.02s

mean, because the starters aren't going going very deep still and the bullpen has been so overtaxed. And we've seen the churn that the churn keeps coming. You know, Max Kranick was just DFA'd because, uh, was it Johan Ramirez PERSON? I'm losing track of who's

Speaker 12356.02s - 2363.1s

come and gone. It was Johan Ramirez PERSON, right? He's back now. Yeah. And, uh, he's, he's back in a

Speaker 22363.1s - 2367.96s

second stint. He's the second Mets reliever to have a second stint with the team after being designated

Speaker 12367.96s - 2369.64s

for assignment by more than one team.

Speaker 22370.44s - 2375s

But I assume he was DFA'd wherever he came from in this case.

Speaker 12378.12s - 2379.8s

And you feel bad for these guys.

Speaker 02380s - 2380.86s

I mean, they are, they're people.

Speaker 12383.32s - 2396.12s

Again, right before we started to record, I joke that Michael Tonkin PERSON will be back. I mean, you said the same thing on the podcast right after he was gone for the second time. But I just, it feels inevitable that he will have one or two more stints with the mats. Yeah.

Speaker 22396.96s - 2400.02s

And I hope he starts playing into this.

Speaker 12400.12s - 2403.1s

I remember at an old-timers game many years ago,

Speaker 22403.66s - 2406.82s

Gaylord Perry wearing a jersey that had like nine teams on it

Speaker 12406.82s - 2409.12s

because he had been with so many teams.

Speaker 22409.4s - 2411.86s

I hope Michael Tonkin PERSON, like, you know,

Speaker 12411.92s - 2413.1s

every time he shows up,

Speaker 22413.14s - 2415.18s

he puts a different Mets ORG patch on his warm-up jacket.

Speaker 12415.46s - 2419.42s

So he has like six patches on the jacket. You know, because why not?

Speaker 22419.48s - 2435.72s

Play into it. Have fun with it. It's such a weird thing that's going on with him. You might as well embrace it. But yeah, are you concerned about the bullpen getting burned out? Or am I just finding things to worry about as a Mets ORG fan?No, no, no.

Speaker 12435.8s - 2511.24s

It's a fair concern. I mean, I was looking at it a little bit a couple days ago. The Mets ORG don't, I don't think they have, I don't think they've used the most unique relievers, but they're up there. They're definitely one of the few teams that's used 16 or more. Also, I feel like they kind of get a little bit of a pass because Tonkin was two ofthose relievers and Johan Ramirez, if he pitches in a game, will be two of those relievers and Johan Ramirez if he pitches in a game will be two of those relievers and I don't know I mean maybe they they legitimately had something about those two guys that they really liked and just pounced at the opportunity to to bring them back but I also feel like it would have just been some other guy if they hadn't right so um So, yeah, that part is good in the sense that they're trying to take some of the load off of the more important arms. But I think, and I don't spend too much time on it, but like, is Brooks Raleigh's PERSON arm fine or really bad or somewhere in between?Because the updates on it were all three of those things in the span of like 48 hours in one

Speaker 02511.24s - 2518.24s

point since we last recorded. Um, you know, oh, he's fine. He'll be back when his IL stint is up.

Speaker 12518.44s - 2559.18s

Uh, no, he won't. He might need surgery. And no, surgery's not on the table. He's actually throwing. I have no idea what to believe. But his absence, Drew Smith is still out. And again, he's expected to originally to come back when his aisle stint is over. But all those things, believe it when you see it. Right? Yep.So if Smith and Raleigh PERSON continue to be out, then there's some concern there. And, you know, Edwin Diaz PERSON isn't, he hasn't found his just untouchable self yet. Right.

Speaker 22561.02s - 2575.96s

Yeah. And, you know, we should also mention, you know, while we're talking about the bullpen, that still somehow Reid Garrett is excellent. Maybe he's for real. We're getting to the point where we have to consider Rick Garrett PERSON, maybe is for real.

Speaker 12577.64s - 2585.46s

Yeah. No, it seems that way. So, I mean, let's hope it continues to be that way.

Speaker 22587.62s - 2591.78s

Because he has been just the bullpen savior this year.

Speaker 12593.38s - 2600.82s

Yes. Yes, yes, yes. Not to take away from the other guys who have pitched well. It's just he's been so good.

Speaker 22602.08s - 2612.94s

And, you know, longtime listeners will note that Chris PERSON and I were making a game out of Reed Garrett's PERSON name because of all the double consonants.

Speaker 12612.94s - 2613.46s

Double T.

Speaker 02613.9s - 2619.94s

Yeah, the double T. And how that seemed like the most interesting thing about Reed Garrett PERSON early in the season.

Speaker 22620.68s - 2621.74s

And we were wrong.

Speaker 12622.36s - 2623.32s

We were dead wrong.

Speaker 22623.5s - 2628.36s

Speaking of Reed's in the bullpen, Sean Reed Foley has actually looked pretty good too.

Speaker 12628.36s - 2644.14s

Yes, he has. Which is kind of funny because I think when he first came up as a Met ORG after the Stephen match straight, I think early in that 2021 season, I wrote something on Amazing Avenue ORG that was like, hey, maybe this guy is good. And then he just sucked. And then the next year, he just sucked.

Speaker 22644.38s - 2644.62s


Speaker 12646.76s - 2647.98s

But they kept them around.

Speaker 22648.42s - 2656.58s

And that's rare for a fringy, shitty reliever to be kept around for so long. So there had to be something there, right? Right.

Speaker 12656.94s - 2685.9s

Yeah. And then, you know, last year he makes it back. And he was injured. So, all right. That explains the struggles early in 2022, but he comes back from injury. His strikeout rate is through the roof, but so is his walk rate.And that's also been the case this year in his major league innings. Almost 15 strikeouts for nine and over eight walks. Wow. And yet, the zero ERA. And we'll see. We'll see how long it lasts.

Speaker 22686.5s - 2697.08s

Not quite as promising as Reed Garrett PERSON, but, um, yeah. I believe I'm remembering probably. Wasn't his first spring with the team 2020 when you and I were at spring training?

Speaker 12699.82s - 2709.48s

Uh, Reed Foley played in, he, he pitched in Toronto GPE. I think, I think it was the one after. I mean for the Mets ORG,

Speaker 22709.78s - 2713.24s

his first one of the Mets ORG wasn't we weren't there for it? No,

Speaker 12713.48s - 2717.38s

because the Stephen Match PERSON trade was after the COVID season.

Speaker 22717.9s - 2744.2s

Oh, you're right. You're right. I could have sworn we saw Sean Reed Foley pitch in person. I guess I'm just, I'm inventing that.Yeah. That's okay. That's fine. My brain has done weirder things to me than thought I saw Sean Reed Foley in spring training. Yeah, he was in Toronto GPE. You're right.I mean, to be fair, maybe they played the Blue Jays ORG while we were there. I can't remember who the opponents were.

Speaker 02745.18s - 2750.94s

But not who I'm thinking of. Okay. Cool. My broken brain strikes again. Anyway,

Speaker 22751.84s - 2761.18s

let's wrap the show up today with a very sad record recommendation section. I think I know what both

Speaker 02761.18s - 2769.94s

of us are going to talk about. So you go ahead. Sure, yeah. And well, before two parts of musical sadness here,

Speaker 12770.14s - 2833.3s

not too long ago on the show, I recommended an MC5 record because Wayne Kramer PERSON had passed away. And Dennis Thompson, the drummer of the MC5 ORG, just this week, I only heard this morning, but drummer of the MC5, just this week. I only heard this morning, but he had been very briefly the last surviving member of that band, but he passed away as well. So that, you know, that officially closes the book on living members of a legendary band.So that, that sucks, but rest in peace to him as well. And yeah, the news that really shocked us, absolutely no clue that anything like this would have happened. But Steve Albini, who has been involved in a lot of music that people probably know really, really well. And, you know, whether it was just working with Nirvana ORG, PJ Harvey, Pixies ORG,

Speaker 22834.28s - 2835.6s

Jesus Lizards ORG, tons of other band. Yeah.

Speaker 12837.04s - 2864.8s

Yeah, tons of other bands. And then right up through, I mean, he recorded some stuff with screaming females. There's, I think it might be a record that I've recommended on the show, if not, certainly an artist, but Ty Siegel had a self-titled record that I believe Albany PERSON, you know, recorded or produced or engineered. Then there's the promo video for it was Steve Albany PERSON and

Speaker 22864.8s - 2870.5s

Ty Siegel PERSON just smashing a toilet on the loading dock for no reason.

Speaker 12870.78s - 2947.7s

But it turned out that sound was like a field sound that was used in the middle of one of the songs on the record. But yeah, somebody who has been involved with tons of music you'd know whether you knew his name or not and it's like super unique sharp-witted personality and yeah the age of 61 heart attack he's gone so that that's it really sucks and I think a lot of the music world, you know, there's so much of the bands that we collectively like, had either direct or indirect involvement with him and have expressed their, you know, grief and sadness about his passing.But, yeah, as you do when somebody like that dies, their own music is what you go to. And he was involved in several things of his own. But Shalak ORG was the one that I always connected with the most. And honestly, there's four records that could all be the recommendation here. But I'll pick one. And hopefully it's not the exact same one that you're going with.

Speaker 22947.7s - 2949.02s

I'd love picking the Schlaq ORG record.

Speaker 12949.1s - 2949.74s

So we're safe here.

Speaker 22949.74s - 2950.06s

Oh, okay.

Speaker 12950.1s - 2950.34s

All right.

Speaker 22950.42s - 2951.48s

Well, there you go.

Speaker 12952.62s - 3033.32s

And Shalak, a week from today, has a new album coming out. They had some shows, you know, scheduled in Europe LOC. I don't know if they had any American NORP dates on the books yet. Not that it matters now. But yeah, scheduled in Europe. I don't know if they had any American dates on the books yet. Not that it matters now. But yeah, yeah, no. I did get to see Shalak Live definitely three times maybe four,one of which I got to photograph them, which was super awesome and fun. Anyway, the actual album recommendation I'm going to go with, and it's tough because my favorite single song is on a different record, but because this is a baseball podcast, I'm recommending the album,Excellent Italian Greyhound WORK_OF_ART. It's got a couple of my You know Very high up there Shalak ORG songs One of which is the end of radioWhich references Vin Scully And to me It made it just appropriate that There aren't too many times The bands I likeMake references to legendary baseball figures. So I felt like this was the album to go with. Huge baseball.

Speaker 23033.88s - 3034.78s

Steve Valmini PERSON, by the way.

Speaker 13034.78s - 3035s


Speaker 23035.2s - 3036.9s

Yeah. No, yeah.

Speaker 13036.9s - 3139s

Yeah. But, yeah, no. Can't go wrong with any of their records. But the end of radio itself is a really great, really long song. And I mean that in the best possible way. Steady as she goes to the second track on there.That's as, like, catchy as anything. And Shalak ORG just have this a unique sound. It's funny as I was coming through the discography after he passed and trying to just sort out what my album rec was going to be for this.Sometimes you can't help but stumble upon review words. One of the records to somebody open a review with like, oh, it's not a new sound it sounds like shellac PERSON i'm like yeah no shit like that's the point of course it does like do you i don't know like were you expecting shellac PERSON to grow into radio head or somethinglike what like motorhead sounded like motorhead and shellac PERSON sounded like shellac. And I'm very excited to hear, even though it's going to be a really weird, bittersweet listen that like he died a week before his new album came out. But I'm still excited to hear it because I always liked, you know, what he did. And it just, man, it sucks to, like, he was the lead of the band. But collectively, as a, you know, that trio was just so much fun to watch live.And like, that's never going to happen again. That really sucks.

Speaker 23140.5s - 3144.8s

And such an unexpected death, too, hits differently. Yeah.

Speaker 13144.96s - 3164.94s

So, yeah. So rest in peace to Steve Albini as well. I don't think I ever got to meet him aside for maybe like buying something at the merch table, you know. But he's someone who was never, never short on words. So he's someone that like even if you didn't actually know him, maybe it felt like you did because he. Absolutely.

Speaker 03164.94s - 3173.56s

So verbose on stage and just as a person online um and interviews and everything so

Speaker 13173.56s - 3183.82s

yeah excellent italian greyhound which also has an excellent album cover it does it does um but yeah

Speaker 23183.82s - 3208s

so um i never got to see schelack live which is a bummer um and uh i never to see Shalak Live, which is a bummer. And I never met Albany, but I did speak with him on the phone once because I was, in 2006, I was going to Chicago for a music festival, the pitchfork festival that year, which I was just looking at that lineup the other day and the best lineup of any festival I've ever been to crazy how good the festival was.

Speaker 13208.76s - 3213.68s

But when I was in Chicago, I was trying to get a tour of electrical audio because my band

Speaker 23213.68s - 3293.24s

at the time was going to maybe try to go to electrical audio to record an EP or something. We're going to try and get three days with Albini PERSON recording us. And it didn't happen. And I didn't get to go to the tour because they were unavailable. But he was super nice on the phone and gave really thoughtful answers to all my dumb questions. And I wish it could have happened for a thousand reasons.I mean, to have a record recorded by Albini PERSON would have been a dream. But it didn't happen. And that's fine. But anyway, I am going to focus on the production side of Albini because I knew you would talk about Shalak ORG, which is him as a performer.And he hated the word producer. He was one of the most ethical dudes in music. He refused to take points on a record. He wanted to be paid, quote, like a plumber. It's how he described it when talking to Nirvana about producing in utero.But I wanted to pick an album that I love, that Albini PERSON worked on that maybe isn't quite as well known as like Surfer Rosa by the Pixies WORK_OF_ART, which I adore, or any of the breeders records he worked on, which are great, or in utero,which is the best Nirvana ORG album. I didn't want to talk about any of that. So I am talking about a band that has two features of it that I think would turn off almost anybody on principle. And I'm including Chris PERSON in this, uh, in this, uh, because, you know, Albini

Speaker 33293.24s - 3299.18s

produced a lot of very harsh music. And Chris PERSON, I know that you and I can listen to some heavier

Speaker 23299.18s - 3332.34s

stuff, some more, um, atonal stuff, not really be bugged by it. But there is a band out of Southern New Jersey called the Danielson PERSON family. And they are an evangelical Christian NORP punk noise band. And it's not the punky, noisy stuff, because it's very melodic, but the lead singer sings in a falsettothat sounds like, if you've ever seen Who Frame Roger Rabbit WORK_OF_ART, the real voice of Judge Doom at the end, his voice sounds like this!

Speaker 03333.2s - 3354.5s

And so it's just like weird evangelical Christian NORP rock with this really harsh voice on it, but I love it. It's really good. I am not an evangelical Christian NORP. It does not appeal to me from a lyrical standpoint at all. And it's not, it is not at all like what you picture like if you,

Speaker 23354.62s - 3428.48s

if you accidentally tune your radio to the Christian NORP rock station, it sounds nothing like that. It's a lot of like distorted electric guitar and glockens spiel and weird keyboards and backing vocals and the band is made up of all of Daniel Smith PERSON, the main guy, his whole family. That's why it's the Danielson PERSON family. It's like his sisters and his dad. And I think now maybe there's a niece or a nephew or a child in the band also.They wear costumes on stage. All of this sounds insufferable. And I think now maybe there's a niece or a nephew or a child in the band also. They wear costumes on stage. All of this sounds insufferable. And I recognize that. But the record is called Fetch the Compass Kids WORK_OF_ART. And it was recorded both in electrical audio. And according to the press release, came out with it, Albini slept on an air mattress in southern New Jersey for a couple of nights to finish recording it.And what I love about it, and this is the Albini PERSON of it all, is that every sound on the record, whether it's the really sweet, you know, xylophone, Glock PRODUCT and spiel stuff, or the really fuzzed out guitar, or the impossibly hard to stomach vocals at times all of it is recorded just

Speaker 03428.48s - 3447.32s

perfectly and it all sits together in this really interesting sonic mix and um you know it is just unlike anything else you're going to hear today and that's probably a good thing for your day that this is unlike anything else you're going to hear today. And that's probably a good thing for your day, that this is unlike anything else you're going to hear today.

Speaker 23448.24s - 3458.64s

But I would recommend the track that I think is the most representative of the record.

Speaker 13458.64s - 3461.04s

It's called, and again, this is a terrible name.

Speaker 03461.12s - 3462.4s

I'm not selling this album at all.

Speaker 23462.78s - 3499.76s

The song is called Good News for the Puss Pickers WORK_OF_ART. I know I'm not this might be the recommendation I've made that I'm sure no one is going to listen to when the podcast is over. But if youjust listen to, you can't listen to this the first 10 seconds, because if you do, you will turn it off. If you listen to the first, like, minute and a half of good news for the pus pickers, I think you will be intrigued enough to keep listening, but I would not judge you at all if you turned it off.

Speaker 13503.52s - 3506.76s

What you're saying is you secretly did record an album with Steve Albini. No No, I wish. I would I would wear this like a badge of honor.

Speaker 23507.3s - 3508.56s

Dude, if this was me.

Speaker 13509.52s - 3510.44s

I know, I know.

Speaker 23511.24s - 3512.3s

I love this record.

Speaker 13512.42s - 3514.06s

I own this record on vinyl.

Speaker 23514.24s - 3515.74s

I like this record so much.

Speaker 13516.52s - 3529.72s

But it's really, really strange. And Danielson PERSON in general, I like a lot. Sufian Stevens used to play banjo in the Danielson PERSON family. So that's something people probably know who Sufian Stevens PERSON is.

Speaker 03530.64s - 3585.42s

So anyway, Fetch the Compass Kids by the Danielson family, 2001. Rest in Power, Steve Albini, a true hero of mine for his recording prowess, but more than that for his ethics and for his ability to call himself on his bullshit in the last years of his life, he not quite apologize. Apologizing is too strong of a word. He basically took ownership for all the shitty things that he said about, you know, he saidhe used insensitive terms and he could be a dick a lot of times. And he never apologized for having strong opinions or being harsh with his opinions, but he apologized for not doing enough to help marginalize people and for saying some shitty things. And when you get a guy who was willing to own up to his past mistakes like that, that's rare and beautiful and should be celebrated.So thank you for all the music, Steve Albini. We can never repay you in a thousand

Speaker 23585.42s - 3600.26s

lifetimes. Anyway, that does it for this episode of Today Your Love Tomorrow World Series WORK_OF_ART. Thank you for listening. Go to Homeward for more. We're on Instagram. Chris PERSON is a crisp of Shane. I'm at Ryan into nap. And until next time, let's go Mets ORG.