Haunt Weekly - Episode 441 - Haunting According to Wikipedia

Haunt Weekly - Episode 441 - Haunting According to Wikipedia

by Jonathan Bailey and Crystal Ramey

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54:42 minutes

published 19 days ago

American English

© 2024 Haunt Weekly by Jonathan Bailey and Crystal Ramey


Speaker 00s - 25.58s

Welcome to Haunt Weekly ORG. Hello, everyone. Hello, everyone. I'm Jonathan PERSON.

Speaker 125.8s - 26.5s

I'm Crystal PERSON.

Speaker 026.5s - 86.32s

And this is Haunt Weekly, a weekly podcast for the haunted attraction and entertainment community, whether you're an actor-owner or just plain aficionado. We aim to be a podcast for you. And we return to you this week to do something your teachers tell you to never do. We are deliberately using Wikipedia ORG as a source. That's right.We're looking at the Wikipedia ORG entry for haunted attractions to see just how embarrassed we should be by our representation on what is currently the number one result for our industry. And for some reason, that doesn't sound interesting. It amuses the hell out of me. But if that's not what you want to listen to right now, please check out our other stuff at hauntweekly.com orHaunt Weekly on Twitter. I mean X. I mean, whatever it is now. Haunt Weekly on Facebook ORG, YouTube ORG.com slash Haunt Weekly's YouTube page. A great place to get all the classic episodes, including a couple of we're going to mention in this one. And, of course, you can find us wherever your podcast are distributed.

Speaker 192.92s - 98.44s

Okay, so first off, we have to apologize. We're late this week. We actually had a good run going of being on time. We had a few weeks there. But the problem this week was simply, was a part,

Speaker 098.5s - 103.8s

mostly my job. I had a very busy week. My Sunday was totally taken away from me.

Speaker 1104.1s - 104.44s


Speaker 0104.64s - 155.92s

Almost entirely. I was literally from wake up to, you know, the end of the day, pretty much, was trying to finish a project with an urgent deadline. I didn't get to do anything Haunt Weekly related over the course of the day. And that made kind of getting things done Monday impossible. I made it more impossible by the fact that I was sick, not insignificant amount of time. One of the reasons why I didn't get the work doneSaturday was I was sick on Saturday and feeling like utter ass. So yeah, basically I've been ill and I've been slain with projects. Blame me for this one. And also, that's why we didn't do any work for the haunt. We've rearranged some stuff. We moved some stuff around. And also, that's why we didn't do any work for the Haunt ORG. We've rearranged some stuff. We moved some stuff around. But honestly, this was the first really hot weekendwe've had in quite some time. And it's just going to continue

Speaker 1155.92s - 156.9s

to get worse. I know.

Speaker 0157.44s - 159.94s

So we've got to figure out when we can do work

Speaker 1159.94s - 164.14s

again. We're running into the same issue we had last year. It's not a surprise.

Speaker 0164.54s - 169.34s

But at least this year, we're in a slightly better position than we were last year. Mm-hmm.

Speaker 1169.48s - 171.38s

Because we have gotten some work done.

Speaker 0171.96s - 172.42s


Speaker 1172.54s - 174.54s

Some is better than none. I have checked.

Speaker 0175.02s - 176.32s

Yes, that is true.

Speaker 1177.34s - 180.4s

I have checked. And we have definitely gotten some work done.

Speaker 0180.48s - 191.54s

In fact, we've gotten a lot of heavy work done. But you're right. We're not anywhere near where we wanted to be. But then again, looking at the answers to the question of the week.

Speaker 1191.98s - 194s

Seems like we're on par with everybody else.

Speaker 0194s - 229.66s

Yeah, I've got to say, I've been feeling really bad because we came in hot with a hole we're going to do a little bit of work every weekend. We did for a while, maintain that very religiously. And we did, like I said, get pretty much all of our demo done and get to the point where we are now, which was a lot of work. Let's not sell ourselves short. But we did not maintain it as thoroughly as we wanted to.We had too many illnesses, too many other projects, and just weakens where things didn't get done for one reason or another. But it looks like, because last week we asked you, where are you guys with your honbilt?

Speaker 1230.54s - 235.44s

And it seems like everyone is either behind where they want to be

Speaker 0235.44s - 237.32s

or just barely started to.

Speaker 1238.04s - 243.18s

So in a way, I think we're ahead of the curve according to some of this, which that's scary. Yeah.

Speaker 0243.86s - 257.4s

So, yeah, Daniel Barnett PERSON said, so far behind, sadly, because of work and burnout. But come July, I'll have that Hold My Beer Energy and knock out seven months of work in two months. We're trying not to rely on that hold of my beer energy.

Speaker 1257.76s - 278.44s

Yeah, because we didn't find it last year, but I understand the sentiment completely. Cole Auger PERSON said, just started to put panels up after nailing down a theme and layout. This is the first year I'm going from a huge yard display to an actual walk-through home hunt in my little Wyoming GPE town.

Speaker 0278.44s - 297.6s

That sounds really good. Allow yourself a lot of extra time. If it's the first time doing a panel-based construction. Yeah. Because one thing that I will say we learned when we made the move to purely panel-based construction was nothing ever fits exactly like you think it will in the diagram.That is very true.

Speaker 1298.22s - 300.4s

It never does.

Speaker 0300.84s - 309.66s

And I don't know how because it's like we have like perfect measurements of our haunt other than the fact that's not level. We didn't account for that when we took the measurements.

Speaker 1310s - 310.58s

Uh, no.

Speaker 0310.88s - 319.74s

But like we have perfect measurements of the building. It just doesn't matter because the universe comes along and kicks you in the nuts. I think it's quantum physics or some shit. I don't know.

Speaker 1320.04s - 323.68s

I think it's New Orleans GPE, you know, unlevel ground.

Speaker 0324.14s - 329.26s

Maybe the wood, because of the humidity, the wood's swelling by enough to throw things off by like a quarter of an inch.

Speaker 1329.48s - 342.9s

But like a quarter inch per panel. And so therefore over like a six panel run. Oh, I thought you were more talking about the unlevel ground so that we can't put some things where we want to because it doesn't touch the ground on one side.

Speaker 0342.96s - 351.04s

That's one problem. Also, the bizarre fact that we can't put something we want because we don't have a stud or a supporting board. Yeah.

Speaker 1351.28s - 353.64s

That's been one we run into repeatedly.

Speaker 0354s - 358.8s

Yeah, the contractor that came through the neighborhood and put in all the garages did a pretty

Speaker 1358.8s - 359.52s

shit job.

Speaker 0359.76s - 374.7s

Yeah, Bill PERSON, apparently, because that's the legend we've heard multiple times now, is that this contractor, and it's always described like it's this, you know, a fucking Piper PERSON type thing. This guy just rocks up in the town with this magic little van or whatever.

Speaker 1378.42s - 378.5s

And builds and offers a great deal for everyone on back rooms,

Speaker 0380.38s - 380.5s

because apparently they also built the back room of our house.

Speaker 1380.74s - 381.16s


Speaker 0381.84s - 388.06s

And garages. And so apparently our house did not have, well, I know it didn't have a front room,

Speaker 1391.3s - 398.58s

what we call the foyer, it didn't have, and it didn't have the back room. Apparently he built those two rooms and the garage. So expanded, almost doubled the size of the house between those two things. Yeah.

Speaker 0402.54s - 404.18s

But the front room was, I'm pretty sure, just walling in a porch area.

Speaker 1407.54s - 407.66s

And the back room they built, which they built slab on grade,

Speaker 0409.32s - 410.48s

which is unbelievably dumb in New Orleans GPE.

Speaker 1410.84s - 411.72s


Speaker 0414.36s - 414.9s

If any room's going to get flooded, it's that one, and we all know it.

Speaker 1415.34s - 416.32s


Speaker 0420.68s - 423.06s

But anyway, so, yeah, basically, allow yourself a little extra time for that. Just trust me. It'll help you out.

Speaker 1424.94s - 425.18s

But congrats on expanding and moving forward. Yes,

Speaker 0425.26s - 436.1s

yes, indeed. Congrats on the expansion and moving forward. Sounds awesome. Chris Gay PERSON, finalizing plans, won't have my build budget until July. That just gave me nightmares. Yeah, no kidding. Like,

Speaker 1436.1s - 442.3s

I didn't realize that you're working under those kind of restrictions. Chris PERSON, I don't know what to

Speaker 0442.3s - 447.16s

tell you. That is, wow. I'll be thinking of you.

Speaker 1448.9s - 456.24s

Yeah, that's all we can do. That's all I can do. Honath, the Roxbury GPE said, have not even started total slacker. I don't do that.

Speaker 0456.24s - 457.46s

That's their words, not in mind.

Speaker 1457.46s - 459.26s

Yeah, we're not interjecting here.

Speaker 0459.6s - 466.64s

They put the words total slacker there. I don't think it makes you a total slacker. You know, everyone has their own different cadence for this. Yeah.

Speaker 1467.34s - 469.76s

Victor Ruilla PERSON says, mostly 3D printing parts,

Speaker 0469.86s - 479.58s

currently making housing for many PIRs. I saw these little guys at NorCal Hunters ORG meetup. It comes with STLs for range limiting CA. I understood like half those words.

Speaker 1480.06s - 482.2s

Yeah. I just wanted to say I understood

Speaker 0482.2s - 483.96s

like half those words. It looks really cool.

Speaker 1484.04s - 485.3s

The photo attached.

Speaker 0486.64s - 490.48s

Looks impressive and really cool. And we've definitely been dabbling with 3D printing some this year.

Speaker 1490.9s - 492.4s


Speaker 0496.56s - 501.4s

We have, we're running into a recurring issue with a 3D printer. So I think I've fixed it. Oh, this is the first I've heard about this being fixed.

Speaker 1502s - 505.28s

Okay, what did you do? Releveled it. Oh, releveled. Yeah. Oh, what'd you do? Re-leveled it.

Speaker 0506.08s - 506.32s

Oh, releveled.

Speaker 1506.52s - 506.72s


Speaker 0507.1s - 507.66s

Oh, okay.

Speaker 1508.82s - 535.44s

So the problem was, is that it was not printing vertically in line, but ours has an automatic leveling thing where I just did that yesterday and tried to print something vertical. And it almost worked, but then I ran out of filamentand changing the filament changed the print. So I still didn't, I still don't have a fully functional product that's vertically printed yet. But I'm getting closer.

Speaker 0535.52s - 537.9s

Most of the stuff we're thinking about doing for the Honan Ways PRODUCT is flat.

Speaker 1538.18s - 538.46s


Speaker 0538.62s - 543.46s

Well, then again, it's flat as long as the design is flat, like that stupid light switch we ran into.

Speaker 1543.74s - 553.36s

Yeah. You were doing a light switch cover for something. And for some reason, the light switch cover was printing vertically rather than on the bed. It was a coffin light switch cover. How could I not?

Speaker 0554.32s - 556.92s

You know, I don't blame you.

Speaker 1557.28s - 562.4s

But anyways, finally, since we know, this is supposed to be focusing on other people's answers to the question. Yeah.

Speaker 0562.7s - 574.18s

Mika PERSON Arnold said, I don't know why I was saying, Mika. So just finally found somewhere to put it six hours away. Jeez, Louise PERSON.

Speaker 1574.84s - 576.08s

That is some dedication.

Speaker 0576.62s - 584.1s

I, I mean, we thought whenever we were volunteering at Chambers and it was an hour away.

Speaker 1584.16s - 588.8s

And we thought when we were offering to help at Decomposed, which is about an hour and 20 minutes away.

Speaker 0588.88s - 591.52s

Yeah, that that was peak dedication.

Speaker 1592.38s - 593.64s

That's six times more.

Speaker 0594.02s - 594.44s


Speaker 1595.24s - 595.68s


Speaker 0596.02s - 601.66s

And it's for a simple yard hunt, but at least I'll get this to use my stuff.

Speaker 1601.74s - 602.24s

Ha, ha.

Speaker 0602.64s - 604.4s

That's the, wow.

Speaker 1604.66s - 605.76s

Glad you get to have the creative control and the design my stuff. Ha ha. That's... That's the... Wow. Glad you get to

Speaker 0605.76s - 607.42s

have the creative control

Speaker 1607.42s - 609.5s

and the design and stuff

Speaker 0609.5s - 610.64s

and use your stuff,

Speaker 1610.84s - 613.48s

but that is definitely dedication.

Speaker 0613.72s - 613.96s


Speaker 1614.26s - 614.72s


Speaker 0615.26s - 630.1s

So this week's question week was sponsored by a post on Brett Hayes' PERSON Facebook. They came up a while back in which he was sharing images from alien encounters. And we actually talked about alien encounters a while back. in which he was sharing images from alien encounters. And we actually talkedabout alien encounters a while back, I think one of the early episodes, we discussed

Speaker 1630.1s - 632.1s

it. And the

Speaker 0632.1s - 642.16s

reason, the question is, what was the most scared you've actually been inside a haunted attraction? And I'm willing

Speaker 1642.16s - 644.1s

to account times in which, you know, you

Speaker 0644.1s - 651.36s

were, you know, working the haunt, but it's not a time that involved actual danger. We're talking about the simulated fun kind of fear.

Speaker 1651.52s - 651.8s


Speaker 0651.96s - 664.48s

And the reason I asked this is because alien encounters was the only time in my life. I was in a fear-based attraction and I was scared out of my wits without there being some kind of actual danger. Yeah.

Speaker 1664.92s - 666.4s

I was genuinely

Speaker 0666.4s - 684.14s

terrified in that attraction. And it just shows what Disney ORG can do when they stop fucking around and try to stop trying to keep things fun and light and actually try to scarethe shit out of you. They can I'm sure that attraction killed people, basically, is what I'm saying.

Speaker 1684.42s - 694.42s

Heart attacks. Heart attacks. Left and right. Because I'm pretty sure I, in fact, I know from when attraction killed people, basically, is what I'm saying. Heart attacks. Heart attacks left and right. Because I'm pretty sure. In fact, I know from when I went there, there were people on that attraction who had no idea what they were signing up for.

Speaker 0695.06s - 719.8s

When they went in there, I knew, I saw the things that said, this is a scary attraction, and I'm like, you know. Yeah. I am very sure there were people who did not read those signs and just go, this is a Disney ORG ride. It's going to be fun. It's got to be light and fluffy.And then they did convert it into that briefly. I think it's no longer a Stitch's encounter either. But they did convert it to something like that. But, man, the original alien encounters, I don't think that's going to be top. Yeah.

Speaker 1720.02s - 721.38s

What what did you say is?

Speaker 0721.98s - 730.46s

I get, you know, startle reactions quite often, but a deep sense of fear, I don't get that very often.

Speaker 1731.46s - 737.1s

The only other time I actually had that deep guttural fear that I can think of was Raven's Grin'in FAC.

Speaker 0738.38s - 744.04s

And then that was from the realization that, oh, Christ, we're three and a half hours away from anyone who knows us.

Speaker 1744.6s - 747.54s

And were it locked in a room in this madman.

Speaker 0749.18s - 749.64s


Speaker 1750.28s - 754.3s

And mind you, of course, Jim Warfield PERSON is absolutely wonderful, a treasure and all that.

Speaker 0754.4s - 756.32s

But there was a moment.

Speaker 1756.5s - 757.58s

I'm not going to lie.

Speaker 0757.88s - 761.44s

Well, we knew friends who had gone and had made it back.

Speaker 1761.44s - 762.64s

So, you know.

Speaker 0762.94s - 770.32s

There was an assumption we'd be safe. But then again, do we really trust those particular friends?

Speaker 1772.42s - 773.34s

Sorry, Kyle PERSON.

Speaker 0773.72s - 840.2s

From episode, Kyle from episode two. If you're still listening to this podcast, sorry, man. You're not the arbiter of what is and is not saying. Oh, man. So anyways, once again, the question of me, what was the most scared you've actually beenin a fear-based or haunted attraction? Let us know, honk-oam-Wilkly.com, haunt-linkly ORG on Twitter, hauntleukleuk on Facebook ORG and YouTube.com slash haunt weekly. So that means we get to kick it over to this week's topic.And it was kind of funny because with everything going on this week, and I didn't have a lot of time to think about a topic. So whenever we sat down to discuss what do we want to do for a topic, I did the thing I do a lot of times, which is I just search for haunted attraction or haunted house. And I try to see if there's anything going on interesting that we should talk about. Just so we don't miss things. I do those searches regularly for news episodes,but sometimes whenever we're just, you know, just struggling for ideas I do it too. This time around, like most times, the Wikipedia ORG entry for Haunted attraction, Perens PERSON simulated.

Speaker 1842.06s - 843.4s

Not sure, you know.

Speaker 0844.8s - 847.78s

So that gives a lot of validity to the

Speaker 1847.78s - 850.72s

The haunted as in like what

Speaker 0850.72s - 852.62s

Yeah, the paranormal investigator

Speaker 1852.62s - 854.1s


Speaker 0854.1s - 857.06s

So I don't think it deserves

Speaker 1857.06s - 860.34s

Regardless, we're gonna move on from that

Speaker 0860.34s - 886.4s

But that came up and I immediately went to scroll past it like I always do. But I'm like, wait a minute. I've never actually read that entry. Yeah. 441 episodes into the history of this podcast. 441 weeks of doing this. I've never actually read that entry. I really should drop in and see what they're having to say about it.

Speaker 1886.82s - 888.08s

So basically, it's like

Speaker 0888.08s - 911.46s

I've searched for it a million times. I have seen it in the search results probably thousands, thousands of times. Never actually stopped to read it. So I decided I'm going to see what's in it.What is it saying? What in it, it's roughly 5,500 words, is it actually saying about the haunted attraction industry?

Speaker 1912.12s - 915.86s

Is there something, it can teach me? Is there something I didn't know in there?

Speaker 0916.26s - 972.32s

Entirely possible? I don't know everything. And how well does it represent the industry? So that's the reason one I wanted to cover this this week, and this is definitely a meat episode. I'm taking the lead on the finding of this one. The other reason is, and this is the more serious one,is that it is the 40th anniversary of the haunted castle fire at Sixth FAC, that was May 11th, 1984, is when the fire was. Those who don't know, eight teenagers lost their lives in this fire. It's widely seen as one of the biggest turning points in the haunted attraction industry for a variety of reasons. We covered it very thoroughly. And apparently, very well, according to what several people have said, in episode 166, I encourageyou to go back and watch that. If we were going to do a Redux episode this week, I was going to make that the Redux episode.

Speaker 1972.62s - 973.7s

Which would have made sense.

Speaker 0974.6s - 1037.78s

But we were able to record on Tuesday. But yeah, we may do another deep dive on it later. We have someone we want to talk to and possibly do another full episode on it, but we didn't want to do that here. But this doescome up fairly significantly in the Wikipedia entry, and so we'll be touching on it some as we go through. It's a way of acknowledging it on the anniversary without doing the full episode on it, another full episode on it, I should say.But yeah, we definitely wanted to acknowledge that. And so what I'm planning, what I was thinking we would do, since we've got about 25, 30 minutes here, as we would go through section by section and look at how it represents thingsand sort of what information we can glean from it. And I've got to say the first thing I noticed when I pulled up the entry, and this is kind of wild to me, was that the top photo, the very top photo, is trauma towers in Blackpool GPE, England GPE.

Speaker 11040.3s - 1047.62s

Which is interesting because you don't think of a lot of haunted attractions being in England GPE.

Speaker 01047.8s - 1049.48s

Or international in general.

Speaker 11049.68s - 1061.3s

Yeah, and it may be that we're just in the U.S. GPE and see all the list from the U.S. But it doesn't seem to be as wide of a spread of an industry as it could be.

Speaker 01061.48s - 1071s

It's not. And it's definitely a very different industry there, and we know that from traveling with a fair amount overseas. We've been to some haunted attractions. We've been haunted attractions in the Netherlands and England GPE.

Speaker 11073.54s - 1074.3s


Speaker 01074.3s - 1094.5s

oh, and one in Budapest GPE. Yes. One in Budapest GPE. So we have been to a few international haunts, but interestingly, in all the above cases,we were in the countries in summer. They were all year-round or tourist seasonal haunts, not tied to Halloween. Right.

Speaker 11094.56s - 1095.02s

Like they are here,

Speaker 01095.08s - 1125.76s

that's, I think, probably the biggest difference is most of the haunted or fear-based attractions elsewhere are not tied to Halloween in any way. They're tied to, like I said, either the tour season or they're tied or they're year-round. So, yeah. But basically, when I think of haunted attraction,I don't think of international ones. And maybe that's, like I said, that's on me, and that's on us, you know, is the ugly Americans NORP in the room here,

Speaker 11125.82s - 1129.9s

but, you know, I would have, like,

Speaker 01130.06s - 1135.74s

I don't know what haunt I would have proposed be the number one photo. Mm-hmm.

Speaker 11136.32s - 1138.44s

Like, I've literally been trying to think of that.

Speaker 01139.16s - 1145.8s

Honestly, it's a photo, the, there's a photo lit lower down of the Disney ORG Haunted Mansion. Yeah.

Speaker 11145.88s - 1146.8s

I think that's reasonable.

Speaker 01147.6s - 1147.86s


Speaker 11148.24s - 1152.86s

Um, and we'll be discussing more about the Disney ORG Haunted Mansion in just a little bit because

Speaker 01152.86s - 1162.6s

they discuss it quite heavily. Um, so I don't know. It just, it's, it seems weird that a Haunt, Random Haunt from Blackpool, England GPE, though got that honor. Yeah.

Speaker 11162.7s - 1163.26s

But regardless.

Speaker 01163.56s - 1185.06s

Uh, the main definition, to read the first paragraph, a haunted attraction is a form of live entertainment that simulates visiting haunted locations or experiencing horror scenarios. They usually feature fearsome sets and characters,especially demons, ghosts, skeletons, zombies, monsters, possess people, witches, serial killers, and slasher's, humorous characters may also be included. So what is the difference between serial killers, and slasher's, humorous characters may also be included.

Speaker 11185.52s - 1188.9s

So what is the difference between serial killers and slasher's?

Speaker 01189.74s - 1203.6s

Not 100% sure. I love the fact they felt the need to list the types of... They could have just said, you know, fearsome sets and characters and moved on and probably been just fine.

Speaker 11203.88s - 1204.16s


Speaker 01204.42s - 1213.9s

Or like you would see in a horror film. Yeah. Or, you know, exactly. They didn't have to try and list every character.

Speaker 11214.2s - 1216.98s

No, because now I know which ones aren't there. Yeah.

Speaker 01217.3s - 1234.3s

So, right now, what I want you to do, if you get a minute, is go to the Wikipedia ORG entry. You should pull it up anyway while we're talking. But go there and determine which type of character on this list you are. Where's Bernie Baxter PERSON on this list?

Speaker 11235.08s - 1238.44s

I think he would be considered a...

Speaker 01238.44s - 1239.92s


Speaker 11240.32s - 1242.04s

Maybe or a ghost.

Speaker 01244.44s - 1245.54s

He's a character.

Speaker 11245.76s - 1247.1s

Or he's a humorous character.

Speaker 01247.38s - 1249.18s

I mean, he's funnyish.

Speaker 11249.54s - 1250.8s

So maybe it's that.

Speaker 01251.38s - 1255.32s

But other than like deciding to try and list

Speaker 11255.32s - 1257.66s

every one attraction character

Speaker 01257.66s - 1260.14s

in the first fucking sentence.

Speaker 11260.6s - 1260.92s


Speaker 01261.54s - 1264.16s

I still think it's overall a good definition.

Speaker 11267.4s - 1267.78s

It's a good dictionary style definition.

Speaker 01268.08s - 1268.8s


Speaker 11270.94s - 1271.04s

Does it encapsulate the entire industry?

Speaker 01271.64s - 1271.68s

Of course, not.

Speaker 11272.16s - 1272.6s

It can't.

Speaker 01275.5s - 1275.76s

But does it do a decent job giving you a general idea what it is?

Speaker 11276.06s - 1276.36s


Speaker 01280.62s - 1281.06s

Still, weird choice trying to list absolutely every single fucking type of character.

Speaker 11284.08s - 1284.58s

Because they obviously failed because there's no way to do that.

Speaker 01292.36s - 1345.48s

But anyways. But overall, the intro I thought was pretty good. It mentioned animatronics, CGI, actors, and it really sort of focused on the modern on an attraction industry. It discusses the seasonal nature. Once again, this is one of the things that made it kind of weird that Blackpool GPE was listed here. I'm pretty sure the Blackpool haunt is a carnal, is one of the haunts. I did not look it up, but I'm pretty sure it's a haunt on a pier, one of those, because Blackpool GPE's famous for its beach. Beaches, so I think it's definitely a tourist seasonal one. So the thing, the, the intro of acknowledges the seasonal nature, says that most are open from late Septemberthrough October into early November but does acknowledge that there are a year-round haunts which are a special subsection and also special events and then the intro gives an entire paragraph to Japanese NORP ghost housesI'm not even going to attempt to say the Japanese NORP word for it.

Speaker 11345.84s - 1346.24s


Speaker 01347.5s - 1365.18s

I'm pretty sure that's just going to offend a lot of people, me attempting it. Which, once again, Kyle PERSON talked about on our podcast a long time ago. But basically, these are popular in the summertime. The idea is that, you know, you wore it off the heat by giving yourself chills. Which, A, that is fucking brilliant. Yeah. That is fucking brilliant. Yeah.

Speaker 11366.5s - 1368.46s

That is fucking brilliant.

Speaker 01368.62s - 1369.56s

I'm just throwing that out.

Speaker 11370s - 1374.7s

And real quick, a note on Trauma Towers FAC, because I went over to their Wikipedia page.

Speaker 01376.24s - 1380.52s

It opened in 1980 and stayed up until 2009.

Speaker 11380.68s - 1382s

So it's not even open currently, though.

Speaker 01382.32s - 1382.68s


Speaker 11383.78s - 1387.72s

But it, you know, it is interesting. Okay.

Speaker 01387.92s - 1391.2s

Well, I definitely think it should be an open haunted attraction.

Speaker 11391.62s - 1393.48s

Yeah, it was demolished in 2018.

Speaker 01395.44s - 1400.62s

Okay, not only should it definitely be an open haunted attraction, it should be a haunted attraction that exists physically.

Speaker 11402.18s - 1408.14s

So, yeah, okay, that is the first thing I think I won't correct it in this.

Speaker 01408.14s - 1412.3s

I think there needs to be better representation visually of what a haunted attraction is there.

Speaker 11412.5s - 1416.04s

Yeah, because that could go into the history section, which is up next.

Speaker 01416.34s - 1420.52s

Yeah, and so the history section is actually really, really interesting here.

Speaker 11422.46s - 1426.08s

Yeah, basically, hang on one second.

Speaker 01426.26s - 1433.7s

I'm trying to get my tab set up correctly here because I, oh wait, I'm in the wrong. That's my problem. Okay. Go ahead.

Speaker 11433.7s - 1435.98s

So one of the first recorded purpose-built

Speaker 01435.98s - 1437.68s

haunted attractions was the

Speaker 11437.68s - 1443.04s

Orton and Spooner Ghost House, which opened in 1915 in

Speaker 01443.04s - 1443.96s

Luke Hook, England GPE.

Speaker 11444.58s - 1445.9s

So it started in England GPE.

Speaker 01446.32s - 1448.06s

Yeah, there is history in England GPE.

Speaker 11448.22s - 1456.46s

Well, and this does say one of the first. And as we can see, there seems to be a lot of murkiness in the very earliest.

Speaker 01456.64s - 1474.96s

But I also, and we'll get into it in a second, I don't know if I agree that this is actually the first. But anyways, one thing I did find cool was that one thing to say is that you can actually still visit it. It exists as part of the Holycomb Steam Collection in England GPE. So next time we're in England GPE, we may have to go check it out.

Speaker 11474.96s - 1482.68s

Because visiting one of the earliest purpose-built haunted houses does sound really fucking cool.

Speaker 01482.78s - 1483.32s

I'm just saying.

Speaker 11483.74s - 1487.76s

Oh, it does. No, we definitely will next time we're over there. We just

Speaker 01487.76s - 1491.9s

didn't know about it the last time we were over there. Which, unfortunately, last time we were over there was quite a while

Speaker 11491.9s - 1493.98s

ago. But anyways, so

Speaker 01493.98s - 1496.02s


Speaker 11496.16s - 1498.12s

and these types of

Speaker 01498.12s - 1502s

purpose-built ones were basically carnival operations.

Speaker 11502.56s - 1504.34s

And they were harkening back

Speaker 01504.34s - 1504.94s


Speaker 11504.94s - 1508.26s

earlier types of shows.

Speaker 01508.26s - 1520.12s

Like, for example, the wax museums, which would oftentimes have horror or gory sections built into them. Also, the shows of mentalism and things like that.

Speaker 11520.26s - 1528.24s

And, you know, you think like late 19th century stuff here. Well, and it's interesting because it was powered by steam, this one.

Speaker 01529.4s - 1537.48s

Yeah, it was completely, yeah, the Spinner Ghost House FAC. I mean, it was completely powered by steam, which is really cool that it still exists.

Speaker 11537.6s - 1538.5s

It still works.

Speaker 01540.56s - 1560.6s

Because, you know, but they actually give a lot of the credit to starting the sort of, I guess you would say, this tourist nature, fear-based attraction. They give it to Marie Tussaud PERSON, who, of course, they say the actual line in the Wikipedia ORG entries, scandalized British audiences

Speaker 11560.6s - 1570.62s

with an exhibition of wax sculptures for decapitated victims of the French Revolution EVENT, including King Louis the 16th, Marie Antoine PERSON, Robespierre, and Jean-Paul Marat PERSON.

Speaker 01572.12s - 1577.76s

Yeah, and her exhibit still exists today is the Chamber of Horrors FAC and Madame Tussauds in London. Yeah.

Speaker 11578.02s - 1580.08s

Which is kind of cool. So both of those still

Speaker 01580.08s - 1592.24s

exist. That's really interesting. I don't know how much in my head I connect those two things with modern-day haunted attractions, but still kind of cool. Yeah, but I mean, it is something that

Speaker 11592.24s - 1598.74s

people were interested in and that's why they went there, you know? I mean, they went there

Speaker 01598.74s - 1603.82s

to be scared. Yeah. And that's... Scared and shocked and... Yes, offended.

Speaker 11604.4s - 1605.84s

My house.

Speaker 01606.6s - 1607.46s

Yes, exactly.

Speaker 11608.56s - 1610.4s

I must clutch them.

Speaker 01612.08s - 1616.4s

But they also talked about the Fantasma Goria ORG show, which something else we've talked about on Hot Weekly ORG.

Speaker 11618.18s - 1619.84s

So that was the use...

Speaker 01619.84s - 1622.8s

That was the first use of what we call today Pepper's Ghost PRODUCT.

Speaker 11623.62s - 1646.08s

The light-driven ghost effect, basically. It was one of the first effects of that. Now, getting more into the direct history here in the United States GPE, they talk about Halloween-themed haunted houses seem to begin sometime during the Great Depression EVENT, which is interesting as fuck to me that that's the case.Yeah, because usually haunted houses now are seen as a luxury item.

Speaker 01646.18s - 1646.44s


Speaker 11646.94s - 1652.18s

You know, you go to them when you have money, not when the economy's going.

Speaker 01652.18s - 1673.2s

In the toilet. Yeah. Yeah, and we're a luxury entertainment industry that's very, that probably is going to be very vulnerable to economic shocks. But anyways, basically, during the 30s, 40s and 50s, it was common for magicians to use, quote,supernatural themes and their stage performances.

Speaker 11674.54s - 1676.46s

But basically, they would put on these traveling,

Speaker 01676.66s - 1693.66s

go shows, spook shows, creep shows, and they would mix sometimes a walk-through thing with displays of mentalism, theatrical effects, basically trying to create some kind of combination of performance art and set up to scare and entertain.

Speaker 11693.66s - 1699.18s

And I also find it interesting that they used comedy in these shows that were meant to scare.

Speaker 01699.5s - 1708.44s

Because as we've talked about, if you add a little bit of comedy, that takes people off guard, that sets them up to be scared more.

Speaker 11709.06s - 1728.08s

Well, and the other thing my head goes to is like, is the difference between someone just tries to make the spiciest hot, hottest hot sauce possible versus someone, you know, makes a complicated, flavored hot sauce that's got some sweet, got a good amount of heat in it.

Speaker 01728.08s - 1735.56s

I mean, one of those may get more attention for its insane Scoville PERSON rating, but the other is going to sell a lot more bottles.

Speaker 11735.98s - 1736.38s


Speaker 01736.76s - 1742.66s

Like, you know, Tabasco doesn't sell 80 billion bottles a day because they're the hottest.

Speaker 11743.06s - 1743.54s

They're not.

Speaker 01744.34s - 1747.56s

But they sell it because people like the overall flavor.

Speaker 11748.64s - 1754.54s

But finally, it gets into what I think of more as the actual history of modern haunted

Speaker 01754.54s - 1762.72s

attractions where I sort of begin things. And that is, with the Haunted Mansion FAC and Disneyland opening in August 1969.

Speaker 11764.32s - 1765.66s

Yeah, apparently

Speaker 01765.66s - 1829.54s

it was quote unquote, highly successful. Really? No shit. In 1973, Notts Berry Farm began hosting its Halloween it says here Halloween Night attraction.Apparently it started just Halloween Night. It was not scary farm. And at the same time, evangelical Christians became, and I was at the same time, evangelical Christians became, and I was reading the sentence here, evangelical Christians NORP became early adopters ofalternative Halloween attractions. Jerry Falwell PERSON and Liberty University introduced the first Hell House FAC in 1972. So right then between 1969 and 1973, you have Haunted Mansion and Disneyland FAC opening.You have the first Hell House opening. And then you have Haunted Mansion and Disneyland FAC opening, you have the first Hell House FAC opening, and then you have Notts Scary Farm having its first season. That to me is like the Genesis time in the modern haunt industry right there. But yeah, apparently things had been going on well before that in the 1950s. I don't like how their history thing isn't in chronological fucking order.

Speaker 11831.14s - 1831.5s

Yeah, that is annoying.

Speaker 01835.8s - 1861.82s

Like, if it sounds like I'm scattered talking about it and trying to go through this entry, it's because the entry is scattered. But then it jumps back to talk about in the 50s, California was a focus for Halloween haunts, and basically the beginning of the charity haunt craze there, that would then spill over into theJ.C. GPE, what we think of as the J.C. era of haunting in the late 60s and into the 1970s. So once again, around that magical time. Right. And then

Speaker 11861.82s - 1865.58s

that's also when it left California and went to other states,

Speaker 01866.18s - 1867.94s

including Oregon, Connecticut GPE, and

Speaker 11867.94s - 1869.58s

Illinois as some of the first.

Speaker 01869.9s - 1895.3s

Yeah. And they talk at great length, I think as they should, about the history of the JCs and their haunts. They would run it as part of membership drives. They would run these things as fundraisers.Basically, from the 60s and 70s, this was one of the primary fundraising and slash, you know, volunteer raising tools for the JCs ORG across the country. Yeah.

Speaker 11895.76s - 1902.04s

It mentioned specifically the Columbia, South Carolina J.C. Hunt PERSON. Yeah. And we actually volunteered for

Speaker 01902.04s - 1905.12s

one there. We were there with the Boy Scouts, not the JCs ORG. Okay.

Speaker 11905.48s - 1907.06s

It was the local Boy Scouts ORG.

Speaker 01907.5s - 1908.98s

I thought that it was a team up.

Speaker 11909s - 1911.44s

It might have been, but I remember it was being Boy Scouts ORG.

Speaker 01911.56s - 1912.46s

It might have been a team up.

Speaker 11912.66s - 1918.74s

I thought it was a team up because the Boy Scouts ORG were the actors other than the people like us who volunteer.

Speaker 01918.74s - 1919.8s

Oh, I think you're right.

Speaker 11920.34s - 1923.38s

Other than us weirdos who showed up and said we want to acting on it out.

Speaker 01923.7s - 1924.12s


Speaker 11925s - 1927.24s

Yeah, I think you're actually right about that.

Speaker 01927.32s - 1928.22s

I think you're actually right.

Speaker 11929.26s - 1934.72s

But regardless, you know, that tradition continued.

Speaker 01934.88s - 1955.68s

And I really do think the folks on the JCs ORG is very, very appropriate here because that's really what brought haunting to, every town in America GPE, basically. It's what made it sort of a nationwide thing. It took it outside of California, outside of, you know, Disneyland FAC, outside of these little pockets of it,

Speaker 11955.72s - 1960.26s

in particular in California, just realized, you know, where is Liberty University ORG?

Speaker 01961.32s - 1975.92s

I don't remember where that is. I know it's Jerry Falwell, it's a Christian NORP college. I have no idea where it is geographically, though. I've never had to think about it. But yeah, it took it out of those pockets and sort of made it nationwideand brought it to damn near every town.

Speaker 11976.14s - 1976.5s


Speaker 01976.88s - 2061.74s

Okay. So, wait a minute. California saw, not scary farm, saw, scary farm saw the haunted mansion saw the initialJ.C. craze in 50s and 60s. And then the first hellhouse pops up in Virginia. Yeah, that's what it looks like. Fuck me. That's weird.I don't have an explainer for that one. But one thing I did not know, one thing this did teach me, was that while the J.C.s ORG were doing their things, the March of Dimes got in on it. Now, I never thought of the March of Dimes anything other than those cardboard cards. You see at restaurants and places. Yeah. I never had like two thoughts by the March of Dimes ORG in my life.But apparently in 1976, they began doing haunted houses as well. And specifically, they trademarked a March of Dimes ORG haunted house. I'm sorry, a many haunted house for the March Dimes ORG. No, whatever that is. House for the March of Dimes ORG. You know, to whatever that is.However, they didn't continue very much past the 1980s with the last ones being gone in the 90s. So they weren't quite as successful with it as the JCs ORG were. But still, interesting that they made a significant push into it, too.

Speaker 12062.02s - 2073.24s

Yeah. One of the interesting things from the J.C. era is in 1974, the haunted schoolhouse located in Akron, Ohio GPE opened, and it's still open.

Speaker 02073.92s - 2121.38s

Hmm. Wonder who we know that works there. Yeah, no. But then, it brings us toward the 80s, unfortunately. And unfortunately with that, we get to May 11, 1984, New Jersey, Six Flags Great Adventure, the Haunted Castle Fire EVENT. Once again, I'm going to direct everyone to episode 166 on that. Basically, eight teenagers lost their lives, and if you watch the episode, and then also we encourage you there to watch the documentary when much, much our discussion was basedupon. Six Flags ORG can go suck it. I'm sorry. Yeah. They were ridiculously. And I do mean ridiculouslynegligent there.

Speaker 12121.8s - 2128.38s

They were, and you know, one of the things that it talks the Wikipedia ORG article

Speaker 02128.38s - 2130.12s

talks about that we

Speaker 12130.12s - 2144.36s

I don't know that we touched on effectively is that the net effect on the industry as a whole made a lot of the charity attractions we were just talking about less economically viable.

Speaker 02144.54s - 2147.14s

Yeah, because they couldn't get insurance. They couldn't get...

Speaker 12147.14s - 2153.44s

They couldn't do the building code and follow the safety laws and all of the new things from the fire marshal.

Speaker 02153.76s - 2159.78s

And even if they could, they were often scared off from doing it just because of the risk of something like this happening.

Speaker 12160.06s - 2162.04s

Right. And yeah, I think

Speaker 02162.04s - 2165.52s

we did touch on it. Something else said, it's hard for me to remember of that episode completely and thoroughly. It is one of my favorite episodes we've done. But, yeah, I think we did touch on it somehow, except it's hard for me to remember that episode completely and thoroughly.

Speaker 12165.72s - 2167.4s

It is one of my favorite episodes we've done.

Speaker 02168.12s - 2202.72s

But, yeah, I do think we touched on some. But the main takeaway from it for our industry was that the fire marshals got blamed for it. And I don't think that's wholly fair that they got so much blame for it. Because Six Flags ORG did a lot of chicanery to try and keep the fire marshals away, claiming it was a temporary building, even though it hadn't moved and, like, God knows how many years, and basically doing a lot of tomfoolery, in addition to using,like, the most flammable material of all time. I mean, apparently that haunt was all but paper

Speaker 12202.72s - 2205.32s

machet, you know, in terms of flammability.

Speaker 02206.16s - 2219.32s

So, yeah, but the fire marshals took, the fire marshals took the blame, and they then transferred that to other haunted attractions, including charity ones, putting pressure on us. And that's basically what happened there. So.

Speaker 12219.32s - 2226.4s

Yeah, and politicians and regulators went after haunted attractions directly in order to shut them down.

Speaker 02227.06s - 2228.92s

Yeah, fearing something like that would happen again.

Speaker 12229.52s - 2231.26s

Basically, blame six flags.

Speaker 02231.76s - 2232.18s


Speaker 12233.48s - 2236.52s

Blame six flags 40 years ago this week.

Speaker 02238.24s - 2295.46s

Now, that said, the history section ends talking about how there's been like this big resurgence in recent decades in theme park haunted attractions or theme park haunted events, including Six Flags Fright Fest, which was launched in 86 through 89. Universal Studios began doing Halloween Hard Nights in 91. Notts Berry Farm launched Nott's Scare Farm in 73, but kind of resurged it in the 90s. And now we even have international ones like Universal Studios, Singapore, and Japan GPE doing. And Disney's doing their own events like Not So Scary Halloween, both domestically and Paris, Hong Kong, and Tokyo GPE. So basically, you know, yeah, Six Flags ORG can suck it, but they still get to be the great benefactors of the mess they created because those big theme parts are some of the ones that can deal with all that new regulation the easiest. Yeah.

Speaker 12295.46s - 2301.28s

You know, your mom and pop, charity, haunted attractions are going to struggle under it, but they can do it.

Speaker 02302.24s - 2317.82s

You know, anyways. So the next section is the types of haunted attractions. And I find this breakdown endlessly amusing. The first category is the quote unquote haunted house, mansion, or castle.

Speaker 12319.04s - 2325.54s

Also known as describing nearly every goddamn interior-based haunted attraction.

Speaker 02326.34s - 2327.8s

Yeah, basically.

Speaker 12327.8s - 2334.48s

I mean... I love that it goes into a list again.

Speaker 02334.7s - 2334.94s


Speaker 12335.26s - 2352s

With visitors may experience, intense animatronics, bloody and frightening set pieces, rustic antiques, scary music and sounds, dynamic lighting, fog, costume actors with elaborate makeup or mask and other special effects used to create scenes of terror.

Speaker 02352.22s - 2360.18s

Okay, we need to contact iced tea. Because I want iced tea to read me this Wikipedia entry. Yeah.

Speaker 12360.38s - 2364.2s

Could visitors experience frightened set pieces, rustic antiques?

Speaker 02364.64s - 2367.94s

And so, because I love iced he's T listing things, man. It's just great.

Speaker 12368.34s - 2372s

Yeah. Can't do the voice, but man, he's so cool. But no, the point being,

Speaker 02373.12s - 2382s

point being, they basically lump, like, I would say like 90% of the haunted, especially of the interior ones, as we'll discuss in a second,

Speaker 12382.66s - 2384.08s

into one category.

Speaker 02384.78s - 2421.12s

The next category is haunted trail or forest. Okay, that's fair. That is a legit separate category. It is. No issue there. I find no qualm of that being a second category. We're going to move on because I think they did and they explained it quite well. Haunted Hayride is the next category. Once again, no issue. Definitely a separate category. Moving on. Thank you. We're not, right? Mm-hmm. No issue. I completely agree that deserves its own section.But then comes the one that confuses me the most. Haunted ship? Mm-hmm.

Speaker 12421.82s - 2425.48s

And it's funny because once again, we need to get iced tea here.

Speaker 02433.24s - 2433.5s

They list haunted ship attractions, but they can only list three, and they're the three that I knew, before I read the entry.

Speaker 12440.82s - 2440.96s

Because you have the Queen Mary Dark Harbor, the USS Nightmare, Newport, Kentucky, and the ghost ship harbor in Quincy, Massachusetts.

Speaker 02443.68s - 2444.08s

And I couldn't remember the name of the last one, but I knew it was in Massachusetts.

Speaker 12444.34s - 2445.86s

Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 02446.38s - 2458.38s

Okay. That doesn't seem like enough to warn its own category, especially a category that's above Haunted Theme Park FAC slash Screen Park. Yeah.

Speaker 12459.44s - 2467.98s

When they literally earlier in the entry just gave a whole paragraph in the history to the growth and explosion of haunted theme parks.

Speaker 02468.24s - 2468.58s


Speaker 12468.9s - 2471.66s

So they get two sections. Yeah.

Speaker 02471.66s - 2490.28s

But, you know, I'll agree that this is a separate type of haunted attraction. This does need to be separate. But it's just like, wow, you know, the tone and the view here, I can't really grog. You can definitely tell this was written by a lot of different people. Yeah.

Speaker 12490.58s - 2490.88s

All right.

Speaker 02490.92s - 2494.02s

The next group is, and this confuses the hell out of me.

Speaker 12494.28s - 2496.34s

Yeah, I haven't seen these in a while.

Speaker 02496.46s - 2509.64s

No. The dark maze and chain maze. And for the record, chain maze refers to chain link fence maze, not actual chain maze, which I'm not even sure what the fuck that would be. I've seen it once.

Speaker 12510.56s - 2518.4s

Okay, I've seen like the ones, like the stream, like said on the 13th gate or something had a section that could be described as a chain maze.

Speaker 02518.48s - 2519.18s

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 12519.34s - 2524.12s

I've seen these in sections inside of haunted houses, but not as a full haunted house.

Speaker 02524.12s - 2529.24s

Yeah, yeah, and that's kind of like, and I've seen the chain link maze at the old house of shock.

Speaker 12529.82s - 2532.12s

They did that as their chainsaw maze one year.

Speaker 02532.2s - 2533.26s

I think they still have it.

Speaker 12533.56s - 2534.36s

And they may.

Speaker 02534.5s - 2547.98s

I don't remember, because if they do, it totally slips off my mind because it's not particularly interesting or exciting. But the pit black maze, like the last time I remember going through one of those was at Waterloo FAC.

Speaker 12548.78s - 2550.74s

Yeah, it was an end piece.

Speaker 02550.9s - 2552.7s

Yeah, which we should have skipped, honestly.

Speaker 12553.78s - 2556.96s

So, but I don't know if these are common enough

Speaker 02556.96s - 2557.84s

as whole attractors.

Speaker 12558.26s - 2559.4s

Y'all let us know,

Speaker 02559.46s - 2571.62s

are these like actual full unto themselves attractions in other places? Because I've seen mazes be separate attractions, actual full unto themselves attractions in other places. Because I've seen mazes be separate attractions, but not a blackout maze.

Speaker 12571.92s - 2572.42s


Speaker 02580.66s - 2580.82s

Like I know that the Lafitte Fire Department ORG used to do their burn building, where they would practice firefighting stuff.

Speaker 12582.74s - 2583.18s

They turned that into a blackout maze.

Speaker 02584.76s - 2592.32s

Great way to get a concussion, by the way. I've not seen these, though, as standalone attractions. I've seen these as parts of attractions.

Speaker 12601.98s - 2603.32s

Exactly. Specifically, parts of, dang it. Parts of haunted houses, mansion, or castle attractions.

Speaker 02603.82s - 2604.44s


Speaker 12606.76s - 2606.9s

I'm not getting over that title.

Speaker 02608.5s - 2609.28s

You can forget it. It will not happen.

Speaker 12610.74s - 2611.42s

All right. So, yeah.

Speaker 02613.76s - 2614.74s

The next one is Hell House.

Speaker 12615.24s - 2616s


Speaker 02618.76s - 2627.04s

Which, okay, I will once again, I will agree. This is a very separate type of haunted attraction, probably worthy of that. How big are Hell houses in your area?

Speaker 12628.52s - 2628.82s

We've been to one here.

Speaker 02630.62s - 2630.86s

One, in all of New Orleans GPE area.

Speaker 12635.52s - 2635.94s

All southeast Louisiana slash mid, well, just say Gulf Coast LOC region.

Speaker 02636.74s - 2642.24s

That we know of. Yeah, because I'll take everything from Lafayette, Louisiana, all the way to Pensacola, Florida GPE,

Speaker 12643.18s - 2646.5s

and say, I have not seen a hell house.

Speaker 02646.72s - 2695.28s

We've only been to one hellhouse and it lasted one year. I've been to a haunted house that I thought was going to be a hellhouse, but it turned out just being not very good haunted house. No. Yeah, definitely, let me know. Dark Ride.Once again, another category that actually is a different category. Excellent work there. This is the, they call a Dark Ride or a Ghost Train another category that actually is a different category. Excellent work there. They call it a dark ride or a ghost train in the United Kingdom, Australia GPE. But basically these are, you know, the rides, the carnival rides, the fair rides. They specifically list the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror at Disney World ORG. The haunted mansion, obviously, would be one too.But they have a whole bunch of other ones here that they talk about at various steam parts. And then they list the haunted cornfield maze. Yeah. I...

Speaker 12695.28s - 2697.68s

It is a separate section.

Speaker 02697.78s - 2701.26s

I'm willing to grant that it should be a separate type of attraction.

Speaker 12701.78s - 2708.96s

Mostly because agro entertainment is so different from a business standpoint and from like a legal standpoint, too.

Speaker 02709.18s - 2709.64s


Speaker 12710.88s - 2715.22s

But why is it listed here, not with the other outdoor stuff?

Speaker 02716.5s - 2716.9s


Speaker 12717.2s - 2720.28s

This feels like very weird placement of it.

Speaker 02721.08s - 2725.06s

Oh, I do think that it needs its own thing.

Speaker 12725.6s - 2727.6s

Okay. Well, the next one is

Speaker 02727.6s - 2730.14s

Home and Yard Haunts ORG. I'll give you that one.

Speaker 12730.32s - 2731.5s

Glad to see it there.

Speaker 02731.68s - 2732.6s

Glad to see it somewhere.

Speaker 12733.2s - 2736.02s

Exactly. Wasn't sure I was going to see it.

Speaker 02736.86s - 2761.7s

The next one is a ghost run? In 441 episodes of this show, I have not heard of a ghost run. But they describe a haunted attraction that takes place in your car. But then they say you are given various clues as to where different haunted attractions are,basically making it a scavenger hunt event?

Speaker 12762.44s - 2764.34s

This doesn't make any sense.

Speaker 02764.34s - 2766.94s

No. From a business...

Speaker 12766.94s - 2768.22s

Anybody heard of this?

Speaker 02768.36s - 2770.98s

No. I haven't.

Speaker 12771.24s - 2773.68s

Like, I've heard through the drive-through haunted houses.

Speaker 02773.92s - 2776.68s

Yeah. Those were popular in the pandemic. Yeah.

Speaker 12776.68s - 2782.42s

Because, you know, COVID-19 rules, people would stay in their cars and do these drive-thru hong. And they are not on this list.

Speaker 02782.54s - 2787.54s

Yeah. And we also talked a lot about a car wash-based haunted attraction. Yeah.

Speaker 12789.16s - 2789.74s


Speaker 02789.74s - 2790.86s

Ghost Run WORK_OF_ART?

Speaker 12791.7s - 2800.16s

It just seems like one of the scavenger hunts. It doesn't seem like an actual thing. Weird. Yeah. And then the next

Speaker 02800.16s - 2830.36s

category is Midnight Ghost or Spook Shows WORK_OF_ART, which this seemingly is more about just the magicians, the seances, those types of things done with specialeffects and whatnot. It doesn't really seem like a haunted, it seems like something completely different from a haunted attraction. And then they list extreme haunted houses and mercifully,they only briefly touch on McKamey Manor FAC.

Speaker 12833.14s - 2834.3s

So I won't

Speaker 02834.3s - 2867.26s

get too deep into that. Though they also do talk about the naked and scared challenge and adults only experience at Shoktoberfest FAC, a 27 acre fear Park located in Pennsylvania GPE. But basicallyvisitors, it says that 18 years and older had a disrobe before entering and choosing the nude or prude underwear-only option. We're asked to sign waivers to do a close free fright.I'm not sure if that's an extreme haunted house or just a gimmick for a theme park. Yeah. I'm not sure if that's an extreme haunted house or just a gimmick for a theme park. Yeah.

Speaker 12868.22s - 2875.42s

I'm really confused why VR in Lasertag houses are in this section of Extreme Haunted House FAC.

Speaker 02875.62s - 2875.9s


Speaker 12876.76s - 2883.12s

Because that doesn't, it also puts escape rooms in here. And that does, those don't make sense there.

Speaker 02883.28s - 2890.9s

No, this whole section, if I were going to edit any section of this entry, this would probably be where I'm putting a lot

Speaker 12890.9s - 2898.26s

of my effort. Yeah. Because, well, they do mention blackout and they do mention some other

Speaker 02898.26s - 2904.22s

actual extreme haunts. I do not, A, the inclusion of McCaamy Manor FAC, which is not a haunted

Speaker 12904.22s - 2906.9s

attraction at all, is bizarre.

Speaker 02907.4s - 2915.56s

Well, it's because it gets media coverage like it is one, even though everybody in the industry knows it isn't.

Speaker 12915.64s - 2915.86s


Speaker 02916.76s - 2986.58s

So, yeah, this is just bizarre. We'll move on to the next big section, though. That was the types of haunt breakdown. We've got to kind of move a little faster. I was worried we wouldn't have enough to talk about, but apparently, yeah, we did. The business environment.Basically, they say haunted attractions can be categorized as follows. They say this after they just did a breakdown of categories of haunted attractions. But haunted attractions can categorize to follow. Mega haunt, professional haunt, charity haunt, and home haunt. And those are not the same terms that they just used. No.They say mega haunts include, like, the large theme parks, like Universal, Six Flags ORG, etc. Pro haunts are, you you know basically a professional haunted attractions and then of course I think um charity haunts and home haunts would be pretty clear what they mean um but then they go into a bunch of data from different organizations some of it a dubious date and origin.Yeah.

Speaker 12986.86s - 2988.88s

I don't want to delve too much.

Speaker 02988.98s - 2999.58s

And it does talk a lot about haunted attraction related conventions and conferences. You know, like we do every even number episode.Yes.

Speaker 13001.22s - 3001.86s

But yeah,

Speaker 03001.9s - 3030.2s

it discusses various organizations and things. I don't want to go too deep into this. Honestly, if we're going to skim over any part of it, this would probably be it yet. Okay. Because they do talk about how, like the very end of it,they talk about how according to the Halloween, the National Retail Foundation ORG, it was an $8.4 billion industry in 2016, up from $6.8 billion in 2011. But that's all Halloween spending, not haunted attraction spending.

Speaker 13030.4s - 3031.88s

And that's all pre-pandemic.

Speaker 03032.16s - 3036.5s

Yeah. There's no numbers post-pandemic here.

Speaker 13036.86s - 3038.34s

Yeah, which is weird.

Speaker 03038.54s - 3056.88s

Yeah, it's weird and it's very much out of date. They do talk about the legal and safety environment, which they touched on the, it's whole section for it here, but they talk about it in much greater detail in discussing the Hon. Castle Fire. Yeah.

Speaker 13057.58s - 3062.6s

But basically, they talk about the fire suppression system, basically the fire code issues

Speaker 03062.6s - 3068.7s

that we all know and don't love or know and do love or whatever your opinions of it are.

Speaker 13069.4s - 3071.14s

I'm glad it keeps people safe.

Speaker 03071.86s - 3124.64s

And the final section, mercifully, get us out of this, please, is the international perspective. But yeah, apparently, it says the American haunted attraction has recently begun being exported elsewhere from the early 2000s, with theme parks playing a major role in globalizing. And I'll agree with that, that theme parks have played a major role in globalizing it. But overseas operators of themed attractions have also been following the American trend, including fright nights at Thorpe Parks and Surrey, England, Scarefest at Alton Towers FAC, and Stratfordshire, England GPE, and Fright Nights at the Warner Brothers movie worldin Queensland, Australia GPE. So it's interesting to see that that's where we're seeing a lot of the internationalization of the haunted attraction is in theme parks copying what American NORP theme parks, whether American NORP counterparts are doing.Yeah.

Speaker 13126.66s - 3127.7s

It's interesting.

Speaker 03127.7s - 3130.76s

It's also interesting that they talked a lot about the history,

Speaker 13130.92s - 3146.78s

in the history section, about the history of haunted houses in England GPE, including having the photo, but they make it a Halloween a Halloween culture I mean that's based in America

Speaker 03146.78s - 3177.98s

the way it seems to be presented by Wikipedia which I don't think is completely accurate is that this was something that started in Englandgot exported to the United States got changed and and sort of digested and then went through like you knowthe JC phase and all that then the Haunted Castle Fire EVENT and then went through like, you know, the JC phase and all that, then the haunted Castle fire, and then it became, according to Wikipedia ORG, very much dominated by thetheme parks and then exported as a theme park thing internationally. Yeah.

Speaker 13178.28s - 3179.72s

Which, I mean, there is some

Speaker 03179.72s - 3193.98s

truth in that, but I also think it really doesn't talk about the haunted attraction industry as whole and really, I think, credits the theme parks for having an outsized importance. Yeah.

Speaker 13194.22s - 3197.26s

Well, I don't dispute that these are the largest attractions.

Speaker 03197.8s - 3207.02s

I mean, for much of the country, for most of the country, even, there isn't one of those haunted theme parks close enough to even be relevant.

Speaker 13207.66s - 3209.9s

Yeah. If you're outside of

Speaker 03209.9s - 3230.06s

California, Florida GPE, and like those hubs of theme parks, you may not even know that their haunted theme parks are a thing. Yeah. Just to be on, like growing up in South Carolina GPE,carowans was the closest theme park, and yeah, they now do scarwins. But even they were over an hour away. Yeah.

Speaker 13230.36s - 3230.7s

You know?

Speaker 03232.16s - 3282.08s

They were not the local haunted attraction. Anyway, that's our brief tour of the Wikipedia ORG entry for haunted attraction perents simulated. Definitely let us know what... I'm interested to hear what you guys thought of it. You know, like I said, we tried to just largely stick with what was in it. But I'd be curious your thoughts.Please do let us know, hauntweekly.com, haunt weekly on Twitter, hauntwick on Facebook and YouTube.com slash haunt weekly. Maybe next time I'll do something that gets me a little bit less agitated. But until next time, I'm Jonathan PERSON. I'm Crystal PERSON. And we'll see you all next week where we're not going to be doing Wikipedia ORG because JesusChrist, that took way more out of me than I thought it would. But yes, we will see you all next week with another episode of Haunt Weekly ORG. Thank you very much.