Harbaugh Guys: Glass Eaters and Football Freaks in the 2024 Draft

Harbaugh Guys: Glass Eaters and Football Freaks in the 2024 Draft

by Blue Wire

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53:33 minutes

published 2 months ago

American English

© 2021 Guilty As Charged: An LA Chargers Podcast

Speaker 00s - 17.28s

Huh. Watching Kyle PERSON's unboxing videos again? Yeah, he always finds the coolest... No way! A robot dog! Gotta ask where he got it. Or, use your Samsung Galaxy S-24 Ultra PRODUCT.Just draw a circle around the dog on your screen, and it shows you where to buy it right in the app.

Speaker 217.38s - 84.62s

Oh, I just learned a new trick. And that for once, I beat Kyle PERSON to the next big thing. Circle it, find it, with the new Galaxy S-24 Ultra PRODUCT, and circle the search with Google ORG. Get yours now at Samsung.com ORG. Internet connection required.Results may vary based on visuals. I'm Hey, what is up, Hey, what is up, everybody.

Speaker 684.62s - 93.58s

Welcome to the Guilty as Charge WORK_OF_ART podcast presented by our friends over at prize picks. My name is Steven and I am the host as always and joining me is my guy Tyler. Tyler, what's up, man? How are you doing today?

Speaker 494.02s - 104.52s

Doing very well. Although as the chat pointed out, the Angels dropped a game today, I believe. I know Mike Trott started off with a home run in the first inning at the first at bat, but then I believe they lost in the end. But there's an update, let me know.

Speaker 6108.94s - 113.98s

So that is basically every Angels game i ever hear about except yeah obviously show showy otani but every time i hear an angels NORP update it's like oh mike trout

Speaker 4113.98s - 119.68s

previously show he hought did these amazing things but the angels NORP lost yeah pretty much it's been

Speaker 6119.68s - 124.88s

that way since i decided to become a conscious angels NORP fan so basically they won their world series

Speaker 4124.88s - 125.38s

then i started to follow the team they have not won since uh so you know what at least i've got the since I decided to become a conscious Angels fan. So basically they won their World Series EVENT.

Speaker 6126.52s - 126.82s

Then I started to follow the team.

Speaker 4127.74s - 133.62s

They have not won since. So you know what? At least I've got the Lakers from the Bubble LOC championship.

Speaker 6137.72s - 138.04s

Well, I mean, the Lakers won championships in the early 2000s, too.

Speaker 4138.32s - 141.34s

Yes. Sorry. Most recently the Lakers ORG in the, yeah, Lakers won plenty.

Speaker 6141.86s - 143.44s

Don't get me wrong. Lakers won plenty with Kobe.

Speaker 5145.5s - 146.1s

But, yeah, recently Angels, Chargers, Lakers won plenty. Don't get me wrong. Lakers won plenty with Kobe. But, yeah, recently,

Speaker 4147.68s - 153.14s

Angels, Chargers ORG, Lakers ORG, so at least have that Lakers ORG one, which of course is the thing I follow the least.

Speaker 6154.04s - 154.44s

Yeah, yeah, for sure.

Speaker 4155.7s - 155.86s

I am not a baseball fan.

Speaker 6157s - 161.58s

I will never be a baseball fan, but hopefully all of you guys and your teams do well. Go baseball, I guess.

Speaker 4161.92s - 167.08s

Go baseball. Touchdown. Feel goal. Yeah, not a big baseball guy.

Speaker 6167.2s - 233.64s

But anyways, we got a good show plan for you guys today. We wanted to do an episode, you know, themed towards the Harbaugh GPE guys. So we do an episode, and we will do this episode later of our version of, like, the other guys, guys who we think are not getting enough hype. We wanted to try and spin that towards players in this upcoming draft classthat we feel like are the glass eaters, the football freaks of this draft class that just kind of embody the Jim Harbaugh PERSON aura, if you will, or the Jim Harbaugh PERSON mannerisms, if you will. So this is an ode to Coach Harbaugh, guys that we think are kind of, you know, the football guys of all football guys. So it should be a lot of fun. I think inadvertently, we both wrote down non-first-round players. I don't think that was the intention initially, but it's just kind of like where my brain went through. Some of these guys could maybe work their way into the first round. But Tyler, when you were kind of approaching this list, like, how did you decide, like, which positions to prioritize, which, like, traits to prioritize? What was kind of your process in informing you are five?

Speaker 4234.04s - 250.8s

I was really looking for underdogs, I think, some guys that maybe aren't as, you know, prioritized, let's say, even in this draft class, of course, there are names, like, J.C. Latham, Harbaugh GPE guy, for sure. But a lot of the guys in the first round are, like, they're everyone's guys, you are names like J.C. Latham, Harbaugh GPE guy for sure. But a lot of the guys in the first round are like they're, they're everyone's guys, you know, five star prospects or five star

Speaker 6250.8s - 255.52s

prospects for everybody. Exactly. Whereas like Michigan ORG, we've talked about before, did not have a

Speaker 4255.52s - 260.9s

lot of five star prospects. They're not an untalented team or they weren't untalented, but it wasn't

Speaker 6260.9s - 264.64s

like the Georgia number one recruiting class, Alabama's second ranked recruiting class,

Speaker 4264.72s - 289.36s

et cetera. You know, they were like midteens. So just that underdog mentality, that lunch pill but it wasn't like the Georgia number one recruiting class, Alabama's second ranked recruiting class, etc. You know, they were like mid-teens. So there's that underdog mentality, that lunch pill mentality, a lot of the guys,especially on defense, like they either hit hard or play hard or run hard, they have a high motor, that sort of thing. So sure, again,that trait can carry on to a lot of guys. But, you know, the first thing we heard from Jim Harbaugh was how he was getting into the wait room with with a shot vacuum. He went to Home Depot ORG, got a shot back and was vacuuming up

Speaker 0289.36s - 293.06s

the place. The locker room obviously looks great. They just showed the new way they have things

Speaker 5293.06s - 298.24s

laid out. But just guys like that were like football is their thing. It's almost like it's

Speaker 0298.24s - 302.22s

their only thing. They live or die with it. And then some of it was also just like how they would

Speaker 4302.22s - 315.52s

play defense, how he wants to play offense, that sort of thing. So a lot of different things in there. But it's really just a high character, gritty, nasty, and a kind of underdog kind of player. Yeah, I think that makes a ton

Speaker 6315.52s - 355.16s

of sense. I think obviously, like we could make a whole thing about Michigan ORG guys and like what makes the Michigan guys like Harbaugh GPE guys. But I think the most recent example of this, I think, and we're not really going to talk about him on this show. But that's wider receiver Roman Wilson PERSON and like his mentality as a football player and like his background story, for those who don't know, he lived in Hawaii and went to high school in California.Let me see that again. He lived in Hawaii but played football in California. So this is a guy who would fly to California, do high school, fly back to Hawaii to, like, live with his family for the weekends. And then like just do that flight every single day, which is crazy to me.

Speaker 0355.28s - 363.36s

You know, but he he loved football. And he knew that California was going to be like the better place for him to, you know, pursue his future career.

Speaker 6363.64s - 390.36s

And then also like you look at who he is as a wide receiver. He wasn't like a five-star recruit, but he would go after Marvin Harrison Jr. on the opposite sideline and talk trash, talk shit to, you know, the higher recruited best prospect ever at his position kind of player because that's just who he is. So I think that and who Roman Wilson PERSON is, I think, is probably like what I would say is likethe embodiment of a Harbaugh GPE guy.

Speaker 0390.44s - 393.4s

So he could be on this list, but yeah, went in other directions because that's kind

Speaker 4393.4s - 393.82s

of repetitive.

Speaker 6394.08s - 396.44s

Like he like Harbaugh GPE recruit. Yes.

Speaker 4396.52s - 418.86s

He's the Harbaugh GPE guy. Yeah, I try to avoid that too. We have one Michigan ORG guy on here because I felt like it was necessary and it does fit. But yes, you could include all these Michigan ORG guys on here for sure. I also kind of, and you'll talk about one defensive player in particular,kind of prioritized maybe more power over finesse, not guys that are maybe as like, I know, flashy is always a good thing, but they're not flashy, they're maybe twitchy as much as they are just,

Speaker 5419.32s - 420.72s

just pure like power,

Speaker 4420.92s - 421.82s

brute force kind of guys.

Speaker 5422.56s - 422.94s


Speaker 6422.98s - 446.28s

I think that's totally fair. I think that's a good qualifier. So you guys in the chat here live uh let us know who your choice would be if you had to pick one player to be a harbaugh PERSON guy let us know who you would choose and then we'll go over our list real quickly tyler if you had to choose one first round guy to be on this list who would you have chosen i mentioned j. Latham PERSON,

Speaker 4446.32s - 465.06s

and that makes a ton of sense. You want to run the football. You want to be strong as shit. Kind of nasty. Like, that's J.C. Latham PERSON. I will, because I've said him,I will go with Jared Verse PERSON. But I felt like it's just a nasty terror along the defensive line. Motor cranked up to 100. It really feels like watching him as like if Jermaine Johnson PERSON were maybe a bit better.

Speaker 0465.58s - 467.1s

And I love the Jermaine Johnson quite a bit.

Speaker 2467.2s - 467.6s

But verse PERSON,

Speaker 0468.1s - 468.26s

you know,

Speaker 2468.3s - 469s

there are games.

Speaker 0469.24s - 470.3s

I just watched Austin Booker PERSON,

Speaker 4470.4s - 492s

the edge rusher from Kansas GPE. And there's like one play where he knocks an offensive tackle on his butt and gets the quarterback. You're like, yeah, that's awesome. Jared PERSON versus like twice a game.I'm just knocking dudes all over the place. So he's just a complete force and freak of nature. If the charges needed an edge rusher, would love to take him. They don't. But, yeah, Jared Verst PERSON me kind of comes to mind. And then Terry on Arnold PERSON.

Speaker 6492.68s - 536.6s

Yeah, Arnold was definitely one. Jackson Powers Johnson PERSON, as damage points out, I think that's an easy one, just like given his ferocious mentality. But I think my brain went to the offensive line, and I think Troy Fautano PERSON in particular, just his overall play style.Like he wants to bury everybody on every single play. And there's nobody better in this class of the offensive tackles at the snatch trap method where you knock the hands down and essentially you get the guy in the dirt right away. So he's also a guy who was underrated. He's been, you know, doubted his entire life of can he play tackle?Is he a guard? I think he was a three-star recruit. So that kind of fits the mentality as well, kind of a lunge pal guy.

Speaker 5537.64s - 541.3s

I think, you know, the Chargers ORG, if they trade down in a certain world, you know,

Speaker 6541.36s - 566.32s

Fautano PERSON could be their guy. So you look at just like his overall mentality, his approach to the game. I think he would check a lot of boxes as well along the offensive line. From like a physical prototype, like J.C. Latham is the quintessential Harbaugh GPE offensive tackle. Yeah. Just given his build and his attributes and strengths.But Fautano PERSON from a play style perspective, from a mentality perspective, I think he would check that box too.

Speaker 4566.96s - 570.2s

Fascinated to see who actually is the Harbaugh guy in the first wrong coming up.

Speaker 6570.98s - 571.98s

Yeah, 100%.

Speaker 4571.98s - 573.94s

Lots of interesting scenarios.

Speaker 6574.4s - 590.24s

We got a lot of positive feedback from our mock draft scenario, a mock draft series. So I'm excited about that. We'll cover some other scenarios. I've been messing with a particular trade-down scenario that's not really being discussed that I think should be a lot of fun that we'll cover at some point down the road.

Speaker 4590.9s - 591.88s

Ooh, I'm excited.

Speaker 6592.04s - 595.06s

Don't even tell me until we get there. I'm going to find out live on live stream.

Speaker 4595.42s - 595.8s

All right.

Speaker 6595.94s - 596.48s

Sounds good.

Speaker 4597.4s - 597.54s


Speaker 6597.54s - 606.56s

Okay, we do have a slideshow for this episode. The Harbaugh GPE guys, footballers with an unknown, with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind. Excuse me, I'll get that phrase right eventually.

Speaker 0607.32s - 621.28s

So this is going to be a fun one. We're going to have discussions here about 10 different players with some honorable mentions. We each chose five. So I think you guys will enjoy this discussion. I'm seeing some good names in the chat as well.So keep those coming. But Tyler, let's dive into the first one here.

Speaker 6621.74s - 644.36s

Let's do it. All right, this is my admission, of course. I tried to get in a cornerback because it is a position of need. But when I picture a Harbaugh GPE corner, I want somebody that is going to be physical at the line of scrimmage, somebody that's going to be physical at the catch point, and somebody that is going to play run defense.

Speaker 0644.5s - 651.18s

You have to have all three, I think, in order for me to qualify you as a corner that is a Harbaugh GPE got.

Speaker 6651.78s - 673.96s

And, you know, the coverage is not perfect. I understand that. You know, a lot of people have him kind of pegged as a third round pick. But getting him into this kind of situation where Jesse Minter and Jim Harbaugh GPE, Harbaugh could take advantage of his mentality, of his approach. I think this is the physical corner that you want.I hear a lot of like T.J. Tampa PERSON is a physical corner.

Speaker 0674.32s - 679.02s

I hear Renardo Green PERSON's a physical corner. Not to say that they completely are not.

Speaker 6679.46s - 683.42s

But when you're talking about physicality at the line of scrimmage at the catch point,

Speaker 0683.54s - 685.58s

can play run defense, can tackle in space.

Speaker 6686.06s - 726.72s

This is Cam Hart PERSON. And oh, by the way, he has an elite RAS score of 9.82, consensus board of 88. You know the kind of psycho you're getting with a cornerback that's going to talk all this shit. I think Cam Hart PERSON is definitely that.So if you're betting on a cornerback, Cam Hart PERSON is my choice. I think he's being wildly underrated right now. 88th on the consensus board is kind of ridiculous to me. All these guys who are the bigger physical press corners, they're all running like four late, low four fives, four sixes. Cam Hart ran a four four.This is a guy I think you really want to bet on. And just mentality-wise, Camhart, to me, embodies a prototypical Harbaugh GPE cornerback.

Speaker 4727.18s - 745.28s

I just figured out why you have him graded higher than most. It's because he smacked the shit out of USC ORG a couple of times in that game. I finally figured out what it was. No, I'm kidding. That is partially why I also have him graded high as well. I think 88th is far too late.Frankly, I feel there's a cluster of corners that shouldn't be in the 90s to

Speaker 0745.28s - 750.5s

100s. My guys like him, Kyrie Jackson, etc., are considered like maybe a day three pick,

Speaker 4750.54s - 759.98s

or excuse me, a round three pick is ridiculous to me. But Kam Hart PERSON is awesome. I asked Stephen right after the stream when we decided to do Harbaugh guys, I'm like, are you picking Cam Hart PERSON?

Speaker 5760.04s - 765.92s

And he said, yes. It was the first name that came to mind for me as well. But I don't know Stephen PERSON likes him more.

Speaker 0766.02s - 770.4s

So Camhart PERSON here is perfect and should be talked about a lot more. Yeah.

Speaker 6770.84s - 778.88s

Yeah, I think he checks a lot of boxes for what we'd be looking for. And if you miss out on Terry and Arnold, I think Camhart PERSON's a pretty good consolation prize.

Speaker 4779.46s - 780.14s

Oh, absolutely.

Speaker 6780.34s - 780.72s


Speaker 4781.16s - 794.68s

For me, this is a new watch for me. Nelson Caesar, the edge rusher out of Houston GPE. No one's really talking about him. Didn't even know he really existed before the draft. Frankly, I didn't know that I was watching Luke McCaffrey when he was playing Rice ORG.

Speaker 0795.22s - 853.92s

When Nelson Caesar was playing Rice, I was like, oh, who's this number 10? Oh, it's Luke McCaffrey. Oops. That shows you how much college football I watch during the actual college football season. But Nelson Caesar PERSON, to me, is just a relentless force that I've, this is a big difference. But if you can't get a Jared verse at five, the idea that you can get someone like Nelson Caesar PERSON who was very productive in2023 all the way back at like 150, you're talking about your fourth round pick here, maybe your fifth round pick, you're doing great. I watch him do a variety of things. He's someone thatthey have stand up okay so i'm going to say something that sounds blasphemous but if you watch chris rumpf at duke they kind of have a similarish role sort of a nick benito role as well but kind of like chris rump was at duke with that said uh nelson caesar is is better i think the difference between them on the consensus board probably isn't that much, but I think Nelson Caesar PERSON, his ability to rush over the A gap, to loop, to rush from the edge, to bend, to use power, play the run, chase down backside runs, high motor.

Speaker 4854.08s - 864.1s

Like, he embodies such a horrible guy for me because he's just all in, all the time chasing guys down the field. Really loved watching Nelson Caesar and do not at all get him at 150 here.

Speaker 6865.08s - 882.22s

Yeah, I respect the not going to the highest possible scenario there of that kind of player, which is obviously being Micah Parsons PERSON. But you set the low bar instead and then when they raise the expectations,

Speaker 4882.76s - 884.52s

then it works out good.

Speaker 6884.94s - 885.46s

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 4885.98s - 889.98s

I haven't watched Nels and Caesar PERSON, but I watched the clips that you shared.

Speaker 6890.34s - 894.32s

And, you know, I think it's a fantastic potential prospect to bet on.

Speaker 4894.32s - 900.46s

And I think the variety of roles, I think, is also a Harbaugh GPE trade.

Speaker 6900.54s - 916.92s

Because I think, like, you've got to be able to fill in different spots, whether that is that receiver, corner, defensive line. I think that does something that play into that plays into the Harbaugh GPE guy aspect as well. Somebody that can just fill in wherever it is needed, I think is important. I think Nelson Caesar PERSON can do that for you.

Speaker 4917.28s - 930.72s

Yeah, a lot of pressure from a lot of different spots. The Chargers, I've now jumped to just like finding the day three guys, given who they have at their edge rusher group. I think they'll take one in day three. And Cesar PERSON's like, I watched him like, okay, I'm all in. If that's what Minter PERSON wants to do.Yeah.

Speaker 5931.24s - 932.24s

Quick super chat here.

Speaker 6932.24s - 941.28s

I wanted to address Gabriel PERSON, Caldera PERSON. He says he enjoys listening to our podcast. Thank you go, Gabriel PERSON as well for the super chat. Marshawn Neeland PERSON is his guy.

Speaker 5941.42s - 942.8s

I saw that you responded to him.

Speaker 6943.26s - 948.26s

You haven't watched him. I haven't watched him either. But I know the bootleg guys love Marshawn Neeland PERSON. So I know that you responded to him. You haven't watched him. I haven't watched him either, but I know the bootleg guys love Marshall Neeland PERSON.

Speaker 5948.42s - 950.46s

So I know that there's a good amount of fans out there.

Speaker 6950.56s - 954.3s

So I'm curious to get there. And I think that's a good shout out from Gabriel PERSON.

Speaker 4954.7s - 966.82s

Yeah, he's flying up at least pro football focus is bored because I went to go to a mock recently and suddenly he was, he was way up there. I forget where it was. But he's flying up for some reason. Maybe it is the bootleg guys. I don't know.But yeah, excited to watch him.

Speaker 6967.38s - 995.08s

Yeah. All right. My next one here is Jalen Polk PERSON. I tweeted about this earlier. I've watched Washington ORG games so many times. Because there's so many guys that they play or that they have that are,you know, draft prospects and that they play against that are draft prospects. So I think I've watched Washington on tape probably like 70 times so far as here. There's just so many guys in particular, like the Washington Oregon ORG game and the Washington

Speaker 0995.08s - 998.26s

Michigan tape, I've watched a ton.

Speaker 6999.16s - 1118.4s

Every time I turn on the Washington tape, Jaylon Polk PERSON just continues to pop. And I think his diversity of role is definitely what plays into here the physicality and similar to cam heart where i think harbaugh PERSON his type at receiver if you think about like who he's had around we mentioned roman wilson obviously but anquan bolden i think is like the the stereotype of of wide receivers that I think Harbaugh GPE kind of is drawn to. Michael Crabtree PERSON as well, I think could apply.Obviously, those were 49ers ORG guys. But you're talking about a guy who it can be physical and beat press coverage can be a contested catch guy and be physical at the top of the catch point, somebody that can block really, really well, and then somebody that can play all three roles. Like, I think that is important. I think that's why I believe in Josh Palmer's PERSON potential in this offense.It's because he can do all those things, too. I think Jalen Polk is essentially like a better version of Josh Palmer in that regard. He runs routes extremely well. He's very efficient with his movements. He stepped into various roles at Washington ORG. Last year in 2022, he was the wide receiver three because they also have this guynamed Jalen McMillan PERSON, who's also really freaking good. This year, McMillan PERSON was hurt. So Polk was wide receiver two. Then there were other games where Romo Dunze PERSON is getting double team, not able to be consistently targeted as much. And Jaylon and Polk essentially assumes that wide receiver one role.So I love the toughness that he plays with. I love the versatility that he plays with. I just elevated him ahead of A.D. Mitchell PERSON on my overall board. So he is wide receiver five. For me, he does have a first round grade, but he's not being talked about as a first round prospect at this point in time.But I just think he would be the perfect Harbaugh GPE wide receiver, the physicality, the toughness, the versatility. He just checks all those boxes. And then his RAS score is good. It's not great. But I think it's better than people will give him credit for.

Speaker 41118.88s - 1177.94s

Yeah, I believe, well, Kyrie Jackson PERSON right here on the screen, his RAS is better. And that wasn't a problem for poke on that one play. And watching Kyrie Jackson, the corner from Oregon ORG, plenty of times. You target him down field, and he's going to break it up.He's going to squeeze the sideline, whatever. That rep, that Polk had for the touchdown against Oregon, against Jackson PERSON, I just think is really, really a special one. Plenty of really good reps, but that one just to beat him over the top to get past someone that tall, that fast, that long. To still get on top of him for a touchdown and get past him like this is tremendous.So yeah, Polk PERSON, I think, is very underrated. I don't know if he'll be five or six for me. He's comfortably going to be in the top seven for me at wide receiver. No question about that. Yeah, I do think he's underrated for sure. You know, people are going for maybe like a smaller,more speedster kind of type, I guess. But I really like watching Polk PERSON. So that's a really good call there. That totally fits the Harbaugh guys. And yeah, this Washington ORG offense, we watched

Speaker 01177.94s - 1187.18s

it way too many times at this point. Same with Michigan ORG's defense. Like I watched way too much of that. So between these two, great, great tape, Polk PERSON is definitely awesome. For me,

Speaker 41187.24s - 1254.44s

another guy that I fell in love during this process, Logan Lee PERSON, the defensive tackle out of Iowa GPE. To me, it feels like if Raden Fisk PERSON is,you know, you don't get him in, but now is the second round, it seems like where Fisk PERSON is going. Logan Lee PERSON is way further down, 219th on the consensus board.And I think it's ridiculous. I don't see a huge difference between those two, but they do kind of remind me of each other. They're not huge guys. They're not to Vandre's sweat. They don't have 35-inch arms.They're not 320 pounds. And Logan Lee is smaller than Braden Fiske in terms of size, in terms of weight. But he plays fantastic. And I really don't think there's anyone outside of the first round in this class at D-Taggle that plays the wrists in the hands as well as Logan Lee PERSON.That was consistent. It was a forklift nonstop. The way he plays the wrist in hands is fantastic. Like just getting, making the most out of what he's given. And of course, the motor is there. The burst is there.Again, very much so felt like Braden Fisket PERSON. This guy is 200, almost 220th on the consensus board. Fiske is someone top 50, top 60. And while I do believe there is a difference, I don't see a huge, significant one. I love this photo. I don't know how that happened.

Speaker 51254.64s - 1257.2s

I'm trying to figure out how the physics of this worked out.

Speaker 41257.44s - 1280.88s

But yeah, Logan Lee PERSON was awesome. Maybe he doesn't fit a mentor prototype. Obviously, he's not your space either, like nose tackled by any means. But the character and the way he plays definitely fits for me. And he got Jim Harbaugh PERSON, some up close. Three pressures, one sack, and two stops versus Michigan ORG.At a very solid game against Michigan ORG and a very good offensive line. So I think he's at least on Jim Harbaugh's radar, considering he saw him right there.

Speaker 61281.82s - 1297.34s

Yeah, and I think he's also played some edge rusher for Iowa GPE as well. So he's been able to play different roles. I think he started his career out as a tight end, if I'm not mistaken. So this is a guy who has shown that he's willing to do what is required of the team.

Speaker 01297.44s - 1321.28s

And he's been able to put on weight and play defensive tackle, went down to the Shrine Bowl, had a great week at the Shrine Bowl EVENT reportedly. Obviously, I wasn't there. But the clips that I saw, the tweets that i saw was a guy that he definitely had a standout week that uh down in frisco so i think that's a good one i think defense of tackle as we talked about is a really underrated need and i think i think they're going to be comfortable

Speaker 61321.28s - 1329.7s

with like otito and puna doing like the rundown stuff. So they they do need more pass rush. It can't just be Morgan Fox PERSON all by himself.

Speaker 41329.88s - 1332.74s

So I'm not opposed to taking a flyer unload me by any means.

Speaker 61333.18s - 1443.62s

Yeah, me neither. All right. Darius Robinson PERSON was a guy. Again, this is potentially a borderline first round pick. Although his, his testing was good. It wasn't great.So that kind of moved people down a little bit. His consensus board is 31st. But this to me is the most physically impressive edge rusher in this class. And I think you mentioned Jared PERSON versus earlier. This is a guy who just is incredibly powerful. And I think part of like the Harbaugh GPE experience, I would say too, is like putting out your best performances against the best competition. And if you watch Darius Robinson against Georgia ORG, he ate those boys alive. He was so dominant in that game against the run, against the pass.And he wins in a variety of ways. Like his go-to is power. But his ability to toss offensive linemen to the side, I think is incredibly impressive. This is a guy who's probably more of like a five tech, like a four tech in this specific scheme.I think you can kick him inside from time to time because he's like pushing 290. He is a physical, physical player. And I think just the lunch pill mentality, he played defensive, into your defensive line in a 3-35 scheme for Missouri ORG. They switched to a 3-4. He played outside linebacker.So this is a guy who just has dominated his best competition. He's checked every box. He went down to the senior ball and was able to really have a fantastic week at the senior ball. So I love watching Derris Robinson on tape. He checks a ton of boxes from a testing perspective, from a size perspective. And I unfortunately, I am just, oh, Thomas PERSON almost got me with that comment, man. Me too. I'm like, no, no, no, start the channel over.

Speaker 41443.74s - 1445.36s

Yeah, yeah. I was like, no, no, okay, okay,

Speaker 61445.42s - 1448.84s

well, read you and ruderd. This is the comment from Thomas Martinez PERSON for our audio ends. He says,

Speaker 41448.94s - 1452.56s

Daris Robinson has multiple felony warrants out for assault on Georgia ORG tight ends.

Speaker 61453.04s - 1456.74s

Almost got me there. Almost got me. I was going to be like, well, never mind. But,

Speaker 41456.74s - 1462.02s

no, that's, that's very accurate. He wrecked Georgia ORG in that game, and he had some other great

Speaker 01462.02s - 1470.28s

performances throughout the season. So physical, physical, physical player. Yeah, he is. Someone I instantly thought of as well.

Speaker 51470.42s - 1473.94s

You had watched him first. You told me to watch him. It took me a while, but I think a few days ago,

Speaker 41473.94s - 1479.18s

I finally did. And that Georgia ORG game and many of these games, I've never really, I don't

Speaker 51479.18s - 1484.74s

remember the last time I saw pulling like tight end or a guard or whatever, like look afraid

Speaker 61484.74s - 1485.8s

to go see on

Speaker 41485.8s - 1489.76s

various Robinson PERSON yeah there were so many plays like they'd run up and you can see them

Speaker 61489.76s - 1494.38s

kind of just like oh god and then Robinson PERSON would just declet them I mean this dude is just

Speaker 41494.38s - 1501.32s

all power not like a well-rounded player but the power is is so enticing what he's able to do

Speaker 51501.32s - 1506s

play after play after play is awesome so yeah like yeah, like, let me sort of discuss.

Speaker 01506.16s - 1507.32s

Like, I like, I don't like.

Speaker 31507.62s - 1510.6s

For this exercise, I felt more power over finesse.

Speaker 41511.16s - 1521.14s

And Darius Robinson PERSON totally fits like it. Of the edge rushers I've watched in the second, third rounds, like, he's definitely one of these guys for sure. Yeah, it was a ton of fun watching him.

Speaker 61521.64s - 1534.94s

Yeah, the power profile going from Kil Mack to Darius Robinson PERSON would be really, really cool. Chargers ORG don't need an edge rusher, obviously, but there's a lot of similarities in their games, I think. Not saying that he's going to turn out to be Kalilmak PERSON,

Speaker 01534.94s - 1540.02s

who's been one of the best players of our generation, but just from like a consistent power,

Speaker 61540.18s - 1545.7s

consistent physicality, I think there's a lot to like there. Absolutely. Okay, so had to finally get

Speaker 41545.7s - 1586.1s

a Harbaugh official guy in there, a Michigan ORG guy in there. And I'm going with Mike San Francisco Ristill, the corner from Michigan. I believe Arjun PERSON's in the chat. I'm sure Arjun has plenty of things to say about Mike Stenristill. Everyone loves them. Every Chargers ORG fan is basically mocking him to the Chargers in the second round. I believe he had a visit with the team as well. San Ristall PERSON's fantastic. We've all watched the play against Ohio State ORG, where it decletes, I believe, the running back.We've watched that 47 times. And every time I watch it, I love it. But he does that so consistently. It's not like a guy who's got the one big hit, and that's it. Like, he's a consistent enforcer, passes broken up, interceptions, you name it.He's all over the field. Fantastic if it, obviously, for this defense. And, of course, yeah, total hardball guy.

Speaker 61586.86s - 1608.76s

Yeah, and talk about somebody who's done multiple roles. He started his career, Michigan ORG as a wide receiver. Also has done punt return stuff. I think he just, he checks a ton of boxes for that kind of just mentality from everything that I want to say was Joe Klat heard throughout the season. Mike Sainer still was the vocal leader of the Michigan ORG defense.

Speaker 01609.26s - 1613.22s

And this is a defense that has like 12 guys who are going to be drafted.

Speaker 51613.52s - 1618.68s

So Mike Stenra PERSON still being the alpha mentality, despite being the, you know,

Speaker 01618.76s - 1623.86s

formerly under-recruited wide receiver, probably the smallest player on their team,

Speaker 61624.4s - 1630.14s

that alpha mentality, I think, also plays very well on the Harbaughism, if you will.

Speaker 41630.82s - 1635.64s

Yeah, watching some of these prospects, whether it's like a DN who became a tackle or a safety,

Speaker 61635.72s - 1639.76s

you became a linebacker or whatever, you can tell sometimes that they are a former,

Speaker 41639.76s - 1650.94s

whatever they were, that was not their thing. Sandler's still up being a corner, having been recruited as a wide receiver, is so impressive. I genuinely could not tell, not that he's perfect, that was not their thing. Sand Ristell PERSON being a corner having been recruited as a wide receiver is so impressive. Because I genuinely could not tell. Not that he's perfect that this was a guy that was going to be a receiver.

Speaker 61651.7s - 1657.4s

Yeah, usually the wide receiver to corner converts are a little bit more finessey, a little bit afraid of contact.

Speaker 41658.18s - 1659.1s

That's how Samarstel PERSON, man.

Speaker 51659.18s - 1661.4s

Like he, he will play the run.

Speaker 41661.62s - 1676.24s

He will blitz. Like a lot of people have thrown the Mike Hilton comp out for Mike Samarstill PERSON, and I think that's a fantastic comp because he's so good as a blitzer, so good as a tackler. And then you watch him cover it. Like I mentioned Jalen Polk PERSON earlier.Like Samerstil PERSON kind of locked him up a little bit.

Speaker 51676.32s - 1677.5s

So I like Jaylen Polk quite a bit.

Speaker 61677.94s - 1694.16s

Samer still had a great game against Washington ORG. He had a great game against everybody, really. Yeah. So you're responding to this in the chat here but uh samer still at 37 you're cool with that oh okay so that the question was if my going lasseter or

Speaker 41694.16s - 1700.22s

sandr's still at 37 so my my tie was broken going to familiarity like one guy actually did play

Speaker 01700.22s - 1709.48s

the slot in your defense and you know him so that tie would go there at. At 37, I would get it, but I'd have to see the whole board.

Speaker 51709.64s - 1711.72s

Like, I think he is worthy of a second round selection.

Speaker 61712.12s - 1713.64s

That is not out of the question for me.

Speaker 41714.28s - 1721.02s

But I'd have to see who else is there as well, because I think there are other players I'd like. But I would be okay with it in a vacuum. Okay.

Speaker 61721.42s - 1721.8s

All right.

Speaker 41722.12s - 1722.62s

Sounds good.

Speaker 61722.96s - 1726.72s

I think he's an easy player to like for sure. Oh, yeah.

Speaker 11728.82s - 1754.3s

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Speaker 71759.3s - 1761.96s

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Speaker 61787.92s - 1794.62s

Before we get back to this, we do have got to pay the bills on the channel. So, Tyler, why don't you tell our listeners about prize picks? Sure.

Speaker 41794.72s - 1838.76s

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Speaker 61838.8s - 1843.88s

I never would have guessed that they would have e-sports on there. So shout out to price fix, you know, changing the game out there.

Speaker 41845.04s - 1846.28s

All right. Our next one here,

Speaker 61846.44s - 1932.3s

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Speaker 41932.4s - 1936.06s

As Kevin PERSON says, a little bit of rejuination. Whatever you're going to get it.

Speaker 61937.5s - 1953.96s

Speaking of things that heal the soul, Utah ORG football. Yes. My guy, Colnish PERSON up. This is, I try to keep it down. I swear I do. Well, pause.I have a good night, everyone.

Speaker 51955.08s - 1955.56s


Speaker 61957.28s - 2071.72s

Oh my gosh. Anyways, I tried to not talk about Utah ORG because I know people are sick of it. But Colbishop, I do truly believe, is a Harbaugh GPE guy of all guys. The Chargers ORG don't necessarily need a safety, and I don't think that they would be able to take him where he is going to go. The consensus board, him being 89th, like, he's like safety six or seven, I think isridiculous. The testing is top notch. The film is top notch. This is a guy that loves, loves contact. Like he, he almost to a detriment. He will not play the football. He plays the body. He tries to hit you as much as he possibly can. He is going to play run defense. He's going to blitz. He's going to hit youin space. This is a guy that seeks out content left and right. He is from the state of Alabama GPE. He was a three-star recruit. This is a Utah ORG special, and Utah and Michigan ORG have a lot of similarities in that regard. You go find a legitimate top-tier player. That's a three-star recruit, turn him into one of the best playersat his position in the entire country. That's Cole Bishop PERSON. I think part of the reason why he is being a little underrated is because Utah had to have him play a little bit more free safety this year due to their positional, just kind of the position room in 2022. They had like a bona fide free safety and then Sioni Vaki was playing in the slot, which allowed Colbishop PERSON to play in the box primarily and that was his role. This year he got to do it from time to time him and Sionevaki PERSON would kind of rotate.But he's a guy best suited in the box. He's a guy that's best suited to cover tight ends, be physical. He played free safety pretty well. I'm not saying that he played it poorly. Obviously, he's still going to get drafted. But this is a guy that I think just checks a ton of boxes for what Jim Harbaugh, Jesse Mentor, would want.And then, oh, by the way, he has a 9.87 RAS score, the most athletic safety in the class, according to RAS ORG, at this point in time.

Speaker 42071.88s - 2074.56s

So this is a guy I would love to see on the Chargers ORG.

Speaker 02075.16s - 2077.84s

I just don't know if they would be able to take a safety in this class.

Speaker 42078.74s - 2093.38s

Yeah, I think as Jay Dong PERSON points out, Cole Bishop PERSON's a Beast, and they could use the safeties. Minter could use three safeties a lot. And I totally agree. Obviously, if they take a safety, if they did Colbishop PERSON,it's over on the J.T. Woods PERSON experiment.

Speaker 22093.94s - 2098.16s

But I think that they should be looking for that next guy.

Speaker 42098.8s - 2115.62s

Probably will be a day three, later day three kind of guy. Ryan Fickland PERSON will turn him to a pro bowler or something. And then he'll take over for whoever in a few years but yeah no Cole Bishop PERSON have not watched him is the only player that we're going to mention today that I have not watchedbut I'm excited to with that said like there's nothing I could say

Speaker 52115.62s - 2118.16s

in a breakdown of Colbishop that Stephen PERSON couldn't tell you

Speaker 62118.16s - 2119.8s

so I'm just going to let Stephen

Speaker 52119.8s - 2123.36s

scout the Utah ORG guys and just take his word for it for now

Speaker 62123.36s - 2128.74s

yeah if you are able to just really quickly, watch the Florida game, watch the Baylor ORG game.

Speaker 52129.26s - 2131.52s

He got injured a little bit after that.

Speaker 42131.62s - 2135.26s

But those two games, he's just around the football a lot.

Speaker 62135.98s - 2140.02s

He had two force fumbles in that game, interception against Baylor, love Cle Bishop PERSON.

Speaker 42140.94s - 2141.42s


Speaker 02142.1s - 2149.64s

I did not watch Utah's defense yet, but I've watched USC ORG games and I've watched

Speaker 42149.64s - 2152.86s

a lot of some Pac-12 games and yeah, like Colbishop PERSON, there's always something, something, something,

Speaker 62153.24s - 2159.72s

something, Cole Bishop, there's something cool. I know that because when Utah ORG is playing football, Stevens PERSON like, on, you got to be able to.

Speaker 42159.72s - 2163.68s

Bishop is probably 50% of my tweets about Utah ORG games for sure. Yes, absolutely. Yeah,

Speaker 62163.72s - 2166.7s

it's that and like maybe Utah ORG's women's basketball team and that's about it.

Speaker 42168.3s - 2180.52s

Anyway, moving on to the next guy, Ben Sennett, the tight end from Kansas State ORG. We've discussed other tight ends so far throughout this mock draft process. I don't believe we taking Ben Senate last time we took McLaughlin from Arizona GPE.

Speaker 52181.16s - 2196.64s

But to me, sometimes if you're looking for like the pure tight end in line guy, that's not necessarily Senate PERSON. I think people are taking him assuming that's the case. But to me, it's the way he blocks all around as an Hback from the backfield, etc. The way that Kansas State ORG creatively used him, I just think it kind of fits perfectly.

Speaker 42197.32s - 2227.32s

It's kind of run game, run game adjacent, but also he can play the tight end stuff. I could see both Hortiz and Harbaugh being in on Ben Sinit PERSON, especially given the fact that he's 104th on the consensus board. I think he was like 140 on PFF ORG's board. So this is a guy that he's, I think he's being underrated, but also like I get that he's like this tight end class isn't great. He's not like a pure awesome receiving tight end. Like Brock Bowers, for example. But I think he's very underrated, does the dirty work, really do like Ben Cinnett PERSON.

Speaker 62228.32s - 2270.28s

Yeah, as Kevin Kernick pointed out in the chat, he played all over the place for Kansas State ORG. He played some fullback, played some Hback. This is a guy who can do a lot of different things for you, just from a pure blocking standpoint. Oh, I've got the All-Star filter on. Okay. Wanted to make sure I get this right. So he's got a ton of inline tight-end snaps from a blocker standpoint. Oh, I'm got the All-Star filter on. Okay. Wanted to make sure I get this right.So he's got a ton of inline tight-end snaps from a blocker standpoint. He's got slot snaps. He's got running back snap. So this is a guy who I think just he loves to block. Like I think he's a pretty good pass catcher, but this is a guy who just plays the whistle as a blocking tight end.Like he does have that kind of George Kittle PERSON mentality where he just wants to block. I think George Kittle PERSON, obviously he loves the money that comes with being a great

Speaker 52270.28s - 2277.7s

pass catcher, but I think George Kittle PERSON likes to block more than he likes to catch passes. And I think Benson PERSON is the same way there.

Speaker 42278.4s - 2283.42s

Yeah, he at least did in the Super Bowl EVENT. Fair, fair.

Speaker 62285.12s - 2296.42s

Super chat real quick from ACUenko ORG. I'm sorry. I appreciate the super chat. I'm not sure how you want us to say that name. But I've been watching you guys for almost two years now.

Speaker 42296.5s - 2328.76s

I haven't been able to catch you live to tip. Love the content. You guys are my favorite Chargers ORG content creators. We appreciate that. Thank you so much for the support. Thank you very much.A lot of love the last couple of days. our last chargers episode was like so much love like overwhelmingly so it feels like we like set you guys onto that video to write those comments but we didn't like it was just you guys showed up and said nice things and i really appreciate that a couple of people saying that like 4 p.m is they never been able to watch us live before so i don't know maybe we'll have to bounce around 4 p.m. They never be able to watch us live before. So I don't know. Maybe we'll have to bounce around 4 p.m. Start times every once in a while. Hey man,

Speaker 62328.8s - 2330.84s

I had to drive like 60 miles per hour on the way home.

Speaker 42330.88s - 2331.96s

So I don't know if I want to do that.

Speaker 62333.76s - 2335.34s

Rookie numbers is all I'm saying.

Speaker 42335.34s - 2336.3s

Rookie numbers, for sure.

Speaker 62337.3s - 2337.54s

All right.

Speaker 42337.54s - 2338.54s

I'll get to the next one here.

Speaker 62340.7s - 2342.8s

I talked about 100 Norzad last time.

Speaker 42342.9s - 2346.68s

It was it was difficult for me not to talk about him.

Speaker 62346.68s - 2416.38s

Like I thought about doing like Bo Limmer PERSON. I watched Bo Limer play guard a couple last night. Went back and watched some of his guard tape against Alabama GPE. You know, there are some other interior offensive linemen prospects. I watched Cooper Bibi this week from Kansas State ORG. I think he also applies.But it's the versatility for Hunter Norzad PERSON, I think. He's a guy who can play guard or center. He definitely has the body type. He has the experience. He started for Penn State at left guard last year, center this year. He's an Ivy League ORG guy.So it's not like he comes from like a five-star background. He had to work his way to Penn State ORG. The athletic testing, we don't have anything yet. I don't know if that was due to an injury or if that was just due to him not choosing to test. But, you know, I think he's athletic enough. But you're not taking Hunter Norzad PERSON because he's an elite athlete.You're taking Hunter Norazette PERSON because he's going to put you in the dirt and he's going to be physical. He's going to play to the whistle. and he can play multiple roles for you. He's smart. He's tough. He's physical. When I picture like a glass eater of offensive lineman, like Hunter Norzad PERSON is what I look at.

Speaker 02416.38s - 2433.7s

Like he's a guy who just has that every single snap. He wants to punish you. And so Norzad PERSON is my guy. He's my favorite day two center. I think he's a day two center prospect all day of the week. Ooh, I like that. So is that favorite day two center

Speaker 42433.7s - 2441.82s

including Frazier PERSON or assuming that he's gone? Favorite over Frazier. I like Frazier more as a

Speaker 62441.82s - 2466.28s

prospect. I think he's more athletic. I think he has a little bit more upside. Not a little bit more. Frasier's a better prospect for sure. But I like watching Hunter Norzad PERSON more. Okay. I totally get that. There are players that are on day three latest crud that I love watching more. I'm more excited to watch and some of the guys that are just better prospects. So I get that. Yeah, Norzad, great call.

Speaker 42466.62s - 2468.12s

I put off watching him,

Speaker 62468.42s - 2470.62s

finally watched him a couple days ago as we talked about.

Speaker 42470.72s - 2471.06s

And it's like,

Speaker 02471.12s - 2471.34s

oh, yeah,

Speaker 62471.38s - 2472.66s

that's perfect.

Speaker 42472.82s - 2472.96s


Speaker 62472.96s - 2474.42s

that's how it should look.

Speaker 42474.48s - 2478.74s

And I don't know why he's not being talked about more on our board for our last

Speaker 62478.74s - 2479.06s


Speaker 42479.3s - 2512.68s

He was 200th, I believe, 176 on the consensus board. And I just don't get it. Is he perfect? No, things to work on.Absolutely. It would be like the perfect spot. Just the idea that he can sit for a year or do whatever he has to do, work with Greg Roman, work with his offensive line, Herbert Harbaugh PERSON, et cetera. Like this, it really does feel like your center of the future. And I would not be surprised if he's one of their picks.We'll see about day two. We'll see how much the NFL ORG actually likes him. But, yeah, great prospect. I think he's awesome.

Speaker 62513.44s - 2518.76s

Yeah, day two for me, I understand that most people have in day, day three, though. Yeah.

Speaker 42520.24s - 2596.12s

Yeah, it feels like three, four for me. I think that's kind of where I would assume he would go. Maybe like, as a compick sort of guy, but we'll see. Okay, Isaiah Davis PERSON, last one from me here. Isaiah Davis, the running back from South Dakota State ORG, great RAS. Again, way back on the consensus board, but this is a guy who is hyperproductive,as most of these guys are, like you look at South Dakota State's ORG guys or in North Dakota State GPE or whatever. These guys are very productive. So, okay, so how's the film? How are their per play numbers? They're great.He is number one in this class in terms of college career yards after contact per attempt. The number and the percentile. I think he's like 96th in yards after contact per attempt percentile and 97th in explosive rate, run rate percentile. But this is a guy who you can just, he's a big dude. You can run it with him.You can run it 20 times, 25 times, 30. Like if you want to find a bell cow, he at least has the body type to do that. I really do like Isaiah Davis PERSON here. I think he fits the Greg Roman, Jim Harbaugh PERSON, run game kind of style. I don't know if he will fit Gus Edwards PERSON in terms of a compliment, but as someonewho can be, well, the next guy, I think Isaiah Davis PERSON is someone I would definitely look at because the size profile is there. The numbers are great. The per play stats are great. I really do like

Speaker 62596.12s - 2638.82s

him. Yeah, I think if you miss out on like an Adrick Estimate, then Isaiah Davis PERSON is kind of like your day three version of that. Thomas Martinez here in the chat and I were messaging back and forth about Mason McCormick the other day. So there's no like we use caddies cutups for a film. That's kind of our biggest resource. And you guys can do that too. They're on Patreon ORG.You know, there's no South Dakota State offensive line tape on there, but there is Isaiah Davis PERSON tape on there. So it's like you work with what you got. So we were messaging back and forth about Mason McCormick PERSON, the guard potential center. But Isaiah Davis PERSON, man, like just his ferocious mentality. Like I think if you picture like a bigger version of Isaiah Pacheco PERSON, just that guy that always looks like he's angry.

Speaker 02639.32s - 2665.78s

That's what Isaiah Davis PERSON reminds me of. He just always wants to make sure he's going to punish you. He always wants to score on every touch on every touch. So this is a guy who I think just, you know, he, he wants to be so successful. I think that shows up on tape. And I think his mentality, he's always fighting for those extra yards. He's always trying to make sure every single play finishes until the end. So there's a lot to like there for Isaiah Davis, Isaiah Davis for sure. Yeah, I would agree. Kevin PERSON asked, does he have

Speaker 42665.78s - 2667.34s

typewriter feet like Pacheco?

Speaker 62668.14s - 2668.5s


Speaker 42669.18s - 2669.66s


Speaker 62670.44s - 2672.48s

Isaiah Pacheco's PERSON feet are definitely different.

Speaker 42672.72s - 2675s

It's a very unique skill set of his, but like,

Speaker 62675.5s - 2678.2s

every time you wrote, every time Isaiah Pacheco PERSON touches the ball,

Speaker 42678.26s - 2680.4s

you're like, you're just an angry individual, right?

Speaker 62680.52s - 2681.48s

And you just have to be.

Speaker 42681.78s - 2716.32s

And Isaiah Davis PERSON is the same way. Yeah, I would agree. A couple of honorable mentions here frankly I had like 30 honorable mentions we could have listed so yeah audrick estimated running back from Notre Dame brady and Fis PERSON because we talked about the offensive taco from Florida state ray Davis for the story alone is absolutely an everyone's guya my guy a harbaugh guy a chargers guy you name it ray davis from Kentucky GPE is awesome you mentioned jevonne bullard I have not watched him but he's the safety from Georgia and then of course junior colson the linebacker from michigan a Harbaugh guy, a Chargers guy, you name it, Ray Davis from Kentucky is awesome. You mentioned Javon Bullard PERSON. I have not watched him, but he's the safety from Georgia ORG. And then, of course, Junior Colson, the linebacker from Michigan ORG, who I think is not just a Harbaugh GPE guy, but a mentor-exclusive phenom kind of guy. Like, Colson PERSON is great.

Speaker 62717.92s - 2785.46s

Yeah, John Bullard, I think I watched him the other day. Reminding me kind of of a discount version of Jalen Petrie PERSON, who we really liked a couple of years ago from Baylor, who's had a good career so far in Houston GPE. There's a bit of me that thinks Bullard PERSON might be best to play the slot, given his size, but just love his ability to come down and run defense. A lot of times, you'll watch a guy who's playing like deep safety, kind of chill on rundowns where they're not going to come downbecause they know that their teammates are going to make the tackle. But Bullard PERSON always puts his nose in there. He's always a guy who would jump on the pile. He'll just like he wants to make sure that his presence has felt. And I just really like his mentality. Obviously, this is a Georgia ORG guy.I think he was a four-star prospect. So it doesn't necessarily fit like the underdog type. But he's a smaller player. He's underrated on the Georgia ORG defense. Like when you talk about Georgia, you very rarely hear about Javon Bullard PERSON. So I think there is some of that that's out there. But I just, I love his mentality to come up, play run support, hit tight ends over the middle. He's a guy who evendespite his size, he's he's a hitter. And I think the the charges prefer those kind of guys. Awesome. Well, that was a lot of fun. I think the Chargers ORG prefer those kind of guys. Awesome.

Speaker 42785.82s - 2786.52s

Well, that was a lot of fun.

Speaker 62786.64s - 2788.66s

I didn't think we'd go for a lot of day two, day three guys,

Speaker 42788.66s - 2798.92s

but that was fun to discuss some of these guys. And hopefully the chat and you guys listening and watching or whatever heard some new names. I've seen so many mock draft 2.0 and 3.0s. And it's just kind of the same guys. Yeah.

Speaker 62799s - 2827.06s

I'm glad we got to put out some new names out there that we're enjoying watching. Yeah, I'm guilty of that well as well. I mean, like sometimes I get to, you know, pick 110. I'm like, Hunter Norzat PERSON every single time. But, you know, you got to talk about different players, different scenarios, because you just, the draft is unpredictable.And I think especially this year as the first draft of Joe Ortiz and Jim Harbaugh PERSON, like I think we're going to be in for a treat. A lot of surprises. Oh, yeah, a lot of surprises. as the first draft of Joe Ortiz and Jim Harbaugh PERSON, like I think we're going to be in for a treat. A lot of surprises.

Speaker 42828.18s - 2828.4s

Oh, yeah, a lot of surprises.

Speaker 62830.52s - 2832.24s

Hopefully we just get like one guy we talked about.

Speaker 42833.28s - 2833.32s

That's always fun, man.

Speaker 62835.44s - 2835.52s

It is always fun whenever you get the guys that we talked about.

Speaker 42837.28s - 2837.34s

Like I love Joshua Palmer PERSON coming out.

Speaker 62838.26s - 2840.18s

I thought it made a ton of sense. And when they took him, I was like, yes, let's go.

Speaker 42841.18s - 2843.16s

A little early, but, you know, is what it is.

Speaker 62843.58s - 2844.04s

That's fine.

Speaker 42844.08s - 2844.52s

It worked out.

Speaker 62846.14s - 2849.94s

Real quick from LA Chargers fan. Have you watched Carlton Johnson'sson this corner from fresno state ORG is a bit undersized but ran a

Speaker 42849.94s - 2854.6s

four three three not many great prospect options as a fresno state ORG fan did you watch him live by any

Speaker 62854.6s - 2859.1s

chance stephen i have seen him play football live uh he had an interception in the game that i watched

Speaker 42859.1s - 2864.72s

and almost took it back for a touchdown uh so he's he is very fast that four three three does show

Speaker 62864.72s - 2865.28s

up on tape.

Speaker 42865.7s - 2868.74s

People here in the Fresno State community love him as an individual.

Speaker 62869.04s - 2870.58s

They say nothing but good things about him.

Speaker 42870.74s - 2871.74s

I have not watched the tape.

Speaker 62872.48s - 2878.34s

I'm pretty sure the Chargers had representation at the Fresnel State Pro Day EVENT. That sounds right.

Speaker 42878.74s - 2883.68s

Yeah. I want to say that it is true because of him. So there's at least some interest there.

Speaker 62885.38s - 2900.2s

Fresno State Loki has like a great cornerback tradition. I mean, Duran Bland PERSON is one of the best cornerbacks in the league right now comes from Fresno State. So Carlton Johnson PERSON has some fans around the league. I would not be opposed to it as a day three flyer, but I have not watched his tape at all.

Speaker 42900.8s - 2911.06s

Nice. Sounds good. Speaking of day three flyers, sort of. Matthew Hernandez PERSON asked, do you think we should give Spiller PERSON a chance? The answer is yes, but it does not preclude you from taking other

Speaker 62911.06s - 2954.72s

running backs. They should have given him more of a chance last year once the season went down the drain, but I just, I don't think we know enough about him. And I think we've seen some good moments here and there, but we're also talking to a guy who's like, who average like three yards of carry in his regular season game so I just I just don't think that the chargers are going to give him much maybe they keep on the practice squad but I think they're going to want to overhaul the running back room they're visiting with jk. Dobbins today who knows if that deal gets done based off of the previous track record of visits, I think it could get done. So I think the running back room is basically just going to be three new guys. And maybe you keep Spiller or Dotson on the practice squad. Yeah.

Speaker 42955.22s - 2970.7s

Such a bummer. I get why some guys didn't work out. It's a bummer that Spiller PERSON didn't, for whatever reason. Sometimes it's just the regime changes and offensive coordinator changes. I really thought he had it, not maybe necessarily be an RB1, but to certainly be better.

Speaker 62971.62s - 3014.38s

And it's been, I thought when they changed the Kellynne Moore that Isaiah Spiller PERSON would be given more of a chance. I really did. And Joshua Kelly PERSON had some good moments, played well. He also deserved more touches. But I just kind of figured that the joe lombardischeme didn't really fit Isaiah spiller the Kellynmore PERSON scheme would fit him more so i just maybe there's some behind the scenes that we don't know about obviously outside of lack of opportunity but um i just think that i think jim harbog grahaman PERSON want an entirely new running back room. Yeah, I would agree. So to clarify, Isaiah Spiller PERSON is currently on the roster. I just don't, I don't think he has a great chance of being on the final roster.

Speaker 43017.8s - 3028.4s

Yeah, we'll see if they gave three or four, and then I also might include a fullback. If they do keep, you know, three, maybe he's the third, but he's at best third right now if they sign Dobbins PERSON. And then from there, you know, we'll see about a running back.

Speaker 63028.5s - 3029.92s


Speaker 43030.56s - 3031.22s

All right.

Speaker 63033.02s - 3033.66s

Tyler, any final thoughts before we got out?

Speaker 43034.42s - 3055.54s

No, it's exciting. And honestly, the names you guys are throwing out in the chat are awesome. I see some names that I haven't watched it. I got to get to them. I love it. It's not the usual like who, hey, have you watched the top 10 prospect in this class? It's like, hey, this random guy, you got to watch him. I love it. It's not the usual like who, hey, have you watched the top 10 prospect in this class?It's like, hey, this random guy, you got to watch him. I love that. Keep throwing those in the chat in the comment section. That's awesome. That helps me find other guys to watch. Yeah, all you guys that are

Speaker 63055.54s - 3106.6s

listening to this or watching this on replay, definitely let us know in the comments and on Twitter, wherever if you have a guy that you definitely think is a Harbaugh GPE guy that thing some more love certainly let us know but i think a lot of the draft becomes so day one centric especially the chargers because it's like it's a great receiver class it's a great offensive tackle class fits the need potential to trade down like there's so much focus on day one but the best teams are built through day two and you you've got to be able to supplement your day one hits with some really quality football players on day two that's how you're able to uh so he said watchMarvin Harrison that's funny uh really nice um but day two is so important day three if you can hit a couple players on day three it does so much help for you and the charters are potentially in line for four compensatory picks for 2025 so

Speaker 43106.6s - 3112.72s

day three next year's going to be a lot of fun that's so that makes me so happy that I get to like

Speaker 53112.72s - 3117.88s

watch day three and there's going to be like seven players to be added back there yeah so nice yeah

Speaker 63117.88s - 3123.52s

love to see it so we got to get the christians fulton signing was became official today uh we have

Speaker 43123.52s - 3127.84s

not seen numbers yet although daniel popper projected, at least on his Twitter ORG,

Speaker 53128.1s - 3129.84s

that it might be vet minimum.

Speaker 43130.14s - 3131.74s

So if that is the case,

Speaker 53131.84s - 3133.4s

all of the charges compensatory picks

Speaker 43133.4s - 3134.88s

that they're currently projected to gain

Speaker 63134.88s - 3136.42s

would stay the same.

Speaker 43136.8s - 3139.74s

And so I think Joe Ortiz PERSON is going to be very, very happy

Speaker 63139.74s - 3141.86s

about having four compensatory picks this year.

Speaker 43142.56s - 3152.42s

It's awesome. And if you get a fourth round pick next year and a compensatory pick, you can trade for Kenan Allen PERSON back. That doesn't work out.

Speaker 63152.68s - 3202.38s

You can just bring it back. All right. There we go. That's going to do it for us today. I appreciate you. Like Tyler mentioned earlier,there was a lot of positive feedback, positive energy on our last Chargers ORG episode. We're very grateful for that. The comments were awesome to see the community that we've been able to see built over the last few years doing the show. It's been fantastic. It's been one of my favorite things about doing the show and interacting with people.So sincerely appreciate that. Hopefully you guys are watching baseball, watching March Madness EVENT, whatever you're doing this weekend. You have a great weekend. And we'll see you guys on Monday. This is the Gautilus Charge ORG podcast. As always, full time. For the ones who work hard to ensure their crew can always go the extra mile.

Speaker 33202.88s - 3223.52s

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