Chargers 2024 Draft Grades and Scouting Reports

Chargers 2024 Draft Grades and Scouting Reports

by Blue Wire

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116:26 minutes

published 1 month ago

American English

© 2021 Guilty As Charged: An LA Chargers Podcast

Speaker 00.88s - 125.9s

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Speaker 3126.06s - 138.72s

Welcome to the Guilty as Charge WORK_OF_ART podcast. My name is Stephen PERSON and I am the host, as always. Tonight's show is presented by our friends over at PrizePix ORG, the best and easiest way to consume daily fantasy. Join me is my guy, Tyler. Tyler, what's up, man?How are you doing tonight?

Speaker 1139.58s - 145.12s

Dude, I'll be completely honest. I have delayed onset tiredness. Same.

Speaker 3145.44s - 148.48s

After those three days, I was feeling really good, feeling really pumped.

Speaker 2149.04s - 152.92s

And then there's that letdown where all the big hype thing is completely over.

Speaker 3153.48s - 156.84s

And you're starting to just feel a little bit more exhaust that it all kind of kicks in later.

Speaker 0157.26s - 159.44s

And then what did I do right as soon as the draft ended?

Speaker 1160.08s - 164.36s

Started watching undrafted free agents. So I'm caught up on like six of them now.

Speaker 0164.8s - 165.92s

So I'm a little tired.

Speaker 2166.4s - 168.9s

I've gained about 10 pounds, I feel like,

Speaker 0169.1s - 173.22s

after eating nothing but pizza and wings and all that junk over the weekend.

Speaker 1173.72s - 198.9s

But I'll tell you what, man, it feels like it was completely worth it. All that grinding, all that hard work. Felt worth it. Like I said, the first time we did this, it was 55 viewers. The last few years, it's only been like 3,000 viewers per episode. We crossed like 32,000 so far over the weekend.Thank you so much, everyone, for watching. It was a blast. Next week, we'll be, or next, next week, God, no, not. I couldn't do this next week.

Speaker 3199.3s - 226.46s

Next year will be so much better. Yeah, we're currently past 13,000 views on our day three stream, which is more than day one and day two. So I love it like we've talked about during the show on Saturday. You know, this crew, if you will, that we've kind of put together over the last few years has really come out strong for the draft and we're really excited about that. I woke up on Sunday and my eyes were still like

Speaker 0226.46s - 243.28s

tired from looking at this computer screen for 20 hours straight over the three day span so um no i totally feel that and you know some people are like you know Nate tice and some of these other guys already have like a big board ready for like 2025 i'm like okay so that's that's like the next level

Speaker 3243.28s - 253.08s

for us i guess is you know like maybe next year we do the week after the draft. We do like a 2026 mock draft apparently. That's like that's the kind of niche we're building ourselves into now.

Speaker 1253.74s - 263.36s

Yeah, I love it. Dude, as soon as it ended and I started watching, you know, all these guys and I was bummed. I missed some other players. And I'm looking at like the beast and that art. I'm never doing that, by the way.

Speaker 0263.36s - 264.8s

I don't have any time for that.

Speaker 2271.52s - 278.56s

You got to pay me a lot of money to leave another job to do that but i'm like could i watch nothing but 2025 prospects all summer long while i don't have a job because i'm a teacher yeah yep that's what

Speaker 1278.56s - 282.16s

i'm doing this summer so i've now found a thing to do this summer all you're going to

Speaker 2282.16s - 285.26s

participate in summer scouting okay Okay. Oh, yeah.

Speaker 1285.32s - 291.36s

I can't wait to have half these guys fall out of the seventh round because they didn't live up to expectations.

Speaker 3291.74s - 294.5s

But yeah, man, I'm just like, I'm pumped.

Speaker 0294.66s - 297.46s

Alex Katzen PERSON did such a good job for us and he knew everything.

Speaker 1298.02s - 316.24s

And that's why you bring on really smart, really talented, really driven people. Because now I'm like, how do I get towards that? Like, I'll never be able to because he's in this a lot more than we are. But how do I get a little bit closer? So a little bit competitive. There you go.Hey, again, we grew from 55 years in a live stream for a reason.

Speaker 3317.04s - 373.7s

Yeah, no, I think both of you and I have that competitive edge to continue to take this podcast to new heights. So summer scouting is dangerous, man. I mean, Leonard Taylor was viewed as a first round pick last August and he went undrafted this weekend. So, you know, it's a different kind of danger to live in. But I'm excited to see what that looks like. Usually in the summer, I go back and rewatch stuff from the actual Chargers season.You know, like last summer I went back and watched like Rishon Slater's PERSON tape from the previous season or I watched like Killil Mack PERSON and stuff like that. You'd watch like Killamore PERSON's offense kind of deal. So this summer I was playing, I was definitely planning on watching like Greg Roman's offense and like more of the Michigan ORG defense and stuff like that. So, you know, we all have our summer projects and then it should be a lot of fun.Speaking of like, I guess getting into the nitty gritty, did you see that clip from Cornelius Johnson today? I saw the one about how he grew up a fan and stuff like that.

Speaker 1374.32s - 378.4s

Yeah, so he was on the Kay Adams PERSON show leading up to the draft,

Speaker 3378.4s - 380.36s

and he, and Kay Adams PERSON was like, oh, like,

Speaker 1380.76s - 383.38s

wouldn't it be so cool if you were to go back with Harbaugh GPE?

Speaker 3383.44s - 398.58s

And he was actually like, yeah, you know, I used to be a fan in the same when they were in San Diego GPE. Like they were my favorite team. And he like, listed off his favorite players from that era. The third name out of his mouth was Legadu Nane PERSON. And I'm like, okay, that's how you know this guy was real.

Speaker 2398.8s - 413.36s

Like that's such a deep cut. You know, he mentioned LT and Rivers PERSON. And then Legadu Nane was the third name out of his mouth. So I thought that was really funny, Cornelius Johnson, who we're going to talk about tonight. cut you know he mentioned l t in rivers and then legadu nanne was the third name out of his mouth so i thought that was really funny cornelius johnson who we're going to talk about tonight uh you know it was just uh it was a cool interview to see and obviously you know his dad's been posting

Speaker 1413.36s - 425.9s

pictures and things like that so yeah um that's a that's a fun one for sure yeah that was a deep cut because every time i turn on like madden you know back when i started you know playing madden i was 10 12 whatever it was yeah he was one of the whiteouts.

Speaker 3426.16s - 431.62s

Him and Adamalia PERSON, what was it? The title. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1431.62s - 445.36s

So those names completely, like, they just are a part of my brain. It's like childhood and the San Diego Chargers ORG and all that. Yep. For him to say that, I get it. Because anyone can walk in and say, you know, LT and rivers and gates and etc.

Speaker 3445.96s - 452.98s

You're going deep cuts like that. You know, you start talking like say you as you're a two to or something or the three seasons of, you know,

Speaker 1453.02s - 455.78s

or three games of Denario Alexander PERSON or whatever.

Speaker 3456.08s - 456.5s


Speaker 1456.8s - 457.86s

Yeah, I get you.

Speaker 3458.48s - 465.86s

The, oh my gosh, I'm totally blinking on his name right now. The running back bowling ball, Brandon PERSON. Oliver PERSON. Thank you. Thank you. I almost have Brandon Browner, but that was blinking on his name right now. The running back bowling ball, Brandon. Oliver PERSON, thank you. Oliver.

Speaker 0466.58s - 470s

Thank you. I almost have Brandon Browner, but that was from the conversation over the weekend.

Speaker 2470.18s - 470.86s

That's the Seahx Corner ORG.

Speaker 0471.7s - 474.58s

That's where my brain is at after watching all these prospects.

Speaker 2474.82s - 476.42s

So, you know, it is it is.

Speaker 0476.46s - 477s

We'll get to it.

Speaker 3477.66s - 485.24s

Okay, so today's show, this is all about kind of wrapping up, putting a bow on the players that the Chargers ORG have drafted.

Speaker 0485.78s - 490.66s

Of course, we'll have some other conversations, you know, about these players throughout the

Speaker 3490.66s - 541.22s

rest of the summer. But today we're going to be grading each of these picks. We're going to be talking about strengths and weaknesses of the picks that the Chargers ORG made, talking about their potential fits, really diving into the nitty gritty here. We also have some information from the Bs, which we did talk about a little bit on the stream. So that part might be like a little bit redundant for some of youwho did consume all of the stream that we, all the streaming we did over the weekend. But basically we wanted to just talk about now that we know that these guys are chargers, you know, how do they fit with this specific team? What are their roles? What's their potential? What's their potential?What's their floor? All that kind of stuff. And we both have watched Tar Heap WORK_OF_ART still now. So we wanted to kind of revisit that conversation. So this should be a lot of fun to dive into. And I'm excited to see how we kind of wrap this up.And hopefully you guys enjoy that.

Speaker 0541.86s - 546.82s

Before we get started there, we do have a new member today, Mr. Michael Samanson PERSON.

Speaker 2547.02s - 547.82s

Appreciate it, Michael.

Speaker 0547.88s - 548.68s

Thanks for joining up.

Speaker 3549.26s - 560.32s

And then a super chat from Caden Fitzgerald ORG. It says, bolt up in Harbaugh GPE, we trust. So appreciate the new member and the super chat today. Always appreciate it on this show. Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 1560.56s - 572.28s

Welcome, new member. Welcome, or thank you for the super chat, Kaden in Harbaugh GPE, we trust. Absolutely. Got a little shaky. Welcome, or thank you for the super chat, Kaden in Harpo GPE, we trust. Absolutely. Got a little shaky after round one for some fans, but I think by the end of the draft, people were back on board.

Speaker 3581.42s - 684.4s

Yes. Yes, 100%. All right. Let's dive into this. Of course, we are going to be talking about Mr. Joe Alt first and foremost. Very large human being. So we're, we presented a slide show like this similarly on night one. And then we kind of went away from it. But we wanted to get back to this for every single pick. So you're going to see why he was the selection, beast information, strengths and weaknesses. And then grading the picks is going to come at the end of it here as well as like how they fit in here.So for Joe Alt PERSON, we can kick it off here why he was the selection. He was their best player available. The goal has always been to protect Justin Herbert. And then if you love offensive line play, I think you're very happy about what Jim Harbaugh PERSON said about offensive linemen in general. He views them as a weapon. He kind of knew, and I think Joe Ortiz PERSON knew,that people were going to ask about why didn't they take a receiver in the first round and they were ready. We view offensive linemen as weapons. We really believed in him. He was the number one player on our board. And also, Adam Schifter PERSON had some really interestingconversations today on the Pat McAfee PERSON show pertaining the New York Giants and Joe Alt. some really interesting conversations today on the Pat McAfee PERSON show. pertaining the New York Giants and Joe Alt PERSON. Apparently, the Giants tried to trade up for Joe Alt PERSON. That was their main conversation around trading up to the number three overall pick was not for a quarterback. It was for Joe Alt PERSON.And then all of the J.J. McCarthy Giants' ORG connections was apparently an attempt to, an attempt to buy the Giants to get Joe Alt PERSON to fall to them. Basically, their goal of the draft was to take Joe Alt PERSON. He was the best player on their boards as well. And then the Tennessee Titans also had Joe Alt as their number one player on the board.

Speaker 2684.4s - 690.06s

So, you know, there's all the media stuff and there's all the coaching staff stuff.

Speaker 3690.24s - 702.72s

But it does sound like several other teams, not just the Chargers, did have Joe Alt as the number one player on the board ahead of even Marvin Harrison, Jr. Not a surprise.

Speaker 1702.96s - 825.46s

It's interesting because so many fans, and we did not view Joe Alt PERSON as the best player on our boards. Everyone wanted, not everyone, several fans wanted Malik neighbors, Romo Dunzee PERSON, obviously Marvin Harris Jr. Any whiteout, some people had those guys ahead of Joe Alt PERSON on their board, but I think people were confused. Like, why did you take Joe Alt PERSON if he wasn't the best player available to them? And it sounds like too many teams, probably after Marvin PERSON, he was the best player available. If you didn't need a quarterback or you weren't going to take a quarterback and Marvin PERSON was gone,Joe Walt PERSON was considered their next best player available. And I totally get it. There are maybe question marks with some other players. But Joe Alt PERSON was, I think, very safe. I think also has a very high ceiling as well. I would understand why he was their best player available.And getting into some of the quotes that you mentioned, like Jim Harbaugh PERSON said, it was a unanimous decision among the organization. Nobody rated higher than Joe Alt PERSON. I think maybe there's a part of the quote that was like, nobody at that time was ready to higher than Joe Alt PERSON. I think maybe there's a part of the quote that was like nobody at that time was ready higher than Joe Alt. I'm curious if Marvin PERSON was somebody that wasrated higher, but obviously he was gone. Joe Hortiz PERSON says, you know, when you watch him, you get caught in a bad position, his ability to recover and get back down an anchor and front up late. That's what he can do. He doesn't get knocked back very often. When it does happen, he has that freakish athleticism to recover and get his knees bent and flex those ankles and get back down. You read any of the media stuff. You listen to any of the media or the reactions from Joe Hortiz from Jim Harbaugh PERSON.They felt like this was easily the guy. And Harba PERSONugh, again, says, like, I don't think Harba was much of a liar. He's going to tell you or he just won't say anything. He just flat out said, it's a unanimous decision nobody on their board at the time rated higher than joe alt so to fans who wanted best player available it is not your best player available it is theirs and maybe i felt there was someone else was better stephen feels there was someone else who was better but to the chargers they stuck to their guns, and this was BPA.

Speaker 3830.7s - 925.08s

Yeah, and, you know, to that point, Ted Nguyen, who writes for the Athletic ORG, talked about this, too, and I think his perspective was a perspective that needs to be said about this regime, and the overall point was that fans, and I felt like he was writing this directly at me, you know, he was like, Chargers fans think that Trey Pipkins PERSON is a serviceable, reliable offensive tackle. But for Jim Harbaugh PERSON, that's simply not good enough.Like, Jim Harbaugh PERSON is not looking for above average serviceable. He's looking for dominant up front. And taking Joe Alt PERSON was obviously a step in that right direction. So, you know, Joe Ortiz PERSON has talked about creating depth across the board all summer long, or all summer, all spring long.And this is obviously a great way to do that. Now the Chargers have Trey Pipkins PERSON, a guy who we do know as a reliable service of offensive tackle. He's their swing tackle. And this is what drafting Joe Alt PERSON does for you. You create an offensive line, an offensive tackle trio of Roshan Slater, Joe Alt PERSON does for you, you create an offensive line, an offensive tackle trio ofRashon Slater, Joe Alt PERSON, and Trey Pipkins. If Joe Alt hits right away as a rookie, you're potentially talking about the best offensive tackle duo in the AFC. You know, this is a very high ceiling offensive tackle room. I'm not going to put them ahead of the Lions right now or the Eagles ORG because those guys have been there and done that obviously. But from an AFC perspective, man, like this has the chance to be a great offensive tackle trio. And I'm really excited to see how it pans out. Now that we know that Joe Alt PERSON is the pick, you know, I'm going to go back and revisit some things, go back and rewatch who he was in 2022and just like enjoy the fact that the chargers don't have an offensive tackle issue for the long haul.

Speaker 2925.32s - 929.22s

And this is a great situation for them to be in from that position room.

Speaker 1929.74s - 965.96s

Yeah, as a great position, especially if he hits, obviously, things are a lot better. You know, sweet jump says, you know, ask the lines about Sewell PERSON's impact. Absolutely forgotten local says that transition from left to right better be smooth. You know, honestly, it doesn't even necessarily have to immediately be smooth and i don't expect it to be that's unfair to assume he walks in switches sides and is an elite all pro tackle from day one i don't think that's going to happen it would be awesome but i don'tbelieve it is penes stool is the i honestly think him and marvin are the two best players i've watched and i don't think it's close. Like those two guys are awesome.

Speaker 0966.36s - 966.58s

I agree.

Speaker 3966.68s - 971.98s

Penaise Sewell had or allowed 35 pressures and five sacks his first season.

Speaker 0971.98s - 975.1s

And that was a bit wishy-washy where he had to play some left.

Speaker 3975.16s - 976s

He had to play some right.

Speaker 1976.92s - 985.5s

I get it. But I don't think the lions are complaining now. So even if it is a bit of a rocky start, you get him in through year one,

Speaker 0985.7s - 987.78s

you get him adjusted in the system, et cetera,

Speaker 1988.22s - 1011.42s

I think he'll be fine. Again, his film is, we can get into the pros and cons of what he can do, but he's so consistent. I truly,and the grade that we give him will reflect it, the selection that is, I truly believe he was a great pick for them. And maybe I would have gone a different direction. That doesn't not mean that they didn't get a great player.They really did get a great prospect here. Yeah.

Speaker 31011.6s - 1028.96s

And I think regarding the switch to the right side, Dan Jeremiah pointed out today that Joe Alt has been training on the right side all spring. He knew it was a conversation that would come up. He's been working at that. And then he is also like telling the chargers, hey, like, I want to be right tackle right now.

Speaker 01029.06s - 1030.56s

Like, I'm ready. Let's get training.

Speaker 31030.96s - 1170.14s

He doesn't want to do the whole, like, switch back and forth. Maybe we have the competition. He just wants to play and be on the right side if that's the one. So I think he has the right mentality to approach this. Like, he's ready to make this change. He's played tight end. He's played as an unbalanced offensive linemen on the right mentality to approach this. Like he's he's ready to make this change. He's played tight end.He's played as an unbalanced offensive linemen on the right side several times. I think he'll be okay making the transition to the right side. And maybe not like, you know, super, he's not. Rishon Slater's PERSON all pro rookie season is not the norm. But Rishon, but Joe Alt, I think has the ability to come in here and have a very solid rookie season. Some relevant information from The Beast ORG from Dane Brugler, which if you do not subscribe to the athletic, Dane's The Beast is worth it alone.He was OT1, basically the entire offseason for Dane Bruegler, number five overall player. He was a multi-sport athlete who also played quarterback, tight-in, and linebacker in high school. He was a basketball player. I think he did track and field as well. This is a guy who was extremely athletic. His father, John Alt, was his coach growing up and was very adamant that Joe Alt PERSON was not going to be limited exclusively to playing offensive linemen right away.He knew the kind of potential and risks that those would incur. So he was all like, you know, very in favor of Joe PERSON playing multiple sports, playing different positions. And it worked out in his favor, I believe. His dad, John, who actually we learned today, Mike Devlin PERSON, the offensive line coach,went to Iowa four years after John Alt was there and Devlin says that they watched a ton of John Alt film at that time and Joe PERSON does remind him of John like quite a bit. I mean like Shocker PERSON, obviously it's father-son here, but it was an interesting connection there that the offensive line coach was was you know studied uh the joe alt's dad uh back in in college so um we talked about ted there every day joe alt didn't miss a single game in college he had i think four penalties across his three years as as a starting offensive tackle yep The consistency was just incredible.And then comparison-wise, he called, Dave Rueger called him Jake Matthews in Nate Solders' PERSON body,

Speaker 01170.44s - 1173.24s

which those aren't like amazing offensive tackles,

Speaker 31173.32s - 1180.34s

but those are guys who've been in the league forever and have been serviceable quality, above-average offensive tackles for several years in the NFL ORG.

Speaker 11181.4s - 1190.96s

Yeah, the beast stuff, again, I'll reiterate what you said. If you're doing anything and you have any bit of money, subscribe to the athletic just for this alone. Yeah.

Speaker 21191.02s - 1196.38s

You open it up and your computer like crashes for five minutes because it's such a big document.

Speaker 11196.52s - 1205.46s

That's what big the beast is. It's wonderful. And yeah, OT1 for Bruegler, number five overall. Number five for me, I want to say fifth for you as well.

Speaker 01205.82s - 1208.5s

Can you top five for both of us? Six for you. Okay. We'll get to that in a bit.

Speaker 11210.08s - 1237.58s

Outstanding individual. I loved watching all the press conference stuff with Joe Walt PERSON, all the behind the scene stuff. His personality seems wonderful. Yeah, Joe's personality seems to be right there with Justin Herbert. I believe he's also an avid hunter and fisher as well.So it's all going to line up perfectly. He made a, you know, he was kind of joking about the, oh, what was it? What was the GM? What did the GM ask him? What are the Chargers ORG GM asked him? No, there were, he was,

Speaker 31237.58s - 1243.68s

he was discussing what a GM asked him today. Oh, oh. Oh, yeah, there was a GM who asked him like,

Speaker 11243.68s - 1247.44s

if he's, if he's ever been in trouble and, like, why hasn't been in trouble more often?

Speaker 31248.54s - 1249.72s

He's like, I don't know.

Speaker 11249.78s - 1256s

Did I do anything wrong? Like, he's so Justin Herbert's PERSON buddy, like, very much.

Speaker 31256.6s - 1259.92s

Joe PERSON literally has football and fishing in his Instagram bio.

Speaker 11260.22s - 1262.08s

So I think they'll be, I think they'll be friends.

Speaker 31262.16s - 1262.56s

They'll be all right.

Speaker 21263s - 1264.34s

Yeah, I think they'll be just fine.

Speaker 11266.06s - 1267.56s

Yeah, so we can dive in here.

Speaker 21267.86s - 1269.98s

Like you mentioned, I had him six overall,

Speaker 11270.1s - 1271.3s

but as OT1.

Speaker 21271.8s - 1275.12s

Very clear round one grade for me.

Speaker 31275.66s - 1279.74s

And then I do have this graded pickwise individually

Speaker 11279.74s - 1281.56s

as an A minus, which we can dive into.

Speaker 31281.72s - 1286.74s

But for you, Tyler, if you had to just do the three positives, what would be kind of your main things here?

Speaker 11287.24s - 1353.58s

Yeah, the thing we talked about initially with him is that he's extremely safe. Like I think we put it all in one spot here on this one bullet point, but the combination of an elite RAS, I think he's top 15 all time with that RAS. The round one film was fantastic. Like this was a round one, like first round pick kind of player, top ten selectionacross the board for pretty much everybody, at least all the notable evaluators. Like that was there. The 99 PBE pass blocking efficiency for two straight years. Wonderful. Four penalties in three seasons. LikeTrevor Penning had 18 in one game, it feels like. Very different prospects. But like there's levels to it. And only having four in three seasons is extremely difficult. I think for, you know, you watch some of these prospects. Maybe they have like nine, two years ago, like seven the previous year.And then maybe they clean it up and have like three or four their final season. For all to have just four flat out in three seasons is incredible. That's a kind of smarts. It's a kind seasons is incredible. That's a kind of smarts. It's a kind of athleticism. It's a kind of technique thing. It's awesome.So yeah, he was great there. So yeah, that really just all stands out to me.

Speaker 31354.34s - 1361.38s

Yeah, the penalty is for references sake. J.C. Latham had 18 across two years of starting.

Speaker 21361.62s - 1364.52s

And Joel had four and three. So it's just kind of crazy to me.

Speaker 31364.94s - 1498.84s

Yeah. On the field aspect wise, I love his run game versatility. years of starting and Joel had four and three. So it's just kind of crazy to me. On the field aspect wise, I love his run game versatility. You know, the Chargers run game, the Michigan run game, Notre Dame ORG run game. It's all kind of cut from the same cloth. It's a lot of gap and power scheme based. And then they try to get to the perimeter. And it's a lot about creating space and creating alleys. And you have to have the kind of offensive linemen and tight ends to be able to do that. And so, you know, I put on here, he can cave in one side or he can be a highly effectivepuller. I loved watching his ability to create space on the pin and pole concepts that Notre Dame would run. That was really what sold me on him over Olu Fashunu PERSON. As I talked about previously, Olu's like my type of offensive tackle, just springy and smooth.But the work that Joe Alt PERSON did as a run blocker, particularly in the pin and pole concepts, was just a true treat to see. And he's really able to create those alleyways, whether it's out in space, whether it's on the front side,whether it's caving in the backside. This is a guy who can do any kind of run concept that they want to do for the charges going forward. And it pairs wonderfully with Roshan Slater because he can do all of those same things. So yeah, Kevin Kurnick PERSON,pin and pole tape is elite, for real, for real, no cap. Pin and pull is my favorite run concept. You have to run it right. You have to have the dudes. But if you run it right, you just create gashes left and right.And that's why the Ravens run game with Greg Roman and Lamar Jackson PERSON was so lethal because they would run read option pin and pull with Omar PERSON and like it was impossible to stop. So I'm very much excited to see what this run game looks like with Roshan and with Joe PERSON being able to do basically any kind of concepts because I think Trey PERSON as a run blocker like he can move people power wise, but he's not the kind of perimeter blocker that Joe PERSON is.And so Joe, having that kind of high-end upside on the perimeter at the second level, it's just going to create so many new alleyways and new ways for the charters to create some explosive runs that they haven't been able to have over the last two seasons.

Speaker 11499.14s - 1508.54s

Yeah, I really didn't appreciate his work in the run game until watching Blake Fisher PERSON later on. And that's not because Blake Fisher PERSON sucks or anything. But when you start and you start with rewatching it, yeah.

Speaker 21508.82s - 1514.14s

Yeah, on rewatch, you know, when you start grading and you've got 100, 200 guys you're grading,

Speaker 31514.14s - 1518.02s

like you maybe got to go back and reevaluate some of the earlier guys because you have something

Speaker 21518.02s - 1522.14s

in your brain that they have to hit that maybe isn't quite fair. Well, you don't have a reference

Speaker 31522.14s - 1527.38s

point just yet. You need a bit of a refresher. And going back and seeing what he was doing in the run game with Blake Fisher PERSON,

Speaker 11527.66s - 1551.94s

like, it's like, okay, I missed something the first time around. I didn't appreciate his work in the run game because initially I thought, okay, like,is he as good as these other guys? And obviously, then I watched Latham PERSON and it's like a different kind of powerful beast. So you think, okay, maybe Joe Walt PERSON,like, isn't that great in the run game. But then you go rewatch it and you think, okay, there's more here than I thought. So, yeah, I think he's underrated in that aspect for sure.Yeah.

Speaker 31552.04s - 1627.58s

And then the last thing for me on tape, you know, I talked about this previously. And I hope we get to interview Joe PERSON because I want to ask him about this. Because Brandon Thorne PERSON has talked about the importance of being able to protect the corner and not let rushers get around you and loop around you and then be able to just flatten to the quarterback. It's like the fastest way to do that.It never happened at Notre Dame ORG. Like I never once saw somebody beat him around the corner. And I think he does it in a variety of ways. And AQ Shipley PERSON talked about this. Like he, you can tell an offensive tackles confidence level by how often they jump set. Because a jump set is like basically like you're putting yourself on an island right away.And if you miss, then you're like your quarterback is S.O.L. Unless you have like an elite guard who can like loop around behind you and and help you out but you know um the the the jump set of his is a real strength the deep set of his is a real strength because he has that length he has that ability to just let people come to him if he needs it to so he's he's really versatile at protecting the the corners and i think that's something again that i really started to appreciate as we as i went back and watched him a second time.

Speaker 11627.94s - 1641.6s

Yeah, I definitely would agree. When I'm reading Brandon Thorne's PERSON reports on offensive linemen, I think the number one, like, early thing he writes, that's a criticism for a lot of these linemen is, gives up corner too easily or makes it too easy for the edge rusher to win on the corner.

Speaker 21641.76s - 1647.4s

So it's like to see that Joe Alt PERSON is someone who is much better at avoiding those pitfalls,

Speaker 11647.86s - 1663.42s

I think it's fantastic. I'm now going through Brandon Thorne's PERSON Scouting Report to see if he wrote that. He did not. Here's Brandon Thorne PERSON scattering apart. There's one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight positives and just two negatives. That's it.

Speaker 31663.48s - 1672.38s

So he loved Joe Alt PERSON. Yeah, I think we have a couple here. And one of our concerns is that he's switching to the right side. Like it's not even anything that like he did on tape.

Speaker 11672.38s - 1673.66s

It's just like the position switch.

Speaker 01673.96s - 1680.62s

So, you know, for me, you can kind of put one and three here together because of his frame.

Speaker 31680.8s - 1756.48s

It takes a very special and specific type of edge rusher to give him problems. JT. T. T. T. Molo from Ohio State ORG, that's the only one that you can find. And that's because he has instant power that he can just get on you quick. And so that was really the only game where I watched Joe Alt struggle a bit. And that's because JT just has such an ability, he has such a quick first step, and then he's so low and powerful to the ground that he did give Joe Alt PERSON a couple problems. But even in that game, he only allowed two pressures, and it's like, oh, like his worst gamewas two pressures and like a quarterback hurry. So it's just, it's minor things here. Like, you know, the three concerns here is just like occasionally his anger can be like a little too late like occasionally like power rushers can give him a problem but he faced plenty of power rushers like he played you know at notre dame like it's not like he didn't go against power rushers so that is the one thing that like yeah capil PERSON pointing this out going up against calilmac and tully in training camp is going to be great for him because he's going to get exposed to the kind of power that he's going to have to deal with on a week-to-week basis. And those guys are very open about like sharing tips and helping them out and things like that.

Speaker 21756.78s - 1762.28s

So, you know, I think it's going to like if you see Joe losing to Kalil Mack PERSON and practice a couple of times,

Speaker 31762.28s - 1763.44s

like don't be too worried.

Speaker 01763.62s - 1764.9s

Like it is Khalil Mack PERSON.

Speaker 31764.98s - 1774.18s

But it gives him the specific problem and a chance to correct that problem right away. So I am anxious to see how that kind of goes in training camp.

Speaker 11775.04s - 1781.44s

And he has such, yes, the guys across from him, but just in general, he has so much information to pull from. Hey, dad.

Speaker 21781.82s - 1783.42s

When you were kind of, how could you do that?

Speaker 01783.42s - 1788.7s

You know, like you were a proble offensive lemon. How did you did you handle this you know ben herbert PERSON can we get a little bit stronger

Speaker 21788.7s - 1793.06s

how do i work on my body to do this i mean everything you can pull from devlin and then from

Speaker 11793.06s - 1818.62s

obviously brashon slater PERSON you know if you want someone who can anchor and figure out how to anchor and get that timing you want right to rshawn slater PERSON and ask how to do that how do you how do you manage this in the nfl So a wealth of information, clearly, as we talked about, the low penalties, the high PBE, his character in general, like this guy's very smart, very, very smart. Whatever the issues are, he's going to learn how to correct them. And he's in a great spot. This program is built around offensive line,

Speaker 31818.62s - 1825.12s

so I'm excited to see what he does. Moving on to, I'm sorry, Arjit PERSON pointing out that he's like a computer

Speaker 11825.12s - 1840.54s

science major too or something like that. Yeah, computer programming, I feel like was what it was. So him and Zion Johnson are going to be sending out like,like him and Herbert PERSON, they're going to have some like, signals or whatever, like their offensive line signals are going to be like coding. We have no idea what it is.

Speaker 31842.16s - 1842.6s


Speaker 11843.72s - 1847.54s

He's a smart guy. He's clearly a smart guy. And I'm excited to have him on the scene.

Speaker 31848.38s - 1850.42s

DJ Blade Runner PERSON says he was a mechanical engineer.

Speaker 11850.98s - 1853.22s

Mechanical engineer. There you go. Yeah.

Speaker 31853.4s - 1855.34s

Zion ORG was like cybersecurity.

Speaker 11856.76s - 1860.1s

And then Roshan went to Northwestern ORG, which is one of the most difficult schools to get

Speaker 31860.1s - 1863.84s

into in the country. Like we just got a bunch of brainiacs that are going to kick your ass too

Speaker 11863.84s - 2041.12s

up front. So that's a lot of fun. totally uh moving on to lad mconkey their second round selection obviously had to move up from 37 to 34 to take him why was he the selection at the time they were desperate for an addition in the wide receiver room i do feel like round two it depends on who was there was the spot for them after they went joe walt And they got really lucky because there were several guys that they could have pulled from, unless they really, really desperately wanted Keon Coleman, who went 33. Ladvacanke PERSON was, I think, the best player available at wide receiver by that point in the draft.And he was a 4-3 guy with elite separation skills. Like I think that unique combination is awesome. And I think a lot of people aren't bringing up that combination. It's generally just, oh, he's a route runner. He can separate. Cool. A lot of people bring up the Hunter Renfro PERSON thing. Okay. Hunter Renfro did not run a 4-3. Now, it's a 4-3-9 for what it's worth. This is not a 4-3 flat. But still, 4-39 is 4-3-9. And that is a lot faster than anything else the Chargers ORG have inthe room right now as an actual wide receiver option. As Jim Harbaugh PERSON said, like, they like the 4-3, you guys. He likes the guys that can run a 4-3. And Harbaugh GPE specifically said he plays to that 4-3-8 every single play. You can see it in the way that he rages off of the ball and once he has the ball in his hands. And that first part is really key, especially if you're replacing Keenan Al PERSON, who preaches, you run every play as hard as you possibly can, cough Adonai Mitchell PERSON, and you run it as hard as you possibly can, and so they have no idea what you're going to run.And so Harbaugh GPE is saying that this guy runs at that speed every single play and is running as hard as he can before the catch, whether it's he's the target or not, after the catch, et cetera. Again, it just leans to that there everyday thing that the Chargers ORG are looking for. Horty PERSON said that he's a guy that all the scouts targeted. He was a guy that all the scouts and coaches looked at and all the scouts and coaches loved. So I don't know if it was particularly unanimous at that spot, but very clearly, and I don't know what else they would say, but the Chargers wanted Ladd-McConkie PERSON, and they traded up to get him.So now the question becomes, is he wide receiver two? Does he have a role more prominent than Quentin Johnston? I think it's very possible because, you know, very different body types and potentially different roles. The Ladd-McConkey walks into the NFL ORG right now, about as good as Routrunner, I think, as maybe Josh Palmer. Different body types.They can't quite do everything the same. But he's about as good of a Rout PERSON runner, and he's definitely better of a Rout runner right now than Quentin Johnson PERSON. And I don't think you trade up for a guy. And that was kind of the thing. Like, if they waited and took him,okay, maybe Quentin Johnson PERSON has a, you know, similar role early on, similar to targets. But when you trade up for an individual, like Ladmanke PERSON, you've got a plan.And I'm curious how much of how he's deployed, is anything like maybe what, you know, they did with like Roman Wilson at Michigan ORG. Yeah.

Speaker 32041.24s - 2070s

And to your point about the plan and like the, the desire to add him to the team, not only did they trade up to get him. Joe Hortiz PERSON also said that they had several calls to trade back. So they not only just wanted to get him and wanted the chance to take him at 37, they passed on the option to trade back and go get like a Robin Wilson PERSON or go get some other receiver or some other combination of players so they they turned down more picks they went up for him this is a guy that

Speaker 02070s - 2074.08s

definitely they they wanted to to target on this team i think that's that's pretty obvious here so

Speaker 32074.08s - 2084.8s

the depth chart analysis right now we have it as wide receiver two with a more prominent role than kj but there's i think there's a really good chance that he does in the season as as wide receiver

Speaker 02084.8s - 2090.84s

one in terms of targets just from a a separation standpoint from a creative touch standpoint.

Speaker 22091.44s - 2096.02s

You know, he lad PERSON in his like introductory press conference was like, yeah, like I can do all

Speaker 02096.02s - 2099.48s

that stuff that they want me to do, but also like I can be their creative touch guy.

Speaker 32099.92s - 2116.6s

So you just get him a couple pitches, you get him a couple of screens. Like I think there is a real chance that he does out target of Josh Palmer. I think right now I would put money on Josh Palmer being the leading target getter. But if we get to, you know, then in the season and Ladd has more targets, I wouldn't necessarily be surprised. Yeah, me neither.

Speaker 12116.8s - 2142.62s

And if Josh Palmer has any kind of injury, concussion, et cetera, and Ladd-McConkie PERSON is healthy, if he takes that job, I don't think he's giving it back, especially if Josh Palmer isn't in their long-term plans. Like McConkey, you've got it for four years. Palmer PERSON, potentially just the next one. So I'd understand why they'd move on. And I also, I think at this point in the draft was really when I,the next pick is a Michigan ORG player. But they very clearly could have just taken a Michigan ORG player here.

Speaker 22142.7s - 2152.46s

Like I said, Roman Wilson or even Junior Colson PERSON at this this point so I think it really does mean a lot and then indicates things moving forward you know how we project the draft for the charges

Speaker 12152.46s - 2165.72s

Jim harbour is just not going to take Michigan ORG players he's going to take the best guys that are there and yes if you trade up and not trade back to take Roman Wilson PERSON but to trade up for that McConkey PERSON is pretty sweet.

Speaker 32166.76s - 2244.62s

Yeah, several draft analysts were like, yeah, he's going to draft like four or five, and then he's going to sign three or four after the draft two. And like Adam Schaefter going on day two and it's like both of these picks are going to be Michigan ORG players for the charges. It's like, well, there are other players of the draft. So, you know, they ended up with three.That's great. I think it shows that Jim PERSON knows his stuff and he's willing to not just stick with who he knows. You know, he's willing and able, and he always has been to think outside of his own comfort zone. So information from the beast, Dane Bruegler had him as wide receiver five and 31st player overall. We talked about this, but on the stream on Friday, but Ladd only had two FBS offers from Army and Ken State before Kirby Smart PERSON went inand offered him after watching his basketball game, which is, I don't, for anybody who knows anything about football recruiting, that's very, very rare. So kind of speaks to the athlete, the person that Kirby saw that day. So like you go from Army and Ken State to Georgia ORG. It's pretty crazy. He was Georgia's 23rd ranked recruit of that specific class out of 25.And this is a guy who was their third player drafted this year. If I'm not mistaken, am I forgetting somebody? Because he went ahead of Lasseter PERSON, right?

Speaker 02244.9s - 2247.84s

Yeah. So he was their third draftee from this class.

Speaker 32247.84s - 2297.2s

So it just kind of shows you the kind of worker and person you're getting here. And then for all of the, he's a slot only guys. He played 70% of his snaps in college out wide. He also had 13.3 yards per punt return. So it does give them some versatility and flexibility back there. And then teammates and scouts always called him a confidence booster and a student of the game. And again, I think this is somebody who is just consistently had to grind and be able to earn his keep.Like this is at Georgia ORG. This isn't like he was at Army or Ken State and was instantly the wide receiver won. Like he had to beat out all of these guys. I mean, he forced Adonai Mitchell to transfer to Texas ORG for God's sake. So this is somebody that is consistently willing to put in the work.And we talked about like a Harbaugh GPE guy and, you know,

Speaker 22297.24s - 2302.42s

like a glass eater type. But that's not necessarily like how you picture lad.

Speaker 32302.62s - 2308.42s

But this is a guy who's going to consistently put in the work to make sure that he's always putting his best foot forward. Yeah.

Speaker 12308.52s - 2355.16s

Who has the effort and the drive, the inherent motor, everything, the will to take their current status, whatever they are, and become a better version of themselves? Michigan did that with the, again, their recruiting classes 14th. It's still very good. But they won a national championship with a different tier of recruiting class than like a Georgia ORG. So I'd understand why someone like Harbaugh or Ortiz would look at McConkey PERSON,someone who was kind of ignored, isn't the biggest guy, you know, not the most built guy, whatever, and watched him turn himself into one of the best prospects in the draft, or at least top 50. So I think just that means a lot. And there's a lot of players on this list that definitely, I think, fit that bill. And honestly, even some of the undrafted free agents.Yeah.

Speaker 32355.84s - 2359.96s

All right. Let's get into the strengths and concerns here for Mr. Ladd-McConkie PERSON.

Speaker 02360.68s - 2386.46s

You were higher on him than I was, certainly than most of Chargers Twitter was both both of us were higher on him than Chargers Twitter was so I had him at 31st wide receiver 7 early round 2 grade you had him at 22nd wider 2 5 early round 2 grade was he your first non first rounder um I had like 4 or 5 I he ended up 18 first rounders or something.

Speaker 32386.46s - 2390.04s

So it was like him, Barton, Dijin PERSON, kind of that tier.

Speaker 12390.34s - 2391.92s

But he was right there. Yeah.

Speaker 32392.24s - 2399.22s

Yeah, I think that's totally fair. I did have Jalen Polk PERSON higher on my specific wide receiver board.

Speaker 12399.76s - 2406.86s

But as we talked about, I thought Ladd was a much better fit for like what they needed and for the kind of type that this room needed.

Speaker 32407.06s - 2468.42s

So three positive was we've kind of talked about this a bit here. I want to specifically highlight the third one. And then we can talk about the route running and stuff like that. But the 16.6 yards per rush blew me away. Like I was not expecting that kind of production from him as a ball carrier. And that's why I think also like there is just more potential here than like,oh, this is your slot guy. Like, no, like, this is a guy who you're going to get the football to in several creative ways. And you could get him on crossers. You can get him on slants. You can get him screen touches. You can do jet sweeps.The creativity after he gets the ball was really surprising to me based off of his reputation when I first watched him because he does have that like, oh, like he's a slot at the next level. He's white. He has that reputation. But then you watch him and the creativity and juice with the ball in his hands is really outstanding. There are several plays against Missouri where I was like, is that lad or is that Bowers? So like, it's, the yak potential here is very,

Speaker 12468.52s - 2469.9s

very underrated for Mademakke PERSON.

Speaker 32470.16s - 2471.1s

It really is.

Speaker 12471.26s - 2478.66s

And to your point, both Jim Harba and Joe Horty PERSON said like, yeah, he's a little bit of Bowers. He's like Bowers Light PRODUCT in a certain.

Speaker 32478.66s - 2480.18s

They said it like three or four times too.

Speaker 12480.26s - 2489.16s

Yes. You can read the media transcripts. They've specifically brought up Bowers. And, you know, maybe I guess because they're teammates, but you don't just compare someone to Brock Bowers PERSON.

Speaker 02489.54s - 2494.7s

You don't compare. You just randomly make that offhand comparison. It wasn't about like usage,

Speaker 22494.82s - 2499.3s

just how they were with the ball in their hands. And I totally get it. I was stunned by the 16.6

Speaker 02499.3s - 2503.5s

yards per rush. I was curious what it was because I was watching, I think in 2022,

Speaker 12504.44s - 2508.1s

he had like a 70 yard touchdown as a rushing attempt.

Speaker 02508.64s - 2523.4s

And this dude can flat out fly. And the way he can stop and go when the ball is in his hands, you know, a screen, there's a play against Florida GPE, or maybe it's like a dig or a crosser or whatever. He catches it and then he just stops and then runs another 40 yards for the touchdown

Speaker 22523.4s - 2532.38s

and meets the whole defense to the ends. I'm like what he can do with the ball in his hands is really special. It's almost like the way we kind of envision Zayflowers working out for the chargers.

Speaker 12533.3s - 2536.84s

Hopefully it kind of works out the same way, just the way he get the ball in his hands and he's

Speaker 22536.84s - 2537.66s

special that way.

Speaker 12538.36s - 2560.18s

Yeah, he was a super fun watch. We've talked about the rest of it, you know, yeah, 438, great. Vigility testing, awesome. RAS, great. The out route stuff is really fantastic. And I think, was it Trevor PERSON,it might have been Trevor Sycamore PERSON, and Tyrex PERSON who said, like they think he's the best outrout runner in the draft. Like, specifically that was his best thing. And I agree.

Speaker 22560.26s - 2563.26s

That was Harmon PERSON. It was somebody.

Speaker 12563.66s - 2563.88s


Speaker 32565.36s - 2566.44s

Hartman PERSON? Matthew Harmon. Oh, Harmon. Excuse me. It was somebody. Yeah. Hartman?

Speaker 12567.12s - 2567.66s

Matthew Harmon PERSON.

Speaker 32568.5s - 2568.7s

Oh, Harmon PERSON.

Speaker 12569.12s - 2570.6s

Excuse me. That makes sense.

Speaker 32572.32s - 2581.88s

Good, because he's the one who charts all that too. That's totally fine with me. Yeah, he's awesome. The concerns are obviously there, both the size thing and an injury thing.

Speaker 12584.8s - 2594.84s

There's a couple of these that pop up in these profiles. They say the charters cleared all that and they felt comfortable with that. I'm fine with that. Frankly, like you then take, not that Georgia ORG was some,you know, crap program by any means,

Speaker 02598.54s - 2600.94s

but we do feel confident about the direction of the strength and conditioning staff is going. So I feel fine in that regard.

Speaker 12609.16s - 2614.16s

The big questions are you take a receiver here and I think maybe this is where our fans were disappointed. Can he be a wide receiver one in the future? Can he win versus press on the outside? Sure. And that remains to be seen. I think he can be very productive,

Speaker 32614.74s - 2620.7s

but his he, you know, and he was not Romodunzee PERSON the prospect, but by any means, but can he be

Speaker 12620.7s - 2628.2s

your number one in the future? Is he always going to be a wide receiver too? And then again, like, is that really a problem? I don't really think it is.

Speaker 32629.52s - 2665.62s

Yeah, so I guess finishing the conversation about the injuries here, it's not like there's anything degenerative here. Dane Bruegler PERSON has it as turf toe, a minor back injury, and then he rolled his ankle and missed a game. So, like, it's not like this is, you know,the charters do have a concerning injury history later on on this show that we're going to talk about. So Ladd's injuries are not necessarily that too concerning for me. The success rate against press was low.

Speaker 02665.72s - 2668.54s

It was like his lowest thing on the reception profile.

Speaker 32668.94s - 2687.92s

But I think that's also part of like it's on you as an offensive coordinator to scheme him up and make sure that he's not and he's not, he's not an ex-receiver. So like give him opportunities to get off the ball, put him in motion, give him a runway. You don't have to put training wheels on him by any means. But if that's your concern, I think you're doing okay.

Speaker 22688.14s - 2690.14s

And that's why he's a second round receiver.

Speaker 32690.38s - 2720.04s

Like if he were great against press, he's probably a first round pick like all day, every day. So, you know, I don't want it to frame it as like this guy is an elite wide receiver prospect. I really, really liked him. I graded him very, very highly.But if the one concern that I have is against pressed, like I can kind of live with that because there are ways for the offensive coordinator to scheme around that as opposed to, you know, making him a big X because he's 511. He's a buck 85. He's not going to be X. I don't know how much press he's going to face in the NFL ORG.

Speaker 22720.7s - 2745.58s

Exactly. You know, he can't win versus press on the outside as an X. Fine. Don't make him do that. It's a pretty simple solution. Right. Right. And it's not like he didn't excel, you know, in the slot in college. Like, all he can do is work outside. This isn't like, you know, not to like throw shade or another receiver, but like it's not like Keon Coleman PERSON who was the ex and was outside and struggled a lot.

Speaker 32746.48s - 2746.62s

And it's like, well, can he develop?

Speaker 12748.84s - 2749.58s

Like, you don't need to just force him outside.

Speaker 32751.7s - 2751.84s

So, yeah, I get it.

Speaker 12754.26s - 2763.78s

But this is why they get to the second round. And each of these prospects isn't perfect. That's why they get to their rounds. And the goal is just to find the right spot for him, not just force him to be something he's not.

Speaker 32764.82s - 2765s

Yeah, 100%.

Speaker 12765s - 2767.52s

Okay, moving on to Junior Colson PERSON.

Speaker 32767.82s - 2874.28s

Hopefully you saw our reaction to the Junior Colson PERSON pick. I think it was probably one of my favorite moments in Guilty's Charge WORK_OF_ART podcast history. So why he was the selection, classic Ted guy, he's there every day, didn't miss any games. Classic Harbaugh GPE guy. Yes, he played for Jim Harbaugh PERSON. But when you envision, like, what is a Harbaugh GPE guy?Junior Colson fits that to a T. He knows Jesse Minter's scheme from day one. I think that's really, really important because linebacker can be a position that is really difficult for prospects to come into the NFL and grasp the new scheme. And I'm not just talking about that. If he had gone somewhere else, like I think playing in Mentor GPE's defense would have helped him because I think like the, you know, Isaiah Simmons PERSON types who play as kind of like an overhang safety and then have to play linebacker. Schematically, it's a really difficult transition for them. But they put a ton on his play in Michigan ORG. He called plays.He communicated checks. He has all of the stuff up here that he already needs. It's just maybe there are some other kind of adjustments. But the Minter PERSON scheme, knowing it in and out, it's going to help him so tremendously. Like, he could help Denzel Perryman PERSON with like how to adjust to the scheme. Like, it's just a pretty rare thing. So I think that's going to be a big advantage for him the last one the rare luck of him being there pick number 69 there were several people out there that threw his name out there as a sneaking round one option the majority of peoplethat i saw what we're talking about him as like a top 50 player dain brugler PERSON even thought the chargers were going to take him at pick number 37 a couple of weeks ago. So these are all, you know, things that I think play into how you evaluate his grade and doing so very favorably, in my opinion.

Speaker 12874.9s - 2881.34s

Yeah, this was, again, you saw a reaction. Yes, it was a two-parter kind of reaction to who it wasn't, but also who it was.

Speaker 32881.34s - 2886s

Like, I genuinely believe they took, like, if you told me the day before that they got

Speaker 12886s - 2914.64s

him at 69, I would have been cheering and shouting for pure joy. The fact that they could get him that late. It was a gamble for them. We'll talk about that in a bit. But he is, like, I'm really trying to think about it. And look, I don't watch a ton of linebackers.There's, but there's so much at least the last two, three seasons outside of some of the better guys, where linebacker is just you rush or you run blitz and it's really cool and you make plays yeah a quarterback spy

Speaker 22914.64s - 2923.02s

and you make plays and they'll get like 40 pressures and 40 you know run stops and it looks like a ton

Speaker 12923.02s - 2999.14s

of great statistics and you turn on the film and it's just them running forward. Look, and it's awesome. And it works in college. It's great plays. You win games with this. But Colson PERSON is just different.He's so cerebral in a way that so many other linebackers are not. And I, you know, we're not just gassing up this player and this individual because the chargers took him. Like, we felt this way, the entire pre-job process, the moment I moment i watched him i'm like i don't think there's anyone i've seen cover more ground or be asked to cover more ground than junior colson i loved loved watching him i know you did um he was someone that you talked about as a harbott PERSON guy a my guy etc like he we could have gonewith a lot of different michigan players but junior colson was someone that we highlighted and i'm glad i'm glad they took him um the one of the things really really cool and i'd be i'd be so curious to hear navarrow PERSON bowman talk about him but harbaughan said that navarovoma navaraboma PERSON who's played in the league for a very long time had him as the top inside linebacker in the draft samsies but it's really cool that like that was part of the process and joe Hortiz mentioned what we said previously. They were very lucky.Like we thought that if we passed him at 37 overall, we probably weren't going to get him at 69. So that was a and again like they took Ladd McConkey PERSON. They liked him that much because they thought, oh my gosh, like we could have had Junior

Speaker 22999.14s - 3002.14s

Coles going to pass on him for Ladd McConkey PERSON.

Speaker 13003.58s - 3024.7s

And the more I think about it and I wasn't so sure when they drafted him, but I kind of think he does end up being linebacker one as early as the week one of the season, because when was the last time we were able to say that ex-rookie draft pick literally knows the system? Like this system is the thing that he was in and excelled in and knew front to back.

Speaker 23024.78s - 3033.88s

When was the last time we were able to say that? You can rarely say that about any players. So the friend to specifically be in this situation, I think he could definitely be linebacker one by camp.

Speaker 13034.5s - 3043.66s

There might be some, you know, hey, like, you know, Perryman PERSON's a veteran. Henley was here last year. Mix it in that way. And Harbaugh GPE, like, they will, the best guy will be on the field.

Speaker 23044.18s - 3045.16s

I'm not panicking if he's

Speaker 13045.16s - 3052.18s

not right now yeah the sorry go for it i was to say the navarrow PERSON bowman thing too was really

Speaker 23052.18s - 3057.02s

cool because he jumped in junior colson's press conference and was like i stood on the table for you

Speaker 33057.02s - 3062.84s

which he didn't have to do like the half the staff was at michigan like they all knew about this guy

Speaker 13062.84s - 3068.3s

but i i think navar NORP bowman having that kind of lens also just really stands out about

Speaker 33068.3s - 3071.92s

how much of an impact Junior Colson PERSON can make for them.

Speaker 03072.46s - 3078.92s

In terms of the depth chart, last year in Houston GPE, their kind of rotation with, they had

Speaker 13078.92s - 3084.18s

Denzel Perryman, they had Christian Harris, and then Blake Cashman PERSON.

Speaker 33084.98s - 3217.34s

And so to kind of start the season, Denzo Perryman PERSON was the green dock guy. He played all of the snaps. And then Harris and Cashman kind of split duties as the two younger guys who kind of like needed to continue to develop and continue to take their lumps a little bit. I could see something like that happening where Denzel Perryman PERSON is your like every down player initially and then Junior is your run defender and Henley PERSON is your past linebacker basically. And the two of them kind of continue to develop and then maybe by the endof the season, Colson is linebacker one and Perryman is your run defender and Henley PERSON is your past defender still or whatever the case may be. But I don't think they're going to overload Junior Colson with linebacker one duties unless he's actually ready for it. I think he could be. But like I mentioned, you never know with linebacker. Sometimes it is kind of a position that takes a bit and that could happen here.Or he could hit the ground running for sure. I think that's totally possible as well yeah i agree um okay so some relevant beast information uh brugler's linebacker won 42nd overall if you don't know his story he was born and raised in an orphanage in Haiti was adopted by the colson family at age nine and he spoke zero english at the time football is how he learned English LANGUAGE. So I think that's also another school tie in here. He had the quote after playing with the two clubs on hishand that you see here in the picture, unless I can't physically move, I'm going to be out there playing. Zero missed games in college, zero penalties last season. That is Ted PERSON to a degree, in my opinion. For those who don't know, Ted is their abbreviation of their every day that they have in the weight room right now. It just means you put in the work. You're consistent. You show up to work every single day.You don't miss a beat. You're a reliable teammate. All that stuff. 196 tackles over the last two years was 59 more than second place. Again, 59 more tackles than second place is crazy. 59 tackles in a college season is like a good amount of tackles.This man had 196 tackles over the last two years in college. It's just an insane amount of production from Junior Colson PERSON.

Speaker 13218.16s - 3281.06s

Yeah, that is a wild stat. You look at some of these players and linebackers, you know, 60 tackles is pretty cool. I'd consider that productive per season. Almost 200 is insane. Fun player for sure. You had this grade.We had them similarly ranked, LB1 for both of us. I had them at 37th on my board. You had them at 32nd, round two grades in early round two. If this was a 37th pick,I'm probably giving it like an A minus, something like that. But the fact, they got him all the way at 69. It's an easy A for me, A plus for you. For me, we talked about it. You know, he's a Ted PERSON guy. He can cover the entire field 100 yards that way,53.3 yards in the width. Like, he's all over the field and can do that for you. Consistent low mess tackle rate. I love that. Like, just that's over the field and can do that for you. Consistent low mess tackle rate. I love that. Like, just that's a big one for me with defensive backs, with linebackers, is not having a high miss tackle rate.This class feels like not a lot more than usual. I don't feel like there was, there were too many Brian Branch PERSON guys. But doing Nicole PERSON, so in terms of misdackle rate is definitely one of those guys.

Speaker 33281.6s - 3360s

Yeah, and doing so with two clubs on his hands, having like no miss tackles with, that he can't wrap up properly. It's crazy, man. I think the range is solid. I think the coverage ability is fantastic, instincts. Like, you could write a ton of positives,and I did in my scouting report. The three concerns, I think, are pretty, you know, again, similar to Joe Alt PERSON. One of them is circumstantial. Linebacker is difficult to adjust to. The other one is no testing information,but I'm not concerned about his athletic ability. I think he's plenty of athletic. I think he's plenty of range. I think, you know, you don't start at linebacker right away at Michigan and if you're a poor athlete. Like, this is not the old days of Penn Statewhere they just have the old clunky linebackers. Like like this is not the old days of Penn State ORG where they just have the old clunky linebackers like this is an athlete for sure um the one thing about him in coverage because I think he covers zone very very well I think you can match routes very very well just like man coverage I think he'll be a little late to adjust little late to flip his hips and run on certain occasions there were a couple wheel routes against Washington ORG that got him, or he's just like a little late.So it is very nitpicky, but that is one reason why I think some people will talk about him as a, as not a super great coverage linebacker, but as a zone cover linebacker,

Speaker 13360.1s - 3381.52s

I think he was a fantastic fit there. It was really difficult to write a negative for Junior Coles PERSON into the point where I just left it blank and made you do it. I really couldn't think of like, like not that he's perfect, obviously. I didn't have a, you know, top five grade on him by any means. But like, where was I going to find the specific fault that I thought was worth bringing up?

Speaker 23381.66s - 3381.8s


Speaker 13382.1s - 3385.14s

So I'm really glad you found something to bring up. And I get that.

Speaker 23385.5s - 3387.92s

Like, there's a mistackle against Ohio State ORG.

Speaker 13387.92s - 3390.16s

Like, you know, there's things you can point out.

Speaker 23390.16s - 3392.84s

But yeah, he's awesome for sure.

Speaker 13393.48s - 3395.48s

Yeah, the testing information, if he had tested,

Speaker 33395.72s - 3397.1s

they wouldn't have gotten him at pick 60.

Speaker 13397.14s - 3399.68s

Yeah. I'll be that right now. So there's a negative.

Speaker 33399.8s - 3419.08s

It could be a concern. But for the Chargers ORG, I think it was their benefit this time around. Yeah, I agree. All right. We're 55 minutes in here. So this is, but for the Chargers ORG, I think it was their benefit this time around. Yeah, I agree. All right. We're 55 minutes in here. So this is getting the deep cuts here.We have a ways to go, but we do have to pay the bills a bit here. So, Tyler, why don't you tell our listeners about prize picks? Sure.

Speaker 13419.2s - 3433.06s

Hey, guys, the NBA ORG playoffs are on right now, and I suggest you go to PricePix is a skill-based daily money, wow, real money, daily fantasy sports game. You pick two to six players and if they're going to get more or less.

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Speaker 13505.44s - 3520.16s

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Speaker 33521.12s - 3603.58s

Yeah, I actually have a coworker, Jonathan PERSON. Shout out Jonathan PERSON, who watches the show. And he came up to me today and asked me which prize picks I liked for tonight's NBA ORG playoff setting. So that was a fun one. But yeah, it's a great way to support the show and earn yourself some money. The next one here, Unified Healing ORG is a new partner of the show and whether you are a world-class athlete or a podcaster,a school teacher, school counselor, whatever, we all understand the importance of mental and physical well-being and proper recovery for top-notch performance. That's why we are so excited that Unified Healing ORG is sponsoring this episode of the Guilty As Charge podcast. Unified Healing ORG is a new and super innovative global network of wellness centers powered by the energy enhancement system. If you haven't heard of the EE system yet, you'll want to listen up and check it out.This technology promotes wellness, deep relaxation, purification, and rejuvenation, whether you're here in Fresno or down in Orange County or in Florida or Iowa GPE, wherever the case may be. We had a ton of international listeners over the weekend. I don't think they're international yet, but when you guys come to the states and visit,you can definitely check them out. And you can go to slash guilty to find a system nearest you. Again, that is slash guilty. All right.

Speaker 13603.64s - 3677.96s

Next up, back to the regularly scheduled football program is Justin Eboigbee PERSON, the defensive tackle from Alabama GPE. Why was he to the selection? I think a lot of Chargers ORG fans, including myself, we were surprised that he was that selection so early because I think we had him maybe a round later. That's about where the range was, the grade, et cetera.But the run on defensive tackles was fast and unexpected. I really didn't see some of these tackles being taken as early as they were. I mean, the Rams traded up and gave up a third round pick next year for Braden Fisk PERSON, right? Devandre Swat PERSON was taken way earlier than I thought. The Falcons traded up for Rookerororo PERSON. Like there was a quick run on these defensive tackles in round two and in round three.I didn't expect that to happen. So I think that really pushed up the need for the charges to take a defensive tackle early on. He also just completely fits the minter mold. I know some fans were worried. They're like, why not Brendan Dorliss PERSON in this spot?And I like Doris PERSON more. But I don't know if he specifically fit what they were looking for here. And it makes perfect sense why they went with him. He's a high motor player, power first, minter mold kind of player. So it made sense why they went with him here early. Even though it surprised me initially, I get it given the run on detackles and his fit with the team.

Speaker 33678.76s - 3684.34s

Yeah, from the detackle perspective, once the Falcons traded up for Rook, I was like, oh, no, brother.

Speaker 13684.66s - 3691.92s

This might be bad for the team. But I think they came out okay with Justin E. Boygway, excuse me. Quotes from Jim Harbaugh PERSON,

Speaker 33691.92s - 3795.86s

Ortiz. This was only Joe. Jim Harbaugh did not do a presser after day three. So we just got Ortiz for the last ones here. He said that I think his base position is a five technique, as a defensive end. But you've seen him at Alabama GPE. He plays the six, the seven technique. Then he moves down to the three. He's athletic.He's a sneaky pass rusher. He's great at picking. He's great on twist. Kind of relentless motor. I think you see that motor on several different occasions. There are a couple plays where he's chasing out back from the back side.You mentioned a time where he chased down Brock Bowers PERSON, who was no slouch in terms of his athletic traits. So you see the motor kind of all over the place in different ways. You know, the chargers are going to pick and twist much more frequently than we are used to seeing. That's not really something that Brandon Staley's PERSON defense did a whole lot of. So you need players who are going to be a little bit more selfless.You need players who are willing to do that kind of dirty work. And he has the physical motor and ability to make that happen. Death chart analysis is maybe a little tricky because I do like the player. But I think also this is another position that just can be a little tough for players to hit right away. So I think he could push Otito Obonia PERSON for the starting base defensive tackle alongside Puna Ford. But Otito's been in the NFL for two years now. He understands like whatthat's like. He can play knows. puna can kind of move around i i think there's a chance that he starts but i do think there is also a chance that they do kind of take it slow with him a bit i do expect him to play but i don't think it's necessarily guaranteed that

Speaker 13795.86s - 3880.78s

he is a starter right away yeah this is the most tricky one to figure out because they could do several different things and they have also have a third edge rusher so like when you use use Tully, when you use Morgan Fox, who's very different, you sign Puna Ford PERSON. You have Otito, who is 326. I don't really care. Like you do what's best for your team, obviously, and they will do its best for the defense. But it's somewhere between like just having a body this year, but also someone you feel really good about developing because his potential is awesome. I love watching him play.I love one of the few guys I knew was good just watching him in passing. So, yeah, I think this is a solid selection for them. He's D.T. 14. At a certain point, Dane Bruegler, like, he has a top 100. And after that, I don't know where they have some of these guys ranked. All I know is that he's DT 14.The big one is the, at the the time career-threatening spinal cord injury in 2022. I'll talk about that in a bit. That same year, his brother also passed away. Nick Saban PERSON had a quote, I probably have more sentiment for him because of what he's gone through than anybody else that we've had on our team. I mean, that's going through a lot to go through that kind of year and then take 2023 and have a really, really solid to not, you know, a great showing and get yourself drafted,I think means a lot. He also earned a degree in communications and a degree in sports management. Anytime these guys earned a degree, I try to put it on here because I think that's super, super cool.

Speaker 23881.12s - 3890.5s

A lot of these guys earned a second degree too, which is awesome. Yeah. I'm definitely not trying to be ESPN two years ago and put like all the sad things on here but i think it's worth like

Speaker 13890.5s - 3896.54s

pointing out when these guys have adversity in front of them and overcome it yeah no 100% you have

Speaker 23896.54s - 3903.18s

to bring it up because it shows like how far they've come like this guy you know it could have been

Speaker 33903.18s - 3919.82s

an injury that he never could have came back from, you know, doing the injury and losing your brother. That's a lot. So it just kind of shows the resiliency, the mental toughness that Justin PERSON has brought to the table throughout his career. Okay, so I had him higher than you did.

Speaker 23919.92s - 3924.14s

I had him 99th. He was a player I wanted to make sure to keep in my top 100.

Speaker 33924.94s - 3994.12s

He was my 10th defense tackle. I had a late third round grade on him. The overall pick selection is a B plus for me. There were some players on the board that I liked better, but you do have to take that into consideration. Tyler had him 124th overall on his board. He was DT 13 and was a round four grade for him. So we talked about his motor. We talked about just his high energy aspect.And I think expanding off of Joe Ortiz's PERSON point, he converts his speed to power extremely well on stunts and twist. This is a guy who can explode out of his stance. He is very, very aggressive. He has a great first step. And he's able to use his length and that first step in avariety of ways, whether it is as a pass rusher. That's really like the only aspect of him as a pass rusher. So it's just it's the length. It's the power. It's the first step. That's where his bread is buttered. And I think he knows that because you see it all over the place as a run defender, as a pass rusher. He knows exactly how to win. He knows exactly where to take his chances and where not to. And he can really be aggressive that way as a defensive lineman.

Speaker 13994.5s - 4046s

Yeah, I'm really curious because they knew and he knew like you can twist, run him, do whatever you want with him, do some creative things with him. And he'll hit the quarterback that way. The conversion from I'm looping around the detackle to I'm just racing to hit the quarterback as hard as I can. It's really impressive.Like his ability to do that or take on a guard. Awesome. At the same time, that means maybe you're not just doing a pure like beat the guy in front of you, pass rush move. I'm curious how much that maybe stunned hit his ability to grow as a pass rusher becausethere were several times where I'm like, wow, that's a lot of power. Please can you disengage? There's part of it. The power is really cool. A lot of these offensive linemen can anchor down. They can hold up.So what do you do after that? And I was waiting for a second thing to happen that maybe didn't. So there's a lot of tools there. I'm not saying he had like no other tools. Like he did flash on occasion, but I want to see that used more consistently at the next level.

Speaker 34046.78s - 4105s

Yeah, 100%. I think that's obviously why that and the neck injury. Like this is why this guy is a fourth round pick and not, you know, top 100 pick or top 90 pick or whatever the third round is. So the medical stuff,you know, he did get cleared. He mentioned in his introductory price conference he can squat like 700 pounds now like there's no real there's no real issues right now that the thing for me is that's going to be more of a thing to monitor is like how long of a career can this guy play because you know we said the same conversation around Peyton wilson but latent Van derrish PERSON had this basically the same kind of neck issue, and he just retired after his fourth season. He had several other neck issues after that neck injury. I hope that's not the case for Justin E. Boygby PERSON,because I do really like the player. But this is a longevity concern for me. Just depends how long a career he can potentially have.

Speaker 24105.08s - 4107.32s

So I hope it's very long. I hope he plays on the Chargers ORG forever.

Speaker 34108.06s - 4111.06s

But it is something to monitor, I think, for his situation.

Speaker 24111.74s - 4112.62s

Yeah, I would agree.

Speaker 14113.74s - 4114.06s


Speaker 24114.32s - 4115.76s

Let's get to Tar Heaps PERSON still,

Speaker 14115.84s - 4117.84s

the defensive back out of Maryland ORG.

Speaker 24118.68s - 4120.2s

Why was he the selection at the time?

Speaker 14120.3s - 4122.2s

They definitely needed a corner by this point.

Speaker 34122.62s - 4123.76s

We were looking for anybody.

Speaker 14124.18s - 4197.6s

And we were yelling for, I don't know, Cam Hart PERSON, who they ended up taking a few picks later. They definitely needed a corner. It point. We were looking for anybody and we were yelling for, I don't know, Cam Hart, who they ended up taking a few picks later. They definitely needed a corner. It could have been the slot, could have been outside. And they really like his flexibility. They said his flexibility is a bonus.Some guys are really good at outside, really good inside. They feel like he can do both. And there's definitely a certain toughness to him and the tackling that's there that I think would make him a very solid slot corner option. Let's get through some of the quotes and then I really want to dive into theanalysis of the player. I think that's the most important thing here. So Hortiz says sometimes we were grading Tarteeb still last year thinking that you were grading somebody else. Maryland ORG had two defensive backs go last year, one in the first round being banks. So he said that like, okay, we were watching these guys, other defensive backs and we didn't realize in the first round being banks. So he said that like, okay, we were watching these guys, the other defensive backs, and we didn't realize that was tardy. Still, because he was holding his own with other guys that were considered a,were a first round pick, and I believe a third round pick. This year, and he's going to compete, I think for the slot corner job with Jod Taylor PERSON, could play outside, but I feel like he's going to be in the slot primarily, especially when they take Cam Hart PERSON a few picks later. That feels like your outside corner competition, still is your inside corner competition.Steve PERSON, I'm just going to move through this real quick so we can get to the analysis of the player. Again, I feel like that's the part we're going to get to.

Speaker 04197.9s - 4200.26s

So he was Brueglars, cornerback 32.

Speaker 24200.62s - 4203.94s

He was, I believe, at the time, like 271 on the consensus board.

Speaker 14204.44s - 4318.36s

So this was the biggest, like, early reach, right, for the Chargers. He's, I believe, at the time, like 271 on the consensus board. So this was the biggest like early reach, right, for the Chargers. He's one of five children. He led her in track and basketball, was a wide receiver in corner and football. Former three-star recruit. He also had a 92-yard punt return touchdown, which is in the highlights of the Chargers ORG put up. And he blocked a field goal in 2021. So there's definitely an aspect of special teams here that is great. 2021. So there's definitely an aspect of special teams here that is great.The grades obviously are not great that we gave this selection having watched him after the fact. So we didn't watch him ahead of time. No idea who I didn't know. I genuinely did not know who he was. That's not to say he's a bad player, just didn't get to him. Like you try to get the top 250 on the consensus. Some guys slipped through. He was one of them. So we both gave this selection a C plus. The positives for me, I think the way that I could see him playing the run, the way he takes on blockers,the way he can disengage or shed at the right time to the loop or deduct under a blocker, feels kind of like the way Michigan ORG did it so I can see why they go, okay, that's kind of a similar way we play it. So let's go with thatinside outside flexibility great and he does rush you know tackling underneath rallying and hitting in the run game etc so having watched film though because the first thing we did was look at the numbersand the penalties and the testing numbers etc and that was kind of underwhelming I think having watched the film, this is the pick I struggle the most with. At the time, it was the selection, didn't know who he was. Fine, let's watch the film.I struggle the most with this one in terms of why he was the selection at this spot. Honestly, instead of like a Cam Hart PERSON or somebody else at this point, I couldn't tell you all the other slot corners available, but I struggle with still a little bit. What did you see watching him? Well, I could definitely tell you the slot cornerbacks available because I have that tab pulled

Speaker 34318.36s - 4319.8s

up because that was something I was going to talk about.

Speaker 24321.26s - 4324s

The run defense, the tackling is really good.

Speaker 34324.2s - 4517.34s

The blitz work is really good. If that's their vision of a slot corner, then I think this will be okay. And I think that is an aspect of to see your Taylor PERSON's game that is also okay for what it's worth. I do like Justier PERSON's ability as a tackler and a blitzer and as a run defender.We've seen that come to fruition. But the main issues here for me are our coverage. And I think there are similar issues, whether he was an outside corner like he was in 2023 or in 2022 as the slot, is that he, just their leverage issues all over the tape. And he's on the wrong shoulder. He's grabbing too early.He's staying on too long. He's not anticipating the cuts in the way that he like. We're going to talk about Cornelius Johnson PERSON later. He's not exactly like the snappiest route runner. And he kind of cooks Harvey PERSON a couple of times on tape. So the main issue is the coverage aspect of things.I just have a really hard time envisioning him being like a Bryce Callahan PERSON type of slot corner that is just like very rarely going to get beat. The consistency from a coverage standpoint is just not there for me. And I was hoping to like the player a lot more than I did. But it's just it's one that I'm going to struggle with because I just, I just kind of struggled to see him being in every down player to see him being, you know, an instant upgrade over, over Jaseer Taylor PERSON. And there were players at that specificposition that I feel like they could have taken that would have been clear upgrades, uh, over Jaseer Taylor PERSON. Um, Taylor you know there were some weird there was some stuff about jarvis brownie junior PERSON but you know in terms of his character but he was still on the board um there was chris abram's PERSON drain he was still on the board those guys went at one uh 145 and 146 a few picks later um there was chaw sm-Wade PERSON, who we talked about as a taller corner, but it was the slot corner from Washington State ORG.There was DJ James PERSON. There was also Kailen Carson PERSON. It's not like they were running out of slot corners, and there was like a big run, like the defensive tackle position. So there were other slot options here. And this to me kind of screams like we had a position of need.We're connected to the player. We know what he's about. We have a coach who's very familiar with him. Let's just take him because we know him. And this was the one like process error that I think showed up from Joe Ortiz PERSON, in my opinion, is just it was a reach of the consensus board.It was just not somebody that I think checked enough boxes here. So this is definitely one that I'm going to struggle with. And I don't want it to see like we're cooking him, like we're being mean. This is part of the reason why you guyscome here and you're here for a hundred and an hour and 12 minutes is to have these kind of conversations. So it's just, it's the one pick of the nine that I struggle with. But it's worth talking about because they needed a legit starting corner and the slot.And I don't know if they got that done in this draft. Yeah.

Speaker 14517.74s - 4578.72s

So as far as I guess the obvious one is like the comparison to Jaw Taylor PERSON, I do think still his coverage and his tape overall were better than Jaw Taylor's PERSON. Jop PERSON definitely look like a special team's guy. I guess where I struggle is thatI actually did like watching Stills PERSON tape and his coverage. Didn't love it, obviously. But to me, the big concern was like he was just hanging in there against these guys.And I'm like, all right, not too bad. And occasionally he'd get beat pretty rough, fall over, fine. No one's perfect, especially at this point in the draft. But I kept thinking, how is that going to be at the next level when everyone, every single game is going after you? How do you hold up? Now granted, he gets to play in the slot.So I guess there's less than, not as much outside boundary stuff, but it's just tough when the testing numbers, like the testing shows up on tape. Like he just isn't quite fast enough to get there.

Speaker 24579.18s - 4582.26s

And then the penalties, like the grabbing, like that's also there.

Speaker 14582.26s - 4590.4s

And the penalties bear out, you know, 18 penalties with five declined. The declined the last i think it was four seasons maybe it's three or four seasons um it's it's

Speaker 24590.4s - 4613.34s

it's 1,648 yards allowed in four seasons 424 yards allowed the final season so it's just really tough for me with some of these guys like even with jaw taylor i think he was a better athlete like he was you could see something there and also he was a better athlete. Like he was, you could see something there. And also he was a late sixth round player. But you can maybe see something there where you go, okay, we can mold this.

Speaker 14613.42s - 4663.54s

We can work with it. With Harheap PERSON still, they're just, I feel like there's less to work with. But I think this one maybe was more of like a temperament play style mentality selection. And I think they want to take that individual's, you know, character and what he does and how he wants to play and then make him a better player from there. So to me, watching him, it felt like they were in love with his ficiness, his willing to hit, to disengage, to play the run, you know, and there were moments of like when he uses hands, like pressing, like great,like all good stuff. So I think they just want to take not necessarily the film, but the temperament and turn him into the start of the hope he can become. Yeah, that's fair. And Dane Bruegler's

Speaker 34663.54s - 4731.32s

first sentence of his scattering report was like, he loves being impressed. So, you's fair. And Dane Bruegler's, uh, first sentence of his scattering report was like, he loves being impressed. So, you know, this is a guy who's going to be physical. He's going to try and beat you up the ball production as people pointing out in the chat. It is nice. But it's just the consistency aspect of things, the board, the way that it was, I feel like they could have gotten a better slot corner if that was their goal here. Um, so we'll see how it goes.Joseph PERSON pointing out in the chat, I actually message you about this because my old thing was like, oh, like maybe he's like their run defending slot. And then Asante PERSON semi-junior is like your pass covering slot. The Chargers just did this with Jazeer and Asante PERSON. And it didn't go so well. Like teams would learn like NFL ORG teams are very smart.Like, if this is how they employ these two players, they're going to figure out that, like, oh, if stills on the field, they think we're going to run, let's pass. If Asante PERSON is on the field, they think we're going to pass, so let's run. And it's just, it's not, again, it's a process issue for me, not necessarily a player issue. Like I do think he does have some high quality attributes to him.

Speaker 04731.86s - 4738.56s

Yeah, I just kind of wish that they would have, they would have waited or they could have taken one of the other slack corners that was still on the board.

Speaker 34738.9s - 4739.92s

Yeah, I agree.

Speaker 14740.64s - 4741.12s

All right.

Speaker 34741.16s - 4766.56s

We can get to Cam Hart now, which like instantly changed the previous collection because now you kind of feel a lot better you love cam heart more than me so you take it away with cam heart yeah why he was the selection obviously the chargers needed a true outside corner with size and speed um jesse minter said in and from a michigan quote that they really value size and speed and they can

Speaker 14766.56s - 4769.3s

kind of teach the rest of how they want to play the position.

Speaker 34770s - 4848.46s

And Ken Hart PERSON is definitely that. The connection to safety coach Chris O'Leary PERSON certainly played a factor here. It's kind of a common theme here that the Chargers ORG did have a lot of connections with these players. And obviously it held some weight. My favorite thing about him is that he was so comfortable on an island. And I mean that both against the run and as they pass.There are several corners who are big and tall, but you get them kind of on that island of like an outside counter, a jet sweep, a toss, and they don't really know how to come up and make the play. They don't know, do I avoid this pulling guard? Do I take the guard head on? There's a lot of hesitation. There's not a lot of instincts. And that is not the case with Cam Park PERSON. He's very comfortable out there being the last line of defense. He's also very comfortable playing the boundary,playing the bigger receivers. He's not afraid to handfight. He's not afraid to press. And this is a guy that we'll get to some of the concerns here. But just from a positive standpoint, this guy goes earlier in the draft all day long. So I think this is a value selection from the Chargers ORG. His upside here is that of a high-end corner two, in my opinion. He can play the boundary, be physical.And I think that's ultimately why he was selected for the charges.

Speaker 14849.14s - 4874.4s

Yeah, the first thing I noticed in the USC ORG game that I watched, they just let him be on that island. And it was like, okay, let's go throw a screen. I think Caleb Williams, like, ended up going back to his checkdown. And it's like, it's Cam Hart PERSON to stop the play or it's a touchdown. And then he just smacked the first receiver.Then later, I think they were more, USC ORG was more backed up to their end zone, but he hits the guy for, you know, to force a fumble. Like that comfort on an island is so huge.

Speaker 24875.14s - 4895.36s

Yeah, he was a ton of fun of watch. Easy still for me. I think everyone really, really loved Cam Hart PERSON here. Joe Ortiz PERSON says, you know, the traits are outstanding. He's highly competitive.He can challenge all throws when he's in position, length to recover, speed to recover. And that's kind of what I was hoping for with like still, for example, like the length, the speed. Like there's a lot of stuff

Speaker 14895.36s - 4920.78s

here you can develop and take and mold into a starting caliber player. He's definitely going to compete with Asante CMO Jr. and Christian Fulton PERSON for starting outside. I don't know that he's like officially CB1. They'll definitely, you know, compete to be out there with Asante Samuel Jr. PERSON I think. And he just presents a completely different size profile, body type, athletic profile than Asante

Speaker 04920.78s - 4929.34s

Samuel Jr. So, you know, I don't know if he'll be like CB1 by next season, but I think he's going to be a starter for a very long time. He's a great pick.

Speaker 34931.34s - 4973.66s

Yeah, great things, great size, great speed. We're not too far removed from the Chargers having a cornerback trio of Asante Samuel Jr., Bryce Callahan, and Jaseer Taylor PERSON in a playoff game. So this kind of size profile, it matters. Obviously, Dean Leonard PERSON is a bigger, faster corner as well. So it is going to be fascinating to see how they handle the cornerback duooutside because Asante is not necessarily their style, but like it's undeniable that when Asante PERSON's at his best, he's a high-end corner two in this league. Christian Fulton PERSON has the talent.We haven't necessarily seen him put it together. And then you have these two young guys as well as just your Taylor PERSON. So the cornerback battle, man, I think early leader for like most interesting position battles and training camp.

Speaker 14975.44s - 4976.02s

Go ahead.

Speaker 24976.2s - 4976.92s

You want to handle this one?

Speaker 14977.32s - 4982.72s

Yeah, sure. So he was Dan Brewer PERSON, CB19. Last, you know, sad story I think I'll put up here.

Speaker 24983.24s - 4987.5s

But Cam Hart's mom had the first of three brain aneurysms when he was eight.

Speaker 04988.16s - 4989.64s

I was diagnosed with a neck tumor.

Speaker 14989.92s - 5000.56s

Dane Bruegler PERSON mentions that she's okay. Now, I mostly bring that up because in the reaction video to him being selected, clearly very emotional in that video. I think his mom was right there too.

Speaker 25001s - 5004.54s

And so I just thought, like, I could see why someone would be so emotional in that moment,

Speaker 15004.6s - 5035.84s

why his family's all rallied around him. Totally get it. I was recruited by Notre Dame ORG for both offense and defense. They just said, hey, you like pick what you want to do and you can do it. And so he played defense obviously. In the end, the degree in political science, same as my dad, great. One of Feldman's freaks, he ran 23 miles per hour. So there is some like conversation about his 40 time to 23 miles and hours is pretty good. He's also high school teammates with Chris Jenkins and his best friends with Raven safety, Kyle Hamilton PERSON. Yeah, Kyle Hamilton was actually at the

Speaker 35035.84s - 5042.2s

draft party for what it's worth. Oh, nice. And Camhart from Baltimore, Kyle Hamilton PERSON obviously plays

Speaker 15042.2s - 5050.44s

for the Ravens. So that was an easy one. Yeah, so I was much higher on him than basically anybody else, I think, around. He was 50th on my board,

Speaker 35050.54s - 5110.94s

CB8, had a low round two grade on him. I'm giving this pick an A because of the value, because of the potential starting caliber corner here. You had him at 67th, cornerback 11, around three grade. You are also giving the pick an A. We talked about some of the positives here. So I'm not necessarily going to rehash that, but the concerns here, you know, the big one is the history of shoulder injuries,which required three different surgeries. I believe it was two on one, shoulder one on the other, if I'm not mistaken from Dane Brugler's report on it. So that's the big one shoulder, one on the other, if I'm not mistaken from Dane Brugler's PERSON report on it. So that's the big one why he fell in the draft, again, because this kind of profile does typically go earlier.And then the limited ball production, despite somebody who was a former wide receiver, only had two career interceptions, which came in the same game. So outside of the one game, he has zero interceptions in the last three years of starting. So that is definitely a concern. But I think the film is generally fantastic for

Speaker 15110.94s - 5121.56s

Cam Hart PERSON. Yeah, it is. I definitely didn't know about the shoulder surgeries at the time. So that's definitely concerning. And would certainly speak on why he fell as far as he did. I think his tape is

Speaker 05121.56s - 5134.32s

much better than where they took him at 140. Yeah. So I get it, but the upside is there. This is kind of a, this is somehow both like a high risk and a low risk

Speaker 15134.32s - 5199.68s

move at the same time. Like, yeah, there's some risk here, but the upside is there. And his film is just great. Like, even though I was lower on him than you, still out of at 67th. So it's an A for me. Love the selection. Speaking of loving selections, if you saw Alex's reaction to the Kamani Vidal PERSON pick, that is definitely loving a selection. The Chargers ORG needed a running back and a reliable one. And I don't mean just like any running back. Someone who has a history of carrying the rock,and he certainly did, and we'll talk about that. I think he's a very well-rounded back. They talked about all the different things he could do in particular watching him there was just this clear contact balance and core strength it was very difficult like there's an aspect where bigger heavier guy knocks smaller guy over sure but there were moments at several moments where someone would try to tackle him a high and you could just tell like he wouldn't budge there's a certain contact balance that he has and core strength that he has that was fantastic so i understand why they took him they needed a running back even though he'snot a bigger guy he certainly doesn't play it like a smaller guy yeah that was like word for work

Speaker 35199.68s - 5304.26s

joe jor jrotees's quote as well um he also said that db ORG are closing in on him and he'll just punch them with a stiff arm and just keep going. He also offers something in the passing game as well. When you watch him block, it's impressive. He will throw it up there against a blitzing linebacker. The pass protection was definitely something.It was the first thing that stood out to me because pass protection is such an issue for college running backs and see Isaiah Spiller PERSON because they just, they don't do it a whole lot. It's not something that college offenses require of them. But Troy ORG's offense, it's a little bit more old school.He did have to pass protect. And then also it was like the main thing that kind of made him shine at the senior bowl. Because when you go to the senior role, it's really tough for running backs to stand out. But people who were there, you know, shouted him out as somebody who was doing fantastic in the past protection rep.So that's definitely an impressive attribute for him. There's a lot of love out there for Kamani Vidal PERSON right now. You know, fantasy football fans, obviously love the pick. But even like a Brett Coleman PERSON has said, like, hey, like this could be their best running back and it wouldn't shock me right now. He was very, very high on him overall, loves the fit for the Chargers ORG.I think he probably starts in the competition for RB3 duties. But I think he could eventually push JK Dobbins PERSON for RB2. Obviously, Jacob Dombins PERSON does not exactly have the cleanest build of health. So, you know, if JK PERSON's health is kind of a struggle, then maybe Khamani PERSON does just kind of right away from trap, right away from the jump of training camp, you know,sees that role for RB2. But I do think he is probably their RB3 in the short term.

Speaker 15304.52s - 5321.48s

Which is not a problem. They have no problem rotating backs. J.K. Dobman's had a press conference today. And they asked, are you going to be ready for training camp? And I think he says something like, well, if it's up to me, then yes.But you never know. And it's above my pay grade sometimes. So like that wasn't exactly like, yeah, I'll be ready for day one of training.

Speaker 35321.48s - 5323.32s

He did say he was 100% healthy for what it's worth.

Speaker 15323.4s - 5350.62s

Right. So different question. Yes. We'll see. Obviously, I hope he stays healthy because that would make a heck of day one. He did say he was 100% healthy for what it's worth. Right. So different question. Yes. We'll see. Obviously, I hope he stays healthy because that would make a heck of a one, two, three. But, but at all, if he's healthy, Dobbins, you know, has a bit of a setback. Yeah, I could see, I could see him taking RB2 this season, but like, no rush. As Edski PERSON points out, this running back room looks good. I agree. It's a very solid room. Is it like an elite room?Maybe? I don't know. We'll see with Dobbins PERSON. But it's a pretty good one, two, three. Yeah.

Speaker 35351.16s - 5374.62s

Yeah. We talked about some of this stuff yesterday from The Beast, but Bruegler's RB21. So Bruegler PERSON was a little bit lower on him. He also said that he's not a big home run guy, like in terms of like speed threat. I don't know if I necessarily agree with that. I mean,this is a guy who ran like a 4-4-4. So this is a very fast player.

Speaker 05375.32s - 5377.28s

But that is Dean Brugler's PERSON assessment of him.

Speaker 25377.34s - 5379.52s

He did play linebacker and running back in high school.

Speaker 05379.98s - 5384.2s

The crazy part of his evaluation in the beast was that he had offers from LSU

Speaker 35384.2s - 5410.36s

in South Carolina and still decided to go to Troy ORG. Like it's just kind of like you don't see that a whole lot, especially in today's college football world. He got a degree in exercise science. He had three different 200-yard rushing games in 2023, just an insane amount of production. We mentioned the past catcher. Zero drops this past season, which is just fantastic from a profile standpoint.You love to see that.

Speaker 05410.56s - 5416.12s

It was an issue that like Marshawn Lloyd PERSON, who we really liked, had some drop issues, fumble issues.

Speaker 35416.74s - 5426.22s

Not a thing with Kamani Badal PERSON. And then Troy ORG's all-time leading rush here. Again, this is a guy who instantly came in and was their best player on the team right away for Troy ORG.

Speaker 15426.82s - 5432.7s

Yeah, he was a ton of fun. I don't think I didn't have him RB 21. I don't even know that I watched 21 running backs though. Neither did I.

Speaker 35434.24s - 5436.48s

But I liked him more than that.

Speaker 15436.58s - 5440.02s

The home run hitting thing, like I don't think Audrey Estime is a home run hitter.

Speaker 25440.14s - 5443.36s

Maybe that's like because he didn't, like he does not run.

Speaker 15443.5s - 5461.68s

He's worth a 4-7. Like I get that. But all a four seven like i get that but all i feel like he had enough of those i don't think you have three 200 yard rushing games without hitting a couple of home runs right um dennis says if it all plays anywhere near taj spears then we got a good one and he's really good in pass pro uh yeah that'd be great could have also

Speaker 35461.68s - 5468.38s

taken taj spares last year but you know whatever yeah i put that up there because I was curious, because you loved Taijay Spears PERSON. We all did.

Speaker 15468.96s - 5470.76s

They're not the same player in my opinion.

Speaker 35471.44s - 5480.36s

That's J. Spears PERSON is an RB3. And we'll get into the evaluations here. Spears PERSON had a whole different like numbers profile. Yeah.

Speaker 15480.36s - 5509.42s

That was, although he was missing a couple ACLs. So he was RB 11 for you, 114th overall, RB16 for me, 130th overall, had a round 4 grade on him. So great. A minus selection for me, a selection for you. For me, it was mostly like, okay, you know, did they need another position here?Where's your center? I think the next three selections I give an A minus two, because I'm basically like, where's the center? You know, because they might have needed some other body, but,you know,

Speaker 25509.46s - 5520.22s

that's okay. We talked about the balance. We talked about the production. I think he's really solid, like, you know,great to elite and size, nope, not size, speed, explosion, and agility.Great.

Speaker 15520.7s - 5543.04s

The mileage is definitely concerning. 871 total touches the last four years. Like you walk into the league as someone who's 5-7, like so I said, 5-077 or 5077. That's 5'7 and 7-8-7 inch. You know, smaller-ish guy, a lot of carries. And then you mentioned little to know special teams experience. Was that something from the beast?

Speaker 35543.68s - 5552.38s

Yeah, he basically had zero zero reps from from from punt return kick return punt coverage anything because like he was their

Speaker 25552.38s - 5556.36s

best player right away like yeah some of these guys just don't do it like Zach moss never played

Speaker 35556.36s - 5561.94s

on special teams because he was their best running back like right away so but for the NFL ORG it's like

Speaker 25561.94s - 5565.96s

RB3 PRODUCT usually is is a special player, so it is going to be

Speaker 35565.96s - 5567.9s

an adjustment for him. But I think you can do it because

Speaker 25567.9s - 5569.26s

he's a fantastic pass

Speaker 35569.26s - 5575.98s

blocker. So I don't think it's necessarily going to be a huge issue, but it is going to be adjustment. He's never done it

Speaker 25575.98s - 5577.88s

before. So yeah, he's going to have to

Speaker 35577.88s - 5610.4s

learn. It looks like we got the Bolt Bros. Chargers ORG podcast here in the chat. Appreciate the Bull Bros. ORG for tuning in. Hope everything's going well, fellas. Yeah, so I think the big concern is the mileage. You know, it's a position that is consistently going to be something that you have to monitor there.But he is going to be there, RB3. I think, like I can't imagine he's going to have a ton of mileage this year, maybe not next year. So this is probably like high-end RB2 is like best case scenario, I would say.

Speaker 15611.06s - 5611.74s

Yeah, definitely.

Speaker 35612.08s - 5703.48s

I think so. And so for that, I think like where they took him, that potential, that's why it's an A for me. And, you know, there's the emotional attachment of them finally taking a day through running back that we all liked as opposed to the previous ones so yeah i'm i'm cool with the kamani but i'll pick we'll move on next here to uh brendan rice PRODUCT a very popular selection amongst fans i put a poll on youtube of which jersey we should give away and brendan rice was fourth on that list so fans fans are really excited about this one. So I think why he was the selection, I think you needed somebody to balance out the Ladd-McConkey selection. The Chargers ended up taking two of them,big-bodied X receivers. And I think, you know, even though I was lower on him, and we can dive onto this in a little bit, I was lower on him, but in the seventh round,like, that's too much to pass up. Like, we've seen the opposite of this where a player like this is somebody that Tom Telesco avoids. And I'm glad that Joe Ortiz PERSON said, hey, you know what? Like, we're going to take this player. We believe in the person. We believe in the potential here. You know, Jerry Rice's PERSON picture in this photo here. I don't think that necessarily matters all that much. But the charges do need to potentially prepare for a post-Josh Palmer PERSON world in 2025 where they need an ex-receiver to play opposite of Quentin Johnston,let Lad ORG do his thing as the Z as a slot. And the potential of Brendan Rice PERSON hitting at this point in the draft was far too great to pass off.

Speaker 15703.9s - 5739.98s

Oh, yeah. I completely agree he was we're talking about where we had him but you know while we didn't love him as like a top 10 receiver in this class maybe he was in another class but by the seventh round i'm not really even sure why he fell this far i don't know if there were rumblings of something that came out but him being there at that point was was far too like you had to take him.You basically had to take him. And I think the same with the next receiver in Cornelius Johnson PERSON. If you don't have Josh Palmer next year or if Josh Palmer gets hurt, Quentin Johnson PERSON's not your ex. You're not really developing him to be an X unless you were the charges last year, which felt

Speaker 05739.98s - 5742s

like misuse and the wrong idea.

Speaker 15742.66s - 5799.16s

So if Josh Palmer gets hurt or he leaves next year, but you got to develop an ex. And Darius Davis PERSON, love him. Smaller special teams guy. Ladman Kunkie PERSON, love him, not your ex. Vernon Rice PERSON could be your future ex.I don't want to put the pressure on him to do that next year by any means, but you're going to take guys and going to develop them. And he was absolutely worth the selection, I think. Joe Hortiz PERSON said a lot of explosive plays from him down the field, long touchdown in production. He can really stretch the field vertically. So I think and you think, and we all think, that he's going to compete with Cornelius Johnson PERSON, who they took after him,and then Simi Fahoko for, like, Wider Zero 4, Wider Zero 5 PRODUCT, something like that. No surprise there. Like, he's not cracking the top three, but he could certainly start competing for a wide receiver four and five. He was Jane Bruegler's wide receiver 18, so definitely higher on him than Cornelius Johnson PERSON. I put that his dad played football once. He definitely did. Just like 25 seasons in the NFL ORG or whatever it was. Something like that.

Speaker 25799.28s - 5804.38s

Yeah, yeah, no big deal. Committed to Colorado over Michigan, and of course went to USC ORG after that.

Speaker 35804.92s - 5878.68s

He didn't miss any games in two seasons at USC ORG. He had one touchdown every 3.75 catches. He had 12 touchdowns in 2023. And then 80% of his catches were first downs or touchdowns. So that kind of data profile is definitely alluring. Yeah.So I had him graded as my 137th player overall, wider shooter 21. You also had him as wider shooter 21, but 107th overall. I gave this pick an A-minus just because of the value, and I think that's kind of the same vibe I'm getting from you. You know, you mentioned the first down touchdown rate.36 first downs on 45 catches is very, very high. You know, it's somebody that Caleb Williams always seemed to find on scramble drills as well. So speaking to his ability to connect with a quarterback, I think is a positive as well. His frame, he knows how to use it. I think similar to Justin E. Boygby PERSON, he knows where his bread is butter, and that is that physical frame. He is able to box out defenders.I do like his ability to come back to the football as well as something that really stood out to me from a route runner. There is a physical element of his game and he is like one of the few receivers that I watched that actually does like to block and that shows up on tape.

Speaker 05878.78s - 5887.92s

So I think that's some good coaching from dad on his part, his ability to make sure, hey, if you're not going to be a high volume guy, let's make sure you can go out and block. And as Roman Wilson PERSON said previously,

Speaker 35888.5s - 5894.28s

no block, no rock. Absolutely. Steve Smith, I was listening to his like 20 minute breakdown in

Speaker 15894.28s - 5898.76s

Brendan Rice PERSON. It really likes him and specifically pointed out that physical element of his game.

Speaker 35898.88s - 5902.84s

Like if it's you versus a defensive back, he's going to, you know, kind of play chicken with

Speaker 15902.84s - 5915.12s

that defensive back and try to hit him as hard as you can to see if you'll flinch because he's, he wants to contact. A lot of dbs do not. Conversely, and kind of oddly, his contested catch rate this past year was really low,

Speaker 25915.32s - 5919.32s

which is a bit of a surprise for someone who has that frame, uses that frame, is physical.

Speaker 15919.82s - 5923.36s

Just in general, the contested catch rate was not great. I think it was 20 something percent,

Speaker 35923.62s - 5929.42s

which is not great. Yeah, I wonder if that's like a timing issue more than like a lack of ability. Right.

Speaker 15929.54s - 5975.88s

It's definitely not, I don't see him as being like unwilling or, you know, not like angry enough to make those catches just, I don't know, I'd have to watch all of them. And I certainly didn't. I don't remember all of them. I mean, he's also just also, I think the reason we didn't love him as much, he's not a start and stop rat runner,more a glider than he is sharp. I think he's like a wind up and run sort of guy more than he is like a quick cut sort of guy. So maybe not his dad in that regard. But not the sharpest rat runner overall. So I didn't love that aspect of his game.And some of the data profile stuff isn't great. But again, still very much so like him. I know people thought we should have been doing overall. So I didn't love that aspect of his game. And some of the data profile stuff isn't great. But I'm still again, still very much so like him. I know people thought we should have been doing front flips after the selection. I do like it. I give it an a minus guys. There are some concerns.

Speaker 35976.24s - 6053.16s

Although I still have no idea why he felt this far. Yeah, I think, you know, you have to use him the right way. And there's a lot of stuff in the USC ORG offense that you just, a player like him did not fit super well. You know, they do a lot of like glance routes and a lot of slants and a lot of curls, a lot of hooks and stick routes. And it's just not really his thing.And that's okay, you know. I think this is a player you want running posts, corners, go routes, digs. You want him downfield. And for the chargers, that's exactly what they need. It is the ex-receiver role that they need. You use the size, you use the vertical ability, and that's kind of where you're at.You're not going to ask him to come out here and be a separator over the middle of field and be the security blanket. That's just not his game. So it's just that that's kind of why we are fans of the team that had Keenan Allen for 12 years. Like we are fans of that kind of receiver who can get open at any moment. And that's unfortunately just not him.So you love the vertical profile. You love his ability to connect with a quarterback on scramble drills. And I think those are the more positives for me. And then even like I was lower on him, but I had him 137th overall. They got him in the seventh round. Like it's impossible to ignore that kind of value.

Speaker 16053.8s - 6082.74s

Yeah, I think so. Last but not least, value, a lot of the same overlap here. So we'll probably run through this a bit quicker. Cornelius Johnson, the receiver out of Michigan ORG. Why was he the selection? Staff familiarity. I think that's definitely there.I think he really fits that vertical play action passing game, deep threat sort of option for them and can also develop as a future ex-receiver. I did not watch him intentionally. I watched him plenty in passing, knew about him. I wish I actually had actually graded him.

Speaker 06083.26s - 6087.8s

But that's my fault for watching every other Michigan ORG player, but the one they ended up taking it on day three.

Speaker 16088.28s - 6134.04s

But that's fine. I thought a really cool quote from Joe Ortiz PERSON was, you know, he might be the best blocking receiver in the draft or certainly one of them. He gets after it. Same in terms of depth chart analysis.They're competing for wide receiver four, wide receiver five as far as the beast. So Brendan Rice PERSON was wide receiver 18 for him. For Brugler, Cornelage Lace Johnson was wide receiver five. As far as the beast, so Brendan Rice was wide receiver 18 for him. For Bruegler PERSON, Cornelace Johnson was wide receiver 28. So we like Brendan Johnson PERSON a bit more,or excuse me, Brendan Rice PERSON a bit more. His mom was an anesthesiologist and her degree from Michigan ORG. And he earned his degree in communications and is also pursuing his masters. The 61 games that he playedare the third most in Michigan ORG football history, and 94% of his career snaps at Michigan ORG were outside. So, yes, as Kyle Tucker says, he definitely get rock.

Speaker 06134.14s - 6137.78s

I love you guys in the chat making these comments.

Speaker 26137.9s - 6138.28s

That's great.

Speaker 06139.78s - 6141.14s

You graded him.

Speaker 16141.34s - 6201.84s

You ranked him. He was your wider receiver 22. So right after Brandon Rice, you had a round five grade on him, and you give the selection a B plus. I did not watch him initially. I watched him after the draft.And I give his current grade an A-minus. I think I actually would have liked him more than Brendan Rice PERSON, but tough to say. There's definitely a bit more of an explosive element to his game that I think would have liked more. Other Brandon Rice, I think, is a better overall route runner. The positives, 9.9 RAS is some serious athletic upside.I do see him making some very difficult catches. I ran through 2022 as well. Made some difficult catches. There's one on a comeback where McCarthy PERSON is getting hit. I want to say it's against Ohio State in 2022. He's getting hit, and Cornel say it's against Ohio State in 2022.He's getting hit and Cornelius Johnson PERSON turns around to run the comeback. And he has to like somehow make this catch. I couldn't believe he made it. It looked like he didn't. They gave him credit for it. So I guess he caught it.And then he really felt like the drive spark or big play bomb guy for Michigan ORG.

Speaker 26204.86s - 6205.94s

They did a flea flicker with him for like a 70-yard touchdown.

Speaker 06210.12s - 6210.54s

Every time you look at like the charting of how much he got on each play,

Speaker 26213.52s - 6213.62s

it felt like, oh, here's 12 more yards, his 15 more yards,

Speaker 06214.7s - 6215.14s

there's 16 more yards.

Speaker 16219.94s - 6264.54s

He really was a chain mover, like a big chunk play guy to get that offense going. The concerns, like the route tree is kind of incomplete, you you know a lot of like posed corner go sort of stuff some comebacks but like not really like your twitchy not like mackey right which is totally fine not that guy one of the things that definitely concerned me his his number profile overall wasn't great his best competition there are some gains against like bowling green and unlv and another team to start the season where i think he had like 300 total yards in those three games but then he plays Rutgers Penn State ORG, OhioState, Iowa, Alabama and Washington and in those games combined he just has 158 receiving yards now it's a run first team with Roman Wilson with Loveland PERSON like there's a lot of other options it's not like he was the number one guy yeah but I I noticed those things I try to pay

Speaker 26264.54s - 6265.44s

attention to those things and as I mentioned like he's not he's not a he was the number one guy. But I noticed those things. I try to pay attention to those things.

Speaker 16266s - 6278.22s

And as I mentioned, he's not a short game, quick Twitch PRODUCT athlete. There's definitely a thing for him that he does well. And I think it fits this team. But he's not like a twitchy rut runner type either.

Speaker 36278.88s - 6377.22s

No, he's definitely more of a long strider runner. This is a guy who I think has a lot of buildup speed. If I remember correctly from Bruegler, his second 20 was like, I don't remember the specific number, but his, the second 20 of his 40-yard dash was like significantly better percentile than the first 20. So this is your vertical threat of vertical threats.This is also a guy that you want running downfield. Definitely not as good of a rat runner as Brendan PERSON. I think Brendan PERSON is also a better, more creative yak threat. And I want to say Cornelisi Johnson's PERSON yak per reception number is like really at the bottom of the class. Yeah. But there's a like, there's a lot to like here in terms of a seventh round pick.You know, this is a dart throw developmental option. Again, they need options if Joshua Palmer is potentially not on team next year. And I thought that I put this in there, but as Sheldaman PERSON pointed out,Cornelius blocked two punts in college. This is a guy who has definite special teams vibes to him, fantastic blocker, great speed, aggressive mentality, and he has the experience on this. So this is somebody I think Ryan Ficking PERSON is going to loveon this team. I don't know if they'll be able to afford to have him make the roster, but if he can have that kind of special teams experience, then Ryan Ficken PERSON has advocated in the past for players,and we know what kind of role he has on this team. So I could see Cornelius Johnson PERSON being kind of his next special teams pet cat, if you will.

Speaker 16378.12s - 6388.06s

Yeah, I think that both guys will make the initial roster because they want to protect these picks. Like we see this all the time. They keep guys, you know, during that process. There's cuts, this additions.

Speaker 26388.22s - 6393.7s

And then you cut that guy for because you need to elevate an edge rusher or whatever. I think both make it.

Speaker 16394.1s - 6422.08s

I think because of what you mentioned, though, about special teams, I think he would then be safer than Brendan Rice PERSON should they need to make a cut. Even though they took Rice earlier, Johnson PERSON with this speed, with that playmaking ability, with that special teams work, he's probably more safe. And we've seen the charges lean into that different regimes. But like, great that you can, if you're kind of the similar types on offense or defense or as a running back, for example, we'll take the guy who can play special teams.You know, dots and over Spiller PERSON, for example. Yep.

Speaker 36422.46s - 6422.72s


Speaker 26423.62s - 6424.16s

All right.

Speaker 36424.26s - 6476.48s

So class grades overall is our final thing here. We're an hour and 45 minutes. We appreciate you guys staying in the chat here, 500 strong. We love to see it. The overall class grades, I think, were pretty similar. I have an A minus.You have an A. Just to recap here. For Joe Alt PERSON, I gave them an A minus. For Lanmikonki PERSON, I gave them an A. Junior Colson A plus. Justin E. Boygby PERSON, B plus. Tarheeb still, that's the one we both struggle with, a C plus for me, an A for Camptorne Vidal, an A minus for Brendan Rice, a B plus for Cornelius Johnson PERSON.And then Tyler has an A minus for Joe Alt, an A minus for Laid McConkey, an A for Junior Colson, a B plus for Justin E Boygby, a C plus, an A for Camarth, and A minus for Camadadol, and A minus for Joe Alt and a minus for Ladd-McConkey and A for Junior Colson, a B plus for Justin E. Boigby PERSON, a C plus, an A for Cam Hart and a minus for Kam Hart and A-mini Vidal and A-minus for Rice and an A-minus for Cornelius Johnson PERSON. Overall, like I said, A-minus for me, A for Tyler.

Speaker 16477.58s - 6479.7s

Joseph PERSON says, I wish you guys from my high school teachers.

Speaker 36480.74s - 6485.92s

Yeah, well, I wish I was my own high school teacher too, man. Yeah, no, definitely.

Speaker 16486.28s - 6517.32s

This is an A for me, the last, and I generally hover on like BB plus for some of these drafts because I see what like the first round pick is a ton of weight. Generally, Telesco, you know, gets Darwin James PERSON. I was like, okay, that's a pretty good class. The floor starts very well.But this class, I think I've only given an A minus before for the Chargers ORG. And that was when they went Roshan Slater and Asante CMO Jr. and Josh Palmer found some guys later on. There's my dog. So yeah, this is the best class I think they've had in a while. And I'm so

Speaker 36517.32s - 6546.4s

stoked about it. Yeah. For me, it's an A minus for different reasons. And like the way that other analysts are talking about this is the same kind of thing whereas like you look at that 2021 class and it was like very heavily inflated by roshan and asante sammya junior PERSON and then the rest of media kind of crushed the charge after that that's how kind of the world that we've been living in you know like i can't remember the last time i ever gave a day three pick for the chargers and a outside of

Speaker 26546.4s - 6553.08s

jemari sawyer PERSON who i had really highly but there was medical stuff um so just i think from top to bottom

Speaker 36553.08s - 6594.74s

outside of the one pick i i love the process i think they took a lot of great players here i think they get a lot of instant impact so you know i'm not crazy about the way they handled the slot position, and I do wish they would have taken, like, a tight end or, you know, maybe would have been able to, like, grab and into your offensive linemen. But outside of that, it's, like, really nitpicking, you know, Joe Alts, you're starting right tackle, lads your potential wide receiver one, junior is your linebacker one. We'll see about Eboigby PERSON, but he'll contribute. We'll see aboutthe cornerbacks, but they should contribute. Kamani Vidal PERSON will contribute. And then you take two dart throw ex receivers. You see what happens and maybe one of them hits and maybe one of them becomes kind of your next, like,

Speaker 26594.74s - 6597.4s

your next, like, Tyro Williams PERSON type or something like that.

Speaker 36597.46s - 6606.46s

So I think there's just a lot of potential here to have, like, a really, like, tone-setting draft for the charters that can pay dividends for the next four or five years.

Speaker 16607.02s - 6644.78s

Yeah, and it's so nice to see, you know, nine selections here for them. There's like two more, you know, dart throws at bats, etc. They'll continue to do that. Just having more options here is fantastic. And we're going to get into tomorrow the difference between Joe Hortiz PERSON and Tom Delosco and how Telesco ORG is drafted before.What did Hortiz do better? What did he do differently in our eyes? Because this was, again, a better class than I've seen the Chargers ORG have since Tom Tolesco got there in 2013. So in over a decade. We'll see if it pans out.Obviously, we're not sure. But we're grading based on process. The results will see. But the process I'd really liked. Yeah.

Speaker 36645.86s - 6666.58s

Best, most favorite class. We've done a lot of homework on the class. but we're grading based on process, results we'll see, but the process I'd really liked. Yeah, best, most favorite class, we've done a lot of homework on the class. We only didn't grade one player that they took, so that was definitely a lot of fun. Real quick,we'll zoom through some of these super chats. Quantum Humanex ORG, would you have believed we traded up, not down? I definitely thought they would have traded down at some point, but when they traded up for Lad ORG, they didn't lose a pick.And I think that was kind of the.

Speaker 16666.62s - 6668.14s

Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 36668.24s - 6678.54s

I agree. Yeah. I don't know. NSN says he's happy to really get Pipkins PERSON to swing tackle backup. Yeah.

Speaker 16680.4s - 6687.6s

I don't know if I'm happy to do that. I'm happy that he is the backup. You know, I'm happy to have him as a'm happy that he is the backup. You know, I'm happy to have him as a backup on the team. Yeah.

Speaker 36688.1s - 6693.84s

Also says gap between Alt and second round OT, greater than neighbors and second round ride receiver.

Speaker 16694.44s - 6724.1s

Yeah, by a mile. And that was part of the reason you take Joe Alt PERSON early. That run on tackles was early. And if you wanted a third round pick, no shot. They were all gone.So the Chargers ORG, this was part of the, you know, you play the game a certain way. You play the board a certain way. Yeah. I, you know, Alt, McConkey PERSON is a better, you know, tight on the board option than, you know, neighbors. And then at that point, I think Patrick Paul PERSON was the next.

Speaker 36724.1s - 6724.86s

I Patrick Paul PERSON.

Speaker 16726.14s - 6728.66s

Yeah, who was like a consensus like top 60 70 player

Speaker 36728.66s - 6765s

yeah definitely better value for alt in lad Brian does Pipkins projected guard any chance he takes Seleier PERSON's job they Jim Harbaugh PERSON said thathe's one of their five best players right now and they'll kind of figure it out which is very true like he is definitely a better football player than Bradley Bosman Jim Harbaugh said that he's one of their five best players right now, and they'll kind of figure it out, which is very true. Like he is definitely a better football player than Bradley Bosman and Jamari Sawyer PERSON, I would say. But I just,I personally have a hard time seeing him transitioning to guard well. I think he is your swing tackle. And I think they figure out right guard with Jamari or some other potential veteran player on the road.

Speaker 16765.76s - 6766.5s

Yeah, I agree there.

Speaker 36768.3s - 6777.44s

Gabriel, I'm super excited that we picked Ladd, but secretly more excited Casey PERSON didn't pick up when they moved up, especially because he was mocked to them. Yeah, I agree.

Speaker 16777.74s - 6788.4s

I wanted the charges to jump into the first round and maybe take him a Mokonki PERSON over the chiefs taking who they, well, they ended with worthy in trading up. But yeah, I agree. Yep, same here.

Speaker 36789.24s - 6797.84s

Luis, what receiver group is better, roster three or draft three? I assume he's talking about the three on the roster previously and the three that were drafted.

Speaker 16798.38s - 6805.1s

I think he means QJ, Palmer and, let's say, Davis versus the three they ever drafted. Yeah. I would say the three they ever drafted? Yeah.

Speaker 36806.1s - 6811.08s

I would say the three that were rostered just because I think you, I really believe in Palmer

Speaker 16811.08s - 6829.62s

and I think one is than the other two. Yeah. When McConkey drops a buck 40, you know, on Kansas City in Arrowhead, sure, but like Palmer PERSON, Palmer PERSON should earn the respect of being considered the best of the group. And then you can kind of alternate like a conkey maybe than Quentin PERSON.So. Yeah.

Speaker 36831.08s - 6837.54s

Gabriel PERSON said rest of peace to anyone who had headphones in when listening to the podcast during the Junior Colson PERSON announcement. One of the best moments during the draft.

Speaker 06837.66s - 6840.14s

Yeah. If your headphones broke,

Speaker 36840.24s - 6844.04s

I apologize. But obviously you can tell we were excited about the pit. Yeah.

Speaker 16844.36s - 6844.84s

It was fun.

Speaker 36844.94s - 6845.76s

That was a great reaction.

Speaker 16847.24s - 6850.24s

T. Perry, excited to see who develops into captains this year.

Speaker 36850.36s - 6852.94s

Also love that without Echler, Keenan, Mike, etc.

Speaker 16853.6s - 6855.6s

Justin PERSON truly can step up as a veteran leader.

Speaker 36855.7s - 6858.3s

That's an interesting point there. Yeah, it is.

Speaker 16858.6s - 6872.28s

I mean, they got the edge rushers, obviously, and, you know, Bozeman PERSON's not like a younger guy. But yeah, Justin truly, like, and he'll have to be for, you know, in 10 more years, he's definitely that veteran leader, like the way the Rivers PERSON was. So yeah.

Speaker 36872.84s - 6882.42s

Yeah, I think that Roshan's going to be a captain this year. I would be pretty surprised otherwise. I think he's, he's ready for that next step of his career.

Speaker 06883.94s - 6886.3s

Last one here, Jacob says, great work, guys.

Speaker 26886.84s - 6888.56s

Appreciate how much work you put in every day.

Speaker 36888.72s - 6897.8s

Loved all the background on these players, BTFU ORG. Thank you, Jacob, for the support. Another guy that's in here quite often to drop in super chat. So we appreciate that, Jacob.

Speaker 16898.24s - 6901.54s

Yeah, thank you so much. Woo, okay.

Speaker 36902.04s - 6905.84s

Hour 52 TIME after the draft, you know? You know, it's funny.

Speaker 16905.94s - 6912.36s

It felt really short, but I realized it's because we did seven hours and 15 minutes the last time we were on. This was a breeze.

Speaker 36912.76s - 6951.06s

Yeah, compared to seven hours for sure. Yeah, man, this was fun. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. You know, this is a lot of in-depth work that we have put into this draft class. Sincerely, like my favorite draft class of the charters have ever had, certainly the most one that I have studied and watched.So really excited to see how it turns out, man. These players are a lot of good players here. I think at minimum you get three starters, which in general is a pretty good draft. So it was a great weekend for the team. Great weekend for the podcast. We appreciate all the great support.13,000 views on a day three stream. It's still pretty crazy to me. But it should be fun.

Speaker 16952.3s - 6993.18s

All right, Tyler, any final thoughts before we head out? Thank you all for still being here. 500 of you, two hours into an episode about a recap of the draft is pretty incredible. Those who are asking about the undrafted free agents. We'll get to them. I'm not going to, you know,we're not going to do a video tomorrow saying we've watched all 20 of them. That would be impossible. We still do our homework. We still do our process. So it does take time to get through the all 22 of these guys. But we will.So probably next week we'll jump into it. Tomorrow will be about, you know, Tom Folesco versus Joe Hortiz PERSON. Then we'll do some like draft awards and draft superlatives, that sort of thing on Thursday. And then we'll get to the undrafted reagents once we've watched all the tape.

Speaker 36994.02s - 7018.48s

Yeah, potentially have two great guests coming on the show next week as well. So stay tuned for that one. All right. That's going to do it for us today. Hour 54 TIME into the podcast. We appreciate youguys hope you enjoy it come back to this revisit all the conversations make sure bookmark this review it all that good stuff does help continue to grow the show and uh that's it for the guilty of charge podcast we'll see you tomorrow as always bolt up