NBA Playoff Recap: Lakers in Crisis | GSMC Basketball Podcast

NBA Playoff Recap: Lakers in Crisis | GSMC Basketball Podcast

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59:24 minutes

published 1 month ago


Copyright GSMC Sports Podcasts

Speaker 10s - 59.78s

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Speaker 561.7s - 358.32s

Thank you for tuning into the GSMC basketball podcast, presented by the GSMC Sports Network ORG. I am your host Nelson here on this Friday afternoon, and there was a lot of, there was a lot going on last night. Not just with basketball. There was also the NFL ORG draft that happened, so I was watching a little bit of that. Well, at the same time, watching the Knicks ORG. So I was watching both of my New that. Well, at the same time, watching the Knicks ORG. So I was watchingboth of my New York GPE teams attempt to not screw up in any kind of way. I was watching, watching making sure that the Knicks ORG didn't end up losing, and I was watching making sure that the Giants ended up making their first pick in the draft actually means something, because the Giants they usually stink at that. But regardless, we'll talk about the playoff games that went down last night.So the first game that we're going to talk about is obviously going to be about the Lakers going down 0 and 3 in the playoff series against Denver ORG. Then in the next segment, we're going to be talking about the Sixers being able to win a game at home against the New York Knicks ORG. And then we're going to talk about the Orlando Magic being able to win a game at home against the Cavs in the third segment. We also have a special fourth segment at the end of the third segment that I like to revealtowards the end of the third segment. So stay tuned for that if you are interested in what that is. Before I begin, I'd like to remind everybody to please use the link in the description to get your comments recognized or the link displayed below the ticker on every single show segment. It is ORG. Really helps the show. It makes the show much more interactive between myself and you guys.Once again, the link is ORG. And with that out of the way, we can go right ahead and talk about this Lakers ORG game when they matched up against Denver last night. It was, it started out looking, like literally the story for every single game for the Lakers ORG has been exactly the same. They started out looking good, and then towards the second half they started to slow down, and the Nuggets started to catch up, and eventually there was a point where the Lakers ORG just forgot how to score,and that's when Denver ORG capitalized on their comeback. So obviously, like, this was a combination of really bad decision making and really bad shooting for both sides of the ball in this game. But what was really, like, staggering to me was just how slow and how undetermined their offense sort of was in the third quarter. I don't know what it was, but it didn't feel like they were really trying to run an offense in the third quarter. And when Denver was answering with bucket after bucket after bucket, the Lakers ORG just weren't doing enough to answer back.And I feel like that third quarter was like it really costed them later in the game when they really needed that production from them. And I'm just making, I'm just looking at the box scores real quick. And the Lakers and LeBron, they've, um, LeBron and Anthony Davis PERSON, they played very well in this series. And so far, in this series. And so far, like, this series, like, I can't really blame it on either of them because of the production that they're doing. The blame, it's like, it has to go on the teammates in this.Because AD, he ended the game with 33 points and 15 rebounds. LeBron ended with 26 points, nine assists, and six rebounds. Obviously, these are very impressive numbers. And when you look at the field goal, like when you look at the field goal percentage and the efficiency behind these numbers, that's even more impressive.But I don't know what it is with this team. It's just they can never, they can't win it. And they can't win a game. Austin Reeves PERSON, he played really well in this game. He had 22 points, was 8 for 17 from the field, but then DeAngelo Russell just goes 0 for 7 at home.He goes 0 for 7 and drops zero points and literally just hinders the Lakers ORG performance throughout the entire game instead of like helping it like how it's how was expected of him and how he's been helping the Lakers in the regular season and it's like this is the story every single time with LeBron PERSON it's like what's it's it's expected that the Lakers ORG secondary and like the Lakers, next players up in the rotation are going to be a weak point. But what isn't really, um, what isn't really expected is the main, excuse me, what really

Speaker 2358.32s - 364.6s

isn't expected with these Lakers is the main, uh, starting five that has been so formidable

Speaker 5364.6s - 945.64s

recently, letting them down when it matters most. Like I said, DeAngelo Russell was terrible, going 0 for 7 from the field. But Roy Hachamora PERSON, in all of these games, he hasn't really been that much better, and he hasn't really been producing good enough or as well as he can in the postseason either.In Game 2 against Denver, good enough or as well as he can in the postseason either in game two against denver PERSON he ended up scoring only three points playing 38 minutes and he shot one for seven in the first game against denver excuse me in the first game against denver he only had seven points and took only four shots and now in this game against um in the most recent game against denver, he only had seven points and took only four shots. And now in this game against, in the most recent game against Denver, yesterday, he only ended up getting five points. So these, in the last few games, in the last three games, he's barely been able to get, he hasn't beenable to get 20 points, and it's been three games. That is not ideal for someone like Roy Hachamora PERSON. And this Lakers team, they need absolutely everyone to step up and it can't be just LeBron PERSON and Anthony Davis doing all of that hard work. It just can't. And with how good the Denver Nuggets ORG are, it just can't be two players that are doing all of the work, especially when you give up as many easy looks as they did to Aaron Gordon in this game. And remember how I said that this game sort of fell apart for L.A. when they went into the third quarter, when they went into the second half, that was sort of, Aaron Gordon was the main catalyst to the Denver Nuggetsin that half. Now, Aaron ended the game Gordon was the main catalyst to the Denver Nuggets ORG in that half. Now, Aaron ended the game with 29 points and 15 rebounds. So the fact that he's even able to get that many points with the shots that he takes and, like, the amount of dunks and layups that he attempts, it's really, like, it's unacceptable how many open looks they allow Aaron Gordon to have in this game and how many open looks they allow Aaron Gordon to have in general. Part of it has to do with the amazing playmaking from Yokic PERSON, but another part of it also has to do with just the pitiful defensethat I'm seeing from the Lakers because it's not like they're really bothering to like try and stop him when he goes into the paint. So Jamal Murray, he ended the game with 22 points and nine assists. Nicola Yokic ended the game with 24 and 15. Michael Porter ended the game with 20 and 10. And that was basically all in like all the important scores for this Denver Nuggets team and for the matchups that they've had. Again, this is like, you don't really need to have that much scoring from the starters when the other team doesn't really have that much production that they're getting from theirstarters. So the fact that they only had three, well, I guess, four notable players in the scoring column for this game, it was more than enough to get them the win because the Lakers, they really only had like three,and two of them were actually efficient from the field. And that's another problem that's been sort of plaguing these Lakers ORG. It's their lack of efficiency in closing out a lot of these games. That's what made this team a championship team. And that's sort of like that was the big difference maker between the Lakers in 2020 and the, and every other team.It was the fact that these Lakers ORG were able to close out games whenever they had a lead. When they would have a lead, it was very rare that the Lakers ORG would give it up, and they knew how to close out. Now it seems like the opposite for this game, where it's, well, for the series where it's like the Lakers ORG, they can't close out a game. And they've been up almost every single time at the half and they just can't seem to get it done for some for whatever reason it might be and again it was mainly that third quarter that killed them in this game and it was the thirdquarter that killed them in the previous game as well. And then it was also like obviously the final shot. There's really nothing that you can really do to stop someone from making that difficult shot. But they had a huge lead in the half of game two and they just couldn't close out. It seemed like it was going to be a pretty simple and easy victory for the Lakers ORG in this game,but it really wasn't, and they ended up blowing a 20-point lead, which obviously is, it's not ideal when you're the Lakers ORG. So now you are in a 3-0 hole with the stigma that no team in the history of basketball has ever come back from being down 3-0. And the Boston, the Celtics, they were, they almost did it last year, but they ultimately ended up losing in the seventh game at home in a blowout loss.So, like, the odds aren't really in LeBron's favor for this game. And he's come back from 3-1 before, which was a deficit that nobody has come back from in the finals. But coming back from 3-0 is a completely different story because no one has been able to do that in the history of the game. And let alone in the first round.So asking L.A. to come back from 3-0 is going to be a very daunting task for them, especially when they still have players in their rotation that just aren't playing as well as they should be. So I've been really like, I've been trying to sort of brush it off because it's like, okay, it's LeBron PERSON, they'll figure something out. But I genuinely don't think that they will figure something out against these nuggets. And of all the series that could be played right now in the first round, I didn't want to say it then, because I just wasn't sure.But in hindsight, this did seem like the most likely series that would end up in a sweep coming in from Denver ORG. If there was any team that was going to pull off a sweep, it was going to be the Nuggets against the Lakers in the first round. And like I said this, I refrained myself from saying this because it's like when you have LeBron PERSON in the postseason, you just never know until he's really out of the postseason. So out of that kind of respect, I just wanted to make sure that it was like, okay, like they still have somewhat of a chance.But given how now they're down 3-0 and it's been over a year that they've actually been able to win a game against them, I don't think they have enough what it takes in the tank to come out on top. Like, I genuinely think this would be the last, this would be the last game in the series once they match up against them again, and they go into game four. I think this, like, it's really been up and down for the Lakers ORG,but you can't get more down than this. And it's like, it happens every single time. LeBron PERSON's teammates, every single time, let him down when they need, when it matters most. Because if he would have played a little bit better, then they wouldn'thave been in this type of situation literally all you had to do is just play a little bit better and you would have ended up coming out on top but and it was just one guy that they needed the production from they didn't even need roy hatchamora's PERSON production for this game and they just really needed delos and with how he was talking and with how he's been talking he was talking up a storm before this um before game three and he was like he was chatting like you guys saw me in game two I'm going to do that same thing over in L.A. in game three and heends up scoring only zero points this is really bad coming in from D-Lo and it's just like what when is it when is it going to get any better and it doesn't seem like it will so i really and you also have to think like what what's going to happen like come the off season like this might be um some news for um de lo PERSON like we might not even the lakers might not even try and get DeLow in the next season, which ultimately might cause LeBronto wanting to leave. And there's going to be a lot of, there's going to be a lot of news that is going to be coming from the Lakers after this series, I think. And I'm very, like,I'm skeptical on whether or not LeBron's going to stay on L.A. GPE, but we'll see. But that's all that we have for this segment. So now I will be going, I will be talking about the Knicks and the Sixers game in the second segment. And, you know, the Sixers ORG, they were able to steal a game behind, well, not really steal a game. They were able to win a game in the series behind Joel Embed PERSON and his scoring performance. So I'm going to goahead and go over that game after this short break from this. So be sure to tune in to the second segment if you want to hear me talk about the Knicks ORG and the Sixers in their playoff series. So I'll beright back after the short break.

Speaker 4947.68s - 972.56s

I feel like I'm losing my mind. Everybody in the world line. Please, Lord, give me a sign. A sign. I feel like I'm losing my mind. It's everybody in the world line. Please, Lord, give me a side, aside.

Speaker 3973.2s - 1003.84s

I want to be the greatest. Everybody on the face shit. I look around, I feel like everybody is the fakers. I make this every day and I'm impatient. Hoping one day I blow up from the basement. Statement, the top is so baking.Out on your shit that I think is amazing. Waiting for my day when I'm playing. Sold out shows for a thousand faces hey give me that crown getting my way in to be put down it in your place all this my town if i want that shit that i'll get it right now i'm losing it the noose it fits some looser shit and stupid if you choose to live or choose to dip you choose to fight or lose your grip and lose a gift off i feel like i'm

Speaker 41003.84s - 1019.24s

losing my mind. Everybody in the world line. Please, Lord, give me a sign. A sign. I feel like I'm losing my mind.

Speaker 21019.72s - 1122.36s

It's everybody in the world. Everybody and they will die. You know, And we are back with the second segment of the GSM Basketball podcast presented by the GSMC Sports Network ORG.

Speaker 51122.84s - 1835.22s

And in this second segment, we are going to be talking about the Sixers ORG game and their matchup against the New York Knicks ORG. I really should be like, my sports takes, they really have to be studied. Because there are times where I can nail the take right on the coffin. And then there are times where the minute I say something, the exact opposite of that happens. Because I said that there was a possibility that the Lakers could win game three, and they end uplosing embarrassingly. And then I say that there's no way that this series doesn't end in a sweep for the Knicks ORG, and they end up losing in game three. So obviously, like, my takes, they definitely need to be studied, especially, like, and then the other day, I said that the Miami Heat ORG, they weren't going to win in this series. And here they are tying the series up one to one and giving them a solid chance, much more of a solid chance than the Lakers ORG have given themselves. So they need to be studied.But before I begin, I'd like to remind everybody to please use the link in the description or the link displayed below the ticker on every show segment to get your comments recognize. The link is Really helps the show. Makes a show much more interactive between myself and you guys. Once again, the link is And with that out of the way, we can go on and talk about the Knicks ORG playing against Sixers in this game. So, D'Wallin Bage PERSON, he was obviously very furious with the amount of callshe wasn't getting in the previous game and with the amount of missed calls that the refs were allegedly giving him. And he took it out on the Knicks ORG and their roster, and he ended the game with 50 points, eight rebounds, and four assists. So obviously, like, um, the free, he, ironically enough, he ended up shooting a lot more free throws in this gamethan he did in any of the previous games. He shot 21 free throws in this game, and obviously, like, that's a lot of, that's a lot of free throws compared to, um, that's a lot of free throws compared to the previous few games that he's been sort of forced to play. And obviously when you have the... When you have... When you're shooting a bunch more free throws in a game like this, obviously it's going to generate a lot more points.I'm obviously not saying that most of his points were generated off of free throws because when you get rid of 19 of those free throw points, which are the ones that he scored off of, then he still ends the game with 31 points, which is obviously still very impressive. And his field goal percentage in this game, 13 of 19 from the field, and 5 of 7 from 3, was also very efficient. So obviously, like the Sixers, they won off of the back of Joel Embed PERSON in this game. And they also, Tyrese ended up helping.He ended up getting 25, 9 for 21 from the field. Kelly Ubre was 6 of 8 from the field with 15 points. Cameron Payne was 4 of 7 for 11 points. Tobias Harris was 4 for 10 with 8 points, and Kyle Lowry was 3 for 5 on 9 points. And when you're the sixers NORP, obviously, like you're sort of, you got your back against the wall. You have to, every single game counts and every single game matters. So this was obviously a very big win for the Sixers ORG, so they don't get forced into that3-0 deficit, like the Lakers ORG have forced themselves into. Jalen Brunson PERSON actually played really well in this game. He ended the game with 39 points and 13 assists, so obviously like very impressive. Hart ended with 26 and 6. O.G. and Anobi ended with 17, and Isaiah Hartenstein ended with 14. And obvious, like the shooting from Brunson PERSON, it was, it was impressive, like 13 for 27 from the field. Obviously, that's really good,but it could have been a little bit better, and it could have been, um, it could have been a lot closer for the, um, for the team if he would have hit a couple more shots, which probably would have changed the results of this game. But you really can't, you can't really pin it on Jalen Brunson PERSON. He is just one player after all. And there were a bunch of other players who didn't really do well in the scoring column. Devin Chensso, he ended the game with only five points, two for seven from thefield. Bogdanovich ended the game one for five for only five points. And McBride ended the game three for seven for only eight points. And obviously, like going against a team that's, it's affordable to do that when you go up against a team that literally just has that one player, but there's also the fear and the thought that that one player can go off to a ridiculous degree, similar to this game right now.So they avoid the three nothing deficit, and now they look to play New York GPE again in their home court. It's obvious that Jerome Bede gets a very, a much bigger advantage again in their home court. It's obvious that Dr. Nguyen PERSON gets a very, a much bigger advantage playing in the home court and playing in Philly GPE than he does playing in any other arena in the NBA ORG. He knows this. Obviously, this was part of the reason why he only plays Nikola Yolokic PERSON in Phillybut the difference between him playing in home court and him playing in an away game is staggering like it's literally like the make or break for the game at some points because I don't think he would have had this kind of performance if he played in New Yorkagain and like I understand he's an NBA ORG player but pressure still gets to them like any other normal human and when you're playing in an away crowd like obviously that's going to impact the game in some sort of way so the Knicksicks ORG, they still, like, while they might have lost this game, they're still in a relatively good position to win out in the series. And maybe this away loss was what they needed so that that way they could end up closing outthe series for good. They have to steal a game in Philly GPE, and then they'd have to win a game at home if they look to close the series out as quickly as possible. But I don't really... I thought that would happen, but after this home game and how Joel Embed PERSON responded, I'm not entirely sure, because there's a huge chance that he could respond like this again and the nicks won't have any sort of answer for it now one of the things that um happen in this game which i did not like really like was how joel ambide when he was on the ground he was pulling on mitchell robinson'sfoot trying to drag him down and sort of um it looked like he was trying to hurt him and I genuinely did not like that play whatsoever. Devin Chenzo PERSON said it was dirty. Josh Hart PERSON also had some comments to say about that. And it's been really like, it's been really aggressive. For someone who likes to, who likes to flop and like to make a big show out of things, he hasno problem in trying to, um, hard foul anyone else just to, um, just because he's angry. Like, it literally looked like it was just a fit of, um, it was just a fit of anger that he had, and he just took it out on the nearest player. And I really think that sort of behavior is inexcusable from a grown athlete. Like, it makes total sense to get upset at certain things, but trying to hurt somebody just because you're upset. I think that's a really bad example for a lot of your fans.And it's not really, again, it's not setting a good example for any of, like, the kids that are watching the game, because it's like he's just enforcing the sort of notion that being dirty, and, like, just because you want to win at all costs is okay. And I genuinely do not like that whatsoever. And Joel Embed PERSON, he's always been immature. Like, if there's one thing about him, he's probably one of the most immature, grown-ups that you'll ever see play basketball.Like, the way he plays, it's childish, and the way he complains, it's also childish. And it's very odd seeing someone that tall be that childish. And it's like these kinds of things are, I don't really feel like they have a place in this league, if that makes sense. I genuinely do not like how the, I do not like sort of why this has been, like the approach to it. I don't like why the, I don't like the action that he did. I don't like the reasoning why he did that. And I don't like it beingbroadcasted live in front of hundreds of people. And I don't think it deserves to be broadcast. Like, he should have received a lot more than just a technical foul for that kind of play. Like, I think if Dremon PERSON would have done that, he would have seen a suspension and he would have been ejected from the game immediately. So the fact that Joel Embed PERSON can sort of get away with that, I don't agree with it whatsoever. That might just be, like, you know, the New York GPE bias in me talking because it's like he literally tried to directly injure one of my, one of the players on the team. But I really don't think like if that would have happened to any,if any sort of Knicks ORG player would have done that, I would have reacted the same way. And it ruins the series. Like injuries, they really ruin playoff series. And there's always like, a lot of people now, it's very popular for people to like put an asterisk on a lot of these playoff series that are because of factors like injuries or players not being able to play. That's something that like really cannot be controlled and they put asterisks on it. And it takes away from what the player or what the team was able to accomplish.So that's basically like all I have to say about this game and the series. It's going to like the next game is going to be played in Philly. So we'll see if they can take, if the Knicks ORG can retake command of the series and win the next game. And then maybe win the next game at home in New York GPE, but we'll see how it goes, but that's basically all I have for the second segment. So now we will go ahead and go into the third segment where I will talk about the other game that happened last night, which is the magic going up against the Cavs ORG. And I'll talk a little bit about that matchup as wellas like the implications. And then we will move on to our special fourth segment that I will reveal after the third segment. So I'll be right back after this short break and stay tuned.

Speaker 11836.06s - 1891.46s

Looking for your daily fix of sports talk without having to pay for it? GSMC Sports Network is available on YouTube ORG. Just search GSMC Sports Network ORG. Get your fix of daily sports talk shows on YouTube. Absolutely free. NFL, college football, NBA, MLB, MMA, UFC ORG, fantasy football, and so much more.GSMC Sports Network has shows running all day long with new sports shows starting every two hours. Just like on your favorite cable sports channel, except GSMC Sports Network ORG is absolutely free. Just search GSMC Sports Network ORG on YouTube to catch one of your new favorite shows, like the GSMC College Football Podcast, Chip Shot Football Podcast, Hoops and Heels WORK_OF_ART, Women's Sports Podcast, GSMC BasketSM basketball ORG podcast and so many more. Check it out for yourself.GSM Sports Network ORG, now available on YouTube absolutely free.

Speaker 21891.9s - 1978.08s

Search GSMC Sports Network on YouTube right now. You know, Thank you. And we are back with the third segment of the GSM Basketball Podcast presented by the GSMC Sports Network ORG.

Speaker 11978.66s - 1990.02s

And in this third segment, we are going to be talking about the playoff game that went down between the Orlando Magic and the Cavs ORG.

Speaker 21990.54s - 1996.04s

So the Orlando Magic, they ended up winning in a blowout 121 to 83.

Speaker 51996.72s - 2663.22s

So anyone that follows, I'm on TikTok ORG, already knows they're going to be spamming that song. Orlando Magic ORG, Orlando Magic. And obviously, like, this was a huge win that they desperately needed. They did not want to go into the series being down three nothing. And they capitalized on that with a blowout win against the Cavs. And I was very surprised with this blowout. And I was also pretty surprised with how Paolo Ben Chiro PERSON played in this game. He ended the game with 31 points and 14 rebounds and 5 assists.So obviously he was a very big reason as to why this team was able to come out on top in this game. They also, again, like they still sort of struggle from, I'm like shooting a bunch of threes. And but the calves, like they were sort of lucky that the calves again, like, they still sort of struggle from, I'm like shooting a bunch of threes. And, but the calves, like, they were sort of lucky that the calves were a little bit worse shooting from three than they were tonight. And they were, the calves, like, they were really cold in this game. Like, there wasn't really that many efficient shooters for the calves, like, in this game. And that's sort of been, like, the trend in this series.Like, a lot of these, a lot of the games between the Magic and the Cavs ORG, they've sort of, they've been blowouts and they've been rather, like, low-scoring games in, um, especially, like, on the Cavs ORG side, when they're the winning team, it's more, it seems like it's more of, like, a defensive effort and a long 90s playoff game as opposed to like the high-paced scoring that we're so used to seeing in the regular season as well as the um as the high volume three-point shooting thatwe're used to seeing but these two teams they sort of like, I wouldn't say they take a different approach because they still take a lot of threes, but since the threes, they aren't falling as well or as often as they usually do, they have to resort to other means of scoring and other ways to put the ball on the hoop. So the magic, they shot 13 for 37 from three as a team, which as a team, it's rather impressive, but again, it's like, usually like you're expecting a little bit better production, especially when you'replaying at home. But when you're going up against the Cavs who shoot 8 for 34 from 3, just to, like, to sort of try and match your 3-point shooting, it's really like there's no need to have like to rely that much on the three-ball if the other team isn't relying heavy on the three-ball. And excuse me, but that's really been like a problem with the Cavs and their, they're sort of their offense. Karis Lavert, he ended the game 5 of 13 for 15 points.Donovan Mitchell PERSON ended the game 5 of 13 for 15 points. Donovan Mitchell ended the game 6 for 16 with 13 points, and Evan Mowgli ended the game 4 of 9 from the field with 10 points. Darius Garland ended 2 for 10 from the field, which, again, it's really not ideal when you're going up against this magic team. What was happening with the magic against the Cavs ORG at home is happening against the Cavs ORG. Now that the Cavs ORG are the away team,it's like the magic they've found their shooting touch in this game as opposed to the Cavs ORG who were sort of struggling from the field in this game and struggling to hit a shot. And obviously, when you're going up against a team that's struggling to hit a shot, that gives you a huge advantage going into a game and it allows you to like steal it from them. And obviously like this isn't really considered a game that they stolebecause they were at home and it was really expected for them to win. Excuse me. I have hiccups. But regardless regardless like this was still a rather impressive win coming in from the orlando magic jalen sugs ended up shooting nine for eleven from the field and got 24 excuse me he had 24 points franz wagner ended the game six of 12 from the field for 16 points markelle fultz ended the game 6 of 12 from the field for 16 points. Markell Fultz ended the game 4 of 6 from the field with 11 points. And Cole Anthony ended the game 4 of 7 from the field with 10 points.And obviously, like, when you look at these, when you look at the rest of these like performances coming in from the magic, it makes a lot more sense. And like when you look at the shooting splits from the magic's roster compared to the Cavs ORG roster, it makes a lot of sense as to why the Cavs ORG were unable to win in this game.And this is obviously like one of the more sort of unpopular series, I guess you could say, because a lot of people aren't really as in tune for this series as they are for like, let's say, the Lakers in the first round, the Knicks in the first round. Not many people are really like batting that much of an eye on these teams. And I'm also like, I'm going to completely be that guy and say that these games are rather boring because most of the time, it's like these games end in, most of the time, theseare ending in upsets. And upsets, they're great when they happen for your team, but when you're looking at it from an entertainment perspective, it's really like, it's not all that entertaining. And that's sort of been the reason as to why they haven't really been generating that many views, especially like with the Orlando Magic ORG. Like, they're, they won a playoff game and there's barely been any media coverage coming from, uh, from Orlando just because of that playoff win. And it's really like, it doesn't make any sense to me,because it's like, how could a, um, how could a team that's in Orlando GPE not gain that much traction, especially after winning a bunch of, especially after winning a game that was crucial to their, um, to their season? So, like, it's not the same as the, um, as the Nuggets series where it seems like the nuggets are just completely unfazed by whatever the uh the lakers throw at them like it seems well it seems like the both of the teams are relatively um seems that both of the teams are decent and both of theteams can really pull away with it if the other team gives them a chance. And it obviously makes the game a lot more enjoyable. It's just that a lot of these games that they've been playing, they've all, like I've said previously, they've all been blowouts. And when the team is giving them that chance, it's not like they can sort of like find a way to win later on in the game. That's sort of like, that's not really been the theme. It's not like similar to how with Denver ORG, it's like, okay, the Lakers jump out winning, but then they end up losing because Denver knows how to close out a game.And it's like with the magic and the calves, neither of those teams know how to effectively close out a game. So it becomes a little bit... So when a team gets a much bigger lead, it's not like the other team can play catch-up and expect to make a comeback. Like, it's not really expected for the calves to come back from being down by such a deficit against the Orlando Magic ORG, especially so early in the game. And, like, literally right out the gate, the Orlando Magic started out with a 31,with a 10-point lead, excuse me, not a 31-point lead, but they started out the scoring 31 to 21 in the first quarter. And then in the third quarter, that's when Orlando really turned it on, and they were able to outscore the Cavs 35 to 16, which was ultimately like, you know, the biggest difference maker in this game. That third quarter performance essentially drained the calves.And when you expect a team to sort of come out of the first half, either strong or stronger and they don't, it becomes a little bit underwhelming. Especially when you look at the Lakers ORG games where it's like they go into the halftime, you expect them to come out strong with the same energy, but then they don't come out with that same energy.They sort of play a little bit lazier. And obviously it's like, obviously with these games, it's like it becomes pretty underwhelming because you expect a lot of these playoff teams and you expect them to sort of like put upmore of a fight in the series, especially with their season on the line. And there's really nothing that needs to be talked about like for this game because Orlando dominated like from the start. Literally immediately like to start the game they just dominated. And there's not really much that needs to be said about that, because it's not likethe Cavs ORG were ever, it wasn't like the Cavs had any sort of chance of being able to come back, and it's not like the Orlando Magic ORG seemed like they were going to give them a chance. Unlike where, you know, with the Lakers, it seems like they always give Denver ORG a chance and it always comes down to the wire. It doesn't matter how the game starts out or how the game finishes. And when a game, when a series goes like that, they tend to gain a lot more traction than a series that ends and just blow out after blow out after blow out after blow out. Like, I remember, I believe there was a, in the Western Conference, or actually, no, I think it was in the Eastern Conference, the Hawks they matched up against Miami GPE, and literally every single game was a blowout, not a single game was close.And whenever a team won, it was by a ridiculous, like, 20, 30 point lead. And the lead would stay that way throughout the entirety of the game. And obviously, like, when you have a game like that, it gets rather boring to watch over and over and over and over again, especially when that's how the series goes. And it's a little bit tough with this Magic ORG Team.So I hope that they get a close game, so that way I can follow these games a little bit more because I'm not even going to lie. While this game was going on, I was more focused on the NFL draft as well as more focused on the Knicks game because I thought the Nix game was going to be a much more competitive game, which is what they've sort of shown for me in these last few matchups. But that's all I have for the matchups that happened last night. So now in the fourth segment,I'm going to be doing a little preview of the games that are going to be happening tonight. The clippers are expected to match up against the Mavs ORG, the Bucks are expected to match up against the Pacers ORG, and the Timberwolves are expected to match up against the Sons ORG. And now, like, you know, since the script is a little bit flipped, and now the Mavs ORG are goingto be home, the Pacers are going to be home, and the Sons ORG are going to be home, it introduces a whole different dynamic to the playoffs, and we'll see how each team can perform when they don't have that home court advantage or when they do have that home court advantage.

Speaker 22663.84s - 2668.52s

So I will be right back after this short break for the playoff preview.

Speaker 52673.6s - 2677.04s

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Speaker 22677.5s - 2683.84s

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Speaker 02683.84s - 2835.86s

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Speaker 22836.52s - 2839.26s

And in this fourth segment, I did switch it up a little bit.

Speaker 52839.32s - 2844.98s

I know I said I was going to look at the playoff games that were going to happen tonight.

Speaker 22846.06s - 2853.56s

I'm going to do that as well as acknowledged that Steph Curry has just been awarded Clutch Player of the Year for

Speaker 52853.56s - 3606.32s

the NBA ORG. It's a new award. Well, it's relatively new, I should say. They only started handing out this award like a year ago or like a few years ago. And Steph Curry, he ended up winning Clutch Player of the Year Award WORK_OF_ART. This was obviously like his first ever Clutch Player of the Year WORK_OF_ART award that he won. And I'm just looking at the list. Yeah, exactly. There were only two times that Cl player of the year was even rewarded,and the first time was literally last year when it was Deerran Fox, who was having a phenomenal season with the Kings ORG. But now, Steph Curry PERSON, he ends up winning the Clutch Player of the Year award. So this is like, since it is pretty recently, this has been... Excuse me. This has sort of been the argument to support the notion that Steph Curry PERSON hits a lot of clutch shots, and he is a clutch basketball player, because there is a...Why are the hiccups just attack me all the time? There is a stipulation around Steph PERSON surrounding his clutch shots, his shot selection, as well as his ability to knock down shots late in games in the fourth quarter, in playoff games, things like that. And obviously, like, when you win clutch player of the year, obviously, like, when you win clutch player of the year, it, um, for, for the moment, it sort of, like, removes that, uh, the bias that a lot of the fans have about you,saying that, um, oh, you're not a clutch player because this award, it sort of shows that you are indeed a clutch player in the NBA ORG, especially, like, to win this award. And a lot of these, a lot of the Curry PERSON fans, they're using this as sort of like an excuse as to, or a reason to argue that Steph Curry is, um, a clutch player. And he might have been a clutch player this season, which like, obviously like he was, but overall and throughout his career, that's sort of been a, um, a different story. And I don't, like, I don't want this, you know, clutch player of the year award to be a narrative in the future that a lot ofthe media uses to justify a player being clutch and a player hitting these important, these important shots. Because one of the big stipulations for his lack of being clutch are the performances in the postseason, which is, which there's a lot of them that Steph Curry has, where he sort of just doesn't really, he doesn't hit as many important shots as the team really expects. And he's never really been that kind of player to hit those important shots in those high-leverage games.He can do that in the regular season, sure. But in those big games where you really need them, it's not like he's known for those kind of moments. Because remember how in 2015 where the Golden State Warriors ORG, they only won, because Kyrie PERSON suffered an injury to his kneecap, and LeBron PERSON had to play with a very weak lineup.Then in 2016, he was missing shots that we saw him hit all season long. 2017, 2018, he was a distant third best player behind LeBron and Kevin Durant PERSON. In 2019, he ended up blowing a wide open three, which had the chance to tie the game and even send the game into overtime, maybe even win the game for the Golden State Warriors ORG, but he ended up missing. Then he ended up scoring zero points in an overtime do-or-die game against the Memphis Grizzlies ORG. Not to mention how he... Someone just dropped their phone outside.Not to mention how he couldn't make a clutch basket against the Lakers last year when they played in the second round. And Steph Curry hasn't even won a playoff game without Clay Thompson PERSON. So there's a lot of these moments that Steph PERSON... There's a lot more moments where Steph't isn't really reliable in the fourth more so than there's moments where he is but this season was a little bit of a difference and i don't hopefully that doesn't really likeum play into the summary of his entire career and like obviously i'm not i'm not trying to like while i am trying to sort of um talk I am talking down on Steph but I'm talking down really on his career and more so on what the fans are trying to like portray and what the fans have been saying about his game and what they think about it so it's really like um it's more so that I'm talking down on like the media takes behind Steph as opposed to Steph PERSON himself because I really do think that he deserves this award over a lot ofthe players that could have been selected for this award. And regardless, like, um, it's really like, um, it's sort of, it's a big, it's really important for someone like Steph PERSON to sort of have this award because then a lot of people can be like oh but he has a clutch player of the year so it's like it's an important highlightto his it's an important highlight and an important accolade to his legacy given how he has that reputation where he's not a very, very good performer in the fourth. So it's like having that award there is proof of the hardware, I guess you could say. And not only that, saying that he has that award and LeBron PERSON doesn't have that award is just another thing that you can give in the comparisons. Even though, like, we allknow, like, who's the more clutch player, they don't. LeBron PERSON doesn't have the hardware to really prove it, like how Curry PERSON has the hardware to prove it. And obviously, in, these awards, like, they're just awards, like, for the regular season, and they don't really, um, these awards, like, they're just awards, like, for the regular season and they don't really, like, have much, I guess you could, I guess you could say they're somewhat filler, because again, this award was literally just introduced last year. So it's really, it's more so filler and it's just like to acknowledge a player that had areally good regular season and was really important to them. So it's not So I'm not trying to talk down on Steph PERSON or his game, but I do not agree with the notion that this award immediately nullifies him and all of the not-so-clutch situations that he's had in his career. But going off of those games, I did say that I was going to do a preview of all the playoff games that are going to happen tonight. So I will, I'll go ahead and do that.I just wanted to, like, change that up because I just realized, oh, the clutch player of the year was announced and it was Steph PERSON. So the next playoff game that's going to happen is going to happen at 530 on ESPN ORG. It's the Bucks going up against the Pacers ORG. And obviously, like I've said before, that this series could really go either way. It could go to seven games, despite the fact that the Bucks don't have Janus PERSON.I do think that this is going to be a really tough task to sort of steal a game in Indiana ORG after the embarrassing loss that they had at home. And it's going to ask a lot from Dame ORG, and you've got to ask a lot from the rest of the players to sort of like step up and hope to God that Janus comes back for maybe game six or game seven, however many elimination games that you need, if he even can. And that's really going to be, that's really going to be like the question for this series.Can the bucks close out? And if they can't, can they steal a game in the hopes that they can make the series go on a little bit longer until Janus PERSON gets here or until they end up winning a game at home. So, again, this series, like a lot of different scenarios can play in. The Pacers ORG, they are the favorite to win this game, because, like, obviously, like, being a home team immediately just makes you a favoritein the postseason. And it's, again, it's going to be a really difficult task for the bucks to keep the series alive in hopes that Janus PERSON can come back. Next game is the Mavs against the Clippers ORG. So the Mavs, they surprise the Clippers by beating them in the last game, 9693. So they're going to go into Dallas. And obviously, it's. So they're going to go into Dallas, and obviously it's expected that they're going to come out winning,given how they just won an away game. But with the Clippers, now that they have Kauai GPE, I feel like that puts another factor into the game that I wasn't really thinking about, because I didn't think that they would have Kauai GPE this early in the series. So now anyone can win in these home or in these away games.And given how the series played last time, I don't want to count anyone out just yet. And I don't want to say that the Mavericks ORG are going to win out these final home games. Like how I did last year, because last year, like I said, okay, the Mavericks, they come out two nothing after playing two away games. They're going to win the next two games at home easily, but that ended up being the exact opposite. They didn't win a single home game in that entire series. And, like, I'm not going to, like, leave anything off of the table for this Clippers ORG team.I feel like this series as well is going to go to seven games, as well as the Bucks and Pacer ORG series. Now, for the Timberwolves and the Suns series, I think this is going to go to six games instead of seven. I haven't really seen enough from Devin Booker Bradley Beale to sort of say that they have what it takes to compete in this very big game. And it's really like, it's really sad to see how they've progressed, despite all of the big market moves that they've been making to try and make their team relevant now that they sort of have that relevancyonce again. And obviously, it's like, you have to, I have to, like, see it. And so far, I haven't really seen it from Devin Booker or Bradley Beal PERSON. Especially, like, what really doesn't help Bradley Beal PERSON is now that he put a bunch more pressure on himself saying, like, oh, it's winning time now. And now it's like, okay, now it's winning time, and now you're not winning. So it's like what gives?So I feel like this series is going to go to six games if the Phoenix Suns ORG don't end up But like they have to win out both of these games And otherwise it's just going to be the exact same story last year where they They split the season series then they lost one game but then they were going into game six Expecting to win that game and force a game seven but they end up losing at home in embarrassing fashion And with the Sun ORG's team and how they've been disappointing,it's like, it's really difficult to sort of see their trajectory go in a completely different, in a different way for this season, given their recent struggles. So that's basically like all I, that's basically all I have to say about this, about the fourth segment. That's the clutch player of the year. Those are the playoff matchups that are going to happen tonight. And that's basically it for this show and this segment.So thank you for tuning into the GSM Basketball podcast presented by the GSMC Sports Network ORG. Your support means a lot to us. So please remember to subscribe to the show and to leave a positive review. It really does make a difference. We also invite you to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram ORG for more content and updates. And as usual, please remember to leave a comment in using the link in the descriptionor the link displayed below the ticker on every show segment to get your comments recognize in the link. That is ORG really helps the show, makes a show more interactive between myself and you guys. Once again, the link is And that is basically it for the show. Thank you all once again. I am your host, Nelson PERSON as always take care mhm

Speaker 23606.32s - 3613.8s

mm-hmm mm-hmm mm-hmm mm-hmm let's go

Speaker 33613.8s - 3616.96s

I wake up to a little bit of drool

Speaker 23616.96s - 3617.42s

on my pillow

Speaker 33617.42s - 3623.56s

feel like it's gonna be a bad day Yeah I'm tired of shit And the coffee ain't hit yet Damn ain't that great