#620 City Planning from Waaaay Downtown with Caitlin Clark, Scottsdale, AZ

#620 City Planning from Waaaay Downtown with Caitlin Clark, Scottsdale, AZ

by Engaging Local Government Leaders (ELGL)

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51:26 minutes

published 18 days ago


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Speaker 20s - 42.86s

Coming to you from Chicago, this is Govlove ORG, a podcast about local government. Govlove is produced by ELGL ORG, the engaging local government leaders network. We engage, the brightest minds, in local government. I'm Dan Boland PERSON, a local government attorney and partner, the Anselkling law firm in Chicago. Today I'm joined by Caitlin Clark. Caitlin is a planning specialist working for the city of Scottsdale, Arizona GPE. You might recognize her as the other Caitlin Clark from a recent commercial for Xfinity ORG. Engineer Rick

Speaker 142.86s - 51.24s

Roland. Not all Caitlin Clark PERSONs are the same. Caitlin Clark, city planner. Just like not all internet

Speaker 451.24s - 62.04s

providers are the same. Don't settle. Get real deal speed, reliability, and power with Xfinity ORG.

Speaker 162.74s - 65.14s

She shoots from here? That's kind of my thing.

Speaker 066.04s - 68.1s

Get the Real Deal with Xfinity Internet today

Speaker 168.1s - 71.72s

and get fast speeds and a reliable connection to all your devices in the home,

Speaker 072.08s - 73.42s

even when everyone is online.

Speaker 175.08s - 77.74s

Please welcome to Govlov, the Real Deal.

Speaker 378.06s - 79.22s

Caitlin PERSON Clark, Caitlin, welcome.

Speaker 080.32s - 82.12s

Hi, thank you for having me.

Speaker 283.7s - 84.96s

Thank you for coming.

Speaker 585.32s - 93.42s

Today we want to talk to you about your work as a planning specialist and, of course, your experience filming this commercial.

Speaker 294.14s - 107.84s

But first, let's get started with our signature lightning round. Maybe you could tell us a bit about your career path. Let's start with the day you were born. Where were you born?

Speaker 6109.64s - 115.02s

I was born in Phoenix, Arizona GPE, and I haven't strayed too far.

Speaker 5115.74s - 121.3s

I'm now in Scottsdale, Arizona, so I live about 10 miles from my child at home.

Speaker 2121.98s - 125.4s

I definitely haven't moved very far.

Speaker 5126.44s - 131.72s

But as far as my career goes, you know, I kind of have an interesting career path.

Speaker 2131.72s - 136.32s

I started out in education working with the University of Phoenix.

Speaker 6137.54s - 148.38s

And then I ventured over to Yelp ORG, where I, you know, technically worked in tech. I took some time off for some

Speaker 5148.38s - 156.02s

health and well-being, and then I ventured on over to the city of Scottsdale just in November

Speaker 6156.02s - 215.26s

of 2023. So I am very, very new to the public sector and working with the city. But right now, I'm a planning specialist with the city of Scottsdale, and it is what I'd like to say, the best way to enter into city planning, at least for Scottsdale. You know, my degree is in business, so it is not in planning. But I was very fortunate to have an opportunity to start with Scottsdale. And a lot of my background is relevant as far as I, you know, kind of worked in the admin side. And that's what a lot of my role is right now.We see the intake of plans and proposals from the very beginning and carry it all the way to the end. It's very interesting and kind of an exciting position to start with.

Speaker 2216.74s - 236.72s

Oh, that's an interesting career path, an interesting life story. What along the way, did you play any basketball growing up? What kind of foreshadowing is in your background that might have brought you here today?

Speaker 6238.44s - 243.48s

So I don't know, Dan PERSON, if you saw the commercial, I have not played a sport in my life.

Speaker 7246.02s - 252.16s

No, I play T-ball, you know, when I felt five years old, so I don't know if that counts.

Speaker 6252.36s - 256s

A little bit of indoor soccer in my early 20s.

Speaker 5256s - 260.62s

I had a buddy of mine needed an extra set-a-leg.

Speaker 7260.86s - 267s

So I was there playing defense, whether that hurt or help the team, we don't know.

Speaker 5267.66s - 274.78s

But no, as far as sports go, I have never been athletic. So maybe I was the perfect candidate for

Speaker 4274.78s - 281.48s

the commercial. But I did, you know, growing up instead of a sports, I kind of dappled in

Speaker 7281.48s - 289.4s

theater a little bit. And then, you know, from about 2017 until

Speaker 4289.4s - 299.94s

2021, I was fairly active in my local improv theater. So that helped, I believe, you know,

Speaker 5300.06s - 308.68s

play a helping hand in, you know, maybe getting the commercial gig.

Speaker 0309.68s - 310.04s


Speaker 6310.3s - 313.74s

And so hopefully, hopefully that helps, you know.

Speaker 0313.84s - 316.76s

I kind of did it for fun, but, you know, maybe it'll lead somewhere.

Speaker 5316.94s - 317.44s

Who knows?

Speaker 0318.24s - 321.96s

I got you on Govlove ORG, so I think you've really made it.

Speaker 6322.88s - 328.84s

I love that. My wife is a graduate from I.O. in Chicago.

Speaker 7329.88s - 342.78s

And I'm going to see Dinosaur Improv, the Paul Shear and Carl Tart and a bunch of other great improv people coming to town a couple weeks.

Speaker 6342.78s - 344.74s

So that's very exciting.

Speaker 7348.16s - 354.96s

improv people coming to town a couple weeks. So that's very exciting. And we love going to LA from time to time and going to UCB ORG and stuff like that. And so it's that's so much fun.

Speaker 6354.96s - 361.76s

How'd you get an improv? Well, first of all, I'm very excited for you to go see some of that.

Speaker 2361.76s - 365.58s

I mean, especially Chicago. That's such a great improv city.

Speaker 6365.88s - 366.3s

So is LA GPE.

Speaker 0367.54s - 369.12s

Yeah, you know what got me into that?

Speaker 6369.16s - 402.54s

I've always enjoyed comedy, of course, and performing. I had a coworker at the time who started getting into improv, and he kept asking me, he was like, just come to a class, just drop in, check it out. You might really like it. And so I'm so glad a class, just drop in, check it out. You might really like it. And so I'm so glad I did. I fell in love with it instantly. And, you know, I kind of dabbled in stand-up comedy once or twice and was successful in that. So I don't know if I want to do it again. And, you know, I think I'll go out with a bang.

Speaker 7404s - 405.62s

You know, people laughed.

Speaker 6405.86s - 408.12s

I think that was the goal, whether it was with me or at me.

Speaker 7408.42s - 408.98s

I don't know.

Speaker 6409.38s - 431.58s

That's okay. But, you know, improv is really fun and I kind of helped me get out of my shell and help with a lot of, you know, even just basic conversations with coworkers or in social situations, it's helped me kind of steer conversations, I'd say.

Speaker 2432.96s - 484.18s

For the listener, she is doing excellent object work. There's an invisible cup of coffee. You can't see it, but I'm seeing it. It's very realistic. And I can't think of a better training for public meetings than improv. And maybe a little bit of stand-up comedy, too.So you're ready to go. But I think that's great. I think that's the end of our lightning round. You have a perfect score. So I think it's time to dig into the heart of our interview, the heart for our listeners. You've done many media appearances about this ad.I think this might be the media appearance that will actually focus most on your government career and what our audience is most interested. So tell me more about what brought you to the city of Scottsdale. Sure.

Speaker 5486s - 488.08s

You know it's a long road, but

Speaker 6488.08s - 500.16s

I think I'd taken some time off, I had some health issues, I finally got back on my feet and 2020 happened, so we all kind of know how

Speaker 0500.16s - 501.92s

everyone kind of had

Speaker 6501.92s - 684.96s

at least for me I had a little bit of a reckoning with a little bit of an existential crisis. Or I'm like, well, what does it mean? How can I go into a new career and feel like I'm making a difference of any kind? And I, you know, kind of was interested in maybe doing education, but ultimately decided it wasn't the best choice for me. And I think without really understanding or knowing it, subconsciously, I've always been interested in city planning and what all that entails. And every time I walk out into my neighborhoodor go to my local grocery store, everything that led from leaving my door to getting there involved city planning. And I was fortunate enough to have a friend who works in city planning at City of Scottsdale ORG, so I would constantly pick his brainbecause I am a resident of Scottsdale and I'd always want to know what's going on and why are they doing this and why aren't they doing this? And, you know, I probably annoyed him enough. He said, why don't you come, you know, there's this position that's open for a planning specialist you might really be interested in this, you know? So I was very fortunate enough and I read the job description and I aligned with a lot ofmy previous job, jobs in everything. And I really felt like this would be a career path I could really go down and stay with for a long period of time. So, you know, I was fortunate enough to apply and get an interview. And I don't know if I was the first choice, but they did hire me. So I got my foot in the door there. You know, because of my private sector experience, you know, that's always something that I always felt like maybe this maybe going into public wouldn't be the best because I don't really have any experience,but I feel like this position in particular is wonderful because I'm seeing everything from the very beginning in its entire journey towards the end. And I'm kind of coming up to my sixth month here at the city of Scottsdale. And every single day I learn something new. And I'm kind of in this position to where right now I don't know what I don't know. And that's kind ofexciting, equally exciting as it is a little scary. So I'm excited to see where it takes me and hopefully go down the path of, you know, continuing my education and hopefully sticking with City of Scottsdale ORG and seeing where that takes me. sticking with City of Scottsdale ORG and seeing where that takes me.

Speaker 2685.64s - 712.62s

Well, that's interesting. For me, my practice is mostly local governments, of course, but I do have private sector clients, too. It's interesting for me. Anyway, in my practice held like the public sector experience informs. I work for my private sector clients and the private sector clients.You know, that informs my public sector work too, having the understanding of the different perspectives. How does your background coming up through the private sector inform

Speaker 6712.62s - 749.5s

your work today? Oh, that's a great question. You know, so I had mentioned earlier my degree is in business and I always kind of look at everything with a scope of business in mind. So when we are, you know, dealing with developers, for example, I do understand their perspective because I understand the business mindset. That doesn't mean we can always say yes to everything that they want to do, of course.

Speaker 0749.5s - 756.62s

You know, we have to stick to our guidelines and zoning and all of those matters.

Speaker 6757.5s - 815.86s

But I think that helps me with my experience, in particular at Yelp ORG. There were a lot of small business owners that we would constantly be in contact with. And from there, I would say having kind of their understanding and mindset and mind too when say there's another small business owner who wants to extend their business and maybe they can't do that because they don't have the proper setbacks or land use or whatever the situation may be. I think I always have that mindset in my head that, you know, I'm trying tounderstand and put myself in their shoes even though, and explain it in a way where they might understand, you know, we're not just saying no or yes because we want to. These are the reasons of why we have to adhere to them. So I think that's helpful. That's a long-winded answer for that.

Speaker 2816s - 823.44s

No, that's an excellent answer. A follow-up based on your experience at Yelp ORG, do you have any advice about where I should go to dinner tonight?

Speaker 5824.94s - 832.04s

Oh. I can't remember what the name is, but I heard there was a place that

Speaker 6832.04s - 842.32s

closed the doors immediately in the Chicago area that everyone's very upset about. You're probably familiar with that. So I know you can't go there.

Speaker 7843.52s - 845.58s

I have a friend who lives in Chicago who's really upset.

Speaker 6845.68s - 851.06s

I can't remember what it was called, but, ah, dinner tonight. The only place I knew in Chicago?

Speaker 7853.22s - 853.64s


Speaker 6854.92s - 861.4s

And that would be the restaurant that the bear is in. So anything that would involve some kind of, have you seen the show The Bear WORK_OF_ART?

Speaker 2862.06s - 863.74s

Yeah, very familiar.

Speaker 6863.74s - 866.26s

My wife's office is across the street.

Speaker 2866.96s - 885.84s

So she watches the show get filmed and sends me pictures about what's going on. And it's, you know, very, very intense. It is a real, like, beef shop. Yeah, that they

Speaker 0885.84s - 886.76s

that they dress

Speaker 7886.76s - 888.38s

dressed into a fancy restaurant

Speaker 0888.38s - 888.88s

for the show

Speaker 7888.88s - 889.92s

spoilers for the bear

Speaker 0889.92s - 892.06s

but yeah

Speaker 2892.06s - 897.48s

yeah very very good tip good advice yeah maybe we should go there if it's if it's not

Speaker 6897.48s - 900.8s

I don't know so I know maybe not

Speaker 7900.8s - 901.32s

I don't know

Speaker 2901.32s - 903.66s

or I would I would suggest any place

Speaker 6903.66s - 909.12s

if you are if you will look on Yelp ORG, say you're in the mood for

Speaker 0909.12s - 913.1s

whatever it may be, whatever type of you might want tonight.

Speaker 6913.84s - 915.92s

Always go for something with four and a half stars.

Speaker 2916.52s - 920.86s

Don't ever trust anything with five stars in my experience.

Speaker 6921.74s - 922s

You know.

Speaker 2922.5s - 923.42s

Yeah, you've got to hit that.

Speaker 6923.76s - 927.74s

There's got to be a minimum number of reviews, right, of critical mass.

Speaker 2928.54s - 929.74s

Exactly, yes.

Speaker 7929.82s - 947.84s

This is important advice. But now we're making everybody hungry. But I need to talk, ask you about your role at the city. What do you do? What kind of day-to-day work? Are you doing there? Tell me more about your role as a

Speaker 6947.84s - 1026.34s

planning specialist. Sure. So I would say the day to day we are primarily it's an administrative role. So we're in taking a lot of, you know, application submittals for projects around the city and we're reviewing them, making sure we have any information we need before we pass them on to the planner that it's assigned to. We also help facilitate phone calls and emails from the public. And right now, I am working primarily with the Historic Preservation Commission ORG, where I help facilitate those meetings and make sure that the agendas are presented on time and are published on time and making sure the meeting minutes are adhered to the public participation and everything of that matter. So I would sayprimarily we help support boards and commissions in my position and the day-to-day intake of applications and the public's questions and comments that they may have regarding city projects would be pretty much it. Oh, that's pretty cool.

Speaker 21026.8s - 1034.36s

Did you go to a lot of public meetings before he stepped into this role? And what's it been like covering a lot of historic preservation commission meetings?

Speaker 61035.88s - 1040.42s

I had not been to one public meeting before this rule, so I have no idea.

Speaker 71040.72s - 1048.14s

I did read a lot about it prior to applying for the job, the job, you know,

Speaker 61048.14s - 1052.7s

trying to understand and watched a lot of videos on this website.

Speaker 71054.54s - 1060.76s

But no, I think the first public meeting I did attend was for the planning commission where

Speaker 61060.76s - 1103.56s

I was shadowing a fellow colleague and kind of understanding what they do. And I think it got kind of heated. So it was very interesting. You know, there's kind of a little bit of a drama. You know, there was a lot of public comments and then the applicant comments and, of course, the board's comments or the commission's comments. So I don't know, it's, it's very interesting. There's all kinds of aspects that are different each and every time. The Historic Preservation Commission doesn't often get a lot of public participation. Not as it hasn't in the past. So

Speaker 01103.56s - 1108.38s

that's more of a discussion and decision-making commission, I would say,

Speaker 61108.48s - 1114.96s

which is always interesting to hear what a lot of the members have to say. It's a good experience, yeah.

Speaker 21116.16s - 1123.44s

Oh, very interesting. So what kind of, what are some of your current projects for the city of Scottsdale?

Speaker 61124.84s - 1216.24s

Sure. So right now, I would say some of the current projects would be mainly that there is a large initiative for the green building program, which is the first in the state. I think City Scottsville adopted it in 2023 and it's ongoing. But it is the first program in the state. I think City Scottsville adopted it in 2023, and it's ongoing. But it is the first program in the state that adheres to the IGCC, which is the International Green Construction Code LAW. So any new buildings that are built-in Scottsil GPE have to adhere to those codes.And I think that a lot of the current projects are, or at least the future projects should all be a little bit more green tilted, making sure that anything that is newly built should be safe for the environment is essentially what the goal is. So that's something that I am excited about. In other projects, are mainly, I would say, at least on my end, are process improvements for public visibilityand making sure that everything that we're working on can be visible to the public, which is the public's right. So that's probably a major current project that we're working on. But I'm also still in my, I would like to say, infant stage here in my role.

Speaker 71216.24s - 1220.38s

So I'm not making any major decisions, of course.

Speaker 61220.38s - 1222.88s

Not that most planners do.

Speaker 71222.88s - 1226.66s

They can either say yes or no. That's pretty much it.

Speaker 61227.06s - 1232.82s

They have to adhere to everything. So I'd say that's pretty much it. All day I give advice.

Speaker 21232.82s - 1240.06s

And none of my clients actually have to take it. They can do it, do with it, but they will.

Speaker 61240.52s - 1253.2s

So I'm used to that experience. So what advice do you have for folks like you transitioning to a local government role from like the private sector?

Speaker 21254.96s - 1255.56s


Speaker 61255.8s - 1257.36s

Oh, that's a great question.

Speaker 71257.36s - 1266.76s

I would say to keep an open mind and be willing to learn as much as possible.

Speaker 51267.18s - 1276.38s

You know, a lot of private sector jobs, at least in my experience, you feel like you

Speaker 21276.38s - 1284.04s

can make a lot of change without really having to go through too many hoops.

Speaker 71284.72s - 1290.96s

And in the public sector, there's rules and regulations set forth for a reason.

Speaker 21291.84s - 1298.18s

And I think it's important to just keep an open mind and understand that those rules are set forth there for a reason.

Speaker 61299.08s - 1356.34s

And that it can seem very scary transitioning from private to public. it can seem very scary transitioning from private to public. But I've honestly never been less stress-free. You know, I'm saying this too. In my first six months. So talk to me a year from now.I may have a different answer. But I was always really stressed in the private sector for whatever reason. You know, there's often, you know, so much money involved, whereas that's, you know, not true in the public. You know, but I will say right now I think it's the best, you know. It's a double-edged store though, right? So there's good and bad for each.But I will say I have, I really just not as stressed out as I was in the private sector. So I'd say come on in and keep an open mind, I guess. It's essentially what I'm trying to say.

Speaker 21357.84s - 1367.72s

Well, maybe you could come to some of the public meetings I attend and maybe you'll feel differently. But all my clients are well behaved. I'm talking about other meetings.

Speaker 71368.22s - 1376.32s

But anyway, the, no, and especially planning, like I hear planners tell me that like, oh,

Speaker 21376.56s - 1396.4s

you know, there's never any like planning emergencies. It's not like we're in the police department. Like there's, you know, we're, we're, like, I like, I like, I like the land use. I like the planning stuff. You know, all, the whole job is making, making the world a better place. It's so, it's so sweet.It's, I really enjoy it.

Speaker 71396.4s - 1399.36s

So I hope, I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the work too, but.

Speaker 21399.98s - 1400.32s


Speaker 71400.48s - 1400.98s

Thank you.

Speaker 21401.38s - 1420.16s

Let's talk about your side hustle. When, when did you first hear, there was a basketball player named Kate PERSON Yes. No, thank you. Let's talk about your side hustle. When did you first hear there was a basketball player named Caitlin Clark PERSON? Were you following this basketball player that happened to share a name with you?

Speaker 61421.18s - 1429.06s

Oh, okay, sure. So I first heard of Caitlin Clark probably two or three years ago from my Aunt Nancy in North Dakota GPE.

Speaker 71430.26s - 1431.36s

Shout out to Aunt Nancy PERSON.

Speaker 01440.76s - 1441.36s

She sent me a Facebook message, and it was a little video clip of Caleb Clark doing one of her famous long shots, right?

Speaker 61441.72s - 1441.88s


Speaker 71444.52s - 1447.42s

And she said, it looks like you had a gross for, ha-ha, because I, for reference, I am

Speaker 61447.42s - 1480.74s

five, two and a half. So I am very short. I'm the shortest person probably in all my extended family. And so, you know, that was when I was first introduced to her. She's like, oh, she even sells it exactly like you. That's really cool.So I was a little intrigued. And then it seems, I think there's a term for it. I can't think of it right now where once you see something, now you see it all the time. And I kept seeing her all of the time, like everywhere.

Speaker 71481.76s - 1483.18s

Everything was scared towards her.

Speaker 61483.18s - 1497.14s

So it was infiltrated with information and I loved it. So I kind of was casually watching her and then my father-in-law, Gary PERSON, he is someone who would never have

Speaker 71497.14s - 1503.82s

watched women's basketball or had interest. He kept giving me updates. He was like, did you hear what

Speaker 61503.82s - 1522.24s

she did this time? And did you see this? You got to check this out. You really got to watch her. So that was exciting. But yeah, I, you know, I knew of her prior to being contacted for this. You know, I was casually watching her and excited to see her growth.

Speaker 21522.24s - 1525.52s

And rooting for your,

Speaker 61527.6s - 1528.6s

someone you share a name with, of course.

Speaker 51531.52s - 1533.54s

Now, so when was the first time you heard from Xfinity ORG about this opportunity?

Speaker 21534.76s - 1535.2s


Speaker 61535.4s - 1539.34s

So I was contacted on March 9th.

Speaker 21539.38s - 1540.38s

I believe it was Saturday.

Speaker 61541.1s - 1546.5s

I sat down first thing in the morning with my first cup of coffee and my husband

Speaker 51546.5s - 1550.2s

are trying to talk about what our plan was for the weekend because we had a lot we needed to

Speaker 61550.2s - 1565.96s

take care of. And I happened to check my phone. And I don't know if everyone feels frustrated by this, but I always have notifications from LinkedIn ORG. And of course, I'm not really looking for a job at this point. So I go in, I want to update my

Speaker 71565.96s - 1572.88s

notifications, but I do see I have a message. And the headline read something along the lines of

Speaker 01572.88s - 1580.62s

Caitlin Clark, Xfinity ORG commercial, in all caps. So I was very intrigued, but also skeptical.

Speaker 61581.24s - 1586.4s

And so I clicked on it and I read through it and essentially was saying, you know,

Speaker 51586.56s - 1591.3s

that we are real people. This is not fake. This is not a scam. And all caps, of course.

Speaker 61594.4s - 1597.04s

It's really convincing when you have to say that.

Speaker 71597.74s - 1606.28s

Of course. So, you know, of course, obviously, you'm like, well, this clearly seems like a scam.

Speaker 21606.44s - 1608.24s

So, but I'm intrigued.

Speaker 61608.34s - 1609.22s

I'm going to read more.

Speaker 21609.92s - 1616.48s

And the message read that, you know, we would like to create this commercial where there's

Speaker 51616.48s - 1618.86s

a real life Caitlin Clark PERSON and then the basketball player.

Speaker 61619.16s - 1623.38s

And we kind of want to see why, just because something's called the same thing,

Speaker 51623.48s - 1632.34s

doesn't mean it will offer the same service and they fortunately did have a similar commercial for the super bold Christian McCaffrey

Speaker 21632.34s - 1636.64s

which they linked and then they linked a lot of their credentials for the people working on the project

Speaker 51636.64s - 1642.84s

so I just responded you know I talked I spoke with my husband I'm like this seems like maybe

Speaker 61642.84s - 1658.98s

it could be legit what's the worst that could happen if I just said, please tell me more. It's like, that's fair. Yeah, just ask because that's a wild thing to be contacted about. So, you know, I said, hello, yes, I would like to learn more.

Speaker 71659.9s - 1666.2s

And then one thing led to another. We exchanged emails and spoke back and forth.

Speaker 61666.2s - 1687.5s

And then that very day they asked for an informal audition tape, essentially, answering a series of questions. For example, do you play basketball? What is your role? Have you ever played basketball? Do you like basketball?

Speaker 71688.8s - 1691.36s

All of these things are like, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 61691.46s - 1692.86s

And, you know, I do like basketball.

Speaker 71693.1s - 1695.14s

Can I play it? No, absolutely not.

Speaker 61697.26s - 1698.78s

Maybe that was perfect for them.

Speaker 71698.94s - 1701.28s

And then I didn't hear anything that day.

Speaker 61701.64s - 1709.72s

Then the following Sunday, I was, you know, I followed up with them and asked,

Speaker 71709.86s - 1714.62s

you know, do you have an update? And they're like, oh, you've been shortlisted. And then about an

Speaker 61714.62s - 1720.56s

hour later, I spoke with the director on the phone and answered some of his questions. And then

Speaker 51720.56s - 1728.76s

he answered some of mine. And then I did casually mention, oh, you know, I've done improv

Speaker 61728.76s - 1742.76s

and I've done a little bit of theater growing up, mainly just to help them understand that if they were to pick me, I could take direction and I could think on my feet, hopefully.

Speaker 71744.32s - 1746.64s

At least that's what my mindset was at the time.

Speaker 61746.84s - 1752.8s

And then about an hour after that, they were like, hey, we would love to have you come in.

Speaker 71752.8s - 1756.84s

Are you free this Tuesday, March 12th, to film in L.A.

Speaker 61756.96s - 1763.18s

And I, you know, it was like, okay, I think I can make this work. Why not? Let's do it.

Speaker 21763.44s - 1763.84s


Speaker 61764.02s - 1767.1s

And it ended up being real. But there was a little bit of skepticism.

Speaker 21768.3s - 1772.16s

You're still at this point. Didn't believe it was real. I know.

Speaker 61772.9s - 1802.76s

I think it was difficult to get excited because I was like, well, I don't know what the catch is. The worst that could happen is that I'm getting like punked or something. Oh, well. And I think that they were glad that I was also a real person and showed up in, you know, the director and the producer were, you know, constantly in contact. Hey, let us know when you get to the airport.Let us know when you're on your way and all these things. I'm like, no, I'm a real person. I will show up. Don't work.

Speaker 21803.06s - 1805.14s

Yeah, maybe they felt the same thing about you.

Speaker 61805.98s - 1817.38s

That's what I was. So very relieved when we're all in the same place. And, you know, it turned out to be a legitimate commercial. Wow.

Speaker 21817.9s - 1822.36s

That's, that's exciting. So what happened when you got to L.A. GPE?

Speaker 61822.36s - 1835.86s

Yeah, so we filmed early in the morning, and I did not get a chance to film with Caitlin Clark Basketball Star PERSON. She was very busy preparing for March Madness EVENT.

Speaker 51836.4s - 1838.32s

So that's understandable.

Speaker 61838.96s - 1849.24s

Maybe that was a better situation for all of us because I thought I was going to be calm going into it, but of course I was very nervous.

Speaker 71849.82s - 1858.44s

And I think filming the commercial, there's this entire crew of, gosh, maybe 20, 25 people,

Speaker 61858.74s - 1865.84s

all relying on me to show up and perform and do as few takes as possible.

Speaker 01866.68s - 1873.72s

So having that pressure was, you know, something I have never quite experienced before.

Speaker 61875.08s - 1889.22s

You know, theater is a little bit different where you, you know, you have a whole crew and maybe the spotlight's on you for a short period of time, but there's also an entire set of people, at least in my experience.

Speaker 71889.42s - 1892.08s

This was a very different experience.

Speaker 61892.8s - 1913.56s

But everyone was very kind and very helpful and walked me through and kind of explained everything. And the director was very helpful. He had me do many different takes of, you know, please go hi, say it the most excited, say this, you know, a monotone or, you know,

Speaker 51913.68s - 1919.02s

say it really, really angry or kind of different areas like that.

Speaker 61919.08s - 1931.46s

So that was interesting. But I think the improv experience did help yeah yeah I'm sure so what was

Speaker 21931.46s - 1937.92s

it like filming the ad how long did it take was a long day sure so I think you know

Speaker 61937.92s - 1943.88s

it wasn't too long we started I had to be there at 630 we started filming in 830

Speaker 21943.88s - 1945.8s

and we wrapped by about 3.15.

Speaker 61948.1s - 1957.72s

They kept saying, like, thank you for hitting your lines as best you can because, you know, someone hit it.

Speaker 71957.88s - 1967.7s

You said, you know, sometimes we have athletes that were trying to get them just to say a sentence and they of course don't have any experience

Speaker 61967.7s - 1974.06s

acting or saying things, you know, with direction.

Speaker 71974.06s - 1980.44s

And so they said sometimes it would take just hours to get line.

Speaker 51980.6s - 1985.86s

So they were, I think, relieved that I could do that.

Speaker 61986.4s - 1994.28s

At least that's what they said. So I don't know. They ended up only using about one line, but it all worked out, right?

Speaker 31996.2s - 1999.12s

It kept asking me for city planning jokes.

Speaker 61999.92s - 2002.54s

And, of course, I blanked.

Speaker 22003.76s - 2009.86s

I seriously texted my group chat, my husband, and my friend who works in city planning.

Speaker 62010.12s - 2012.22s

We're like, what are some city planning jokes?

Speaker 22013.46s - 2015.82s

Some of them are so bad.

Speaker 62017.72s - 2019.5s

It's like, I want to seem cool.

Speaker 22020.9s - 2021.82s

Do you remember one?

Speaker 62022.76s - 2023.78s

Yes, okay.

Speaker 72024.42s - 2030.5s

I thought this was pretty funny, but, and I think they left as well, the crew did, which

Speaker 62030.5s - 2032.36s

it didn't end up getting used and that's okay.

Speaker 72032.36s - 2042.1s

But I think one of them was me attempting to throw, you know, one of her long shots, right?

Speaker 62042.36s - 2046.16s

And I think the joke was,

Speaker 72046.66s - 2049.04s

it looks like you need a permit to shoot from here.

Speaker 62049.36s - 2058.02s

You know, like that, which is so not funny that it's funny. Because, right, like, it's so silly.

Speaker 32059.62s - 2060.94s

But they, I know.

Speaker 62062.74s - 2065.58s

The crew kept just, okay, what are some city planning jokes?

Speaker 52065.58s - 2071.02s

And I was like, maybe if I had more experience, I'm sure I'd have a lot more material to work with here.

Speaker 22073.98s - 2082.98s

I think it was, based on the Caitlin Clark PERSON basketball I watched, you know, I think that one was funny because it's true.

Speaker 62083.4s - 2087.7s

Like the, you know, it's shooting from another jurisdiction.

Speaker 22088.36s - 2093.16s

But in any case, well, well, that's pretty cool.

Speaker 32095.02s - 2097.02s

Hey, Rick PERSON, are you awake?

Speaker 22097.62s - 2104.32s

I think we'd like to roll the commercial again and then maybe talk about some of our favorite moments from it. Rick PERSON?

Speaker 12105.36s - 2107.34s

Not all Caitlin Clarks PERSON are the same.

Speaker 42107.92s - 2109.88s

Caitlin Clark PERSON. City planner.

Speaker 12110.88s - 2123.06s

Just like not all internet providers are the same. Don't settle. Get Real Deal Speed, Reliability, and Power with Xfinity ORG.

Speaker 32123.74s - 2126.14s

She shoots from here? That's kind of my thing. Get the Real Deal with Xfinity ORG. She shoots from here? That's kind of my thing.

Speaker 02126.76s - 2137.06s

Get the real deal with Xfinity Internet ORG today and get fast speeds and a reliable connection to all your devices in the home, even when everyone is online. Very, very cool.

Speaker 22137.44s - 2143.6s

So what are your favorite, can you describe the ad? What are some of your favorite moments from the ad while you go through it?

Speaker 52144.6s - 2154.64s

Sure. I would say, I think it starts off with me attempting to dribble in between cones.

Speaker 62157.18s - 2163.36s

That was probably where I realized I have absolutely no athletic ability.

Speaker 52164.9s - 2167.98s

It's it was pretty sad.

Speaker 62168.24s - 2248.64s

That took many takes, and I don't think, maybe that was my best one. I'm not really sure. But I am quite short, and I like to think, because maybe my lives aren't that long, maybe that's why I was so bad at that.I think it kind of sets the tone for the rest of the commercial. So I'm glad they open with that where it's like, well, this person looks like maybe they would have the most basic skills. No, they don't. They really are so horrible. And I think another one I'm trying to do some, you know, warm-ups on this little ladder, which, I mean, of course, they, you know, the direction was, you know, okay, do it your best,and then don't try your best. And of course, when all eyes are on you, it's like, you know, if you've ever had someone over your shoulder while you're typing, I don't know if you experienced this, but I do. All of a sudden, I don't know how to use my computer and I'm misspelling words or something. It's like this pressure where someone's watching you. I at least feel that way when someone's over my shoulder, but all these eyes brought me and

Speaker 02248.64s - 2253.34s

like, okay, do it your absolute best. And in my head, I'm like, okay, that's what I'm doing.

Speaker 72253.7s - 2260.94s

And of course, I'm doing so horrible. It's really interesting, maybe because I'm not athletic,

Speaker 02261.18s - 2265.02s

I don't know, and just trying to go through these things.

Speaker 62265.22s - 2272.74s

And then the next little flip of me, I'm trying to spin a basketball on one finger,

Speaker 72273.1s - 2275.04s

which I obviously can't do.

Speaker 62277.18s - 2278.94s

I don't know if you want to sell the commercial.

Speaker 02280.28s - 2284.66s

It's very difficult, and everyone I feel like has liked to be my entire life.

Speaker 62284.72s - 2285.8s

They made it look so easy. It's very difficult, and everyone I feel like has liked me in my entire life. I mean, it looks so easy.

Speaker 72286.44s - 2287.12s

It's not easy.

Speaker 62288.66s - 2293.26s

Though I'm sure everyone, obviously, who can do that has practiced for years and years.

Speaker 72293.66s - 2296.62s

So there's that.

Speaker 62297.14s - 2298.62s

Yeah, so maybe you'll work on it.

Speaker 22299.38s - 2300.16s

Maybe it'll work on.

Speaker 62300.16s - 2308.22s

It has inspired me to try to attempt to have any skills, particularly in basketball.

Speaker 22310s - 2311.86s

But it's such a fun sport.

Speaker 62312.04s - 2322.68s

So I am looking forward to doing more of that. But, you know, I think the commercial is pretty interesting. Then you see me fumble at all these things that I, I do try really hard at.

Speaker 02323.32s - 2324.48s

I would say I did try.

Speaker 62326.9s - 2340s

And then you see Caitlin O'Clerc PERSON, you know, just killing it. And she's, you know, she spends a basketball on her fingers if it's, you know, so easy. Right.

Speaker 52340s - 2341s

Maybe it is to her.

Speaker 62341.54s - 2343.28s

It's not to be. Sure.

Speaker 52343.78s - 2345.58s

And then she's going through all these things.

Speaker 62345.7s - 2355.16s

I think it kind of just shows how exactly like this was additionally pitched to me, just because something's called the same thing, doesn't mean they could offer the same thing.

Speaker 72356.24s - 2357.58s

And it'd be more true.

Speaker 62358.34s - 2372.32s

But I think the running joke is that, you know, when we were filming the commercial, we made this joke. And I think there's a lot of comments online about, it'd be really funny to see the reverse commercial or Caitlin Clark

Speaker 22372.32s - 2378.5s

attempt city planning. I think so. I don't know what that would entail, but I think that would be funny.

Speaker 62378.98s - 2382.08s

She has to cover the Historic Preservation Commission ORG. It's only fair.

Speaker 22382.2s - 2389.1s

There we go. Yes. And where everyone is talking, you know, over each other, like, oh, no, no, we have to adhere

Speaker 62389.1s - 2390.56s

to Robert PERSON's rules or.

Speaker 22390.66s - 2392.84s

Thank you. Thank you.

Speaker 62393.76s - 2395.94s

And I like that. I like that a lot.

Speaker 22395.94s - 2401.56s

So what kind of feedback to, did you hear from your friends, family, coworkers?

Speaker 62401.86s - 2406.92s

What are they all saying around the office about this? I'm sure the

Speaker 22406.92s - 2413.92s

response is overwhelming. Yes, I think particular for friends, you know, friends and family, they thought

Speaker 62413.92s - 2430.46s

it was really like fun and were shocked that I said yes to doing it for some reason. Even though I think my close friends knew like, okay, yeah, this is something you were made for. You are so unathletic that they couldn't have picked a better person.

Speaker 72431.48s - 2434.1s

So no acting skills were required in that sense.

Speaker 62435.24s - 2456.54s

But as far as my coworkers go, you know, because I only did just first start in November. I still was pretty new, and I think it helped open up a lot of conversation and helped me bond with coworkers a little bit at a faster speed than I would have, maybe naturally.

Speaker 72457.86s - 2463.76s

But, you know, when I was first approach for this commercial, you know, that following Monday,

Speaker 62463.76s - 2492.36s

I went into work to make sure there wouldn't be any conflict of interest. If there's any forms I needed to sign, my manager was out that day, so I spoke with my director at work. And I think he thought I was pulling a prank on him at first. He's like, what are you talking about? You're going to be in this commercial. This sounds made up. Of course. I'm like, I'm pretty sure this is real, but can you please sign this form? And it's okay to do. And so he was

Speaker 72492.36s - 2500.14s

really excited and he ended up, Tim Curtis PERSON, by director, he ended up, you know, telling some other

Speaker 62500.14s - 2506.84s

departments, I think they all met for a meeting and then I was contacted by the

Speaker 72506.84s - 2511.52s

Public Affairs Department and they're like oh we'd love to interview you about this

Speaker 62511.52s - 2517.34s

commercial one of our airs and so that happened so I think it kind of spread like

Speaker 72517.34s - 2522.98s

wildfire maybe that's not a very good term or it kind of it spread very quickly

Speaker 02522.98s - 2528.26s

throughout the city and you, you know, I think

Speaker 62528.26s - 2533.96s

everyone, it was well received and everyone had a good laugh. Even if it was at my expense,

Speaker 32533.96s - 2538.96s

it's okay. As long as I can make someone laugh, that's all that matters. So I think it was

Speaker 62538.96s - 2548.06s

well received with the city. I think so. I think it was I was checking out

Speaker 22548.06s - 2559.06s

your Twitter and I think it might be your husband, like but made a thread of all your media appearances, which I thought was very neat. Yes.

Speaker 72559.56s - 2561.28s

I think your

Speaker 22561.28s - 2567.56s

friends and family must be very proud of you and they should be, So that was pretty cool. Yes, yes.

Speaker 62567.76s - 2569.08s

Yeah, that was my husband.

Speaker 22569.28s - 2580.44s

He did an entire thread. He's very proud. He jokes. He's my agent in training. That's helpful because it's hard to keep track, actually.

Speaker 62580.58s - 2581.76s

There was quite a few.

Speaker 22582.56s - 2586.04s

I mean, it was a nice threat. He deserves 10% or whatever agents get these days. Well, well, it quite a few. I mean, it was a nice threat. He deserves 10% or whatever agents

Speaker 72586.04s - 2586.86s

get these days.

Speaker 22588.24s - 2614.02s

Well, well, that's a very, very cool experience. Very, very cool to see the the city chat you up about it too.I am an Xfinity ORG customer. I do have questions about my service. I will be following up with you later. But what's next for you? More commercials? What projects are you looking forward to at the city?Oh, sure.

Speaker 62615.26s - 2625.42s

So if asked, yes, I would definitely do another commercial with Xfinity ORG. I had a very nice experience with them. I can't speak to their service. I can't get it here in Arizona GPE. So had a very nice experience with them. I can't speak to their service.

Speaker 02625.92s - 2629.52s

I can't get it here in Arizona GPE, so I can't help you with that.

Speaker 42630.82s - 2635s

But as far as how they treat people in their commercials, very well, very well.

Speaker 02636.78s - 2640.02s

Yeah, I would definitely do another commercial.

Speaker 62640.02s - 2655.2s

I've asked, you know, I hope that's the case. If not, that's also okay. have asked, you know, I hope that's the case. If not, that's also okay. I think this has also triggered me to get back into improv and local theater just for fun. There's, you know,

Speaker 22655.28s - 2661.76s

local theater that does adult puppet shows, which sounds really strange. They just did

Speaker 62661.76s - 2666.38s

Princess Bride. We just saw that a couple weeks ago.

Speaker 22666.38s - 2667.18s

It was excellent.

Speaker 62669.14s - 2693.7s

So maybe doing something along those lines as well. But as far as work goes, I'm interested in just continuing to learn and ideally continue my education. I've always wanted to at least get a master's degree WORK_OF_ART. ideally continue my education. I've always wanted to at least get a master's degree. Arizona State University ORG has a very good urban planning program that I'm interested in.

Speaker 52701.82s - 2704.34s

And then as far as projects, I think continuing to help facilitate maybe more boards and commissions would be maybe my next step.

Speaker 62704.44s - 2709.1s

I think I really like that element in seeing a lot of projects all the way through.

Speaker 22710.4s - 2728.82s

Yeah, a lot of the planners I know are great at facilitating, like managing difficult conversations, managing public meetings, keeping everybody on the same page, working together towards the same goal. And that sounds like a part of the job you really like.

Speaker 62729.76s - 2734.18s

Yes, yes, definitely. And I'm looking forward to doing quite a bit more.

Speaker 22734.78s - 2756.7s

And I think, you know, the WMBA draft just happened. The WMBA season is getting started. There may be more future commercial opportunities. Are you following the looking forward to the WMBA season more? Can you continue following your friend Caitlin PERSON's career?

Speaker 62757.74s - 2772.16s

Yes, my girl, my girl, Caitlin PERSON? Yes. I definitely, I, you know, I've always been a casual basketball fan of any sport. That's always been the one that I would actually watch with my husband.

Speaker 72772.96s - 2777.08s

We are our sons fans, for better for worse, Phoenix Suns ORG fans.

Speaker 62777.08s - 2805.4s

But we also, I'm very interested in watching Caitlin in particular in the WMBA, but also the Phoenix Mercury ORG. They are coming, I believe the Indiana Fevers coming to play the Phoenix Mercury in June. We already got tickets. And so I'm excited to see that match up. That'll be really exciting. Well, very cool. Let's see. And so I'm excited to see that matchup. That'll be really exciting.

Speaker 22806.56s - 2842.02s

Well, very cool. Let's see. So any, well, I do have to brag on, I'm a fighting a line night, Illinois fighting a line night football season ticket older. Big Fighting Alina ORG basketball fan. Do have to brag on the Fighting Alina ORG women's team. When the WBIT championship, the first ever, it's like the WNIT ORG, or what was the WNIT.Now it's the WBIT ORG. It's a postseason championship. So I'm excited for them. Oh, wow.

Speaker 72842.02s - 2845.5s

And so I got to brag on them a bit.

Speaker 22845.5s - 2875.98s

It's never been a more exciting time for the sport and really really exploded this year more people watching than ever. And it helped you become the most famous city planner in America GPE. So that's really thrilled to talk with you today. Any final thoughts? Any words of advice for people that want to get in the city planning like you did? Sure.

Speaker 62876.14s - 2926.18s

I would say if you find yourself walking out of your home and either feeling excitement or frustration about how you can get from your front door to wherever you need to go, I would say get into city planning. And even though there's only so much change you can enable, you can at least hope that you can enforce things that should be enforced in all that element. But I do feel that more people are probably interested in it than theyrealize, at least in my experience, that's true. And I would say go ahead and maybe pick up, maybe read some Jane Jacobs PERSON or something.

Speaker 72926.18s - 2933.02s

I'm a little bit similar to that, I don't know, and see if this is something you want to get into.

Speaker 62933.26s - 2969.44s

I would say yes. I think it's a very unique and interesting career path, and I'm excited to see where it goes, and I hope that it's exciting for other people. So if you're interested in getting into it, I would say go ahead and try and try. If your local area has even an entry-level position, if you're in the position to do that, go ahead and start, start from the very beginning and work your way up. It's not always going to be easier fun,but it'll be worth it in the long run, I believe.

Speaker 22969.44s - 2986.96s

Well, very well said. We're excited for you. We do have one last question. You could be the Govloved DJ. What song would you pick as our exit music for this episode? Oh, I like this question.

Speaker 62991.44s - 2998.46s

I kind of say Desperato by Rihanna PERSON. I love that song.

Speaker 42999.2s - 3000.5s

I don't know if you heard it.

Speaker 63000.5s - 3022.28s

It's such a good song. I love the intro. I think it's such a good song i love the the intro i think it's uh an ode to uh women making moves and that's i'd like to think that that's what i'm trying to do you know obviously katele clark PERSON basketball star is making moves that's i'll let her do that

Speaker 73022.28s - 3025.24s

a nice thread a nice theme,

Speaker 23025.82s - 3028.36s

nice exit music, we'll add it and post.

Speaker 63029.3s - 3030.48s

But thank you very much.

Speaker 73030.56s - 3031.86s

That ends our episode for today.

Speaker 23032.8s - 3071.06s

Appreciate you coming on and talking with me. Govlove ORG. It's produced by rotating cast of ELGL ORG volunteers. ElGL is the Engageo-World ORG government leaders network. You can reach us at ELGL.org ORG slash gov or on LinkedIn at Govlov ORG podcast.Maybe you'll get a notification from someone asking you to star in a commercial. You never know. Jump on LinkedIn ORG. One of those notifications might be worth something. Check it out. But in the meantime, thanks everyone for listening.This has been Godlove ORG, a podcast about local government. Bye.