Rachel Morin // 406

Rachel Morin // 406

by Dark West Productions

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About This Episode

46:05 minutes

published 16 days ago


Copyright Dark West Productions

Speaker 20s - 20.62s

What is going on true crime fans? I'm your host Heath PERSON. And I'm your host Daphne PERSON. And you're listening to Going West ORG.

Speaker 720.82s - 24.62s

Hello everybody. Today's case was recommended by a lot of you.

Speaker 224.76s - 27.06s

So many of you guys. Yeah. So thank you to

Speaker 727.06s - 40.14s

Donna, Kenya, Samantha, Julie, Elizabeth, Carissa, Sarah, and Mary PERSON. I'm sure we got some social media recommendations too, but we only check email. So thank you everybody, just in general,

Speaker 240.3s - 72.56s

for recommending this one. Yeah. And if you do want to send a recommendation, you can send it over to our email, which is Going West Podcast ORG at gmail.com. That is where we will see it. So Rachel's story is extremely devastating, and it just happened last year, so please do not forget to share this one. Screenshot the episode for your socials or share our post with Rachel PERSON's photo and herinformation, because things are going to get very mysterious and very dark in this story. And also, there is a potential connection to other crimes. So please,

Speaker 772.56s - 84.16s

please share. Yeah, and there is a crazy video associated with this story. So we'll tell you guys when to check our socials on that one later. But for now, let's dive in. All right, guys, this

Speaker 284.16s - 105.44s

is episode 406 of going west, so let's get into it. It's that time of the year.

Speaker 9107.2s - 107.86s

Your vacation is coming up.

Speaker 8116.14s - 116.52s

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Speaker 9119.34s - 119.76s

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Speaker 8122.18s - 126.44s

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Speaker 9126.9s - 129.96s

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Speaker 8134.12s - 136.92s

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Speaker 4137.16s - 146s

That's why Noom ORG builds personalized plans based on your unique psychology and biology. Take Brittany. After years of unsustainable diets, Noom ORG helped her lose

Speaker 1146s - 152.84s

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Speaker 4152.94s - 172.3s

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Speaker 5172.3s - 180.12s

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Speaker 4180.88s - 189.52s

Get your personalized plan today at Noom ORG.com. Real Noom users compensated to provide their story. In four weeks, the typical Noom user can expect to lose one to two pounds per week.

Speaker 0189.68s - 219.04s

Individual results may vary. In August of 203, a 37-year-old woman headed out for a beautiful summer hike two hours before sunset.

Speaker 7220.08s - 429.5s

When darkness fell upon the day and she hadn't returned home, her boyfriend discovered her car still at the trailhead late in the night, prompting him to call police and report her missing. When her body was found the following day, she and the scene were processed, quickly leading investigators to link foreign DNA on her body to another crime that was committedacross the country months earlier. This is the story of Rachel Morin. Rachel Hannah-Moran PERSON was born on May 20th, 1986 in Dover, New Hampshire GPE, to parents Patty and Ronald, or Zach Morin PERSON, and she has many siblings, including her sister Rebecca and brothers Nathan, Michael, John, and Josiah PERSON.Rachel's family is described as very tight-knit and rooted in faith as Rachel's mother Patty PERSON worked as a church administrator. Growing up, Rachel PERSON and her siblings were homeschooled, so they spent a lot of time around each other and were very close, especially during the holidays. That is something they all really loved. Patty said, quote, Rachel loved the holidays in our house. It was one of the best seasons of the year. Holidays started when school started, basically. The children were already planning for birthdays. We had six in a two-week span, making their costumes for harvest parties,making decorations for Thanksgiving, and we always made gifts for each other for birthdays, Christmas, any holiday, or just because I love you gifts. A tradition we started when the children were toddlers. We wanted them to know it's not the money spent, but the time and thought invested into the gifts that were made that showed the love and thoughts we had for one another. The child receiving the gift felt loved and the child who made the gift felt appreciated. A tradition that 40 years later is still practiced and has been passed down.So yeah, very loving, wonderful family here. Patty also described her daughter Rachel PERSON growing up as very sensitive and insecure because she struggled most of her life with a stutter, but it made Rachel PERSON more compassionate as a human because she sadly dealt with bullies as a child. As she got older, Rachel PERSON was also described as the life of the party who had a way of making people laugh. Her obituary says, quote, her presence was the joy she showed and her smile, the light in the room.She was deeply devoted to her faith, which was a guiding force throughout her life. Rachel PERSON was best described as faith-filled, loving, and adventurous. She lived her life with an infectious zest, spreading joy and love wherever she went.Her life was a testament to the power of faith, love, and the human spirit. Rachel PERSON's spirit will live on through her family and the countless lives she's touched. Her best friend Claudia said of Rachel PERSON, quote, Rachel PERSON was so unabashedly herself, witty and genuine, brilliant, daring, and headstrong. Her spirit would light up the room and her smile was contagious.

Speaker 2430.5s - 522.36s

So at some point during Rachel's childhood, her mother Patty PERSON moved herself and her kids to the quaint, small town of Bel Air, Maryland GPE. Belair is located about 32 miles northeast of Baltimore, and it's about a 45-minute drive, and it hosts just around 10,000 people and the entire town is only 3.3 square miles QUANTITY but it's very charming with the historic downtown and community parks and it's surrounded by a lot of natural beautyincluding hiking trails which is a big topic of today's episode it was in belair that rachel spent most of her life with her family living there for about 20 years. And there, Rachel PERSON's upbringing was pretty much what you'd expect, with her childhood friends stating, quote, I spent so many nights sleeping over at your houseand so many afternoons between church together, and you were one of the few people that slept over at my house, and for a whole week even. There's so much I remember, fashion shows, trying to sell drawings to make money, having yard sales at your house, endless sleepovers with tons of candy and soda, and trying to stay up all night, and so much more.When Rachel was a teenager, she met a guy named Matt McMahon PERSON, and they developed a liking for each other very quickly. Then, a short while later, when Rachel was 19, she became pregnant and gave birth to the couple's first and only child, a daughter named Faye PERSON. But the complications of being young parents took a huge toll on Rachel and Matt PERSON's relationship, and ultimately they decided to

Speaker 7522.36s - 654s

part ways. But Rachel would go on to date throughout her 20s and 30s, and during those years, she added four more children to her family, Octavia, Lila, Declan, and Violet PERSON, with two different men. By all accounts, Rachel PERSON's entire life revolved around her kids, and she was described as an extremely devoted mother. A friend of the family later said,quote, she raised them very well. She had a flexible work schedule that allowed her to make sure her kids were always taking care of. When this story takes place in 2023, her kids ages range from 8 to 18 years old, and 37-year-old Rachel PERSON was working full-time operating a house cleaning service right there in Bel Air GPE, called East Coast Cleanersthat she started a few years prior in 2019. And Rachel PERSON had seemingly kind of given up on the dating world for a while, just focusing more on her children and her business, but she would occasionally browse dating apps. And eventually, she connected with a man 10 years her junior named Richard John Tobin PERSON.After dating for a while, they officially became boyfriend girlfriend on August 1st, 2023, when Rachel, again, was 37, and Richard was 27. But Rachel PERSON was really excited about him because she and Richard PERSON had a lot in common and had been really enjoying their time together. They both shared a passion for fitness,they ran a 5K marathon together, and hit the gym every week. So everything seemed perfect, but some people in her life were concerned about Richard PERSON's prior run-ins with the law, in which he had racked up charges that included criminal second-degree assault,violating restraining orders, drug possession, malicious destruction of property, traffic violations, resisting arrest, and drunk and disorderly. But apparently by the time he had met Rachel PERSON, Richard PERSON had turned his life around and held a steady job working as an electrician's apprentice in the area. So again, everything seemed to be smooth sailing and Rachel PERSON seemed really happy in life.

Speaker 2654.8s - 685.02s

On Saturday, August 5th, 2023, Rachel spent the day taking some time for herself. At 2 p.m., she headed over to her favorite tanning salon, a place in Bel Air GPE called Glow. Then after her tanning session, she met up with her very new boyfriend Richard PERSON, and the two spent a few hours together. The next part of the day is a little bit conflicting, because some reports state that Richard dropped Rachel PERSON off at home so that he could go to the gym, and other reports state that Richard and Rachel PERSON attended the gym together.

Speaker 7685.32s - 698.66s

This is such an L. Woods PERSON moment, but I doubt she went to the gym after the tanning salon. Even if she used a tan bed, it's just recommended to tan after working out. Also, gym tan laundry, but I don't think this part's really relevant anyway.

Speaker 2699.08s - 700.56s

I love that you brought that up, though.

Speaker 7700.94s - 702s

Legally blonde, right?

Speaker 9702s - 703.14s

Yeah, nice.

Speaker 7703.82s - 706.18s

So if she did go home instead of the gym,

Speaker 9706.32s - 708.18s

we're not sure what she did for four hours,

Speaker 7708.32s - 710.1s

but at 6 p.m. that evening TIME,

Speaker 1710.7s - 713s

Rachel PERSON left her home on Old Emerton Road

Speaker 2713s - 768.26s

and drove herself to a local trailhead called the Ma and Paw Heritage Trail located on the edge of town, and this is how the trail is described on mappa trail.org ORG. Quote,The Ma and Pa Heritage Trail is located on portions of the former Maryland GPE and Pennsylvania Railroad Corridor in Bel Air and Forest Hill, Maryland. Our nonprofit organization, the Ma' and Paw Heritage Trail, Inc., strives to make the Ma' and Paa Trail the best place to walk, run, and ride a bike in Harford County GPE. Currently, the trail consists of a 3.3-mile section in Bel Air and a 1.7-mile segment in Forest Hill GPE. Recently, in partnership with the town of Bel Air, Harford County GPE has acquired an easement for a small stretch of land that will finally allow for the connection of its Bel Air and Forest Hill GPE sections. The eventual connection will result in a nearly 8-mile-long trail that runs through the heart of Bel QUANTITY Air.

Speaker 7768.98s - 900.12s

This trail is a very popular spot for locals with a gorgeous winding wooden bridge and a bunch of natural beauty. And it also happened to be very familiar to Rachel PERSON. Her mom, Patty, said that Rachel PERSON had spent a lot of time on this trail as a child, like during family outings, but she was concerned when she found out that Rachel would walk the trail alone. Patty said, quote, she loved people and was outgoing, so that made me scared for her. I would tell her all the time, Rachel, don't walk the trail by herself. So her mom's worried that she could potentially talk to the wrong person or the wrong person could be on the trail. But there are so many other things can happen. Like I am constantly telling this to my mom who always hikes alone because one time sheeven tripped over a rock and broke her arm and she was alone. And she was like a mile away from her car and there was nobody around. So whether it be for just general safety in this way or like I'm saying, safety from strangers on the trail, Rachel PERSON's mom just didn't like when she went hiking by herself, even though it was much more practical to do so. As we know, you can't always have a hiking buddy. So on this particular day, Rachel PERSON did just that. She went hiking alone. But keep in mind,this is a beautiful Saturday in August DATE, so it's believed that there were other people out enjoying this trail at the same time. However, there are wooded areas on either side of the pathway, which you'll see in photos on our socials. So there are a lot of spots that a person could conceal themselves pretty easily if they wanted to. So a few hours after Rachel set off on the Monpaw Trail FAC, the sunlight started to fade for the dayand people close to Rachel PERSON began to grow concerned. Typically, when Rachel PERSON would go hike this trail, she would only be gone for about an hour or so. So this day, she went at 6 o'clock, meaning she should have been back around 7, which was roughly an hour before sunset TIME. So once multiple hours passed and it was dark outside, it was clear that something was wrong.

Speaker 2900.6s - 1011.24s

At 11.23 p.m. that night, so about five hours after Rachel PERSON left for her hike, Harford County Police received a call from Richard Tobin PERSON, explaining that his girlfriend had gone out for a run on the Monpaw Trail and never returned. Before making this call, Richard PERSON had made his way to the trailhead where he discovered Rachel PERSON's car, still sitting in the dark parking lot at the Williams Street FAC entrance, which is really what prompted him to call police because it was clear that she had neverfinished her hike. And to describe where her car was a little bit better, the parking lot isn't in a rural area off the beaten path, but more so on the edge of town. Now, from Google Maps, we can see that there are apartment buildings just across from the trailhead and right alongside the parking lot, as well as a brewery and some other small businesses. And we will post photos of this area on our social so that you guys can get a visual of the scene. And also, the trail is closed dawn to dusk.So yeah, there is no reason that she would still have been out there and no reason why her car would still be in that parking lot. So after looking for her in the dark and being unable to locate her, early the next morning, which was Sunday, Harford County Police ORG asked the public for help in finding her. They created a missing poster that listed Rachel as 5 foot, 2 inches tall, weighing 107 pounds QUANTITY with blonde hair and blue eyes, and last seen at 6 p.m. on Saturday, August 5th, wearing a blue or black tank top, a black sports bra, black spandex shorts, and gray running shoes. Now, at this time, some of Rachel's family was in Kentucky GPE becausesadly her brother Nathan PERSON had tragically lost his four-month-old daughter to SIDS or sudden infant death syndrome. And the funeral was that

Speaker 71011.24s - 1016.3s

very same weekend that Rachel PERSON disappeared. God, this poor family having to deal with all of this,

Speaker 21016.36s - 1076.82s

especially at the same time? I mean, it's just incredibly devastating. Rachel PERSON, unfortunately, had to stay behind and work because she was short on funds. So the town of Bel Air GPE really rallied together, forming volunteer groups to help aid in the search for Rachel Morin. Then, just after 1 p.m. on Sunday, TIME August 6th, a horrifying discovery was made. One of Rachel's friends, a man named Michael and his stepdaughter who were part of the volunteer group, decided to search a few drainage tunnels near the trail.And I want to say real quick that these drainage tunnels, they run kind of parallel to the trail. So Michael said, quote, I kept telling them to search the tunnels because I had a feeling about those tunnels. I walked forward to search the one tunnel, and they searched the other one. And that's where they found her. There, by the Maryland 24 Bypass, Michael's stepdaughter and her friend found the deceased body of 37-year-old Rachel Morin PERSON.

Speaker 71077.62s - 1217.98s

Michael, again, who is Rachel PERSON's friend, explained that when Rachel's body was discovered, she was surrounded by a pool of blood, and her face had been beaten so badly that she was unrecognizable. Michael said, quote, she was laying on her back fully naked, and she had brutal head trauma. It looked like her head had been smashed in with a rock. There was a 15 to 20 foot blood trail, so it looked like she had been beaten and dragged into that position. It looked like the killer was trying to erase her identity.The right side of her face was gone. So very disturbing details here and extremely devastating for anybody who knew and loved Rachel PERSON to have to know that this is what happened to her. Patty Morin PERSON stated, quote, it was very, very hard. It's like living in this pit of this fear in your stomach and not being able to do anything about it because you're 500 miles away.Near Rachel PERSON's body, there was also a blood-covered rock that is surmised to have been the murder weapon in this case. It was very apparent to police that they were investigating a clear homicide. And of course, the first person they needed to contact was one of the last people to see Rachel PERSON alive. And the person who found her car, Richard Tobin PERSON. But he maintained his innocence and his story of that day, writing in a since-deleted Facebook comment, quote,I love Rachel PERSON. I would never do anything to her. Let the family and I grieve. Yes, I have a past, but I also have 15 months clean and have changed as a person. Police kept Richard on their radar, but also asked the public who may have been on the trail that day and may have taken pictures to email them at Maddoxc ORG at harfordsharef.org. Sheriff Gaylor PERSON stated, quote,Investigators are confident based on what they observed at the scene that this was not an accident and this was not self-inflicted.

Speaker 21221.24s - 1225.28s

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Speaker 71228.62s - 1247.08s

Earnin ORG is an app that gives you access to your pay as you work, up to $100 per day or up to $750 per pay period. All you got to do is download the Earnon ORG app and verify your paycheck. Meaning if it's not quite payday and you need some extra cash to pay that bill on time or take that person on a date, Ehrnan ORG has your back.

Speaker 21250.08s - 1255.04s

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Speaker 71255.36s - 1269.76s

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Speaker 21270.24s - 1284.52s

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Speaker 71286.06s - 1307.36s

Heath PERSON and I are major sufferers of seasonal allergies. They are the worst. It can even be difficult to host this show when our noses are all clogged up. We have tried brand after brand, but luckily, for those of us who live with symptoms of allergies, we can live Clareton Clear with Claritin ORG D. And big shout out to Claritin for supporting this show and providing us with samples.

Speaker 21307.84s - 1319.48s

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Speaker 71319.72s - 1340.08s

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Speaker 21340.08s - 1346.3s

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Speaker 71346.76s - 1351.6s

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Speaker 21351.9s - 1357.26s

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Speaker 01357.64s - 1388.24s

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Speaker 101388.5s - 1437.5s

Greedy corporate megastores, led by Walmart and Target ORG, are pushing for law and Congress ORG to take away your hard-earned cashback and travel points to line their pockets. The Durbin Marshall Credit Card Bill LAW would enact harmful credit card routing mandates that would end credit card rewards as we know it if you love your credit card rewards tell your lawmakers hands off my rewards tell them to oppose the derbin martial credit card bill after the discovery of rate after the discovery of Rachel's body, an autopsy was conducted on August 7th that confirmed that the deceased woman was in fact Rachel Morin PERSON.

Speaker 21437.82s - 1521.94s

But the details of the cause and manner of death have not been revealed to the public, and we think this is because it's an effort to protect the investigation. Rachel's car was also sent to Forest Hill GPE, which is the town that shares part of the trail with Bel Air GPE, in order to be processed and examined for potential evidence. When the announcement was made that Rachel PERSON was found murdered, her case began to garner a ton of media attention and online attention, hence why we got so many suggestions for this case. And tips really began to flood in to the Hartford GPE investigators.And one theory that was quickly posed by online sleuths was that Michael, the one who had this strange feeling about finding her body in the tunnel, was a potential suspect. In an interview, Michael claimed that he had a vision or premonition, if you will, before Rachel PERSON's body was discovered, that Rachel PERSON would be found in those tunnels. And a lot of people found this very suspicious, especially since the police had been searchingalongside volunteers in the area of the trail for hours. And Michael claims that he found her body within just one hour of searching. So some felt like this was a little bit too convenient. But Michael also claimed that he had experience in these types of searches because he was previously a part of parks and recreation search and rescue teams and that he just had a feeling and he turned out to be right here.

Speaker 71522.56s - 1551s

So it's weird on its head, but everyone should honestly just be grateful that he looked there and found her when he did. So as police dug deeper into her life, they uncovered the names of some of Rachel PERSON's exes and began investigating them to see if they could have reason to be involved. But detectives discovered that each one of themhad solid alibis for the evening of Rachel PERSON's murder. So they were all ultimately ruled out. Like this was not a lover's quarrel gone bad.

Speaker 21551.16s - 1563.02s

Yeah, and I'm sure a lot of people that were looking, you know, at this case from the outside, thought that there was a potential for an ex-lover to be involved here. But as we're going to get into, that just wasn't the case.

Speaker 71563.14s - 1699.16s

Yeah, I mean, it makes sense, obviously, to look into that, but investigators quickly found out that was not it. And as Heath PERSON said, a bunch of tips were streaming in from all the attention that the case was getting, and a collection of them seemed like good leads to begin with. But sadly, none of them led police any closer to discovering what happened to Rachel and who was responsible.So it started feeling like justice for Rachel PERSON was kind of slipping away from them. That is, until August 17, 23, 12 days after Rachel PERSON was killed, when investigators were hit with a complete bombshell of a lead. That day, it was confirmed that foreign DNA that was found on Rachel PERSON's body and collected by a forensic team, and that was analyzed by a lab in Maryland, was a match to a DNA profile that was stored in the FBI's Kodis system or the National DNA Database ORG. The only problem was that the identity of that person was not known.So here's what happened. Basically, on March 26th of 2023, a little over five months DATE before Rachel PERSON's murderer, a home invasion and sexual assault of a young girl, so a child, occurred in South Los Angeles, California, where the perpetrator left behind DNA that was collected and entered into CODIS. This very DNA was an exact match to the DNA that was later found on Rachel PERSON's body 2,600 miles away in Bel Air, Maryland GPE, all the way across the country.But there's more. This disgusting monster was caught on home security footage exiting that South L.A. LOC home in which he just burglarized and assaulted that young girl. So detectives were in immediate contact with the LAPD to analyze the two cases as well as this doorbell footage. And it is just crazy that this unknown person is committing these horrific, vicious crimes across the country in multiple states.Like, it just makes you wonder what else he's done because this can't be all of it.

Speaker 21699.3s - 1721.88s

It doesn't feel like it's all of it, you know? If he's willing to do these two things in two different states, he absolutely could be responsible for a lot more. And I want to try and describe this video a little bit more in case you can't go watch it on our socials right now. But if you can now or when you can, we really encourage all of our listeners to please share it in hopes that somebody out there

Speaker 71721.88s - 1732.16s

will recognize this guy. Yeah, remember this killer and child abuser is at large and somebody has to know who he is. So on this doorbell camera that's

Speaker 21732.16s - 1852.02s

facing the street, you can clearly see a shirtless man coming out of the front door, which is located to the right of the camera's view of this South Los Angeles LOC residence, walking backwards out the door so you can see the side of his upper body and head, and he's saying something, but sadly there is no audio for this doorbell camera video. And the person inside the home slamming the door shut behind him.Many assumed that this was the girl that he assaulted slamming the door and then locking it, but this has not been confirmed. You then see him casually walk down the front steps of the porch and exit the camera view to the right, passing through the front yard. When this man first exits the home, you can see a slight profile of his face before he turns his back to the camera, and then he leaves the property. Again, he's shirtless in this video, wearing a chain around his neck and a pair of what look like blue sweatpants, but I've seen other people say that it looks like blue jeans.I don't really think it looks like blue jeans, but to each their own, I guess. He has dark, short hair that's styled in a fade with the lower half of his head completely shaved, and he's also barefoot carrying something under his arm that looks kind of like it might be a jacket. And the tough part about this is the body parts that we can see in the up-close portions of the video don't show any distinguishable tattoos or scars, but detectives describe thesuspect as a, quote, Hispanic male who was about 5'9 160 pounds QUANTITY, believed to be between 20 and 25 years old DATE with a muscular build. They created a wanted poster as well that shows screenshots from the home invasion, as well as a composite sketch of the suspect with a hat on and also without a hat. And we are going to share this poster on our socials as well. Currently, the reward for information leading up to an arrest is $35,000.

Speaker 71852.7s - 1890.94s

It's really strange because, yeah, in the video, there is like a thin arm inside with a long sleeve kind of over their hand closing the door, or at least over their, you know, the bottom of their palm. And it looks like a young person's arm because of how kind of like small and thin it is and how their arm reaches to the middle of the door, like kind of telling us maybe they're a little bit shorter.But it's weird too because it's like he's talking to them and saying something before casually leaving. Like he didn't just break in and assault her. It's like almost like a boyfriend leaving in the night. That's what I kind of am feeling from what I'm seeing.

Speaker 21891.18s - 1901.5s

Yeah, I totally agree with you. Yeah, it doesn't seem like he's in a hurry. He's not running down the steps or anything like that. And it seems like very casual for such a horrific thing to occur.

Speaker 71901.64s - 1930.68s

Yeah, if you didn't know what this was, you wouldn't think that this guy just broke in at all. It doesn't give that energy. And it also makes me wonder if he knew that this camera was behind him, because the way that he backs up, he's not trying to necessarily conceal himself.He's just walking backwards out the door, but I think he's doing that because he's talking to the person inside, not because he doesn't want the camera to see him, because he's not like hiding his face

Speaker 21930.68s - 1945.32s

necessarily. Right. Yeah, he's definitely not hiding from the doorbell camera. It looks as if, you know, he's just, unfortunately, he's just leaving that residence and sadly, we didn't get a full picture of his face here.

Speaker 71945.44s - 1965.54s

Yeah, but you can see part of the side. You can see his haircut very well. So go check it out. Somebody must know who this guy is, even though you can't see very much. But clearly he takes care of himself enough to not look disheveled and to have this fresh haircut, but no one has been able to identify him yet. It's nuts.

Speaker 21970.26s - 2122.36s

And police from Harford County did send detectives out to Los Angeles to speak with the victim of this assault, who again was a minor, but it's unclear at this moment exactly what happened, and there are very minimal details available about what exactly occurred. We obviously see the perpetrator leaving through the front door, but since there isn't video footage of him entering the front door, it kind of leads us to believe that he may have gained access to the home through a window or possibly a back door. And sadly, the victim was not able to ID the suspect in this case, meaning that the victim did not know her attacker.And it's been reported that the victim was home alone at the time that this assault occurred. and it's been reported that the victim was home alone at the time that this assault occurred. This obviously now meant that Richard Tobin, Michael, and anyone else that was speculated to be involved in Rachel PERSON's murder was now crossed off detectives' list. They had their perp's DNA. Richard Tobin PERSON also provided detectives with a DNA sample as well as his cell phone in order to clear his name, and he isn't sure who her attacker is either. Unfortunately, to this day, detectives have not been able to identify nor locate the man that they believe is responsible for this horrifying murder.But despite that, their efforts continue, and they've sent investigators to Chicago to track down a potential unknown lead, and they've also distributed flyers of the suspect to many different states in English and in Spanish LANGUAGE. In the aftermath of Rachel PERSON's death, the rental home that she had been living in has since been demolished, and Rachel PERSON's children are now living with their respective fathers. But the children are absolutely devastated at the loss of their mother, with John Alderson, the father of two of Rachel PERSON's children, stating, quote,they'll be fine, and then all of the sudden, they'll be angry. They'll break down and cry. I try to sit down and talk with them, and I cry too. But the three fathers have joined together in the fight for justice for Rachel PERSON, and also to ensure that all the kids will continue to stay connected. Matt McMahon PERSON stated, quote, it's been tough for all of them. The memories are still there, but the tangible place where the memories happened are gone. Matt has actually been one of the most invested people in this case, recently going door to door in Bel Air, Maryland GPE, talking with residents and distributing flyers. He said, quote, Rachel PERSON's name and the information about the suspect have tostay in the news. The reason why it has to stay in the news isn't so that we just get justice for Rachel PERSON, it's to make sure that this doesn't happen to somebody else. Yeah, because clearly,

Speaker 72122.36s - 2128.06s

the guy responsible is an active criminal. This isn't just like a one-time thing. Absolutely.

Speaker 22129s - 2133.7s

A memorial walk for Rachel took place at the Ma and Paw Trail FAC back in August of

Speaker 72133.7s - 2137.9s

2023 that her family and friends called a Trail of Life FAC.

Speaker 22138.9s - 2142.32s

Photos of Rachel lined the trees throughout the three-mile walk,

Speaker 72142.5s - 2145.18s

covered in candles and brightly colored flowers.

Speaker 22146s - 2151.54s

A spokesperson for the Moran family said that day, quote, today, instead of looking at the end of

Speaker 72151.54s - 2165.82s

her life, we're here to remember her life and the things she gave to everyone who knew her. Now, let's talk about the suspect a little bit more so we can pose a few of our own theories and thoughts regarding this guy. Yeah, this piece of shit.

Speaker 22166.06s - 2166.24s


Speaker 72166.32s - 2249.62s

As we know, Bel Air GPE is a pretty tight-knit community in fairly small town. Again, it just has a little over 10,000 people today. And we know that he traveled from California all the way to Maryland GPE. So some of the questions that kind of linger are, you know, what was he doing in Maryland GPE? And specifically, this small town? Like, was he there for work? Maybe he had been living in California and then moved to Maryland GPE duringthat kind of five, six month period between the home invasion and Rachel PERSON's murder, you know? But some people have posited that his hairstyle is indicative of potentially a military haircut, even though that is kind of a popular haircut in general for any guy. But if he is in the military, did he transfer to one of the many military bases in Maryland GPE? And who did he stay with during his time in Maryland GPE if he wasn't in the armed forces? Law enforcement believed that the killer didn't knowRachel PERSON before brutally taking her life. So is it possible that he maybe saw her and stalked her prior to her murder? This is actually what police believe that he hadeither spotted her earlier on the trail and waited for her, or that he was just stalking this wooded area alongside the trail waiting for like a lone female to pass by.

Speaker 22249.86s - 2252.9s

Yeah, it seems like kind of an opportunistic situation for him.

Speaker 72252.98s - 2272.32s

So gross. So we also have to wonder, what was he doing that day on the mom-and-paw trail specifically? Was this a crime of opportunity? But I don't know. It feels more likely to me that he went there for that reason. I kind of doubt that he's just on an innocent hike and then he sees her and attacks her.You know, that's, I'm not getting that feeling here.

Speaker 22272.7s - 2281.44s

Yeah, especially because of his prior crime, it kind of feels like he's doing these things purposefully and he's not, he's not really just waiting for an opportunity.

Speaker 72282.32s - 2352.62s

He's on the prowl. He's on the prowl, exactly. Well, like I had said before as well, this was a summer Saturday DATE, so I am sure there were a lot of other people on the trail. And because of that, it is so hard to believe that Rachel PERSON and her killerwere not spotted by other people, that people didn't say, oh yeah, I saw this guy that matches that description hiking that day, and he kind of weirded me out because of the way he was looking at me or whatever. Nobody came forward saying that as far as we know. But recently in the latest update regarding Rachel's case, authorities say, quote, a group of potential witnesses seen on the hiking trail where Rachel Moran PERSON was killed have now come forward. These witnesses were described as either three men, two women, and two dogs, or two men, three women and two dogs. So at least five people and two dogs have come forward with informationthat has not been released, but they have been identified. They are talking to police about what they potentially did see. So this could provide more information if they did see anything crucial that day.

Speaker 22353.3s - 2472.26s

Yeah, I mean, that's five people that could have seen something that day on that trail. Hopefully they did. Well, terrifyingly, it's also been revealed that two other women have been attacked on Maryland trails in the months after Rachel PERSON's murder. At 6.30 a.m. on March 11, 2024, a woman reported to police that she had been hit from behind while jogging a trail in Ellicott City Centennial Park, which is about an hour southwest of Bel Air GPE. But fortunately, she was able to flee her attacker and make it back to her car, suffering a minor injury during this assault.The woman said, quote, it's definitely really scary. I used to run by myself all the time. I feel like I always have to have someone with me now when I'm walking or just running. I don't want to run with AirPods PRODUCT or anything because it's just scary. That can happen in broad daylight in front of a public place and front of a lot of people. But just before this woman's attack, another woman was attacked on March 6, 2024, on the Canal Toe Path Trail, near the town of Point of Rocks, which is located two hours southeast of Bel Air GPE. The woman said that she witnessed a man watching her begin her route from the trailhead,and when she returned, he was waiting for her, and this was just after 4 p.m. TIME that day. She told police that she tried to call a friend, but the man forced her to the ground and covered her nose and mouth with his hand, saying that if she cooperated, she wouldn't get hurt. She said, quote, he kept saying that he wanted to get me up the hill, which was towards the river bank.But I didn't want to go anywhere. The woman was able to escape her attacker as well, and then she called police. Shortly after this, state police arrived at the scene, and they were joined by National Park Service law enforcement rangers and Maryland Natural Resources Police ORG.

Speaker 72472.72s - 2478.44s

And whether the man or men in these scenarios looked like Rachel PERSON's attacker is not known to the public.

Speaker 22478.82s - 2483.84s

Yeah, we really don't know anything about this. We don't know if they're connected, but there's a potential there.

Speaker 72483.84s - 2618.68s

But it is very unsettling to know that these attacks took place mere months after Rachel PERSON's murder on different trails within Maryland, not far from Rachel PERSON's own attack. So even though Maryland isn't that small, it actually ranks 18th out of 50th for most populated states, it's not out of the realm of possibility that these other attacks could be linked. But for now, it's just speculation without any concrete evidence.Another possibility that seems to align with Patty PERSON's views is that the killer fled to a different country. Last month, so in April of 2024, she was interviewed by a news outlet saying, quote, in broad daylight to grab someone and murder them, it shows that they have no respect for human life.Possibly there's somebody that he's in cahoots with that's helping to hide him, or he's changing his appearance. You don't just disappear. An attorney for the Morin PERSON family echoed and elaborated on this, stating, quote, We know he's a Hispanic NORP male. We know he has the propensity to travel from California to Maryland GPE.He may be willing to travel out of the country. In an effort to stop the killer from leaving the country and hiding out, Rachel PERSON's family launched a commercial ad campaign in April that would potentially help citizens identify the suspect. The family attorney stated, quote, in a strategic effort to reach a broad audience, the commercial will be launched on social media platforms in Bel Air GPE,Los Angeles, and border towns along the U.S. Mexico GPE border. The commercial will reach someone who has not yet seen the sketch or doorbell camera video in the hopes of finally bringing Rachel Morin's PERSON killer to justice. And hopefully that works, but again, it's hard because in the video, it's not like you have a very clear profile, you can see part of their face and their hair, so somebody that knows this person could see it and not necessarily put the pieces together.Like you said, Heath PERSON, there are no scars, no tattoos, nothing super specific. But something that I would love to see if this doesn't work is genealogical DNA testing.

Speaker 22618.98s - 2638.32s

That's what I think is probably going to break this case wide open because they have the DNA from this guy, but they don't, they don't have his name. They don't have his identity because he was never put into the Kodis ORG system as a criminal. Like they, his DNA wasn't put in there because he had committed a crime

Speaker 72638.32s - 2643.8s

previously, right? Yeah. So it's, it's very hard, but the testing really could crack it here.

Speaker 22643.8s - 2646.4s

Yeah, because they have a full sample.

Speaker 72646.54s - 2655.3s

It's not like they have a partial. They could put this in, and it could lead to answer. So at least there is that option. And I wonder if they're exploring it.

Speaker 22655.3s - 2754.94s

I guarantee they probably are going to explore this if they haven't already. But the possibilities are endless as to where Rachel PERSON's killer is now. But hope is not lost, and that is precisely why it is so important to share today's story, as well as the composite sketch and the doorbell footage. We honestly believe that it's only a matter of time until this man is caught based on the DNA and video, especially since this only happened nine months ago from when we're recording this.Police believe that this man is very, very dangerous, and the FBI ORG has profiled him as, quote, likely narcissistic, lacking empathy, manipulative, and a pathological liar. They also believe that if he is not caught, the likelihood of him killing again is extremely high. Now, the weather is getting much better,which means that more people are going to be out on the trails in the next few months, so please stay safe out there. And if you have any information regarding Rachel PERSON's murder or the suspect in her case, please contact the Harford County Sheriff's Tip Line ORG at 1-866-7 lockup. Or you can contact the department directly at 410-836-7788. And if you'd like to submit a tip through email,please reach out to rMtips at harfordsharef.org. Thank you so much everybody for listening to this episode of Going West ORG.

Speaker 72755.16s - 2757.38s

Yes, thank you guys so much for listening to this episode.

Speaker 22757.38s - 2767.72s

And I don't want to harp on it again or too much, but go check out our socials if you want to see the video of that guy from the doorbell camera video. And also just to see the composite sketch of him as well.

Speaker 72767.88s - 2802.24s

Yeah, share, share. I haven't seen like any Instagram ORG shares for a long time. But it means a lot when you guys post on your stories about these cases, particularly the ones that are unsolved because you never know. Like if you share this video of the doorbell footage on your Instagram story or your Facebook ORG or whatever, you never know who could be the person that will recognize him. Soplease make sure you do it. Rachel PERSON's family is desperate for answers. And there is a very dangerous person on the loose. So I really think this is so close to being solved. I do as well.

Speaker 22802.24s - 2812.54s

And thank you guys again for listening. Thank you for sharing. And we will see you on Tuesday. Indeed. All right, guys, so for everybody out there in the world,

Speaker 72812.54s - 2852.76s

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