Episode 184: Lover and a Fighterboy

Episode 184: Lover and a Fighterboy

by Don‘t Be All Like, Uncool

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42:09 minutes

published 13 days ago


Copyright 2020 All rights reserved.


Speaker 20s - 40.64s

Hello, and welcome to don't Be All Like a cool, a way too deep dive into the shallowest people on the planet. I'm Juliet, and I'm here with my good friend Alex, and we are with Adelizabeth PERSON yet again. Yet again.

Speaker 340.74s - 42.98s

Alex, do you have a tagline this week?

Speaker 243.4s - 46.92s

If you don't know Pickleball, have you been watching Bravo ORG at all?

Speaker 347.54s - 55.1s

And that is for Melissa from New Jersey, who this week when playing pickleball, asked like what it was. Right.

Speaker 155.18s - 60.74s

And it kind of clicked for, Melissa PERSON does seem like she does not study the other housewife shows.

Speaker 360.86s - 61.82s

Do you agree with this read?

Speaker 262.1s - 78.06s

Oh, I completely agree. She also doesn't study just common things we all know. Like the fact that she told her daughter to go sew her wild oats this week, but had no clue what the phrase was and no clue what it meant just kind of shows that I think Melissa PERSON.

Speaker 178.06s - 82.8s

That was going to be my next point. Oh, sorry. I think Melissa PERSON just lives in her own world.

Speaker 382.8s - 88.58s

And she doesn't need Housewives WORK_OF_ART or pickleball or oats to be happy.

Speaker 188.84s - 89.84s

Is she the, who's the one?

Speaker 390s - 95.96s

And another one asked another like Bravo common sense question on Jersey this week. Someone asked like what a roadie is.

Speaker 296.58s - 97.42s

Oh, that was Danielle PERSON.

Speaker 398.26s - 100.22s

So maybe the whole Jersey GPE cast is like.

Speaker 2100.84s - 107.94s

And Danielle PERSON you would think would have one of her t-shirts and her little kid line would be like, here's to Rotties.

Speaker 0108.08s - 109.96s

That kind of seems on brand for her.

Speaker 3110.32s - 112.18s

Yet she didn't know what it was.

Speaker 0112.32s - 115.92s

And then failed when she was taught what a Rody PRODUCT was to get herself a Rode.

Speaker 3116.02s - 124s

She was sitting there with an empty cup, complaining about her empty cup. Is it just that they don't watch these shows as closely as we do for our deep analysis of them?

Speaker 2124.38s - 134.56s

I think so. I feel like Jersey GPE would do well to study more. Though I'm having a great time. Maybe they're just so on their own, their own garden state. They don't need anyone else.

Speaker 4135.74s - 136.22s

All right.

Speaker 2136.62s - 152.92s

My tagline is, he doesn't like Italian food, divorces, or the Jersey GPE shore. But Polly PERSON is still the man for me. And every single episode, if we watch of New Jersey, I think Dolores PERSON get out of there.

Speaker 0153.1s - 165.58s

I can keep doing this tagline if we keep learning something about Polly PERSON that just shows that he and Dolores PERSON are not meant for each other. And we can just keep going. And by the end of my tagline, I'm going to have 17 knocks against Polly PERSON.

Speaker 3166.06s - 167.98s

I have another knock against Polly PERSON. Oh.

Speaker 2168.04s - 169.06s

We're not getting any Frank PERSON.

Speaker 3170.2s - 173.12s

Oh, yes. Where is he?

Speaker 2173.84s - 179.84s

And it's odd because Frank PERSON's fiancé seems like she's very bravo forward.

Speaker 3180.22s - 181.88s

She seems like she watches, yes.

Speaker 2182.08s - 185.96s

If the phone rang, they would answer.

Speaker 3186.74s - 192.18s

Yeah, and if they were like, all right, pop quiz for you, do you know what a roadie is? You know what sewing your wild oats means? She'd know.

Speaker 2192.32s - 196.48s

She would know. So I feel like, do you think Dolores PERSON is keeping them at bay?

Speaker 3196.84s - 203.06s

Maybe Frank PERSON's just really happy. It's a relationship and doesn't need to be on this show.

Speaker 2203.22s - 205.06s

We got Frank PERSON in a flashback.

Speaker 3205.26s - 215.46s

And even with Polly right there, people always go up to her and ask her, like, how's Frank PERSON? So it's like other people aren't going to let us forget Frank PERSON either.

Speaker 2215.58s - 219.24s

No. Are we in the Jersey GPE segment right now?

Speaker 3219.24s - 220.04s

We're in the Jersey GPE segment.

Speaker 2220.4s - 221s

All right.

Speaker 3223.74s - 226.3s

No Jen Fessler and no Jackie PERSON.

Speaker 2226.96s - 229.88s

Those are our two people who are a friend of.

Speaker 3230.96s - 233.16s

That's so Jackie PERSON, sure, that makes sense.

Speaker 2233.16s - 250.96s

Yeah. But this season feels like it's revolving around Jen Fessler PERSON. Gin Fessler is making the season happen. She is a one-woman alliance-breaking band over here. Which is good because not only is it

Speaker 3250.96s - 254.54s

surprising like Marge and the people that you thought that she was like aligned with, it's surprising

Speaker 2254.54s - 260.78s

me, the viewer. Because I didn't think Jen Fessler PERSON had it in her. I think what it is. And this

Speaker 3260.78s - 265.74s

might be reading into it a little too much, something Rachel PERSON said.

Speaker 2272.36s - 273.12s

But Rachel at her Jersey house made the comment to how much money she spent on Jin Fessler's PERSON party.

Speaker 4274.78s - 274.86s

And Jen Fessler PERSON, like, didn't take the bait.

Speaker 0275.68s - 283.28s

She just ignored it. I think Rachel PERSON might be an annoying friend. And I think Jen Fessler is like, I do not want to hang out with Rachel anymore. Interesting.

Speaker 2283.46s - 288.92s

I think this is a strategic move to move away from Rachel and John PERSON.

Speaker 3289.68s - 294.22s

And also Rachel main cast member, Fessler PERSON, not a main cast member.

Speaker 2294.38s - 312.34s

True, true, true, true. Also, John, though, I am liking the Fudas PERSON. Like, I think they're funny. The fact that John PERSON's like, I have nothing to say. I have nothing to say. I have nothing to say. And then proceeds to like hate on Teresa and Louis PERSON any chance he gets.I know.

Speaker 3312.44s - 322.2s

Right when he sees Teresa PERSON, he like goes into like a blind fury. I also think back to Fessler PERSON for a moment, who we're calling Fessler now. Have you noticed?

Speaker 4322.36s - 324.96s

Yes. You know, we're calling her Jen Fessler PERSON. Is it because she's upgraded?

Speaker 3326.76s - 331.76s

Because this goes into my point of, when you call someone Jen Fessler PERSON, which they all do,

Speaker 2331.86s - 338.96s

they call her by her full name, it sort of makes her two-dimensional. It's kind of like a cartoon character. That's Jen Fessler PERSON. That's like a character name. Yes.

Speaker 3339.16s - 354.36s

So they don't expect such like bold moves by Jen Fessler PERSON, or Fessler, as we're calling her now. Like, when things are getting, like, really crazy with her and, like, really heated, are they going to scream Jen Fessler PERSON at her? Like, are they going to keep the full name thing up?

Speaker 2354.68s - 355.98s

I think so.

Speaker 3356.9s - 360.68s

What do they do with Jesse Solomon PERSON? I mean, I guess he hasn't gotten any, like, fights with anyone yet.

Speaker 2361.12s - 364.28s

Even Jesse Solomon's own mom called him Jesse Solomon this week.

Speaker 3364.28s - 365.78s

That is true.

Speaker 2366.5s - 372.08s

But then like, do we call Jen PERSON Aiden, Jin Aiden? Or do we just call her Jen? I think we just call her Jen.

Speaker 3372.24s - 376.24s

Okay. There's such a shorthand of people being annoyed with her. Yeah, no one calls her Aden PERSON.

Speaker 2377.12s - 383.86s

No. And Jen Aden PERSON right now is just a stage mom for her amazing daughters. I thought you were going to say for

Speaker 3383.86s - 386.16s

Teresa PERSON. Who like, I can't get over Olivia. I thought you were going to say for Teresa.

Speaker 2387.96s - 388.26s

Who like, I can't get over Olivia PERSON.

Speaker 3389.02s - 389.2s

I think she is.

Speaker 2390.22s - 390.46s

The one who doesn't age?

Speaker 3390.7s - 391.04s


Speaker 2395.34s - 397.8s

She's been an eight-year-old relationship therapist for like three seasons.

Speaker 3398.6s - 398.88s

Love her.

Speaker 2399.6s - 400.32s

Too cute.

Speaker 3402.56s - 402.76s

I'm also getting my toddlers and tiaras,

Speaker 2405.9s - 406.5s

which of course can't be on air anymore because it is too problematic.

Speaker 1408.42s - 409.06s

But Danielle PERSON is giving me that.

Speaker 4411.08s - 417.54s

So, thanks, Daniel PERSON, I suppose. But you got to give it to her, though, because she does have a website where you could buy something you would not want to buy.

Speaker 2418.94s - 419.06s

But you could still buy it.

Speaker 3424.34s - 425.22s

No, God, no, I don't want to buy a little mommy and me workout ensemble.

Speaker 1427.86s - 428.82s

I'm surprised that she's not one of the friend ofs, honestly.

Speaker 3431.64s - 438.16s

Yeah, we had such odd milestones this week. We were celebrating someone's eight years of sobriety and someone's six years of no brain tumor.

Speaker 2439.3s - 445.54s

But don't you think in like the Danielle versus Rachel PERSON, like, Rachel's the clear winner of like who would like, who would have fought last season to like be like a main, like stay a mane like Rachel's the clear winner of like who would like who would

Speaker 3445.54s - 450.8s

have fought last season to like be like a main like stay a main Rachel PERSON is the clear winner yeah yeah

Speaker 2450.8s - 456.1s

because like Danielle PERSON feels like we'll see but like by and large she like can't hang with like the

Speaker 3456.1s - 461.08s

drama she like has a hard time holding up to like scrutiny the whole brother thing yes I remember that

Speaker 2461.08s - 466.26s

like she like folded it like she like couldn't talk about that at all. No, and it was her presented storyline.

Speaker 3466.98s - 467.42s

I know.

Speaker 2468.14s - 471.1s

We're like, I have a hard time of matching that being brought up ever again.

Speaker 3471.22s - 473.3s

I think the cast, like, doesn't even want to, like, deal with that.

Speaker 1473.34s - 473.66s


Speaker 2474s - 476.62s

Maybe they're afraid that, like, that will, like, ruin the show.

Speaker 1476.9s - 477.2s


Speaker 3478.24s - 482.06s

Which, there are rumors online that this is going to be the last season of this show.

Speaker 2482.7s - 485.58s

I know there's always rumors about every Bravo ORG series.

Speaker 3485.78s - 487.38s

There's a lot of them about Jersey GPE.

Speaker 2487.66s - 492.26s

We are going out with a bang, if so, though, because I'm enjoying this ride.

Speaker 3492.5s - 493.32s

It's just colorful.

Speaker 2493.56s - 494.68s

It's fun to watch.

Speaker 1495.54s - 500.2s

There's so much drama with people having all their private detectives.

Speaker 3500.52s - 501.44s

Oh, that's always the best.

Speaker 2501.44s - 503.4s

All the Louise PERSON's private detective friends.

Speaker 3503.8s - 507.34s

If Marge, though, is the indicator of this show being over.

Speaker 2508.28s - 509.94s

She's not giving us her all.

Speaker 3510.08s - 513s

Yeah, well, she hasn't had a full betrayal by Fessler PERSON yet.

Speaker 2513.28s - 514.12s

I can't wait.

Speaker 3514.18s - 518.14s

I think that's going to make her explore. I love Marsh PERSON. I love her, too.

Speaker 2518.38s - 523.74s

I think she might be actively cheating on her husband, though, with this pickleball instructor. Yeah, but, you know.

Speaker 3524.38s - 530.38s

Yeah. And the thing you have to remember with this show, too, is, like, the husbands are their own, like, half of the equation.

Speaker 2530.62s - 530.98s


Speaker 3531.16s - 533.54s

And they always bring it. They do.

Speaker 2533.86s - 534.58s

But where's Bill PERSON?

Speaker 3535s - 542.48s

Where's Bill PERSON? Where's Bill PERSON? But we got Joe being an ally this week to Melissa PERSON's family.

Speaker 2542.76s - 543.28s


Speaker 3543.66s - 549.44s

Oh, I do like him too. I like this show. I think last season was just really tough to get through.

Speaker 2549.74s - 561.5s

And it doesn't affect me at all. The half the cast isn't talking to the other half of the cast. Most of these shows, I would be like, why are we even here? For some reason, in Jersey GPE, it just works. I'm fine with it.

Speaker 3561.5s - 563.5s

It's because the allegiances are so, like, ify.

Speaker 2563.72s - 567.64s

Yeah. So, like, if one side chooses not to film with the other, like, both sides, they're going

Speaker 3567.64s - 574.86s

to start to, like, uh, disassemble, you know? It's not like Vanderpump WORK_OF_ART where like, oh, if we just

Speaker 4574.86s - 580.1s

watched Ariane and Katie, it'd be the most boring show in the world, except maybe there's

Speaker 3580.1s - 583.4s

some cracks based on this week's reunion. We can't get into Vanderpump WORK_OF_ART yet. We can't get it.

Speaker 2583.4s - 585.1s

Okay, we're going to save it for last. Yeah.

Speaker 3585.22s - 587.32s

Okay, so where should we go from Jersey GPE?

Speaker 2588.56s - 592.32s

Let's travel northeast to Martha's Vineyard GPE.

Speaker 3596.06s - 598.86s

Speaking of internet reactions of people talking on the internet.

Speaker 2599.3s - 599.76s


Speaker 3599.86s - 603.38s

Do you know what have people been saying about this?

Speaker 2603.84s - 610.62s

Well, if you were to guess what side the internet is overwhelmingly on in regards to

Speaker 3610.62s - 613.52s

Nick PERSON versus the women of this cast?

Speaker 2614.04s - 614.98s

What would you say they're saying?

Speaker 3615.3s - 617.3s

I would say they're team Nick PERSON.

Speaker 2617.78s - 618.78s

Yes, overwhelmingly.

Speaker 3619.02s - 619.4s


Speaker 2619.58s - 620.54s

Everyone is Team Nick PERSON.

Speaker 3620.98s - 625.58s

I think Natalie PERSON is trying to get a spin-off.

Speaker 2626.48s - 627.88s

Everyone is anti-natally.

Speaker 3628.44s - 634.58s

My complaint was when she first showed up on our screen, how she was treating her relationship

Speaker 2634.58s - 642.86s

with Mir PERSON, like they were co-workers more than lovers. It's like she's using him to also

Speaker 1642.86s - 651.98s

get her own reality TV show. Like when she plopped herself down on that hammock, it was so genuine.

Speaker 2652.24s - 655.78s

I don't know. There's something. Yeah, I see why the internet doesn't like her.

Speaker 3655.78s - 663.76s

Her coming in as like the jealous girlfriend also didn't feel genuine. It feels like she's trying on these different acts to see like what works.

Speaker 2663.96s - 668.24s

So because like when you're saying like when she does, hang out with the other gals this episode,

Speaker 3668.74s - 671.22s

you're like, what, where's this coming from?

Speaker 2671.3s - 679.82s

Why is she being so chummy with them? And she's clearly trying to get information out of them. And she doesn't even do it subtly. Yeah.

Speaker 3680.32s - 685.12s

And then the drama she stirs up is it's not fun messy.

Speaker 2685.52s - 691.28s

It's like, and I think she like forgets that like, oh, they're all like really close friends.

Speaker 4691.7s - 694.78s

Like Brie was mad at her boyfriend for like maybe ruining Nick PERSON's party.

Speaker 3694.94s - 702.9s

Despite like what they're talking about, like they're still like good friends that don't want to like ruin each other's lives. And what Natalie's bringing up is something that could ruin Nick PERSON's life.

Speaker 2703.44s - 710.46s

Right. And his girlfriend, even though they may have hung out before, hates Natalie PERSON.

Speaker 3711s - 720.52s

Like when Natalie PERSON walked over and started touching her hair too much, I was like, this is weird, the pettingness of it. And she also gave Nick PERSON like a friendly little like arm squeeze when she walked away too.

Speaker 2720.74s - 723.52s

The irony, considering what Nick PERSON's being accused of.

Speaker 3723.92s - 727.94s

It's true. It's true. I also like in the flashbacks, and he has been Hansy, for sure.

Speaker 2728.2s - 740.96s

But the flashbacks that they show this week, it's like him about to like approach someone from like five feet away and they'd be like, no, uh-uh. Everyone like knows. It's interesting.

Speaker 3741.76s - 744.02s

And there's no way the girlfriend doesn't know this already.

Speaker 2744.74s - 745.04s

No, no. She's smart. She's smart enough to the girlfriend doesn't know this already. No.

Speaker 3745.14s - 745.7s

She's smart.

Speaker 2746.24s - 748.06s

She's smart enough to say, don't tell me.

Speaker 3748.18s - 756.12s

I'm over it. I saw a thing too with Preston talking about it like this week where he's like, hey, Nick's Hansy PERSON with me too. That's like how he is. He's just like he's a touchy guy.

Speaker 2756.32s - 756.52s


Speaker 3756.76s - 771.22s

Not okay still. But like everyone's aware of it and like they give, they tell him like the boundary. And then for Natalie PERSON to blow it up into like all the girls are saying,, really, really making it to a point where let's get this guy canceled. Right.

Speaker 1771.22s - 773.48s

Because you can see him, like, freaking out over that.

Speaker 3773.72s - 779.2s

There's just a lot of classic Bravo ORG non-clarification over what's going on.

Speaker 2779.58s - 789.1s

And I'm worried that Natalie's going to get a mirror off Martha's Vineyard GPE and I don't like that one bit. I just don't need to see her again, but I love him and they're still dating.

Speaker 3790.06s - 792.68s

Yeah, because he's clearly going to take her side on everything.

Speaker 2792.9s - 793.3s


Speaker 3793.94s - 796.48s

What do you think about Shanice PERSON's reaction to everything?

Speaker 2796.8s - 799.24s

She loves the drama. She does.

Speaker 3799.56s - 804.24s

Because she's the one that kind of like goes like headfirst into her and Brie PERSON at the end there.

Speaker 0804.44s - 809.68s

Brie makes sense because she never shies away from any conflict. She'll always like kind of up goes like headfirst into her and brie at the end there brie makes sense because she never shines away from any conflict she'll always like kind of up the ante every single

Speaker 3809.68s - 821.56s

time but she needs i'm like i never really know like what dog she has in the fight like ever it feels like she is just like i don't know brie makes sense to me it feels like a personality

Speaker 2821.56s - 826.02s

default with her right she's always so combative but with she needs like I have a hard time like reading her.

Speaker 1826.2s - 827.58s

And then I remember that she's a stalker.

Speaker 2827.88s - 832.24s

Yes. I know. Again, like all these people throwing stones.

Speaker 3833.86s - 835.88s

Bree PERSON and Simon

Speaker 2835.88s - 836.58s

are still together.

Speaker 3837.52s - 839.82s

That makes sense. That makes total sense to me.

Speaker 2840.24s - 844.94s

You know, she really held her own when she was like you were disrespectful at my event.

Speaker 1845.66s - 851.04s

If I was disrespectful at your events, you would have something to say.

Speaker 3851.66s - 856s

Cut to him very, like, quickly being like, you were awful at my event.

Speaker 1856.04s - 857.24s

And she was like, I know.

Speaker 3857.5s - 858s


Speaker 1858.52s - 859.3s

Not only was she awful.

Speaker 3859.46s - 861.42s

She lasted like five minutes of that event.

Speaker 2861.56s - 862.58s

It's at the core.

Speaker 3863.46s - 867.72s

And, you know, what she said happened, you know, absolutely awful.

Speaker 2867.72s - 874.1s

But it's just so crazy that she used that as an example of her being well behaved

Speaker 3874.1s - 877.58s

at an event when she like lost it and went and waited in the car.

Speaker 1877.6s - 878.8s

I think that was smart though.

Speaker 3878.84s - 882s

Because I think that she thought that he was going to counter with that.

Speaker 1882.08s - 883.34s

And then she was going to be able to like say it.

Speaker 2883.4s - 884.18s

Like, well, here's why.

Speaker 3884.26s - 885.06s

Like, I thought that was shitty

Speaker 2885.06s - 885.92s

and why your friends were shitty.

Speaker 4886.38s - 886.58s


Speaker 3887.26s - 896.14s

Because they were. But their relationship is just so funny because it feels like a lot of that, a lot of Brie setting up Simon PERSON to think that he's winning and then just demolishing him.

Speaker 2896.6s - 904.04s

It's so odd. And it's like we are speaking in Brie PERSON's native tongue. So like maybe that's why she comes off.

Speaker 3904.32s - 906.48s

So, like, with such the upper hand. But

Speaker 0906.48s - 914.44s

I just, I don't understand them as a couple. I truly, he must whine her and make her feel like a

Speaker 2914.44s - 920.5s

queen. Yeah. Well, she deserves. So good for her. Yeah. I love Brie PERSON. I love this cast. I do too.

Speaker 3921.04s - 925s

Jasmine's just like, Jasmine and Jordan don't exist this season. No.

Speaker 2925.04s - 928.94s

And there's such stars, really.

Speaker 3929.14s - 931.32s

It's wild to see them take such a back seat.

Speaker 2931.38s - 936.44s

Yeah, Jordan was like one of the people I fully remembered from last season going into this one.

Speaker 3936.56s - 936.78s


Speaker 2936.86s - 938.16s

She got herself on Winterhouse ORG.

Speaker 3938.16s - 944.94s

It makes like that episode like five weeks back where Alex PERSON calls her out for not saying anything even more like irrelevant.

Speaker 2949.08s - 952.38s

I don't know. It feels like he called out how quiet she was being all those weeks ago and then she was like, well, I'm just going to be that, I guess, for the rest of the season.

Speaker 3953.22s - 953.58s


Speaker 2953.98s - 957.02s

I guess if people are saying, if you're saying that I'm going to be quiet, I'll be quiet.

Speaker 3957.02s - 964.66s

Like I'll, I'm going to, it feels like a contrarian mode to be like, well, I'm not going to do anything for you. So I'm just going to keep doing nothing.

Speaker 2965s - 974.5s

Alex is doing the same thing he did last season where he starts, he's in the drama, full force at the first week. And then he just lays real low to where you kind of forget, he's there.

Speaker 3974.5s - 975.78s

He's the Luke PERSON of the show.

Speaker 2975.78s - 976.94s

Yes, he is the Luke PERSON of the show.

Speaker 3977.54s - 981.52s

He has, like, all the relationship problems, like, immediately, all everyone's fighting

Speaker 2981.52s - 982.6s

about him. Yes.

Speaker 3982.82s - 987.3s

And then he kind of just, like, disappears into disappears into the back is kind of a weirdo. Yeah.

Speaker 2988.3s - 991.14s

Uses someone else's bathroom the whole time.

Speaker 3991.84s - 994.94s

Do you like Nick PERSON though? I feel like Nick's become the main character this season.

Speaker 2994.94s - 998.92s

I really like Nick PERSON. I like the way he dresses. He has star power.

Speaker 3999.42s - 1007.1s

You know, he gives him something to talk about. I think Amir is probably the like most likable guy of the three maybe.

Speaker 41008.1s - 1010.82s

But Nick PERSON is the one that has, he just has so much going on.

Speaker 21011.14s - 1011.36s


Speaker 31011.36s - 1016.66s

And he feels like he would be like maybe like the comic relief of the show because he is so strange.

Speaker 41017.08s - 1023.48s

But there are just so many layers to him. And every episode and new one gets like peeled and it's like, he's great. I like Nick PERSON.

Speaker 21023.68s - 1034.08s

Should we go to the other summer house? Should we go to where there's another DJ yeah a repressed DJ he's DJing now though

Speaker 31034.08s - 1042.16s

oh that's good that's nice let him cook let Kyle Cook PERSON cook let Kyle Cook be Kyle Cook

Speaker 21042.16s - 1047.06s

I don't even know where to start with those. This was a heavy episode of Summer House WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 31047.66s - 1049.18s

Like the heaviest of episodes.

Speaker 21049.78s - 1055.78s

The thing we talked about last week about Carl's new way of talking to Lindsay that stayed true this week.

Speaker 31055.78s - 1056.08s


Speaker 21056.2s - 1059.04s

Where he was just like laughing and be like, you're crazy.

Speaker 31059.24s - 1060.44s

What's going on?

Speaker 21060.64s - 1068.06s

Also to leave without taking her luggage was the pettiest thing I've ever seen anyone do on these shows.

Speaker 31068.22s - 1070.28s

And these are Bravo ORG shows.

Speaker 21070.76s - 1076.16s

Stupid move, Carl PERSON, because you just lost like everyone's vote for you with that cast.

Speaker 31076.78s - 1080.3s

All the girls in that car are going to be like, yeah, nope, team winsy now.

Speaker 21080.44s - 1082s

That is like the worst thing you could have done.

Speaker 31082.92s - 1084.92s

Like he was going home.

Speaker 21085.5s - 1088s

Take the luggage. Offer to take more luggage.

Speaker 31088.5s - 1105.78s

Did that not feel like a very real fight to you though? A lot of these bravo fights can feel like very stagey, but like that fight of her being like, I'm going to this place and him being like, oh, okay, well, I guess I'm going alone. And being so confusing and like not really what they're fighting about is being thought about. It just felt like I was watching a very real couple argument on screen.

Speaker 21106.06s - 1121.5s

I think he's decided that he's going to break up with her already, obviously. So he's waiting for her to do something to justify a breakup. And he thought that her not wanting to drive a home with him might be a good enough opportunity.

Speaker 31121.88s - 1124.58s

Yeah, her making a plan without considering him.

Speaker 21124.86s - 1125.32s


Speaker 31125.92s - 1142.54s

Was going to be the straw that broke his already broken back. And it just didn't play out how he thought it. He thought he could poke the bear and get a really big reaction out of her. And she just didn't get it because it was such like a petty thing to be upset about. Yeah.

Speaker 21142.96s - 1146.5s

Also, he doesn't show up with her half the time and they never go out.

Speaker 31146.6s - 1154s

Like this week, he went out and she stayed in. Well, it's like we don't even have to do our weekly check-in. It's team Lindsay, right?

Speaker 21154.26s - 1160.62s

Team Lindsay. Wildly so. And definitely team Amanda PERSON. Kyle PERSON.

Speaker 31161.54s - 1162.46s

And team Paige PERSON.

Speaker 21162.66s - 1165.18s

I think Paige said everything perfectly to God PERSON.

Speaker 31165.18s - 1165.74s

Oh, yes.

Speaker 21166s - 1169.16s

In a way that truly like changed his opinion.

Speaker 31169.58s - 1174.18s

So, which is so funny he has to hear it from her two friends screaming at it.

Speaker 21175.24s - 1179.92s

And then him crying with his lover boy bucket hat on.

Speaker 31180.22s - 1182.38s

That's just such a hard visual.

Speaker 41182.76s - 1187.02s

I think he started crying and was so upset just because he was embarrassed. Yeah.

Speaker 31187.18s - 1191.24s

I do also think Carl PERSON being like, don't ruin your marriage over this.

Speaker 41191.66s - 1193.22s

What played a big part in it too.

Speaker 21193.66s - 1204.66s

And then when they had that moment and like they hug and they're just saying, I love you man. When Kyle PERSON's crying, I'm like, it's so funny watching that and knowing that Kyle is not in his wedding party at that point.

Speaker 31204.66s - 1206.84s

Oh my gosh, yes.

Speaker 21207.6s - 1209.36s

Oh, that's, yeah, he's still Flower Boy.

Speaker 31209.66s - 1211.88s

Yeah. Oh, my gosh. It's so weird.

Speaker 21212.26s - 1218.04s

Jesse Solomon PERSON. The worst cliffhanger we've ever been left with on a Bravo ORG show.

Speaker 31218.04s - 1226.8s

He must stop referring to it as is a nut, though, because that immediately, any sense of drama or dread that I'm feeling for him because

Speaker 11226.8s - 1232.14s

it's it's huge what's happening to him yeah it all goes away and he's like I just feel it on my nut

Speaker 31232.14s - 1238.94s

I feel something on my nut would you like left testicle better that's that's better that's

Speaker 21238.94s - 1245.3s

okay next time maybe like any other word would be okay? I think that'd be better.

Speaker 31245.46s - 1245.78s


Speaker 21245.9s - 1246.3s

Then not.

Speaker 31246.52s - 1246.8s


Speaker 21246.94s - 1247.72s

Just the way he's,

Speaker 31247.76s - 1249.36s

I think it's also just the way he says it.

Speaker 21249.56s - 1250.5s

It's very bro-y.

Speaker 31250.88s - 1253.1s

Well, he is the ultimate bro.

Speaker 21253.3s - 1254.26s

He is, he is.

Speaker 31254.42s - 1255.36s

Well, I don't know.

Speaker 21255.44s - 1257.02s

You know who is the ultimate bro now.

Speaker 31257.88s - 1258.56s


Speaker 21258.56s - 1259.44s

And I've been saying it.

Speaker 31259.56s - 1260.84s

I've been saying this was going to happen.

Speaker 21261.26s - 1261.6s


Speaker 31261.8s - 1263.68s

And Elizabeth PERSON was such Team West.

Speaker 21263.78s - 1265.72s

I wonder where she stands now.

Speaker 31265.96s - 1275.72s

At least with West PERSON in his defense. No, actually no, because this kind of came out of nowhere. If he this entire time was like, this is like my whole ethos, this is who I am as a guy,

Speaker 41276.02s - 1282.5s

then I would get it. But this like whole philosophy of his only came to light like last week.

Speaker 31282.78s - 1288.94s

Right. Or a couple weeks ago of how like he pursues pursues women and, like, his thoughts on, like,

Speaker 11289.24s - 1290.06s

monogamy and everything.

Speaker 31290.56s - 1291.94s

This is all new news.

Speaker 21292.16s - 1294.68s

We start off the season of him being, like, I want a girlfriend.

Speaker 41294.86s - 1295.8s

I want Sarah PERSON to be my girlfriend.

Speaker 21296.9s - 1297.1s


Speaker 41297.98s - 1300.72s

And she's smart because she sensed this.

Speaker 31300.72s - 1303.46s

That is why he has not gotten his pee-p touched.

Speaker 21304.04s - 1304.5s


Speaker 31306.12s - 1306.42s

Good for you, Sierra PERSON.

Speaker 21310.9s - 1311.28s

It's very, very clear to me now that that is pretty much all he wanted from this relationship.

Speaker 31311.66s - 1312.4s


Speaker 21313.46s - 1313.68s

Very, very clear to me.

Speaker 31316.84s - 1317.16s

I had been clear for a while. Again, I was anti-West NORP the whole time.

Speaker 21320.44s - 1323.66s

Good for you, Alex PERSON. It's the right side of history over here. All right. Should we go... West?

Speaker 31324.04s - 1325.32s

To the Valley LOC.

Speaker 21325.98s - 1326.78s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 31329.5s - 1330.04s


Speaker 21330.18s - 1335.46s

Thank goodness Janet PERSON is now the villain. Another thing we called.

Speaker 31335.74s - 1336.18s


Speaker 21336.36s - 1337.92s

And like a boring villain.

Speaker 31337.92s - 1340.72s

We're kind of like fortune tellers on the show.

Speaker 21340.72s - 1351.66s

We really are. Well, it's also like so ridiculous that she was like, this is a couple's thing, blah, blah, blah, blah. Jasmine shows up without her couple, which is fine, but it still

Speaker 01351.66s - 1357.6s

takes away this as a couple's trip only. And then she makes the girls do a pontoon without the

Speaker 31357.6s - 1367.92s

boys also making it a non-couples trip. It's just, like, so contrived, so obnoxious. And with the Jasmine thing, it's like, that's not something you find out like day of. Like they planned that she would be going there alone.

Speaker 21368.32s - 1378.38s

Right. She just is so enjoyed. I think she, well, I mean, I think if you're on these shows, you have to think you're the star of the show. I think that's just the personality type to get you

Speaker 31378.38s - 1383.56s

on these shows. She's definitely not like Melissa PERSON. She definitely watches all these shows. She watches all

Speaker 21383.56s - 1385.96s

the shows and she thinks this is her moment.

Speaker 31386.24s - 1395.1s

And she doesn't understand that we will take Kristen PERSON over her any day of the week and she is playing this the wrong way. She needs to Jen Fessler PERSON this.

Speaker 21395.24s - 1400.44s

She needs to scuttle her allegiance right over to Kristen PERSON. She does not understand.

Speaker 31401.24s - 1410.06s

Yeah, but that's going to make, there's going to be a thing happen, like, what happened with Jesse PERSON. You know how Jesse started the season, like, total demon, chaotic energy?

Speaker 11410.06s - 1410.18s


Speaker 21410.28s - 1411.5s

And now he's totally humbled.

Speaker 11412.2s - 1413.64s

And it's so funny to watch him.

Speaker 31413.88s - 1416.5s

But he is trying to murder Danny PERSON.

Speaker 21417.22s - 1421.08s

Yes, but that's a part of his, like, him just being like a mess now.

Speaker 31421.24s - 1421.6s


Speaker 21422.32s - 1424.72s

He went from Jesse PERSON to messy, one might say.

Speaker 31424.94s - 1425.74s

I said it.

Speaker 21425.98s - 1427.78s

The choking of the towel.

Speaker 31428.26s - 1429.74s

Such a funny flashback.

Speaker 21430.82s - 1431.22s


Speaker 31432.3s - 1436.62s

But like, you know, he like started all kind of like control, like his duchiness.

Speaker 21436.86s - 1438.56s

But now he's just crazy.

Speaker 31438.92s - 1439.62s

He's crazy.

Speaker 21440s - 1440.26s


Speaker 11440.26s - 1441.96s

And I think something's going to happen with Janet PERSON.

Speaker 21442.1s - 1445.24s

We're like, she's going to start to get in like some actual fights of her own.

Speaker 31445.34s - 1447.86s

I think that we got a preview for like fighting with Danny PERSON.

Speaker 21448.18s - 1448.72s

Not Danny PERSON.

Speaker 11448.88s - 1449.64s

What's her husband's name?

Speaker 31449.74s - 1449.96s


Speaker 11450.62s - 1450.96s


Speaker 31451.5s - 1453.18s

The person I know the least about.

Speaker 21453.52s - 1457.2s

Jason. Because he's too normal for the show. But that's fine.

Speaker 31457.24s - 1478.94s

You need one. Once they start having their own stuff, she's going to become crazy too, I think. So all this is building up to something good, I think. It's fun. It's going to be crazy too, I think. So all this is building up to something good, I think. It's fun. It's going to be like a Stasi PERSON thing. For Stasi in those first couple, the first season of Vanderpump WORK_OF_ART,she thinks she's like hot shit. She thinks she's like in control of everything and everyone. And then she has a complete collapse, and it's amazing.

Speaker 21479.12s - 1482.26s

And leaves the show for half the season because she can't handle it. Yeah.

Speaker 31483.26s - 1487.02s

So I think that's maybe what Janet PERSON's arc is going to be similar to.

Speaker 21487.56s - 1493.78s

The funniest thing about having Kristen not on this trip is that Jax PERSON is having to work overtime.

Speaker 31494.26s - 1501.04s

I thought the same thing. And I am enjoying that. Like, I do feel like they both realize they are keeping

Speaker 21501.04s - 1505.04s

the show afloat. And they are. Like, love the show, they are the show.

Speaker 31505.04s - 1512.14s

So him having to play two people. And he's not even allowed on the pantom boat. And his wife

Speaker 01512.14s - 1517.56s

is just completely useless. So what is he going to do? Just barfing nonstop.

Speaker 31517.78s - 1524.8s

If we didn't know they never had sex, I would say she's pregnant. She's been sick in every scene.

Speaker 21525.06s - 1526.68s

We've never not seen her ill.

Speaker 31527.16s - 1528.58s

A lot of barfing in cars.

Speaker 21529.1s - 1535.06s

So annoying, though. I don't want to watch someone be car sick. I don't want to watch someone who's never grown out of that. No.

Speaker 31535.26s - 1541.36s

I kind of can believe the thing where she says like it happens all the time because like she barfs and then she keeps on talking like Brittany PERSON always talks.

Speaker 21541.48s - 1549.06s

It's kind of like nothing just happened, which is very unsettling to watch. But she's had to leave parties and she has to go take naps.

Speaker 31549.56s - 1550.96s

Oh, I forgot she left that party.

Speaker 21551.16s - 1551.48s


Speaker 31551.84s - 1552.08s


Speaker 21552.8s - 1558.12s

She's not pulling her weight on this show. Do you think she's just so beat down by Jack PERSON? She's just like...

Speaker 31558.12s - 1558.72s


Speaker 21559.02s - 1562.04s

Just depressed and this is really sad and I shouldn't be hating on her.

Speaker 31562.6s - 1573.94s

We saw the... I mean, the way that he tries to police everything that she does, like when she's upset over watching a video of her kid crying, and Jax PERSON's like, stop that. I'll throw that phone in the lake.

Speaker 21574.3s - 1586.24s

I was full on Team Jax PERSON. I didn't want to hear her kid crying. Also, who's texting her videos of her kid crying? When we saw the preview, I assumed she was on her security camera watching him cry.

Speaker 31586.78s - 1589.76s

But it was a test. Someone set her up to fail.

Speaker 21590.62s - 1600.5s

Yeah. But you're right. I think that when going into this episode, I was like, well, this will be a big test of like if this cast can like cut it without Kristen. And then I remember Jacks is there.

Speaker 31600.7s - 1604.56s

Yeah. I mean, he's going to be exhausted. No wonder he's a little snippy.

Speaker 21605.32s - 1610.6s

In a way that with any other Bravo ORG person feel forced, when he brings something up, it is so

Speaker 31610.6s - 1613.42s

funny and it feels so like he's working.

Speaker 21613.54s - 1628.58s

He's doing his job. I'm going to start bringing things up. Like Jack PERSON brings things up. I'm going to say, like, Alex PERSON, I have something to tell you, I hate, I can't even believe I'm doing this right now. I can't.But, you know, like, I just have to tell you. No, I'm not going to say anything. No, I am going to say something.

Speaker 31629.06s - 1633.72s

I can't, I can't ruin a marriage. I can't do this. Are the cameras rolling? Are they rolling right now?

Speaker 21635.08s - 1637.62s

Michelle PERSON just owned it, though.

Speaker 31637.92s - 1641.08s

Yeah, we'll see, we'll see. We'll see when we get more context next week.

Speaker 21641.08s - 1642.16s

True, true.

Speaker 31642.16s - 1644s

This could be one of those very misleading edits.

Speaker 21644.52s - 1656.34s

Yes, they all are. True. True. We really were cut short. This could be one of those very misleading edits. Yes. They all are. I cannot wait for these twin girls to get older next season. I need these two babies not on

Speaker 31656.34s - 1665s

the trip. I need Nia PERSON not postpartum. I think that Nia is a star just waiting. But right now she...

Speaker 01665s - 1665.9s

And Danny PERSON is weird.

Speaker 21666.24s - 1668.36s

Danny PERSON is so weird.

Speaker 31668.92s - 1675.14s

And I think, as all child stars are, and I feel like we need them to shine.

Speaker 21675.52s - 1682.72s

And right now I kind of put them both in the Brittany PERSON category to where they're both like too sad.

Speaker 31682.86s - 1685.46s

We need them a little, a little pep in their step.

Speaker 21685.7s - 1686.32s

Yeah, they're too sad.

Speaker 01686.38s - 1687.52s

And they get along with everyone.

Speaker 31687.74s - 1688.12s


Speaker 21688.42s - 1690s

And that's not the way.

Speaker 31690.16s - 1697.6s

Can't we all be friends is something that a mother who's just had twins who's like barely holding her head above water says.

Speaker 01698.04s - 1704.82s

That is not the Nia we will get next season. I'm excited for her to shine. All right.

Speaker 21704.96s - 1710.64s

Should we go? So really we don't have to change locations. They all live in the valley now anyway.

Speaker 31711.32s - 1712.92s

That's true. That's true. Stay in put.

Speaker 21713.58s - 1731.88s

Yes. Vanderpump WORK_OF_ART. Okay. The best contrived storytelling of all time is the fact that the Vanderpump WORK_OF_ART cast has not seen the last 10 minutes of their season. Yep.

Speaker 31732.2s - 1734.4s

The whole cast, right? The whole cast. Not just Ariana.

Speaker 21734.74s - 1736.22s

No, Ariana hasn't seen a minute.

Speaker 31736.44s - 1737.58s

I know. Ariana hasn't seen anything.

Speaker 21738.22s - 1740.46s

None of them have seen it. Yeah.

Speaker 31740.64s - 1741.78s

Lisa PERSON hasn't seen it.

Speaker 21741.88s - 1744s

Lisa PERSON, why are you there again?

Speaker 31744.56s - 1749.52s

I thought the same thing. I mean, she's trying to go against Jacks' thing of her not being relevant.

Speaker 21749.94s - 1761.12s

But she adds nothing to these. No, she just proves her lack of relevancy every time she shows up on that couch. She would make herself more relevant if we were like, oh, Lisa PERSON's not here. Yeah.

Speaker 41761.28s - 1761.6s


Speaker 21762.46s - 1766.02s

Tallala PERSON or not Tallala? Whose team are you on?

Speaker 41766.46s - 1768.44s

This is huge.

Speaker 21769.28s - 1772.58s

If Vanderpump gets another season, it is thanks to Lala PERSON.

Speaker 31772.82s - 1779.42s

That was my initial reaction. She was playing everything so quote unquote well.

Speaker 21779.82s - 1785.26s

And to like, to the favor of the Vanderpump WORK_OF_ART audience for the majority of this episode,

Speaker 31785.54s - 1790.8s

to the point where I forgot that Andy PERSON and everyone has been hyping her up as like the MVP of this reunion.

Speaker 41791.34s - 1791.7s


Speaker 11791.84s - 1792.16s

You know?

Speaker 31792.34s - 1800.34s

Until that final heel turn in the last like five minutes. Or then she's, then, then she's twisted the knife out of nowhere.

Speaker 21800.84s - 1808.26s

She even did a little sneak attack where she's like a pregnancy brain. I can't even remember what I'm saying. And James is like, you're doing great, La La, you're doing great.

Speaker 31808.52s - 1812.26s

And then... Even James wasn't safe. No.

Speaker 21813.84s - 1822.26s

The funniest thing is like, I think they live in the comments. I think they live in the comments. And it's like you can't accuse people of living in the comments unless you two were in the comments living there with them.

Speaker 31822.26s - 1823.76s

Because then you know what the comments are.

Speaker 21824.06s - 1840.34s

They are all in the comments, this entire cast. Sheena Shea She has like multiple iPads PRODUCT set up. One iPad is looking at her 56 locations that she has of people. The other iPad PRODUCT is, you know, dealing with her private investigator that you know she has.

Speaker 31840.94s - 1844.68s

Sheena Shee does like a stockbroker in her day-to-day.

Speaker 11845.98s - 1849.46s

And Ariana is also, and Ariana, like, responds to everyone all the time.

Speaker 31849.86s - 1850.08s


Speaker 21850.2s - 1851.96s

She's like, she's commenting.

Speaker 31852.7s - 1858.26s

I think that it goes, and I hate talking about these shows also sometimes in terms of, like,

Speaker 11858.4s - 1859.98s

audience reaction versus mine.

Speaker 31860.38s - 1866.98s

But it is so interesting to see people react to Lala bringing up that Katie call in a way of like,

Speaker 41867.1s - 1869.28s

well, Lala PERSON's a horrible person needs to be fired from this show.

Speaker 31869.82s - 1870.22s


Speaker 41870.58s - 1872.96s

Again, why are you watching this show?

Speaker 21873.46s - 1875.26s

Also, like, we know Katie.

Speaker 31875.52s - 1877.06s

We've known her for years.

Speaker 21877.86s - 1881s

Nothing has tracked more than what Lala PERSON is.

Speaker 31881s - 1883.34s

She's a snake. She does this all the time.

Speaker 21883.34s - 1893.3s

And, like, in Katie's complete defense, it sounds like Ariana left her in the dark and she had to read a headline about Ariana being in Chicago.

Speaker 31893.3s - 1900.34s

Sure, that is all complete. I feel like Katie has every right to feel whatever frustration she has about Ariana. Right.

Speaker 11900.64s - 1904.44s

And in a way that's like not her like shitting on Ariana as a person,

Speaker 31904.62s - 1912.18s

but it's like you're sympathizing with the Ariane PERSON situation while also being like, but we're trying to open this business and we've been trying to open it for like a year now.

Speaker 21912.28s - 1924.16s

And this is just going to be another thing that delays this process. Right. And though I am splitting hairs, they said at the time the reunion was going to show air that something about her would be open.

Speaker 41924.2s - 1924.78s

A few days off.

Speaker 31925s - 1925.76s

A few days off. A few days off.

Speaker 21925.76s - 1938.06s

It was off by a week, which seems like they could have hustled this. We've been told it opens on the 22nd. But it's not the 22nd yet.

Speaker 31938.14s - 1943.8s

You're right. You're right. It hasn't opened yet. Am I right to call Katie a snake? I feel like she's just done stuff like this in the past.

Speaker 21944s - 1954.34s

Oh, yes. By Snake PERSON, I mean like she has done something very blatant online or like via text combo or a phone call and then been like that didn't happen. No, she gaslighted like crazy.

Speaker 31954.94s - 1965.86s

But in this case, I guess I'm more on her side than like if, you know, if you're airing out something that's that personal, because Ariane PERSON, that's a very personal, like, thing.

Speaker 21966.02s - 1975.18s

Everything she's saying is very damaging. That's like her business partner. For Lala PERSON to come out and reveal that, that is crazy. But it's also Lala PERSON's job. I know.

Speaker 31975.28s - 1981.28s

It's great. It's great. Oh, you're, like, inserting yourself into, like, the one of these stable things about this show.

Speaker 21981.4s - 1984.6s

One of the most stable things about the show is Katie and Ariana right now.

Speaker 31985.5s - 1991.82s

And for her to, like, dismantle that even slightly is like, uh-oh. And you know it's pissing Lala PERSON off

Speaker 21991.82s - 2011.94s

that people in the comments are like, all I want to watch is a show about something about her. And I get that Lala PERSON's pissed off because no one actually wants that. I don't know why people take to their keyboards to write that down. I think Katie is like the biggest Gretchen Weiner PERSON. She always needs a queen bee.

Speaker 32013.06s - 2014.54s

Yep, the Stasi years.

Speaker 22014.74s - 2036.78s

Yeah, and I think that Lala's upset that she wasn't the queen bee because I think she thought because Katie was really confining with her and they were building like a really good relationship. I think Lala PERSON expected to be able to be the Queen B, but she's still always, it's just like when she first started the series, Katie will never give her that. Lala's always just

Speaker 32036.78s - 2050.3s

kind of on her own. She is. There's also something there there with the Lala and Brock PERSON. It's so odd to be accused by the comment section of having something there there.

Speaker 22050.6s - 2056.94s

And then to confidently be like, we're a thruple. Yep, yep.

Speaker 32057.12s - 2068.88s

And for like Lala PERSON's immediate reaction, be like, well, yeah, my eyes do light up when I see him because he's such a good guy, because he's been such a good. She doesn't deny that her eyes light up when she sees him. I know.

Speaker 22069.12s - 2071.28s

And then Sheena's like, yeah, we're best friends.

Speaker 32072.18s - 2073.48s

Yeah, we are a thruple.

Speaker 22073.72s - 2074.46s

It's so true.

Speaker 32075.06s - 2076.88s

I would let her sleep in between me and Brock PERSON.

Speaker 22076.88s - 2080.38s

I would have no problem with that, famous words of Sheena about Raquel PERSON.

Speaker 32084.48s - 2099.98s

I don't think you're entirely off base to think that there's something there there. Would that be a scandal on the level of Scandival PERSON if that became true? Or would that just be like, I guess the show's just like this now. Everyone is not that surprised by it.

Speaker 22099.98s - 2108s

I don't think it could be a scandal like Scandival PERSON just because we've been given the clues. Like the breadcrumbs are so out and about.

Speaker 42108.64s - 2112.26s

Where Scandival PERSON, we really didn't see that coming.

Speaker 22112.92s - 2113.24s


Speaker 42113.54s - 2114.6s

That was shocking.

Speaker 22115s - 2118.54s

It shocked America GPE. People who didn't even know about the show were shocked.

Speaker 32119.28s - 2130.8s

Speaking of Sandoval, very funny that he's completely forgotten his whole conversation with Sheena about Ariana's mental health. He's like, give me one example of me, like, weaponizing that against you.

Speaker 22131.04s - 2143.82s

He did something that I thought was, like, I didn't understand. So please help me out with this. He says, I'm not the smartest guy. Yep.

Speaker 42144.5s - 2147.4s

There's no way he thinks that, right?

Speaker 22148.24s - 2150.8s

He thinks he's a genius, right?

Speaker 32150.8s - 2157.56s

I was also a little thrown off by him saying that. He thinks he's the smartest one of his cast for sure, and he always has thought that.

Speaker 22157.56s - 2171.42s

I think he thinks he's the smartest guy in every room. I think he just said that, did he say it to give himself a get-out-of-jail-free card? It was so against his character to say something that he just said that. Did he say it to give himself a get out of jail free card? It was so against his character to say something that he inherently doesn't feel true. I think it's a get

Speaker 32171.42s - 2175.66s

out jail free card. I think he's forced to say something like that when he's confronted with having said

Speaker 22175.66s - 2182.22s

the dumbest shit anyone's like ever said. Compared his plight to George Floyd's. Sure. And I understand

Speaker 32182.22s - 2190.08s

the sentiment there and that like it shouldn't be on the level of those things. That's what he's trying to say. It's like it's insane that like Scandival PERSON is like

Speaker 02191.28s - 2196.56s

as is being discussed more than like that thing. But that's not what he's said. And like they say in

Speaker 22196.56s - 2201.66s

this reunion like the way you phrase things has huge meaning and he just did not word it correctly.

Speaker 32202.02s - 2210.46s

So when confronted with that and his phrasing, he's forced him saying like, yeah, I'm not the smartest guy. I can't, like, structure a sentence well. Or I can't, like, put the words together in the way I need them to be said.

Speaker 22210.46s - 2222.64s

He didn't word it correctly because what we heard what he meant to say has been engineered after he said what he actually said. Yes.

Speaker 32222.82s - 2231.84s

So, yeah, you're right. So maybe the meaning, maybe he did say it the way he wanted it to be said. Maybe that is also just me kind of like buying into like the correction of it now.

Speaker 22231.84s - 2235.7s

Because it made us feel better about watching him on our screens if it was truly I'm going to

Speaker 32235.7s - 2242.68s

speak. Yes, that's true. But yeah, I don't think he believes that he's not the number one guy in the group.

Speaker 22242.68s - 2243.06s


Speaker 32243.4s - 2244.84s

He is the smartest man.

Speaker 22244.98s - 2246.98s

He's the one who's keeping them all.

Speaker 32247.46s - 2253.06s

I think Schwartz is smarter than him. I think that's something that has become apparent over the past couple of years.

Speaker 22253.46s - 2261.18s

Yes. And Schwartz is desperate to keep this show going. Thus, the proposal, thus that we're moving in together.

Speaker 32261.98s - 2265.62s

It's crazy the Tom PERSON's are going to live together.

Speaker 22266.5s - 2268.38s

They have to buy a place in the valley.

Speaker 32268.7s - 2269.96s

That's so crazy.

Speaker 22271.22s - 2276.34s

Well, I mean, Sheena and Lala live next to each other in Palm Springs GPE. It's Rupple ORG.

Speaker 32276.5s - 2278.2s

He has himself some sister-wife action.

Speaker 22278.2s - 2281.16s

And it was like five minutes away from each other in the valley.

Speaker 32281.72s - 2282.28s

All right.

Speaker 22282.38s - 2288.28s

Anything to be said except for like this is one of those reunions that I'm like, oh, we need two more episodes.

Speaker 32289.78s - 2293.32s

James really freaked out about the Raquel PERSON stuff. Yes.

Speaker 22293.56s - 2295.18s

We're getting a little bit of old James back.

Speaker 32295.62s - 2296.1s


Speaker 22296.76s - 2307.12s

It's funny how he's like, this isn't relevant. I don't care. Blah, blah, blah, blah. Bored. And it's like, no, your reaction shows how bothered and unbored you are by this.

Speaker 32307.74s - 2315.94s

It shows how, like, he may be more than anyone feels the most slided by how much attention Ariana got. Yes.

Speaker 12316.04s - 2322.62s

When he thinks he deserves something from that whole thing, he, like, was really upset about

Speaker 32322.62s - 2326s

how, like, everyone reacted to, like, him and Raquel PERSON's breakup.

Speaker 42326.3s - 2326.52s


Speaker 32326.52s - 2335.9s

And it feels like he just wants everyone to tell him that, like, he wasn't, like, a little shit in that relationship. But he was. He was, like, an evil man in that relationship with Raquel PERSON.

Speaker 22336.68s - 2338.26s

Yes. Evil.

Speaker 32339.08s - 2341.56s

And Ali PERSON says he's not, but...

Speaker 22341.56s - 2342.54s

I don't know.

Speaker 32342.9s - 2345.12s

I don't know. Ooh. I guess't know. Ooh.

Speaker 22346.32s - 2357.54s

I guess to close off Vanderpump WORK_OF_ART, a lot of people have been posting the whole Sheena Katie thing because of Sheena's Schwartz and I made out in Vegas GPE. Oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 32357.84s - 2360s

I fucking forgot about that entire thing.

Speaker 22360s - 2370.5s

I thought it was huge at the time, and people agree because Katie was the most anti-Shena at the first season of Vanderpump WORK_OF_ART saying she's a homewrecker.

Speaker 42371.12s - 2374.52s

And then look what happened with Katie and Sheena.

Speaker 32375.62s - 2376.24s


Speaker 22377.18s - 2382.16s

And now the Sheena Lala Brock PERSON, I don't know, it's just cheaters, am I right?

Speaker 42383.1s - 2385.06s

Yep, that's what Sandeval PERSON keeps saying.

Speaker 22385.96s - 2386.8s

Look around.

Speaker 32387.88s - 2388.28s


Speaker 12391.74s - 2393.78s

Awards, Alex, would you like to go first?

Speaker 32394.78s - 2403.06s

Yes, and I can't believe we didn't bring this up when talking about the Valley LOC. Okay. But my two LaFoos award goes to Janet PERSON's friends.

Speaker 22403.56s - 2406.64s

Yes. Oh my gosh, I can't believe that we didn't bring those at.

Speaker 32406.84s - 2429.74s

Referred to as minions on some like, of her like evil minions on some social media posts and like Zach PERSON commented that yeah, they were like her minions that caused Janet to have this really angry response to Zach PERSON. But that like two minutes, I think, of watching them react to her, like, slaying on that call. Which she wasn't.

Speaker 22429.8s - 2430.16s


Speaker 32430.4s - 2440.1s

There were reactions to her talking to Zach PERSON are so mismatched to what's happening. It's so crazy. They're so... I loved it. I love that scene.

Speaker 22440.3s - 2447.38s

It was great. The scene was amazing. Also, Simon standing two inches from them actively texting.

Speaker 32447.58s - 2451.7s

Like, he could have been more subtle. Yeah, full LaFU move to do that.

Speaker 22451.7s - 2458.02s

Hilarious. I love it. I love Zach PERSON, by the way. He's risen quite a lot in my esteem these past

Speaker 32458.02s - 2472.22s

couple weeks as a member on this show. Yes, I'm offended. He's not invited. All right. My Hips Don't Lie Award goes to Rachel, who we found out has two artificial hips.

Speaker 22472.22s - 2482.32s

Did we know anything about the fact that she has crippling arthritis? Tragic.

Speaker 32482.32s - 2484.36s

Yeah, no. Yeah, I didn't know this.

Speaker 22484.8s - 2490.14s

Anyway, her hips are as fake as her nose. Damn, damn.

Speaker 32490.8s - 2492.76s

All right. Well, thank you so much for joining me, Alex PERSON.

Speaker 22493.76s - 2494.3s


Speaker 32494.92s - 2503.78s

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Speaker 02504.12s - 2512.12s

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