Miami Dolphins Schedule Preview

Miami Dolphins Schedule Preview

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37:04 minutes

published 25 days ago


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Speaker 023.3s - 39.12s

The most listen to daily, Miami Dolphys ORG podcast on the internet. Come on, Dolphins ORG fans. Time to Fins up. All right, Miami GPE!

Speaker 140.4s - 47.92s

Miami's got the Dolphers ORG, the greatest football team. We take the ball from goal to goal like no one's ever seen. We're in the air.

Speaker 048s - 2196.3s

Good evening, Miami Dolphish NORP fans. How are you today? And thank you for listening to the podcast here on this Wednesday, May the 8th. I am your host, Michael Leva, flying solo today. And today I'm going to do a little bit of a Miami Dolphins 2024 schedule show, sort of preview the schedule that will come out a week next week,next Wednesday, one week from today on the 15th. So May, Wednesday night, May 15th at 8 p.m. That's when the NFL will officially release all of the schedules for 2024. So I wanted to take a few minutes on today's show and sort of talk about everything with the Dolphins ORG' upcoming schedule. I don't have a crystal ball. I don't know which games are going to be played week one, week two, week three.I know there was some idiot on social media who said per sources, there's a 50% chance that the mommy dolphins might open home. Well, duh, it's only, it's home or road. So there's going to be a lot of misinformation over the next seven days. I'm not going to get into that. I'm not going to make any wild predictions. Just we're going to be a lot of misinformation over the next seven days. I'm not going to get into that. I'm not going to make any wild predictions.Just sort of speculate, brainstorm out loud and sort of share my thoughts on, A, the opponents were playing, what games might be attractive, prime time games and stuff like that. They're not, this isn't news. This is just me speculating and sort of thinking out loud what we might see next week when they release the schedule. Also look at some trends in previous years what they've done when Miami GPE plays this team,when Miami GPE plays that team. So we'll take a look at that all on today's show. But before we get to any of that, as always, a big shout out to everyone listening at ORG. Everyone go to, the largest Miami Dolphins ORG message board on the Internet.Also, a shout out to our friends at the I am a Miami Dolphins ORG fan Facebook page. If you're on Facebook, please be sure you are on the I am a Miami Dolphins fan Facebook page, run by the great and talented Carlos Hernandez PERSON, by the way. Also, wherever you're listening to this podcast, whether it's Apple Podcast, whether it's Spotify ORG, Pod Bean, Pod Chaser, Audible PRODUCT, we're on all the platforms. Please be sure, and YouTube, of course, please be sure you're subscribed to the podcast network.We have shows, you know, in the offseason, it might not be every, every day, but we have shows close to every day. If there's ever a topic you want me to talk about on this podcast here in the offseason, go to our Apple podcast page, leave us a five-star rating. And then where it says the comment part, put in your question. I will see that. And then on one of the upcoming shows, I'll discuss that question.I'll give you a shout-out. So that's one way to reach out to me on an upcoming show. If you want me to talk about a topic, go to our Apple ORG podcast page. It has to be a five-star rate. Don't give me a one-star rating. I think I'm going to, you know,then answer your question. Give me a five-star rating. And then in the comment section, write your question, write your topic that you want me to talk about and I will read it on the air.Also, for those of you who joined me live tonight on YouTube and are here in the YouTube ORG chat stream that I'm live on. If you leave a super chat, give me a little bit of money. Put a super chat in there. I'll read your question on this show and I will address it live here tonight on YouTube ORG. All right.So the schedule is coming out next week. Like I said, now the list of opponents, we already know. We've known that since the end of last year. And for those of you who might have forgotten or maybe weren't paying attention when that came out, let's go over the list of opponents. Miami's going to play in 2024 here real quick.At home, obviously, bills, jets, New England, we know that. Also at home, they got the Las Vegas Raiders because they finished in second place in the AFC West LOC. So whoever finished in second place in the AFC West last year travels to Hard Rock Stadium this year. And then they play Jacksonville, Tennessee, San Francisco, and Arizona GPE also at home. This is one of the years where Miami has one fewer home game than road game. So Bill's, Jets, Patriots, Raiders, Jaguars, Titans, San Francisco, Arizona GPE,all at Hard Rock Stadium this year. On the road, they have Bill's Jets Patriots ORG, as we know. The crossover game with the AFC North is Cleveland. So they'll travel to Cleveland this year. They also play in Indy and in Houston. Then they play Seattle on the road, the Rams ORG on the road. And the one extra, you know, wild card game is at Green Bay and Lambeau Field FAC. So, Road, Bill's, Jets, Patriots, Cleveland, Indie, Houston, Seattle, Rams, Green Bay. Just surface level today on May 8th, the home schedule is way easier than a road schedule.That's a killer road schedule. Cleveland's really good. Houston's really good. Indianapolis is up and coming. Seattle ORG's always a pain in the neck up there. We know the Rams are really good and the Packers ORG are very good as well. The road schedule is brutal. The home schedule is a little bit softer. When you got Tennessee GPE, although they did beat us last year, I know. Arizona GPE doesn't look like world beaters. The Raiders ORG don't have a quarterback, so that one is what it is. Jacksonville is tough to trust week to week.So the home schedule looks a little softer. The road schedule looks a little tougher. Now, last year, Miami had four, what you would call prime time games. Week two, Sunday night versus the Patriots ORG. Then there was that Sunday morning game versus Kansas City. Even though it's in the morning, it's a standalone prime time games. Week 2, Sunday night versus the Patriots. Then there was that Sunday morning game versus Kansas City, even though it's in the morning. It's a standalone prime time game. So I call the prime time. It's a standalone game that goes to the whole country. So I callthe prime time game. There's that one. They play Black Friday versus Jets on Amazon ORG. And then they're the Monday night, obviously, versus the Tennessee Titans ORG, which pretty much into the Dolphin season. So those are the four, you know, prime time games. The week 18 game versus the bills, that was flexed. That wasn't a predetermined schedule, so I'm not going to count that. That was flexed the week of.But ultimately, when the schedule came out, there was four prime time games for the dolphins. And when you look at this dolphin schedule this year, you know, the team, for the most part, pretty similar to what it was last year. It's still a very good team, but a lot of big names. You know, Tyree Kill's a big name. Waddle's a big name. O'Dell Beckham's not a big name. Two is a big name. Mike McDaniel is like a media darling out there. Everyone loves to hear what he's going to say next and what's the funny quote or whip he's going to say. So I think Miami's probably still get four, which you would call prime time games this year.I don't see it being anymore because I think more is, that's where you start to get overkill. Like last year with the NFL did with the Jets and Rogers PERSON. I mean, they didn't know he was going to get hurt. They just wanted to shove the jets down the nation's throats. And also that's what you get so with like the Cowboysbecause it's a team with a huge fan base with a huge national following. They'll give you as much as possible. Oh, yes, and someone mentioned the Eagles game as well. That was five. I forgot about the Sunday night game versus Eagles. We actually five primetime games last year, not four. That's sure I do think four is the number, though. I don't see it being five again. Thank you for Terry in our chat who mentioned the Eagles ORG game. I totally forgot about that one. So I do see four.And plus, again, for all the reasons I said, exciting offense, big name players, and they're coming off a playoff season. And plus the team was on hard knocks last year. So now, you know, non-fants of the dolphins who watch that show got a feel of what the team is, what the organization is, some of the players who might not be well known. So I think that's also in play too.So you'll probably see four. Now, as Dolphins ORG fans, next Wednesday night at 8 p.m., what do we want to see when the schedule comes out? What do we want to see? The most important thing for me is knowingthat Bradley Chubb PERSON is probably going to miss at least half the season, if not more. And Jalen Phillips PERSON, you know, I know he says he wants to come back week one. It just seems a bit unrealistic. He's going to miss a portion of the season. That first month or so of the year, not so much for Chubb, because he can't not play anybody in the first half of the year, but more until we get Jalen PERSON back.In September, I want to see few, if any, games inside the AFC East. I want those AFC East games push back till October, November, and mainly in December, because you want to be as close to full strength with your best pass rusher on the field for those games. So in September, if we got, you know, week two, three, and four, Jets, Patriots and Bills ORG,that's going to stink because you might not have Taylor Phillips PERSON for any of those games. I understand Chubb, he's out for too long to sort of factor that in. But for Jalen, who should be back sooner, I really hope that first month of the year, we see, you know, few AFCEs ORG schemes. Now look, they're going to have to play tough games because like I said, that road schedule is brutal.There's not really an easy road game on there. So they're going to be on the road to have to play tough games without them. Nothing you can do about it. But maybe the division ones, you know, for the most part. Well, like if it's the Patriots ORG, not the end of the world. Why? I think the Patriots ORG are kind of, you know, bad.So I don't mind that. But the bills and Jets games, if we don't play them for the first time until like mid-October, we wouldn't have a problem with that. Play them in mid-October, then, you know, like week 16, 17, 18. That's cool. That would totally work for me. So I think that's one of the main things I'm going to be watching for here next Wednesday when they come out of this schedule, knowing, you know, Chub and Jalen Phillips are going to miss a significant part of the season, how many of the big division games, which we know matter more? You know, any way you slice it, those games matter more.How many of them are sort of at least after September 1? Worst case scenario, Jalen Phillips is back by first week of October, I'd hope. Now, when it comes to the bye week, most years, I'd say you want a buy week middle of the season, the late in the season. I think that's best. But again, the Chubb and Phillips injuries, it would not be bad this year to have a buy week early in the season. If it's week five, week six, even week four is usually when they start. That's not bad becausethat's a game where that's a week where there's no game and that's a week, you know, an extra week for Chubb and Jalen Phillips PERSON. I want more games, you know, after the buy than before it this year. So typically a mid-season by like week eight or nine or a late season by like week 12 or 13. That's like ideal because as you're going down the home stretch, you want to give everyone a week off to take a breather, rest their bodies. But this year, having one earlier because of the injuries here might not be bad.So if it's a by week four or five, I am a okay with that. The other thing is a fan of the Miami Dolphins ORG, we always know. Obviously, we know the Miami Dolphins stink in the wind, cold snow late in the season. So let's hope we don't see many of them. What I think actually, though, is working against them. And it's a trend I've seen with the NFL and the Miami Dolphins scheduling over the past few years.And it's not set in stone. It's just a trend you see. One year, like last year, Miami went to Buffalo early in the year. They went to New England week two, to the bills week four, and then the Jets was late November. They didn't face on the road inside the AFC East late in the year. Now the year prior, Miami was at the bills and at Saturday night, week 16, I think, and then they're at the Patriots, week 17, late in the year.So it's like every other year. And if you go back a bit, it's kind of like that. Every other year, Miami doesn't, they might have one game inside the AFC East late in the year in the year in the cold and snow. And then the following year, they don't get any type of deal. Last year we had none.So this year, I'm thinking we might get a couple. So I would not be shocked if, you know, we, you know, start starting with the first week in December until that, you know, first week of January, that final stretch. If we have road games versus jets and bills there, would not shock me. Again, it wouldn't be awful either because that's kind of what we want with the injuries to Chubb and Phillips PERSON. Hopefully they're both back by then. But they're going to have to find ways to be good teams if it's a patriot's it'sdifferent but if it's a jets and bills they're going to have to find a way to be good teams inside the a fc ORG's on the road in the cold snow wind rain all that stuff so again schedule placement sort of how many games do they have in that uh I'd say post- Thanksgiving and, you know, bad weather. Looking at the rest of the schedule, you know, at Cleveland GPE, you don't want that late in year. You hope to get that out of the way. Indies in the dome. Houston GPE's in the dome. Seattle doesn't get too, too bad. Rams are okay. Green Bay. So really, on the road,you got Bill's, Jets, Patriots, Cleveland, Green Bay. One, two, three, four. That's five games with the potential of being cold weather. Hopefully a few of those games are early in the year, but you don't want too many of them late in the year. And also last year, Miami ended the season with, what, like five or the last seven at home or something like that,five or last six. I don't know if that will happen again. If it does, great. But if it doesn't is what it is. A couple other things historically. These are more historical trends.Not necessarily 100% accurate. It's just things that I've noticed over the years. When Miami plays at Cleveland, specifically, now I know the last time they played there was 2019. It was Thanksgiving week. So it's not always, like I said, not set in stone thing. But back in like the 80s and 90s, when they played in Cleveland GPE, it was always September October. The NFL schedule makers always like to send Miami GPE to ClevelandSeptember October. They had a couple week, one, week two games on Monday night football in Cleveland GPE. The game where Marino got hurt in 93 was October. So Miami in Cleveland GPE, I know there was a few years back, I want to say 2013 when they changed uniforms, they played in Cleveland in October. So Miami in Cleveland, I know there was a few years back. I want to say 2013 when they changed the uniforms, they played in Cleveland in October. Historically, more times than not when Miami plays in Cleveland GPE, it's in September October. It doesn't mean it's always, though, like I said, doesn't mean it's always.But historically, it's been earlier in this season than late. Another thing to remember when it comes to prime time games. In the NFL back in the day, when Roselle was a commissioner, Rune Arlidge from ABC ORG was running it, Monday Night Football was on ABC, which is still kind of is because it's owned by ESPN ORG, which is part of the ABC ORG family. They always had Miami Dolphins Monday Night game in December.Always. If you look at their schedules in the late 70s, 80s, 90s, you know, when the dolphins were good. Now, when the team's bad, sometimes you just can't do that. But in the 70s, 80s and 90s, if you look at that schedule, more years than not, if not almost every year, dolphins had a home Monday night game in December because ABC ORG,who broadcasts at the game, like to give their staff or the people covering a game, the cameraman, a treat. Because you're covering a game in December in Miami GPE, you can wear shorts and a t-shirt while you're standing on the thing holding the camera. The sideline reporters don't have to wear like a winter coat. Now everyone's not freezing.It was like a treat to the crew because, hey, we're sending, we have at least one week late in the year where it's not Chicago, not New York, not Philadelphia GPE, where it's going to be freezing cold and it's going to be awful weather. So they would request the NFL give Miami a Monday night game in December. And this is 100% true story. It's not, I ain't just making this up.This is a true story. It's been written about. And if you look at last year, when did Miami have their Monday night football game? In December against Italians NORP, because it's still something that's carried out. Now, for all those years, Miami GPE was bad recently, like mostly out of the past 24 years, for like 20 of them, Miami's been bad. You just can't put them on Monday night football.It's easier when you got Marino or Ricky Williams PERSON and Zach Thomas PERSON and stuff. And the team's like good. When teams bad, there's only so much you can do and you can't. But historically, when Miami's a good team, the NFL and ABC ORG likes to have a December Monday night game in Miami GPE. So keep an eye on that. Now, hopefully it goes better than the one it did last year versus Tennessee. I don't know. Week one opponent, I'm not going to sit here and try, guys. It could literally be any one of these teams.I mean, I don't have a crystal ball. But sometimes we know the NFL ORG schedule makers like to get creative and like to come up with a storyline. If they don't want to do Jets Miami or Jets Bills ORG, or I mean Miami versus the Bills or Miami versus the Patriots ORG like in AFC East matchup.There is an opponent that has an underlying, that has a storyline that I think would be great for week one. And sometimes the NFL schedule makers look for stuff like this for week one, especially for a game that's like a non, it's a game that won't be exciting, whether it's week one, week two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine times. And it is Raiders at Miami GPE.Why? Christian Wilkins PERSON. Christian Wilkins first game with the Raiders ORG. If it was against the Dolphins in Hard Rock Stadium, that would have a little buzz to a game that if you did that game in week six, no one's going to care. Do it in week one. Are many people going to care?No, but there's a little bit of a storyline. Christian Wilkins leaves Miami signs with the Raiders for a mega, mega deal of 27 million a year. Do that game week one? It got a little bit of buzz around. It got a little something that people might be interested who might not be interested in that game, middle or late in the season. There's that.Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving's always interesting. It's always implied. Now, they don't play the lions or the cowboy, so obviously it's not going to happen there. But their third Sunday night Thanksgiving night game is always a wild card. And the NFL in recent years has used this. Not every year. Again, it's not absolute.So it's not every year has used this to either have a brutal matchup inside of the same type of divisions. Steelers Ravens, San Francisco, Seattle, Giants Cowboys ORG. They've used those types of, not Giants Cowboys, Giants Eagles ORG. They've used those divisional games in that Thanksgiving night time slot on NBC ORG, or they look for a game of the storyline.And first off, before I talk about what this might be, again, more history for some of our younger listeners out there. Thanksgiving night is always interesting. The NFL way back, 70s and the early 80s. You know, they had the lions and they had the cowboys, you know, noon and like four. That was always a thing. Roselle PERSON, as a commissioner, was always forward thinking. He said,we should have a third Thanksgiving Day game, have a prime time. And since the first tour in the NFC, he wanted the third one in prime time to be in the AFC, and his team of choice was Miami GPE. He wanted Miami every year, like the Lions and Cowboys ORG, to host a primetime name on Thanksgiving night. The Miami Dolphins owner at the time, Joe Robbie PERSON, was lukewarm on the idea, let's just say.Not crazy about it, not in love with it. He was like, yeah, I don't know if I want to host a Thanksgiving Day game every year at the Orange Bowl EVENT. He really wasn't in love with the idea. Roselle PERSON never really rammed it down his throat. But when the talk of it was out there,the owner of the Kansas City Chiefs, Lamar Hunt PERSON, like stood up, raised his arms like, I want the game every year. Give me the game. I want it every year. And of course, when Hunt PERSON said that,Roselle PERSON, for whatever reason, didn't want to hand it to Kansas City. He really wanted Miami GPE to do it, but he wanted Miami to be, like, excited about it, which they weren't. So it never really happened, of course, until many, many years later when NBC ORG, you know, spoke to the NFL long after Roselle died about having a third Thanksgiving day game, we'll just rotate it and just have a nice matchup.So there was a time in history where the Miami Dolphins ORG would have had a Thanksgiving Day game at night in prime time every year. And it would have been in the rotation. Lions at noon, Cowboys at four or so. And at night, Miami GPE, it never came and never happened, mainly because Robbie PERSON just wasn't really excited about it and never really embracedthe idea. But there's a little history lesson for you, folks, that almost happened back in the day. Now, with the Thanksgiving night game, they could always, if Miami GPE is in the fold there,again, I'm not going to try and predict, but of course, you go Miami GPE versus the bills, rivalry match up. Probably do that game on the roadat Orchard Park FAC. Probably has a little bit more buzz. Jets Miami ORG, you can do that one in either location. That would work there. But the one I think has the most buzz for a thanksgiving primetime game nowif they were to do it with the dolphins against San Francisco GPE. Because the NFL always loves the storyline, like Harbaugh. Harbaugh versus Harbaugh, which he did back in day, San Francisco with the Raven ORG, Jim Harbaugh, John Harbaugh PERSON. You go Kyle Shanahan and Mike McDaniel, the mentor and the mentee, the protege and the guy who sort of taught him a lot of what he knows.That would be a great subplot for Thanksgiving night at Hard Rock Stadium FAC, San Francisco at the Miami Dolphins ORG Thanksgiving night. I think that would be a great one. But again, trying to predict this stuff. Who knows? The NFL ORG might not want to do that. They might want to do a game that, because here's a deal. Once again, this stuff is an absolute. The NFL a couple years ago in that game did Patriots and Vikings ORG. Like, huh? Who cares? But they know any game they put in that time slot's going to do a huge, huge numberbecause everyone's home on Thanksgiving. Everyone's already eating like a slob and they're sitting on the couch falling asleep and they're probably falling asleep with their television on to that game. You don't even need a good game. But if they want a good game, historically they stayed inside of the same division. They had Giants Washington recently, San Francisco, Seattle recently, Bears Packers ORG,recently, recently, Pittsburgh Ravens ORG recently. So if it was Finns versus Bills or Fins versus Jetson, whatever stadium, one shock me. But if it was not inside the same division, Dolphins Niners ORG would be a great Thanksgiving night third game. We'll see again, just sort of throwing ideas out there here. This is not a prediction or not news in any way.The other primetime games, I think Miami will obviously have one Monday night game, one Thursday night game. Looking at the schedule, there are some games that scream Thursday night football. When you look at Thursday night football, because we know that lineup, it's improved a little in recent years, but it's still not great. Jacksonville ORG, Miami, I think the last time they played was on Thursday night football. I got a feeling that's going to be a Thursday night football game. Or Miami at Indy, that's a total Thursday night. Those two games got Thursday night written all over it.They just do. I bet a large sum of money today that next week at 8 p.m. when they put out that schedule, Jacksonville at Miami or Miami at the Colts is on a Thursday night at some point this year. When you look at Monday night, there's two games that scream Monday night football. Miami at Houston, I mean, two prolific offenses, you know, two young quarterbacks that are just sensational. That game screams Monday night football. The other one is Miami at Green Bay.Green Bay, you know, it's a crossover game, AFC versus NFC ORG. That game screams Monday night football. That's got enough cachet to get you excited on a Monday night with Joe Buck and Troy Aikman PERSON and all that stuff and probably have the Manning PERSON brothers do either one of those games. I know they don't do a Manning cast for every Monday night game.I think if it was Miami to Houston or Miami at Green Bay. I know those are two road ones, but those two kind of scream Miami GPE. Those two kind of scream Monday Night Football WORK_OF_ART. And at San Francisco game, if that's not a Thanksgiving night, I could see that being a big 420 game one week, being like the headline game of the week, or that could alsobe a Monday night game there as well. So just some thoughts here and what might happen next week with the schedule. Schedule, like I said, home schedule is not too bad, pretty soft. Road schedule is brutal. I mean, this might meet offense offensive line trying to block the Cleveland Browns front seven. That is no walk in the park.I mean, Miles Garrett and all those guys that they have up front and what they do on that side of the ball, that's brutal. The Colts ORG, the young quarterback I heard early last year, he'll be back. He looked good when he was healthy. That offense has some more weapons. At Indy's never easy. We know Houston is really good. Many people think that the third best team in the AFC LOC, I tend to agree. They have a ton of talent and a quarterback who is outstanding. So at Indy, had Houston, at Cleveland GPE's tough.At Seattle, at the Rams, do not be shocked with those two West Coast LOC road trips if the Dolphins ORG ask to have them back to back. They've done that a lot as well. You know, I believe a few years ago, they did that. Well, they've done that a few times in the past recently. So at Seattle, at the Rams, back toback week, you know, 10 and weeks 11.So Miami GPE can fly out there once and just stay out there. Not fly cross-country back and forth twice in the course of a year. They can fly out, play one of the teams, then stay out on the West Coast LOC for a week and play the second team. I would not be shocked if we see that again. And if that was a request Miami asked for their week 17,probably be a road game because I think that lines up with the Orange Bowl that week. So week 17, not week 18, week 17 usually is a road game. And also the third week in October, they'll either have a buy or it'll be a road game because Taylor Swift PERSON is performing two nights at Hard Rock Stadium FAC, like October 20, 21st, 22nd, that weekend, whatever it is, exactly.So the third week of October will either be a road game or it'll be they're off. And week 17, I think that's the week that lines up with the Orange Bowl EVENT. So that'll probably be a week where they're on the road there. So, yeah, next Wednesday night, 8 p.m. We'll be live on the air on the Dolphins Talk ORG YouTube channel to get our quick reaction responses in real time when the schedule is dropped. I know myself, Ian Berger, Tom Ernestey PERSON,I know Josh and Aaron are joined. We'll see who else we can get to join us live. But be on a look out for that next Wednesday night, 8 p.m. Dolphins Talk ORG YouTube channel for our live and the schedule comes out. Again, it's just the schedule you can't read.You can, you just like last year when they came out with the schedule, I said at the time it was the gift from the NFL ORG gods. Because the schedule broke perfectly with the week off, with the by week, middle, late year, with the end of the year with what, like five or the last seven at home. They didn't have any crazy weeks, short weeks, they didn't have any crazy wild weeks.If they play Christmas Day this year, which they're playing, that's on a Wednesday, I know fans will be up in arms because that's a really short week you play. I think they said if you're playing on a Wednesday, you're going to play the Thursday before, no, I forgot how they did it, but you're going to play the Thursday before or no, you won't play the Thursday after. So it's like you have extra time. They're going to find a way to make it as best for all parties involved.But they could play Christmas Day again. You know, the past two years, they play Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I know the one year everyone played on Christmas Eve, but Christmas Day, that was kind of one of the couple games, I believe. So, yeah, we'll see what the schedule comes out. Just look for trends. Don't look for anything wild.And, you know, not a lot of games late in the year in the cold and snow. And see when they put up the buy week to see if it's early in the year, which might help. I don't know. We'll see. One thing here before I wrap up to the show is I want to give some final thoughts on the signing of O'Dell Beckham PERSON, because it's still, you know, hot news and you officially signed this week.That's official, officially, once the building signed everything, and it's there. So, again, a few, now we're like about a week later or so. It's still a good, it's a great deal at a great price. I mean, Odell Beckham PERSON, I see some fans are still upset with this. I just, I don't understand why. I swear to God, there's a segment of fans of Miami Dolphins who are not, whoell Beckham PERSON, I see some fans are still upset with this. I just, I don't understand why. I swear to God, there's a segment of fans of Miami GPE-made orphans who are not happyunless they're miserable at all times. This offense last year just lacked any depth of wide receiver. And now they got a real legit number three wide receiver. We know it's not the same Odell Beckham for 2015, 2016. We know. But he's also not being paid like that. He's being paid like a third wide receiver, $3 million.If he hits his incentive, that's probably a good thing. I mean, she's playing really, really well. And if he plays really, really well, we win a lot of games. That's a good thing. So that's how you've got to look at it. And I just, you know, and people think,oh, he's a locker room cancer, this and the other. He's all this drama. He's a distraction. Tyree Kill PERSON is that distraction in our locker room. It's not Odell Beckham. So you can't be okay with Tyreek PERSON and be upset with Odell Beckham when Tyreeks ORG are, you know, come on, folks, you got to use some common sense here. And you look atthis, you know, this offseason, you know, I've raised a lot of questions about this roster really hasn't improved. But I think with this signing, I think what they did in the draft, it's one thing we can say now on May 8th. This offense has improved in a lot of areas, not all. Wide receiver, adding O'Dell PERSON to the mix, added to the wide receiver depth.Also, the kids in the draft, we'll see. They're around six and seven. I don't know. But if they play well, you know, they've improved the wide receiver depth. Just O'Dell PERSON alone improves the wide receiver depth. Tight end, they revamped the room. John Hussmith and the guy for the chiefs just, you Odell PERSON alone improves the wide receiver depth. Tight end, they revampedthe room. John Hussmith PERSON and the guy for the chiefs just, you know, revamped the room and you still smith and you still have Hale, tight end depth and the high end tight end with John Hsu Smith PERSON just makes the room way better. Running back, Jalen Wright, as your third, just once again improves the overall running back room overall. Jeff Wilson PERSON, Salvin Akman, or just guys. Chris Brooks had one game in which the Broncos couldn't tackle anybody. I cannot get up. I can't get excited about Chris Brooks. But adding Jaylen right into the mix just improves the depth of the running back room. And the offensive line, look,we know what the offensive line is. I give up. They don't seem to care about it. They don't seem to be worried. Why should I at this point? I give up. And I'm sure they'll sign a guard after June 1st. I mean, whoever they sign,it ain't going to be anybody that's going to move the needle much. So it's just another body. And I don't know if they'll sign one. Maybe they will. Maybe they won't. But when Chris Breer PERSON says,I don't care about it. He doesn't care about it. And, you know, fans can sit there and pout and whine and scream and yell and put their hands on the table. Oh, he's kind of guard, sign a guard. He doesn't see it the way we do. Mike McDiam doesn't see it the way we do.When they look at their whole salary cap, they want to allocate money to wide receivers, running backs, tight ends, pass rushers, and corners. They don't want to allocate money to a left guard, a right guard, or an offensive tackle for the most part. I mean, they'll pay Austin Jackson PERSON because they drafted them, and they'll pay Armstead PERSON, which I'm sure they have a lot of regret about.But they don't want to spend big money on a center. They don't want to spend big money on a right guard. They don't want to spend big money on a left guard. They just don't. So maybe we'll sign someone post June 1st, but that offensive line is what it is. It's not going to change drastically on May 8th,then what it will be the first day of training camp. But overall, the rest of the positions are improved. And kind of what I've been saying, my main and only concern with this team, heading into 2024, we'll see how it plays out,and I kind of hope I'm wrong. That defense, Anthony Weaver PERSON has been a coordinator once and it did not go well. And you're JJ Watt PERSON. So we'll see.And plus, the Ravens ORG had a chance to promote him. They didn't. The Seattle ORG hired his boss. They had a chance to take him there and make him a coordinator there. He didn't.The people who knew him best passed him over. So we'll see if Anthony Weaver PERSON is all that and a bigger chips or if it's just a lot of, you know, smoke blown and a lot of bluster and not any meat on that bone. And then the other main concern is the defensive line is just, it's abysmal. I mean, outside is exactly they got nothing.And they let two very good players go, one of which made a ton of money, one of which didn't get paid too too much. And they let them go, and they signed a bunch of backups. So we'll see. Again, post unit first, maybe they add a body there. I don't know.They've already added like six or seven. I don't know how many more you can add, really. But we'll see. But the offense with this Odell Beckham PERSON one, that was like the final piece i thought to like you upgrade the wide receiving room you upgraded the tight end room you've now added right atrunning back so that helps there we got the quarterback he is who he is he should you know hopefully take another step and improve this year offensive line it is what it is so the offensive side of the ball as long as mike macdainiel PERSON improves as a play caller doesn So the offense aside of the ball, as long as Mike McDaniel improves as a play caller, doesn't stop running the ball when it's working,stop throwing fade passes in the end zone to 5, 10 wide receivers who can't, you know, make that play. If he, you know,erases some of the stuff he does that makes you scratch your head and just, you know, improves as a play caller, the offense, I think, is going to be fine in 2024.The defense, on the other hand, a little wait and see on that. A little wait and see. I'm not going to sit here and say that the dolphins have a great defense because I don't think they do. And I think the chub injury and the injury to Jalen Phillips PERSON really hurt because, yeah, they're going to return this year, but are they going to return to form or are theyjust going to return? Because it might, they might return, then need another, you know, four to six weeks of actual playing time to get back to where they were prior to the injury. Well, if you're going to miss, you know, they might not have. So that's a big thing. And that's what we're going to see. But I think the offense is going to be fine in 2024.The defense is a worry. But that's why they played the games. And we'll see. And next week, like I said, Wednesday, the 15th. We have the schedule release NFL ORG. Join us live right here in the Dolphins Talk ORG YouTube channel. If you haven't subscribed to the Dolphins Talk YouTube channel, take a second now and hit thesubscribe button. You can also smash that like button. And if you put a comment up in the comment section, I will read it there and try to respond. Also, like I said, if you want, it's May, June, July. News is slow.Topics are sometimes tough to come up with on shows like this. Go to our Apple ORG Podcast page. Leave us a five-star rating. Five-star. And in the comment area, ask me a question. Put up a comment on an upcoming show.I will read it. I'll give you a shout-out. And that might be a topic of a show, which I talk about on an upcoming show. Or maybe I'll spend half a show on it. So if that's a way you have an idea for a topic of a show, which I talk about on an upcoming show. Or maybe I'll spend half a show on it. So if that's a way you have an idea for a topic on a show, Apple ORG podcast page,five-star rating and in the common area, you don't have to write a positive comment. You can. That's great. But just put your question or what you want to hear is talk about. I'll see it. And we'll talk about that on an upcoming show.Also, I do want to mention that the Jalen Waddle Youth Football Camp is the place to be this summer. Join the Miami Dolphin start June 22nd in Fort Lauderdale GPE for skill building fun and memories outlast a lifetime. Visit ORG and register. Will spots are still available. Each camper will receive a limited edition t-shirt, a souvenir autograph, and a team photo with Jalen PERSON. Check out ORG to learn more.That's Jalenawato ORG. See you on the field. This is open to boys and girls grades 1 through 8. All right, everybody, that's all for today's show. Be sure to follow us on social media at Dolphins Talk on Instagram, Twitter ORG, threads, all those areas. And check out the website, Dolphins added a few new writers. We got a bunch of new content up. Check it out. Check their work out. We got videos and podcasts out. Marissa Marino interviewed three.That's right. Three, Miami Dolphins undrafted free agents over the past week or so. She interviewed Storm Duck PERSON. She interviewed Mark Perry, and she interviewed with the other kids named Colbert PERSON. What's his name? Jordan Colbert PERSON.So three interviews with current Miami Dolphins ORG, undraft of free agents who will be taking a field for the Dolphins this week with their rookie minicamp. Check out those interviews. Three good guys. We're all rooting for them all now, as they are nice enough to come on the Dolphins podcast network.Everyone, have a great Wednesday night. Have a great Thursday. If you're listening to this on Thursday, we'll talk to you again after a while. And folks, don't forget, we still must put an end to Highway Propanity.

Speaker 12198.42s - 2209.96s

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