DK's Daily Shot of Penguins: Goaltending's not optional

DK's Daily Shot of Penguins: Goaltending's not optional

by DKPS Podcast Network, Dejan Kovacevic

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15:14 minutes

published 16 days ago


Copyright 2024 DK Pittsburgh Sports

Speaker 40s - 26.94s

This episode is brought to you by Shopify ORG, whether you're selling a little or a lot. Shopify ORG helps you do your thing, however, you chiching. From the launch your online shop stage, all the way to the, we just hit a million orders stage. No matter what stage you're in, Shopify ORG's there to help you grow. Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at ORG slash special offer all lowercase. That's

Speaker 126.94s - 71.64s

slash special offer. This episode is supported by FX's Clipped. The scandalous story of the 2014 Clippers ORG owner's racist remarks captured on tape and heard around the world. The series charged the tape's impact on a dysfunctional basketball organization striving to win against their reputation as the most cursed team in the league. Starring Lawrence Fishburn, Jackie Weaver, Cleopatra Coleman, and Ed O'Neill PERSON. FX's Clipped, streaming June 4th, only on Hulu ORG.I'm okay with change. I'm okay with change in life. I'm okay with change in sports.

Speaker 289.82s - 535.78s

And I've been more than okay. I feel like with change in hockey. But there are some things that I really, really like to see stand the test of time. Good morning to you. Good Friday morning. I'm Dan Kovach of D.K. Pittsburgh Sports. This is Daily Shot of Penguins. It comes your way bright and early every weekday. If you're into football and or baseball, I also offer daily shots of Steelers ORG and Pirates in the same place that you've found this. What a complete collapse last night in Raleigh by the Hurricanes ORG. Up three to one entering the third period. And the Rangers come back to score one goal by Chris Kreider PERSON, two goals by Chris Kreider, a third goal by Chris Kreider PERSON. And the Rangers go on to take the series when the hurricanes were this close to sending it back to New York for a game seven.On one hand, it's exciting stuff. It's a further validation of what a special power forward criders become in this league. And he really has. Which is funny because when he came into the league, all anybody talked about was his speed. But he's become, if not the guy, as far as size and strength in front of the net, then certainly one of the top three in the NHL ORG.And of course, there's the sub-story, for those of you who pressed play on a podcast called Daily Shot of Penguins WORK_OF_ART, and would care that the local team lost out on a first-round pick, that the hurricanes would have had to send them as part of the Jake Gensel trade had they reached the Stanley Cup EVENT final. All that's done. And Jake PERSON's season is done. But what isn't done in this scenario is the ages old thought process that you need to have outstanding goaltending to win a Stanley Cup WORK_OF_ART.And that if you're trying to do it without outstanding goaltending, you are really swimming upstream. This episode is brought to you by Bet Online, your number one source for all your summer sports needs this season for Major League Baseball, Golf, NHL, NBA ORG playoffs. Get the latest odds and lines, including all team matchups, player props, odds on just about everything that's out there. Head to the website today or use your mobile device to get in on the action.Bet online where the game starts. Over the past couple of years, there's been an increasing sentiment, I'd say, throughout the game that, well, look at the Golden Knights ORG. Can you even name who their goaltender was last spring? Who's been in goal for the avalanche? And within that, there was, you know, I don't want to make it sound like I'm picking on Kyle Dubas PERSON here because this isn't a him thing. This is really growing around the sport.This common conversation that finding a goaltender is more luck than anything else. Finding a goaltender who wins for you in the playoffs is even more greatly influenced by luck. And I've never accepted that. Look, take this from somebody who covered Johann Headberg's rise from sixth string goaltender in the San Jose organization to immediately coming to the Penguins ORG late in the season, becoming their starter, and then knocking off in order,Olaf Colzig in the capitals, Dominic, Haschik, and the Sabres ORG, and then giving Martin Broder PERSON and the devils all they could handle. These stories are very much the exception, and they are not at all the norm to which any organization should aspire. at all the norm to which any organization should aspire. The hurricanes go into every single season,expected by almost everybody, to be a legitimate contender for the Stanley Cup WORK_OF_ART. Like, not one of the top five or six or whatever, but an actual contender for the Stanley Cup WORK_OF_ART. And they never get there. They never even get close. And the reason for that, almost every season, is their goaltending.They don't go anywhere because they don't get the saves that they need. Look, you can look at those goals that were given up last night by Frederick Anderson PERSON, and you can point to a zillion different variables and they looked like they were falling apart and they were really backing off the Rangers rush, which we've seen the Penguins ORG do as well, by the way, where the Rangers ORG are just flying through the neutral zone and everybody just goes, whoa.Make the save. Certainly make the save on Kreider's first two goals. Those can't go in. Those are long-range, whatever. You just, you can't give those goals up in those settings. It affects the entire team.It affects how they perform. And it absolutely affects that lack of aggressiveness that I just described because they're all thinking, dude, if that shot's going in, the next one's going to go in too. And so a team that is built on the forecheck and on possession is doing neither. And they're not comfortable. The people in the seats are not comfortable.The place gets really, really tight. And more goals go in, more bad things happen. I have never heard with my own ears. Dubus PERSON suggest that goaltending is luck or that piling up goaltenders in the offseason is just a crapshoot. I've read it, meaning from his time in Toronto ORG, but I've not heard it. So that's the reason I'm not going to make a big case out of it other than to just mention it today.I hope that is not how he feels. I hope that when he flew to Edmonton last summer to meet with Tristan Jari and family to determine whether or not he'd be a good fit for a long-term contract and then gave him one that was five years and $26 million. I hope that he wasn't thinking, we'll see how it goes. I hope that when he signed Alex Nadelkovich PERSON, well, no, I actually know this. He received lots of strong recommendations about Alex PERSON's character, the way he fights out there. A good bunch of that came from Mike Volucci, who won a Calder Cup in Charlotte, North Carolina, with Nadelcovich PERSON's goalie. But what I don't want in Pittsburgh, and I wouldn't want it in Raleigh GPE either, is anyone to say, whatever.I mean, we've got all these skaters, we've got all these things figured out about them, we've got all these metrics, we've got ways to measure everything that they do. We don't really have that for goaltenders, at least not as much, which by the way, they don't. So we're just going to presume that if we take four or five of these guys and throw them into a blender, one of them is going to come out and maybe get hot for us like that dude from Vegas GPE did, whatever his name was. When we come back, J1Q.Hey, it's Kaylee Cuoco for Priceline ORG.

Speaker 0536.02s - 554.52s

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Speaker 3554.52s - 571.16s

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Speaker 2573.34s - 832.48s

Today's Jay 1Q comes through David PERSON, who says, So, D.K, wins Jake PERSON coming home. I knew that was coming. I knew it. Good job, Dave. Jake Gensel PERSON is, of course, going to be an unrestricted free agent,barring, barring the hurricanes stepping up and signing him themselves. Don Waddell PERSON, in a recent press conference, strongly suggested that the hurricanes would like to do that, that they'd be in favor of doing that. There is no such thing as an executive in the National Hockey League ORG, a team executive, who at any point during a playoff run is going to say anything else. You can't recall, for example, Jim Rutherford saying during the Penguins Cup EVENT runs, well, it's nice to have this guy here, but we fully expect to lose him this summer.You know what I mean? I mean, those guys are out there giving you blood and guts for the uniform. The last thing you're going to do is throw a hint that, eh, we'll see. We might be letting you walk in a few weeks or so. So I wouldn't take the Waddell PERSON thing too seriously, and I really wouldn't take it seriously if one considers that Carolina's current roster, the active roster that they were just using, has 10 pending free agents on it. 10. This is a team that probably just had its last gasp, meaning their lastgreat gasp. I mean, they're still going to have, you know, Tevoterovin PERSON, they're still going to have Andre Sveshnikov PERSON, Jacob Slavin PERSON. They have some very, very good players. I'm not suggestingthey're going to stink. But this was quite the lineup they were able to put out there, all except for one position. And as a result, Jake would be one out of a lot of guys that they'd have to deal with. So to that end, let's put it this way, if they don't sign Jake in advance of the free agency season opening up, they have absolutely no chancebecause there are teams out there that have a lot of cap space. And one in particular, the new sort of Utah GPE franchise, because the coyotes were way under the cap. And the new ownership in Salt Lake City GPE is swearing that they're going to spend up to the cap as most teams do and as all expansion teams do. So if they want to make some kind of splash and they look at the existing talent that was on the Arizona ORG roster and it wasn'tnothing, they actually were starting to do some pretty neat things over there. They might look to do something in the Jake PERSON range, and they would definitely have an easier time doing it than almost anybody. Now, would Jake, after years of being on the Penguins ORG, I understand the Penguins ORG haven't been a contender in a while, but he was part of a team that had Sidney Crosby and Hvgeny Malkin, Chris LaTang PERSON,and whatever, right? So you're not going to say that, you know, Jake PERSON was on some stinky team ever since he won the championship in 2017, and he was just part of a team that was supposed to be a Stanley Cup contender. So could he do that? Could he pull a Johnny Goodrow PERSON and just go play for the Blue Jack ORG jackets? I don't think so. You know? And yes, that was a cheap shot, but it's also deserved Goodrow. Totally picked Columbus ORG on purpose. I don't see that as being in Jake's DNA. I really don't. And I'm going to say it one last time to close out our shows for this week. No one on either side of the Penguinsand Jake PERSON scenarios. It's ruling out that he'd return. I'm not here to get anybody's hopes up. Everybody that I talk to sounds not optimistic about it, but everybodythat I talk to also swears up, down, and sideways that nothing's been ruled out in that specific regard. I appreciate the question. I appreciate everybody listening to Daily Shot of Penguins, and we will do another one of these Monday.