Bonus Episode: Overrated Authors, a Boy Scout Knife, and I Can Get the Cabin

Bonus Episode: Overrated Authors, a Boy Scout Knife, and I Can Get the Cabin

by Double Elvis Productions

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30:31 minutes

published 24 days ago


© Double Elvis


Speaker 00s - 1135.68s

Double Elvis PERSON. Hey guys, I want to talk to you about my Ticova PRODUCT's cowboy boots. I picked them up while I was in Austin, Texas GPE. I had this event I had to go to that night. It was a formal thing. I had this idea of what I was going to wear, but I needed the one extra thing.And I was like, aha, Tukovus ORG. There's a Tocovus here in Austin. The dudes who worked at the store were great. I found the exact boot I was looking for. This boot is called the Dillon PRODUCT. I got it in midnight black. I wore them to this formal event. I had on a suit. And then tonight, I'm going to wear them with jeans to my son's baseball game. These things are amazing cowboy boots. They're super comfortable and I can tell already that they're going to last for a baseball game. These things are amazing cowboy boots. They're super comfortable and I cantell already that they're going to last for a long time. A couple things you can do here to check out Tukovus. If you can, stop by your local Tukovus store. Have a complimentary drink or two. The experience is awesome. You can shop all the new styles. You're going to smell that fresh leather in the store. The friendly staff are going to be at your service. They're going to take care of you. They're going to make you feel like a rock star. A lot of the Toccovis ORG stores have these leather custom branding services to make your boots truly personalized. They put on regular livemusic and events. It's an awesome in-store experience. So if you have the opportunity to check out a Toccovis ORG store, I highly recommend it. If you can't make it into a store, just visit They offer free shipping on all boots as well as free returns and exchanges, and they ship right to your door. Go to and find your new favorite pair of boots today. Disgraceland is brought to you by Disgraceland All Access ORG.Disgraceland All Access ORG membership is your chance to support the show and get ad-free listening, an exclusive scripted episode every month, and exclusive bonus content every week, plus access to an always-on chat with me and your fellow discos. Visit ORG slash membership or just click on the link in the show notes for this episode. Hey, Discos ORG, you can listen to an extended version of this after-party episode by becoming a member of disgraceland all access. Just go to ORG slash membership for more details and to sign up.Hey guys, welcome to Disgraceland, which is of course brought to you by Double Elvis ORG. This week, we have a brand new episode on the writer William S. Burroughs PERSON that's in our disgrace land feed. And in our all-access feed for our members on Patreon and in Apple ORG subscription, we have episodes on Baskiat, Lane Staley, and Hunter S. Thompson PERSON. Plus, way more to come. So be sure to make sure that you're all signed up for our all- content either on Apple Podcasts or on Patreon ORG so that you can hear those episodes. And if you haven't yet checked out the Singers Talk ORG podcast, that's a brand new show that wehave from Double Elvis in partnership with where our host Jason Thomas Gordon PERSON talks with some of the most iconic singers about their craft, including a brand new episode this week with the incredible Michael McDonald. So go check that out, the Singers Talk ORG podcast. Hey, Discos ORG, need a little more disgrace land in your life? Just a touch to get you through? Yeah, me too. This is the podcast that comes after the podcast. Welcome to Disgraceland ORG,the after party. All right, welcome to the disgraceland bonus episode. This, as you know, is a little thing that we like to call the after party. This is the show after the show, the party after the show, the bridge to get you from one full episode of disgrace land to the other, the backyard to dig into the dirt. On this episode, we are talking about our new story on William S. Burrows PERSON that hit your feedsthis week. And of course, the sources that we used for this story that helped us uncover some wild news about another murder that we did not have the time to include in this actual episode. And of course, your voicemails and texts, and as always, a whole lot of rosy. All right, discos, let's get into it. I thought I was on to something secret and dangerous that no other 15-year-old knew about. There it was, right there, out in the open on the bookshelf, in the back of the Harvard Square, Newbury Comics ORG,the very same place that I'd heard the Pixies for the first time. This is a safe space for me. This is the very same place where I purchased Jack Carrowax PERSON on the road. Of course they would sell this book, the one I was sure that no one on the planet had even heard about but me. Junkie by William S. Burroughs PERSON.And this was before Kurt Cobain had made Burroughs PERSON known more widely to my generation, and before I was conscious enough to know that other rock and roll luminaries like David Bowie and Debbie Harry and Madonna and many, many, many more had sought out and received some sort of creative relativism from the beatwriter that transcended generations William S. Burroughs PERSON. The book scared me before I even opened it. I knew it was about heroin, of course, or more to the point. I knew it was about a person's experiences whileaddicted to heroin. I was afraid the book was going to make me want to try heroin. It didn't. If anything, it did the opposite. I didn't love the book. In fact, I'm not sure I liked it at all. It wasn't enjoyable to read. To this day, I can't really remember much of it. And what I do remember, I'm pretty sure I might be confusing with Burroughs' other book, Naked Lunch WORK_OF_ART. William S. Burroughs was considered one of the beat writers.And he certainly was. But in retrospect, you know, that label doesn't seem entirely accurate. Sure, Burroughs PERSON ran with and worked with within a circle, I should say, for a time, within that beat circle. But zoomed out now, with the benefit of historical context, William S. Burroughs seems like some weird Midwest type of beat mascot. And that's to say nothing negative about the Midwest. It's more about him and who he was.Now, on the other hand, Burroughs PERSON lived the life that he wrote about. His addictions defined him, even more than his transgressions, which is kind of saying the same thing, but not when you're talking about murder or manslaughter as the transgressions go. Is it only manslaughter when you shoot your wife in the head on accident? Not purely by accident, but when playing a game of William Tell PERSON, the risk is so monumentally fucking stupid that it seems like there should be a step up from manslaughter, some chargegreater than manslaughter that says this wasn't purely an accident and you didn't really intend on killing your wife, but you did know she could very easily die from your stupidity. So you're not getting the chair, but you are getting 25 to life. Something like that. William S. Burroughs PERSON got neither.He got off completely pretty much, and the fact that he killed his wife isn't even in the first half of his Wikipedia ORG, but his addiction is. And that addiction, like I mentioned, defines his creative output, which now as an adult is kind of gross to me.But why was I so drawn to it as a teenager? Is it just the moth to the dangerous flame thing? Is it that simple? The attraction to the illicit? It sounds so stupid when I say it out loud, so pointless. Then again, William S. Burroughs PERSON was a degenerate junkie, and he wrote his truth.And the fact that he actually got it all down on the page with, of course, the help of his more productive, career-minded and generous friends, Jack Kerouac and Alan Ginsburg PERSON, the fact that Burroughs PERSON wrote anything at all, something that many clear-minded people try to do and never succeed at, never mind those with debilitating drug addictions, the fact that Burroughs PERSON wrote anything at all, something that many clear-minded people try to do and never succeed at, never mind those with debilitating drug addictions. The fact that Burroughs PERSON wrote anything at all says something, I guess. But what does it say? What does it say about me who was enamored of the myth of William S. Burroughs when I was 15? Was I just rewarding the effort? I don't think so. Was this what Kurt Cobain PERSON and the rest of themwere drawn to as well with Burroughs? Or was it the actual writing of William S. Burroughs PERSON? Art is subjective, so it's hard for anyone to know. But Burroughs PERSON is writing, it doesn't breathe the same air as Jack Kerouac's novels or Allen Ginsberg's PERSON poetry, not to me anyway. And there are worse things, I guess, to be into as a 15-year-old than Junkie PERSON on the Bubble Beat writers. But then again, I wasn't really into it. In retrospect, I was just trying on a shirt. I thought it looked good on the rack, but it turns out it didn't fit well, or at least not as well as some others that weresimilar. Junkie, the book that I'm talking about, was heavily censored when it was first published in the 1950s. When it was republished in the late 70s, it was published in its original form. That's the edition that I read, the uncensored version. Now, censorship in any form is ridiculous. There's a time and place for everything, sure,and not every child should be exposed to everything. That's not what I'm saying. But the bookshelf at the Harvard Square Newbury comic sometime in the early 90s seems as good a place as any to fuck around and find out if junkie authors are your thing or not. Turns out for me, they weren't. I don't really think they're anybody's thing. I think William S. Barrows PERSON is overrated.There, I said it. I think Kurt Cobain, David Bowie PERSON, the rest of them, they were chasing an image, a vibe, a myth. Some shine off of a living icon who'd miraculously outlived his shelf life. Which icons, living or dead,do you think, are overrated? It can be anyone, writers, musicians, filmmakers, there are no sacred cows. William S. Barrows, Beyonce, Quentin Tarantino, Jack White PERSON, who which giant artist comes out with something new? The internet freaks out, and you sit there going, I just don't get it. 617-906-66-3638 to let me know via voicemail or text.Which icons from the world of art, entertainment, history, true crime, whatever do you think are overrated? I'll be back in a flash. Hey, are you guys proud dog owners like I am? You ever wonder why so many dogs are suffering from health issues? Actress Catherine Hegel, you know Catherine Hegel from Knocked Up WORK_OF_ART. She's helped save over 16,000 dogs through her foundation.And she says that she's seeing more issues with dogs' joints, odors, and health than ever before. After doing a ton of research, Catherine PERSON feels that there's one place that we can all look to improve our dog's health, and that is their food. Many dog foods can actually create toxins that can be wrecking our dog's health. Okay, and this is true even for many of the premium dog food brands. However, by just adding a few special superfoods to our dog's diets, we can see hugetransformations in their health. Catherine Hegel PERSON has already done this. She's made a video about it. You guys need to watch this video. It's a 20-minute video explaining step by step how anyone can do the same thing to see incredible changes in their dog's health. This worked amazingly for my dog, Dusty PERSON. I'm noticing more energy, healthier skin, healthier coat. Dusty PERSON's coat looks fantastic. If you want to keep your dog healthy and happy, go to slash disgracelandand watch Catherine PERSON's video right now. Again, that's B-A-D-L-A-N-D-S-F-F-O-D dot com slash disgraceland. Hey, Discos, it's Jake PERSON here. Thank you so much for listening to Disgraceland ORG. Your support truly means a lot to me, and it's because of you that my team and I are able to make this show.If you want more disgraceland, if you want more regular interactions with me and the community of Disgraceland ORG listeners, or if you simply want to listen to the show ad-free, go to ORG slash membership or just click on the link in the show notes for this episode. For just five bucks a month, you can listen to everyepisode of Disgraceland ad-free. Plus, you'll get one brand new exclusive episode every month. You'll also get weekly unscripted bonus content, special audio collections, and early access to merch and events. There are two ways that you can support the show and become a member at slash membership. You can sign up using Patreon ORG and listen to the show ad free on Apple, Spotify, and most other major podcast platforms. And Patreon ORG members also get access to all the other perks of membership in an always-onchat where I'll be interacting with you and diving deeper into the world of disgrace land. But maybe you're currently an Apple ORG podcast subscription listener and you want to just tap into all the bonus audio content and ad-free listening that we're offering. We're also offering this membership as a premium channel on Apple ORG Podcasts. However you choose to join, all you got to do is go to slash membership.Support the show for just $5 a month, five bucks, or sign up for an annual plan and get two months free. Come join me and your fellow discos at Disgraceland ORG,all access, by visiting slash membership. All right, we are back. Let's talk for a minute here about the sources that we used for this week's episode on William S. Burroughs PERSON. If you're a disco, you know or you like to know.That's the thing, right? I know you guys dive deep. You want to know where I'm getting the information for these episodes. This is the part of the bonus episode where we fill you in on these sources. All right. Of course, there are books that William S. Burroughs PERSON himself wrote, classics of the so-called beat generation that I was mentioning before. These classics being junkie and naked lunch, right? Those are the two borrower's books.You're going to want to read those if you're curious about this guy's writing, or at least sample them, okay? I'm not recommending these books after I just said the guy was overrated, but you get what I'm saying. These are the two sort of pillars of William S. Burroughs' PERSON creative output. There's also a collection of his letters,a book called The Letters of William S. Burroughs, 1945 to 1959, which, as you know, if you've heard this episode that we just did, these letters were super helpful to get inside Burroughs PERSON' head for our editorial POV, because a lot of it is set during this time. All right, there are two primary biographies that we used for our research. The first being, Call Me Burrows, a Life byMiles, and the second being Gentleman Junkie, the Life and Legacy of William S. Burroughs WORK_OF_ART by Graham Cavaney. I hope I'm pronouncing that the correct way. Cavanee PERSON, C-A-V-E-N-E-Y. These books helped usuncover all kinds of wild stories about how William S. Burroughs PERSON left his wife and child behind to go hunt for ayahuasca in the jungle. Class dad moved there, about how Barrows fought the Massachusetts Supreme Court ORG when his novel Naked Lunch WORK_OF_ART was on trial for obscenity. And of course, all about how long before William S. Burroughs was the literary hero that he became known as he fatally shot his wife, Joan Vomer PERSON, in Mexico GPE. All right, we also did a lot of searching across the internet to help us find other stuff that wasn't necessarily in those books, whether other information that wasn't necessarily in thosebooks, whether it's the Kurt Cobain PERSON interview that we referenced at the top of the episode. Sometimes these stories that come to light after those biographies were published, perhaps the stories don't make them into the books for some reason. Sometimes we need stuff to help fill out our own editorial point of view. So, of course, you know, we hit up the articles on the internet, whatever interviews we can find, videos with people, et cetera.One of those that we found online was told from Al Jurgensen PERSON of the great industrial group ministry, who I got to say, there's an Al jorgensen episode coming for disgrace and at some point i don't know maybe it'll be an all access thing there are just so many fucking crazy stories uh about al from his ministry days and he's such an not unreliable narrator that it kind of makes it even more interesting to try and figure out um speaking of according to al jurgensen he paid a visit to williams boroughs at borrows's place out in Lawrence, Kansas GPE.At this time, I believe this is in the early 90s, at this time, William S. Burroughs is 80 years old, but despite his age, he's still filling himself up with heroin, and he's shooting heroin without Jurgensen. And apparently, you know, the interesting thing here is he's using all this antiquated gear to shoot up, this huge, he's got this huge utilityated gear to shoot up. This huge, he's got this huge utility belt of syringes and all kinds of stuff you would use in the 1950sto do heroin he's still using in the 90s. And as they're getting high, the story goes, William S. Burroughs is opening a letter from President Bill Clinton PERSON, inviting Burroughs to come speak at the White House FAC. Nuts, just nuts. I want to find out if this is true.This is according to Al Jurgensen PERSON, and again, unreliable narrator. But also according to Jurgensen, Burroughs PERSON, when he's opening the letter and reading it, he has no idea who Bill Clinton PERSON is. You know, who the president is, who's in Congress ORG,you know, what teams in the Super Bowl that year, whatever's going on in the news overseas at home. William S. Burroughs was clueless to it all, just living out his own secluded life out there in Kansas being visited by 90s rock stars. Just wild. Do you believe this story? Let me know. 617-906663.A couple of you have already hit me up on Instagram, a couple of you from Kansas GPE, who are old enough to have had run-ins with William S. Burroughs back in the day. These are fascinating. Call me, though. I got the DMs, but hit me up 617-906-66-3-8.If you're listening, you know who you are, hit me up, leave me a voicemail or send me a text. I'll read them here in the afterparty 617-90666-6-36-3-8. Also, of course, all you guys, as I just mentioned in the previous block, I want to hear which icons from the world of arts, entertainment, history, etc., which icons do you think are overrated? Let me know. 617-90666-6638. You can send me a text or you can leave me a voicemail just like this listener from the 585 PRODUCT. What up, Jake. This is Jen from the 585,

Speaker 11136.38s - 1198.26s

and I'm a long-time listener. I love your show. So well-produced. You do such a great job. Y'all do. And I just recently listened to the adrian shelley episode which i she's obscure in a way that makes me love you even more than i thought i already did so thank you so much i watched the documentary that was about her and you know just her so it's just the harrowing demise that she had. And it was brilliant.And your podcast is great. And you did just a good job with the content and with her legacy and everything. And it was just really, really moving and did a great job and you always do. So anyway, I finally wanted to reach out and just say, what up? And good job. And thank you so much for all the wonderful content.And I just love nerding out on all of the movies and the music and everything. So thanks for what you do. I hope you're doing well. Rockawola PERSON. Bye.

Speaker 01199s - 1211s

Jen, you were the best. Thank you so much. I really appreciate you letting me and the team know. Stoked you were into that episode. Thank you. Let's check out this voicemail from the 7-14 PRODUCT.

Speaker 31216.96s - 1225.26s

Yo, Jake, listening up to that episode about Garth Brooks PERSON being a serious killer. I think we all know. The man has friends in low places. Maybe that's the devil. Maybe that's the secret trade first career. Yo, 714.

Speaker 01230.52s - 1273.4s

Yeah, just to be clear, I wasn't actually saying that Garth Brooks PERSON is a serial killer. I was putting forth a theory by Tom Seguera PERSON. I heard from Tom Secura, by the way, on the old Instagram ORG after we released that episode. We did a little real about it as well, and he shared it, which I thought was pretty cool. And he thanked us for doing the episode, which was awesome. But I asked you guys in the last after-party,which other musicians, artists, and this is done in jest, it was a joke, which other artist you think could possibly have the persona to be a serial killer? Who is it? Is it Kendrick Lamar PERSON? I don't think so. But some people are saying so right now.Not me. I'm not one of them. Let me know. 617-906-66-6638. 310 comes in with this voicemail.

Speaker 21285.44s - 1334.7s

Hey, this is Yuri from just west of the 405. I have been a Garth Brooks fan since I was probably 14 years old when his first two albums came out. And I loved the show. I thought it was great. I had never heard this before. I knew that it was, you know, based off of something else, but I still thought I had to listen to it all the way through to the end. And I loved how you took it all the way to the end until you told the story of where it came from.So, excellent job. I really enjoyed it. And, you know, as far as another person who could be a serial killer, I'm going to have to go with Wayne Newton PERSON. All right. Think about this. He keeps a low profile, and he lives in the desert.You never see the man leave Vegas GPE. Why? Because bodies don't deteriorate in the desert. That's it. Thanks, man. Have a good one.

Speaker 01335.2s - 1371.1s

310. I appreciate the voicemail. I'm a little scared of your knowledge of what bodies do and don't do in the desert in the desert. So, you know, lose my number 3.1. No, I'm kidding. Wayne Newton PERSON. Dude, have you ever seen pictures of Wayne Newton PERSON when he was a young artist?Wow. Just amazing. I have no words. I have no words. Anyways, I'm glad the Garth Brooks PERSON fans, Doug, the little piss we took out of Garth Brooks there in that episode. Thank you so much. Let's do one more here before this topic goes dry. This one from the 604 PRODUCT. Hey, Drake PERSON.

Speaker 31371.68s - 1397.36s

Just commenting on who is a serial killer in music industry wise? Morrissey, 100%. Proofly wrong. You could see the guy just chopping up people. It's likefucking creepy bullshit, pretentious. Maddie Dyer. PERSON He's a total serial killer. Okay.

Speaker 01398.1s - 1806.76s

All right, 604. Morrissey PERSON is a serial killer. You know, it's not something that strikes me as completely unbelievable. And yes, Marcy PERSON is completely pretentious. And I spent a good part of my youth, probably when I was reading Junkie by William S. Burroughs, hating on Marcy PERSON. But the fact of the matter is, I fucking love Marcy PERSON.I love his music. I love his solo music. I love the Smiths ORG. I love how pretentious it is. It's just, I don't know, man. I don't know.Give it another shot. That's all I'll say. That's all I'll say, 604. Think of it. And now, as I listen to it, 604 PRODUCT, I'm going to be listening to it from Morrissey PERSON's point of view as a serial killer.And I guarantee you, it's going to make me like it even more. All right, 617-9066638, voicemail and text. I did a lot of voicemails. Let's do some text here. This one from the 303 PRODUCT. Hey, maybe Garth Brooks PERSON is not a serial killer.Maybe one of his road crew is. Got to consider all the possibilities. Yes, we do 303 PRODUCT. That seems like an obvious one. One that would have completely fucked up our story, which is why we did not consider it. The 530 writes, and, hey, regarding serial killer music artists,here are a few. Nick Cave, Britney Spears, Henry Rollins, and Aaron Neville PERSON. Okay, I'm going to go through these first impressions. Nick Cave PERSON, no way. Nick Cave PERSON is a God-fearing man in his bones, I believe that. Britney Spears PERSON, okay, okay.You know, I'm pausing, and I'm thinking about Britney Spears PERSON being a serial killer. And I just don't think the, what is it? I'll put it nicely. I don't think the hard drive is there, if you know what I'm saying. Henry Rollins PERSON, too obvious, uh-uh, and I believe Rollins is a good guy at heart. Aaron Neville PERSON, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about with Aaron Neville.So write me back, 530, and let me know. Make the case that Aaron Neville is a good guy at heart. Aaron Neville, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about with Aaron Neville. So write me back 530 and let me know. Make the case that Aaron Neville PERSON is a serial killer. Lots of people. Lots of people writing in to say that Marilyn Manson PERSON is a serial killer. And you know, it's a bit too on the nose. If you're a serial killer, would you really go through life parading around as MarilynManson? But then again, maybe you just have insane hubris. And that's why you go around through life parading yourself as Marilyn Manson PERSON? But then again, maybe you just have insane hubris, and that's why you go around through life parading yourself as Marilyn Manson PERSON. I don't know. You might be on to something. 919 writes in, hey, just listen to the Steve McQueen PERSON episode.And I agree that he is at the pinnacle of cool. One I would put ahead and before him would have to be Humphrey Bogart PERSON. Cool before cool was the word. I love that. I love that take. It says, not sure if McQueen was influenced by Bogies PERSON laid back, give a fuck tough guy persona, but can't argue that they both had that presencein a fuck you. It's my world. You're in it. Mindset. Wow. Great take 919. I absolutely 100% believe that McQueen was influenced by Bogart, especially when it comes to cool. And I love, I love what you say there. Cool before we had a word for it. I get into this, that concept actually, in our Miles Davis PERSON episodes. And I get into it in some depth. So you might want to check those out if you haven't already, because it really deals with the birth of cool, so to speak. All right, I'm going to take a quick break.I'll be back in a flash. All right, everybody, we are back, and I got to say that we are missing you. We're missing you like Mick Jagger, missed Keith Richards back in the late 70s in the early 80s. We're missing you like Frank Sinatra, missed Ava Gardner. We're missing you like Jake Gyllenhaal, Mrs. Taylor PERSON, okay, maybe not that last one. Listen, we're missing you over in the All Access ORG members feed, okay? That is where our All Access members are hearing all about this other wild story about William S. Burroughs PERSON and his involvement and yet another murder.This one, seven years before the murder of his wife. If you're a disco, you know that where you have to go to get the other information, the extra information, is the All Access Club ORG content. Okay? You're going to hear about it too. Right here. Right here, right here, right here in this after-party bonus episode.You just get ahead to ORG slash membership and sign up. It's quick, it's easy, it's just five bucks a month, or even cheaper than that, if you sign up for an annual membership, okay? For an annual membership, you're going to get a discount. You can choose to sign up via Apple Podcast or Patreon ORG, get exclusive weekly bonus content like these extended afterparties that I was just mentioning. You get one exclusive, brand new,fully scripted episode of disgrace land every single month like the episodes on Basquiat, Lane Staley of Allison Chains that are waiting for you right now, along with the episode on Chris Cornell PERSON, it's going to drop in a couple weeks. You get to listen to every episode of disgrace land. That's 174 episodes and counting ad free. And if you choose the Patreon ORG option, you can join our always on chat with me and your fellow discos talking about disgrace land episodes. We're talking about music. We're talking about movies.We're talking about books. I'm about to hop in there today. I've been on a reading tear lately. Okay? And I want to talk to you about these books that I'm reading. I want to get some insight from you on what books you're reading and you recommend. And I get a couple I want to talk to you about these books that I'm reading. I want to get some insight from you on what books you're reading and you recommend, and I get a couple I want to recommend as well. So don't miss out any longer on all the great bonus content that we got for you with so much more to come every single week, ORG slash membership.Go check it out and then get in here and party with us. All right, back in a flash. All right, let's recap, shall we? Number one, there is more afterparty to listen to right now. All you got to do is go to ORG slash membership and sign up to become an all-access member. But if that ain't your bag, then number two, right now in feed this week's brand new episode on william s bros ORG number threecoming tomorrow a rewind episode on chep baker number four my number is six one seven nine oh six six six three eight call me on the telephone or text me remember though that no one cares about the music that you love more than you do and well that is a disgrace and now for my moment of bliss and honor this week's episode on will S. Burroughs ORG, me reading you, the Kansas City, Kansas phone book from 1953. Albertson, William, 9811, east 59th, terrace, 7154.Albin, Albert, 8-712E. 79th, 7788. Aldridge, DW, E68, Terrace, 7798. Alex, Jason, 10320E63, 7625. Alexander, Atwood, 6801, Maple, 85199.

Speaker 31807.94s - 1809.48s

Alexander, Joe PERSON.

Speaker 11809.48s - 1814s

Albertson, Fleming, 094, 182, 5th,

Speaker 31814s - 1818.58s

Allen, 6251, 10201 at east,

Speaker 11818.58s - 1821.76s


Speaker 21821.76s - 1825.7s

Allen, Frank PERSON, 951-605, 655, 935, 6th, 9365, 936. 775 All right Frank 9510

Speaker 11825.7s - 1826.8s


Speaker 01826.8s - 1835.2s

9550 937000 Quit talking and start mixing Cut it