105. Breaking news; All roads lead to Bravo, VPR Finale

105. Breaking news; All roads lead to Bravo, VPR Finale

by B & Amanda

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65:04 minutes

published 22 days ago




Speaker 20s - 17.76s

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Speaker 1428.28s - 35.54s

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Speaker 036.14s - 37.38s

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Speaker 937.9s - 72.32s

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Speaker 1273.7s - 129.7s

Coach, Jen Armstrong PERSON, where are they going to work? What are they doing? Bet they have all this money. Come on. Yeah, come on. Ryan's at the gym working out three hours a day.He's some brilliant guy. What is he? Mark Zuckerberg? Like, what is he? Jeff Bezos PERSON? He has, and if that's the case, where's the Amazon ORG?Where's the Facebook ORG? Where's meta? How is this average intelligent man who dresses in Ed Hardy PERSON clothing? We have all this money. Welcome to cocktailstails and Gossip, the podcast where we drink cocktails, but you better believe we're going to spill the tea.We chat reality TV, celebrity blinds, and the hottest tea from bravoin cocktails.com ORG. And as always, it's all alleged and just for fun. We do not verify our blinds. I'm B. And I'm Amanda PERSON.

Speaker 11131.46s - 135.84s

Let's get into this week's teep.

Speaker 12144.98s - 145.4s

What's up, Cocktailors and Amanda? I'm so excited. We have so much. There's so much today, guys.

Speaker 11146.66s - 146.72s

So I don't know.

Speaker 12154.38s - 154.88s

I've been dying to talk to you about Banderpump WORK_OF_ART, which we will get to because I have so many thoughts on that.

Speaker 11161.86s - 165.56s

But I think we should start first with something that's becoming like a much bigger news story. Like I even heard it on like the little being talked about actually this

Speaker 12165.56s - 174.04s

morning on the local radio. So I would like to point out that we knew this guy. We had like so

Speaker 11174.04s - 179.44s

much intel about various like things not being on the up and up. And it's what Amanda PERSON always

Speaker 12179.44s - 189.76s

says. Like when there's smoke, there's fire. Like if you're an honest business person, there aren't going to be, like, all of these things lingering around that don't, right, legit.

Speaker 11189.76s - 289.42s

Multiple federal investigations. Right. Like that? Yeah. Yeah. Right. Okay. So who we're talking about right now is Jen Armstrong, who was new on OC last year. You'll remember she came on as a friend of Tamara PERSON. She was a yoga studio owner. She was going through divorce. And she was dating that guy, Ryan Boyasian PERSON. I hope I'm saying that right. We had gotten a lot of intel that he was a scammer and kind of slimy.If you'll remember, we did a little deep dive on the other federal investigation that he was, I think, an informant on too, actually. I'm trying to remember the details. I should have looked that up, but today's been nuts. Tamara PERSON kept saying, like, he was inferring that he's a cheater. So we had shared and cocktail all of this kind of stuff. And then it comes out this week that Ryan PERSON, who is now engaged to Jen, who is a current cast member of the OC ORG, is involved in a, I don't even know what you call it, scandal slash scheme where I'm going to try to say his name right.There is a L.A. Dodgers player called Shohei Otani PERSON, who is an amazing, amazing baseball player and has, I think he has like a contract for like 70 million maybe. I don't remember how much it is.

Speaker 12289.5s - 296.56s

Well, I think some of that is like endorsements, both in Asia LOC and here. So I don't know if the team pays him that or like what.

Speaker 11296.76s - 384.18s

Yeah. Tons and tons and tons of money. I think, I think his like salary alone, I think is like 20. I don't know. So he is Japanese NORP. He has an interpreter, which is apparently quite typical with a lot of players that have their interpreter. It's liketheir trusted person who knows a lot of details about their, you know, like all their contracts and their banking and all of that stuff because they're helping them navigate life in the U.S. as a non-English NORP speaker. So the translator's name is Mizuharo Ipe Musahara. And it appears that Ipe Mizahara PERSON had a really, really bad gambling problem and has been accused of stealing $16 million from Otani PERSON to feed essentially what is seen as this gambling addiction. Where Ryan comes in is Mizohara had been sending wiring the money to Ryan Boyagian PERSON, who it was then in terms, apparently giving all or some of that money to a bookie who was illegally placing bets, you know, who was running an illegal like bet placing situation.

Speaker 12385.24s - 399.86s

And so we posted this in cocktail, but Amanda PERSON, if you can read, this was explained very well by a lovely cocktailer who we cannot say who or what. Yeah. Affiliation she has. Yeah. But trusted source.Yeah.

Speaker 11400.4s - 624.32s

And I will also say like one of the big reasons that this was a really big deal is that Shohei Otani PERSON, there was a lot of speculation that he was the one actually doing the gambling and that the translator was just placing the bets for him. And if you, I'm sure you guys know this, but if you are a professional sports player, you absolutely cannot bet. I don't know if you can bet it on any sports, but if you are a professional sports player, you absolutely cannot bet. I don't know if you can bet on any sports, but you definitely can't bet on the sport that you play,which is what Pete Rose PERSON got into trouble for forever and never and ever ago. Because then if you're seen to be gambling on the sport you play, people will question, like, did you throw a game just so that you could make, you know, money for yourself? Okay. So it is seeing there are people, I think though Otani PERSON has now been cleared that it really is just about, it's just the translator. But here is what a source said. My husband works for blank. There's lots of theories about this scandal,and at the end of the day, people are going to think whatever they want. Otani is 100% of victim. The FBI ORG actually investigated and found no evidence of him being involved, and that the interpreter sold the money. Of course, people are going to question, how did he not know millions of dollars being transferred out? Otani is worth millions of dollars and the majority of his money actually comes from endorsements, not just in the U.S., but also in Japan GPE. It wasn't like he transferred a bulk sum, it was multiple payments,multiple large sums, but small enough for him not to notice. Besides, he trusted his interpreter with everything. Foreign players, especially young ones, 1,000 percent depend on their translators to help them with everything when they come to the U.S. GPE, like finding a place to live, negotiations just in case their agents don't speak their language, helping them acquire travel documents, and yes, even opening a bank account for them. This isactually very common, much more than you might think. Otani PERSON has known his translator Ipe since he first came to the U.S. when he was like 21 or 22, and they developed a strong friendship. He depended on Ipe PERSON for everything and trusted him to handle a lot of things for him, like his finances. He was a kid away from his parents or any other adult he's known, so he heavily relied on his translator. He was, Ipe was Otani PERSON's translator, personal assistant, and accountant. I didn't want to say, I don't want tosay too much, but even before this all came out, people in the organization were iffy about Ipe. He walked around acting entitled and made sure no one spoke to Otani PERSON without him, even though there are other Japanese speakers around who could have helped. It's actually kind of sad how Otani PERSON found out. It was after their first game of the season that opened in Korea GPE. They got word that a news article was coming out because Ipe PERSON didn't interview and Ipe wanted to confess the team about his gambling addiction. So it says, C entitled, Why Would a translator demand to hold a team meeting, right?Great question. Another team Japanese translator had to tell Otani what was going on because IPE wasn't accurately translating what he was confessing to. He originally only confessed to Otani PERSON about having a gambling addiction, but left out the fact that he was using Otani PERSON's money to pay it off, made them wonder what else he incorrectly translated for Otani PERSON. And there's also there's specific reasons why his contract was deferred. I won't even go into that. Later the reason, last the reason they even tied Otani PERSON to the gambling ring is because they found his name when they subpoenaed Ryan Boyagian's PERSON bank accounts.

Speaker 12624.66s - 627.14s

First, I feel so bad for Otani PERSON.

Speaker 11627.48s - 632.02s

How disappointing and upsetting to trust someone with your life.

Speaker 12632.14s - 639.98s

I'm sure he was incredibly generous in his salary that he paid his translator, interpreter, and what a betrayal.

Speaker 11640.22s - 644.66s

I mean, his name is cleared now, but when this was all coming out, I was getting messages yesterday

Speaker 12644.66s - 665.74s

and I originally posted because, as you guys know, I am not the girl in the sports world. I don't know. And I was very quick. When it was all figured out to take that post down and share this, Otani, his name is cleared. He was in the dark. I think initially people were like, oh, yeah, okay, you don't notice $16 million missing. But it was explained

Speaker 11665.74s - 673.2s

when you have $70 million and if he is his accountant and he is his everything, he could have

Speaker 12673.2s - 720.9s

said, I'm investing in this. I'm investing in that. We have a property here. Like he's trusted this man with his life. So it's very possible. And obviously it has been determined that he was not at all involved. He did not know that this gambling was going on. So beside the fact that this is obviously a huge story and a big deal in the sports world, involving Bravo, it's just all roads, Amanda PERSON, just leave back.We just recently, we had one of you cocktailers were at the Bahamas, in the Bahamas, which I got to tell you, that resort, boy, they keep the tea flowing for us, Bravo ORG fans. We have, we have Juicy Joe there every weekend. We have Michael, what the heck's his name, Ashley PERSON's husband, former husband.

Speaker 0720.9s - 739.58s

Darby PERSON, Darby. We have him there flirting with, allegedly flirting with men in the bar. Long story short, we like Baja Mar ORG because they give us the tea. The good news for us is that I did reach out to my source. And although we had heard that OC ORG wrapped, it did, it's still in production. There's still confessionals and stuff filming.

Speaker 12740.04s - 750.5s

So yes, we're going to see Tamara PERSON's reaction. Yes, Jen PERSON is going to have to say, I'm sure she'll try to weasel out and say something to the effect of, oh, I can't speak on that.

Speaker 11750.72s - 771.78s

But do you think if, for example, something like this big that breaks after they have wrapped filming, so we know that they're still doing production, right? Are they allowed to, like, bring this up in the reunion? Because I don't know if they if I don't think they filmed the reunion yet. Or do you think they'll pick the cameras back up?

Speaker 12771.78s - 796.6s

Or like how do you think so I so I think it's still in production is what my source said. So like main filming is concluded. So I don't know are they just going to ask the women in confessions and get their thoughts on it? And then when we pick up next or like at the reunion, flush it out more. And then when we pick cameras up for next season, discuss it, right?Assuming Jen PERSON doesn't walk. Yeah.

Speaker 11796.94s - 817.22s

To me, she also gets invited for another season. Well, my favorite part about this whole thing is that you posted this story yesterday on the Bravo and Cocktails ORG Instagram. Tamara Judge PERSON commented on the post. Told you so. Well, you know what's funny?

Speaker 12817.52s - 849.86s

She was just talking about him being a cheater. Who knows? Maybe she didn't mean with other women. Now I'm kidding. Listen, these things always come out. And I think the thing that will always surprise me, and it shouldn't, right?Because people who are capable of doing things like this, like Jen Shah PERSON, like others, will go on reality TV because they just think they're invincible. They have some. Hubert PERSON. Right is the word hubris. I mean, it's got to be a personality disorder, right? There's got to be a DSM WORK_OF_ART classification, yeah, for that.

Speaker 11849.96s - 852s

Yeah. But, yeah, but it's hubris.

Speaker 12852.08s - 872.46s

Like, they just have big balls and they just, they're like, I'll never get caught. And like, you go on TV. I mean, his name already had, as we discussed at the top of the pot, it already had. He's already been, had federal investigations and all sorts of stuff that I reposted yesterday. And I will repost again after this is live so that if you guys missed it,

Speaker 11872.5s - 950.94s

you can read it. I'll go back to and find the little, the episode that we did the deep dive. And then we can link that too. Yeah. I mean, I don't know. If I'm playing devil's advocate, right, which this is not necessarily what I believe. But if I'm playing devil's advocate, perhaps Ryan PERSON didn't know that the funds were stolen. Okay. But the other side of that argument to me is that if there wasn't something funky about the money, why would Ryan need to be the middleman for the wired money on behalf of the bookie? So like something clearly stinks here. There was some speculation in one of the article actually that or I don't, and I would tell you guys if I remember where I read it, but that it had something to do with Ryan PERSON was alsogoing and taking some of us wired money and then betting it in Las Vegas, something to do with a marker for the bookie, which again is strange. So then it definitely sounds like Ryan PERSON's a little bit more involved versus just like holding and sending over money. People online are also saying, you know, her money, her ring was bought with stolen funds. I mean, I think that's a little bit of a leap that we really don't have any proof for.

Speaker 12951.48s - 954.76s

Sure, there'll be a forensic investigation. Yes.

Speaker 11954.98s - 967.5s

To determine all of that. Erica, Jane PERSON, anyone? Yeah, exactly. So I'm sure, you know, we will definitely be keeping an eye on this because I think it can end up being a lot, a lot bigger.

Speaker 12968s - 979.72s

O.C. is a town, much like Charleston GPE, that we just have a lot of people who are cocktailers who live in the O.C.

Speaker 3980.36s - 985.14s

And somebody else who's closely connected to the OC said,

Speaker 12985.8s - 1003.88s

Ryan PERSON is going to give up someone huge to get immunity. And they said it's a very dark circle and he will have to sleep with one eye open and that Jen PERSON should run. And I'm old enough to remember Casino WORK_OF_ART, the movie, which I like have a strong urge to rewatch.

Speaker 31004.54s - 1010.28s

But these are like, you're talking about some bad people involved in all of this kind of stuff.

Speaker 121015.84s - 1019.64s

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Speaker 101153.46s - 1162.02s

with men who have money and I think that I just don't and I said this in regards to coach and in that

Speaker 121162.02s - 1189.92s

case they were married many years right right? So he certainly should have had some idea. But I just find it so hard to believe that I'm not saying that Jen PERSON had knowledge that it was purely illegal or that he was stealing from a famous baseball player. But like on some level, you don't know it's shady. I mean, you know, we posted about this last year about totally different fraudulent situations he had been in. And yeah, sure, he can explain it away.

Speaker 111190.08s - 1207.98s

You know, crooks always can. But he was essentially now I'm remembering. He was essentially part of a like organization that was essentially selling land and development that never came to be in Costa Rica or Dominic PERSON I can't remember where but somewhere like

Speaker 121207.98s - 1233.76s

that so it's like all this shady stuff and you love this person so much she's so attractive it I don't know it's just I think unfortunately when you place a premium on being with somebody I don't know maybe it's a personality type they like maybe they like like that very, would you say, would you call it? Hubris. Huberous. Like, I don't know.I don't know. I just advise women. Just know where the money's really coming from.

Speaker 111233.86s - 1247.44s

If they don't have a typical nine to five, then. And it's not coming home at night and between you about what Karen PERSON said in a meeting. That's when you should maybe like... Why is it always got to be Karen PERSON?

Speaker 121247.58s - 1248.1s

Poor Karen PERSON.

Speaker 111248.16s - 1249.32s

Because it usually is Karen PERSON.

Speaker 121249.56s - 1249.84s


Speaker 111250s - 1250.54s

I don't know.

Speaker 121250.64s - 1308.18s

I just, I guess what I'm saying is like it's kind of hard for me to feel sorry for like the Erica Janes and the Coach Shas and the Jen Armstrongs PERSON. It's like you were with a shady motherfucker. Give me a break. At least in Erica PERSON's situation, he was a lawyer, right?So that's like Lutian. And like for so many years. But like coach Shah, Jen Armstrong PERSON, where they going to work? What are they doing? That they have all this money. Come on. Yeah. I'm on. Ryan PERSON's at the gym working out three hours a day. He's some brilliant guy. What is he? Mark Zuckerberg. Like, what is he? Jeff Bezos? He has. And if that's the case, where's the Amazon, where's the Facebook, where's Meta? How is this average intelligent man who dresses in Ed Hardy clothing? Do we have all this money? Come on. Chinese NORP shit on the back of his gene pockets. Like, you expect me to believe that she didn't suspect there was some illegal action going on. I'm not saying she knew the details or she knew the extent, but she knew something. And I stand by that.

Speaker 111308.62s - 1315.36s

You know, I think, too, I think the dating pool is of people who can afford to live in the O.C.

Speaker 121315.56s - 1317.86s

In like the nicer areas, right?

Speaker 111318.22s - 1442.12s

Or even just in the O.C. GPE in general because it's such an expensive place to live. I think that is a very small dating pool, hence Alexis PERSON and Johnny J. Right. And like of the people who are then like take that pool even smaller, right? By like of the people who are decently attractive and not over the age of 70.Right. So right. You know, I don't know. I think there's people who are willing to turn a blind eye because you know they want to have the lifestyle that they want to have so okay let's talk jersey PERSON i'm like almost scared to even bring it up it's started out messy i think that's what we're going to be seeingso we talked a little bit about this last week. We've posted on the site. There is a lot of scandal happening kind of off the screen right now. A couple weeks ago, there were a bunch of essentially fan accounts, but fan accounts that were tree huggers that really turned on her, but especially turned on Jen Aden PERSON. They have been sharing information and screenshots saying that they were paid or gifted items so that they would push narratives fed to them by Teresa's attorney Jim Leonard, Teresa, and Jen PERSON. They shared screenshots.There were meetings. There were phone calls with Teresa and Jen PERSON. All of this is being exposed. And then, funny enough, first episode, we immediately see Jen and Teresa PERSON in the car before they go to the party discussing exactly what these Twitter accounts said that they were told to say regarding John Fuda. They spoke that his Jen PERSON's like, oh, did you hear in the car to Teresa that he, that John Fuda PERSON likes to use purple double-sideddildos. And also there was a claim that he was the biggest drug dealer in Bergen County GPE,

Speaker 121442.36s - 1503.06s

which is where they live. It's just funny, right? Because right out of the gate, first episode, everything that Teresa PERSON, Jen PERSON, and the lawyer were accused of, we see. Okay. Checkmate. So it's fairly obvious. Also at the reunion, John PERSON said, you contacted my son's mother in jail or halfway house wherever she was. Her communicating with blogs, got her, or Twitter accounts or whatever, got her put back in jail or halfway house wherever she was, her communicating with blogs, got her, or Twitter accounts or whatever, got her put back in jail. So Louis PERSON wanted to meet with him to deny that he contacted the baby mother, but Teresa PERSON's walking into the party, screaming about talking to the,about seeing it, quote unquote, on the internet. And what's funny is, remember when Marge and the other women two seasons ago brought up the warrior video. Right. That was something they saw on the internet. So I think that's how Teresa and the lawyer and Louis PERSON got the idea because they always believe that Marge fed the video. I can tell you that isn't true. I've said it a million times. I have no affiliation

Speaker 111503.06s - 1566.92s

with Marge. I never have. But of course, the tree stumps. Although I don't even know if there are any tree stumps left because they turned on her. She doesn't have Melissa Feister anymore because she turned on her too. So I think honestly, I think what's happening is Jen's taking out the heat because I think they're all turned on. They've all turned on Jen. But like I even listen to Carlos King, who has always been a Teresa PERSON person. You know, he used to produce her on the show. And he's just calling out Jen PERSON, Jen, Jen, Jen, Jen, Jen, Jen, Jen. And I think she's his friend. Right. But I think that's what's happening with some of these is that, you know, and I listened to what I think I guess was the last episode of the podcast with her and Melissa PERSON and Teresa PERSON says like, oh, my Instagram's been hacked. Oh, the show's Instagram's been hacked.Oh, you know, and like that's going to be her answer to all of this. So I think she's hoping that she's probably going to still like escape all the heat and that it's all going to go to Jen Aden PERSON.

Speaker 121567.06s - 1580.04s

She still acts like she doesn't know why she went to jail. And there's, like, legal documentation showing why. So, of course, she's going to deny this. She hasn't taken accountability for anything she's ever done in her entire life. You will fail.

Speaker 71580.62s - 1608.36s

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Speaker 91668.9s - 1714.88s

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Speaker 101714.88s - 1730.18s

beginning. That's audiobooks.com slash podcast F-R-E. What we hear is the entire reason why she went for Fuda in the first place was twofold, right?

Speaker 121730.56s - 1741.18s

First, she doesn't want to engage her brother or Melissa PERSON at all because at the reunion she basically said, yeah, you're fired after this because I'm the star. Not in so many words, but she said she'd never have to see them again.

Speaker 111741.18s - 1742.58s

And there they are. I'm so happy.

Speaker 121742.68s - 1745.54s

I never have to see you again or talk to you again.

Speaker 111745.62s - 1746.36s

That's what she said.

Speaker 121746.56s - 1754.52s

Yeah. And then you have Louie, who's unhappy because Fuda PERSON wouldn't shake his hand and accept his apology. So it's so obvious.

Speaker 111754.74s - 1757.5s

But the thing, I don't know, the polly of it all.

Speaker 121758.38s - 1758.84s

I, I, okay.

Speaker 111759.62s - 1828.74s

I just need to ask you this. And I'm just going to tell you the way that I'm feeling. And cocktailers, like, don't get mad. But I'm just going to tell you the way that I'm feeling and cocktailers like don't get mad but I am just starting to feel really grossed out by this show. I now that I'm kind of knowing what I know and like I kind of feel like if we weren't covering it for the website and for the pod, I don't know that I would want to continue to watch it because I'm like, okay, so we know there's all of us orchestrating going on.Like, why are we even watching the show? And it's just starting to feel gross because, like, I am still. Like, it brought back up these, like, feelings of of how are i mean louis or trisa or somebody in their camp is reaching out to john food PERSON as baby mama in prison and they are calling marge's son at work it's like it feels like there's no end to how low they will go. And it's, I'm like, I, it's just feeling really gross to me.

Speaker 121829.18s - 1837.04s

Okay. And I, I totally get that. I can't agree because for me, I'll always watch New Jersey GPE. It's just that show that I would always watch.

Speaker 01837.4s - 1842.36s

But I will say this. And I have always felt this way.

Speaker 121842.36s - 1916.04s

Now, I absolutely understand Marge's point that Jen PERSON kept hitting her with, you're a cheater, your mother was a cheater, I get it. But Marge brought that to the show. Jen didn't out that. And I always got the feel of ick that she outed Bill PERSON's affair. Of course, ultimately, it's Bill's fault. Of course, it's Jen PERSON's fault to go onto a show. But, and God knows I'm not a tree stump or an Aden PERSON fan. I do have to say, though, oh, that's not what am I talking about?Teresa PERSON also accused her sister-in-law of being a stripper way back in the day. So, yeah, but Jersey ORG's always had it. Like, think about it. Remember, before the internet, they got, oh, God, was it Penny PERSON and the club owner to say that with guys in the club? Yeah, they're used to dance. Like, they've always had these, like, outrageous, trashy storylines. But yeah, like, reaching out to the families, especially,like, that's the kid's mother who abandoned him. That point of it is, like, really gross. But they're going to deny it. They're going to say we didn't reach out. She just spoke to blogs. She just spoke to Twitter accounts. But the Twitter account she spoke to her saying they told us to do it. So obviously we have no reason. I don't know.

Speaker 111916.24s - 1968.1s

Obviously they did because why? Well, Chrissy Balls PERSON, I listened to that podcast based on your recco. So her name is she had it on with Melissa PERSON's old nose, who is one of the big accounts who has turned on Teresa and Jen. And Gabriela PERSON, her name is Gabriela. She says she's got receipts for everything. It sounds like she's going to be kind of slowly letting them out as the season goes on to kind of match up with where the story is because she's like, I have our seats for everything that will be Teresa PERSON's quote unquote storylinethis season. And she's like, of course, I'm not surprised that the first thing they brought up is, you know, this John Fuda PERSON thing. She's like, we actually thought, so I guess the baby mama got put back in prison because she was abusing her communication, um, privileges.

Speaker 121968.1s - 1974.3s

Like she wasn't supposed to be on Twitter or whatever. And I think that is what made Melissa PERSON's old,

Speaker 101974.4s - 1979.72s

according to her. That's why she turned because she felt guilty. Yeah. And I, I mean,

Speaker 121979.72s - 1987.02s

I get it, right? Like there's, there's actual real people and real damage involved in this stuff. We're not just

Speaker 111987.02s - 2040.62s

trying to self-produce a television show here, right? Like, right? I don't know. I, and then I think this whole like Fuda and Polly PERSON fighting at the party thing seemed a little overblown. I'm not saying I think it was staged, but I just think it was at a level 50 when it really could have in a level 12. Right.And like, I mean, Paul and Polly PERSON starts even saying like, shut the fuck up. Like I couldn't understand why Polly PERSON, he doesn't have a need to get involved. I mean, he could literally look at the camera or at Dolo and say like, not my circus, not my monkeys and his cute little Irish NORP accent and people would love him for it. So like, well, why? Why? I mean, the only conclusion I can come to is that

Speaker 122040.62s - 2045.4s

he wants to make a splash. He wants attention. They'd love him for it,

Speaker 112045.42s - 2047.22s

but it wouldn't give him as much camera time.

Speaker 122047.38s - 2103.26s

I do wonder why he rides so hard for Louis when Dolores PERSON is friends with everybody. It doesn't make sense. Does Louis PERSON have something on him too? That, honestly, what I think, this is completely my own speculation.I don't think that Louis has necessarily threatened Polly PERSON with anything. What I do think is that Pauley PERSON feels if in fact there's anything he doesn't want out, and everybody's got a couple of skeletons, he feels like, you know what, Louie PERSON likes me, if I'm nice to him and I go to dinners with him and I stick up for him, but just say, oh, but I'm not getting in the middle, but I see his point, like, kind of help him out a little bit. He'll never expose because, quote-unquote, Bo Diedel investigated everybody. Remember, Louis PERSON said it out of his ownmouth. So I think that perhaps Polly PERSON has something or some things. I'm just guessing. I'm not saying

Speaker 32103.26s - 2113.26s

I know what he has, right? Yeah. And he knows that Fuda could find out. Gorga could find out. Marge could find out. But they're

Speaker 122113.26s - 2126.92s

not going to out it if Polly PERSON stays nice to them. And even if he goes a little bit not nice to them, they're not going to probably not going to out it. Whereas Louis PERSON obviously will. Yeah. That's what I think. But a cocktailer brought

Speaker 32126.92s - 2133.14s

something to my mind. They said to me, B, I have to point out something that has crossed my mind and makes me

Speaker 122133.14s - 2170.7s

feel like maybe Pauley isn't a stand-up guy. Paul has been separated for 14 years. Could it be that Paul is not divorced because he'd have to pay support? I mean, they've never said it, but I looked up his kids ages and the youngest is 17. I'm guessing him and his ex have an agreement where he provides her with money, but it also avoids him for having to give her a large settlement, settlement, alimony. Like, obviously he does well. He takes care of her.But an official divorce would have to split his assets more severely. And he doesn't want to do that.

Speaker 112171s - 2176.54s

So I don't feel paying support is probably the issue because maybe they own.

Speaker 122176.54s - 2177.72s

I don't think it's support.

Speaker 112177.72s - 2181.42s

But I think maybe they own properties together and that kind of investment.

Speaker 122181.98s - 2182.06s


Speaker 112182.18s - 2186.26s

I think we're looking at a Mauricio, we might be looking at a Maricio

Speaker 122186.26s - 2187.9s

and Kyle PERSON's situation where

Speaker 112187.9s - 2189.9s

the wife would legally have a right

Speaker 122189.9s - 2192.5s

to half of his business

Speaker 112192.5s - 2193.84s

or half of his chair.

Speaker 122194.08s - 2195.68s

Let's remember how well Sutton did.

Speaker 112195.84s - 2198s

She got a baseball team that she didn't know she had.

Speaker 122198.38s - 2199.96s

Exactly. And he doesn't have

Speaker 112199.96s - 2202.1s

the cash on hand to buy her out.

Speaker 122202.46s - 2203.76s

And if he can't buy her out,

Speaker 112204.04s - 2225.86s

then if they got divorced, he would either have to sell part of his ownership to somebody else or let her be a principal as a named owner in the business. And he probably doesn't want to share the ownership with somebody in profit and decision making rights with like his wife or with somebody else who comes in and buys part of it, which is why I think

Speaker 122225.86s - 2230.78s

that's what's really going on. Yes. So. But is that something you want discussed on the show?

Speaker 112231.24s - 2246.2s

Of course not. And like, I mean, there's, it's very clear there's something we are going on. If you're separated for 14 years, you profess your love for Dolores PERSON. And okay. So then what's the problem?

Speaker 122246.2s - 2288.98s

But here's the thing. I and I'm sure, I don't know if you do, but and the couple of people I'm thinking of are older than me. They're my parents' generation. But I do know couples that split and didn't legally get divorced, although they spent the rest of their lives separated and they didn't legally get divorced for reasons like they owned propertiesand things like that and they sort of handled it whatever. So that is something people do or they, I don't know. I don't know. But it's definitely, I don't think it's like a monthly thing like, oh, he doesn't want to give her $5,000 a month. I think he's perfectly generous because if not, then she would probably be like, no, we're getting divorced because you're cheap. And I want the courts to make you. You know what I'm saying? I think. Yeah, I don't think he's

Speaker 112288.98s - 2306.36s

he doesn't want her to have ownership. Like he probably likely paying more than he in the marriage for the kid than he would be paying for it in a divorce because the court orders for like child support and stuff are just not very significant. If you are a person of means, they're not nearly to what you probably are paying for your kid anyway.

Speaker 122306.92s - 2313.4s

And I have to imagine that he keeps the wife, his ex, in a lifestyle that's very comfortable.

Speaker 112313.56s - 2314.6s

So she wants for nothing.

Speaker 122314.76s - 2320.88s

Nice house, nice cars, a good amount of money for her to spend every month. So she doesn't squawk about not getting the business.

Speaker 112321.54s - 2322.8s

Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 122323.2s - 2326.42s

And for some women, maybe she doesn't want to be divorced if,

Speaker 112326.42s - 2331.34s

you know, they're not legally divorced, even though it's financial, it's always like, see, but he

Speaker 122331.34s - 2343.32s

never divorced me. Like, you know, who knows? I don't know. Jen Fessler PERSON would love her to be my bestie.

Speaker 112343.32s - 2350.7s

I feel like she would fit right in with my friend group. Love her. Or like go out for lunch with you and me and would be so fun.

Speaker 122351.26s - 2352s

So fun.

Speaker 112352.24s - 2352.96s

Great energy.

Speaker 122353.3s - 2386.04s

She's funny. She's real. She says what she means. Whether you're her friend or her foe or whatever. She's to the point. I enjoy her.I know that she kind of quote unquote was neutral at the beginning of the point. I enjoy her. I know that she kind of, quote, unquote, was neutral at the beginning of the season. It was interesting she was at Marge's party because I thought there was more of a divide, not the same divide with Jackie and Marge, which we'll get to,but her being at Marge's party clearly shows that there's, they're okay. They may not be as tight, but they're okay.

Speaker 112386.3s - 2433.82s

Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I loved her birthday party. It looked like it looked like just a fun. Some of those parties look like an absolute drag like that whiskey launch party, which we'll talk about later on BPR ORG. But that party, I was like, that is a party I would want to go to. So interesting that Jackie PERSON and Melissa were talking about Jackie's book. Melissa's like, that is a party I would want to go to. So interesting that Jackie and Melissa were talking about Jackie's book. Melissa PERSON's like, oh, I got the book. Jackie's going to be on Melissa's podcast. And then Marge's looks all like pissy about it and kind of comes after Jackie PERSON about not gettinga copy yet. And Jackie's like, well, I'm going to be on Melissa's pod. And so then Marge's like, so do I have to have you on my pod to get a copy. So as we knew, we talked a little bit about this. But we know there are clearly some feelings around this book on Marge's part.

Speaker 122433.82s - 2443.34s

And what we heard and what I think our listeners know is that Marge felt like she had helped her get the book deal and she wasn't appropriately thanked by Jackie PERSON.

Speaker 112443.82s - 2448.22s

I know that, again, the toxic Twitter ORG accounts

Speaker 122448.22s - 2452.96s

wanted us or want us to think that there's some nefarious reason

Speaker 112452.96s - 2454.44s

that Jackie PERSON switched sides.

Speaker 122454.88s - 2459.06s

But honestly, I don't, at this point, what I'm seeing and what I've heard,

Speaker 112459.18s - 2460.2s

I don't think so.

Speaker 122460.32s - 2465.48s

I think that she was team Melissa and Marge, and then she got demoted, Jackie PERSON.

Speaker 52466.48s - 2472.08s

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Speaker 92491.28s - 2534.06s

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Speaker 102534.52s - 2548.92s

That's audiobooks.com slash podcast F-R-E. Teresa and Jen PERSON, she saw them on an island by themselves, as we saw them at the beginning of this episode,

Speaker 122549.2s - 2575.94s

because Danielle PERSON stopped riding for them. We watched Nate PERSON run away. Like, I'm not getting involved with these people. And we know that Danielle very much, like, separated herself as a soldier, which then turns into her and Jen PERSON fighting. But that, there was, we're obviously going to see the lead up. I think Jackie PERSON looked at the situation and was like, you know what? If I go be friends withTeresa and Jen PERSON, I may have more screen time in a perfect world. I might be full time. Do I definitely

Speaker 112575.94s - 2582.12s

be like, it would definitely get me more like of a story too because now all of a sudden I'm

Speaker 122582.12s - 2588.44s

changing sides. Yeah. Do I think Marge was like, it's her or me?

Speaker 112589.04s - 2596.1s

I think it's possible. I don't, I don't think Marge would be fine being friends with, her being friends with Teresa PERSON.

Speaker 122596.74s - 2602.8s

Marge was very clear this season. In other seasons, even though she didn't like Teresa PERSON, she pulled the whole like,

Speaker 112602.88s - 2607.96s

no, I'm going to try to make up. Marge very clearly was trying to ice Teresa PERSON out.

Speaker 122608.06s - 2632.02s

First episode, she told Fessler PERSON, don't mention my name to her. I'm not speaking to her. Her or Melissa PERSON took a very strong stance. They were icing them out by saying that she wouldn't film or speak to her. So Jackie agreeing with production to film with Teresa PERSON gave Teresa what they needed, right? Otherwise, Jackie PERSON was not slated to be a friend of.So Jackie PERSON was out on her ass.

Speaker 02632.56s - 2636.14s

Her filming with Teresa and Jen PERSON gave them an ally.

Speaker 32636.62s - 2645.72s

And we have to know that this Jackie going to film with Teresa and Jen pissed off Melissa PERSON because she ruined the plan of icing her out.

Speaker 02646.38s - 2648.22s

Now, Melissa PERSON, we know her personality.

Speaker 32648.44s - 2651.22s

I'm sure Melissa PERSON played it much more cool, but make no mistake.

Speaker 02651.64s - 2653.22s

She's not happy with what Jackie PERSON did.

Speaker 122653.22s - 2664.22s

And they're, I'm sure, not in a good place. And Margaret, I'm sure, really went off on her and said, yeah, you made this decision. I mean, we see her call her Jackie Judas PERSON. Yeah.

Speaker 112665.82s - 2673.68s

In the preview. Yeah. Jackie mean, we see her call her Jackie Judas PERSON. Yeah. In the preview? Yeah. Jackie Judas, Gold Schneider PERSON. Yeah. I thought that was, I think Marge was so funny. I do too.

Speaker 122673.84s - 2674.82s

But Marge is so funny.

Speaker 112674.9s - 2679.78s

But Marge is very clearly like you're my friend or you're my enemy when it comes to Jackie PERSON.

Speaker 122679.78s - 2687.26s

Because with Teresa, it's not like it's Danielle PERSON, right? Or somebody that maybe had a disagreement with Marge.

Speaker 92688.26s - 2694.7s

Teresa Jen versus Margaret and Melissa PERSON, they both were trying to get each other fired.

Speaker 32695.62s - 2697.38s

None of them want to fill with each other.

Speaker 92697.82s - 2698.22s

Come on.

Speaker 122698.34s - 2704.1s

Jackie PERSON flipping to that side was shocking to them. Right. And very much a betrayal.

Speaker 112704.44s - 2709.2s

Yeah, I think it is too. And I see right through it and like it makes me really question.

Speaker 122709.56s - 2712.36s

Even tree stumps see right through it. Yeah.

Speaker 112713.04s - 2713.48s


Speaker 122713.96s - 2769.6s

And I don't understand it because if you're independently wealthy, what the hell do you need to go out like that? Not even, listen, I understand that show friendships sometimes on screen, you look like your great friends, and maybe behind closed doors when Jackie PERSON got demoted and then wasn't asked back,maybe she felt like Melissa and Marge didn't really support her, but like they're not the producers. They would have been happy for you to stay. They didn't ask for you to leave. Like, it just to the audience, like, everything we liked about Jackie PERSON kind of seems like it was phony bullshit.Like, I was rewatching the season where Marge pushed Danielle Stab's PERSON husband in the pool. Yeah. Like, Jackie PERSON was very strong in her convictions. Like, Teresa Fatt shamed people over the years. Jen PERSON, like, all those things that Jackie disliked for years so much about Teresa and Jen, now she's willing to overlook it and she really sees what good people they are. Come on.

Speaker 112770.16s - 2788.58s

Yeah, I'm with you. Okay. I really want to talk about Vanderpump WORK_OF_ART because I've been dying to talk to you about it since I watched because I feel like there's, I thought it was maybe one of the best episodes I've ever seen of Vanderpump. It was good. So do you feel it felt like a series finale and not a season finale?

Speaker 122789.34s - 2789.82s

You know what?

Speaker 112789.9s - 2793.82s

Everybody, see, the thing is I know it's not a series finale.

Speaker 122793.96s - 2842.68s

Like, I know. So I do get what they're saying. The ending to me seems like they were very much trying to highlight how Ariana didn't talk, like didn't do her job. It seemed like production was really pissed off at her for that edit at the end, like pulling up the old footage. Which little footage? Like with like just scenes of them like showing their reallives and Lala PERSON's whole speech about we always show and the short time I didn't show. I get what people are saying though because when they showed all of their baby faces and then they showed them current day, yes, it did seem like you were watching growing pains and it was like they were tying up the whole series. So I get what people are saying.I kind of saw it like they broke the fourth wall

Speaker 112842.68s - 2947.08s

and they kind of showed what the premise of the show was and what made it good. Do you know what I'm saying? I think too like showing that like when they're like just getting ready to be on camera for the first time, right? It showed them as like young and vulnerable. Yes. And like it's like, oh my gosh, how this world has changed for all of them. Right. Almost a very meta kind of way to be like, look at how much more pros they are now, being on screen and sharing their lives. Like I literally had to sit in silence for a couple of minutes and just like think about it because that ending it really made me very sad and very happy kind of at the end because like I actually,I didn't fall for what production was trying to do. I was happy for Ianna PERSON. It felt like a happy ending for her where she's like, no, I drew my boundaries and I'm looking to it. And we've discussed this at length. But there is no other world other than reality TV where someone would have to repeatedly be in social situation. So I'm not talking about you have an ex that you have to see at your kids' sports. I'm saying social situations such as like the beach day and like small dinners and lunches and boats and things like that where you would have to repeatedly be in social situations like thatwith your ex if you don't want to be. Right. And so like I also I wanted to mention I don't know which version of the show you watch, but I watched the uncensored and extended edit on. I saw the clips. I saw those clips that were added to that.

Speaker 122947.28s - 2959.2s

So I don't know which is the difference. Like I don't, so I wanted to just say that to you guys in case like I say something that you guys didn't see because like I don't actually know what was included in the peacock version

Speaker 112959.2s - 2963.6s

and what was not included on the Bravo ORG version. So just keep me on it.

Speaker 122963.7s - 2964.46s

And here's the thing.

Speaker 112964.88s - 2966.1s

When Tom PERSON has that

Speaker 122966.1s - 2972.3s

whole tailspin and he starts going on about, you see, she's lazy, she shows up for a check.

Speaker 112972.38s - 2978.54s

She doesn't do her job. She did her job. She set her boundary. She discussed. She engaged with

Speaker 122978.54s - 2984.94s

every single cast member except you. I think you and I disagree about this. But I very much think

Speaker 112984.94s - 2986.16s

that production was trying to give Sandoval PERSON a redemption arc. I think you and I disagree about this, but I very much think that production was trying

Speaker 122986.16s - 3005.4s

to give Sandoval PERSON a redemption arc. I think that for some reason, they felt that for the show to continue for more seasons, it was the best course of action. When Ariana stood firm in her boundaries, did they think, oh God, this is the nail on the coffin, like she's got to talk to him, because you could see they really wanted her to talk to him. Like you have to.

Speaker 33005.76s - 3008.7s

It seems that it seemed that way.

Speaker 113008.92s - 3009.12s


Speaker 33009.2s - 3013.78s

It seemed like when Lala PERSON was like going off of the producer and the suit was over there.

Speaker 123013.9s - 3017.64s

It seemed like they were all over there talking about like, oh my God, I can't believe

Speaker 113017.64s - 3023.44s

Ariana isn't just going to talk to him like we want him to. Like that's clearly what they're over there talking about.

Speaker 123023.86s - 3103.76s

And I think at some point, production told Lala, told Sheena, like, we need you to not 100% forgive him, but say that there's hope and that you're willing to move forward. Like Lala PERSON's outburst, she never even liked Sandable. It explains Sheena being so conflicted. Like, she felt she couldn't ditch Sandoval PERSON because it would be letting her job down. She didn't say that, but that's what it was.Brock PERSON falls into this category. Even James softening up to Sandoval PERSON falls into this category. They were all made to believe that you got to let Sandoval PERSON back in. Because James would have been like, deuses, bro. Because you even see James in his confessionals. James did the best job of softening up a little bit,but also calling him out. And also in the after show, if you guys watch the after show, I'm sure most of you do, siding with Ariana. I think there's a couple reasons for that. I think it's becauseJames and Ariana were never like so tight. So the expectation on her end wasn't the same. But also, James up until a couple episodes when he cursed him out and said like, oh, your band's embarrassing.

Speaker 113103.98s - 3136.94s

Like you know what I mean? So I don't know. So I'm kind of going back and forth on whether I actually agree with you that production gave him a redemption arc because, meaning Sanival PERSON, I feel like he continued to live like an asshole all through the season, you know, not willing to admit and be sorry for what he had done. And they showed that, right? And they showed that scene where he and Lisa PERSON were like yelling at each other, like, and nobody yells at Lisa PERSON. Like, come on.

Speaker 13136.94s - 3161.16s

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Speaker 103208.32s - 3212.58s

That's audiobooks.com slash podcast F-R-E.

Speaker 93216.4s - 3221.74s

So I feel like they kind of showed him for what he was.

Speaker 103221.86s - 3225.92s

At the beginning. And then they tried to get everybody to come around

Speaker 123225.92s - 3238.7s

and he was willing to apologize to Ariana and after he screamed at Sheena he wanted to help her with her performance and it was like they let him they aired him out to bring him back around

Speaker 113238.7s - 3249.76s

shine him up like a penny and what about like typical cycle of abuse right like that is what happens when abusers abuse they

Speaker 123249.76s - 3256.58s

do whatever they do like they scream when they like or whatever or worse right but then they come

Speaker 113256.58s - 3288.06s

back and then say oh you know like then they show some sort of attention and love so that they can get back in the cycle again and so I wonder if like what we're seeing because if you'll remember at the very, very end of the show, you hear his voice saying like in a very diabolical kind of manner. Like this is actually really good for me. And it's like, there you go. Like there he is. Yeah. So I don't know. I don't know if they're just more showing him for what he is. And like I.Okay.

Speaker 123288.4s - 3325.8s

But they showed him say that after their redemption arc failed. Oh, yeah. I don't know. And now you have Lala and Sheena very much scrambling because I can tell you, people went into this season loving Lala and they are exiting this season, not wanting her on either show, Valley LOC or, like, I know, you did that poll.You saw that? Yeah. I'm going to see where it's at right now. I hate even opening this app while we're recording because I know many messages and then I get distracted. Like, as an example, Haley Bieber PERSON's pregnant. Oh.Congrats. I'm excited. You're not excited? No. I just don't know if excited. You're not excited? No.

Speaker 113326.1s - 3332.66s

I just don't know if I believe it because I've been hearing. She posted. They haven't. Oh, she did. She posted. Yeah.Because they've been not living in.

Speaker 123332.72s - 3361.24s

I heard they've not been living in the same. Okay. So, 29% of people want Lala to move to the Valley LOC. No more VPR for her. That's the leave. 42% want her on no show.18% want her on both. 11% want her on VPR. So 42% want her gone. So she's still more than half want her on one of the shows. So that's good. Yeah.

Speaker 113361.24s - 3425.6s

I mean, I don't think, like that's a weird thing to me about that whole, like, and blast finale party thing where productions kind of making it seem like Ariana is just walking out on the rest of the house. She's not. She's just walking out on Sandball. It's not like she's like, okay, half of you guys or all of you guys come with me and we're all going to leave so nobody can film anymore. It's just her leaving and her drawing her boundary. And like, she didn't ruin the show for everyone else. She's even agreed to be in the same room and scenes with Tom. And what she said about him, you know, he had every opportunity to speak to her in private, to write her a letter, to do any of that. And no, he wanted to do everything. He only wanted to do things on camera. And she's like, that says everything to me, which I agree. And this is why, like, I really, I just, you know, you guys know, I feel about Sheena.Amanda PERSON, we have breaking news.

Speaker 123425.9s - 3434.46s

Oh, God, breaking news. So it was posted and deleted, but now it's back up, posted three minutes ago.

Speaker 113434.84s - 3442.52s

And it reads, we are recording this, by the way, four o'clock Eastern on Thursday the night.

Speaker 123443.12s - 3448.66s

We as a couple have been subject to a lot of speculation about our marriage.

Speaker 113449.22s - 3453.98s

We have had our struggles over the last few years and continue to work them through as two

Speaker 123453.98s - 3487.18s

people who love each other and share two amazing children together. To safeguard our deep friendship and maintain a harmonious environment for our children, we have made the mutual and difficult decision to take some time apart and re-evaluate our relationship while we prioritize our children.We appreciate your love and support while we continue to do the work necessary throughout this journey with love, Dorit PERSON, and P.K. We, guys, I mean, cocktailers, we posted that they were separated months ago. Oh, my God.They haven't lived in a part.

Speaker 113488.06s - 3503.08s

Yeah. So not shocking at all because they're about to start filming. So, okay, we see you to read. Yeah. Yeah. I was just about to go on a rant about Sheena, but, I mean, I'll save it.

Speaker 123503.2s - 3516.1s

I think I'll just see that she's an opportunist. She's an opportunist. And she is or she is naive or unintelligent enough to realize that Sanival PERSON doesn't

Speaker 113516.1s - 3522.1s

give a flying fuck about anybody but himself. Who? Sheena? Sheena.

Speaker 123522.84s - 3527.64s

I just like I think she's like, I don't believe her whole bullshit that, oh, I've been your friend and I loved you.

Speaker 113527.7s - 3529.84s

I think she just wants to do what's best for the show.

Speaker 123529.84s - 3574.76s

And I think for whatever reason, her and Lala PERSON listened to production and they went with it. I think that they're, listen, on the one hand, on the one hand, what I will say is both of these women recognize how important this show is to their lives, period. Yeah. And they don't have the opportunities Ariana has. So they went with what production says. Now, I'm not them.I don't have a $3 million mortgage that I can't afford without the house, right? Right. But Katie, of course, has opportunities same like Sheena and our and Lala PERSON, but she's standing by her friend and what she believes is the right thing to do.

Speaker 113574.76s - 3583.1s

I have been wanting to talk about her confessional because like when she said, you know,

Speaker 123583.18s - 3585.62s

Sheena's trying to be the exception to the boundary that

Speaker 113585.62s - 3592.08s

ariana has created of not wanting to have mutual friends with tom and then she's like then katy

Speaker 123592.08s - 3599.14s

says this and this is so true tom did not quote unquote make a mistake he made choices every

Speaker 113599.14s - 3626.92s

single day and now he has doubled down on those choices over and over again. It's very simple. If your friend's man cheats, then it's clear. Fuck the guy and you stick to your friend. And if creating boundaries is what keeps your peace intact, then create those boundaries. And I'm like, this is, again, why I love Katie. Because she's absolutely right.But not only that, she's, she's stuck to it, a hundred

Speaker 123626.92s - 3671.04s

percent. And, you know, the thing about it is, is we don't have to agree or like what Sheena and Lala PERSON did. But what I hope, what I hope Lala does, right, is I hope Lala comes out on her pod and if anybody DMs with her or whatever, give her this advice because this is what I would say to her. Lala PERSON, go out on your pod. And I don't know if she can say this, right? Because you don't want to get in trouble with production and be like, you know what?I fucked up. I got so nervous that Ariana not cooperating would make our show end after this season because production was in my ear saying that or leave that out. Just say you felt that way.

Speaker 03671.44s - 3688.58s

That I felt like even though guys, you know I never like Sandoval PERSON, you guys know, you guys know me, I just felt if I could get her to speak with him a little bit, have a conversation. I didn't expect her to forgive himbecause I don't think anyone expected her to forgive him. I don't know why the conversation was that important. Why? So she can

Speaker 123688.58s - 3764.72s

ream him out. You know? And I think Ariana explained it very well. I feel like he's a narcissist and a manipulator and he has abused me and manipulated me. And what he wants is a reaction. So that's why I'm gray rocking. I don't want to give him the reaction. He doesn't deserve it. Right. So like maybe Sheena and Lala PERSON should just go and kind of say like we fucked up. People fuck up. People make bad choices.Lala PERSON is a single mother. Sheena is the breadwinner. They're doing what they thought was in the best interest of their families. Period. End of story. And I think everybody, even Ariana, can relate to that.Yeah. And, you know, accountability and apology goes a long way. If I had a friend who made a bad choice, let's say it was a friend at work, who made a bad business decision, and they came to me after the fact with their hat in their hand, is that what people say? Mm-hmm. Yeah. And they were like, B, I fucked up. I thought I was doing what was in the best interest of my family. In the process of doing that, I turned my back on you. I regret it. I was wrong and I'm sorry. Do you win the trust overnight? No, but I don't think that either of them have done anything that's unforgivable. Does that make sense? Yeah. No, I do. I'm just trying to

Speaker 113764.72s - 3788.38s

think about like from Ariana's perspective how she would feel because, you know, she was talking in that confessional about Sheena and like she essentially kind of says like, you know, I can't believe that Sheena doesn't see that he'll just do this shit to her again, you know, but she says it still in a loving way about Sheena, which is why I think you're right, right? I think I think you're right.I don't know.

Speaker 123788.44s - 3833.02s

I think there's a big part of Ariana, contrary to what people who say, oh, she's got a big head now with her opportunities. I think there's a very big part of her that recognizes she's a sensible person. I think she recognizes that she has been offered bigger opportunities and she understands why they did what they did. And I think she'd be very willing to move forward and forgive. I really do. Because let's face it, she was on Broadway.She's had every partnership known to man. The woman has cleaned up. Okay. She's got to recognize that Lala and Sheena are hardworking and hustlers and they want all those things and that it really wasn't about her. It was just about fear of losing their jobs, right? Yeah. So listen, if tomorrow,

Speaker 113833.66s - 3840.8s

you were given a podcast deal and commercials and all these things that I wasn't offered,

Speaker 123841.3s - 3910.58s

like, yeah, I'd be salty. And I'd be lying if I were to say to you, yeah, of course I'd be happy for you. But you also would understand, like, obviously, you're not going to not do it, but you would understand if I'm a little salty, no? Yeah. Oh, yeah. I mean, good thing I never see this happening. No. But the thing about it is this, it's like, and in this case, it is very comparable, right? Because, yeah, with friends, like, if my friend works in finance and gets a job as a partner, guys, like, I know anything about this. I'm just saying, I can't really, like, I could be totally happy for them.They work at a totally different field. But, like, if me and Amanda PERSON do the same exact thing as these girls, excuse me, women do. And one gets like, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. That's why it's very comparable. Me and Amanda, we have the podcast together. If tomorrow I got this insane offer and like now I'm saying to her like, Amanda, I'm not going to be able to do the pod this week because I'm flying to Italy GPE I'm going to, I'm going to do my podcast from there. You know what I'm saying? Like, no, okay. Like, yeah, she's happy for me, but also like,

Speaker 113910.58s - 3937.32s

wait, am I going to lose out on my podcast now? Yeah. No, I, and I, I, I, that's why I think Ariana was saying what she said in still in like a loving way, right? So, and I think you're right that every single person knows what's really going on here, I think, except for maybe Tom Sandoval PERSON. I think Tom Sandoval PERSON thinks he's smarter than everybody else.

Speaker 03937.32s - 3942.5s

Okay. I wanted to ask you, though, because I, based on when I was kind of reading on Discord,

Speaker 113942.8s - 3954.4s

it sounds like maybe that whole scene with the weird stalker at this party and scene of all in the chair. Was that not in the regular version on Bravo ORG? It wasn't. Okay.

Speaker 123954.82s - 3960.54s

And a lot of people were asking and then there's like this whole, I think you're going to explain it, right? There's this whole Reddit thing.

Speaker 113961.08s - 4017.76s

Well, do you remember how last year we got pictures from that finale party and we saw like pictures of like tom with a chair at his arms like kind of fighting this guy else and then we heard that maybe this person was billy lee's PERSON stalker so on the peacock version they showed the whole thing it made this like huge kerfuffle because the guy was like he was like trying to encroach and like he was like trying to get in the VIP. He was trying to like dance up on all the girls.He was drinking. He literally was like picking up their alcohol from their table and their individual drinks, not just the bottles, but their individual drinks and drinking them. They're all like, get this guy out of here. Brock like kind of shoes him out, right? And then we see two minutes later something going on. The guy goes crazy. He like throws a drink. He actually like breaks a bottle, throws it. Tom PERSON has this chair, which

Speaker 124017.76s - 4022.4s

I didn't see this, but I remember it from all the stuff that was circulating on the internet.

Speaker 114023.2s - 4097.06s

Yeah. And like, but when you see it on, on peacock, the security guy already had it and like handled. Like he had the guy at a bear hog and who knows maybe it was editing. So it's like, okay, standable, put the chair down. Like, you're not really saving anybody. So we got some tea into the send his tea inbox saying, wait a second, is there something else going on here? Because the crazy guy, he was wearing this kind of like gold jacket, not like Brock's gold jacket, but a different cold jacket with like Apollett PERSON's like, you know, like uniforms kind of have on their shoulders, like army uniforms kind of. Yeah, anyway, he was in pictures that night with Billy Lee, T, the person that Tom PERSON had dated.There's Tom PERSON's friend who he'd seen, like, when he had, like, the birthday party. And then at this party, he was the tall guy wearing that gold jumpsuit. The crazy guy was in a picture with Kyle Chan PERSON, too. And then the theory is, did Sandoval PERSON or Kyle Chan set that whole thing up so Sandoval could come off as like coming to

Speaker 124097.06s - 4142.98s

the rescue? I mean, I don't know, but do I see it as something that could be possible? Apsa fucking looting. That has Sandville PERSON written all over it. So either the guy was thirsty and looking for air time. I'm kind of pissed he got itbecause when it wasn't in the original like when it aired and you guys were all messaging me, I was like he wasn't a cast member. Good. I'm glad they didn't give him the air time.I totally think it was Sandival looking to be like he's so pathetic. We see you, Sandy PERSON. We see you. Cocktailors, we love you.Breaking news. I mean, it can't be more breaking than I go in to check a poll and we find out Doree PERSON is what we knew. We already knew. Cocktailers knew anyway. I just looked. I posted in February, but I'm pretty sure we posted before that.

Speaker 114143.14s - 4146.06s

But in February is where holidays, I feel like is what we expect. But February But in February, holidays, I feel like, is what we...

Speaker 124146.06s - 4153.08s

But February was when we remember, I told you that follow, like, P.K. wasn't she was like Peter Pan. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 34153.84s - 4157.24s

We love you guys. Are you happy our audio's back to normal?

Speaker 124159.08s - 4169.94s

Till that my cousin was listening. And she was like, be, this is struggle. But I was like, shut up. I know. We love you guys. We love you guys. Bye.

Speaker 114175.34s - 4182.8s

What's up, cocktailers? We want to thank you, as always, for listening to cocktails and

Speaker 34182.8s - 4189.42s

gossip. Because of you, we've hit some amazing milestones, had some hilarious conversations,

Speaker 124190.16s - 4276.18s

and have grown a truly amazing community. If you haven't already followed our podcast, hit the follow button in the top right of your Apple ORG Podcast player, the follow button under the show logo on Spotify, or the subscribe button on Google Podcasts ORG. We thrive on you, our audience. So make sure to tell all your gossip loving friends about us too. And if you want to get all the tea, join our membership cocktail party by going toravelincoctails.com backslash join. Our members get access to the exclusive tea we post, the weekly podcast without ads, plus another additional bonus podcast every week. And of course, members also get to join us on our monthly live cocktail party Zoom PRODUCT, where we talk about the latest tea and even share tea that's just too hot to put in writing. Less, but maybe best. Our members get access to the cocktail party Discord PRODUCT,where you can chat with Amanda PERSON, me, and all of the other cocktailers as well. There are always some great convos and hilarious comments happening in Discord PRODUCT. Thank you guys so much for listening. We appreciate you. Pulling up to Mickey D's ORG just for drinks?

Speaker 24276.66s - 4290.74s

Oh yeah, that's me. Nothing extra, just perfection and a straw. Coming in hot for the coldest cups on the block. Because there are drinks. Then there are drinks from McDonald's ORG.

Speaker 04291.12s - 4300.92s

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Speaker 144303.38s - 4307.28s

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Speaker 134308s - 4332.18s

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Speaker 94333.1s - 4384.4s

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