121: Alone Together w/ Jake Shane

121: Alone Together w/ Jake Shane

by TMG Studios

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About This Episode

82:26 minutes

published 17 days ago


Speaker 20s - 15.66s

Hi guys, we're going to take a quick break to thank a sponsor of today's episode, Signos ORG. Mm-hmm. Did you guys know that approximately 96 million American adults, more than one and three, have pre-diabetes? And of those with pre-diabetes, more than 80% don't know they have it.

Speaker 616.2s - 41.14s

I didn't know much about tracking my glucose before, so let me give you a little background. Foods high in carbohydrates raise blood sugar more than other foods. Then the pancreas produces insulin during digestion, which binds the sugar in blood and turns it into energy. We are a science podcast. Do not forget.However, if you have pre-diabetes, sugar builds up in the bloodstream rather than turning it into energy, causing insulin resistance, which is believed to be the number one cause of pre-diabetes.

Speaker 241.82s - 57.9s

A healthy weight allows insulin to work more efficiently and can help to keep blood sugars within a normal range. A healthy diet and regular exercise are the best ways to help bring your blood sugar levels back to a healthy range. Signose ORG can help you short-circuit this cycle by using data directly from your body to design a weight loss plan that's unique

Speaker 657.9s - 79.86s

to your lifestyle. With Signos ORG, you can literally see which foods cause your blood sugar to spike above reasonable levels and get real-time alerts to do a bit of exercise to bring them back down. On average, people make about 227 food choices a day. Learn the difference between stress eating and physical hunger and better manage your energy throughout the day to sleep better at night. I'm excited to start using

Speaker 279.86s - 122.9s

Cignos ORG because I'm going to be able to see how my body reacts to food, stress, and sleep right away with the data at my fingertips. Signos ORG removed the guesswork of weight loss and provided me with the tools and knowledge I needed to develop healthier habits. It combines my glucose data from the CGM or continuous glucose monitor with an AI-driven app to deliver me real-time glucose insights for optimal health and weight management.Right now, Signos ORG has an offer exclusively for our listeners. Go to Signos.com. That's SIG-N-O-S dot com and get up to 20% off. Select plans by using code B&C today. That's Cnose.com and use code B&C to get 20% off select plans for you today. Hi, Connor PERSON.

Speaker 6123s - 138.58s

Hi, Jake PERSON. I'm going to intro today. I'm going to intro it. Hello, hello all. No, hang on. We're going to scrap that.I'm going to not do an um. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. B and C.B and J.

Speaker 5139.5s - 141.02s

J and C.

Speaker 6141.08s - 142.72s

I'm going to see what makes. He's trying to name.

Speaker 5142.72s - 144.5s

Is what he's trying to do.

Speaker 6145.42s - 149.76s

Yes. Got it Yes H-A

Speaker 5149.76s - 152.32s


Speaker 6152.32s - 155.56s


Speaker 5155.56s - 155.58s


Speaker 6155.58s - 181.76s

Y'all Ha ha ha ha ha We're here today with Jake Shane PERSON. Yay!

Speaker 7183.22s - 186.58s

Welcome in, Jake PERSON. Thanks, Connor PERSON. Thanks for having me.

Speaker 5186.66s - 196.32s

I almost had, we almost had to call off the show. I could feel my neurons trying to fire to figure out the naming. And that was really hard for me. That took a lot. I know, but you did it. And I'm really proud of you.Thank you.

Speaker 6196.52s - 196.94s

Of course.

Speaker 5197.24s - 201.34s

Jake beat me to the studio today after I feel like I kind of tricked you into coming

Speaker 6201.34s - 201.92s

on to the show.

Speaker 5202.08s - 202.78s

Well, no.

Speaker 6203.12s - 205.26s

I said, I heard I might be doing

Speaker 5205.26s - 209.26s

the co-host thing with you. It was unclear. Yeah. And Connor PERSON was like, if you don't do it, like,

Speaker 6209.26s - 214.96s

I will kill myself. And I was like, okay, we're going to tell them exactly what I said verbatim.

Speaker 5215.08s - 221.46s

I was like, oh, okay, then I'll definitely do it. Like, I'm not going to. I didn't say I was going to

Speaker 6221.46s - 229.52s

kill myself. I said, I'm thinking about it. Yes, you did. You said you didn't want want to do it alone and Brooke is in Europe LOC. So here I am. Yes. I'm so glad too,

Speaker 5229.52s - 233.72s

because I was thinking about it and I was kind of like when you go do a live show, which you're doing

Speaker 6233.72s - 242.38s

live shows right now. And you're like, it's going to be fine. It's going to be fine. But leading up, you're so not okay. And it's not fine until you actually sit down. Except I don't think it would

Speaker 5242.38s - 255.6s

have gotten better if it was just me by myself. I've never done a podcast entirely by myself, so I understood your anxiety and I empathized with it. And I said, if I can have a hand and making him less anxious, I'll do that. No, it's like

Speaker 6255.6s - 261.4s

completely, it feels like we're just hanging out. As usually, it feels like Brooks here. She's in Florence GPE.

Speaker 5261.98s - 266s

Love that for her. Yeah, I just texted her. She's like, Florence GPE is a bust. Wait, no, why?

Speaker 6266.2s - 271.2s

We hate Florence GPE. Wait, is Tuscany in Florence GPE? This is not a geography podcast.

Speaker 5271.4s - 274.68s

Okay, but is it? Leah, you're Italian NORP. And she's not her.

Speaker 6274.8s - 276.48s

Okay. You look, you could be Italian NORP.

Speaker 5276.64s - 277.24s

She is.

Speaker 6277.3s - 278.58s

Oh, but she is.

Speaker 5279.1s - 280.18s

Like, extremely Italian NORP.

Speaker 6280.24s - 281.44s

You're not a practicing Italian NORP?

Speaker 5281.58s - 282.34s

No, she's practicing.

Speaker 6283.58s - 284.7s

Like converted to Italian NORP?

Speaker 5285.3s - 290.64s

No, she's practicing, like, Sunday dinners No, she's practicing like Sunday dinners and stuff. Like I had like my first hero Italian NORP sandwich with her.

Speaker 6292.12s - 298.7s

And we've just touched on heroes recently. Were we talking GYRO? No, no, no, no.

Speaker 5298.74s - 301.8s

No, no. I was joking. You would have said Gairo PRODUCT? Yes.

Speaker 6303.1s - 303.86s

For specifics.

Speaker 5305.42s - 321.74s

Why is Florence GPE a bus? Hot? I don't know. You don't know. I don't think I've ever been to, I haven't been to Florence GPE. Wow.Oh my God. It's almost like I was right. It is also the most populated city in Tuscany GPE. Beautiful.

Speaker 6322.42s - 333.92s

That's so good. You guys. Did your moms, my mom did this. My mom is the type of person that growing up, she redecorated her vibe of the house. No, my mom never took that.

Speaker 0333.92s - 336.68s

Several times. We had a Tuscany vibe house in Texas GPE.

Speaker 5336.9s - 343.32s

And I feel like everyone, like you have those bottles over the oven that had like random peppers in them and water.

Speaker 0343.62s - 343.86s


Speaker 5344.02s - 344.96s

We never used the peppers.

Speaker 4345.1s - 346.04s

Oh, your mom sounds awesome.

Speaker 5346.6s - 346.88s


Speaker 6346.98s - 347.6s

she's fun.

Speaker 4347.6s - 348.12s

She's fun.

Speaker 5348.2s - 348.82s

You would love her.

Speaker 6348.88s - 349.24s

I know.

Speaker 5349.46s - 352.36s

I know. I saw a video of her on your thing the other day and I was like, yeah, I would

Speaker 6352.36s - 353.7s

definitely get along with her. Oh, she's fun.

Speaker 5354.22s - 355.7s

And she loves being in videos, okay.

Speaker 6355.94s - 356.14s


Speaker 5356.38s - 357.44s

Yeah, she gets so excited.

Speaker 4357.9s - 362.32s

But then she, you know what's funny? You know when you first started doing videos? Did you, did your voice change? No.

Speaker 6363.06s - 367.24s

When I film my voice changes, even yesterday, I was filming a video of my dog and I listened

Speaker 5367.24s - 374.18s

back and I was like, what the fuck are you doing? No, I don't think your voice is changing. I just don't think you're used to hearing your voice on camera. You're like performing it. I'm like

Speaker 6374.18s - 378.96s

performing on my Instagram ORG. Okay. I see what you mean. Yes. I take back my immediate now.

Speaker 5379.24s - 385.08s

I see what you mean. I'm going to Tuscany this weekend though and I've been waiting to say that ever since you guys brought it up. Sorry I changed the subject. You should. I'm sorry. Tuscany this weekend though And I've been waiting to say that Ever since you guys brought it up

Speaker 6385.08s - 385.94s

Sorry I changed the subject

Speaker 5385.94s - 387.04s

You should I'm sorry

Speaker 6387.04s - 394.18s

And like I do need to revert back To why Brooke hates Florence GPE so much Because I have not shut up about Tuscany You really like it?

Speaker 5394.28s - 395.08s

I've never been

Speaker 6395.08s - 406.6s

Oh Maybe you should reroute But why doesn't she I'm going to a wedding Can I? I'm yelling for no reasonIt's okay I have a mic You're going to a wedding God bless That's to be so much

Speaker 5406.6s - 421.26s

fun. I'm so excited. That's going to be great. Who's wedding? It's my old co-workers and I invited myself. That's great. Yeah, I texted him. I said, why am I not invited? I'll pay for my plate. Do I know this person? And they said, oh, of course you can come. And then I said, okay. And I booked my flight.

Speaker 6421.28s - 428.62s

It was horrible. But they were so down for me to come. That's great. I mean, who wouldn't be down? I don't know. Probably some people.

Speaker 5429.7s - 433.6s

I did the same thing, but it was for a wedding, like one of my good friend's weddings.

Speaker 6434.44s - 439.54s

And it was like my best friend in high school. This is really bad. I haven't told this story on it.

Speaker 0440.3s - 443.74s

It's funny. Like, I'm sure they have a group text that they're all talking about me doing this in.

Speaker 5443.86s - 445.34s

Oh, no. What'd you do?

Speaker 6445.48s - 446.42s

We were at another one

Speaker 4446.42s - 447.24s

of my good friends' weddings

Speaker 6447.24s - 448s

from high school.

Speaker 4448.6s - 449.74s

And we're all there

Speaker 6449.74s - 490.16s

and we're hanging out and my best friend from high school had gotten engaged and I'm friends with his fiancee or at the time, fiance.They're married now. We all grew up together. We went to grade school together, went to high school together. They started dating in high school. They're both graduated college nowand they, like, we're engaged at this wedding. And and i was like i can't wait for the wedding blah blah blah i'm like i wonder who i wonder who is groomsmen are and then i was like kind of talking to other people and i was like oh is he just not doing a bachelor party he's like oh no he did a bachelor party oh i was like and i turned really slowly and said hey um um i'm not mad i'm confused like yeah no that's hurtful no it's it wasn't

Speaker 5490.16s - 495.7s

he was like i honestly genuinely thought you'd be busy and i was like no and he's like do you want to

Speaker 6495.7s - 516.38s

be one i was like yeah i want to be one of your grooms and so i sat down drunk at this wedding got my tucks rented my tux got all got all this stuff. And then like the next day hit where I was like, oh, now I got to fly back in two weeks and I got to come back three days early to do like all the stuff, which I'm happy to do. It was fun. But you invited yourself to be in

Speaker 5516.38s - 522.44s

groups, men. Yeah, which like that's different. That's like my bad. But if good rule of them,

Speaker 6522.44s - 528.54s

and I'm a big rule of them guy. Yeah. It's way more fun to just like be at a wedding than like be a part of the wedding.

Speaker 5529.1s - 535.82s

Now I think I would have felt a little bit of FOMO if I was at that wedding and all my friends from high school were up there and I wasn't up there.

Speaker 6535.82s - 536.98s

It was a good thing you were a part of that.

Speaker 7537.14s - 539.72s

Yeah. But I forced my way in, which is you didn't though.

Speaker 6539.72s - 540.42s

It's humiliating.

Speaker 5540.56s - 556.16s

You didn't force your way in. It was the situation was brought up. You asked and he was like, well, do you want to do it? He wasn't like, I'm sorry. And you were like, what the fuck? You were just kind of confused.And he threw out the offer and that's on him. I'm such a big, like, I just want to be invited.

Speaker 6556.46s - 557s

Yeah, me too.

Speaker 5558.04s - 558.76s

What's your star sign?

Speaker 6559.44s - 559.84s


Speaker 5560s - 560.4s


Speaker 6560.4s - 568.62s

I knew it. Because I told you this before. Oh. Okay. Like recently. Whatever. What I told you this before. Oh. Okay. Like recently. Whatever.What's yours?

Speaker 5569.16s - 569.56s


Speaker 6569.72s - 570.04s

Knew it?

Speaker 5570.34s - 570.58s


Speaker 6570.8s - 572.52s

Well, because I told you too recently.

Speaker 5572.58s - 572.82s


Speaker 6573.3s - 575.2s

I don't know what any of them mean.

Speaker 5575.32s - 576.48s

I know that Virgo's are bad.

Speaker 6576.72s - 577.22s

Like I've heard that.

Speaker 5577.22s - 578.04s

No, they're not. She's a Virgo.

Speaker 6578.3s - 580.56s

Oh, Leah PERSON. I knew we had something when I came in. There was a conversion.

Speaker 5580.56s - 581.9s

Virgo's love control.

Speaker 6582.66s - 583.88s

Do you like controlling things?

Speaker 5584.28s - 605.12s

Yeah, but I also, I think I like the illusion of control. Like, I want to know that if we go on a trip, I want to do the things I want to do, but I don't want to plan it. Interesting. How very unvergo if you. But if I do plan it, I want everyone to know that I planned it. Yep. And I want them to feel indebted to me. Yeah, I get that. There I said it.

Speaker 6605.42s - 605.58s


Speaker 5606.56s - 607.74s

I understand that. I had to get that off my chest.

Speaker 6607.84s - 608.92s

My friend Julia PERSON's like that.

Speaker 5608.96s - 609.3s

Is she?

Speaker 6609.42s - 609.7s


Speaker 5610s - 613.02s

She seems like the principal.

Speaker 6613.44s - 616.3s

Yeah, like she, we were driving to Coachella GPE and she was driving.

Speaker 5618.68s - 621.76s

You'll know she's driving because she would have told you, I'm driving.

Speaker 6622.08s - 623.08s

I'm driving, you guys.

Speaker 5623.16s - 623.72s

I'm driving.

Speaker 6623.72s - 624.04s


Speaker 5624.16s - 625.14s

Like, reminder, I'm driving. And me and Julia got into a fight so bad on the way to Coachella GPE, I'm driving. I'm driving, you guys. I'm driving. Like, reminder, I'm driving.

Speaker 6625.26s - 629.28s

And me and Julia got into a fight so bad on the way to Coachella GPE while she was driving.

Speaker 5629.96s - 632.2s

She started hysterically sobbing.

Speaker 6632.6s - 635.26s

And we were at In-N-N-Out ORG, and she was trying to order a milkshake.

Speaker 5635.34s - 639.42s

And she couldn't because we were screaming and crying. So that was my drive.

Speaker 6639.48s - 643.18s

Because of the noise? No, like, just because of the principal. It was, like, overwhelming.

Speaker 5643.26s - 644s

It was the rule of them.

Speaker 6644.48s - 645.72s

It was the rule of them. It was the rule of them.

Speaker 5645.76s - 646.06s

You know.

Speaker 6646.4s - 652.26s

You have to make, if you're riding in a car and someone else is driving, you are indebted to that person.

Speaker 5652.58s - 653.02s

I agree.

Speaker 6653.38s - 656.48s

You shouldn't be having fun that they can't participate in.

Speaker 5656.62s - 657.02s

So true.

Speaker 6657.58s - 659.7s

Like don't, oh, like we're an hour out.

Speaker 5659.74s - 660.42s

We're going to start drinking.

Speaker 6660.62s - 661.06s

Not fair.

Speaker 5661.32s - 661.94s

Not fair.

Speaker 6662.24s - 662.76s

That's not fair.

Speaker 5663.04s - 663.22s


Speaker 6663.4s - 664.92s

I could not agree with you more.

Speaker 5667.66s - 667.76s

That's not fair. Um,

Speaker 6673.56s - 677.44s

what it, what would be fair is a game? Or maybe, maybe call someone, but hook it up to the phone that you all know and like catch up with someone. I'm trying to think of other things you can do that,

Speaker 5677.46s - 682.78s

include the driver that isn't distracting. Music's fun. Music's so fun. Don't fall asleep. I've made

Speaker 6682.78s - 731.66s

that mistake. Oh, you are not allowed to sleep. that mistake before. Oh, you are not allowed to sleep. Yeah. Oh, my God, you're not allowed to sleep. I've made, do you drive? A drive, yeah. Oh, I don't, so.Right, so you are like way more familiar with being a passenger than I am. Yeah, I'm the passenger princess, I would say. It's so scary when I pick my parents out from the airport or something. I'm like, oh, shit. I haven't been in my back seat ever. So I don't know what's back there. I'm sure like if I drive people do a pregame or something,they bring beer and then they crushed up cans are in the back. I'm like, I can't, because my parents would be like, have you been drinking beers and then crushing them and throwing them in your backs? That's where my mom would get. Oh, and you just keep them there? You're such a boy. I just don't go in my back seat. Like I literally, if my car was the size of just my front seat, that would be awesome. And my dog. Yeah.If I had like a side car, a little side car for my dog.

Speaker 4731.9s - 732.98s

I did get a smart car.

Speaker 0733.68s - 734.68s

What type of car do you have?

Speaker 6735s - 735.36s


Speaker 4736.48s - 736.86s


Speaker 6737.5s - 738.46s

I'm getting rid of it.

Speaker 5738.52s - 739.28s

No, why?

Speaker 6739.28s - 744.54s

Yeah, it's been recalled like four times. I got like it, I got it right when it came out. Oh, okay.

Speaker 5744.6s - 747.64s

And then it got recalled. Yeah. I got recalled it, I got it right when it came out. Oh, okay. It got recalled. Yeah. I got

Speaker 6747.64s - 753.3s

recalled. Why? Because when you know, sometimes they say when you make a turn, a sharp turn on like a

Speaker 5753.3s - 759.24s

Bronco PRODUCT, it flips over. Yes. They make that very, there's like graphics all over the inside of my car

Speaker 6759.24s - 765.3s

that say like, you're going to flip. Yeah. And I'm taking some turns. I'm sure. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 7765.74s - 766.04s

I'm sure.

Speaker 4767.06s - 768.62s

I'm not a good driver. I've, like, I've been very clear about that.

Speaker 6768.74s - 895.46s

But my friends from New York and Jersey GPE, they all say you would do, you would do really well in the city. You'd be a great taxi driver. Hey, guys.I'm going to take a quick break really quick to think one of our sponsors, Embark ORG. Then when you've all been waiting for, I could not wait to get this ad back and read this to you guys because any chance I get to talk about Max, I obviously take that and run with it. It's a good day today. And we're excited to be partnering with Embark ORG, the provider of the most accurate dog DNA test on the market and the best gift to get the dog lover in your life.People are always asking me on my walks and online and just now today. What kind of dog is Max PERSON? Okay. I finally tested Max with Embark ORG to discover his breed mix and learn more about his genetic health and potentially connect with his family using their relative finder feature. Ooh!I got chills. And we knew Embark was the way to go because our producer Ryan used it for his dog, Remy PERSON. Well, the results are in. Oh my gosh. I haven't read these yet. This is my first time seeing these.Okay, Max is 31.9% German Shepherd. 24% miniature Australian Shepherd. 18.1% super mutt. And 17.1% American NORP Pitbull Terrier. And 8.4% Rottweiler. Wow, oh wow, am I going to lie to people when they ask.Were you surprised, and do you recommend embark for a dog parent? Yes, that's a question that was just asked to me, and instead of answering it, I read it out loud. Yes, I am surprised. I feel like I made that very clear, and yes, I will definitely be recommending it for a dog parent that I know soon.Get the dog DNA test that's trusted by millions, including me. Right now, Embark ORG has a limited time offer on their breed and health test kit for our listeners. Go to EmbarkVet.com to get free shipping and save 50 bucks with the promo code B&C. Visit EmbarkVet.com and use promo code B-A-N-D-C to save $50 today. Really? I'm going to break some laws, yeah, but I'm going to get you there. You're going to get there safe

Speaker 5895.46s - 904.16s

and quickly. I think people, the driving in the city is simply outrageous. I think I could do it. It's just unnecessary, though.

Speaker 6904.52s - 917.86s

Yeah, I know. You know what? There's nothing quite like the way that you feel like your body could explode when you need to get somewhere in New York GPE traffic. It's like, I need to be on a city bike like I need water.

Speaker 5918.12s - 919.62s

You know, I've never been on a city bike.

Speaker 6919.74s - 921.32s

People from New York GPE don't go on city bikes.

Speaker 5921.44s - 922.28s

Yes, they do.

Speaker 6922.88s - 925.08s

That are from, are you from New York GPE? Yes. I feel like you know too much. You can't go on a city bike. I guess. But like, I go on city bikes. Yes they do. That are from, are you from New York GPE? Yes.

Speaker 5925.74s - 933.78s

I feel like you know too much. You can't go on a city bike. I guess. But like I remember when city bites came out and it was like the hot topic. Everyone was on a fucking city bike drunk.

Speaker 6934.3s - 940.32s

Yeah. Which felt horrible. That's not good. It's crazy that they don't have breathalizers on all these

Speaker 5940.32s - 945.24s

rentable vehicles that go 30 miles an hour. That is so smart.

Speaker 6945.32s - 947.8s

But like it'd be a shared breathalyzer, so you'd be just like kissing.

Speaker 5948.16s - 951.2s

Yeah, that's disgusting. I don't think it's actually possible. I think it's kind of just like.

Speaker 6952.12s - 954.74s

I need a breathalyzer on my phone. You do?

Speaker 5955.04s - 958.06s

Yeah, because I'll, I have a couple drinks.

Speaker 6958.56s - 972.68s

And it's that image that's like a Lisa Frank PERSON image of the dolphins and the sea turtles in the sky. Yeah. And I'm like responding to a picture of like someone's sandwich. And I'm like you, this is fucking awesome.

Speaker 7972.88s - 977.68s

Yeah. I'm so stoked. You have it. I'm so happy for you. We should get lunch. We should get this sandwich together.

Speaker 6978s - 990.88s

Oh, you're a good job. No, but then I regret it. The next time, like, I don't ever want to talk to you even on DMs. I know, but it's still nice that you said that. Yeah. I just like, I regret it. And then I always think, I think my story is

Speaker 5990.88s - 996.68s

the one that everyone tunes into. And then when it's not well curated, I'm like everyone's, this is what

Speaker 0996.68s - 1000.56s

everyone's talking about on Slack PRODUCT right now at all of their jobs. Oh, like, did you see you

Speaker 51000.56s - 1006.62s

show me a little story? I'm so uncurated. Yeah. How do you curate your story? I mean, it's not like...

Speaker 61006.62s - 1007.52s

You beat yourself up too much.

Speaker 51007.64s - 1007.82s


Speaker 61007.92s - 1008.64s

Oh my God, I know.

Speaker 51008.84s - 1009.76s

You need to stop that.

Speaker 61010.26s - 1010.96s

You're amazing.

Speaker 51011.18s - 1011.76s

Do you not do that?

Speaker 61011.8s - 1012.4s

I do it.

Speaker 51012.4s - 1015.54s

But seeing you do it makes me sad.

Speaker 61015.64s - 1017.24s

On the outside looking end, that's pathetic.

Speaker 51017.8s - 1019.78s

No, it's not pathetic. It makes me sad.

Speaker 61020.36s - 1030.66s

Oh, so much to offer Connor PERSON. I'm fine. I'm sorry. I wasn't actually going to kill myself. I just say that. Well, I knew that.Yeah. Connor PERSON. You may, you can put that, check the box that you saved a life this week.

Speaker 51030.76s - 1032.28s

Yeah. How to Save a Life.

Speaker 61032.46s - 1035.52s

Yeah. That's a good song too.

Speaker 51036.22s - 1041.66s

It's an amazing song. The fray. Bangor after banger. Over my head. How to Save a Life.

Speaker 61041.96s - 1049.18s

You found me? I get them confused with the script. The script and chasing cars or whatever.

Speaker 51049.34s - 1051.14s

Yeah, chasing cars only really has one song.

Speaker 61051.14s - 1051.58s

What's that one?

Speaker 51051.6s - 1055.48s

It was on Grey's Anatomy WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 61056.14s - 1057.52s

I think it was called chasing cars.

Speaker 51057.84s - 1058.92s

Snow Patrol ORG.

Speaker 81058.92s - 1058.94s

Snow Patrol ORG.

Speaker 61059.18s - 1061.1s

Yeah. Snow Patrol ORG chasing cars, right?

Speaker 81061.1s - 1061.44s


Speaker 51061.9s - 1063.86s

Man, I wish we could play music on a main podcast.

Speaker 61063.98s - 1064.22s


Speaker 81064.32s - 1064.62s

You can.

Speaker 71064.62s - 1065.32s

How much does that suck? It sucks. Yeah. It sucks. You are a good podcaster. right? Yes. Man, I wish we could play music on a main podcast. You can't. How much does that suck?

Speaker 81065.56s - 1066.12s

It sucks.

Speaker 01066.32s - 1069.82s

Yeah. It sucks. You are a good podcaster. Really? Yeah.

Speaker 61070.24s - 1080.32s

Like, when we started, we were so ass that I cannot believe everyone in this room stuck with it because it was bad.

Speaker 51080.52s - 1085.1s

And you, like, right at your first episode, I was like, oh, what the fuck? That's not fair

Speaker 61085.1s - 1091.7s

Connor PERSON stop we I had I've asked to take our beginning episodes down wait why are they so bad

Speaker 51091.7s - 1100.14s

is he being dramatic no she is it you can be honest I think you guys were a little um not focused

Speaker 61100.14s - 1110.28s

we like we're very much talking to the camera like hey guys today we're going to be talking instead of just having, you know, oh, it makes me want to pull my eyelashes out.

Speaker 51110.28s - 1110.66s

You know what?

Speaker 61110.7s - 1112.76s

You shouldn't take them down because it shows you how far you've come.

Speaker 81113.22s - 1113.6s

It's true.

Speaker 61113.68s - 1114.78s

I'll never revisit, though.

Speaker 51115.88s - 1116.16s


Speaker 61116.48s - 1117.06s

I got that.

Speaker 51117.2s - 1117.98s

That I understand.

Speaker 61118.12s - 1118.88s

I would never revisit.

Speaker 51119.52s - 1126.46s

I have to talk about something really quick so I don't forget about it because it. Because it's something that happened today that it's not going to be groundbreaking.

Speaker 61126.7s - 1129.3s

I just want to get ahead of this story. It's nothing that's going to shake it up.

Speaker 41129.52s - 1129.76s


Speaker 61129.9s - 1132.74s

It might actually encourage people to unsubscribe from our YouTube channel.

Speaker 41132.86s - 1133.26s

Oh, no.

Speaker 61133.44s - 1161.94s

But because of how not groundbreaking this is. Okay. But I just need to talk about it, you know? Talk about it. So I had not spoken a word out loud besides to my dog today. So that's, I want to also put that out there.I noticed on the way out of the house, I was going to the grocery store this morning, that, oh, my hand soap is empty. I have a refillable container. And then I have these refills under my thing. They're in a container, an aluminum can. Costco ORG? They're the grove.Okay.

Speaker 51162.2s - 1171.88s

It's, yeah, it's like the shopping center? They're grove. They're grove themed. They're grove. They are grove themed because they're like grove okay it's yeah it's like the shopping center they're grove they're grove themed they're grove themed they're they are grove themed because they're like scented as if you're in a grove washing

Speaker 61171.88s - 1179.32s

your hands but it the company is called grove oh okay i thought you like okay continue my bad um the company

Speaker 51179.32s - 1185.42s

is called grove so i'm filling it up and then i put the cap on. I wash my hands of the situation.

Speaker 61186.02s - 1186.88s

Forgive me for the pun.

Speaker 51187.5s - 1187.96s


Speaker 61188.46s - 1189.26s

And I walk away.

Speaker 41190.28s - 1191.96s

I go, I go about my business.

Speaker 61192.08s - 1228.86s

I take Max PERSON out my dog. And on the walk, I'm on Instagram ORG. And the first ad I get in between stories is an ad for refillable soap things. Oh, cool. I haven't spoke out loud though. I wasn't, I didn't make an Instagram ORG story. I didn't say out loud in my house by myself. Oh, my soap's empty.Let me get my... Are you sure? I promise. That's weird. That's fuck. What do you think? Do you think that please, please, please be honest with me. I'm okay saying this out loud. Do you think that our phones can hear our thoughts?

Speaker 51229.3s - 1231.86s

I have, like, really bad anxiety with this story right now. I can't lie.

Speaker 61231.92s - 1240.58s

That's the scariest thing I've ever heard. What? Because I've had this situation more than once, but I've never been verifiably alone.

Speaker 51240.78s - 1255.7s

And you were bugged out. I have not seen a person. I have not, I didn't have one meeting, one phone call. I had spoke nothing out loud. You didn't speak. I have not spoken to, this is my first time talking today. That's why I was so rusty when I came in. But I don't understand. And my

Speaker 61255.7s - 1258.7s

phone's somewhere else in my house when I'm feeling on my, I don't have my phone.

Speaker 51259.62s - 1264.72s

That's pretty. You have like Alexa PRODUCT devices in your house? I have an Alexa device. With a camera.

Speaker 61267.52s - 1268.96s

I don't know if it has a camera.

Speaker 51269.12s - 1270.88s

Because let me tell you a story about one time.

Speaker 61271.38s - 1273.92s

I was talking heavy shit with my girls.

Speaker 51274.34s - 1275.6s

Like heavy shit.

Speaker 61275.9s - 1280.62s

Like really, like we were just, you know, it was a session of talking shit.

Speaker 51281.24s - 1287.12s

And my Alexa, or it was her Alexa, repeated a minute of our conversation back to us

Speaker 01287.12s - 1294.9s

just out of nowhere. And we looked around and we were like, what? Yeah. So they're listening at all

Speaker 51294.9s - 1304.88s

times. And if you have an Alexa PRODUCT with a camera, they're also watching. So that makes sense. And they're probably connected to your phone, not to stress you out at all. But that's probably what happened.

Speaker 61304.88s - 1308.74s

George Orwell PERSON would come if you could hear this conversation. What did he write a good animal all. But that's probably what happened. George Orwell PERSON would come if you could hear this conversation.

Speaker 41309.48s - 1310s

What did he write again? Animal Farm ORG.

Speaker 51310s - 1311.34s

Welcome to 1984, y'all.

Speaker 41311.56s - 1312.88s

What did he write again, Animal Farm ORG?

Speaker 51312.9s - 1316.58s

1984. Cool. And Animal Farm ORG.

Speaker 61316.7s - 1323.26s

Yeah. And Animal Farm ORG didn't sick with me as much. I do love animals, but that didn't, the actual themes.

Speaker 51323.36s - 1328.7s

Oh, I loved Animal Farm because my English teacher, Shelley, was like like my favorite person ever and she taught it. Me and Brooke PERSON talked,

Speaker 61328.82s - 1336.28s

that's good. Yeah, I loved Shelley. I liked my English LANGUAGE teacher too. Really? I think. My English teacher

Speaker 51336.28s - 1344.44s

thought I was really troubled. Why? I was. Yeah. She had a good read on things. Yes, Connor PERSON,

Speaker 61344.62s - 1345.66s

right here. Come on. Oh, but you were troubled. I was. Yeah. I was un good read on things. Yes, Connor PERSON. Yeah. Come on.

Speaker 51346.7s - 1347.78s

Oh, but you were troubled.

Speaker 61347.9s - 1348.28s

I was.

Speaker 51348.36s - 1348.54s


Speaker 61348.74s - 1350.32s

I was unmedicated and now medicated.

Speaker 51350.4s - 1350.68s


Speaker 61351.28s - 1352.12s

That's always good.

Speaker 51352.22s - 1352.44s


Speaker 61352.58s - 1377.58s

You got to the root of it. We talked about books all the time and about how every book we read was just like, talk about anxiety. Every book was like, this is the future. If you're not aware of history, history repeats itself, of course. But the things are like flowers for Algernon, which I can't remember what that was about. I know it was sad, though.There's, they were all sad. All the books were so depressing.

Speaker 51377.76s - 1378.78s

Fahrenheit 451 WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 71378.84s - 1379.82s

Fahrenheit 451 WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 51379.96s - 1380.56s

That was scary.

Speaker 61381.82s - 1382.94s

There was one about- The giver.

Speaker 01383.1s - 1383.88s

The giver was frightening.

Speaker 51384.06s - 1385.3s

The givers, what I was going to say.

Speaker 01385.42s - 1386.46s

Killing babies, right?

Speaker 51386.52s - 1387.14s

Yeah, it was frightening.

Speaker 01387.3s - 1391.16s

Okay, so, and that one, actually some parents wrote in and tried to get that book banned.

Speaker 51391.26s - 1392.4s

They tried to get the giver band.

Speaker 01392.52s - 1393s

The giver.

Speaker 51393.22s - 1394.78s

The Taylor Swift is in the movie.

Speaker 61395.4s - 1395.78s


Speaker 51396.02s - 1397.48s

How would you try to get that band?

Speaker 61397.82s - 1398.3s

I don't know.

Speaker 51398.42s - 1402.36s

I think it was because they hear, like, they're reading books about killing babies.

Speaker 61402.6s - 1403.44s

Be so for real.

Speaker 51403.52s - 1410s

Do you think that our English LANGUAGE teacher is trying trying to be like we should kill some babies also the givers about like isn't

Speaker 61410s - 1414.92s

the world like so black and white and like this the oh my god what a beautiful book that is i love

Speaker 51414.92s - 1421.44s

that book i'm not going to revisit but i do remember it being kind of utopian you know like everything's

Speaker 61421.44s - 1425.98s

beautiful but they didn't say i love you and it was a whole to do

Speaker 51425.98s - 1428.06s

was there some things about people's tongues being cut out

Speaker 61428.06s - 1429.76s

or did it? Yes you did not make that up

Speaker 51429.76s - 1431.78s

though that might have been the hunger games

Speaker 61431.78s - 1435.52s

it's hard it's impossible

Speaker 51435.52s - 1437.34s

you know in the capital like when they speak

Speaker 61437.34s - 1439.36s

and like they cut up the tongues

Speaker 51439.36s - 1442.2s

maybe but that's the same sort of thing

Speaker 61442.2s - 1451.72s

it's like a utopian dystopian thing right yes a lot of the utopian things where it's like they try to make the perfect thing are actually dystopian. I think that's the point.

Speaker 41452.48s - 1452.78s


Speaker 61453.08s - 1453.3s


Speaker 41453.5s - 1456.86s

Like me finally understanding Hunger Games WORK_OF_ART on set right now.

Speaker 51457.24s - 1476.02s

Very cool. Very cool. I love dystopian novels and TV shows and movies. I specifically love shows about like or movies about like the world ending and stuff. Like anything with Gerald Butler like Geostorm or Greenland WORK_OF_ART or any of the fallen I just watched London Has Fallen WORK_OF_ART.It was pretty outrageous actually.

Speaker 61477.18s - 1479.66s

All of those give me scaries too.

Speaker 51479.88s - 1484.24s

No, because I like to play What Would You Do WORK_OF_ART with my friends. Okay.

Speaker 61484.54s - 1488.94s

So what are you doing? We would sit down. We would be watching it and I'd be like, oh my God, what would you do? what would you do with my friends Okay So what are you doing We would sit down We would be watching it And I'd be like Oh my God What would you do?What would you do?

Speaker 51489.46s - 1491.66s

Say we get confirmation Hey like

Speaker 61491.66s - 1495.16s

How much time Do we know how much time You know I haven't seen any of those movies

Speaker 01495.16s - 1496.02s

It actually had like

Speaker 51496.02s - 1500.5s

You usually have like Two days Okay So two days You only got four minutes To save the world

Speaker 61500.5s - 1521.68s

What are you doing To prepare? I feel like I always say On this podcast because Brooke PERSON always backs me up like, I'm going to give up. I'm going to go to sleep and then I'm out like a light. I would give up. But I would have too much anxiety. Like I would be like, oh no,maybe we can figure this out. I think I would try to get back to like my family. I would for sure

Speaker 51521.68s - 1528.88s

get back to my family and then I would take, I've never taken a Xanax before. I would take a Xana. Oh, you got to take a Xanax. I would take a Zanax PRODUCT so I can add a van of sorts and

Speaker 61528.88s - 1533.28s

like just kind of roll with punches. I think the first day you take a half of Xanax to see out of

Speaker 51533.28s - 1537.52s

Heshoe and then the second day depending on how you did with that one because you might just be

Speaker 61537.52s - 1545.12s

like I kind of want to just like say and watch a movie right now and then the second day when you get your dosage right then you it then you attack your to-do list.

Speaker 51545.32s - 1555.5s

My issue is, though, like, if we know the world's ending and we have two days left, like, you can't go to grocery shopping and you can't order in any food. Postmates is definitely shut down. Everything's shut down.

Speaker 61555.52s - 1559.32s

I don't know. I feel like there'd still be some hustlers on DoorDash ORG. Like, I want to make a couple bucks.

Speaker 51559.34s - 1560.72s

Yeah, I get that for the end of the world.

Speaker 61560.72s - 1560.96s


Speaker 51561.58s - 1565.16s

But, you know, I think Netflix ORG would still be there. Hello, all.

Speaker 61565.32s - 1687.06s

I'm going to take one more quick break to thank a sponsor of today's episode, Acorns ORG. Let's talk about investments. I love talking about investments. Investing can feel intimidating because you don't know where to start, you know. Do you invest? How do you go about it?It's tough. All those things are tough. I just started having this conversation with not only my dad, because he's been texting me and calling me all the time. I did invest in the Kentucky Derby EVENT. And that's as far as I got. But that got me thinking maybe I should place some safer bets.And so here we are. Acorns ORG. Acorns ORG makes it easy to start automatically saving and investing for your future. You don't need a lot of money or expertise to invest with Acorns ORG. In fact, you can get started with just your spare change. Acorns ORG recommends an expert built portfolio that fits you in your money goals,then automatically invests your money for you. Acorns ORG can also be a helpful tool for individuals who want to start investing, but may not have a ton of experience with it. Like me, honestly. I talk about investing a lot, I feel like, but I do not know what I'm talking about. That's why I love relying on others. Head to acorns.com slash B&C or download the Acorns ORG app to start saving and investing for yourfuture today. Client testimonial may not be representative of all clients. Tier 1 compensation provided. Compensation provides an incentive to positively promote acorns. View important disclosures at acorns.com slash bnc. Investing involves risk, including the loss of principle. Please consider your objectives, risk tolerance and acorns fees before investing. Acorns ORG advisors, LLC.Acorns is an SEC ORG registered investment advisor. Brokered services are provided to clients of Acorns ORG by Acorn Security LLC. Members, FINRA ORG slash SIPC. For more information, visitacorns.com. Oh, they're not going to, I mean, there's not going to be anyone running the servers probably. What? The server, I don't know. I feel like there's probably someone running the servers. It sounds like the right thing. Wow, I've never even thought about that.And you're so right.

Speaker 51687.16s - 1691.02s

Because when things crash, like how Netflix ORG's live streaming never works.

Speaker 01691.1s - 1694.1s

Like someone's hacking the mainframe to try to fix it.

Speaker 51694.9s - 1695.82s

Netflix ORG live streams?

Speaker 61696.9s - 1700.18s

Yeah, all of the like Tom Brady PERSON roast was like live streamed.

Speaker 51700.34s - 1700.74s


Speaker 61700.98s - 1704.82s

I feel like they're gearing up to go into like TV sports and stuff.

Speaker 01704.94s - 1705.12s

Yeah. Or like yeah, like Bravo WORK_OF_ART stuff with when there's like I feel like they're gearing up to go into like TV sports and stuff yeah

Speaker 51705.12s - 1709.06s

or like yeah like Bravo WORK_OF_ART stuff

Speaker 61709.06s - 1711.24s

when there's like reunions and you watch them live

Speaker 51711.24s - 1714.5s

do you watch Bravo WORK_OF_ART? I started a little bit

Speaker 61714.5s - 1726.62s

with the Vanderpump drama Scandival WORK_OF_ART and then I'm so glad I did because I randomly got put on a comedy panel with our animatics like right I love her yeah that was and I'm so glad I did because I randomly got put on a comedy panel with our animatics. Like right.

Speaker 01726.96s - 1733s

I love her. Yeah, that was, and I'm so glad. I was like, hey, how's Tom PERSON?

Speaker 61733.52s - 1736.22s

Not good. And she was like, bad. And I got his name right.

Speaker 51736.36s - 1740s

And you know what I love about that cast and then I'm like, they'll talk about it.

Speaker 61740.22s - 1744.34s

They will talk. Open book. Yeah, open book. I love it. And that's what reality TV is for.

Speaker 51744.8s - 1745.62s

That's what it's for.

Speaker 61745.9s - 1746.12s


Speaker 51746.28s - 1746.9s

Yeah, they were great.

Speaker 61747.1s - 1750.66s

I'm sure they're like Loki PERSON really stoked about that whole thing that happened.

Speaker 51750.88s - 1754.02s

Yeah, I mean, you're on reality TV because you want people to watch it.

Speaker 41754.32s - 1755.34s

Something like that happens.

Speaker 61755.42s - 1755.62s


Speaker 51755.68s - 1765.1s

I'm sure Ariana wasn't too pleased when she found out. But she actually seemed quite devastated. But when it, you know, when push comes to shove, she's the host

Speaker 61765.1s - 1769.26s

of the new Love Island, USA. She was on Dancing with the Stars WORK_OF_ART. Yeah, she's fucking killing it.

Speaker 51769.36s - 1773.52s

That's great. One door opens another door. I'm sorry, backwards.

Speaker 61774.02s - 1778s

No, I, I mean, I could say it that way too. One door opens, guess what? There's probably one

Speaker 51778s - 1783.86s

shut over there. Yeah. Well, it's weird that right now, there's probably a door opening and shutting

Speaker 61783.86s - 1786.08s


Speaker 51787.4s - 1787.82s

Does that give you anxiety?

Speaker 61788.16s - 1795.98s

Yes. Me too. Okay, I have some notes that I wanted to go over and they're fucking all over the place. Okay, well, I love your watch, Connor PERSON. Thank you.

Speaker 51796.9s - 1800.5s

It's Evora ORG. It's a good company. I have like six of them. Oh, they're really cute.

Speaker 61801s - 1813.3s

Thank you. Okay, hang on. Guys, we can cut all this. This is actually the dumbest shit I've ever seen in my life. Well, can you guys hear me okay? Okay, good, just making sure. Because I keep

Speaker 51813.3s - 1817.54s

like fucking with this and like, oh, well, let's ask, I want to, I want to hear about how your live

Speaker 61817.54s - 1837.24s

shows are going because we're both doing. We are both doing live shows. We're both touring, low key. Low key. And I asked you for a second this weekend. Oh, me and Jake went and saw Chelsea Handler this weekend and Sam Jay that did the roast of Tom Brady and Fortune Feimster and... Mateo PERSON. Mateo Lane PERSON.

Speaker 51837.82s - 1849.68s

And I don't remember the first person's name, but she was really fucking funny. She was so funny. Okay. So when you go to a comedy show in today's day and age, they do this thing where they lock your phone away.

Speaker 21852.48s - 1865.92s

I'm just going to say it. That wasn't cool with me. They put it in a bag and lock it. Like legitimately lock it. So all my, my phone was buzzing. And I was like, oh my God. Oh my God. I was like nine at the bit to get like I was like literally like ripping it open. And it's was buzzing. And I was like, oh, my God. Oh, my God. I was, like, nine at the bit to get.

Speaker 51866s - 1874.1s

Like, I was, like, literally, like, ripping it open. Like, and it's, like, tight. And I remember I couldn't get a hold of Connor PERSON. And I lost him halfway through the show.

Speaker 41874.22s - 1893.24s

And I was like, where is he? Like, what's happened? Oh, my God. I lost all sense of space and time. I was with Julia PERSON. We hadn't eaten dinner.We were like, what's happening? Like, we were, like, so hungry. We were so scared. Like, and then we got, we ran outside after to unlock our phone. And all these people were like, what's happening? Like, we were like so hungry. We were so scared. Like, and then we got, we ran outside after to unlock our phone and all these people were like, oh, everyone's so excited to be on their phones. I'm like, I'm sorry no one is trying to

Speaker 51893.24s - 1901.16s

fucking reach you. Like, it's true. I've talked about those neoprene bags. They're made out

Speaker 61901.16s - 1910.84s

of like what like a wet suit is made out of. Which is like a wetsuit, by the way, if you hit like a sharp-ass great barrier reef, it's not going to rip.

Speaker 51910.9s - 1912.7s

You're going to roll right over, I don't think.

Speaker 61913.16s - 1914.32s

Like a shark can bite through it.

Speaker 51914.6s - 1916.38s

Now, I've got this tooth, Jake PERSON.

Speaker 61916.44s - 1925.6s

You do have a fang. I do have a fang. Thank you for noticing. This tooth can do all things through Christ PERSON, which strengthens him.

Speaker 71926.68s - 1929.5s

I've gotten through one of those neoprene bags with this too.

Speaker 61929.5s - 1970.26s

I have at John Malaney PERSON. I ripped it out. Did you out this week? No. Last one year ago. And it works?Were you pumped? I was stoked, but then I was looking around. And it feels like in inception when he's in the dream. And then people start becoming aware, you know, and they're all trying to kill him. I really felt like everyone in, because first of all, I wanted to tell people like I'm at John Mullaney PERSON. I don't video anything.Of course. As people that do live shows, I have respect for the no video thing. Let me post that I'm here. Yeah, 100%. You have to log it up so that people don't video because these people are filming specials and if you release it, then you're

Speaker 51970.26s - 1976.06s

a bad, obviously like a horrible person. Is that why? Yeah, if I do a joke, typically like when

Speaker 41976.06s - 1980.84s

people do these shows, they hone in on jokes and then they film their special or they'll film a special

Speaker 51980.84s - 1989.84s

live, you know, at this thing. So if you post it and then they, like everyone sees these punchlines and then it comes out

Speaker 41989.84s - 1991.06s

on Netflix ORG, it's like, I don't need to watch that.

Speaker 61991.14s - 1992.2s

I saw the joke already.

Speaker 71992.98s - 1994.96s

I don't know if people respond in that way.

Speaker 61995.12s - 2006.88s

That's what I think it's for. But for me on tour, if someone were to film my set, which they do sometimes, and post it, I'm like, I'm doing that joke in an hour, by the way, at the same venue. Right. And then

Speaker 02006.88s - 2015.82s

tomorrow night at the same venue twice. And then the next night at a different venue, and if anyone follows each other, or if someone were to actual like static posted on TikTok ORG and it did

Speaker 62015.82s - 2020.88s

well, God PERSON forbid. But it's kind of like a double-edged sword because you want people to see it.

Speaker 52021.08s - 2027s

I do, but I want to post it. Yeah, I get that. I don't get any accolades when someone else posts my set.

Speaker 62027s - 2028s


Speaker 52028s - 2029s


Speaker 62029s - 2030s


Speaker 52030s - 2031s


Speaker 62031s - 2038s

They only do that when I'm wasted at a bar. Okay. Yeah, that's, they, it's like piranhas. Oh. Like your...

Speaker 52038s - 2045.96s

They smell blood. Yeah. They don't smell, they smell blood. It's just my B.O. Because I'm sweating so much and I'm drunk. Oh, great. What Would You Do situation?

Speaker 62046.1s - 2064.52s

There's this movie where these people get stuck in a pool of piranhas. And, like, that's a type of movie I would watch and be like, what would you do? I hate to death the movie. The movie's about like, I'm stuck on this island. We just have to swim to there and there's a shark or like when Blake Lively PERSON was stuck in that cage and it sunk to the bottom.

Speaker 52064.7s - 2067.74s

The shallows. The shallows. Yeah. The worst.

Speaker 42068.66s - 2086s

And there's... What would you do? What would you do? What would you do? The question is, I don't know. The answer is I don't know. But my favorite one is this one, these girls are swimming and the pool cover goes above them. And then they're stuck under the pool cover for the long weekend. And they're starving and scared. It's horrible. That's when you need this the long weekend. And they're starving and scared.

Speaker 52086.68s - 2091.92s

It's horrible. That's when you need this tooth. Yeah, if they had that tooth, they would be able to gnaw their way out.

Speaker 62094.8s - 2095.68s

Sharks scare the fuck out of me.

Speaker 52096.12s - 2096.32s

Do they?

Speaker 62096.84s - 2111.3s

Yeah. I mean, they don't scare me when I know they're there. It's more like, so in finding Nemo PERSON. Okay. When Dory or what's the dad's name, Alan PERSON? Marlon PERSON.

Speaker 82111.56s - 2111.94s

Marlon PERSON.

Speaker 62112.2s - 2113.9s

I was close. I couldn't.

Speaker 52114.04s - 2117.12s

If you got into my head, I would have gotten there.

Speaker 82117.18s - 2130.6s

It's confusing and it throws you off because he's a clownfish and his name's Marlon PERSON and that's a type of fish. That's like me being called Russian NORP as my name. Oh, I'm not. I was just

Speaker 62130.6s - 2156.16s

saying that as like a example. Whatever. That's why this podcast I wasn't even worried about planning. So I was like, it doesn't matter what we have planned because me and Jake PERSON, by the time we get to the plan, it's going to be a buzzer beater for one of our things on the docket that we plan. But when Marlon PERSON has his head above water and he's looking for the boat, I get scared when he has his head above the water. That view, when you're like, what's underneath? When he goes underwater, I'm like, oh, peaceful.

Speaker 52156.74s - 2192.4s

You know, when he's looking around underwater, nothing there. I don't want to say I'm not scared of sharks because then I feel like they're going to come, like, come for me. But, like, I am scared of sharks. The sharks should have to fall from this. They would. Yeah.And I am scared of sharks. I just feel like I never, hopefully would never be put in a situation where there isn't someone on Shark Watch. Like, you know what I mean? Like when you go to a beach here, if there's a fucking shark by the shore, there's lifeguard's like, hey, there's a shark. Yeah. Do you know what I mean? Like, when you go to a beach here, if there's a fucking shark by the shore, the lifeguard's like, hey, there's a shark.Yeah. Do you know what I mean? Except in Soul Surfer, but she went night swim in. Right.

Speaker 62193.08s - 2197.52s

I know. Soul Surfer PRODUCT is always the exception to the rules. Have you seen Soul Surfer PRODUCT?

Speaker 72197.64s - 2205.92s

Mm-hmm. I haven't. It doesn't. You know the gist. I know the gist. Yeah.Yeah, I mean, there's some things that you can do to avoid it.

Speaker 62206.82s - 2224.5s

I have been in a couple situations where I know for a fact there's a shark in the water and I don't see it. How do you know though? I just know. Your connor senses? I just know. Like, I just know. Some people watching this will be like, I know what he's talking about. Sometimes the water feels sharky. Both times I was right.

Speaker 72225.38s - 2227.14s

And they're attracted to blood as well, right? They're attracted to blood. They're attracted to to shiny stuff. I don I know what he's talking about. Sometimes the water feels sharky. Both times I was right. And they're attracted to blood as well, right?

Speaker 52227.22s - 2227.98s

They're attracted to blood.

Speaker 62228.08s - 2229.26s

They're attracted to shiny stuff.

Speaker 52229.32s - 2231.98s

I don't know if it's bright stuff, but I know that if you have like a GoPro PRODUCT or something,

Speaker 62232.08s - 2232.76s

it reflects lights.

Speaker 52233.24s - 2236.74s

Because I went on this shark diving thing on the North Shore in Hawaii.

Speaker 62236.88s - 2237.12s


Speaker 52237.58s - 2239.82s

You said you're scared of sharks. Why would you go on a shark day?

Speaker 62239.82s - 2274.78s

Well, my sister knows I'm scared of sharks, but I've always wanted, this is like three years ago. I'd always wanted to do this thing for the pictures. Yeah, I get that. I respect that. And it's like the coolest thing to do.It's, I think Island View, Hawaii is the name of the company. And it's like a boat. And it's like a, it holds eight passengers and then three captains. The captains are our age and they're just island coolest dude you've ever seen they're like people that work in a in a skate shop and you're scaredto even be in the skate shop because these guys are so cool

Speaker 02274.78s - 2280.58s

looking you know you're like I don't even I'll buy these you don't even know what you're holding it's like it's a pack

Speaker 62280.58s - 2289.06s

of fens do you skate no no no no neither, no. Neither do I. Just making sure. I can ride on a board. It's pointless, though. If I need to get somewhere. Yeah.

Speaker 52289.16s - 2294s

If I was in a what would you do situation, there was a shark on the street and I needed to skate to get away from it.

Speaker 62294.06s - 2295.08s

Like, I could probably pull that up.

Speaker 52295.48s - 2316.02s

But these dudes take you out and go past like the first, the break, the waves. And then they take you like a mile offshore and then you just stop and you're just on this little boat and you just jump off and you're in the middle of the yeah you can see the shore but you jump off and then from below and now it makes me sick talking about it loki

Speaker 62316.02s - 2333.88s

yeah like nauseous it's kind of making me like um vomit but you're sitting there and then from below you kind of see the sharks they start to come up and then they just kind of like hang out with you they don't throw any food in the water or anything they just like are curious and they come like hang out what the fuck I'll show you the pictures

Speaker 52333.88s - 2345.44s

is this legal show you the pictures yeah they've never had anything happen that's not true they've never had anything happen that's not true that can't, there's no cage around you.

Speaker 62345.5s - 2346.94s

You're just swimming with sharks. No.

Speaker 52347.1s - 2353.96s

Do you want to see the pictures? Yes, I would love to see the photos. I'm going to show. I'll put them up on the screen. Oh, I'm so excited.Oh, it's something that

Speaker 62353.96s - 2357.66s

would you ever shark, or not shark dive, skydive?

Speaker 52358.44s - 2361.46s

I think about this all the time. I don't think my dad would ever speak to me again.

Speaker 62361.7s - 2361.98s


Speaker 52362.2s - 2362.82s

So, no.

Speaker 62363.44s - 2371.28s

Well, I have no interest or desire except for the fact of like, it's just like why.

Speaker 52371.28s - 2374.64s

It's not on my bucket list, you know, so I don't want to push myself.

Speaker 62375.04s - 2378.46s

So here's, that's what it looked like.

Speaker 52378.6s - 2379.44s

What the fuck?

Speaker 62379.46s - 2381.52s

You're just like swimming. Cool photos.

Speaker 52381.62s - 2383.6s

Edited on VSEO PRODUCT, obviously.

Speaker 02383.98s - 2384.6s

Oh, wow.

Speaker 52384.78s - 2390.92s

That's a great photo. It's really fun. Oh, I would have loved that if I got thatSEO, obviously. Oh, wow. That's a great photo. It's really fun. Oh, I would have loved that if I got that photo. Oh,yeah, except... These are amazing.

Speaker 62391.02s - 2394.78s

I just need to face tune my stomach and stuff.

Speaker 52394.78s - 2403.44s

No, you don't. I'm joking. But that was scary. The skydiving thing, I think about this all the time. I think about where my head would go.

Speaker 62404.32s - 2421.32s

When inevitably my plane goes down or my parachute doesn't open. And it's like, why did you put yourself in the situation? You could have been at home. Home, you could have been ordering Dan Dan ORG noodles and on your, like, with your blanket. And you could be eating soup.

Speaker 42421.72s - 2421.9s


Speaker 62422.06s - 2424.4s

And you're on a plane jumping out of it for what?

Speaker 42424.46s - 2425s

For what?

Speaker 62425.66s - 2518.7s

This episode of Brooke and Connor make a podcast is supported by State Farm ORG. Does anyone else get the crazy feeling of, I can't believe it? When you get a new car or home? But what you really want to say is the one thing that can get you to help you really need. Like a good neighbor, State Farm ORG is there. State Farm ORG is there with the coverage you need for your car, your home, and even boats, motorcycles, RVs, and other things that matter to you. Listen, guys, listen, come here,come close to me, get really close to my mouth. Adulthood is already exhausting and complicated enough as it is, okay? For example, like, this is my one week alone and I hate to figure out what groceries can I get before I leave for another 11 days um who do I get to watch max um all my groceries by the way that I got do not go together so I've been eating just individual ingredients and eating three meals for dinner because now I'm like I'm not going to let these groceries go bad by the way I just didn't do it right okay it's exhausting but luckily one of the parts of adulthood that doesn't need to be complicated at all is insurance thanks toState Farm ORG. With a State Farm agent, you know someone is there to help you choose the coverage you need. There's so many coverage options. It feels good knowing you could find what works best for you and your needs. And when you need ways to get help, State Farm ORG gives you options there too, whether it's in person or on the phone with your local agent or on the statefarm.com website or on their award winning app, State Farm ORG lets you do things your way. So when you need help protecting the things that matter most, remember to say, like a good neighbor, State Farm ORG is there.No point.

Speaker 52519.24s - 2526.38s

I just don't see the point. Honestly, indoor skydiving is more my speed personally. I would love to do that. We should do speed personally i would love to do that we should

Speaker 62526.38s - 2531.72s

do it i would love to do it jake do you want to do it this weekend i would love to oh i'm in i'm in texas

Speaker 52531.72s - 2537.24s

oh sorry when i'm back yeah we're like we're both traveling this weekend where you going

Speaker 62537.24s - 2545.02s

italy i'm going to houston well you go you travel quite quite a bit well it's just the tour thing you haven't told me how

Speaker 52545.02s - 2548.6s

how the live shows are going it was great it was amazing I had a great time

Speaker 62548.6s - 2559.94s

wait you've done more than one right I've done three college shows and then that was my first paid ticketed live show yeah and then come how many people uh 500

Speaker 52559.94s - 2572.34s

that'll do it yeah it was but at the colleges I think the most I've done in a college is 1,200. And then, I don't know, I'm excited to tour. I'm decided to see how it plays out.

Speaker 62572.98s - 2576.64s

Because the college shows always bring more people because it's free tickets.

Speaker 52576.9s - 2579.7s

It's free, and everyone's, like, looking for shit to do on a college campus.

Speaker 62579.7s - 2586s

And, you know, I was... I honestly think I was more nervous for the college shows than I was for that.

Speaker 02586.12s - 2599s

Just because I had kind of like a game plan of what I was going to do. Like I had graphics made because it was like a live podcast kind of like kind and I, shit I was going to talk about. And, you know. How was it going for you?

Speaker 62599.04s - 2599.12s

It's so scary.

Speaker 52599.12s - 2604.12s

It gives me anxiety to think about it. Well, I said this on our podcast too. I think the, no, I didn't talk about it.

Speaker 72604.14s - 2611s

When I did my most recent college show, the town that it was in, it was in Miami of Ohio GPE.

Speaker 62612.22s - 2614.92s

Ohio GPE of Miami, Ohio.

Speaker 72615.96s - 2616.64s

What is that?

Speaker 62617.86s - 2619.22s

Miami of Ohio GPE.

Speaker 82619.42s - 2620s

Okay, I was right.

Speaker 62620.72s - 2624.08s

But it's in Oxford GPE. It's like the most confusing in Oxford, Ohio GPE.

Speaker 72624.88s - 2626.5s

So when you go, I drove

Speaker 62626.5s - 2638.94s

from the airport and I got there and it was like, nothing, nothing, cool little town, but it's just the college. The towns that are because the college is there. Those are my favorite towns.Yeah, it's really fun. It was so intimidating for some reason.

Speaker 52638.94s - 2639.5s

Yeah, it's scary.

Speaker 72640.82s - 2643.38s

It felt like the kid that has his lunch

Speaker 62643.38s - 2680.34s

looking for a place to sit at the lunch table, you know? And I go, and it was a great show. It was so much fun. Everyone was really nice. But I was like, oh, geez, I'm scared. I'm more scared.You're right, of, like, doing it at colleges than doing it in just, like, a place where people chose to buy tickets and come. Did you go by yourself? Yeah. You traveled alone. Did you go out after?I did. I went to one bar, and then I asked the bouncer. I was like, is there somewhere I could go where there's just like really old people? And he was like, no. And he's like, no, not really. But you tried that one.And I went over there and these two nice girls were like, come with us. Like, we're going to show you this bar over here.

Speaker 02680.38s - 2681.3s

Yeah, and it was really fun.

Speaker 52681.32s - 2684.88s

And then they had like a group of friends and we had a couple drinks and whatever.

Speaker 02684.98s - 2688.88s

Then I flew out of Ohio immediately next morning. Yeah, and it was really fun. And then they had like a group of friends and we had a couple drinks and whatever. Then I flew out of Ohio immediately next morning. Yeah. I love traveling

Speaker 62688.88s - 2693.48s

to do like a like a show like that. It's fun. It's very rewarding. It's so rewarding.

Speaker 52693.98s - 2698.36s

I like making people laugh in real time. You learn so much. Yeah, the feedback you get being

Speaker 62698.36s - 2704.22s

immediate is awesome. I feel like that's what social media used to be for me. And now I'm like,

Speaker 42704.22s - 2725.98s

I read into it too much. Like when I used to post this guy, I'm like, ooh, this is nice. I still post, but can I tell you I remember your first viral video? What? I don't even know. Tell me if I'm wrong. You were in Newport. And it was, I just remember seeing this and then seeing you all the time. It was a bunch of people on the beach in the middle of COVID. Oh, yeah. Was that your first one?

Speaker 52726.08s - 2732.66s

It wasn't my first one. I didn't have any video that was like, oh, this is the first viral. I do remember the first one because Emma Chamberlain PERSON liked it.

Speaker 42732.86s - 2747.72s

And I remember like, oh, like a blue check person liked my video. And that was the first one because it used to be just us like dancing and stuff and doing whatever during COVID. But that one was just me talking and it did really like, I think it had 40,000 views.

Speaker 52747.86s - 2749.26s

And I was like, woo, hoo ho!

Speaker 62749.9s - 2751.1s

I'm going to quit my job.

Speaker 52751.16s - 2752.16s

I was unemployed already.

Speaker 62752.32s - 2753.72s

I actually was already done with the quitting.

Speaker 72754.12s - 2755.56s

Where were you working before all this?

Speaker 62755.64s - 2756.48s

Bird ORG, the scooter company.

Speaker 52757.04s - 2757.36s


Speaker 62757.66s - 2758.32s

I knew this.

Speaker 52758.64s - 2759.44s

I knew this.

Speaker 62761.36s - 2764.34s

But yeah, I don't know if I would have quit my job.

Speaker 52764.34s - 2768.18s

Like if I had a job at the time, I don't know if I would have had the nuts to quit.

Speaker 62768.88s - 2775.42s

I didn't quit my job until I like, it was like, everyone was like, you should probably quit.

Speaker 52775.54s - 2776.18s

You should focus.

Speaker 62776.3s - 2776.98s

You should hone in.

Speaker 52776.98s - 2777s


Speaker 62777.22s - 2781.34s

Like, and hone in and strike all the irons hot and like build this thing.

Speaker 52781.42s - 2782.9s

I really loved my job.

Speaker 62782.96s - 2783.12s


Speaker 52783.18s - 2788.44s

So I didn't want to quit, which was part of that. But, um, yeah. I loved what I did.

Speaker 62788.72s - 2795.5s

Yeah. Damn. I don't think I would, I don't know if I could have because I would have had to tell my mom. That what? You're quitting to do social media.

Speaker 52795.5s - 2802.8s

I'm quitting to become. You can say. Yeah, no, I still wouldn't.

Speaker 62802.88s - 2804s

I still will never say that.

Speaker 52804s - 2821.54s

That's okay. No offense to any influencers out there. No, it's okay. There are some people that I know that are influencers. I'm like, I still wouldn't, I still will never say that. That's okay. No offense to any influencers out there. No, it's okay. There are some people that I know that are influences. I'm like, I could never. I couldn't do it because it's hard.It's scary when like I feel like everything, I feel like the job of an influencer, it's like based in public perception, which is just intrinsically, inherently scary. Intrinsic is a good word too.

Speaker 62821.68s - 2823.72s

I don't think it can figure out a way to use that in the next.

Speaker 52823.72s - 2825.68s

Sometimes I just try to use big words you guys

Speaker 62825.68s - 2827.5s

Oh yeah no we do too

Speaker 52827.5s - 2848.58s

We have a whole list of words that I'm like if I hear this word I get words stuck in my head the same way I get songs sick in my head Me too Do you really? Sometimes yes I couldn't stop saying FernandoWhat? That's not even a word That's someone's name Fernando When? I don't know. Yesterday it was suspense. Suspense.

Speaker 62848.82s - 2850.96s

I actually don't think I relate to this anymore.

Speaker 52851.14s - 2859.74s

I think maybe I like do like kind of like there are words sometimes that all like, yeah, no, I do. I just, I can't think of an example, but Fernando PERSON was crazy.

Speaker 62859.9s - 2864.5s

Fernando PERSON caught me off guard too. Imagine how I felt. I, my thoughts and prayers.

Speaker 52864.5s - 2865.14s

I wanted to like, like you have water stuck thoughts and prayers. I wanted to, like,

Speaker 62865.84s - 2881.54s

like, you have water stuck in your ear. I wanted to, like, dump it out. Talk about the worst feeling in the world. Am I going deaf? No, it's just, like, bouncing around in your ear horrible. I hate that so much.Yeah. I have more stuff. Hang on, guys. I'm doing it. I feel like I'm doing a bad job.

Speaker 52881.62s - 2885.12s

Wait, you're doing, Connor PERSON, you need to stop being so hard on yourself. You're doing amazing. No, like, you see, Connor PERSON, you need to stop being so hard on yourself. You're doing amazing.

Speaker 62886.76s - 2888.52s

No, like, you see my notes.

Speaker 52888.92s - 2889.78s

What, can I see your note?

Speaker 62889.84s - 2891.52s

No, no, you can't.

Speaker 52891.52s - 2895.02s

But I'll just tell you one of the things that I just needed to talk to Jake about today.

Speaker 62895.1s - 2895.28s


Speaker 52895.36s - 2895.66s

Are you ready?

Speaker 62895.72s - 2899.3s

A big bullet point that I really thought would hook everybody.

Speaker 52899.42s - 2899.66s


Speaker 62902.08s - 2925.48s

The fact that ducks have to put their head under the water to have a meal no could never be me imagine imagine they have to bob on top of the water and then go and eat and then they come up for air no why would they what is their diet algae ew no but imagine being like uh oh, I'm kind of hungry. Let me get soaking wet.

Speaker 52925.56s - 2928.8s

Let me get wet. Whoa.

Speaker 62929s - 2931.94s

Could not. Whoa. No, you know.

Speaker 52931.94s - 2942.22s

That was your big bullet point? You know what I would say if I was a duck? What? Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. I'm not getting wet. Let me just say that two people have told me I look skinny this week, like organically.

Speaker 62943s - 2945.4s

Yeah, wait. You're on Ozimic PRODUCT, right? I can't. Everybody's saying it. I can't confirm this week, like organically. Yeah, wait, you're on Ozimic PRODUCT, right? I can't.

Speaker 52945.4s - 2946.36s

Everybody's saying it.

Speaker 62946.44s - 2964.66s

I can't confirm nor deny, so. Ooh. Yeah. Is this the exclusive? Did I get the exclusive? I don't know, because I'm not confirming nor denying.That's always confirmation. Yeah. Me? Oh, okay. God, I suck at this.

Speaker 52964.76s - 2972.94s

No, you don't. So, um... The man behind the black and blue dress went to jail for strangling his wife.

Speaker 62973.14s - 2980.9s

I saw that. When I first read the headline, when it was like, man that came up with the blue and gold dress. And I was like, oh, he's going to tell us what it was. Strangles his wife. Yeah.

Speaker 52981.38s - 2987.14s

Oh, okay, perfect. No, that makes sense because what he did with that fucking dress was sick. Sick in the head.

Speaker 62987.48s - 2992.68s

It divided a country in ways that I have never seen. It was all,

Speaker 52992.78s - 2993.38s

well, first of all,

Speaker 62993.5s - 2997.12s

what did you see? Maybe his wife knew the secret. What did you see? What colors?

Speaker 52997.12s - 2999.52s

Blue and black. As any normal person would.

Speaker 62999.78s - 3001.6s

Yeah, but the white

Speaker 53001.6s - 3006.94s

and golders were really fighting for it. And then there was like the Yan'i and Laurel PERSON, but that didn't hit the same as the dress.

Speaker 03007.02s - 3008.32s

The dress was a cultural phenomenon.

Speaker 63008.48s - 3012.42s

You had to be there. It was, I'll never forget it.

Speaker 53012.52s - 3026.44s

I came to high school that day and everyone was like, do you see this fucking dress? And I was like, no. No, show it to me. Show it to me, Rachel PERSON. Send it to me, Rachel PERSON.I can't get that out of my head now. Okay, but that's a TikTok sound. So that makes sense. Oh, yeah. get that out of my head now. Okay, but that's a TikTok sound, so that makes sense. Oh, yeah.

Speaker 63027.2s - 3034.1s

Fernando PERSON is out just as simply outrageous. Okay, well. Why? Did you meet a Fernando PERSON? No, I've never met a Fernando PERSON.

Speaker 53035.44s - 3038s

Can we talk about something Connor did the other day?

Speaker 63038.04s - 3060.76s

Oh, yeah. We can totally cut this out if you want. Leave it in. So I'm like, hey, Connor PERSON. Like, do you know my friend, Blank PERSON? And he was like, mm, not sure. And I was like, hey, Connor. Like, do you know my friend, Blank PERSON? And he was like,not sure. And I was like, okay, he's gay, tall, and really hairy. And Connor PERSON was like, got it. Didn't think anything else of it. And then Connor PERSON ended up going to this party that my friend was at. And my friend called me the next morning and was like, Jake PERSON, the weirdest thing

Speaker 53060.76s - 3070.54s

happened last night. Connor came up to me last night and was like, are you Jake PERSON's gay and hairy friend? And I was like, that is so weird that he would say that. Well, I couldn't find

Speaker 73070.54s - 3076.18s

anyone gay or hair or I should have assumed, but it was dark. I couldn't see his neck or how much

Speaker 53076.18s - 3081.12s

hair was coming off of it. Yeah. So that was something that happened with that. We honestly spent

Speaker 63081.12s - 3090.48s

the weekend together. We did. We did. We really did. We spent a lot of time together recently. I know. Last weekend was random because I was I was going

Speaker 53090.48s - 3096.62s

somewhere near you, nearby you, and you were like, no, get dropped off here. And I was with two of

Speaker 63096.62s - 3100.3s

our other mutual friends losing time in. Yes. And we got dropped off there. And then we were,

Speaker 53100.6s - 3106.74s

it's so funny, you call, you've called off both nights when I should call off my night.

Speaker 63107.3s - 3109.48s

I'm very good about that these days.

Speaker 73109.58s - 3110.72s

I used to be very bad.

Speaker 63110.96s - 3113.38s

I'm very good at like cutting it off when I feel it's right.

Speaker 53114.14s - 3140.34s

But at the same time that night, like I had been to be fair to make yourself feel better, I had been drinking all day into the night. Things were getting dark. I had to go home. Like it was like really bad. That hangover the next morning wasn't even like enjoyable. all day into the night. Things were getting dark. I had to go home. Like it was like really bad.That hangover the next morning wasn't even like enjoyable, honestly. Like it was like it was because like I spend, I won't be hung over alone and I really wanted to be alone. Whoa. Yeah. I wanted to be alone. I couldn't talk to anyone.I was just really upset.

Speaker 63140.5s - 3144.48s

I like being alone together. Yes. I don't want to be involved.

Speaker 53144.52s - 3146.28s

Green ages. Yeah. The only interaction I want to have and I do. I'm like, you. Yes. I don't want to be involved. Greenagers. Yeah, the only

Speaker 63146.28s - 3168.14s

interaction I want to have, and I do, I'm like, you guys can all sleep in my house. I would actually love to wake up and know that you're here, but like, I'm going to be in my bed. You guys enjoy the couch, put on TV, make yourself at home. The only interaction I want to have with you by 1 p.m. is I'm getting Grab Hub PRODUCT. What do you guys want? I'm going to get it from here. Just tell me what you want. I'll order it. What's your favorite meal like that?

Speaker 53168.16s - 3200.74s

Hungover? Yeah. Mediterranean. Or pizza. You agree. You know I don't really like pizza. That's weird. How could you not like pizza? I think it's my self-diagnosed eating disorder, honestly, but I don't really know what it is. I'm just more of a pasta person. Like, the cheese never did it for me. Like, I don't really, I don't know. But I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I understand. Well, Mediterranean NORP, I like to have, I get really sad when I'm almost done eating. Oh, me too.

Speaker 63201.06s - 3208.18s

So I'm like, oh, I was so excited for this. And then it's like a birthday. It's over. It's over. Getting a, getting a, getting a, you got it.

Speaker 73209.96s - 3215.22s

Getting a grub, like the act of ordering it is like planning your birthday and then you add

Speaker 63215.22s - 3215.98s

all your menu items.

Speaker 73216.1s - 3217.92s

That's like inviting all your friends to your birthday.

Speaker 63218.54s - 3221.78s

And then, and then your driver has picked up your order. It's, oh.

Speaker 73222.02s - 3230.66s

Oh, you're booking flights. Like, you're making dinner reservations and then he's here and then your birthday has arrived. Like, your door dash has been delivered.

Speaker 63231.5s - 3236.94s

And you get it and you unwrap your gifts. And it's all there and you eat a little bit of this.

Speaker 53237.04s - 3237.46s

A little bit.

Speaker 63237.46s - 3238.26s

A little bit of that.

Speaker 53238.64s - 3241.44s

But then slowly you're like, oh, like the night's almost over.

Speaker 63241.98s - 3244.08s

And I'm feeling full, question mark?

Speaker 53244.46s - 3245.5s

In a bad way. In a bad way. Oh, and I was looking almost over. And I'm feeling full, question mark? In a bad way.

Speaker 63245.5s - 3246.38s

In a bad way.

Speaker 53246.94s - 3249s

Oh, and I was looking forward to this for so long.

Speaker 63249.06s - 3263.22s

And then as fast as it came, it's gone. Yeah. And you're left with, you are full, but you're also so empty. Yeah, you're empty because you have nothing else to look forward to.

Speaker 53263.3s - 3263.66s


Speaker 63264.38s - 3266.66s

That's why you have to smoke weed, you guys.

Speaker 53267.38s - 3283.66s

Thank you. Thank you. I am the biggest proponent of that, honestly. The other day I was at dinner and we ordered too much. And I said, okay, everyone, I need five seconds. And I walked outside before our main courses came and I hit the pen about six times. And then I walked back in and I said, I'm ready.

Speaker 63287.52s - 3294.44s

Six times, did you say? Yeah. I think I need it. Whoa, I'd be leaving that restaurant in a

Speaker 53294.44s - 3300.28s

body bag. You would? Yeah, man. Oh my God. Like I would. Do you know who got me into

Speaker 63300.28s - 3307.16s

weed, actually? Who? Oh, Leah PERSON. You want to know why? I'll never forget it. We were having a slumber

Speaker 53307.16s - 3311.82s

party. Do you care if I tell this story? We were having a slumber party and I hadn't taken edibles

Speaker 63311.82s - 3317.34s

since the first time I took edibles, which was 10th grade of high school and I saw the Angry Birds PRODUCT movie.

Speaker 53317.94s - 3322.28s

And I left and my friend was like, I think that was about communism. And I was like, I'm never doing

Speaker 63322.28s - 3325.76s

this again. And I... That was actually George Orwell's animal farm in the. And I was like, I'm never doing this again. And I, that was actually

Speaker 53325.76s - 3331.44s

George Orwell's animal farm at the movie. I was like, the angry birds was it. Anywho. And Leah PERSON was like,

Speaker 63331.56s - 3337.78s

you know what? Like, just try a little bit. And like, there is no one. I feel, I feel very, very safe

Speaker 53337.78s - 3342.12s

with Leah PERSON and her family. I'm very close with her family. I'm very close with Leah. I've known her

Speaker 63342.12s - 3345.3s

forever. So I'm like, you know what? Let's do it.

Speaker 53351.3s - 3352.52s

And I had the best night of my life. And I was like, this shit is awesome. Leah PERSON, give me more.

Speaker 63358.96s - 3359.36s

And now it's time for our good neighbor custom segment, which is brought to you by State Farm. I know you guys wait all week.

Speaker 53368.6s - 3368.84s

I know you guys wait all week for this segment, the good neighbor segment. When you get a new car or a new home, the first thing you might want to say to yourself is, heck yeah.

Speaker 63369.94s - 3466.38s

Or maybe I can't believe it. Or how is this real? But what you really want to say is the one thing that can get you to help you need. Like a good neighbor, State Farm ORG is there. State Farm ORG is there with the coverage you need for your car, your home, and even boats, motorcycles, RVs, and other things that matter to you most. So today, I'm going to share a struggle and the person that helped me get through it, just like a good neighbor would. Okay, let's, I mean,let's think about it. This is going to come as like a no-brainer. What the heck was I going to do on the episode today if I didn't have Jake PERSON? Now, did I kind of trick him into doing it and put him in a tough spot? So it would be kind of hard for him to say no. Yes. Of course. But like a good neighbor, Jake co-hosted with me and I now owe him my life. And even though the struggle was real this week, I'm nominating Jake as the good neighbor of the week who helped me get through it. So obviously we all know that adulthood always comes with these types of low-key struggles. What to cook for dinner, how to exercise more ways to eat healthier, who to have on your podcast at co-host when your co-host is in Europe LOC. The list goes on. But luckily, one of theparts of adulthood that doesn't need to be complicated is insurance thanks to State Farm ORG. With a State Farm ORG agent, you know someone is there to help you choose the coverage you need. With so many coverage options, it feels good knowing you can find what works best for you and your needs. And when you need ways to get help, State Farm ORG gives you options there too. Whether it's in person or on the phone with your local agent or on StateFarm.com or on their award-winning app, State Farm ORG lets you do things to your way.State Farm ORG is the good neighbor we all want and deserve. So when you need help protecting the things that matter most, remember to say, like a good neighbor, State Farm ORG is there. Wow. Go Leah PERSON.

Speaker 53467.14s - 3484.7s

That was a start of something. It was the start of my weed journey. And I remember, what did I do? I cut a sandwich. Do you remember this? I cut a sandwich only halfway and I thought it was the funniest thing in the entire world.And like, everyone was laughing at me and I just remember being like, I love weed. This is amazing.

Speaker 63485.24s - 3491.96s

Oh my God. I get Mac Miller. I get Seth Rogen PERSON. I have to say something about Seth Rogen.

Speaker 53492.62s - 3497.18s

Yeah. Didn't I see you at his, like, weed thingy? Yeah. Okay.

Speaker 63499.86s - 3500.22s


Speaker 53501.06s - 3505s

It was like the worst day in my life. Why? Why?

Speaker 63508.38s - 3508.42s

I just really like fumbled the bag with Seth PERSON and I'm a fan of Seth.

Speaker 53510.72s - 3512.96s

I remember that you were nervous to go up to him and you wanted it. And then I did and it was, I was right to be nervous.

Speaker 63513.16s - 3514.42s

It was exactly on point.

Speaker 53514.58s - 3516.3s

Okay, so say what do you have to say about?

Speaker 63517.46s - 3518.26s

We get it.

Speaker 53518.6s - 3519.3s

You smoke weed.

Speaker 63519.54s - 3534.44s

I really feel like him talking about how much he smokes weed like is Hollywood GPE bowling. Seth PERSON smokes the bowl. I'm like, yeah, we know. Yeah. We get it. I feel like it talking about how much he smokes weed like is hollywood bowling Seth PERSON smokes the bowl I'm like yeah we know yeah we get it I feel like it's like it's like I feel like he's like a dude that's already graduated high school and he's coming back for

Speaker 53534.44s - 3545.32s

these parties right I understand that he did you I get that I think maybe it's because of his business it's become a brand almost yeah he has like those little ashtrays that like they're nice they're really they're really cool looking but they weren't giving them out at this event they weren't and I was like are you guys stuff it's become a brand almost. Yeah. He has like those little ashtrays that like... They're nice.

Speaker 63545.44s - 3563.2s

They're really cool looking. But they weren't giving them out at this event. They weren't. And I was like, are you guys selling them? Like I'll buy one right fucking now. And they were like, no.And I was like, what do you mean? No. Please sell me one. House plant. That's the name of the company. Yeah.Very cool company. It's really cool. No, I thought the same thing. They gave his coffee though. That was nice.

Speaker 03563.28s - 3565.46s

And a tote bag. And I love my tote bag. It says house plant.

Speaker 53565.96s - 3567.9s

Yes. Yeah. That one looks

Speaker 03567.9s - 3570.16s

cool because it looks like, oh,

Speaker 63570.86s - 3584.34s

he smokes house plant weed. Like he is not only rich, he has his life together because he's rich. He's also good at smoking weed because he's made his way all the way to house plant. I'm none of those things.

Speaker 53584.54s - 3597.74s

I'm a poser. Do you know that Madmen ORG closed down what yep they went bankrupt or something i totally just lied about the bankruptcy part okay but they did close down that's it's like concerning that's

Speaker 63597.74s - 3602.32s

disappointing is that's where i get my cans oh you love these cans yeah my bad i meant to pick some up

Speaker 53602.32s - 3605.06s

for this okay don't worry about it that would have been so fun. It would have been. Damn.

Speaker 63605.94s - 3610.5s

Cans are people probably don't know. C-A-N-N. Good company. Great amount of weed for me.

Speaker 53611.38s - 3613.92s

He loves them. It's like an edible drink.

Speaker 63614.06s - 3616.26s

It's a drinkable.

Speaker 53616.6s - 3618.14s

Yeah, it's a drink. It's a lunchable for weed.

Speaker 63618.14s - 3657.44s

It's a lunchable for weed. They taste so good. It's actually scary. I was talking to someone that like, if you drink more, like obviously you get more high. I did not think of that. I was talking to someone that like if you drink more, like obviouslyyou get more high. I did not think of that. I was thinking of them like poppies. Oh, I love poppies. Oh my God. I was watching a TV show for like 15 minutes in Spanish LANGUAGE and I was like, oh, like I, whoa, like where did it I don't pay attention Like I do not know what they're talking about Right No I just didn't understand what language they were speaking I thought they were speaking English LANGUAGE the whole timeBut I was like oh I like must have missed something Because I don't get it Right No I don't get because I don't speak Spanish

Speaker 53657.44s - 3668.24s

Speaking of TV and watching I totally feel like you would watch this series Planet of the Apes What? I don't know I that's what I've been on lately. Do you want to hear about it?

Speaker 63668.26s - 3670.64s

Yeah, I would love to. Why do you think that I would watch that?

Speaker 53670.68s - 3714.66s

I don't know. I feel like you're a boy and they all watch Planet of the Apes WORK_OF_ART. But I... I don't know. Anyone watch that? It's a multi-million movie franchise. We're on the fourth one right now. Oh my God. I feel like it's like an industry plant series.Okay. Well, so the first one is called Rise of the Planet of the Apes WORK_OF_ART. Right. Yeah. It has James Franco PERSON. Is he one of the monkeys?No. He's the guy that he's the scientist. It's actually like, oh my God. Like it's a really an intricate story. Like it's about this ape named Caesar PERSON. Right. And he, oh my God. It's amazing. It's amazing., it's about this ape named Caesar PERSON. Right.And he, oh my God, it's amazing. It's amazing. It's amazing. They're at war with humans right now because, well, I don't want to spoil anything, but I'm going to. Basically, at the end of the first movie.

Speaker 63714.66s - 3720.9s

I'm sure everyone's really gearing up to watch Planet of the Apes WORK_OF_ART. So, skip ahead. I think a lot of people are. There's probably another sequel in the works.

Speaker 53722.16s - 3731.02s

There's a flu that wipes out the entire population besides the apes and a few select humans. So that's where the movie takes off from at the end of that.

Speaker 63731.02s - 3735.82s

Okay. So this is like, this is just falling into the category of like a what would you do. That's why you.

Speaker 53735.82s - 3767.54s

But the thing is, this is the thing at first. You're like, oh my fucking God, these apes need to stop. They need to stop. Because like this is ridiculous. This is ridiculous. Like this is crazy.Like we need to stop, but they need to stop too. And then throughout the second movie, you're like, wait, the humans need to stop. Like, this is ridiculous. Like, you know what I mean? And like, by the third movie, you're like, fuck the humans. Like, they are outlandish creatures.Like, this is ridiculous. Team Caesar PERSON till I die. Like, who's that?

Speaker 63768.06s - 3768.38s


Speaker 53769.02s - 3770.12s

Oh, Lou PERSON. Hey, Lou.

Speaker 63770.3s - 3770.98s

Oh, my God.

Speaker 53771.38s - 3772.92s

Like, dad ass, though.

Speaker 63773s - 3774.4s

Like, these humans are ridiculous.

Speaker 53774.58s - 3775.98s

The apes are living in fucking peace.

Speaker 63776.14s - 3776.36s


Speaker 53776.78s - 3787.7s

These humans are hunting them out for no reason. The flu has killed your entire society. Woody Harrelson PERSON is, like, in it or some shit. He's, like, the main, like, military guy. He's evil. He kills the it or some shit. He's like the main like military guy. He's evil. He kills the Caesar PERSON's son.It's horrible.

Speaker 63787.94s - 3789.22s

This feels like drunk history.

Speaker 53789.92s - 3791.88s

But it's the planet of the apes.

Speaker 63792.56s - 3796.42s

So now you're on the ape side at this point in this newest movie?

Speaker 53796.58s - 3796.88s


Speaker 63796.98s - 3799.76s

Okay. Maurice. Is that an ape?

Speaker 53801.18s - 3801.56s


Speaker 63803.06s - 3803.88s

I love pets.

Speaker 53804.34s - 3804.64s


Speaker 63804.98s - 3808.38s

Cool. I'm looking. I mean, I'll watch. I'm going to watch. Do I have to start for the beginning now? pets. Okay. Cool. I mean, I'll watch. I'm going to watch. Do I have to start for the beginning now?

Speaker 53808.58s - 3820.04s

Yes. He's like, okay. Yes. I'm like actually going to cry because I know like, spoiler alert, Caesar PERSON dies. And like, I know he's going to die. And like, I just am waiting for it to come.And I'm really, really upset about it.

Speaker 63820.08s - 3823.32s

You're telling Jake, like, okay, I'm going to actually watch this weekend. Also, here's the end.

Speaker 53823.48s - 3832.14s

Well, no, it's not the end. There's a fourth one out right now that no one has seen yet. It's Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes WORK_OF_ART, War of the Apes. And what's the one that's coming out this weekend?

Speaker 33832.38s - 3833.66s

Kingdom. Kingdom.

Speaker 53835.5s - 3859.8s

Can we read the description? Oh my God, it's Maurice. He lived. Okay, what's the description? Many years, can you zoom in? Many years after the reign of Caesar PERSON, well, I'd already read it, so I knew that. A young ape goes on a journey that will lead him toquestion everything he's been taught about the past and make choices that will define a future for apes and humans alike. Yeah, the budget is 160 million. You best believe people

Speaker 63859.8s - 3865.24s

are seeing it. Wow. Okay. Who's the director?

Speaker 53865.8s - 3866.42s

West Bell ORG.

Speaker 63867.14s - 3868s

What else has he done?

Speaker 53869.9s - 3870.76s

I seriously feel like this escaped me completely.

Speaker 63871.02s - 3872.18s

Well, look at that.

Speaker 53872.3s - 3873.04s

He did the maze runner.

Speaker 63877.26s - 3878.1s

Oh, my God.

Speaker 53878.1s - 3879.36s

And he did the Legend of Zelda.

Speaker 63880.46s - 3881.78s

Well, that hasn't come out yet.

Speaker 53882.08s - 3883.24s

It says, though, untitled.

Speaker 63884.98s - 3886.36s

I don't know any of this.

Speaker 83886.42s - 3889.28s

This is so not in my wheelhouse.

Speaker 53889.4s - 3890s

This is crazy.

Speaker 63890.12s - 3891.82s

Ooh, what's ruin about? That looks amazing.

Speaker 53893.72s - 3894.08s


Speaker 43895.08s - 3895.32s


Speaker 53895.52s - 3897.74s

Oh, thank you.

Speaker 43897.86s - 3898.78s

You're a godsend.

Speaker 53898.98s - 3899.38s

Oh, I know.

Speaker 43899.44s - 3900.24s

Is this show on it?

Speaker 53900.32s - 3903.94s

In a future where cities have crumbled and been reclaimed by nature.

Speaker 43904.44s - 3904.8s


Speaker 53904.8s - 3910.16s

We join a lone man exploring the ruins of and been reclaimed by nature. Okay. We join a lone man exploring the ruins of the company. I can't pronounce that.

Speaker 63911.6s - 3912.68s

Haven Nanosystems ORG.

Speaker 53914.1s - 3916.6s

Recovering a locked container. I'm already bored.

Speaker 63916.8s - 3922.74s

Okay. So West Bell ORG is really into dystopia. Nature reclaiming what was once hers.

Speaker 53923.3s - 3923.56s


Speaker 63923.76s - 3926.78s

So anyway, the Planet of the Apes WORK_OF_ART movies are simply outstanding.

Speaker 53927.4s - 3929.28s

Maurice and who else should I look out for?

Speaker 63929.42s - 3930.64s

Maurice is like the fan favorite,

Speaker 53930.86s - 3936.9s

but like Caesar PERSON is like really the one that's like obviously like, Caesar PERSON. Okay.

Speaker 63939.36s - 3941.78s

No, you don't understand how good of a person he is.

Speaker 53941.78s - 3943.22s

He's an ape.

Speaker 63943.58s - 3949.48s

He's just a young ape. You don't understand like the apes, they don't want war. There's this one ape. Really looks like he wants war.

Speaker 53949.48s - 3972.22s

No, he doesn't. He only wants war because he wants vengeance, because these humans are fucking evil. But there's this one ape named Coba, and Coba's just the worst. And Coba pulls some really whack shit in dawn of the planet of the apes. And it really sets up for dawn of the planet of the apes. And it really sets up for war of the planet of the apes. And yeah, they're all on Hulu ORG, by the way.

Speaker 63972.98s - 3977.62s

Did you know in Venice Beach the other day they had three fucking apes on horses?

Speaker 53977.84s - 3979.5s

Look that's that's Caesar PERSON's kid. Look how cute.

Speaker 63979.5s - 3982.06s

Oh, that's actually really super cute. He looks like my grandma.

Speaker 53982.1s - 3987.54s

Oh, no, no, no. That's baby Caesar PERSON. That looks identical to my grandma Petit PERSON.

Speaker 63987.72s - 3988.7s

What? What?

Speaker 03989.62s - 3991.68s

On the left. Like, it looks like her

Speaker 53991.68s - 3994.84s

in her robe. You know what bugs me out about these movies?

Speaker 63994.92s - 3997.66s

As I start, like, actually, like, treating these apes like humans.

Speaker 53997.66s - 4014.62s

And I'm like, like, what's happening? Like, because they, because they, they talk. It's like, they, they, they can, like, Caesar can speak, like, English LANGUAGE. And the whole, like, premise of the movie is that, like, this, um, okay, like, do you want me to just tell you the premise of, like, how the apes get to where they are?

Speaker 64014.66s - 4015.26s

Let's just do it.

Speaker 54015.34s - 4018.22s

Okay. So, James Franco's PERSON dad has Alzheimer's.

Speaker 64018.22s - 4021.66s

This is, this is, this is, I saw this in Venice Beach GPE and I was really freaked out.

Speaker 54021.74s - 4023.44s

Oh, they, what a cool activation.

Speaker 64023.72s - 4033.32s

They rode horses through Venice Beach GPE. I was honestly like, this is the end. So it worked. Yeah. I was really freaked out. Oh, what a cool activation. They rode horses through Venice Beach. I was honestly like, this is the end. So it worked. Yeah. I was scared. Wow, this is amazing.You should have seen my dog when he saw this.

Speaker 54033.76s - 4045.24s

I literally would have gone up and been like, which one sees her? Oh, but it probably is none of them because he's dead in the new movie. Anyway, so James Franco's PERSON dad has Alzheimer's. So James Franco PERSON is looking for the cure.

Speaker 64045.24s - 4059.78s

In the movie? Looking for the cure of Alzheimer. So he's testing it on apes. On apes. And it basically makes them more advanced. And they all these apes, they kill, they make him kill allthe apes, but he can't bring himself to kill this one ape, a baby

Speaker 54059.78s - 4105.26s

from this ape named Blue Eyes PERSON. And Blue Eyes PERSON was obviously advanced because I think it was a girl. She had taken this medicine that like remade brain cells or whateverfor Alzheimer's, but it actually made the ape smarter. So he's like, oh my God, I can't get all Caesar PERSON. Like, I love Caesar PERSON. And so, like, he brings Caesar PERSON home. Caesar PERSON was the baby. Yes.And he brings Caesar PERSON home and raises him. And then, like, long story short, like Caesar PERSON basically gets sent away for like mauling someone that tries to touch the grandma grandpa and the medicine works by the waythe medicine works for Alzheimer's but from this research comes this this flu like the ape flu and kills all the populationand all these apes run off and Caesar PERSON becomes really resentful Caesar PERSON's now in the wild okay I'm confused when they started like having beef with the monkey these apes run off and Caesar becomes really resentful.

Speaker 64106.38s - 4111.3s

Caesar PERSON's now in the wild. Okay, I'm confused when they started like having beef with the monkeys.

Speaker 54117.12s - 4117.66s

Because Caesar PERSON gets sent to like an ape sanctuary.

Speaker 64118.8s - 4120.48s

Oh, that's okay. We should fucking check up on those by the way.

Speaker 04120.54s - 4132.84s

After watching this movie, if that's how they run, that's not right. And Caesar PERSON basically steals the medicine, it's like a gas, and gives it to all the apes, and they all become smart, and they all escape.

Speaker 54133.46s - 4139.74s

Wow. And then they live in peace until humans want to come up and cause a ruckus.

Speaker 64139.86s - 4144.8s

I feel like every movie is almost just Avatar WORK_OF_ART. You know what?

Speaker 54145.68s - 4146.46s

I love Avatar WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 64150.56s - 4157.76s

Yeah. It seems like, yeah, that would make sense that you would. It seems like the, it seems like the same movie kind of. Okay. How? Because like everything is fine until humans get involved. I think that's a, that's a trope.

Speaker 54157.76s - 4167.8s

That's a movie trope. But isn't Avatar WORK_OF_ART like those are humans and they're all like fine. They're all just like different kingdoms. What isn't a human in Avatar WORK_OF_ART? Oh, I guess that giant floating thingy.

Speaker 64168.3s - 4178.12s

The drag. I don't know. I don't know what anything's called. They're aliens, right? No. They're humans.Oh, you mean Avatar WORK_OF_ART?

Speaker 54178.28s - 4191.04s

Not Avatar WORK_OF_ART the last airbender? Oh, you meant actually Avatar WORK_OF_ART. Yeah, you're right. Yeah, you're right. Yeah, you're right. Can we talk about Avatar WORK_OF_ART too? Talk about a fucking flop.I like, no one saw that.

Speaker 64191.04s - 4201.56s

Thank God PERSON. Oh, thank God PERSON. What did I say about Avatar WORK_OF_ART? What was my standing? I don't have like resentment towards Avatar WORK_OF_ART. I just think why it takes so long, you know?Totally.

Speaker 54201.72s - 4202.12s

To make.

Speaker 64202.42s - 4204.06s

I think the third one's going to do really well.

Speaker 54204.4s - 4205.12s

I think the second one would probably just setting up the story for the third. 2084. Yeah, when is the third one coming out? Do you know? Totally. To make. I think the third one's going to do really well. I think the second one

Speaker 64205.12s - 4205.72s

would probably just

Speaker 54205.72s - 4228.98s

setting up the story for the third. 2084. Yeah, when is the third one coming out? Do we know? Oh. Avatar WORK_OF_ART.When is the third trimester? That's really far away. That's really... Avatar 4 is 2029. I mean, why bother? Avatar 5 WORK_OF_ART! This is ridiculous. That's really... Avatar 4 is 2029. I mean, why bother? Avatar 5!This is ridiculous.

Speaker 84229.4s - 4229.74s

That's also...

Speaker 04229.74s - 4231.08s

I think signed on for all of these.

Speaker 84231.22s - 4234.1s

Ooh, they are set for life. They probably got paid such a pretty penny.

Speaker 54234.78s - 4235.64s

Well, it's what's his face?

Speaker 64235.82s - 4247.58s

And you know what the budget? Budget's not too far off from Planet of the Apes WORK_OF_ART. How, how net, $250 million? How nice to beat James Cameron PERSON? How many movies is he done? Four? You know, how nice to beat James Cameron? How many movies is he done? Four?

Speaker 54248.28s - 4251.64s

You know what's so nice about James Cameron PERSON is he beat his own record?

Speaker 64251.88s - 4254.3s

So the Titanic WORK_OF_ART was the highest grossy movie of all time.

Speaker 54254.42s - 4256.74s

Yeah. And then he released Avatar WORK_OF_ART and was like, never mind.

Speaker 64257.28s - 4258.6s

Titanic WORK_OF_ART's my favorite movie, by the way.

Speaker 54258.7s - 4259.28s

Never seen it.

Speaker 64260.34s - 4261.74s

Do you have six hours?

Speaker 54261.92s - 4263.18s

I would love if you watched it.

Speaker 64263.42s - 4266.64s

I'm just like so in love with Leonardo DiCaprio PERSON that like I don't know if I can do it.

Speaker 54267.18s - 4271.66s

It is so, so groundbreaking from the beginning to the end.

Speaker 64272.08s - 4275.98s

Every single detail. It makes you nostalgic. It makes you want to be on that ship.

Speaker 54276.92s - 4278.34s

I also feel like I would have survived.

Speaker 64279.2s - 4280.18s

I think I would have to.

Speaker 54280.5s - 4282.04s

I would have been like move out the fucking way.

Speaker 64282.28s - 4282.62s

I know.

Speaker 54283.16s - 4284.12s

Let me get on a rowboat.

Speaker 64285.24s - 4294.94s

I, it's crazy to take all of these things in in an age before TikTok because we would all be like watching the Titanic WORK_OF_ART. So badly, I want to be like, oh my God, there's a ship going down. Like,

Speaker 54294.98s - 4316.48s

let me type in on TikTok. Titanic WORK_OF_ART syncing. Yeah. I want to see like all of the different POVs. Do you think people would have posted? Oh my God. People would have posted out. But I, yeah. God, the Titanic WORK_OF_ART, what a horrifying story. I mean, talk about a fucking flop. That ship was supposed to be the strongest ship in the entire world.James Cameron did The Terminator WORK_OF_ART?

Speaker 64319.86s - 4320.02s

Yeah, he's made, I think he's made like 10 movies and they are all hit.

Speaker 54320.88s - 4321.68s

And he did aliens? Hit after hit after hit.

Speaker 64322.38s - 4324.62s

Oh, he's just outstanding, huh?

Speaker 54324.66s - 4329.28s

What else has he done? Oh, he has a, he's after hit. Oh, he is just outstanding, huh? What else is he done? Oh, he has a, he's a big sequel guy, huh?

Speaker 64330.24s - 4339.62s

Yeah, well, because he's like printing money. Oh, he's done more than 10. I apologize. He's done like maybe 30? For shit talking, James. Oh, James, you've done a lot.Oh, wow.

Speaker 54340.42s - 4353.58s

Is that Cirque de Soule WORK_OF_ART? Can you click that one? Oh, that just simply looks amazing. Is that Cirque de Soule WORK_OF_ART? Can you click that one? Oh, that just simply looks amazing. Cirque de Sulei FAC worlds away. Is it a documentary?Oh, it has a 45% on Rotten Tomatoes ORG.

Speaker 64357.02s - 4357.14s

See, one thing about me is I'm very susceptible to public opinion.

Speaker 04358.46s - 4358.52s

So, like, if everyone hates it, I hate it.

Speaker 64359.38s - 4374.12s

Jake PERSON, you and me both. I'm so, that's, I was talking about that with Brooke PERSON. Can we show that a little bit more? Director. See, he's not even the director for that. That's what I'm talking about.I think he was the director. Producer, maybe. He's probably involved or like, yeah, executive producer, which means nothing, by the way.

Speaker 54374.24s - 4376.46s

I know. I've learned that that means nothing. Yeah.

Speaker 64376.56s - 4377.86s

It means money. It means money.

Speaker 54378.02s - 4385.72s

Like, let me throw you some cash. I was spending my summer with Leah when Euphoria ORG came out. Do you remember when Euphoria ORG came out? Yeah. That's another show we're remember when Euphoria ORG came out? Yeah.

Speaker 64385.86s - 4390.8s

That's another show we're not getting until James Cameron PERSON timelines. Yeah, that's going to be.

Speaker 54390.9s - 4392.8s

It's just awkward because everyone's like grown up.

Speaker 64393.18s - 4394.64s

So it's like what's happening now, you know?

Speaker 54395.48s - 4396.02s

It sucks.

Speaker 64396.22s - 4419.3s

I really, there is nothing that unites our country more than Euphoria, though. And I mean it wholeheartedly. I've never watched the show on time with people sat down, turned it and on popcorn. Commercial's over. It's back on. That kind of vibe. I'm running. I'm jumping under the couch. Unless it's euphoria. Pipe down. I'm texting people, what the fuck, you know, as stuff happens. So good. Such a good show. We have like low-key hit time, right?

Speaker 74420.56s - 4426.82s

Really quickly. Yeah. I have to ask your opinion on something really quickly

Speaker 64426.82s - 4428.16s

We actually didn't even do the headlines

Speaker 54428.16s - 4429.5s

Okay so why don't we do some of the headlines

Speaker 64429.5s - 4431.58s

Okay I'm fine to go over Okay

Speaker 54431.58s - 4433.6s

As long as you are as long as everyone else is

Speaker 64433.6s - 4446.76s

I want to ask you really quickly What you think about SSBs SSB Just guess what it is and then I'll tell you Social Security ORG banter Same side boothers People that sit on the same side of the booth at a restaurant Just guess what it is and then I'll tell you. Social Security ORG banter?Same side boothers.

Speaker 54448.74s - 4449.9s

People that sit on the same side of the booth at a restaurant.

Speaker 74450.26s - 4450.62s


Speaker 64451.08s - 4452.9s

No. I don't like it.

Speaker 54453.86s - 4453.92s

But you know what?

Speaker 64459.72s - 4476.36s

And I know that there was a photo that was of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey PERSON sitting on the same side of the booth. Let me defend that really quickly. They went to Medea in West Hollywood GPE. When you go to Medea, you do have to sit that way. So there's some restaurants where you have to sit like that. I'm not saying there's no exceptions to the rule. This isn't a hard and fast rule.I think in general, if you're not Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey PERSON, sit across from each other.

Speaker 54476.82s - 4481.32s

Also, if the table's an open-faced table, like if it's facing a street.

Speaker 64481.32s - 4482.22s

Open-faced table.

Speaker 54482.56s - 4486.96s

It's if there's people watching to be done done or if there's a view on this side

Speaker 64486.96s - 4492.64s

or if you're watching something on the TV, you can SSB. I think SSB is just not.

Speaker 54492.74s - 4501.36s

I couldn't. I would be like, wait, can you scooch? Like, no, Jake PERSON. Like, uncomfortable, right? I'm going to get a crick in my neck.

Speaker 64501.46s - 4504.68s

Yeah. Why would you? I can't think of a reason that you would.

Speaker 54504.68s - 4509.68s

Like talking to someone like this and eating, like slurping and like chewing. Oh my God. No, thank you.

Speaker 64509.74s - 4515.78s

You're also leaving yourself just there's so much table real estate on that side now. That's just open.

Speaker 54515.9s - 4517.28s

Awkward. I hate it.

Speaker 64517.28s - 4519.06s

There's a lot of room for the food to go.

Speaker 54520.02s - 4521.68s

I mean, I understand the arguments.

Speaker 64521.98s - 4523.48s

I just, I would never personally.

Speaker 54523.72s - 4530.78s

I kind of like don't even understand any pros until you said it would be kind of nice to accept the food as if you're on a food panel.

Speaker 64530.78s - 4535.46s

Then like imagine having to reach over to grab and you both have to reach because it's also on the other side.

Speaker 54536.6s - 4537.18s

It's just not even.

Speaker 64537.18s - 4537.9s

I don't like that.

Speaker 54537.96s - 4539.14s

And then you both are scooting.

Speaker 64539.58s - 4541.48s

And you're both like huffing and puffing and eating together.

Speaker 54541.58s - 4542.14s

It's just not right.

Speaker 64542.2s - 4542.64s

I do.

Speaker 54543.14s - 4547.64s

I do need to fight for the booth side. If it's a booth and then a chair on the other side, though, I'm going to get the booth.

Speaker 64547.92s - 4551.04s

I'm very confused about this one headline. Can I question it? Hit me with a headline, Jake PERSON.

Speaker 54551.3s - 4555.14s

Nude Cruz is setting sale in February. That's the only one I wanted to do.

Speaker 64555.8s - 4560.66s

Here's the catch. You're not allowed to sit down nude on the cruise. What does that mean?

Speaker 84561.82s - 4567s

So that's like a... I'm sorry. I just am so uncomfortable with my own naked body that I personally can never,

Speaker 54567.08s - 4571.7s

but if that's your speed, do what makes you happy. But like, why aren't they allowed to sit down?

Speaker 84572.02s - 4577.76s

That's like a nudist rule. That's a nudist rule. You can't sit down. Why? Because your ass.

Speaker 54578.4s - 4585.64s

Because of your ass. I don't understand, though. Like, everyone's nude. No, there's no crack to oh my god

Speaker 64585.64s - 4625.36s

crack to chair I just contact I can't I'm so proud of these people that like really do this and go for it I have you ever been to like a nude beach or no I've been to several oh okay I've been to two I've been to okay and what's it like really Really like Were you new? Yes. Oh! Yes. It is, there's nothing that makes you feel Don't look at me.No one's looking at you, by the way. But they're all nude. They're all nude. They look at you when you show up in your, you're covering up, you're like,the more you cover up, the more people are like, what the fuck is that

Speaker 34625.36s - 4630.76s

freak doing like you you really think that you're the center of attention there's a lot of things

Speaker 54630.76s - 4648.14s

to look at besides your body is there just like nudist rules and understandings because I feel like in today's day and age it's hard to do nudist stuff everyone has a fucking cell phone with a with a camera you're right can we look up yeah nude rules of them? Bring a towel. Period. Everywhere. Put the camera away. Put the camera away.

Speaker 64648.22s - 4651.52s

It is not a sexual environment. It's not.

Speaker 54652.52s - 4657.74s

Really? No, it's not. You may have to get dressed is one of the rules.

Speaker 64657.94s - 4667.54s

Right. If you have to sit down. Nudus have a word for non-nudus. What is that word? Whoa, they don't tell us what it is. Unclothed.

Speaker 54667.72s - 4670.54s

The unclothed. That sounds like a word from the giver.

Speaker 64671.28s - 4672.52s

I was literally about to say Hunger Games WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 54672.6s - 4673.46s

We're literally on the same page.

Speaker 64673.48s - 4676.36s

We are. What are the other headlines?

Speaker 54677.1s - 4677.4s

You know.

Speaker 64677.98s - 4705.62s

I do want to say one of the nudist speeches. It wasn't a nudist speech. It was a nude beach. Everyone's damn nude. And obviously, like, I wasn't a nudist beach, it was a nude beach. Uh-huh. Um, everyone's damn nude. And like, obviously, like, I go with a big group of my friends and we're like all laughing and stuff and it's funny, you know, and everyone else there is just like, this is just another day at the office.Right. And is no one sitting down? You can sit in like the sand. It was like a beach in the woods, you know? It was like, it was in Hawaii. Beautiful.

Speaker 44706.16s - 4714.96s

And you're jumping in and you're swimming as a guy with like a Vienna ORG sausage floating around in the water.

Speaker 64715.16s - 4721.86s

Like I felt like I was fishing and I was just like had this bait. Like I thought a fish was going to come just like take a bite. Yeah.

Speaker 54722s - 4722.64s

I'm sorry.

Speaker 64722.82s - 4723.34s

I couldn't get.

Speaker 54723.34s - 4729.64s

I can't get behind the nudist stuff. But you know what? If that is your speed, do it. Okay. Talk about a bite. Yeah, I'm sorry. I couldn't get, I can't get behind the nudist stuff. But you know what? If that is your speed, do it. Okay, talk about a word that's stuck in my head, speed.

Speaker 64729.74s - 4739.08s

Why do I keep saying that? Nothing tastes as good as naked feels in the water. I'll tell you that much. Getting in all your nucks and crannies.

Speaker 54739.24s - 4741.94s

New portal that connects New York to Dublin GPE. Have you seen that?

Speaker 64741.94s - 4742.74s

Did you see this?

Speaker 54742.96s - 4744.16s

Yeah, I don't understand it.

Speaker 64744.24s - 4756.26s

Okay. What a fun idea. You're from New York to Dublin GPE. Have you seen that? Did you see this? Yeah, I don't understand it. Okay. What a fun idea. And you're from New York GPE. Did that say Rip Popsmo PERSON? Yeah. And then look at the next person.Holy shit.

Speaker 74759.3s - 4760.02s

This is why.

Speaker 64760.26s - 4760.96s

I'm sorry, this is amazing.

Speaker 74761.2s - 4762.46s

It's absolutely hilarious.

Speaker 54762.82s - 4777.44s

So the next thing that happened and why it got shut down. It got shut down? Yeah. Oh, why? They just had to shut down the portal. There's a lot of funnier two places to do, by the way, than New York and Dublin GPE.I feel like that was kind of random. But can you hear? I feel like you can't even hear it. It's just like, hi.

Speaker 74778.44s - 4780.62s

Are there any more funny videos from it?

Speaker 54780.66s - 4781.24s

This is kind of amazing.

Speaker 64781.24s - 4783.5s

Yeah, one girl ran out and flashed it.

Speaker 74784.12s - 4791.3s

And then it got shut down because she was showing off her chest. But there's children there, you know? Oh yeah,

Speaker 54791.34s - 4796.66s

only fan model flashes. Yeah. And then I look at her- Bro showed a photo of a potato. Oh,

Speaker 74796.66s - 4800.76s

was that because of the famine? The famine. Yeah. So we're kind of like beefing with Dublin GPE now,

Speaker 64800.76s - 4806.06s

I think because of this portal. Oh, God, we don't need that. Yeah, like we need a beef with Dublin GPE.

Speaker 54806.64s - 4809.08s

Oh, and I feel like people in Ireland GPE are so nice.

Speaker 64812.12s - 4813.48s

I mean, we hit them...

Speaker 54813.48s - 4816.28s

Do you know people use TikTok to search things more than Google ORG now?

Speaker 64816.96s - 4817.32s

I do.

Speaker 54817.62s - 4819.88s

I maybe just lied, but I think someone told me that once.

Speaker 64820s - 4823.1s

It's crazy, we hit them with a potato and they hit us with 9-11.

Speaker 54823.88s - 4824.22s


Speaker 64824.38s - 4827.12s

I feel like that wasn't bar for bar on their part.

Speaker 54827.48s - 4830.02s

But then we showed them some boobs, too.

Speaker 64830.12s - 4834.5s

So I feel like Dublin GPE might need to send us like a care package or something.

Speaker 54834.64s - 4835.48s

That's really funny.

Speaker 64835.8s - 4836.78s

I'm about to get a UTI.

Speaker 54836.78s - 4839.5s

I'm serious from peeing.

Speaker 64839.68s - 4839.92s


Speaker 54841.12s - 4842.3s

Or from not peeing.

Speaker 64842.4s - 4842.56s


Speaker 54843.28s - 4843.9s

Did you have fun?

Speaker 64844.2s - 4845.32s

I had so much fun with you.

Speaker 54845.32s - 4852.54s

I think I feel like you just taught like a 101 masterclass in how to podcast.

Speaker 64852.88s - 4853.48s

Are you serious?

Speaker 54853.58s - 4853.8s


Speaker 64853.92s - 4854.28s

No, seriously.

Speaker 54854.36s - 4860.3s

I was sitting here like, um, did you ever think about how ducks have to like eat underwater?

Speaker 64860.7s - 4862.08s

I'm sick and tired of this.

Speaker 54862.2s - 4863.36s

You need to give yourself more credit.

Speaker 64864.22s - 4865.86s

And also, dare I say,

Speaker 54865.94s - 4870.6s

I think he should call his fans the fibbers. Oh yeah, we were talking about that on Saturday.

Speaker 64870.6s - 4876.6s

The fibers. He was like, oh, I don't, like, we don't have a name. And I was like, it's glaring in

Speaker 54876.6s - 4882.56s

front of you. The fibbers. What are yours? The pussies. The pussies, though. You also,

Speaker 64882.56s - 4888.54s

and like, those are my people. It's also funny that you took like the word pussy and we're like, it's actually mine now.

Speaker 54889.1s - 4891.38s

Well, no, no, no, it's everyone's.

Speaker 64891.38s - 4892.58s

No, no, no, in a good way.

Speaker 54892.58s - 4893.88s

You reclaim the word pussies.

Speaker 64893.88s - 4900.88s

We're like, I no longer see the word pussy online and I go, sorry, I didn't mean like, you took the word pussy from women.

Speaker 54900.88s - 4902.76s

I was like, Connor PERSON.

Speaker 64902.76s - 4909.98s

I admit like you reclaimed the word and I don't see the word pussy in writing now. I'm like, oh, hello.

Speaker 54909.98s - 4928.58s

Hello, friends. Yes. Yeah. Well, I think you should call them the fibbers because, like, it really, like, has this connection. Like, the pussies are my people. Yeah, I think that.Pamp. Pum. Pants are my people. Pamp. Like, they really know me better than I know myself. That's so special.

Speaker 64928.82s - 4929.44s

Yeah, it's amazing.

Speaker 54929.66s - 4932s

And that's why I think you should call your followers the Fibbers.

Speaker 64932.08s - 4939.02s

Well, we'll work on Fibbers. What do you guys think, honestly? Yeah, sound off. Do you like the Fibbers? Or do you not like the Fibbers ORG? Sound off in the comments.Sound off.

Speaker 54939.66s - 4941.48s

All right, well, thank you so much, Jake PERSON.

Speaker 64941.56s - 4942.9s

I love you. I love you.

Speaker 54943.66s - 4965.42s

Thank you so much for saving me in a time of need. I'll always do this for you. You just let me know if you need anything for me. We can go we can go tit for tat. Okay. I'm sorry that I drink. Let's see how much I drank on. I drink 19 plus 19. You're so hydrated. I haven't had a sip in my water. Look at that. 18, 38. 38 ounces of water in front of you. Okay. And so no brainer.

Speaker 64967.44s - 4967.72s

Weirdly, I randomly have to pee and call off the podcast.

Speaker 54970.58s - 4970.7s

But thank you for doing an extra long episode with us today.

Speaker 64971.44s - 4971.6s

I love you to death.

Speaker 54972.1s - 4972.88s

I love you more. I can't thank you enough.

Speaker 64973.5s - 4974.78s

And thank you guys for listening.

Speaker 54975.04s - 4976.88s

Where can the people find you?

Speaker 64977.54s - 4980.34s

You can find me on TikTok at Octopus Lover 8 PRODUCT.

Speaker 54980.42s - 4993.3s

That's Octopus with two S's Lover 8 PRODUCT. You can find me on Instagram at Pass That Puss ORG and you can hear me speak once a week at Therapus with Jake Shane PERSON on all platforms you listen or watch podcasts at.

Speaker 64993.3s - 5008.02s

I think you need to do another line of work or another medium, but I think you need to do something with like TV film and just like, I guess you kind of are with like Billboard. But I think you need to do something because I just learned about the entire Planet of the Apes franchise in like 30 seconds.

Speaker 55008.38s - 5018.26s

I become very intense over things. Yeah, no, I was like this. Enamored. Almost started drooling. Yeah. I'll get into it more with you after this. There's a lot more lore to the Planet of the

Speaker 65018.26s - 5027.88s

apes shit. Probably people have no idea about because you would never think, hey, let me sit down and watch Planet of the Apes WORK_OF_ART. Oh my gosh, justice for Planet of the Apes. Yeah, I think they're doing fine though. I mean,

Speaker 55027.94s - 5031.04s

this is like the fourth movie. They must be making a shit ton of money. I have to be so bad.

Speaker 65031.08s - 5032.38s

Okay. Love you guys.

Speaker 25034.02s - 5035.76s

This week, I'm close friends.

Speaker 55036.38s - 5041.12s

What was your first date like as a teenager? Oh, this is a fun one. This is perfect close friends content.

Speaker 65041.48s - 5045.04s

I'm loving saying doesn't matter today. It's just like, why would I go further?

Speaker 55046.08s - 5046.54s

Let me just leave it alone.

Speaker 25047.44s - 5047.62s

I'm going to.

Speaker 65048.84s - 5058.3s

I'm just a man. I have needs. I'm gonna wanna say, let's take a tequila shot like before. Leave everything you thought about me getting blackoutdrunk on my graduation at the dough. Because what had happened was,

Speaker 05058.38s - 5059.44s

sign up on TMG Studios.

Speaker 75059.44s - 5070.88s

Dot TV to watch a full bonus episode. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Hey there, it's Ryan Sechrest for Safeway ORG.

Speaker 35071.18s - 5099s

This spring, eat well and be well. Eating a healthy diet can help you feel great, give you energy, boost your mood, and improve your overall health. Check out great savings on nutrition products in store or online. And shop now for a variety of productsfrom your favorite brands like Go Macro PRODUCT, Zone Perfect PRODUCT, Cliff Energy, Slim Fast, Ensure Five Hour Energy PRODUCT in Atkins. Make your healthy eating easier this season. Visit Safeway.com ORG for more details.

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Speaker 05125.4s - 5129.96s

use a deployed glucose meter to make diabetes treatment decisions. For a list of compatible devices, visit Dexcom.com.com slash compatibility.

Speaker 35130.4s - 5166.02s

Hey there. It's Ryan Sechrest for Safeway ORG. This spring, eat well and be well. Eating a healthy diet can help you feel great, give you energy, boost your mood, and improve your overall health. Check out great savings on nutrition products in store or online.And shop now for a variety of products from your favorite brands like Go Macro PRODUCT. Zone Perfect PRODUCT. Cliff Energy PRODUCT, Slim Fast. Ensure 5-hour energy in Atkins. Make your healthy eating easier this season.Visit Safeway.com ORG for more details. Our kids have said to us since we've moved to Minnesota GPE, we are far more active than we've ever been anywhere else we've overlived.

Speaker 25166.6s - 5174.2s

Moving to Minnesota GPE opened up a lot of doors for us. It's just this overall sense of community, of values that, you know, Minnesotans NORP have.

Speaker 15174.4s - 5178.68s

It's a real accepting, loving community, especially with two young kids.

Speaker 35179.38s - 5181.54s

See what makes Minnesota GPE the star of the north.

Speaker 15182s - 5187.16s

New residents share why they love calling it home at explorermannesota.com slash live.