Plus Sized Models episode 1

Plus Sized Models episode 1

by Tyler Webster

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70:23 minutes

published 18 days ago


Speaker 00s - 52.38s

Thank you. Hey, everybody. It's Tyler with the Birds, Booze and Buds podcast. This is going to be kind of a monthly, newer thing that we're going to try out for a while. So tonight, this is going to be kind of a monthly newer thing that we're going to try out for a while. So tonight, this is going to be kind of the inaugural. We haven't exactly decided what to call it yet. Did you have any more ideas,

Speaker 252.5s - 58.36s

Tim, after we talked yesterday? Because we were tossing around some good ones. I couldn't help

Speaker 058.36s - 68.96s

but laugh at the one that you said. So this is the plus size models podcast. Is that what we're going with i you know what i like it i like it

Speaker 268.96s - 76.18s

i don't i don't think i'd look good in a cocktail dress but i mean i like it hey i mean there's only

Speaker 076.18s - 82.16s

one way to know i guess i don't know if i want to go i don't know if i want to go bird hunting in a

Speaker 282.16s - 85.2s

car or you know in some lingerie or anything like that. We probably better.

Speaker 085.7s - 86.82s

I certainly do not.

Speaker 287.12s - 90.96s

And we should run away from this topic as fast and as far as possible.

Speaker 091.88s - 117.42s

But so it's kind of the plan is we're going to try to do this once a month where me and Tim Brown PERSON, aka the bearded uplander, jump on a podcast, just kind of catch up. We'll make it a monthly thing. It's going to be kind of an extra little bonus episode. And just kind of catch up and see what we've been up to and whatever else. And I mean, I had Tim on the podcast. What was it back in February, I think?

Speaker 1117.82s - 122.6s

Yeah. I think it was right before Feasenfest EVENT or something. And we had a good time.

Speaker 0122.6s - 130.32s

And we got to hang out, a bunched out of Feasant Fest and also had a good time so figured we'd uh try to make a monthly a monthly podcast

Speaker 1130.32s - 135.6s

where we could you know likewise have a good time so what have you been up to man you just been

Speaker 0135.6s - 141.04s

chasing turkeys a ton yeah turkey season just got over for us here um i took my buddy out on

Speaker 1141.04s - 147.26s

saturday and he we filled the last tag uh the only one we didn't fill one tag out of like,

Speaker 0147.26s - 149.46s

well, we had like six or seven tags to fill.

Speaker 2149.46s - 160.34s

So, um, didn't have the opportunity for, for my buddy's daughter, my buddy Allen PERSON, his daughter, she's a, I mean, she's a turkey killer. She's killed three. This would have been her fourth.

Speaker 0160.4s - 167.44s

I fanned in six Tom's and, uh, she missed one at at at I don't know it's probably 35 or so she missed

Speaker 1167.44s - 175.52s

one but it was there was a little bit of chaos in it I so I've got a honey hole that is got a ton

Speaker 0175.52s - 179.8s

of turkeys in it and I mean it's it's not you can sit there and it's nonstop they're coming from

Speaker 2179.8s - 218.44s

every direction it's just a spot that they like to go to all the time and we're sitting there and there's i don't know 10 PRODUCT or 12 of them out in front of us and the guy the neighbor comes down with a side by side spooks them a little bit and they kind of break up well they come around the backside of us and i said to her i go here's your window to shoot you've got from here from this down tree to this live tree because i'm going to cross the creek with the fan and i'm going to get them to come right through thathole and i said you pick one out and shoot it because they were all long beards i mean they were all really good birds and they did and she was shaking like a leaf and she just shot right under

Speaker 0218.44s - 225.36s

it oh no yeah it happens the best of us uh. I've never done the fanning.

Speaker 2229.12s - 230s

I bought one, one of the reapers here a couple of years ago.

Speaker 0242.44s - 242.94s

And it's one of those things where I put on enough miles out there in the badlands moving on turkeys, where I want to carry as little stuff as possible.

Speaker 1243.4s - 244.08s

Oh, definitely.

Speaker 0249.88s - 251.56s

And so, like, I got a backpack on with some extra shells, a couple calls, a couple bottles of water, and that's basically it.

Speaker 1251.56s - 255.32s

I got my chest rig on with my, with my bino's on it.

Speaker 0256.16s - 263.6s

And I, you know, if you started throwing decoys and those, those reapers in, like, it's just a lot of stuff to carry.

Speaker 1263.8s - 266.24s

I mean, there's times times there's times a spring where

Speaker 0266.24s - 274.72s

we'd take off in the morning and we wouldn't be back until noon and you're just kind of taking that stuff all over the place but from what i've watched videos and it looks like it's it's a riot

Speaker 2274.72s - 285.04s

it's it is um i don't i don't know how to how i can compare it to anything like maybe like you know when they hunt moose and you have like the the

Speaker 1285.04s - 292s

paddle on your head and you work toward them that is about the only you know likeness that I

Speaker 2292s - 298.24s

can say it is it can be devastating on them they and I mean it mine's just a fan an old fan

Speaker 0298.24s - 307.28s

that I have I just you know laid out and I mean I'm kind of a big guy like you and they don't care dude like

Speaker 2307.28s - 310.8s

this turkey's got the biggest ass on it you've ever seen it's bigger than the fan

Speaker 0311.44s - 317.28s

and they still come at it like they want to fight it it is absolutely insane but sometimes it

Speaker 2317.28s - 323.76s

works and sometimes it doesn't sure sure yeah we uh our turkey season up here goes through

Speaker 0323.76s - 358.9s

sunday uh i'm all done um we had our our good friend west larrabee we had our our good friend west larrabee Yeah, our turkey season up here goes through Sunday. I'm all done. We had our good friend, Wes Larrabee, was up this last weekend. He had a tag. And he got up Friday evening, I think, went out and did a little scouting, shot of turkey on Saturday morning by like 8.30 in the morning or whatever. Then we, like, it was so nice outside.I just like, I finally got my boat back. I had to take it into my not and get it all serviced and ready to go for the year. And I got the boat back on Friday morning and my brain has officially

Speaker 1358.9s - 368s

switched over to walleye fishing. Um, like Friday, Saturday, Sunday, I was out all three days. I was out all three days. I was out again today.

Speaker 0372.94s - 403.46s

We've had, it's either been, like, Friday was nice in the evening. We had, it was really windy until about, I don't know, 7.30 or so. Saturday was pretty nice all day. Sunday was gorgeous. There was four of us out in the boat on Sunday. It was 75 degrees with a seven mile an hour wind or whatever. Today was kind of overcasty, but there was no wind, 70 degrees.So my brain has officially switched gears. But, Lord, in North Dakota, you can count on two hands.

Speaker 2403.56s - 405.44s

How many times that the wind doesn't blow, can't you?

Speaker 0405.82s - 407.64s

During hunting season, for sure. Yeah.

Speaker 2408.36s - 411.9s

This time of the year, Mays, April's always windy.

Speaker 0412.14s - 419.66s

Like, I always think of it as, like, transition months. When you transition out of winter into spring and summer, that's, that's always windy.

Speaker 1419.8s - 424.46s

And when it's transitioning out of fall and into winter, again, always windy.

Speaker 0424.94s - 436.88s

So, like, the month of, like, May, June, July, and August are pretty calm. Early September's typically pretty calm. And then October, November, windy. Right.

Speaker 1437.5s - 442.58s

When everybody's up here chasing birds around and you don't get that many real nice days.

Speaker 0442.88s - 443.24s

But, yeah.

Speaker 1443.7s - 444.1s


Speaker 0444.38s - 447.56s

So, and then on top of that, the walleye fishing has been absolutely out of this world.

Speaker 1447.96s - 451.24s

So it's like that every spring. But we were out.

Speaker 0452.04s - 482.5s

Friday, we fish for two hours. We caught our 15 fish. And it took us a little while to find them, too. We didn't catch, we caught one fish in the first hour. And then we moved to another spot. And we caught the other 14 in about 40 minutes.So we went back there on Saturday. We think we cleaned, we only fished for hour and a half or two hours on Saturday. We cleaned 14. We could have kept 15. And then on Sunday we were out for two hours and we cleaned 19. I mean, just stupid.We're pulling crank baits in like four to six feet of water.

Speaker 2482.66s - 493.24s

You can see the fish hit sometimes. Yeah, that's what I was going to ask you. What are you using? Yeah, we're headed up to the Webster, South Dakota area, the end of the month. And that's what we do.

Speaker 0493.36s - 496.96s

We just throw cranks like you're, I mean, it's like your bass fishing. Right.

Speaker 2497.26s - 499.46s

And it's not, it's nonstop. It's crazy.

Speaker 0499.96s - 527.72s

Yeah, we are usually this time of the year is what we'll do is we'll pull cranks until we find a bunch of really active fish. I don't know why it is, but I mean, the fish move up onto these kind of like rocky sandy flats. It's kind of what they like to spawn on. And then they're up there in that super shallow water for a while. But there's, you know, it's like the old saying goes. 90% of the fish are in 10% of the water.

Speaker 1531.88s - 532.12s

Well, it's actually even a little bit more, a little bit more staggering than that this time of the year, it seems like.

Speaker 0534.16s - 534.64s

But when you find them, you find a ton of them.

Speaker 1537.12s - 543.08s

And they can be in a very, very small spot. So if we make a pass and we start whacking a bunch of fish, my favorite way to catch wallace is pitch and jigs.

Speaker 0544.3s - 560.82s

Pitch and jigs and plastic. It's so much more fun. I mean, Sunday when we were out, I reeled in four fish because that's what I was legally required to reel in. Just so that we could keep most of that fourth limit because we don't have any party.

Speaker 1562.18s - 563.38s

We don't have any party fishing up here.

Speaker 0567.46s - 580.02s

But otherwise, it's like, eh, like you just throw the rods in the damn rod holders and you're pulling at two miles an hour. And I'm standing up on the back of the deck just kind of watching the graph and following the line. And everybody, I'm just like, oh, fish on that rod, fish on that rod, fish up front, fish on the back rod.

Speaker 1580.44s - 583.14s

And just letting all my buddies reel them in.

Speaker 0583.22s - 587.56s

It's like, I don't get any enjoyment out of reeling in fish on crank baits.

Speaker 1587.62s - 590.9s

I like feeling the bite on jigs when I'm pitching jigs.

Speaker 0591.1s - 593.68s

That's what is for me, which is what I was doing today.

Speaker 1593.9s - 595.84s

Because I was out all by myself.

Speaker 0595.84s - 600.72s

And I was like, well, I get to do what Tyler wants to do today.

Speaker 1601.04s - 604.94s

So I pulled cranks until I found a big school of active fish.

Speaker 0605.74s - 610.16s

Then I spot locked about, I don't know, 30 feet away from them and just started pitching jigs and

Speaker 1610.16s - 615.44s

messing around with different colored plastics until I found a plastic that they liked. And then I just,

Speaker 0616.18s - 620.6s

I don't know, I probably caught 40 fish today, 45 fish. And I was only out for two and a half

Speaker 1620.6s - 626.38s

hours and just had an absolute blast. That's much fun yeah there so that's what we i mean

Speaker 0626.38s - 632.62s

up there's a little different it's not it's not as big a lake is what you're on but like um you find

Speaker 2632.62s - 636.84s

the points you know you find the spots where they usually tend to be when they're up feeding like

Speaker 0636.84s - 642.18s

they are at that time of the year and uh we just start throwing crankmates like your bass fishing and

Speaker 2642.18s - 650.24s

man they hit them things so god dang hard almost pulls a rod out of your hand yeah yeah that's what i like about fishing them that way but jigs are

Speaker 1650.24s - 657.04s

a close second for me too right and like i i'll throw a lot of crank baits i'll pitch crankbaits

Speaker 0657.04s - 667.08s

uh it's trolling crank baits that i find very boring uh unless 100% the the the first fish that we caught was a pretty nice fish on

Speaker 2667.08s - 674.52s

Saturday I think it was about a 26 inch spawned out female and I was running a planar board

Speaker 0674.52s - 684.82s

three feet of water maybe I mean like right up alongside of this the sandbar and I had I think I

Speaker 2684.82s - 687.8s

had seven feet a line out out out behind the planar board.

Speaker 0687.86s - 691.92s

And you could still see the crank bait was still kind of ticking the bottom a little bit.

Speaker 1692.34s - 696.1s

And when that fish bit it, it actually submarine the planar board.

Speaker 0696.98s - 700.3s

Pulling like two miles an hour, all of a sudden, I'm watching it.

Speaker 1700.3s - 704.52s

And the planar board goes completely under the water. And I was like, oh, that's a good one, guys.

Speaker 0705.6s - 711.34s

Might as well go ahead and grab the net. That's not a, that's not an 18 inch eater. I'll tell you that right now.

Speaker 2711.46s - 713.1s

Yeah, we're not flipping that one in the boat.

Speaker 0713.58s - 727.28s

Nope, nope. There will be no flipping of that fish. I can tell you from right now. And I think, I mean, she was fat still, even though she was spawned out. She was probably, you know, she was a good six, six and a half pound QUANTITY fish. Right.

Speaker 1727.74s - 736.88s

But last year when I was out there, we ended up, I think it was right about this time of the year, which is, I should probably go into a little bit more detail.

Speaker 0736.88s - 749.04s

So the way that Lake's Cacawea works, just like you're saying, with down there by Webster GPE, there's a very seasonal progression and where you're going to be catching fish when and why.

Speaker 1749.64s - 751s

And this time of the year,

Speaker 0751.08s - 773.56s

it seems like the fishing starts better in the west. So like it kind of starts running in Williston GPE, like all the way along the Montana border in the Missouri River, and then it'll kind of slowly start creeping to the east. And it is what it is, is the farther west you get, the shallower it is. So it starts, you know, you get that warmer runoff coming in.

Speaker 1774.02s - 780.56s

Yeah. And so you just kind of got to go and find the water. And then it starts getting good all the way through the lake like first of June,

Speaker 0780.68s - 826.26s

first week of June. But so we're in the actual Missouri River LOC. We're not, I mean, it still lakes, first week of June. But so we're, we're in, in the actual Missouri River. We're not, I mean, it still lakes, Cacawea GPE, but whatever. But so this is the area that we fish every year in May. There's, it's always good. As soon as the water temps get to be about 50 degrees, the fish would start going nuts.And we were up there last year and I was pulling cranks. And I had one planar board running way up shallow again and probably three, four feet of water, whatever it was. And I ended up, I was all by myself and ended up hooking into an absolute tank. She was 31 and a quarter inches long.And I mean, when those fish, when it hit, the water was so shallow where that fish was sitting, I saw the tail swirl. And I'm like, I mean instantly. And fish, when it hit, the water was so shallow where that fish was sitting, I saw the tail swirl.

Speaker 1826.78s - 828.68s

And, like, I mean, instantly.

Speaker 0828.84s - 840.96s

And then she started running out. And I'm trying to get the, like, I got a 9-9 kicker on my boat. And I'm trying to get that thing idled down and putting it in neutral and spot locking on the trolling motor and everything else.

Speaker 2840.96s - 841.38s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 0841.5s - 842.84s

Just complete chaos.

Speaker 2843.52s - 844.4s

Absolute chaos.

Speaker 0844.4s - 853.88s

You know, I, I'm, I like going fishing by myself every once in a while, but when stuff like that happens, it's like, God, dang it, an extra set of hands would be really,really handy. Oh, yeah.

Speaker 2854.04s - 865.24s

There was a, speaking, when you say that by yourself, I, there was a memory on my Facebook came up today. Uh,I used to live in eastern Iowa GPE back home and there was a lake that the cropies were phenomenal.

Speaker 0866.36s - 870.34s

And during the spawn, I'd go down there and I'd be, you know, you have a croppy jig and

Speaker 2870.34s - 881.86s

throwing out there. But the catfish were also extremely active. And I caught a flathead that was oh, 14 pounds on my ultralight. And it was kind of the same thing. I'm just chasing it with the

Speaker 1881.86s - 889.88s

trolling motor, you know, trying to look like jaws out there, trying to track it down with the boat, you know. I got him, I got her landed. She was full

Speaker 2889.88s - 893.84s

eggs, but I'm like, oh my, yeah, another pair of hands would have been wonderful to have.

Speaker 1894.3s - 900.92s

Yeah. Last year, first, it was actually the first time that I was out in my new boat. And I was on

Speaker 2900.92s - 905.4s

the van hook arm and I was pulling cranks in, I don't know, 10 to 12 feet of water.

Speaker 0905.9s - 914.76s

That's kind of, it seems like it's not my favorite way to fish, but it's a really, really good way to find active fish is really what it is.

Speaker 1915.4s - 920.98s

And I'm pulling cranks in like 12, 14 feet of water and all of a sudden I end up with a double.

Speaker 0921.22s - 937.6s

I got a nice, nice walleye on one rod. And then the other rod, I see it hit, and then it starts passing the boat going forward. And I was like, I don't know what that is,but I want to see what that is.

Speaker 1938.24s - 941.84s

My first thought is big pike. It's got to be a big,

Speaker 0941.84s - 964.96s

you know, 18, 20 pound northern. They're up there at that same time of the year. There's lots of them in Lake Skokoea LOC, and they're a blast catch. Well, so I get the 21-inch walleye and whatever, throw it on the floor of the boat. And by this time, the other rod has pulled out like 380 feet a line going away from the boat. I mean, it's just

Speaker 1964.96s - 968.08s

rip and drag. And I was like, oh, my gosh, what do I have here?

Speaker 0968.48s - 971.6s

And I start getting close to it, and I can see that it's a paddlefish.

Speaker 2972.4s - 975.84s

Oh, about 75, 80 pound paddlefish.

Speaker 0976.14s - 1069.8s

And again, it just buried all three treble hooks on the crankbait in this thing. And it's taking me for a ride. So I got my trolling motor on as high as it'll go. I'm on the bow of the boat trying to chase this thing down. And it was another one of those moments where I was like, man, I don't have any idea. Like I have no plan what to do when I get this thing in because I can't. Like, what is that sound?There's like a crackling sound. Oh, it's CJ PERSON. Nevermind. She's purring like a cat. But so, like, I'm, I finally get it up close enough to the boat, and I'm trying to grab it by the bill.I got this thing hooked right alongside the head. And I'm sitting there thinking, I was like, this is my river monster moment where I end up getting like I thought about, you know, and I fish when I'm pulling cranks. I'm fishing with fire lines.So you don't want to wrap your hands around it at all because it'll cut the crap out of you. I'm trying to grab a hold of it by the tail and trying to grab a hold of it by the bill. Can't reach. It's too long. I was like, finally, I was like, the only thing I can do, because if I, if I reach down, I'm trying to get this thing on hooked and it starts flopping and buries a hook in me.I'm going overboard. I mean, like, this thing is going to pull me in the water. And I just, I ended up grabbing my fireline scissors and got down as close to the crankbait as I possibly couldn't just snipped it off. I couldn't even, like, there was no chance I could get it in the boat

Speaker 11069.8s - 1072.06s

by myself. But I was

Speaker 01072.06s - 1089.42s

like, God, dang it. Like, where's it? And the funny thing is there was a bunch of fishermen out there that day. And they see me chasing this thing down and like, it looked like, you know, I mean, it was a rodeo outthere for a while i'm just chasing this thing all over this big flat and everybody's kind of like following me trying to figure out

Speaker 11089.42s - 1093.96s

what the heck it is that i hooked you know we're not sure if it's uh you know i was honestly

Speaker 01093.96s - 1098.72s

hoping i was like man i hope this is a you know a potential state record you know 35 pound northern

Speaker 21098.72s - 1110.06s

or something like that or right like i hate something like that right and occasionally you'll run into some some salmon uh even though it's not super common that time of the year in that part of the lake you can

Speaker 01110.06s - 1121.34s

run into some salmon and i was like maybe i hooked into a big schnuck salmon i i don't know but when i seen it i was like oh okay well this all tracks this makes sense but yeah i was i was

Speaker 21121.34s - 1125.22s

really really wishing for an extra set of hands in the boat that day, too. Yeah, no kidding.

Speaker 01125.28s - 1145.38s

Is there any Lakers up there? We do have a few lake trout. It's a lot better over in Montana GPE. If you get over to Peck, Fort Peck in Montana GPE, there's a really, really good lake trout population. In Sakakia, we got two different types of salmon. We got the Chinooks and the Cohoes PRODUCT.Sure. And then we have rains and the Cohoes PRODUCT. Sure.

Speaker 11145.46s - 1150.98s

And then we have rainbows, some big browns, a few Lakers.

Speaker 01151.44s - 1156.56s

I don't know of anybody that actually goes out and tries fishing for Lakers ORG here.

Speaker 21156.88s - 1157.78s

No, yeah.

Speaker 01157.86s - 1163.44s

I mean, I know they're there. I just don't know of anybody that goes and chases them.

Speaker 21163.68s - 1164.72s

Keys on them, yeah.

Speaker 01167.38s - 1173.68s

Well, when you got walleyes like that that why would you even why why go for anything else to be honest with you yeah yeah and i mean like

Speaker 21173.68s - 1179.02s

i i i'll go down in the in the winter down the down in the missouri river LOC and go chase big browns

Speaker 01179.02s - 1186.04s

and rainbows and uh you know in late august early early September DATE, you can go down and you can pitch floating

Speaker 11186.04s - 1191.72s

floating Rappala's and catch some nice salmon offshore even.

Speaker 01192.3s - 1194.1s

They start moving up shallow.

Speaker 11194.4s - 1195.54s

And that's a ton of fun.

Speaker 01196.16s - 1200.26s

But I'll do that because I really enjoy eating salmon. Right.

Speaker 11201.18s - 1204.58s

Lake trout are not as good to eat, in my opinion.

Speaker 01204.58s - 1205.56s

They're a little oily.

Speaker 11205.88s - 1209.58s

And I've had some smoked lake trout before that was really good.

Speaker 01209.66s - 1215.16s

And then I talked to a friend, he's like, yeah, if you're going to, if you're going to smoke Lake trout, you need to have a dedicated smoker to it.

Speaker 11215.16s - 1218.36s

Because it'll pretty much make everything else you smoke and there taste like Lake trout.

Speaker 01218.68s - 1219.52s

I was like, yeah.

Speaker 11220.54s - 1222.66s

I was like, I'm not, I'm not putting that thing in there.

Speaker 01223.18s - 1226.26s

I'll just, you know, take a picture of it and let her go. Yep.

Speaker 11227.26s - 1227.42s


Speaker 01227.42s - 1232.76s

But so how many turkeys ended up, uh, ended up biting the dust this year for you?

Speaker 11232.84s - 1234.5s

So I ran on anyways.

Speaker 01234.88s - 1246.56s

So I killed my two, uh, the first one I got, I mean, or I mean, the bad thing is filming for yourself to sucks because i was calling one across the river

Speaker 21246.56s - 1317.32s

trying to get him to come across the river and i he was coming and uh this one came literally out of nowhere and i i did get some great gopro footage because i got the gopro right by the decoy and he came up and was going to fight it and um he he bit the big one he was a double bearded he was 24 something weight um 10 in 10 and 3 quarter inch beard. He was a big bird, really big bird double bearded. And then, uh, the second one going to work every day.I go by this public piece and they're my buddy and I both, they're there every day. And nobody hunts it. I mean, like literally nobody hunts this stuff. And I'm like, okay. Well, right before work, I'm going're there every day and nobody hunts it i mean like literally nobody hunts this stuff and i'm like okay well right before work i'm gonna go down there and i mean it's like 10 minutes from where i work so i was like i can go there and get to work on time and legitimately he sat behind me for an hour on the ridge gobbling finally him and him and another one meet up andthey come down and I shot that one. My buddy Alan, he got one and then his boy Brody PERSON got one. And then my buddy Justin PERSON got one. So there was, what, five?

Speaker 01317.7s - 1318.3s


Speaker 21318.56s - 1319.36s


Speaker 01325.22s - 1348.3s

You is what I'm going to consider compared to me a little bit more of a turkey expert. I got a bird that I'm going to send you a picture of right now. It's the first one that I shot, the one that I'm holding, the one I got with my 28 gauge. I've never seen one with those kind of colors up here before. I'm wondering if it's maybe like a Rio PERSON hybrid or something, um, you should have it. Yeah, I got it.

Speaker 21348.98s - 1354.06s

It's, it's dark. It's dark. Yeah. I mean, it doesn't, it's not a typical

Speaker 01354.06s - 1358.94s

Miriams. I'll tell you that. No, it's probably, it's probably got Rio PERSON in it, I would think.

Speaker 21358.94s - 1362.8s

There might, I mean, it might be Eastern too. I mean, there is some Easterns NORP up that way.

Speaker 01363.38s - 1365.8s

Right, right. I mean, yeah, it

Speaker 21365.8s - 1367.98s

was a, we ended up

Speaker 01367.98s - 1369.74s

seeing that bird the day before

Speaker 21369.74s - 1371.92s

season opener and he was with

Speaker 01371.92s - 1373.96s

a whole bunch of, whole bunch of hens.

Speaker 21374.12s - 1375.94s

Oh, by the way, I haven't, I don't think

Speaker 01375.94s - 1377.72s

I've told this story on the podcast yet, but

Speaker 21377.72s - 1380.56s

you talk about the joys of

Speaker 01380.56s - 1404.8s

self-filming when you're out there all by yourself. I was, so I got, like you, I got a bunch of gopros, but I had my buddy Mike with that day, and I gave him one to wear on his head. And then I gave my other one to my buddy Nate PERSON to wear on his head. And then I had another GoPro PRODUCT on one of the little, it's like a GoPro on a stick is what I call it.

Speaker 11404.84s - 1408.52s

But it's one of the clamps, you know, you on a stick is what I call it, but it's one of the clamps. You know what I mean? The ones that articulate.

Speaker 01409.36s - 1443.68s

So I was trying to, the one I ended up getting with my 28 gauge, the reason that the video looks as crappy as it does. And the reason that, well, several things. So first of all, I forgot to change out my choke tubes and my 28 gauge. Classic, classic move. So that one, thankfully, I got very close to it because I didn't even realize it until after I'd pulled the trigger. But that one got shot with a improved cylinderout of a 28 gauge at about 15 yards or whatever. Oh, you're good. You're good with that,

Speaker 21443.68s - 1445.36s

especially with that ammo you shoot,

Speaker 01445.48s - 1488.26s

you're golden. Yeah, but I, so I was holding the GoPro PRODUCT with the clamp in my left hand. And I'm holding my shotgun to my hand, to my shoulder with my right hand,shooting it one handed. And like, all I could see was that bird's tail and its head. And I mean, it was, it was close.You know, we've seen it right away in the morning again. It was, it was on the ground well before sunrise. I mean, I think I pulled the trigger. I would assume it's the same as you guys, but we can shoot a half hour before sunrise up here. And it was about 10 minutes before sunrise or something like that.But I ended up actually having to shoot that bird one-handed because I couldn't, there was nothing to attach the GoPro PRODUCT to.

Speaker 21489.4s - 1492.84s

Hey, at least you had a 28 gauge and not like a 10 gauge or something like that.

Speaker 01493.02s - 1495.52s

I don't think I know I couldn't have done it with my 12 PRODUCT.

Speaker 21496s - 1496.18s


Speaker 01496.88s - 1503.34s

I got that CZ Reaper Magnum PRODUCT, that over under turkey gun with a red dot on it.

Speaker 21503.64s - 1505.36s

And I mean, it's not super heavy.

Speaker 11505.54s - 1511.12s

And I'm glad it weighs what it does because when you shoot those boss tombs, they got a little bit of buck to them.

Speaker 01511.74s - 1538.02s

If it was any lighter, it'd be pretty much unmanageable. I was actually the day that I was zero, I mean, you don't really zero in a red dot, but I wanted to make sure that my pattern was was right. I thought I broke my damn collarbone. I pulled the trigger on that thing. I was I was kind of laying over the tailgate and targets out there like 45, 50 yards,whatever it was. And I pulled the trigger. My arm started tingling and went numb.

Speaker 21538.12s - 1541.56s

I thought that literally I almost dropped the gun. I was like, oh my gosh.

Speaker 01541.98s - 1544.06s

And then you can never notice it when you're actually shooting at a bird.

Speaker 21544.78s - 1550.84s

Yeah. This year I just did some cleanup on my ammo. So I still had a few three and a halves that I

Speaker 01550.84s - 1558.74s

used back in the day. So I used those on, uh, on the first one. And, you know, he was only 20 yards away.

Speaker 21558.74s - 1567.52s

And I mean, I, you, you almost couldn't take a picture of it because it just wrecked him. But those, yeah, those, those kicked pretty him. But those, yeah, those, those kick pretty hard, but yeah,

Speaker 01567.52s - 1569.64s

they're just unpleasant to shoot. No,

Speaker 21569.76s - 1575.98s

yeah, I don't, I don't ever want to shoot a three and a half inch 12-gauge shell ever again in my life. No,

Speaker 01576.22s - 1576.48s


Speaker 21576.58s - 1595.18s

And I mean, you can only make a turkey so dead. Yeah. Well, I mean, when we went out west a few years,well, it would have been like 2007, 2008, we went out to the Black Hills. And first time out there, I'm like, you know what west a few years, well, it would have been like 2007, 2008. We went out to the Black Hills. And first time out there, I'm like, you know what? I want to make sure that I get one. So I want to shoot comfortable to 50, you know, not knowing what was going on.

Speaker 01595.84s - 1600.16s

And we were, we were good out to 60 if we really wanted to, like no problem.

Speaker 21600.44s - 1603.5s

But I never shot one over 25 yards out there.

Speaker 01604.36s - 1609.5s

Right, right. Right. And I mean like I think the farthest turkey I've ever shot has been like 35 yards.

Speaker 21609.5s - 1610s


Speaker 11610s - 1614.1s

And like when I was when I was checking, patterning that, that, that, that, that, that

Speaker 01614.1s - 1624.3s

Reaper the first time I pulled the trigger on that thing, the target, I had just one of those. I mean, it wasn't one of the turkey targets. It was just a true glow like 18 inch paper target.

Speaker 11624.3s - 1624.8s


Speaker 01624.8s - 1631.2s

And I centered that red dot on the on the on the bullseye and pulled the trigger. And it's like the entire target turned yellow.

Speaker 11631.8s - 1638.28s

It just, you know, I mean, I walked out there and I quit counting inside of like a 10 inch circle.

Speaker 01638.82s - 1643.86s

There was something like 600 and some pellets in there. I was like, well, I think this will do. Yep.

Speaker 11644.02s - 1649.54s

Yeah. I mean, that's at 50. And I've never shot one that far. Yeah. Yeah. See, there was,

Speaker 01649.54s - 1654.1s

you know, I was talking with my buddy Justin that he killed the one this last weekend, which

Speaker 21654.1s - 1659.96s

that's a story in itself on how that bird all went down. Um, but I was talking with him and I'm like,

Speaker 11659.96s - 1665.28s

you know, all these new guns and these choke tubes and everything we can you know everybody's like

Speaker 21665.28s - 1676.76s

well i shot one at 60 i shot one at 70 and i'm like i want that thing so close that i can feel it when it drums and when it spits i want it to be like i can feel it in my chest right right

Speaker 01676.76s - 1681.06s

that's kind of i mean because we've got it's different than the way you hunt up there you i mean you

Speaker 21681.06s - 1694.98s

you like to run and gun them which is is a blast in itself. But down here, you can, if you can get close enough to them and then set up on them and call them into you, oh my God, there's nothing better than that, in my opinion. Yeah, Wes PERSON ended up getting,

Speaker 01695.28s - 1722.16s

he called his in. They, they were hunting kind of the same area that we hunted opening day, ton of turkeys in this, in this area down in the badlands and he they ended up they tried so west was only going to be up here for the weekend and he he was like well i kind of just want to i want to get my bird as quick as possible because i told him how good the fishing was and he'd already shot some turkeys down in the black hills already this year right he's like i got a tag

Speaker 11722.16s - 1725.4s

and i want to i want to fill it, but I'm not going to,

Speaker 01731.76s - 1761.78s

I'm not going to be super picky. I'm here for two days, basically. And so he was, they were trying to get on a couple of jakes early in the morning. That didn't pan out. And then they ended up spotting a really nice turkey, really nice big Tom. And they spotted it from, they were way up above it on the rim. And this thing was down and kind of a bottom and Wes snuck down and got to you know 120 yards or whatever and started calling and my buddy Nate PERSON stayed up on the ridge and was watching the whole thing and and and I think West said he shot it at seven steps or eight steps or something like that it came in just you know

Speaker 11761.78s - 1767.64s

just rip and gobbles and everything else and yeah you know but he said he couldn't even see it because there was a little ridge there that

Speaker 01767.64s - 1777.58s

he was behind. And by the time that it came over top the ridge, it was just basically on a run. So, you know, but it was the first one he's got to shoot up here in North Dakota GPE and the badlands.

Speaker 11777.88s - 1788.96s

And he was, he was pretty happy. And then we were able to, we were able to do the old May cast and blast and go and complete a limit of wall eyes in the afternoon so it was that's a good day that's a good day

Speaker 21788.96s - 1794.54s

yeah that one that my buddy justin killed was the same kind of the same way it was it was at a

Speaker 01794.54s - 1799.82s

spot where we were they were already in the field when we went when we got there because we went

Speaker 21799.82s - 1803.6s

to a different spot to start and they were on the other side of the river so i'm like let's just get

Speaker 01803.6s - 1809.84s

out of here and go to this other spot so they were in the field so we had to sneak sneak around on the on a ridge and

Speaker 21809.84s - 1815.52s

i mean it's in the low hills so it i mean it's kind of it's kind of hilly terrain i mean it's not like it's

Speaker 11815.52s - 1827.56s

you know thousands of feet tall but it's right right it's real hundred it's it's pretty it's pretty big hills and uh so we uh get around on the backside of this ridge and walk down and we get to

Speaker 21827.56s - 1873.98s

this spot where I know that they kind of move in and out of and just sit there for a while and see what happens. And two Tom PRODUCT's came from the other way and they went down to the creek where these hens were. And I'm like, okay, let's get up and let's get on the other side of these, this evergreen patch because you can't see through it. It's so thick just get around on that and we'll sit up on the other side and try to try to get them all to come up the hill well we did that and we got in a spot and we sat down and it wasn't 30 seconds and i heard a spit you know when they and then they boom they drum after that youknow and i said i think that's a turkey behind us and he's like no i turn around and that thing is at 30 yards strutton and i'm like i'm like dude just roll over on

Speaker 01873.98s - 1877.92s

your belly and shoot that thing prone because there's no other otherwise he's going to move

Speaker 11877.92s - 1883.5s

past us and we're not going to get shot well he did that and he rocked it on his first shot and it

Speaker 01883.5s - 1888.82s

kind of it kind of fell down and and was going to kind of try to move off.

Speaker 21888.82s - 1906s

But it was, it was dead. It was hurt. It was hurt bad. So he shot again and hit it again, but I think he hit it in the back. So he got up and ran around the tree. And by that time, it was sitting in the field flopping.So it was, it was already done. But yeah, that was it's pretty intense

Speaker 01906s - 1913.94s

it happens sometimes just out of nowhere yeah the the last one that um when i the day that i got mine

Speaker 21913.94s - 1919.06s

so uh i'm going to have him on the podcast here pretty soon but there's a a guy who lives in fargo

Speaker 01919.06s - 1925.34s

he's actually from wisconsin originally but he's he's an olympian he's a bi athlete one of the guys that does the cross-country skiing with the 22 rifle on their back kind of thing and he's, he's an Olympian. He's a bi-athlete, one of the guys that does the cross-country

Speaker 11925.34s - 1930.2s

skiing with the 22 rifle on their back kind of thing. And he's been living in Fargo GPE for a while,

Speaker 01930.24s - 1976s

and we've been chatting back and forth on Instagram for a couple of years. And he had a tag in the same unit that I did. So two weeks ago, I, I can't remember, I posted a video or a pitcher or something like that, and he commented on it and said that he was going to be up. And so I DM'd them and asked him what Unity ORG had, and it turned out that he had the same unit that I did. And I was like, well, man, if you don't have any place to go,I said, I know where there's turkeys. And I'm going to be going next week anyways. And I just kind of invited him along, and we ended up having a really good time. But the first day we got down there it was it was raining so hard that i mean we're out there because we're i i'm not built to just drive down there and not get out of the pickup right and it was supposed to

Speaker 11976s - 1982.08s

it was supposed to quit raining by like say 630 or 7 o'clock whatever so we got out of the truck at

Speaker 01982.08s - 2005.98s

5 30 here it didn't end up stopping raining until almost 8. We're drenched. End up seeing a few birds. We're too busy walking and being loud and shooting the shit and laughing to notice that there's birds running away from us at one point, which was not ideal. But the next morning, and then he got his van stuck.He's got one of the big Mercedes ORG sprinter vans.

Speaker 12006.14s - 2008.92s

He got that thing stuck. I had to pull him out. That was fun.

Speaker 02009.88s - 2020.98s

But we made a plan to, I was going to meet him down there by 6 o'clock in the morning, which means I got to, you don't know this about me, Tim PERSON, but I recognize like one, four o'clock per day and it's not a.m.

Speaker 12021.18s - 2029.14s

I recognize the other one. So Turkey season, every year, it about does me it

Speaker 02029.14s - 2036.5s

because I can't fall asleep before 11.30 or midnight anyways. I'm a light sleeper. I'm up several

Speaker 12036.5s - 2040.04s

times throughout the night just because I wake up and then I have a hard time getting back to

Speaker 02040.04s - 2043.36s

sleep, whatever, especially if it's a day before I'm going to go hunting. I get a little excited.

Speaker 12044.74s - 2049.46s

My alarm goes off 4 o'clock in the morning. My dogs looked at me like, what are you doing?

Speaker 02050.46s - 2060.34s

I was trying to get him to go outside and go to the bathroom before I took off. And Rusty PERSON just kind of looked at me like, I'm not getting up. Do you know what time it is? It's really dark outside still, Dad. Are you out of your mind?

Speaker 12061.38s - 2065.34s

Yeah. Anyways, we end up getting down there, get on top of a, we kind of split up.

Speaker 02065.48s - 2089.22s

He's got some birds goblin. I'm going to go kind of a different direction. And I ended up spot in a, like, it was too far away to really tell if it was a Tom or not, but I was fairly certain it was. Even through the binoculars in that range, you just couldn't tell. He was probably over a half mile away, not strut and just kind of moving.And I was like, man, that's a, that's a bird I can get killed. Like he's all by himself. There's no hens. He's clearly out looking. Oh, yeah.

Speaker 12089.7s - 2092.26s

And it worked out perfect.

Speaker 02092.26s - 2149.66s

The last, my last turkey tag. And I've made fun of my own calling enough, and everybody else does as well. Probably okay with it. I've heard turkeys make some sounds that don't really sound like turkeys also. So I just assume that they're, you know, they'll be curious at least. So I squawk on the call a couple times or clock on the box. And this thing just comes racing in. I literally had to, I thought he was going to run me over. Like I got to about 80 yards and I was justout of cover. And kind of the same thing, like you're talking about with the evergreens. There was one spruce tree is all that there was between me and this bird. And I couldn't get any closer to him. And I was like, well, I might as well see if he really is looking for love. Maybe he's not going to be real, real picky on what his mate sounds like this time of the day or this time of the year. And I gave him a couple of clucks and he came running in.And I think I could have killed him with a stick, I think.

Speaker 12150.2s - 2155.66s

Like I literally, it was so startling to me how fast he came in. I stood up.

Speaker 02156.14s - 2166.1s

And then he like ran probably 10 or 15 yards away and gobbled and stopped and looked for half a second and I shot him. And I paced it off at 11 yards.

Speaker 22166.1s - 2181.44s

And I was like, man, alive. Like that was, that was a roller coaster right there. Yeah. Everything that I've ever, you know, learned about Merriam ORG turkeys, if they gobble at you, you probably better get ready. Right.

Speaker 02181.6s - 2181.8s


Speaker 22181.8s - 2186.8s

You know, if you know they're gobbling at you from our experience when we're out in the hills, you just get ready because right you know if you know they're gobbling at you um from our experience when

Speaker 02186.8s - 2193.34s

we're out in the hills you just get ready because they're probably coming yeah and if they if they

Speaker 22193.34s - 2200.06s

quit gobbling that means they're absolutely coming right like usually on a run is what it seems

Speaker 02200.06s - 2206.36s

like that's every and you know sometimes some easterns will do that but they usually don't they

Speaker 12206.36s - 2212.94s

don't the only time that i've ever had them come running in is when like i have a jake decoy out

Speaker 22212.94s - 2217.94s

there or or i've got the fan or something like that's the only time that i've ever seen them like

Speaker 02217.94s - 2224.48s

sprinting to me right otherwise they're kind of they kind of just mosey and they don't really

Speaker 22224.48s - 2226.54s

i don't know if it's because of the pressure.

Speaker 02226.72s - 2228.12s

I'm sure that's probably part of it.

Speaker 22228.92s - 2235.38s

I think, well, and here I think that the birds are, there's plenty of birds, but they're so scattered out.

Speaker 02235.5s - 2238.78s

I think that when they actually see another turkey, it kind of gets them excited a little bit.

Speaker 22239.14s - 2239.34s


Speaker 02239.34s - 2244.48s

When they, when they hear another turkey, just because like that's what they're looking for.

Speaker 22244.58s - 2247.74s

And especially this time of the year, it seems like early in the year, they're,

Speaker 02247.82s - 2251.66s

they're so flocked up still from winter and everything else, generally speaking.

Speaker 12251.66s - 2257.5s

But this time of the year, if they hear something, they're like, oh, hey, there's another one.

Speaker 02257.82s - 2259.78s

I think, I think that one wants me.

Speaker 12260.2s - 2262.3s

And I'm going to go running to it.

Speaker 02262.84s - 2264.56s

Yeah, I can see that for sure out there.

Speaker 22264.64s - 2266.48s

Here, you know

Speaker 02266.48s - 2271.2s

they're talking about turkey declines and stuff like that which i think i was probably got

Speaker 22271.84s - 2302.56s

and i for a long time i didn't agree with the how their model was of how their hunting seasons go but i think that they've got it figured out the best for um the turkeys because we've got like you know you've got we've got four seasons and you can pick um between first second or third season you can pick one of those and then your second season has to be the fourth season oh okay so the pressure is kind of like you know it's not

Speaker 02302.56s - 2305.86s

in it's in rolling pressure yeah. It's not like it's,

Speaker 12306.48s - 2312.02s

you know, like Nebraska is a month, a month and a half long and it or almost two months long.

Speaker 02312.02s - 2315.72s

And it's, you can hunt every day of the season if you want until you get your birds.

Speaker 22316.18s - 2321.64s

That's our is too. You know, I just wonder if that's, you know, a lot of states that are like that,

Speaker 02321.64s - 2331.28s

the pressure on there. And Iowa GPE, to be honest with you, to get out of season tag in my area it's almost impossible an odd as i don't know not a state

Speaker 22331.28s - 2337.4s

like a non resident yeah like a non resident and they're so expensive but i really yeah it's because

Speaker 02337.4s - 2343.82s

you got to get a small game license and then you've got to buy your turkey tag which i think the turkey

Speaker 22343.82s - 2346.42s

tag is a hundred and i think it's 150 and then you're and then buy your turkey tag, which I think the turkey tag is a hundred and I think

Speaker 02346.42s - 2352.18s

it's 150 and then you're and then your hunting license, which you get your small game license

Speaker 12352.18s - 2353.08s

for the whole year.

Speaker 22353.68s - 2354.72s

That's not so bad then.

Speaker 02354.88s - 2355.26s


Speaker 22355.38s - 2361.78s

So it ends up being like two 80 to 90 CARDINAL something like that when you're totally done with everything.

Speaker 02362.24s - 2365.94s

But yeah, I mean, it doesn't pencil out real well per pound of meat.

Speaker 22366.26s - 2366.48s


Speaker 02366.9s - 2369.7s

I mean, it ends up being a bit pricey.

Speaker 22370.26s - 2376.16s

Now, if you go down, if you go down to southern Iowa GPE, then you're pretty much guaranteed to get a non-resident tag.

Speaker 02376.16s - 2383.28s

But like if you get along the rivers or, you know, the center, north central part of the state, it gets pretty tough to get a tag.

Speaker 22383.82s - 2384.56s

Sure, sure.

Speaker 02384.9s - 2385.74s

What's your, what's your what's

Speaker 22385.74s - 2391.44s

your go to a recipe for making if we're cooking wild turkey oh do i put it on the smoker man i've

Speaker 02391.44s - 2400.28s

yeah i have uh this rub it's called john henry's pecan rub and it's a barbecue rub and i put it on

Speaker 22400.28s - 2408.62s

or i brined my tur the breast first so i br brine it in water um kosher salt and uh brown sugar

Speaker 02408.62s - 2414.42s

and a little bit of pepper if you know maybe most of the time I forget the pepper but I put that

Speaker 12414.42s - 2422.44s

in overnight and then I pull it out and uh I coat it with that that pecan rub which is a barbecue

Speaker 22422.44s - 2427.36s

rub and I put it on the smoker at two 200 225

Speaker 02427.36s - 2435.08s

i got the probe in it i just let it go until it gets about 115 and then i put a bunch of honey

Speaker 22435.08s - 2441.38s

on the top of it and then i let it get to 150 and then i take it off and slice it like you do

Speaker 12441.38s - 2446.14s

you know cross grain oh dude good yeah it's just like it's it's just like you do, you know, cross grain. Oh, dude. Good. Yeah, it's just like,

Speaker 22446.22s - 2451.74s

it's just like smoke turkey that you would get from like a barbecue restaurant. I mean,

Speaker 12451.74s - 2458.68s

it, it's, I'm going to have to try that. The two that I, the two that I ate this year,

Speaker 22458.94s - 2463.68s

uh, or that I shot this year, they're already gone. Um, Turkey doesn't get froze at my place.

Speaker 02464.18s - 2470.66s

Uh, like, it just, it never makes it to the freezer. I always have intentions of saving like a breast

Speaker 12470.66s - 2478.78s

lobe for later in the year or whatever. Never happens. Yeah. But I, I've been using Hank Shaw's

Speaker 22478.78s - 2489.6s

turkey schnitzel recipe. Oh, it's so good. It's so good. And I, you know, and I'm sure you hear this a lot too, but people will say, oh, God,

Speaker 12489.68s - 2491.1s

wild turkey is just, it's terrible.

Speaker 02491.22s - 2492.64s

Like, they stink.

Speaker 22492.8s - 2493.84s

They smell bad.

Speaker 02493.92s - 2512.64s

You know, whatever. And like, I've had to explain to people, it's like, you realize that that butterball turkey that you buy in the grocery store is about four months old, right? And it's never flown ever in its whole life. These birds are a couple of years old for the, for the, you know, these big,

Speaker 12512.64s - 2515.82s

these big tombs and maybe even older.

Speaker 02516.74s - 2522.46s

And you just can't cook it like you do a butterball turkey.

Speaker 12522.9s - 2537.44s

Like it's not going to, it's going to get tough. It's not going gonna taste as good and and whatever so knowing that that you can smoke them still that makes me excited i was wondering about deep frying i thought that maybe deep frying and would be all right still it's okay it's not my

Speaker 02537.44s - 2544.64s

favorite yeah but god that turkey schnitzel's so good so i i ended i ended up cooking for um a couple

Speaker 22544.64s - 2546.18s

of my friends here in Stanley because

Speaker 02546.18s - 2550.42s

they were under the impression. Like every time I go turkey on it, you're telling them, I'm going to

Speaker 22550.42s - 2554.32s

turkey on it. They're like, what do you do with one when you shoot it? Like they're, they stink.

Speaker 02554.62s - 2559.28s

They're like, they're not good to eat. And I was like, oh, like, oh my gosh, you don't know what

Speaker 12559.28s - 2566.2s

you're talking about. And they're like, we shot one once and we tried it and we cooked it in the oven. And I was like, yeah, that's where you went wrong right there.

Speaker 02566.76s - 2581.92s

Like, I mean, it's, and anyways, so I took it over to the house and, you know, laid it all out underneath the saran wrap and pounded it nice and thin and then put it in the egg wash and then into the breading and then into the, into the hot olive oil.

Speaker 12582.22s - 2589.84s

And then I put it in a, I laid a piece of tinfo tin foil in the in the oven on about 350 degrees or 300 degrees and

Speaker 02589.84s - 2604.24s

when when the turkey was done cooking i put it on top of that tin foil and put it in there with a little bit of marinera sauce and some uh and some mozzarella cheese on top of it like we went through an entire turkey between four of us i mean like they like they went back

Speaker 12604.24s - 2609.18s

like i had a bunch of sides that i also made. I brought home sides. I didn't bring home a scrap of

Speaker 02609.18s - 2614.04s

meat. Right. Not one. They're like, that was unbelievable. I was like, yeah, I told you, man.

Speaker 12614.04s - 2620.26s

Like, yeah. It's just, it's not store-bought turkey. These things work for a living. And you have to get

Speaker 02620.26s - 2625.12s

out of your head the old ways of cooking wild game you have to get it out of your head that

Speaker 12625.12s - 2631.6s

it's got to be done you know you don't ever want any while any wild especially birds you don't

Speaker 02631.6s - 2636.16s

ever want that to be even remotely done like no you know they killed them once you don't need to

Speaker 22636.16s - 2640.88s

kill them again yeah my friends are all you know the first time i made that smoke turkey they're all

Speaker 12640.88s - 2650.82s

freaking out because i like legitimately sometimes i'll pull it off at 135 if i look like it's you know like it's really getting crusty on the outside i'll pull it off

Speaker 02650.82s - 2656.46s

and let it rest and it gets to about 145 150 and they're freaking out they're like oh you got to have

Speaker 22656.46s - 2661.74s

that go to 165 i'm like no dude you know you don't you don't need it to be that bad you don't

Speaker 02661.74s - 2667s

need it to be that that far so yeah it's it's wild turkey

Speaker 22667s - 2674.24s

is one of the best things to eat in my opinion oh yeah yeah wild turkey

Speaker 02674.24s - 2683.92s

um sandhill cranes and rough grouse are probably yep in my top easily in my top five if not

Speaker 22683.92s - 2685.12s

the top three.

Speaker 02687.22s - 2687.72s

I think those are definitely the pinnacle.

Speaker 22698.86s - 2699.4s

And once, and the thing that was all, that was kind of interesting to me is that all my friends that had never had it before, they're like, man, it tastes like turkey, but it actually has flavor.

Speaker 12700.8s - 2701.22s

And I was like, exactly.

Speaker 22702.36s - 2702.6s

Yeah, it does.

Speaker 12706.12s - 2712.06s

And like, they're like, those things stink when you clean them. I was like, yeah you especially if you cut into the gut cavity they don't smell real great or if you end up popping the

Speaker 22712.06s - 2719.5s

the gobble box on them that doesn't smell real awesome either um but i was like you know it's that's one of

Speaker 02719.5s - 2726.12s

my big knocks on pheasant and don't get me wrong pheasant's great i love eating pheasant everybody loves eating pheasant but it's kind of a wrong, pheasant's great. I love eating pheasant. Everybody loves eating pheasant.

Speaker 22726.48s - 2728.28s

But it's kind of a lot like walleye.

Speaker 02728.66s - 2731.56s

Like it's going to taste like whatever you season it to be.

Speaker 12732.08s - 2736.1s

Like it's kind of a blank palate. There's no real flavor profile there.

Speaker 02736.26s - 2737.6s

And I love eating walleye too.

Speaker 12738.72s - 2741.04s

You know, nothing better than some breaded walleye.

Speaker 02741.04s - 2746.5s

I make fish tacos out a lot of walleye and put uh put some some uh put

Speaker 12746.5s - 2752.32s

some lemon pepper and some chili powder on top of them and put them in oh good yep but it's just it's just

Speaker 02752.32s - 2758.12s

it's so neutral flavored that there's just nothing it's just going to taste like whatever you

Speaker 12758.12s - 2764.44s

season it with yep with wild turkey it actually has a really really nice pleasing flavor to it yeah

Speaker 02764.44s - 2769.26s

and if you get into a spot where they're really into the acorns or pecans, like down in Texas GPE,

Speaker 12769.26s - 2773s

and those, those birds have a completely different taste to them altogether.

Speaker 02773.6s - 2774.18s

Oh, I bet.

Speaker 12774.44s - 2775.6s

Those are really good.

Speaker 02775.8s - 2779.9s

Yeah, like down in Missouri GPE, when I go down with my friends down there, those turkeys where they,

Speaker 22780.44s - 2783.26s

where they have them, they have a lot of acorns.

Speaker 02783.42s - 2786.5s

And man, they got a little different taste

Speaker 22786.5s - 2794.56s

to them it's a little nuttier it's delicious yeah i bet um there's a i when i was talking to hank a

Speaker 02794.56s - 2804.58s

couple years ago telling him i was going out to montana to go bear hunting uh he was telling me about what he the way he if if you know hank's just kind of an odd guy anyways i love him to

Speaker 12804.58s - 2817.9s

death but he's he has all these little you know whatever he's just kind of an odd guy anyways i love him to death but he's he has all these little you know whatever he's just kind of a he's a squirly dude uh i adore him but he uh he was telling me when he lived in california GPE there was what he called the legend of the of the guacamole bear

Speaker 02817.9s - 2825.64s

um so apparently is what happens is these great big giant california GPE black bears get into the avocado orchards

Speaker 12825.64s - 2830.78s

down in California. And they just gorge themselves on all these avocados because I mean they're

Speaker 02830.78s - 2836.36s

super high in fat and everything else. And he said when you actually, when you're cleaning one,

Speaker 12837.08s - 2841.8s

and he said he only cleaned one like this. I don't even know if it's legal to hunt black bears

Speaker 02841.8s - 2845.2s

in California anymore. I don't think anymore.

Speaker 12851.36s - 2851.56s

But he said that the, like, I've heard for years about the fall bears in Montana GPE.

Speaker 02853.9s - 2879.2s

If they've been in the huckleberries and the blueberries really thick, the fat will actually have a little bit of a purple tone to it. Yeah. Right. And he said that it was actually exactly like that with these avocado, these bears are eating avocados. But instead, and I would think that it wouldlook terribly unpleasing but he said there was a little bit of a green hue to the fat but it was like it had that guacamole flavoring to it already and i was like man man like my mouth just are watering

Speaker 12879.2s - 2883.94s

like it's watering right now just thinking about it that sounds delicious doesn't it yeah i mean it'd be

Speaker 22883.94s - 2885.68s

so cool to shoot one that's

Speaker 12885.68s - 2892.64s

just been eating nothing but avocados all year it's you know and up here people always said when i was

Speaker 02892.64s - 2901.6s

growing up that mule deer tasted like shit and it never made sense to me um like we'll see white tails

Speaker 12901.6s - 2908.54s

and mule deer in the same same area sure it's like the mule deer eating the same damn thing area. Sure. It's like the mule deer are eating the same damn thing that the white tail are eating.

Speaker 02908.64s - 2915.36s

I mean, sure, if you shoot a big old mule deer buck that's all rutted up and has been doing nothing but eating sagebrushes whole life.

Speaker 12915.54s - 2915.82s


Speaker 02915.98s - 2918.2s

Yeah, it's probably going to have a little sagey taste to it.

Speaker 12918.58s - 2924.64s

These are eating in a frigging grain field just like the white tails are. Like, what makes you think that it's not going to taste the exact same?

Speaker 02924.8s - 2930.64s

Like deer meat's deer meat. And, you you know but i remember growing up you know everything had to be

Speaker 12930.64s - 2937.2s

cooked beyond well done for wild game um like i didn't like deer meats until i was like 15 until i actually

Speaker 02937.2s - 2942s

like everybody was always telling me how good backstrap was and i was like god i've had it before like

Speaker 12942s - 2945.8s

there's no amount of ketchup that you can put on that thing to make it taste decent.

Speaker 02945.92s - 2947.22s

It's like a damn hockey puck.

Speaker 12947.76s - 2948.16s


Speaker 02948.3s - 2953.48s

And then I went over to a friend's house one time and his dad was making backstrap on the

Speaker 22953.48s - 2955.5s

barbecue grill, cooked medium, medium rare.

Speaker 02956.16s - 2961.64s

And I was like, huh, this is like I could eat this every day for the rest of my life.

Speaker 12961.8s - 2965.82s

And then that was kind of like the, yeah, it was like that aha moment where it's like, oh,

Speaker 02965.94s - 2974.56s

I understand. Like my grandparents grew up in the Depression EVENT and they're the one cooking wild game. They think everything has to be cooked to well done or better.

Speaker 12975.02s - 2979.26s

And they're also the same people that go into a steakhouse and order a rabbi well done.

Speaker 02979.64s - 2982.42s

Like I would slap somebody across the face for that today.

Speaker 22982.62s - 2995.14s

Yeah. My parents or my mom was the same way. Everything had to be well done. And then I cooked her a steak one time. And it was probably medium to medium rare. And she took one bite and she's like, oh, my God.I'm like, yeah.

Speaker 12995.5s - 3002.64s

You've spent your whole life 50 plus years. You've lived on this earth and you've never thought about cooking it a little bit more rare.

Speaker 23002.78s - 3006.38s

I don't understand what you people did back in the day.

Speaker 03006.96s - 3044.82s

Well, yeah, I ended up like forever. I was, I bet for 15 years of my life, every Sand Hill LOC crane that I shot, I would turn into jerky. Oh. Because like, every time I ever had it,it was cooked well done. And you couldn't chew it. And it didn't taste great and everything else. And I was like, what is everybody talking about with this rib eye of the sky stuff? Like, this doesn't taste anything like that. And then 15 years ago or whatever, I cooked one medium rare in the grill with some Montreal steak seasoning.And I cut it up. And I was like, oh, man, I could put this thing on toast.

Speaker 13045.34s - 3052.18s

It's a great, it's's so good it's absolutely beef is what it is yeah when Steve PERSON when

Speaker 23052.18s - 3069.22s

Steve invited me up this last year I was more excited well I wasn't more excited because sharp tails and and huns are you know way up high on my list but I was really excited when he said we were going to shoot sandhills also. I was extremely excited about that. Yeah.

Speaker 03069.44s - 3080.58s

Yeah. How'd you guys end up doing last year? Because when you were up here, you guys went through kind of the weather roller coaster, we ended up getting that little winter storm in late October.

Speaker 23081.28s - 3084.28s

And it was, yeah, that was a month after I was up.

Speaker 03084.3s - 3091.22s

I was up early October. Oh, okay. So we we had some rain but it wasn't it wasn't anything bad I

Speaker 23091.22s - 3096.72s

mean it was more warm than it was anything oh really yeah it was it was still the

Speaker 03096.72s - 3100.86s

cranes were here but we they they really were going everywhere they were

Speaker 23100.86s - 3105.66s

going into Canada GPE they were you know they was kind of border jumping yeah they were yeah they were

Speaker 03105.66s - 3111.9s

just they they never had a set place that they wanted to go you know and uh we did a lot of pass

Speaker 23111.9s - 3118.42s

shooting on them and and we did get some to some some to decoy um we ate cranes every day though

Speaker 03118.42s - 3122.66s

i mean we ate cranes over and i think almost everything we had sharp tail one night

Speaker 23122.66s - 3129.32s

and then um it was mostly cranes and ducks that we were eating.

Speaker 03130.02s - 3134.08s

Yeah. And well, duck's another one, man. Like I forever.

Speaker 23134.52s - 3141.24s

I was like, God, duck is just not that good to eat. And then I ate duck cooked properly and game changer.

Speaker 03142.04s - 3165.22s

Like it's and I, I'm trying to change people's minds. Like, even like in the little town of Stanley that I live in, all my friends, they all say, they're like,oh, the only thing you can do with ducks and geese is turn them into sausage. I was like, and they'll say, you know, it's always interesting to me to hear these kind of wives talesand how they got started and proliferated forever.

Speaker 13166.1s - 3171.2s

But I had an uncle when I was growing up.

Speaker 03171.36s - 3183.46s

He wouldn't shoot a sharp tail after the second week of Sharptail season because he said they didn't taste good. He liked eating young Sharptail. And I will tell you right now that young Sharptail is superior to old sharp tail.

Speaker 13183.88s - 3186.88s

It just is. It's going to be that way with any

Speaker 03186.88s - 3193.02s

any wild game bird across the board yeah however um I guarantee you that he'd never had a

Speaker 13193.02s - 3198.52s

sharp tail fajita because you could make a sharp tail fajita out of the oldest sharp tail on

Speaker 03198.52s - 3202.78s

the planet and it's gonna taste like the one of the best fajitas you've ever had in your life

Speaker 23202.78s - 3211.3s

yep yep it's yeah you can make it like you said you can make almost anything taste good if if it's old and it needs to have a little

Speaker 03211.3s - 3218.32s

more flavor to it you just you can't cook it to where it's shoe leather exactly yep like medium

Speaker 23218.32s - 3222.82s

medium rare is it's so simple like that's all all you need to tell anybody it doesn't matter what

Speaker 03222.82s - 3225.9s

what kind of wild game it is unless it's bear.

Speaker 13226.44s - 3230.52s

Then it has to be cooked medium well, which is it makes me very sad.

Speaker 03231.4s - 3237.82s

Because the bear that I had, I wanted a piece of a backstrap cooked medium rare so bad.

Speaker 13238.36s - 3247.56s

And I was like, God, I just, trichinosis is so prevalent in bears. And I just, it's not, it's not necessarily something I want to mess around with.

Speaker 03247.56s - 3252.2s

I don't want to get no deathly ill, uh, from eating, eating a piece of undercooked bear meat.

Speaker 13252.2s - 3257.5s

But yeah, other than that, any other wild game out there, uh, other than well,

Speaker 03257.5s - 3260.2s

bear mount lion and wild pigs, I think.

Speaker 23260.26s - 3264.9s

Yeah, is about, yeah, wild pigs you got, you should. I mean, it's, it's, it can happen.

Speaker 03265.58s - 3272.6s

So it's just better to cook it. Yeah. But other than that, medium rare. Yeah. Do not go over medium for the

Speaker 23272.6s - 3277.12s

love of God. Just don't do it. Don't do it. Hey, I got a question. I got a question for you.

Speaker 03277.12s - 3282.34s

So, uh, and I, I'm sure you get this question all the time too, because, um, you and I are,

Speaker 23282.34s - 3287.22s

well, you, me and, um, Eric Forrester PERSON are pretty much the only

Speaker 03287.22s - 3293.9s

three guys that put out a lot of content that's almost exclusively shot off gopros every year. Yeah.

Speaker 13294.7s - 3299.72s

Um, what settings on and I, I, I, the reason I'm asking is because I just got, um, got this

Speaker 03299.72s - 3304.9s

question the other day and I'm curious as to what settings you have your GoPro PRODUCT set on when you're out filming when you're chasing your dogs around.

Speaker 23312.08s - 3326.34s

So mindset at, um, the other day and I'm curious as to what settings you have your GoPro set on when you're out filming when you're chasing your dogs around so mine's set at um oh god it's that it's a 10 PRODUCT so I'm trying to think of what the settings are it's the it's the medium setting for like distance it's not the wide shot but it's the next one in right I can't remember if it's called medium or what what it's called but then I do everything in 4k yeah me too and then I can I can't remember if it's called medium or what it's called. But then I do everything in 4K.

Speaker 03327.02s - 3327.66s

Yep, me too.

Speaker 23328.22s - 3329.3s

And then I can press,

Speaker 03329.36s - 3332.56s

I film in 4K and I compress it down to 1080. Yep.

Speaker 13333.06s - 3333.76s


Speaker 03334s - 3345.5s

if you're trying to export a video in 4 PRODUCTK, it just takes forever. But for like the Instagram clips and whatever else, you can put those up there in 4K and they look, they look great.

Speaker 13345.74s - 3345.96s


Speaker 03346.38s - 3363.08s

But for the for TV, like I don't even think I want to say that on most, I don't think you can even play much on YouTube ORG higher than 1080 anyways. No, no, it doesn't look right. Right, right.

Speaker 23363.16s - 3371.96s

It looks good. The crazy thing is it looks good on your computer when you do it. Right. And then you go to put it on there and it's a little grainy. Right.

Speaker 13373s - 3373.36s


Speaker 23374.24s - 3383.68s

But yeah, I was going to ask you too. I need to tell me how to do that setting. So it'll go back 30 seconds or whatever the hell that is. So I can.

Speaker 03383.72s - 3415.32s

Oh, hindsight? Yes, if I miss it I tried setting it and it just never worked for me and I didn't know what the hell I was doing wrong yeah I don't actually use it um I tend to uh and I'm again I'm kind of curious to know what you do as well uh those of us who spend as much time with our dogs chasing birds around as you and I do and I mean most hunters in general you can kind of read your dogs well enough to know when something's going to happen.Or we have the experience where we kind of know where to expect things to happen.

Speaker 23415.68s - 3415.96s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 03416.32s - 3439.86s

And so as soon as I see my dogs kind of starting to make game or if we're coming up to a spot that it's likely that there's going to be birds, whatever, I just turn my camera on and let it run. And then if I get a shot, say dogs go on point, birds go up, I pull the trigger, get to retrieve, everything else. Then I just hold my hand over top of the lens before I turn it off.

Speaker 13449.86s - 3450.4s

So when you're looking on your app, yeah, when you're looking on your app, I can just go through and I can delete all the ones that don't have that blacked out frame at the end.

Speaker 03456.2s - 3456.74s

Because that's like the last clip that you film is what's going to show up on your on your video, right?

Speaker 13459.78s - 3459.86s

So it just helps cut down on the edit time.

Speaker 03467.66s - 3468.04s

So I'm not watching all these clips kind of scrubbing through them looking to see if there was anything in in that clip that I wanted to use or not.

Speaker 13469.16s - 3469.22s

Yeah, that's a great idea.

Speaker 23470.32s - 3470.82s

I never thought about that.

Speaker 03476.04s - 3476.88s

Yeah, there's just times that there's just times that like out of nowhere, there's been, there was one.

Speaker 23485.58s - 3503.44s

There was one time this year down here that we were going through a big patch of it was switched grass pretty much. And, uh, you couldn't even see the damn dogs. Sure. But you, you know, so I had my camera going and then I go to turn it off. And, uh, I walked another 20 steps. And to my right by my buddy, there was a triple that got up and he, he killed the triple.

Speaker 03503.44s - 3510.84s

And I didn't have my camera on fast enough and I'm like god damn it that would have been sweet to get that on film yeah yeah I messed around

Speaker 23510.84s - 3517.54s

a little bit with that hindsight before and it's never really uh the only thing that I noticed it does

Speaker 03517.54s - 3523.5s

is it drains batteries um and like I run the enduro batteries I would assume you probably do as well

Speaker 23523.5s - 3525.96s

no I've found a hack to that.

Speaker 03526.72s - 3529.32s

Oh, do you have an actual battery pack that you carry on?

Speaker 23529.76s - 3531.88s

It's the greatest thing that I've done.

Speaker 03533.14s - 3538.8s

I literally can go three days on that battery pack and I can have two hours worth of footage in it.

Speaker 23538.86s - 3539.92s

I don't ever have to charge it.

Speaker 03540.44s - 3540.88s


Speaker 23541.12s - 3541.4s


Speaker 03541.4s - 3542.08s

It is.

Speaker 23542.54s - 3551.02s

And I put it, you know, so I have it hooked with the cord and then I go down through the back of my ball cap. And then down through my vest.

Speaker 03551.54s - 3555.16s

And then I either have it in my pouch or I have it in my back pocket.

Speaker 13555.92s - 3556.44s

I gotcha.

Speaker 23556.64s - 3557.2s

I got you.

Speaker 03557.32s - 3564.56s

And I tried doing that once. I put it in the in the pouch where my, where the water bladder on my, on my bird vest went.

Speaker 13564.98s - 3567.44s

Yep. It worked okay um

Speaker 03568.08s - 3575.6s

but i switched over to those enduro batteries and they double your your your battery life um just by

Speaker 13575.6s - 3581.52s

doing that so like even when it was cold out last year in december i could get like 45 minutes or an

Speaker 23581.52s - 3585.22s

hour out of one of those enduro batteries that That's pretty damn good. It's pretty good.

Speaker 03585.24s - 3586.46s

And that's filming in 4K.

Speaker 23587.62s - 3591.12s

So I just carry some extra battery packs with me.

Speaker 03591.42s - 3593.78s

And like when I'm,

Speaker 23593.86s - 3597.9s

I usually have my cell phone with so I can watch back a video or whatever.

Speaker 03598.3s - 3601.94s

But I can just open up the app on my phone and I can see where my battery life's at

Speaker 13601.94s - 3605.68s

without having to take my camera off and then readjust everything and all that kind of stuff.

Speaker 03605.94s - 3609.64s

And as soon as my battery gets down to 30%, I just swap out for a new battery.

Speaker 13610.16s - 3612.22s

And just keep on going.

Speaker 03612.4s - 3615.88s

And those batteries are so light. And I mean, you can change them out in a second.

Speaker 13616.12s - 3618.04s

You know, it's not that big of a deal.

Speaker 03619.4s - 3646.24s

And I, so the reason I got away from carrying the external battery and having it in my water, water bladder is I when I was trying to do that when I was up in Alaska and I ended up first of all it was wet and raining and so you have to have the the side flap on your camera kind of open to have that have the charging cable in there yeah and I

Speaker 13646.24s - 3650.5s

started getting water in there and my camera started kind of fritzing a little bit even

Speaker 03650.5s - 3653.8s

though they're they're waterproof but they're only waterproof at the battery

Speaker 13653.8s - 3662.62s

flap is closed so that I bought that I bought that that door panel that has the

Speaker 03662.62s - 3668.12s

external port on it yeah yeah so it's it's it's I mean it's

Speaker 23668.12s - 3675.24s

still not a hundred percent waterproof but it's I think it's better yeah but yeah I was like I

Speaker 03675.24s - 3680.18s

have to figure something out because I had you know I'd have seven or eight of them batteries in

Speaker 23680.18s - 3684.6s

my pocket and I have four back in the truck charging why we were out walking and I'm sure

Speaker 03684.6s - 3689.2s

something's got to be better that was their only downfall for GoPro PRODUCT was their batteries.

Speaker 23689.96s - 3695.06s

Yeah. And I mean like and that's the thing, especially now, like I got I got two of the 12s PRODUCT.

Speaker 03695.06s - 3701.64s

I got I think I got six or seven GoPro's. I got two, two 12s, three tens and two or three eights.

Speaker 13701.62s - 3703.16s

two or three eights.

Speaker 03711.38s - 3711.74s

And the, the quality of the video that you actually get off those things is so good.

Speaker 13711.94s - 3712.48s


Speaker 03713.7s - 3713.82s

Especially the newer ones.

Speaker 13718.14s - 3718.22s

And I, like, I get tons of questions when I'm posting videos throughout the fall,

Speaker 03719.22s - 3723.06s

just like I'm sure you do. And I just tell everybody, just make sure you get an eight or newer.

Speaker 13725s - 3730.8s

I prefer the tens and tens, 11s and 12s just because after, I think it was after the tens and newer, you can use those

Speaker 03730.8s - 3737.4s

enduro batteries. But once the eights came out, the game changer was the video stabilization.

Speaker 13738s - 3747.42s

I mean, it's like before anybody that was recording on a GoPro PRODUCT, and I did it a lot. I mean, my first GoPro is like a hero three or something like that.

Speaker 23747.42s - 3748.26s

That's what mine was.

Speaker 03748.7s - 3754.34s

And it would almost make you sick watching it because every time you take a step,

Speaker 13754.46s - 3757.7s

your head's moving and whatever else. It would kind of give you motion sickness.

Speaker 03758.12s - 3776.18s

Once that video stabilization came out in the eights and it just keeps on getting a little bit better, it's not drastically better, but it's better. In the 12s, it's really good. But like, if you get a 10 PRODUCT or newer, you can use those enduro batteries and you have the video stabilization. I mean,

Speaker 23776.22s - 3791.66s

that's a ton of technology on your head in a very small, very light package. Yeah. And it's, and it takes, you know, even like, you know, the GoPro PRODUCT, they always say the fish eye and all this. It's just, it's really not even the fish eye anymore, but people,

Speaker 03792.2s - 3797.36s

good God. There are some settings that you can run into that fish eye problem with. Yeah.

Speaker 23797.72s - 3803.94s

And I can't remember. I've, I tried filming in 2.7K and I notice that that fish eyed a little bit.

Speaker 03803.94s - 3805.1s

Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 23805.34s - 3815.08s

And then there's some of the, some of the settings on there for like, I think it was if you went super wide or super view or something like that.

Speaker 13815.28s - 3815.5s


Speaker 03815.5s - 3822.46s

And so I just, I film in, I can't remember what setting it is, but it sounds like it's the same one you do.

Speaker 13822.52s - 3824.04s

It's kind of like the intermediate one.

Speaker 23824.44s - 3829.14s

Yeah. It's got a little bit of zoom to it, but it's not like it's over, you know,

Speaker 03829.14s - 3847.02s

where you're not going to see the, you know, you're not going to see everything on the video. Right. And now do you ever, when you're cropping your videos and, and putting them on your phone or whatever you're going to do, you can zoom in on the app and kind of crop the video a little bit.

Speaker 13847.2s - 3852.44s

So make sure, you know, I do that quite a lot, especially if I have specifically on pheasants,

Speaker 03852.74s - 3871.46s

just because they are so big and colorful anyways. You can kind of just zoom in just a little bit and make them colors pop a little bit more and make it, you can really kind of see some detail on those birds. It's harder on the smaller birds, like Huns and stuff like that. I mean, I noticed that on the Huns this year on

Speaker 23871.46s - 3880.6s

them huns. It was the videos that I have are kind of, kind of difficult to see them because they, you know, they don't, they don't play fair anyway. No, it seemed like to me, they don't,

Speaker 03880.6s - 3884.86s

they don't really play fair. So it's kind of hard sometimes to get some really good video of it.

Speaker 23885.48s - 3885.94s

Right. Right. It's wise down here, it's the same hard sometimes to get some really good video of it. Right.

Speaker 03886.28s - 3888.46s

Fescent wise, down here, it's the same thing.

Speaker 13888.6s - 3890.66s

It's, yeah, usually they're right in your face.

Speaker 03891.46s - 3894.54s

I think that's why people, like, it doesn't matter.

Speaker 13894.54s - 3896.84s

I can have what I would consider to be the most boring

Speaker 03896.84s - 3899.42s

pheasant hunting video of all time and put it on YouTube ORG.

Speaker 13899.92s - 3904.82s

It's going to get five times a number of views that what I would consider to be my best

Speaker 03904.82s - 3905.36s

quail hunting

Speaker 13905.36s - 3912.64s

hunting video will get like it's so true it's just nuts i mean like and i understand that

Speaker 03912.64s - 3918.16s

pheasant's a pheasant hunting in general has got a pretty big following all over the world

Speaker 13918.16s - 3926.78s

like i get a ton of people from like turkey and like a bunch of people in that part of the world over there that are that

Speaker 03926.78s - 3933.44s

comment in languages that I can't read um yeah but it's got such a huge following all over the

Speaker 13933.44s - 3939.72s

place that and then on top of that they're big and they're colorful um so you can see them when

Speaker 03939.72s - 3950.66s

when the bird flushes you can see them and then you know with with good pointing dogs you get a lot of really close uh flushes anyways so you can, with, with the quail and all that kind of stuff,

Speaker 13950.92s - 3960.62s

it's just so hard to see the dang things that I think people, I mean, you can kind of, you see the, the, the, the birds go up and then a lot of times you're shooting so fast that you don't really have a

Speaker 03960.62s - 3975.62s

lot of time to, you know, like with pheasant hunting, you can kind of let a shot develop a little bit. And it's almost like in the field editing with quail and Huns PRODUCT and everything else, you just kind of got to react so fast so you don't really have a choice. Yeah, the quail is just a

Speaker 23975.62s - 3980.7s

complete chaos. I mean, it's just a, you try to pick one bird out as much as you possibly can

Speaker 13980.7s - 3985.68s

and hope for the best. Right, right your video if your video yeah and if your

Speaker 23985.68s - 3992.08s

video if it if it gets it it gets it otherwise it's just yeah right yeah bobs are bobs are even

Speaker 13992.08s - 3998.96s

you know they're even smaller than than uh than the huns are and it yeah bob's are smaller than

Speaker 23998.96s - 4007.8s

merns coil are bob are they really yeah mons are a little bit bigger, aren't they? Yeah, gambles are small, but they got a long tail on them.

Speaker 04008.28s - 4011.04s

I mean, it almost looks like a morning dove tail kind of.

Speaker 24011.4s - 4011.64s


Speaker 04011.84s - 4016.7s

So they look bigger than they are, but when you actually pull up, pull the feathers off them and start cleaning them,

Speaker 24016.9s - 4019.2s

Bob's have got more meat to them than Gambles PRODUCT do.

Speaker 14019.4s - 4022.96s

I think Bob's and Scaly's are about the same size, and then Merns Quail PRODUCT are a little bit bigger.

Speaker 24023.52s - 4025.72s

And then Mountain Quail are the biggest. Yeah, Mountain Quail are huge. Well, I mean, as Merns quail are a little bit bigger. And then mountain quail are the biggest.

Speaker 14026.08s - 4027.22s

Yeah, mountain quail are huge.

Speaker 04027.3s - 4031.5s

Well, I mean, as far as a quail goes, they're, they're almost the same size as a hun.

Speaker 24031.72s - 4034.22s

I mean, they're not, they're not a ton smaller than a hun.

Speaker 04035s - 4035.6s

That's important.

Speaker 24036.2s - 4042.48s

Yeah, whereas a bob light, I mean, like a big mature North Dakota GPE hun is going to be twice the size of boblight.

Speaker 04042.82s - 4043.64s

Oh, yeah, definitely.

Speaker 24043.72s - 4044.4s

And that's a good.

Speaker 04044.66s - 4046.38s

And that's a good bobwhite, you know.

Speaker 24046.62s - 4047.8s

Right, right, right.

Speaker 04047.94s - 4048.16s


Speaker 24049s - 4050.46s

Well, Tim, it's been an hour.

Speaker 04051.36s - 4057.14s

I'm really excited to do this once a month with you. First of all, it's just always fun catching up and shooting the shit.

Speaker 24057.74s - 4058.38s

Oh, yeah, definitely.

Speaker 04059.04s - 4063.08s

So let's plan on doing this sometime, the middle of every month DATE.

Speaker 24063.42s - 4065.08s

We'll get together for an hour or whatever.

Speaker 14066.02s - 4070.86s

If next time that we do this, we'll, if anybody who's listened to this podcast,

Speaker 24071.06s - 4085.82s

if you guys have any questions for me or Tim PERSON, what's the best way for everybody to get a hold of you? Instagram, I would assume, right? Yep. Just message me on Instagram, the bearded up lander. I usually answer all my all my direct messages.

Speaker 04085.82s - 4091.72s

Me too problem. Yeah, me too. So if any of you guys have any any questions about what it's like being a

Speaker 24091.72s - 4100.88s

overweight guy that's middle aged that likes to bird hunt or where we go about trying to find clothes

Speaker 04100.88s - 4108.88s

for our upland hunting seasons or adventures or the you know what what cameras we use

Speaker 14109.6s - 4113.12s

you know whatever it is if you guys have any questions for us we're going to do this once a month

Speaker 24113.76s - 4119.28s

and we're happy to have some sort of a topic to talk about yeah leave us yeah leave us messages

Speaker 14119.28s - 4124.24s

and we'll uh we'll we'll even we'll even print them out and we'll talk about everybody's

Speaker 24124.24s - 4125.34s

questions heck yeah man heck yeah well i'm gonna uh i got to go clean fish We'll even print them out and we'll talk about everybody's questions.

Speaker 04125.94s - 4131.52s

Heck yeah, man. Heck yeah. Well, I'm going to, I got to go clean fish.

Speaker 14137.38s - 4152.88s

I got a live well, I got a bunch of wall I packed on ice right now. So I got to go and I got to go get that done. And then I got to get my boat cleaned out a little bit. I got, I use my Cabello ORG's club card for, like, everything. It's the only credit card I use. And I just spent, I had $780 worth of Cabellas ORG points. I just ordered a bunch of tackle.

Speaker 04153.68s - 4162.22s

So I got to get a, and it all just came in today. So I got to go and get my tackle boxes out and get all that stuff loaded up and go and try to catch some more fish tomorrow and morning. That's a boy.

Speaker 24163.18s - 4165.24s

I'm going to live my character through you.

Speaker 04165.34s - 4167.26s

You just keep on sending me messages about it.

Speaker 24168.04s - 4168.92s

You got it, man.

Speaker 04168.92s - 4169.42s

You got it.

Speaker 24169.42s - 4171.62s

Well, if you end up up here sometime, the summer I'll take you out.

Speaker 04172.24s - 4174.24s

Oh, yeah, we probably should plan something.

Speaker 24174.96s - 4175.72s

We probably should.

Speaker 04176.2s - 4176.8s

We probably should.

Speaker 24176.8s - 4178.56s

Maybe that's what we'll do next month.

Speaker 04178.72s - 4185.4s

Well, if you're bored in middle of June or early June, maybe you just come up and we do a podcast live out on the boat.

Speaker 24185.96s - 4186.76s

God, that'd be great.

Speaker 04187.12s - 4187.76s

And that'd be good?

Speaker 24187.76s - 4189.62s

We should try to figure that, figure something out.

Speaker 04189.72s - 4193.46s

I know, I know the, uh, the middle of the month DATE might be a really good idea.

Speaker 24194.22s - 4196.26s

Sounds, it sounds like fun to me, man.

Speaker 04196.68s - 4198.4s

All right, all right, boys and girls.

Speaker 24198.4s - 4201.6s

Well, this has been episode one of the plus size models podcast.

Speaker 04203.22s - 4205.5s

We are your host, Tyler Webster PERSON.

Speaker 24205.86s - 4210.04s

Also, the Birds Booze and Buds ORG podcast, as you guys are well aware of.

Speaker 04210.6s - 4218.12s

And Tim Brown, the bearded uplander from coming on the podcast monthly as co-host of the Plus Size Models podcast.

Speaker 24218.6s - 4219.04s

Thanks, guys.

Speaker 04219.66s - 4219.84s


Speaker 24220.14s - 4220.6s

All right, guys.

Speaker 04220.64s - 4221.44s

We'll talk to you next week.