The O'Reilly Update, May 2, 2024

The O'Reilly Update, May 2, 2024

by Bill O'Reilly

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13:41 minutes

published 1 month ago

American English

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Speaker 10s - 98.16s

Everything is expensive these days. You know that. The government is printing trillions of dollars in consumer prices higher than ever. If the government continues its printing and spending, the dollar could continue its free fall and lose its coveted role as the World Reserve ORG currency. Let's hope that doesn't happen. But there are a few things you can do right now. American Hartford Gold ORG can show you how to protect your money, your retirement, your hard-earned savings against inflation by helping you diversify a portion of your portfolio into physical gold and silver. Start with a short phone call and they can havephysical gold and silver delivered right to your door or put inside your 401k or IRA. So please call or text them right now. Tell them Bill O'Reilly PERSON sent you. Call 877-44-4-4-4-gold, 877-44-4-4-gold,or text gold to 655-3-2. Again, that's 877-44-4-4-4-2 or text gold to 65-5-3-2. Again, that's 877-44-4-4-Gold or tax gold to 655-3-2. Bill O'Reilly here, you are listening to the O'Reilly Update, sponsored by Tax Network USA ORG. America's number one choice for tax resolution. Please go to ORG slash bill or call 800-245-6-0-0-0. Coming up next, the news with Mike Slater PERSON.Thank you, Bill PERSON.

Speaker 098.22s - 279.28s

It's Thursday, best day of the week, May 2nd, 2024. Here's what's happening today in America GPE. Protests spread. Interest rates stay the same. It's not an 1864 law and nine-year-old saves parents' lives. That's all coming up.Then Bill's going to be here with your message of the day. But first, at least 400 people have been arrested on college campuses. As schools and cities start to crack down, University of Arizona ORG, police used rubber bullets and pepper spray. NYU, the arrests there, more than half of them, so a majority were not students, faculty, or staff. I still can't get over the Columbia ORG Ph.D. student who, after locking themselves in a building, said that they demandthe university, bring them humanitarian aid. They meant food, but they called it humanitarian aid. They're all just cosplaying as Palestinian NORP refugees. Gavin Newsom, the governor of California, criticized law enforcement for being too slow in their response at UCLA ORG. The Federal Reserve said they are keeping interest rates the same. That's six straight meetings where they haven't moved it and suggested that rates willstay this high for a while. Inflation is around 2.7% above the Fed's 2% inflation goal. You're going to hear a lot of headlines today. Arizona Senate passes repeal of 1864 abortion ban. It's not an 1864 abortion ban. That was the initial law.But there was a recodification of that law. Just same thing with updated language in 1977. And it was passed in an Arizona state house and Senate ORG that was majority Democrat signed by a Democrat governor that 1977 ban on abortion. One of those then House members is now 81 and in the Arizona Senate ORG. Republicans control the Arizona House and Senate, but three Republicans in the House joined the Democrats and two Republicans in the Senate ORG. This issue will be on the ballot in November. A husband and wife in Oklahoma GPE are in the ICU right nowwith broken backs and necks, but they have their nine-year-old son to thank for their lives. They were driving down a highway in Oklahoma GPE when a tornado picked up their truck and slammed it into a tree. Mom and dad were wrecked, but their nine-year-old got out of the truck, ran over a mile in the dark, threw downed power lines and debris to get help. He made it to someone's house, who then were able to call for help.The only way he made it back in the dark was the lightning strikes lighting his way. The last thing he told his parents before running off for help, Mom, Dad, please don't die. I'll be back. Bill O'Reilly with your message of the day. Next. I'm Mike Slater from the podcast, Politics by Faith. This is a crazy time in our country. It's stressful, a lot of anxiety, and it's going to get worse. And I realize that one of the things that helps me take away the stress is realizing that there's nothing new under the sun. So on this podcast, we take the news of the day and we run it through the Bible WORK_OF_ART and otherperiods in history to realize that we've been through this before and we can rise above again. Politics by faith anywhere you listen to the podcast, politics by faith.

Speaker 1281.12s - 775.38s

Time now for the O'Reilly Update, message of the day. On this Thursday, the John Kamala softball tour continues, with the vice president appearing on Drew Barrymore's morning television show. I don't know Ms. Barrymore, but she looks like a nice person. However, political chats might not be her forte. From the jump, the Drew Kamala PERSON interview was, well, a box of chocolates to quote Forrest Gump. Drew saying, quote, we all need a mom. I've been thinking that we all needa tremendous hug, but in our country we need you to be Mamala PERSON of the country. To which the vice president replied, yeah. Now, that exchange wasn't at the level of the Joe Biden-Howard Stern's PERSON smoochorama, but it was close. Mamala and Drew bonded just as Joe and Howie PERSON did. Hugs all around. Yes, it is an election year, and the Democrats know they have a vast, safe space with the American NORP media. At this point,the Biden campaign understands it can avoid all tough questioning, kind of like what Putin PERSON does. Will this hugs strategy work? I don't think so. Joe and Kamala PERSON look weak participating in the media nonsense. And besides, shouldn't Trump PERSON be getting a few hugs? Let's call it Tramala or something. I'm Bill O'Reilly PERSON. I approve the message by writing it. You canreach me. Bill PERSON at Bill PERSON o' Bill at bill o' Name in town if you wish to opine. All right, let's get to the mail. We got Lisa Wood in Lee's Summit, Missouri GPE. Mr. Oh, I've heard you say many times that President Biden is the second worst behind James Buchanan PERSON.I'm paying an extreme amount for groceries, can't afford to eat out. I'm afraid my daughter's safety when she goes out with friends at night. And I'm worried about the future of the country, as we may have 10 million unknown immigrants in here. Yet the stock market continues to set records. Can you explain? Yeah, I can explain. The stock market is not tied in to social maladies. It's tied into economics as far as who's making money. So big corporations around the world are making money. Consumerscontinue to spend even in America GPE even when you don't have any money you're spending it yourself into debt but you're spending and that keeps the stock market up and the country out of recession. So as long as consumers continue to spend money in America GPE the stock market will be steady. Once they cut back, whoop. David Hogue Zemma, Glenwood, Maryland GPE.Bill, your viewers would love to hear your current perspective on a Trump PERSON VP pick. Is there a candidate that could tip the scales? Look, I've said it ten times. I know you guys can't watch every show. I know that. But Governor, Sanders, Huckabee, Huckabee Sanders in Arkansas would be my pick. Most upside. And now that Christine Nolm PERSON is out of it because she executed her dog. I shouldn't laugh, but boy, we went over it yesterday. But anyway, but will Trump PERSON pay?Trump PERSON is so unpredictable. Nobody could bet. In a moment, something you might not know. Bill O'Reilly PERSON here with a big announcement. You can now watch new episodes of the NoSpin News live on Samsung TV Plus PRODUCT. Tune in each week night at 8 p.m. On the First TV for breaking news, honest analysis, and the best election coverage in America GPE.Please join me, Bill O'Reilly, at the First TV now available on Samsung TV Plus PRODUCT. Start watching today on your Samsung ORG television, Galaxy devices, or the Samsung TV plus mobile app. Check out the NoSpin News each weeknight at 8 p.m. on the First TV, Samsung TV Plus PRODUCT. Now the O'Reilly ORG update brings you something you might not know. Four hundred eighty-eight years ago today, the Queen of England was arrested and taken to the horrible Tower of London FAC. The detention was ordered by her husband, the diabolical King Henry the 8th PERSON. Here is the story ofAnne Bolin. In 1522, Henry PERSON became obsessed with young Anne PERSON after meeting her at a royal party. The smitten king initiated secret proceedings to obtain an annulment from his first wife, Catherine. The Pope refused that request. In 1533, the Archbishop of Canterbury, a coward, ignored the Vatican, granting Henry PERSON his annulment and performing marriage rights between the King and Miss Bolin PERSON. Ten months later, Henry VIII broke with the Catholic Church ORG, appointing himself as the supreme head of what would become the Churchof England, Anglican, here in the United States GPE. The schism caused religious chaos for the next two centuries in Europe. Once married, Henry PERSON quickly lost interest in his new bride and began liaisons with other women. On May 2, 1536, the King had Anne committed to the Tower FAC. She was charged with adultery and incest for allegedly having an affair with her own brother. Both allegations were false. But a sham trial found her guilty. The execution of a queen for treason was unprecedented in British history.Henry VIII PERSON ordered the deed to take place within the confines of the prison rather than in public view. On the 19th of May 1536, Anne Boleyn PERSON was beheaded. And here's something else you might not know, Anne PERSON was loyal to her husband until the end. Her final words, quote, I pray God save the king for a gentler nor a more merciful prince there never was. Crazy? You bet. Henry VIII was far from loyal. He married his next wife, Jane Seymour, 11 days after Anne Boleyn's PERSON execution. The honeymoon must have been a blast. Back after this.Thank you for listening to the O'Reilly Update. I am Bill O'Reilly, No Spin, Just Facts, and always looking out for you. announcement. You can now watch new episodes of the NoSpin News live on Samsung TV Plus PRODUCT. Tune in each week night at 8 p.m. on the First TV PRODUCT for breaking news, honest analysis, and the best election coverage in America. Please join me Bill O'Reilly at the First TV now available on Samsung ORG TV Plus. Start watching today on your Samsung television, Galaxy devices, or the Samsung TV plus mobile app. Check out the no-spin news each weeknight at 8 p.m. on the first TV, Samsung TV Plus PRODUCT.