Highlights from O'Reilly's No Spin News

Highlights from O'Reilly's No Spin News

by Bill O'Reilly

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46:55 minutes

published 23 days ago

American English

Copyright © 2002-2022 BillOReilly.com. All rights reserved.

Speaker 90s - 73.32s

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Speaker 1078.56s - 92.46s

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Speaker 693.2s - 116.16s

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Speaker 9121.32s - 135.3s

So tonight I want to look at presidential leadership because it's in question again, and that is the talking points memo. So yesterday, Joe Biden made headlines when he gave an interview to CNN, friendly interview, Aaron Burnett, didn't challenge him,

Speaker 0135.84s - 142.94s

where he said, look, America GPE is going to delay delivering bombs and other heavy ordinance to

Speaker 9142.94s - 294.84s

Israel if Israel invades Rafa PERSON, which is the last stronghold of Hamas in Gaza GPE. So we got a map. I want to show you where Rafa PERSON is and the problems here. So the Hamas leadership that isn't dead has fled down here is close to the border with Egypt GPE. And Egypt wants no part of Hamas or refugees or Palestinians NORP or any of that.So Egypt GPE has sealed the border. You can't get into Egypt GPE. So Netanyahu and the Israeli government, they want to kill the Hamas ORG leadership. Now, there have been negotiations floated, but Hamas ORG refuses to release the hostages. This is estimated 150 hostages there. We don't know how many are dead, but in any ceasefire, you'd have to release the hostages.Doesn't that make sense to you? Remember, in October 7th, Hamas terror has crossed the border into Israel GPE and slaughtered 1,200 civilians. No military targets. Kill babies, rape women, murdered them. I mean, come on.I mean, it was there 9-11 EVENT. And the people who did it are hiding in their office, so you've got to go in and get them. But there's a way to do it. And I want to talk a little bit about that. But Biden basically is told Israel GPE, you can't go in and bomb and kill civilians. Here's the problem.Hamas ORG hides behind civilians. They use civilians as cannon fodder. The terror group does. And so it's pretty hard to get them when their headquarters is below an orphanage or a hospital. Now, I do think you can do the Rafa PERSON invasion in a targeted way, and that's what I would advise.But Biden's basically saying to Israel GPE, hey, you better do what we tell you to do, we the USA GPE, which is ridiculous. Israel GPE has to defend itself. But if Israel GPE goes in and just slaughter civilians, they'll lose. Israel GPE's going to lose not only to war, but all subsequent help. So there are two reasons that Biden PERSON made this public.The first is there are Arab nations that don't want the Palestinian NORP civilians to be harmed. And Biden PERSON needs those nations. Roll the tape.

Speaker 8295.84s - 309.08s

I've been working with the Arab NORP states. I won't mention them because they don't want to get them in trouble. But five leaders in the Arab community were we're prepared to help rebuild Gaza GPE, prepared to help transition to a two-state solution.

Speaker 9310.38s - 325.2s

Biden PERSON needs those nations, and I understand that. There's no doubt about it. Arab nations can be very helpful to the United States and Israel GPE, particularly in a fight against Iran GPE. We're talking Saudi Arabia, gutter, Egypt GPE,

Speaker 0325.66s - 332s

and a few others. They hate Iran, and they can help us there. The second reason is venal.

Speaker 1332.5s - 339.86s

Okay, it's all about Biden. Biden knows that supporting Israel GPE is hurting him in the polls

Speaker 0339.86s - 345.4s

among younger people and his progressive base. He knows that.

Speaker 9345.4s - 614.7s

They hate Israel GPE. The progressives hate Israel GPE. The Israel's oppression, just like the United States GPE. The progressive movement loathes this country. They want to change everything about it. We've gone over that.Okay, so I'm president. What do I do? I talked about it last night on News Nation with Cuomo PERSON. Go. He's got Burns, the CIA chief in Jerusalem GPE right now. Burns should have done all of this quietly with Netanyahu and the defense minister of Israel GPE. Very quietly.He said, look, we can't supply you with heavy weaponry if you go in and slaughter thousands of civilians. So no, if you do that, we're going to stop supplying you, and we're going to tell the world that we warned you and you did it anyway. That should have been done in private. That's what diplomacy is. But Biden PERSON didn't do it in private because Biden PERSON wants the progressivesto switch over to his side. That's why, and that's bad. Bad for the world, bad for everybody. So that would have been the way to handle it. Now, Israel GPE itself, they understand this. If Israel goes in and kills thousands of Palestinian NORP civilians,even if those civilians are being used by Hamas ORG, the whole world turns against Israel GPE. And then Yahoo ORG can blow smoke and say, well, we'll stand alone, but he can't. Okay? You can't. You need the United States and NATO behind you. And believe me, the European countries, they'll throw Israel GPE under the bus in a heartbeat. America is Israel's best ally. And if you did that quietly with Netanyahu PERSON,don't embarrass him. I think you might have been able to accomplish with targeted strikes in Rafa PERSON. And that's the memo. I think it's a fair memo. So our international news partner is called Daily Chatter ORG. You can get it on daily chatter,c-a-t-t-r.com. And the reason we interact with this agency is they have people all over the world. Okay, I can't hire foreign correspondence, but I need an agency that isn't ideological. So I can't use, for example, the economist out of England GPE because they're progressives. I can't use Al Jazeera ORG. They got to boot it out of Israel because they would take in. I can't use Al Jazeera ORG. They got booted out of Israelbecause they were taking Hamas propaganda imprinting it as fact. That's what Al Jazeera ORG was doing. That's the way they got booted. Okay. It's very hard to get independent analysis. Daily Charter did a pretty good job. Okay. And, you know, I know the guy who runs it, he's been on the NoSpin News, pretty confidence. We asked him to say, okay, now, where are we as far as public opinion is concerned? And he steered us, Phil Balboni, the head of Delhi Chatter, to a recent Gallup ORG poll, which I had overlooked, I don't know why. And here is the summation of the poll, quote, after narrowly backingIsrael's military action in Gaza GPE in November, Americans now oppose the campaign by a solid margin. Fifty-five percent currently disapprove of Israel's actions, while 36 percent approve. Okay, so why is the shift going on? Because the American NORP media is not explaining what's happened, as I just did in the Talking Points ORG memo. I mean, they don't, look, you hear ceasefire, ceasefire. You can't have a ceasefire with Hamas holding 150 hostages.You can't. That would be such a dereliction of duty on the part of the Israeli NORP government. If Hamas ORG releases the hostages, and believe me, some of them are dead. Some of them have been murdered. Okay. Then you can start to talk about a ceasefire.Okay. So if you want to check out Daily Shatter ORG, that's up to you. Now, yesterday in Wisconsin, Biden PERSON said some crazy stuff. And then on CNN, in addition to the Israel GPE stuff, he said this. Go.

Speaker 8615.38s - 624.12s

I mean, no president's had the run we've had in terms of creating jobs and bringing down inflation. It was 9% when I came to office. 9%.

Speaker 9624.12s - 626.88s

No pushback from Aaron Burnett.

Speaker 8627.04s - 627.98s

It's not 9%.

Speaker 9627.98s - 739.9s

It was 1.4%. That's a pretty big gap, wouldn't you say? So Biden PERSON goes on national TV says when he came at the office, inflation was 9%. It's a lie. It's an untruth.But is it a conscious lie? I'll get to it in a minute. But the CNN interviewer should have been, no. You can imagine Biden PERSON sitting with me. Okay? No, it was one for. What are you saying in Stein PERSON? Why are you saying stuff like that? Now, the people who don't know anything, okay, well, yeah, when Biden PERSON came in, it was 9% inflation. No, it wasn't. In fact, since Biden's been president, prices for the essentials of life have risen about 20%. To this day, by all inflationis coming out, it's 20%. That's a lot. Under Trump, four years, prices rose 8%. It's a 12% spread. But by, oh, no, no, I had the best economy. I created all the jobs. You didn't create all the jobs.Once the COVID pandemic subsided, then people went back to work. And you're counting that. A job creation. All right. So I know that many anti-Biden people, it's a liar, he's a liar, he's a liar. Okay, here's another one. So Biden PERSON went to school atArchmere Academy in Claymont, Delaware, okay, as an urchin. It's a Catholic NORP school. He had a teacher named Timothy Riley PERSON. Riley PERSON spelled his name wrong, but that's okay. Okay, so Biden tells stories about Mr. Riley PERSON, rule of tape.

Speaker 8739.9s - 748.34s

My theology professor at the Catholic school I went to was a guy named Riley PERSON, last name.

Speaker 9749.02s - 752.28s

And he had been drafted by the Green Bay Packers.

Speaker 8753.18s - 757.32s

And he decided to become a priest before that, so he didn't go.

Speaker 9758.28s - 766.46s

But every single solitary Monday that Green Bay won, we got the last period of the day off.

Speaker 8768.42s - 772.56s

Now Biden's in Wisconsin GPE when he says that, in Green Bay, of course, in Wisconsin.

Speaker 9773.18s - 877.94s

But it's not true. It's not even close to be a true. Okay, so Father Riley PERSON, Professor Riley, whoever he was, he's dead. He died in recently, just recently, April 22nd. He's dead. He wasn't drafted by the Green Bay Pack ORG. Green Bay Pack ORG, go, no, we haven't. Okay, so now you have, in one day, Biden PERSON lying about inflationand telling a phony story about his former teacher. So you go liar, liar, liar, liar. Okay. I'm telling you this is what's going on. He doesn't know what he is saying. What does that mean?He has no censor in his mind. Whatever pops into his mind when he's speaking, he says. Trump PERSON does that, not at this level, but whatever pops into Trump's mind when he's on the stump when he's having a rally, there's no, well, maybe I shouldn't say that or should it a different way. So Biden, because of his declining mental acuity, word of the day, whatever pops into his mind, he says.So he doesn't know whether the Green Bay Packer ORG story is true, but he didn't care. The 9% inflation, that's what he wants to believe. And he knows the press will not call him on it. Okay. I know you disagree. And Bill at Bill O'Reilly.com and fine ORG. I mean, I could

Speaker 3877.94s - 929.38s

be wrong, but I don't think I am. Hey, guys, it's Vivek Ramoswama PERSON here, inviting you to listen to my podcast, truth. We just relaunched it after the campaign, and we are already riding up the podcast charts. Here's why. I think that hard, in-depth conversations about the tough issues is the only way we're going to get this country back. Because make no mistake, we are currently in a war for the future of America GPE, and you cannot win a war unless you're willing to speak the truth. If you want standard conservative talking points, this podcast is not for you. But if you wantto go deeper and hear the conversations you're not going to find anywhere else, the conversations that will challenge you, that will challenge me, then subscribe to Truth with Vivekramuswami on Apple, Spotify ORG, or wherever you get your podcasts. And I promise you, you're going to cover terrain that you're not going to hear elsewhere.

Speaker 14930.18s - 990.2s

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Speaker 9990.96s - 1064.56s

Gallup poll out with an economic profile on this, I think, is going to have a big effect on the vote in November. The question of 1001 adults, again Gallup ORG making a huge mistake, not canvassing registered or likely voters. Adults, you're getting people of no blank an idea. Again, Gallup ORG making a huge mistake, not canvassing registered or likely voters. Dults, you're getting people have no blank an idea. Okay, please tell me how much confidence you have in the following, doing the right thing for the economy. Joe Biden, great deal, fair amount of confidence in the economy, 38, only a little, almost none, 58.20% gap. Donald Trump, great deal, fair amount, 47%. Okay, nine points higher than Biden, only a little almost on 52. So the majority don't think Trump would do a good job on the economy when he did do a good job his first time around. Now, I'm watching News Nation last night because I'm on News Nation on Monday and Wednesday, and you might tune in for that. I think they're pretty lively, 7 o'clock on Monday and 8 with Cuomo on Wednesday.So Cuomo's got Tulsi Gabbard PERSON on because Ms. Gabbard has a new book. It's already a bestseller. And he drops this on her.

Speaker 71064.84s - 1072.1s

Go. So the former President Trump PERSON, your name is supposedly on a short list. Do you agree with that statement? Would you serve with

Speaker 51072.1s - 1079.16s

President Trump PERSON? I've heard the same thing that you have. If asked to serve in that way, I would

Speaker 91079.16s - 1138.9s

be honored. Straightforward answer. Posey Gabbard PERSON is an interesting story. Okay, born in American Samoa out in the Pacific LOC. She moved to Hawaii at the age of two. Had a regular middle class upbringing. Joined the army, and she's still in the reserves. She is an lieutenant colonel.Impressive. Served in Iraq GPE, two tours. One was in Kuwait. One was in Iraq. And then, of course, as you know, was a congresswoman from Hawaii for eight years, four terms. And she joins us now from Washington promoting her book, For Love of Country, Leave the Democrat Party Behind WORK_OF_ART. Okay, so we're happy to have you on the program here. It's going to be different than the other interviews you've done. Do you ever get tired of the pinhead in the media,asking you the predictable questions? You ever get tired of that?

Speaker 41140.66s - 1146.12s

Sometimes I wonder, like, you know, I get they talk to a lot of people, but I don't know.

Speaker 91146.42s - 1163.12s

A little uniqueness is what I count on you for, Bill O'Reilly PERSON. Well, you'll get it here. When I do my book interviews, I just swallow it. I figure as long as they're promoting a book, no matter how dumb the question is, I'm going to answer it, I've got to just get numb to it, you know?

Speaker 01163.36s - 1180.34s

Yeah, that's true. It's like going to the dentist. There are some good interviewers, but not as many as there should be. Okay, so I think you're compatible with Donald Trump PERSON domestically, but I'm not sure about abortion. Do you support

Speaker 91180.34s - 1186s

the Supreme Court's decision on Roe PERSON v. Wade, giving authority to the individual states.

Speaker 51186s - 1212.4s

I do. And I said so when that ruling occurred. And the reason why is because for so long, as you know, the Supreme Court has been largely politicized mostly around this single issue, which is not how our Supreme Court ORG should be, single issue, which is not how our Supreme Court ORG should be. By decentralizing this, making progress in limiting the jurisdiction of the federal government, we are moving in the right

Speaker 01212.4s - 1221.44s

direction. I would argue that there are many other issues where, like education, for example, where there is huge opportunity to do the same.

Speaker 91221.44s - 1258.26s

All right. So you and Trump are compatible because he supports the Supreme Court's ORG decision. But what about states like Idaho and some others who are going to make it very, very difficult to have an abortion?And sometimes, in my opinion, and I am pro-life, because I'm a Roman Catholic NORP, and unlike Joe Biden PERSON, I'm going to follow the tenets of what I believe Christianity ORG is all about.That's my choice. But I do know that in Idaho GPE and other states, you know, even if the woman is severely impacted physically, it's going to be hard for her to have abortion. Where do you come down on that?

Speaker 51258.84s - 1297.2s

Well, this is an issue that's before the Supreme Court currently. I was just learning more and reading more about the case as it's being argued now. Again, this is such a complex conversation and issue, and it needs to be happening at the state level where it is closest to those being impacted. The issues that Idaho is bringing forward to the Supreme Court now, I think, are very telling. I got to be honest, I'm still learning more about the facts.I've listened to some of the arguments, and I'm looking more at the facts of what's happening there versus the rhetoric that's being presented.

Speaker 91297.76s - 1306s

Okay, well, you know, as a politician, I don't want you to get too involved with facts. That's not good. Okay, being a wise guy, but that's me.

Speaker 11306s - 1307s

Fair warning.

Speaker 91307s - 1324.54s

Yeah, that's, that's me. So, if you get the VP nod from Trump PERSON, which you are under consideration, I can tell everybody that, I know that, to be a fact, you would be the first surfing vice president, okay?

Speaker 11324.54s - 1327.94s

I don't know if Dick Cheney PERSON was a surfer, but I don't think he was.

Speaker 41328.28s - 1329.26s

I kind of doubt it.

Speaker 11329.66s - 1331.4s

Maybe I shouldn't prejudge, but.

Speaker 41331.58s - 1336.32s

First surfing vice president, first Samoan NORP vice president,

Speaker 91336.32s - 1339.62s

and the first Hindu NORP vice president.

Speaker 41340.12s - 1342.9s

That is some trifecta there.

Speaker 91343.9s - 1345.54s

Have you thought about that?

Speaker 41347s - 1349.76s

Not, no. To be honest, no, not really.

Speaker 91350.52s - 1351.56s

Well, that was the only softball.

Speaker 41352.68s - 1355.12s

That's the only softball question I'm going to give you.

Speaker 91355.88s - 1357.62s

Well, here, I'll tell you this, Bill PERSON.

Speaker 41357.96s - 1361.1s

We've seen how different people have occupied the White House ORG and presidents,

Speaker 91361.22s - 1363.16s

vice presidents, you know, they've, what was it?

Speaker 41363.22s - 1364.68s

They've got the bowling alley now.

Speaker 51364.76s - 1367.4s

There used to be a pool. I don't think there's a pool there anymore.

Speaker 91367.48s - 1376.74s

No pool. I wish that there was a wave pool somewhere in the greater D.C., northern Virginia, Maryland GPE area. Well, someday when you're president, you can have it installed.

Speaker 41376.9s - 1384.32s

When president can do anything, you can have a wave pool in there. I don't know that that would be the wisest use of taxpayer dollars for the record. However, it would be nice.

Speaker 91384.32s - 1393.42s

If you are on the Trump ticket and you guys win, I want to see Trump and Wyoming Bay LOC with you on the board. That's what I want to see. And then I can die after I see that.

Speaker 41393.42s - 1394.46s

No, don't see that.

Speaker 91394.46s - 1409.9s

Okay. Now, softball is over. Now we go into foreign policy. No, it is here where it gets a little dicey for you, Congresswoman. This is what you said, May 16th, 2022. Go.

Speaker 51410.66s - 1425.3s

What we do know is that the Biden administration has failed to clearly define any objective in this proxy war in Ukraine GPE. They have failed to define what winning looks like. So clearly there is no end in sight without that being defined.

Speaker 91426.36s - 1474.34s

Okay, so I've been very clear, and the Biden PERSON administration is not clear on anything. But if you listen to Blinken and Sullivan, they basically say, we ought to stop Putin PERSON. We're not going to beat Putin PERSON militarily. But British intelligence this week reported Putin's losing a thousand men dead every day in Ukraine, a thousand. And his position in his own country and in the world is much weaker than it was two years ago. So that's the end game to make it impossible for Putin PERSON to expand his totalitarianism.The man is a murderer. He's a killer. Okay. And to send a message to she and other tyrants that this will not be tolerated in the world. So am I wrong because I continue to support American aid to Ukraine GPE?

Speaker 51475.76s - 1504.14s

It still is there is still not a clear end state. At what point is that defined? They say they want to stop Putin PERSON, stop him from being able to extend his incursions, whether it's in Ukraine GPE or in other countries. At what point is that defined? At what point do we stop sending hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine GPE?At what point did the Ukrainian NORP people find peace in their own country and stop seeing the killing and death of their own people?

Speaker 91504.14s - 1509.08s

You can't be a predictor of that. My feeling is if Trump PERSON's reelected, he'll make a deal

Speaker 51509.08s - 1514.38s

with Putin PERSON, okay, because they have some kind of relationship that nobody understands.

Speaker 91514.38s - 1540.14s

But I think that has a much better chance if Trump is president than Biden PERSON. But it's like the Cold War. How long did the Cold War go on from 1945 until Reagan knocked it back 30 years later? And what were you going to say? We're not going to stop the Soviet NORP expansion because we don't have any endgame. This is the same thing. Is it not?

Speaker 51540.64s - 1558.9s

It requires even our own military leaders here in the U.S. at the highest levels, even those who work in the foreign policy arena, many of them, not all, have conceded for months now that the only way that this war ends is with a negotiated outcome.

Speaker 131559.24s - 1562.18s

Yeah, but Putin has to negotiate. It's like Hamas ORG.

Speaker 91562.34s - 1562.7s


Speaker 51562.7s - 1565.82s

Hamas doesn't want to negotiate. Putin PERSON doesn't want to negotiate.

Speaker 91566s - 1567.88s

You've got to make it so painful for him.

Speaker 131567.88s - 1569.14s

That's not completely true.

Speaker 91569.56s - 1573.36s

There have been efforts put forward by leaders of other countries

Speaker 131573.36s - 1578.44s

where they've been able to get parties from Russia and from Ukraine GPE together to the table.

Speaker 51578.96s - 1585.96s

And the Biden PERSON administration has stopped every one of those efforts from proceeding and continuing on.

Speaker 01586.42s - 1589.68s

And ultimately, it is the Ukrainian NORP people who are suffering as a result.

Speaker 91589.68s - 1590.2s

I don't know if that's true.

Speaker 01590.44s - 1591.56s

Here's what I know is true.

Speaker 91591.72s - 1592.32s

Pope Francis.

Speaker 51592.32s - 1601.18s

The former Prime Minister of Israel was one of those people who spoke very clearly about his knowledge of the Biden PERSON administration and leaders in the West standing in the way of

Speaker 91601.18s - 1607.34s

a negotiated peace treaty. It does Joe Biden PERSON no good not to try to bring this to an end, which is why I'm skeptical

Speaker 51607.34s - 1613.14s

of that report. But Pope Francis, but he's doing a lot of things that don't make sense and are not doing any good.

Speaker 91613.14s - 1656.08s

But Pope Francis himself, some emissary to Putin PERSON said, I will broker the peace, and Putin told him they get stuffed. Okay, so that's true. That happened. I know that to be a fact. Now, let's get on to the other soundbite.As you might know, I wrote a book called Killing the Killers WORK_OF_ART, which went all through Obama and Trump PERSON's war against, talk about an unending war, against Islamic NORP terrorism, okay? Here's what you said on January 3rd, 2020, about the assassination of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard leader Soleimani PERSON. Go. This was very clearly an act of war by

Speaker 51656.08s - 1681s

this president without any kind of authorization or declaration of war from Congress ORG, clearly violating the Constitution LAW. It further escalates this tit for tat that's going on and on and on will elicit a very serious response from Iran GPE and pushing us deeper and deeper into this quagmire. And it really begs the question, for what? So you're criticizing Trump PERSON there

Speaker 91681s - 1685.04s

for waxing Soleimani PERSON. Do you stand by that or have you changed your opinion?

Speaker 51686.16s - 1697.88s

Well, as you see, my point there was that this was an act of war that Congress ORG did not declare. That was the main point there. I believe strongly in the separation of powers.

Speaker 91698.88s - 1705.52s

You can't fight the war on terror by getting congressional approval for actions that have to take place like that.

Speaker 51706.08s - 1713.86s

Baghdad and ISIS, all of those things. Even Osama bin Laden's assassination was not approved by Congress ORG.

Speaker 91714.16s - 1719.48s

Surely you didn't object to that. Congress ORG, I supported, I was not in office at the time,

Speaker 01719.48s - 1740.16s

but have spoken out and supported the continuance of those authorities that Congress did pass, the authorization to use military force to go after al-Qaeda and those terrorist organizations that came after us on 9-11 and that have popped up and continue to morph into different groups like ISIS, Al-Qaeda ORG, and so forth.

Speaker 51740.16s - 1743.92s

I've been very outspoken about the need for a defeat radical Islamist NORP terrorism.

Speaker 01750.46s - 1751.4s

The difference and distinction there on the war powers is this was a high general in the Iranian NORP military.

Speaker 51751.9s - 1752s


Speaker 91752.36s - 1754.86s

That is a different, that is a different situation.

Speaker 11754.86s - 1757.3s

Designated terrorist because he killed civilians.

Speaker 91757.7s - 1762.16s

The War Powers Act that Bush PERSON, the younger side, gives the authority of the president to do it.

Speaker 01762.36s - 1764.68s

He had the authority to kill Soleimani al-Baghdadi PERSON.

Speaker 91765.76s - 1799.68s

Obama had the authority to kill Soleimani al-Baghdadi. Obama had the authority to kill bin Laden. But I think you would, once you get into that office and you get the national security briefings every day, I believe, because I think you're a very smart woman and you know the big picture, you've got to fight that war that way.You get a chance to take out the leader of Hamas ORG. You don't go to Congress ORG. You take them right off the map. You have to do it that way. You get a chance to take out the leader of Hamas. You don't go to Congress ORG. You take them right off the map. You have to do it that way. A couple more questions, and I'm sorry to keep you so long,but you're such a good guest. And I want everybody to read your book, because I read your book. And I'm so busy, it hurts. I read the book, and it flows nicely.

Speaker 51799.68s - 1802.68s

Did you get shot at the rack? That means a lot coming from you.

Speaker 91802.68s - 1805.08s

And it's honest. I really do. If I thought the book was terrible, I wouldn't say anything. Did you get shot out in Iraq GPE? That means a lot coming from you. That means a lot coming from you. And it's honest. I really do.

Speaker 51807.56s - 1808.78s

If I thought the book was terrible, I wouldn't say anything.

Speaker 91810.94s - 1811.64s

Did you get shot out in Iraq GPE when you were over there?

Speaker 51815.62s - 1815.9s

A lot of mortars and indirect fire on almost an everyday basis. Okay.

Speaker 91816.14s - 1822.8s

Because you're over there a year and then you went back to Kuwait GPE. And you're a lieutenant colonel, right? And you're still in the reserves, right? I am.

Speaker 51822.92s - 1831.72s

I was deployed to East Africa a couple of years ago. We'll be taking a command of a Army Reserve Battalion ORG here on June 1st.

Speaker 91832.12s - 1852s

I think you have the strongest resume of any vice presidential person being considered by Trump PERSON. Final question. Hawaii. I love Hawaii. But it's Looney PERSON left. It's MaisieHurano. It's crazy left. You used to be it's loony left. It's Maisie Hirono PERSON. It's crazy left. You used to be semi-crazy left, but you changed.

Speaker 11852s - 1857.56s

You changed, but Hawaii still remains the socialist paradise.

Speaker 91857.56s - 1866.24s

All right, if you had to pinpoint one thing that made you change, what would it be? One thing. There are so many things that you saw in the book, but really what it one thing that made you change, what would it be?

Speaker 51870.46s - 1882.94s

One thing. There are so many things that you saw in the book, but really what it all boiled down to, Bill, was about the Democrat NORP elite, not only opposing, but trying to undermine our fundamental rights and freedoms, because that is at the heart of everything. That is who we are

Speaker 11882.94s - 1885.78s

as a country. Well, they want to do that.

Speaker 51887s - 1888.12s

We have people in power. They're trying to shut us up.

Speaker 11888.68s - 1889.9s

They're afraid of a free people.

Speaker 51890.08s - 1891.5s

They're afraid of a free society.

Speaker 11891.68s - 1896.46s

They're afraid of a democracy where we get to decide who gets to serve in the presidency

Speaker 51896.46s - 1907.52s

and in power. They're terrified because they know deep down inside we will see the truth about their abuse of power and we'll throw them out of office. And that's what I hope happens in November.

Speaker 91908s - 1916.34s

Well, see, I mean, it's a big turning point. So that was a boring interview. I bet you that was one of the better ones, right? It was great. Yes, absolutely no question.

Speaker 51916.34s - 1918.3s

You don't have to say that. You can, you know.

Speaker 41918.64s - 1921.14s

I know I don't have to. All right.

Speaker 91921.44s - 1925.38s

So the book is, for love of country, leave the Democrat Party ORG behind.

Speaker 41925.92s - 1932.02s

Great gift for mom on her day coming up on a Sunday or everybody who wants to learn about an honest politician.

Speaker 91932.2s - 1935.16s

I believe Congresswoman Gabbard PERSON is that.

Speaker 41935.3s - 1935.98s

Thanks for appearing.

Speaker 91936.24s - 1937.12s

Thank you so much.

Speaker 41937.24s - 1937.76s

I hope. Right.

Speaker 51938.14s - 1938.96s

I look forward to it.

Speaker 91939.76s - 1944.38s

Step into the world of power, loyalty, and luck.

Speaker 51944.38s - 1946.92s

I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.

Speaker 111947s - 1969.46s

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Speaker 131969.76s - 1977.36s

No purchase necessary. VGW Group ORG. Voidware prohibited by law. 18 plus. Terms and conditions apply. It's time for today's Luckyland Horoscope with Victoria Cash PERSON.

Speaker 121977.96s - 1998.52s

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Speaker 131998.72s - 2004.14s

Available to players in the U.S. excluding Washington and Michigan GPE. No purchase necessary. VGW Group ORG. Void were prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions supply.

Speaker 92010.78s - 2131.82s

Now there are a lot of podcasts around, okay? And I'm not an internet guy, but I get a report and I see things from my staff. My staff's deeply involved in social media and all that. And they should be. There's a lot of stuff going on and I'm an idiot. I don't know anything about it. So I got an email from a friend in Florida GPE saying, oh man, your no spin podcast is the greatest and I had to correct them. They say it's not a podcast. We do a newscast. The rules are different. We do journalism, podcasts, our opinion, and entertainment. Okay, now I try to make the journalism as entertaining as possible. And we take segments of our presentation during this newscasts, and we put them under the podcast labels in many places.All right, the reason we are so successful here at the no-spin news and bill o'Reilly.com is because we're worldwide now you can catch us on youtube on all kinds of things i mean i have a list of where we are we're everywhere and some of those places are podcasts but in the straight podcast world there's one i want to bring to your attention it's called truth with by veck ramwamy PERSON. Okay, ran for president. He'd been on the NOSBIN News ORG before.Doing very well, and he's concentrating on a lot of media. This is what the full screen definition of his podcast says. The media has systematically lied to you about the war in Iraq, 2008 financial crisis, Russian NORP collusion hoax that never was, COVID-19 origins, Hunter Biden's laptop, the truth about January 6th, and how our money is being spent in Ukraine GPE, the transgender Nashville shooter memo. The list goes on. Joining us now from Columbus, Ohio GPE,is Vivek Ramoswamy PERSON. So, congrats on the project. We need all voices, particularly from people who actually think about stuff. You don't think President Biden is going to, President Trump PERSON's going to die anytime.

Speaker 32133.24s - 2140.46s

That's great analysis. I might die. It's the sheer joy as they say it that you actually got

Speaker 02140.46s - 2149.54s

to dissect here. That's actually what's going on is there's this word called Shadenfreude. It refers to rejoicing in somebody else's sorrow. That's what I saw there,

Speaker 32149.54s - 2174.98s

and I think that's what's disgusting. But that's also the theme of why I've launched this podcast. One of the things I saw in the presidential campaign bill was the media has just systematically made a business of lying. And you talk about news media. The idea that the news is actually the news is still the myth that many people in this country indulge. I saw that in my campaign. The objective of the news media isn't to actually report what is happening.It's to create an impression that stops people from seeing what's happening.

Speaker 92175.58s - 2176.32s

I think you're right.

Speaker 32176.72s - 2186.12s

Generally speaking, it's driven by ideology, particularly the corporate media, which has now decided, look, the way we make money is to preach to acquire.

Speaker 92186.68s - 2208.94s

We don't care about the majority of the American NORP people. We want to spotlight certain people, have them come in as many nights as they can, and we'll give them what they want. And I think that's beyond dispute. But let's get your point of view on a number of things. So you say how our money is being spent in Ukraine GPE. Do you think we're being fleeced here as American NORP taxpayers?

Speaker 32212.98s - 2218.4s

I think we have been fleeced as American taxpayers because we have very little accounting of where that first $100 billion went. And I think it is a mistake. And frankly, it's a bipartisan

Speaker 92218.4s - 2223.26s

mistake to fork over more money to Ukraine GPE when we don't have an answer for what the next

Speaker 32223.26s - 2227.24s

$100 billion is going to accomplish that the first $100 billion didn't.

Speaker 92227.44s - 2265.16s

Okay. Let me stop you there. You know that all foreign aid is given to the countries and there is no accountability for that foreign aid. We do not audit foreign aid that goes into any country. We don't have that authority to do it.Now we're going to ask them. But to me, looking at the Ukraine war with Russia, the Ukrainians have fought pretty hard, almost to a standoff against Putin PERSON, a much more powerful person and country. And I know that the aid that Americans and NATO ORG have provided Ukraine GPE has allowed that.

Speaker 32267.92s - 2267.98s

Would you say I'll, I'll push back.

Speaker 92270.08s - 2270.24s

I think you're partially wrong, Bill PERSON, with due respect.

Speaker 32273.66s - 2283.36s

Because had the United States GPE not provided that aid, you know who would have, it would have been Germany in Western European NORP countries, who have actually enjoyed the security blanket that the United States GPE has provided without actually any particular accountability.

Speaker 92283.36s - 2288.18s

You would have been willing to take that chance because Putin PERSON takes that country over.

Speaker 32288.2s - 2291.9s

There's an article today in a Wall Street Journal about Georgia, the country of Georgia,

Speaker 92292.46s - 2298.58s

and how Putin is trying to undermine that country now. Georgia would like to get into the EU ORG,

Speaker 32298.8s - 2301.16s

forget it, Putin PERSON's got us people only.

Speaker 92301.46s - 2310.82s

All right. Now, I had Tulsi Gabbard on yesterday and we disagreed on Ukraine GPE. I am firmly in the camp. I don't think it's unlimited, by the way. I don't think you just keep

Speaker 32310.82s - 2315.1s

sending and sending and sending. I think you and I may have a respectful disagreement on this.

Speaker 92315.1s - 2320.26s

I think one of the things we have done in this Ukraine GPE war by the U.S. funding Ukraine is that

Speaker 02320.26s - 2327.84s

we're actually driving Russia further into China's hands. The Russia-China alliance is stronger today than it was two years ago.

Speaker 92327.84s - 2328.68s

There's no doubt about that.

Speaker 12328.68s - 2331.68s

As opposed to what I think we should have done, Bill PERSON,

Speaker 92331.68s - 2333.78s

which was in the early part of this war,

Speaker 02334.14s - 2335.78s

this is now going back a couple of years,

Speaker 92336.16s - 2380.56s

there should have been an easy, quick negotiation that Zelensky PERSON was ready for. Who didn't want it? Well, no, no, no, no. You know who didn't want it? Boris Johnson, who traveled. I think itwas that april soon after the war started when zolensky was ready to negotiate boris johnson PERSON who was facing his own issues created a deflection and travel to ukraine that effectively convinced zelensky out of it so i think that many ways we have who didn't want he doesn't want it he can't sell it he's a big strong man but you're're right about Russia and China GPE being closer together because when evil coalesces, and that's what's happening in the world, Iran, Russia, China GPE, evil. They want to cause problems.We need to disband the Russia-China GPE alliance.

Speaker 32380.68s - 2382.86s

I think that's got to be the top goal of U.S.

Speaker 92382.86s - 2386.16s

You can't disband it. I mean, we have no sway to disband it.

Speaker 32386.58s - 2408.64s

Well, here's the thing, Bill PERSON. They're going to do what's best for them. And what they want to do is we can us. Because, you know, it's a healthy, we don't have these healthy debates on the right enough. People said the same thing. You can't do it back in the 1970s when Richard Nixon PERSON made a plan to actually move. Did you trust Mao Zedong? No, but get Mao Zedong out of the hands of the USSR GPE. People said that was impossible.

Speaker 92409.2s - 2410.8s

Now, did Nixon trust Mao PERSON, though?

Speaker 12410.82s - 2411.6s

Of course not.

Speaker 92411.9s - 2412.74s

It wasn't Mao PERSON.

Speaker 12413.54s - 2414.52s

It was after Mao PERSON.

Speaker 32415.22s - 2415.58s

No, no.

Speaker 12415.62s - 2417.74s

Well, he pulled him out, pulled,

Speaker 92418.22s - 2428.84s

pulled Mao-led China slowly weakened to that alliance with the USSR GPE. Yes, but it was new leadership that was, and the people were starving and Nixon PERSON had an upper hand there. It wasn't Mao PERSON. Mao PERSON wouldn't have never done that.

Speaker 32429.4s - 2441.92s

But Putin will, I think if Trump PERSON is elected. My point is people thought it was unthinkable at the time. Just as it's unthinkable today to pull Russia out of China GPE's hands. But I think we can do it in every step we've taken, I think has had the inadvertent effect.

Speaker 92442.04s - 2443.46s

I'm not saying here's what's possible.

Speaker 142443.6s - 2445.6s

But the inadvertent effect of pulling them into Russia GPE's hands.

Speaker 92445.64s - 2460.58s

I think you and I agree that the Russia-China GPE alliance is the single greatest threat we face. There's no question about that. But you've got to put Iran GPE into that triumvirate. But I believe if Trump is re-elected that he'll make a deal with Putin PERSON.

Speaker 32461.7s - 2464.36s

I believe that Biden PERSON is no shot.

Speaker 92466.82s - 2473.36s

No, because Biden would try. But Trump, seriously. You have to actually have fear. He and Putin PERSON have some weird thing going on that

Speaker 32473.36s - 2480.24s

nobody knows about. Okay. Now, there is a possibility that if Trump is elected in November,

Speaker 92480.24s - 2485.42s

you will get a cabinet position or be offered one.

Speaker 32486s - 2488.16s

Which cabinet position would you want?

Speaker 92489.3s - 2494.14s

Look, I'm open-minded on the best way I can maximize impact to this country.

Speaker 32494.14s - 2496.5s

Tell me where you think your talents would be best used.

Speaker 02497.06s - 2500.88s

I'll tell you one of the things, a couple of the areas where I focused immensely on the campaign.

Speaker 32501.1s - 2503.98s

Two areas, you can think about it as two sets of mass deportation.

Speaker 92504.52s - 2508.52s

The first mass deportation I think we need in this country is anybody who's in this country

Speaker 32508.52s - 2510.82s

illegally needs to be returned to their country.

Speaker 92510.82s - 2515.54s

Do you want to be Homeland Security ORG Chief? Stop. We talk about the positions, but that's

Speaker 32515.54s - 2519.68s

objectives of what needs to be accomplished in the next administration. Do I think we need

Speaker 92519.68s - 2524.84s

a better successor to Mayorkas PERSON, absolutely? But what do you want to do by that? Come on.

Speaker 32525.28s - 2526.18s

Well, I want to change this country.

Speaker 92526.28s - 2527.24s

I want to be the president.

Speaker 32527.24s - 2529.28s

Which is why Iran GPE. You know yourself.

Speaker 92529.28s - 2541.02s

The second thing I want to do, this is actually really important, is the mass deportation of federal bureaucrats out of Washington GPE, D.C. Okay. So playing a major role in either training. Why are you dodging this question?

Speaker 32541.12s - 2543.32s

It's such an easy question. What?

Speaker 92543.32s - 2546.8s

The reality is there's a lot of things that are used if Trump PERSON is considering you. What the part? dodging this question is such an easy question what reality where would your talents be best used

Speaker 32546.8s - 2553.76s

if trump is considering you what department come on either drain in the swamp or protecting our

Speaker 12553.76s - 2557.76s

border and mass deporting illegals all right the number one objective that we're going to have though

Speaker 02557.76s - 2561.52s

is winning the election this november and i'll be respectful the conversations i've had with him

Speaker 32561.52s - 2565.04s

but i think what i want to focus on here is how do we actually achieve the mission?

Speaker 92566.16s - 2567.48s

Okay, Vivek, very good.

Speaker 32567.58s - 2569.8s

Again, I want to remind people the truth.

Speaker 92569.94s - 2572.16s

How many podcasts do you do a week?

Speaker 02572.54s - 2572.86s

How many?

Speaker 92573.18s - 2573.86s

I'm doing once a week.

Speaker 32574.06s - 2582.16s

The truth comes out once a week. And when does it go up? When is the best day to go? It just went up today. So the first major episode with the relaunch just went up today.

Speaker 92582.16s - 2587.76s

I had a great conversation with Ann Coulter about the future of nationalism and national identity in America GPE and we had a

Speaker 02587.76s - 2592.56s

great discussion sparred about a lot of things and so it's a good taste of what this is about.

Speaker 72592.56s - 2597.6s

Did it? We had a good debate. We had a healthy debate but it was actually very friendly and respectful

Speaker 92597.6s - 2602.32s

which is I think what we need more on the right is actual debate but do it in an intelligent way

Speaker 72602.32s - 2608.34s

rather than just spouting off talking points. All right so Ann Coulter and Vive Vivek, Ramswami, on The Truth WORK_OF_ART. We appreciate you coming out.

Speaker 02608.38s - 2611.74s

You're welcome anytime, Vivek. Thanks for taking the time today.

Speaker 32612.46s - 2616.96s

Hey, guys, it is Ryan PERSON. I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I'm a bit of a fun fanatic one

Speaker 92616.96s - 2621.04s

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Speaker 72621.08s - 2629.64s

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Speaker 22635.26s - 2639.96s

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Speaker 132640.04s - 2642.68s

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Speaker 02643.4s - 2671.78s

I'm Mike Slater from the podcast, Politics by Faith ORG. This is a crazy time in our country. It's stressful. A lot of anxiety. And it's going to get worse. And I realize that one of the things that helps me take away the stress is realizing that there's nothing new under the sun. So on this podcast, we take the news of the day and we run it through the Bible WORK_OF_ART and other periods in history to realize that we've been through this before and we can rise above again. Politics by Faith ORG, anywhere you listen to a podcast, Politics by Faith.

Speaker 92673s - 2892.4s

Smart Life Fast Food. So in 2019, fast food prices, burger prices, chicken, all that, up 33%. Thank you, Joe Biden. 33%. Okay. Grocery store prices up 26%. So fast foods outpacing the grocery store.Okay, sales in the first three months of this fiscal year DATE, are down about 4%. The people are going, you know what, the Big Mac PRODUCT's not worth it, or whatever it may be. And I'm putting this in smart life because this is a good thing. Because that food will kill you. It will absolutely kill you if you eat a steady diet of that garbage. I'm sorry. It's loaded with sugar and salt. And if you're eating it two, three times a week, you're going to dieearly and you're going to die painful. Now, there should be warning signs all over the place about this, but there aren't. And poor people, they think they can get a happy meal, all right, for less than they could, you know, get a decent meal. And so they go in. That's why I'm putting this in smart life. I'm happy that the prices are up in these fast food joints. Now, full disclosure, I never go to the mainstream fast food places.I will go to Chick-fil-A. I will go there. You know, occasionally. But that's about it. I'm not going to the others. It's just awful.And if you haven't eaten it in a while and then you go and eat it, your stomach old. It'll tell you. Trust me on that. All right, here's the final thought of the day. Part of life and the negative part of it is that sometimes people you trust and lovewill disappoint you. It's a given that people you don't know that well will disappoint you. That happens every day to everybody. How do you handle? So I'm a confrontational person. Oh, I didn't know that you.But that did not suit me well. So when people disappointed me, I'd tell them. Sometimes you have to do that. If the disappointment is ongoing and hurting other people or yourself, you got to say, hey, enough, enough, and explain why. But I've learned that when people disappoint you, another way to go is to let it ride for a little while. Don't ignore it.Okay. You've got to tell them. You're a little disappointing. You can say it. But don't make a big deal out of it. Don't make accusations. Don't do any of that. And then if it comes around to a discussion, you don't say, you did this. Because that's immediately they're going to go on the defensive. They'll have a million excuses. We live in the United States GPE of excuses. You know that. Everybody knows that. Okay. You say, this is what I would have done. That's the way to handle this stuff. And about 50% of the time, you'll persuade people who havedisappointed you that they were wrong. The other 50%, you're not going to win it. And you'll let it go if you really think the person has value. If you are like this about the person, then they get put on waivers.

Speaker 02893.32s - 2898.64s

All right, final thought of the day. Thank you for watching and listening to the No Spin News WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 92899.28s - 2900.06s

We'll see you again on Monday.

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