Elizabeth Wolak - The Tower, Tarot, Intuition, Self-Love, Human Design, Deconditioning, 5/1 Profile, The 6th Line Process, Live Tarot Reading

Elizabeth Wolak - The Tower, Tarot, Intuition, Self-Love, Human Design, Deconditioning, 5/1 Profile, The 6th Line Process, Live Tarot Reading

by Dr. Daniel Atkins

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81:51 minutes

published 15 days ago

American English

Dr. Daniel Atkins

Speaker 30s - 149.14s

Hi everyone. Welcome to the Be the Vessel podcast. My name is Daniel PERSON, and I play the roles of channeler and intuitive psychologist, aiming to bridge all aspects of the healing arts while navigating my return journey to the stars. I interview those journeying through all aspects of the healing arts while navigating my return journey to the stars. I interview those journeying through all aspects of healing, whether that be from more traditional Western NORP frames or from a more spiritual or spirit-based connection. What I always find is that everyone is a bridge between worlds, a universe unto themselves, and a unique light that shinesbrightly for the collective. If you like what you hear and are interested in more of my offerings, consider joining the Be The Vessel ORG community at patreon.com slash Dr. Daniel Atkins, where you will find various unique offerings, bonus content, and podcasts such as my own channeled information and the new Be the Vessel Healing ORG series. May you find what you're looking for and remember the light within.And lastly, the views in this episode do not represent my personal views, nor are they to be taken as medical advice or scientific fact. Always do your own research, come to your own conclusions, and trust your own guidance. Elizabeth Wolack PERSON is a tarot reader and astrology and human design enthusiast with a passion for deeper understanding of herself and others.She credits Tarot for helping her organize and understand her thoughts, feelings, and actions, human design for accepting her worth and things she felt were inherent flaws, and astrology for seeing that there are no accidents. She believes that true healing is available within each of us if we allow ourselves to go into our own depths and discover our true selves. Tarrow, human design, and astrology have been empowering on Liz PERSON's own journey of self-discovery and self-love, and she's passionateabout sharing them with others. You can find her on YouTube at Heretic Owl Tarot ORG or on Instagram at heretic.owl ORG. Please enjoy this conversation with Liz PERSON as we explore the journey of self-acceptance through tarot, astrology, and human design. May this episode be an invitation, a medicine, and a gift to exploring your own strange design and honoring the natural gifts within. Hi Liz PERSON, thanks so much for being here and welcome to the show.Thank you.

Speaker 0149.34s - 152.36s

It's an honor and a pleasure. I'm so excited to be here.

Speaker 3153.6s - 224.6s

Yeah, I'm really excited to have you here. And for us to chat during this potent eclipse portal, which we were just discussing, is not always for the faint of heart. We each have our unique astrological transes taking place and hitting us in all the right places and making for a very transformative period of time.So I'm sure it's an auspicious time for us to be speaking. I found you on YouTube just because I liked your energy and the intuitive way you used tarot. And tarot is not a frame that I'd explored a ton. I've used Oracle ORG cards, but I've always been interested. I've loved the art, the creativity of it,and I've just been in a period where anything that supports that intuitive flow and that creativity and some form of guidance because I'm always lookingfor some guidance right now.

Speaker 2224.94s - 226.02s

It turns out.

Speaker 3227.02s - 249.92s

And I like the way he did it and the way you've combined various frames that have also been of interest to me, like human design, astrology. And so we'll dig into all that. The place I would love to start is a really is is probably the most feared

Speaker 0249.92s - 256.4s

card in the deck that I know of and an essential one one that I can certainly relate to and I think

Speaker 3256.4s - 268.1s

you can too which is the tower card it strikes me as the like the plutonian card, like the Pluto of the deck.

Speaker 2269.38s - 273.3s

And just, you know, in some of the writing, you'd sent me in some of the conversations we'd had,

Speaker 3273.38s - 303.16s

you'd discussed having a tower period of your own, which I think all of us do, which tends to sort of course correct us a bit and point us closer toward our heart guided truth. So I would just love to give you the opportunity to speak a little bit about that, the tower period for you and how it has, what it has, what has died and what has been

Speaker 1303.16s - 306.12s

reborn or is continuing to emerge as a result?

Speaker 0309.3s - 311.62s

Literally everything has died.

Speaker 1313.62s - 321.78s

I feel, you know, and with the tower, it can be one aspect of your life.

Speaker 0322.14s - 326.62s

It can be, you know, a behavior pattern, a thought pattern, an identity,

Speaker 1326.62s - 333.62s

which, you know, of course, can consume us, or it can, in my case, be your entire life.

Speaker 0334s - 342.78s

And what you thought, you know, your life was going to be in the first place. And it's also,

Speaker 2342.88s - 349.76s

it's one of those things of you can resist it and it can be worse, you know, it can be

Speaker 0349.76s - 437.42s

even more uncomfortable or, and, you know, I mean, of course, like, it's hard to just continue to surrender, right? You know, like, I think eventually we all come back to the, um, the notion that, okay, you know, I just, I do need to surrender, but there's certain things that we do just want to hold on to, you know, there, I remember amidst the, like, when I was in the middle of it, I just remember being like, I was holding on so tight to this idea of where I belonged or where I thought I fit in. And I refused. I remember I washaving a conversation with a mentor slash somebody who helped me unpack a lot of my, the crumble that was the tower. And I remember saying this is one aspect of my life that I refused to let go of. And eventually those things just made their way out of my life. And I think speaking of Pluto, Pluto was in Capricorn GPE, right, for the last, what was it, 16 years or something like that. apricorn, right, for the last, what was it, 16 years or something like that. And that was my seventh house of relationships, partners, you know, like other people. And in that time, I lost a majority of a friend

Speaker 2437.42s - 450.16s

group. I got married and divorced in the span of a year. Wow. Yeah. I moved away from, you know, like what was familiar to me.

Speaker 0450.16s - 543.74s

Like, you know, physically, I moved an hour away from what I was used to. And it did kind of put me in this place of isolation. But I really think that I needed that because I did have the space to unpack all of that. And like I said, I had an amazing mentor that helped me. I always kind of say he kept the light on for me. But, you know, the tower card, of course, too, it's only going to affect what is no longerserving us in the first place. So timelines that haven't been closed out because we're waiting for closure. No, the ending of it was the closure. We're moving on from it. You know, again, relationships, jobs, where you live, it's only going to affect those aspects of our lives that really are no longer serving our highest good. And again, right? I mean, it can be very uncomfortable and dismantling, but on the other side of it, I've never been more myself, which I even had to figure that out. Who am I? So, yeah,I still feel like that is still unfolding but it's it's easier to make those decisions now it's easier to say yes it's an alignment with who I am who I want to be the the goals that I have for myself or not you know yeah and so like that that seventh house

Speaker 3543.74s - 563.88s

first house axis you know reminds me also of kind of the Libra Ares eclipse axis we're in now and that idea of where we're performing, where we're sacrificing to hold on to the relationships to be validated in those dynamics.

Speaker 0564.96s - 565.02s

And so it sounds like maybe you are being hit in all the places to let. to be validated in those dynamics.

Speaker 3570.76s - 583.08s

And so it sounds like maybe you are being hit in all the places to let some of that go. So out of this, and was that the period you were, was that the period you were telling me about sort of, you know, 2017 around that area?

Speaker 0583.96s - 601.38s

2017, 2018 is when 2017 around that area? 2017, 2018 is when all of that really started kicking up. And I want to say, maybe not, because I wonder if the nodes were in cancer and Capricorn GPE around that time, I don't know,

Speaker 3601.38s - 606.04s

but it would be interesting to look at that.

Speaker 2606.6s - 607.16s


Speaker 3608.28s - 609.06s

And would you?

Speaker 0609.18s - 616.6s

And so I'm curious out of that period of being invited, let's say, to let's

Speaker 3616.6s - 628.32s

go of those aspects, how have you noticed yourself able to step further into some kind of authenticity or, you know,

Speaker 0628.36s - 632s

the aspects of you that are meant to, that are meant on.

Speaker 3632s - 632.16s


Speaker 0633.48s - 641.72s

You know, I think I also, for one, it opened my mind to the possibility.

Speaker 3642.74s - 650.7s

And for me, so what kick started all of this was that I did leave a marriage after eight months.

Speaker 0651.34s - 778.1s

And by the time I left that marriage, I had him pretty much leveled as far as I didn't really have anything that I needed to heal that way. But I was left with how did I even end up in a marriage that I would leave after eight months? And so then it was like, who, what even makes me who I am? Like, you know, the decisions that I make the job that I was in, how did I get to at that point? That was,what, six years ago? So I was like 34-ish like how did I even end up here at 34 and where do I want to go going forward and and again you know I did have that that friend that I talked to a lot who is very interested in psychology which was super helpful because I didn't have a therapist that I went to regularly. So that helped. But then I started seeking out Reiki and just energy healing in general.I did pick up my, I purchased a tarot deck before I left the marriage, but I just kind of hit it. I didn't want to be judged. But I just, I didn't have the mental capacity to get into it. So shortly after I got settled, I started, you know, unpacking my own baggage. I did pick up that tarot deck that I bought. And I just, I went ham.I had a whole notebook that I wrote down each tarot card on its own page I went through the books that I had I think at the time I had four or five tarot decks so I went through each card and I wrote down the keywords for each card I was watching tarot readings on YouTube so anytime anybody would explain a card in a way that I hadn't heard before, I would write that down. I started doing tarot readings for my closest friends and I was doing tarot readings for myself every day, probably a couple times a day.

Speaker 2778.54s - 789.4s

And that even helped me understand my feelings, my thoughts, you know, like, because every card has its own

Speaker 0789.4s - 866.64s

separate meaning. Every suit has its own general meaning. So even just if I was feeling overwhelmed, it helped me compartmentalize and have a focus because then I would write down the tarot cards that I pulled and I would write all my feelings about what the spread was. And of course, too, even giving readings to other people helped me also understand the energies of those cards. But anyway, so energy healing for sure. I ended up getting attuned in Reiki one and two myselfbecause I was like, I need this in my life. I ended up also going master level. You know, even just tarot readings, like I said, you know, on YouTube were really even just a, they kind of kept my head above water sometimes, like you said, right? It's like seeking guidance or even validation for the way that you're feeling or thinking,like you know something is coming or something's changing or something's happening. And to hear somebody else who you don't know on YouTube ORG right like confirm

Speaker 2866.64s - 877.84s

a message for you like okay okay you don't continue to move forward yeah and it sounds like surrendering

Speaker 0877.84s - 886.82s

that fear of judgment you know sort of forcibly actually allowed you to start to pursue the things

Speaker 3886.82s - 894.26s

you were naturally attracted to and to receive guidance from these places you were naturally

Speaker 1894.26s - 904.78s

drawn to. It's kind of like when the shell starts to crack, you know, we start to let the

Speaker 2904.78s - 914.64s

light in from places that previously we may have been scared that people wouldn't understand that we don't necessarily understand, but something is drawing us to it.

Speaker 3914.72s - 927.18s

Something is pulling us toward these expressions, which a lot of times I feel just mirror back things we already know within ourselves, but they may be buried

Speaker 0927.18s - 932.72s

and we're sort of starting to untangle them. And some of these modalities that we get

Speaker 3932.72s - 937.86s

attracted to, just mirror back what we're ready to hear, what we're ready to know about

Speaker 2937.86s - 952.32s

ourselves, what we're ready to express and step into. So with tarot, were you sort of learning the craft through YouTube,

Speaker 3952.32s - 960.08s

through the books, had you known about how it was practiced and how, you know, what, like,

Speaker 2960.08s - 964s

literally what the cards meant and how to step into that? Or were you sort of learning as you

Speaker 3964s - 970.08s

go and, you know, using your own guidance, your own intuition to sort of to practice?

Speaker 0971.4s - 998.14s

I think it was a little bit of bull. I think the first terror reading I got was when I was around 18 or so. I knew about like psychics and that type of thing prior because my mom got a psychic reading when I was like 12 or 13. And I just remember listening to the the cassette tape recording of that and just being like,

Speaker 2998.18s - 1001.78s

that is so cool that somebody can do that.

Speaker 01001.78s - 1107.1s

And I was just hooked from then. But I got my first terror rating when I was 18 or 19. I actually worked with the lady's sister. And she came in. Her name was Laura PERSON. She came in to the store that I was working atand totally blew the socks off of one of the guys that I worked with. And I was like, I want a reading from you, pronto. So I went over to her house. And honestly, for like the next year or so, I was getting readings from her maybe once every six months, like maybe twice a year,until I ended up moving out of the state that I was from. But she just used a regular deck of playing cards. And I thought that was amazing because I just was so enthralled with the intuition around it, but I just don't think that I knew how to connect with my own or even thought that I had my own intuition. But then just over the years, you know, just things happening and they're like, I had a gut feeling, like I knew that was going to happen, right?Good, bad, or otherwise. So when I first started learning hero, I didn't really know the meanings of the cards. I knew, you know, just kind of basic, but as far as like deeper meaning, and I know like this one, I took this short little course that I bought for 20 bucks or so. And it was, it was all about looking at the cards and just intuitively finding a meaning. And that just scared me because I was like, no.What?

Speaker 31107.18s - 1107.94s

There's no instructions?

Speaker 01108.22s - 1209.02s

There's no rule book that tells me what to know? My Virgo Moon is freaking out over here. Like I need more information. And I'm a 5-1 in human design. And that first line, I need a foundation of knowledge. So, but at the same time,it's also, it's just good to know that even intuitively reading the cards is a possibility too. But for me, I wanted to also honor the tradition. I knew that each card had a specific meaning. And I feel like once I figured out what that was, then it was like, you know, my intuition around them even opened up because I felt more comfortable just having that was. Then it was like, you know, my intuition around them even opened up becauseI felt more comfortable just having that foundation. But also that is what's important to me. And for other people, I've heard they pick up the cards and they can just intuitively pull messages out of them. And that's amazing. You know, we're all different in that capacity. But yeah, so I did need to have just my own understanding of them. And I went about it in my own little way. And it worked out fairly well.And now, you know, I do, when I do mess or readings on YouTube ORG or even in person, I like to explain the message of the card or the meaning of the card because I even say we all have our own intuition and you may receive a message that I'm not saying out loud to you, but from understanding the card or even looking at the card yourself, you might receive your own message. And that is 100% true. That is 100% a message for you. Yeah. And it's,

Speaker 31209.02s - 1296.36s

you know, it's a, it's a dance with intuition, right? So like I, you know, my son is in Virgo and my moon is in Pisces LOC. And, you know, I've talked about sort of the polarity that I navigate. And also, I was born one day after a lunar eclipse. So the nodes are, my south node is right next to my son in Burgo GPE. My north node is right next to my moon and Pisces. So sort of, it's like this life path is encouraging me to let go of what I've held on to for many lifetimes, let's say, which is the knowing and then the speaking from that intellect and like surrendering. But for me and kind of like what you were saying,it's helpful to get a frame of things. It's like, okay, well, let me, let me start to understand what, you know, these things are purported to me or these cards, you know, what the, what the lineage of these cards is. And, you know, maybe some people feel, oh, well, I don't, I don't want to be, I don't want to be infiltrated by those ideas i want tostay but i don't feel at risk of that i i i feel that that helps provide a little structure and safety for that part of my mind that you know it freaks out if there's if there's but if there's nothing if there's no foundation but you know as my journey has unfold if there's, if there's, but if there's nothing, if there's no foundation, but, you know, as my journey has unfolded, I'm more and more comfortable, not knowing. And, you know, I went through a whole period of clinical psychology where I was so obsessed with knowing, but the thing is you can never prove it.

Speaker 21297.4s - 1305.28s

You can never really know. The mind can never really know. It can just try to build up more and more and more safety around this idea of knowing.

Speaker 31305.94s - 1344.98s

And intuition is really about surrendering that knowing and learning to trust. So you were, you were dancing a little bit, learning what some of these cards, the lineages of these cards mean, and then finding your flow. And I want to dig into a little bit of that structure of taro and how you see it. But I'm also just curious, was there anything that you recall that that sticks with you from some of those early sort of psychic readings you were getting,some of those things that really struck you that allowed you to move forth at that time?

Speaker 11342.54s - 1352.96s

that allowed you to move forth at that time? I don't remember or maybe it was just validating.

Speaker 21354.08s - 1356.1s

Yeah, well, yeah.

Speaker 11356.1s - 1357.16s

I remember

Speaker 01357.16s - 1400.44s

I remember the the lady that I was talking about she was, these are the only things that I remember about two specific, and there are different people. But one of them, she told me that I would have an opportunity to meet two guyswhen I moved out to Colorado GPE. And it's interesting that both of these stories that I remember have to do with relationships. And I don't do relationship readings ever. But a lot of, a lot of readers do.I think they think that, you know, the majority of people want to know those things.

Speaker 21400.6s - 1401.68s

That's what they want. Yeah.

Speaker 31402.32s - 1402.56s


Speaker 21402.76s - 1403.54s

And maybe they do.

Speaker 01403.98s - 1426.44s

I've never really had that much of an interest in it. But it's just interesting that the two stories that are coming to mind are about like relationships. But the first one, so she said, you know, you'll have an opportunity to, you'll have to choose between two guys. And she described both of these guys to a T.

Speaker 21427.44s - 1432.12s

Like when I met both of them, I was like, oh, my gosh, that's wild.

Speaker 01432.12s - 1457.22s

And I even had a friend who went to see her also. And she told her about something that my friend had never told anybody regarding a friend that she had lost. And she sends a family flowers on the anniversary. And she's like, I never even told my mom that I do that.

Speaker 21457.58s - 1465s

And this lady mentions that, you know, this person that I am sending flowers and remembrance of.

Speaker 11465.16s - 1468.64s

He really appreciates that I send flowers to his mom.

Speaker 01468.64s - 1481.2s

And even mentioned something about tell his mom to get rid of the gym bag of his like smelly gym clothes that she'd been keeping in the closet for however many years.

Speaker 11481.56s - 1487.04s

And so she was like, you know, my mind was just blown you know from that um

Speaker 21487.04s - 1495.04s

and the other story i remember i was actually um i was actually younger than that so my first reading

Speaker 11495.04s - 1503.04s

had to have been around 17 anyway now it's all like now it's all flooding back to me

Speaker 01503.04s - 1505.24s

yeah yeah but so i was over a friend's house her mom Now it's all like, now it's all flooding back to me. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 21505.78s - 1508.92s

But so I was over a friend's house.

Speaker 01509.16s - 1512.06s

Her mom slept with tarot cards under her pillow.

Speaker 31512.76s - 1515.6s

And I actually tried that. Yeah.

Speaker 01515.72s - 1530.4s

It was like connection to them. And just about, you know, in your sleep, you can trans, trans, not transmute, but, you know, kind of go off into the 5D and

Speaker 11530.4s - 1538s

co-create and do that. Yeah. And so her whole thing was she sleeps with her tarot cards under her

Speaker 01538s - 1547.78s

pillow so that they remain like very connected. And I actually, I think I did sleep with one of my first tarot decks under my pillow

Speaker 21547.78s - 1551.8s

once just to see what would happen, you know, because why not?

Speaker 01551.96s - 1552.16s


Speaker 21552.62s - 1553.08s

Try that.

Speaker 01554.4s - 1558.14s

I don't think anything specific happened for me from that.

Speaker 21558.22s - 1560.28s

I don't remember like being mind blown about it.

Speaker 01560.28s - 1582.88s

But anyway, so she told me that the boyfriend that I had at the time was cheating on me and um I'm there with her daughter come to find out her daughter was the one that was that my boyfriend was cheating on me oh my gosh this is so I know and she didn't

Speaker 31582.88s - 1586.98s

tell me that but she just said you know boyfriend, you think he's the one.

Speaker 01587.04s - 1588.72s

And he was like my first serious boyfriend.

Speaker 21588.88s - 1590.94s

So, of course, I thought he was the one, you know.

Speaker 31591.54s - 1596.54s

But she's like, he's not because he's actually stepping out on you.

Speaker 01596.6s - 1601.5s

And I was like, oh, my gosh, you're lying. That can't be true. And her daughter is literally sitting there.

Speaker 21601.74s - 1609.46s

Oh, my gosh. Within weeks, I went over to my boyfriend's house and here both of them come, walking out his front door.

Speaker 31610.02s - 1612.68s

And I was like, what do you, what do you do it?

Speaker 01613.36s - 1614.94s

This is like a reality show.

Speaker 31615.54s - 1616.26s

I know.

Speaker 01616.6s - 1621.06s

So, yeah, those are just the two that I.

Speaker 31621.86s - 1649.14s

That it is interesting. It's interesting because I remember you saying that about you know tower readers being drawn to um relationship readings and then it can be maybe a sort of a popular thing to do but doesn't necessarily always feel in alignment but it's interesting because a lot of what you've been speaking to in terms of the themes you were guided to navigate with the crumbling of what you were letting go and your stepping were very relationally based

Speaker 01649.14s - 1653.84s

and so a lot of these you know and Pluto traveling all that time in your seventh house

Speaker 31653.84s - 1662.5s

clearly there was a lot of lessening there to initiate you into to the next stage of this journey

Speaker 01662.5s - 1668.2s

so yeah so that true and you know Pluto LOC was opposing my ascendant too.

Speaker 31668.42s - 1678.26s

So even just from those relationships, like how much it has really brought me into myself.

Speaker 01678.26s - 1684.64s

I learned a lot about myself through those relationships and a lot of what I didn't want, too.

Speaker 31685.28s - 1685.72s

Yeah. That's what we learned a lot of what I didn't want too. Yeah.

Speaker 21686.22s - 1687.84s

That's what we learned a lot of the time.

Speaker 01688.1s - 1688.34s


Speaker 31688.6s - 1688.84s


Speaker 01688.96s - 1691.72s

And how that really did transform.

Speaker 31691.72s - 1697.72s

And even when I do my readings, I'm like, I don't really go towards the relationship

Speaker 01697.72s - 1700.66s

because it really does start with us.

Speaker 21701.08s - 1705.92s

And, you know, of course, at the end of RuPaul PERSON's drag race,

Speaker 01706.22s - 1710.52s

RuPaul PERSON always says, if you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love somebody

Speaker 11710.52s - 1719.5s

else? And for a while, I was like, exactly. And for a while, I'm like, what does that

Speaker 01719.5s - 1800.16s

really mean? But then finally, I was like, you really cannot love somebody, you know, unconditionally, conditionally, otherwise, but until you learn to love yourself. Otherwise, you're just, you're looking for like an outside validation for how you feel or your, your self-esteem is wrapped up in whatever relationship that you have. And, you know, it really does take loving yourself and realizing your own self-worth so that you can have healthy, empowering, transformative in a good way, relationships. So for me, I'm like, I care about you and I want you to be your highest and best self so that, you know,when a relationship does come along. And of course, like, if the relationship, the traditional relationship cards that are in terror, if they come out, we'll talk about it. You can't not. But that's just not, you know, because I've seen readings where they pull like the ton of swords or something.They're like, oh my gosh, your best love is on its way. And you're like, there's like 10 swords sticking in this person. Like, how, what? You know. So how are you coming to that? Yeah.

Speaker 31800.28s - 1840.88s

Sometimes it could be a little bit of trying to fit a square peg in a round hole about the regarding the certain meaning if we want to make it sound nice. But yeah, the way I like to say it sometimes is that all love is self-love because all of love emanates or radiates out from our capacity. love emanates or radiates out from our capacity. And our capacity is linked to how much we can give to ourselves.So all relationships end up just being a reflection or a mirror of how strong that capacity is. And if it's, if it's pretty weak, then, you know, energetically, we're just going to be drawn

Speaker 21840.88s - 1867.28s

to or attract in carmically, the people who are going to mirror that back for us so we can keep learning and we can keep strengthening that capacity and the only way we really sort of quote unquote get more love is by strengthening that capacity and so innately that capacity has to be for ourselves as well as others because because we are them and they are us and it is it is

Speaker 31867.28s - 1883.04s

this this large interconnected game that we're that we're playing in relationships performing the idea of separateness to remember that that union so yeah i would i would agree that that it

Speaker 21883.04s - 1892.16s

starts with us yeah so maybe we can we can dig in a little bit to to the structure of taro and you can walk me

Speaker 31892.16s - 1896.4s

through a little bit of just some of the beginning themes of tower, some of the main aspects.

Speaker 21896.4s - 1903.84s

I'm sure it goes deep and you know there's we could get into the weeds, but I know that

Speaker 31903.84s - 1905.52s

there's like the major and minor

Speaker 01905.52s - 1916.52s

arcana and then there are the four categories typically referred to as the wands, cups, swords, and pentacles. So maybe you could just speak to that in any way you like and in any way that,

Speaker 31916.6s - 1924.48s

you know, you relate to it, um, uh, in your own way. Yeah. So yeah, there's the major archana

Speaker 01924.48s - 2027s

and the minor arcana and the minor arcana. And the major arcana is zero or the full all the way to 21 or the world card. So there's 22 cards in the major arcana. And it really is our walk through life. Walk through life from obviously birth to death, but also even just a situation, a cycle in your life too, where, you know, the fool is that that moment that, for me anyway, that we make the decision because in the full card, they're usually about to walk off a cliff.And they're not even, they're not scared. They're not even looking that they're about to take that step. But to me, there always seems to be this commitment there that they've already, they've already initiated that step. There's not really like the momentum forward is already there.So to stop would probably it probably wouldn't even work. You'd probably still end up just falling off but ungracefully. So that for me, that's the moment wherewe make that decision. The energy is there to start something new. It is taking a risk. It's trusting. It's that surrender, which, you know, it's like that continuous. Because, again, I feel like surrender is something that you have to keep, like, to and remembering and it's almost like a muscle

Speaker 12027s - 2037.6s

memory thing eventually but but then you know then we move on the magician is realizing that I actually

Speaker 02037.6s - 2098.38s

I have everything that I need in order to manifest the life that I want or the job that I want or the relationship that I want or whatever it is that cycle that you're going through at the time because on the magician card he has all of the elements he has a cup a wand a pinnacle and a sword so he has everything that he needs to get started the high priestess I don't know if I should go through all 22, but anyway, there's like also even to the the ebbs and flows of our process because of course the tower is in there. The death cardis in there and the death card talks more about rebirth than it does about death, but it also is the importance of something ending in order for something new to begin. So that rebirth cannot happen without the quote unquote death of something. The devil card, of course, which is also another one of those cards that people get kind of like,

Speaker 22098.46s - 2101.26s

you know, about just because it doesn't seem great.

Speaker 32101.56s - 2104.72s

It doesn't seem great if you're getting a devil card. Right.

Speaker 02105.42s - 2137.36s

But it does speak to our obsessions. Where in our lives are our egos holding on to something? You know, what controls us in a negative capacity? It can be addictions. It can just be, you know, a thought cycle. But then there's the beautiful cards like the Sun card, which is everything good.It's joy. It's bliss. It's revitalization. It's literally life force energy because we wouldn't even exist without it, right?

Speaker 22138.12s - 2144.82s

And the lover's card, you know, also just talks more about the balance between the

Speaker 02144.82s - 2210.22s

masculine and the feminine making decisions. And then of course the World Card PRODUCT, which is that whole cycle is done now. You've made it from the fool all the way to the World Card. You've got exactly what you needed to get out of that situation. And now that situation is coming to an end so that the next cycle can begin because that's just life, right? It's this continuous cycle of growth or lessons that we need to learn or whatever,you know, whatever we decided to do in this incarnation, right? And then you have the minor arcana, which is more about like the, the energies of those suits. So swords are air signs are about our minds, our thoughts, our beliefs, how we communicate those things. I also see swords cards as being ego, because for me anyway, that's generally where I hear my ego. You know, all that fear and the doubts.

Speaker 32210.48s - 2211.38s

Yeah, the mind.

Speaker 02211.84s - 2222.82s

You know, yeah. So, you know, but it's also the stories that we attach to experiences and how we came to have the egos that we do.

Speaker 32223.44s - 2227.4s

Wands are attached to fire. we think fire signs. We think

Speaker 02227.4s - 2272.28s

motivation, action, it's learning by experiencing things. And truly the only way to figure out what we like and what we don't like and what works and what doesn't is by trying stuff. So we have to try. stuff, so we have to try. And there's, of course, the ups and downs in all of the suits with the energy attached to them. And then we have cups, which has to do with our heart chakra. You know, it's our feelings.How do we feel about life? It's our relationship to love. How do we give it? How do we receive it, especially, how do we feel about our lives and the people around us? And then of course, Pinnacles, which is everything freebie.

Speaker 12272.28s - 2279.48s

It's our money. It's our physical possessions where we live. So when we're dealing with minor

Speaker 02279.48s - 2290.56s

arcana, it's again, you know, the energies that we're moving through in whatever suit comes out. Yeah.

Speaker 32291.36s - 2292.34s

I love that.

Speaker 02292.8s - 2306s

Yeah, I'd never heard it explain that way or really looked into it enough to really start to understand the deeper resonances of those suits,

Speaker 12306s - 2309.1s

which make a lot of sense to me.

Speaker 02309.7s - 2312.64s

So would you say it's like the major arcana are those,

Speaker 12313.24s - 2317.76s

they're representative of those big, powerful and transformative cycles

Speaker 02318.36s - 2322.56s

that you're in or you're completing or you're about to step into,

Speaker 32322.56s - 2324.12s

whether you want to or not.

Speaker 22325.24s - 2335.06s

And the minor arcana are almost like the different sets of tools or resources that you're playing with

Speaker 32335.06s - 2340.28s

or that are playing a part in these cycles. Yep.

Speaker 02340.74s - 2348.38s

Yeah. I usually like when a major archana card comes up,, that is definitely something that that you recognize in your life.

Speaker 22348.82s - 2357.38s

Like, that's, that's the energy of what, what is happening. Minor archa cona cards, it's like going through the motion of that.

Speaker 02357.38s - 2395.6s

How do you, like if a swords card, how are you thinking about the situation, your life, your relationship, whatever? If it's a pentacles card, like does that have to do? Is there something with your health even? Because, of course, our physical being has to do with the 3D. So, you know, are you concerned with how you're making money? Or are you looking for a different path on how to do that?Or, right? So it's more about like going through the motion of the energies of the minor icono versus the major icon. That's stuff that is showing up in your life. That's major. Yeah.

Speaker 32395.9s - 2402.78s

It, you know, I wonder if this resonates. It almost reminds me of like the major being like those big astrological transits,

Speaker 02402.84s - 2417.6s

like a Saturn PRODUCT transit and the minor being like, okay, what house is it in? Like what area of your life is it relating to? What maybe circumstances might show up and what may you be working with? Like that kind of thing? That's a great way to put it. Yeah.

Speaker 32418.86s - 2425.26s

And actually, what's so funny, I was pulling tarot yesterday just for myself.

Speaker 02426.16s - 2436.66s

And I was asking it, like, you know, how is this interview going to go with you?

Speaker 32436.8s - 2437.08s


Speaker 02438.16s - 2450.72s

The devil card. No, just kidding. I know, right, yeah. And it was funny because up until, and I've asked it a couple of times because this is just how my, my brain works.

Speaker 12450.72s - 2453.5s

I did this with the job that I had before too.

Speaker 22454.06s - 2456.16s

And it was kind of almost the same thing.

Speaker 12456.32s - 2458.76s

Like it was all good, good, good, good.

Speaker 02458.88s - 2471.98s

And then yesterday I pulled the moon and the emperor. And I was like, that's interesting. Because the moon is like, you know and the emperor. And I was like, that's interesting. Because the moon is like, you know, the subconscious.It's kind of like,

Speaker 22474.04s - 2476.94s

we're not going to tell you type of thing. Or it was almost kind of like a little cheeky. Like,

Speaker 02477.34s - 2479.68s

okay, stop asking. Yeah.

Speaker 22479.86s - 2481.54s

Which you'll get sometimes too.

Speaker 32481.7s - 2482.6s

And I have.

Speaker 02482.72s - 2502s

I have gotten plenty of attitude because I do. I do do that. We'll just like kind of continuously ask a question. And I have, I have gotten plenty of attitude because I do. I do do that. We'll just like kind of continuously ask a question. But I also just want to continuously have that validation. And so, you know, the emperor is Aries PERSON. It's also attached to Mars LOC, which is really kind of interesting too,

Speaker 22502.08s - 2511.28s

because of course we have that eclipse coming up on Monday, right? In Aries. Aries is my 10th house, which is really kind of interesting too because of course we have that eclipse coming up on on Monday right in areas yeah aries is my 10th house which is really cool too because you know career

Speaker 02511.28s - 2517.14s

and even just having an opportunity to have this conversation with you is it's really cool in that

Speaker 22517.14s - 2523.54s

aspect yeah but also even when I was looking this morning like I mentioned before I woke up

Speaker 02523.54s - 2525.6s

with a killer migraine.

Speaker 22526.76s - 2526.98s

And I woke up this morning.

Speaker 02532.08s - 2532.58s

I finally looked at my natal chart and Mars was almost exactly opposing my moon LOC.

Speaker 22537.5s - 2541.3s

So that was kind of interesting that the moon and the emperor card came out. And then Mars LOC was streaming my middle Mars. Yeah. Right?

Speaker 02541.48s - 2558.6s

So it's just, it's so cool when I say this in a lot of readings, too, because it is always so exciting how just the messages just come out. And I don't usually choose cards. I shuffle the deck and I let the cards come out.

Speaker 32558.78s - 2559.08s


Speaker 02559.2s - 2577.26s

And when they all just, when the message is just so clear and it always is. But when it even lines up with the message with the Oracle ORG card that I choose, it's always just so cool that that just happens, like the odds of that.

Speaker 12577.66s - 2577.8s


Speaker 02578.38s - 2592.82s

Those specific cards coming out in that specific order to make this specific story. Of course, like how I'm intuitively interpreting it myself. But yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 32592.94s - 2600.18s

And I can certainly relate to feeling like I'm overdoing it a bit or I'm really, it's like I need to know, I need to know, I need to know.

Speaker 22600.24s - 2613.84s

And it's like, and it's the same kind of thing as the way I was describing psychology or some other mind-based pursuit. It's like, you never really going to know. There's always and it's the same kind of thing as the way I was describing psychology or some some other mind-based pursuit it's like you never really going to know there's always going to be an element of surrender and trust and sometimes the guidance is going to be like all right

Speaker 32613.84s - 2618.88s

you've got enough information to work at this point there's nothing more you're still going to

Speaker 02618.88s - 2623.12s

have to go through it you're going to have to walk through the door and see what happens that's

Speaker 22623.12s - 2625.2s

that's part of the mystery. But at the same time,

Speaker 32626.24s - 2637.44s

it's it's the same thing that keeps us coming back, which is those validating moments that one card pops out and it just you just know it. It hits you in the heart and it matches up with the

Speaker 02637.44s - 2660.6s

astrological transit you're in. And that's why even sometimes these so-called negative cards or negative transits or challenging parts can be validating too because you're like, yeah, that checks out. That things have not been doing that well. It's so funny because there's always, I usually do three readings a day when I'm doing them for YouTube ORG.

Speaker 22661.12s - 2666.74s

And there always seems to be at least one day where there's three readings that are just

Speaker 02666.74s - 2674.36s

heavy. And I'm usually like, oh man, you know, because of course, I think too, like I'm not one of

Speaker 22674.36s - 2680.24s

those people that's like, you know, I don't have that that overly positive like clickbait.

Speaker 02680.44s - 2684.38s

You know, this is the best thing that's ever going to happen. Yeah, it's a little digitalizing

Speaker 32684.38s - 2685.8s

when you're seeing that all the time.

Speaker 02686.06s - 2694.84s

Right. All the time. And especially, too, if that's not the energy that you feel, if you're like, why isn't

Speaker 22694.84s - 2696.68s

that happening for me, you know?

Speaker 32697.2s - 2702.02s

But there's always a couple where I'm like, this is heavy, dudes.

Speaker 02702.62s - 2735.32s

And, you know, but also, too, again, it's validating. Like, whatever your experience is. And I have on those specific readings, I usually have a couple messages from a couple people that are like, man, I feel like you were giving this reading directly to me because it resonates so much. And here I am like, oh my gosh, like, you know, I'm just kind of nervous that it was just like a,it wasn't a bad reading. There's no bad readings, but it was just heavy, you know.

Speaker 32735.32s - 2735.96s

It wasn't all light.

Speaker 22736.44s - 2743.54s

And you can tell that people are just moving through heavier energies and we all go through

Speaker 32743.54s - 2744.44s

those times.

Speaker 02745.32s - 2750.22s

And, you know, if you can validate that for people, like, yes, this is exactly where you are

Speaker 32750.22s - 2756.64s

supposed to be because on the other side of that is more of the light and, you know, like

Speaker 02756.64s - 2758.62s

your light specifically.

Speaker 32759.62s - 2761.62s

So, so yeah.

Speaker 02761.98s - 2762.3s


Speaker 32762.3s - 2771.78s

And that can be equally, if not more validating than, you know, getting all the light confirmations as well. Right.

Speaker 02771.94s - 2782.94s

And there are no bad cards in taro anyway. But, you know, I mean, there are cards that, of course, like we were talking about the devil and the tower and like just kind of have associations with them.

Speaker 22783.3s - 2785.08s

But also, too, you know, it's just, it's good to know. But we need that. You know, that's kind of, associations with them. But yeah. Also too, you know,

Speaker 32785.12s - 2785.38s

it's just,

Speaker 02785.48s - 2786.2s

it's good to know.

Speaker 32786.2s - 2787.28s

But we need that. You know,

Speaker 02787.36s - 2791.4s

that's kind of, that's part of the ride. It's like if you weren't getting any of those,

Speaker 32792.12s - 2797.72s

you never had those experiences, probably weren't learning all that you came here to learn or transform

Speaker 22797.72s - 2799.2s

and all the ways you came here to transform.

Speaker 32801.06s - 2820.56s

So I'd love to bring in this other aspect. That is what drew me to you as well, which was the integration of human design. And that's, you know, there's a whole other language and world that I'm just stepping into and starting and interviewing some people in that realm.

Speaker 02820.56s - 2826.84s

But I'm curious how you were drawn to it and how that language and world

Speaker 32826.84s - 2834s

validated you and what you started to learn about yourself through that world. Yeah.

Speaker 02834.72s - 2872.66s

You know, I say, and again, this is just my belief because I think this is probably just what I've experienced. And I've also, I've heard a couple other people experience the same is that like for me human design showed up at a point where it was it was time for me to go deeper into my own healing and deconditioning because the the major part of human design is deconditioning. It's understanding that we have all been conditioned in, like, all aspects, really, of our lives.

Speaker 22873.14s - 2880.16s

And it's there as a tool to help you understand yourself.

Speaker 02880.16s - 2901.1s

And even, too, for me, a lot of things that I thought were inherent flaws or just I kind of beat myself up about or even try to explain experiences to people that I felt like I was having and people would be like, no, I don't see it that way. I'm like, cool.

Speaker 22901.52s - 2904.54s

Well, that's invalidating. Sweet.

Speaker 02905.54s - 2929.68s

But I think I mentioned before, like reading about my profile was probably the most healing thing I have experienced in a very long time. Just because I, so I'm a 5-1 profile and that fifth line comes with the projection field. And it literally says that people will never really see a conscious fifth line.

Speaker 22930.64s - 2934.18s

Clearly, they'll see a projection of them.

Speaker 02934.56s - 3025.2s

And I have felt that from the time that I was a kid and had no language or vocabulary to put that into words. And it's not all negative. You know, definitely it's a mirror and it's, you know, it's understanding that, hey, you know, like when things do happen or I do feel that projection thing happening,I can understand that it's not inherently me. It's part of my design. And even, you know, like reading about your type, your strategy and authority also. And even, you know, experimenting, playing around with how you feel that, how you experience it. And the benefits that you receive from that. But I started to introduce Terrienne PERSON. the benefits that you receive from that.But I started to introduce Terer PERSON readings by Human Design profile. I think it was last year, maybe it was 2022. But I didn't remember the first the first profile readings I did I had the big book of human design the definitive book of human design and I was reading straight out of that because I'm like I don't really think a lot of peopleat the time were very familiar with it and I didn't want to make it like a teaching thing.

Speaker 23025.56s - 3028.48s

But I did want to introduce it in a way of,

Speaker 03028.98s - 3041.38s

do you resonate with what these words are saying about your specific profile? And I, oh my God, I feel like my voice was shaking and I was stumbling all over my work.

Speaker 23041.86s - 3044.38s

Because, you know, I mean, it was something different.

Speaker 13044.38s - 3045.32s

And I was,

Speaker 03045.32s - 3124.48s

I was kind of putting myself out on a limb. But also I was like, I'm not getting a ton of views anyway. So if it flops, then whatever. Nothing really changed. But I started getting more of a response from people on the human design readings versus just the regular zodiac sign readings. And interestingly enough, I don't know if it was like maybe August or July maybe of last year.I just received just a little fluttering, an intuitive message, a download, whatever. It was to solely focus on human design profile readings on YouTube ORG. And that freaked me out because I'm like, I'm literally cutting in half the content that I put out there. But I was like, okay, you know, I, I'm like, I'm literally cutting in half the content that I put out there. But I was like, okay, you know, I, I'm emotionally defined. So I'm a manifesting generator. My strategy and authority, of course, is to wait to respond,but I have the emotional solar plexus defined. So I have to go through that wave that we were talking about.

Speaker 23124.52s - 3125.04s

That's me. That's me.

Speaker 33125.32s - 3125.94s

That's me.

Speaker 23126.48s - 3127.42s

Pro surfers.

Speaker 03128.06s - 3128.32s


Speaker 23129.28s - 3130.78s

Even that, right?

Speaker 33130.86s - 3135.56s

I mean, even understanding the emotional wave part.

Speaker 23136.04s - 3136.16s


Speaker 03136.16s - 3144.5s

And realizing, too, how many decisions that I made based on a high or a low wave and even

Speaker 23144.5s - 3148.84s

realizing how they didn't really work out all that

Speaker 03148.84s - 3150.96s

well either way.

Speaker 13150.96s - 3156.94s

You know, it wasn't necessarily a tragedy, but just waiting for that neutral way, you know,

Speaker 03157s - 3195.88s

like to get to that point of neutrality and a neutral yes or a neutral no to things. But so I did that. You know, I kind of, I had that little fluttering about focusing on human design. And I'm like, so, you know, I went through the high, I went through the low. I came to the neutral and I was like, okay, speaking of surrendering and trusting, right? And I did.And again, I had more engagement from people from those readings, because I also think that human design is becoming to be more known to people. Right. So, you know,

Speaker 23195.88s - 3201.38s

everybody, you know, they're just, they'll put in there. And I love hearing other people's experiences.

Speaker 03201.62s - 3207.68s

Anyway, I learn best from that. And I also just love hearing other people's stories. Yeah.

Speaker 23207.8s - 3212.6s

But reading their stories of especially five ones, too,

Speaker 03212.9s - 3218.16s

because we've all experienced being burned at the stake in one capacity or another.

Speaker 23218.16s - 3220.84s

And we're like, what the hell just happened?

Speaker 03222.18s - 3241.62s

But I have had an amazing response from them. And then just this last time, I put out readings on YouTube ORG, I got the little fluttering again to reintroduceZodiac sign readings. And again, I sat with it because it takes obviously double the amount of time

Speaker 23241.62s - 3244.1s

to do 24

Speaker 03244.1s - 3307.44s

readings as opposed to 12. And when I did get to my neutral, I was really excited about it. So anyway, it's just that lesson of like following your strategy and authority. And truly human design is a system that is set up to help you enter into the correct experiences for you based on your design so that we don't have to go through you know like being burnt out or feeling like we're in a space where we truly actually don't want to be,but we're there because we feel obligated or we don't understand or feel comfortable saying no to things. So yeah, it's a lot of deconditioning. And for me, again, it popped up at a time where I was ready to go even

Speaker 13307.44s - 3318.1s

deeper into learning more about myself yeah um and you know that that aspect of learning to ride the

Speaker 03318.1s - 3324.88s

wave has has been incredibly useful for me as well I'm a manifest I'm a six two manifesting

Speaker 13324.88s - 3327.76s

generator emotionally defined I'm a manifest. I'm a six two manifesting generator emotionally defined.

Speaker 33327.76s - 3331.96s

I'm defined everywhere except for my heart.

Speaker 23333.8s - 3342.44s

But for someone like me with the mind that loves to learn and it's sort of where my power is to learn to know.

Speaker 33342.44s - 3368.88s

But to come to understand that that's not actually the place where I'm making decisions from where not the best place. Right. And it's funny because I think most people have caught on now because I talk about it a lot, but when people ask me how I'm doing, I say I'm riding the wave. And it's funny because a lot of people and just naturally interpret that negatively.They're like, oh, yeah, you must really be going through some time.

Speaker 03368.88s - 3374.48s

I'm like, well, it's just the wave. It's all encompassing. It's not necessarily negative.

Speaker 33374.48s - 3385.24s

It's sometimes it's very high, but I'm writing it because that has come to feel the best way that I could ever express at any one moment. Yeah, right. And it really does change that fast. Yeah. that has come to feel the best way that I could ever express at any one moment.

Speaker 03386.22s - 3388.62s

Yeah, right. And it really does change that fast.

Speaker 33388.96s - 3418.84s

Yeah. Otherwise, it's a jumble and waiting to get clarity. And yeah, I can be pretty impulsive. So the times that I do wait it out, I'm very grateful. And it is what drew me to you because it does something about the human design profiles feel very personal. You know, if I just see like, oh, this is a message for Virgo or something. I'm like, all right.Well, that's like one aspect of me. There's a lot of aspects of me.

Speaker 23418.84s - 3430.8s

But learning about the six two. I mean, there's, like you said, I've, and right as I started learning about that profile, I started meeting a lot of other six twos. And I was like, wow, we have a lot in common.

Speaker 33432s - 3436.32s

There's a, there's a, there's a tip, you know, it varies.

Speaker 23436.32s - 3445.66s

But there's a, there's a foundation or a standard that we're all navigating within this profile.

Speaker 33446.26s - 3450.62s

And yeah, I have definitely felt seen within that.

Speaker 23451.82s - 3455.7s

Well, yeah, and you would probably be then on the roof stage, right?

Speaker 33455.86s - 3456.3s

You're in there.

Speaker 03456.3s - 3457s

That's right.

Speaker 33457.44s - 3458.6s

How is that?

Speaker 03459.06s - 3462.44s

So what's so interesting is, and, you know, people aren't necessarily going to know

Speaker 33462.44s - 3468.68s

what we're talking about. But that's okay because I'm coming out with some more episodes about human design.

Speaker 03468.78s - 3470.86s

And it's such a large world to get into.

Speaker 23470.98s - 3473.82s

So I won't bother explaining it all.

Speaker 03473.96s - 3479.56s

But at least for the six two, there is a process where basically through your Saturn PRODUCT return,

Speaker 23479.72s - 3483.26s

through like age 30, you are just fucking it all up.

Speaker 03484.46s - 3486.54s

And I was like, that checks out.

Speaker 33486.64s - 3487.22s

That checks out.

Speaker 23488.6s - 3489.88s

And you're learning, right?

Speaker 33489.96s - 3490.7s

You're going through it.

Speaker 23490.8s - 3494.86s

And, you know, it's kind of like you said, it's like, you know, maybe we have to go

Speaker 33494.86s - 3527.42s

through it anyway. Maybe learning about these things doesn't keep us from it, but it's validating to know. And it's like, oh, I was kind of supposed to do it that way. And then from like, you know, around ages 30 through oh, I was kind of supposed to do it that way. And then, and then from like, you know, around ages 30 through 50, you're sort of in this process of what's called being onthe roof. And I actually don't understand it all that well. But it sounds like you're gaining a higher perspective. You're sort of stepping back a little bit. And before I knew any of this, right around that time is when I completely left psychology.

Speaker 03527.58s - 3533.86s

I left my clinic and I just moved out to California and just started just playing around

Speaker 33533.86s - 3540.8s

and exploring how to love myself, take care of myself, and serve from a more aligned place. And I was like, oh my God, I'm on the roof. I'm doing it.

Speaker 23542.28s - 3548.92s

So, yeah, the past five or six years, it's really been that process of discovery and

Speaker 33548.92s - 3579.48s

gaining perspective and looking at my life and being like, wow, all the driving forces weren't that great, all the things that were leading me to seek love, to seek accolades, to alleviate fear. Like, you know, none of it was an inside job know none of it was an inside job all that was an outside job and just reflecting back the the the pain points and the parts that I was still needing to learn about and and heal and grow and and these past five or six years have been the opportunity

Speaker 03579.48s - 3591.12s

to really do that so um so it checks out it it relates to being in that process. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. And the sixth line

Speaker 23591.12s - 3597.5s

is the only line that has that three-tiered process. And like you said, the first 30 years,

Speaker 33597.56s - 3602.94s

you're living as a third line, all that trial and error, all of the, you know, fucking up.

Speaker 03603.56s - 3610.02s

And truly it is, you know, at some point, because it's a role model line, right?

Speaker 33610.1s - 3611.56s

The six line is a role model.

Speaker 03611.86s - 3612.9s

And all of that.

Speaker 23613.02s - 3616.9s

So after you're on the roof, you are unpacking all of that.

Speaker 03617.06s - 3619.1s

What was that?

Speaker 23619.52s - 3620.34s

Who was that?

Speaker 03620.34s - 3621.54s

And what can you write?

Speaker 23622.06s - 3622.18s


Speaker 03622.3s - 3623.04s


Speaker 23623.3s - 3627.14s

And my cousin, who is my roommate, she's a four, six.

Speaker 03628.08s - 3635.3s

And she has an article that she releases on Substack recently or weekly. And in her last article,

Speaker 23635.76s - 3639s

I'm always talking to her about this stuff. Anybody I'm like constantly,

Speaker 03639.92s - 3647.08s

I even said to her, I was like, I feel like I can't even relate to people without saying, oh, well, that's interesting because Pluto LOC is, you know.

Speaker 33647.26s - 3651.02s

Yeah, you need to find your try where you can have these kinds of conversations.

Speaker 03651.36s - 3656.3s

Right. Or like, oh, my God. They're like a one three. Of course they're going to, you know, like act that way.

Speaker 33656.78s - 3656.94s


Speaker 03657.1s - 3669.9s

But she wrote in her article that she feels like she has lived two lifetimes already. And the third one is a charm. And she's actually going through her second Saturn PRODUCT return now.

Speaker 23670.28s - 3673.38s

So she's coming off of the roof or she has come off the roof.

Speaker 03673.76s - 3677.6s

But, you know, and that's where you kind of live your role model.

Speaker 23677.6s - 3682.28s

You know, and you have that wisdom because you went through those experiences.

Speaker 03682.46s - 3696.2s

And of course, you know, everybody, nobody comes out of childhood unscathed, right? But if you are a sixth line, that energy is different because it was there to, you know, show you wisdom.

Speaker 23696.44s - 3699.36s

It was supposed to be scathing. Exactly.

Speaker 03701.28s - 3732.3s

Which, you know, I'm not really like a super huge fan of telling people who have gone through super traumatic things like, well, it happened for a reason. I would never say that. But for six lines, like I'm sure as you, as you probably already know, talking to other six twos, it might have just been a bit more chaotic for you guys and shattering in certain capacities. And, you know, when you go through your, when you're on the roof, that's where you're putting yourself back together in whatever way that you want to put yourself

Speaker 23732.3s - 3732.88s

back together.

Speaker 03733.24s - 3765.18s

And when you come off of the roof, people are going to recognize that in you. And they're going to seek out your wisdom. And you'll be able to share that because you went through those experiences. But like I said, with my cousin, I'm like, well, that's so funny that you say that because you are four or six and you have had two lifetimes already and you are going into your third. So it probably very much does feel like very different lives.

Speaker 33765.76s - 3847.56s

Yeah, and it does validate me, you know, in terms of, because it's also my belief system that on some level I chose this, not me, the human personality, but on some level this was chosen for me. And when I look back, what I see is that there was no way I was going to be able to know myself or figure things out or develop sort of on some timeline that was a standard for the people around me or the cultural.There was just no way. There was too much swirling around. There's too much chaos that I, inside, inside, that I had no idea how to make sense of so I needed I needed that time I needed every bit of it and in a lot of ways I feel grateful because there is an essence that is is is being born within me. And it takes some time. But the truth is it takes time for everybody.It just looks a little different. And I wouldn't trade that because the feeling of being in alignment with who you really are. And once a lot of things start to fall away is really worth every bit of it. Right.

Speaker 23847.82s - 3851.64s

So, yeah, I haven't always enjoyed the ride.

Speaker 33852.42s - 3855.6s

But I'm learning to and I'm not a victim.

Speaker 23856.16s - 3860.72s

And I, you know, a lot of my life I felt victimized. But I'm not a victim.

Speaker 33860.92s - 3866.3s

And it's actually a relief. It's a relief to be like, oh, I'm not. It turns out I'm not. And that's hilarious. I'm not a victim. It's actually a relief. It's a relief to be like, oh, I'm not. It turns out I'm not. And that's.

Speaker 03866.42s - 3873.98s

Exactly. Yes. I'm really glad. I feel like that is what that should be the tagline for human design. I'm not a victim. Yeah.

Speaker 23874.6s - 3876s

Because I get right.

Speaker 03876.08s - 3897.9s

I mean, even for me, like just reading about some of my, the aspects of my own design too, I'm like, there is no way. And how much I tried to put on a different hat or tried to be a different person or not express that thing or be that way or whatever, which obviously took like substances in order to do. Yep.

Speaker 23897.96s - 3902.44s

But to read about something that is so inherent in you,

Speaker 03902.52s - 3923.08s

because truly it is, right, it's part of your design. And you're like, oh, that is so inherent in you because truly it is right it's part of your design and you're like oh that that is it's not it's not a flaw I'm not a victim of it there's actually a gift and wisdom and power and usually those things too yeah so that's what I love about it wasn't a mistake

Speaker 33923.08s - 3929.28s

it wasn't an error it wasn't a misprint exactly exactly

Speaker 03929.28s - 3938.02s

which is so beautiful and also like how is that even possible you know it's just like one of those

Speaker 33938.02s - 3953.88s

things of all of these different elements coming together to create human design and how it can be so validating for you just based on your time of birth and where you were born.

Speaker 03954.3s - 3954.58s


Speaker 13954.58s - 3956.3s

Just wild.

Speaker 33956.94s - 3964.1s

And it just, it allows me to keep trusting in the emergence, in the becoming.

Speaker 03965.32s - 3966.02s

Oh my gosh.

Speaker 33966.16s - 3969.26s

You know, because I wouldn't have even started a tarot channel.

Speaker 13969.64s - 3970.02s


Speaker 03970.26s - 3972.08s

I wouldn't have even started a tarot channel.

Speaker 13972.24s - 3979.76s

I wouldn't have felt as comfortable being laid off from my corporate job a couple years ago.

Speaker 03979.76s - 3986.48s

I would have already gone back to a full-time job if I didn't have, you know,

Speaker 33986.56s - 3992.38s

these, these elements around me saying, that's probably not really best for you, right?

Speaker 03992.38s - 3995.66s

So, so yes, exactly.

Speaker 33996.52s - 3996.72s


Speaker 03996.88s - 3998.12s

Yeah, I love it.

Speaker 33999.5s - 4004.44s

So how do you feel about playing with the cards a little bit? Yeah.

Speaker 24005.48s - 4006.62s

Doing, doing a reading.

Speaker 34006.92s - 4009.26s

I mean, so it could be for me.

Speaker 24009.36s - 4012.5s

I'm always happy to get a reading or anything you feel guided to.

Speaker 04013.44s - 4013.9s


Speaker 34014.02s - 4017.42s

Well, let's just pull a couple of cards.

Speaker 04017.54s - 4020.18s

Let's just see what comes out.

Speaker 34020.48s - 4021.76s

What do we need to know right now?

Speaker 04022.36s - 4022.6s


Speaker 14022.72s - 4024.56s

We have a little bit of an explosion over here.

Speaker 24026.06s - 4028.22s

Okay, please. Because they flipped over.

Speaker 34032.26s - 4036.68s

So we have a bunch of wands.

Speaker 04036.88s - 4039.28s

We have the knight of wands.

Speaker 14039.66s - 4040.12s


Speaker 04040.68s - 4043.24s

We have the four of wands.

Speaker 14043.78s - 4044.52s

Love it.

Speaker 04044.54s - 4046.94s

And the king of wine. Wow. And so the wands. Love it. And the king of wine.

Speaker 24046.94s - 4047.34s


Speaker 04047.54s - 4048.5s

And so the wands.

Speaker 34048.5s - 4048.9s

A lot of fire.

Speaker 04049.32s - 4053.9s

So again, yeah, the wands are like kind of like that three line, would you say?

Speaker 34053.98s - 4058.94s

Like the action, like playing around with different choices, behaviors?

Speaker 04059.18s - 4059.36s


Speaker 34059.68s - 4060.42s

Trial and error.

Speaker 24060.66s - 4060.9s


Speaker 04061.18s - 4065.62s

Because it's the only way you're going to discover what you like to do,

Speaker 34065.82s - 4067.02s

what works and what doesn't.

Speaker 04067.16s - 4069.54s

So very, very much third line.

Speaker 24070.1s - 4077.82s

The knight of ones, PERSON I just love this card anyway, but there's this dragon up here, right?

Speaker 04078.02s - 4081.86s

And this is the year of the dragon, 2024.

Speaker 34082.4s - 4084.76s

Yeah, Chinese NORP zodiac, you're the dragon.

Speaker 04084.76s - 4086.92s

And I was born in,

Speaker 24086.92s - 4095.16s

I was born in 88, which is a life path eight year and you're the dragon. And 2024 is a life path in eight year.

Speaker 04095.52s - 4108.48s

And I am a life path eight number. Oh my gosh. Talk about synchronicities, right? So this car talks about, I mean,this is somebody who is really going to go out there and try it.

Speaker 14108.64s - 4120.48s

This is a lot of, it feels like taking calculated risks because they're over here almost like kind of deciding how they want to approach this dragon, right?

Speaker 24120.56s - 4123.7s

Like how do they, their wand is already ready.

Speaker 14124.6s - 4127.9s

But also we could see that there's this like little cat back here.

Speaker 04127.9s - 4138.1s

So it's also even too about like being careful not to get distracted or let something take your focus off of what your goal is.

Speaker 14138.56s - 4139.72s

I love this card.

Speaker 24139.86s - 4143.38s

And then the four of ones is a celebration card.

Speaker 14144.94s - 4145.04s

This is reaching a place of stability and foundation. And the four of ones is a celebration card.

Speaker 04149.54s - 4150.12s

This is reaching a place of stability and foundation.

Speaker 24152.26s - 4152.8s

This is also even two, having community.

Speaker 14154.32s - 4155.08s

There's a lot of cats in this one, too.

Speaker 04155.98s - 4157.06s

Cats, yeah.

Speaker 24158.86s - 4159.22s

Even the cats are excited.

Speaker 04161.66s - 4161.82s

This is the everyday witch taro.

Speaker 34162.6s - 4163.14s

I love this deck.

Speaker 04165.8s - 4167.78s

But the four of one says that the actions that you've taken thus far

Speaker 24167.78s - 4170.46s

have gotten you to this place.

Speaker 04171.02s - 4173.8s

And it does talk about having

Speaker 24173.8s - 4176.18s

a firm foundation under you.

Speaker 04177.08s - 4184.44s

And it also sometimes they say it's an 11-11 card because these little wands here are...

Speaker 24184.44s - 4187.6s

Oh yeah, I see that. It it looks like 1111, right? Yeah, four ones. Yeah.

Speaker 04188.94s - 4235.84s

And then the king of wans, kings are the highest expression of the suit. So this is somebody who we can see that they have this map here and they're deciding what direction to go in. This is the entrepreneur of the taro also because you're not going to tell the king of wands like really what to do. Like they need to have creative freedom to do what they want to do, take the actions that they want to take. But again, right with itbeing the highest expression of the suit, they're very confident in the direction that they're heading in. I love that he's almost I love that he's almost like look easily at the cat

Speaker 24235.84s - 4237.64s

explaining to him.

Speaker 34238.12s - 4238.78s

This is what we're going to do.

Speaker 04239.42s - 4241.96s

Like what do you think about this? He's like counseling the cat.

Speaker 24242.42s - 4244.94s

Like it's the cat an advisor. I love that.

Speaker 04248.16s - 4260.8s

But also too that just gives me the feeling of like you know familiars or even just um you know when you just you see something and you know that it's a sign type of thing yeah it has like that feeling to me too

Speaker 24260.8s - 4267.8s

but that is so funny that he's I never even noticed that But it looks like he's like literally talking to the cat.

Speaker 04268.28s - 4268.5s


Speaker 24268.98s - 4275.98s

So, and I also love too how there's this progression from the knight of wands to the king of wands

Speaker 04275.98s - 4292.34s

because it's like whatever, whatever is going on in this night of wans here, right? Like whatever it is that you or whoever is listening to this message, whatever goal that you have your eyesight on, or even just this year, too, since like you said,

Speaker 24292.38s - 4297.92s

it's the year of the dragon, there's going to be even the substantial growth as far as community

Speaker 04297.92s - 4324.4s

goes or even finding community or even, you know, reaching a place of stability and what it is that you're doing, which would put you in the king of Juan PERSON's position to be an authority and somebody that people would look up to and actually want to be advised, right? Because this little cat could be

Speaker 24324.4s - 4327.78s

any one of us where we're being shown

Speaker 04327.78s - 4336.64s

the way or just, you know, having a direction chosen. Yeah. Which I love that. And I love that.

Speaker 34336.64s - 4343.32s

And, you know, people won't necessarily be listening to this in this, you know, eclipse portal time.

Speaker 04344.28s - 4346.8s

But I'm sure it will resonate for them when they hear it.

Speaker 14346.8s - 4349.9s

But for me, it's incredibly resonant.

Speaker 34350.06s - 4373.38s

I mean, this time, you know, in the past few years leading up to this time, has been about throwing things at the wall, trying new things, you know, and then just sort of staring at that dragon, like, okay, how are we going to do this? Like, we're not going back. There's no going, okay, how are we going to do this? Like, we're not going back. There's no going back. So how are we going to approach this and really being guided to build a foundation,

Speaker 04373.38s - 4378.86s

you know, a foundation for my life, you know, and that's, that's an emotional foundation. That's a material foundation.

Speaker 34379.04s - 4396.48s

It's foundation in every aspect, which is a big part of my life path, is discovering that home for myself to become, you know, that king, for lack of a better word, because no one's really telling me what to do

Speaker 24396.48s - 4397.24s

at this point.

Speaker 04398s - 4401.12s

It's just, it has to come from within.

Speaker 34401.12s - 4403.76s

I also keep hearing retreats too.

Speaker 04404.24s - 4405.6s

Like, are you planning a retreat? Hmm, it's interesting. Going on a retreats too like are you planning a retreat

Speaker 34405.6s - 4412.88s

hmm it's interesting going on a retreat I mean you know retreat is is something that has always

Speaker 04412.88s - 4421.34s

been very attractive to me um the the power of of uh the sacredness of going somewhere and

Speaker 34421.34s - 4441.5s

cultivating um a space in an environment to heal, to transform, to grow. And I've played around with it, leading them and going on to myself. And at this time, this is a time where I'm just starting to step into more in-person workshops

Speaker 24441.5s - 4446.52s

and I do channeling and things like that and there's energy involved

Speaker 34446.52s - 4494.68s

and cultivating that you know around where I live but also in some other places like Joshua Tree and Mount Shasta LOC which I've been to so it's percolating and I you know and in you know when I when I play around with visioning or the idea of manifestation, which I talk about a lot because I think it can be a little misconstrued. It's not really about getting attached to the expectation, but it's just around playing around with what comes up and what has visions that have come up for me for yearshave been me sort of guiding retreats, being in an environment, in a natural landscape that feels good, and just, yeah, experiencing that energy. So it's a powerful theme for me.

Speaker 04494.84s - 4500.72s

Yeah. Yeah, because as soon as I, like, as I like set all these cards done, I just kept hearing retreat, retreat.

Speaker 34501.46s - 4502.26s

I love it.

Speaker 24502.26s - 4503.64s

But not, you know, I mean, yeah,

Speaker 04503.94s - 4508.88s

because even just, you know, having all of these people, right? Yeah.

Speaker 34508.88s - 4509.92s

Yeah, community.

Speaker 04510.44s - 4536.66s

And then, you know, that's been, I'm sure other people would resonate with this too. But, you know, once you start to come into the authentic self, you know, not that you ever totally find it, but the becoming process, you're letting go of the community that isn't necessarily serving you and aligning with the tribe and the community that you're meant to serve and to receive from. And that's been a huge part of the foundation of my foundation.

Speaker 14537.82s - 4543.62s

Yeah. Very cool. No? I mean, it seems possible if that is something that you...

Speaker 04543.62s - 4545.48s

I'm into it. Universe.

Speaker 14545.9s - 4546.5s

I'm ready.

Speaker 34546.68s - 4547s


Speaker 14547.54s - 4547.76s


Speaker 04548.76s - 4550.52s

Especially that dragon aspect, too.

Speaker 34550.6s - 4553.84s

I mean, maybe it's just something that you get more clear on this year.

Speaker 04554.4s - 4554.84s


Speaker 34555.62s - 4557.72s

We're already in April, too, huh?

Speaker 04558.48s - 4559.62s

But, yeah.

Speaker 34559.62s - 4566.72s

But this is the potent... This is the potent month, the April month of Transformation, right?

Speaker 04566.8s - 4570.74s

The eclipse month, the Jupiter Uranus conjunct.

Speaker 24570.74s - 4580.38s

Like, there's so much, I feel like, you know, I feel like this is the month we were guided to in early 2024.

Speaker 34581.22s - 4588.7s

And this is the month we will sort of step out from and really, you know, lean into whatever

Speaker 04588.7s - 4590.34s

we're right this year.

Speaker 34591.16s - 4595.78s

They've been saying that things aren't going to be the same after after Monday.

Speaker 04595.9s - 4597.8s

I mean, we have that Saturn and Mars LOC conjunction.

Speaker 34598.14s - 4600.62s

Like you said, the Jupiter Uranus LOC conjunction.

Speaker 04600.82s - 4603s

There's a lot of big stuff this month.

Speaker 34603s - 4606.56s

So yeah, it'll be interesting to see.

Speaker 04606.76s - 4612.22s

Yeah. And how it goes. You know, for me, it really has been a process of sort of that third

Speaker 34612.22s - 4619.08s

line of like throwing things at the wall because I left a very structured experience and

Speaker 04619.08s - 4626.88s

just following creatively. But, you know, like retreats and things like that have always been in the

Speaker 34626.88s - 4633.44s

mix and you know part of the surrender experiment has been not getting too constricted or attached to

Speaker 04633.44s - 4642.32s

needing one thing to play out but but i'm ready yeah i'm ready i'm here for it um beautiful beautiful

Speaker 34642.32s - 4647.7s

thank you um so um i don't know. I feel

Speaker 04647.7s - 4651.34s

I feel good. I feel pretty complete about our

Speaker 24651.34s - 4655.62s

conversation, but I'll just invite you to share,

Speaker 04655.78s - 4659.94s

tune into anything else that you'd like as we start to

Speaker 34659.94s - 4661.4s

close out here.

Speaker 24662.64s - 4665.12s

I feel pretty complete too.

Speaker 34666.9s - 4667.24s

And also my migraine is gone.

Speaker 24668.98s - 4669.24s

So thank you for that.

Speaker 34669.64s - 4672.28s


Speaker 04674.12s - 4674.28s

So that's awesome.

Speaker 24675.18s - 4675.52s

Feeling good.

Speaker 04676.48s - 4678.22s

I appreciate it. This was so fun.

Speaker 34678.44s - 4678.5s


Speaker 04679.26s - 4679.72s

Thank you so much.

Speaker 34680.1s - 4691s

Beautiful. Yeah. It's fun for me too. My honor and pleasure. And if you'd just like to say anything about what you got going on and where people can find you.

Speaker 04694.76s - 4695.2s

Yeah, so you can find me on YouTube at Heretic Altaireau ORG.

Speaker 34697.1s - 4697.6s

Where does that name come from, by the way?

Speaker 04698.96s - 4709.32s

Well, that's what's so funny, right? So, okay, I'm a 5-1 profile, and the fifth line is is a heretic and the first line is the investigator.

Speaker 24712.62s - 4718.58s

So I actually, did I have my YouTube ORG? I think I just maybe started my YouTube channel.

Speaker 04718.92s - 4726.94s

I think it was like in 2021, I left my corporate job in March of 2021 and I slept for like, I think, eight months.

Speaker 24727.1s - 4729.32s

I just didn't want to do anything.

Speaker 04729.62s - 4734.8s

I was so burnt out. And I also had no clue what I wanted to do. Yeah.

Speaker 24735.1s - 4736.88s

My tour itself was like, go to bed.

Speaker 04736.88s - 4764.44s

So then I was like, you know, I really do want to start a YouTube ORG channel doing taro. And I also wanted to start an Etsy shop. So I was trying to think of a name. And anyway, so Heretic came from my, the fifth line. Owl came from, of course, even to just the investigation part of the first line, but even just,

Speaker 24764.44s - 4786.48s

you know, wisdom and, you know, owls are also seen as guides in some area. So, so yeah, that's where that came from. And I love the way that it sounds together, too. And for me and my process, like I want, I had to,

Speaker 04787.28s - 4787.68s


Speaker 24787.76s - 4788.72s

make a logo.

Speaker 04789.52s - 4791.34s

And I was like,

Speaker 24791.38s - 4792.32s

whatever it is,

Speaker 04792.32s - 4822.18s

like the, the logo has to come really easily to me. So, um, and it did. It came out just perfect.So that's where, that's where that came from. Um, so yeah, Heretic Owltero on YouTube ORG. Heretic PRODUCT.Dot Owl on Instagram ORG. I do sometimes post daily messages on Instagram ORG, but I don't know. I'm waiting for the energy to come back around for that. I've been posting longer messages on Instagram.

Speaker 24822.38s - 4826.04s

I'll just pick a card and talk about whatever messages

Speaker 04826.04s - 4827.68s

come out

Speaker 24827.68s - 4829.14s

around that card.

Speaker 04829.98s - 4854.44s

So I've been doing that lately. And also I'm doing a live event if you're in Colorado at the end of April. I'm doing a spring event in Castle Rock at Ecclesia ORG.It's put on by Goldilink's jewelry and Castle Rock families Ecclesia ORG. It's put on by Goldilink ORG's jewelry and Castle Rock families. So I'll be doing live Terra readings there, which is always very exciting. I love that.

Speaker 34855.24s - 4857.6s

Beautiful. And I'll put all this in the show notes too.

Speaker 04858.4s - 4860.02s

Great. So people can access it.

Speaker 34860.44s - 4862.44s

But thank you so much, Liz PERSON,

Speaker 04862.44s - 4877.24s

for the conversation. And I'm sure we'll be in touch soon. Great. Bye. Thanks for listening.

Speaker 34877.54s - 4910.28s

If you like the episode and would like to support the podcast, please subscribe and leave a review anywhere you listen. And if you'd like to connect further, feel free to reach out on Instagram ORG, my website, or my Patreon page at patreon.com slash Dr. Daniel Atkins, where for $5 a month,you can gain access to all sorts of exclusive benefits and offerings for the Be the Vessel community. This includes live-channeled events, a new healing series podcast, and more. Until then, may you be the light, the frequency, and the vessel for your highest vision.