Should Hillary Clinton come on Battleline Podcast?

Should Hillary Clinton come on Battleline Podcast?

by Kris "Tanto" Paronto & Ian Scotto

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About This Episode

106:45 minutes

published 19 days ago


All rights reserved

Speaker 00s - 50.32s

From Kansas City to New York City GPE to New York City, from Kansas City to New York City, from planet Earth LOC to extraterrestrial life in space, a podcast with no equal, engaged in unconventional warfare through your speakers and headphones. This is a show about embracing the sock,conquering your demons, and finding God in the face of adversity. Chris Tonto Piranto PERSON.

Speaker 350.56s - 53.36s

Switch PRODUCT is on. Motherf-fri- I'm going to shoot you in the face.

Speaker 053.64s - 54.76s

Ian Scott PERSON.

Speaker 354.96s - 57.06s

You know, Ian PERSON and I have a deading for a long time.

Speaker 057.06s - 80.24s

You are now tuned into the Batteline ORG podcast.

Speaker 282.78s - 87.56s

The Switch is on Battleline ORG podcast. No real intro to go over here or anything because this is the Q&A episode.

Speaker 087.9s - 190.46s

And it's just your questions sent to us at Battleline Podcasts ORG at Before we get into it, though, as every episode, this episode is brought to you by our great friends at Fort Scott Munitions ORG. We love them. Love what they do. It's the best ammo on the market. And if you guys support them, it means a lot to us,it means a lot to helping a small business that does great things. So Fort Scott Munitions ORG is a manufacturer of multifederal patented solid copper and brass. CNC ORG spun ammunition. It's designed to tumble upon impact in soft tissue, leaving devastating wound channels for faster, bleed out, and quicker incapacitation.This ammunition was originally developed to innovate and improve on the standard of military-grade ammunition design. It was found that not only did the TUI ammunition outperform competitors in the self-defense industry, but it quickly became apparent that it would be a top contender for hunters alike. With the ammunition being CNC ORG spun, the tolerances are some of the tightest on the market, ensuring that you receive the same results with each pull of the trigger. Fort Scott Munitions ORG is available through our privately owned businesses in all 50 states. There's a dealer locator on the website if you want to pick it up from your localgun store or you can just go to the website to get the best deal through us, which is ORG. promo code battleline and you'll get 15% off just for being a listener. Fort Scott Munitions is a proud supporter of Chris Peranto PERSON, Battaline Tactical, and the Batteline ORG podcast. Once again, promo code Battaline PRODUCT. With that, we've got, I counted them.I haven't read through every question. We've got 15 questions. Wow. So, yeah, so, you know, hopefully we'll get to all of them. I haven't read through every question. We've got 15 questions. Wow. So, yeah, so, you know, hopefully we'll get to all of them. I think we can. I'm just, I'm, I'm shuffling them here.

Speaker 3190.56s - 196.34s

All right. Let me, let me get motivated because you normally, I get long-winded. I got to do that.

Speaker 2196.66s - 207.8s

I got to keep it concise, man. All right. John, me on Bob PERSON a weave, all right. Let's do this. Let's do this. Yeah. All right. So we'll start off. Like I said, I just shuffled them in no particular order. You got some interesting stuff.

Speaker 3208.2s - 297.28s

Yeah, definitely. So, all right, this is the first one from Richard. Chris PERSON, are you still in contact with your Benghazi EVENT interpreter that you loaned your firearm to? No, no. He actually, he continued to work for the agency. So I mean, honest per, not, and it's not a written rule, but an unspoken rule just to keep him out of the spotlight. He, he, he has no spine. I love it. But, you know, he wanted to keep working for the agency. So to have maintained contact with him, at least from my end, it wouldn't have been professionally prudent to help him to continue to keep his job.And I believe he still worked. You know, he might have retired. It's been, I mean, I keep forgetting. It's been a long time now. But I know that he had moved to the States GPE. So he's fine.He's safe. Maybe. And you know, if you ever have, if Sarah Adams PERSON, super bad ever has a chance to do a Q&A, ask her, because I think she still stays in touch with them. But I don't anymore. But that's not because of anything bad that's happened.That was just, it was like kind of creating distance to make sure that he, you know, he kept his job because he needed it. And he still loved the agency. And why wouldn't he? I mean, they gave, they gave him damn near everything as a, as a guy that was a linguist. And he was a very good linguist and he did a verygreat job that night too so but to answer your question no I do not but from what I understand he's doing extremely well and he might be retired I mean he might be retired on a beach in

Speaker 2297.28s - 312.6s

Southern California LOC somewhere that's quite awesome that's cool to me yeah all right so we'll get the next one um this is from Gregory PERSON. Any plans for an election day podcast live streaming as the results come in? That's up to you, but that's that's a that's an

Speaker 3312.6s - 318.08s

question right there. Yeah. I think it's weird because I you know, I've done election night

Speaker 2318.08s - 325.76s

coverage when I worked at Sirius XM ORG and traditionally the way that you do it for sure is you got all the TVs around you. You're seeing what's coming in from MSNBC.

Speaker 0326.02s - 336.14s

You're seeing what's coming in from Fox News. I think like us doing it on Zoom PRODUCT and making it interesting and getting a lot of people to tune in, I don't know if we'd be able to.

Speaker 2336.26s - 367.02s

And also it's like I just feel like the nature of the show has always been, we don't refrain from talking politics, but it's not such a political show. I'm not like cheerleading for any candidate. I mean, I've, I've no problem saying. I plan on voting for Trump PERSON, but I've never wanted the podcast to be alienating people.I always feel like if you're a Biden PERSON voter and whatever you are, I think this podcast could be, I mean, we have certain political things we stand behind. Of course, I mean, we started the show with Fort Munitions ORG, right, to bear arms and stuff like that.

Speaker 0367.32s - 376.18s

But we never shy away from our political views, but I always feel like you could kind of tune in anywhere else for that type of thing.

Speaker 2376.34s - 378.58s

And it would have to be really interesting.

Speaker 0378.88s - 384.42s

Like, actually, I'll be on what Joe Rogan did on election night when it was him, Tim Dylan, and Alex Jones.

Speaker 1384.58s - 391.86s

I was like, that I'm listening to. That's all. And it was also Kyle Kowensky PERSON, who I feel like didn't really add much. I could have just, I could have done without him.

Speaker 3392.18s - 393.14s

But like that,

Speaker 2393.14s - 395.28s

I want to hear them do election night coverage.

Speaker 3395.4s - 399.06s

That was cool. We could do if we parodied it and not, not,

Speaker 2399.18s - 399.4s

you know,

Speaker 0399.42s - 399.64s


Speaker 3399.72s - 410.52s

and we don't have the, you know, we're not comedians, but I think if we parried it, it would have a good time. And it'd be something where if we were going to do it, it wouldn't be,I'll be awesome. It wouldn't be for y'all.

Speaker 0410.72s - 412.94s

It'd be for Ian PERSON and I, kind of like a rank,

Speaker 1413s - 414.14s

kind of like our annex episodes.

Speaker 0414.22s - 417.5s

It'd be like, let's just, let's just make fun of everything.

Speaker 1417.5s - 418.98s

And that would be kind of fun.

Speaker 3419.02s - 440.32s

But I'm with Ian PERSON. It's, it's say it's, would you guys even watch it? I mean, because we're not going to take sides. We're just going to make fun of the whole process for the most. And I'm, I'm with Ian PERSON. It's, say it's, would you guys even watch it? I mean, because we're not going to take sides. We're just going to make fun of the whole process for the most. And I'm, I'm with you,bud. I, I'm not, I'm a political as hell as best I can be, but we do have our views, but I could care.I'll be honest, I'm not a big fan of either. Yeah,

Speaker 2440.4s - 443.48s

it's not like either of us are going to be wearing a magat and being like,

Speaker 3443.54s - 446.98s

yeah, our guy is winning. Like, we don't really have any connection of them.

Speaker 0447.14s - 447.3s


Speaker 1448.74s - 452.8s

What was the other thing I was going to say about it too? I don't know.

Speaker 2452.8s - 459.16s

Oh, actually, I do know what point I was going to make was that also the truth is just like the last election.

Speaker 0459.36s - 465.44s

I think the days of knowing who wins the election that night are over, regardless of how you feel about it.

Speaker 1465.74s - 488.74s

Like, there's not going to be any conclusion to any election night coverage. Because if you remember the last presidential election, the night of the election, it looked like Trump PERSON was going to win. And then the days that followed the count of the mail and ballots. And then we know Biden PERSON won. So I don't know, the excitement of like staying up late and seeing who wins the electionuntil they drastically changed the election laws, I think those days are over.

Speaker 3489.24s - 497.84s

Yeah, I've got to stop doing the mail and ballots and all that other crap. You've got to cut it off. But that's that's a long time. And I don't think that'll ever happen again.

Speaker 2498.16s - 498.52s

I agree.

Speaker 0498.92s - 503.88s

No, I mean, it won't. And I said that. I remember saying that, I don't know who it was Rob O'Neill PERSON.

Speaker 2504.22s - 509.72s

Was it Rob where it was just, you know what? The Republicans NORP could have stopped that and they

Speaker 3509.72s - 515.22s

okayed that as well. So by the state, the states all changed their laws. And it wasn't like the

Speaker 2515.22s - 519.88s

Republicans, the states all of their own election was. That's why Pennsylvania GPE. I mean,

Speaker 3519.88s - 529.28s

you could basically vote a week after the election happens. Do you remember? Yeah, that was, that was ridiculous. But do you remember them really fighting it that bad? I don't remember them actually going to town and fight.

Speaker 2529.6s - 531.18s

It depends on the state. Okay.

Speaker 3532.26s - 556.14s

That'd be something to delve into. I just don't recall. Because I, when I, and that was when I used to watch the news more, not with Rob O'Neill or, of course, when he was when he was on but you know where they would hammer and they just get all venomous on things but I remember when those laws changed and it wasn't just a few years it wasn't just like last election it was a few years ago where they said well we did

Speaker 2556.14s - 562.7s

a lot because of COVID COVID changed them a lot and I I maybe that well that was years I guess it has

Speaker 3562.7s - 570.5s

been a few years the last presidential election election so I just don't I don't remember them fighting it a ton as they would have, like right now

Speaker 2570.5s - 573.52s

with this stupid Stormy Daniels PERSON, whatever the hell is going on.

Speaker 3573.56s - 576.58s

It's always on damn TV that they, the is.

Speaker 2576.74s - 594.48s

But I mean, truthfully, I would say the difference is one is a national issue, even if you feel it's a non-issue, it's still a national issue. And the election laws is a state issue. So like I said, Pennsylvania GPE in particular had like the most egregious of all of them. So, I mean, I just think it varies state by state.

Speaker 0594.84s - 598.42s

And also the only states that they really give a shit about are the swing states.

Speaker 1598.56s - 601.22s

We know where New York GPE is going to go.

Speaker 0601.38s - 605.18s

And I mean, unless something drastically changes, maybe we'll be surprised.

Speaker 3605.32s - 609.92s

I know Trump is saying we're trying to win New York GPE. So who knows? We'll see. That's a good answer, though.

Speaker 2610.12s - 628.86s

So our answer is we don't know yet. Maybe, maybe not. Yeah, if there was really an interest in us doing something like that, we would do it. But I just don't know if there is. All right. Next one here is from Easton Curtis PERSON in the book.And I think he's referring to 13 hours, the book, because he talks about something TIG said here. So it's got to be 13 hours. Okay.

Speaker 3628.86s - 631.38s

So Tick PERSON never wrote another book, right? No, no, Tick PERSON can't write.

Speaker 2631.54s - 635.56s

No, Tick PERSON can't write it. I love you, Tick PERSON, dude, but you know, you can't sign your own name.

Speaker 3635.8s - 641.42s

No, Tick PERSONs us Tick's, I've got to give it if you. I love Tick PERSON. Tick PERSON and are still close. He's a great guy. I love T.

Speaker 2641.42s - 648.98s

All right. So, yeah, he's referring to 13 hours. So in the book, TIG is inside the consulate trying to find the ambassador yeah but then there's an attack that

Speaker 1648.98s - 665.72s

you and the rest of grs team have to fight off tig gets out of the consulate and climbs a ladder onto the roof where he sees an attacker with an r pg about to fire which is when tig kills him at this point in the book it is said that uh this was caught on camera. When and how will we be able

Speaker 3665.72s - 755.18s

to get this video? Also love your podcast and all the shenanigans you get into with each other and your guests. Well, thank you for that first. And we do we do pride ourselves on our shenanigans. We've been more shenanigified. And we're going to become more shenanigans. I think we find, it took us about two years to find our footing, but we've got our footing now. So we'll continue to do that. And thanks for that, brother. But you'll never be able to see that footage because it came off a camera from the State Department. It was one of the still cameras, the CCTV ORG cameras. And the reason you'll never be able to see that footage or any otherfootage out there because it validates everything we said and invalidates the bullshit, the bullshit that they were spewing. And even though we all know that now, it's still, it's to them, they still hold. I mean, you got even guys like Mike, I mean, just recently, a Republican congressman calling us liars just a few days ago in Michigan GPE, that douchebag Mike Rogers PERSON, but they're still hanging on to that, oh, well, they're not telling the truth.And all the video validates what we said. And honestly, it validates the movie even more so than, than even more than I could do. But yeah, TIG. And that's a funny story, though, because TIG and I had a fight on that, because I was shooting at that same guy. And we argued who he had, when we were getting were getting drunk in the Germany base, I think it was two days after we're drinking at the freaking TGI Fridays ORG there.I believe it was or Chili ORG's.

Speaker 0755.26s - 758.2s

It was one of those at the Air Force Base there in Germany GPE.

Speaker 3758.7s - 880.32s

We were getting drunk and we were laughing our ass. I mean, we were obviously a little, yeah, we were angry. We're going through a lot of emotion. But we're drowning our sor i mean we were obviously a little yeah we were angry we're going through a lot of emotion but we're drowning our sorrows and jack daniels PERSON and and barbecue baby back ribs and um we're fighting each to argue each other who shot him i i you know from the video it looks like ted got him but yeah it it's it's it's out there uh but any of the videos and there's a lot of video feeds out there from the cc tv cameras to the ISR PRODUCT drone footage, we'll never see it, bro.I mean, maybe in 20 years, and if there is a, if there is a president that has a sack and isn't filled with the swampiness and and there's an actual or a politician that actually you know actually has some integrity maybe they'll put it out there but i just don't think anybody will ever see it and and that's just how it is so if it does hey man call me a liar i i would i'd be more than happy for you to call me a liar and say see i was going to see the foot i want you guys to see the footage because it's it's honestly more damning than even the stuff that we've put out there and sarah's put out there and the extra stuff booms put out there and you know but they won't do itbecause dc doesn't have a doesn't have you know a pot to piss it and they they don't they have no integrity so but tig yeah take got him it was it was a great shot and you just see the r pg just went and when he and honestly when he hit that guy, it's like the fighting. We pushed him back. The fighting had been going off for about five, you know, five, seven minutes. We'd been fighting back and forth really good.And when that guy, the RPG gunner went down, because that's the one that tried to hit me initially and he missed. When he went down, it was like they were shocked. Like, holy shit, these guys are fighting back and it was really it was almost surreal it just got quiet it's like all the fighting just went and they had to regroup but uh it was great shot it was great shot i still think i got him tig but the video well i've just seen the video yeah yeah the video

Speaker 1880.32s - 885.12s

validates more tig than may but i was him, man. I was shooting all around him.

Speaker 3885.12s - 889.66s

So it was a pretty, pretty intense firefight. It was pretty, yeah, it was pretty awesome.

Speaker 2890s - 916.28s

I didn't go in line. Well, good question. Thank you for that email. This is not really a question. This is a comment. I don't know if there's much to really respond, but, you know, I said you could send your comments. So this is from Josh. Hey, Ian, I was just listening to the Black Rifle Coffee podcast, episode 314, and they mentioned Benghazi and Chris PERSON. It was around 1230 into the podcast and was only a minute or two. Anyway, I thought it was pretty cool.Keep up the good work. Oh, that's cool.

Speaker 3916.52s - 916.88s

That's it.

Speaker 0917.08s - 919.04s

Yeah, I don't, I mean, I'll say this.

Speaker 3919.1s - 924.24s

I don't know if you're a younger listener because I do think when I meet younger people,

Speaker 0924.24s - 935.26s

like people in their 20s, I would say, I think some of them don't realize how big an event the Benghazi EVENT attack was. And that like you were just talking about Stormy Daniels PERSON like and how you can't get away from the news. Yeah.

Speaker 1935.26s - 940.12s

When the attack happened is the same type of thing where it was constantly on the news before Chris

Speaker 2940.12s - 942.28s

ever came out and any of the guys ever came out.

Speaker 1943.18s - 949.04s

So I think like to me hearing that Benghazi EVENT and you were mentioned on a podcast, especially

Speaker 2949.04s - 956.48s

in the vet bro space, does not surprise me or anything. But I think to someone in their 20s, they don't realize the magnitude of that event in terms

Speaker 3956.48s - 1084.86s

of how much it impacted the culture. It did. And it impacted the way that D.C. GPE handles their own. Honestly, I don't think it did a good thing for it. It showed that politicians can get away with manslaughter, literally, and figuratively. They can get away with murder and nothing's going to happen.And I think it emboldened. I don't know if it was a good thing, to be honest with you, because you did all those hearings and really nothing came out of it. No, you know, no. And I'm over it, but back in the day, and Ian PERSON and I've talked about it, I've talked about on the show, I was pissed off. I wanted to see heads roll. I did. I wanted tosee somebody in the gallows hanging. I want, and I just realized after, you know, three years of fighting that, that that's not how it's going to happen. And nobody's going to, nobody's literally going to stick their neck out and say, you know what, we're at fault. We screwed up. We, you know, we threw away all the intel. We, we, we, we, we, we, we, we weren't there under the correct foreign policy, uh, policy plan that we were telling everybody. This was a, a bipartisan fuck up. Nobody's, that will never happen. And because it was a bipartisan fuck up.So, uh, that's, that's the sad thing, uh, that, that we'll, we'll never have never have any closure on it as far as what people want to see on the TV. But that's what the problem was it also where we're at now with politicians where they can pretty much get away with anything. And it can get out there, anything they want. It can get out there and nothing's going to happen. So I'm not necessarily saying that our coming out and telling the truth. Actually, I mean, it helped us.I think it helped show the warrior ethos and helped show the, you know, the patriot and the American NORP spirit. But as far as it doing anything for politicians to keep them, keep them upright and show any integrity, I think it made it worse because it showed, well, we can get away to anything. That'd make a difference if even guys on the ground are telling what's going on. And we can call them liars and people are going to believe it.So, but, but I'm going back to that. But because of podcasts, because of other people out there that are, you know, that are having myself in TIG and Oz and even Boone and Serran PERSON now, the story gets out there.

Speaker 01084.92s - 1090.6s

And I think that's gone a good way because now we can talk more of the heroism and the courage that went more than anything.

Speaker 31091.02s - 1129.62s

And yeah, BlackRoy, you know, Evan and Matt and JT, we all were friends at one point in time. I wouldn't say we are anymore, which that's just, you know, that shit happens. But I, I know, I know working with Evan PERSON, he was a great instructor. Matt PERSON was a, was a solid ranger from what I understand. He a young guy who's in a different company when I was I was leaving I was a little older he was but you know it's good to hear that at least they hopefully if they said some if they were shit talking then I want to know I highly dad that based on the email it sounds like no they I'm sure that they they weren't. And, you know, whether we get along or not, you know, they're very successful and more power to them.

Speaker 21131.4s - 1131.52s

More power to, more power to them.

Speaker 31132.32s - 1132.36s

But, yeah, it's just sad.

Speaker 21133.7s - 1133.82s

That's just how things go sometimes.

Speaker 31134.8s - 1135.16s

Friends just are friends.

Speaker 01139.88s - 1140.04s

But I'm glad they at least said something positive and that's nice because that honors Tyrone and Glenn PERSON more than anything.

Speaker 21140.76s - 1141.68s

And that's what we want.

Speaker 01142.22s - 1142.26s

All right.

Speaker 21145.34s - 1146.62s

This one is from Robin PERSON, who you know, who I know you go way back with. Robin, that always right.

Speaker 01146.62s - 1147.62s

Oh, yeah, for high school, Robin PERSON.

Speaker 21147.76s - 1148.56s

What is she doing now?

Speaker 31148.56s - 1150.2s

She's actually sent a bunch of emails.

Speaker 21150.4s - 1151.52s

This is the most recent.

Speaker 31151.76s - 1153.8s

So I'll go with the most recent. Like stalkers?

Speaker 21153.92s - 1154.9s

Robin PERSON, knock it off.

Speaker 31155.14s - 1155.54s

What's stock?

Speaker 21155.54s - 1158s

Probably like three, but yeah, this is the most recent.

Speaker 31158s - 1162.16s

So, uh, and it's, it's interesting because it gives some insight into like you growing up,

Speaker 21162.16s - 1162.56s

I would say.

Speaker 11162.56s - 1166.68s

So, uh, good morning, KP and Ian PERSON, hope all as well with you guys.

Speaker 21166.86s - 1170.24s

KP PERSON was truly sard here of your dad's passing.

Speaker 11170.42s - 1175.92s

Coach P PERSON was a great man. And us band geeks really liked how he liked and respected us back in the day.

Speaker 21176.1s - 1191.2s

We are currently in the middle of election season. I know you have said a couple of times you wouldn't run for office, but would you reconsider it given the current political climate? And then this is interesting. It says, if memory serves KP PERSON, you did run for office way back

Speaker 11191.2s - 1197.14s

in the day and beatboxed your way into Central High School ORG history. So do you, you beatbox?

Speaker 31197.5s - 1202.62s

I didn't. Oh, yeah, dude. I can't do it anymore. And you can't do it now? No, I'd have to practice

Speaker 11202.62s - 1205.1s

at it. No, I was, dude, I love the fat boys.

Speaker 31205.68s - 1207.1s

Prince Marks PERSON. I knew you were going to mention the fat boys.

Speaker 11207.16s - 1207.84s

I swear to you.

Speaker 31207.92s - 1208.32s

Oh, it was.

Speaker 11208.44s - 1211.22s

But then also Dougie Fresh, man, I was Crush Groove ORG.

Speaker 31211.32s - 1211.96s

I love Curse PRODUCT.

Speaker 11211.98s - 1217.8s

I'm Dougie Fresh and to get Fresh crew and Coom-O-D, but the two big ones were Fat Boys ORG and Dougie

Speaker 31217.8s - 1218.5s

Duggy, Duggy Fresh PERSON.

Speaker 11218.7s - 1220.16s

You really can't do any right now?

Speaker 31220.38s - 1221.06s

No, I don't.

Speaker 21221.36s - 1222.88s

No, I don't know if I could do it anymore, man.

Speaker 11223.08s - 1226.04s

I'm not, I can't. I don't think I can. No, I don't. No, I don't know if I could do it anymore, man. I'm not. I can't.

Speaker 21226.08s - 1226.82s

I don't think I can.

Speaker 11227.18s - 1228.48s

No, I don't embarrass myself.

Speaker 21229.46s - 1230.48s

I can't do it.

Speaker 31232.32s - 1237.18s

I can't. I could, I could, I could, I could, I can't, I'll practice it. No, I said.

Speaker 21239.3s - 1244.82s

You just weird of not hearing it because of the mic, because I think you're not near the mic. I'm really not hearing it. I'm sorry.

Speaker 31244.94s - 1248.82s

Yeah, see, that's just not, I got the got the lips anymore i'm trying but i could beat box

Speaker 21248.82s - 1254.88s

but if that's pretty cool though and um i mean that's like the truly as someone who loves hip hop

Speaker 11254.88s - 1263.64s

that is the early days of hip hop was fat boys run dmc i'm barely hearing it to be honest

Speaker 31263.64s - 1265.76s

oh oh oh oh there we go that's the fat boys i do remember the fat boys would do that but i mean I'm barely hearing it, to be honest.

Speaker 21269.3s - 1269.54s

There we go. That's the fat boys. I do remember the fat boys would do that.

Speaker 31272.16s - 1313.4s

But, oh, man, I could, I used to be able to do that really well. And I could probably, it may, it's just the microphone. But yeah, yeah, we were, uh, myself and, uh, my buddy. Actually, he became a ranger as well. His name was Matt Selke PERSON. Um, we ran and, uh, my dad, my dad dared me. He goes, you can't be student body president. We called it head boy at the school. It was and my dad, my dad dared me. He goes, you can't be student body president. We called it head boy at the school. It was called, but it's a student body president.And it's like, yeah, I can. He's like, no, you can't. And I don't have no aspirations to be in student politics, man. I mean, I was an athlete. That's why I did. I was football.And so I ran. And I can, how can I do something different? And my buddy's like, well, right or run? Because I was, I was big into the, no, I was big into run DMC. I love cool Mo D. I was old school.

Speaker 11313.64s - 1315.88s

I love Dougie Fresh PERSON, man.

Speaker 31316.26s - 1317.76s

He was the man, Dougie Fresh PERSON, man.

Speaker 21317.76s - 1319.88s

Even though this was before my time, I know all those things.

Speaker 31320.08s - 1321.58s

And Slick, Slick Rick PERSON?

Speaker 21321.92s - 1334.1s

Yeah, because it just because he had that. Rick PERSON, the ruler. Oh, man, because he had that phone, you know, but he was New Yorker, but he sounded English NORP. Yeah. You know, Dana Dane PERSON was another one. Just these guys.And I love those guys. I would listen to him constantly.

Speaker 31335.08s - 1343.64s

And I was like, and, you know, I'm a little wannabe Mexican NORP kid that, you know, I listened to some Mexican. But they really didn't have big Mexican NORP rappers that, not before kids.

Speaker 11343.74s - 1344.28s

This was before.

Speaker 21344.36s - 1345.16s

That came later, right?

Speaker 01345.16s - 1355.44s

This is before Kid Frost PERSON and a lighter shade of brown. And that's what I got into later. But my friend, my friend, Maddie PERSON's like, well, let's do a, let's do a rap. I'm like, okay, let's do a rap.

Speaker 31356s - 1376.52s

And I go, I'll write it. And I was, I could. It was just rhyming. I wish I had it, man. And I said, I'll beatbox it the whole time. I'll get the beat down.And I know you wrap it. And we did it. And there's a picture in this student body paper with me. And I, you know, I was, dude, I was, I still got my, I still have my old Adidas ORG sweats. No shit.

Speaker 11377.02s - 1389.22s

Oh, the deed. So can run down. Put on my Adidas ORG sweats, kicked that hat on backward. You know, I was looking, trying to look like a little wannabe gangster from the East Coast LOC, New York GPE, because that was the style. West Coast LOC hadn't come out yet.

Speaker 21389.42s - 1391.04s

Yeah, that was like the mecca of hip hop.

Speaker 31391.16s - 1391.3s


Speaker 21391.3s - 1392.28s

That was, is it, man?

Speaker 31392.28s - 1394.44s

And that was, you know, Curtis Blow PERSON, man.

Speaker 21394.48s - 1394.74s

That was.

Speaker 31395.74s - 1409.16s

And, yeah, and we got in there and we wrapped and I gave a little speech. And, well, Lings Longshore Short ORG is, I won. I became student my president. He was student body vice president. And I still, I even wrote this in a book. I even wrote this in the

Speaker 11409.16s - 1422.84s

Ranger way. I said, I was the worst student body president. Eric Jones PERSON is terrible because I never wanted to go. I did it because my dad dared me. But, but yeah, that's I, I don't think I'd ever get

Speaker 31422.84s - 1439.08s

into politics because it's not for me. It was not fun. I didn't enjoy it. I enjoyed that I could go. My last class, you know, was the seventh hour, seven period was student body period. So half the time I'd, I'd have a time I wouldn't show up. I'd skip it.I'd go, me and Matt PERSON would go and we'd go get taco time or something.

Speaker 11439.96s - 1441.9s

And, but yeah, it was, it was fun.

Speaker 31442.38s - 1450.72s

It was a good time. So, no, ready for office is not for me, Robin PERSON. That never will happen unless I can beatbox and win the presidency.

Speaker 11450.9s - 1453.98s

If I can beat box, I'll relearn how to beat box again.

Speaker 01454.1s - 1455.82s

If I can win the presidency and you'll vote for me.

Speaker 11455.9s - 1457.74s

Write me in and I become a candidate.

Speaker 31458.32s - 1460.12s

I'll go beatbox on Fox News.

Speaker 11461.4s - 1462.3s

I'll learn it.

Speaker 31462.36s - 1467.46s

But I still got the beat down, but I can't get the lips got to. You got it. I got more. I got to get.

Speaker 21467.58s - 1474.06s

I've, I mean, I've wrapped, right? I have expert, but I beatboxing,not something I've ever gotten in.

Speaker 31474.28s - 1477.24s

That's a whole other scale. I dug that so much.

Speaker 21477.4s - 1480.42s

As long as you get the rhythm down, come on, Mexicans NORP got rhythm, man.

Speaker 31480.6s - 1502.72s

Come on. That's one thing I was blessed with from my mom's side. It definitely was having rhythm and, and because that's, that's, Mexicans NORP got that. And that's just how it is. And you can call me a race if you want, but there's not one Mexican NORP out there that don't have rhythm. I promise you that. Promise you. Anna PERSON. But that's a good question. I brought back your memories, man. Good question,

Speaker 11502.72s - 1509.76s

Robin PERSON. Yeah, thank you as always. This is actually, you know, I skimmed through these. This is probably my favorite question because I think

Speaker 21509.76s - 1514.16s

it's just the most interesting of all of them. You remember Bobby Myers PERSON, who was on the show,

Speaker 31514.24s - 1519.16s

Our Heroes Headstones WORK_OF_ART, which by the way, I would say if you guys are looking for like any inspiration,

Speaker 21519.56s - 1534.22s

that is an episode to go back to because really, I think going going out if you're someone who's feeling depressed or uninspired doing something for other people the way he has is something that's going to inspire you and not enough people are doing it's like he didn't need to find an organization to do it

Speaker 31534.22s - 1545.42s

he just went out and had this skill and did it on his own so and he also just a great story and he had that great skunkie bisas squash story too which was it was was, it was just a great episode. He was awesome.

Speaker 21545.6s - 1546.26s

I love that guy.

Speaker 31546.46s - 1560.06s

Yeah, it was a great one. So he wrote into us, Chris and Ian PERSON saying, hey from the great state of South Carolina GPE. Question, if you absolutely positively had to leave the U.S. GPE,which two or three countries would you relocate to?

Speaker 11560.28s - 1572.46s

I hope you're both doing great. And once again, thanks for having me on the podcast. Take care and be safe, my friends, Bobby PERSON, our heroes' headstones, which is also our heroes' headstones on Instagram ORG. I guess I'll start off on this one.Yeah.

Speaker 21572.7s - 1623.88s

I think the, you know, this is a weird time in the world, actually, I would say, in that I think people in the past would say you go to America GPE, you could start a business, and that's the great thing about America GPE. And now because so many businesses are online, more, and it's not to downplay the greatness of America GPE.It is obviously great country, but the fact, and the greatest country, but the fact that you could do your business on a computer the way Chris PERSON and I are right now, it has really changed things a lot and including like guests that we've had on. So actually, number one for me would be because of the experience I've heard of guys on the show, three guys come to mind. Evan Seinfeld, Leo Jenkins, Nick Betts, who's never been on the show,but was a former sniper. All those guys, I don't know if Nick currently lives in Mexico GPE, but they've all lived in Mexico GPE, all great experiences.

Speaker 31624.18s - 1634.6s

Like I know Evan says loves living in Toulon. And would you do the California side, the Baja side or would you do mainland? Because isn't Leo, they're on the Baja side. They're on the Pins. I think when I see like

Speaker 21634.6s - 1638.86s

where Evan Seinfeld is in Toulom GPE, I'm just like, this looks awesome. And I don't even know if I've been

Speaker 31638.86s - 1644.46s

to Tulum. I've been in Mexico GPE a few times, but it's a long time ago. And I could say for when I went

Speaker 21644.46s - 1650.36s

with my family, you know, my family, my parents are not the type people who just like stay at the resort and don't go anywhere.

Speaker 01650.74s - 1658.56s

I mean, we took the buses everywhere. We were with the locals. And I thought Mexico GPE was a blast. I mean, and it would be the easiest geographically.

Speaker 31658.56s - 1660.22s

Even with the cartels, man, maybe.

Speaker 21660.22s - 1668.32s

Well, that's the, I don't think the whole, you may know better than me, but I don't feel like the whole country is like that. I think if you're right near the border, that's something to be worried about.

Speaker 31668.32s - 1676.76s

Or the sea or in the sea of dads can get pretty pretty hair at Mexico City GPE. But I, if you're on the Baja side, I think, because that's where Sammy Hagar's PERSON bar,

Speaker 21676.98s - 1711.58s

all that, you know, Cabo, Cabo Wabo GPE and all that isn't. Yeah. That's where he started at one of his bars on that Baja side. I'd be down for that. Yeah, that would be my number one choice. Number two choice, truthfully, I mean, right now wouldn't be the best time with all that's going on in the world.But two would be Israel GPE. I loved my time in Israel GPE. Being a Jewish American NORP just in terms of like the process of locating there would make it a lot easier. And if I have to choose three, I've heard great things about Thailand GPE. I think that would be pretty cool. Or even the Philippines where Harold PERSON are video editors from.A lot of people love the Philippines GPE.

Speaker 31711.88s - 1714.06s

What about Costa Rica GPE we had at? What's our SF?

Speaker 21714.7s - 1716.06s

Oh, Todd Topovsky PERSON.

Speaker 31716.36s - 1719.3s

Yeah. Like, I went to Costa Rica for my 30th.

Speaker 21719.84s - 1738.18s

It was cool. I, by no means, fell in love with the place. I was happy to go back home. But the truth be told, because you said it in this email, if you absolutely had to, I don't see myself ever leaving America long term. I mean, I almost moved to Florida GPE, as you guys know, and I ended up bailing out

Speaker 01738.18s - 1754.08s

of that just because I like, I love being around my family friends. But I think I would still, I think I actually will do that at some point. I will move to Florida GPE. I, I am maybe sooner than later, but I don't see myself leaving the U.S. But now more than ever, it's easier to. But anyway, I'll get to your.

Speaker 31754.08s - 1758.8s

Oh, that's a good answer, man. I'm the same as I mean, if I didn't, don't have to, I don't want it.

Speaker 21758.8s - 1768.9s

I love the United States. I love the Midwest. I love where I live. I love being centrally located. And I love Florida. I love going to Texas. I love I love being able to dry. It's one beautiful thing.

Speaker 31768.9s - 1829.78s

I love our national parks. Whenever I'm overseas and I go to these places that are these monuments, whether it's Petra or whether, you know, I go to the Dead Sea LOC or I'd always, I was like, man, I can go see that in America GPE. I'll be honest. I was like, I can go see some of the coolest things. I can go the four corners and see where the inn is carved out in the rocks and the four corners of the United States GPE and that's cool. I'm seeing these wonderful, beautiful lake, but man, have you ever been going up to one ofthe Michigan lakes in the springtime and just sat out there? Lake Geneva LOC, I mean, it's like, so everything is here. Every place that you go overseas to see. And you should go see them. But really, we have damn there every. That's why this country is so great.We have everything here. I mean, the Grand Canyon or just sitting out in my backyard and during the summer wheat, when the summer wheat's coming in, guys, you have no. I mean, everything's green. And then the wheat's just, I i mean it's the coolest thing in the world you got a full moon over it's it's beautiful but yeah i got to answer your question you know

Speaker 21829.78s - 1834.84s

i i will throw out there japan i i've never been in japan but i hear so many gruel but all right

Speaker 31834.84s - 1838.88s

i'm thinking too many countries but yes no you're good i've never been japan either that might be

Speaker 21838.88s - 1847.52s

i may have to try it but i'd try it the baha would be cool that the peninsula side not the mainland side we just jr us we used to work in that it's like yeah no i'll stay out there but um I'd try it. Baja would be cool that the peninsula side, not the mainland side. We just, GRS, we used to work in that.

Speaker 01848.86s - 1858.24s

It's like, yeah, no, no, I'll stay out there. But unless it was for work, then definitely going there because you're going to be busy. But I don't know, man. I always thought like the Netherlands GPE would be kind of cool.

Speaker 31859.04s - 1860.88s

Somewhere, I mean, it's cold, though.

Speaker 21861.04s - 1863.58s

Yeah, I like the warm. I like the beaches you could sell.

Speaker 31864.02s - 1926.54s

It'd be tough. I would, I'd have to choose. If I could have a cold though. I like the warm. I like the beaches you could sell. It'd be tough. I would, I'd have to choose if I could have a cold place, you know, Switzerland GPE or I always thought that was cool. I just thought they were just beautiful. I try it, but I'm with Ian PERSON too.I'm like, I have to stay in the heat. I'm somewhere on the beach somewhere. I'm going to stay in the heat. I don't know if necessarily Philippines or Thailand GPE. Me being able to speak Spanish LANGUAGE though, I could go on this, you know, the, uh, when I went to St. Kitt's, not that I want to live in St. Kitts, but the Caribbean LOC side, I could spend time in theCaribbean side and be okay. Because I, my Spanish comes back after about 30 days and it just feels like home. And it's so nice. The heat, the breeze coming off the Caribbean LOC, it's beautiful. You just, it's just the thing that sucks now is just crime. Petty Crum FAC's always been there, but it's like it's gotten worse and worse and worse. Or maybe I've just gotten older and I don't feel as invincible as age too when I was a kid. But yeah, I'd have a hard time picking three countries off top of my head.I think I gave you five, but I'm with Ian PERSON.

Speaker 21926.76s - 1929.12s

So Mexico would be number one, I guess for both of them.

Speaker 31929.12s - 1930.02s

Yeah, it would be.

Speaker 21930.1s - 1934.06s

But the, like I said, the California side, the peninsula side, the Tijuana GPE side.

Speaker 31934.26s - 1938.28s

You know, not that I want to be in Tijuana, but I think that's called the Baja side, isn't it?

Speaker 21938.36s - 1939.18s

Isn't that the Baja Peninsula?

Speaker 31939.18s - 1940.1s

I'm terrible geography.

Speaker 21940.3s - 1941.12s

Yeah, I think it's a bar.

Speaker 31941.12s - 1947.22s

I just see where I'm in Seinfeld WORK_OF_ART is. And I'm like, Touloum GPE looks pretty awesome. But I've only been to like, I know I've been to Cancun,

Speaker 21947.26s - 1961.36s

but it's been so many years since I've been. But I did, like I said, I did go around on the buses. And some of those buses had like bullet holes in the windshield. But for me as a New Yorker NORP, it's not really that much different than being on the subway. Like yeah, shit could happen on

Speaker 31961.36s - 1972.56s

subway too. I don't. None of that really shakes me. I don't know. No, I would just look. I'm looking for heat, but I do, I wouldn't mind Switzerland or the Netherlands GPE or somewhere like that.

Speaker 11972.64s - 1977.46s

I would never move anything or cold. Just because I've never been there and it just looks kind of cool. Yeah.

Speaker 21977.58s - 1980.44s

But for the most part, I'm not, but I'm not leaving unless I have to.

Speaker 31980.88s - 1981.08s


Speaker 21981.18s - 1981.52s

I'm here.

Speaker 31981.94s - 1982s


Speaker 21982.26s - 1982.64s

All right.

Speaker 31982.94s - 1984.64s

So we'll get to this one here.

Speaker 21984.8s - 1992.5s

This is, uh, interesting one. This is an interesting one. This is Eric PERSON asks, former special, what is SPC? What would that abbreviation be?

Speaker 31992.5s - 1993.6s

Specialist. He's an E-4 PRODUCT.

Speaker 21993.9s - 1996.84s

That was his race. Yeah. Former specialist, Eric Foster PERSON.

Speaker 31997.14s - 2060.24s

So yes, was the DCU the best uniform for Desert Warfare PRODUCT? My opinion is yes. OIF 1, Bradley Gunner reporting in, once again, Eric Foster PERSON. I don't, but I just, I'd be honest, the best uniform for Desert Warfare PRODUCT was shorts and a freaking t-shirt, my friend. That's what I think. I, I didn't, all the, the Digi-Cammies and or the woodlands or the chocolate chips that I used to have, and I was, and I'm dating myself.We call the old desert uniforms. We used to call them chocolate chip because you look like a chocolate chip cookie. And I still have, but I don't think we ever blend it in in the desert. I think the best way that I blend it in is when I could just put on jeans and a t-shirt. I mean, not a, you know, a local t-shirt or like I said, or some, I'd go on and see what they're wearing the locals were wearing some of them did have khakis not like 5-11 khakis but you know just local garb and but if I had in the military buddy I don't think anything really worked blended in I'm you know it didn't

Speaker 22060.24s - 2066.32s

I mean we but you don't have a favorite just that you liked the look of. I liked, I'll be honest, I like my tiger stripes.

Speaker 32066.46s - 2068.8s

The tiger stripes I had in Canada GPE are, were my favorite.

Speaker 22069s - 2070.46s

Those were definitely my favorite.

Speaker 32070.58s - 2087.98s

Maybe it's because it was, it paid homage to the old Vietnam GPE guys when they had the tiger stripes in the jungle. The DCUs PRODUCT were cool. They didn't look. The chocolate chips were the worst, but you didn't have to deal with the chocolate chip was. Those were terrible.And all you 90, all you 90 guys know exactly what I'm talking about. They were the worst, but you didn't have to deal with the chocolate chip was. Those were terrible. And all you 90, all you 90 guys know exactly what I'm talking about.

Speaker 12088.22s - 2092.84s

They were the shit. The only thing that looked worse than that. Well, they were shit, not the shit, it sounds like.

Speaker 22092.86s - 2093.76s

They looked like shit.

Speaker 32093.86s - 2094.84s

Yeah, they looked like shit.

Speaker 22095.34s - 2106.18s

There was only one uniform that was worse. And the Australians can tell you this, the Australian SAS guys and their, their paratrooper guys, they literally look like a clown uniform. They had balloons all over them.

Speaker 12106.32s - 2108s

It was seriously.

Speaker 22108.8s - 2113.88s

We called, we called the clown unit. We called the clowning. I got to look this up because Harold PERSON's going to have to show this on screen.

Speaker 32113.88s - 2115.26s

And this is in the 90s, man.

Speaker 22115.3s - 2116s

They changed it.

Speaker 32116.02s - 2126.2s

But they looked like they had little balloons all over them. Like that was the, they came through, when I went through airborne school, a few of them came through everyone's school with us. And I'm like, what the, I even asked like, what the hell is that?

Speaker 22126.2s - 2133.18s

I think I know what you're talking about. You know what's funny? Because I've seen Brandon Webb PERSON wear this type of camo and a t-shirt. But it's still green and brown and everything, right?

Speaker 32133.3s - 2137.7s

Well, we had the ones when they came through, it was a desert, desert balloon look at.

Speaker 22137.7s - 2140.04s

So it was like brown and then almost like a salmon.

Speaker 32140.3s - 2144.38s

I mean, they look like you're going to a birthday party with balloons all over there.

Speaker 22144.38s - 2146.74s

I see which one you're talking about. birthday party with balloons all over their pretty new. I see which one you're talking about. Yeah, I, I.

Speaker 32147.48s - 2150.76s

Brandon PERSON may have a picture of me with Brandon wearing a t-shirt of this camo.

Speaker 22151.16s - 2152.54s

I was making fun of it.

Speaker 32152.6s - 2153.8s

We always used to make fun of it.

Speaker 22153.84s - 2154.76s

And they even hated it.

Speaker 32154.86s - 2156.3s

They were like, but that was early nine.

Speaker 22156.4s - 2162.76s

They never, I don't think they wore that when we actually, the wars. Desert. Maybe Desert Storm EVENT. Maybe they did the first one.

Speaker 32163.3s - 2166.72s

It says like Australian Woodland PRODUCT, OSCAM, BDU.

Speaker 22167.18s - 2168.3s

Yeah, it's Australian NORP, right?

Speaker 32168.56s - 2169.26s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 22169.38s - 2170.18s

If there's Australia GPE.

Speaker 32170.18s - 2172.74s

It's not actual balloons, but I see what you're talking about.

Speaker 22172.8s - 2173.24s

It's circular.

Speaker 32173.56s - 2174.96s

It just looked retarded.

Speaker 22175.5s - 2176.32s

Can we say that?

Speaker 32176.4s - 2176.72s

I don't know.

Speaker 22176.72s - 2177.08s

I'm sorry.

Speaker 02177.62s - 2180.12s

They went full retard on there.

Speaker 22180.6s - 2182.92s

But I'm not saying anything they didn't agree with.

Speaker 12182.98s - 2184.02s

They were, they hated them too.

Speaker 22184.2s - 2189.12s

They were like, these are the stupidest things. the there but I I'm knocking the OCSAS

Speaker 32189.12s - 2194.94s

guys those guys are badass now they're bad ass just the just the uniform so yeah we got a bunch

Speaker 22194.94s - 2200.24s

more to get yeah go but since since we're about 30 40 into this I just want to at least

Speaker 32200.24s - 2205.9s

acknowledge who makes this podcast possible now you can have the superpower to see in the dark

Speaker 22205.9s - 2209.32s

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Speaker 32209.66s - 2335.1s

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Speaker 22335.22s - 2372.16s

Yeah. Yeah. And they give back to the Glendority Memorial Foundation ORG. So if you're a new customer, you'll get 20% off your first purchase when you go to bubs and use the promo first purchase when you go to ORG and use the promo code battleline. That's ORG. promo code battle line off any of the products that we justmentioned. All of them are great. All right. This next question is actually for me. Ian PERSON, I've been a casual metal fan most of my life. But in recent years, I've gotten more into it because my 17 year old son is really into metal, plays guitar, et cetera. Very cool. Over in recent years, I've gotten more into it because my 17-year-old son is really into metal, plays guitar, et cetera. Very cool. Over the past year, we've seen Megadeth and Pantera ORG in

Speaker 02372.16s - 2377.06s

concert, awesome in the Toronto GPE area, which I've seen both bands. I got to see the, you know, the real

Speaker 12377.06s - 2427.06s

Pantera. Yeah. And I have seen the new version of Pantera with Zach Wilde and Charlie Benanti PERSON, and that was awesome, too. And also the fact that I got to like interview Charlie Benanti PERSON and then I get to watch him up on stage and like this is this is pretty badass. So he said, I learned from my son about the early glam metal days of Pantara ORG. Apparently it's sort of an embarrassing secret they don't talk about. I'm just curious.Are there Pantara ORG fans that are dedicated to the early glam stuff? If anyone knows about them, it would be you, Ian PERSON. Yes, you are correct on that. Thanks, and this is Dave in Ashwa, Ontario GPE. So, I don't know if you listened back to when I had Anthony Bryant PERSON on the podcast, who goes by the hair metal guru, and we talked all about, and he's also a National Guard ORG vet.So we spoke about the glam days of Pantara ORG.

Speaker 22427.06s - 2485.04s

And funny enough, so the last book I read was the 1993 Glassjaw ORG Coffee Table book, which is, this is really quick. I knocked this out in like an hour, big Glassjaw ORG fan. It's more just about 1993. But I just started Jerry Abbott's book, who was the father of Dimebag Darrell and Vinnie Paul PERSON, of course. And Jerry Abbott PERSON actually just died. I've been meaning to read this book for a while now, but I just picked it up. And I mean, he is really who got the band started because he worked in the music industry,had his own recording studio. And Dimebag and Vinny were playing like in high school days. And yes, they started out as a glam band. They had a vocalist named Terry Glaze PERSON, who was more like the deaf leopard style. And they had that deaf leopard style kind of electronic drum sound. And look back on pictures. Pictures just Google Pantara glam days. And you will see Vinnie Paul PERSON wearing like women's clothingwith leopard.

Speaker 32485.12s - 2486.5s

Yeah, I didn't know that.

Speaker 22486.68s - 2512.9s

I had no idea. I thought they were always just, I thought they were just hard rockers, man. And I think that's what they wanted people to believe. You know what I mean? Because they had this tough guy image and they even, you could even look back on old interviews.I remember finding one where, you know, the old, the old album said Diamond Darrell ORG. And I think it even said Diamond Darrell on Cowboys from Hell WORK_OF_ART. And then they said, no, it was always dime bag, Darrell PERSON.

Speaker 02512.96s - 2587.12s

That was a misprint. And it's like, no, guy, it was Diamond Darrell ORG. But you, I mean, you definitely know how it was in the early 90s. Oh, yeah. A band like that with a tough guy image came out and said, oh, yeah we used to wear high heels and like you wouldn't be taken seriously. So they kept all that stuff way under wraps. But basically what happened was they had three albums they did that you could look up asPantera. It was more glam. Like I said, it sounds like Def Leopard PRODUCT. It's great. I love it. Dimeback Darrell PERSON was like undeniably amazing guitarist, Vinnie Paul PERSON, undeniably amazing drummer. Then Phil joined the band and replaced Terry Glaze PERSON, and they put on an album called Power Metal WORK_OF_ART. And it sounded more like Judas Priest PERSON style.It wasn't exactly like the Pantera ORG that people are used to. And then when they put out Cowboys from Hell WORK_OF_ART is when the style really changed. Now, people might be wondering how they got that style because you may think it's like very unique to Pantera. Those guys were all from Texas. And then Phil Anselmo PERSON came in from Louisiana and he brought in a whole new influence. And there was a band from Louisiana the Cool Cup ORG called Ex Horder. And if you look up X Hter, you will swear you were listening to Pantera ORG.

Speaker 22587.72s - 2632.86s

Phil definitely took some of his vocal style from Exporter PRODUCT. A lot of metal fans online will say that Pantera completely ripped off Exhorter ORG. But Pantera ORG just had better songs. They did. They had great songs. They worked harder.They toured the country. And Exhorter kind of stayed as a local Louisiana GPE band. But definitely brought in that influence. And yeah, I do think they, I think they're less embarrassed today, the remaining two guys of it now, because I think all these years later, you could say, yeah, we were in high school and college, you know, not college, but that year of, you know, late teens, early 20s, you go laugh about it. But I know that in the early 90s, you'd be, you'd be fucking crucified for saying like,yeah, that's what we sounded like. That's what we looked like. So it was easier to bury that shit before the internet, too.

Speaker 32633.16s - 2639.18s

What do you think? Do you think the glam rock from back then, though, is, I mean, those guys could still, they have makeup on this.

Speaker 22639.18s - 2648.96s

They're still going to kick the shit out of you, man. I mean, not today, you know, people, you're a man putting out, you're not going to do this. You're going to kick nobody's ass. Maybe that's why

Speaker 12648.96s - 2654.16s

they're okay coming out with it. Really, look at it. When Motley crew came out, you know, they

Speaker 32654.16s - 2692.52s

were always like, what are these dudes? Come on. You can't. But then as you get to know, I'm like, holy shit, these motherfuckers can kick somebody's ass. They may be putting on makeup, but they'll whoop your ass. And, Ed PERSON, I mean, is that what? I, the reason I'm like, holy shit, these motherfuckers can kick somebody's ass. They may be putting on makeup, but they'll whoop your ass. And I mean, is that what? I reason I'm saying, because I think that's why it's okay for them to say that now, because they were badass.And they know, it's not like today where if you got men putting on women's, women's, it's not, they're not going to kick maybe, I don't know, maybe they will kick your ass, but not like the, not like freaking Nikki Six PERSON. And it's going to beat somebody's ass when he's wearing, because, you know, Nick Six PERSON was a badass. I don't know if he is anymore, but he was at the time.

Speaker 22692.6s - 2699.2s

By the way, I don't even know if you, you know, I just saw Motley crew in the city play a tiny venue. 500 people. Dude, it was sick.

Speaker 32699.2s - 2700.28s

Wow. Wow.

Speaker 22700.4s - 2702.02s

Yeah, we're, uh, I know we're getting outside.

Speaker 32702.18s - 2706.44s

But actually, I think the answer to that is that you can't hide anything today.

Speaker 22706.58s - 2707.46s

It's all on the internet.

Speaker 32707.8s - 2709.74s

You know, like Alice and Shane's ORG, people don't know.

Speaker 22709.8s - 2713.4s

Allison Shane's ORG used to be a glam band. They, you know, and then they became brunch.

Speaker 12713.7s - 2715.44s

Because they don't want you to know that.

Speaker 22715.52s - 2731.88s

You know what I mean? Because they know that, no, we're, we're tough guys from Seattle GPE or whatever. So I think it was before the internet and you internet and if you were a local band that did something completely different, you could make it so the national audience and the international audience

Speaker 02731.88s - 2759.42s

would have no idea. And now you could easily dig it all up. And so you kind of have to look back and laugh at it. But the music was still great. So that's the answer. And if you look back, yeah, on the episode of Anthony Bryant PERSON, not only do we talk about it, I clipped it for YouTube ORG. So there's a, there's a clip on YouTube ORG about that too. But, you know, it's funny every now again on Twitter ORG, they'll say, like, if there iswhat subject could you give a TED WORK_OF_ART talk on, like unprepared? And for me, yeah, 80s like glam metal hair.

Speaker 12759.58s - 2761.74s

Like, that's my specialty.

Speaker 22761.92s - 2763.58s

Way more so than military stuff.

Speaker 12763.78s - 2764.68s

That's just the truth.

Speaker 22765.22s - 2796.54s

All right. So the next one here is from, I don't know their name. Oh, their name in here is Kyle PERSON. They go by Barg and Hunt Bricks ORG. I guess maybe that's the business.What did you? So this is sort of a guest suggestion, which I don't like, but slash question. So I, you know,we could address both of them. But what did you think about the COVID mandate for the military that was eventually overturned? Would you be interested in interviewing somebody who filed a religious exemption and was turned down while it was active? Thank you all

Speaker 32796.54s - 2807.68s

for all you've done. And I wish you all the best. I wouldn't mind have them. I'd love to know what was said behind the, I mean, what the military people were actually, what those that were serving were getting told, you know, what they were getting, what they were getting

Speaker 02807.68s - 2813.5s

served by their commanders, what they were saying to them to make them sign. We talked about

Speaker 32813.5s - 2890.24s

at length and, and guys, you know, I'm, I'm in the, if you're in the military, hey, I was in when we had to do the anthrax shots. There was no question. If you want to stay at Ranger Battalion ORG, you go get your anthrax shots. That's it. Now, I don't know if you got kicked out if you didn't get your anthrax shots because I got him. I wanted to stay in.I'm in the military. I don't have any rights anymore. I'm in the military, man. So now, I don't agree with the COVID LAW shot. I didn't agree with as a whole. I didn't know.We don't need to enforce people to make, mandate them to go get shots in the United States of America for this that we really even don't even know if the shots work and we're finding out that they really didn't. And then there's other things. There's gene therapy we're hearing and when there's not a lot of tests out there. But as far as in the military, when you sign on that line, you, your rights are, they're gone. That's how it was when i was in i now i i i feel bad for for the people that had to get it done and if you didn't want to get it done that was your choice if wedidn't want anthrax shots well then see you're get out of the of ranger battalion i don't know if you get out of the military but that was a choice so you have a choice at least they did give us a choice it was either get the shots stay in or don't know if you get out of the military, but that was a choice. So you have a choice. At least they did give us a choice. It was either get the shots, stay in, or don't get the shots and

Speaker 22890.24s - 2897.02s

see you. Bye. You're out. Now, there's a bunch of a choice, though. Yeah, it is. But, you know, but also,

Speaker 32897.02s - 2942.5s

and this is, this is the difference is that that was also, Anthrax PRODUCT was a weapon. We thought our enemy was going to use against us. Well, I guess that's not the different thing is that maybe covid was a weapon that our enemy the chinese were going to use against us so man i i but i i don't think the covid shots should have been mandated for united states for civilian power no that was fucking wrong i i don't agree with any of that. But when you're in the military,I just know from my experience, they did give us a choice. Take them or don't take them and you can get out. And for me, it wasn't a choice. I wanted to stay at Ranger Battalion ORG.And again, our enemy, our enemy was using anthrax.

Speaker 02942.5s - 2949.54s

There's already been anthrax found in envelopes and things. So it had been out there. But, you know, I, that's, that's me.

Speaker 32949.64s - 2973.22s

I know I'm not milly mouth and that's just how it is. That's just if you don't like it, you don't like it. But COVID LAW has a whole fuck known that it should not have mandated the whole United States of America GPE's civilian population to go get a fucking shot. That was horseshit. It should always be a choice, always.Except when you're in the military and you have no choices. Your rights are gone, but you sign on that dotted line. And that's what we did. Yeah.

Speaker 22973.68s - 3004.76s

Yeah, I think I echo everything you said really there. And as for interviewing someone, and I don't know if it's been person to want to be interviewed, I just, I don't know if there'd be anything that interesting there because the truth is, look, I'm not ignoring the fact that there have been like vaccine related deathsand that type of thing that we've heard about. But I don't think it was like a widespread thing in the military. I think most people, by and large, who got the COVID vaccine, if they experienced side effects,they're probably minor. And I just, I don't know if that's like a big story to talk about it.

Speaker 33004.76s - 3010.24s

I would, you know, maybe not have, we probably couldn't do a whole show on it, but I just I don't know if that's like a big story to I just well I would I you know maybe not have we probably couldn't do a whole show on it but I would like to know what they

Speaker 23010.24s - 3015.28s

were being told when yeah that would be my only question well now but yeah I said that it could be

Speaker 13015.28s - 3019.08s

something where man I just would like to know what you were getting told that would be great to know

Speaker 23019.08s - 3024.7s

that and so yeah I wouldn't be a whole episode but I'd love whoever that is if they could write us in

Speaker 13024.7s - 3027.68s

and tell us what they were told or if they have anything out

Speaker 33027.68s - 3031.48s

there that they were giving misinformation, which quite possibly.

Speaker 23031.48s - 3034.6s

I feel like they were just told you have to get this or you have to leave.

Speaker 33035.1s - 3042.38s

And I don't know if it was that. It's never that simple anymore with our fucking government, dude. I wish it was. I just don't think it is.

Speaker 23042.68s - 3046.76s

Go back to the Benghazi EVENT thing again. Benghazi EVENT. You can spin anything and they're going to believe it.

Speaker 33047.14s - 3067.54s

And they just can't tell the truth right off the bat. I just, I think it's something as simple as you and I would be like, common sense. Just tell them what's going on. You got to do it or you get out.Kind of like when I was in. I just don't think that's what happened because our government doesn't do that anymore. They always spend something. They say something because they tell a lie, even when they don't need to tell a lie.

Speaker 23068.24s - 3069.36s

I'd like to know.

Speaker 33069.86s - 3072.76s

Well, the one interview that I did that you weren't on

Speaker 23072.76s - 3074.2s

that does relate to this topic,

Speaker 33074.2s - 3076.88s

and I think personally this was more interesting

Speaker 23076.88s - 3078.92s

than someone just refused to get the vaccine

Speaker 03078.92s - 3081.58s

was Brett Crozier on the Navy captain,

Speaker 33082.14s - 3138.2s

and they were telling Brett Crozier as a Navy captain, you need to have social distancing on your ship. And Brett Crozier is the Navy captain, and they were telling Brett Crozier as a Navy captain, you need to have social distancing on your ship. And Brett Crozier PERSON is the one who said, no, I'm not going to do that because this is a Navy ship. There's no such thing as social distancing on a Navy ship. So I'm not going to enforce this. This is unenforceable. And he wrote that he was not going to enforce it. And he lost his job. And he stands behind that. And to me, that's the more interesting thing. And by the, he's not, if you listen to Brett PERSON,he's not, I don't think bitter about it. But I think, yeah, he wanted to get out there. He did the right thing. And he did do the right thing. He did. Definitely. Well, whoever this is, and it's a great question. It really is because there's going to be different opinions on all of it. And I still don't agree with the COVID LAW bullshit that went out there for everybody. I don't. The military, being in the military, I think you do give up some of your, you're all equallyworthless when you join the military. Then you move up and write, however you want to spend that, guys, go ahead.

Speaker 03138.32s - 3141.26s

But I still would like to know what that person was told.

Speaker 13141.46s - 3143.54s

Just even write it in, say, this is what they were told.

Speaker 03143.6s - 3143.78s


Speaker 13143.94s - 3147.46s

Or if they gave you some documents, man, throw us those documents.

Speaker 03147.58s - 3149.88s

We'll put those suckers out.

Speaker 13150.06s - 3151.2s

Just don't get yourself in Trump PERSON.

Speaker 33151.64s - 3151.88s


Speaker 23153.08s - 3157.34s

But I was just going to say, I mean, the thing that I emphasize, like I just haven't

Speaker 33157.34s - 3174.78s

heard widespread things about military members getting like vaccine related major side. And I'm sure maybe there's one or two stories. I just haven't heard it widespread. So this is not like an age and orange thing where people's children are born with birth birth defects or, or, you know, don't live.It is early though.

Speaker 23175.06s - 3183.78s

I mean, that happened years and years after. Sure. So that was like a big story that was like, we need to uncover this. But sure, if that happens, yeah, then that's a bigger story.

Speaker 33183.88s - 3190.1s

Yeah. In 10 years, if we still got the podcast going. But yeah, come on. And that possibly

Speaker 23190.1s - 3214.52s

still could happen. We just don't know. The vaccine was so, that's what they just rushed it all, which was stoop. That's why I disagree with it. There wasn't enough background to just put it out there. And I thought it was more of a compliant. Let's see if we can get everybody to comply to our madness. I saw it as that. Whether you think that's a conspiracy theory or not, that's just how I, it's just how I saw it. I don't think it was necessary. And,

Speaker 33214.52s - 3223.6s

yeah, I can go either way on that because, and then we'll move on another question. But I mean, to give you just the other view, and not to say that you're wrong. I think you may be right.

Speaker 13223.6s - 3228.36s

It's just the two people I know who have been on the podcast, right, who were hospitalized

Speaker 23228.36s - 3258.96s

later on with COVID, not when it was early on and a ton of people were hospitalized. Truthfully, and they've said this openly, so I don't think I'm revealing any private information. Gary Brugman and Covino from Covino and Rich GPE. What are both guys have in common? They didn't get the vaccine and they were hospitalized. Now, that's just anecdotal. I know there are plenty of people who did get the vaccine and were also hospitalized.I would need to really see like a huge study on this and really go through it to give an opinion. And I just, you know, I don't know how effective it was.

Speaker 03259.06s - 3274.22s

And I do know there's people like including actually Chris Cuomo PERSON now, right, who was very much pushing the vaccine and now has had major vaccine related side effects. So anyway, we'll move on to other things because I feel like this topic just, if you listen to podcasts, have been addressed like ad nauseam.

Speaker 33274.4s - 3276.08s

And it will. Yeah.

Speaker 23276.42s - 3276.7s

And it will,

Speaker 33276.7s - 3281.42s

10 years from now, we'll address it again, guys. Let's just keep the podcast going for 10 more years. Let's do it.

Speaker 23281.42s - 3297.88s

Yeah, that would be cool. All right. So this is from Marianne. Have you found, and this is for you, have you found it hard to forgive the people that ignored your requests for help in Benghazi EVENT? And when you see those people and they want to shake your hand and act like nothing happened, how do you act? Which, by the way, have you seen those

Speaker 33297.88s - 3303.04s

people? No, I'll be on. I'll probably never have to deal with that because they'll never be around me.

Speaker 23303.08s - 3317.78s

I'll never be around them. I'll see a situation where that's ever going to happen where I'm going to go to a Hillary Clinton PERSON fundraiser and she's going to come to one of my speaking events and we're going to see each other. You know, we're going to cross paths. What do you just happen to cross paths? How do you think it would go?

Speaker 33317.94s - 3323.64s

No, she, you know, I don't, I don't think she'd come toward her. I think she'd know what the hell

Speaker 23323.64s - 3326.8s

I am. She'd go the other way, let's just say just somehow happens.

Speaker 33327.04s - 3329.78s

What would you, would you just ignore it?

Speaker 23329.82s - 3331.7s

Would you confront her? What would you do?

Speaker 33331.92s - 3349.74s

No, I would be, no, I'd be, I would be, I would do, not the polite thing. No, I would say they'd ignore, but I wouldn't shake her hand. It'd be one of those were the kind of the brush off. It would be looking at it, looking at the hand, looking at her, and shaking my head and walking off.

Speaker 23349.74s - 3352.22s

Because I've always felt maybe differently than you on this.

Speaker 33352.28s - 3355.88s

And then you could answer a question. I'm sorry. I'm not. It's good. It's good.

Speaker 23355.88s - 3369.96s

But I've always felt this way. And maybe you don't feel the same way. This is never going to happen. But let's just say this is totally hypothetical. Hillary Clinton PERSON said, hey, I want to come on your podcast. I want to set the record straight.

Speaker 33369.96s - 3394.88s

And I want to have a real conversation about this. Like, let's not resort to name calling. Let's just have a real. I would be totally open to it. But I don't know about how you. Well, we, I just don't think we wouldn't be named.I would be screaming. I don't do that anymore, guys. But I know I call her bullshit. And I think it would just be calling her bullshit, her backpedaling. Whenever I used to do the news with, like the first time I did one with Adam Smith, not Schiff PERSON,

Speaker 03394.92s - 3396.96s

who was Adam Smith, who called us a liar.

Speaker 13397.04s - 3398.96s

He was a big, he was a big congressman in Washington GPE.

Speaker 03399.02s - 3400.64s

I actually did it on the Hannity PERSON show.

Speaker 33401.22s - 3404.38s

It turned into where it just was that. He tried to say something.

Speaker 23404.46s - 3412.12s

No, I said, nope, you're fucking long. And I didn't say, but also on TV, it's a little bit different because you got someone there and they got to like move things along quickly. Like, if Hillary Clinton PERSON was like,

Speaker 33412.14s - 3421.4s

I want to do a long form podcast and I want to give you my opinion, I, like I said, I would, I would love it. I think that would be pretty cool. There, I'd have a lot of questions. I'd

Speaker 23421.4s - 3426.06s

definitely would. And I would, hey, where was. So what you do it or we say, fuck you. We don't want you on. No, no. No, I don't think I'd ever do that. I, I definitely would. And I would, hey, where, where was... So would you do it or we'd say, fuck you, we don't want you on.

Speaker 33426.12s - 3431.52s

No, no, no. I don't think I'd ever do that. I, I, I, but I would definitely call her bullshit.

Speaker 23431.96s - 3436.56s

No, of course, of course. And I think she would be done. Well, I want George Santos PERSON on the podcast.

Speaker 33436.68s - 3495.58s

I've said the many times I want to call his bullshit. But I want him on. I wouldn't yell at him. I'd have, I, no, I'd have, I'd have, I'd have him on. Barack Obama is more response for Bengoggi than Hillary PERSON. I'd have his dumb ass on and, and call his bullshit, but he wouldn't come on. I, I think if they ever came to the point where, we're, if we ever in the sameroom, I, it's, it's, no, what, what is, don't apologize to me for anything. I asked for your apology, I asked for their apologies a long time ago, and it didn't happen. I asked for the agency apologies, the director Brennan PERSON. I asked for the chief of support who was there. I can't give her name because I think she's still working. We didn't get it. And it's that time's gone. Now it's to hell with you all. It's more of like to go to hell. I don't want nothing to do with you. I'm going my way and I'm going to live my life. I don't want an apology if they came up to me and I could see it was sincere.I always listen to somebody who's sincere. Even if I hate them, I'm going to if I can see that it's sincere.

Speaker 03496.06s - 3511.48s

And that's the human thing to do. I mean, it's just the right thing to do. What would Jesus PERSON do? When we ask you all your Christians out, what would Jesus PERSON do? He would listen to. Well, that's what I would do. But it would have to be very sincere. It would. It wouldn't

Speaker 33511.48s - 3541.88s

just be. And it wouldn't have, and nothing public. It doesn't need to be public. To me, that's not sincere. You're doing it for publicity shot. And I've been in the middle of that shit too. So no, I wouldn't go out of the way to go find them to apologize. It's not worth it. They're not, they're so far below me. They are. It's not worth it. Below me, below everything that I stand for. And I know the truth. I know what happened. But if they came up to me and said, you know, can we talk? You know, like, let's see you and I had a fight. You came out, hey dude, hey dude.

Speaker 23542.12s - 3544.3s

Yeah, but I'm not, I'm not Hillary Clinton PERSON. You're not Hillary Clinton.

Speaker 33544.48s - 3547.1s

I don't think there's anything I could do that was this job as much.

Speaker 23547.22s - 3550.86s

Not like that. You don't really, yeah, he's not to leave me to die in a foreign land.

Speaker 13551.06s - 3560.64s

I mean, I don't think that's good. But it, you know, like a good friend that you've had for years that you just had a falling out. And they came up to you and said, hey, can we talk for a second in private? Sure, let's go talk.

Speaker 33561.3s - 3596.92s

And then it would have to be sincere. It really would. And it would have to be an apology. And it's going to be a one-sided thing for all them people i don't have nothing to apologize about you guys left us so it would have to be i apologize but that will never happen politicians don't do that they never will because they're never wrong and as far as i'm certain i don't it's over they're they're so far they're really are They're dead to me. Literally and figuratively, I get nothing for them.I don't want to be around them. I could care less if they're in the same room. Somebody knows that I'm walking the other way. But I'm with you. And if one of them wanted to come on, yeah.

Speaker 23597.02s - 3599.52s

I just think it would be, you know, like it would be a little different,

Speaker 13599.58s - 3603.22s

but what I could compare it to recently, which I thought was really good and actually

Speaker 23603.22s - 3608.5s

really interesting was Tucker Carlson having Chris Pomo PERSON on, who I just referenced.

Speaker 33608.72s - 3610.02s

And it was a great conversation.

Speaker 23610.4s - 3613.1s

It wasn't them, you know, cursing each other out.

Speaker 33613.4s - 3613.9s

Back and forth.

Speaker 23613.9s - 3616.84s

And they saw eye to eye on a lot more than you would think.

Speaker 33617.08s - 3621.62s

And I thought it was a good, long podcast, like the same way that we do.

Speaker 23621.82s - 3632.82s

So I do think we need more of that you know of people who vehemently disagree on things just hashing things out and having a real conversation and and you're right you do find

Speaker 33632.82s - 3638.46s

a lot of times i don't know if in this case we would no not a lot but a lot of times and a lot of times

Speaker 23638.46s - 3653.08s

you do find a common ground you do it i mean i i don't think we would if, and Barack Obama, John Brennan, Mike Morel, Patrick Kennedy PERSON, Charlie Lambs, Hurley Clinton PERSON, come on on our podcast. No, that's never going to happen. They never would.

Speaker 33653.68s - 3655.3s

But if they wanted to, yeah.

Speaker 23655.3s - 3655.96s

And you know what?

Speaker 33655.96s - 3658.18s

I still want to try to get George Santos PERSON on, for real.

Speaker 23658.5s - 3660.28s

Because he lives in my district.

Speaker 33660.5s - 3663.2s

And I really do feel like I may see him on the street.

Speaker 23663.4s - 3665.14s

And I do feel like I would say,

Speaker 33665.42s - 3671.58s

come on, man, just let's have a real conversation about you. And I would ask him about stealing

Speaker 13671.58s - 3676.12s

money from veterans. Like, I think the world does need more conversations like that. So,

Speaker 23676.32s - 3690.12s

but yeah, this is not her question. I know it's a different question. But I do always think about that, man, if like, it would almost be a, people might think it's weird to say it, but it would be a dream podcast to have one of those people on here and have just a real conversation about this

Speaker 33690.12s - 3706.34s

stuff and maybe when before one of them dies they want to clear their conscience before they go up to our maker so they don't go to hell maybe hey come on come on the show man let's get get it out this is confession come on battle on battle on podcast Barack Obama Obama PERSON. Let's confess of what you did to our team.

Speaker 23706.34s - 3714.84s

I mean, truthfully, I feel like it would go, it would go better than it probably would have went 10 years ago. Like, I don't think you would. No. Be like, I'm going to.

Speaker 33715.22s - 3725.32s

No, stuff you said on Fox News. I think you can handle it differently. Or watch, watch that interview with me and Adam Smith. It was me and Oz and Adam Smith PERSON, Congressman Smith. It was, no, I was a, I was a dick. No, but I was mad. It was me and Oz Adam, Adam Smith PERSON, Congressman Smith. It was, no,

Speaker 03725.48s - 3731.16s

I was a, I was a dick, but I was mad. I was so mad. He would try to say something. I said,

Speaker 23731.22s - 3735.94s

no, you're lying. I mean, that's all it was. And it got, oh, man, that was when I had all those

Speaker 03735.94s - 3740.9s

accounts. And I think my accounts blew up overnight, all those damn social media, because I was the

Speaker 33740.9s - 3758.12s

angry, you know, I was angry picking a side person bashing a left wing congressman who was calling us liars. And he was trying to, no, I'm not like, yes, you were, you're full of shit. And that's really what I was saying the whole time without saying you're full of shit. It was a terrible interview. I can't. I was like, God, that was awful, man.

Speaker 13758.4s - 3765.36s

But everybody wanted to see it. But that's not what would happen. I'm not like that anymore. I don't want to be like that anymore. Yeah.

Speaker 23765.78s - 3771.72s

Yeah. And it's just also, like I said, it's a different environment. But all right, we'll keep going more questions here. That was a good one, obviously.

Speaker 33772.6s - 3774.66s

Yeah, it's a great question. No, excellent, man. I love that.

Speaker 23775.92s - 3782.88s

This is from Craig PERSON. Chris PERSON, is H.K. Your weapon of choice. And if so, what are the specifications? Thank you.

Speaker 33783.12s - 3784.88s

I don't really have one.

Speaker 23796.6s - 3797.16s

I love all farms, whether they're pistols or ARs or rifles or M4s, whatever you want to call them, M16s PRODUCT, car beans, whatever nomenclature you want to give them.

Speaker 33798.28s - 3839.86s

I like everything. I'll be honest. I had 416s PRODUCT. I love because they work. They're very heavy, HK416s PRODUCT. But to be honest, my weapon and my manufacturer choice now, I have two.I think they're both excellent, or spikes, tactical, and Maxim Defense Industries ORG. I love what they make. And, you know, Max and Defense still makes my Tano PRODUCT's toolbox. We're going to have another one coming out here. Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah. I thought that was done.No, well, I thought it was too. And then, you know, like I said, we're talking about conversations. Me and Mike Winfield, who's over at Maxim, we just started talking again. And Mike's a great friend. Him and I, I was one, it was like three of us at maximum defense. Dave Dahl PERSON, Mike Woodfield, this guy named Jose PERSON, who turned out to be a total dirt bag and then myself.

Speaker 23840.8s - 3845.92s

Not Dutch. He was later. No, Dutch was later. This was way was way I mean this was before I even met you

Speaker 33845.92s - 3847.24s

It was like it was the first

Speaker 23847.24s - 3857.4s

That picture Remember that picture you got out of the questions? Yeah yeah The first picture I ever took for maximum defense That was like 2015 That's why they were wondering the question from the picture

Speaker 33857.4s - 3934.14s

That picture that's a and that was that was maximum defense And that was when they were just making those butt stocks Now they've taken a big hit because they made the personal defense The ATF ORG the pistol braces which is still a that's a that's such a joke man whatever ATF ORG but they do make great weapon systems and they make great suppressors now too so they're always evolving and spikes tactical coelilu and spike over there uh you know he is freaking awesome they make great great little carbines and fantastic weapons systems.So if you're like ARs or carbines, I like spikes and maximum defense. Those are two of my favorite. But there's other ones. H.K. has a great job. Guys, he makes great stuff.You know, there's great stuff out there. You just have to find what works for you. Pistol aside the house. Guys, I just, I've got the $3,000 pistols. Don't go waste your money on those things, man. A standard Glock 19 works just fine, and it's going to run and run and run thousands of rounds through it, and it's not going to break down.The best pistol I ever had out of the box was a staccato C, and then I had a staccato P. They were made by STI ORG. After 3,000 rounds, the worst pistol I have ever had is a staccato C. Yeah, the staccato P because they break down.

Speaker 13934.14s - 3942.58s

And, you know, the Glock or even, you know, the KANIC PRODUCT makes great stuff too. They're inexpensive.

Speaker 33942.96s - 3992.46s

You're not busting the bank over them. And they run. And you can just, you can modify anything now. You can put different sites on it, red dots, just so many things you can do.Glock ORG's make great stuff. Z ORG makes great weapons systems pistols as well. They're local Kansas GPE company. And then, you know, you've got Canick ORG that is a smaller,they're getting bigger actually, but Canick ORG makes great stuff as well. Guys, you don't need to get that high, unless you're a competition shooter, you're going out there and you need that. You're not running them every day. You're not putting that. But if you're going to put thousands and thousands of rounds through them and you don't have an armor available, get you standard.Get you a Kinnick PRODUCT. Get you a Glock ORG. Get you a CZ PRODUCT. 500 bucks, their work. But that's it, right?That's it for me right there on those. That's what I got. Yeah.

Speaker 23992.76s - 4003s

By the way, this is such a Chris PERSON question because every now and again, I do get asked about, like, my gun ownership on the podcast. Like, I literally own one gun that I really don't ever use.

Speaker 04003.22s - 4010.9s

That's it. You know, like, I've just not, and I'm very pro second amendment. It's just like not a part of my life the way it is. When I hear all this,

Speaker 14010.9s - 4036.12s

I'm like, all right, cool, but it's totally not my will ask. All right. So the next question here, and actually he refers to the photo we were just talking about because Bert PERSON says, I know that photo speaks volumes back where I come from, and it's that photo. And this is a very vague question, but I guess we can take it wherever you want. He says, I know that photo speaks volumes back where I come from, and it's that photo. But what is your, and this is a very vague question, but I guess we can take it wherever you want. He says, but what is your stance in this time of turmoil of our society? Thanks, looking forward to your spots.

Speaker 34037.46s - 4185.5s

So I mean, that can go many ways. Yeah, or our stance is just keep living, man. Defend what you own, but you don't need to go out looking for the fight. I don't think God put me in that route to become a security officer is really what I turned out to be. I was with the Rangers ORG, we were direct action. We're going in and taking the fight. Later in my career, you know, and I got more into it was more doing personal protection.It was responding to a threat. It was that person who is like, hey, like that rattlesnake. It is. It's like the Gadsden GPE flag. Hey, don't tread on me. Leave me alone. Everything will be fine. You step on me. I'm going to bite the shit out you. I'm going to kill you. That's just how it is. And I think that's how we all should live is just be a good person. You know, be ready. But you don't need to go looking for the fight. You don't need to be that asshole, arrogant son of a bit is looking for a civil war that, no, that's no, there's no hope in that.Just be a good person. And if somebody tries to hurt you, then you respond in kind. That's why the Badline ORG podcast, I switches on the fucker. That's why we said it. That's why we used it. Switches on.Turn that switch on. You started this shit. You started the fight. Now I'm going to end it. But when you don't need said, that's why we used it. Switch is on. Turn that switch on. You started this shit. You started the fight. Now I'm going to end it. But when you don't need to be that way, which is 99.9% of the time, you turn the switch off. You take care of your family.You take care of your friends. Hey, ELE, man. You're freaking just like the tropics from, from semi-pro. ELE. Everybody love everybody, man. That's welfare.You do. You give everybody that until and man. That's welfare. You do. You give everybody that until, and that respect and the benefit of the doubt for the most part until they give you the reason to not do it. And then when they do, then you respond in kind. I just, I'm not, and I know Ian PERSON's the same way we've talked about. I know many of the veterans that we've had on, especially those that have seen war. They're the same way. We don't want any wars. No, you don't want that shit. We don't want it.Just leave us alone. Don't piss us off. Let us go. Let us live and just be, let's just be. And but if you start something, well, you're going to find out that you shouldn't have. And that's just, that's not being intimidating or trying to be an egomaniac. It's just leave us alone. We just, just be a good person, everybody, every day, until you have to be that switches on kind of guy, which I hope it never happens. But if you do, then you need to know how to take care of yourself and take care of your family and respond to those criminals that want to hurt you. I, I hope that's how I answered this question.

Speaker 24185.76s - 4203.6s

Yeah, that's great. The only thing I could even add is when he said like, how do you feel about things going on at this state of turmoil, you know, all over, right? And that's why I said it was a very vague question because truthfully, and I think people forget this.Like, when is the world ever not been in turmoil?

Speaker 34203.6s - 4203.96s

In turmoil.

Speaker 24204.28s - 4209.38s

There's always been wars going on. I think it's just now more than ever. It's in your face 24. Like, when is the world ever not been in turmoil? In term one. There's always been wars going on. I think it's just now more than ever. It's in your face 24.

Speaker 34209.38s - 4210.62s

Yeah, it was just too much.

Speaker 24210.62s - 4242.7s

Every day we're hearing about what's gone on Israel, what's gone on Russia GPE, what's going on at the border. But there's never been a time where there was been like global peace. That's just not the way the world has ever worked. I think the problem for years has just been America GPE being too involved in absolutely everything, being the world police. I mean,that always goes back to the Benghazi EVENT stuff. So yeah, I mean, but when you say like at this time of turmoil, I don't think this time is as unique in terms of like global conflict as people think.

Speaker 34242.98s - 4245.58s

It's just as there's too much. We just know too much now.

Speaker 24245.94s - 4252s

It really is. Turn off the, here's not, I guess I should throw this into turn the damn news off. Turn it off. Don't watch it.I mean,

Speaker 34252s - 4253.7s

because I'll tell you that can I actually,

Speaker 24254.02s - 4256.94s

because now this is kind of sticking to my mind, right?

Speaker 34257.02s - 4258.68s

We're talking about what's going on turmoil.

Speaker 14259.28s - 4261.38s

And this is even more so than the news.

Speaker 34261.44s - 4276.92s

You go on Twitter ORG and I, you guys have probably seen it because I've seen it. And you see pictures of children just like absolutely horrendous things that have been done to them in the war in Israel GPE, right? And they're like, don't turn away. This is what Israel GPE is doing right now.

Speaker 24277.46s - 4314.1s

And this is always what war has been. And it's in no way am I excusing it or condoning it or anything like that. But I don't know what to say that this is not. Children have been killed in pretty much every war, right? Which is horrible. But at the same time, like, what does it really do anything good for me?Because there's a lot of complications to all these, whether we're talking Russia GPE or we're talking Ukraine GPE. I don't think it's a good thing for us who get to live this great life in America that we go on our computer or we go on our phone and we're talking Russia, we're talking Ukraine GPE. I don't think it's a good thing for us who get to live this great life in America that we go on our computer or we go on our phone and we're seeing pictures of the most horrendous things you can see. And it does desensitize us.

Speaker 04314.1s - 4321.94s

And I think it does make us like invalidate why these things are happening, I guess. It'd be hard to explain, but you know what I mean?

Speaker 14322.32s - 4326.22s

There's never been a time like now where it's in your face as much as it is.

Speaker 04326.22s - 4329.26s

And so people are really quick to react to everything.

Speaker 24330.06s - 4332.12s

And, yeah, I just don't think it's good.

Speaker 34332.12s - 4358.28s

I agree with you. We've, early days on the show when all these gun guys were putting these videos of people being attacked. And I spoke, I'm venomly against that. Like, what good is that? What you're doing exactly? And that's what I said that that Ian PERSON said it just perfectly.Just now I said it then, you're desensitizing people to this. It does no good for me to show somebody getting attacked and say, this is a training video. Save those for your training classes. But to have it on the internet does nothing.

Speaker 24358.42s - 4360.78s

It does nothing but just show atrocity and all that does.

Speaker 34360.78s - 4365.66s

And by the way, I think people are trying to out, out, out, outrage each other.

Speaker 24366.08s - 4369.46s

So then if you're pro, just in this conflict, right, if you're pro Israel NORP,

Speaker 34369.88s - 4372.28s

you're going to show me what happened on October 7th.

Speaker 04372.28s - 4404.16s

And you're going to show the people being paraded around, like the people cheering at these girls' bodies, like, decapitated and things like that. And then if you're pro Hamas or pro Palestine PERSON, you're going to say this is a child killed in war, while also overlooking the fact that they're operating in underground tunnels where they know casualties will be killed. But anyway, my point is just there's never been a time.The world has not been in conflict. And it is not as unique as I think people think. And I don't believe in this idea that like the end of days are coming. This is it.

Speaker 24404.16s - 4413.58s

But what I do think it should be the end of is this empire of like world police for America GPE having a control over everything. That's not what America GPE was founded on.

Speaker 34413.66s - 4459.74s

But that's what America GPE has become. And we don't have that kind of military. We don't have that size of military more. If you want to just look on the black and black and white issues, black and white things of it, we don't have that kind of military more. We're not that big. We don't have the military suffering with numbers we couldn't do that even if we wanted to the best thing you can do and it's helped me i'm telling you is you just turn thatshit off and sometimes turn the internet off man youtube saying turn youtube i'm not watching fox i'm not watching msm you're watching youtubeM. You're watching YouTube ORG? Turn that off, man. You got to get, turn off, get outside. Turn it off, go spend some time with your show. Turn it off and watch a movie, in a funny movie, even in80s rom-com that used to just be fun. Turn out and watch one crazy summer with John

Speaker 04459.74s - 4461.88s

Cusack and Blopcat PERSON, go for it.

Speaker 34462.68s - 4490.36s

Remember those times when it just was fun. We could just turn shit off and just have a good day because we're worried about what's around us. We need to get back to that. We want to worry about, oh, I got to control everywhere. I got to control what's going on. I got to help those people in Israel. I got to help those people, those Hamas ORG terrorists, because they're just getting killed left. You can't do shit about it. And I'm going to agree with the end. That's why you don't see me commenting.This is the first time I've actually even commented on that because it's war.

Speaker 24491.06s - 4491.3s


Speaker 34491.4s - 4492.18s

It's what war is.

Speaker 24492.18s - 4496.94s

And actually, I feel like if you listen back to the Dan Gordon PERSON episode, like it gives a lot more

Speaker 14496.94s - 4501.4s

more nuance rather than just seeing these pictures, right?

Speaker 34501.5s - 4502.86s

And people quick to react.

Speaker 14503.16s - 4503.44s

All right.

Speaker 34503.52s - 4509.98s

So we'll get onto another thing here. This is from Randy. Chris and Ian PERSON, here's my question. If you ever make it

Speaker 14509.98s - 4521.52s

to Minnesota, especially towards the north of or in the Twin Cities GPE, can I buy you a beer? Both either one. It doesn't matter. I just want to have a beer with you guys. Chris PERSON, I know you're

Speaker 24521.52s - 4527.24s

trying, wait, oh, he meant to say trying to make it back for a Tonto vodka signing.

Speaker 14527.34s - 4536.06s

Yeah, yeah. He wrote two wrong. But I know you'll be a busy man that day. Thanks, Randy PERSON. So truth be told for me, I don't drink alcohol at all anymore.

Speaker 24536.62s - 4538.98s

But you can buy me like an iced tea or something.

Speaker 34539.52s - 4563.56s

And I don't like to bullshit people. I don't know if I'll ever be in Minnesota GPE. It feels like the only time I go on a trip is to Vegas GPE for conventions. That's the last trip I was on. I'm going to Vegas again this month. And then if I'm not in Vegas, I like to go to like Florida or California or something.If I ever happen to be in Minnesota GPE, yes, we can hang, but I just don't know if it'll ever happen. If Ian ever came, because of a tonne of vodka bottle signing.

Speaker 24563.56s - 4570.16s

Oh, I would do that. And we decided to do maybe an episode there at the bar. And yeah, to be quite on.

Speaker 34570.16s - 4575.4s

Paul Braun. Yeah, Paul. Palmer Lake GPE. He's over there. To be quite honest with you, I probably will be

Speaker 24575.4s - 4587.92s

there because Maxim Defense Industries is in St. Cloud, Minnesota GPE. That's their headquarters out there. And may now that I'm working with Maxman Mike again, I definitely will go up there. Because we're friends. I, regardless, will go up there because we're friends. Regardless, he owns a company. We're friends.

Speaker 34588.36s - 4609.4s

But also, we are the Tonne ORG vodka. We're moving. We're moving. We have a little stay there for a bit, but we're moving again. It looks like that's one of the places we're headed to is Minnesota, which is great because that's where Maxman ORG Defenses. That's where Paul PERSON, Palmer Lake, where Paul is.And I've done a bottle signing there. I signed a bottle for five hours on one leg.

Speaker 04609.5s - 4615.22s

I mean, it was all in Palmer Lake's GPE teeny. Ian's apartment's bigger than Palmer Lake GPE.

Speaker 14615.46s - 4617.64s

But definitely get out there.

Speaker 04617.64s - 4628.12s

And if we are, I won't get to the Twin Cities GPE probably because that's a little bit farther east. But if you can get out to that part, St. Cloud, Palmer GPE, like that area and do a bottle signing.

Speaker 34628.28s - 4645.32s

I always, brother, bottle signings are fun. Book signings are fun, but bottle signing, come on, I'm at a bar. We're at a bar. It's a bar time. But I'm also signing bottles, but we're having a good time. And I, yeah, if we do, Ian PERSON definitely is invited to get out there.And I think it'd be a fun time for all of us. So, yeah. So would you have a beer with this guy And I think it would be a fun time for all of us? So, yeah.

Speaker 24645.5s - 4647.24s

So we have a beer with this guy.

Speaker 34647.64s - 4648.26s

I'll have a bullshit.

Speaker 24648.46s - 4653.9s

I don't drink beer because beer actually fucks up my stomach because I have crone. I've also colitis. That's right. That's right.

Speaker 34653.98s - 4670.24s

But I'll drink some ton of vodka and spright and lime with you though. Because I can drink the clear stuff. I just can't drink a lot of it. So yeah. You have a beer. I'll have a vodka, my ton of vodka, Sprite and Lime,and Ian PERSON, we'll get Ian some chili fries and appetizers and some Long Island. I'm sorry,

Speaker 24670.5s - 4675.1s

sweet tea and we'll be good to go. I'm drinking like a seltzer here. I wouldn't even do sweet

Speaker 04675.1s - 4679.68s

tea. Too much sugar. I'm doing that's it. I got my own. Yeah, I like those. But yeah,

Speaker 24679.68s - 4686.14s

and if people wonder, I don't, I'm not like an alcoholic or any far from it. I just don't drink anymore.

Speaker 34686.3s - 4688.24s

I just was like, this isn't for me anymore.

Speaker 14688.86s - 4690.4s

I just, I wish I could drink beer.

Speaker 34690.44s - 4693.32s

It just hurts my stomach. And I love beer. I do. I do too.

Speaker 24693.5s - 4696.82s

I just don't like for me. I don't like the way I feel the next day.

Speaker 34696.88s - 4704.44s

And even after one drink, I feel depressed. And I'm just like, I don't know. But I do. Because people will be like, I don't like the taste of alcohol either. I do.

Speaker 04704.76s - 4709.7s

I love a great IPA or a margarita. But I was just like the, um, the, the, the, the, the, the,

Speaker 24709.7s - 4712.08s

negatives outweigh the benefits for me.

Speaker 34712.26s - 4714.14s

So you, you're right. Now I'm with you. I'm with you.

Speaker 24714.6s - 4723.9s

All right. This is from Joe Hernandez PERSON. Oh, I love this question. Actually, I remember this one. Uh, hello guys, hope all is well and greetings from Garden City, Kansas GPE. So he's not.

Speaker 34723.9s - 4728.44s

Hey. Hey. Hey. Right. Joe Hernandez PERSON. Has he come to a battle line? He sounds familiar.

Speaker 24729s - 4729.52s

I know that.

Speaker 34729.56s - 4731.22s

His Garden City, Kansas GPE is pretty close.

Speaker 24731.52s - 4733.6s

It's about three hours away.

Speaker 34733.8s - 4734.3s

It's wet.

Speaker 24734.6s - 4745.5s

He's like, this is pretty close. It's pretty hard. For around here, that's close. It's west Kansas GPE. It's like out, out in the middle of nowhere. That's where the wind and the cold, that's cold out there.All right. So, yeah, this is a great that's out in the middle of nowhere. That's where the wind and the cold, that's cold out there. All right.

Speaker 34745.58s - 4759.58s

So yeah, this is a great question. So question of recant to Rotato PERSON, I recently heard of space force personnel, not sure what they call space force people, becoming ranger qualified. How do you apply these tactics in space?

Speaker 24759.88s - 4762.38s

And does this mean they're space rangers?

Speaker 14762.82s - 4766.86s

I was hoping you would become a space ranger first with Pablo on Halo PRODUCT.

Speaker 24767.6s - 4769.54s

That would be sweet, man.

Speaker 34769.6s - 4770.84s

That's a great question.

Speaker 24771.38s - 4771.68s

All right.

Speaker 34771.74s - 4776.58s

First of all, you smart ass, that is such a great smart as you're a space rangers.

Speaker 24777.22s - 4786.16s

But that being said, there is a serious answer to this because my old, when I was with special forces group I was an odia nine nine three

Speaker 14786.16s - 4794.06s

my 18 zulu PERSON he's the head ncio he's he's he was an e8 at the time great guy his name was tim ward

Speaker 24794.06s - 4800.24s

great guy he was he was master sergeant tim ward PERSON he actually went to space command when he got his sergeant major

Speaker 14800.24s - 4810.7s

and became a campman sergeant major Last email I got from him was signed CSM, Tim Ward, Space Command, which is NORAT. That's what Norat. It's in C-

Speaker 24810.7s - 4816.4s

So he was actually- That's Free Space Force ORG, though, right? Free Space Force. Because Space Force is kind of new.

Speaker 14817s - 4823.18s

It is, it's just expanded. But it's Space Command, it's Norr ORG. They just changed the name. I don't

Speaker 34823.18s - 4825.14s

know what. I mean, he could tell you more than that. Yeah. There you go. There you go. It's North. They just changed the name. I don't know why. I mean, he could tell you more.

Speaker 24825.14s - 4825.42s


Speaker 34825.66s - 4825.74s


Speaker 14826.38s - 4827.18s

There you go.

Speaker 24827.6s - 4828.26s

There you go.

Speaker 14828.34s - 4842.02s

Trump PERSON started it. But I'm sure he could tell us more at the difference. I don't because I've never been a space ranger, bud. So I can tell you. But I do know that, no, he was long time. He had special forces.He had a long tab. He hadn't gone to ranger school. I don't think he did.

Speaker 34842.2s - 4898.84s

But Ranger school is just a school, man. That's just, you go to, it's a leadership school it's one of the it's a it's a very tough leadership school it's just it but it's just a school and not knocking ranger school because it's hard i went through it sucked it was miserable just like your long tab if you got a special forces tab well your special forces qualified you've been through selection you've been through the cue course and so forth you can go anywhere and you don't lose those tabs.Now, if you've got some that are up there, there's quite a possibility. There was just a slot open and they wanted it. And it does help you with promotion. So it doesn't mean that there needs to be, there's going to be Rangers ORG in space or maybe there is. I don't know. That's cool shit.But it just means that there was a Ranger School ORG slot open. It probably was a senior NCO or officer that needed to go to ranger school or their command is pushing them and said, hey, dude, you need to go to ranger school. You're not going to sit around the office for the next three months. And they went and they got their tab and now they're coming back. And it's just,

Speaker 04898.84s - 4903.8s

I mean, it does look. I mean, it does. It signifies that you went through something really tough.

Speaker 34903.8s - 4956.6s

It does help with promotion. But I don't think there's anything, a space ranger. I don't know if there is. That would be if we could, if I, I don't know if I have Tim PERSON's, man, he'd be great to have on. If I could find Sergeant Major Ward PERSON and have him on, that would be a question we need to ask him, but shit, I haven't talked to him in 10 years. So, but yeah, that's it. But so, yeah, I don't know. Maybe there is a space ranger platoon out there and they're assaulting airfieldson the moon. I don't know. Maybe they have a level four holding facility like men in black three. And they have to keep aliens in check up there. Lunar Max PRODUCT. Maybe there's a Lunar Max PRODUCT and they're protecting Lunar Max prison up on the moon.But just having a tab, anybody can get a tab if they pass Ranger school. And it doesn't matter if you're from Ranger Battalion or you're a supply sergeant and a National Guard ORG unit.

Speaker 24956.92s - 4965.06s

It's a school. You get it. Yeah. I learned that long ago. Because there were there were even people I would have on soft rep. And I'd be like, oh, this guy's an Army Ranger

Speaker 34965.06s - 4970.18s

and someone like Nick Irving PERSON would be like, he wasn't a Ranger, he's not a fucking Army, right? He's just qualified.

Speaker 24970.4s - 4979.66s

He's not a real Ranger NORP, he's just qualified. That seems like it would be a good movie, man. Army Rangers in Space PRODUCT. That would. I picture it like a B movie, like one of those movies.

Speaker 34979.66s - 4980.92s

Like Shark Nato PRODUCT.

Speaker 24981.22s - 4989.5s

Like Shark Nato PRODUCT, like the type of stuff truthfully that Debbie Roshone PERSON does the intro, like a lot of the movies she does. You know, like a low budget armier Rangers ORG in space.

Speaker 34989.5s - 4991.22s

A Tromobile PRODUCT? A Tromobile PRODUCT space range?

Speaker 24992.66s - 5001.38s

Debbie PERSON, pitch that to, what's his name? Lloyd Kaufman PERSON. Lloyd Kaufman PERSON, I have to say, is one of the funniest people I ever have met in my entire life.

Speaker 35001.46s - 5001.8s

You met him?

Speaker 25002.1s - 5004.94s

Oh, yeah, because of working with Debbie on Fangoria Radio ORG.

Speaker 35005.3s - 5006.62s

You know what I always remember with him?

Speaker 25006.94s - 5011.2s

I remember we were, he guest hosted the show with her.

Speaker 35011.54s - 5015.62s

And when we would cut to commercial, Lloyd Coffin PERSON would just scream things in the microphone.

Speaker 25015.74s - 5021.96s

And I remember one of them. He was like, go to young Japanese NORP And they're like, Lloyd PERSON, you got to calm down.

Speaker 15022.86s - 5025.46s

I don't go to young Japanese NORP

Speaker 35025.54s - 5029s

We do not want you to go on that website from the Battleline ORG podcast.

Speaker 15029.66s - 5030.2s

Yeah, don't.

Speaker 25030.26s - 5031.38s

We didn't know.

Speaker 35031.9s - 5032.96s

And you know what's so funny.

Speaker 25032.96s - 5038.88s

He's this older man and he looks completely normal, right?

Speaker 35038.88s - 5042.02s

Like, but he just has like that humor still.

Speaker 25042.18s - 5050.82s

He still has the humor of like a young kid and he still does. I mean, he still does these movies with like girls getting naked and he's like 70s.

Speaker 35051s - 5053.86s

He is a perverted old man.

Speaker 15054.32s - 5055.9s

But he's such a nice guy.

Speaker 35056.02s - 5059.12s

Like he's not, you wouldn't suspect it if you saw him.

Speaker 15059.44s - 5062.64s

But I think he's just a guy who never lost his like youth.

Speaker 35063.12s - 5065.74s

And truthfully, people don't realize

Speaker 15065.74s - 5068.6s

like trauma is where so many people got their start.

Speaker 35068.98s - 5071.24s

Like I think like Mel Gibson PERSON was in a trauma movie.

Speaker 25071.5s - 5076.7s

Not, no, it might not be Mel Gibson PERSON. It was, oh, I got to look. You know movies better than me.

Speaker 35076.7s - 5095.76s

I know, I'm thinking, you're right. There are some, I can't remember. Because I know it wasn't Mel Gibson because that's Mad Max WORK_OF_ART. And Mad Max WORK_OF_ART was kind of a trauma. The very first one was a little bit trauma-ish, even though it's a classic now. It was, if you watch the first Mad Max WORK_OF_ART, it's pretty trauma-ish movie.The go, you know, the gore and stuff.

Speaker 25095.76s - 5096.56s

Kevin Costner.

Speaker 35096.76s - 5098.46s

Kevin Costner is in a trauma movie.

Speaker 25098.52s - 5099.14s

Yeah, that's right.

Speaker 35099.98s - 5101.38s

And now I got to look at up.

Speaker 25102.46s - 5102.86s

Debbie PERSON.

Speaker 35103.44s - 5110.4s

While you're looking that up, too, Debbie PERSON posts something that she just, they're doing another one. Lloyd PERSON's doing another trauma and she's, she's in it.

Speaker 25111.68s - 5135.36s

I just follow on Instagram. So Kevin Kastner was in a movie called Sizzle Beach USA WORK_OF_ART, which sounds so trauma. You know what I'm like? And it's, I feel like there, once you would reach a certain age,most of those guys would be like, ah, there was something fun I did in my past. Lloyd PERSON is still, like, passionate about it. He loves making these, like, silly movies. And, yeah, he's a really cool guy.So, like, I really love Lloyd Kaufman PERSON.

Speaker 35135.46s - 5142.4s

Man, we met those back in the day when you could have those B movies with just, you know, boobies running up, titties.

Speaker 25142.6s - 5143.32s

And they still do.

Speaker 35143.5s - 5147.14s

They're just, they're not, they're not in theaters, but like, there still are

Speaker 25147.14s - 5153.8s

tromets who are on Twitter ORG, right? And they like getting naked and running around and being these movies.

Speaker 15154.16s - 5155.44s

And Lloyd PERSON loves it.

Speaker 35155.64s - 5157.06s

Lloyd PERSON's all about it.

Speaker 15157.06s - 5170.66s

I remember growing up to those. And those are the movies where you're like in the VHS. It's when you're, you smuggle the VHS because you're an eighth grade, seventh, eighth grade, maybe sixth grade. And you put it in and you're watching it because you just, you want to see the gratuitous, you know,

Speaker 05170.66s - 5181.06s

just just naked women run around. You're like, her, her mom's coming downstairs. Hit the pause button or turn. She comes downstairs.Everything's fine. She goes back upstairs. You keep watch that. And there was another one.

Speaker 35182.14s - 5188.22s

Savage something. Savage fear. I mean, there were a ton of those. Even fast times of Ridgemont High. I think I had, you know, where she one. Savage something. Savage fear. I mean, there were a ton of those. Even Fast Times of Ridgemont High. I think I had,

Speaker 25188.34s - 5194.4s

you know, where she took. That was war out on our VHS tape for how many times. But Troma PRODUCT, I think was so unique because it was,

Speaker 35194.4s - 5226.7s

it was this weird thing where it was this mix of like horror, comedy and yeah, gratuitous nude scenes. There was some, man, that first,that first one he did, the first Toxic Avenger. Toxic Avenger. There was some, man, that first, that first one he did, the first toxic avenger. Toxie PRODUCT avenger. That was that was, because, man, it was pretty, I mean, I watched it. You went back then, it's like thinking nothing of it. And now I watch it, man, when they, they ran the kid over on the bike. They ran this boy.There was like, whoa, wow. How the hell. I mean, it was pretty pretty brutal when it was all done

Speaker 25226.7s - 5235.72s

on a low low budget because that's that's that's lloyd's whole thing was like and i think lloyd went to like a prominent film school but it was like no hollywood studio is going to make

Speaker 05235.72s - 5253.68s

these movies i want to make so i'm going to do it on my own like he he he was doing stuff like we always talk about a podcast or like like, people doing stuff on their own without someone backing it and that type of thing. And, yeah, he was, movie studios were never going to make the things that he had in his crazy mind.

Speaker 15253.88s - 5263.68s

So he was like a pioneer in terms of like, I'm just going to do the craziest shit you've ever seen. And that no one would ever finance and I'm going to make it happen somehow.

Speaker 35263.68s - 5268.6s

He's still, still, still a legend. Toxic Avenger and Sergeant Kabuki Man PERSON. Those two.

Speaker 25268.6s - 5269.42s

Sergeant Kabuki Man PERSON, yeah.

Speaker 15269.56s - 5272.58s

You will still see those at Comic-Con EVENT probably more than anything.

Speaker 25272.82s - 5274.1s

Maybe the Avengers ORG have taken over now.

Speaker 35274.1s - 5290.5s

I still remember the theme song from Sergeant Kabuki Man PERSON. Sergeant Kabuki Man PERSON. NYPD ORG, it's your destiny. Oh my gosh. I still remember watching those being younger and getting a little tingle in my pants,

Speaker 25290.5s - 5301.34s

man, because it was just, they were like, there was before Skinimax PRODUCT. It was like free skinnamax. I didn't know of any of this until I met Debbie PERSON. You know, I didn't know of this whole world. And then, you know, oh, yeah.

Speaker 15301.76s - 5302.38s

I grew up.

Speaker 35302.5s - 5308.14s

I grew up to that, went through my puberty stages on his movies and others like his.

Speaker 25308.24s - 5314s

So, yeah. All right. This is the very last one. And it's a pretty simple one. This is from Paula Morgan PERSON, who I know that you know.

Speaker 35314s - 5315.18s

Hey, Paula PERSON. What's up?

Speaker 25315.32s - 5320.6s

Yeah, she does a great foundation, Twin Roters Foundation ORG. She does a great, it's a great, she's doing a great thing with that.

Speaker 35321.06s - 5324.08s

I mean, she's taking it beyond my foundation, which is awesome.

Speaker 25324.08s - 5330.78s

We give money. My foundation actually gives Paula PERSON's money because she is, it does better. I mean, I'm glad you

Speaker 35330.78s - 5336.22s

yours is kind of done, right? We have it. It's there. The money that comes in, we give to other

Speaker 25336.22s - 5341.12s

foundations that we know are, are worthy that like Paula PERSON's that actually's managed, that actually

Speaker 15341.12s - 5345.62s

doesn't take a salary, you know, doesn't take a salary. I want it worse.

Speaker 25346.38s - 5349.28s

You know, and doesn't and actually gives back.

Speaker 35349.36s - 5354.26s

I mean, she sends people to our battle line courses, like veterans that want to shoot and need

Speaker 15354.26s - 5357.18s

to be around, you know, other like myself or just come out.

Speaker 35357.5s - 5390.9s

She pays for them through the foundation. So it's fantastic how she does it. But I don't ask her to do that. She does it if veterans. And she does it. And I don't ask her to do that. She does it if veteran, and she does it and she sends them to other places as well, but she also does a lot of the horse therapy.And we give money, my foundation, if her foundation ever runs low on funds or needs help, she just, yeah, Paul PERSON,of course, because, you know, we've still got, we've still got quite a bit in our kitty, which is good because we get,it's what it's for. It's for other foundations that need help that I know that are legitimate. So I know we're going. I just want to make sure you guys.

Speaker 15391.02s - 5394.58s

But if you want to, yeah, if you want to donate to a foundation, hers to Twin Roters ORG,

Speaker 35395.5s - 5400.5s

and I mean, more than happy, if you don't want to donate to mine anymore and donate to hers, please have that. She does a fence.

Speaker 25400.5s - 5425.9s

Yeah. And it has the, the address in her signature here. So it's twin rotors ORG. Yeah. So, yeah, she just asks, how can people help support the podcast?And that's pretty simple. I mean, we have great sponsors who have been with us for very long time, whether it's sports, Scott Munitions, Bubbs, naturals, Ned ORG, photonist defense, and even, you know, the ones who occasionally sponsor like Thaddea ORG.

Speaker 35426.24s - 5431.08s

And Paymax ORG is been awesome. I love you, guys. Great stuff.

Speaker 25431.4s - 5484.26s

If you guys use our promo code on there, that that's what really helps because then they can see that the podcast is making an impact. And then I would say anyone who is a small business who wants to advertise in the show. I mean, we don't mention it enough. But our demo, I mean, I do always look at the statistics. Our demo is predominantly male, as you could imagine, 30s. I would say 30 plus. It's really 30s, 40s, 50s.It is international, but it's predominantly U.S. And yeah, if that's who you're looking at target, we definitely could always use more advertisers. And you just get in touch with us and we'll do that. But yeah, other than that, that's really it. Spread the word, really. And that costs absolutely nothing just to leave a review on Apple Podcasts or on Spotify ORG or subscribe. We're now up to over 5,500 YouTube ORG subscribers. No way. That's awesome. Yeah. And then we have

Speaker 15484.26s - 5487.4s

audio episodes that are in the hundreds of thousands now.

Speaker 25487.4s - 5497.04s

And, you know, yeah, leaving your reviews, anything that helps the algorithm or even, even word of mouth if you meet people who are like minded and telling them.

Speaker 35497.3s - 5502.06s

I tell people all the time at the gym when it just comes up that, oh, yeah, the Battleline ORG podcast.

Speaker 15502.24s - 5503.46s

And they end up subscribing.

Speaker 25503.66s - 5504.58s

They end up becoming listeners.

Speaker 35505.04s - 5524.46s

I agree. What Ian PERSON said. You know, the reason we podcast, and they end up subscribing. They end up becoming listeners. I agree what Ian said. The reason we can keep this free is that for our sponsors. And every sponsor that we've had on that Ian just mentioned, even Paymax ORG has come on now. It's been quite a few months now, but they continually have been on with us. But those other four, have been on since the beginning. Yeah.

Speaker 25524.56s - 5528.14s

So to say for you guys that need exposure,

Speaker 35528.3s - 5572.94s

we get exposure. We are. And not only you're getting exposure from the podcast, but you'll get exposure from my pages as well, which some of them have hundreds of thousands like the Facebook ORG. Instagram ORG,I've been, hey man, shadow banning is real, guys. I've been stuck at the same one for a year. Same number hasn't gone up or down.I would have figured it would have fluctuated somewhat. But there's still exposure on there for that. So you're getting that. But on a personal individual level, just hitting a like on YouTube ORG. You know, I'd love to see reviews too. But if you don't have time, even just putting a like on an episode helps out.And spreading the word and reposting our stuff helps out immensely. And in word of mouth, I'm still a big fan of the old school way word of mouth.

Speaker 25572.94s - 5581.48s

And that's why the stickers, I have all the battle line stickers. If you drive around New York City GPE, you'll probably find our stickers all over the place.

Speaker 35581.6s - 5585s

You got stickers out here too in Fort Scott, Kansas GPE.

Speaker 25585.18s - 5589.96s

But I always, if you buy books for me on my website, I always throw a sticker in there, throw it up somewhere.

Speaker 35590.26s - 5600.86s

I mean, it's just the grassroots way of doing things out in, I always have wanted to do it. We've never promoted episodes. We don't do that. We're trying to grow up organically.

Speaker 25601.06s - 5609.44s

The only thing that we do have really is Dylan, who works with us at narrative.fmm he does a lot of promotion and actually i've seen this month he's doing a lot of

Speaker 35609.44s - 5636.06s

promotion and he helps us out he helps us out and that's but for the most part man it's been really organic which is what i how i've always grown my stuff individually and i just think it just means a lot more it takes a little little bit longer, but it means a lot more. So, yeah, Paul PERSON, just keep putting the word out, doing what you're doing. And for all of you listen out there, just keep spreading the word. And that's why we're still here.I'll be honest, you know, I think a year ago, I don't know if we're going to make it.

Speaker 15636.52s - 5639.06s

Because, I mean, we hadn't really found our footing.

Speaker 35639.34s - 5645.9s

You know, I was still jumping from studios to we had, he wasn't going to an apartment. So we were always had a different

Speaker 25645.9s - 5654.42s

background going up but now that it's sorry i was just going to say it's also like the social media thing there are weeks where the show does really well there's weeks where the show doesn't really do

Speaker 35654.42s - 5671.52s

much it's just how it is but we did but it was i think it was also him and i just trying to find how do we do this together and we did it the great way we just figured it out we we did like man that one sucked okay that was good okay tono you need to stop talking so much and stop stepping on me

Speaker 25671.52s - 5678s

and it was but it was which i just did this did you do it at the right time though there is a right

Speaker 35678s - 5710.52s

time to step on somebody there isn't but it was also you know and that that was just learning each other and i think that's been fantastic so that's why i think that's why we're know, and that was just learning each other. And I think that's been fantastic. So that's why I think that's why we're still here. And that's why, you know, I even enjoy it more now than I did the first day we started it. I was really excited.But because we have found our footing and we have found our listeners and we're getting great guests and we're getting great well-known guests and we're getting great guests that you may have never heard of, but they always have amazing stories. And then we get these guests freeups. I mean, these have been great questions.

Speaker 25710.72s - 5724.36s

I think these have been the best questions that we've had. And we haven't done a lot. When's the last time we did a- It's a long time? It's like nearly a year. Yeah.Still, these have been fantastic questions. And I love doing these. And the only reason we don't is just there's so many guests.

Speaker 35724.36s - 5726.72s

We have a huge list we got to get on.

Speaker 25726.92s - 5737.52s

Yeah, I agree. But, but yeah, Paula PERSON, you're awesome. And Paula, you have done a ton for not just my brand, my Tonto ORG brand. Paula's been, you know, supporter since day one.

Speaker 35737.8s - 5762.36s

But your foundation has just blown up and which is helpful to us. You keep growing that. Keep putting our word out with you on the foundation and we can continue to grow together. And I think that's, that's a great thing too, meeting people for the first time. And now Paul PERSON and I consider Paul is a great friend. And she has a thriving foundation, which now, which we've helped, which now she can help us.

Speaker 05762.42s - 5772.48s

I mean, it's all, it's, it's, it's reciprocity, man it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, man. But it's, it's, it's, as well. And that's, that's, that's been amazing. It's amazing, too. So make more friends and

Speaker 35772.48s - 5777.64s

keep making more podcasts as long as you guys keep listening to them. Yeah, absolutely. Um, I guess

Speaker 25777.64s - 5782.68s

that's it's it, that's it, that's it, that's all of our questions. Yeah, I, I, I got nothing. I appreciate

Speaker 35782.68s - 5786.8s

you guys asking. And Robin PERSON, Robin, I'll get the beatbox. I'll get it back. I appreciate you guys asking and Robin, I'll get the

Speaker 25786.8s - 5792.32s

beatbox. I'll get it back. I'll get it down and we'll do a beat box. We'll get a beat box episode going.

Speaker 05792.56s - 5802.22s

And if I can find that old picture, I'll send it to Ian PERSON and we'll put it up with, I'm walking with the mic and got my sweat out, Adida PERSON's sweat pants on and my hat. You know what? I think it was my

Speaker 35802.22s - 5807.68s

Puma because I was back when Puma would be too. too. I think I had Adita ORG shoes on and a Puma

Speaker 25807.68s - 5809.02s

sweatsuit with my hat.

Speaker 15809.02s - 5810.3s

Oh, if you have pictures, that would be cool.

Speaker 25810.46s - 5811.36s

I'll try to find me.

Speaker 35811.62s - 5811.88s


Speaker 25812.5s - 5836.24s

Yeah, that's it, guys. You know, it's funny every now and again in the comments, people are commenting when the aisles were in the playoffs. I was wearing my I was jersey, several episodes, as we know they're out. But I'm definitely about to watch the Rangers ORG who I,you know, I don't hate the Rangers ORG. I know I i'm supposed to but i think they're going all the way i think we're going to see the rangers win a stanley cup for the first time in in uh 30 years you heard it here for me

Speaker 35836.24s - 5840.08s

in new yorkers aren't fair weather they're not like philadelphia where they just

Speaker 25840.08s - 5845.2s

well philly no philly's die hard i wouldn't't call them fair one. I don't have, you're just crazy.

Speaker 35845.46s - 5846.28s

Crazy. Thank you.

Speaker 25846.4s - 5854.62s

Now, I've known New Yorker NORPs, I'll be, even when a New Yorker team falls out, they usually, if there's another one in, they, that's their second.

Speaker 35854.62s - 5871.9s

That's, it turns into, it may, correct if I'm wrong, but it turns into where, well, I'm an Islanders ORG fan. Oh, shit, the islands are out. Now the Ranch FAC are in, okay, anybody but whoever they're playing against. So isn't that what you say? They would come in there.Now they're a Rangers fan, even though the Islanders ORG out.

Speaker 25871.9s - 5874.54s

No, no. As an Islander fan, you're supposed to hate the Rangers ORG.

Speaker 35874.54s - 5877.3s

Okay. I don't, but you're supposed to. It's a big rivalry.

Speaker 05877.64s - 5878.26s


Speaker 35878.48s - 5881.92s

Well, did you happen to hear about the Knicks game last night?

Speaker 05882.12s - 5884.04s

Because the Knicks ORG are doing amazing too.

Speaker 35885.24s - 5886.82s

Reggie Miller PERSON was at the game.

Speaker 05886.94s - 5888.62s

You know there's a big Knicks ORG rivalry.

Speaker 35889.24s - 5890.82s

The whole crowd was chanting,

Speaker 05890.98s - 5891.84s

fuck Reggie Miller PERSON.

Speaker 25892.36s - 5895.08s

And then one of the guys from the Knicks ORG went up.

Speaker 35895.14s - 5907.2s

I think I had this right because I was in the gym. I didn't see the whole thing, but it's like making headlines everywhere. I believe one of the guys from the Knicks went up to Reggie Miller PERSON. During the broadcast, you could hear him on. And he's like, do you hear what they're saying? They're saying, fuck Reggie Miller PERSON. So the, yeah from the Knicks went up to Reggie Miller. During the broadcast, you could hear him on. And he's like, do you hear what they're saying?They're saying fuck Reggie Miller PERSON.

Speaker 25908.58s - 5914.22s

So, yeah, the Knicks and the Rangers ORG right now, man, it's crazy. Because, you know, the Knicks ORG have not won in forever.

Speaker 05914.74s - 5916.84s

And the Rangers have not won since 1994.

Speaker 15917.32s - 5919.26s

So their fan base is fucking crazy.

Speaker 05919.58s - 5928.8s

I even looked last night out of curiosity. It was like, what is the cheapest seat you could get to a Knicks ORG playoff game right now at the garden? What would you think?

Speaker 35928.96s - 5930.78s

Because I looked it up. Cheapest seat?

Speaker 25931.08s - 5932.32s


Speaker 35932.62s - 5933.74s

Double that, 400.

Speaker 25934.02s - 5936.2s

That's ridiculous, man.

Speaker 35936.2s - 5937.2s

That's the garden, man.

Speaker 25938.28s - 5948.36s

My daughter, speaking of that, we're getting off here, but my daughter went, they did a road trip to a Kansas City Royals ORG game. They went to see a Royals ORG game.

Speaker 35950.04s - 5952.44s

D. Coss are getting out of hand, man. Crazy.

Speaker 25952.68s - 5954.44s

I feel like a Royals ORG game wouldn't be much, though, right?

Speaker 35954.58s - 5962.3s

No, but not, they got in, they got in the chiefs. I mean, it wasn't that. It was, she was, she was texting my wife about how much stuff the, the concessions.

Speaker 25962.42s - 5963.54s

Oh, yeah. Well, that's, yeah.

Speaker 35963.6s - 5968.92s

That's kind of stand. I think a Coke was like 15, a medium, 15 bucks, dude.

Speaker 25969.04s - 6004.38s

Yeah. For a Coke PRODUCT. That's what it would be. That is, I'd stop paying, stop overpaying your players, all those millions of dollars. And you fools that are out there, those games, spending 40 bucks on popcorn and pop. Knock that shit off.Bring those salaries back down, man. That's ridiculous. That's so ridiculous. I mean, that's just what it's been. But, I mean, for the Knicks ORG fans, I could back down, man. That's ridiculous. That's so ridiculous. I mean, that's just what it's been. But yeah, I mean, for the Knicks ORG fans, I could tell you, I was on the train, right, going to Motley Crew. And I mean, these Knicks fans are so diehard. They really are like, would I spend $400 in a Knicks game? No. But they, they love it, man. They live for it. And they are there is die hard as it gets. I respect it.

Speaker 36004.64s - 6008.92s

I'll spend $40 on chicken wings and tonal vodka and Sprite PRODUCT at the Buffalo

Speaker 26008.92s - 6009.54s

Wild Wings.

Speaker 36009.62s - 6010.9s

That's about as much I'll spend.

Speaker 26011.32s - 6012.02s

But it's cool.

Speaker 36012.14s - 6014.62s

Back in the day, shit, they haven't won since Patrick Ewing PERSON.

Speaker 26014.94s - 6015.66s

Hasn't been that long?

Speaker 36015.86s - 6017.9s

No, they never even won with Patrick Ewing PERSON.

Speaker 26018.16s - 6018.52s

They've never.

Speaker 36018.52s - 6024.04s

No, I don't think they've won since like 1916, 73. That's when they were, were they the most.

Speaker 26024.16s - 6029.18s

When I worked with Senator Bill Bradley PERSON, Senator Bill Bradley PERSON was the last time they won. So, well,

Speaker 36029.42s - 6032.92s

Senator Bill Bradley PERSON's a pretty old guy. That's pretty old too. Yeah.

Speaker 26033.1s - 6045.3s

Well, good luck to you in New York GPE and I will keep your secret that you're cheering for the Rangers ORG right now. Yeah, yeah, they hate that. But I don't know. I don't, I don't hate the ranch, but I'm not cheering, you know, I'm not wearing the jersey like I was

Speaker 36045.3s - 6066.98s

the Islanders ORG, but it would be cool. I think personally, man, it would be cool to see them win for the first time in 30 years. I think their fans deserve it. Yeah. And they're a great team. They're a great team.Or you enjoy it, man. I'm going home, having me some food and going to watch like an old eight. Now that we've been talking about, I'm going to turn on an old 80s or 90s movie and watch it. I just, I can't turn on trauma because I have kids in the house.

Speaker 16066.98s - 6068.22s

Yeah, not with your kids in the house.

Speaker 36068.22s - 6068.92s

But I'll,

Speaker 16068.92s - 6078.88s

yeah, I'll go to a different room and I'll find something. One crazy summer still, that's, I think I'm going to do that. The old,that was still a great movie. Bobcat Goldthwaite PERSON, that'd be another guest I'd love to have on. Yeah,

Speaker 36078.94s - 6079.56s

just to have him.

Speaker 26079.58s - 6080.18s

He's been on Rogan PERSON.

Speaker 36080.24s - 6085.14s

I don't, I don't know him well or anything, but he's been on Rogan PERSON. I don't know him either. He just was down here doing a stand.

Speaker 26085.58s - 6092.62s

Yeah, he did a standup down at the casino here in Pittsburgh, Kansas last month. He was doing, he did a show. 61 years old, okay.

Speaker 36093.12s - 6097s

Him and surprisingly, Aaron, I'd love to have Aaron Lewis PERSON on too.

Speaker 26097.08s - 6103.7s

He's doing the show. I've tried to get Aaron on. And I've met Aaron. He's a great guy, but I haven't been able to like get touched with him.

Speaker 36103.7s - 6109.38s

We'll keep working on it. He was down in Pittsburgh, Kansas doing a show just last month, man. Shit, should have him in the studio.

Speaker 26110.38s - 6111.14s

You know me.

Speaker 36111.18s - 6115.38s

I don't do that. I got to us told you. I'd rather go spend money and just sit at a Buffalo ORG or watching on TV.

Speaker 26115.38s - 6116.28s

You have a good time seeing Aaron Lewis PERSON.

Speaker 36116.48s - 6127.48s

I would. No, I would. I would. All right, Aaron, I'll come see if you come on our show. How about that next time you come into the casino here in Pittsburgh GPE? Kansas, not Pennsylvania GPE. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 06129.28s - 6164.46s

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