WarRoom Battleground EP 521: Finishing What We Started; Failure Funding Over Johnson

WarRoom Battleground EP 521: Finishing What We Started; Failure Funding Over Johnson

by WarRoom.org

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published 1 month ago


Copyright Bannon`s War Room 2022 All rights reserved.

Speaker 30s - 38.28s

This is what you're fighting for. I mean, every day you're out there. What they're doing is blowing people off. If you continue to look the other way and shut up, then the oppressors, the authoritarian, get total control and total power. Because this is just like in Arizona. This is just like in Georgia.It's another element that backs them into a quarter and shows their lies and misrepresentations. This is why this audience is going to have to get engaged. We've told you this is the fight. All this nonsense, all this spin, they can't handle the truth.

Speaker 139.68s - 44.62s

War Room, Battleground WORK_OF_ART. Here's your host, Stephen K. Bannon PERSON.

Speaker 347.78s - 187.26s

Okay. Thank you for coming into the second hour. I understand the first, been a little intense, as all day to day has been. You know, this book out by Isaac Arnsdorf of the Bezos Washington Post out by Little Brown ORG, the publisher. Finish what we started. It's really the history of the precinct strategy and the grassroots move, the MAGA movement, since basically January of 2021, right after the stolen election. And it's really focused on Dan Schultz's PERSON precinct strategy and what evolved from thatand what led to the removal of Kevin McCarthy, led to the removal of Ronald McDaniel at the R&C ORG, led to the removal, essentially of Mitch McConnell PERSON as minority leader for his stepping down, all of it. What was the power behind this? How do people get engaged? And quite frankly, how did they get beat up in the process? And we're going to start highlighting those heroes because it's not always pleasant.I keep telling people, this is a fight. You're not really welcomed and patted on the head. And the book shows that. The book actually shows, I think, the most powerful part of the book for our audience is not just go through the chronologyso that you kind of have that in your mental map about exactly what happened here. But also, Arnsdorf PERSON has no anonymous quotes. This is all people that were in this fight, including many of the people that opposed us. And you see the world through their eyes.And you particularly see what they thought of Trump supporters and MAGA coming to the first meetings and showing at these precinct strategies. And quite frankly, the, I wouldn't say it was hatred, but the disdain that they feel for the MAGA movement, and particularly for the individuals associated with the MAGA movement.And this is one of the things that's so enlightening. Annie Partchett joins us from Illinois GPE, head of the Illinois Alliance for Freedom in Illinois, and now a senior, the senior member of the Rock Island GOP ORG. Annie PERSON, tell us, give us your journey. How did this start? Because you've had a huge fight out there.There's a huge victory to us because I keep arguing Illinois GPE is MAGA, not just downstate. I think Chicago is MAGA. We just got to break the grip of the Democratic Party ORG up there and stealing these elections. Walk us through how you became head of the GOP ORG.

Speaker 5188.36s - 243.86s

I would love to do that. But first, I would like to make sure that the people of Illinois GPE need to consider that the current congressman for Illinois 17, Eric Sorenson PERSON, he is participated in all-age drag shows. He reads books. He approves the books being read to children by men dressed as women. And we have a candidate that can defeat him. He's a respected former prosecutor and judge.His name's Joe McGraw PERSON. You can find out more about him at Joe McGraw and.com ORG. But the previous leadership at the local GOP ORG, they weren't looking for new members. And we tried and we tried. And they said, well, we aren't going to change who we are. You can't change everything.So you need to just go do it yourself if you think you're so smart. And so we've spent three years.

Speaker 3243.86s - 251.78s

Hold it. Hang up for a second. Hang for a second. Tell me about this guy. Tell me about this race right now. I don't think people throughout the country

Speaker 5251.78s - 420.2s

and MAGA throughout the country. No, it. Hit rewind for a second. Give me that again. Hit rewind for you. Oh, you bet.So what we have here in Illinois GPE is there's a race for Illinois 17. And the current incumbent, he brings a radical pro-climate change ideology to the office. But we have a respected former prosecutor and judge. His name is Joe McGraw PERSON. And he is going to be fantastic for this.He's going to win this race because the grassroots groups and now the GOP ORG, we are going to work together to make that happen. And we have another top priority, and that's for Charlie PERSON Helmick. He's in a winnable district against a guy who works for the unions. Charlie's a Marine. He worked for FedEx for years, and he owns a small business insurance agency with his wife. He's devoted to life, liberty, and constitutional principles. So we have the candidates. We have races to win.And it's really important that the previous party leadership didn't make any effort to recruit candidates for our county and countywide offices. When you go to the polling place, you see Democrat candidates and it says no Republican NORP candidate. So one of my first things to do is to make sure that we fill those positions and we build the party and promote pro-taxpayer, pro-freedom policies. We have until June to nominate candidates for these offices. The state's attorney's office is especially important position because we have to have pro-lawand first enforcement candidates in office when we have a governor that is against all of that. And under my leadership and with the guidance of the precinct strategy.com, we're going to see those numbers climb and climb. Not only that, but the teams we build will inspire to be, will be inspired to work hard, stick around and become productive members of the community and our GOP ORG. And you can reach both of us. You can reach the Illinois County GOP or Illinois Freedom Alliance ORG right here. And we have people standing by. We will get you to a team in your county, your precinct, that will help you become an active participant.The only people that are going to be disappointed are the ones that sit in the recliner complaining about what's not going right, and they aren't up doing something. It's not easy. It's really hard. I'm getting a lot of pushback, but I have so much support, too, because we are done doing things as they've always been done because we have to have better results. And I made a commitment over a year ago on your show that we are going to turn Illinois GPE Red and we are going to do it. We have to do it. Talk to me about the pushback

Speaker 3420.2s - 435s

and talk to me about the fight you've had to have become the head of the GOP ORG. And what is the pushback? We understand you have tremendous support. The precinct strategy, particularly Illinois, grows every day. But you're getting pushback. What is the pushback and how are you going to fight through it?

Speaker 5435.94s - 552.08s

You know, it's interesting because while I have some pushback, I have double the number of people who want to make things happen. The main question and concern that people are having is how can a leader of a grassroots group also be the leader of a GOP ORG office? What they don't understand is that we are one and the same. It's just that the doors haven't been open. That it's been a little suspicious for Annie Partcha from the Illinois Freedom Lines to tell everyone, join the GOP ORG because it's like me telling everyone, hey, my next door neighbor's door is open. Why don't you walk in? What we need is the GOP to say, come in, the door is open. I've been working with Mr. Don Tracy, the chairman for the state of Illinois GOP.He is on board, and he is, even in his most recent newsletter, he has asked people to come up, step up, become a precinct committeeman. So while the journey is hard and while I'm getting pushback, I'm getting more support. And because I have valid answers to objections people have, people that were really hard on me the night that the election, that I won the election, have already come to work with me at the headquarters for theIllinois Freedom Alliance. Because we have a 2,500 square foot office that we have donors providing the space for us. And we are going to work side by side because the people that work at Illinois Freedom Alliance are precinct committeemen. And so we're going to be working together to show that there is no difference between a citizen that belongs to a grassroots organization or a citizen that belongs to theGOP ORG. We are the same people. And so we have to stop pretending like this competition.

Speaker 3552.08s - 598s

Why wasn't this self-evidence to the GOP that you guys would be the muscle, that MAGA ORG is the muscle for victories? It's 80 or 85% of the vote in any primary, sometimes 95% of the vote. Why has it been this resistance? If you read the book, finish what we started, you see they take some examples from around the country,I think particularly Georgia and Arizona GPE, where there's just this resistance from people that have been there, but they haven't been winning elections. They're getting overwhelmed. They're not really building the base, but as soon as the precinct strategy, as soon as Annie PERSON shows up, it's like, oh my gosh, these are the unwashed masses. We can't have these people participate.We've got to figure out how to get them out as soon as possible. Why has there been that mentality?

Speaker 5599.14s - 738.26s

Well, when I first went to the GOP ORG office, I thought that was going to be a busy hub. I thought that I was going to just walk in and I would just be barely able to find a seat. And all my life, I thought, well, somebody else is doing it. So when you go down to the GOP ORG office and they don't have any volunteers for whatever reasons, it was shocking to me. And so we realized that we have to do this ourselves.But they were suspicious because they didn't know us. And they didn't know that we were all, my friends that came down, we were prior GOP ORG. I worked, I retired as at the, as a, from the military, I was enlisted. And then I retired as a civilian employee at the military equivalent of major. And so I understand organizational development.I was adjutant to a commander, and we stood up a battalion in seven countries in Europe in 2016. And when I retire, I find out that Illinois GPE needs the same structure. It's easy now. And the chairman of about four different GOP office or grassroots groups have also been elected in Illinois GPE. We've unseated people that it's not that they're bad people, but they weren't personable enough. And they weren't studying the precinct strategy.A lot of people on the executive board before the other executive boards were told that all we need is to come to a meeting once a month. And so it won't take any of your time. They weren't prepared. They weren't trained to be precinct committeeman. So with Dan Schultz's PERSON help, our training team has developed very goodprecinct commitment training, and we've been training for three years. We've been, we've recruited hundreds of precinct commitment, and they often could not get in the door, so we help them develop, set up their own Illinois Freedom Alliance ORG chapter in their county, or else they have, we've helped them, I work with chairman. I've helped them get through the door that way. And also just by joining the local grassroots groups in their community.So that's the story.

Speaker 3739.74s - 769.5s

No, the Dan Shultz PERSON, we're going to have everybody go. We're going to give your social media some people can go and use you guys as a tool. But I want to ask, what's the overall political environment? Not just for MAGA, but what is your sense, the overall political environment in Illinois GPE right now? Where are citizens' heads at? What do I think about the economy, the direction of the country?We're six months before Election Day. Where do you think Illinois GPE is? And let's leave Chicago out. I'm sorry, I'm downstate Illinois GPE. Where do you think people, the citizens, what is their

Speaker 5769.5s - 883.12s

perspective on where we are? The best example I can give you is that the Illinois Freedom Alliance is working with some grassroots groups in central Illinois GPE, and we're hosting a grassroots rising all-day event on Saturday in Peoria, Illinois GPE. There are no more meal tickets available who sold out, but we do have seats available for general public at $35 at the Illinois Freedom Alliance ORG.US website. But the lineup for this event, it includes the leaders from the Patriots United for America ORG. That's a large group that meets every month in Peoria GPE,and actually they open chapters in two more, and they have 100 people show up. We have John Bach from Gun Save's ORG Life Coming. He has like 13 chapters in Illinois GPE. We've built this grassroots rising, the truth revealed event, to just because our entire lineup is based on feedback I have received from the communities. I travel across Illinois GPE all the time, meeting with grassroots groups and talking to GOPchairman and finding best practices. We have Kirk Allen coming from Illinois Leaks and John Schrock PERSON from John Birch Society will be our keynote speaker. He's going to talk about Agenda 2030. Rochelle Arnold PERSON's going to talk about the CO2 pipeline. That's where people says they want information.They want uncensored information. And we have Terry PERSON Newsom, you know Terry from behind enemy lines. He's going to be talking about the invasion of Illinois GPE. People don't understand that what's going on in Chicago right now is coming down Interstate ADA FAC, and they're coming into our rural communities. And there's no way to avoid this.We have to be prepared for it because it is happening. It's happening now. So that's my answer to you.

Speaker 0883.74s - 894.84s

I'll be speaking at that event because we've been teaching, we've been using the Cause for America Return to Hand Counting class.

Speaker 3894.84s - 899.14s

We have trained 40 teachers how to teach return to hand counting.

Speaker 0899.6s - 906.98s

If anybody in listening distance wants to have us come and teach their group or their county how to

Speaker 5906.98s - 920.46s

hand count ballots, we have 40 teachers all over the state. We can make that happen quickly. And you can call us at 309-377-1776 to get that ball rolling. There's no reason for us to be

Speaker 3920.46s - 966.78s

dropping our ballots into machines. How do people get to information about this Saturday? Because that's a eclectic and interesting lineup. But you're right. The folks in Chicago will tell you, you know, Ben Burkron PERSON's been up there interviewing African Americans in their city.And they're being overwhelmed, but you're absolutely correct. What's happening in Chicago is being visited because of the sanctuary city on the African-American and Hispanic citizens in Chicago, but it ain't staying in Chicago. What happens in Chicago is not staying there. It's definitely going to come throughout the entire state,and those folks are the ones giving a warning. It's destroying the communities inside of inner city Chicago. Eventually, it's going to destroy and engulf all of Illinois GPE. So where do people go, Annie, to come to this event on Saturday?

Speaker 5967.3s - 984.04s

You can call us at 309-371776, or you can go to Illinois Freedom Alliance.us ORG, and you can get your tickets there. Well, we're going to have a gun raffle, a silent auction, and 50-50.

Speaker 3986.54s - 989.82s

Annie PERSON, your social media, where do people go and your website?

Speaker 5990.9s - 1145.44s

Our website, Illinois Freedom Alliance.us ORG. You will find all of the links to all of our social media pages at our website. And you can sign up for our email list there as well you can make a donation everything that we do is paid for by donations and by product because one of the things we do the other thing is that we publish a magazine called grassroots quarterly because we got tired of all of our stories being censored so we created a a sleek, I don't, if you go up toareas of impact and go to grassroots, grassroots quarterly, you'll see that we've created a beautiful, glossy magazine that we get to tell, provide information. This is not a bash the other guy publication. This is about true information that people need in order to become effective leaders in their community. You do not need to worry about what's going on at the state level if you know what's going on in your block. We have to get the precinct strategy. Precinct Strategy.com ORG has more information than you can imagine.A chat room for you to communicate with other precinct committeemen in your area. And the special edition, Constitution WORK_OF_ART special edition that's coming out just in time for the state conference in Illinois in May is really important. And I have to say that it's completely paid for by advertisers and subscribers. And we need both very, very, very much.So it's a way to reach an audience of grassroots groups. These are not distributed in grocery stores. They are distributed at meetings across Illinois GPE. So people support this publication. It's really heartfelt. It takes a lot of hours,but our team is wonderful. And the storyline that we have, it's going to tell you, make you totally aware of the constitutional rights that have been jeopardized by the leadership in Illinois GPE. We have to work together.The first step is to understanding the topics, understanding exactly what's at stake. And do not. The only reason you should be listening to CBS, NBC, or ABC ORG, if you want to understand what's not the truth. So that's what we need to do.

Speaker 41145.62s - 1150.48s

If they're saying it there, they're saying it there, you need to go to Steve Bannon's

Speaker 01150.48s - 1153.58s

war room and you need to find out the truth or subscribe to grassroots quarterly.

Speaker 51155.54s - 1159.4s

Annie, you're a fire brand, and that's why Illinois GPE is starting to turn around.

Speaker 31159.56s - 1173.34s

We're going to turn Illinois GPE purple first step and then Illinois red. It's not a blue state, and particularly leave red. It's not a blue state. And particularly leave Chicago. It's not a blue state at all. So you're doing God's work. Thank you so much.Look forward to having you back on. A good success this Saturday at the big event.

Speaker 41174.68s - 1176.44s

Thank you so much, Steve PERSON. Thank you very, very much.

Speaker 31177.42s - 1278.84s

I really appreciate it. Yes, ma'am. These are the fighters that are making a difference throughout the country. This is how you turn the country around. This is why the guy wrote the book. This, remember, it says MAGA movements, ground war to end democracy.Their version of what they define it is democracy, which is a rigged deal. It's the annies of the world that are going to stop that. They cannot defeat MAGA ORG. It's not over until we say it's over and they know that and they fear that. And that's a perfect example of Dan Schultz's one of the many, many, many victories throughout the country. We're going to try to highlight them all, but also make sure you get all the information of how to participate because it's all about your agency. Chris PERSON joins us, Chris, with Volt Typhoon PRODUCT, everything I'm saying. We were in, you know, we had a gladiator schoollast week in, in Las Vegas. The 911 went down, I think it went down for a day or two, and it turns out there were eight or nine states regionally happened all the same time. Nobody's been able to explain, you know,John Mills is out there talking about the CCP ORG's effort to take down our infrastructure and bed into the software of the infrastructure. Now more than ever, people are sitting there and tell them they come up to me all the time, there's something feels like it's not right. And what I tell people is that, hey, forget the feeling of not right, assume it's not right, but what are you doing individually to prepare for it?That's what you need to do. You need to get ahead of the curve because, just like Annie said right there with the Freedom Alliance ORG, we need you guys at the ramparts. The only way we're saving the country is you guys are the ramparts. We can't have you taken off the ramparts because of a technical issue or a financial issue or a health issue. That's what our opponents helped to do. Tell us about a satellite phone store. What do you

Speaker 11278.84s - 1415.16s

got for us, brother? Well, Steve PERSON, I mean, you're absolutely right. The infrastructure is under attack. I mean, what was most jarring for me in the last week was the cyber army of Russia GPE reborn that has now claimed and been proven to, of course, the attack on the water system in Muleshoe, Texas GPE. And that was a dry run, Steve PERSON, I think. It's like they took over this water system. They spilled thousands of gallons of fresh water into the ocean.And that was, you know, they were proving they could do it. We've seen other attacks on the cell phone networks, as you were saying just last week, the second time in two months. What this means is that we are very vulnerable, as the FBI ORG director has been saying over and over again, we're very vulnerable to attack and they are coming for us. So being prepared is how to be a patriot. And the one thing that,one of the few things that we can do for you at SAT123.com is make sure that you have access to communications when they attack us again and when they take it down, the cell phone networks and the 911 service again. A satellite phone works when cell towers go down or when the power grid goes down, they will keep working. Cell phones will not. So it's very important that we as Patriots are armed with the right equipment. And a satellite phone is one of those things that you need to makesure that you can stay in touch, that you can stay safe and protect you and your family. They will continue to work no matter what these cyber attackers are doing. So if you go to SAT123.com, Steve PERSON, you can get a free satellite phone with activation. This phone will cost you anywhere up to $2,000, anywhere else in the country. But you can go to Sat123.com today, get that free satellite phone. When you activate your phone, it's about 90 bucks a month.You're getting 100 minutes a month, and those minutes roll over. We also have a phone number you can call 941-955-1020. There's 941-955-1020, and our US GPE-based customer service reps will be able to talk you through the equipment you need and the plans you need and get you set up right away.We also have generators, portable solar power generators, Steve PERSON, that we'll keep going when that power is out. And they can power anything from a small fridge and your phones up to your entire house. So all of these things are things that you can do to help America GPE be prepared for when the next attack comes.

Speaker 01415.38s - 1424.9s

And you could take the strain off of the government, right? They can only do so much. We need to be protecting ourselves. And sap phones and solar power generators are two ways to do that.

Speaker 31427.4s - 1438.8s

Chris, one more time, give the number. Where do people go? Because I want everybody, these offers are limited to when you get material. That's when you jump on. And the posse knows that, but I want to know where they go right now.

Speaker 11440.08s - 1464.54s

They go to SAT,123.com. So that's sat.123.com. We'll call us at 941-955-1020. That's 941-955-1020. And as again, Steve, as always, we really appreciate your support and the support of the war room posse to help get Americans NORP prepared for what seems to be pretty inevitable at this point. So thank you very much. Chris Horan PERSON, thank you very much.

Speaker 31464.94s - 1894.22s

Appreciate it. I'm going to go to, we're going to get into Ukraine GPE and the whole geopolitics of it. You heard this morning with Jim Rickards PERSON, the global currency structure, the global currency system. And remember, I'm a big believer in economic warfare. I am.I think that you've got to be very hesitant about how you use it when you use it these are bullets that just don't once you shoot some of these bullets a you can't take it back but B you don't have a you're not going to have another bullet in the chamber I've been very adamant from the beginningit's the Chinese Communist Party ORG if we cut them off from access to our capital markets both debt debt and equity, if you cut them off from our technology, and that can be done by really dropping the hammer in Silicon Valley from trading us out and from the venture capitalists there, the CCP would have a very difficult time making it past 100 days. They are completely and totally reliant. This is why they fight so hard for coupling. And this is why we've been such an adamant since we're the lead and they take down the CCP ORG movement is to make sure that we address that situation and what needs to be doneabout it. They are the mortal enemy of all free people because they are a communist Marxist NORP dictatorship. They start with Lao Beijing PERSON, their own people, but then they've now infiltrated and have elite not just capture, but elite merger, as Natalie Winters and Jack Bosobic PERSON say so often. This Volt EVENT typhoon, what is happening in cyber and now combined with artificial intelligence is not normal.You've had the FBI ORG director out a number of times, and it looks like he's trying to say, when it happens, I told you so. But we're adamant about this is that you've got to think about it. We've given you the information you think it through. But the situation with cyber in the vulnerability, as Frank Gaffney PERSON and others from the community in present danger, been here so many times, telling you about the vulnerability of our infrastructure, particularly the grid, telecommunications, all of it. It's one of the reasons on our sponsors,we select our sponsors to make sure that they can help you in these situations. My Patriot Supply is a perfect example. You may not be a prepper. You don't have to be a proper. It's just common sense. That's why go to MyPatrient Supply.com todayand just immerse yourself in the information. Take a couple of your, I know you don't have a lot of spare time, but in it, just go check it out and immerse yourself in the information and see what they have to tell you about getting ahead of the power curve. Okay, short commercial break. We'll return the worm just a moment. True or false? Using your tax refund to pay off credit card debt is a smart thing. Actually, that's false.Done with Debt.com ORG published a brilliant strategy designed to let you keep your hard-earned tax refund and reduce or eliminate credit card debt. Most Americans owe thousands in credit card debt. In fact, Daily Mail has got a story that 56 million Americans NORP carry credit card debt, and that debt will take years to pay off if you pay it off at all. Done with debt found that finally bankruptcy is usually not the answer, and taking out loansto pay off credit cards usually increases the debt. When you engage done with debt, their legal experts and skilled negotiators take on the credit card companies for you. Their winning strategies are designed with one gold. Solve your debt situation quickly and permanently. First things first, chat with a done with debt strategist and explore your solutions.Some debt fighting strategies are time sensitive, so you'll need to move quickly. For a free consultation, visit done withdebt.com. That's done withdeat.com. Do it today, take action. I want to warn you of a huge change that could be coming to our money and our bank accounts. First, think back to 9-11 EVENT.Shortly after the government pushed through the Patriot Act LAW, this gave the government power to spy on innocent Americans by monitoring our phone and email and tracking our movement across the internet. push through the Patriot Act. This gave the government power to spy on innocent Americans NORP by monitoring our phone and email and tracking our movement across the internet. Now, Jim Rickards PERSON, editor of the Independent Financial Newsletter Strategic Intelligence and New York Times ORG bestselling author, is warning about a coming event that could elevate this governmental surveillanceto a terrifying new level. In fact, some of the guests I've had on the war room believe that the government will soon expand their powers to track our every move. If we say the wrong things on social media, donate to the wrong causes, buy firearms, or even vote MAGA ORG, the government may be able to shut us out of our bank accounts. I can't say for sure if this will happen, but it's an interesting and dire warning. Fortunately, Jim Rickertz, an American NORP patriotand friend of mine, has made it his mission to educate us on what he believes is coming and how to protect yourself from the possibility of programmable money. Watch Jim PERSON's warning video now, before it's censored like I've been in the past.Go to recordswarroom.com ORG. That's recordswarroom.com now to see the video. Are you tired of progressive corporations and exhausted trying to keep up with all the virtue signaling when you're simply trying to buy products? Progressive corporate America GPE continues to push messaging that further alienates conservative American NORPs all while eroding the future of the American dream. It's prominent all over the country. Companies like Starbucks ORG strong-arming their customers to support abortion. Financial services like PayPal ORG canceling customers for their political views. Make-up companieslike Mabeling ORG making a mockery of women by supporting transgender models, and beer companies like Bud Light PRODUCT, forcing gender ideology on you when all you want is to enjoy a cold beer. Thankfully, we don't have to fund these companies any longer with our hard-earned dollars. With Public Square ORG, we now have a solution. It's simple. Join the movement of millions of patriotic Americans NORP who love truth, our country, and ourconstitution at publicsq.com. That's publicsq.com. Public Square ORG is an app and a website where you can get connected to tens of thousands of businesses from all different industries that share your value for life, family, and freedom. Whether you're looking to buy coffee, find a new athlete clothing that knows what a woman is and shop for clean skin care, or simply find a new restaurant in your community that won't lecture you about your political views. PublicSQ.com is your resource. Public Square ORG also offers discounts to many high-quality businesses on the platformso that you can actually receive incentive for spending money with companies that don't hate you. Public Square ORG is free to join as consumer or a business owner, and you can get started today at publicsq.com. Remember, either as a consumer or a business owner, download the app now. That's publicsq.com, publicsq.com.

Speaker 21894.94s - 1897.08s

I find that we've done right by our allies.

Speaker 31897.9s - 1899.78s

I don't have any question about that, Hugh PERSON.

Speaker 21899.84s - 1939.8s

I know that history is going to judge this well. It was the right thing to do. This is a very dangerous time. We truly do have a new axis of evil. You have China and Russia and Iran GPE, and often North Korea GPE working together in coordination. They're funding one another's aggressions. And the reason you and I both know, and you highlight this all the time, the reason this is happening is because the current president is projecting weakness on the world stage,and our adversaries are acting aggressively and provocatively and taking advantage of that. So we had this moment in time, this historic question. Would America stand by our allies, stand by Israel GPE, the beleaguered people of it?

Speaker 31941.2s - 2287.92s

Okay, okay, I'm going to have that replayed. Okay, no. The invasion on the southern border that you promised and committed to shut this government down to stop or to not fund anything, that is the right side of history. So don't give me your Polly Pocket's happy talk with the clown show Hugh Hewitt PERSON gaslighting radio show, okay? No, we are on the right side of, and you, sir, are a traitor. You committed to the American NORP people to shut down the border.We have, according to you, 15 million illegal alien invaders in the country. That is the number one, the number two, the number three priority in this country. And not, in your own words, in your own words, the intel community, in the puff piece in Politico, you told Jonathan Martin PERSON, quote, it was the intelligence community and it was the NATO generals, the European NORP generals, that are really at the forefront of this, that convinced you.Put forward the evidence. You won't put it forward because it's not there. You sold out your country. You sold out your countrymen. And now you're trying to skip around. You know, because all your church, you're Churchill PERSON, your Polly Pockets. Not Churchill. You're a goofball that's in over its head. And instead of doing what you told people and look people in the eye and say you were going to do this, you went and did the exact opposite.And you gave them a free pass. And even in doing that, you got no concessions. So you're a clown at every aspect. And we are going to dog you until we drive you out of here. And I understand people are saying, Steve PERSON, I don't know, it's only 30% of the people. It's only a couple of guys says, hey, that's fine. You don't think we fought longer odds in the war room before? You don't think we fought longer odds when I ran Breitbart ORG before.Folks, we've had odds so long. People said, you're a moron for doing this. And guess what? We always fought and we always got it. So I don't care about the odds. I'm not somebody sitting here looking at odds and what are we going to do and, oh, let's do it. And we're doing what's right. And we're not going to back off.And we're going to dog this guy. And people are sitting there, well, he's a Christian NORP. You know, he's a Christian. Prove it. And don't tell me about reading some Bible WORK_OF_ART verse. I mean in your actions in the arena when it counts. You gave the money to the globalist. You gave the money to people that are child trafficking. You gave it to the people of human trafficking.You gave it to the people with the bio-weapons labs. Did you get any concessions out of that? Did you get any information out of that? Did you get anything out of that? You know what you're funding. So if you're a Christian NORP and that's what you're funding, count me out. Count me out. That's why you in Langford GPE, because of your churchy weakness,which you exude every day in this kind of, you know, you know, quoting Bible WORK_OF_ART verse, while you're helping satanic forces is the greatest recruiting tool Islam ORG ever had. Because they're going to sit there and go, if those are your leaders, if that's who God's raised up to lead you, then where are they leading you to? Johnson PERSON, you're nothing but lead.Your Pharaoh's army heading towards the Red Sea LOC is what you're doing. And you've joined the demonic. You've underwritten, you're a quizzling. Just like in World War II in Norway GPE. You're a quizzling. All you're doing is working for the other side and trying to pontificate about your deep, rooted Christianity ORG.Prove it. Prove it in Ukraine GPE. You underwrote the child trafficking. You've underwritten the sex trafficking. You've underwritten the bio labs. Did your briefings?Did your highly secure brief? What did it tell you about that? Did you get a briefing about that? What did you tell you about the child trafficking? What did you allow to happen in the United States GPE? The child trafficking.The sex trafficking. The sex trafficking. The drug trafficking. The war, the second opium war, they got about that. What were the security briefings you got on the southern border? Why did you let this go down? Because it hasn't changed another 10,000 to come across today.And in your briefings with the NATO generals, did they tell you 10,000 of the combat division? Did you get that? Did you write that down? Polly Pockets? You're detestable because youractions, not your words in your biblical worldview. Don't give me your biblical worldview. Let me see that through your actions. Let me see that you're taking on demonic forces. Not the running dog of demonic forces.Ben Harnell PERSON. Demonic forces. The Ukraine GPE, there is such deep darkness in Ukraine. And now we've given Biden PERSON the ability to bribe them some more so they keep quiet. When we have the investigation, because we will, we will conquer on this one, we will win. When the investigation, I want you to remember all this yelling and screamingI was doing for years and years of years, I want, when we sit there and in public hearings and in criminal trials, when you see what we were financing in Ukraine, and you see what American NORP officials knew, and when you see what American officials did with your money, and you see what Johnson PERSON, these guys had every ability to stop it and look the other way, when you see it, when you see all the ugliness and what's underneath that scab, you're going to say, oh my God, why didn't anybody tell me the time? Well, I am telling you at the time. There's something deep and verydark about what's going on Ukraine GPE. It's something deep and very dark about what we are underwriting. Ben Harnell. The floor is yours, sir, from Rome GPE.

Speaker 02289.6s - 2536.3s

Good afternoon, Steve. Well, listening to Mike, no Johnson, Johnson there, it's clear that Saturday for him was really, in Orwellian terms, it was a four legs, good, two legs, bet at moment, because he just pivoted and abandoned every principle he was supposedly trying to defend. Saturday, the 20th April was a very important date, not just because of what happened, of course, in the House of Representatives and their vote authorising this $61 billion to Ukraine GPE. Something else happened on Saturday. We haven't been able to cover it until now, but here we go.In the early hours of Saturday morning, Steve, in Ukraine, in Odessa GPE, on a country road down to Odessa, there was a shooter between two soldiers serving in the Ukrainian army and two police guys, standard traffic check. One of the police guys, both the police guys were actually killed and shot by the two soldiers. But thanks to the body cam one of the cops was wearing, he recorded the whole thing. They stopped this, this, the guy, they had an amiable chat about where they were going,what they were doing, where they were fighting. And then it turned sour. They said, look, we just want to check over the car. That's all right. And when they check, there was some ammunition boxes in the car. When the cops went to check those, the younger guy who's the son of the father, there's a father and son serving together in the army,shot them both dead. In this car, Steve PERSON, were boxes and boxes. We know this because the car, along with the soldiers, thanks to the body come footage, was apprehended in Odessa as they were trying to flee the country. What was in this car, Steve PERSON, were grenades. And this is just an example. We only know this. The only reason the world knows about this is because of this body cam footage. It's happening left, right and center. And what was happening is that these two serving soldiers in Ukraine GPE were taking arms, and you've got to get his, the best article I found on this,the only article I found of this, is in the Times ORG. Steve PERSON, you have to go to the literally, literally, the very last line of this article. Obviously, I'd realize what was going on halfway through when it talks about boxes of grenades. The men are suspected of involvement in a weapon smuggling ring. That's just what's happening, right? So you guys in the United States, your taxes, you're buying ordinance, sending it over to Ukraine GPE. That's the young cop there,that was shot dead by one of the soldiers that you see in that photo. And this is where it's going. So when Zelensky is interfering in domestic US GPE politics, bitching that he doesn't have enough grenade, he doesn't have a military ordinance, US GPE taxpayers are letting him down, he would have more means to fight this war if he actually tied the, drilled down on the corruption. Here's another example. Still on the subject, Steve PERSON, of corruption. This is just illustrating what's going onin Ukraine GPE now. The Ukraine Agriculture Minister is officially under investigation. The average, by the way, Steve PERSON, the average salary in Ukraine GPE, it's $650per month equivalent, right? This agriculture minister had bought $7.35 million worth of state-owned land in Ukraine and was trying to buy another $4.5 million worth. How he got the money to buy this land is a mystery. He says, oh, no, look, this is all happened years ago. There's nothing to.Folks move on. There's nothing to see here. The state corruption agency is digging down on this. But, yeah, he's two stories in the last couple of days, Steve PERSON. Everyone in the U.S., especially in the GOP ORG, very sad to see, is drilling down, saying how important it is that there's 61 billion is going to go to Ukraine GPE,all the difference is going to make. The reality on the ground is that they're grifting and stealing hand over fist.

Speaker 32540.9s - 2779.8s

When, let's talk about also, I want to talk about the roder's story on the recruiting because okay first off as chip roy showed the other day only of the 129 billion we already sent only about 40 to 50 billion had reached the battlefield as far as equipment the rest had gone somewhere to support the government what we've never had accounting for any of it, even that split, which the Biden PERSON regime has been lying about. So essentially 60 to 70 billion went in the first two years or the first 18 months to support the government or whatever. And we know Zelensky PERSON's guys are stealing with both hands because, as you've reported,Alexander Burns of the CIA, the head of the CIA, went to Kiev to tell Zelensky PERSON, if you guys continue to steal this brazenly, we're never going to be able to get anything passed for you. And this is how bad Johnson PERSON is. Did Johnson PERSON ask for a briefing on the money that been stolen? Did Johnson PERSON ask for briefings on the details of the sex traffickingand the organ harvesting? Did Johnson PERSON ask for details about the bioweapons lad. Did he ask for anything? He needs to come forward. Did he have a full investigation of a report on a forensic accounting? And did he really implement in this anything to do with making sure our money's not stolen? The answer is no. If he had, he would come forward because we're dogging him like he's never been dogged before and we're going to continue to dog him.In order to make these people respond, they must be dogged because they're not going to volunteer it. They're not going to volunteer it. They're going to go down and tell Trump PERSON a bunch of lies and spin him and the people around Trump are not going to correct him because most of those people are Republican NORP operatives and they want to get paid in their careers going forward. And they think MAGA is just this kind of passing of fever and the fever will eventually be broken.Let's go to the continual story. The central part of this is that the Ukrainian NORP people don't back it. And we know the Ukrainian people don't back it because they're not volunteering for the military. Young people are not volunteering. And so they had to go for one year and fight to get this draft in there. Okay? And even in the draft, Reuters ORG was reporting that, I don't know, the 14 million people left is a million fighting age males. And they're trying to pull every stop to get those guys back, to force those guys back to be able to Shanghai them into military service. No one's volunteering.And the reason, and parents are paying premium prices. You just said the average monthly pays $600 bucks. They're paying $5,000 and $10,000. They're hawking everything they've worked for and everything they will work for to keep their most precious assets, which are their sons and daughters, out of the fight. Now, why is that?Because they understand it's over, and they understand it's not going to change the basic geopolitics. Those are the people that matter most. Those are the people that are the country and the future of the country. And are they stepping up and giving anything? No.They want it to go away. How can you tell that? They will not let their sons and daughters go fight. The 500,000 that the two beloved generals got cashiered about because they told the truth, where do we stand on that? Why didn't Mike Johnson make that a condition precedent? Why didn't he say, okay, when you can show us that you've got close to 500,000 and that you're in the fight, then we'll start laying the money out. None of it was done. All they did was give the third most corrupt government in the world that's already taken $120 billion of whichthey cannot account for. All he did was give him a blank check. Another sucker. And then he ran interference for the Biden PERSON regime. Ben Harrow, give me this Rorto PERSON's story. This is the other one. We got, we're jammed for time. I want you to take time to go through this Rorder PERSON story.Because in this small story shows you the entire scam of the entire thing, sir.

Speaker 02780.8s - 2955.36s

Steve, there are about 850. Latest counts from January of this year. There are about 850 latest counts, which are from January of this year. There are about 850,000 men are fighting age, that's a conscriptible age, that have fled across to continental Europe LOC. And these two measures here that Reuters ORG have illustrated, I want to say to the war impossible, these are cosmetic, right? The Ukrainians NORP know that it will come on to this at another point, okay, we have something else to drill down to it. The Ukrainians NORP know that we're watching their every move.I'd say the Zelensky PERSON regime knows we're watching their every move. So they're now trying to push out some things for a Western audience, which is of a cosmetic, theatrical nature. Here's one of their latest initiatives that they're Ukraine GPE is suspending consular services for the military-aged men who fled abroad. What that means is that if you were a young guy, 20, 25-year-old guy, you fled abroad, and your passport has either expired or is about to expire. You can no longer go to your localconsul in whichever country you country you are and get it renewed. Now, so when I say this is purely cosmetic, what do I mean by that? If your passport has expired, right, and they're not going to let you renew it, then what are you not going to be able to do? You're not going to be able to go get a flight and go back to Ukraine GPE and serve on the front line, are you? If you have no passport, you can't travel. That is why I say thisstory, in all its ludicrousness, it's purely cosmetic for Western consumption. There's a similar story, which is that, which obviously Reuters have dutifully carried. So Ukraine GPE launches a military charm offensive as conscription flags. And they're talking about, or the happy talk about they're doing QR codes. So with your phone that you can zap and learn more about. You can even choose now how long you want to serve for and whereabouts you want to serve.And it's all nonsense. As everybody in Ukraine GPE knows, the initial volunteers who signed up in February 2022 are still fighting, and there's still no word whatsoever when they're going to stop fighting. So if you go up and volunteer, say, oh, look, you know, I'll do three months and let me do it in a non-military area where there's no presently no Russian NORP bombardment. They're going to take you, they're going to send you to the front line, and that is whereyou're going to stay. And I tell you who knows that. Reuters ORG might not appreciate that. I tell you who knows that. Everybody are fighting, aging Ukraine GPE knows that. So there's a two stories that just for Western consumption to try and show that there'sthat the complaints from abroad that we're giving so much to Ukraine GPE, and yet they're sort of, they're there, they're pairing down what they're doing on their side of the war effort. Those complaints on the West are starting to have an effect.

Speaker 32958.5s - 2984.9s

I've got much more to go through with you, but we're going to have to do it tomorrow. But in the interim, I want you to give, and I say this, not with jealousy, because we love Ben PERSON. He's your key part of the team. He's our international editor. But his engagement is extraordinary. I'm trying to figure out how it is, but I think it's the way you structure it at the top. But where do people go to get your social media? Where do they go on get her to get your social media?

Speaker 02985.88s - 3014.2s

Steve PERSON, let me put you at rest. Okay, I get such good engagement because I write such good posts. Straight simple as that. Folks, if you want to read all of these great posts, that Steve PERSON's very kindly highlighting. So my feed at Harwell on Getter PRODUCT.I don't post. I'm not a heavy poster. I tend to push out one thing a day. That thing I put out is really important to me. It's the thing I want you guys really to have a look at, and I hope it helps form your opinion on what's going on.Steve PERSON, thanks so much for having me on the show.

Speaker 33014.44s - 3239.7s

No, bless you. Catch you tomorrow. Okay. What Ben PERSON said right there is a topic we're going to develop more and more. It's the twofold. It is the grift and the corruption that was not addressed.Nothing put up about it. So we've got to be the guys. The bully boys are going to do it. Hey, we got to do it. We got to do it. The other is the victims here, like Merse-hammer said, will be the Ukrainian NORP people.They're being used as pawns on a chessboard. And the parents, just like you as parents here in the United States, it's one of the reasons military recruitment is so far down. You know, we've had a tradition of service in the extended band and family, right, of going in and doing your four years or doing your eight years, some career, but mainly do the four, do the eight, and then go back to a civilian.And I would be very hard pressed today as a little girl to talk to Mo PERSON and to show her about service to the country. As I know many, many parents in this audience who are veterans or sons and daughters of veterans have a hesitancy right now given the direction of the military and direction of the Biden PERSON regime. That's to the 10th power in Ukraine because their sons and daughters are the fuel that drives the charnel house. And they're not going to put up with it.Remember, $650 a month, and they're paying $5,000 and $10,000 and get their kids out of there. We're going to continue on that. And we know that the Ukrainian NORP media is watching. They watch war room and they're very critical war room. But hey, that's just how it's going to continue on that. And we know that the Ukrainian media is watching. They watch war room and they're very critical war room. But hey, that's just how it's going to be,folks. We have nothing against the Ukrainian NORP people. We admire their valor and their courage. Okay. But their lives are being brutalized by the globalist. Birchgold.com, please, I've got the fifth installment of the end of the dollar empire. This is the end of economic freedom. Make sure you get it. You're going to love it.Birchgold.com ORG slash banon. You can talk to the team of Philippaicant ORG team about gold, but get the end of the dollar empire. We'll be spending more time later this week. Also, Jace Medical ORG. I talked about all this stuff for the cyber attacks.When we talked about my picture supply, go to jacemedical.com. These cyber attacks are only going to get worse. And United Health admitted they paid off the bad guys. Lou Dobbs is next. We're back at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. See you then in the war room. The apples in your holiday pie taste amazing, but it's not exactly the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables. The Mayo Clinic says if you want to help prevent heart disease, lower blood pressure, and your cholesterol, eat five servings of fruits and vegetables every day, which, as you know,is almost impossible. That's why you need to check out Field of Greens ORG. Every fruit and vegetable and field of greens was medically selected by doctors to support your vital organs, like your heart, your lungs, your kidneys, and your immune system. Yo, folks, the holidays are here and you need to stay healthy.Plus, you'll notice your skin, hair, and nails will look healthier. Field of Greens is the simplest way to get those daily fruits and veggies, and it tastes amazing. Let me get you started with 15% off your first order. Visit fieldofgreens.com. Use promo code Bannon PERSON.That's promo code Bannon at fieldofgreens.com. Fieldofreens.com, make sure you take it today. Use your agency. Action, action, action, action. Fieldofgreens.com, promo code Bannon PERSON. At checkout to save 67% and do it again.Warroom Health, all one word, warroomhealth.com ORG. Go there today. If you're going to be part of the posse, you need a strong heart, you need a lion's heart. How we're going to do that is with Salty ORG. Go there, do it today. Check it out.