Episode 3610: Whining And Lies From Mike Johnson; Flooding The Polls With Illegal Immigration

Episode 3610: Whining And Lies From Mike Johnson; Flooding The Polls With Illegal Immigration

by WarRoom.org

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published 19 days ago


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Speaker 10s - 247.9s

Here are very important. Facts are always important in a trial, or at least they're supposed to be. The president's actions in this matter were previously reviewed, and no charges were filed. Why is that? Because there's no crime here. Now, eight years later, suddenly they've resurrected this thing. They brought it back, and why is that? Well, just apply common sense everyone can see. It's painfully obvious that we're now six months out from an election day. And that's the reason. That is the reason why they brought thesecharges here and across the country. What we've got here is a partisan Democrat NORP district attorney. We have a Biden PERSON donor judge, and we have an assisted DA who was recently a top official at the Department of Justice, Biden's DOJ, and recently received over $10,000 in payments from the Democratic National Committee. The star witness here is Michael Cohen PERSON. I just listened to a few moments of his testimony this morning, and it is consistent with whathe's already done. This is a man who is clearly on a mission for personal revenge, and who is widely known as a witness who has trouble with the truth. He is someone who has a history of perjury and is well known for it. No one should believe a word he says today. He lied to Congress ORG. He lied to the IRS ORG. He lied to federal election officials. to the IRS, he lied to federal election officials. Even Cohen PERSON's own lawyer testified to a grand jury that he is not reliable. So there's nothingthat he presents here that should be given any weight at all by a jury and certainly not this judge. They have placed a ridiculous and unprecedented gag order on President Trump PERSON. They were overriding his constitutional right to defend himself from political smears from his harshest critics at the most important time. He is soon to be officially the nominee of one of the major parties in our country, running for president. And they have him tied up here in this ridiculous prosecution that is not about justice. It's all about politics,and everybody can see that. President Trump PERSON is leading and swing state polling. The American NORP people see right through these politically motivated attacks. I've been in 102 cities in over half the states in the last few months. And I can tell you that no matter where we are around the country, I've been doing large events. People from all walks of life come to these events, and they are concerned about this. They are disgusted about this.They are fed up. They've had enough because they see what's happening. It's impossible for anybody to deny that looks at this objectively that the judicial system in our country has been weaponized against President Trump PERSON. The system is using all the tools at its disposal right now to punish one president and provide cover for another. And meanwhile, among the atrocities here, the judge's own daughter is making millions of dollars doing online fundraising for Democrats NORP. They're using this trial as a hook. It's so corrupt, it's so corrupt and everybody knows it.This is a year-long partisan witch hunt, years long, and it's been going on for quite some time. We're seeing the same thing in the classified documents case. That one is so egregious, the trial's been indefinitely postponed. I'm working with Chairman Jordan of the House Judiciary Committee, Chairman Comer PERSON of our Oversight Committee, on measures to rein in the abuses of Special Counsel Jack Smith PERSON. The latest revelation is that they've manipulated documents. They might have tampered with the evidence in the case, it seems, and that doesn't surprise any of us. In Congress ORG, we have oversight responsibility, and it is our objective and our responsibilityto hold them accountable. These are politically motivated trials, and they are a disgrace. It is election interference. And they show how desperate the opposition that President Trump PERSON has and how desperate they truly are. The American NORP people are not going to let this stand. Election Day cannot get here soon enough,and we will continue to shine a light on all of this in Congress ORG because we have that constitutional responsibility.

Speaker 0248.5s - 261.32s

Again, I came here again today on my own to support President Trump PERSON because I am one of hundreds of millions of people and one citizen who is deeply concerned about this. So I'm glad to be here.

Speaker 4262.4s - 265.9s

Okay, Tuesday, 14 May, You're of Our Lord, 24.

Speaker 0266.5s - 267.8s

Welcome to the war room.

Speaker 4268.4s - 306.06s

We had to replay that from this morning because I'm still triggered about it. That is a manifestation of what the problem in this nation is. The problem in this nation, you have gutless, feckless,elected Republicans that are controlled opposition. His job is to shine a light. No, dude, your job is to do something about it. Congressman Marjorie Taylor Green joins me. We're going to have Andrew Giuliani in a minute to talk about the travesty of the Cohen PERSON testimonyin the beginning of the cross. But MTG, Congressman Marjorie Taylor Green of Georgia, this made me sick to my stomach this morning, ma'am.

Speaker 0306.64s - 428.28s

Oh, I can't believe I just had to listen to it again, Steve PERSON. It's repulsive. And the fact that he's like, I came up there on my own. Yeah, who paid for your airplane, Mike Johnson PERSON? And here's the whole thing about it. He's up there talking and complaining about the weaponized government against President Trump PERSON,against our presidential candidate for president. And Mike Johnson is the Speaker of the House ORG. He's the only one that has the ultimate control to do something to stop it. And he's absolutely done nothing to stop it. And he told Playbook last week that, no, he wasn't going to do anything. And then he called me up on the phone today and said that he'scontinuing to try to figure out a way to stop Jack Smith PERSON. It's really simple, Steve PERSON. I have a bill. I have a bill that will completely defund the special counsel. If onlywe had a Speaker of the House ORG that had the guts to take it to the floor for a vote. What he's concerned about is Republicans not voting for it. You know what I have to say, Steve PERSON? I'd love to see those Republicans NORP vote against it. I would love to see these Republicans who are actually in theirprimaries right now, who are actually in their general elections right now. I would love to see them vote against the corrupt special prosecutor, Jack Smith, and the FBI ORG who completely manipulated evidence. It wasn't a mite. They absolutely did. I would love to see these Republicans NORP vote against that. Because getting rid of the special counsel and Jack Smith PERSON is absolutely the right thing to do. That's how you stop the weaponized government.You don't run up to New York and sit there and hug President Trump PERSON as tightly as you can and feign like, oh, all of this outrage over Alvin Bragg PERSON. That's a state case. This is a federal case. Jack Smith PERSON is federal. We are federal.Mike Johnson is Speaker of the House ORG, which is federal. That's something that we can do something about, the Department of Justice that is weaponized against President Trump PERSON.

Speaker 4429.78s - 450.36s

Wouldn't it be another great unmasking like it was last week when you put the motion to vacate and we saw the 196 Republicans that are part of the Uniparty that basically turned the House over to the Democrats NORP? This is one of the more things. Let's call their bluff. Let's see who's on our side of the football, on MAGA side of the football, on President Trump PERSON's side of the football, ma'am. That's right.

Speaker 0450.42s - 569.06s

And the American people's side of the football, Steve PERSON, the people are fed up with this. They're looking at Republicans NORP in Washington and laughing at us. They think we are a complete joke, and I'll say it over and over again.You know, there's people that give me a hard time and talk bad about me on television, and they're like, oh, Marjorie Taylor Green, it's six months away from the November election. Yes, it's six months away. Let's get our butt in gear. Let's get in shape and show the American NORP people that we are worth voting for, that we are ready to lead this country, that we are ready to pass a Trump PERSON agenda in the next Trump White House ORG.Let's show the American NORP people we're capable of this. You know what we're doing this week, Steve PERSON? Let me tell you what we're doing this week. We are here to vote once again on a resolution denouncing Biden PERSON's border policies.We are actually voting on that. Again, when, guess what? Mike Johnson PERSON and the omn actually voting on that. Again, when guess what, Mike Johnson PERSON and the omnibus package that he passed on the floor here, you know, under suspension, not allowingus to have amendments, tying Republican hands behind our back. Guess what? He fully funded Biden PERSON's open border policies. But yet this week, we're here again to show the American NORP people that, like, we're actuallydoing something, and we're going to vote condemning Biden PERSON's border policies and how they affect police because it's police week. When in reality, if we actually cared about our police, if we actually cared about border patrol, if we actually cared about the American NORP people, if we actually cared about the border, we would have shoved HR2 in that omnibus package and told Chuck Schumer PERSON to kiss our ass and that they better vote for it. That's what a Speaker of the House ORG should have done. That's how you get thingsdone for the border. You don't sit there and just pass resolutions that don't mean anything condemning the Biden PERSON's border policies again. It's absurd. We're up here wasting our time with absolute waste of time.

Speaker 4570.1s - 609.2s

Tomorrow, weaponization has lawyers coming in to talk, to, you know, I think talk about Cohen and other people. Do you expect this to be fully performative? Or is this the beginning of really judiciary getting focused and actually sending subpoenas and having an organized, what we need is an organized effort in a criminal conspiracy investigation against DOJ, FBI, the state governments, right? We need these, Fannie Willis,we need Arizona, we need Michigan, all of it. Do you believe that tomorrow is it going to kick off something or is that more just to pat us on the head and tell us they're doing something?

Speaker 0610.08s - 707.46s

Well, you're right. We need all of that, but we need a Speaker of the House ORG that actually wields power and knows how to wield their power to make these subpoenas stick. You know what else we're doing this week in Oversight Committee ORG? We're having a markup where we're going to hold Merrick Garland and contempt of Congress. We don't have power and backup in the Speaker of the House ORG right now, Steve PERSON, to back up our committee hearings that should produce very important information for the American NORP people. You know, I want all of this to happen. I want judiciary to do this. I want the weaponization committee to do this. I want oversight to do all of these things.But in order for them to mean anything other than just more C-SPAN ORG five-minute of our questioning and us making points on our committee hearings, we need a speakerof the House ORG that knows how to wield power and knows how to negotiate when he walks in the room so that our subpoenas actually means something. Because right now they really don't mean anything at all. And that's a dangerous place for the entire country to be in.And I'm fed up with it. I think the American NORP people are fed up with it. They don't want to see us talk for five minutes on committees. They're fed up with it. They don't want to see us on Fox News doing this, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, giving the American NORP people more things to be outraged over. They want us to do something about it.Do something for a change. That's what people want because they're living through all the insanity that Washington just churns out on a daily basis and throws it all over the American NORP people and makes them pay for it with their hard-earned tax dollars, Steve PERSON.

Speaker 4708.42s - 727.48s

We understand that Speaker Johnson PERSON leadership only respond to pressure. They don't respond to what's right. They only respond to pressure. What are your colleagues? What are you hearing about your colleagues? You guys fly into knife or flying votes.You'll, I guess, have the conference meeting first in the morning. Where are people's heads on this? I have no idea.

Speaker 0727.98s - 822.7s

I couldn't even tell you. I haven't seen anyone yet. I flew in earlier. I'm here at my office, but I haven't talked to it in my colleagues yet. Yes, tomorrow we'll have our conference hearing. So we'll see where people are.But certainly, there is so much we can do. But it only happens with the power of the purse. That's the reality. We said that from the beginning, but unfortunately, the speaker, as soon as he got the gavel, he basicallythrew it back over to Hakeem Jeffries in a power sharing agreement. And that was proven last week when I called the motion to vacate to the House floor when Democrats NORP indeed saved Mike Johnson PERSON.And guess what else happened, Steve PERSON? We didn't lose the majority. We didn't lose a majority. Like everybody said, oh, we're going to lose the majority if she does that. We didn't lose the majority. The Democrats NORP voted for Mike Johnsonbecause he's giving them every single thing that they asked for, Steve PERSON. And we know what's coming next. More money for Ukraine. More money for Ukraine. Nothing for the American NORP people. Nothing to seal and secure our border. Nothing to stop Jack Smith. Nothing to stop the weaponized government, but more money for Ukraine GPE. That's what we're going to see later on this summer and in September. And then we're going to see the government funding deadline on September 30th, which is either going to be another big fatomnibus delivering Joe Biden everything he wants or a CR without a 1% cut. And that is an absolute shame. It is an absolute shame and it shouldn't be happening. Congressman Green PERSON, how do people

Speaker 4822.7s - 830.24s

get to you, how they follow you on social media? How they get to your site and find it more about your fight to get the speaker focused on having

Speaker 0830.24s - 853.82s

President Trump's back? Thank you for that, Steve PERSON. Everyone, you can follow me on all social media accounts at RepMTG. We have to fight for President Trump PERSON. We have to fight for election integrity because we should be concerned about our elections and the Democrats NORP will steal it again. And we need to make sure that everyone gets out the vote in November 2024. Congressman Green PERSON, thank you.

Speaker 4854s - 857.4s

We will track you closely. Hopefully get you back on the next couple of days.

Speaker 0858.04s - 858.78s

Thank you, Steve PERSON.

Speaker 4859.86s - 979.24s

Congressman Marjorie Taylor Green. As Russ Votes ORG said, remember, their new thing is about clearing the decks. I have more to say about that. What they're trying to do is dethrumify President Trump's second term. This is how the cartel, the D.C. GPE cartel thinks. Andrew PERSON Giuliani, we're also going to try to get Andrew.The cross-examination of the one and only rat started today and it was quite fiery. Birchgold.com slash banan. Go check it out now. End of the dollar empire. Short break. Andrew Giuliani are the other side. Can your savings weather and economic storm think about what you've put away for the future? Inflation can render cash worthless. Real estate can crash like in 2008.Economies built on a mountain of debt can fall like a house of cards. There are very few physical assets you can invest in that can stand the test of time. Gold has withstood this as a valued form of money for millennia. I actually think for 8,000 years of man's recorded history. It's why people are flocking to it now, why Birch Gold ORG is busier than ever.Through a little-known tax loophole, Birch Gold ORG lets you convert a retirement account into a tax-sheltered IRA in physical gold. In the best part, it doesn't cost you a penny at a pocket. Let me repeat that. It doesn't cost you a penny at a pocket. To learn more about this, to immerse yourself in information, text Bannon PERSON, BANN-N-O-N-O-N to 9-8-9-8 and claim your freeinfo kit on gold. Let me ask you this again. Can your IRA or 401 PRODUCTK weather an economic storm because a storm's coming? If it can't, call the people I trust. That's Birch Gold ORG. Text banning to 9-8-9-8-98. Secure your savings today. Birch Gold Group ORG.

Speaker 7980.12s - 982.36s

Here's your host, Stephen K. Ban PERSON.

Speaker 4983.44s - 985.44s

Patrick's going to join us on Saturday.

Speaker 7985.56s - 988.74s

They're too busy during the week, but they're not too busy for you.

Speaker 4989.36s - 1024.12s

Make sure you go to birchgold.com slash banning. You can get the end of the dollar empire to learn more, but you can talk to Philip Patrick PERSON, and they will actually give you the fundamentals and the basics and talk about all the tax-deferred instruments. Take it from the pros at Birchgold ORG.Birchgold.com ORG slash banon. Get to Philip Patrick and his team and talk to them today. Okay, Michael Cohen PERSON, the rat. They finished the direct and they started the cross. It was kind of explosive. Our own Andrew Giuliani PERSON is outside the courthouse, sir.Steve PERSON, good to be with you, man.

Speaker 51024.12s - 1097s

We knew that really with the cross-examination, fireworks would start, but they started with the grand finale. Todd Blanche PERSON got right up there. And one of the first questions he asked to Michael Cohen is if recently on his podcast,Michael Cohen PERSON called him a, and I quote, this is a quote of Michael Cohen PERSON, a crying little shit. That's what he asked. The Cohen PERSON said that sounds like something I would say.Blanche PERSON is about to go into more questioning about what Cohen said about Nicholas and Blanche on a recent podcast. But the judge got pissed and called up the prosecution, called up the defense, struck it from the record. But Steve PERSON, I have to tell you, I think that alone, along with what was said afterwards, when Blanche asked if he had recently called Donald Trump PERSON dictator, again, this is a quote, dictator douchebag, where Cohen PERSON affirmed that it sounds like something that he would say, I think that might have done everything it needed to do with the jury.If somehow, and I don't know if this is possible, but if somehow in the jury there was a little bit of sympathy for Michael Cohen PERSON, man, just within that 90 seconds right there, it was all gone immediately and the defense was off and running with the cross-examination.

Speaker 41097.74s - 1119.42s

Now, why do you say that this jury looks like it's never trump to the nth degree, maybe one, maybe two people. Why are they not loving this? I mean, they support Michael. They're the type of people that go to Michael Cohen's PERSON site. They're the type of people that support the sponsors of Michael Cohen PERSON.Why would you say it ended any sympathy? Well, that's what I worry.

Speaker 51119.58s - 1172.02s

If they are actually, you know, that Manhattan jury pool where we're seeing 86% voted for Joe Biden in 2020. I think that number's gone down significantly. And 79% voted for Alvin Bragg PERSON. Then you wonder if some sympathy has built up there, Steve PERSON. And again, I got to say, this jury has done a very, very good job keeping their poker face on. It's tough to really tell where they are.I'm hopeful there are just a couple unbiased members on there. If they are, then I think they can't look past just the fact that the prosecution was never able to prove the case. And remember, the prosecution can still call witnesses at this point, but they're still relying on Michael Cohen's PERSON word on all of this. There's been no documentation that the prosecution has presented that does not rely on Michael Cohen's PERSON work. Remember that. And I think that's very, very key when you consider

Speaker 41172.02s - 1192.84s

all this. Andrew, hang over a second. I just want to back up a second. They finished the cross of Michael Cohen today. In your mind, have they been able to ascertain or put in front of the jury exactly what the crime is that they're trying to get Michael Cohen's testimony to kind of basically bury Trump PERSON?

Speaker 51193.76s - 1264.58s

Not clearly, Steve PERSON. They're trying to try to concoct this falsified bank records, talking about how it was involved in election interference with 2016. And that's why Cohen PERSON did it. There was even a suggestion that Cohen PERSON continued it because he was trying to interfere in the 2020 election in 2017 and early 2018. Cohen PERSON certainly, you could tell, was coached to answer the questions with regards to what themotive was from the prosecution by saying that he wanted to make sure that this stuff did not get out before the 2016 election, even saying that he would not have paid this had it been after election day of 2016 right there. Whether or not the jury bought it or not, I don't know if they did. I certainly didn't buy it. I think most people with an unbiased mind would not buy it. And again, you have to reiterate, any time that you talk about this, that Michael Cohen PERSON is a perjurer of a United States Congress ORG, he's a convicted felon, and somebody that almost every witnessthat has been called to the stand has said they've caught him in numerous lives.

Speaker 41264.18s - 1313.82s

that almost every witness that has been called to the stand has said they've caught him in numerous lives. They, you know, Cohen PERSON had a very different house style than he normally has in front of this jury, right? Trying to be judicious, trying to be calm, not trying to be a wise guy. And that, you know, clearly they were trying to play that up in front of the jury. Todd Blanche went right at him today with stuff he's put up, because the stuff he's putup a TikTok ORG. Even the prosecution couldn't stop it. We had President Trump PERSON in an orange jumpsuit, I think, behind bars. Why did the judge, when Todd Blanche goes in there and basically talks about what Cohen PERSON actually put up and actually said on his podcast, why would Mershahn PERSON appear to fall into the trap of people that say this guy's so biased? Why would he jump in when he hasn't jumped in it before on anything of a Cohen PERSON? Why would he jump in to protect Cohen and do it in front of the jury?

Speaker 51315.02s - 1387.92s

Well, Steve PERSON, let me just answer that by saying, man, the judge's daughter must have been pretty happy when he did that because she has had her company's profit in the tune of $90 million from Democratic candidates, including $37 million from Adam Schiff, including over $10 million from Kamala Harris and Joe Biden PERSON combined. So that's, I mean, that has to be potentially one of the reasons when you end up looking at this, why Mershahn would continue to intervene, it seems like, on the Trump PERSON case over here. So when you're looking at a motive right there in terms of the judge, Steve, it seems like, on the Trump PERSON case over here. So when you're looking at a motive right there in terms of the judge, Steve PERSON, it's tough to go beyond that there. But to your point, what you were saying before about Cohen and what he had said on TikTok ORG,I think Blanche did a great job of laying out what Cohen PERSON is actually selling merchandise with coffee cups saying, take him to the big house, not the White House referring to Donald Trump PERSON. You mentioned the shirt. Cohen just wore it on his podcast a few short days ago of Donald Trump PERSON behind bars on there. And Cohen has a line called Convict 45 PRODUCT. So you want to see motive.You want to see Michael Cohen profiting off of Donald Trump PERSON going to jail. What's going to happen to that line of clothing and line of coffee mugs if that doesn't happen?

Speaker 41388.64s - 1431.4s

Do you think Mershont PERSON's going to eliminate any of that from coming in? Because to me, that's totally relevant about intent, motive, all of it, right? You know, Cohen PERSON sitting there going, I should have been Attorney General. I thought Trump PERSON is going to make me chief of staff. Anybody there was around the time knows that's a total joke. He was never considered for anything.The guy who looked at his bad news, incompetent bozo and a bad guy from the get-go, right? He had these, you know, he's very grandiose about how he thinks. He's going to be chief of staff. He thought he was going to be attorney general, right? So it has this grandiosity that's quite dangerous because it's an incompetent buffoon but are they going to allowTodd Blanche PERSON and the rest of the defense team to get this in front of the jury

Speaker 51431.4s - 1516.8s

so they were able to get that piece at least in front of the jury without objection or if there even was objection I don't believe there was it was not sustained that was in front of the jury on the record so yeah I think Blanche PERSON has donea good job already starting to show the motive, really showing the motive of Michael Cohen PERSON, how he's been able to make $3.5 million off of his two books and how he is shopping around on a show. I think that questioning will come on Thursday. I think, Steve PERSON, what you're also going to get on Thursday as well is you're going to get a lot more documented. This is what Michael Cohen PERSON said then. This is what he's saying now.And it's not just from 2015, 2016, when he was publicly supporting Donald Trump PERSON. I think it's from when the prosecution set the timeline in the stand. Remember, the prosecution did not rebuild Cohen PERSON's credibility. I think they thought that it was just too impossible of an undertaking. But what they did do was they tried to show that after Cohen cooperated with the Mueller PERSON team, that that is the line in the sand where Cohen PERSON started to reform his ways.I think Blanche PERSON is doing a great job of showing how this is not a reform man just as recently as last week wishing, hoping, praying that Donald Trump PERSON was actually going to go to jail. I think you're going to see more documented proof of Cohen PERSON recently saying something and then maybe perjuring himself,

Speaker 41516.8s - 1531.24s

even on the stand as recently as yesterday or today. Wow. Wow. Okay, how was the president's, what was the president like when the opening across was over when he left the courthouse today? How does President Trump PERSON holding up?

Speaker 51532.26s - 1569.9s

You know, it was interesting. After the prosecution finished questioning, the prosecution finished questioning Cohen PERSON, President Trump PERSON actually kind of did like a little, it almost looked a little bit like a Jack Nicholas two hands, yes, sir, over his head. Some might consider it a stretch, but I hadn't seen him done that so far. It was kind of an interesting moment there, but he walked out both the afternoon break and then when trial was done for the day, striding confidently, chest up. Steve PERSON, you've seen that look there.He looks good. He looks focused. I think he's pretty darn happy with the way the proceedings have gone the last couple days.

Speaker 41570.96s - 1581.38s

Now, no court tomorrow, court on Thursday, no court on Friday. He goes to Barron's ORG high school graduation, I believe. Tell me about what do you expect Thursday?

Speaker 51582.96s - 1621.48s

Thursday you're going to have cross-examination all day. The judge actually asked Blanche if he thought he was going to get done with Cohen PERSON's cross-examination. Thursday, Blanche PERSON said he thinks so, but he's not sure. Judge said no rush on that. So Marchand PERSON did question it, but he was not pressuring him according to Marchand on that. But it's going to be all day, Blanche cross-examining Cohen PERSON.And as I said before, I think you're going to see more documented proof of Cohen PERSON actually with his lies, what he said before, and maybe even potentially documented proof of perjuring himself. We'll see. Andrew PERSON, great call.

Speaker 41621.78s - 1635.42s

By the way, I hope Todd Blanche keeps Michael Cohen up there for three or four days to expose all the lies. I mean, come on, this guy will crack too. Andrew PERSON, fabulous job. How do people get you, social media, websites, all of it?

Speaker 51636.26s - 1660.2s

Yeah, at Andrew H. Giuliani PERSON, we're live exing. We're live truthing. We're not live Facebooking, Steve PERSON, because we're getting shadow band on there. We're getting like 12 hits a time on Facebook where we're getting tens and hundreds of thousands, even millions on truth and on X. So definitely go on X, go on truth. At Andrew H. Giuliani PERSON.We'll be live tweeting, live truiting it all out there on Thursday. Hold it.

Speaker 41660.24s - 1662.78s

You're actually getting shadow band on Facebook ORG?

Speaker 51663.68s - 1678.58s

I mean, Steve, I'm looking at the numbers here. and you look at the Facebook ORG numbers, look at the truth numbers. They're in the thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, even millions on a few of these. On Facebook ORG, we're not cracking triple digits over here. We're getting 25, 30, 35.

Speaker 41678.82s - 1793.78s

It's a joke. It's a joke. It's a joke. It's like a Biden PERSON rally. On Facebook, it's a Biden PERSON rally. On X, I'm doing a Trump rally. That's how different is. Andrew Giuliani PERSON, thank you, brother. Sacredhumanhealth.com. Go check it out. See what your colleagues here in the warm is saying about grass-fed beef liver. Criminals have access to more advanced tools than ever. And now they're using them to stealour most valuable asset. That would be your home. In Miami GPE, an elderly woman didn't find out an empty plot of land she owned was stolen until she went to pay taxes. A stranger had already paid them, and property records showed she had sold the land. They had forged her signature and registered a fake deed. How scary is that? That's why you need to get Home Title Lock today. Go to HomeTitleck.com and immerse yourself inthis information. Think that it can't happen to you? Well, you are wrong. When's the last time you checked your home's title? All a thief has to do is forge your signature, refile as the new owner. And once your home is not in your name, it can get really ugly and it can get really ugly fast. They can take out equity loans or even sell your house to an unsuspecting buyer who shows up at your door one day and says, hey, this baby is mine. Don't think your home insurance policy will protect you. It won't.Check your home today for free. When you get to home tidalock.com ORG and use promo code banning at sign up, that's home titlelock.com, promo code banon at signup. You'll get a free scan of your home's title plus 30 days of protection totally free. That is 30 days of protection totally free. That's home titleleock.com promo code Bannon PERSON. Do not let these thieves steal your home in broad daylight.

Speaker 21794.32s - 1827.24s

In a few minutes, we'll begin our meeting of the Justice Department's ORG election threats task force. We're a meeting today for the same reason I launched this task force three years ago. We have seen a dangerous increase in violent threats against public servants, the ones who administer our elections. Those threats and danger are democracy itself. That is why over the past three years, we have accelerated our efforts to combat the increase in threats against election workers, officials, and volunteers that followed the 20.

Speaker 41827.52s - 1865.26s

Okay, welcome back to the war room. Of course, they haven't done anything to get to the bottom of the steel of 2020. They've just covered that up. And now this is all their, they understand what these numbers, they have two firewalls, lawfare, and to steal the election. Congressman Chipproy joins us. There's a huge story up on Daily Mail. You don't hear this coming out of Lisa Monaco PERSON or Merrick Garland or Chris Ray at the FBI ORG. It's about illegal aliens coming to the country that are beingtrained up in places like Washington, D.C. to vote. Congressman Roy PERSON, how real is this?

Speaker 71866.3s - 1968.22s

Oh, it's very real. Thanks for having me on, as always. I mean, look, what we've got here on April 10th, 2024, D.C., the District of Columbia GPE held a training event titled, quote, non-citizen voting education virtual training in which D.C. announced non-citizen voting would begin in 2024. They amended their code all the way bending back to 1955 to change qualified elector to include otherwise eligible non-citizen residents, including illegal aliens. And this is joining a chorus, by the way. They replaced San Francisco, Oakland GPE,some cities in Maryland, Vermont, I think parts of boroughs in New York City GPE. This is happening across the country, okay? Now, to be clear, under federal law, yes, technically only citizens can vote. But here's the problem. Federal law also prohibits states from being able to check citizenship. So that has been a barrier. So that has led to, for example, Arizona, who has two systems, Arizona GPE passed the law saying they want to require citizenship. So for state elections, they do check citizenship. For federal elections, they do not because they're prohibited by federal law to do so.This is why I've introduced two bills. The first bill last year was a bill that would, you know, take away funding to D.C. GPE or make it contingent on not allowing non-citizens to vote at the HR 486. You know, that was, I think two years ago. Senator Cruz PERSON has at the Senate. Then I introduced last week, along with Speaker Mike Johnson, 50 of my colleagues, a growing list, Mike Lee and the Senate introduced, H.R. 8281, the Save Act LAW. And that bill is designed to make sure that there is a requirement of proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections in the United States GPE. So we're not just going to make it possible. We're going to require it because under federal law, we can and we should do that.

Speaker 41969.82s - 1977.8s

Why is the Biden PERSON administration? Why is Merrick Garland PERSON? Why are they not all over helping you guys push this forward as quickly as possible?

Speaker 71978.76s - 2047.04s

Well, they're going to hide behind saying things cryptically like this is already against the law. It's already the law that you only have citizens voting. But what they're hiding is is that states and jurisdictions who want illegals to vote are moving in that direction. These guys want that to occur. That is precisely what they've been doing by flooding our country with people who are from all over the world, from all 180 different countries. That's purposeful. It's not just, oh, we want labor and it's this nice for asylum off the bulk. This is to flood the zone with people to increase voters. It's not just, oh, we want labor and it's this nice for asylum offthat. This is to flood the zone with people to increase voters. And I'll say, well, they're already denied that, and it's unlawful for them to vote. Well, they're going to back into that by knowing the system will be abused. We've got evidence clearly of people voting who are not citizens. And now we have cities who are trying to make it easier for them to vote. And they'll say, don't worry, we'll only do that in local elections. Not true. We know that's not true. And the federal government, the current Attorney General, the current Department of Justice ORG, the current president, they want that. So our job is to stand up against that. If somebody has aproblem with our bill, and they say, well, it's already against the law, then what do you worry about? My argument back then, then what do you worry about? Well, it would be a burden that I get in the way

Speaker 02047.04s - 2050.56s

of people to be an undue burden on the right to vote. What, to show up and demonstrate your

Speaker 72050.56s - 2070.4s

citizenship to provide a passport or provide a birth certificate with a driver's license or some other mechanism by which you can prove it? That's insane. Of course, we should only have citizens vote. It is an 87% issue, Steve PERSON, even in this divided country with crazy people out there who will vote for Joe Biden, 87% of Americans NORP think only citizens should vote. We should stand up and pass this.

Speaker 42071.3s - 2083.12s

One of the most powerful parts you've got at this is what went on D.C. GPE Just take a second, explain to people what Washington, D.C., the nation's capital was doing to make sure that illegal aliens could actually vote.

Speaker 72084.06s - 2177.02s

Sure. So Judicial Watch ORG just put out records of the city of D.C. explaining literally two illegal aliens and non-citizens how they can vote, right? They did it. It was a specific event. It was on April 10th. It was about a month ago.It was a training event. It was a title. It was like a formal thing. They're not hiding it. In 2023, the D.C. GPE Council amended the D.C. election code to expand the definition of the term qualified electorates to include non-citizen residents, including illegal aliens.As I said, other places have been doing that, San Francisco, Oakland GPE, you know, other places, Maryland and Vermont GPE. This is going to continue unless we do something about it, right? We saw the evidence that came out in South Carolina last week with the Department of Health and Human Services because they're using under current law. If you go to go get, you know, welfare, that they put you in registration to vote under motor voter. Our bill would clean that up. But like, let's be very blunt. Like last week, we passed a bill that would require the census to check a citizenship. You'd have to check whether you're a citizen on the census. And then it would require that only citizens be counted in the apportionment of our members of Congress ORG. Well, guess what? It passed on literally a party line vote. Not one Democrat, not one, voted for the proposition that we should count citizenship and that old citizens should be counted in apportionment.This is where the Democratic Party ORG wants to go. So just know that and know what they're trying to do. They want this in this election. The election we're in, they want illegals to be able to vote, and they certainly want it going forward. So we're going to have to fight for that. We're looking ahead of the curve, Steve PERSON,

Speaker 22177.08s - 2210.9s

instead of trying to play catch-up. In a few minutes, we'll begin our meeting of the Justice Department's Election Threats Task Force. We're our meeting today, for the same reason I launched this task force three years ago. We have seen a dangerous increase in violent threats against public servants, the ones who administer our elections. Those threats and danger are democracy itself. That is why over the past three years, we have accelerated our effortsto combat the increase in threats against election workers, officials, and volunteers that followed the 20.

Speaker 42211.2s - 2248.94s

Okay, welcome back to the war room. Of course, they haven't done anything to get to the bottom of the steel of 2020. They've just covered that up. And now this is all their, they understand what these numbers, they have two firewalls, lawfare, and to steal the election. Congressman Chip Roy PERSON joins us. There's a huge story up on Daily Mail ORG.You don't hear this coming out of Lisa Monaco or Merrick Garland or Chris Ray at the FBI ORG. It's about illegal aliens coming to the country that are being trained up in places like Washington GPE, D.C. to vote. Congressman Roy PERSON, how real is this?

Speaker 72249.96s - 2355.42s

Oh, it's very real. Thanks for having me on, as always. I mean, look, what we've got here on April 10th, 20204, D.C., the District of Columbia GPE held a training event, titled, quote, non-citizen voting education virtual training in which D.C. announced non-citizen voting would begin in 2024. They amended their code all the way bending back to 1955 to change qualified elector to include otherwise eligible non-citizen residents, including illegal aliens. And this is joining a chorus, by the way. They're placed in San Francisco, Oakland, Vermont, I think parts of boroughs in New York City GPE.This is happening across the country, okay? Now, to be clear, under federal law, yes, I think parts of boroughs in New York City GPE. This is happening across the country, okay? Now, to be clear, under federal law, yes, technically only citizens can vote. But here's the problem. Federal law also prohibits states from being able to check citizenship. So that has been a barrier. So that has led to, for example, Arizona GPE, who has two systems, Arizona passed the law saying they want to require citizenship. So for state elections, they do check citizenship. For federal elections, they do not because they're prohibited by federal law to do so.This is why I've introduced two bills. The first bill last year was a bill that would take away funding to D.C. Or make it contingent on not allowing non-citizens to vote at the H.R. LAW 486. You know, that was, I think two years ago. Senator Cruz has it in the Senate ORG. Then I introduced last week, along with Speaker Mike Johnson, 50 of my colleagues,a growing list, Mike Lee and the Senate introduced H.R. 8281, the SAVE Act. And that bill is designed to make sure that there is a requirement of proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections in the United States GPE. So we're not just going to make it possible. is a requirement of proof of citizenship to vote in federal election in the United States GPE. So we're not just going to make it possible. We're going to require it because under federal law, we can and we should do that. Why is the Biden PERSON administration?

Speaker 42355.82s - 2360.86s

Why is Merrick Garland PERSON? Why are they not all over helping you guys push this forward as quickly

Speaker 72360.86s - 2396.68s

as possible? Well, they're going to hide behind saying things cryptically like this is already against the law. It's already the law that you only have citizens voting. But what they're hiding is is that states and jurisdictions who want illegals to vote are moving in that direction. These guys want that to occur. That is precisely what they've been doing by flooding our countryand people who are from all over the world, from all 180 different countries. That's purposeful. It's not just, oh, we want labor, and it's this nice for asylum off the bull. This is to flood the zone with people to increase voters. And I'll say, well, they're already, you know, denied that, and it's unlawful for them to vote.

Speaker 02397.02s - 2413.86s

Well, they're going to back into that by knowing the system will be abused. We've got evidence clearly of people voting who are not citizens. And now we have cities who are not citizens. And now we have cities who are trying to make it easier for them to vote. And they'll say, don't worry, we'll only do that in local elections. Not true. We know that's not true. And the federal government,

Speaker 72414.06s - 2428.58s

the current attorney general, the current department of justice, the current president, they want that. So our job is to stand up against that. If somebody has a problem with our bill and they say, well, it's already against the law, then what do you worried about? My argument back then what do you worried about?

Speaker 02428.82s - 2432.54s

Well, it would be a burden that I get in the way of people. It would be an undue burden on the right to vote.

Speaker 72432.9s - 2454.04s

What to show up and demonstrate your citizenship to provide a passport or provide a birth certificate with a driver's license or some other mechanism by which you can prove it? That's insane. Of course, we should only have citizens vote. It is an 87% issue, Steve PERSON, even in this divided country with crazy people out there who will vote for Joe Biden PERSON.87% of Americans NORP think only citizens should vote. We should stand up and pass this.

Speaker 42455.08s - 2467.94s

One of the most powerful parts you've got at this is what went on D.C. Just take a second, explain to people what Washington, D.C. GPE, the nation's capital, was doing to make sure that illegal aliens could actually vote? Sure.

Speaker 72468.08s - 2571.8s

So Judicial Watch just put out records of the city of D.C. explaining literally two illegal aliens and non-it citizens how they can vote, right? They did it. It was a specific event. It was on April 10th. It was about a month ago.It was a training event. It was a title. It was like a formal thing. They're not hiding it. In 2023, the D.C. GPE Council amended the D.C. election code to expand the definition of the term qualified elector to include non-citizen residents, including illegal aliens. As I said,other places have been doing that, San Francisco, Oakland, you know, other places, Maryland GPE and Vermont GPE. This is going to continue unless we do something about it, right? We saw the evidence that came out in South Carolina last week with the Department of Health and Human Services ORG, because they're using under current law, if you go to go get, you know, welfare, that they put you in registration to vote under voter voter. Our bill would clean that up. But like, let's be very blunt. Like last week, we passed a bill that would require the census to check acitizenship. You'd have to check whether you're a would require the census to check a citizenship. You'd have to check whether you're a citizen on the census. And then it would require that only citizens be counted in the apportionment of our members of Congress ORG. Well, guess what? It passed on literally a party-line vote. Not one Democrat NORP.Not one. Voted for the proposition that we should count citizenship and that old citizens should be counted in apportionment. This is where the Democratic Party ORG wants to go. So just know that and know what they're trying to do. They want this in this election. The election we're in, they want illegals to be able to vote, and they certainly want it going forward.So we're going to have to fight for that. We're looking ahead of the curve, Steve, instead of trying to play catch-up, we're looking ahead of the curve. While we have an 87% issue, we should lock into law. I don't want to hear any stuff about federalism. The Constitution LAW is very clear.

Speaker 02572.18s - 2583.58s

We have the power to handle federal elections for Congress ORG and for the presidency. So we should pass the law saying you must be a citizen and you must prove it if you're going to vote in the elections that determine the future of our country.

Speaker 42584.68s - 2593.88s

Congressman Roy, I've got one other thing to talk to about, but Russ Focan came this morning, but I want everybody right now, what do you want this audience to do on this topic on the Save Bill LAW? What should they do today?

Speaker 72594.58s - 2634.08s

They should be reaching out directly to your members of Congress ORG, and you should say that they should be co-sponsoring the SAVE Act, demanding that it get to the floor immediately and that we take it up and pass it, and that we then force this onto Chuck Schumer PERSON and we should campaign on it. We should make it one of the central issues of the campaign. My friend Stephen Miller PERSON's been working on this.You mentioned Russ Vote PERSON. A bunch of my friends like Cleodham Mitchell PERSON, others that are election law experts, people like Jenny Beth Martin with Tea Party ORG pickets, a whole bunch of other people who were standing at the microphone with us last week, who are great Americans NORP. Ken Cucinelli PERSON, I'm going to forget people. But these are people who understand the law.So call your members of Congress on the pass the SAVE Act. And that bill number is...

Speaker 42634.08s - 2756.6s

Are you tired of progressive corporations and exhausted trying to keep up with all the virtue signaling when you're simply trying to buy products? Progressive corporate America GPE continues to push messaging that further alienates conservative Americans all while eroding the future of the American NORP dream. It's prominent all over the country.Companies like Starbucks ORG, strong-arming their customers to support abortion. Financial services like PayPal ORG canceling customers for their political views. Make-up companies like Mabeling ORG, making a mockery of women by supporting transgender models, and beer companies like Bud Light PRODUCT, forcing gender ideology on you when all you want is to enjoy a cold beer. Thankfully, we don't have to fund these companies any longer with our hard-earned dollars. With Public Square ORG, we now have a solution.It's simple. Join the movement of millions of patriotic Americans NORP who love truth, our country, and our constitution at publicsq.com. That's publicsq.com. Public Square is an app and a website where you can get connected to tens of thousands of businesses from all different industries that share your value for life, family, and freedom. Whether you're looking to buy coffee, find a new athlete clothing that knows what a woman isand shop for clean skin care or simply find a new restaurant in your community that won't lecture you about your political views. PublicSQ.com ORG is your resource. Public Square ORG also offers discounts to many high-quality businesses on the platform so that you can actually receive incentive for spending money with companies that don't hate you.Public Square ORG is free to join as consumer or a business owner, and you can get started today at publicsq.com. Remember, either as a consumer or a business owner. And you can get started today at publicsq.com. Remember, either as a consumer or a business owner, download the app now. That's publicsq.com, publicsq.com.

Speaker 22757.5s - 2759.82s

Here's your host, Stephen K. Ban PERSON.

Speaker 42760.6s - 2875.52s

Okay, before your heads blow up, we're going to work through this. We have never supported a CR for anything. But we are hearing all this talk from the rhinos and the cartels. They want to, quote, unquote, clear the decks from President Trump PERSON, what they want to do. This is all about fiscal 2025. What they want to do is pass a massive spending bill for 2025 in the, they can't do itbetween September 30th. We know that they want to do it in the lame duck and saddled President Trump PERSON with that. That we cannot allow to happen. But as you know, I'm as much of a non-fan of CR as possible. So we're going to get to the bottom of this. Don't, nobody get to the ramparts. Nobody get Bill Blaster PERSON. We're not there yet. We have to fully understand this.But this is the games, and we're going to make sure the war room posse will never get played. Okay? This is going to be a tough one. We'll make sure that President Trump PERSON and his team of financial and economic types, well, let's say the MAGA economic types, the America First ORG economic types, well, let's say the MAGA economic types,the America First ORG economic types are on board of this. We're going to do a lot of due diligence, and you will be a part of it. And we will ask you your opinion about where you think we stand. But you already see the games being played right now. They're trying to detrumpefy,understand the polling, lawfare doesn't appear to be working. They're nervous about stealing the polling. Lawfare doesn't appear to be working. They're nervous about stealing the election. Their last firewall when we win is to take the levers of power away from President Trump PERSON that we cannot do. And we'll start to expose it. A lot of it's already been done can be unwound.But it's been done by the same people in the D.C. Cartel are now saying, let's clear the decks to make sure President Trump PERSON has a lot of runway. It's all BS. Krom-Karm-Kar-Michael ORG, Salty. How do we get it? What do we do with it, sir?

Speaker 32876.5s - 2994.42s

Steve PERSON, thanks so much for letting me talk to the posse about this wonderful product, Soltee PRODUCT. I've been taking this, the active in Soltee for over 20 years. I'm 75 years old. I take no prescription drugs. And I want to talk about the benefits of Soltee PRODUCT.First of all, your cardiovascular system is the single most important thing for you to keep healthy. Heart disease is the number one killer. And if you include strokes and other kinds of problems, dealing with your cardiovascular system, there are over a million people a year who have some kind of an event that's affected by their cardiovascular system. And what we have in Soltee is we have an active ingredient called Theoplaven PRODUCT,and that particular, that is a natural ingredient in green tea that resides at 1%. And what we do is we have an extraction process where we take that up to a 22% concentration, and that is what we encapsulate in the soft gels. And if you go to war roomhealth.com, that's warroomhealth.com, that will take you to Soltee PRODUCT, and you can actually click on the My Science or Our Science tab and learn more about the science behind Solty PERSON. But when you're there and you want to sign up for our subscription, which is by far our best and most convenient way to receive Soltee, if you use the code War room at checkout, use the code war room at checkout, you get 50% off your initialshipment, and then you get three bottles for the price of two on ongoing basis, and we always pay the freight. And Solty PERSON, I can't tell you, Steve, how important it is for your cardiovascular system to take Solty. And like we like to say here, you don't have to live with a broken heart. And Steve, thanks so much for letting me talk about Solty PERSON.

Speaker 42994.46s - 3056.8s

Thank you, brother. Thank you. I want everybody to go check it out today. Mers yourself in information. We know the audience loves Soltee PRODUCT. Hey, if you're a lion heart, you need a lion heart to man the ramparts.Go check it out today. Tiffany Justice, Title IX, and if you haven't seen what the Biden PERSON regime's done to Title IX, it's absolutely awful. It's a pure Marxist NORP attack on the family and trying to weaponize children. It's disgusting with what they've done to twist this now, to turn around the American family, particularly young women and particularly young women in sports, but there's so much more. Tiffany Justice in the Mobster Liberty ORG filed a massive lawsuit today this afternoon right before the show, and she's going to come on explaining to us all in the next hour. Also, Ben, Harnell, Joe Allen, and some commentary fromStephen K. Ben PERSON, so stick around. It's going to be electrifying. This part on artificial intelligence will creep you out, but I think we'll get you focused. Mike Lindell PERSON, we're focused on deals this time of day in the war room. What do you got for the war room posse?

Speaker 63059.02s - 3162.28s

Well, I got good news and bad news, everybody. The good news is we still have some of these left. There are a very limited addition. This will be it, though. The bad news is this will be it. This will be the last airing for these.This is exclusive to the Warroom Posse ORG. What these are, these are the My Pillow PRODUCT. These are the Go Anywhere pillows PRODUCT with the paintings on their land of the free. You get them free with any purchase. This is exclusive to the war room. Today only, they respond to this morning, Steve PERSON, and we're about half gone.So we'll have enough for today. You guys go to the website, use promo code War Room, and pick out anything. As soon as you put anything in the cart, you're going to get a free $39land of the free rolling gold my pillow. But take advantage of this right now. Remember, we still have free shipping for the War Room Posse, anything over $75 here in your cart, all your big ticket items that we make, the beds, the mattress toppers, all of them are very expensive to ship. The shipping is on us, and then you have all the couch and recliner pillows that we have.All of these pillows, go there, get your the couch and recliner pillows that we have, all of these pillows. Go there, get your discounts today, exclusive to the Warren Room Posse ORG. Call 800-8731062. Make sure you do it. You're going to get, remember, my blind painter, friend Jim Hansel PERSON, he did these. He did these paintings, and these are the pillow cases.So you get one of each, you get the pillow, the my pillow the my pillow rolling go and then you get the case to go with it free with any purchase everybody this is it so get this is the one you're going to want to have in your collection and plus they work actually what a concept a pillow that actually worked plus they're so amazing so they um you guys you guys have been so grateful to the war room posse

Speaker 43162.28s - 3165.52s

but but get them fast they're going fast.

Speaker 63166.58s - 3167.78s

You're fantastic, sir.

Speaker 43167.84s - 3327.58s

We love you. Mypillar.com promo code war. My store.com promo code war, 800873-1062 until the operators we got their back. Mike, we'll see you tomorrow. Thank you so much. All right.God PERSON bless. Okay. Don't need to ban the ramparts in the CR. I don't know if we're going to buy into that. We need a budget. We need to go through a regular order. We need appropriations process. We need to hold the ramparts in the CR. I don't know if we're going to buy into that. We need a budget. We need to go through a regular order.We need appropriations process. We need to hold their feet to the fire. Most importantly right now, Speaker Johnson, of course, 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, they're going to have the weaponization hearing. That's not going to be good enough. They need to let the subpoenas fly, and they need to have the stones to back it up.We need to get Merrick Garland. We need to get Ray. We need to get Lisa Monaco PERSON. We need to get Calangelo PERSON. The Attorney General Arizona, the Attorney General of Michigan, Fannie Willis. The courts shouldn't have to step in here. Okay, we'll leave with modern day. Holy War. Stick around. The second hour of the late afternoon, early evening show of the war room will be on fire.We'll be back just a moment. I want to warn you of a huge change that could be coming to our money in our bank accounts. First, think back to 9-11 EVENT. Shortly after the government pushed through the Patri-11, shortly after the government pushed through the Patriot Act. This gave the government power to spy on innocent Americans NORP by monitoring our phone and email and tracking our movement across the internet. Now, Jim Rickards PERSON, editor of theindependent financial newsletter strategic intelligence in New York Times' ORG bestselling author, is warning about a coming event that could elevate this governmental surveillance to a terrifying new level. In fact, some of the guests I've had on the war room believe that the government will soon expand their powers to track our every move. If we say the wrong things on social media, donate to the wrong causes, buy firearms, or even vote MAGA ORG, the government may be able to shut us out of our bank accounts.I can't say for sure if this will happen, but it's an interesting and dire warning. Fortunately, Jim Rickerts, an American NORP patriot and friend of mine, has made it his mission to educate us on what he believes is coming and how to protect yourself from the possibility of programmable money. Watch Jim PERSON's warning video now before it's censored like I've been in the past. Go to recordswarroom.com ORG. That's recordswarroom.com ORG now to see the video.Go there today. If you're going to be part of the posse, you need a strong heart, you need a lion's heart. How we're going to do that is with Salty PERSON. Go there, do it today. Check it out.