Episode 3598: The Wolves Of K Street; Peter Navarro For VP

Episode 3598: The Wolves Of K Street; Peter Navarro For VP

by WarRoom.org

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published 24 days ago


Copyright Bannon`s War Room 2022 All rights reserved.

Speaker 30s - 24s

This is the primal scream of a dying regime. Pray for our enemies, because we're going to medieval on these people. Here's not got a free shot on all these networks lying about the people. The people have had a belly full of it. I know you don't like hearing that. I know you try to do everything in the world to stop that, but you're not going to stop it.

Speaker 1024s - 35.96s

It's going to happen. And where do people like that go to share the big line? Mega media. I wish in my soul, I wish that any of these people had a conscience. Ask yourself,

Speaker 136.22s - 45.14s

what is my task and what is my purpose? If that answer is to save my country, this country will be saved.

Speaker 245.24s - 48.48s

War Room ORG. Here's your host, Stephen K. Ban PERSON.

Speaker 350.04s - 92.74s

It's Thursday, 9 May in the year of our Lord, 2024. Of course, today is in Russia GPE. It's called Victory Day. Yesterday was VE Day, and we commemorate that. We'll do something at 6 o'clock on the, about the eastern front of the German wars, they they call it in world war two today at sixAdam PERSON just a question before we let you go by the way it's an amazing piece we're pushing it's up on your substack on peter navarre's PERSON substack how long have you had this idea was this is something that you were inspired when he was sent to prison over the misdemeanor or is this something because of your family's background, your background, you've been thinking about this a lot? I've been thinking about this a lot. You know,

Speaker 492.82s - 113.76s

following the news during the first Trump administration, you know, whenever Dr. Navarro was included on a project or on a trip, I always felt like the American NORP people had a seat at the table when it came to the work that was being done in the first Trump PERSON administration. So this is something that I've been thinking about for years. I think that he would be President Trump PERSON's best choice for vice president

Speaker 3113.76s - 128.5s

in 2024. Amazing. We'll make sure everybody gets a read on this. We're going to have you back because already the audience for our live chat, they're all over this. So really thank you very much. Adam PERSON, where do people get you? Social media. Where can you get all your writing?

Speaker 4129.5s - 147.14s

I'm on Substack at New Century ORG, N-E-W-S-E-N-T-R-Y, like guard. Dot substack.com. And I'm also on Twitter at Ad, M-O-L-O-N at Twitter and on Gitter ORG. And also on Truth Social, New Century ORG, N-E-W-S-E-N-T-R-Y.

Speaker 3148.38s - 184.86s

Adam, thank you very much, Adam Malone PERSON. If I talk to my producer Cameron, can we get, I want the MTG ORG piece teed up and just give me the thumbs up when we've got it from what she did yesterday. You have spent your career on investigating the CCP ORG, what happened during the pandemic, all of this with detailed investigations that, quite frankly, are far deeper in Capitol Hill LOC. You've always come to me and say, hey, this town is run by the lobbyists, this town is run bythe money, this town is run by K Street, and they are the most corrupting influence of all, particularly where they take the money from. Your thoughts?

Speaker 9185.14s - 305.64s

Oh, it's absolutely true. I think we saw it really come to the forefront during COVID-19 with big pharma, of course, ratcheting up their lobbying expenditures to the tune of millions, over $10 million. And of course, I think with the salt and the wound, the worst part of it is that the people that they're hiring are former federal government employees who are taxpayer dollars used to subsidize. And I think it sort of speaks to the managed decline of this country that we are creating basically the enemy.We are propping up the people paying their salaries to give them the leverage, the kind of understanding of how the intricacies of the federal government, which they then used to exploit, right, the members that they used to work forto push for policies that are so at odds with the American NORP people. And I think sort of the age-old question that we're always trying to come to terms with here in the warm LOC is when you say, you know, they are doing this. They're pushing these policies, whether it's the uniparty, whatever kind of nebulous term you want to put in there. I think so much of the locus of that issue falls on the lobbyists because they're corrupting the members. They're corrupting the staff and the staff wants to go and work for these lobbying firms. So they're not going to bite the hand that will eventually feed them right downthe road one day. And I think to the other very important element when it comes to the lobbying, we're of course talking about, you know, the domestic enemy, right, which is, I would argue, big pharma, big tech, these big woke corporations. But the foreign element of lobbying is almost more sinister. And you know, I've focused on that through the purview of the Chinese Communist Party ORG, but it shouldn't be lost on anyone when the Trump PERSON administration came out. And I believe, what was it, about two dozen Chinese NORP companies on their military or on our entity list,blacklisted them basically for being proxies of the People's Liberation Army ORG. Over 25% of them had active representation from U.S. GPE lobbyists. Again, from the same companies, which, by the way, refused to work with Republican NORP candidates, disavowed us for, you know, daring to question the election and the integrity of these elections. These are the same people who have worked for candidates and, you know, for corrupt foreign leaders and third world countries helping them attempt to overturn election results.So I think that the lobbying issue really just is a glaring

Speaker 3305.64s - 335.92s

example of how backwards the priorities are in Washington, D.C. And this gets to Ken Buck's statement on Stephanie Rule last night, oh, it's not the institutions or staffed by good people. They have been corrupted by money. And the instrument to do that is these lobbying firms in what we call K Street. That is one of the most corrupting elements of all. Let's play MTG in the arena in the lines down yesterday. I want to play this again so you can see the response she got when she brought up the motion to vacate, basically clean up the Republican Party ORG.Let's go and play it.

Speaker 7336.34s - 363.82s

I seek recognition to give notice of my intent to raise a question of the privileges of the House ORG. The form of the resolution is as follows. Declaring the Office of Speaker of the House Representatives to be vacant. This is the Uniparty for the American NORP people watching. Gentle lady will suspend.

Speaker 0365.6s - 367.38s

Congressman Green PERSON now joins us.

Speaker 3367.78s - 392.74s

I consider that a huge victory yesterday, part of the unmasking. This is a process. Trust the process. It's going to take time. But what a great start yesterday. You went in there in front of all America GPE and all the world. You heard the K Street money just absolutelythrough the instruments of the Democratic Party and the Republican NORP people that have been bought off. Bood you, you know, lustily. Your thoughts, ma'am.

Speaker 7393.58s - 485.34s

Well, that was exactly what I expected, Steve PERSON. And, you know, I think it was a great victory yesterday. It was a great victory for the American NORP people to see the truth for the curtain to be drawn back and them to see the ugly truth. The Uniparty ORG is alive and well in the people's house. Now, that's where the irony is just screaming. And yeah, you're right. You can talk about the special interest controlling Washington, D.C. But the vote yesterday proved that Mike Johnson PERSON is completely bought and paid for bythe Democrats NORP. Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Nadler, the two Democrats that led the effort to impeach President Trump twice, voted to save Mike Johnson, along with Hawking and Jeffries PERSON and the entire Democrat leadership team. But so did Republicans NORP. And that shows you right there that we have a lot of work to do in our GOP conference. If we're going to be the Republican majority that holds the House ORG under President Trump, then our Republican majority needs to be whipped into shape because yesterday they completely capitulated to Democrat control of the House of Representatives ORG, even though we have solidcontrol with Republican votes, and it was proven yesterday, all the lives were proven, Steve, Democrats NORP can't take control of the House ORG. Hakeem Jeffries cannot become Speaker of the House because we have the votes and we hold the majority. But Hakeem Jeffries is indeed speaker today because Democrats NORP save Mike Johnson PERSON.

Speaker 3488.96s - 516.62s

Let's say, you know, the great Matt Gates PERSON, I know he's a colleague of yours and been a fighter. You've gone around the nation with Congressman Gates PERSON. Obviously, has a huge following here in the war room. He put out right afterwards, I agree with Marjorie, I agree with Congressman Green PERSON, I agree with the bill of indictment, but we have a couple of slippery colleagues in here that might flip to vote for Hakeem PERSON, and I'm very worried about him taking, actually becoming not just the de facto speaker, but actually the speaker. Your thoughts? Well, that's actually not true, and I love

Speaker 7516.62s - 740.74s

Matt, and I think he's great. He's proven himself to the American NORP people, but the reality is, it's just not true. If the Democrats could bribe Republicans NORP, two or three Republicans NORP, to vote for Hakeem Jeffries PERSON, they would have already done it. And now is the time to do thatbecause the reality and the truth is in the coming weeks, just in a few weeks, we have three more new Republicans joining us in the House of Representatives that are about to win special electionsin very red seats. So if that was going to happen, it would have happened before I called the motion to vacate. It would have happened yesterday when I called the motion to vacate. So that theory is just wrong. And we aren't at risk of losing the House based on numbers of votes of Democrats and Republicans NORP. We've already lost the House, Steve PERSON. We lost it back whenMike Johnson passed Biden's full agenda that fully funded the Department of Justice ORG that is prosecuting President Trump PERSON and wants to put him in jail the rest of his life. This is the same Department of Justice that is politically persecuting January 6th defendants to the point where the 5th January 6th defendant that we know of committed suicide in April. So Mike Johnson fully funded the weaponized government. He weaponized the FBI ORG, gave them a brand new building. Chuck Schumer was so happy with that second part of the omnibus.He didn't change a period. He didn't change a comma. He didn't change one single word. He just passed it through the Senate and then bragged about Mike Johnson PERSON, how much he likes him and how happy he is to work with him. So the reality is the Uniparty ORG got fully exposed. And in that big exposure there, Steve PERSON, people need to realize that there was a variety of reasons that some Republicans voted to save Mike Johnson PERSON. And then there was a variety of reasons that Democrats voted to save Mike Johnson PERSON.But what got exposed yesterday, Steve PERSON, is that the people's house does not belong to the people. It fully belongs to the Uniparty ORG and the numbers are huge. I mean, think about the fact that our Republican Party ORG is unwilling, unwilling to stand up to a Republican NORP speaker, throw him out no matter what the timing is, no matter that we have an election six months away, they're unwilling to throw them out because they don't want to rock the boat.It's not because they're afraid Democrats are going to take control of the House ORG. They're just afraid of rocking the boat and afraid how that might play out. But that's such a grave mistake. This is only May. This is May. There's a long time between now and November. And the biggest threat we have coming as we move towards the fall is the September 30th government funding deadline. And that's where we could get another omnibus cram down our throats that pays for more of Biden's wish list that gives Chuck Schumer PERSON more of what he wants.And the real threat is another huge package of billions of dollars going to fund the war in Ukraine where I can tell you right now, Lloyd Austin PERSON and many of the people here in Washington want to put U.S. GPE troops on the ground. That is absolutely what they want. And as this war is continued and peace talks are not had, that is a real threat that may happen to usbecause Ukraine GPE is running out of men. They are running out of men that are able to fight, so much so that they are now drafting their own prisoners and putting them out on the battlefield. So this is not over yet. Now was the time to remove Mike Johnson PERSON as speaker and go ahead and put someone else inthat can at least hold the line until we reelect Trump in November.

Speaker 3741.24s - 782.34s

We'd like to hold you through the break if we can, but leading up to the break, Eli Crane was serious. He had an event in Payson GPE. He asked people in that audience, hardworking Patriarch Americans NORP, about Mike Johnson, who thinks he's done a good enough job to remain booze,unanimous booze. Last night, I gave a speech in Palm Beach GPE, Florida GPE, totally different crowd. I said MTG ORG just coming floor about Mike Johnson PERSON, removed Mike Johnson PERSON, most of the vacate unanimous,standing ovation, having your back. Throughout the country, Republican NORP voters, and the people engaged in MAGA politics and Republican NORP politics, have your back on this. Is that seeped into the consciousness of the conference, ma'am?

Speaker 7783.62s - 888.4s

Maybe they're finding out when they get back home this weekend, Steve PERSON, as they're out campaigning for their own primary re-elections, I hope they're hearing exactly what you described. I know my district is proud and is standing with me, and I'm so grateful to them. But this is why I ran for Congress, Steve PERSON. I literally walked out in 2020, and I said I'm running for Congress because I'm sick and tired of the Republican Party that never does what it says it's going to do, that never holds Democrats NORP accountable and never ever pursues our agenda and puts it into action. We never defeat the Democrats with the Republican Party of today.And I ran for Congress to take a sledgehammer to the Republican establishment and to hold the Republican Party accountable because we don't have time to sit and wait while people have their big fancy fundraisers, while they go hang out with the lobbyist on K Street FAC. And while they give their little five-minute speeches at committee hearings and they have their little Fox News hits and they talk tough on TV, we don't have time for that anymore. The American people are losing and they're tired of getting kicked in the teeth every single day while Democrats win and win and win. And so you know what? I think this is the time to do it. Again, look, I'm an athlete. I've trained for all kinds of competitions. And I know you have to train. You have to work out hard. You have to get into shape for competition.The competition and the race is coming in January of 2025. And if our Republican majority right now can't stand up to the Democrats NORP while we actually hold the Speaker's gavel, then what kind of Republican House majority are we going to be when we finally get Donald J. Trump PERSON back in the White House? And this is what it's all about. So I hope Republicans NORP are figuring it out.

Speaker 3889.12s - 979.24s

Congressman Green, just hang on for one second. Short commercial break. Also, Brody Mullen from the Wall Street Journal, The Walls of K Street WORK_OF_ART. All next. Can your savings weather and economic storm think about what you've put away for the future? Inflation can render cash worthless.Real estate can crash like in 2008. Economies built on a mountain of debt can fall like a house of cards. There are very few physical assets you can invest in that can stand the test of time. Gold has withstood this as a valued form of money for millennia. I actually think for 8,000 years of man's recorded history. It's why people are flocking to it now,why Birch Gold ORG is busier than ever. Through a little-known tax loophole, Birch Gold ORG lets you convert a retirement account into a tax-sheltered IRA in physical gold. In the best part, it doesn't cost you a penny at a pocket. Let me repeat that. It doesn't cost you a penny at a pocket. To learn more about this,to immerse yourself in information, text Bannon PERSON, BANN-N-O-N-O-N to 9-8-9-8 and claim your free info kit on gold. Let me ask you this again. Can your IRA or 401 PRODUCTK weather an economic storm because a storm's coming? If it can't, call the people I trust. That's Birch Gold ORG. Text banning to 9-8-9-8-98. Secure your savings today.Birch Gold Group ORG.

Speaker 6979.76s - 994.24s

Unity Party ORG, like it's an insult. It's a negative. But isn't that what the american people are looking for unity bipartisanship i agree with you bipartisanship a few years ago was a good thing

Speaker 0994.24s - 1024.08s

when people could work across the aisle and there was a common ground it was a good thing what what marjorie taylorine is trying to do is send a message to the american people that the institutions are corrupt that the institutions are against you, the hardworking American NORP. I think that fails and it should fail because the institutions are made up of a lot of really good hardworking people who are trying their very best under difficult circumstances, under very polarizing circumstances to get good things done.

Speaker 31025.04s - 1042.96s

They only get $7.3 trillion a year. Congressman Green, your response to your former colleague, Ken Buck PERSON, who's now trying out to be an MSNBC, MSNBC correspondent, your thoughts, ma'am, on Stephanie Ruralconth, the Unity Party ORG, ma'am.

Speaker 71043.08s - 1107.08s

Yeah, Unity Party ORG. Unity Party champion there himself, Ken Buck PERSON. I think that is laughable. I think the American people, well, they pretty much hate Ken Buck PERSON. Let's be honest about it, Steve PERSON. We know that.So what Ken Buck is saying is the American NORP people give a strong seal of approval to the Uniparty here in Washington GPE, D.C. That has put them in over $34 trillion in debt, that for decades has funded foreign wars that has ripped our border wide open and never solved the border crisis that is really the war on America GPE. So he says that America is totally happy with that, which apparently, Steve PERSON,is why America gives Congress a 13% approval rating. I think that polling statistic number right there shows that Americans NORP are fed up with the Uniparty in Washington and that Ken Buck is a very proven liar in order to get a paycheck there on MSNBC.

Speaker 31108.46s - 1141.6s

You are one of the top two or three defenders of President Trump PERSON. You've been a firebrand. You're always fighting for MAGA. But President Trump PERSON has come out, and particularly even after your stay, and said, hey, look, I appreciate her fight. I appreciate her tenacity.I understand where she's coming from, but we need to have unity and not so chaos. Do you think you're showing chaos or actually just lancing the boil and getting out in front of people what must be addressed today because we can't cover it up anymore? And voters, I can tell you, from Palm Beach GPE to

Speaker 01141.6s - 1152.4s

to Payson, Arizona, understand that we're just, all we're doing is being totally submissive to the radical Democrats NORP. So President Trump PERSON's asking you to stand down. Will you do that, ma'am?

Speaker 71153.1s - 1374.72s

Well, I think you've got to read the beginning of that statement where he said, I love Marjorie Taylor Green, that she's a fighter and has a strong spirit and that she's going to be here for a long time. And that is the truth. I have incredible support from my district who also absolutely loves President Trump PERSON. So I think President Trump did a good job with his statement last night. I really do. I think that he showed strong leadership for the entire Republican Party. But he also, he acknowledged that Mike Johnson PERSON is a good man,which he has said all along. And many of us say that. But he also acknowledged that he also, he acknowledged that Mike Johnson PERSON is a good man, which he has said all along, and many of us say that. But he also acknowledged that he's not necessarily standing with Mike Johnson's PERSON speakership. And he said maybe now is not the time, but maybe later maybe the time to oust Mike Johnson PERSON. And some have talked about after the November election. Here's where I stand. I ran for Congress because Republicans didn't support President Trump PERSON when he was presidentthe first time. I'll never forget Paul Ryan PERSON and the complete failure as a speaker he was, and that Republican controlled Congress that washed their hands of President Trump PERSON and allowed the special counsel Robert Mueller to basically pursue President Trump PERSON in unbelievable politically weaponized ways. That was on the Republicans NORP watch where that whole thing started.You know, and I'm done with that Republican Party ORG. I am going to hold that type of Republican control Congress ORG completely accountable. And so that's what we're doing here today. Again, we've got to get this Republican NORP majority in shape and actually ready to fight. Because let's talk about where we're at, Steve PERSON. We still have a stolen election from 2020.And if anybody watched the hearings from Georgia where they were litigating and talking about where are these ballots and how many ballots are missing and talking about the different numbers and all the different numbers and all the different counts from the 2020 election needs to realize that we're in for a big fight for this 2024 election. And election integrity is the number one issue. And that's something President Trump PERSON has told me personally himself. So I'm going to do what President Trump saysand make sure that our elections are watched, supervised closely, and do everything we can to prevent election fraud. That is number one. That's how we take back power in Washington, D.C. GPE Another thing, though, I will not back off of my colleagues. There is no way. I will hold them accountable for President Trump PERSON's agenda. I will continue to be a hammer in the house against them if they do not do everything they can to support his agenda and protect him.And they're doing nothing to protect him right now. One of my demands of Mike Johnson was to defund Jack Smith PERSON. This is something I talked about very early on in our majority that we have right now. And I'd even put in amendments to defund Jack Smith PERSON. And no one did it. And Mike Johnson can't run down to Marlago every time he feels pressure and people are yelling at him and stand next to President Trump PERSON on a stage. If he is unwilling to do everything he can and his power,and the speaker is powerful, we're talking third in line to the president. More powerful than any of the other three in the Four Corners ORG meetings. He absolutely can stop Jack Smith PERSON. He can stop the weaponized government in the DOJ that he fully funded if he's willing to grow a spine and do it. And you know what? Mike Johnson PERSON is still speaker.So maybe he will do that. And I hope he does. But I'm not going to back down on holding my party accountable. We're going to do everything we can to reelect President Trump so that we can pursue our agenda in 2025.

Speaker 31375.52s - 1402.7s

Before you bounce, Warren Posse is going to light the phones up today. What should be their message to the 196? Their representatives that didn't have your back and allowed Mike Johnson in broad daylight to become Hakeem Jeffries' PERSON mini-me. That Hakeem Jeffries is now the Speaker of the House ORG. Rekeem Jeffries told the nation on 60 minutes on Sunday. What should they say to people when the emails are sent, the text messages, and the calls, what should they say?

Speaker 71403.46s - 1512.32s

Well, I can tell you right now, I think people are furious. The people I've talked to are so angry. I really can't repeat the words I've heard on this broadcast here because it might take you off air. But people are furiousright now. I mean, you wouldn't believe they're threatening to kick me off committees. They're threatening all kinds of horrible things against me here in Washington GPE. And, you know, I hope people support me and help defend me.And if they want to, you can go to defendmtg.com. I greatly appreciate your help because this is how this is when they come after you is after we stand up and do things like this. But if you're going to call your representative that voted with Hakeem Jeffries PERSON and Nancy Pelosi and joined the Uniparty last night, I think he should remind them of one thing that I've been telling everybody and we all know is true.Voters are turning out big for Donald J. Trump in November this year and they're checking that name at the top of the ticket. But I think Republicans in the House ORG are in danger of having their names skipped on the ballot because we all know that's how it is. We vote for the people we like and the people we support and we skip the other names of the people that we think are not worth our vote. That's how all voters are. And I've been telling everybody here, I've been tellingthe NRCC, I've been telling the RNC ORG, and I've been telling my GOP ORG conference that we have to earn the votes of the people, that we have to be a Republican majority right now that earns the majority in 2025. You can't just sit there and constantly hide behind President Trump PERSON and depend on him to drag you across the ballot, because this is the last time he is on the ballot. So it's time for the Republican Party ORG to straighten up and actually earn the votes ofthe American NORP people.

Speaker 31513.7s - 1517.2s

Congressman Green one more time. Where do people go to get all the information about you?

Speaker 71517.98s - 1527.96s

You can follow my social media, rep MTG ORG. And if you're willing to pitch in to help defend me and help me out, defendtg.com ORG thank you

Speaker 31527.96s - 1533.62s

steve congressman green honored to have you on there uh here great job yesterday thank you

Speaker 71533.62s - 1539.36s

the railhead of the slough of this problem is the money where the money comes from how's it

Speaker 31539.36s - 1554.66s

gets cycle through that is case street it couldn't be a more perfectly timed book than a takedown case street the wolves of case street from brodie GPE m be a more perfectly timed book than a takedown of Case Street. The Wolves of Kay Street from Brody Mullant PERSON won the lead, if not the lead investigator report of the Wall Street Journal ORG. Sir, the book is just out. What inspired you to take on

Speaker 51554.66s - 1593.7s

K Street? Yeah, you know, my brother and I wrote this book, and I had covered a lobbying for 20 years and realized a lot of what you say is right that there's sort of one establishment in Washington, it's Republicans, it's Democrats NORP, it's the lobbyists, and they're all on the same team, and they're sort of against everyone else. And if you look at the policies that we're creating in Washington GPE, you know, they help the well off and the establishment at the expense of everyone else. And that's creating a lot of these problems, both on the right that you're talking about, but also on the left. I mean, a lot of the regular, rank and file Republicans and rank and filed Democrats NORP are both being sort of screwed over by the establishment in D.C.So it seemed like a worthy thing to dive into.

Speaker 31594.74s - 1600.68s

What was it? We got about a minute for a hold you to break. Why did you title the book, The Wolves of K Street WORK_OF_ART?

Speaker 51602.28s - 1621.06s

That's a good question. I came up with that title late one night. It just seemed kind of a catchy thing. But, you know, we're looking at sort of some of the bad guys in Washington who are taking public policy and shaping it in ways that hurt regular people, Republicans or Democrats, and help corporate America GPE. And we'll seem like the right title for that one.Brody, hang on for a second.

Speaker 31621.2s - 1663.12s

We're going to hold you. I know everybody in this audience is going to get this book. Also, Patrick K. O'Donnell PERSON, the greatest combat historian. People, you've supported him forever, launched his new book, The Unvanquished, a five-star review in today's Wall Street Journal. So make sure you go check it out. We told you this is going to be a blockbuster. It is. He's in Appomattox tonight. Go to his site. But Patrick K. O'Donnell, we're just going to give you a public shout. The book's amazing. We actually broke it here last year. We've had him on. The book's already number one on Amazon ORG. I think it's a historical book of the month. But the Wall Street Journal of Day ORG with an incredible, really, rave review. You're going to love this book. It reads like a novel.Brody Mullins with the Wolves of K Street. That couldn't be better. That's a great title.

Speaker 01663.12s - 1705.76s

Good one. Because you deal with you deal. Those guys are the dirtiest. Okay, short commercial break. Birchgold.com ORG. End of the Street. That couldn't be better. That's a great title. Good one. Because you deal with you deal. Those guys are the dirtiest. Okay, short commercial break, birchgold.com, end of the dollar empire. Get up to speed. One of the powers of the show is we go into capital markets for a working class and middle class audience. You get the, you know, we bring the finest brains around here to talk about debt, to talk about the deficits. Understand the prime reserve currency, the end of the dollar empire. Birchgold.com promo code Bannon PERSON. It's totally free. Fiveinstallments. The fifth one's out. The central bank digital currency. Short break, Brody Mullins PERSON on the other side. Criminals have access to more advanced tools than ever, and now they're using them to steal our most valuable asset.

Speaker 31706.34s - 1794.88s

That would be your home. In Miami GPE, an elderly woman didn't find out an empty plot of land she owned was stolen until she went to pay taxes. A stranger had already paid them, and property records showed she had sold the land. They had forged her signature and registered a fake deed. How scary is that? That's why you need to get Home Title Lock today. Go to HomeTitleck.com and immerse yourself in this information. Think that it can't happen to you? Well, you are wrong. When's the last timeyou checked your home's title? All a thief has to do is forge your signature, refile as the new owner. And once your home is not in your name, it can get really ugly and it can get really ugly fast. They can take out equity loans or even sell your house to an unsuspecting buyer who shows up at your door one day and says, hey, this baby is mine. Don't think your home insurance policy will protect you. It won't. Check your home today for free.When you get to home tidalock.com and ORG use promo code banning at sign up, that's home titlelock.com, promo code banon at signup. You'll get a free scan of your home's title plus 30 days of protection totally free. That is 30 days of protection totally free. That's home titlelock.com promo code banon. Do not let these things. protection totally free. That is 30 days of protection totally free. That's home tidalock.com promo code Bannon PERSON. Do not let these thieves steal your home in broad daylight.

Speaker 21796.98s - 1797.72s

Use your host, Stephen K. Ban PERSON.

Speaker 31803.12s - 1803.2s

Okay, Mike Johnson's over at, I think W.A.B.C. right now with Brian Kilmead PERSON,

Speaker 21804.88s - 1805.16s

and he's talking about mass deportations.

Speaker 31809.78s - 1883.48s

Why is he talking about Matt PERSON? This is the guy would not close the border, would not use any leverage at all. He had all the leverage in the world and promised us, looked us in the eye, he was going to seal the border, secure the border, no more illegal alien invasion. And now he's talking about mass deportations. There are no coincidences. He had a near-death experience yesterday. We're still going to get him. He knows that. And now it's going to be all tough. You're going to start, just wait for it.We're going to get our investigation, right? Because we've dropped the hammer on the guys. The only thing they respond to is smash mouth. You would love to be able to do it anyway. Reason, you know, what's the good of the people, what helps the American people, what puts America first.No, it all comes down to leverage. It all comes down to power plays. You have to do it. And the reason you have to do it is the money. They're impervious to you. They're impervious. They think they're impervious to voters because of the K-Street funnel of basically distorting public policy for the good of corporate interest and big donor interest. Brody Mullins PERSON, you've been the lead investigative reporter on this for the Wall Street Journal for, is it two decades, about 20 years? That's right. Yeah, two decades.

Speaker 51884.32s - 1891.96s

Is it getting, is it better now and more open and more transparent, or is it worse than when

Speaker 31891.96s - 1892.84s

you first started, sir?

Speaker 51893.76s - 1946.72s

It's definitely getting worse. I mean, when I first started, we had the Republicans NORP who were obviously the party of big business and championed lower taxes and lower regulations for companies. And that was fine. And then Democrats during the Clinton PERSON administration really came around also. Democrats and Republicans NORP were swallowing all this corporate cash from corporate PACs.And we sort of created a huge pro-business center where businesses for 20 or 30 years got everything they wanted. I mean, look at trade bills or tax bills. There have been a series of corporate tax bills, corporate tax cuts, I should say, going back to the 1980s, there have been no corporate tax increases during that time. Meanwhile, they've been several tax increases on regular folks. Look at trade. We've had, we've passed a series of open trade bills that have moved American NORP jobs overseas and hurt American people. And that's just gettingworse and worse and worse. There is a little more transparency about where this money's going, but it's still not enough.

Speaker 31948.28s - 1972.36s

In your book, give me your theory of the case of why you called it Wolves of K Street and about K Street. Why do you, wolves already puts in people's minds. These people are killers. They travel in packs. They're looking to devour humans. Why is it wolves and why you use that?Why did that come to you in the middle of the night? This is the best way for me to describe it to an audit. Guys going through an airport to grab the book.

Speaker 51973.48s - 2018.56s

We certainly didn't mean it in any sort of a violent way, but it is a pack. And one of the problems in Washington is that there's really only the corporate lobby talking to members of Congress ORG. There are not interest groups for populists or progressives that really have any influence in Washington GPE. So when a member of Congress sits down, a Republican or Democrat NORP, when they sit down to decide whether they're going to vote on a private equity tax increase or a free trade bill or some regulation, the only people are talking to are lobbyists. They open their office doors and there's lobbyist X, Y, Z all down the hallway, and there's no one on representing the other side. So it really is a pack. And most corporations are, you know,generally want the same thing. They want lower regulations. They want open trade. They want lower taxes. And look what our country's done. They've gotten all those things. So it really is a wolf

Speaker 32018.56s - 2059.7s

pack. Is this also one of the reasons we've had this invasion from the southern border we have now, even Biden's, I think, eight8 or $10 million on his watch. You're now seeing CBO ORG saying that the illegal immigration is, the Fed ORG talks about they use it to lower wages, but also now for the consumption of the illegal aliens, that that's a driving part of the economy. That's why we have any growth that we have.Is that also come from the Chamber of Commerce ORG and other people on K Street that the reason that we have open borders and it doesn't change and Mike Johnson doesn't change it when Republicans NORP talk about it, but never make change. Is it because of K Street? I don't know if K Street is responsible for the open

Speaker 52059.7s - 2085.12s

border crisis that we have right now, but, K street and corporate America GPE and the chamber commerce are certainly for free labor, cheap labor and, uh, open borders. I mean, they were behind, uh, open immigration policies for, uh, 30, 40 years. And they still support it. And, you know, the Republican Party ORG was for, uh, open trade until, uh, just the last couple of years. So, you know, I would blame someone out on K street and corporate lobbyists, but not all of it. What, uh, if you had a couple of recommended out on K Street FAC and corporate lobbies, but not all of it.

Speaker 32097.36s - 2100.54s

What if you had a couple of recommended changes that you think that happened, that the people get, that somehow we balance this out so the people's voice gets heard as, as much as the corporate, the corporatist. What recommendations would you make?

Speaker 52103.46s - 2175.24s

Well, I think that people need to get more involved themselves. I mean, right now, I mean, look, I've been, as I said, a report of 20 years covering Washington GPE, and it's one thing I know for sure, and that is a member of Congress ORG will do whatever they can to get reelected. And to get reelected, you need money, but you also need 51% of your voters to support you. And so those voters have tremendous power. Right now, they're disorganized.Companies are up on Capitol Hill LOC. They have billions of dollars. They have campaign checks. They have PACs. They have trips they can take people on. They've got lobbyists. They've had all these tools and resources to pressure members of Congress ORG to do things that they want. But the people really have the power in terms of votes. But the people need to act on that. They need to call their members of Congress ORG. They need to write their members of Congress ORG and say, hey, don't support that corporate tax cut or don't support this border bill or whatever they want.The people can have more power. I mean, Donald Trump PERSON is actually a really good example. When Donald Trump ran for election in 2016, the establishment hated him. Companies hated him. Companies didn't give him any money. They gave all their money to Taylor & Clinton ORG because they supported sort of that pro-business centerthat the Clinton PERSON's represented. Donald Trump PERSON won because he had the people. When it comes to lobbying, it should be the same way. The companies have the power and the resources, but the people should really be able to stand up and get members of cars to do what they want.

Speaker 32176.84s - 2187.78s

Brody PERSON, where can people get the book? Where can they find out about if you're going to give, if you're going to go do book signings, all of that? Because I know this audience is going to devour this book. This is one of the things we cover every day. So where do people go?

Speaker 52188.48s - 2205.2s

Yeah, you guys will love this book. It's available anywhere right now. It came out earlier this week. You follow me on Twitter at at Brody Mullins, D.C. GPE, and I'll put my book signings out there. But it's available to any bookstore, available online, anywhere you want.

Speaker 32206.48s - 2217.8s

Brody PERSON, your reporting is amazing. The book's amazing. We'll make sure you have you back on it. Go some specifics about the wolves themselves, some of these personalities that you get into. Brody PERSON, thank you so much for joining us. Thanks a lot.

Speaker 52218.94s - 2220.62s

The timing of this book couldn't be better.

Speaker 32220.92s - 2230.84s

I mean, you had the fight yesterday. And look, the 196 supported Johnson because of the corporate lobbyists. It's the corporate money. Well, I think the other interesting

Speaker 92230.84s - 2255.5s

thing, too, is that a lot of the firms that are representing, whether it's corporate America GPE, but there's a lot of crossover when it comes to representing foreign interests, too. And I think my take on that and what sort of the, I think the real truth of it is, the Chinese Communist Party ORG, all these countries that are sworn adversaries, they are strategically picking the same lobbying firms that these corporations, the American NORP corporations are hiring.

Speaker 32255.5s - 2261.98s

Because they see that they're dialed into the American NORP corporations and they're getting what they want, and that's why they dovetail in and say we want these guys to?

Speaker 92262.22s - 2326.26s

And I think part of it, and it's more broadly what the Chinese Communist Party's ORG kind of infiltration strategy has been as of late. I think from 2000 to 2010 sort of around the World Trade Organization ORG entry, they were content with just influencing narratives about the rise of China and just kind of the American NORP economic perception that China GPE was an economic miracle, which is why we're okay with outsourcing factories to them and inviting them in. That's why they can own our farmland. But I think in the last decade, you've seen the Chinese Communist Party ORG become a lot more hostile and aggressive. And I think the reasonwhy they are putting a lot of these same firms on retainer is because they want to have control over what these companies are doing too, right? There's a lockstep. There's a convergence of interests. And when you talk about these sort of elite merger going on in this country, it's very curious, right? That the China, it's not just even Chinese NORP companies. It's Chinese embassies. Chinese, the ministries, the Chinese NORP regime itself are hiring the same exact companies, the rather law firms and lobbying firms, that American NORP companies are.How can they have this?

Speaker 02327.48s - 2327.86s

How can you reconcile that?

Speaker 32330s - 2374.88s

You logically, you can't make sense of it. But the point is, is that they are all part of the same kind of wolf class, the wolf of K Street. But it's much bigger than K Street. And Brody brings to the thing that these are billions of dollars. One of the reasons you have the situation of the border is that the chamber commerce, the big corporations, they want lower wages, they want more people in the country. They think these people are consumers.And they don't have to deal with the, you saw this in the hearing that Jordan and the guys had down in Yuma GPE. They don't have to deal with the failed hospitals. They don't have to deal with the collapse of the, of the, of the, of the primary and secondary education in the town. They don't have to deal with the police or full time, you know, going against the cartels and the illegal. They don't have to

Speaker 92374.88s - 2378.3s

deal with the collapse of America GPE because they're going to profit from it. And frankly,

Speaker 32378.4s - 2380.86s

they don't think that there's anything unique or special. You buy the theory they're going

Speaker 92380.86s - 2385.82s

to make as much money in the way down as they made on the way up. It's not just a theory. It's, it's happening.

Speaker 32386.62s - 2476.36s

What, um, how does this tie back in to this fight with Marjorie Taylor Green? I mean, the audience right now, make sure, you know,get Bill Blaster, but make sure today you contact your representative. I had 196, including many of the guys, folks that have come on this show, right, consistently, but yesterday they blinked. And you just got to ask them, okay, I'm open-minded.Give me the reason that you blinked. Now, we've heard I've never been a believer at all in two of them are going to flip. I just don't. My point is call their bluff. Let's see. Let's unmask them.Just like Netanyahu to call the bluff of Joe Biden PERSON. Joe Biden said no arms that was already allocated by the House ORG, no arms, no weapons. If you're going to go into Rafa and take out the Hamas ORG brigades. Donald Trump PERSON has got the same thing with the judge. The judge says you say anything else, you cross this line on the gag order.You're going to go to jail. Call the bluff. Call the bluff on the House ORG members. When you contact your house member today, make sure you put them on the spot. Explain to me, have the staff. Explain to me exactly why you backed Johnson, who was saved by the Democrats. Make sure you ask them first. How does this start to build to a boil? Because I can tell you, it's going to be a long hot summer on the campuses in the streets, but it's going to be a contentious summer on Capitol Hill LOC. Mike Johnson's running now over to Fox, or Brian Kill Me PERSON, talking about what a tough guy he's going to be on mass deportations,a guy that had all the power, everything you possibly do to secure the border and didn't.

Speaker 92477.76s - 2517.76s

Yeah, I won't hold my breath. But the reason why we're already in this period, I think, of kind of stagnation, is because we had a year of Kevin McCarthy PERSON, who was the epitome of the moneyed interests in Washington, D.C. GPE, right? You could have a faceless person there. He just represents whatever the donors, right? He got the spot because he was good at raising money. And now you have Mike Johnson up there. And look, whether it's the border, election integrity, they always, the only way they introduced the legislation, the only reason that Mike Johnson PERSON is there talking about mass deportations,they probably focused tested that with like MAGA people. They think that's the red meat that they eat is because we forced him to not to do something, but just to give us an inch, thinking that we'll take it. But we want actual action. We don't need another letter. I'm so

Speaker 32517.76s - 2523.36s

glad that you don't need more performative. How about this? The COVID Select Committee ORG puts out a letter

Speaker 92523.36s - 2545.42s

yesterday telling the State Department that they need to give us the unredacted version of a document very pertinent to the origins of COVID. Bary, lead there being that it was the U.S. State Department ORG that covered for the Chinese Communist Party ORG, not even the Chinese Communist Party. How about you strip them of their funding instead of sending another useless letter? Nancy Pelosi PERSON, how many letters did she ever send when she was speaker? She didn't need to, right?

Speaker 32545.52s - 2551.86s

Just the fear of Nancy Pelosi PERSON. At the end of this Congress ORG, all we're going to have is letters, the stack of letters. Sharply worded letters.

Speaker 92552.5s - 2554.68s

Okay, we're going to take a short break here in a second.

Speaker 32554.82s - 2559.1s

A couple of things. Number one, Warpath, you'd never get to do the Warpath coffee because you're doing the afternoon.

Speaker 92559.2s - 2560.72s

Well, I actually don't drink coffee.

Speaker 32561.42s - 2562.9s

Okay, we're going to have to convert it.

Speaker 92563.02s - 2571.88s

Tage Gill PERSON. Tage Gill PERSON. Tish Gill. She drinks lemonade in the morning. No. Only water. Only water. Good. Okay. Warpath ORG.

Speaker 32571.88s - 2579.32s

Dot coffee slash war room. You get your discount. Go there. 4400, I think now. Head into 4,500

Speaker 92579.32s - 2617.9s

endorsements from your fellow war room posse. Don't take it from me. Take it from folks that go and drink it every day. Once you go to Warpath ORG coffee, you'll never turn back. I think it's the finest coffee ever roasted. Tage Gill and the team worked for a year and a half, two years on the dark roast. Of course, you got the medium brends, the mild blends, all of it. Just go check it out.You'll love it. Obviously, Josh Petit PERSON informed me that the medium blends actually have a bigger kick. So go check it out. You'll love it. Obviously, Josh Petit informed me that the medium blends actually have a bigger kick. So go check it out today. Also, sacredhumanhealth.com ORG. They got a bunch of different great products. I'm so proud of the grass-fed beef liver.

Speaker 32618.12s - 2621.04s

So good. Don't take it for it. Hey, there she goes. So good for your skin.

Speaker 92621.2s - 2624.46s

She takes her for, wow. She takes it and she takes it with the water in the morning.

Speaker 32624.88s - 2626.52s

She doesn't need to get jacked up with coffee.

Speaker 62626.92s - 2631.22s

Grass fed beef liver, sacredhumanhealth.com ORG.

Speaker 92631.34s - 2635.94s

Back in a moment. Can't pay the IRS ORG.

Speaker 32636.5s - 2727.36s

You haven't filed in a while? Receiving threatening letters. Hey, it's about to get worse. You know why? The IRS is hiring an army of agents targeting hardworking Americans NORP like you. They ain't going after the billionaires.They're coming after you. And you need warriors on your side. You need Tax Network USA ORG. Tax Network USA has a brilliant strategy to solve your IRS ORG problems quickly and in your favor. For instance, they discover a limited special offer that the IRS ORG is willing to waive $1 billion in penalties.Let me repeat that. The IRS is prepared to waive $1 billion in penalties. But you have to find out today whether you qualify. Never let the IRS ORG come at you alone. Let Tax Network USA's ORG attorneys handle it. They have preferred direct lines to the IRS come at you alone. Let Tax Network USA's attorneys handle it. They have preferred direct lines to the IRS ORG.They know which agents to work with and which agents to avoid. They've resolved over $1 billion in tax debt and offer a best-in-class guarantee. Let me repeat that. They've already solved for folks, just like yourself, $1 billion in tax debts. Now, schedule your free consultation. Let me repeat that. It's a free consultation now. Call 1-800-245-6,000. That's 1-800-24-5-6,000. Or visit the website, TaxnetworkUSA.comslash banon. That's taxnetworkUSA.com slash banon. That's TaxnetworkUSA.com slash banon.

Speaker 22728.06s - 2730.38s

Here's your host, Stephen K. Ban PERSON.

Speaker 32731.5s - 2735.86s

Okay, there's a lot going on in the stormy Danaer PERSON situation.

Speaker 22736.06s - 2737.32s

It's in Cross, I think, today.

Speaker 32737.58s - 2769.18s

We've got a lot of Real America Voice ORG coverage. We'll get to in the 5 o'clock show. Mike Davis will join me. So this will be pretty intense. We'll get a complete update mike davis PERSON has been going wild on uh twitter right now so we'll get mike natalie domingus PERSON joins us from home tidal lock with a kind of a blockbuster story i want to make sure people know the danger of not getting on top of their titleand making sure that it is absolutely theirs and absolutely secured. Natalie, what's your example today? It scares the hell out of me when you told me.

Speaker 82770.12s - 2910.38s

Hi, Steve. Thanks for having me. Yeah, you're right. Today we have a scary story coming to you guys from Atlanta, Georgia, where a homeowner's title was stolen. And the way she found out about it was by coming home to a bulldozer in the front of her house, tearing it down. It's awful. So Linda bought her house back in 1990 on a very prominent street in Atlanta's historic old fourth ward. Flash forward 30 years to more recently, the home was boarded up from some fire damage, and Linda PERSON was staying elsewhere while it was being repaired.One day, Linda PERSON comes home to check on the repairs to find a bulldozer crane in her front yard and her house in the process of being demolished. These photos that you're seeing right now are the photos that she took on her phone. The crane operator told her that they were hired by a company that claimed to have purchased it from a woman with the same last name as Linda PERSON, whom she'd never met before. And later, Linda found out that this person had claimed ownership by forging fraudulent documents a year prior, and in just four months had transferred the title and sold the property to this company that was currently tearing it down for $500,000. And when Linda PERSON tried to fight for her home, the companythat purchased it fraudulently, actually took her to court instead. They even had to depose Linda's neighbors to establish that she'd lived there, and multiple people were called in to testify that they'd never seen nor met, the fraudster who sold it in the first place. And after a year and a half of fighting, Linda PERSON was finally able to get her property back, but now she can't afford to rebuild. So all that's left of her home of 30 years is an empty law and a bunch of legal bills. And on top of all that, even after multiple attempts to file criminal charges against the fraudster, no charges have been filed, and the fraudster's walking free. Now, what we foundconsistently from our cases here at home tidalock to cases being reported in the news is that across all states, these criminals are heavily targeting the elderly, as well as homes that are boarded up or appear to be abandoned or not being watched, which is what made Linda PERSON's home an easy mark for this crime. And as an education specialist, my job is to make sure the public knows what to watch out for and ultimately, if you're a prime target. The most important thing to know is that time is the greatest factor here.Linda's title had been transferred for a whole year before she found out about it. And Steve PERSON, we want to help prevent your audience from coming home one day to a bulldozer in their front yard and their property in someone else's name. That's the key. It's about

Speaker 32910.38s - 2925.64s

timing. So walk me through. If they go to home tidal lock.com today, what happens? We'll walk us through because if it's a year or something like that, you're going to have guys taking out second mortgages. You're going to have guys tearing down your house, selling your house. How do you compress that time frame?

Speaker 82926.74s - 2962.6s

So time is of the essence. Excuse me. Steve, they can go to our website, home titlelock.com, use the promo code War Room ORG to check on their title today. They can sign up. They get a free title scan as well as their first 30 days of our triple lock protectionfor free with no commitment. They can cancel at any time. What that means is they get monitoring, alerts, and and if fraud occurs restoration services with our team of restoration experts we we honestly just want your audience to have the peace of mind that comes with knowing their title is still in their name so again that's home title lock dot com promo code war room and thanks for having me on today steve but if you go there right now just immerse yourself in

Speaker 32962.6s - 2979.56s

information you can talk to experts like natalie they've got an incredible team over there, incredible response. Natalie PERSON, thank you so much. You scared the hell out of me, but hopefully the audience will weak people up. You've got to check it out. Natalie Dominguez PERSON, thank you, ma'am. I think Home Title Locks ORG Best Hire.I can say that.

Speaker 92979.56s - 3009.94s

She's a good name. She's amazing. He's good. Thoughts. Give me two minutes. We got to bounce on your thoughts on lastnight. What you saw of people who would normally be called populist or be banging on the table to support MTG. Well, I'll link it to a story that I think we're going to discuss today. What did we just learn from the Democratic, I think, leader of the Senate Intelligence Committee ORG, that they're re-upping the censorship efforts, right? SISA, DHS, they're restarting, all of those committees ahead of the Senate Intelligence Committee ORG, that they're re-uping the censorship efforts, right? CISA, DHS ORG, they're restarting all of those committees ahead of the election

Speaker 03009.94s - 3040.8s

to clamp down misinformation, disinformation, because they say we're going to start spreading it ahead of the election. Frankly, it shows that they're scared. And again, not to overplay. But I think it's so important that Fox ORG did not throw to MTG because I think that links in quite nicely with your speech last night, almost as important and good as MTGs.But these are people who hadn't heard someone stand up there and say, I'm not a conservative. I'm a right wing populist. I'm a nationalist, right? And these are words that I just think people have not heard.

Speaker 33040.8s - 3076.96s

And people respond to it. They responded to it. But that's what they do in universities, right? They don't ever give you the other side of the coin, the other side of the story because they know it's enticing. They know it's the truth. And that's why they have to censor it. If these ideas were so woefully unpopular, they wouldn't need to do that. But they have to put millions, if not billions of dollars when you probably add it all up. That's why yourdeficit's probably so high to coordinate between the NGOs, SISA, DHS ORG, frankly, all these agencies, even the National Science Foundation to suppress and censor the truth on all these social media platforms because they're so scared. So they're on the back foot.

Speaker 93077.6s - 3079.08s

How do people get your writing?

Speaker 33079.26s - 3081.04s

How do they get you on social media, all of it?

Speaker 93081.56s - 3089.98s

Until I'm banned, Natalie G. Winters PERSON, on all social media platforms. And you can shop the USA Made Lifestyle Collection at she's so right. social media, all of it. Until I'm banned, Natalie G. Winters PERSON, on all social media platforms, and you can shop the USA Made ORG Lifestyle Collection at she's so right.com.

Speaker 33090.24s - 3094.88s

Okay. And a warning out there, don't be slipping into her DMs.

Speaker 93095.92s - 3099.36s

This is life goal. Steve Bannon PERSON talking about my DMs on live TV.

Speaker 33100.16s - 3100.26s

On live TV.

Speaker 93101.18s - 3102.7s

Don't be slivered our DMs. They're a little out there sometimes.

Speaker 33103.58s - 3298.54s

Yes, exactly. Natalie PERSON, great job. So glad we're going to be in Palm Beach GPE for a while doing this. Love the studio here. In fact, can we do an out? Can we go at least do the visual on the out? Mike is, Mike Lindell PERSON is tied up for a couple of days. I know that's hard to believe. We'll tell you why at the end of it, but he's given a gift to the Warren Possee ORG. Free shipping for all of your orders.Mypillow.com slash war room. Of course, my store.com slash war room. And go to 800, 87731062. The free shipping only for the Warren Posse ORG continues. It's been a great response to that. We wish Mike well.He's going to be back with us in the next couple of days. He's going to be on the road as soon as we can get him up and up and at him. Also want to give next, you got Charlie Kirk PERSON. He's always on fire. Brother Kirk. You get Jack Posovic. Miranda Khan and our own Tara Dahl. Be back here at four in Real America's Voice. We're on at five. The five and six o'clock show today will be on fire. That I guarantee you. Stick around for Charlie Kirk next on Real America's Voice were on at five. The five and six o'clock show today will be on fire. That I guarantee you.Stick around for Charlie Kirk next on Real America's Voice ORG. And we appreciate all your support for our sponsors. We have sponsors on here because they fit into the news that we cover. Obviously, I think we do a pretty good job on the CCP. Rosemary Gibson came on a couple of years ago in the first days of the pandemic. It talked about the book that talked about the Chinese Camries Party controlling the entire supply chain for medical. And of course, Dr. Chanty PERSON built an entire company around it.Go check it out. Jacemedical.com. Open your eyes. Let the veil come down and see exactly how the pharmaceutical industry works. Jacemedical.com. Kirk PERSON next.We're back at 5 o'clock. I want to warn you of a huge change that could be coming to our money and our bank accounts. First, think back to 9-11 EVENT. Shortly after the government pushed through the Patriot Act LAW, this gave the government power to spy on innocent Americansby monitoring our phone and email and tracking our movement across the internet. Now, Jim Rickards PERSON, editor of the Independent Financial Newsletter Strategic Intelligence and New York Times ORG bestselling author, is warning about a coming event that could elevate this governmental surveillance to a terrifying new level. In fact, some of the guests I've had on the War Room FAC believed that the government will soonexpand their powers to track our every move. If we say the wrong things on social media, donate to the wrong causes, buy firearms, or even vote MAGA, the government may be able to shut us out of our bank accounts. I can't say for sure if this will happen, but it's an interesting and dire warning. Fortunately, Jim Rickertz, an American NORP patriot and friend of mine, has made it his mission to educate us on what he believes is coming and how to protect yourself from the possibility of programmable money.Watch Jim PERSON's warning video now, before it's censored like I've been in the past. Go to recordswarroom.com. That's recordswarroom.com ORG now to see the video. Go there today. You need, if you're going to be part of the posse, you need a strong heart, you need a lion's heart. How we're going to do that is with salty. Go there, do it today. Check it out.