ATRD Ep. 121 - Scary Driving, Paranormal, Party and Parallel Universe Stories - 23 True Scary Stories

ATRD Ep. 121 - Scary Driving, Paranormal, Party and Parallel Universe Stories - 23 True Scary Stories

by As The Raven Dreams

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127:29 minutes

published 14 days ago


As The Raven Dreams

Speaker 00s - 7393.38s

If you have a story you would like to hear featured on this podcast, please go to and click the button to submit your story. Also, if the platform you're listening on has the option to rate this podcast, please consider doing so. And thank you. Last summer, I went to a catch-all graduation party for everyone in our college graduating class. The few that organized the whole thing hung cheap printed flyers on the board around campus, and some of the dorms, inviting anyone to join in.They only asked that you B-Y-O-B, so that there would be plenty to choose from. I am extroverted, but parties have never been something I really went crazy about. I'd go if I had nothing else to do, hang out for a bit, and then leave. Since this was for our graduating class, I thought I would go to have one last hurrah with everyone. The party was already in full swing when I arrived. It was being held at someone's house. I couldn't tell you who it belonged to,but it was really nice and plenty of space to fit most of us. But we also spilled out into the backyard, too. There was plenty of loud music, plenty of drinks, and a few finger foods to choose from, but not much. Food was never a big part of these parties. If anything, I saw more people carrying around a burrito from Taco Bell ORG or something to the likes. I was a lightweight,and I knew my limits, so I had dinner well before I showed up and took my time, sipping on the same beer for most of the night, not letting it out of my sight. I'd like to think that I could trust people, but really, you just never know. Anyways, I spotted a few friends and acquaintances and chad with them for a while. Then while I stood by them, I spotted Braxton PERSON. Braxton PERSON was a classmate that was in a few of my core classes, such as mathematics.I never really talked to him. A few people that I saw him hanging out with were definitely different than the people I associated with. I didn't dislike him or avoid him. We just never really had any reason to interact, if that makes sense. So as I looked over at him, he nodded in a kind of sup motion. I smiled and did the same and then went back to my friend's conversation, trying not to make it awkward.Later on in the night, I went out back to check it out, and Braxton PERSON had also gone out there. As I stood on the porch, Braxton PERSON approached and greeted me. I said hi and asked how he was. We had a small conversation, asking how we were, how school had gone, and what we were majoring in. He was going into something technical, and I was going for business law. It made sense that we didn't have many classes together.Our conversation was friendly all the way through, but it was pretty simple. We were more acquaintances and really nothing else. Nor did I expect anything else of it. At one point, the conversation seemed to dwindle with not much else to talk about or say, so I said, well, it was good seeing you again, as a way to signal that the interaction was over, politely, of course. And I began to walk away.I don't know if I had something specific I was going to do, or if it was just because it got awkward, but I walked back inside. Shortly after entering, someone else I knew screamed my name and nearly tackled me, and we started talking. We stood in the kitchen. I saw Braxton walk by and he seemed to slowly pass as he eyed the two of us up and down. It immediately made me feel uncomfortable, like a lion circling before they attacked.That's exactly how the moment felt. After he passed, I said out loud to my friend. That was weird. She had also noticed, and we both laughed. The night progressed as normal. I stuck to my one drink and then grabbed a bottle of water.I talked, I laughed, I danced with some of my friends, and just had a great night. It was probably a little after midnight when I told myself that I should probably go home and go to sleep. I didn't work the next day until the afternoon, but I didn't want to sleep the whole day. I started saying goodbye to those that I could findand made my way to the front door. As I was walking out the door, Braxton PERSON called for me, so I paused. I thought maybe he was just wanting to say goodbye, as we probably wouldn't see each other much after that night, depending on what we do and where we go. He asked me if I was leaving, and I said yes, and he said that he would walk me to my car because he wanted to talk to me about something.I was curious because I couldn't think of anything he would need to talk to me specifically about. As we approached my car, he made more small talk, and I'm sure my face had the tell-tale signs of, just get it out already. Part of me felt bad, but I was tired and ready to go home. I'm paraphrasing here, but this is what he said. Okay, so here's the thing, Jamie PERSON.I would like to take you to dinner, or just go somewhere that we can be alone for a bit, if that's okay with you. And, in fact, no, that was not okay with me. I was not interested in what sounded like a date. For one, because I'm playing for the other team, and two, when you specifically call out wanting to be alone with me,that kind of puts me on high alert. I remained polite and told him thanks, but no thanks, but before I could say much more, he interrupted me. He started talking about how, I just don't understand, and how there was some kind of connection between us. When we had our first class together, something told me that you were special, and that Ineeded to watch you, and the way you smile at me in that class, it made me think that you were totally into it. I can feel the connection between us. I know you can, too. As if that sounded totally normal, right? I had no idea that he had been following me. Where was he following me too and from, and more so, how much did he follow me?Also, if he did follow me, he should know that I wasn't straight, right? So I just told him my thoughts. But I can be pretty blunt at times, too. I told him if he was following me, then he needed to stop because that was creepy. And I told him that he wasn't me then he needed to stop because that was creepy and I told him that he wasn't my type because I was gay he just stared at me like this was news to himlike he never expected it I just told him I was sorry to disappoint him and tried to turn slightly to unlock my car not wanting to turn my back to him but he finally came to I guess and then angrily said prove it excuse me how was I supposed to prove that so I laughed was it actually funny or was it nerves who knows but I did and that was obviously the wrong reaction because he was pretty mad. He grabbed my arm and started pulling me away from my car,continuing to say things like, please, we just need to talk. I just need to talk to you. Give me a chance. Another weird, desperate and creepy things. I kept trying to escape his grasp, but he only squeezed my arm harder.I was sure that I was going to bruise. Then I noticed that he was trying to drag me to his truck. I remember seeing him in it when I was leaving the school. My heart sank, and I had this bad feeling that instantly worsened. When trying to wiggle from his grasp didn't work, I resulted in punching his arm, his shoulder, whatever I could reach.I screamed at him to let me go, but he made the stupid mistake of trying to cover my mouth. So I bit his hand. In uninstinct he pulled his other hand back to hold it, causing me to fall backwards out of his grasp. I didn't waste time and immediately ran back to the party. It was closer than my car, and I felt safer around people. I ran inside and frantically explained to my friend that was still there what had just happened. She walked back outside with me to see if he was still there,but he and his truck were gone. I waited inside for another half hour, telling anyone who asked what had happened. I finally left when my friend and her boyfriend were leaving, and they followed me home. We all looked around, and since we didn't see anyone, I went in and locked my door immediately. Thankfully, he never showed up at my place or anything, so I started to think that maybe he was just drunk and had caught the best of him.Maybe he left because he was embarrassed. And since nothing really happened past him trying to pull me to his truck, I never reported it. I know it was probably stupid, but I just didn't think the cops would do anything. They had a record of saying that we were all just unruly college kids, and there wasn't anything they could do.But, as I mentioned, I told anyone else who would listen, so he was probably outcasted pretty bad. I did feel bad for a while, thinking maybe I was overreacting, and maybe he just had feelings for me and wanted to express them. But then I remembered the weird, cryptic, and not normal things he said about being connected and following me,and comforted myself that it was the right choice to not go with him. I just hope that he stopped following me because, otherwise, I've never caught him, which is even more unsettling. Hi, I'm a 37-year-old mom who has three kids. I'm going to give them fake names to identify them here. Ian is 7, Lila's 10, and Stephen is 15. Since I work the night shift and the occasional weekend, while my husband works throughout the week, it's up to me to do the school run in the morning and in the afternoon. Not to mention get my kids ready for school in the morning, but usually it isn't too much stress.The morning was the same as we had done so many times before. The kids protested and finally got in the car. There were more cars on the road, the crossing was slow and it was bumper to bumper, so to speak. Where I live is notoriously safe and boring. It's the kind of community where you can pretty much leave your front doorunlocked and not have to worry about anyone stealing anything. The kids were annoying each other, and over the car radio I heard screaming from the cars up ahead of me.I looked out my window and saw a man shouting. He held something long in his hand that I couldn't quite make out at first. He looked like he was going to try to hit the window. Some of the cars in front of me pulled out a line in order to get away. I turned the radio down, and the kids finally put their phones away to see what was happening. There were more of them, several men walking with baseball bats, and they started breaking car windows, damaging the cars, and screaming at people.I reached for my phone to call the police, got through to them, and I started telling them what was happening and that they needed to get there quickly. They came up to me, pointed a bat at me, and started screaming. I couldn't quite understand what he was saying to me, but I remember he told me to stop and get out of the car. There was no way I was going to do that. I have a feeling that he knew I was on the phone with the police. My kids were screaming at me to drive away, and I pulled out of the line, nearly crashing into another car,and to the man who was threatening us. Both the other car and I blew our horns. It was loud and chaotic. I sped away, but I know I didn't hit him. I don't know what I would have done if I actually hurt somebody. One of the men further down the road raised the bat at my car and hit it below the rear side window.I don't know who screamed louder when it happened, me or the kids. We drove down the road and I didn't feel safe enough to risk trying to drop the kids off. We saw more of them walking around that road. They looked at our car a little too intensely, but ultimately didn't do anything to us. I didn't want to risk them following me home,and I really needed to get away. I drove the kids around the neighboring suburb, hoping that the police had come and done their job. I called my husband and told him what had happened. He was tempted to leave work to make sure that we were safe. They did eventually come and make arrests.And after a bit, it came out that one of the local dads had owed a lot of money to one of the bigger town's local gangs, and since they couldn't find him to get it back, they had decided to threaten his wife and kids, and anyone else that was there as witnesses. Pretty messed up, if you ask me. I don't know what else happened to them, or if he finally ended up paying them back. I haven't seen any of them on the road since. I keep thinking about what I would do if I saw them again.I imagine that I would just run them over, not that it would help the situation. I've become a bit of a nervous driver since then, and any loud sounds tend to set me off. I get nervous now in a lot of traffic, so we now try to leave earlier to avoid it. My kids hate that. We've gotten into the routine of going different routes in order to get to the school, or when we leave in the afternoon. One of the kids thought that it was exciting when it happened, and then said that he should be homeschooled instead, but my husband and I decided to keep them in the school.The community was pretty angry that they came over and attacked moms with kids over it, and I don't think they have many friends in my small town. But other than that, I've lived a pretty boring life with nothing else that's really happened. I don't typically comment on your videos, Raven PERSON, but I do listen to all of them. Thanks for doing them for us. They help me get through my day. If you use my story, it's going to definitely make my day. So thanks, Raven PERSON. Thank you forsubmitting it. This story happened around 12 years or so ago, and it was kind of a nothing-happened sort of event, but I would be lying if I said it wasn't scary when it did happen. I used to have some friends that lived out in the middle of nowhere, and I would spend the weekend out at their place sometimes when the weather was nice. We used to do a lot of stupid stuff back then, when I was there, and I would spend the weekend out at their place sometimes when the weather was nice.We used to do a lot of stupid stuff back then, when I was there, and since they lived in a secluded area, we could be as dumb and loud as we wanted. Of course, because they lived so far out, I had to drive for a few hours, both ways, every time. It was worth it, though. But driving for that long, you're bound to eventually experience something bizarre.I was about 25 minutes down the old Tulane Highway heading to my buddy's house on that Friday evening, when I spotted something a bit up the way in my headlights. Now, I would see trash and other random detritus on the side of the road pretty regularly, but this wasn't just a random piece of junk. It looked like a dress, like a full-on pink sun dress hanging on to a tree branch over the road, like the wind had blown it upwards and it got caught. Normally this wouldn't have mattered to me. I would have just laughed at it and kept on.But I noticed that this pretty little dress was covered in what looked like red stains, like blood. And it didn't really look old or browned. It was still fairly vividly red. I stopped the truck and got out to look,and I was pretty well certain that whoever this dress belonged to had been attacked in some way. The fabric was torn or cut, but I couldn't tell if it was by a knife or claws, and it was drenched in what I was 99% certain was blood. Unfortunately, the dress was too high up for me to get it down, and there was nothing I could do to get it. At this point, I was looking around to see if there was someone that had been attacked by a bear or wolf or something, and was bleeding out. But there was nobody around, and it was completely silent. I figured the best course of action was to call the police and report it,since this could be a serious situation. I reached in to grab my phone and make the call, and my battery was completely dead. Being this far out, there's no service, so my battery would drain because it was constantly looking for a tower to connect to, and of course I didn't have my charger in my truck. I cursed it myself for my lack of foresight and decided to just gun it to my friend's house and call the cops there. So that's what I did.I went way too fast to get there, and I made it way quicker than I should have. When I got there, I frantically told him about what I'd seen, and he had the same thoughts that I had, that some poor girl had been attacked by a bear out in the woods, and was either bleeding out or beyond help.I ended up calling the cops and reporting what I had seen, and the approximate location, and I told the dispatcher that we would drive back to where I found it, and they could meet us there. We drove out to the spot, and the dress was still hooked into the trees, thankfully. I didn't have to do too much explaining, other than tell them that I was driving and saw it and that I hadn't heard anyone in the area when I stopped earlier. They thanked me for reporting it because it was definitely odd. They also asked me for my information just in case they had any more questions.So I gave it to them and they took over from there. We got back to my buddy's house and it was honestly on my mind for the entire weekend. Obviously, they never did contact me, and I bugged my friend to see if there was any information. It was a small town area, and if anything happened, people talked. But there were never any updates. Whatever happened,pretty much remained a mystery. Obviously, it could have been nothing, but I'm damn near certain that dress was covered in actual blood, that was still fairly fresh. It was nowhere near Halloween,so I'm doubting it was a costume or anything. Though, I guess someone could have just wanted to do a horror photo shoot out in the woods. And I guess maybe it got freaky and they lost their clothes or something. I don't know. Like I said, I know that nothing really happened in the story, but I honestly feel like this was the result of someone getting attacked by something or someone in the woods.And they just never found the body. I hope that's not the case, but I'm guessing that I'll never actually have the answer to whether or not it was. I'm still in shock with this one. Today, a Thursday, my teenager and I were to go to a wedding. It's an unusual day so it stands out, at least for me. The RSVP was sent months ago. The invite has been on the fridge. The plan was to get ready once my teen got home fromthe half day at school, and off we would go. The bride and I are co-workers and have been talking about the upcoming date on a regular, near-daily basis the last month. So, when she didn't log in for work this morning, I was all smiles thinking about her getting ready and how excited she and her fiancé were. Kiddo gets home, we grab the invite with the date and put in the address in for the venueinto my phone map. And, damn, there's a massive traffic blockage and no way around it. We're going to be late, but we will still be there. We get ready to go. As we're about to head out, my office messenger pings on my phone. It's the bride.She's telling me how much she just got done at a job site location and had worked through lunch and is calling it a day. She has loads to tell me, but will catch me in the morning. What the hell? We reach for the physical invite that is now on the table. The date has now changed.It is now on a more normal weekend day. A subject to the bride and I had talked about many times on why they had chosen Thursday ultimately, and why I had taken half a day off to be there. Which, looking in my time-off request in the HR portal, that time off is no longer listed either. So I got it back at least.My teen is just as wide-eyed. They read the date out loud when it first came in. Read it again when they put it in their calendar reminders, saw it on the paper invite, reading me the address for the venue. This date was populated in our shared work calendar this morning for crying out loud.The wedding was 100% today at 3, until there was a massive wreck blocking traffic. And until the bride sent that message. I am shook. Update. Next day, so Friday after work.I talked to the bride first thing. Probably came at her a bit strong due to the anxiety. I didn't realize how much posting this experience here would generate that in me, but here we are. She was confused. The conversation we had in the past about how aggravating her stepmother was being, about the wedding falling on a weekday due to the date,she doesn't remember them. Still is not a fan of her stepmother, but not over this. I asked her about the special day being February 15th. This was what kept me up at night. She was quiet at first. It took a little while for her to respond.It's very much like she has no memory of telling me about why that date is so special in both her family and her fiancés. So let me explain more. Both of them have beloved family members with long-lasting marriages that happened to share the same date. They, being young and in love, just thought that this was a sign, with romance, and all those couple types who are determined to make everythingas perfect as the stars can align them to be can. And then she got into stubborn mode with her stepmom over it. There was drama. Multiple times there were discussions as her dad was helping to pay for the event, and the stepmother had a voice that wanted to be heard. A lot.Because of this woman, I, in turn, heard all about it. Her fiancé was at her side and her back. They faced down the discussions. They didn't care what the step monster said. They were going to get married on a Thursday because that date was important. And now none of that ever happened.No chat logs on our messenger. I looked. Just stuff about what caterer she went with and things like that. All of that silly drama is gone. And now, well, today, she doesn't seem to even remember telling me about these matching wedding anniversaries. After a bit of chit-chat, she brushed it off as she must have told meabout the matching dates at some point. How else could I have known? From her perspective, her wedding has always been set for this future weekend date. If it were not for my teen,I would have convinced myself that I was just hallucinating the whole freaky thing as an intense dream by now and moved on. Let me repeat that I rarely drink. I do not partake. Raising a teenager is plenty of excitement and distraction at this point in my life.The teen reports nothing really changed at school that they could tell. A few have asked how no other co-workers were alerted. We work remotely. This is why the work messenger is on my phone as well as laptop for the times that I'm on one of the job sites. For those of you kind enough to ask me to check for gas leaksand my carbon monoxide detector batteries, I appreciate the concern. All three detectors are fine. We live in a temperate climate. My windows, both yesterday and today, are wide open for fresh air, so not terribly concerned about that factor. This happened back when my now husband and I were just dating.We were 18, just a few months out of high school and were enjoying our summer before he started college. I wasn't sure what I was doing quite yet, but between us both working full-time, him going to school full-time, and trying to find our own place, I knew we were going to be really busy really soon. So I really appreciated our free time that we got together. At the time of this, I had moved in with him, but he, of course, was still living at home with his parents. So we were both pretty eager to get our own place. In the meantime, we would find time to go walk around the park, have a nice dinner or just go driving for a few hours,so that we could get some time to ourselves. This event took place during one of those drives. It had been a long week for me. I was feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, so we went out for dinner to try and enjoy the night. Dinner was great. We stayed later than we expected, as we'd been talking a lot, so by the time we left, it was pretty dark. We wanted to stop by a store before heading home to grab a few things, so we took this side road to get there.It was a road parallel to the highway and used pretty heavily, with a speed limit of 45 miles per hour. We were cruising along, still talking, when as we approached a stoplight, I saw a dark figure practically sitting in the road. They were sitting towards the side, but in the crosswalk area. They were far enough out that we were going to have to swerve to get around them.As mentioned, being parallel to the highway and the speed limit, this road was heavily used. Maybe not later at night, but even so where they were was not safe. It was pretty dangerous to be in the road like that. Me, being the person I am, was very concerned at first. I wanted to make sure that they were okay. I asked Will PERSON to slowly approach and I would roll down the window to talk to them since theywere on my side. We slowed to a stop, and I noticed roll down the window to talk to them since they were on my side. We slowed to a stop, and I noticed a few things before I spoke. They looked to be sitting with their knees to their chest, holding them with their face down in their lap. From the looks of their figure and long hair, I assumed they were female. They were wearing a long, dark shirt that stood out against their very pale skin, but her arms and fingers looked incredibly bony and dirty. I could also hear them going between humming to a slight whimper or a cry.Excuse me, are you okay? When I said that, all sound from them stopped and they went silent. So I asked again if they were okay or if they needed help. But they didn't respond. Will PERSON started to become pretty spooked and said that we should just leave and call the cops. Part of me didn't want to leave her alone, but I also fully understood his concern.It was entirely possible that she was in danger, but it was also possible that this could have been a ployed to get us to stop, and now we were in danger. So I agreed with Will PERSON, and as I was trying to tell them that we would be back with help, they pulled their head back and let out a blood-curdling scream.It scared the hell out of me. I leaned back in my seat so scared that I couldn't seem to figure out how to roll the window back up. I continued to watch as they jumped to their feet still screaming. Will PERSON drove off as I tried to catch my breath, but then he started yelling that they were following us. Without looking, my initial thought was that it was a setup or someone was messing with us, and was now following us in their car.Boy, was I wrong. They were on foot. It was the same woman, or whatever that thing was. And the worst part was that they were catching up. We weren't going 45 yet, maybe about 25 or so. But to see what I presumed to be a human catching up to us, scared the hell out of me.They kept running and eventually caught up to us. They were running alongside the back passenger site door. I think we were both wanting to know their endgame since they were on foot, but I was starting to get too freaked out. It was dark, so we only saw blips of light from the streetlights, and forgive me, but their face almost looked blurry. It was like their features were slightly smeared.Something about all of this was giving me existential dread, and I started hyperventilating. I remember I just kept telling Will to go faster, and the last thing I remember was looking over at his speedometer and at reading 52. Then I passed out. I don't think I was out for very long, because I awoke to a thud, and Will PERSON hit the brakes pretty hard. I asked what happened, and he said that he thought that we'd hit something, but then mentioned the person chasing us couldn't keep up. As bad as it was, I didn't want him to get out of the car. It was like we were in somekind of horror movie. I feared that he would open the door and get dragged off somewhere and I would never see him again. We rolled down the windows to look around and when we didn't see anything, we drove a little further to see if there was something under the car. Nothing was there. I told him that we needed to just go home.We went straight home from there and thankfully his dad was already in bed and his mom didn't pay much attention when we walked in. We went to our room and after I cried for a bit, we tried to dissect everything that had just happened. He agreed that their face looked messed up but he couldn't understand why either.We also couldn't explain how they could have been going so fast. That's not normal. At least not for a human. He also said that I wasn't out for very long, but he had made a comment that they were losing us, and that was when he noticed I was out.And before he could even process that and try to wake me up, the thud happened. Neither of us have any idea what that could have been. There was nothing around us or under the car from what we could see. And one thing that really bothered me was that I passed out. I had never had fainting spells prior to that night, but that scared me enough that I did. It hasn't happened to me since, thankfully, but when I get really stressed out or scared,which isn't often besides the little jump scares here and there, I start to wonder if I'll pass out again. So, we both question what the hell it was that we witnessed. They were in the road, which would obviously get anyone's attention. They quickly stood up, or screaming, and were able to run long enough to catch up with us.We both are firm believers that there are things out there, creatures, unknowns, whatever you want to call them, that we know nothing about. And we both wonder, with their speed and warped face, was this something trying to pretend to be a human? Has anyone ever heard of something like that? We haven't told a lot of people about this,just a few friends, those that we know that would believe us or take us seriously. But I swear on everything that everything I just recounted happened. And I still don't know how to explain it.All I know is that now, I'm terrified to go down that road late at night and nearly have a panic attack when I see someone on the side of the road. One of my friends was putting together a surprise party for her boyfriend, who was also a good friend of mine, so I volunteered to help out. I gave suggestions and ideas on things that he liked, and on the day of the party, I was designated to keep him out of the house while they set it up. We had a few drinks, and I asked him to go with me to get a new part from the store. I never realized how easy it was to distract someone,just by dragging them around to your normal errands. It was actually quite amusing anyways after a few hours we headed back to his place to kick off the festivities and it all worked perfectly he had no idea when we walked in the party was in full swing and we were all having a blast I even noticed a girl Clar, that I had been trying to work up the nerve to ask out was there.She was a friend of a friend who knew that I was crushing on her, so I'm sure it was done intentionally. So I took advantage of the situation. We'd spoke on occasion, so we knew each other, which definitely helped. I approached her, and we began talking. I got to know more about her, such as where she worked,that she has a twin and how she almost lost her leg in a car accident. For only being 28, she'd been through a lot. But, lucky for me, she definitely seemed just as interested in the conversation, which made things so much easier. I probably spent most of the party with her. There were a few drinking games being played, but otherwise, we were talking most of the night.It was getting late, and she made a comment about needing to get home. She mentioned getting an Uber ORG and I thought I would be nice and offered to take her home. While she seemed to me enjoying the whole night, when I offered the ride, she seemed to hesitate and said that she would just call an Uber ORG. I totally understood and felt embarrassed. That was probably a little quick for her.Yes, we had a mutual friend, but she still didn't quite know me. Why the heck would she get into a car alone with me? Someone who was obviously interested in her. I didn't push it at all, and I told her that I would wait with her outside until her Uber ORG arrived, and she seemed totally fine with this. We went outside and stood on the porch until a dark gray car pulled up in front of the house.The driver turned on the cab light and leaned over, staring us down. I remember thinking it was kind of weird. I had taken Uber ORG's before, and they usually just park, report that they've arrived, and that was it. This guy seemed to be staring at us with intention. Clarissa PERSON waved at him. He didn't wave back, and she just said that that must be her ride.She gave me a hug, thanked me for waiting with her, and as she was walking away, the Uber ORG driver got out and asked, This your boyfriend? Two passengers? Clarissa PERSON chuckled and said, no, it was just her. He seemed to lighten up slightly and tried to offer her the front seat.She declined and said that she would sit in the back, and he seemed a bit annoyed by this, but he opened the door to let her in. He then walked back to his door, and before getting in, he stared at me for several seconds, and then he sat down. That driver was weird.The way he watched us when he pulled up, the way he approached us almost aggressively until she said that we weren't together, and then almost sizing me up before leaving, it made me feel really uncomfortable. Something wasn't right here, and I was really kicking myself for letting her go with him. I had no right to tell her no or insist on taking her home, but maybe I should have told her that something wasn't right and to call for another one. While this all circled in my head, I realized I didn't have her phone number, nor did I know where she lived. This instantlytold me I needed to do something. I went back inside and found one of the girls that she had been talking to prior to me approaching her. I asked her for her number, and she looked at me confused, like, why would I give you her number? Obviously, everyone here knew someone, some way or somehow, but again, I understood her hesitance. So, instead, I explained what had just happened. I told her how the Uber ORG driver kind of creeped me out,and I guess if a guy was creeped out by another guy, then it must have been more believable. She said that she would try to reach out to her, so I thanked her and tried to just walk away, as if the situation didn't bother me. It was probably 15 or 30 minutes later.I talked to some people and just paced around the house, and then finally had the courage to go and ask that same girl if she got a hold of her. She said she had tried calling, but she hadn't answered, thinking she probably didn't answer because she was in the car still. So I asked her if she could try again to make sure that she made it home. That time, I stood by her as she tried calling.I assumed she didn't get an answer as she hung up before talking and went to send a text. I asked if she answered, and even though she sounded annoyed, she said that she hadn't. I tried asking if that was normal for her, but she wouldn't answer. I'm well aware that I probably looked annoying, creepy, maybe even obsessive, but something told me that something was not right. It wasn't even a matter of me having a thing for her.If I saw anyone get into a car with him looking the way that he did, I think I would question it. And in the end, if everything was fine and people just thought I was a creep, then I'd rather have that than know something did happen. She finally responded to me that she wasn't answering, and called over the birthday guy's girlfriend, Missy. I repeated my story to her. She also tried calling and didn't get a response. She found the situation suspiciousand wanted to make sure that Clarissa PERSON got home and asked me to drive. Finally, Missy gave me directions to Clarissa PERSON's place, and we pulled in without seeing much going on. A light was on, shining through the front window through a dark curtain, making me think that she was at least home. We parked on the side of the road, and Missy knocked on the front door and still didn't get a response. She yelled for her, and finally we heard the door unlock, and Clarissa PERSON answered, with fear in her eyes.We asked her what was wrong, and she explained that the Uber ORG driver had started asking her weird questions. Like where she came from, what she was doing, if she was going home to anyone, and it made her uncomfortable. Her phone was in her purse, so she hadn't realized that people were trying to get a hold of her. She got inside and locked the doors, but noticed that the Uber ORG was still parked outside her place, and she didn't know why he was still there. She told herself that she would get ready for bed,and if he was still there by then, that she would call someone. But after she got out of the restroom, she walked back to her room where she could see a figure at her window, and then heard a scraping sound, like somebody was trying to open it. She screamed and ran back to the bathroom because it had a lock and didn't have any windows.She wanted to grab her phone, but she was scared stiff, too afraid to leave just in case they were able to get in. The bathroom was right off the living room, and she managed to hear Missy shouting, so she ran out to her, which led to this conversation. She couldn't quite see the guy, and I had no proof, but I knew that it had to be the Uber ORG driver. Why would he ask questions like that? To make sure she was alone?To make sure that it wouldn't be a challenge if he was caught breaking in? I was mad at myself for letting her go, but I dropped it, and we called the cops to report it. Unbelievably, after explaining what happened, the officer with us was called by another one as they found a car parked at the church behind her place that matched the description of the Uber ORG driver's car.He was nowhere to be found. Surely he would have to return to get his car eventually right. Clarissa went and stayed at her moms that night, and the police said that they would have someone looking around the car to wait for them to return. She also reported it to Uber ORG, but I don't know what came of that. However, I did find out that someone did return for the car, and they were questioned.However, it wasn't the Uber ORG guy. The guy claimed he worked for the church, and would often leave his car there when he went on retreats, so it was never pushed further. I find it really convenient and a little too suspicious that it would just happen to be the same car, but there was nothing to be done. Clarissa PERSON and I started dating shortly after this, which is how I learned of the outcome. I just know that I was angry. I was angry at myself for letting her go, even though he seemed off.I was angry that I didn't just try to follow them, even if it would have been weird. And I was angry that he wasn't found. But I am at least thankful that nothing worse happened, and I've become more aware of that gut feeling, and I speak up before things get out of hand. So this strange situation happened a few years ago.I can't even remember what year, but it was maybe 2022. I was drinking a lot back then, so maybe that's what caused this, but... Anyway, here it is. I, 23 female, had just recently moved in to a new apartment. So I wanted to have a little apartment warming with a few of my friends. We were drinking and playing card games, but we weren't being too loud. At least I didn't think.Just for background, I had a drinking problem back then, which meant I could drink a lot before getting drunk. I've only blacked out a handful of times in my life, and that night was absolutely not one of them. Anyways, it was early enough that I had only had a few drinks, but I wasn't even tipsy yet,and we had just started looking back at old kids' shows we used to watch like Toy Castle WORK_OF_ART, and pointed out just how creepy it was. I get a knock on my door, we paused the show, and I opened the door to a guy that was about our age, ranging from 21 to 25. He welcomed me to the apartment, but was telling me that he worked the next day and that he lived right above me, and asked if we could keep it it down a little and that he would appreciate it. It was about 7 p.m., and I believe itwas a Thursday. However, it also may have been a Saturday, because I remember being confused as to why somebody would be working the next day, but I apologized and agreed anyways. We said goodbye, and I closed the door. I remember when I got back to the table, when we were hanging out, I told my friends that I thoughtit was weird with him being so young like us, and it only being around 7 p.m. that he would have an issue with our volume, even though I respected that he was working the next day.Anyways, my friends responded to me saying this still has me messed up to this day. They all looked at me confused, and one of them had said, Young, you said he was like 50. What? I don't even remember them asking me what age he was. I said, what do you mean?He's literally our age. Another one of my friends said in confusion, we asked you who it was and you said, I don't know, some 50-year-old guy. What? We spent the next 30 minutes to an hour going over this,and I thought they must have just been messing with me. I said, okay, seriously, if you guys are messing around, stop now and just tell me the truth. I don't even remember you guys asking me, but even if you did, why would I lie about his age? They were all serious at this point, and none of them seemed like they were lying or trying to hold something back. Even years after I asked, they still stayed true to their story that night that I said he was 50. I still have no explanation, and it bothers me to this day. Hi, Raven PERSON.I've been listening to you for the last six months, and I'm really grateful for your podcast. I've perused this subreddit a lot, but haven't posted until now. A lot of paranormal and supernatural stuff has happened my whole life, but none has really stuck out to me like this one. For context, my family has a lot of people who can sense spirits, or have had similar experiences.It sounds strange, but on both sides of my family, I have had relatives who are intensely superstitious, or very in touch, with their spiritual side, if that makes sense. My brother and I have had strange experiences for our whole lives, but perhaps we're just observant or perceptive to weird things. This one seemed different to me, though. Two months ago, my grandmother passed away at around 3 a.m.She lived in Georgia, and I live in Massachusetts, a thousand miles away. I haven't talked to her in years because she had dementia and was not very lucid most of the time. Her health had seriously declined, and she was essentially on hospice care at my uncle and aunt's house, where she lived. The night that she passed, I was watching The X-Files. I've watched the show since I was a kid, but I really only watched and re-watched seasons 1 through 6,because that's what we owned on DVD. Even since I've gotten older and have had access to multiple streaming services, where I could watch the rest of the series, I just never did. I've basically re-watched the series at least two to three times, and have watched some episodes more than ten times,just to put it into perspective. Anyways, for some reason, a few months ago, I decided to continue the series from season seven on. This may have a spoiler, so if you're planning on watching the show, don't read it. I think it's been enough time to allow spoilers. However, the episode that I watched that night was about someone dying, but it was verymelancholy and somewhat hopeful. I believe it was Season 7, Episode 17. Without giving much away, this episode has an intense focus on collective unconscious and souls, and is super existential. What was weird was that I never stayed up that late watching TV, and this night I stayed up past two or three, just to finish this episode,one that I had never seen before. I remember feeling strange after watching it. Kind of sad, but also peaceful. Exhausted, since it was hours past my usual bedtime, I went to bed. The next morning I woke up to a missed call from my dad. I already knew what he would say when I called him back. Once he picked up, would say when I called him back. Once he picked up, he said that it was the call,the one everyone is anxiously waiting for when someone is on their deathbed, and said that she had passed at around 3 a.m. that night. Perhaps it is just coincidental, but I can't help but think how weird it is that I happened to stay up that late, that night, that I happened to decide to continue watching a series randomly one day, and that the last episode I watched before going to bed, around the same time my grandmother passed, was a very emotional one about the fear of losing someone you love.But let me know what you think. This actually happened to me just a week ago, and I finally had the time to write this up and send it into you. I had to share this. I was coming home from a wedding rehearsal of two of my best friends, so I was in a really good mood.I was enjoying the air as it was warmer than it had been, a nice break from the cold gloomy march we've been having. It was pretty late, so there wasn't much traffic on the highway either, which made the drive that much better. As I was pretty late, so there wasn't much traffic on the highway either, which made the drive that much better. As I was driving along, I glanced in the rear view after seeing some headlights behind me. It was nothing out of the ordinary, so I thought nothing else of it, and continued driving.But then the vehicle seemed to grab my attention, because it looked like they were flashing their brights. It was weird, but some people were just jerks on the road, so I made a mental note and continued on. It then became pretty clear that they were gaining on me fairly fast, and I was expecting them to swerve over at the last minute to pass me. They were obviously going way too fast. I watched them catch up to me, however they didn't move over.I was in the middle lane. The right lane was consistently an exit, or emerging lane for people entering the highway, so I typically stayed in the middle to keep out of the way. That left the left lane open for them to pass, but they didn't. They got really close to my bumper, and then would back off, and then get close behind me again. I had no idea who these people were and why they were even doing this, but at first it just irritated me.I thought they were just trying to be an ass and maybe scare me. Look, I'm a guy and I don't typically scare easily, so I just did what anyone would have done in that situation. I tapped my brakes and flipped the bird. Apparently they were not happy with that. They laid on their horn for several seconds,and then finally swerved over to my left. I tried to look at them, but their windows were so dark and tinted that I couldn't make anything out. They kept the same speed as me, but would slowly veer into my lane. Now they were making things way too dangerous, and it did start to bother me. It was getting pretty close to my exit, so I got over to the right, preparing to get off the highway and hopefully leave behind whatever this drama was that they were trying to cause.But they seemed to have other ideas. As I got over, they moved to the middle lane and then swerved to the right lane, leaving me to hit my brakes pretty hard so as to not hit them. It was damn near an accident, and I would have hit them which would have put me at fault. I just slowed down more to keep my distance, waiting to finally get out of there. I saw my exit and started veering to get over,hoping they wouldn't be paying attention. Unfortunately, they were, and again they swerved over. But this time they turned sharp enough that they were nearly diagonal across the lanes, forcing me to come to a full stop. They had also stopped, which started putting me into a panic.Why were they doing this to me? Why did they charge behind me and immediately start peeing aggressive? Then I saw a woman get out of the passenger seat. I wasn't going to take any chances, so I grabbed my cell phone and called 911 PRODUCT. I started explaining to the operator where I was and what was happening as the woman approached my passenger side window. She was wearing some dirty-looking jean shorts and some weird-looking halter-top.I think that's what they're called. It tied around her neck but was sheer as you could see her brawl underneath it. Her hair was in a very loose and messy bun, and she was carrying what looked like a sandwich. Her face was seemingly expressionless, but when she reached my window, she motioned for me to roll it down. I did as she requested, but just enough to hear what she had to say.She was pretty small, but I don't think she would have even been able to fit her arm through it. This whole time I still had the operator on the phone, hoping they would hear everything that she said too. That woman's face went from zero to a hundred within the time of me rolling down the window. She was literally screaming at me saying, What the hell is wrong with you? Why didn't you stop? Why didn't you pull over? She was calling me names and threatening to have her boyfriend beat me up. I was taken aback by herdemeanor, but between her taking a breath, I finally decided to try to stand my ground. You guys damn near hit me. What the hell is wrong with you, you psycho? I was surprised that that actually seemed to shut her up. She stared at me. What the hell is wrong with you, you psycho? I was surprised that that actually seemed to shut her up. She stared at me, took a bite of her sandwich, and said, Yeah. Can I borrow $50? What the hell? Why would I just give some random stranger money? A random stranger that just tried to run me over and screamed at me.I told her hell no, and then she called me another name and walked off after kicking my door. The operator called out to me, so I went to explain what was happening, as I watched her walk off, when she abruptly turned around and threw her sandwich at my windshield, making me jump. I could hear a man's voice shouting, and I could see the woman shouting back as she flung open the passenger door and got in. She barely got the door closed before they sped off, back onto the highway, and were out of sight. I just sat there trying to process what the hell just happened. I told the operator thatthey were gone, but she said an officer was already close by, and asked me to wait for them to at least make a report. Shortly after, I could hear the sirens approaching, and waited until they stopped and asked me to get out. I again explained what happened to them, and if it weren't for the remnants of bread and mayonnaise on my windshield, and the operator hearing it all, I don't think they would have believed me. They took a report, but since they were long gone, there wasn't really much else they could do. They offered to escort me home, but I passed, doubting that they would ever find me.And then watched them drive down the road and disappear. I made it home without another incident, but the whole thing kept playing in my mind, as I had to scrape off my windshield. Having someone ride my bumper like that and then aggressively try to hit me, not to mention get out to berate me, was pretty terrifying. I was expecting her to be the distractionwhile the driver would come over to my side and try to do something worse. That's why I called for help. But then, as I cleaned my window off, I couldn't help but laugh. Did she really think asking for money would work?And why did she throw her sandwich? That drive home was a roller coaster of emotions. And it was so bizarre that I question if it really happened. This story could fall under a time slip, except I went back in time, rather than forward or losing time.I had a mind-blowing experience two nights ago. We had a storm here, suddenly, out of nowhere, right around 10 p.m. I was still out, then it was like zero to 60. My house was being shaken by enormous blasts of wind. Everyone else was dead asleep already, my husband and two elementary aged kids. We'd all fallen asleep in the living room watching TV,so only I experienced this in my household. The wind was so hard that it thundered through our house, and I felt my ears actually pop due to the pressure change inside, despite the only air leakage capable through things like stove vents. I was actually shocked by the ferocity of the sudden windstorm, despite living in what many call rain city,and having just two seasons here, wet stormy weather for nine months, and then a mildly hot summer for three months. This storm, though, was atypical, to say the least. I then fell asleep somehow despite being physically shook by the storm and somewhat unnerved by it. I woke up at 2.38 a.m.I remember because I checked the clock and was bummed that my husband's alarm was to go off at 2.45 a.m. To get up by three, and wake up with coffee till four and be out the door by 4.30, so he could be at work at 5. I wanted to get back to sleep before being reawakened by his alarms. I was drenched in sweat.The storms had stopped by then, and it was absolutely still and silent out. Unusually still. Not even a slight breeze or a single raindrop. I got up, changed out of my sweaty PJs, and laid back down to try to sleep before my husband's alarm. I then awoke again at 12.38 a.m. Two hours earlier.Again, no sign of any storm. I then got up, got a snack, laid down, and fell asleep. But I awoke again every 15 to 20 minutes all night after that. I kept thinking, wow, this is the longest night ever. So I'd somehow gained two hours, uninvolved in any daylight savings time or anything. The clock that I check is analog, its battery run, and the time had to be physically changed on the clock itself if needed.I checked our phone and our wall clock as well, another battery-run analog clock, and again, all the times matched on each clock, and my cell phone too, when I woke up at 2.38 a.m., and then 12.38, and every 15 to 20 minutes until morning. So, WTF. How did I go back 2 hours to 12.38 a.m.?What's up with the weird storm? No one else in my neighborhood remembers it. They all said the same thing. I was dead asleep. Some even reported passing out at 7 p.m. or 8 p.m.oddly early for them. In fact, they all seemed surprised by how deep they all slept. The storm did happen. Leaves, branches, and debris were blown everywhere the next morning and everything was soaking wet, although it had stopped at 2.38 a.m., as well as zero storm activity at 12.38 a.m. Did it have anything to do with my time jump? Did we all jump together?Did I leave my dimension and join yours? I hope not. I would prefer to raise my kids from my original dimension. But again, WTF. Has anyone else ever gained time like this rather than lost time? If so, what was your experience? And does anyone have any theories as to what happened?Or any theories as to why? How or what it means, if anything. I'm so curious, so share your thoughts with me. Hi, Raven PERSON. This is a paranormal story that I've never shared with anyone. I would never share this with my friends, family, or husband, as I'm an educated MD. I've had some paranormal events all my life, but I consider them all to be explained in one way or another.I do believe that we live in a matrix, and that this is the cause of most of all the paranormal. But this? I've been searching since it happened without any answers. This occurred about ten years ago.My husband and I were taking a weekend away from the children to have some time together for our anniversary. I was a strict Christian NORP in my beliefs at the time. I had no experience with meditation. On Friday night, we went out and had a good time as we usually do. My husband and I both work entirely too much.Although we had worked all day, we still went out for a meal and then headed back to the hotel. The next morning, we got up and went to the breakfast buffet. Following breakfast, we got back into the bed to cuddle. I was wanting to have more adult time, but he was very tired and sleepy. I wasn't sleepy. I lay there with my eyes closed, in the darkness, so he could rest.I felt like there was someone in the room. I saw a spiral in front of my eyes. It was like someone was talking to me, giving the instructions. It's not like I heard a voice. I don't have psychiatric problems. It's like I just knew what it was saying.I saw 11 points of light in the spiral. As I lay there, I was to follow the spiral forward and back, then back and forward. It was beautiful and calming, and this went on for a time. I then felt a warm sensation that I can't explain from the lower parts of my body. It was amazing. It then turned into an unexpected release of tension.I don't want to be too graphic, but I had to continue to follow the spiral during the entire encounter as I was directed. It was as if something bad or wrong would happen if I didn't do as I was told. It was then over with an amazing ending. I was so relaxed. I quickly told. It was then over with an amazing ending. I was so relaxed. I quickly told myself that my husband must be awake and that he had touched me.I must have been just talking to myself. I then noticed his slight, soft snoring. I felt something pressed against my right upper thigh, and I don't know how to say this, but it was not my husband. As soon as this occurred, it was over. I didn't feel the presence in the room.My husband woke, and we just continued with our weekend. These encounters are always said to be demons that are evil, but this wasn't evil, and I did not feel ashamed. Maybe I should have been ashamed. I just never spoke of it. It has not happened again, and since then, I've been more open to paranormal events. I can actually still draw the spiral into all of its points.Perhaps I slipped into a parallel universe where he wasn't sleeping? What do you think? Hey Raven PERSON, you already know that I'm a fan, but now, thanks to you, I have a new community to hang out with during live streams. Thank you for all your support. You keep me company when I can't sleep.The story will explain why I don't sleep as well as I used to. I live in the state of Victoria in Australia, south of New South Wales GPE. I moved to this neighborhood to live a quiet life. Victoria in Australia, south of New South Wales GPE. I moved to this neighbourhood to live a quiet life. I have fantastic neighbours, no pollution, big sky, magical sunrises and sunsets, loads of green grass, pretty walking tracks, and yes, kangaroos.But you know how it is. Not everything is as it seems. It was the end of November 2021. Yep, lockdown. Spring was slowly turning into summer. The breeze was beautiful that night.The warm puffy breeze that smells like fresh grass and flowers. So, I decided to sleep with my window open. My bed is next to the window so that puffy breeze float over me as I fell into a calm, happy sleep. I'm still not sure if things had played out differently if I had closed my window. But it's too late to think about that now. What happened happened.But first, I have to explain how the houses are set up here. The blocks are small, so the sides of the houses are close together. Yeah, we're pretty much on top of each other, high-density living at its finest. My room is next to the side fence. My neighbor's backsliding door is right on the other side of the fence. The mother and daughter are smokers, so they would stand in the backyard by the door, have their cigarette, and then go back in. Now that you have an idea of the layout, I'll get on with the story. I was torn out of my sleep by a blood-curdling, terrified scream.It was full-on horror movie. I looked at my phone, 1 a.m. A terrified woman started yelling, No, no, let me go, please, let me go, no! She started sobbing when one of her daughters started calling out for her. Mum? Mom? What's wrong? What happened?'All she got was a garbled reply. I'm sitting bolts upright in bed trying to slow my heartbeat down and trying to catch my breath. I realized I was shaking from the shock of being ripped out of a deep sleep. I could hear her daughter trying to get her inside. She was hysterical by this point, completely broken. So they called the paramedics.Their back door is still open, so I can hear everything through the still night and my window. I turned slightly to face the window, not sure what to do. Do I go over and help? Or would that be too nosy? Soon I hear a friendly male's voice talking her down. The paramedics seem to have it under control.Then, the following conversation happened. Paramedic. It's okay. You're okay. Let's check you over, but first, how about you put some clothes on? The mother.My robe is outside. Paramedic. Why is it outside? Mother. The shadow man grabbed me and tried to drag me away. He was holding the sleeve of my robe.I had to take it off to get away. Everything went silent. I could feel her daughters and paramedics staring at her. In that moment, I felt a sense of dread and fear. Out of nowhere, an image popped into my head. It was a shadow man leaning against the wall of the house, looking through the sliding door, watching them inside the house. He had blonde hair and bright white eyes. I don't know how I knew he was blonde.I just did. He's real. He's still here. They don't believe her, and he knows that. He's enjoying this. Then, as fast as it popped into my head, it was gone. The paramedicstook her to the hospital where they kept her for four months. The shadow man had my poor neighbor in a hospital surrounded by doctors, telling her what she saw wasn't real. When she came back home, the back lights had to be on at night at all times. It made it hard for me to sleep, but I didn't care. I understood. They don't like the light. She now smokes out the front of the house and refuses to go into the backyard at night. Even now at night, I feel uneasy.I haven't felt him again, but I wait for the feeling. Update. The author wanted to add a small note as an update, mainly that the neighbor doesn't remember any of itvagant parties for the anniversary of the company. It was started up by two siblings, and they still owned it, so every year they had a party that everyone was invited to, and it was always a blast. It was really cool intermingling with the higher-ups, the VPs ORG, and the chief officers.They always seemed pretty down to earth, and it really was a great morale booster. They stopped doing the parties in 2020, and instead sent everyone gift baskets, which was still fun. Last year was actually our first one since they stopped them, so I think, if not everyone, then a majority, were actually looking forward to it. I was included in that group. The party was being hosted at a pretty swanky hotel.They had a full-blown dining area, a large entertainment stage, and the pool was open to us. I know the dining area was reserved for us, but people staying at the hotel were also using the pool. Which was fine, of course. I, for one, wasn't interested in swimming. I drove downtown to the hotel, getting there early to avoid traffic. I walked around the dining area, taking everything in and greeting others as they arrived.I did a lot of work directly with my boss's boss, who was a vice president, so even though I was a few levels below them, I knew several of them pretty well. It was still a bit nerve-wracking talking to some of them, but it was also pretty cool that they knew me by name. As more people arrived, the party became more alive. Many people drinking, some brought their kids and were playing at the pool. I spotted a few co-workers that I spoke to for a while, but then eventually I found myself gravitating towards Tessa PERSON,the vice president that I knew and worked with. Tessa PERSON is a fantastic person. She had a wicked sense of humor, but also a no-nonsense attitude that I really admired. She was very professional and worked hard to get where she was, but she was also very approachable for anything you had concerns about. She has absolutely been a role model for me,as a fellow female trying to make it up the corporate ladder. There was a small gathering of us, as we all talked, shared war stories of our dealings with other departments and silly requirements, and just led loose for the night. At one point, Tessa PERSON stood up to refill her drink, when someone who worked at the hotel approached our group. She said that she was looking for someone named Tessa PERSON,and she confirmed that was her. The hotel employee mentioned someone was looking for her, so she told us that she would be right back, and walked away with her while the rest of us continued our conversation. We talked for some time. We watched one of the entertainers who did magic tricks,and our group slowly dispersed and moved on with the other parts of the party. That's why it had been a few hours before I realized that I hadn't seen Tessa PERSON come back. It was the thought that crossed my mind, but she was an important and popular person, so I figured she was just being pulled in different directions. I hoped that I would see her one more time before the end of the party. But if not, I would see her the following Monday.But then I had a few people ask me where she went. I was confused when one of the other VPs asked me where she went because she last saw her over with us. And we all said the same thing. She walked away to see someone looking for her and that was it. The party was winding down and still Tessa PERSON was nowhere to be found.We thought it was odd because she was an outgoing person, so it was hard to believe she would just hide away somewhere or leave without saying anything to anyone. She had a pretty young child that she didn't bring to the party, so it was possible that she left in an emergency without time to tell anyone. I had her number, as well as many others, but I felt it was out of place for me to ask her where she went. So I just texted her saying it was good to see her at the party. Others tried calling her, and one of them said that she didn't answer.Again, a family emergency was possible, but Tessa PERSON always found a way to respond to people. She always put others first, so it was odd. That is when I started getting this bad feeling. Most of the people were gone, and normally I would have left too, but the disappearance of Tessa PERSON was really digging at me. So, I asked Raymond, one of the other VPs, if he had heard from her and he said that he hadn't, and asked when I last saw her.I explained how someone was looking for her and an employee approached us, and I gave a description of what the employee looked like. He walked away and I stayed behind to see if anything would come of it i saw ray talking to someone at the front desk and then the employee that approached tessa came out and talked to ray and together they walked off i ended up starting a conversation with someone else that was still there when we started hearing sirens getting louder and louder, until they just stopped.We watched as the lights glowed through the front glass door and the EMTs walked in pushing a stretcher. My stomach dropped. They were here for someone, and the odds of them being for someone from our party were pretty high. And with Tessa PERSON missing, I just had this horrible feeling. I watched and waited as they rolled to one of the open offices down one hallway. The hotel had two large rooms to the left,with a long table and whiteboard that could be used by guests to hold conferences and meetings. So what were they doing back there? Why would anyone be in there this late? Then they rolled the stretcher back out with Tessa PERSON lying on it. She had blood on her head, arms and hands. Her hair was a mess, but her eyes fluttered, which at least told me that she was still alive.But what the hell had happened to her? Did someone do this? And if so, why? I just couldn't see Tessa PERSON having any enemies. I tried to find someone to ask, but Ray PERSON actually followed the EMTs out, and I was stopped by a police officer. I couldn't ask any questions because I was being questioned.I had to tell them everything that happened that night. I had to try and remember everything Tessa PERSON said to us. Where she went, when I last saw her. I was finally able to leave at around 1 a.m. By the time I got home, I was exhausted, but I couldn't sleep. I wanted to know what had happened to Tessa PERSON.News spread fast, though, and a friend from work texted me about what had happened. Someone had stabbed Tessa PERSON, and she was found in that office on the ground bleeding. Once we got back to work, the atmosphere was tense and awkward. Then we got the emails about security concerns, and the whole see-something-say-something posts everywhere. So what really happened? After a few weeks,it finally made its rounds. There was a girl that worked in project management that had been fired about a month before the party. She'd been fired because she was abusing the company credit card,using it as her own personal funds. And when they found out, she claimed it was fraud. That all ended up coming back to bite her because the bank had proof that she'd made the purchases, and she was fired. The woman was under Tessa PERSON's group, so Tessa and the woman's direct manager were there when she was fired.She knew about the party because they have to get a headcount a few months in advanced, and somehow managed to get in, claiming to be part of the party. Or maybe she claimed that she was a customer staying there. She was the one that was looking for Tessa PERSON, and asked an employee to bring her back to the room. No one is 100% sure after that what her true intentions were. Tessa PERSON was stabbed with the fork multiple times.She probably got it from the party. I know that she was charged and did go to prison for it, but that's about all I know about what had happened. Tessa PERSON never outwardly spoke about it, and I never asked for more details. As I learned about what had happened. Tessa PERSON never outwardly spoke about it, and I never asked for more details. As I learned about all this,I couldn't help but feel guilty. I know that no one could have known where she was going, but what if I had asked the same employee where she went earlier? What if I told someone else earlier? Could it have been avoided? And even worse, I hate to wonder what could have happened if I told someone else earlier? Could it have been avoided? And even worse, I hate to wonder what could have happened if I just went home and didn't mention this to anyone at all.How long would it have been before she was found? Like I said, Tessa PERSON is such a genuine person. She didn't deserve this. But I'm sure it had to be hard firing someone. So, to have that psycho do that to her was just hard to believe. I still work for the same company, and Tessa PERSON still works there, too.I actually got a promotion, and now I work even closer with her. Thankfully, she is still the same person she's always been, too. I'm happy that the experience didn't change her. Everyone is more cautious as to events like parties or when there are visitors in the building to make sure that nothing like this happens again. The anniversary party will be in August this year, and this time I will definitely be more vigilant.An incredibly weird thing just happened to me while I was sleeping. Basically, I had just had a pretty boring dream where I was doing chores around my house, but then I saw my cat that had recently died, alive, just sitting there. I instantly thought this was a dream and tried to pet her before it's over, as all dreams tended to end right after I realized their dreams. But it didn't end. I looked closer at the cat to testify was in a dream, But it didn't end.I looked closer at the cat to test if I was in a dream, since when I focus on something in particular in dreams, they usually end. It did not end. I slowly walked from my bathroom where the cat was sitting to the kitchen, feeling every step, thinking about if I'm in a dream, in a different world, or have gone insane.And I asked my mother if the cat we had isn't good health right now as to not draw much suspicion, just in case. She said that the cat has needed a lot of care, and was saved from dying recently at the cost of not tending to carrots, but doing fine now, which is kind of a weird thing to say. Then I walked to another room where a computer is located in both reality and that dream. The room was cleaner, and had some kind of brochure from a diamond processing facility for some reason.As I was about to search on the internet whether recent major political events and such had happened, at this point being 90% convinced I'm in a parallel reality or something like that, I heard, found you, in a previously not heard by me ever, not very masculine but definitely male voice. and I immediately woke up. That was weird. So I went back to lying on my bed with my eyes closed, until I suddenly continued the dreams somehow, completely remembering what happened in the dream and me thinking about it. Except I was on the outskirts of a town now. There was a weirdly small amount of cars and a weirdly high amount of people walking. I walked towards the town while looking around.All of my dreams before that had a town in them were of places I've been to before. I have definitely never been to that place. Most buildings were two to three floors, but there were some high ones. Eventually, I stumbled upon a building with a very weird design. It had lots of metal-looking cubes on different sizes on its walls, most likely decorative.I can't imagine what purpose they would serve. I decided to go inside. It looked half-ren renovated with some walls, and a mechanical door to another part of the building looking brand new, while floors were just wooden with a pattern that is quite common. I can easily find an image of it on the internet and link to it if needed. An announcement was being said every few seconds about some newly installed AI door,and other stuff about a control system being tested. There was a room with computers that looked a bit old, and a lot of wooden furniture to the left. It had no door. Closer to the left was a map that I decided to look at. It was a map of this building.There was a huge vat of cesium, of weird shapes, and a bunch of smaller vats with other chemicals with longer names which I didn't have time to memorize, as the single person that was sitting in the room with computers rose up, and I quickly exited. That facility's map gave me an idea to try checkingthe map of the city using my phone, which probably wouldn't have worked anyways. But as I reached for my phone, a voice similar to that of my mother said, where? And as I thought maybe my mother saw me disappear from the regular reality or something, I suddenly woke up again. My mom was still sleeping. This is very weird for multiple reasons.How was I able to see text in my dreams? Especially as long as I saw. Why was I only able to wake up after some random people said found you and where? Everything was insanely detailed for a dream, and there wasn't anything so weird that it would be impossible within the laws of physics. I figured that people on this subreddit might know how to tell apart a regular dreamfrom something that's actually weird. At the age of four, my parents and I lived in an old apartment. I would see, at night, a tall, lanky shadow man, wearing a top hat in a coat, trying to enter the room that we all slept in. Every night I would be woken up by something shaking me awake as if it was urgent. Every night, I saw him always moving towards the door, but never quite close.We then moved to a new house, and I forgot about him. This is when I started to sleepwalk. My mother would just get up and direct me back into my room, but as soon as she touched me, I would wake up. I would be furious at her and tell her to stop and to let me go with him. Him?Yes, never mind, just let me go. This conversation would happen once or twice a week again we moved to a new city and my sleepwalking got worse i got up one night put on my shoes and i went to the door my eyes were halfway closed and i could see him in the distance guiding me to come with him. This shadow man was guiding me to the road. I had barely made it to the driveway when my father grabbed me and guided me back to my room. Again, I was furious. The following night, the shadow man appeared in my room.He was inside. All those years of him walking to the door, and now he was finally inside my room. Then he disappeared. That's when my brother started seeing the crawling woman. He's seven years younger than me, and I've never told him about the Shadow Man WORK_OF_ART.He'd also never seen a scary movie at that point of his life. He told me that every time he closes his eyes, the woman would crawl closer to him. We had our parents get holy water and bless the house. We moved three years ago to the current house that we live in. I'm 19 now and I haven't slept walks since then. But just a few months ago, I saw him.He was standing next to my bed, and he was bent over it, next to my face. I can't make out his features, but I could sense his smile. I haven't seen him now, but just last night, I swear I saw a few shadows outside of my window. Now, I know that we move a lot. Believe me, I hate it, but we are moving to our final house. I say final because we're actually buying the place,but I'm scared that the shadows will follow. I'm a long-time listener, first-time submitter. Hello, I'm a 13-year-old boy from Finland GPE, and this happened to me around a year ago on summer vacation. P.S. GPE, I do believe in the paranormal. So I was at my classmate's house for the night.He is the same age as me. We decided to put up a tent in their huge backyard, and as we were putting it up, he went to get some water. Then I heard a, pst, sound from the woods nearby. I ignored it, and then I heard it again. Who is that? I yelled at it. Then I heard giggling from the woods nearby. I ignored it and then I heard it again. Who is that? I yelled at it. Then I heard giggling from the same spot and then my friend came back. We finished setting up thetent. Then around two to three in the morning when my friend was sleeping I heard footsteps from the woods. At this point I have to say that the woods were really close to the tent. Anyways, the thing again whispered, "'Sst. I didn't respond. Then, two seconds later, it said,"'Jack PERSON. "'Not my actual name because my name is a Finnish NORP name. "'I know you're in there.' "'I froze. "'How did this thing because my name is a Finnish NORP name. I know you're in there. I froze. How did this thing know my name? Then I remembered that we had a knife in the tent because we're finished.So I grabbed the knife and slowly opened the tent's door, and I gripped the knife as hard as I could. What I saw will haunt me to this day. It was a woman with a warped face and really messy hair. She looked at me with a smile on her face and said, I know you, Jack PERSON.One summer evening, I was driving home from the golf course. It was that time of day where the sun is in just the right spot, where you cannot see very well, even with sunglasses on. I was taking a route that I had never taken before, and was cruising along at my usual 50 miles per hour on the back roads. About 10 minutes into the drive, I looked down at the clock and it was 707. Just after this, I looked back up, and a stop sign came out of nowhere, but it was too late.I flew straight through a stop sign at a busy intersection, avoiding cars also traveling at the 55-mile-per-hour speed limit coming from both ways by inches on both sides. I'm a very cautious driver, and in 15 years of driving, I have never been in as much as a fender-bender. After this happened, I had to pull over to gather myself,because my heart was in my gut. After I got over the initial shock of almost being seriously injured, and possibly seriously injuring others, I tried to replay the event in my head. It happened extremely fast, but it made no sense that I was able to avoid the carscoming from both directions, and nobody honked or swerved or anything. While this may seem like just a miraculous stroke of luck, I feel like there was something more to this. Now, this is where things start to make me question how or why everything happened at this particular event, the way that it happened. At the time of this event, I was severely depressed. While I was not drinking, I was driving during this event. I was heavily dependent on alcohol.I had hit my rock bottom. But after this happened, things somehow started to shift in my life. Where everything was going poorly for me during the time leading up to this event, things pivoted and started going well for me right after this. For the first time in my life, I was able to get completely sober of all substances. I got an opportunity as an apprentice to work my dream job for one of the largest golf resorts in the world.My relationships with my family and friends were on the upswing. I was granted the opportunity to become a basketball coach for my local high school. Where I wasn't so lucky with intimate relationships in the past, I now had women coming at me and I didn't even have to try anymore. I felt like this wasn't my life. This wasn't the life that I had known. The only thing that felt the same in this life was my sense of self. The day of that near-Miss car accident plays over and over and over in my head, and I think about it at least once a week.The thought has crossed my mind several times that I actually died in that event, and this is my purgatory, or afterlife of some sort. It has also crossed my mind that maybe I died in that accident, but my consciousness was given another chance in a parallel universe. I did some research on the significance of the time 707 as well. And while I'm not a very superstitious person, 707 is considered a mirror-hour time. I don't know if I should put too much significance on this,but all I can say is that something is different about this life that I am living. Things feel off. It's hard to put my finger on what exactly is different, but so much has changed since that day that I feel like I don't even know the person that was in that near-miss. I will continue to reap the benefits and opportunities that I'm granted in this universe, but somehow they don't feel like my opportunities.They belong to a different version of me. So I'm 21 years old, and my brother is 23. I don't know if this is needed for context, but I live with my parents due to health reasons, and my brother lives with our grandma. We were moving around this time, and I knew that our house was haunted a little. Both me and my mom are both very into spiritual and wican NORP aspects, or culture.And if anyone doesn't know what that means, it's like connecting spirituality to life, nature, and some practicing of witchcraft. Saying this, we don't do much witchcraft, only to help others or bless an area, thing, or place. I've been able to speak and see ghosts as long as I can remember. My mom has only been able to feel the presence. Saying this, whatever happened that day wasn't a ghost. I was packing my room at our old apartment,talking on the phone with my now boyfriend. My brother walks in and we have a whole conversation, and he even talked to my boyfriend. There was no doubt in that moment that this was my brother. So, of course, I didn't think anything weird when I got up to get something in the bathroom, and then came back, and he was gone.I remembered picking him up this morning to help him move, and him and my stepdad just left a short bit ago. I felt my whole body panic as I realized that I wasn't chatting with him. He wasn't even there. They were at our new house. I immediately went to the phone and asked him what they were talking about,but my boyfriend didn't remember. Let's call my brother Sam PERSON. I called for Sam PERSON before I realized, and after that, I called him. And he'd been at the other house for about an hour. So, who were me and my boyfriend talking to? Some would say a Skinwalker PRODUCT, but I don't believe it.It looked and sounded like him, though. It's been a few months, and we finished moving and have been moved in for a month, or maybe two by that point. I work early mornings 3 a.m. to noon, sometimes later, but I come home and then watch my nephew. From 3 to 10 on that day, everything had been feeling off.My nephew, who's one year and four months old, has been talking to something and playing with something. It doesn't seem bad, but you can feel something in here. I hear kitchen cabinets shutting and closing along with the doors when no one's home. I brought this up to my mom, and she says that she's noticed something there too. She then explained that, on her way home, she saw what looked like a huge smoke ring in the sky.Like someone took a hit and puffed a circle, but it was giant. I don't know if that is anything to do with it, but I've also been experiencing brown recluse spiders in my bed lately, after having a nightmare about something unhuman. I have no idea if this is related, but if anyone knows anything, I would like some help figuring out what's going on. I'm shook, and my family is worried that it's attached to someone or something in the house.But whatever it is, it is not human. Thank you for letting me submit my story. I'm a big fan. Everyone, have a good day. Thank you for letting me submit my story. I'm a big fan. Everyone, have a good day. Thank you for submitting your story. I had the craziest but coolest thing happened.It did happen during a dream, but it did not feel like a dream. What happened was my alarm clock woke me up, but I had stayed up late last night and was still a bit tired, so I decided to get some more sleep. Well, I heard my hubby call out my name, and I started to wake back up. I was very groggy and out of it, and was having trouble moving and getting awake. I heard him panicking, so I yelled out that I was coming. I began to think that maybe there was a fire.My, this-life husband doesn't panic in emergencies. I finally threw off the covers and ran towards the stairs. Something immediately made me feel like something was off, per se. We have a hallway that leads to a staircase that is enclosed in walls. I could see downstairs. I was confused and my brain asked,where is the stair rail? We don't have one in this life. I shook my head and tried to put it out of my mind to focus. I ran down the stairs, and my hubby was sitting on the stairs crying, head in his hands. This life's hubby is not very emotional,never seen him cry in 17 years. I grabbed his hands and pulled them away from his face, thinking the worst had happened. I asked him what was wrong, but I noticed he looked a bit different, just slightly, and a bit younger. Again, I was caught off guard by this, but was more concerned with what happened and if he was okay. He tried telling me what upset him, but he was whispering and upset, so it was hard to understand him.I'm very hard of hearing in this life. I shook my head and told him, let me put my ears in, which is what I say when I wear my hearing aids. And then I looked downstairs to see our cat Margo PERSON. She was standing kind of on her back legs and lifting her paw into the air and meowing in pain. She was shaking it and hopping around,and I kind of guessed that he probably stepped on her and broke her foot, and he felt bad. It was then that it just dawned on me. This isn't my timeline, and then poof. I woke up in bed. I don't know what to think.I really hope my husband is okay. I feel bad for just shifting out like that. Also, I do have questions. Was I actually there? Was I possessing another me's body? I do like the thought that me and him are so connected that another hymn called me when in need, and I went to him.But what do you guys think? Also, my husband was awake at the time. This was the summer of 1975. My brother and sister and I flew to Connecticut to spend the summer with our father. I was 11, my sister was 13, and my brother was 5. My dad and stepmother had rented a small house in a little fishing borough named Stonington GPE. The little house used to be a garage that sat behind the main house. It only had two bedrooms. My sister and I shared double bed in a smallbedroom, along with our half-sister that slept in a crib. We spent the days exploring the little town and making new friends, not really spending much time indoors until the streetlights would come on. A few nights after arriving, I told my sister that I was having some trouble with my dreams. She said that I was probably just homesick, and to let it go. This night's in particular, it was my turn to shut off the bedroom light, which consisted of standing by the door with my hand on the switch,focusing on my spots next to the wall, hitting the switch and running to the bed and jumping in as quickly as possible. As mentioned, I slept on the wall side of the bed, and my sister had the outside spot closest to the door. We chatted for a few minutes about our day before I rolled over to face the wall and fall asleep, and she rolled over to face the door.At some point during the night, I was in a dream, but I can't remember the details, because what happened next woke me from a deep sleep in an instant. A force of some sort had landed in the middle of our bed, rolling both of us over to face each other. We didn't even have to move a muscle. We stared at each other for a second before sitting upright, staring at the ceiling.At the exact same time, we both said, that was an old hag. We both knew somehow that this hag had fallen straight out of the ceiling, and landed right in the middle of the bed with enough force to flip us towards each other. Also, we didn't see her with our own eyes, but we both said what she was wearing, a long black cloak that looked like wings, like we both saw the same thing in our mind's eye of what actually happened, a hole opening up in the ceiling, and the hag dropping straight down onto the bed. It was not our first time experiencing the paranormal and also was not the last.But it was definitely one of the most memorable encounters that still confuses me to this day because of the power that it had to actually move us from a dead sleep. I have never been close with either of my grandmas. Not that I want to be anyways, but the stories I've heard of them have left me with chills. This all happened in Mexico GPE. At the age of 28, my grandma had three kids already, and my grandpa and her were happily married.There was a woman in that village who hated her, and it was known around there that the mother of this woman was a witch. They wanted to bewitch my grandpa to fall in love with her, and to leave my grandma. This didn't work and made the witch sick for a while. Now you may ask why didn't the curse work? Was she not strong or good enough? No, she was good. But there was something she didn't know about my grandfather. His veins were in the form of cross. Now I'm not very religious, but he is. He couldn't be cursed. He couldn't be cursed. He couldn't be touched by a curse.So, the curse went to my grandma. She fell ill and could not get up. She seemed to almost turn to stone. My mother was around five and remembered everything. She said that my grandma would have her fists tightly shut, and one time they were able to open her hand, only to find dirt falling off of her hands. She was described as looking like a corpse.They took her to countless doctors and then felt desperate, and decided to take her to a different witch. This witch took her into a room. A few minutes later, he came back running and telling my grandfather that she was possessed. He said that it was going to take a while, but he could help them. He went back into the room, and that's where a loud boom erupted from said room. Let me stay, it screamed, and he responded with,This body doesn't belong to you. Leave. They went back and forth, arguing until all my grandfather heard was his own breathing. Minutes later, my grandma walked out of the room as if nothing had happened. She... She... This isn't the most exciting story, I'm afraid, but it has me truly confused.For some context, I live in an old industrial town in Yorkshire, England GPE, so the place is full of old mills, one of which I work in. I know the one that I work in was built in the 1870s, but I'm not sure what it manufactured. Today, the basement and a few floors are businesses while the higher floors are flats. So, on to my experience. I was doing my usual walk to work on the main road when I saw a crowd of people blocking my route. Turns out, there had been some sort of vehicle fire, and there was a fire truck blocking the road which had drawn an audience.I didn't want to have to push past all of these people, and I was running a little early anyways, so I decided to try a back road, which I believed would take me the right way. I walked down the cobbled road, which turned out to be pretty short, with only a small garage on the left. I got back on to the main road, but when I did, it didn't seem right. I could see the mill that I work in in the distance, but it looked different somehow.I couldn't put my mind to what it was at first, but then it hit me. The windows to the flats on the higher levels were gone and replaced by much older ones. I thought that was pretty strange as it had the modern white ones when I was last there a few days ago, but thought maybe it was just a visual change to bring back the old look of the building.I took a couple of steps further and took a look around, and was surprised when the takeaway that is usually on the corner wasn't there, and instead it looked to be some sort of shoe repair shop. I thought this strange as the building looked very different to the one I had seen hundreds of times before. I didn't get a good look around as it was still pretty dark, as it tends to be in the British winter. Thinking I had taken the wrong route, I turned around and went back to the road I had walked down.This was all the same with the garage to my side, so I turned around again and went back. But this time the mill looked normal, and the takeaway was back. I was incredibly confused, but had to get to work. I had a pretty busy day at work, but this was always on the back of my mind. I went home and started doing some searching online about my experience, and eventually came across the concept of a time slip.I watched some videos and listened to some podcast, and the people in these stories seemed to have similar experiences to me. I'm not 100% convinced that this is what happened, but I'm not sure how else to explain it. I can't have been that tired that I was looking at the wrong buildings, and I've never seen a shoe repair shop in that location before or since. This happened a couple of days ago now, and I'm still not sure what to think.Could this have been a time slip? Hey, I love your stories and remembered an old paranormal story that I had. This happened between the ages of three to five. My parents and I lived in a two-story house with two bedrooms. I had a little brother, who was one year younger than me, and we slept in the same bedroom, just different beds.One night I woke up. I'd had a nightmare, but I can't remember what it was about. But I woke up in a cold sweat peeking out to the window in front of my bed, and I saw a wolf walking in. Now wolves aren't scary, but we were on the second floor. All the bedrooms were, and it didn't look normal. It was big, long, and it seemed not quite like a wolf, but it looked like a wolf.It's kind of hard to explain, and as any kid would do, I hid under my covers. It was a few minutes later, and I looked back out there, and there was nothing there. I sighed and eventually got the scared feeling that I was being watched and ran to my parents' room, telling them that I'd had a nightmare, hence that I wanted to sleep in their room. They reluctantly agreed, as I laid in between them, I felt an odd sensation around my body. At first I thought it was normal, something everyone has before they drift to sleep.I felt my eyes shut and then went to sleep, but when I woke up, I was now on the floor. It was strange, considering I went to sleep between my parents. I moved back on to the bed and fell asleep on the edge of the bed. I was halfway asleep until I felt something lifting me up and putting me on the floor again. I had that same strange sensation around my body and questioned how this was happening. As a kid, you may just think this is normal.However, I've never experienced this again in my life. It's almost interesting and scary at the same time. What do you think, though? Hey there, friends. It's me, Raven PERSON, of course. I just wanted to come in here and kind of make a special outro for this one.I know I use a pre-recorded one for most of my videos, so every once in a while I want to pop in maybe and just say hi kind of thing. I wanted to mention something that I'm sure some of you have noticed. Maybe not a lot of you, but some of you. Um, and that is that my podcast on Spotify no longer has polls or those fun little questions I would ask you guys weekly. I wanted to let you guys know that that is not by my decision. My podcast was hosted on Spotify ORG for podcasters, as you guys probably know, I pushed it a lot in my host-read advertising, and if you are starting out, I absolutely do recommend Spotify forpodcasters. This is not sponsored. That's just my personal opinion. It's a good platform. However, Spotify ORG for podcasters made some changes internally, and they invited me to their bigger platform, the platform where they host the bigger fish, the larger shows. Something that genuinely surprises me, because I still consider myself a tiny podcast. So my stuff is now hosted on a different platform that is still owned by Spotify ORG. It's just called Megaphone ORG.It's an interesting platform. It's new. There's a lot of learning. I'm still having to do with it. But I did recommend to them that they try to do or that they consider adding the ability to ask you guys those silly questions or do polls. Because again, that communication and that connection I had with you guys was a lot of fun. So I just wanted youguys to know that I'm not not doing those because I don't want to. I loved reading the answers you guys gave me. I really did. I loved getting the comments, be them positive or negative. There was a few negatives, but even so, it's still, it's still interaction. I still love communicating with my audience. So again, I have recommended to Megaphone that they consider moving forward with adding something like that. But if it happens, it happens.If not, well, it's unfortunate, but is what it is. And that's all. I just kind of want to let you guys know that. I know it's a little weird for me to pop in and just be like, hey, sorry, but I don't know. It just seems like I should. Plus, if you listen to this point of the show,you're, in my opinion, a diehard fan. Maybe not a diehard fan, but you're a solid listener, and you're part of the audience that really enjoys my content. And, well, you may want to know this information. So, all that said, friends, I hope you guys enjoyed this episode.This was a crazy one. Driving stories, paranormal stories, party stories, some parallel universe stories, which was a totally new topic I did last month on my YouTube channel, that exploded. So hopefully you guys enjoyed those.I'm going to try to do them a little more often. I may plug those into the glitch stories that I do every other week. I'm not sure yet. Until then, they're in this episode. I've only done the one so far. Have another one planned soon, but yeah.Hope you guys enjoyed them. If he did, great. I don't think you can really do anything to, like, tell me you enjoyed it. If you were on a platform, a platform, a platform that allows ratings, consider giving the podcast a rating. Be it one star, be it five star, be it ten star, if any of them have that. Just anything to say, hey, this is what I think of the podcast.I know Apple Podcast ORG does that. I know Spotify ORG has something. I know Google ORG Podcasts doesn't exist anymore, so if you're listening on Google Podcasts PRODUCT, hello from the future, just so you know they're going to shut it down. Yeah, I'm just kind of rambling now, sorry.But anyways, if you have a story, consider sending it to me. Just go to ORG. There's a big button in the center of the screen. This says click here to submit your story. It takes you to a forum on Red X, which is a page designed by another channel, another narration channel, stories after midnight. Great dude.Love that guy. On a personal level, he's a great guy. But he also made Red X ORG, and that's a lifesaver for story submissions, because it's so easy to get him to me. But, yeah, if you have one, send it in.I want to record it, I want to narrate it. Yeah. All that said, friends, hope remember you are loved, you are valid, you are important. You're the best to you that you can be. Don't forget it and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.And of course, until I see you again, my friends, much love. And sleep well.