Who would we hire to replace all of us individually on the Boomer & Gio Show?--plus warm up

Who would we hire to replace all of us individually on the Boomer & Gio Show?--plus warm up

by Audacy

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66:41 minutes

published 1 month ago


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Speaker 00s - 59.82s

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Speaker 260.58s - 69.68s

Can't get enough of the fan in the morning? Showed up. Because this is nothing like that. Quirking. Alan Jerry are here with stories they'd never get to cover on the morning show.

Speaker 369.78s - 70.78s

Very sexy robot.

Speaker 470.9s - 72.54s

Hey, look at that pig. Shenanigans.

Speaker 372.7s - 75.56s

Naked yoga. My mother had a bad experience with these ghosts.

Speaker 275.6s - 76.58s

Let's hump the fence.

Speaker 377.04s - 79.96s

It's Alan Jerry's post game podcast.

Speaker 281.08s - 81.94s

All right, here we go.

Speaker 482.06s - 86.44s

We do a podcast. We knock this crap out for you on a beautiful 70-degree day. What's up, Al PERSON?

Speaker 386.48s - 94.08s

Oh, hi, Jerry PERSON. This is a good dog-walking day. Today's a good dog-walking day, absolutely. You wanted me to remind you about Genesis the other day.

Speaker 494.2s - 95.1s

Oh, yeah, you know.

Speaker 395.18s - 97.48s

The rock band, not the Bible WORK_OF_ART part.

Speaker 497.48s - 98.64s

What was the song we were talking about?

Speaker 398.82s - 99.76s

Oh, crap.

Speaker 4100.08s - 104.5s

About opposites. Just as I thought it was going all right.

Speaker 0104.9s - 105.5s

Did it a wrong? And I thought it was going all right. Did I mean?

Speaker 3105.76s - 107.24s

And I thought it was always the same.

Speaker 0107.38s - 108.22s

It's just a shame.

Speaker 5108.32s - 108.76s

That's all.

Speaker 0108.88s - 110.58s

It made me think of.

Speaker 4111.34s - 142s

Like, it's almost, there are other songs, and I'm wondering if they stole the idea from him and that song. Like, Katie Perry has a song where it's all about opposites. Yeah. Alonis Morissette PERSON, isn't it ironic? Now, that's not opposites, but it's kind of closely tied together.And it made me wonder, since you're such a music guy, how much current artists look to the past to get ideas for the current and the future.

Speaker 3142.78s - 143.58s

Yeah, that's a good question.

Speaker 4143.88s - 147.86s

That opposite thing has been going on for a long time.

Speaker 3148.2s - 151.28s

I've noticed a lot of things like that.

Speaker 0151.36s - 151.62s


Speaker 5151.9s - 155.12s

There's even, when you say that the first song that comes to my mind,

Speaker 0155.2s - 157.8s

is remember the Soul Asylum hit Runaway Trains WORK_OF_ART?

Speaker 5157.88s - 158.38s

Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 0158.4s - 159.26s

It's a lot of that in there.

Speaker 4159.26s - 163.32s

Is that true? Yeah. I actually don't even know that from that. I know that song.

Speaker 3163.44s - 166.54s

Yeah, if you looked at the lyrics, it's all like picking the opposite. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I say, I don't even know that from that. I know that song. Yeah, if you looked at the lyrics, it's all like, interesting.

Speaker 4166.54s - 167.26s

Taking the opposite.

Speaker 3167.6s - 168.48s

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4168.48s - 177.92s

Yeah, I say, I don't know if they took that from or when that started. Like, is that something you could go back to the 50s and 60s. I just thought it was interesting, though, that that song is probably from the 80s.

Speaker 3178.5s - 192.82s

Yeah, I would think so. Then Alainz Morse would be the 90s. Yeah, and the Katie Perry song is in the 2000 somewhere. For sure. I don't know where that is summer after high school. Yeah, well, whatever.I just found it interesting. I thought you might metaphor.

Speaker 4193s - 194.32s

Yeah, there's different techniques.

Speaker 3194.46s - 228.7s

I notice a lot of in country music. Okay. And I'm always amazed that they can come up with another song title or chorus that is like a play on words. It's always a, like in country music, a lot of the songs are, it's just a play on words. And I heard one yesterday that I had to think about for a second, but then realized it was a play on words. And what was, so what regard?And the chorus was, uh, uh, drinking cab in a solo solo solo in the cab of my truck

Speaker 4228.7s - 234.8s

so he was right so it's a cabernet yeah so drinking a cab in a solo

Speaker 0234.8s - 242.14s

a red solo cup solo in the cab of my truck by himself yeah in the truck I was like that's pretty good one

Speaker 3242.14s - 245.74s

that is pretty good and I was trying to think, are there other sayings?

Speaker 1246s - 252.62s

Because so many different sayings that we have in our language have been turned into country

Speaker 3252.62s - 260.3s

songs. And every time I start to think when I hear one, I'm like, oh, I can't believe I didn't think of that saying and make that into a song.

Speaker 4260.48s - 262.38s

Well, it's like me with the business ideas.

Speaker 3262.76s - 265.4s

Oh, damn, I can't believe I didn't think of that. Yeah, I know what you're saying. Yeah. Right. Because you think you're like, oh, someone had to have done that already. No, no, like me with the business ideas. Oh, damn, I can believe I didn't think of that. Yeah, I know what you're saying.

Speaker 4265.48s - 268.68s

Yeah, right, because you think he's like, oh, someone had to have done that already.

Speaker 3268.78s - 270.26s

No, no, they haven't done that already.

Speaker 4270.26s - 279.26s

Do you think the lyric? I'm sure it probably varies from artist to artists. But do you think the lyrics come first, then the music, or the music first, then you put the lyrics to it. Then you write lyrics to the music.

Speaker 3279.74s - 285.18s

I think people jot down lyrics when they think of key.

Speaker 13285.18s - 285.76s

Like a tune?

Speaker 4286.02s - 311.22s

Yeah. Or I feel like sometimes artists think of phrases. Okay. Which they'll write down in like a notebook that they keep for lyrics. Then they'll also, if they're the ones writing the music and the lyrics, then they'll also have different pieces of music that they've, little snippets that they've recorded.And they try to match them up and do it that way. It's funny how you mentioned them with the notebook so they don't probably forget their ideas. Yeah.

Speaker 3311.38s - 317.5s

So I decided about a year ago because I always have like one giant notebook going where everything's in it.

Speaker 4317.5s - 317.72s


Speaker 3318.02s - 325.9s

Whether it is ideas for what I do here, whether it is when I've done remote shows, like when I did a Rutgers ORG show, I use that

Speaker 4325.9s - 378.22s

book for all my ideas for that show, whether it's when I co-host here when one of the guys are off, the Cornhole League ideas. And it hit me like, this is a mess. Like I can't have one, one big book that's got all these, you know, whether it's ideas or formats or, you know, whatever it is, it's too much. So I went and bought, I got four different notebooks. One was for Cornhole ORG. One was for work.One was, so I had the, and then I would, I left two downstairs in the basement. I left two upstairs in the dining room because in the dining room I have my laptop. And I don't like being shut off from the world in the office in the basement. I just feel like I'm not even home. But I feel like if everybody's running around in the house, at least I'm sitting there in the dining room,I can still have a conversation. So I keep two there, two downstairs. Then I realized one ended up in my bedroom, one's in my bag. And then I forget where I jotted something down.

Speaker 14378.3s - 379.76s

And I'm digging through different notebooks.

Speaker 12379.76s - 385.88s

And I got all four were supposed to be for something. And they all have basically become a collection of thoughts. That is a complete mess.

Speaker 3386.1s - 390.06s

I love that idea of having a notebook, a single notebook like you were doing.

Speaker 4390.32s - 392.14s

I know. I got to get back to just having one.

Speaker 3392.28s - 401.18s

As opposed to like what I'll do, like if I think of something, I have this app on my phone called Brain Toss PRODUCT. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It essentially just emails you the idea.

Speaker 4401.58s - 402.58s

So you don't forget. Yeah.

Speaker 3402.74s - 407.86s

But I like the idea of having all these notebooks that over the years, like you don't

Speaker 4407.86s - 408.4s

throw them out.

Speaker 0408.5s - 410.5s

You just have all this collection of notebooks.

Speaker 4410.5s - 410.92s


Speaker 0411.1s - 415.18s

And looking through them to see what they look like years later.

Speaker 4415.18s - 432.46s

A friend of mine's mom passed away recently. And when they had to go through her stuff, they found that she had,, 28, 24, 40, I'm sorry, 28, what's 28 and 24? 54? Is that right?

Speaker 5433.18s - 468.64s

54 years of daily logs, of daily journal entries. Oh my gosh. And they found it. Like, they had no idea. They're just crates and boxes.And they were going through, he could not believe, just like randomly picking out a notebook, you know, They had no idea. They're just crates and boxes. And they were going through it. He could not believe, just like randomly picking out a notebook, you know, June 7th, 1988. And he's reading it. And it's like, wow, this is when they took us to Disney for the first time and I was a kid.And all the, all the details of the trip that he said it was mind-blown. Wow. And no one knew she was doing that. And she did it for her whole life. Isn't that something?

Speaker 4468.76s - 469.62s

Yeah, that's pretty cool.

Speaker 3469.76s - 470.66s

That is really neat.

Speaker 4470.66s - 473.72s

When we pass away, Jerry PERSON, they'll be able to take our podcasts.

Speaker 3474.06s - 480.62s

And just you're going to need about many, many hours to sift through this nonsense.

Speaker 4480.94s - 481.6s

Well, what are we at?

Speaker 14481.64s - 491.02s

Nine years now? Over nine years. We started year nine in February. Oh, it's a lot of podcasts. It is a lot of podcasts. A lot of podcasts. A lot of podcasts to do.

Speaker 3491.9s - 498.22s

All right. So, yeah, I would do, I like that idea. I wish I had done notebooks for notes instead of

Speaker 4498.22s - 503.14s

just because I think it's cool to just have one notebook full of. Yeah. Well, I got plenty of them if you

Speaker 3503.14s - 511.18s

want to see some of mine. Yeah, they, I remember years ago, they released the Kirk Cobain notebooks. Really? Yeah. I remember getting this book.

Speaker 5512.2s - 517.04s

It was a hardbound book, but the cover of the book was the cover of his spiral notebook.

Speaker 0517.14s - 522.32s

Wow. And it was just ideas, lists of things.

Speaker 3522.96s - 533.42s

What was really interesting in it, I believe, is he had just all these different, like, favorite groups, musical groups as he went along.

Speaker 5533.48s - 534.18s

That he would write about?

Speaker 3534.18s - 537.2s

He would just be like, no, he'd just be like, here's the top five groups today.

Speaker 5537.28s - 541.14s

And it'd be like the pixies, just these random things.

Speaker 0541.48s - 545.88s

Yeah, and it was just not that he was a fan of but this is these are the top artists right now

Speaker 4545.88s - 549.74s

no that he was a fan of oh that he was oh here's who what i'm listening here's what i'm currently

Speaker 3549.74s - 555.36s

listening to got it it just be like a top five list the top eight list yeah i remember finding it

Speaker 4555.36s - 560.46s

interesting to go through those things but then also i remember when the book first came out

Speaker 3560.46s - 565.74s

people were like he didn't want these notebooks released. We shouldn't be reading

Speaker 4565.74s - 573.02s

them. But I don't know. I thought it was an interesting way to look into his mind.

Speaker 3573.02s - 578.74s

Yeah, yeah. And I think people are interested. Yeah. I'm sure probably sold millions of copies.

Speaker 4579.34s - 584.16s

I had an idea for the Boomer and Geo PERSON show. I want you to tell me if you think people would,

Speaker 0584.72s - 589.34s

if you think the people on the show would be able to do this without getting offended or not.

Speaker 4589.82s - 591.34s

Okay, meaning the five of us?

Speaker 0591.38s - 592.08s

Yeah, the five of us.

Speaker 3592.08s - 617.4s

Okay. We do one day where we pick once an hour, maybe the, maybe the shortest segment, the last segment of the hour is always the shortest segment of every hour. So I'm saying not a, not a segment that would take long. But each hour we take a different person of the show and we say, if this person left today, who might we think to replace them with? Yeah.Do you think our egos would be able to handle that?

Speaker 4619.04s - 626.7s

Well, I, yeah, mine can handle it because, I mean, I'm going to vote for people. Well, why wouldn't our ego, you know? I don't know. I don't know. We're all replaceable, I mean, I'm going to vote for people. Well, why wouldn't are you going to handle it?

Speaker 3626.92s - 627.28s

I don't know.

Speaker 4627.42s - 628.92s

We're all replaceable.

Speaker 3629.12s - 630.28s

I mean, we know this.

Speaker 4630.42s - 631.5s

We've talked about this.

Speaker 3632.06s - 633.5s

Craig PERSON proved that again. Yeah.

Speaker 4633.62s - 634.62s

Like, could we have a discussion?

Speaker 3634.82s - 641.76s

Like, if Boomer retires tomorrow, who. Yeah, who do you want? Like, who would we think? Who would, like, what names would we throw out there?

Speaker 4641.76s - 647.88s

Yeah. If Geo PERSON left, what names will we throw out? For sure. That'd be fun. You might get a lot of interest, too, people calling in? Yeah. If Gio PERSON left, what names will we throw out? For sure. That'd be fun. You might get a lot of interest, too, people calling in.

Speaker 3648.02s - 656.18s

Yeah. Like, here'd be a tough one. Eddie PERSON leaves. That is a hard one. Who, like, is there somebody here that we would take?

Speaker 4656.34s - 663.24s

Or would we need to train somebody in the sound effects? I don't think, I don't, that's the problem.

Speaker 3663.36s - 679.7s

I don't think what he does is trainable. I think if you came in and you were, first of all, to apply for that job, you have to know the job. I don't think you can say, oh, the board op for the morning show is open. I want to apply. And you don't know the show. Right.

Speaker 0679.82s - 682.48s

To me, you're automatically eliminated as a candidate.

Speaker 3683s - 686.28s

So I think if you're looking at replacing Eddie PERSON,

Speaker 0686.54s - 689.38s

you have to have someone that knows the show,

Speaker 4689.62s - 718.78s

knows what his role is beyond just hitting the buttons. Okay, so if we get that out of the way, that's a prerequisite. The next thing would be you'd have to find someone that can develop their own sense of timing, of understanding what the hosts are talking about, where they might be going with the conversation, and then having your own sense of organization to where you can get towhat you want to get to and find it and hit it in a timely manner. Not easy. I'm actually

Speaker 3718.78s - 723.68s

surprised, you know, we think about when we were in the business coming up in the business,

Speaker 0723.68s - 725.86s

trying to get jobs and things,

Speaker 3726.48s - 748.48s

like that there hasn't been some young whippersnapper that is like, I'm setting my sights on. Eddie's retiring in, what does he say, two years? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Eddie's retiring in two years. I'm going to go to David PERSON, the guy who does the schedules here.I'm going to tell him I want in every time Eddie PERSON's out because I'm going to replace Eddie PERSON.

Speaker 4748.82s - 785.44s

Well, and I think that guy is Big Zoo. Is that right? He's the one that has proven, in my opinion, to take the most chances to try to not replicate, but at least try to minimize Eddie PERSON's absence with the drops. Now, his timing stinks a lot of times, but I give him credit for trying. So he's he trainable, right?I think with him, it's more reps. Like anything. I think the more he would be here, the more he would hear it from in there, the more his mind can get acclimated to the show. Yeah, so, in honesty, honestly, we mind can get acclimated to the show. Yeah.

Speaker 3789.8s - 794.02s

So, in honesty, honestly, we now, we have an end date for Eddie PERSON. I know. And you? He's given us a two-year window. Correct. I think.

Speaker 4795.92s - 798.38s

Am I, my, two years from Memorial? The Friday Memorial Day weekend is his last day, he said.

Speaker 3800.32s - 815.92s

So we know we have to replace Eddie PERSON. Mm-hmm. We got to be, we got to be thinking like Bill Belichick PERSON right now. We know we're losing our quarterback or whatever in two years. We got to get, and we also know that you can't replace that position overnight and it's going to be like nothing happened.

Speaker 5815.96s - 816.66s

There's no chance.

Speaker 4817.12s - 824.34s

It's not going to be seamless. I mean, you can put someone in there that's not going to ruin the show, but they're not going to add to the show. Right. And that's a problem.

Speaker 3824.34s - 834.96s

We got to start, I got to start, I got to start doing, we got to start thinking about this. Well, now that I've thought of this idea of who replaces each one of us. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 4835.54s - 836.52s

I don't think that's a bad.

Speaker 3836.52s - 840.24s

And you are a little bit more down the road when you're talking about five years.

Speaker 4840.3s - 840.54s


Speaker 3840.54s - 850.52s

But I do think a guy like G who's only 40, and I think hopes to do this for another 20 years before he walks away. Yeah. I would think he's got to, again, it's five years

Speaker 4850.52s - 854.24s

from now, but in the back of his mind, he's got to wonder who his next producer is going to be.

Speaker 3854.68s - 860.58s

Or, and his next co-host. Yes, although I don't, yes, the only difference there is,

Speaker 4860.66s - 865.12s

boomer's given us no sense of, like, you and Eddie have given us timing. Boomer PERSON hasn't.

Speaker 3865.44s - 865.64s


Speaker 4866.08s - 890.82s

And I don't, like, Boomer PERSON is in shape. He still plays hockey. He has cut down on a lot of other work responsibilities. I don't expect it, but would you be stunned if I told you seven years from now he was still here? I would have said that 10 years ago that he wouldn't be still doing this at 67, 68 years old. If I asked you now, though, would you be still?I wouldn't be. Yeah, I wouldn't be.

Speaker 3892.06s - 897.84s

By the way, next week is Boomer PERSON's birthday. Oh, is it really? He turns, let's see, he's 8 years older than me,

Speaker 14897.92s - 900s

and I'm going to turn 55, so he'll be 63.

Speaker 4900.16s - 903.96s

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember going to his 50th and thinking, wow, 50, and I just turned 50.

Speaker 3904.04s - 904.24s


Speaker 4904.42s - 908.2s

Oh, I remember that too. I remember Boomer's 50th. I'm thinking like, oh, my goodness.

Speaker 3908.44s - 911.76s

Yeah. I remember thinking then, I wonder how much longer he's going to do this for.

Speaker 4912.04s - 914.54s

So I actually don't see Boomer here at 70.

Speaker 3916.32s - 920.12s

I don't either. I really don't. But I wouldn't be stunned anymore.

Speaker 4920.46s - 926.02s

Yeah. Because he keeps himself in such good shape. And if you told me he cut back his schedule a little bit more,

Speaker 3926.72s - 927.22s

let's say,

Speaker 4927.6s - 929s

let's say for instance,

Speaker 3929.56s - 933.52s

he had the option of continuing the boomer and geo program.

Speaker 4934.62s - 935.9s

And he could,

Speaker 3936.94s - 937.2s

I mean,

Speaker 4937.22s - 949.06s

he already gets good vacation time. But let's say he worked like two weeks in the summer and was off the other 10. And then could take off the week after the NFL season ended and could take off like all of a sudden you be told you work off you're

Speaker 3949.06s - 960.48s

working 40 weeks you're off for 12 or maybe we give him the Howard Stern PERSON schedule off all fall summer and Howard only works Monday Tuesday Wednesday yeah even even if you gave him the summer

Speaker 4960.48s - 964.26s

oh he loves baseball though I don't know if he would walk the whole summer off my point is if you

Speaker 0964.26s - 969.5s

if you limited his work schedule to a point where it still felt like the boomer

Speaker 3969.5s - 975.98s

and geo show, but you increased his time off to give him more time. Yeah. Especially in the summer

Speaker 4975.98s - 981.68s

when he's playing golf and doing different things. I wouldn't be stunned. That's a good point. I don't

Speaker 3981.68s - 985.16s

expect it. I wouldn't be stunned anymore.

Speaker 4985.9s - 986.7s

Who knows?

Speaker 3989s - 989.36s

Yeah, I think it would make for an interesting discussion?

Speaker 4989.78s - 989.98s


Speaker 3992.32s - 992.96s

Like would we go for another athlete?

Speaker 0993.38s - 993.82s

Yeah, right.

Speaker 3996.48s - 996.66s

Would Gio PERSON try to put in his people?

Speaker 0997.66s - 1002.52s

You know what I'm saying, Jerry PERSON? Like, Gio PERSON came in and we were all thrust upon him.

Speaker 31003.8s - 1006.06s

He had no input on us. And that's why I'm saying he's got to have input

Speaker 41006.06s - 1008s

and be thinking about what's going on in the control room.

Speaker 31008s - 1008.34s


Speaker 41009.14s - 1011.68s

Because those have got to be his guys now. Right. I would think.

Speaker 31012.18s - 1012.58s


Speaker 41013.72s - 1015.08s

It's very interesting.

Speaker 31015.08s - 1016.12s

Very interesting, Jerry PERSON.

Speaker 41016.48s - 1019.04s

I am really contemplating these.

Speaker 31019.04s - 1020.78s

Do you think, and we'll do this,

Speaker 51021.54s - 1022.7s

I'm just wondering what you think.

Speaker 31023.28s - 1030.82s

Do you think if I got another job or quit or got fired that they would go with Seilo PERSON,

Speaker 41031.82s - 1039.82s

Schwartz, Andrew Bogish PERSON, or someone outside the company? Wow. That's a good one, isn't it?

Speaker 31040.6s - 1042.42s

Because him and Bogish PERSON worked a long time together.

Speaker 41042.52s - 1043.86s

Yeah, he likes Bogish PERSON.

Speaker 51044.02s - 1050.04s

He does. Now, I could see a scenario where Bogish took over for me and Seelow PERSON went and took over for Bogish PERSON. I don't know.

Speaker 41050.24s - 1052.26s

Hmm. I just wonder what you think he would do.

Speaker 31052.36s - 1059.5s

That's a great question. Wow. I think he might go bogish. Yeah.

Speaker 41059.7s - 1061.14s

Because he loves Bogus PERSON.

Speaker 01061.24s - 1065.38s

I know. Andrew Boogish PERSON. And then Seelow into Bogish PERSON spot.

Speaker 41065.76s - 1066.54s

Certainly possible.

Speaker 31066.84s - 1067.52s

Very possible.

Speaker 41067.56s - 1071.76s

I wonder how the audience would react to that, given Sealo LOC has been a big part of this program.

Speaker 01072s - 1085.52s

Right. On a fill-in basis. And, I mean, I take not a ton of time. I mean, I take my allotted time off, obviously. But with the added hosting responsibilities when they're off. You get my five weeks vacation.

Speaker 41085.68s - 1086.4s

So right off the bat,

Speaker 51086.52s - 1088.56s

Cilo gets like 28 days that I'm off.

Speaker 41088.88s - 1091.62s

And then I think it turns out to be like another,

Speaker 51091.82s - 1100.82s

I think I do, usually 40 hosting days a year. Wow. So that's 65 days he's here in my spot. Nice. Yeah.

Speaker 31101.36s - 1101.88s

Be interesting.

Speaker 41102.2s - 1102.42s


Speaker 31102.82s - 1103.72s

When are we doing this?

Speaker 41104.12s - 1106.5s

Oh, I'm going to, I'm going to pitch this idea.

Speaker 31106.82s - 1130.14s

Okay. In our next pitch meeting, Jerry PERSON. When is that? Can we have our first pitch meeting first? Maybe I'll pitch it. Maybe I'll pitch it during a commercial break tomorrow.Oh, okay. Good deep thought. Hey guys, do anything about this. Let's do it now. No, right. Not to do it right now, but we, like, we really got a,like, if we, if we really, like, if this was an assignment, I said,okay, everybody,

Speaker 51131.36s - 1132.42s

this is a bit we're going to do.

Speaker 31133.6s - 1144.42s

It gives us all a couple days to come up with a list of different people. Okay. Or, if you didn't have the person in mind, right, what are the skills that person would need?

Speaker 51144.58s - 1147.04s

Okay. Like you mentioned the, for the Eddie PERSON job, the skills that person would need? Okay. Like you mentioned for the Eddie job.

Speaker 31147.22s - 1156.56s

The skills that person would need is they couldn't be just like a radio person from another market. They don't know the show. They need to know the show. For sure.

Speaker 41156.62s - 1161.74s

You need to be very comfortable with all the, with the board, the equipment in there.

Speaker 51161.8s - 1162.04s


Speaker 41162.48s - 1260.46s

The collecting of the sound, the running of the commercials. And, you know, Eddie PERSON just got a lot going on in there. I know he does. We all do. I'm really, it is a, when I think about what this job is from the day I took over for Carlin ORG, it isn't even close to the same thing.Yeah. It really is, it's insanely different for me. Yeah. You personally, you know, my responsibilities are, I mean, it used to literally be, here's all the sound you have. Great, all I had to do is write a script and put him in order and then go in and play him.That guy's gone. Now it's like on, really, I do all of it. It's just different. And then I got to run it, well, not run up, but I got to record these 880 updates. Eddie's doing logs, posting stuff to the website. It's like, oh, by the way, the show's going on.It's a lot. He's a lot going on. Plus the 5 to 6 is new. Not new anymore, but that's much different than when I first started on the show in 09. Right. Chops an hour off of prep.Prep time. Yeah, I used to get in. I remember in Astoria, I got in at 445, between 445 and 5. And I had it, ironically enough, I had to do live 10-10 wins updates starting at 6.15. So I was always in between 445 and 5. I had a solid hour.I didn't do anything until 615 on wins and then 625 with boomer and carton. And then I was kind of into my day and that was that. Now we're on at five, which means I can't get here later than four because now I got to record these updates for 880, then maybe get 10 minutes of editing in between 450 and five and then really get to it when we get out of here at six. It's like the show started already.

Speaker 31260.64s - 1260.8s


Speaker 41261.24s - 1264.7s

It was like that first hour for me, I don't want to call it a waste, but that first hour is just

Speaker 31264.7s - 1272.88s

very sporty because it's all I got to work with. Right. Very different. But you would think that one would be sporty anyway because it's the here's what happened last

Speaker 41272.88s - 1280.24s

night in sports. Yes, but I could add in more fun stuff, which I don't get to until 645. I get to

Speaker 31280.24s - 1290.2s

start listening to when editing. I really enjoyed the sound you had today of the people at the eclipse. Yes. Being very, what made you think to do that? That was a really good idea.

Speaker 41290.5s - 1297.02s

Well, so a couple things. I had the Charles Barkley stuff. I had the Christine Johnson PERSON stuff.

Speaker 31297.2s - 1326.88s

What do you mean you had the Christine Johnson PERSON stuff? Marco put the five-minute report. Okay. She's a CBS ORG news person. So he's like, I don't know if this would be news. If this would be worth it, but I put the five-minute report. Okay. She's a CBS ORG news person. So he's like, I don't know if this would be news. If this would be worth it, but I put the five minutes in. So then I had to go edit the whole thing down.I had that. I heard CMAQ do that last one that I did with the woman in Niagara Falls GPE. So I knew where to get that. The one that I found just randomly was the Peter Sack PERSON one. Peter Sack PERSON.

Speaker 41326.96s - 1336.18s

That one I found on, that was on Twitter ORG, my suggested views. So I was able to find a whole bunch of that.

Speaker 31336.34s - 1338s

Twitter ORG was like, you know who we'll love this?

Speaker 41338.12s - 1340.84s

Jerry Rekko PERSON. You know what? Hook line and sinker.

Speaker 31340.88s - 1351.02s

I took it and it was fantastic. Yeah, it was good. That was my favorite segments of the. That's good....hilarious. The fact that...Like, Gina was very excited about the eclipse yesterday.

Speaker 01351.1s - 1351.26s


Speaker 71351.32s - 1353.18s

Like, she was into it.

Speaker 51353.4s - 1356.88s

And I felt like, like what you said this morning, I think on the warm-up show you.

Speaker 71356.88s - 1358.22s

Like, is there something wrong with me?

Speaker 01358.3s - 1362.48s

Like, people get into these little...

Speaker 31362.48s - 1388.54s

If any little thing is different in the day, it's like, let's celebrate it. The eclipse. They were counting it down like it was New Year's Eve. Yeah, and I just, I didn't, I was with someone who was very interested in the eclipse. I had the glasses that she got me.I was looking up. I could see it clearly. And I was like, oh, cool. That was my reaction. I didn't feel one with the earth or this emotional pull towards the moon.

Speaker 41388.84s - 1397.24s

And I'm not putting it down. There's no part of me that's putting it down. If you're into it, I think that's great. Yeah. I just, I don't get it. I don't see.It's fine.

Speaker 31397.44s - 1414.56s

It's a cool moment, but it's a moment. Well, there's a moment. And I did see a lot of people over, a lot of people went to the beach in order to look at the eclipse. And I did see a lot of people over, a lot of people went to the beach in order to look at the eclipse. And I did see a lot of people. They showed up.They looked up a few times for a few minutes. And then they left. Right. To me, it's a normal reaction.

Speaker 41414.66s - 1414.78s


Speaker 31414.84s - 1416.06s

We were out there for like an hour.

Speaker 41416.54s - 1417.08s

Yeah, I'm sorry.

Speaker 31417.68s - 1420.08s

Staring at the eclipse.

Speaker 41420.08s - 1420.62s

But then what do you?

Speaker 31420.78s - 1420.98s

All right.

Speaker 41420.98s - 1424.2s

So my question would be, and not to make fun of what.

Speaker 31424.4s - 1425.16s

But then what happens? I was like, oh, it's pretty cool. And then. And you? All right. So my question would be, and not to make fun of what. But then what happens?

Speaker 41426.06s - 1427.14s

I was like, oh, it's pretty cool.

Speaker 31428.14s - 1428.94s

And then the, then.

Speaker 41429.24s - 1430.54s

And she just wanted to keep looking?

Speaker 31431.46s - 1436.28s

Well, she wanted to see it go as far as it was going to go in covering the sun.

Speaker 41436.38s - 1436.64s


Speaker 31437.12s - 1440.46s

And then go back to where it was.

Speaker 41440.46s - 1443.08s

Or I don't know, which if it went completely across it.

Speaker 31443.26s - 1444.64s

I never went outside, so I don't know.

Speaker 41444.82s - 1446.18s

Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. You know what it looked like to. I never went outside, so I don't know. Yeah. Yeah,

Speaker 31446.26s - 1447.94s

I don't know. You know what it looked like to me looking

Speaker 41447.94s - 1449.66s

out the window? Do you ever read the book, Fahrenheit

Speaker 31449.66s - 1452.02s

451? I played

Speaker 41452.02s - 1453.66s

the game on Commodore 64 PRODUCT.

Speaker 31454.08s - 1456.12s

Okay. There was a game based on

Speaker 41456.12s - 1458.2s

Fahrenheit WORK_OF_ART. Where the sun and the ozone's gone

Speaker 31458.2s - 1460.1s

and the sun, you can't really go outside during

Speaker 41460.1s - 1461.98s

the day. Oh, I don't even remember that the concept.

Speaker 31461.98s - 1465.82s

It's so freaking hot and the sunlight looks different. Yeah. That's what it looked like the concept. It's so freaking hot and the sunlight looks different. Yeah.

Speaker 41466.02s - 1474.12s

That's what it looked like to me or the way I imagined in my mind when I read that book what it would look like if we were living in a time like that.

Speaker 31474.58s - 1479.7s

I saw somebody on the news coverage prior, like a couple days prior to the eclipse

Speaker 41479.7s - 1482.76s

where they were talking about you have to get these glasses if you're going to look at it.

Speaker 31482.76s - 1485.42s

They go if you can't find the glasses

Speaker 41485.42s - 1488.14s

because they're sold out, some other,

Speaker 31488.24s - 1510.64s

you may be able to use some things that you have laying around your house, a welder's mask. What? What? Who's got a welder's mask lying around?Then why does that good? If you're a welder? I think the point of the welder's mask was because the welding is so bright. Right. It shields you?Yeah, that it does a similar thing. It's unbelievable.

Speaker 41510.88s - 1515.28s

Yeah, I know. Like I said, I just stayed in the house. I had things I was doing. I'm good.

Speaker 31515.84s - 1519.44s

All right, Jerry PERSON, let's do the warm-up show. We'll be back here tomorrow on a Wednesday.

Speaker 81520.48s - 1580.3s

Sue PERSON! eBay Motors ORG is here for the ride. Remember when you first saw the potential? And then through some elbow grease, fresh installs, and a whole lot of love, you transformed 100,000 miles and a body full of rust into a drive that's all your own. Look to your left.Look to your right. It's official. No one's got a ride like this. There's nothing else that sounds like, feels like, or looks like the set of wheels in your garage. With over 122 million parts, you can make sure your number one ride or die stays running smoothly, so there's no limit to how far you can take it. Break kits, turbochargers, engines, exhaust kits, roof racks, LED headlights, bumpers, whatever your babyneeds, eBay ORG Motors has it. And with eBay guaranteed fit, it's guaranteed to fit your ride the first time, every time, or your money back. Plus, at these prices, well, your burning rubber, not cash. Keep your ride or die alive at eBaymotors.com. Eligible items only. Exclusions apply.

Speaker 121580.7s - 1610.6s

Hey, Rob Bradford PERSON here. I have set out on a mission with my good friends at Fanduil to prove what I have known for some time. Baseball isn't boring. Now I have a daily podcast to prove it with some of the most notable people in the baseball world, screaming baseball isn't boring for the mountaintops or at least agreeing to come on our show. Players, managers, GMs, and yes, even the commissioner of baseball,Rob Manfred PERSON. It has been a constant wave of baseball's more powerful voices. So join the Revolution ORG, subscribe, and soak in baseball, have been boring, listen on your Odyssey PRODUCT app or wherever you get your podcast. You'll be glad you did.

Speaker 91611.84s - 1656.88s

Okay, picture this. It's Friday afternoon when a thought hits you. I can waste another weekend doing the same old whatever, or I can conquer it. I can hop into my all-new Hyundai Santa Fe PRODUCT and hit the road.Any road, the steeper the better. Because my all-new Santa Fe is available with H-Trek PRODUCT all-wheel drive so I can hit the trail without a worry in the world. Heck, with three rows and best-in-class rear cargo space, I can pack the whole family in with all our gear. We've got available dual wirelesscharging for our phone, so we'll never lose touch with civilization, and we won't lose touch with the primordial power of Mother Earth. So which is it? Waste the weekend, or do something a little more

Speaker 51656.88s - 1667.02s

epic? And conquer it in the all-new Hyundai ORG-Sanof-Fa. Visit HyundaiUSA.com or call 562-314-4-6-03 for more details.

Speaker 91667.66s - 1669.88s

Hyundai ORG, there's joy in every journey.

Speaker 61671.4s - 1675.02s

When this happened, you talked about it on the fan.

Speaker 111675.38s - 1689.6s

David Wells PERSON has pissed up perfect game. 27 up, 27 down. Baseball, immortality for David Wells. And the Yankees ORG win. The Yankees win.

Speaker 61689.98s - 1699.18s

When New York sports happens, talk about it here. The fan, 1019 FM, and always live on the free Odyssey PRODUCT ad.

Speaker 51704.18s - 1705.96s

Good morning, Kempers ORG.

Speaker 31706.18s - 1711.18s

Alan Jerry, don't worry, it's only an hour long, and most days it doesn't sun.

Speaker 141711.28s - 1714s

Hey, what do you say we do this on a Tuesday morning?

Speaker 41714.12s - 1721.88s

Congratulations, you're the champions of the world. The Eddie Scenari PERSON, how are you? I'm curious, Al PERSON, if you're going to start where I think you're going to start.

Speaker 31722.18s - 1729.12s

Hmm. I was going to start, Jerry PERSON, with sort of an eclipse situation.

Speaker 41729.38s - 1729.76s

Oh, really?

Speaker 31730.06s - 1733.2s

Well, just that I saw that, you know, the Yankees ORG pushed their game back.

Speaker 41733.2s - 1735.84s

To 6 o'clock, yeah. To 6 o'clock because of the eclipse. Yeah.

Speaker 31736.38s - 1745.08s

And then I saw a bunch of Yankee players staring up at Eclipse WORK_OF_ART with their glasses on. Yes. To look at it.

Speaker 01745.44s - 1747.04s

And one of them was Juan Soto PERSON.

Speaker 41747.38s - 1748.3s

Juan Soto PERSON!

Speaker 91749.44s - 1750.34s

Eclipse porn.

Speaker 01750.52s - 1753.52s

And I got to tell you that yesterday, Gina PERSON was very into the eclipse.

Speaker 31753.66s - 1755.56s

So I had to be involved in the eclipse yesterday.

Speaker 41755.56s - 1755.84s

Oh, I'm sorry.

Speaker 31756.58s - 1761.58s

And I'm an older guy with eye issues as it is.

Speaker 41761.64s - 1762.32s

I wear glasses.

Speaker 31762.58s - 1773.14s

My eyes, I don't need them for coordination. I was nervous to look up at the eclipse with the $2 paper glasses I was given.

Speaker 41773.76s - 1774.54s

I can't imagine.

Speaker 51774.66s - 1777.42s

If I was Juan Soto PERSON, I'd be like, I ain't looking up at the deal.

Speaker 31777.42s - 1778.04s

I don't blame me.

Speaker 41778.3s - 1780.08s

You've got a half a billion dollars waiting for you.

Speaker 31781.04s - 1784.78s

I don't know if I'm looking up at this eclipse and it's going to burn my retinas.

Speaker 41785.14s - 1798.3s

I know, I know, I know. There was one thing on the CBS evening news the other day where there was some high school kid who created his own glasses to avoid having his retinas burned with a cereal box and aluminum foil. Yeah, yes.

Speaker 31798.72s - 1802.78s

Right, people were, right, you got a piece of cardboard at home? I'm sorry.

Speaker 41803.12s - 1803.94s

I know, I know.

Speaker 31803.94s - 1812.38s

You're telling me not to look at the sun because it can cause permanent eye damage, and you're handing me what looks like the old 3D movie glasses from the 50s.

Speaker 41812.66s - 1814.64s

Yep, pretty much. Pretty much.

Speaker 31814.76s - 1816.1s

My goodness, Jerry PERSON.

Speaker 41816.1s - 1817s

Yeah, I understand.

Speaker 31817.32s - 1826.24s

Well, I did not leave that. I was in the house. It got, it didn't get dark. It got, like, shady, if you will. And then it was so sunny again. Whatever. Yeah, like, I looked up at it with the glasses. I was like, that didn't get dark. It got like shady, if you will. And then it was so sunny again. Whatever.

Speaker 41826.5s - 1829.28s

Yeah, like I looked up at it with the glasses. I was like, that's kind of cool.

Speaker 31830.04s - 1832.64s

But like, Gina wanted to do it for 45 minutes.

Speaker 11833.26s - 1834.18s

We were out there.

Speaker 41834.5s - 1835.22s

Look at it again.

Speaker 31835.4s - 1848.82s

I'm like, okay. What? And now? What about? Oh, it's almost. It's almost completely.Oh, okay. And then you're looking at me like I was some kind of jerk because I wasn't all looped into the eclipse.

Speaker 41848.82s - 1852.62s

You make me feel better, though, because I sit there, I wonder like, why do I not care about this?

Speaker 31852.66s - 1853.74s

Like, I don't care about anything.

Speaker 41854.4s - 1855.1s

That's how I feel.

Speaker 31855.1s - 1858.9s

And I know that's a problem. But like, I just, whatever.

Speaker 41859.02s - 1860.64s

It's literally, it's four minutes and it's over.

Speaker 31861s - 1875.38s

Move on. That's what I thought. I said, I already looked. I said, okay, 325 is one it's going to hit. Well, at 240, 240, she goes, oh, it's already starting. We've got to start looking now. It's going to be completed at 325.

Speaker 41875.7s - 1876.18s


Speaker 31876.9s - 1878.16s

Oh, my God. Plus, there were clouds by me.

Speaker 41878.74s - 1879.82s

Yeah, we did have some clouds.

Speaker 31879.82s - 1885.2s

It was not a clear day, at least by me, and I don't even think at the time I could even see it

Speaker 41885.2s - 1886.38s

had I wanted to.

Speaker 31886.76s - 1887.42s

So whatever.

Speaker 41887.66s - 1890.64s

But the good news is Juan Soto PERSON did stare at the eclipse?

Speaker 31890.74s - 1891.52s

His eyes are good.

Speaker 41892.14s - 1892.78s

Hit a home run.

Speaker 31893.06s - 1895.48s

First Yankee ORG Stadium home run as a Yankee.

Speaker 41896.3s - 1897.92s

Did he have one as not a Yankee ORG?

Speaker 31898.34s - 1898.88s

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 41899.96s - 1906.18s

I believe, yeah, 100%. I think with the Padres ORG he did. Oh, was that right? Oh, that's a good question. I assumed he did. Maybe not.

Speaker 31906.62s - 1908.28s

Oh, now I'm going to check that. Well, to Google.

Speaker 41908.36s - 1909.76s

That might have been a bad assumption by me.

Speaker 31910.08s - 1913.42s

What did you think I was going to do? Because you said, oh, I...

Speaker 41913.42s - 1919.56s

Oh, I thought for sure you were going to start with the dog pooping on the plane and they had to re, and they had to divert the plane and land somewhere else.

Speaker 31919.68s - 1921.84s

You didn't see that story? This is right up your alley.

Speaker 01922.08s - 1934.92s

Oh, man. I promise. We'll get to the Mets and Yankees ORG. So the Mets won in Atlanta. How about that? That was cool.Yeah, there was a plane that left. It was left Houston bound for Seattle GPE. Dog on the plane does its business.

Speaker 41935.42s - 1948.3s

The stench was so awful. They had to turn the plane back around Atlanta in Dallas. It took them two hours to clean the plane. From a dog poop? Yeah. This must have been a big ass dog. Or maybe it was, I don't know. I didn't get that far clean the plane. From a dog pooping? Yeah. This must have been a big ass dog.Or maybe it was, I don't know.

Speaker 31948.42s - 1955.26s

I didn't get that far into the article, but I saw that. I'm like, here's where he's starting. See, a human going on a plane, I would think that's a problem.

Speaker 41955.36s - 1956.24s

Yeah, what you're doing the bathroom?

Speaker 31956.3s - 1958.3s

They got weird sprays in there. I'm saying if they did it not in the bathroom.

Speaker 41958.3s - 1960.16s

Oh, right? And this was in first class, too.

Speaker 31960.42s - 1961.34s

Oh, man.

Speaker 41962s - 1965.56s

Man, imagine you paid for a first class ticket and a dog doping in there.

Speaker 31965.82s - 1966.66s

Well, that's what happened.

Speaker 41966.66s - 1969.92s

Right in the aisle or right in the seat. So I'm surprised that that would be your reading.

Speaker 31969.92s - 1973.8s

Yeah, I didn't even see that, Jerry. See, this is what I mean. I back off social media for a day.

Speaker 41973.98s - 1978.12s

I saw on the paper. And all of a sudden, I'm missing dogs. I didn't see it on social media.

Speaker 31978.22s - 1984.12s

It was in the post. Man. I felt like I missed out. Well, you missed that story, yes.

Speaker 41984.38s - 1985.62s

All right. But you didn't miss out on the other stuff. You got everything else. I got the other things. I felt like I missed out. Well, you missed that story, yes. All right.

Speaker 31986.84s - 1986.92s

But you didn't miss out on the other stuff.

Speaker 41987.52s - 1989s

You got everything else. I got the other things, I think.

Speaker 31989.64s - 1993.16s

Yeah, so the Yankees, that was an easy win, Jerry PERSON.

Speaker 41993.46s - 1994.7s

Marlins ORG are just terrible.

Speaker 31994.7s - 1995.54s

They were one in ten.

Speaker 41996.14s - 1996.54s


Speaker 31997.06s - 2002.8s

They hung with them for three innings. The fourth, you got the three. You know, Anthony Volpe is the, I know he's not batting 600.

Speaker 02002.96s - 2003.64s

I don't want to go nuts.

Speaker 32003.72s - 2006.04s

And it's what, 11 games, 10 games, whatever it is.

Speaker 142007.04s - 2013.98s

Right now he leads Major League Baseball with a 417 batting average. Is that right? Yeah. Again, small sample size, but he's been phenomenal.

Speaker 32014.18s - 2015.02s

Very small sample size.

Speaker 42015.02s - 2015.78s

Batting 417.

Speaker 32016.32s - 2020.28s

Did you like that Juan Soto was signing autographs out in Right Field right before the first pitch?

Speaker 42020.7s - 2034.82s

I think Juan Soto is, if you've seen any of the video of him in Rightfield FAC with the fans, the way he's turning and talking to them and yelling at them and gesturing towards them doing things like that, I think he is loving his time here. Yeah, it was great. I saw him,

Speaker 32034.82s - 2047.56s

I saw a video from the fan perspective out there in Right Field FAC of him signing autographs as Nestor Cortez was to practically going into his windup for first pitch. Then he glanced over. He's like, oh, the game started.

Speaker 42047.56s - 2048.2s

I got to go, guys.

Speaker 32048.52s - 2049.38s

Let me get my glove on.

Speaker 42049.46s - 2057.32s

He is a fan favorite. He's going to hit, and they're going to love him. And whoever, I don't know if he's going to say with the Yankees ORG, but whoever gets him, they're going to pay a fortune for him.

Speaker 32057.48s - 2065.34s

Do you think you'd like to be an outfielder or an infielder? Like, if you're an outfielder, you're right near the fans, right?

Speaker 42065.52s - 2073.74s

Do you think you would enjoy that, or you'd rather be in the infield where no one's bugging you? Well, let me ask you this. Am I Juan Soto or Joey Gallo PERSON? You're Juan Soto PERSON.

Speaker 32073.86s - 2079.14s

Well, then yeah. Yeah. Of course. But even Juan Soto PERSON's going to go through a period.

Speaker 42079.24s - 2087.92s

He will. Right, where he's not hitting. There's no question, but here's why you want to be Juan Soto this year. The fans want you back. So even if you go into an 0-4 slump,

Speaker 02088.1s - 2089.76s

I really don't think they're going to boo him,

Speaker 32089.86s - 2108.02s

unless he's 0 for 100, and the Yankees ORG are losing. Right, they'll be afraid to chase him away with booze. That's what I think. I mean, they've booed everybody. They've booed Mickey Mantle, Derek Jeter PERSON. They'll boo their own mom.But I think in this case, they won Soto PERSON back so bad. I think that they will treat him with kid gloves. So he's in the best possible position.

Speaker 42108.02s - 2112.8s

I think so. He's hanging out in the short porch. Mm-hmm. Fans are right on top of you. Yep.

Speaker 32113.42s - 2114.24s

And he's producing.

Speaker 42114.62s - 2121.28s

He's signing autographs. Pretty good to be Juan Soto PERSON right now. Got that right, Jerry PERSON.

Speaker 32121.28s - 2125.78s

Think about that difference of the two. I mentioned Joey Gallo PERSON. Gallo and Soto PERSON.

Speaker 42126.48s - 2142.74s

Both are power hitters, except Gallo is a home runner, a zero. And Soto PERSON does everything. And just the energy and the personality, and they love them. Joey Gallo PERSON, the fans hated the moment they got them. Never wanted them. What a difference.

Speaker 122142.76s - 2143.92s

So two different experiences.

Speaker 142144.1s - 2144.68s

Oh, my God.

Speaker 42144.72s - 2145.24s

You're not kidding. I did think Juan Soto PERSON experiences. Oh, my God, you're not kidding.

Speaker 32145.36s - 2150.16s

I did think Juan Soto PERSON trot around, you know, the bases after someone, a little slow.

Speaker 42150.32s - 2156s

A little lengthy? A little lengthy. He's doing hops. I mean, I'd have plunked them the next time, Jerry PERSON.

Speaker 32156s - 2158.86s

He's just send a message. I think if you're the Marlins ORG, it would be plumping anybody.

Speaker 42159.08s - 2163.32s

How about you trying to win a game? That would be good. They're one in ten. One in ten.

Speaker 32163.44s - 2171.86s

All right. They were one and nine coming in. They got their first win Sunday. I mean, think about that. When do they play a Mets? They be good. They're one in ten. One in ten. All right. They were one and nine coming in. They got their first win Sunday. I mean, think about that. When do they play a Mets ORG? They'll probably get into a hot streak.Who's this, the Marlins ORG?

Speaker 42172.02s - 2173.18s

The Marlens ORG. Probably soon.

Speaker 32173.38s - 2190.94s

I don't know the Mets ORG' schedule offhand. Hell if I know they're playing them this weekend. I don't know. But you know they're going to play them a lot. So, no, the Mets ORG keep doing what they're doing. Yeah, the Mets won an impressive game yesterday.I saw Brandon Nimmo hit two home runs, Jerry PERSON. Not one, but two. Two game tying home runs. Two game tying home runs.

Speaker 42191.38s - 2198.7s

Then a guy named DJ Stewart, who I'd never heard of before last night. Because you don't watch. He's their DH right now until J.D. Martinez PERSON gets here.

Speaker 32198.7s - 2205.46s

Oh, because J.D. Martinez PERSON right now is in an oxygen chamber. Getting his body right.

Speaker 142205.46s - 2206.16s

Just really getting right.

Speaker 42206.32s - 2215.22s

He's going from a cold punch to sauna. Yeah. To cold punch to sauna to red light therapy, trying to get ready to swing a bat. Yeah.

Speaker 32215.5s - 2223.88s

J.D. Martinez PERSON. Maybe we just keep DJ Stewart PERSON then. This guy hit a home run. He's got a little bit of a belly on him, I saw. DJ Stewart PERSON's a big guy. Big fella.

Speaker 42223.88s - 2233.54s

He's not quite as big as Vogel back. Yeah. Who, by the way, I saw. DJ Stewart's a big guy. Big fella. He's not quite as big as a Vogelback PERSON. Yeah. Who, by the way, I think is with the Blue Jays ORG now. Saw him against the Yankees this weekend. He's not quite as big as Vogelback PERSON, but he's a big guy.

Speaker 32234.62s - 2238.64s

Yeah, I do like a bigger, especially DH. The guy's not playing the field.

Speaker 42238.78s - 2261.64s

Let's get a chubster out there. Here's the problem with DJ Stewart PERSON. Where do you think he's a DH? Where would you bat at DH usually? Third or fourth or fifth. How about seventh or ninth?You can't bathe. He was batting ninth over the weekend as their DH. Last night he was seventh, basically because Joey Wendell can't hit and he batted, I think, eighth or ninth. But he has your DH. I am with you.You want your DH.

Speaker 142261.74s - 2264.26s

It's going to be three, four, five, two, three, four, five,

Speaker 32264.3s - 2266.6s

like somewhere in the middle of the lineup. They put him at the end.

Speaker 42267.18s - 2267.82s

Yeah, that's weird.

Speaker 32267.82s - 2277.22s

But he hit the home run last night. That's like what I forget which manager was pulling this trick. Maybe Tony Laruso where he was batting his pitchers like seventh or eighth, where he was doing that weird thing.

Speaker 42277.64s - 2308.56s

Yeah, but you do have, there have been cases where pitchers are actually decent hitters. Like the Giants ORG did that. I think, didn't Bruce Bochy PERSON do that with, what the hell? Madison Bumgarner PERSON. And I think Bumgarner PERSON also,when they played an American League ORG team, I think he stayed in the lineup. To hit. I think he did. I could be wrong about that. But Bumgarner was one, like he was a good hitting pitcher.There are a few that are like that. Not many.

Speaker 32308.96s - 2310.4s

Jacob de Grom PERSON when he's not injured.

Speaker 42310.4s - 2311.28s

Jacob de Grom PERSON could hit.

Speaker 32311.58s - 2312.06s

Can hit.

Speaker 42312.18s - 2318.32s

Yeah. Now with the DH, it's different, obviously, the Universal ORG D.H. But yeah, it depends on what you got and who you got.

Speaker 32318.74s - 2321.52s

The Mets had a pitcher, I believe his name was Walt Terrell PERSON.

Speaker 42322.08s - 2322.36s


Speaker 32322.48s - 2323.38s

When I was a kid, right?

Speaker 42323.44s - 2326.24s

I think he hit two home runs in a game one time.

Speaker 32326.58s - 2327.48s

Look at your recall.

Speaker 42327.68s - 2328.48s

I feel like I remember that.

Speaker 32328.48s - 2329.96s

You've no idea who DJ Stewart PERSON is.

Speaker 42330.76s - 2332.4s

But you're recalling Walt Terrell PERSON.

Speaker 32332.52s - 2333.48s

In Wrigley GPE, by the way.

Speaker 42333.84s - 2334.7s

In Wrigley GPE, he did it?

Speaker 32335.92s - 2345.48s

See, Eddie PERSON remembers too. That was like a big, that's so weird. What things. You remember? Yeah. Just like we'll always remember the Bartolo Colon PERSON home run.

Speaker 42345.56s - 2347.08s

In San Diego GPE down the left field line.

Speaker 32347.18s - 2347.7s

You're absolutely right.

Speaker 42347.7s - 2355.58s

We're just always going to remember that. You're right. Somewhere down the road, Jerry, in 30 years, some young punk will be doing sports. I'll be like, I remember.

Speaker 32356.34s - 2359.24s

Well, he'll be younger. But he'll be like, I remember when I was a kid.

Speaker 42359.44s - 2368.6s

I was really little, but this big fat pitcher, Martolo Colon PERSON hit a home run. You know what I remember about that? Gary Cohen PERSON calling it one of the greatest moments in baseball history.

Speaker 32369.56s - 2370.6s

Think about that.

Speaker 42370.94s - 2375.3s

I feel like I need to watch that during the break. Just to see the trot. And him run around the bases?

Speaker 52375.58s - 2392.9s

Yeah. If I ask you right now, you got three seconds to think about it. What would be the first like met memory, like a play? I know you just mentioned Walt Tara, but what comes to mind first if I say Mets ORG, go? Probably, well, the 86 Mets for

Speaker 32392.9s - 2397.62s

me, but if the earliest memory would probably be a Dave Kingman PERSON home run in Wrigley Field

Speaker 42397.62s - 2401.16s

where you would put one on the street. And for me, I think about the Mets ORG beating the Dodgers

Speaker 32401.16s - 2408.02s

and Fernando Valenzuela and like 1982 going to that game. It is funny. Yeah, where our memory, right, where our baseball memories are.

Speaker 42408.06s - 2443.66s

I'd say another one that I always think of, too, and you can argue fair, foul, whatever, with the Santana PERSON no hitter. I remember putting that game on, boys were little, and I think they were in bed already. I think Kim was upstairs already with them, and I put that game on in, like, the fourth inning. And he goes to the mound, no hits yet. I remember watching every inning, and I put that game on in, like, the fourth inning. And he goes to the mound. No hits yet.I remember watching every inning, and it just felt like something was going to happen that night. And I remember sitting there, locked in, watch the post game. That's another one. I think it was a Friday night or Saturday night because I don't think we worked the next day. But that's another one just sitting there watching that I'll never forget.

Speaker 32443.76s - 2446.1s

I don't know why. You'll remember that forever, Jerry PERSON. You'll be an 80't know why. Well, you'll remember that forever, Jerry.

Speaker 42446.1s - 2449.4s

You'll be an 80-year-old man. I do remember that forever, yes.

Speaker 32449.58s - 2455.48s

And the Braves celebrated, I guess yesterday was the 50th anniversary of Hank Aaron's 715th.

Speaker 42455.5s - 2458.16s

Yeah, Dusty Baker was in the booth with Keith and Gary PERSON.

Speaker 32458.28s - 2458.86s

Oh, is that right?

Speaker 42458.98s - 2469.38s

I figured what a name. It was the fourth inning, whatever. And he was great. Recalling stories of Hank Aaron PERSON and what he meant to him. And they had the 715 in Center Field, which was really cool. So, whatever. And he was great, recalling stories of Hank Aaron and what he meant to him. And they had the 715 PRODUCT in center field, which was really cool. So, yeah.

Speaker 32469.56s - 2473.88s

And the Braves wore those uniforms that Hank Aaron wore that night.

Speaker 42473.88s - 2482.76s

And who was it, was it Craig Sager PERSON? Who was the reporter that ran onto the field? You got it. It was Craig Sager PERSON, a young Craig Sager that ran onto the field with all the fans.

Speaker 32482.98s - 2485.66s

Yeah. How about they just let fans run around the bases with them?

Speaker 42485.86s - 2490.6s

Well, as I said the other day to the guys, it's like I was watching that doc documentary.

Speaker 32491.5s - 2496.16s

And when you're looking at the highlights of 86 and they clinched the division and then when

Speaker 42496.16s - 2502.06s

they win the series over the Astros ORG, like everyone's running onto the field.

Speaker 32502.62s - 2504.24s

That's not that long ago.

Speaker 42504.72s - 2507.12s

And now, I mean, you get arrested.

Speaker 32507.42s - 2507.86s

Oh, yes.

Speaker 42508.26s - 2509.72s

You get tackled and arrested.

Speaker 32509.88s - 2510.12s


Speaker 42510.22s - 2516.4s

Although when a bunch go at one time, it's very difficult, too. Yes, but now they have so much police presence that that's not happening.

Speaker 52516.58s - 2517.7s

Not going to happen.

Speaker 32517.82s - 2519.92s

Does that feel like 50 years ago, Jerry PERSON, or no?

Speaker 42522.04s - 2523.52s

What, the 86?

Speaker 32523.88s - 2525.94s

No, the Hank Aaron PERSON situation.

Speaker 42526.2s - 2528.28s

Well, considering, I just turned 50, yeah.

Speaker 32528.78s - 2532.24s

And you were just, you said you remembered that as a one month old.

Speaker 42532.24s - 2533.64s

I don't remember that, as I do not remember that.

Speaker 32533.64s - 2535.68s

That you really enjoyed the Hank Aaron.

Speaker 42536.04s - 2538.3s

You had asked your parents to stay up late that night.

Speaker 32538.6s - 2546.4s

There was, do you remember, maybe not, do you remember a toy that used to be an old robot?

Speaker 42546.98s - 2550.58s

It stood like a foot or two feet tall.

Speaker 32550.74s - 2553.3s

And you used to put like not eight tracks,

Speaker 42553.44s - 2556.8s

but there were some sorts of tapes that would go in it.

Speaker 32557s - 2559.32s

And it would play sports highlights.

Speaker 42560.42s - 2562.42s

That's where I learned of the Henry Aaron PERSON thing.

Speaker 52562.54s - 2563.42s

A sports robot?

Speaker 42563.42s - 2563.82s


Speaker 32564s - 2565.4s

Yeah. It was a toy. But it was like a speaker. But that's what I learned of the Henry Aaron PERSON thing. A sports robot? Yes. Yeah. I don't know what that is.

Speaker 02565.9s - 2569.06s

But it was like a speaker, but that's what it was.

Speaker 42569.14s - 2570.06s

I can't think of what it was called.

Speaker 02570.06s - 2571.44s

And it gave you like sports history.

Speaker 32571.96s - 2572.36s


Speaker 02572.44s - 2582.62s

From a robot. The tapes. You would put it in. And it's 715 PRODUCT. There's a new home run champion. And it's Henry Aaron PERSON.Yeah. That's how I first knew of that.

Speaker 32582.92s - 2585.8s

I mean, I might need to go on eBay ORG and get an old sports robot.

Speaker 42586.54s - 2589s

Yeah, I forget what it was called. Orby PERSON.

Speaker 32589.44s - 2590.48s

I'm going to try.

Speaker 42590.64s - 2597.04s

No, I'm going to try to look at it. Would he tell you other things? Like if you had the right cartridges, could you get like about the JFK PERSON assassination?

Speaker 32597.44s - 2599s

Probably, but I had the sports one.

Speaker 42599.08s - 2607.84s

Lou Gehrig's PERSON speech I had. That was one. So, yeah, the U.S. beating Russia GPE. Oh, that's a good one. In the Olympics. That was one. So, yeah, the U.S. beating Russia.

Speaker 32607.96s - 2608.7s

Oh, that's a good one.

Speaker 42608.72s - 2620.88s

In the Olympics EVENT. That was one that I had. So there were all these different, like, sports calls on this one. Again, it wasn't, it was something between a cassette and an 8 track. I don't know what the hell it was. And you put it in and you would press it and it would just kind of play the call.

Speaker 32621.12s - 2626.32s

I'll give you two more classic baseball things. You tell me if you remember watching these.

Speaker 42626.44s - 2626.74s


Speaker 32627.02s - 2632.1s

Do you remember when Pete Rose PERSON got the hit that broke the record?

Speaker 42632.1s - 2633.08s

No. I do not. I don't.

Speaker 32633.92s - 2638.56s

Do you remember Ricky Henderson's PERSON steel that broke the record?

Speaker 42638.9s - 2644.04s

Here's what I remember about that. I wasn't watching it. I just remember him getting up and picking up the base.

Speaker 32644.16s - 2647.56s

Yeah, getting the actual base. But I feel like that I probably saw that on this week in baseball. Yeah. Right. We probably didn't watching it. I don't even. I just remember him getting up and picking up the base. Yeah, getting the actual base. But I feel like that. I probably saw that on this week in baseball.

Speaker 42647.82s - 2667.94s

Yeah. Right. We probably didn't see it live. No. I think that was a twib thing. And maybe the same thing with Rose PERSON. I feel like, you know, now we're so used to watching everything we want. You almost wonder what we remember as just a highlight on Saturday morning as opposed to what we actually did watch on a day-to-day basis.

Speaker 32668.14s - 2671.14s

Yeah, and like the Pete Rose thing, like let's say that happened on a Tuesday.

Speaker 42671.44s - 2671.64s


Speaker 32672.24s - 2674.76s

And this weekend baseball was on Saturday.

Speaker 42674.88s - 2680.3s

Did we not even know between Tuesday and Saturday that it had happened? I was. Or what our news.

Speaker 32680.38s - 2682.26s

So I don't remember.

Speaker 42682.48s - 2684.7s

My guess would be my father probably would have told me.

Speaker 32685.22s - 2687.86s

Just because we were playing baseball.

Speaker 42688.08s - 2688.78s

He was coaching.

Speaker 32689.2s - 2695.1s

We talked a lot of baseball. I would think so. Hey, Jerry PERSON, we got a new hit king. And it's Pete Rose PERSON. Pete Rose.

Speaker 42695.38s - 2695.7s


Speaker 32696.32s - 2697.56s

I remember that was like a blooper.

Speaker 42697.86s - 2700.32s

I think that was against the Padres ORG for some reason.

Speaker 32700.44s - 2701.82s

I'm remembering Pete Rose PERSON.

Speaker 42701.94s - 2703.86s

You have these very good memories.

Speaker 32704.12s - 2704.8s

You're probably right.

Speaker 42705.14s - 2726.62s

A little blooper. Probably right about that. The hit king, Jerry PERSON. You have these very good memories. You're probably right. A little blooper. Probably right about that. The hit king, Jerry PERSON. And then there was a game. You talk about other things you remember. I went to Philadelphia GPE with my father at the vet.And this was before tickets got out of control. We sat front row behind home plate, like a one-nothing game. And I remember the game took like an hour and 48 minutes. And I felt like we were cheated.

Speaker 32726.92s - 2729.7s

Slightly cheated, right. Look at these great seats I have and this is the

Speaker 42729.7s - 2741.94s

fastest game in the history of baseball. It was so fast. I think they won one nothing or two nothing or something like that and the game was over in a blink. Like, boy, don't blink. You might miss something. I'll give you one more. Yeah. The Kirk Gibson PERSON home run. That was

Speaker 32741.94s - 2743.98s

awesome. That might be my favorite ever

Speaker 42743.98s - 2752.4s

baseball highlight. That one I do remember watching. I don't remember where I was, but I do remember seeing that. Absolutely. I mean, the drama that.

Speaker 32752.44s - 2753.04s

Oh, for sure.

Speaker 42753.28s - 2754.48s

Was built up around that.

Speaker 32754.68s - 2777.82s

No, and the way he's limping to the plate and then limping around the bases and he's got the one swing against the A ORG's. Yeah, I do remember that because that was also the time where the A's ORG were the, honestly, the hated team with McGuire and Konseco PERSON, you felt like they were almost unbeatable. And yet there were the Dodgers ORG. I think I'd put the ball going through Buckner's legs and the Kirk Gibson home run is my top two baseball highlights ever.

Speaker 42778.68s - 2784.64s

Yeah, the problem with the Buckner one is the, the Mets ORG weren't losing that game, even if he makes the play.

Speaker 32784.64s - 2786.22s

Like they had already tied the game.

Speaker 42786.74s - 2795.84s

I feel like we, I think I could be wrong, but I feel like a lot of people think that Bill Buckner PERSON lost that game by not fielding the ground ball. And then it was game seven, by the way.

Speaker 32795.9s - 2811.38s

Right. That's the other thing we think. It's game six, and the Mets ORG had already come back in tight. I'm not saying they would have won. And I'm not saying, I mean, clearly they lost on that play. I know that.But it's not like if he makes that play, the Red Sox break the curse and win the World Series. All that would have done was we go to the next inning.

Speaker 42812.1s - 2817.02s

Now, they might have won anyway. I don't know. But I feel like that gets lost and also the fact that it wasn't game seven.

Speaker 32817.24s - 2820.82s

Yeah. And Game 7 was almost anticlimactic because the Mets ORG went out and beat them.

Speaker 42821.38s - 2848.5s

And I think Darrell hit a home run early in that game in game seven. And it was just kind of like Mets ORG are world champions. But game six was why. You know what? That video, I'll get to take a break. That video of the 86 Mets ORG so dramatic with the whole they show you the ice,the champagne on ice and the Red Sox ORG locker room. And then the Mets one out, two out. And then all of a sudden here comes a base hit and another base hit. It's pretty wild. So there you go.

Speaker 32848.56s - 2853.6s

Met ORG memories and baseball memories. Oh, baseball memories. And you got to mention this week in baseball, which is always awesome.

Speaker 42853.64s - 2858.04s

A little twib. All right. All's going to tell you something. We'll come right back with more right here on the fan.

Speaker 82859.14s - 2892.28s

This episode is brought to you by Progressive Insurance ORG. Whether you love true crime or comedy, celebrity interviews or news, you call the shots on what's in your podcast queue. And guess what? Now you can call them on your auto insurance too, with the name of your price tool from Progressive ORG. It works just the way it sounds. You tell Progressive ORG how much you want to pay for car insurance, and they'll show you coverage options that fit your budget. Get your quote today at Progressive.com ORG to join the over 28 million drivers who trustProgressive ORG. Progressive Casualty Insurance Company and Affiliates ORG. Price and Coverage Match limited by state law.

Speaker 102892.56s - 2900.62s

Listen, if you want the best Yankee coverage this season, you need to listen to the NYYSD ORG podcast, New York Yankee Sports Talk, where the game is never just a game.

Speaker 132900.74s - 2913.5s

That's right, man. We're the fellas bringing you raw, unfiltered takes on everything Yankees ORG. Strap in for a wild ride because we're not holding anything back. Twice a week, all season long, we're diving deep into the heart of the Bronx GPE bombers. So if you want the real deal,

Speaker 102913.58s - 2918.18s

the raw truth about your favorite team, tune into the NYUST ORG podcast, New York Yankee

Speaker 132918.18s - 2922.44s

sports talk. Follow NYYST in the Odyssey PRODUCT app or wherever you get your podcast.

Speaker 102923.32s - 2926.16s

What up y'all is your boy, Danny Green. Three-time NBA ORG champ.

Speaker 12926.32s - 2932.2s

You either rooted for me or rooted against me. Join myself and my co-host Harrison Sanford on the Inside the Green Room WORK_OF_ART podcast.

Speaker 72932.42s - 2947.24s

It's a podcast that brings you never before told tales from the locker room to candid interviews of basketball legends to breakdowns of what's happening in the NBA ORG right now. Whether you're a diehard fan or casual about your hoops, this podcast brings you the gamelike never before.

Speaker 12947.5s - 2958.16s

Follow inside the green room on the Odyssey PRODUCT app or wherever you get your podcast. Jerry PERSON, here comes your sports robot.

Speaker 42959.18s - 2961.42s

It's Mr. Robato PERSON. That's right.

Speaker 32962.28s - 2963.24s

This sticks.

Speaker 42963.78s - 2964.56s

It is sticks.

Speaker 32965.44s - 2973.88s

I do remember sticks back in the day. This was a huge MTV hit, Mr. This sticks. It is sticks. I do remember sticks back in the day. This was a huge MTV hit, Mr. Robato PERSON. Did you find your robot? Did someone send you the sports robot?

Speaker 42973.88s - 2991.12s

A couple people have sent me two. And they both look very similar. Again, I was like seven or eight years old. One was the Alfie PRODUCT. And then there's one that looks just like it. That's silver.I'm not sure which one it was. Hold on, Jerry PERSON.

Speaker 32991.24s - 2992.38s

He wants to tell you something.

Speaker 42992.38s - 2994.06s

He wants to tell you a sports take.

Speaker 32998.38s - 2999.56s

Very queen-like.

Speaker 42999.94s - 3001.04s

Yeah, very queen-like.

Speaker 53001.88s - 3004.8s

Man, we all thought we were getting robots back then.

Speaker 33005.38s - 3009.54s

Well, if you watched the Jetsons, you saw Rosie PERSON and you thought we'd have that by now.

Speaker 53009.7s - 3010.62s

We had the Jetsons ORG.

Speaker 33010.78s - 3013.42s

We had sticks telling us about Mr. Roboto PERSON was coming.

Speaker 43013.54s - 3014.9s

We still have no robots.

Speaker 33015.14s - 3016.28s

And think about that time, too.

Speaker 43016.58s - 3019.1s

Back to the future, 1985 was released.

Speaker 33019.54s - 3024.94s

When they fast-forward up to whatever year it was, you were looking at flying cars.

Speaker 43025.16s - 3026.56s

We haven't really got there yet.

Speaker 33026.94s - 3030.44s

We don't got squat. We're close. To flying cars? But we're not there yet.

Speaker 43031.64s - 3034.7s

They fast forward to 2015, correct? Is that right?

Speaker 33035.62s - 3039.2s

We do have sex robots, which is weird of all the things that we did get.

Speaker 43039.28s - 3042.56s

What's her name? I don't have a sex robot.

Speaker 33043.32s - 3044.52s

Miranda the sex robot.

Speaker 03045.64s - 3047.04s

Some of them look very real, too.

Speaker 53047.04s - 3047.6s

They do, Jerry PERSON.

Speaker 33047.7s - 3049.16s

They have real skin, I'm told.

Speaker 143049.44s - 3052.94s

Yes. Mm-hmm. Mr. Roboto PERSON. Is that cheating?

Speaker 33054.14s - 3058.78s

If you make love to a robot? Yes, it is. Because you're giving affection.

Speaker 43058.78s - 3066.66s

You're giving affection to another object. So when you're hugging whimsy? Yeah. Not right.

Speaker 33068.62s - 3070.1s

And I say, who's a good girl?

Speaker 43072.24s - 3075.38s

Meantime, after five years of your relationship, you're like, get away from me.

Speaker 33076.94s - 3082.32s

Listen, Jerry PERSON, relationships are very complicated. They are that. If only we had robots instead.

Speaker 53082.68s - 3084.14s

Some say I'm like a robot.

Speaker 33084.94s - 3091.24s

No, just boring. And boring as well. Yeah. I did see, Jerry, that Yukon ORG won another national championship.

Speaker 43091.5s - 3115.32s

Good for you. I caught that. I caught that on the news. So I said, so Boomer asked me what I thought yesterday because I'd seen Purdue ORG, obviously, a couple of times this year with Rutgers, and I followed them for the last bunch of years. And I said, if Purdue shoots the three, like they always have done, one of the best three-point shooting team in the country, this will be a close game with a minute to go.Not only did they not shoot the three. You know how many they made?

Speaker 33116.24s - 3117.52s

How many threes they made?

Speaker 43117.52s - 3117.84s


Speaker 33118.26s - 3123.64s

If they didn't shoot a lot of threes, I'm going to say they hit ten threes. One.

Speaker 43124.16s - 3220.94s

One three. They only shot seven. So Yukon ORG played this defense. And it's funny because every time Rutgers would play Purdue, it was the same question that I would ask Steve Michael PERSON. All right. Pick your poison.What is the game plan here? Is it to try to limit Edy and see if they can beat you from three or is it to take away the three and let Edy PERSON do whatever he wants? And they've tried different things. They did beat them a couple of times. So certainly the game plan had worked from time to time. Yukon ORG decidedlast night that they were going to let Eadie have as many points as he wants because the two doesn't kill you anymore in the college game, but they were not going to let Purdue ORG shoot threes. And their plan worked to perfection because Edie had 37 points.They hit one three out of seven, and they suffocated them on the perimeter, essentially. I mean, you got really good plan. I know you don't know who these guys are, but you've got, you know, Raiden Smith PERSON, you've got Fletcher lawyer, you've got Mason Gillis PERSON, you've got, I don't know, the kids named Jones PERSON. Like, they did nothing, like literally nothing.Eadie at 37, they scored 60 as a team. So the rest of the team at 23, and I'll tell you, I'll give you a funny one here. I don't have it ready. So they ask Dan Hurley, and I'll have the audio at 630. They asked Dan Hurley PERSON, you know, reaction to the win. His answer was essentially,eh, they won again. By a lot. Like, wow. Was he cocky? Was he sounded cocky, Jerry PERSON? You know what?When you're the last team standing, he's allowed to be cocky. And now is the time to be cocky because the season's over and they're back-to-back champions.

Speaker 33221.14s - 3228.06s

But back-to-back. But everything worked to perfection for Yukon ORG, yeah. So that hasn't happened since I guess Florida ORG, I think, was the last team.

Speaker 43228.06s - 3229s

The Florida Gators, yeah.

Speaker 33229.14s - 3231s

Are they even competitive anymore, Florida Gators ORG?

Speaker 43231.1s - 3232.12s

Yeah, but I don't think they were.

Speaker 33232.28s - 3234.54s

Yeah, I feel like I don't even hear about them basketball-wise.

Speaker 43234.74s - 3237.04s

Billy Donovan PERSON was the coach of those teams, if I remember correctly.

Speaker 33237.14s - 3244.18s

They were fantastic for a couple of years. And Yukon's won like five or six championships now in like a 30-year period.

Speaker 43244.38s - 3273.56s

I mean, if you think, you know, we talk college basketball, and I feel like all we, you know, with college football, you think Notre Dame, you think Alabama, you think, you know, programs like that. With college basketball, if I ask you right now the top college basketball programs, my guess is you would say Kentucky, Duke ORG, you'd start there. Yep.Yeah, Yukon ORG has won, on average. I know it's not every five years, but they've essentially won a championship every five years. They've got six of them in 30 years. It's impressive.

Speaker 33273.56s - 3276.04s

More of the Yukon ORG women team.

Speaker 43276.7s - 3277.42s

Than the men.

Speaker 33277.66s - 3277.84s


Speaker 43278.16s - 3282.4s

Because of Gino Oriama, the big 80-something game winning streak, they won a bunch of championships.

Speaker 33282.78s - 3284.02s

I know what you're saying.

Speaker 43284.44s - 3289.58s

But they have been, you know, whether it was Jim Calhoun back in the day, now Danny Hurley PERSON,

Speaker 33289.68s - 3303.64s

they have been unbelievable, really have been. They sure have, Jerry PERSON. Congratulations to the Huskies ORG. And then I saw we got ratings for the women's final, averaged 18.7 million people peaking at 24 million. Yeah.

Speaker 43304.96s - 3314.42s

Highest rated basket. I think highest rated sporting event outside of football. Okay. I think it's the highest rated sporting event they've had since 2019. 2019, yeah.

Speaker 33314.58s - 3317.6s

And I don't think anything really comes close.

Speaker 43318.04s - 3319.24s

Baseball doesn't come close.

Speaker 33319.78s - 3321.54s

Men's college basketball hasn't come close.

Speaker 43322.28s - 3324.96s

Baseball doesn't come close or the NBA ORG.

Speaker 33325.54s - 3330.54s

I can't believe we're just throwing that away now. We're letting her, Jerry PERSON,

Speaker 43330.64s - 3375.84s

we've got to keep Caitlin Clark PERSON in college basketball. We're just letting her do whatever she wants. So this is what I said to you yesterday, and I'll continue to say it. You'll have your answer in the fall and the winter of next year. Yeah, I think I have the answer already in my head.I know you do. And the one thing that I've heard from many experts. Am I an expert, you think? No, you're a legendary talk show host. That's fair. I think a lot of the experts have been like Women's College Basketball ORG has arrived.Now you see. They expect big ratings. They expect big numbers. We'll see. We've expected that with Caitlin Clark PERSON and we've gotten it. We will see now that she's gone if this momentum carries through the next season.I don't think you can definitively say that the women's championship game next year is going to draw 18 million viewers. No way.

Speaker 33376.2s - 3380.86s

If it's LSU ORG without Angel Reese, and I'm just picking out teams here, if it's LSU,

Speaker 43381.16s - 3390.76s

I don't know, LSU and Alabama women's basketball, if that's the championship next year. Is that getting 18 million viewers? It is not. I mean, you know, the stars are kind of gone.

Speaker 33391.28s - 3409.74s

It's kind of like you have a teenager, Jerry PERSON, and you know they're going to make a mistake, but you have to let them make a mistake on their own. Sometimes you don't let them make the mistake. We're letting Caitlin Clark go to the WNBA ORG. Huge mistake.We've got to stop her, Jerry PERSON.

Speaker 43409.74s - 3410.58s

She wants to be a pro.

Speaker 33411.38s - 3421.48s

Well, we need college women's basketball to be popular. We just got it popular. Or she just got it popular. And now she's going to walk out that door, Jerry PERSON.

Speaker 43421.58s - 3450.18s

But that's actually not true because the Yukon ORG women, you mentioned them before. They were a monster story. They really were. That winning streak, we talked about it. Yeah, but did we watch it? I think we did, not to numbers like this,but I think they got good numbers. The problem is once that ended, the peaks in the valleys, they dipped again, and then someone like Caitlin Clark PERSON comes along, and now we're at the heights we've never seen before.Can they keep that momentum? I don't know the answer to that. We got to give her ownership in the NCAA ORG or something to stay.

Speaker 33450.42s - 3472.26s

What if there's someone that comes out next year that's averaging 50 a game hitting three small over the place? That would do it. That would be interesting. That would do it. But I don't know that that person's out there.It's hard to do. What we need, Jerry, is an Ellen after Oprah PERSON left. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Oprah PERSON left. We thought, oh, my God, what are we going to do? And we've always said everybody's

Speaker 43472.26s - 3476s

And then Ellen showed up. We always say people are replaceable. Right. Well, we're going to find out if

Speaker 33476s - 3483.02s

Caitlin Clark PERSON is replaceable. Yeah. I'm not feeling great about that, but we'll see. We will see.

Speaker 43483.5s - 3485s

I guess after the break. We'll come right back. We got more to do. We got Boomer and Geo. It's a Tuesday show here. Six. I guess after the break.

Speaker 33485.76s - 3485.82s

We'll come right back.

Speaker 43486.36s - 3487.28s

We got more to do. We got Boomer and Geo PERSON.

Speaker 33488.44s - 3496.7s

It's a Tuesday show here. Six o'clock on the fan.

Speaker 43497.74s - 3497.94s

What's the theme here?

Speaker 33498.56s - 3498.94s

I like it.

Speaker 43500.04s - 3500.34s

I just picked a Metallica ORG.

Speaker 33500.84s - 3501.26s

No theme.

Speaker 43501.98s - 3503.84s

I thought there was something.

Speaker 33506.18s - 3507.14s

Just trying to get people woke up, Gary PERSON.

Speaker 43508s - 3508.16s

They're all sleeping.

Speaker 33509.22s - 3509.34s

Wake your ass up.

Speaker 43510.2s - 3510.32s

Wake your ass up.

Speaker 33510.74s - 3510.82s

That's it.

Speaker 43511.26s - 3521.66s

Let's go. Let's go. Do you think anybody wakes up with like a clock radio anymore? Like, here we go. It's 546. And instead of eh, or the phone ringing, it's,

Speaker 33522.72s - 3526.16s

Wake your ass up. Yeah, I think some people still love the old, yeah.

Speaker 43527.86s - 3533.94s

There's a group of people that don't like to have their phones in their rooms at night because they think the phone is attaching to their brains and things

Speaker 33533.94s - 3536.06s

and like, as opposed to your testicles in your

Speaker 43536.06s - 3545.28s

pocket all day? Correct, right. This is the thing. The phone radiates. If you have it by your head at night when you're sleeping, probably not good. Near your testicles in your pocket also probably not. I have it on my nightstand.

Speaker 33546.86s - 3556.72s

Yeah, I have mine right there. I'm sure it's zapping my brain all night long. All night long. Jerry, did you see the video of John Calapari walking his dog yesterday? I heard it.

Speaker 43556.78s - 3557.5s

I didn't see it.

Speaker 33557.76s - 3576.3s

It's a bizarre video because, first of all, he is probably the most well-known man in Kentucky GPE. I would think so. He's in the news right now because he's leaving Kentucky GPE. And there he is out there, embarrassingly, pushing a dog's stroller. Excuse me?

Speaker 43576.76s - 3583.76s

He was not walking the dog on a leash? Well, he was at the time he got the person caught up with him to ask him if he had any comments.

Speaker 33584.4s - 3594.46s

But he was walking the dog on the leash, but also pushing the dog's stroller, which I think sometimes the dog must hop in and out of. It was so bizarre.

Speaker 43595.34s - 3598.9s

Well, I hope Tyson chicken people are happy because that's why he's going to Arkansas ORG.

Speaker 33599.26s - 3600.76s

The Tyson ORG chicken people are paying them?

Speaker 43600.76s - 3606.06s

Well, they're basically going to contribute a fortune to the NIL ORG so they can get players.

Speaker 33606.06s - 3610.48s

I was also reading that Jerry Jones being the Arkansas ORG graduate is also

Speaker 43610.48s - 3619.3s

contributing, ponying up big bucks. Because I saw the article on pro football talking. They're like, meanwhile, the Cowboys ORG haven't signed anybody. You know, they made it seem like he's going to do with the other.

Speaker 123619.3s - 3623.6s

Right, that he's going to spend his money on John Calapari in Arkansas ORG.

Speaker 43623.94s - 3624.72s

I love the game.

Speaker 123624.8s - 3625.06s

I do. I think it's fun.. I love the game. I do.

Speaker 43625.2s - 3625.8s

I think it's fun.

Speaker 33625.88s - 3626.76s

I love calling the games.

Speaker 43627.68s - 3630.72s

It stinks this whole NIL thing.

Speaker 33630.72s - 3632.48s

Yeah. It does seem like it stinks.

Speaker 13632.72s - 3646.76s

I am all for the kids making money on their jersey sales. And if someone wants them to do a commercial, I think that's great. The fact that we have groups that can just put tons of money in to pay them like they're not pro athletes.

Speaker 33646.76s - 3653.84s

I actually didn't know that. I actually thought the way they were getting paid was based on the jersey sales and doing

Speaker 43653.84s - 3658.74s

commercials. I didn't know they could just get cash for no reason. A lot of their money comes from what they call their collectives.

Speaker 33659.16s - 3660.2s

Oh, just hands in them cash?

Speaker 43660.44s - 3661.82s

So these groups can pay them.

Speaker 33662.38s - 3662.48s


Speaker 43663.14s - 3663.42s


Speaker 33663.6s - 3664.26s

Man, I got to go.

Speaker 43664.3s - 3666.8s

I think I have still a couple years of eligibility left.

Speaker 33666.86s - 3671s

That's why it was it, Mike Rapoli is his name from Under Armour ORG, I think, with St.

Speaker 43671s - 3671.28s


Speaker 33671.4s - 3676.8s

Like, he's dumped a ton of money into the St. John's ORG collective so that they can pay players.

Speaker 43676.9s - 3678.94s

I mean, that's kind of what's going on all over the country.

Speaker 33679.18s - 3696.86s

Man, you must really love your old college if you're pouring cash into pay partners. Yeah. I mean, and if I was a St. John's ORG alum that was loaded, I would probably get involved too because it's legal. They're not doing anything wrong. It's just, I don't know. It's not the same. I don't know what the hell it is anymore. I might pour some money into Kane University, Jerry PERSON,

Speaker 43696.86s - 3705.26s

just start paying some of their players. Let's get a competitive team. And then they can transfer to Division I ORG and they compete for a national championship. Oh, I don't want that.

Speaker 33705.32s - 3709.2s

I don't want them to leave my Kane University ORG. Well, they're not going anywhere. It's still be Kane University ORG.

Speaker 43709.44s - 3716.76s

Oh, I see. You can, basically, you can leave their Division 3, I would think, Kane ORG.

Speaker 03717.14s - 3725.32s

So you can apply for Division 1 status and you're going to have to, I would think you'd have to change the building a little

Speaker 33725.32s - 3731.4s

bit, make some additions, make it a little bit better. But you can, you can move up if you'd like.

Speaker 43731.56s - 3733.52s

Jerry PERSON, I don't have that kind of cash to be doing that.

Speaker 33733.56s - 3735.62s

Well, maybe you dip into that 401k PRODUCT, you cheapo.

Speaker 43736.22s - 3743.78s

I did see yesterday the hot Twitter take was that Dawn Staley should take over John

Speaker 33743.78s - 3746.28s

Calipari's position at Kentucky GPE.

Speaker 23746.44s - 3746.9s

Go forward.

Speaker 43747.92s - 3749.54s

Yeah, Chris Carlin was one of them.

Speaker 33749.92s - 3750.8s

I heard Maggie PERSON do that.

Speaker 23750.88s - 3756.98s

Maggie Gray PERSON was... Thanks for checking in. You got it. Anytime. But here's the thing. Oh, that was a complete waste of time.

Speaker 33757.88s - 3763.2s

Isn't it a completely different game? Men's basketball versus women's basketball?

Speaker 43763.44s - 3768.98s

I mean, it's played differently. Yeah, men's basketball is played above the rim, though the three-point shot is prevalent

Speaker 33768.98s - 3774.82s

and the biggest thing about it. And I think the women's game is there's no dunking for the most part.

Speaker 13774.9s - 3780.16s

Some girls can. But for the most part, you don't see a lot of that. It's a three-point game too, though. It's, I'll say this,

Speaker 43781.16s - 3786.22s

the women's game and the men's game in my lifetime right now is as close as it's ever been with the way it's played.

Speaker 33787.3s - 3798.96s

Also, if that's going to happen, why would, first of all, why, like, wouldn't you want to start, if you were coaching women your whole life, and then you're going to really like, I'm going to coach men college.

Speaker 53799.32s - 3803.7s

Wouldn't you want to go somewhere where you kind of get a little experience first, not Kentucky GPE?

Speaker 43804.9s - 3810.58s

No, I think someone like, I think someone like Dawn Staley, if that was what she chose to try and do and

Speaker 33810.58s - 3834.28s

they wanted her to be the next head coach. Yeah. I would think she comes in with Clout PERSON as a championship head coach. She's not 25. She's obviously a little bit more mature. And I think that would be the right type of person to do it.I know I wouldn't tell her to go coach high school boys to get used to that. No, I don't mean high school boys, but like, you know, Indiana State University ORG, you know, something where they were winners.

Speaker 43834.28s - 3836.24s

I think if you dive in, you dive into the deep.

Speaker 123836.24s - 3837.36s

Yes, absolutely.

Speaker 33837.72s - 3843.1s

Then the other thing was, if you're a supporter of women's college basketball,

Speaker 43843.24s - 3845.54s

why would you want the best coach to leave your...

Speaker 33845.54s - 3846.18s

That's a fair point.

Speaker 43846.3s - 3846.74s

You know what I mean?

Speaker 33846.8s - 3847.84s

Like, I don't want to keep her.

Speaker 43848s - 3848.14s


Speaker 33848.22s - 3851.48s

If I'm South Carolina GPE, why I don't want her going anywhere?

Speaker 43851.68s - 3851.8s


Speaker 33851.84s - 3853.24s

You're already losing Caitlin Clark PERSON.

Speaker 43853.7s - 3854.38s

The game, yes.

Speaker 33854.48s - 3864s

To WMBA. Angel Reese PERSON. Let's keep, you know, South Carolina GPE might be the next interesting story for women's basketball.

Speaker 43864s - 3899.76s

The only thing I don't know the answer to, and this is where the whole men, women crossover comes from. I don't know how you would relate to the 18 to 22 year old. Now, as a mom, sure, but you're not their mom. You're their coach. I don't know if the female coach with the 18 to 22 year oldI don't know because it works the other way. I mean, Gino Oriama PERSON has been phenomenal. I sometimes wonder how does he relate to 18 to 22 year old women that go through things he never went through. That's true. But it does work that way. So maybe it would.I don't know. Try it.

Speaker 33899.88s - 3901.7s

Let's give it a shot. I mean, what the hell?

Speaker 53902.68s - 3903.72s

I'll have a lose.

Speaker 33904.18s - 3905.46s

I'll take a look at that.

Speaker 43905.54s - 3906.96s

Right now, the big name is Nate Oates PERSON.

Speaker 33907.6s - 3914.26s

So he's the coach, I know, he's the coach at Alabama who just got a new contract with a $20 million buyout, I believe.

Speaker 53914.34s - 3918.54s

So if you want him, I think you have to pay Alabama $20 million to get him out of his contract.

Speaker 43919.34s - 3922.1s

So we'll say, and Danny Hurley's PERSON name is being mentioned, but I don't think he's going anywhere.

Speaker 33922.26s - 3923.76s

Any relation to Bart Oates PERSON?

Speaker 43924.04s - 3924.66s

His uncle.

Speaker 33925.76s - 3928.12s

Actually, he's younger than Bart Oats, because he's 49.

Speaker 43928.32s - 3931.64s

Bart Oats has got to be in his 60s now. Where does Nate Oates PERSON coming from?

Speaker 33931.72s - 3940.48s

Where does he left? Alabama. They just lost to Yukon in the final four. So then he's been rumored for Kentucky GPE. And they were scoring 90-something points a game, and Yukon held him to 70.

Speaker 43941.48s - 3942.58s

Defense travels, Al PERSON.

Speaker 53942.78s - 3944.04s

We've got to take a quick break.

Speaker 43944.12s - 3957.74s

When we come back, Moors PERSON to do is. Well, we'll wrap it up, actually. Not a whole lot more. And then Boomer and Gio at 6. Odyssey Sportsman at Amy Lawrence talking, Yukon Hoops ORG. It's the dynamic duo of

Speaker 143957.74s - 3961.48s

Alan Jerry PERSON, the superheroes of WFAN ORG.

Speaker 33961.48s - 3968.86s

I've got about 40 seconds up. What else? Not only did we get a video of John Calipari walking his dog and pushing a dog stroller, Jerry PERSON,

Speaker 143969.06s - 3979.92s

but Julius Randall's wife, Kendra PERSON, she said nice things about John Calipari PERSON, said that they had that her grandmother was very ill in some crappy little hospital in Kentucky GPE.

Speaker 33980.74s - 3984.84s

They called him and said, hey, do you know anyone at the U.K. GPE hospital?

Speaker 43985.22s - 3997.3s

Boom, got it right over there, Jerry PERSON. He knows everybody there. Helicopter airlift. Yeah, well, I don't doubt that John Caliperi PERSON's not a nice guy. He's going to help his former players. Yeah, I mean, Jerry PERSON, all you had to do is see this guy pushing a dog stroller.

Speaker 33997.76s - 3999.22s

I was a little emasculating.

Speaker 43999.28s - 4000.46s

Well, now we can do that in Arkansas ORG.

Speaker 34000.72s - 4002.48s

I know he probably wanted to get out of the house and like,

Speaker 44002.56s - 4003.66s

he had like a little rat dog?

Speaker 34003.86s - 4004.9s

Yeah, it's like a little rat dog.

Speaker 44004.98s - 4005s

Really? Yeah. And a stroll, a dog stroller, Jerry PERSON. What if he probably wanted to get out of the house. He feels like a little rat dog? Yeah, it's like a little rat dog.

Speaker 34005.24s - 4005.48s


Speaker 44005.72s - 4009.22s

Yeah. And a stroll, a dog stroller, Jerry PERSON.

Speaker 64009.64s - 4018.1s

What if he said to that. WFAN, WFM, FM, WFAN FM, HD1, New York, always live on the free Odyssey PRODUCT app.