PHANTOM MENACE @ 25 - A Special Anniversary Release

PHANTOM MENACE @ 25 - A Special Anniversary Release

by John Brooks & Jenn Tisdale

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125:58 minutes

published 14 days ago


℗ & © 2022 The CageClub Podcast Network

Speaker 50s - 84s

Hi everybody, welcome to 1999, the podcast. This is a special edition of the podcast, because today, if you can believe it or not, is May the 19th, 2024, which means it is the 25th anniversary of the release of Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART. A number that when I say it out loud just sounds literally unbelievable. The last 25 years have gone by pretty quickly for a lot of us, and so many of us remember everything leading up to the release of Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART, the summer of Phantom Menace, so very, very well. And it is a movie that has gone on to have a special place in many of our hearts.As the years have gone by, so to celebrate the release of the Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART and its legacy, we are presenting you with a few special treats today. We asked some friends of the podcast new and old to share some of their thoughts with us about their memories of the film. And then we're going to follow that up with a re-releaseof the second episode we ever did of this show, our Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART episode, from two years ago with me and Joey Lewandowski, joined by Return of the second episode we ever did of this show, our Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART episode from two years ago with me and Joey Lewandowski PERSON, joined by Return of the Pod WORK_OF_ART, co-hosts Brian Silliman, and Matt Romano PERSON.So stick around for that. But we are going to start today with some thoughts. From Nikki Gallegos PERSON, horror author, podcaster, Star Wars WORK_OF_ART fanatic, and all-around great person.

Speaker 184.84s - 142.02s

As a kid, I used to watch the original trilogy and play with my micro-machine toys, which I still have, I would like to add. And whenever episode one, The Phantom Menace came out. My mom took me to the theater, and I remember just being absolutely blown away. Gungan City FAC was gorgeous. I think visually the Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART is probablythe most beautiful Star Wars WORK_OF_ART movie that exists, but the one moment that stuck out the most to me was Darth Mall's double-bladed lightsaber.I somehow didn't know it was going to happen. And whenever he unveiled the second side, I just lost it. The pod racing, which also is an incredible video game that I have never beaten. Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART just started out my love for the prequel trilogy right off the gate. And I thank it so much.

Speaker 4142.86s - 288.32s

Hey, this is Nick from Film Shake, the 90s movies podcast, recording this spot for the podcast dedicated to the greatest year in human history, 1999. Talking about my episode one experience, I was a huge Star Wars WORK_OF_ART fan. I turned 18 and 1999. The day the movie came out, my friend Robbie PERSON and I left school, got in his car. It was his mom's crowned Vic with a V10 engine.It sounded like a jet engine. And we roared that thing down the highway to Baden Rouge, Louisiana GPE, got to the movie theater, watched the film. I absolutely loved it. I went to church that night. I went to school the next day. All I could think about was the Phantom Menace. I went back and that night. I went to school the next day. All I could think aboutwas the Phantom Menace. I went back and saw the movie five times that summer. Just absolutely adored it. I mean, I had watched the original trilogy so many times up to that point, but I was really psyched. I listened to the soundtrack all summer. And then a year later, I went to college, and I found out it wasn't cool to like episode one, and unfortunately, as the prequels unfolded, it just wasn't cool to like them, and I wanted to be cool, so they were disappointments to me, and they really weren't what I was expecting. I had the whole prequel trilogy in my mind already of what I thought they would be, and they'renot that. But as I got older, and maybe because some other Star Wars movies were released that I don't really like very much, I started to appreciate the prequels more and more and I came back to loving them. You know what? When I was 17, I think I was a smart guy and I was smart to love the Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART. It's such an enjoyable movie. For all its flaws, it's not perfect. I mean, Jar Jar PERSON, sorry, I don't love him.I wish he was in the movie half as much as he is. Natalie Portman PERSON, a little wooden in the movie. Jake Lloyd, I think he's fine for a kid. He does great. Ewan McGregor, awesome. Liam Neeson PERSON, awesome. Really, I enjoy everything about this film, even the things that aren't good. Even Jar Jar PERSON, as much as he annoys me, that's a great motion capture performance. It's all good to me. This movie is a part of the fabric of my life, and I love it. Star Wars Episode 1, The Phantom Menace, the movie of 1999. It might not be the best film of 1999, but it is the movie that to me is most emblematic ofthat great year, the greatest year in cinema, the greatest year in human history, yes. My name is Mike Manzi PERSON.

Speaker 3288.46s - 375.04s

I'm co-founder of the Cage Club Podcast Network ORG. And 25 years ago in this very galaxy, I was there watching the Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART on opening night with my best friends from high school. And the thing I remember most is probably being completely overwhelmed. I had been waiting half a lifetime for more Star Wars WORK_OF_ART content. I was born in 79. I'm approaching 45.This was everything to me. And looking back, it is really hard to explain the scope of the madness that was surrounding the release of the first Star Wars WORK_OF_ART prequel. And we knew we were getting two more after this. So like the anticipation was at a maximum. Boy oh boy, that first screening was a lot.I mean, from Jar Jar to the Pod Racing PRODUCT to the duel of fates, to Darth Mall PERSON, to all of the extra lore that was being expanded and explored. All of the incredible visuals, I mean, it was more than I was expecting. And it took some time to process. And I think actually, you know, I'm still processing it. But having recently watched the movie for the first time in a few years, I realized,man, this thing has held up. I still like it a lot compared to the new plethora of Star Wars WORK_OF_ART media that we are getting. It still ranks in the top for me. So here we are 25 years later, looking back, and man, do I feel fortunate that we got this movie when we did? May the Force be with you.

Speaker 8376.06s - 400.42s

Bright Sons, it's Matt Romano from Return of the Pod WORK_OF_ART, a podcast about Star Wars WORK_OF_ART and more. And I'm riding solo today. Brian and Caitlin PERSON are off-world on another adventure, but it's a pleasure to be here with you all on 1999 The Podcast. and more. And I'm riding solo today. Brian and Caitlin PERSON are off world on another adventure, but it's a pleasure to be here with you all on 1999, the podcast, celebrating the 25th anniversary,geez, 25 years of Star Wars episode one, The Phantom Menace.

Speaker 2407.9s - 408.36s

I was 16 when this movie came out, and I'll never forget cutting gym class so I could get in line to purchase my tickets and looking back.

Speaker 8411.9s - 500.06s

It's crazy to think how much hype there was for this movie. I don't think kids today really understand just how crazy a deal this was. The years leading up to its premiere, you had the release of the original trilogy on VHS, the THX PRODUCT remaster, then the re-release of the original trilogy special editions and theaters, then again released on VHS PRODUCT. If you own both box sets, you know what I'm talking about. Then there was the multimedia extravaganza that was Shadows of the Empire WORK_OF_ART, a personal favorite return of the pod. But all of this and more brought Star Wars WORK_OF_ART back front and centerto the cultural zeitgeist, and then it happened. They dropped episode one, and nothing was the same ever since in the galaxy far, far away. If you live through this time, you surely have your own memories, but I for one just can't forget the endless amounts of marketing for this movie. It seemed like there was a tie-in with virtually every product on the planet. There was episode one toilet paper. No joke. Look it up. It happens. Or maybe not. But anyway, I can sit here and talk all day about what I love and maybe not love about this movie.But hey, it's not my podcast. But I will say, now 25 years older with kids of my own, taking them to see Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART in theaters is something I will never forget. And I don't know why I was surprised, but the battle droids with all their Roger Rogers and of course Jar Jar PERSON stole the show for my kids,just like Lucas PERSON intended. And I get it now. I see the light that is the Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART, I understand. But is Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART a great movie?

Speaker 1500.26s - 501.6s

I'm the only human who can do it.

Speaker 8501.74s - 505.28s

Maybe. Is it the best Star Wars WORK_OF_ART? Probably not. There's always a bigger fish. Is it the best Star Wars WORK_OF_ART? Probably not.

Speaker 9505.5s - 506.86s

There's always a bigger fish.

Speaker 8506.96s - 518.72s

But it succeeded in introducing a new generation of fans to the franchise and opened the door for all of the Star Wars that we love today. As George likes to say, it rhymes. And I love that.

Speaker 0519.04s - 524.2s

Again, it's like poetry. It's sort of they rhyme. Every stanza kind of rhymes with the last one.

Speaker 8524.78s - 550.22s

So, happy 25th birthday, Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART, and one more thing. Whoever had the great idea to name the last track on the soundtrack, the death of Quigon Gin PERSON, before the movie came out,spoiling the entire end of the movie? That wasn't cool. Anyway, many boats, be the spark, and thanks to 1999, the podcast for having us on.

Speaker 2556.1s - 558.78s

Well, technically mad, it was Quigon PERSON's noble end.

Speaker 5558.78s - 1082.66s

It's not quite the same as the death of Quigong PERSON gin or whatever, but yeah, I take your point. Thank you to all four of you for sharing those thoughts. It gives me the warm Star Wars WORK_OF_ART fuzzies to listen to all of that. I just want to say before we get into the bulk of the episode in which I say a lot, and so does Matt, and so does Brian, and so does Joey to some extent. But the three of us, of course, me, Matt, and Brian are the big Star Wars WORK_OF_ART fans on that particular panel.So I have a lot to say about the Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART in the episode. So I'm not going to overdo it here, but I just do want to say for context that one of the reasons I decided to start doing this podcast, lo, these couple of years ago, first with Joey and now with Jen, and have been loving doing it ever since, is because of the Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART. And 1999 would not have been as formative a year for me, both sort of personally and also in terms of film, had it not been for that movie, it still would have been arguably one of the greatest film years of all time.But I'm not sure that it would have the same kind of emotional resonance that it has with me, which is what made me want to do this show in the first place, without having Phantom Menace at the center of it. Seeing the Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART and the anticipation for the Phantom Menace is not something that there's ever a comparison to before, nor will there be now in the days of being able to book your tickets and your seats online quite easily, and not having to go through a dial-up 56 PRODUCTK modem and have theFandango website crash or whatever as you're trying to do it. For the Phantom Manus, I stood in line a week before the movie opened at Framingham 14 Cinemas in Framingham, Massachusetts, along with several hundred other people with plastic lightsabers and just the joy of childhood on their faces, regardless of what their age was. Part of the greatness of that experience was the bonding and was the community that emerged out of it. One of the things, of course, that the Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART is famous for is the immediate sort of backlashand that the movie was not what certain people were expecting. And one of the things that I found really interesting is that the people who tend to like it the most over the years are people who are roughly my age, that is to say, early to mid-40s, late 30s in that general range. And I think there's a really good reason for that. And that's that a lot of the Star Wars fans who at the time were in their 30s or even 40s had grown up, not just with the original trilogy, but had seen the original trilogy in the theaters when it came out.Whereas, you know, we're of the generation who saw the original trilogy on VHS, and it was sort of already a kind of cultural thing. There was nothing really kind of mind-blowingly new about it like it was there was with its first run in theaters. And so I thought about the way that kind of ownership or the feeling of kind of ownership over a franchise or a property among the fandom is kind of different depending on what age you're at. Certainly, as Nick PERSON points out, there was among people our age a sort of uncoolness to liking the Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART that's set in sort of immediately.But one of the things that makes it different as a movie is that unlike the original trilogy, it was never meant to be a self-contained story. And so, you know, a New Hope sort of works as a narrative from beginning to end, where the Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART, like, you know, there's more coming. And it's just an inherently kind of a tantalizing ending, where you want more immediately and you want to expand the world and explore it more. And it kind of leaves you a little cold because it's like reading a chapter of a book and having to close it for three years. That was a tough and new experience for a lotof us. I think as the prequel trilogy unfolded and all George Lucas's PERSON various shortcomings as scriptwriter and director of actors aside, built something interesting and new and that we fell in love with in a very different sort of way. And I think the revisionism for Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART is largely, rightly, uh, due to, to that. We go back and look at it now. And we see this incredibly beautiful film as Nikki Gallego PERSON says, it is the most stunning looking Star Wars WORK_OF_ART movie ever made. It's one of the most stunning looking movies ever made. It is absolutely gorgeous to look at. There are shots in there that you're just never going to find in any of the sequel trilogies or anything else like that. And I love all those things. I love all Star Wars WORK_OF_ART.I'm not dissing anything. But there's a certain sort of artistry to the Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART that is unique to that one particular movie. So that, you know, I always loved it. I was immediately sort of like, okay, this is new and different and weird. And it took me, I had to go see it in the theater 12 times, which I did that summer to really get it to sink in. I have loved it ever since. I've had backwards and forwards relationships with it, but I took my kids to see it last weekend. And just sort of watching it with like fresh eyes and realizing just how great it is.And this movie that, you know, was knocked for being too geared towards 12 year olds or children. Is geared towards 12 year olds and children, right? is geared towards 12-year-olds and children, right? As Matt PERSON says, like battle droids and Jargera binks, like the kids loved it. And that's often their favorite part, and there's something really endearing about that. And also that it was trying to create the sort of sense of innocence and beautythat was lost when the empire came to power. So I also think I'd be remiss without saying that we should take a closer look at one of the main criticisms of the Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART, which is that it deals with trade disputes and minutia that's very difficult to pierce or understand or really get the stakes of. Anybody who knows what the actual story is, knows that those things are a diversion, that they're not even real, that it is a phantom menace, see also the title.But also as we approach the rising tide of fascism once again, as we look to the demise of democracy to thunderous applause once again in our own history as we're heading that way. I think it's important to look at what the Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART is trying to say, which is that one of the reasons that fascism rises to power is because of minutia that people tune out, of trade disputes, and of these political machinations that nobody can make heads or tails of and that they think have nothing to dowith a bigger picture. Phantomenes PERSON tells us to always be wary and to protect freedom and democracy in our galaxy and elsewhere. That is our charge, and we lose it when we lose sight of that and when we lose sight of the bigger picture. And when we lose sight of what we are supposed to be doing and what we are for, what the Jedi PRODUCT are for, which is not to be negotiators in a trade dispute. That is a society that is off the rails. And I think there are some important lessonsthat we should have learned of the last 25 years that I hope are not too late to learn now in this incredibly beautiful and wise and moving movie that will be a big place in my Star Wars WORK_OF_ART heart for the rest of my life. So happy Star Wars anniversary day to you all. Go watch the Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART. Go watch it through the eyes of a kid, either your ownkids or the kid who lives somewhere deep in your soul. And may the Force be with you and many boats. open your soul. And may the Force be with you and many boats. Enjoy our episode from two years ago with Joey Lewandowski and Matt Romano and Brian Silliman from The Return of the pod on Star Wars Episode 1, I'm John Brooks PERSON.

Speaker 61082.66s - 1084.04s

And I'm Joey Lewandowski PERSON.

Speaker 51084.28s - 1092.24s

And this is episode two. No, it's episode one. Oh, wait. I'm John Brooks. And I'm Joey Lewandowski. And this is episode two. No, it's episode one. Oh, wait. You're ruining everything. You're jumping ahead, Joey. Oh, my God.

Speaker 61092.24s - 1109.72s

This is episode two of the podcast. Our second movie released May 19th, 1999, and starring Liam Neeson PERSON, E.M.N.E. McDermid PERSON, Jake Lloyd, Pernilla August, Ahmed Best PERSON, Frank Oz, Anthony Daniels PERSON,Kenny Baker PERSON, and Kira Knightley, is

Speaker 51109.72s - 1113.96s

Star Wars Episode 1 WORK_OF_ART, The Phantom Menace.

Speaker 61114.4s - 1116.08s

Yeah. You've heard of this one, right? Yeah, I've heard of

Speaker 51116.08s - 1118.52s

Star Wars WORK_OF_ART. I think I'm well-versed.

Speaker 61118.62s - 1120.2s

Not, well, no. Well-verses

Speaker 51120.2s - 1124s

us. I think our guests tonight are going

Speaker 61124s - 1128s

to be better, more well-versed than I am in

Speaker 41128s - 1132s

Star Wars WORK_OF_ART, given who they are and so on and so forth. But we'll get to that later. We will get to

Speaker 61132s - 1137.6s

that later. But our guests are indeed among the wellest versed when it comes to all things,

Speaker 51138.5s - 1164.02s

Star Wars WORK_OF_ART. This is always a weird one for me because this movie and everything that was surrounding it and everything that's happened afterwards, it really does stand out among the 1999 canon as an anomaly. It really sort of like, it's Star Wars and everything else that happened around this movie that year really did happen around it. It's kind of like talking about the British invasion and like every band that isn't

Speaker 61164.02s - 1182.52s

the Beatles. There's obviously a lot of good movies this year, and this is not my favorite movie that we will talk about. But I think that like maybe more so than any other movie, this is what makes that year bigger than most other years, just because it had been, what, like 16 years or whatever since the Star Wars WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 51182.7s - 1255.34s

So this wasn't just the highest grossing movie of that year. It had at the, what was then at the time, the largest one-day gross of all time at $28 million, at least seven of which were mine. Cool. Yeah.It opened just shy of $65 million for the weekend, which at the time was the second best ever. And it was the fastest movie to ever get to the $100 million gross mark. And that just took five days, which is pretty stunning, especially when you think of the difference in ticket prices in 1989 as opposed to today. They cost about half of what they did or what they do now.Do you still have your ticket stub for Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART? I saw a few of my ticket studs for Phantom Minus PRODUCT. I definitely have my opening day ones. I have at least one from Cinerama in Seattle where I saw it like four times, which was a really cool way to see it. But yeah, I definitely have my opening day stub.I could check what the actual price was, but I think it was $7. That sticks in my head for some reason. Although it might have been one of the movies that started pushing the ticket price up to like nine, but whatever.

Speaker 61255.54s - 1260s

Well, just like today when they're like, we're going to charge more for the Batman PRODUCT because we can. You're going to go see it anyway.

Speaker 51260.16s - 1262.72s

It's like, well, okay, I guess this is how we're going to do things now. Okay.

Speaker 61263.3s - 1266.16s

I only go to the movies a few times a year now, but it's like $15.

Speaker 51266.62s - 1267.5s

That's pretty much standard.

Speaker 61267.84s - 1270.94s

Also, like, you know, for two, we're getting off topic.

Speaker 51271.06s - 1275s

But for too fast, too forever, when we went to see Hobbs and Shaw PERSON, we posted tickets online,

Speaker 61275.56s - 1279.88s

they were like, people, especially down because we have a lot of people like we bought followers on Facebook ORG.

Speaker 51280.1s - 1283.22s

And a lot of them are people who like cars down like in Alabama GPE and stuff.

Speaker 61283.26s - 1284.28s

They're like, how much is a movie ticket?

Speaker 01284.38s - 1285.8s

We're like, it's just what it is, man.

Speaker 21285.86s - 1287.88s

It's just, you know, it's 16 bucks for IMAX ORG or whatever.

Speaker 01287.98s - 1288.64s

And like it's crazy.

Speaker 51289.16s - 1290.36s

But that's what it is.

Speaker 21290.82s - 1292.62s

Well, it remained number one for five weeks.

Speaker 51292.92s - 1299.62s

It has since grossed over a billion dollars at the box office, which isn't bad for a movie that as legend has it.

Speaker 61300.18s - 1301.78s

Everyone hated, I guess.

Speaker 51302.88s - 1325.64s

That's sort of the memory that a lot of people have is that this was a universally hated movie. So it's weird that it would make that much. So, okay, that's worth talking about then. Did everybody really hate it? Well, currently on Rotten Tomatoes, it has a rating of just 51%.

Speaker 61325.64s - 1326.6s

That's not bad.

Speaker 51326.72s - 1328.94s

That's not terrible. It's not terrible.

Speaker 61329.22s - 1335.94s

It's not good. No. Well, 51% I guess rotten because, right, if it's below 60, it's rotten.

Speaker 51337.14s - 1384.8s

And weirdly, it's got the exact same score on Metacritic ORG, which almost never happens. So they're both 51% on both of those aggregators. And they use different metrics. So it's very rare that you would actually hit the same number. Anyway, among the lukewarm reviews, which were pretty much the majority of reviews were like not terrible, but not great. Kenneth Turin of the LA Times ORG said that while the new film is certainly serviceable, it's noticeably lacking in warmth and humor,and though its visual strengths are real and considerable, from a dramatic point of view, it's ponderous and plotting. I don't necessarily completely disagree with that. Like, if I'm going to, if I'm going to criticize the Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART, I think those are the terms I'd use.

Speaker 61386.08s - 1408s

Like, I think that's where I'd kind of um aim my criticism i don't know i think with this is a very arbitrary metric but and i don't know that it really applies to stumbling like star was which is like of the epic nature or whatever but i think when you get over two hours it it's like, do we really need a movie to be over two hours? And if you look at this one, it's like 216, which is not crazy.

Speaker 21408.54s - 1412.08s

You know, I just mentioned the Batman. That's like 250 or whatever, right? Like, it's insane.

Speaker 01412.08s - 1417.38s

Yeah. But like, 216, it's like, do we really need, do we need any movie to be that long?

Speaker 61417.66s - 1422.94s

I don't know. I think that's true. And especially because George Lucas PERSON in general isn't great at pacing.

Speaker 51423.24s - 1427.32s

And maybe the combination of the length of the

Speaker 61427.32s - 1431.8s

movie itself and just this sort of, you know, this thing that one of the several things that

Speaker 51431.8s - 1481.7s

George Lucas PERSON just isn't very good at, he's very good at other things, right? Like I don't want to say that he's like a bad filmmaker. He's a great filmmaker. He just has some obvious handicaps, right? Like even ones that he will admit to. And I think maybe that's probably true. There's a few real maysayers. I think the one that I foundwho's most scathing is Slates David Edelstein PERSON, who's a really great critic, but he said, George Lucas PERSON does it his way in the pallid phantom menace. Even cultists will wish he'd hired a directorand some writers. Ooh. Well, and having said that, like one of the things that we forget is that this was George Lucas's third movie he ever directed in, in, you know, a career that went backto the mid-70s. So up until this point, he'd only directed American Graffiti, the original Star Wars WORK_OF_ART, and that's it.

Speaker 61482.62s - 1497.4s

Yeah, but, like, those are two great movies, like, great movies. Like, American Graffiti WORK_OF_ART, like, no shade to Star Wars, but, like, American Graffiti is, like, argue, maybe the Star Wars, too, but, like, top 50 movie of all time, maybe. Like, it's incredible. It is a great movie.

Speaker 51497.78s - 1533.98s

But if you watch, if you watch Empire of Dreams WORK_OF_ART, for instance, right, the, the documentary about the making of a new hope, you really understand that, again, like, the actual creation of a narrative film is not something that George Lucas PERSON excels at. I can see that. His then-wife is really responsible for editing the thing that we have now,down to size. So what is he good at? Is he, like, is it world-building? Like, what does he excel at? Or, like, just feel? That's a really, we'll talk about it in the episode. He's very, very good. I guess what we would now call world building, I think is a really fair way to say it.

Speaker 61534.04s - 1538.42s

Like he just makes places that you kind of want to spend time in. Yes. And he's also very,

Speaker 51538.42s - 1549.42s

the thing that gets overlooked about George Lucas PERSON is that he's also very good at connecting story to image. And so much of his success-

Speaker 61549.42s - 1551.38s

Like visual storytelling? Or what do you mean by that?

Speaker 51551.42s - 1739.2s

I mean, in terms of using what you're seeing as a means of conveying story and, you know, human emotion, as opposed to acting and writing, right? And I'm not saying that as a dig at all. I really do mean that that's true. You know, the Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART, if you watch the Phantom Menace, one of the things that's very clear about it is that his ability to frame a shot and tothe placement of camera, right, is really impeccable. I mean, it really is unlike anybody else. I just think he has a hard time distilling that into a storyline that is, you know, for public consumption. I misspoke when I said he'd only directed two other movies. Of course, he directed the third one, THX PRODUCT. And that's a really good example of what I'm talking about, right?I've never seen that. I just know it as a license player. checks. And that's a really good example of what I'm talking about, right? I've never seen that. I just know it as a license player. Visually, it's incredible. It's a really great work of science fiction. But it's kind of a narrative mess, right? And it's sort of, it's everything that George Lucas is really good at and everything that he's bad at kind of exposed there. Anyway, I wonder if Edelstein PERSON has softened on thisstance over time. Because, again, I'm not sure that he's necessarily wrong in anything that he says in that review, but his sort of final bird is a little bit harsh. Anyway, it wasn't all bad news. One of the things we forget is that a lot of major name critics gave the film either good to glowing reviews. Among them are Entertainment Weekly's Owen Lieberman, the New York Times Janet Maslin PERSON, and of course the Chicago Sun-Times Roger Ebert, who gave the film three and a half stars and said, perhaps presciently, quote,there's a sense of discovery in scene after scene of the Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART, as he tries out new effects and ideas and seamlessly integrates real characters and digital ones, real landscapes and imaginary places. We are standing at the threshold of a new age of epic cinema in which digital technique means that budgets will no longer limit the scope of scenes. Filmmakers will be able to show us just about anything they can imagine.It's like, yep, you got it right. You nailed it. That is exactly what Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART did and exactly what we are, where we kind of find ourselves, right, with the ability to craft worlds that were previously unthinkable. I mean, look at a movie like, you know, Endgame WORK_OF_ART, right? It's just like, it's just stunning how easy it is that we can sort of wait, you know, will these sort of imaginary places into existence now.Yeah. So I think they're all right. I agree with all of these critics. And we'll talk more about that in the episode. And either way, the Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART should be understood, at least in part as having been the single most anticipated movie of all time. And I think that part of it really, really, really matters. There will neverbe a movie that is this anticipated. And I just, I don't, I can't even, I wouldn't even be able to

Speaker 61739.2s - 1743.1s

describe how that would. You don't think like Endgame WORK_OF_ART was as, as, as, as anticipated as this?

Speaker 51743.58s - 1746.42s

Because Endgame didn't take 17 years to come out, right?

Speaker 61746.5s - 1750.92s

No, but it took, you know, in a sense, in a sense, it took 11 years to come out.

Speaker 51751.96s - 1753.62s

Yes, that is true.

Speaker 61753.92s - 1760.62s

But in the time between Return of the Jedi and Phantom Menace, there was not only not a new Star Wars WORK_OF_ART movie,

Speaker 51760.62s - 1767.84s

there was the sense that there might never be a new Star Wars WORK_OF_ART movie, right? You don't ever think there's not going to be another Marvel ORG movie.

Speaker 21767.84s - 1773.26s

And even if it took 17 years for the next Marvel ORG movie to come out, it still wouldn't have

Speaker 51773.26s - 1774.34s

this level of anticipation.

Speaker 61775.04s - 1778.4s

Well, I mean, are you at, we're recording this live from Camp Feige FAC where he's planning

Speaker 51778.4s - 1782.1s

out the next 10 years of Marvel ORG movies, right? So we know that they're not going away.

Speaker 61782.54s - 1782.86s


Speaker 51783.4s - 1785.3s

And I think it is telling in a certain

Speaker 61785.3s - 1800.1s

sense to bring it back to Star Wars WORK_OF_ART for a second that like Star Wars essentially was doing the same thing and then they're like, this isn't working. Like the people don't really want this. And they like fixed it or shifted it or are trying to fix it or something. Right. So. Yeah. We'll pick this up

Speaker 51800.1s - 1891.64s

when we when we when we have our conversation with our guests today. But I don't think that can be overstated, the importance or the sort of the handicap that the phantom menace had in just the absolutely both unprecedented but also unrepeatable level of anticipation and expectation that came along with it. Some people have said that it would be impossible for the Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART to not disappoint, no matter what it was, right? It would disappoint people. Like, there's just, there's just no version of it that wasn't going to let someone or a lot ofpeople down because of what you imagine a movie to be in the 17-year absence since, you know, your favorite three movies of all time have had a sequel. But anyway, we will come back to that point later on in our conversation today. Anyway, it's clear that a movie that made a cajillion dollars must have had something going for it beyond just the Star Wars WORK_OF_ART name. There's no way a movie makes this much money unless, you know, people find something about it they like or someone like me who goes back and sees it again and again and again because I loved it.And I've always loved it. And I love it differently now than I did then. And I, again, agree with the negative reviews as well as the positive ones. I acknowledge the flaws and I'm not blind to them. But I love this movie. And I'm very excited to talk about it today. So, Joey, who are today's

Speaker 61891.64s - 1903.86s

guests? Our guest today are the host of Return of the Pod, a podcast about Star Wars WORK_OF_ART, Brian Silliman, Matt Romano, and Caitlin M. Bush PERSON. Except, unfortunately. Did you do it again?

Speaker 51904.64s - 1906.42s

Yeah, I keep making people sick.

Speaker 61908.94s - 1911.34s

Caitlin PERSON is under the weather,

Speaker 51911.84s - 1933.86s

and we hope that she gets back over the weather sometime soon. We were hoping to have her on. It's not that we didn't invite her. We certainly did, and we wish her all the best. But Brian and Matt are indeed with us today, and we'll be talking all things, Star Wars, episode one,The Phantom Menace.

Speaker 01934.12s - 1955.3s

So with that, we will take a break, and we will be right back. Matt Romano and Brian Sullivan, welcome to 29.

Speaker 21956.6s - 1963.02s

You two are two of the three hosts of Return of the Pod, a podcast about Star Wars WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 01963.12s - 1964.34s

I think that's the full title, right?

Speaker 51964.94s - 1982.08s

Yes, it is. Yeah. Colan, a podcast about Star Wars WORK_OF_ART. I think that's the full title, right? Yes, it is. Yeah. Colin PERSON, I checked. A podcast about Star Wars WORK_OF_ART. Why don't you guys tell us, because I don't actually know, how do you guys know each? Well, you have a third member who is not with us tonight, but how do you guys know each other?And how did you get your podcast started?

Speaker 71983.84s - 1987.8s

Matt PERSON had me in for a meeting his office and hired me.

Speaker 51988.14s - 1988.52s


Speaker 71990.2s - 1991.16s

Back in the day.

Speaker 81991.76s - 1994.86s

Yeah, we all used to work. Well, some of us still work there.

Speaker 51995.06s - 1999.74s

You saw him in a drugstore. He was looking at comics. Exactly. Look at that kid.

Speaker 82000.02s - 2000.12s


Speaker 52001.04s - 2002.98s

Yeah, but we worked at the sci-fi channel.

Speaker 82003.22s - 2022.68s

And we did a podcast called Job of the Pod, a podcast about Star Wars WORK_OF_ART. And then unfortunately, that ended. And myself, Brian and Caitlin, went on our own for return of the pod, a podcast about Star Wars WORK_OF_ART. Very clever titling there. And yeah, now our show is better than ever. And we're here with you, lovely folks on this podcast.

Speaker 52022.96s - 2029.5s

So you're just doing it for the love now. There's no corporate backing. There's no big man telling you how to feel about Attack of the Clones WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 62029.62s - 2031.22s

Stars, they're just like us, John PERSON.

Speaker 82031.84s - 2032s


Speaker 52032.56s - 2037.32s

But if there's anybody, any corporations that would like to sponsor the show and pay us to do it, we'll do it in an RPE.

Speaker 62037.8s - 2040.06s

We will sell out so quickly.

Speaker 82041.7s - 2043.88s

Return of the pod is brought to you by My Pillow.

Speaker 92044.44s - 2045.24s

My Pillow. Only the best for taking over the government. Return of the pod is brought to you by my pillow. My pillow.

Speaker 72046.24s - 2049.26s

Only the best for taking over the government.

Speaker 92049.8s - 2050.14s


Speaker 72052.14s - 2056.26s

So I'm not just saying this because I've known Brian for years.

Speaker 52056.56s - 2060.46s

But there's a lot of Star Wars WORK_OF_ART podcasts on the market.

Speaker 42060.76s - 2062.34s

A lot of people do the Star Wars WORK_OF_ART podcast.

Speaker 82062.82s - 2064.12s

Yours is the best.

Speaker 42064.62s - 2065.34s

Oh, thank you.

Speaker 82066.96s - 2075.02s

And why is yours the best? The Venmo ORG just cleared. Nice. Yeah, chiching. No, here's why I like

Speaker 52075.02s - 2081.3s

your podcast. Because I like Brian. No. It is because I like Brian. It's nice to hear an old friend

Speaker 72081.3s - 2093.56s

talking to my ear holes as I'm mowing the lawn or whatever. Well, the weird, I want to establish the weird backstory to this that we had Brian on Too Fast 2 Forever before I knew that you knew him for 20 years.

Speaker 52093.66s - 2094.7s

Like, that's the weirdest.

Speaker 02095.5s - 2096.68s

Like, we just met him.

Speaker 72096.8s - 2100.56s

We met a stranger on the internet who was tweeting about Fast and Furious WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 52100.7s - 2102.76s

And then he's like, hey, my friend Brian, right?

Speaker 62102.8s - 2103.94s

We met you through Chris PERSON, I think.

Speaker 52103.94s - 2108.12s

Yeah, you might be through Chris Malika. And then John PERSON, and then John was like, oh, I know

Speaker 02108.12s - 2111.74s

them. And I'm like, wait, hold on, what? So it's just weird that like, we met a stranger who was

Speaker 52111.74s - 2116.82s

like tweeting about Brian. I don't, I don't know, man. Not this Brian. Brian O'Connor, Paul Walker PERSON.

Speaker 02116.98s - 2122.52s

Yeah, yeah. Who John on our most recent episode of TufS ORG said he is a vanilla charm. So, you know,

Speaker 62122.58s - 2126.96s

it's just a weird, like, I didn't, I backed my way into a 20-year friendship

Speaker 72126.96s - 2128.12s


Speaker 62128.56s - 2131.36s

So, bizarre, man.

Speaker 22131.62s - 2133.7s

I remember, I ran into you years ago.

Speaker 62133.88s - 2135.52s

I don't even remember in a coffee shop.

Speaker 72135.6s - 2137.74s

And I had a different Star Wars WORK_OF_ART podcast on.

Speaker 22137.78s - 2141.48s

And that was back when I was dabbling around listening to some of them here and there.

Speaker 72142.28s - 2145.72s

And, and I was like, someday I'd like to do, I'd love to do it.

Speaker 92145.76s - 2147.04s

But I don't know what it would be or whatever.

Speaker 72147.14s - 2167.38s

And you were like, yeah, it would be great because like there's some things we liked about some of them, some things we didn't like about others. But I know Matt PERSON and I, I don't know if this speaks to why it's, whether it's the best whatever, that's absolutely subjective. But I know one thing that Matt and I from our very first meeting about the old show and about this one.And Caitlin PERSON agrees completely is

Speaker 52174.8s - 2185.38s

Positivity first. Yeah, it's celebrate thumbs up. Yeah, it's it's it's yes, even when there are problems, whatever celebrate the the problems even when it's like something we might not quite like don't say it's bad. We say it's not for me. You know, it's going to be for somebody. If this is

Speaker 72185.38s - 2203.56s

entertainment, if we're not enjoying these things, if we're not enjoying this, then we can turn it off. It's if you're taking such displeasure from this thing where you need to go on these four hour rants and then start sending hate mail and then making death threat videos and everything.

Speaker 42203.78s - 2207.66s

Documentaries. Do evaluate your life choices.

Speaker 92208s - 2209.36s

And we just wanted to get out of that.

Speaker 02209.44s - 2226.18s

No drama with other podcasts or other stuff like this. Celebrate this thing that we all have a lot of fun with. And if you're not having fun, don't watch it because there's other, there's enough crap going on. So that was my only thing going in the middle.

Speaker 72226.34s - 2237.9s

And Matt PERSON, that was exactly. You were right there with it, thankfully. Oh, yeah. We were on the same page with that completely. And so is Caitlin PERSON. So there will be things that we were not faking it when we'll always find things to like.

Speaker 02238.1s - 2240.48s

Even, you know, it's just that it exists.

Speaker 62241.34s - 2243.54s

But in this, it's the cycle, right?

Speaker 02243.72s - 2247.62s

It's, it's, you can't wait. What gets old is we can't wait,

Speaker 72247.7s - 2256.58s

oh, we can't wait for Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART. We can't wait for Phantom Menace. Phantom Menace comes out and everyone's just outraged and it slams or whatever. And then years later, oh, we can't wait for

Speaker 02256.58s - 2260.44s

Force Awakens WORK_OF_ART. Can't wait for Force Awakens. And then it comes out and everyone's like, after a nice

Speaker 22260.44s - 2267.92s

little grace period, oh, it sucks. And then, you know, oh, we can't wait for the Kenobe ORG trailer. Oh, when is it going to drop? When is it going to drop? It drops and like,

Speaker 02267.98s - 2272s

ah, it looks sad. It's stupid. We don't like the way the Grand Inquisitor's head is.

Speaker 92272.1s - 2278.26s

Oh, right. Absolutely. It's this nonstop cycle. It's Benicio del Toro is in the corner telling me,

Speaker 22278.26s - 2288.06s

it's like, blow them up today, blow them up tomorrow. That gets that gets absolutely exhausting and so just on I have made a concerted effort to

Speaker 72288.06s - 2294.2s

unplug from that because I literally cannot stand it anymore. I do have a genuine question about that

Speaker 62294.2s - 2318.3s

though because I am oh I think of the four of just based on the fact that I know John PERSON is literally wearing a Star Wars WORK_OF_ART hoodie right now and you guys have a podcast about Star Wars like I am by far far and away the most baby Star Wars WORK_OF_ART fan. And I like it. I want to like it more than I do. I just,I'm at the wrong age and I didn't grow up with it. And like, I like it. I like, it's not my thing. And I don't say that condescending.And just like I have other like fast and furious, whatever. That's dumb. I, whatever. That's my thing.

Speaker 02318.64s - 2320.68s

Anyway. So you guys,

Speaker 62320.78s - 2332.78s

you wait years and years and years. It's been, you know, 15, 16 years since Return of the Jedi WORK_OF_ART. There's this whole thing where people buy tickets to go see a movie to watch the trailer for this. Like, it's this whole thing.You get down, you sit down there opening night, opening weekend, whatever.

Speaker 72333.14s - 2335.74s

And they slept through it and then watch the trailer again.

Speaker 62336.06s - 2341.66s

And the almost the first words that you see on screen are the taxation of trade routes.

Speaker 22341.66s - 2343.66s

Like what goes through your mind?

Speaker 72344.28s - 2373.98s

Like, and I know this is like a point of contention that people like, you know, poke fun or, you know, make fun at this movie about. But like genuinely when you're like, okay, Star Wars WORK_OF_ART, here we go, lightsabers. We got Yoda PERSON. We got the origin.Like this is where Darth Vader began. And the first words you see on screen are the taxation of trade routes. Like, are you worried? Are you cool with that? Like what's going through your mind in the theater in 19? Because I'm assuming everybody, except for me, saw this in theaters in 1999. Is that right? Oh, yeah. Oh, definitely. Yeah. I cut Jim PERSON. What's going through your mind?

Speaker 22373.98s - 2385.84s

You cut Jim? I cut Jim to see Phantom Menace in 1999. Yet, yet he made it to the Olympics EVENT. And yet here you are. Yeah, you graduated and everything. That's amazing. Without gym.

Speaker 92387.04s - 2390.4s

Well, you know, the funny part about it is, you know, like, you know,

Speaker 62390.48s - 2394.7s

you mentioned growing up at Star Wars WORK_OF_ART and like every generation grew up with their

Speaker 72394.7s - 2395.68s

flavor of Star Wars WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 92395.84s - 2396.8s

So obviously, I imagine.

Speaker 72397.04s - 2397.38s

No, go ahead.

Speaker 92397.56s - 2397.72s


Speaker 72397.82s - 2398.2s


Speaker 92398.32s - 2398.84s

No, exactly.

Speaker 72398.84s - 2400s

You used to the pot.

Speaker 92401.08s - 2402.56s

And I watched the first trailer.

Speaker 72403.12s - 2406s

I know where he gets it from a lot of times. Yeah, it is. But I, you know, obviously being children of like the first trailer. And they know where he gets it from a lot of times.

Speaker 92406.28s - 2406.9s

Yeah, it is.

Speaker 72407.24s - 2410.16s

But obviously being children of like the original trilogy,

Speaker 52410.16s - 2412.84s

and I remember watching the prequels.

Speaker 82412.84s - 2416.34s

And I remember just being, listen, honestly,

Speaker 52416.34s - 2419.38s

it took me years to appreciate how good they are.

Speaker 82419.8s - 2421.44s

Because I think in the grand scheme of things

Speaker 92421.44s - 2422.86s

and seeing how the trilogy played out,

Speaker 82423.22s - 2424.54s

then seeing the Clone Wars WORK_OF_ART cartoon

Speaker 52424.54s - 2426.52s

and all the ancillary material that came after that.

Speaker 22426.52s - 2432.6s

Like, there's a lot more to appreciate in the prequels than there was at the time seeing it for the very first time.

Speaker 52432.7s - 2436.22s

So I do remember being a little like taxation trade routes.

Speaker 22436.44s - 2438.68s

Like this is, it was a little bonkers.

Speaker 52438.94s - 2439.94s

But looking back now.

Speaker 82439.94s - 2441.2s

Are those really the stakes?

Speaker 52441.72s - 2442.08s


Speaker 82442.98s - 2445.46s

But looking back now, it's very Star Wars WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 52445.74s - 2453.9s

Star Wars WORK_OF_ART is so much of the, so many of the best Star Wars stories is about bureaucracy and just like, you know, casual government.

Speaker 82454.9s - 2462.4s

But yeah, I mean, looking back, it was pretty ridiculous at the time, but that it's come such a long way with all the other storytelling that they've done around it.

Speaker 72462.4s - 2469.5s

And it's followed up directly with the Nemoids PERSON who weren't an instant hit with audiences.

Speaker 82470.24s - 2474.94s

And it's like you're instantly like we're we're in for a not what we were expecting.

Speaker 72475.56s - 2475.76s


Speaker 82475.76s - 2481.92s

Well, and a little like rinky dinky ship coming towards the camera as opposed to a massive, you know,

Speaker 02481.92s - 2485.22s

Star Destroyer PRODUCT going away from it at close range.

Speaker 22485.42s - 2491.74s

And like, I mean, you know, there's a lot of, we can talk about the ring theory and all that stuff, which I will.

Speaker 02491.84s - 2492.38s

And it's awesome.

Speaker 72492.9s - 2497.5s

Oh, I think John explained this to me on the way to a Red Sox game a few years ago when I forget 100%.

Speaker 22497.5s - 2503.6s

John just talked Star Wars at me for 45 minutes while driving through like outside of Boston GPE traffic.

Speaker 52503.6s - 2506.12s

It's like, John PERSON, there's no microphone in this car.

Speaker 72506.5s - 2507.3s

That's probably true.

Speaker 52507.9s - 2513.66s

No, but it is part of that like, it is literally the opposite of the way that the, that a new

Speaker 62513.66s - 2516.16s

hope starts and the way that you expect a Star Wars WORK_OF_ART movie to start.

Speaker 72516.26s - 2518.48s

And I think there's something sort of subversive about that, right?

Speaker 52518.54s - 2521.8s

That it's almost like that Lucas PERSON was like, this is a different movie.

Speaker 72521.8s - 2534.7s

Matt PERSON, you hit, you hit on it a little bit where that ship coming in is, is, you know, in hindsight, at the time, it was weird. The first time was weird. And so it's like, you go and see it the second time. So it's like to let it set.

Speaker 02535s - 2545.96s

And it's like, okay, that's. And then the third time because, okay, this is different, but we're still having a blast. It's like, and that ship now is one of my favorite designs. Me too. I love the design of that ship. I one of my favorite designs. Me too. I love the design of that ship.

Speaker 22546.06s - 2549.7s

I love that ship. Because we've since seen it in Clone Wars WORK_OF_ART all the time.

Speaker 92549.82s - 2560.34s

It's like now with seven seasons of Clone Wars WORK_OF_ART and all of this prequel renaissance that's happened now that, I mean, John, you and I at least, and I think Matt PERSON was there for a little of it.

Speaker 72560.42s - 2570.58s

Remember, there's Return of the Jedi, and then there was the Dark Times where we had heir to the Empire, West End Games WORK_OF_ART, and that was it. So part of him was like, this is a new movie.

Speaker 02570.78s - 2578.58s

This is, I don't really care what this is. We have a new movie and there's two more well on the

Speaker 72578.58s - 2587.2s

way. And so it was like, be grateful for what we're getting. And it was, but if anyone thought the Ewox PRODUCT were,

Speaker 62587.38s - 2590.24s

we're a little too kid friendly, it's, uh, you know,

Speaker 72590.24s - 2591.22s

hold my Spotchka PRODUCT.

Speaker 62591.88s - 2608.92s

I have a question. I have a very quick question. And I could have looked up, but I wanted to ask you guys. Because the, I remember the prequels being announced as a trilogy when, and I think, I think the original one, I don't think any of you were alive when the first one came out,but was, did a new hope come out as the start of a trilogy? Or was that a

Speaker 52608.92s - 2613.7s

standalone movie that then got, so it was just one. Which is why it's a closed story, right? Why

Speaker 62613.7s - 2626.3s

it could have been the only movie and it would have been a satisfying hero. So this is the first time in Star Wars WORK_OF_ART. It's like, this is not the only thing you're getting. This is building toward, especially like as a prequel, but it's building towards something. But it's also like there's three parts leading up to a thing. So this is like a whole new way

Speaker 72626.3s - 2630.84s

to watch these movies for the first time and ever. It's true because even with Empire Strikes

Speaker 62630.84s - 2640.62s

back, leaving it open ended, that was, that was still a gamble. I mean, there was a whole backdoor thing. That's how Splinter of the Mind's Eye WORK_OF_ART exists is because here's our cheap way of doing a

Speaker 72640.62s - 2648.64s

sequel in case this movie bombs. And up until pretty much the John Williams PERSON score was added and it was re-edited, everyone thought it was going to.

Speaker 22649.68s - 2652.84s

And so he, at that point, that was also when he was going to do 12.

Speaker 02653.26s - 2657.92s

He was going to do 12 these things and pretty much burnt out by the third one.

Speaker 72658.04s - 2663.04s

But yeah, you're right. This is like this is going to be a trilogy no matter what. We're making three movies.

Speaker 52663.3s - 2670.1s

And I think it's the only, I think it might be the first ever to do that. I can't think of another example that something was planned as a three

Speaker 72670.1s - 2675.78s

part trilogy. Only Lord of the Rings comes to mind. But that was later. Yeah. Oh, before this,

Speaker 52675.78s - 2680.4s

yeah. No, I can't, I can't, yeah. I remember, I mean, it's different. It's also F this, but I remember

Speaker 62680.4s - 2684.06s

before I knew who Tarantino PERSON was, I was in theaters and I'm like, who's this guy thinking Kill Bill

Speaker 52684.06s - 2687.74s

Volume 1? Like, who has the ball to do a part one?

Speaker 72688.08s - 2688.88s

And that's not the same.

Speaker 62688.92s - 2703.5s

But it's also just like, you know, I mean, not the Tarantino PERSON movie is going to flop after everything he had put out before. But still, like to say like this is the part one of two, no matter how the first one does, there's going to be a part two or at least this is going to be an unfinished story. So there's still like, there's something to that, I think.

Speaker 72703.66s - 2709.62s

It's a sure bet these days the Netflix is. I'll tell you that. Right. It's like, oh, we planned eight seasons. It's like

Speaker 22709.62s - 2715.36s

canceled after one. Yeah. Matt, I know the period between Return of Jedi and Phantom Edis WORK_OF_ART was not

Speaker 62715.36s - 2719.56s

dark for you because your favorite character, Dash Randar PERSON had a lot of, had a lot of,

Speaker 72720.02s - 2724.44s

damn right. Thank you for me. That's right. I don't think I've never even heard that name before.

Speaker 22725.5s - 2731.66s

Don't worry, Matt, how old were you when Phantom Minutes WORK_OF_ART came out? Oh, geez.

Speaker 72734.62s - 2746.2s

15, 16 years old? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So what was your, you cut gym class to go see it. So did you see it like on the Friday it opened and you or yeah. I remember I saw it like,

Speaker 52746.2s - 2751.36s

I think it was like a two o'clock show on a Friday or something, you know, but like left school,

Speaker 72752.16s - 2757.18s

saw a phantom menace immediately saw it again that same weekend. I think I saw each of the prequels

Speaker 52757.18s - 2763.5s

three times in theaters. But, but you mentioned dash rendar and like shadows of the empire and

Speaker 82763.5s - 2765.1s

yeah, let's talk about Dash Rendar.

Speaker 52765.26s - 2766.28s

He's talking about Dash Rendar.

Speaker 82766.66s - 2770.08s

But Brian talks about all these like, you know, the dark times between Return

Speaker 52770.08s - 2771.4s

of the Jedi and Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 82771.74s - 2775.88s

There was just so much Star Wars, but it just wasn't really like mainstream

Speaker 52775.88s - 2777.78s

outside of the video games.

Speaker 82778.12s - 2778.22s


Speaker 52778.48s - 2784.46s

And Dash Rendar might have been like the most mainstream Star Wars thing between Jedi PRODUCT and Phantom

Speaker 82784.46s - 2784.7s


Speaker 92784.7s - 2785.66s

What is he from?

Speaker 02785.9s - 2786.56s

What is that?

Speaker 92786.68s - 2789.42s

It's this thing called they did called Shadows of the Empire WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 02789.84s - 2793.02s

And it was sandwiched between Empire and Jedi PRODUCT.

Speaker 72793.68s - 2796.24s

And it was, here's the story of what happens there.

Speaker 22796.24s - 2804.04s

And some things in there have now found their way into modern stories like the Palline and Zizor PERSON got a comic reference and stuff.

Speaker 72804.28s - 2809.96s

But it was a book, which is how I know it. It was a video game for N64, which is how Matt PERSON knows it.

Speaker 52810s - 2823.6s

Graphic novel. It was a graphic novel. It was a soundtrack. It was everything but a movie. That's a very good score, by the way. It's a really good Star Wars WORK_OF_ART soundtrack.I love it. I wish I still had a copy of it. But it was, and we loved it because that's what we had.

Speaker 22823.82s - 2824.7s

That's what we got.

Speaker 52824.96s - 2825.62s

There's this

Speaker 22825.62s - 2832.26s

disgusting seduction scene of this reptile named Vizor pheromones and Princess Leia PERSON. And she's

Speaker 52832.26s - 2838.18s

like, oh, he's gorgeous. I should take off. I wish I didn't wear a body suit under this. And it's so

Speaker 02838.18s - 2843.94s

disgusting. But I was like, I was like, hmm, this is interesting at the time. And looking back,

Speaker 72843.94s - 2852.72s

it's fascinating. And we took it. And there was a gradual renaissance with the, you know, the Super Star Wars games for Super Nintendo.

Speaker 02853.22s - 2861.58s

They relaunched the figure line, building up to the special editions because they knew they gradually eased us in to get ready.

Speaker 82862.22s - 2866.86s

Yeah, well, the special edition re-releases then also, I mean, just like that urban legend

Speaker 02866.86s - 2872.16s

that like Lucas had written, you know, parts, you know, one through three, you know,

Speaker 72872.16s - 2875.16s

and that there were always these like three untold stories that we haven't heard.

Speaker 82875.32s - 2879.02s

And like, and then in building your own head cannon over the years just by the mention

Speaker 02879.02s - 2888.46s

of Clone Wars in a new hope, compounded on all this other Star Wars WORK_OF_ART stuff. I mean, like, I don't think anybody knew what the prequels were going to be. No.

Speaker 72888.7s - 2893.86s

And there were some things like we knew at some point, Anakin versus Obi-1 and Lava PERSON.

Speaker 82894.06s - 2898.52s

If anyone is saying, it's like, oh, I called Boss Ness back in, you know, 85.

Speaker 02898.82s - 2899.82s

Exactly, exactly.

Speaker 22899.82s - 2901.14s

No, no they did.

Speaker 72901.58s - 2909.56s

That's the thing. I think that was part of the, I think it was detrimental to the movie that there were so many years of head cannon.

Speaker 52909.78s - 2914.48s

Yeah, I, for sure. And the same thing happened with the, with the sequel trilogy, I think, even like that.

Speaker 72914.96s - 2917s

With every, and every series.

Speaker 52917.36s - 2936.22s

It's, it's going to be a persistent problem with Star Wars WORK_OF_ART until it finally ends. It's, it's going to be people's head canons. They've accepted their wishes and they want it to be their own personal way. So when it deviates from that, if it gets a little silly or if it gets to, it's some people deal with it well. It's like, well, it's not

Speaker 02936.22s - 2970.38s

your story to tell. So except what your, this is the story. This is how the creators want it to go. And now that it's not Lucas PERSON, people have a new it's like, oh, raging at Disney ORG. And I'm like, Disney ORG just cares about the dollars. It's like, it's, you know, but I remember the day, the time isall of a sudden Lucas PERSON is this untouchable hero. It's like, that's remember back in 99, he was getting, as you already touched on, John PERSON, he was getting blasted. He was having documentaries made about him like a fictitious court case.Like he was getting roasted everywhere to the point where he sold it off and said goodbye.

Speaker 72971.4s - 2977.96s

So that is, and now all of a sudden he's this, he's this high, you know, Mozart PERSON like figure.

Speaker 02978.26s - 2980.32s

And I'm like, where did this come from?

Speaker 72980.42s - 2983.72s

It's because the kids that this was for, we talk about this all the time.

Speaker 92984.14s - 2990.2s

Phantom Manus PRODUCT especially is at its heart for kids. Yeah. And kids loved it. And the kids that

Speaker 72990.2s - 2996.24s

have grown up with it, they had now have nostalgia for it. So Mandalorian PRODUCT dropped some

Speaker 02996.24s - 3003.36s

Phantom Menace's images in it. And they're like, oh, the nostalgia. I'm like, for what? 99? And they're

Speaker 53003.36s - 3006.3s

like, yeah. And I'm like, oh, my God, I'm old.

Speaker 73006.54s - 3012.68s

Well, that's the same time. Like, it's been longer since Phantom Menace came out than between New Hope WORK_OF_ART and

Speaker 53012.68s - 3018.1s

Phantom Menace. So, you know. That's crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I want to reset for a second. So I think

Speaker 63018.1s - 3021.68s

Matt said earlier that he saw this three times in theaters. And it had that John PERSON told me a ridiculous

Speaker 23021.68s - 3026.56s

number before what John PERSON says his number. Because I text my because I text to my family, and our family text,

Speaker 63026.56s - 3029.86s

I'm just like, did we see this in theaters and no one can remember?

Speaker 73030.04s - 3032.3s

So if we did, it did not make an impact.

Speaker 63032.9s - 3034.88s

Because I was 11 for 1999.

Speaker 73035.5s - 3037.68s

So you went to Wild Wild West WORK_OF_ART instead?

Speaker 53038.94s - 3043.72s

If I saw any movie that were doing this podcast in theaters that year, it would have been

Speaker 63043.72s - 3044.26s

this movie.

Speaker 03044.56s - 3046.48s

Because there's no other, there's literally no other movie.

Speaker 63046.56s - 3047.94s

I looked through the list that I would have seen in theaters.

Speaker 73048.04s - 3050.5s

I just, I didn't, I just didn't see movies in theaters.

Speaker 03053.08s - 3054.1s

Matt said three times.

Speaker 63054.22s - 3055.44s

Brian, how many times did you see this in theaters?

Speaker 73055.88s - 3057.54s

I believe it was three for me as well.

Speaker 63058.14s - 3060.72s

Oh, so John PERSON's number is the actual outlier.

Speaker 73061.18s - 3064.3s

I'm pretty sure I know what John PERSON's number is. I remember he told me.

Speaker 63064.36s - 3068.54s

I was like, wow. Because I said earlier, you know, I saw this more than any of the Star Wars WORK_OF_ART movie. And

Speaker 73068.54s - 3076.58s

John PERSON's like, I think that's true of me too. I'm like, yeah, but I think your number is probably higher than my three or four. And this is, this is not like at home on video and through the years.

Speaker 63076.72s - 3086.08s

No, how many times? This is in the theater. I want to put in context that there is a guy in Florida. Yeah, 13 times. There's a guy in Florida who just saw Spider-Man 292 times in theater. So it's not that.

Speaker 73086.8s - 3087.76s

That's too many.

Speaker 63087.76s - 3087.78s

Oh, that's too many.

Speaker 73087.78s - 3088.1s


Speaker 63088.94s - 3090.98s

That is too many Spider-Man.

Speaker 73092.24s - 3094s

13 is a lot.

Speaker 63094.18s - 3096.68s

So how many times have you seen it since theaters?

Speaker 73097.26s - 3097.58s

Do you think?

Speaker 53098.16s - 3098.64s

I don't know.

Speaker 63099.36s - 3102.04s

People would ask, like, how many times have you seen a New Hope or Phantom

Speaker 53102.04s - 3102.7s

Menace or whatever?

Speaker 63102.82s - 3104.46s

I've probably seen those two more than any other.

Speaker 53104.58s - 3125.22s

And I would have know, I don't even know how to begin putting a number on it right i i could say i've seen a new hope 50 times and i may be way underselling it or way over i just i have no idea um i would guess phantom menace i saw it 13 times in the theater i've probably seen it have you seen it more than 13 times at home, do you think?

Speaker 03125.22s - 3133.44s

15 times since then, maybe 12, 12 and 15. I don't really know. I watch it with my kids a couple times. Yeah, so I don't, I don't know.

Speaker 53133.9s - 3135.22s

Do your kids have a favorite Star Wars WORK_OF_ART?

Speaker 63135.28s - 3138.92s

And I know that we're sort of deviating from this, but I do want to know what Teddy's favorite Star Wars WORK_OF_ART is.

Speaker 53139.26s - 3179.82s

Yeah, and I think it makes sense because I think, like, this gets back to something Brian was saying, and I may have written some essays about this in 1989. I don't know. But the idea that, you know, the general, like Star Wars WORK_OF_ART is always going to, like the newest Star Wars is always going to appeal to the youngest generation and they're always going to like latch onto that as their source story. And they can go back and they can go forward and whatever else, but that's always going to connect with them the most.And so, yeah, I mean, Teddy loves Ray PERSON and she loves, like, the sequel, the sequel trilogy is like where she, it's like a frame of reference. And the girls love Mandalorian PRODUCT as well. They love Grogu PRODUCT. That's kind of their thing.But, yeah, they've seen all of them.

Speaker 73180.66s - 3182.7s

It's interesting at the same point, John PERSON.

Speaker 53182.7s - 3189.26s

And I think of you when I, well, because I'm looking at your little video box right now, that's what I'm thinking of you.

Speaker 73189.54s - 3202.82s

But in that as much of it's for kids. And I think that there is, you know, it's still myth. And I think there are things in here that even though I never saw it as a kid, that kids aren't going to latch on to like everything.

Speaker 03203.04s - 3210.36s

Whenever they talk about the difference between the living and the cosmic force, which has since become a huge thing in Star Wars WORK_OF_ART. That all began here.

Speaker 73210.8s - 3233.38s

The hubris of the Jedi and everything. Say what you want about Lucas PERSON's dialogue and some of the acting choices and whatever else. But I still maintain the overall, his overall story of the three movies and how the Republic ORG becomes everything it was supposed to be, it was not to be, and how that happened is brilliant. Yeah, I agree.

Speaker 83233.72s - 3233.84s


Speaker 73234s - 3240.56s

Dare I say it's the most cohesive of all Star Wars WORK_OF_ART trilogies? What, the prequels?

Speaker 83240.8s - 3247.88s

The prequels in terms of like, like, you're telling like a story, like, because you mentioned before that a new hope is really an open and ended film.

Speaker 03247.88s - 3248.12s


Speaker 53248.12s - 3249.48s

You can end it right after a new home.

Speaker 63249.76s - 3250.06s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 03250.16s - 3250.42s


Speaker 63250.58s - 3256.24s

Like, it's the only Star Wars trilogy that really relies on all three movies to tell the full story.

Speaker 83256.6s - 3260.34s

I think that's right. Is it the, it's the only trilogy that was all directed by the same person, right?

Speaker 73260.46s - 3263.64s

So like that's also fair say. Yeah, that's a really good point.

Speaker 63263.66s - 3277.52s

It's a good point. And like I, I don't want to bring it's a good point and like i i don't want to bring this back to fast and furious i don't want this to be like a four hour podcast but i do we are recording this on the day that justin just stepped down from fast 10 and there's something that like he came back for nine 10 11 there's gonna be like this trilogy to close out and there's something

Speaker 03277.52s - 3291.98s

about one man i know it's also like vines or whatever like but like there's something to like one person be like these are my movies i have this vision for this three thing, whatever. And like what they could have or maybe should have done with JJ PERSON for the new ones, right? Like they didn't and they brought them back or whatever. And like, that's just a mess.

Speaker 63300.3s - 3300.52s

But whether you love or hate them, I think the fact that there's one guiding force behind a complete set of stories.

Speaker 23301.52s - 3302.16s

Oh, it's a bigger fish. It's important.

Speaker 83302.72s - 3303.72s

It's a big of fish.

Speaker 23303.96s - 3311.44s

I think it's, I mean, you can tell, I think, a little more with the original trilogy as much as I love them.

Speaker 83311.56s - 3312.7s

And there's no beating it.

Speaker 23312.9s - 3320.9s

But there's, you know, there's the brother, Luke and Lear kissing in one movie and she's the sister and then next.

Speaker 83321.06s - 3322.3s

That's not planned.

Speaker 23322.68s - 3326.56s

There's nothing like that in the sequel trilogy. I think

Speaker 83326.56s - 3334.12s

the sequel trilogy gets so much unnecessary shit. And it's either, it's either too much the same.

Speaker 63334.2s - 3337.64s

We want different. And then they gave them different. It's like two different. It's like,

Speaker 73337.64s - 3343.56s

well, which one is it, Goldilocks PERSON? It's like fucking shoes because it's driving me up a wall.

Speaker 63344.12s - 3346.98s

And my favorite of those is um and matt

Speaker 73346.98s - 3352.14s

and i go at this all the time about this is is last jed i that's my favorite star wars EVENT movie that's

Speaker 03352.14s - 3356.52s

my favorite star was anything taught me things about star wars EVENT i didn't know that were there the

Speaker 23356.52s - 3362.1s

whole time and i was like and i love see if it has if it says star wars on it though i am i am easy

Speaker 03362.1s - 3366.92s

you know this matt for sure knows this. I am the easiest

Speaker 23366.92s - 3373.28s

mark there is. Yeah, me too. So it's like, and if I'm not, it's like some, not every episode of

Speaker 73373.28s - 3380.5s

resistance is for me. So I'm like, that wasn't my favorite. I'm sure it's somebody's. Every one of

Speaker 23380.5s - 3385.06s

these is somebody's favorite. I remember back in the day that you couldn't, the amount of worst of list,

Speaker 73385.18s - 3388.3s

Attack of the Clones WORK_OF_ART was on was absurd.

Speaker 63388.74s - 3391.02s

And now it's like the anniversary and all of a sudden,

Speaker 73391.1s - 3391.2s


Speaker 63391.2s - 3392.36s

it's my favorite is the best.

Speaker 03392.42s - 3392.68s

I was like,

Speaker 83393.16s - 3395.04s

where was this love back in the day?

Speaker 03395.16s - 3397.14s

So I want to like on Attack of the Clones WORK_OF_ART,

Speaker 73397.22s - 3399.14s

and we're going to get back to Phantom Medicine in a second because,

Speaker 53399.26s - 3399.82s

but I do want to,

Speaker 73399.98s - 3416.3s

the point that you made before, Brian that I think is a really kind of illuminating one, which is, yeah, I mean, I think that Attack of the Clones is the, the prequel movie that I would rank lowest of the three of them if I had to. But it's also the one I enjoyed watching at the time the most.

Speaker 23416.94s - 3435.92s

And I'll say this, the stuff that's like, the stuff that's not in the movie, the stuff, the storylines that are alluded to in the movie, if you watch closely and you figure out like who Seifodias was and like what actually happened with Duku PERSON and you start piecing it all together. And it's this really fun mystery that you would just miss if you didn't really care.

Speaker 53435.92s - 3443.5s

But then also like that this, that this movie spawned Dave Filoni's PERSON like entire universe.

Speaker 03444.02s - 3446.1s

It really is attack of the Clones that that's all

Speaker 53446.1s - 3455.98s

grounded in. And if it's a terrible movie, that would never happen, right? Like, terrible movies do not spawn that kind of creative output and yeah, there's always something good.

Speaker 73456.9s - 3463.78s

Attack of the Clones WORK_OF_ART is a different movie if you're watching all of the Clone Wars EVENT. Yeah. It just is. And not saying

Speaker 23463.78s - 3469.4s

you have to watch all of the clone wars to really get attack of the clone that's not what i'm saying it's for me as somebody who

Speaker 03469.4s - 3480.38s

loves the clone wars so much and then going back attack the clones is different it now in light of um it's also as technology has gotten better in different editions you know matt and i joke all the time

Speaker 73480.38s - 3486.46s

how many copies of these movies we actually have. Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART is interesting because

Speaker 03486.46s - 3492.26s

I think it was the last one that you could get on VHS and I did. And then DVD and then I did another

Speaker 93492.26s - 3498.7s

DVD and then Blu-ray and then another Blu-ray and now 4K and then 4K streaming. It's like how I think

Speaker 83498.7s - 3504.74s

that might be the one I have more of or actually. If you own the VHS you get the you get the creepy

Speaker 73504.74s - 3505.08s

Yoda PERSON, you know, before they replace the right. Yeah, that's the same. Well, if you own the VHS, you get the, you get the creepy Yoda,

Speaker 83505.3s - 3505.54s

you know,

Speaker 73505.58s - 3509.58s

before they replaced the right. Yeah, that's the same. Well, if you have the original DVD, you get that.

Speaker 83509.6s - 3511.26s

Weird puppet Yoda PERSON and the DVD,

Speaker 53511.26s - 3521.78s

which has one of the, one of the before Lord of the Rings WORK_OF_ART came around saying it's like, well, here's how you do special features. Yeah. That phantom menace DVD has some of the best special features ever with the deleted

Speaker 73521.78s - 3525.56s

scenes that they finished the effects for and then that documentary.

Speaker 53525.96s - 3528.14s

There was a very fancy commercial for that DVD.

Speaker 93528.48s - 3530.64s

So, yeah, they took that DVD very, very seriously.

Speaker 73530.64s - 3531.78s

That was back at the beginning of DVD.

Speaker 93531.88s - 3532.7s

I was waiting for it.

Speaker 83532.76s - 3534.32s

I was like, when is this going to come out?

Speaker 53534.66s - 3539.7s

This was back in the beginning of like, I feel like everything. This was such an event. There was like, there was like Star Wars Pepsi.

Speaker 93540.78s - 3541.82s

Oh, yes.

Speaker 73542s - 3550.24s

Oh, I still have all the cans. Oh, they still have all the Vintamin, they still have all the Pantamins PRODUCT. I remember many a, many a morning. I was so tired. I'm like, I'm just going to get a queen on a dollar Pepsi. Yeah.

Speaker 93552s - 3554.06s

Like, and you're rioil,

Speaker 53554.06s - 3556.12s

Poof is on the side of this Pepsi.

Speaker 83556.76s - 3557.14s

Subboba PRODUCT.

Speaker 73557.38s - 3557.9s


Speaker 83558.26s - 3559.14s

Subalba Mountain Dew PRODUCT.

Speaker 73559.82s - 3560.72s

Go to jatapuya.

Speaker 83561.36s - 3564.54s

But there was so much about this movie out when you knew nothing about it.

Speaker 73564.58s - 3568.64s

Like I had the poster like with Anakin, Little Anakin in the shadows, Darth Vader.

Speaker 83568.8s - 3569.72s

I had the sound like.

Speaker 93569.96s - 3570.92s

Let's talk about that.

Speaker 73570.92s - 3572.82s

Let's talk about that for a sec.

Speaker 83573.04s - 3573.2s


Speaker 73573.76s - 3579.26s

I remember, John PERSON, you and I talked about that poster and it being just legendary at the time.

Speaker 23579.54s - 3579.62s


Speaker 73579.62s - 3585.6s

It was one of the, I mean, the Anakin with the Vader Shadow posters, one of the great movie posters of all time.

Speaker 23585.76s - 3586.16s

Yep, yeah.

Speaker 83587.26s - 3591.2s

This movie, though, I have to say, like, one of the things about Phantom Manos WORK_OF_ART that we don't talk enough about,

Speaker 63591.62s - 3596.44s

I think it's pretty clearly the most visually beautiful Star Wars WORK_OF_ART movie.

Speaker 23597.5s - 3600.9s

And there's so many, like, so many of the posters from that movie were literally just,

Speaker 73600.9s - 3604s

like, stills from the movie because they were so gorgeous.

Speaker 83604.4s - 3611.18s

Like, the one of Ami Dahl PERSON, like like looking out the palace window as the, as the Federation

Speaker 53611.18s - 3612.68s

Starships arrive and all that sort of thing.

Speaker 83613.96s - 3618.76s

I, every time I watch this now, like the one thing about Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART that makes me,

Speaker 53619.5s - 3626.2s

like, I almost gripe then about two and three is that Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART is just so aesthetically

Speaker 73626.2s - 3629.4s


Speaker 53629.56s - 3630.18s

Did I say that right?

Speaker 73630.24s - 3630.8s

I think it did.

Speaker 93631.76s - 3634.2s

It's just so amazing.

Speaker 73634.5s - 3640.06s

It's even now, I mean, like, if movies look like that now, I'd be really, really impressed.

Speaker 93640.06s - 3643.38s

It is an absolutely stunning visual movie.

Speaker 73643.68s - 3645.64s

And I don't think that gets talked about enough.

Speaker 53646s - 3649.72s

Well, I think you're right because there's so many more miniatures than you think.

Speaker 03649.86s - 3652.22s

The prequels get blessed a lot and saying it's all CGI.

Speaker 53652.46s - 3653.98s

Well, there is a lot of CGI.

Speaker 83654.52s - 3662.82s

But there's still, especially with feed and with a lot of the ships and with the Bonte Eve Arena FAC,

Speaker 53663.52s - 3666.12s

those were all miniatures.

Speaker 73666.42s - 3671.38s

And I don't think the other episodes two and three followed that suit.

Speaker 63671.46s - 3673.22s

They ended up leading more on CGI.

Speaker 53673.52s - 3676.18s

But also, you were having, for the first time,

Speaker 63676.32s - 3680.36s

it wasn't the lived-in griminess of the OT because we were so earlier.

Speaker 53680.68s - 3680.96s


Speaker 73681.32s - 3686.26s

These graceful sleek lines of the Nabu PERSON star ships and the shiny royal ship.

Speaker 03686.36s - 3688.56s

It was off-putting a little bit when that ship came out.

Speaker 73688.66s - 3689.44s

I'm like, what is this?

Speaker 93690.06s - 3692.62s

And now when Mando PERSON gets one, we're like, fuck yeah.

Speaker 53692.66s - 3692.9s


Speaker 23693.1s - 3694.9s

And now we're like, three years later.

Speaker 53694.96s - 3696.54s

I'm like, yeah, it's fit to minister.

Speaker 23696.84s - 3698.8s

It's like, we were talking, Matt PERSON and I were talking about this.

Speaker 53698.88s - 3705.18s

It's like, it's really nice to see that beauty again. But it's like, it took me, it took us a while to get used to it. But now that, like a beat up version of it, which is great. Yeah. Yeah. But now that we've been but it's like, it took me, it took us a while to get used to it. But now that,

Speaker 73705.18s - 3710.46s

like a beat up version of it, which is great. Yeah. But now that we've been with it for so long,

Speaker 53710.48s - 3716.36s

you can't imagine Star Wars WORK_OF_ART without it. It's as Star Wars as, say, some of the very original

Speaker 03716.36s - 3721.6s

Macquarie PERSON paintings. Yeah. And I think you're right. It is just so beautiful to look at. And it's a

Speaker 23721.6s - 3726.02s

little, depending on what resolution you're watching it in,

Speaker 03726.12s - 3732.54s

it has a graininess and a contrast to it that two and three doesn't have. And that's not to say

Speaker 73732.54s - 3737.86s

the two and three are an amazing. Don't look amazing. Right. They do. It's just, it's a very different

Speaker 53737.86s - 3743.68s

kind of a. Yeah. But then on the other side of it, you have, they're doing all this with miniatures,

Speaker 73743.68s - 3745.26s

but then it's in that documentary

Speaker 53745.26s - 3749.08s

at the beginning where they're saying this big battle at the end with the Gungans NORP and the droids,

Speaker 73749.52s - 3770.44s

I think it's John Knoll PERSON, who's obviously still around. I remember he says, we don't have a really good way of doing that right now. And they found out, and that was the first time that was done, and it was a little weird. You're watching computer animated fighting computer, and it's gotten refined and better over the years but it was never done before so the leaps and bounds

Speaker 03770.44s - 3777.76s

and say which again say what you want about jar jar PRODUCT and people do but that was the proof of concept

Speaker 73777.76s - 3783.62s

like there would be no gollum or kong or caesar without that well right and the same thing i mean

Speaker 53783.62s - 3809.18s

when i hear people complaining about like tar, Tarkin and Rogue One WORK_OF_ART, and it's like, Star Wars WORK_OF_ART has always been an experimental ground for pushing visual effects. Yep. That we've gotten to, like, Luke in Boba Fett in such a short period of time. And people are like, oh, I can't believe that just using Star Wars WORK_OF_ART as a means of testing. That's what it is, like, from a new hope.

Speaker 03809.34s - 3835.58s

That's what it's always been. Like, this is part of its legacy is that it takes risks. It does things that other studios won't allow that other creators won't be able to do because they have that cachet that they can sort of get away with things and thenbenefit other people. Like you're not going to get to Jurassic Park WORK_OF_ART, right? Without like the Star Wars, you know, without ILM ORG and pushing the boundaries of what you

Speaker 53835.58s - 3838.38s

can do with special effects. It's true.

Speaker 73838.54s - 3849.38s

It's like there's Star Wars and Lucas PERSON and now the torch being passed. It's like those guys are continually doing what you just said. I think Peter Jackson PERSON has added to that.

Speaker 23849.48s - 3851.3s

It's like tried the 48 frames.

Speaker 53851.7s - 3854.68s

Didn't really work, but it was important to try.

Speaker 73855.22s - 3856.46s

I liked it.

Speaker 53857.36s - 3862.04s

And then Cameron, every 10 years, when he's done deep sea diving for God knows what,

Speaker 63862.4s - 3862.88s

pops up.

Speaker 53863s - 3864.92s

It's like, here's this new thing.

Speaker 63864.98s - 3865.42s

I don't know.

Speaker 53865.5s - 3868.58s

It's more blue people and this time it's going to be beamed into your brain.

Speaker 23868.68s - 3869.26s

You'll watch it.

Speaker 73869.32s - 3869.9s

It's 10 years.

Speaker 23869.9s - 3872.18s

I make something every 10 years.

Speaker 53872.24s - 3873.56s

I make Terminator 2 WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 73873.78s - 3874.76s

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 53874.88s - 3878.88s

You're going to watch it because it was 10 years ago that you watched my last thing.

Speaker 23878.98s - 3879.96s

So shut up and watch.

Speaker 73880.76s - 3884.3s

And that's really it. Those are the guys that have that cachet you're talking about.

Speaker 53884.3s - 3894.32s

Right, right. And I do also think that another sort of, I want to talk to Joey for a second because he hasn't said anything in a while. And I want to ask him, because he doesn't know anything about Star Wars.I don't think it would be interesting to ask him what he thinks about.

Speaker 63894.32s - 3895.74s

I don't know anything about Star Wars.

Speaker 53895.84s - 3958.2s

But I also, one other thing, and I think Brian, you've talked about this before, and I think this is a really, really important point about what's great about the Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART, which is that one of the things, when you look at the aesthetic of the Nabu Starfighters PRODUCT, and if you look at the kind of the beauty and the way that Corrassant PRODUCT functions and just sort of like the glitz of it,that a lot of people were turned off by because they associate Star Wars WORK_OF_ART with that sort of broke down used universe thing that they, sci-fi, right, that they like. But to me, I think what's so crucial about that is in order for the story to work, you have to have a sense of the world that was lost. And you have to think of that world as having flourished and been beautiful.And you can see it corroding in those movies, but you can also see why it's sad that the empire took over and got rid of art and got rid of culture. And I think of like a show like Caprica PRODUCT, which didn't work because it didn't do that, right? Because it was like, I wanted to nuke it. It was so sad and boring and dumb. And I'm like,

Speaker 73958.26s - 3966.94s

I understand the Cylons PERSON now. I'm like, I again, I liked it. I liked it too, but that's where they missed it as a percent yeah I agree at that

Speaker 83966.94s - 3971.1s

thousand percent and Star Wars got that right very dumb question is Caprica PRODUCT is not a star

Speaker 53971.1s - 3974.44s

war's property that's a separate thing altogether or is that a Star Wars thing's a battle star galactic

Speaker 83974.44s - 3979.34s

oh my god Joey sorry sorry Caprica PRODUCT was this close I mean that's a whole other podcast but Caprica

Speaker 93979.34s - 3984.86s

was this close to being so good if they just got it it was that good I I like really good at the

Speaker 53984.86s - 3987.8s

end I liked it I liked it too.

Speaker 83987.96s - 3990.26s

But it was like the world was a bummer. And I wanted

Speaker 53990.26s - 3993.8s

to feel more connected to what was

Speaker 83993.8s - 3996s

lost when the Sylons NORP destroyed it. Right?

Speaker 63996.18s - 3997.92s

Yeah. Yeah. That's what I think it missed

Speaker 83997.92s - 4001.3s

the mark. It's interesting. Yeah, that's an interesting point.

Speaker 74001.4s - 4004.28s

Yeah, it's a good point. Joey. Yeah. Do you

Speaker 54004.28s - 4005.36s

like the Phantom Miss PRODUCT? I don't not like point. Yeah, it's a good point. Joey. Yeah. Do you like the Phantom Miss?

Speaker 64007.36s - 4008.9s

I don't not like it.

Speaker 54009.08s - 4009.28s


Speaker 94010.06s - 4014.44s

I want to thank Brian publicly that like maybe two years ago now, I'm like, Brian,

Speaker 54014.52s - 4015.98s

you're one of the biggest Star Wars WORK_OF_ART fans I know.

Speaker 74016.06s - 4019.76s

If I was going to watch all of this in order, like, what's a good order to watch it?

Speaker 94019.76s - 4021.7s

And he like took some time and he gave me a list.

Speaker 54022.42s - 4026.72s

And I watched this and I watched Attack of the Clones WORK_OF_ART and then I just stopped watching

Speaker 94026.72s - 4026.9s


Speaker 84026.9s - 4030.68s

And it wasn't because of like I didn't like it, but I just like got to start to by other things.

Speaker 94030.96s - 4033.2s

But I have this whole like, all right, watch this part of the TV show.

Speaker 64033.22s - 4034.6s

And then if you want, hold off on these things.

Speaker 54034.64s - 4035.16s

I do these later.

Speaker 84035.22s - 4035.74s

And I was just like, this.

Speaker 74035.78s - 4036.54s

It's beautiful list.

Speaker 84036.58s - 4037.24s

I still have it saved.

Speaker 74038.04s - 4038.76s

And I did nothing.

Speaker 84038.84s - 4039.54s

I did none of it.

Speaker 74039.94s - 4043.86s

And I don't think that I like Attack of the Clones WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 84043.86s - 4044.52s

But I don't.

Speaker 94044.68s - 4054.18s

I went into watching this one last year, not for the podcast, completely unrelated to the podcast, thinking it wasn't going to like it because this has a reputation, right?

Speaker 54054.38s - 4056.16s

And I was like, actually, I'm kind of pleasantly surprised.

Speaker 84056.24s - 4057.38s

I think it's actually pretty okay.

Speaker 64057.52s - 4061.92s

Like, I don't, it's not my favorite Star Wars WORK_OF_ART thing, but I don't dislike it.

Speaker 84062.36s - 4065.66s

And I can't say the same thing really about attack of the clones, but I also want to give

Speaker 64065.66s - 4068.56s

another shot, especially once I have the knowledge of clone wars, whatever.

Speaker 54069.84s - 4070.9s

I like parts of this.

Speaker 64071.06s - 4074.64s

I think Natalie Portman PERSON's a captivating actor, even though she's not given a, you know, she's

Speaker 04074.64s - 4076.64s

still figuring out her acting thing here.

Speaker 64077.86s - 4099.08s

I like parts. I just, you know, it's not exactly my favorite thing, but I like the movie. You know, it's of the four that we've done episodes about so far for the podcast. I think it's my least favorite of the four. But we've also talked about three other really, really good movies. So it's not really an indication of the Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART that like, oh my God,I like the Matrix and Eyes Wide Shut and Blair Witch WORK_OF_ART more than this movie. It's like, yeah, those are three really, really good movies, right?

Speaker 74099.08s - 4100.28s

So, you know.

Speaker 64100.28s - 4104.18s

I mean, I can feel Matt PERSON's seething at me because.

Speaker 74104.68s - 4108.64s

Well, no, because I think I said it's like,

Speaker 64108.64s - 4118.6s

now there are two, where do you start, right? There are two big ways. You either start with Phantom Menace and go timeline-wise or release order with New Hope WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 74118.78s - 4136.84s

Or then you could do a machete order, blah, blah, blah. It's like, cut Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART. Don't watch that at all. Yeah, F you. Watch them all. It's like watch every single one, don't, you know. But in a way, I think New Hope would have been a better first view for you. I think it's like for a brand someone brand new to Star Wars WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 64137.46s - 4149.54s

So I have the foundation. I've seen the new ones in theaters. Because I was just looking to because like basically outside of the nine main movies and Rogue One and Solo PRODUCT, I've seen virtually nothing.

Speaker 74150.04s - 4151.24s

And so I was trying to have the content.

Speaker 64151.32s - 4152.86s

I mean, I've seen the new Disney Plus ORG stuff.

Speaker 94153.16s - 4154.54s

But like I watched the new Disney ORG plus stuff.

Speaker 64154.62s - 4187.52s

I was saying to John a couple days ago, I watched that because everyone else watches it. Like I'm not like, ooh, new Mandalorian PRODUCT or whatever. I'm just like, that's like part of the cultural conversation. So I watch it for that. And I enjoy that. I did not like Boba Fett. I liked the Boba Fett episodes that were basically Mando episodes. I didn't like, that's like part of the cultural conversation. So I watched it for that. I enjoy that. I did not like Boba Fett.I liked the Boba Fett episodes that were basically Mando PERSON episodes. I didn't like the rest of Boba Fett. I don't think it was bad. It just, it wasn't really for me. And so I watched those. I went to see the new Star Wars films the night they open because like I know thateverybody else is doing that thing. Right. So, you know, I still see the things. It's just, yeah.

Speaker 74187.94s - 4202.06s

No, it's something Matt PERSON and I discuss a lot. It's, I know personally, if I'm going to sit down and I'm going to do a marathon of all the Star Wars movies, I personally like to go from Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART chronologically all the way through.

Speaker 24202.18s - 4202.4s


Speaker 74202.86s - 4205.06s

Incerning Rogue One and Solo PRODUCT where they go.

Speaker 94205.06s - 4206.26s

And soon Obi-Wan Kenobi PERSON.

Speaker 74206.9s - 4209.76s

But if you're watching for the very first time.

Speaker 94209.76s - 4213.48s

First time, there's something be said for New Hope Empire WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 84213.72s - 4213.8s


Speaker 94213.98s - 4217.14s

And then the prequels and then return of the Jedi.

Speaker 74217.8s - 4221.04s

And then, you know, when do you do Rogue One WORK_OF_ART if you're going to...

Speaker 94221.04s - 4221.88s

That's absolutely insane.

Speaker 74221.94s - 4226.14s

No, having said that, like, anecdotally, I've now heard a lot of people who,

Speaker 94226.5s - 4228.5s

like, Mandalorian PRODUCT has been their entry point.

Speaker 74228.66s - 4229.94s

And they've gone back and, like,

Speaker 94230s - 4231.36s

become giant Star Wars WORK_OF_ART fan.

Speaker 84231.4s - 4233.08s

They like, oh, we love Yoda PERSON baby.

Speaker 74233.42s - 4236.3s

So we want it like, well, what would he be like if he was old?

Speaker 54236.44s - 4237.26s

The actual Yoda PERSON.

Speaker 74237.58s - 4240.64s

It's more of a, yeah, it's like, I want to see old Yoda PERSON.

Speaker 54240.76s - 4241.82s

Oh, so you mean Yoda PERSON?

Speaker 74242.08s - 4244.08s

And actual Yoda PERSON, because it's a different character.

Speaker 54244.52s - 4246.24s

The lights are they called different colors?

Speaker 74246.56s - 4248.06s

Yeah, why do they call them baby Yoda PERSON?

Speaker 24248.24s - 4250.12s

Nobody does. That's not the actual name.

Speaker 74250.3s - 4254.8s

But it's definitely more of a gateway thing than say, I don't know anybody who's like,

Speaker 54254.84s - 4257.64s

I started watching the Star Wars movies because of Bad Batch WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 64257.84s - 4258.08s


Speaker 94259.52s - 4261.08s

Very small micro generation.

Speaker 64261.08s - 4261.9s

There's got to be someone.

Speaker 94262.28s - 4266.48s

Because I still don't really know who Bad B batch is for other than me and like three of,

Speaker 04266.48s - 4268.18s

but like there's,

Speaker 94268.28s - 4271.4s

but if you're already like 15 episodes dedicated to bad bats.

Speaker 24271.7s - 4272.54s

Believe me.

Speaker 94272.54s - 4272.8s

I know.

Speaker 84273.18s - 4274.94s

When they bond Camino,

Speaker 54275.06s - 4275.94s

I'm like in tears.

Speaker 94276.24s - 4276.62s


Speaker 74276.84s - 4280s

That's the thing when we're talking about all those years ago,

Speaker 54280.08s - 4281.42s

seeing Camino for the first time.

Speaker 74281.52s - 4282.42s

And now we're like,

Speaker 54282.48s - 4283.12s

this is weird.

Speaker 74283.22s - 4283.98s

This is in Star Wars WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 94284.04s - 4288.24s

And now we're seeing it bombed. We're like, we're having these feelings. But that's like,

Speaker 74288.32s - 4292.7s

I think Mandalorian's kind of for everyone. Bad Batch WORK_OF_ART is for fans. Like, if you just put that on.

Speaker 24292.7s - 4296.54s

I saw a Bad Batch WORK_OF_ART. I don't know if I did. I watched that anime one that I kind of like,

Speaker 54296.54s - 4299.3s

oh, vision. Oh, well, we can do another whole episode about that.

Speaker 24299.58s - 4304.26s

Yeah. Joey, I put even money that you have not seen Bad Bad Bad Bad WORK_OF_ART. I doubt it was on my list.

Speaker 64304.32s - 4306.72s

And I think like, when it came out, people were just like, you don't need to see this,

Speaker 74306.78s - 4308.2s

unless you're like really into it.

Speaker 64308.28s - 4310.14s

You got to watch all of Clone Wars than all of Rebels WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 84310.44s - 4310.74s


Speaker 64310.88s - 4311.6s

Oh, that's why I didn't.

Speaker 54311.7s - 4312.1s

You do.

Speaker 64312.24s - 4317.54s

I was like, I want to do the, I want to do the free rack. I wanted to do my home or forest with Bad Batch WORK_OF_ART. That's right.

Speaker 54317.6s - 4319.66s

And the people are like, you don't actually have to see it. I'm like, well, I think I see it.

Speaker 74319.66s - 4321.76s

It really is the next season of Clone Wars WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 54321.9s - 4326.84s

I mean, like it's all of Clone Wars, all of Bad Batch, then all of Rebels WORK_OF_ART, and then all of resistance.

Speaker 74327.48s - 4328.62s

That's how you do it.

Speaker 54328.68s - 4329.68s

You got to do it all.

Speaker 74330.28s - 4331.72s

You got to get those races.

Speaker 54332.2s - 4333.38s

You got to get the races.

Speaker 64334.16s - 4335.78s

Matt Romano PERSON, I got a question for you.

Speaker 54335.98s - 4338.08s

So you're 15 years old.

Speaker 64338.24s - 4339.86s

You're like an episode one.

Speaker 54339.86s - 4340.26s

I checked.

Speaker 64340.34s - 4340.86s

I was 16.

Speaker 54341.02s - 4341.28s

Just a big.

Speaker 64341.28s - 4342.48s

I was 16.

Speaker 74342.48s - 4344.08s

Thank you for that correction.

Speaker 54344.28s - 4344.5s

I will.

Speaker 74344.68s - 4347.04s

Kidimat at at the time.

Speaker 54347.04s - 4347.76s

What was it?

Speaker 74347.76s - 4351.26s

Matt 26 at in 1999.

Speaker 84352s - 4353.7s

Please continue with your question.

Speaker 54354.1s - 4354.46s


Speaker 94354.6s - 4355.26s

You liked it.

Speaker 54356.44s - 4357.54s

So two questions for you.

Speaker 24357.64s - 4361.46s

Did your 16 year old friends like it as well?

Speaker 54362.02s - 4371.48s

And why do you think people in general, the general consensus was like disappointment and didn't like it at the time?

Speaker 84373.08s - 4381.92s

I'll just be completely honest. I mean, at the time, I was disappointed, but I was trying to convince myself so hard that it wasn't bad.

Speaker 24382.22s - 4386.08s

And that thing, that's why I saw so many times trying to find things that I really liked about it. And again, like, and I think that's why I saw so many times, like, trying to find things that were like, I really liked about it.

Speaker 04386.28s - 4386.42s


Speaker 24386.5s - 4396.86s

And again, like, just to stress that like years later, I love the movie and it's been enriched by so many, so many years of more storytelling. But the reason why people didn't like it was because it was all, like we said before, it was that head cannon.

Speaker 04397.02s - 4418.54s

It was that, you know, for everybody had, you know, 20 some odd years to think about what the clone wars were in their head. And I think it was, you know, anytime you have a little kid in a movie, it's becomes debatable, you know, little kids are tough, you know, acting wise, they're easy to nitpick, you know,

Speaker 84419.58s - 4437.24s

jar jar. I mean, there's a lot of stuff in there. Like Brian says, it's for kids. And I think that the audience that was really pumped to see that movie were not kids. So ultimately, it was disappointing to them. But, but yeah, it's really a fascinating, like they should, I'm sure somebody written a book about it.

Speaker 54437.24s - 4469.48s

But like, you know, the expectation and like the what happened henceforth. Yeah. Brian, you're your personal friend, Anthony Daniels PERSON, around the time of the movie coming out, I remember he gave an interviewwhere he was basically saying, like, if this had been the first Star Wars WORK_OF_ART movie, if there was never a Star Wars WORK_OF_ART movie before this, nobody would be talking about the dialogue. Everybody would be runningthrough the streets like naked singing the praises of this movie and being like, holy shit,

Speaker 74469.58s - 4474.3s

lightsabers, right? Yeah. Do you think that's true? Like, do you think, like, have you ever thought

Speaker 54474.3s - 4479.26s

about, I mean, that's one of the times that I started kind of falling in love with it as its own thing,

Speaker 74479.26s - 4495.48s

was when I, when I conscientiously sort of went like, okay, I'm going to pretend I've never seen a Star Wars WORK_OF_ART movie before. I don't want to look at this movie objectively and try and like fall in love with its elements. Do you think there's anything to that? Yes, I do. I think you're right when when you're like,

Speaker 54495.58s - 4502.2s

it's train yourself to let go. Unlearn what you have learned. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's, you know,

Speaker 74502.2s - 4521.28s

or to quote a different Lucasfilm ORG property, forget all you know or think you know. And it just open yourself up to it. Yeah, Midichlorians are weird. Yeah. Jake Lloyd is in over his head, but George Lucas will be the first to tell you he's not good at directing actors.

Speaker 24521.64s - 4527.04s

And so him directing, you know, a child, it's, you tell him faster,

Speaker 74527.14s - 4531.06s

more intense, that kid was getting nothing. And he was hampered by saying, it's working.

Speaker 54531.82s - 4535.78s

Yeah, what, yeah, what, it's, at least he wasn't the kid who's like, let's go and play ball

Speaker 24535.78s - 4542.1s

with some of the worst ADR ever, because that kid is not saying let's go and play ball. It's over

Speaker 04542.1s - 4546.7s

there, but the, it's like oh and um and then he's also not

Speaker 74546.7s - 4553.04s

kittster you know with this um so but but yeah i do think i think people would have gotten

Speaker 04553.04s - 4565.42s

past all that and have been like because this is the first time right we're seeing at the end of the day it's green lightsaber up against blue lightsaber fighting a double bladed red lightsaber. Fighting a double-bladed red lightsaber. I'm like, wow.

Speaker 94565.62s - 4573.5s

And also Williams, the legendary John Williams, it wasn't a typical Star Wars WORK_OF_ART score either.

Speaker 54573.78s - 4574.98s

No, that's true.

Speaker 04575.22s - 4580.42s

He used some legacy themes, but he didn't, the main theme was not used all that much.

Speaker 74580.42s - 4586.44s

He brought in this big corral thing with Dula of the Fates WORK_OF_ART, which was a little reminiscent

Speaker 54586.44s - 4592.32s

of voices towards the end of Return of the Jedi WORK_OF_ART. But for the most part, choruses like that weren't used.

Speaker 74592.44s - 4614.34s

It was different sonically as well in terms of, you know, that's what makes the beating heart of Star Wars is John Williams' PERSON music. So it took some time to get used to it and adjust. But yes, when I just let, because I was similar to Matt, it was like the second time I was really like, let's make sure, because the first time I was like just stunned. I was like, I don't really know what that was. It wasn't what

Speaker 04614.34s - 4624.38s

I was expecting. Right. Exactly. What was that? And we had to adjust to a, but I knew I love, some things I love right off the bat. I love Quigon PERSON from the beginning. I've always, Quigon is one of

Speaker 84624.38s - 4630.68s

my favorite Star Wars characters. I loved the lightsaber duel at the end. I love right off the bat. I love Quigon from the beginning. I've always, Quigon is one of my favorite Star Wars characters. I loved the lightsaber duel at the end. I love the look of Nabu PERSON.

Speaker 24631.06s - 4638.9s

I love pod racing. Yeah. And now we, it's, and now that we're adjusted to it after so many years,

Speaker 84638.9s - 4644.06s

it's, you know, it's a classic. But at the time, yeah, it was an adjustment. But I think there is

Speaker 74644.06s - 4647.76s

something to that. If this had come out, this is the first ever Star Wars movie WORK_OF_ART. It would either, it's a classic. But at the time, yeah, it was an adjustment. But I think there is something to that. If this had come out, this was the first ever Star Wars movie.

Speaker 84648.36s - 4657.68s

It would either be that, what he said, or it would be received like something like, I mean, Valerian PRODUCT and the city of a thousand planets, I thought was.

Speaker 24657.84s - 4658.56s

Love that movie.

Speaker 74658.8s - 4660.08s

I thought it was very underrated.

Speaker 24660.72s - 4662.32s

And nobody cared.

Speaker 74662.64s - 4666.8s

It's like, but if there was nothing like that and that was the first one and no imitators,

Speaker 04667.04s - 4668.98s

because look at how many imitators start.

Speaker 64669.1s - 4670.16s

That's what's annoying.

Speaker 04670.26s - 4672.22s

And I think that's also true of Star Wars WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 64672.36s - 4677.72s

It's that like what you're saying before about the sequel trilogy. That's what we call the 789 sequel trilogy.

Speaker 04678.1s - 4680.1s

That like people,

Speaker 84681.32s - 4681.94s

they're like,

Speaker 04681.98s - 4682.84s

there's nothing new.

Speaker 64682.9s - 4689.74s

It's all reboots. It's all remakes. I want something new. And then they make Valerian PRODUCT. They're like, this sucks nothing new. It's all sequels. It's all reboots. It's all remakes. I want something new. And then they make Valerian PRODUCT. They're like, this sucks. Why are we watching? It's just like,

Speaker 34690.04s - 4691.88s

make up your goddamn mind.

Speaker 54692.04s - 4694.2s

You know, support lines or shut up.

Speaker 34694.2s - 4696.16s

We don't want new things. It's false.

Speaker 54696.4s - 4699.02s

That's why. It's like you do and you don't.

Speaker 64699.12s - 4699.62s

If you want to,

Speaker 54699.62s - 4701.8s

it's, they did.

Speaker 64701.9s - 4703.48s

It's Phantom Force Awakens PRODUCT.

Speaker 74703.82s - 4709.18s

I don't agree with some of the structure and some of the plot points very similar to New Hope WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 64709.34s - 4709.78s


Speaker 54710.08s - 4712.24s

I'm not going to, you know, but is it the same?

Speaker 74712.42s - 4719.38s

No, absolutely not. The real different one in the mix there is Last Jedi WORK_OF_ART and look what happened.

Speaker 24719.76s - 4722.88s

So it's death threats and everything.

Speaker 74723.04s - 4735.24s

It's when you get in there. And let's remember that that's when I just, I absolutely lose patience and I wash my hands of the fandom. And that was, that really started. It started before that. This is not new.

Speaker 04735.48s - 4750.56s

This is starting in 83 with the damn Ewox PRODUCT. Yep. You know, and it's, he's just trying to, he needs to sell toys. He didn't need to sell anything at that point. But now in 99, here comes death threats of Ahmed Best and Jake Lloyd PERSON, both of them, driven to the psychiatric

Speaker 74750.56s - 4768.48s

breaking point. Jake Lloyd PERSON has said numerous times, being in that movie destroyed his life. It's like, you think at being in that movie and then going to high school, like right after it, is going to be an easy ride. That kid's life was destroyed and the fans were part of it.

Speaker 24769.86s - 4783.42s

Ahmed Best, same thing. That he comes back at all for Clone Wars and then Jedi Temple Challenge WORK_OF_ART and stuff like that and was applauded and everything at the last Star Wars WORK_OF_ART celebration. Amazing to me that he even gives it the time of day.

Speaker 54783.78s - 4788.46s

And I think Hayden PERSON had a little bit of an advantage having seen what they went through

Speaker 74788.46s - 4804.94s

because I think the way that Hayden's handled the whole thing from day one has been really remarkable. He sort of he did the two and then he sort of faded into the background until he kind of felt ready. And I think until he felt like the fans had finally accepted it and accepted him and embraced him

Speaker 54804.94s - 4832.92s

and then just sort of worked his way back into it. And now he's really back into it. until he felt like the fans had finally accepted it and accepted him and embraced him, and then just sort of worked his way back into it. And now he's really back into it. And I think that's remarkable. But you're completely right. And it pissed me off at the time, especially the way that I was seeing Ahmed Best PERSON being treated at the time was disgraceful.And yeah, I mean, it's, you know, the three of us are giant Star Wars WORK_OF_ART fans. And it kind of, it's just one of the things that comes to the territory. We know that there's a ton of toxic fandom in our, in our little niche world, and it sucks, but, you know, got to want to ask it.

Speaker 74832.92s - 4836.96s

And not to excuse, there are some choices with Georgia. There were obviously in poor taste.

Speaker 54837.28s - 4839.4s

Of course. I don't lay any of that at Ahmed Bestor PERSON.

Speaker 74839.52s - 4849.8s

He signed on to do a role. He's an actor and a thing and did the role on paper as he was directed well. You want to direct that, that upsetness. And that's not where it was coming from, though.

Speaker 04850.04s - 4854.9s

It's like the legitimate people that were like, you know, these are offensive stereotypes.

Speaker 74855.5s - 4864.92s

Yes, those are important. Those are important criticisms and important things to listen to. The rest of the, nah, nah, nah, you are at my childhood and all that. Please, kindly shut up.

Speaker 64865.44s - 4872.4s

Enough of that. Enough. Just enough. Can I ask a question? I want to bring it back to 1999 for a second.

Speaker 74872.4s - 4877.26s

I want something that I did not experience or don't remember experiencing, and I mentioned it

Speaker 64877.26s - 4885.36s

earlier, but how much about this movie was known before the movie came out? In terms of the trailer, in terms of the trailer,

Speaker 04885.52s - 4886.58s

in terms of what was out there,

Speaker 64886.64s - 4899.6s

because I famously is the wrong word, but I don't watch trailers for, because I'm just like, I don't need to know what's going to happen in this movie. I know that I'm going to go see Dr. Strange.Like, I don't need to see the trailer. I don't want to have that spoiled for me.

Speaker 24899.84s - 4900.64s

And I remember,

Speaker 64900.8s - 4907.36s

like, when I think it was like Amazing Spider-Man 2 WORK_OF_ART, like there was like 26 minutes or something of trailers that they had put out. It's like, why even, why go see the movie?

Speaker 74907.36s - 4909.28s

It was all the best stuff too.

Speaker 64909.5s - 4934.86s

Right. Exactly. And that's what's frustrating. So I know, and I mentioned earlier, and I know that there was, it was noted that people, pre- YouTube obviously, that people were going to buy tickets. What you say to meet Joe Black PERSON to see the trailer and then either sticking around for the movie or like leaving and going to buy another ticket for another thing or whatever. Like I understand that was a thing.But like how much about the Phantom Menace was known either through magazines like Entertainment Weekly ORG or or nerd stuff or whatever or the trailers?

Speaker 84934.98s - 4936.34s

Like what was out there?

Speaker 04936.42s - 4938.74s

Like was Darth Mall PERSON? Was he out there?

Speaker 84938.86s - 4948.8s

Was the two side of the two side of lightsaber was out there too? Yeah. Yeah. The crazy part is the toys. Like I think Star Wars WORK_OF_ART and the industry in general learned an important lesson from Fanda Menace

Speaker 64948.8s - 4951.2s

is that they flooded the market with toys.

Speaker 84951.84s - 4957.48s

I mentioned this earlier, but it didn't get into it, but the soundtrack was out to the movie, way in advance of the movie.

Speaker 54957.64s - 4958.28s

Not that much.

Speaker 84958.28s - 4961.9s

It was like a couple weeks, but it's spoiled the scenes.

Speaker 74962.32s - 4968.56s

It spoils the entire movie. There's like three track titles on that CD. It ruins the movie.

Speaker 84968.96s - 4970.34s

Quigon PERSON's noble end.

Speaker 74970.76s - 4972.72s

No quigon's going to bite it.

Speaker 84972.94s - 4974.22s

No funeral. Yeah.

Speaker 74974.74s - 4975.08s


Speaker 84975.08s - 4976.32s

So like that was crazy.

Speaker 74976.56s - 4981.5s

But like, you know, but then also like you, we were talking about dual the fates before. That was on TRL ORG.

Speaker 04981.98s - 4986.1s

That was like that was like the number one video on TRL weeks before the movie came out.

Speaker 24986.44s - 4993.84s

But you think about like there was so much stuff out there. Like it was flooded. And I think actually that might have led to people's disappointment with the film too.

Speaker 74993.94s - 5009.62s

Because again, that head cannon, you're looking at these characters. You're starting to build your own narratives before you've even seen the film. And then you're just ultimately disappointed because it's not what it was. We learned. They didn't say for for attack of the clones no shot of of Yoda PERSON with a lightsaber.Yeah. That was like yeah.

Speaker 85009.62s - 5010.18s

They didn't do that.

Speaker 05010.24s - 5025.4s

That's right. Aside from reviews spoiling it. That was at the beginning of the internet and and crank sites or whatever. It's like, Yoda PERSON fights. Oh my God. So if you read all that crap, you were expecting it.But I agree. It's like they blew a lot in the trailers, but not too much.

Speaker 55025.56s - 5028.96s

It's they've learned. They've gotten better. It's really interesting because Joey, like,

Speaker 75029.24s - 5035.32s

the thing is, the answer to your question is a lot, but also not a lot. Because the thing is,

Speaker 55035.82s - 5042.78s

I knew kind of the world and I knew the soundtrack and I knew the Darth Mall and like all of that

Speaker 75042.78s - 5046.22s

stuff. I knew what like naked C3PO PRODUCT looked like.

Speaker 55046.66s - 5048s

But when I saw the movie,

Speaker 75048.22s - 5050.6s

I was still very much surprised with what I saw.

Speaker 55051.04s - 5052.8s

You don't you,

Speaker 25052.8s - 5056.34s

I remember being very confused about Natalie Portman and in Amadala PERSON.

Speaker 55056.46s - 5056.62s


Speaker 85056.84s - 5060s

Because you would see pictures of her like as the big fancy queen

Speaker 55060s - 5064.14s

and as like the little, you know, nature and dresser and nightly, you're like, what is happening?

Speaker 75064.48s - 5064.78s


Speaker 85064.78s - 5066.96s

And also Palpatine and Sidious PERSON.

Speaker 75067.12s - 5069.56s

And you're like, is it just him with the hood on?

Speaker 55069.66s - 5079.02s

And truly there's more to it. And in two movies, I was like, no, that's exactly what it is. It's that easy. Yeah. And he is the Phantom Menace. It's as obvious as it is there.

Speaker 05079.58s - 5081.16s

And still, I love that ending.

Speaker 75081.82s - 5089.74s

He's triumphant. Talk about acting, though. He's phenomenal. The best. Throughout in this movie and for the whole trilogy, and so is Ewan McGregor PERSON.

Speaker 65089.98s - 5126.76s

Because the only thing I can really compare it to is that when, in spite of me not watching trailers, when the Force Awakens trailer was released, the Alamo draft house, when I was living in Austin, did an event. It was like, eight o'clock in a Saturday morning. And they're like, come here, we're going to watch a trailer and we're going to talk about it. And we're going to watch a trailer again.We're going to talk about it. And so they had, you know, Tim League PERSON, the CEO at the draft house and they had like a star, like a writer for like birth, movie's death. And they had like a fan. They had somebody else or whatever. And they just, they showed it. I remember and I will never forget that in a trailer for the Forest Awakens WORK_OF_ART, which is a cool trailer. And I still really like that movie. But in the trailer where, uh, Kylo in the woods, the lightsaber comes up and then the side saber things come out.

Speaker 05126.76s - 5128.94s

Like they like the guy next to me.

Speaker 25128.98s - 5130.34s

And I don't, I don't want to make fun of Star Wars WORK_OF_ART fans.

Speaker 65130.38s - 5170.22s

I'm sure like it was a common refrain. But the guy next to me makes a noise that he's like, it's like he's orgasming. He's like, and I was, I was like, that's cool. Like it didn't hit me, but I'm just like this guy. Like he just, it's the cool thing he's ever seen. And like it was really cool.But I'm just like, I can't imagine like what it's like, you know, back in 99. I'm sure it's the same thing. It's like you've waited close to like 15 years, 20 years, whatever since like main canon, main installment, main franchise, whatever. And then for something to like hit you with be like, oh my God, like this could be the best thing of all time is like, you know, I have things that I've waited a long time for, but like 15 or 20 years, like seems like in incredibly long time.

Speaker 75170.6s - 5174.26s

Like nothing comes back after 15 and 20 years. Like that's such, and this did it twice.

Speaker 65174.6s - 5175.56s

It did twice.

Speaker 75175.84s - 5178.5s

Yeah. And it will again. And it will do it again.

Speaker 85178.5s - 5184.34s

And in the next cycle, everyone will have something new to hate and the sequels will

Speaker 65184.34s - 5205.58s

be lauded as these untouchable works of genius. I promise you. I think they're going to get the next trilogy right. I don't know. They're going to get the right. Then that's going to be the one. If we ever get away from TV, because I love where Star Wars WORK_OF_ART is on TV right now. So maybe they're. Yeah, we need to get back to the movies. Do we know? I mean, okay. I sure sure. I'm just happy. I'm happy to.

Speaker 85205.96s - 5206.54s

The movies.

Speaker 65206.54s - 5207.58s

The movies.

Speaker 75207.98s - 5211.88s

I want to see what Tyca does with a Star Wars WORK_OF_ART movie.

Speaker 85212.18s - 5212.54s


Speaker 75212.7s - 5213.14s

With that,

Speaker 55213.22s - 5215.24s

with that crazy-ass font or whatever,

Speaker 85215.5s - 5216.2s

and I'm just like,

Speaker 75216.2s - 5217.84s

let her do whatever you want to do.

Speaker 85217.84s - 5220.06s

And I want to see all this TV stuff

Speaker 55220.06s - 5222.3s

culminate in some big three movie

Speaker 85222.3s - 5223.58s

part movie epic.

Speaker 95223.96s - 5225.84s

But no more movies, except

Speaker 85225.84s - 5228.12s

I want it all to culminate the TV shows everything.

Speaker 95228.32s - 5228.78s

But that's it.

Speaker 75228.88s - 5230.12s

No more than that.

Speaker 95230.12s - 5231.86s

That finally closes the whole

Speaker 85231.86s - 5232.72s

Clone Wars WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 75233.28s - 5236.4s

The Clowny trilogy that really wraps up.

Speaker 85236.6s - 5238.26s

It closes it for good.

Speaker 55238.58s - 5239.76s

Until next year,

Speaker 75239.9s - 5241.6s

when we close it again.

Speaker 55242.52s - 5245.84s

This other trilogy is also part of that trilogy now.

Speaker 75246.04s - 5251.6s

Yes. Yeah. It never stays away for long. How many times did we think the Clone Wars EVENT was over?

Speaker 55251.94s - 5271.38s

And then even after six, it's like, well, now it's done. And then they were like, it's coming back for seven. That was a draw-drop moment. If I've ever, I might have been that fan, Joey. I didn't orgasm. And I didn't have to, change my pants or anything.But my jaw dropped the floor, and I said, I cannot believe it. It was pretty much.

Speaker 85271.38s - 5275.66s

I'm actually doing it. I had completely opposite reaction.

Speaker 75275.96s - 5278.66s

I had, like, PTSD from Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART being like, uh-oh.

Speaker 95278.94s - 5279.22s


Speaker 75279.48s - 5281.26s

With the Clone War Season 7 EVENT?

Speaker 95281.38s - 5281.84s

Oh, no, I'm sorry.

Speaker 75282s - 5284.18s

The Kylo Ren's PERSON lightsaber.

Speaker 95284.3s - 5284.96s

Oh, no, no.

Speaker 75285.06s - 5286.22s

Oh, okay. No. That's when. The Kylo Ren's PERSON lightsaber. Oh, no, no. Oh, okay.

Speaker 95286.38s - 5286.78s


Speaker 75287.52s - 5289.82s

That's why I had that, that's that trailer.

Speaker 85290.18s - 5304.3s

When that game, that was out of nowhere. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They kept that secret so well. And anytime they can keep a secret like that, it's like a majority. And Joey, there are things that you love that you would have that. In another 15 years, when the Fast Saga EVENT is over,

Speaker 05304.62s - 5318.16s

you get your first look at bin diesel cuddling up to little little brian PERSON is now grown up is like and any wiles in it says something like it's like that's because you don't have family but they're coming back and here

Speaker 25318.16s - 5324.38s

and then comes the you know his classic black car and letty's behind the wheel or something like that

Speaker 05324.38s - 5327.98s

you would give an orgasm sound. Oh, for sure. 100%. 100%.

Speaker 75327.98s - 5332.86s

This is just not your particular treasure chest of orgasms.

Speaker 25333.24s - 5335.06s

No, I want to talk more about Joey and organet.

Speaker 65335.46s - 5336.38s

Here's the thing.

Speaker 95336.82s - 5337.38s

I'm here for it.

Speaker 75337.58s - 5338.88s

This is a lot on our show.

Speaker 85339.06s - 5340.7s

They're like poetry, right?

Speaker 95340.78s - 5341.28s

They rhyme.

Speaker 85341.28s - 5346.2s

And so if you orgasm about Darth Maul's lightsaber, you're going to about Kylo Rends PERSON.

Speaker 55346.34s - 5347.94s

Yeah. What am I talking about?

Speaker 75348s - 5349.66s

Guys, I'm sorry. I don't even know.

Speaker 55349.9s - 5372.96s

Listen, I want to pick up on something you said earlier and then transition to another question for all you guys. So, you know, I can't stop thinking about it because you made this point about the Williams PERSON music and the role that that plays. I've long contended that like Star Wars, the Skywalker PERSON saga,ultimately is basically a beautiful structured John Williams PERSON music video, right?

Speaker 75373.02s - 5380.08s

Like, the dialogue doesn't really matter. That's why I kind of overlook that, right? It's like, does it have the music? Does it have lightsabers?

Speaker 55380.42s - 5416.06s

Does it have the music? Is it painted by the music and the images and a storyline that is driven somehow through words? I don't really care about yeah. How many times someone says yippy and wizard? I don't care.But I it's a really interesting point because now that I'm thinking about it, I do remember that I always got this little like twinge, of familiarity and, and being like, oh, this is where I want to be in the scene, the early part of Phantom Menace, when Quigon PERSON is, is trying to push through the door with a lightsaber, which is badass, by the way,

Speaker 75416.4s - 5417.86s

melting metal light savers.

Speaker 95417.92s - 5419s

We'd never seen it before.

Speaker 75419s - 5419.72s

We haven't seen it before.

Speaker 95420.16s - 5423.88s

But the Star Wars WORK_OF_ART, the main theme plays in the background when that's happening.

Speaker 75423.94s - 5424.44s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 55424.44s - 5426.3s

At that moment, you're like, oh, Star Wars.

Speaker 75426.4s - 5429.72s

And then you're like, then you go into this other John William PERSON stuff for the rest of the movie.

Speaker 95429.8s - 5430.58s

It never comes back.

Speaker 55430.94s - 5433.06s

It's all new after that.

Speaker 75433.32s - 5435.78s

Plenty of force theme, but never the main theme.

Speaker 55435.94s - 5436.16s


Speaker 75436.36s - 5441.08s

But having said that, now, again, it's one of those things where it's like all these years later.

Speaker 55441.88s - 5446s

I think, first of all, I think the three best Williams

Speaker 75446s - 5452.16s

Star Wars themes come from the prequels. And I think that's Dull of the Fates WORK_OF_ART across the

Speaker 55452.16s - 5458.16s

stars and Annikin's theme from episode one. Yeah. I can hear people like listen to this,

Speaker 35458.2s - 5461.54s

like getting chills. I don't know what any of those songs are. Like I believe you, but I can,

Speaker 55461.54s - 5465.3s

did you hear me? Do you want to whistle some bars? Yeah.

Speaker 65466.5s - 5471.18s

John, part of me is a guest that I can, I can back you with Dula the PRODUCT, and I, it's impossible

Speaker 55471.18s - 5476.58s

to choose just three, but you're leaving Imperial March PRODUCT and the force thing off that list.

Speaker 65476.58s - 5479.8s

I'm leaving those off the list because that's like saying your favorite band is the Beatles.

Speaker 55480.2s - 5483.84s

It's, it's like, you know what I mean? Like, I those go without saying. I, like, I don't even

Speaker 65483.84s - 5485.68s

consider those, those are in the ether. Those are like, you know what I mean? Like, those go without saying. Like, I don't even consider those are in the ether.

Speaker 35485.9s - 5487.86s

Those are like, you know what I mean?

Speaker 65487.92s - 5490.64s

I don't even think of them as like, of course, those two.

Speaker 25491.12s - 5492.2s

But they're just like part.

Speaker 75492.28s - 5493.14s

They're like the title.

Speaker 55493.44s - 5499.48s

It's hard to talk about those as like, as outside of themselves now.

Speaker 75499.64s - 5501s

Imperial March wasn't on TRL ORG.

Speaker 55501.32s - 5504.06s

Burning up the charts, beating out Eminem and the Backstreet Boys ORG.

Speaker 85504.06s - 5504.38s

That's true.

Speaker 55504.54s - 5505.52s

That's got a great point.

Speaker 85505.74s - 5505.84s


Speaker 75506.36s - 5524.24s

We've got to look at Imperial March PRODUCT. No, it's, but you know what I love about that track, especially dual of the fates? And at the time, and this has been talked about before, but this is what's great about hindsight, watching them, you know, going back after so much, so much fan service, but so much other things

Speaker 05524.24s - 5528.66s

that fill in the blacks, it just enriches all of it. If you don't want it, don't read it.

Speaker 75528.78s - 5568.54s

Don't watch it. It's like, there's plenty of other crap. Yeah. But why call a duel of the fates when it's this, it's people at the time, it's like, shouldn't that be ultimately be saved for Anakin and Obi-Wan PERSON? And it's like, no, because if that duel decides the entire rest of the nine movies,if that duel had gone differently, if Quigon had lived, I think you don't have Darth Vader, you don't have the fall. I think part of me thinks a stealth mission for Darth Maul PERSON was do this if you can't, kill them both if you can, definitely get rid of Quigon Jin PERSON. Because he sees more than all the others and he doesn't play by the rules of the Jedi or whatever.

Speaker 05568.82s - 5580.2s

He's going to be a problem. He is going to see through this, especially when I get to the Duku PERSON shit that I'm going to start playing really soon. So it's over the fate of Anakin PERSON. Who's going to take care of him?

Speaker 75580.92s - 5585.92s

And if that had gone different. So it does it. And when they bring it back in Revenge of

Speaker 55585.92s - 5591.94s

the Sith, it's briefly in one of my favorite duels in the whole saga. Oh, how amazing is that?

Speaker 75592.18s - 5597.36s

Well, it's also, though, and let's get super nerdy here. It's also in clones. And it's in exactly

Speaker 55597.36s - 5601.84s

the right moment in clones. Oh, yes. It's right before he finds his mom. It's these moments of

Speaker 75601.84s - 5605.84s

Anakin PERSON's. It's the changing of his fate. Beautiful.

Speaker 55606.26s - 5606.38s


Speaker 85606.5s - 5607.92s

I just adjusted my glasses.

Speaker 55608.2s - 5608.86s

I just passed out.

Speaker 85608.96s - 5610.06s

I passed out for a second.

Speaker 95610.18s - 5610.4s

Hold on.

Speaker 85610.52s - 5611.28s

Wait, what did I miss?

Speaker 75612.78s - 5624.3s

Little shatter points where it's like if this, this is like, there's still a way back at that point before this. But he's going into this once he goes in that things and slanders from like animals.

Speaker 05624.88s - 5627.82s

You know, there's no, there's no going back really.

Speaker 25628.16s - 5635.98s

It's like that is a point of no return. Yeah. And right up until though, Padmay PERSON's pleading with him on that most of our platform,

Speaker 75636.1s - 5639.52s

still like, yes, Natalie Portman PERSON is asking you to go with her anywhere.

Speaker 95639.84s - 5641.2s

She's pregnant with your child.

Speaker 25641.46s - 5642.54s

You say yes.

Speaker 05643.14s - 5646.56s

No, it's like, I don't care if this wrinkled old man over there.

Speaker 25646.72s - 5647.2s


Speaker 05647.32s - 5648.52s

Yeah, it's like, wizard.

Speaker 95648.76s - 5649.68s

So wizard.

Speaker 75650.12s - 5650.78s

Oh, man.

Speaker 95651.02s - 5655.34s

Have you, how they've now canonized where the phrase wizard started.

Speaker 75655.34s - 5660.62s

I want to bring up wizard for a second because for every movie for the show, for every episode,

Speaker 95660.62s - 5663.1s

we're like titling the episode with one word from that movie.

Speaker 65663.2s - 5665.6s

So like for The Matrix, it was Woe and for Eyes Wide Shut WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 75665.72s - 5668.36s

It's, you know, Fidelio ORG and, you know, things make sense.

Speaker 65668.48s - 5670.46s

And so I was going to be like, what is that one, orgy?

Speaker 75671.2s - 5674.62s

Yes, it's it's the, it's the password to get into the origin.

Speaker 65674.62s - 5675.26s

I know, I know.

Speaker 75675.36s - 5682.52s

I've seen it. He's seen it. I know, but I'm explaining to the people, because I don't think that episode's out yet. Or is that episode out? No, this is the second episode. No, this is the second episode.Oh, I'm sorry, everybody.

Speaker 65682.96s - 5694.5s

Time's a flat circle. It's fine. But I say to John PERSON, because I try to guess every time. I'm like, where which is this thing? He's like, no, the second episode. This is the second episode. Oh, I'm sorry, everybody. Time's a flat circle. It's fine. But I say to John, because I try to guess every time. I'm like, for Blair PERSON, which? Is it this? He's like, no, it's this.I'm like, okay, cool. And I'm like, for this one, it's yippy, right? It's got to be yippee. He's got to be yippee.

Speaker 85694.5s - 5695.4s

He's like, no, it has to be one word?

Speaker 65695.56s - 5696.3s

Does it have to be one word?

Speaker 85697.52s - 5698.1s

We're trying.

Speaker 65698.1s - 5700.48s

Or two, but like, yeah.

Speaker 55700.48s - 5703.86s

But like, it kind of, there's a very, we're fitting into a space.

Speaker 65703.96s - 5706.1s

So it's more like number of characters kind of.

Speaker 55706.4s - 5710.84s

And I'm like, I'm like, I'm literally watching the movie now and I have no idea what wizard means.

Speaker 65710.84s - 5713.98s

And he's something seen that I had seen like 20 minutes earlier.

Speaker 55714.22s - 5715.48s

And it's funny you say that.

Speaker 85715.84s - 5725.92s

Brian wrote copy for our first episode ever of our podcast or the description for our podcast. The first thing I ever had him right for the podcast. And he sounded like a madman because it ended with like,

Speaker 65725.96s - 5736.18s

it's going to be so wizard. And I was like, what the hell are you? Like is this? I had to ask him like, is this a thing? And then I missed it too. I was like, you know, he, you're checking

Speaker 85736.18s - 5741.42s

the contract. You're like, it's too late to back out to get rid of them. It's really like one line.

Speaker 65741.72s - 5744.54s

It's, it's, it's as

Speaker 85744.54s - 5746.4s

as he's walking away from the camera.

Speaker 65746.4s - 5750.06s

And John's like, well, you know, in the new episode in BobaFat, like Mando PERSON says it.

Speaker 85750.1s - 5755.1s

I'm like, nope, didn't hear that. And he's like, fans look at it. I'm like, are you sure? So I'm not sure that.

Speaker 65755.36s - 5756.56s

Yes, fans are phantom animals.

Speaker 75756.8s - 5762.1s

And now recently in the wonderful High Republic books, Daniel Jose PERSON older,

Speaker 65762.4s - 5765.62s

hundreds and hundreds of years before this movie takes place,

Speaker 75765.86s - 5772.54s

this random character just starts saying Wizard WORK_OF_ART and people are like, what is that? Are you trying to make a phrase catch on?

Speaker 05772.58s - 5776.44s

He's like, yeah, I think it's funny. And other characters start using it.

Speaker 75777.04s - 5800.74s

And the day that Boba Fed episode came out and Mando himself said Wizard WORK_OF_ART, Daniel Jose older is like, I know, he just kept tweeting, I've seen it. Guys, I've seen it because everyone had just read his book. And it's like, forget about the birth of, you know, this thing in the Jedi PRODUCT or why Jedi don't marry or wherever else. The birth of the phrase wizard happens in the High Republic ORG books. That's what I want

Speaker 55800.74s - 5807.24s

Taekuatidis series to be about how Wizard WORK_OF_ART became like just three-part saga of how Wizard entered into the lexicon.

Speaker 75807.38s - 5812.18s

We can all thank a character named Ram Jama Ram PERSON. And I'm not even kidding.

Speaker 55812.32s - 5812.82s

No, you're not.

Speaker 85813.28s - 5817.44s

I think you should call the episode, uh, Misa PERSON like this.

Speaker 55818.34s - 5819.48s

No, God.

Speaker 85819.82s - 5821.76s

Mista PERSON like a dee.

Speaker 75823.2s - 5824.88s

That's the great Brian Blessed PERSON.

Speaker 85825.3s - 5826.56s

The great one of Brian Blessed PERSON. Yeah. Yeah. Awesome cast Brian Blessed. The great Brian Blessed.

Speaker 25826.8s - 5827s


Speaker 75827.88s - 5829.84s

Awesome cast in this movie, by the way.

Speaker 25830.84s - 5832.18s

One of the best Star Wars WORK_OF_ART movie cast.

Speaker 75832.18s - 5832.72s

You know what?

Speaker 95832.82s - 5839.72s

You know one of my favorite, one of my favorite, the one line that is awful, just awful on the page and awfully delivered.

Speaker 55839.96s - 5841.98s

It's a Panaka PERSON line.

Speaker 75842.78s - 5844.44s

And it's, of course it is.

Speaker 55844.76s - 5850.06s

And Hugh Quarshie PERSON, who also winds up with, he's better, he gets a better deal.

Speaker 75850.22s - 5852s

And he complained after this.

Speaker 55852.12s - 5852.26s


Speaker 75852.26s - 5854.78s

He did the Shia LeBov after the Crystal Skull WORK_OF_ART thing.

Speaker 95854.9s - 5856.34s

He was like crapping all over this.

Speaker 55856.34s - 5858.22s

Well, Liam Neeson PERSON famously retired after this.

Speaker 75858.52s - 5860.44s

So that's why you heard of him since then.

Speaker 55860.44s - 5863.6s

I will also say, while we mentioned Crystal Skull WORK_OF_ART, Crystal Skull, much better than people

Speaker 75863.6s - 5864.28s

give it credit for.

Speaker 65864.44s - 5868.4s

Shia, great as Matt Williams PERSON. I will go to back for that movie. Please continue.

Speaker 85868.64s - 5872.32s

Oh, invite me on for the 2014 episode.

Speaker 75872.44s - 5874.8s

Yeah, because Matt PERSON, Matt,

Speaker 85874.8s - 5877.92s

and I have been going at it since we met about this,

Speaker 75877.92s - 5879.7s

because I love Fridge ORG the podcast.

Speaker 65879.96s - 5880.38s

I love it too.

Speaker 75880.38s - 5880.4s

I love it too.

Speaker 85880.4s - 5886.6s

But he's in Kukwarsh GPE,hi appears in one of my least favorite two

Speaker 55886.6s - 5891.8s

partners of Doctor Who ever, the Daleks in Manhattan. I'm like, oh. With Andrew Garfield PERSON.

Speaker 75892.2s - 5896.9s

Yeah. It's like, and Garfield PERSON's not the problem there. It's this weird. It's the face thing.

Speaker 55897.04s - 5902.86s

It's not bad. It's just not my favorite episode. So it's, um, but it's, uh, when it's like the,

Speaker 95902.86s - 5905.26s

the sandstorm starts and he's outside the ship with

Speaker 75905.26s - 5910.9s

Obi-Wan and you and Ewan says oh this storm's going to slow them down and Panaka PERSON looks out

Speaker 55910.9s - 5916.7s

and he goes looks pretty bad and then he gets a call and he gets a call and is like Panaka

Speaker 75916.7s - 5922.84s

is like let's go back inside and that's like the pausing it's like it's a lifted and framed line

Speaker 05922.84s - 5925.04s

like it's like it's from Shakespeare PERSON it's like looks pretty bad it's like that's what that and framed line. I didn't really notice that before. Like it's from Shakespeare. It's like,

Speaker 55925.14s - 5926.7s

it looks pretty bad.

Speaker 75926.78s - 5927.28s

It's funny.

Speaker 55927.52s - 5931.76s

That's all you've got to say. Random stuff and noise. Like, I've never even noticed.

Speaker 75931.96s - 5934.8s

And I'm totally seen the scene now that you're saying it.

Speaker 05934.96s - 5936.44s

And I'm laughing my ass off.

Speaker 75936.44s - 5940.36s

But yeah, it's also like I love, I love that Ewan PERSON,

Speaker 55941.32s - 5946.3s

this is the only movie that he tries to deliver some of his lines in an Alec Guinness PERSON voice.

Speaker 05946.5s - 5957.68s

And they're great when he does. And I'm glad he gave it up and sort of found his own voice for that character. But like, that's also part of the charm. When he says, you know, when they find us.

Speaker 75957.88s - 5959.08s

Yeah, yeah, I was just saying that.

Speaker 55960.22s - 5961.68s

Bloss us into oblivion.

Speaker 25961.76s - 5962.7s

Blast us into oblivion.

Speaker 55962.9s - 5965.52s

And then he starts into our co-host, Caitlin PERSON,

Speaker 25965.84s - 5968.86s

because prequel Obi-Wan is her favorite character.

Speaker 55969.36s - 5971.94s

You and Obi-Wan is her all-time favorite Star Wars WORK_OF_ART character

Speaker 75971.94s - 5972.96s

because of the SaaS.

Speaker 55973.42s - 5974.68s

He is sass master general.

Speaker 75975.18s - 5977.56s

And he is, I think, he gets away with that sass partially

Speaker 55977.56s - 5983.76s

because if you look at Obi-Wan's Star Wars WORK_OF_ART life, it's the most depressing story ever told. Yeah.

Speaker 05983.88s - 5987.14s

It's how many loved ones die in his arms, including

Speaker 85987.14s - 5989.9s

Clone Wars WORK_OF_ART. Yeah, it's like, and now it's like

Speaker 05989.9s - 5993.02s

who's important to whom's going to die in his arms

Speaker 75993.02s - 5995.66s

in the news show? It's like, it's going to be Luke PERSON.

Speaker 05995.94s - 6000.28s

Yeah, but it's like, it's like, wait, Luke PERSON, it's like, here's

Speaker 96000.28s - 6004.06s

a spin on the Kenobi show. Luke PERSON dies. And he actually wasn't

Speaker 26004.06s - 6006.58s

Luke and that's in. He meets Ezra PERSON in the world between worlds.

Speaker 96006.7s - 6007.6s

It takes a different doorway.

Speaker 76007.94s - 6009.66s

Well, I don't understand it, but...

Speaker 96009.66s - 6014.5s

Anyway, green light. You know... Uh...

Speaker 76014.5s - 6016.18s

I won't bring up the world between worlds.

Speaker 96016.58s - 6017.76s

I'll say that for another time.

Speaker 76018.56s - 6022.52s

Half of Matt PERSON's theories are based in the world between worlds.

Speaker 96023.24s - 6023.96s

That was such a...

Speaker 86023.96s - 6026.22s

Someone's going to use that to solve,

Speaker 76026.42s - 6029.34s

to resolve an inconsistency at some point.

Speaker 56029.34s - 6030.3s

You can reboot the sequel.

Speaker 76030.72s - 6031.66s

Get rid of them.

Speaker 56031.78s - 6033.62s

I don't like Ray PERSON because she's a girl.

Speaker 76033.84s - 6037.46s

I know you're not saying that, but that's what...

Speaker 56037.46s - 6076.14s

We're going to have a couple closing Phantom Man's questions in a second. But before we do that, I have to... Let's talk quickly about the new Obi-Wan series because, you know, it's a direct sequel to the prequels. And it's awesome. And with that Boba Fett episode that was just the Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART nostalgia episode where like the Bunti Everace happens and it's awesome. And there is this like generation that's grown up with these movies that we always knew there was going to be who are, you know, loving sort of seeing that story continue. Okay. Here's a question. Is Ian McDiarmid in the Opie one canoe series? Is that a character or an actor? Palpatine PERSON.

Speaker 66076.54s - 6082.92s

Yes. Okay. I hope. I hope so. Me too. It's, I can't see how they do it without him.

Speaker 56083.1s - 6087.42s

Yeah, I mean, I don't, I don't see how they don't pull everything out of the toy box for this show.

Speaker 66087.42s - 6090.08s

Like, like just, and it's not like he's going to say no.

Speaker 56090.38s - 6093.88s

And we, and it's a limited series, you know, it's not, it's only only one season.

Speaker 66094.18s - 6102.28s

And, you know, we already have like the big reveal that Darth Vader is going to be in the series, both as Vader and as hopefully Anakin PERSON.

Speaker 56103.18s - 6106.04s

But, yeah, I think, I feel like there's some surprises yet to see.

Speaker 76106.04s - 6111.52s

And that would be an amazing thing to throw out there like episode five, you know.

Speaker 66112.44s - 6117.46s

Because one one dumb fan theory that I read that I actually think might have some

Speaker 56117.46s - 6129.14s

legs to it is aside from the harsh Tatooine sons as what sort of prematurely ages Obi-Wan Kenobi PERSON by the time we get to a new hope,

Speaker 76129.74s - 6145.44s

there's a fan theory going around that part of the reason he looks so much older is because it's in fact Palpatine PERSON that ends up aging Obi-Wan-Kinobi in much the same way that Palpatine aged himself when he lightening himself in that little battle there.

Speaker 86145.58s - 6146.12s

I wouldn't hate it.

Speaker 56146.42s - 6147.12s

Would not hate that.

Speaker 86147.28s - 6149.36s

If they're keeping that under wraps,

Speaker 76149.52s - 6152.28s

I would not be upset to find that.

Speaker 56152.28s - 6154.16s

That's a reason to bring him back for sure.

Speaker 76154.58s - 6155.18s


Speaker 06155.84s - 6157.38s

Even if it's just the voice,

Speaker 76157.92s - 6158.34s

you know,

Speaker 26158.42s - 6160.26s

I could see just his cackle or something.

Speaker 76160.8s - 6160.82s

Just that.

Speaker 26160.82s - 6160.96s

I mean,

Speaker 76160.98s - 6162.4s

also this is.

Speaker 56163.18s - 6163.36s


Speaker 26163.38s - 6163.56s


Speaker 86163.56s - 6164.62s

this is before.

Speaker 26165.94s - 6167.42s

Rebel PERSON or or that, no, it also, this is. Yeah. This is before. Rebel or or.

Speaker 86167.62s - 6167.88s


Speaker 76168s - 6168.62s

it's after Rebels WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 56168.76s - 6168.88s


Speaker 86170.18s - 6171.36s

I was thinking, um,

Speaker 56171.36s - 6172.68s

they could even use it as like a,

Speaker 86172.84s - 6174.52s

a stealth Thrawn PERSON intro,

Speaker 56174.7s - 6175.34s

but the time.

Speaker 76175.34s - 6175.94s


Speaker 86175.94s - 6176.7s


Speaker 56176.76s - 6178.34s

I hope we wait till Asoka for Thrawn PERSON,

Speaker 76178.4s - 6178.68s


Speaker 56178.84s - 6179.04s


Speaker 86179.04s - 6179.5s


Speaker 56179.68s - 6182.08s

I think we're also going to see some Tamara Morrison PERSON's going to get

Speaker 86182.08s - 6182.92s

some Cody in there.

Speaker 56184.36s - 6184.54s


Speaker 96184.6s - 6185.5s

Oh God. I hope so.

Speaker 26186s - 6187.86s

One of the shots looks like him.

Speaker 96188.36s - 6189.06s

So, yeah.

Speaker 26189.46s - 6190.58s

A tone for you.

Speaker 96190.58s - 6193s

I feel like that would be a huge miss that they didn't do that.

Speaker 86194.22s - 6194.94s

That's a dream.

Speaker 96195.06s - 6196.28s

Because that's one of those things.

Speaker 86196.28s - 6202.24s

It's like seeing Katie Sackoff the first time in Mando PERSON.

Speaker 26202.34s - 6202.74s


Speaker 96203.94s - 6207.64s

If they don't do it here, I can see them doing it on Bad Bad Bad Bad WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 26208.14s - 6211.6s

I can see like the Rex Cody reunion happening on Bad Bad Bad WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 76211.6s - 6212.8s

Oh, I think that's kind of inevitable.

Speaker 26213.3s - 6213.58s


Speaker 56213.88s - 6214.06s


Speaker 76214.16s - 6218.68s

But it's I want to see Tomor and talk with Tomor or Cody talk.

Speaker 86218.74s - 6220.74s

It's like talk with Kenobi.

Speaker 76220.98s - 6222.88s

It's like try and blast them off the wall again.

Speaker 86223.74s - 6225.4s

It's like, you might be needing this. Also this. That and blast them off a wall again. It's like you might be needing this.

Speaker 56225.82s - 6232.6s

Also this. That and finally getting Keisha Castle Hughes is the live action Omega will be like those are my two.

Speaker 86233.5s - 6238.3s

Is that who you think they'll go with? I'm almost certain they will. I mean, name another Maori NORP actress.

Speaker 56238.76s - 6245s

She's already already the queen in it. well, of course you know.

Speaker 76245.18s - 6245.38s


Speaker 26246.84s - 6247s

Well, they've done that before.

Speaker 76247.58s - 6247.7s

They could do it.

Speaker 26248.16s - 6248.22s

Of course they have.

Speaker 76249.22s - 6249.34s

Queen of what? Queen of what?

Speaker 56249.54s - 6250.22s

Queen of Nabu PERSON.

Speaker 76250.22s - 6251.22s

At the end of.

Speaker 56251.28s - 6252.06s

Oh, right.

Speaker 76252.12s - 6252.92s

Yes, yes, yes.

Speaker 56252.92s - 6253.3s

That's her.

Speaker 76253.78s - 6255.16s

You had no idea.

Speaker 56255.5s - 6257.58s

Yeah, I got that right away.

Speaker 76257.7s - 6261.7s

Anthony Daniels has played like nine different characters as has Warwick Davis PERSON.

Speaker 56262.04s - 6262.44s

So, you know.

Speaker 76262.94s - 6263.46s

Yeah, there you go.

Speaker 56263.46s - 6263.7s

All right.

Speaker 76263.8s - 6266.16s

Let's close with this on an upbeat note.

Speaker 56266.28s - 6269.28s

What is your favorite scene in the Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART?

Speaker 86269.42s - 6269.96s

Oh, man.

Speaker 56270.36s - 6274.22s

Well, I mean, absolutely dual of, a duel of fates.

Speaker 86274.32s - 6276.36s

I mean, the lightsaber battle with Darth Long PERSON.

Speaker 56276.36s - 6277.1s

But what part of it?

Speaker 76277.82s - 6278.72s

Oh, my God.

Speaker 86278.8s - 6282.42s

I think it's the part when he like, they like, he like kicks Obi-1 or something.

Speaker 76282.66s - 6289.62s

Like they, you know, it's just like it's like a good, like he gets him with with the you got to watch it like three times to see that but it's awesome when it happens yeah

Speaker 56289.62s - 6294.82s

yeah yeah yeah i don't know it gets a good jump kick on obi one i love that part yeah all right so

Speaker 76294.82s - 6299.1s

duel of the fates in general and that one part yeah i mean come on that's that's the most iconic part

Speaker 86299.1s - 6308.66s

of our small kicks obi won which is a great but but but if i you a quick, just side note, okay, something that doesn't happen in this

Speaker 96308.66s - 6310.82s

movie, but is my favorite thing to come out of Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 86311.76s - 6314.42s

Okay, so the pod racing scene, you know, Rats Tirel PRODUCT?

Speaker 96314.62s - 6315.02s


Speaker 86315.26s - 6318.64s

I used to play with, I'm familiar with Rats Tirel PRODUCT?

Speaker 96319.02s - 6319.04s


Speaker 86319.08s - 6320.38s

Rats Tirel PRODUCT, you know, this guy?

Speaker 96320.4s - 6324.28s

He's the guy that dies in the cave and he goes, and just dies.

Speaker 06324.7s - 6325.78s

There's a great

Speaker 96325.78s - 6328.08s

canon story about his

Speaker 06328.08s - 6329.94s

son and his family being

Speaker 86329.94s - 6331.7s

so distraught over his death

Speaker 06331.7s - 6334.04s

that they form, I'm not, I shit you

Speaker 86334.04s - 6335.86s

not, that they form the Rats

Speaker 56335.86s - 6337.7s

Tyrell Corporation or foundation

Speaker 86337.7s - 6340.18s

and they lobbied a ban

Speaker 56340.18s - 6341.92s

yeah, they've lobbied a band

Speaker 86341.92s - 6344.12s

pod racing in the galaxy and they

Speaker 56344.12s - 6344.68s


Speaker 86345.9s - 6348.9s

And I mean, it still happens in like, you know, the outer rim territories.

Speaker 56349.2s - 6352.98s

But they, uh, they've lobbied to the end, um, pod racing.

Speaker 86353.04s - 6355.12s

And that's the bureaucracy I was talking about.

Speaker 56355.68s - 6356s


Speaker 86356s - 6358.04s

That makes Star Wars WORK_OF_ART so fascinating.

Speaker 56358.16s - 6361.28s

I, I'm laughing at you, but also kind of love what you're saying.

Speaker 86361.84s - 6362.38s

Thank you.

Speaker 56362.44s - 6366.24s

You know, it's like the Elion Slees Spagano PERSON redemption story.

Speaker 86366.48s - 6366.84s


Speaker 56367.2s - 6370.6s

And my second favorite weird Star Wars WORK_OF_ART aside.

Speaker 86370.6s - 6376.94s

Take enjoyment in something as cockamamie bullshit like that, then you're in the wrong thing.

Speaker 56377.06s - 6379.06s

Like, you're looking in the wrong place.

Speaker 86379.24s - 6379.34s


Speaker 76380.5s - 6382.58s

I just crossed movie references.

Speaker 56383.22s - 6384.9s

Brian, what's your favorite phantom fantasy?

Speaker 76385.64s - 6387s

I mean, it's obvious. It's hard. Well, what's your favorite phantom fantasy? I mean, it's obvious.

Speaker 56387.22s - 6387.94s

It's hard.

Speaker 06388.1s - 6393.08s

Well, let's say aside from Duel of the Fates WORK_OF_ART and the Pod Race, you know, because I'm

Speaker 26393.08s - 6397.56s

going to throw one on, I'll say that one scene that I've really come to love, and I think

Speaker 76397.56s - 6403.86s

it's a genuinely really well-acted and well-written scene between Jake Lloyd PERSON and

Speaker 56403.86s - 6404.58s

Pernilla August PERSON.

Speaker 86404.84s - 6406.06s

It's when they're saying goodbye.

Speaker 66407.24s - 6412.42s

And she says, you can't stop the change anymore than you can stop the sun from setting.

Speaker 86412.62s - 6415.16s

And when he says, will we ever see each other again?

Speaker 56415.28s - 6416.5s

She says, what does your heart tell you?

Speaker 96416.58s - 6418.82s

And the moment from Jake Lloyd PERSON is like, I hope so.

Speaker 76418.98s - 6422.2s

Yes, it's like that's just a really real moment.

Speaker 96422.36s - 6422.52s


Speaker 76422.98s - 6423.82s

There's no acting.

Speaker 96424s - 6425.68s

That's just, it's heartbreaking. And that moment's no acting. That's just, it's heartbreaking.

Speaker 86426.28s - 6433.84s

And that moment and that hug and he walks away and he's following this mystic Jedi PRODUCT and the poncho and the force theme kicks in.

Speaker 76434.48s - 6441.9s

That scene always, if we're going to go with non-lightsabers and non-whatever, but that's just like, and that's the beginning, right?

Speaker 86441.94s - 6445.06s

If she went to, if the mother went to, he would have still had attachment problems. But this is the beginning right if she went to if the mother went to he would have still

Speaker 56445.06s - 6449.78s

had attachment problems but this is the beginning of of the issues here yeah you know it's it's also

Speaker 76449.78s - 6455.4s

yeah um i think it's no uh accident that the force theme kicks up it's like well here's another

Speaker 26455.4s - 6461.76s

step on the road of destiny um that and i and i know it's it's a little corny but i love his line

Speaker 76461.76s - 6465.04s

i'm going to be a first one to see him all.

Speaker 96468.16s - 6468.56s

And it's like, that's that he's this goofy kid.

Speaker 06469.5s - 6469.58s

And that's what people hated.

Speaker 76472.68s - 6472.88s

This goofy kid turns out to be the worst villain ever.

Speaker 06475.48s - 6475.64s

I was like, yes, that makes the fall.

Speaker 76477.46s - 6477.52s

It's like, and I was part of it.

Speaker 26478.54s - 6478.64s

I was saying that too.

Speaker 06481.82s - 6481.94s

But now it's like, maybe it's just with distance.

Speaker 76482.4s - 6487.44s

I don't know. It just, I can't see it any other way now. Yeah.

Speaker 56488.62s - 6489.24s

Joey, what's your favorite scene?

Speaker 76490.36s - 6490.48s

I don't, I don't know.

Speaker 56491.02s - 6491.32s

I don't know.

Speaker 76492.68s - 6492.78s

This is not a question I could really answer,

Speaker 56494.62s - 6494.72s

but I will say that my two favorite characters,

Speaker 76495.66s - 6495.7s

we've not really talked about yet,

Speaker 56496.66s - 6499.78s

are two favorite actors, I guess. I love Greg Proops PERSON as the podraiser announcer.

Speaker 66500.04s - 6501.14s

I think he's wonderful.

Speaker 26501.76s - 6504.74s

And I got very excited this time,

Speaker 66504.8s - 6508.3s

because I don't think I recognized him or noticed him or whatever past viewings.

Speaker 26508.3s - 6512.8s

But when Terrence Stamp PERSON shows up as the chancellor, I was just like, hell yeah.

Speaker 06513.16s - 6517.38s

Because he had a hell of a 1999 that we're going to cover in other ways later on this show.

Speaker 26517.58s - 6522.74s

But to see Terran Stamp PERSON, just like, when you see him, it's just like, oh, yeah, that guy means business.

Speaker 06522.88s - 6526.08s

Like whether it's good business or bad business or just if you want to be afraid of him or whatever. I don't know, man. But the liney, like, it's just like, oh, yeah, that guy means business. Like, whether it's good business or bad business or just if you want to be afraid of him or

Speaker 26526.08s - 6526.96s


Speaker 66527.14s - 6530.8s

I don't know, man, but the liney, like, it's like three lines.

Speaker 76531.28s - 6532.46s

Always parent stamp.

Speaker 56532.46s - 6537.88s

I have, I have two and one is kind of in Matt's camp and one's kind of in Brian's camp.

Speaker 76537.96s - 6539.62s

So I think those two answers were interesting.

Speaker 56539.78s - 6554.86s

So one, the one that I think I'd have to sort of pick above all others because every time, I mean, from like the staging of it, the timing of it, the music, the cinematography of it is the, when when mall appears in the at the bay doors. Yeah.

Speaker 96555.1s - 6555.94s

It is just.

Speaker 86556.06s - 6556.6s

That's it.

Speaker 96556.7s - 6558.82s

That's so fucking iconic.

Speaker 56558.82s - 6559.6s

I changed my answer.

Speaker 96559.98s - 6560.78s

I changed my answer.

Speaker 56560.9s - 6561.46s

That's the iconic.

Speaker 86561.46s - 6566.84s

And the losing of the robes and the first reveal of the second edge of the

Speaker 56566.84s - 6569.28s

lightsaber, even though you know from all the toys.

Speaker 96569.5s - 6595.62s

But like when you see it that first time, it's so intimidating and so awesome. Yeah. It's one of the best sequence of shots in any Star Wars WORK_OF_ART movie. From a kind of emotional standpoint, I don't know why this gets me every time. But again, it's something to do with like, just the way it's framed and the music cue and the cinematography is when Anakin PERSON gets the pod racer working. Oh, yeah.

Speaker 76595.62s - 6599.2s

And it fires up and the music plays and he says it's working, it's working.

Speaker 56599.34s - 6602.7s

And then you see Schme's face and you see Quigone PERSON on.

Speaker 26602.82s - 6606.46s

And it's like, it's the whole kind of like every element of

Speaker 06606.46s - 6610.6s

the movie is just sort of in that one moment and I think it's so beautiful.

Speaker 56610.96s - 6616.44s

You realize in that moment how special Anakin PERSON really is because not only can this kid like

Speaker 86616.44s - 6622.94s

drive the pod racer but fix it, you know, he's intelligent enough to build it, ride it and be

Speaker 76622.94s - 6637.12s

adorable saying it's working. You're going to need those skills because you're going to need them to constantly rebuild your arms and legs when you're older. And it's like, you're good at fixing things. It's like, yeah, well, you're not going to be able to fix the people that die.

Speaker 86638.4s - 6640.14s

Can't fix a massive ego.

Speaker 26640.14s - 6644.12s

You know what, music cue I know, because I know exactly the cue you're talking about.

Speaker 86644.2s - 6651.98s

It's never heard again. It's this little motif that you don't hear again. But I love when he blows up the inside of the trade ship and then flies out.

Speaker 76652.08s - 6657.24s

It cuts in with a duel of the fates mix with the forest theme. Yeah.

Speaker 26660.12s - 6661.56s

It's really gorgeous.

Speaker 06661.56s - 6665.12s

And they reuse it in Revenge of the Sith when half the,

Speaker 76665.2s - 6668.56s

still flying half the ship when it comes in for the landing there.

Speaker 06668.56s - 6673.3s

But that is such, and he bursts out and the pilots are like cheering him on.

Speaker 76673.5s - 6681.46s

And I always think whenever that scene plays, it's like, when I met him, he was already a great pilot. I was like, well, there he is. We'll try spinning. That's a good track, right?

Speaker 56681.52s - 6689.1s

Yeah, it's funny, Brian, too, because you said that you called me out for not saying the Imperial March. But also, the Imperial March is in Anakin PERSON's theme in this really beautiful way.

Speaker 76689.1s - 6699.24s

Yeah. Right again. And as we drop a lot of times, Palpatine PERSON's theme is right there in a major key. That's the celebration at the end.

Speaker 06699.36s - 6702.2s

I love it when people are discovering this for the first time.

Speaker 26702.38s - 6706.16s

There's so many TikToks PRODUCT, it's like, I just discover this. It's like, no, you didn't.

Speaker 06706.26s - 6720.4s

You saw this on another TikTok ORG and you're hoping for your own things. But it's like, it's like, yeah, everything's great. It's in a major key. There's a Sith Lord in charge of us. And nobody knows. And it's just, oh, what a, what a brilliant little thing that is.

Speaker 76720.4s - 6722.7s

And across the stars is just the main theme inverted.

Speaker 56723.14s - 6725.4s

So, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 76726.82s - 6729.3s

He knows what these. Williams PERSON, you crafty dog.

Speaker 26730.32s - 6730.78s


Speaker 76731.66s - 6732.66s

I think he's got a future.

Speaker 56732.96s - 6742.82s

So Joey is going to ask you the last questions we ask on every episode. And I got to say, I think at this point, Joey, they can't say the Phantom Minutes WORK_OF_ART, right? They have to say something else, right?

Speaker 66742.88s - 6746.84s

Well, that's the thing. I think we have to amend the question.

Speaker 56746.96s - 6748.7s

Yeah, because it's a two-part question.

Speaker 66748.78s - 6769.28s

It's a two, it's a similar question. But do you have a favorite movie from 1999? And I feel like the answer is probably a Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART, but also maybe not. But so we could say like other than the, I guess if it's the Phantom Menace WORK_OF_ART, give another one. If it's not the Phantom Maness, just give that one. And then I'll ask the follow-up question, but favorite movie from 1999,either one or two. Okay, so I was just looking at

Speaker 86769.28s - 6772.08s

1999 movies. Because I'd get, I'd say that

Speaker 26772.08s - 6775.82s

remember what came out. The mummy. The mummy came out in 1990.

Speaker 66776.46s - 6779.66s

Yeah. Incredible movie. That movie stands up like is,

Speaker 26779.66s - 6782.78s

from end to end is such an exciting movie.

Speaker 76782.78s - 6785.26s

Oh, my dream. And it's one of those movies I can't wait to show my kids.

Speaker 26785.26s - 6785.84s

Still my heart.

Speaker 76786s - 6789.5s

It's love every minute of the mummy.

Speaker 86789.76s - 6791.18s

Get the hell out of here.

Speaker 66791.18s - 6794.14s

Our first guest on the Matrix episode, Chris Cluey PERSON, that was his answer as well.

Speaker 76794.58s - 6794.82s


Speaker 66794.92s - 6795.16s


Speaker 76795.42s - 6796.06s

Oh, well, all right.

Speaker 66796.14s - 6796.42s

The mummy.

Speaker 76796.54s - 6798.84s

My heart belongs to Evelyn Carnahan PERSON.

Speaker 66799.16s - 6799.48s


Speaker 56799.96s - 6804.18s

And there's a reason everyone is having this Brandon Fraser PERSON Renaissance.

Speaker 66804.52s - 6806.7s

And it's because how fucking awesome the mummy is.

Speaker 56806.96s - 6808.5s

Well, and also how fucking awesome he is.

Speaker 86808.88s - 6811.54s

And I would say the mummy returns.

Speaker 56811.54s - 6812.52s

I mean, it's a no man.

Speaker 76812.52s - 6812.62s


Speaker 56812.72s - 6814.26s

Mummy returns is also awesome.

Speaker 76814.46s - 6814.6s


Speaker 86815.44s - 6816.18s

Yeah, the second one.

Speaker 76816.22s - 6817.3s

Third one, not my favorite.

Speaker 86818.3s - 6820.18s

I'll still watch it if I'm going to do it.

Speaker 96820.18s - 6820.76s

Wait, which one is the Rock?

Speaker 86820.8s - 6821.6s

Is that two or three?

Speaker 96821.72s - 6822.06s

That's no.

Speaker 86822.22s - 6822.6s

The two.

Speaker 96822.6s - 6823.8s

The Scorpion King.

Speaker 86825.14s - 6825.88s

That's two. And then Jet League. When the Rock was just's two. No, that's two. Raku machinde PERSON. Scorpion king.

Speaker 96825.88s - 6826.28s

That's two.

Speaker 86826.46s - 6827.06s

And then Jet League PERSON.

Speaker 96827.06s - 6828.42s

When the rock was just in everything.

Speaker 76828.54s - 6829.12s

I mean, he still is.

Speaker 96829.26s - 6830.28s

That was his first big thing.

Speaker 26830.36s - 6830.58s

He's like,

Speaker 76830.62s - 6831.94s

it was like a line.

Speaker 66832.38s - 6832.56s


Speaker 76833s - 6833.16s


Speaker 96833.78s - 6834.02s


Speaker 66834.02s - 6835.5s

my brain just went to like CGI.

Speaker 96835.62s - 6835.78s


Speaker 86835.78s - 6836.8s

and terrible CGI.

Speaker 96837.12s - 6837.24s


Speaker 86838s - 6839.88s

My brain went to like the rock is everything.

Speaker 96840.02s - 6840.34s

And my,

Speaker 86840.4s - 6844.5s

my frame of reference was he appeared in an episode of Star Trek Voyager WORK_OF_ART and he was in that movie.

Speaker 96844.74s - 6846.36s

So that was that was him in that movie.

Speaker 76846.36s - 6846.56s


Speaker 26846.56s - 6847.24s

straight to me up,

Speaker 76847.24s - 6848.88s

also in the Mummy Returns,

Speaker 86848.88s - 6850.8s

if you blink and you'll miss him as Jason Statham PERSON.

Speaker 76851.34s - 6851.48s


Speaker 96852.16s - 6852.76s

get out of you.

Speaker 86852.86s - 6853s


Speaker 76853.14s - 6853.3s


Speaker 26853.38s - 6854.14s

I'm lying.

Speaker 76854.46s - 6854.7s

That's not.

Speaker 26856.06s - 6856.24s

He's like,

Speaker 76856.32s - 6856.82s

he's like,

Speaker 56856.82s - 6858.04s

10 things I hate about you.

Speaker 86858.28s - 6858.84s

Spokian PERSON.

Speaker 76859.18s - 6859.56s

Scorpion PERSON,

Speaker 56859.72s - 6860.18s

King of A.

Speaker 96860.34s - 6864.44s

Matt PERSON, that's why we're doing a podcast about that year. You know what?

Speaker 66864.62s - 6867.84s

I just figured out what the, what great podcast this is.

Speaker 86867.96s - 6868.66s

A lot of good movies.

Speaker 96869.4s - 6869.66s


Speaker 66869.82s - 6873.56s

Can you believe it? All right. So here's, here's the follow. Here's another question number two.

Speaker 26874.16s - 6879.14s

Just get off for movies. No, no, that's actually, that's actually a, no, because that's hard because people are like,

Speaker 56879.18s - 6879.9s

I don't know when things came out.

Speaker 76880.16s - 6882.28s

No, wait. Brian doesn't answer. His answer.

Speaker 66882.8s - 6885.14s

He said like eight movies. I thought, I thought there was an answer in there.

Speaker 76885.14s - 6892.16s

No, I have, because if this is from 99, it would beat them all. Being John Malcovic is from 99.

Speaker 66892.38s - 6892.78s

Sure is.

Speaker 96893.08s - 6894.26s

That would be my job.

Speaker 26894.26s - 6894.54s


Speaker 96894.98s - 6899.32s

That movie changed the way I thought and looked at movies.

Speaker 26899.46s - 6903.92s

I came out of that movie and said, I did not know movies could be made like that.

Speaker 76904.02s - 6921.54s

I didn't know they were allowed to be like that. And I hadn't seen a lot of the classics before that. I was sheltered, you know, and I was just, that changed my interests completely. Recently, I had another experience that I related much like that when I saw everything, all, everything, everything, all, everywhere, all at once,

Speaker 96921.62s - 6927.12s

gave me a similar feeling when I walked out of it as to being Joe Malcovic but that would be my pick for 99.

Speaker 86927.26s - 6929.38s

I'd like to change my answer to varsity blues.

Speaker 96929.88s - 6930.26s


Speaker 06931.18s - 6932.9s

For a second, I thought you were going to go with.

Speaker 86933.82s - 6937.16s

I thought you were going to say Mr. Ripley, which is also 99, right?

Speaker 76937.48s - 6938.24s

It sure was.

Speaker 86938.76s - 6940.14s

And Magnolia ORG?

Speaker 76940.34s - 6940.52s


Speaker 96940.94s - 6942.38s

And Mulan Rouge PRODUCT?

Speaker 66942.68s - 6944.2s

No, we got to do a podcast about this.

Speaker 96944.2s - 6944.82s

Oh, American.

Speaker 56945.16s - 6945.72s

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

Speaker 76945.8s - 6946.66s

Well, there's in 2001.

Speaker 56946.82s - 6947.46s

American Beauty ORG.

Speaker 96947.92s - 6951.36s

Yeah. Hey, Brian, I got an idea for a podcast.

Speaker 56952.28s - 6955.16s

Good. All right, John, we pivot to be a Star Wars WORK_OF_ART podcast. Good luck with the American Beauty ORG.

Speaker 76957.4s - 6961.1s

Brian, if, so mummy's already taken, unfortunately.

Speaker 96961.54s - 6969.6s

But Brian, if you want to come back for our being John Malkovich episode, that's going to be in like, I don't know, eight months. But yeah, I'm probably free. It's all yours,

Speaker 56969.68s - 6974.68s

I mean, what am I doing? I know. Podcasts. Nothing. You're just talking to a microphone anyway.

Speaker 96974.78s - 6981.9s

You might as well talk to us. Joey, back to you. So now here's the follow-up question. I think

Speaker 56981.9s - 6985.72s

there's another caveat here. What is your favorite movie of all time?

Speaker 96985.96s - 6988.84s

And if you say a Star Wars WORK_OF_ART movie, you have to give another answer.

Speaker 66989.84s - 6990.56s

Oh, man.

Speaker 76990.56s - 6991.32s

Just don't say a Star Wars movie.

Speaker 56992.12s - 6995.28s

But I mean, like if it's a Star Wars WORK_OF_ART movie, say the Star Wars movie, then give another answer.

Speaker 76995.28s - 6996.98s

It's Empire Strikes Back WORK_OF_ART, but, yeah.

Speaker 56998.1s - 6999.12s

That would be my answer, actually.

Speaker 77000.74s - 7002.12s

Is your favorite movie Empire Strikes Back WORK_OF_ART?

Speaker 57002.32s - 7002.94s

I think so.

Speaker 77003.12s - 7003.76s

You know this.

Speaker 57003.84s - 7005.28s

I don't pick favorites. But like, when people forced me to say a favorite movie, itkes Back? I think so. You know this. I don't pick favorites.

Speaker 77005.44s - 7007.96s

But like it's when people forced me to say a favorite movie,

Speaker 57008.1s - 7009.58s

it's either that or contact.

Speaker 77009.7s - 7010.74s

Those are the two that I'm always like.

Speaker 57010.74s - 7010.84s

I mean,

Speaker 67010.9s - 7011.92s

the answer is Paddington ORG too,

Speaker 57011.98s - 7012.6s

but that's fine.

Speaker 67013.06s - 7013.44s

I like,

Speaker 57013.44s - 7014.94s

I immediately when people ask me that question,

Speaker 67015.1s - 7015.18s


Speaker 57015.2s - 7015.4s

I don't know,

Speaker 67015.42s - 7017.38s

my brain immediately goes back to like when I was a kid

Speaker 57017.38s - 7020.68s

and like what VHS tapes did I like burn a hole in,

Speaker 67021.12s - 7021.48s

you know?

Speaker 57021.56s - 7023.74s

And it's like I'm not proud to say it.

Speaker 67023.82s - 7026.3s

But it's like, Independence Day EVENT.

Speaker 57026.3s - 7026.78s

Hell yeah.

Speaker 67026.98s - 7029.06s

ate that movie up as a kid.

Speaker 57029.16s - 7030.82s

I eat it up as like, that's an adult.

Speaker 87030.82s - 7033.86s

You want to talk about like in-game moments in theaters?

Speaker 77034.22s - 7038.94s

Like, when I saw that in Fourth of July, and you would think America GPE, like, literally defeated

Speaker 87038.94s - 7039.34s

the aliens.

Speaker 77039.34s - 7040.48s

Yeah, it was our high point.

Speaker 87040.6s - 7041.12s

Let's be honest.

Speaker 57041.5s - 7041.66s


Speaker 97041.82s - 7043.02s

Yeah, it was America GPE.

Speaker 57043.82s - 7046s

It hasn't been the same since, honestly, since we beat the aliens in 96. It's all be honest. Yeah. Yeah. It wasn't America GPE. It hasn't been the same since, honestly.

Speaker 97046.32s - 7049.78s

It's the single greatest. Dub and downhill. Yeah.

Speaker 57050.38s - 7066.7s

But like, I mean, but like Jurassic Park WORK_OF_ART. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, just like the movies of my youth that I just like watched a lot. The scene, the, where the, where there's the, the, the, um, the, what do you call it? Like dogfight underneath the spacecraft in Independence Day EVENT.

Speaker 27066.7s - 7070.12s

It's like one of the greatest cinematic moments of my life.

Speaker 77070.22s - 7071.18s

That was blue my mind.

Speaker 97071.18s - 7074.18s

It was like Fox one, Fox 2 ORG, go, whatever the hell they say.

Speaker 77074.24s - 7074.62s

Oh, man.

Speaker 97074.68s - 7077.36s

The David Arnold PERSON score, too, is one of.

Speaker 77077.46s - 7078.04s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 57078.12s - 7078.78s

Amazing movie.

Speaker 97079.08s - 7079.38s

Amazing score.

Speaker 87079.38s - 7083.98s

Only to his music for Stargate WORK_OF_ART, which is my favorite score of his, but his

Speaker 57083.98s - 7089s

Independence Day EVENT score when it kicks in. I actually like I, I need Independence Day EVENT a little bit more, but I like him both.

Speaker 77089s - 7091.66s

And I also know who David Arnold PERSON is.

Speaker 97091.78s - 7096.98s

So that, you know, puts me and you and me in like the point zero, zero four percent of the entire.

Speaker 57097.22s - 7098.12s

That means we're cool.

Speaker 97098.44s - 7099.54s

It means we're very cool.

Speaker 27099.86s - 7101.28s

So, Brian, what's your favorite movie?

Speaker 67101.9s - 7102.42s

Amadeus PERSON.

Speaker 97103.14s - 7103.84s

Amadeus PERSON?

Speaker 57104s - 7105.1s

Yeah, that's my favorite movie.

Speaker 67105.68s - 7106.28s

Love that.

Speaker 77106.96s - 7115.64s

If I had to, if I had to pick one, if, if I'm going, if I'm going geeky, like something like Return of the King would be number two.

Speaker 27116.72s - 7122.64s

But Amadeus PERSON is my favorite movie, what it says, how it makes me feel, how I relate to it.

Speaker 77122.64s - 7126.38s

It's, it's, it's, yeah.

Speaker 27126.56s - 7129.8s

And that's not me trying to be artsy, farcy or anything like that.

Speaker 77130.34s - 7132.74s

It's, um, knowledge is beautiful to look at and impeccably made.

Speaker 07132.74s - 7137.02s

It's just what it says about jealousy and ego and resentment and everything.

Speaker 77137.26s - 7142.96s

And like, that's, you know, just perfect in every time I watch.

Speaker 07143s - 7144.64s

It's like imperfectly acted.

Speaker 77144.82s - 7146.2s

And every time I watch it, I get something acted and every time I watch it I get something

Speaker 87146.2s - 7151.14s

out of it. I want an artsy fartsy pick and I'm going to go with something more recent inside Lewin Davis

Speaker 77151.14s - 7158.02s

is a short okay okay yeah I mean related Oscar you can pretty much name like almost any Cohen PERSON movie and I'd be

Speaker 97158.02s - 7164.82s

like I could yeah I can connect inside Lewin Davis and Amadeus PERSON in the form of moon night yeah and I know

Speaker 57164.82s - 7165.58s

exactly that there that right there what you're about to say is the is one of the They can connect inside Lewin Davis and Amadeus in the form of moon night. Yeah, and I know exactly how.

Speaker 97165.58s - 7172.82s

That right there, what you're about to say is one of the brilliant pieces of casting in all of Lewin Davis PERSON.

Speaker 57173.28s - 7177.42s

In that scene, that he's the one to shoot the dreams down.

Speaker 97177.62s - 7179.56s

And it's like, who's going to do it?

Speaker 77179.94s - 7183.58s

Not only is that scene wrenching as it is, but it's Salieri PERSON.

Speaker 97183.82s - 7184.08s


Speaker 77184.32s - 7186.06s

Who's ripping another artist. Look how this all connected. See how beautifully that as it is, but it's Sally Erie PERSON. Yeah. Who's ripping another artist.

Speaker 97186.18s - 7187.34s

Look how this all connected.

Speaker 77187.56s - 7188.64s

See how beautifully that worked.

Speaker 57188.64s - 7189.12s

And now,

Speaker 27189.24s - 7190.68s

and now he's on,

Speaker 97190.68s - 7190.98s


Speaker 27190.98s - 7192.14s

Mario Abraham is also,

Speaker 87192.14s - 7192.48s


Speaker 77192.48s - 7193.18s

Conchoo PERSON.

Speaker 87193.32s - 7194.4s

He's the voice of Conchew PERSON.

Speaker 77194.48s - 7195.3s

So there you go.

Speaker 87195.42s - 7195.7s


Speaker 57196.1s - 7197.8s

And not in Mythic Quest season three,

Speaker 87197.84s - 7198.2s


Speaker 57198.44s - 7200.64s

We're going to find out in the next moon night that like,

Speaker 87200.7s - 7202.74s

actually this is all inside Lewin Davis PERSON.

Speaker 57202.74s - 7203.56s

And like,

Speaker 77203.78s - 7204.28s


Speaker 57204.32s - 7205.52s

I mean, do they want to sell tickets or what? That'sin Davis and like that's I mean

Speaker 77205.52s - 7208.04s

do they want to sell tickets so what

Speaker 57208.04s - 7210.18s

that's you know that's the fifth identity

Speaker 67210.18s - 7212.54s

of Mark PERSON is uh I mean the cat

Speaker 77212.54s - 7215.78s

in Lewin Davis PERSON is the flurgel from or whatever from Captain Mark

Speaker 67215.78s - 7218.8s

oh it's all makes sense I think you mean a flirt in

Speaker 57218.8s - 7222.32s

Inside Louis Davis is like the first MCU ORG movie and we never knew it

Speaker 97222.32s - 7226.94s

um that's gonna be the big of, Fiji PERSON, you are a genius.

Speaker 67226.94s - 7230.66s

Once Carrie Mulligan gets woven in, John Goodman PERSON gets woven in.

Speaker 77232.7s - 7233.98s

That's a good choice, Matt PERSON.

Speaker 87234.06s - 7234.64s

I like that.

Speaker 57234.72s - 7235.56s

I like it too, Matt PERSON.

Speaker 87236.04s - 7237.3s

I just love that movie soundtrack.

Speaker 57237.6s - 7242.1s

That's something that is standing up over these years as a new favorite, I would say.

Speaker 87242.18s - 7244.92s

And now everybody's going to know how sophisticated you are and not just.

Speaker 57245.04s - 7248.28s

I had to put it in there, you know, Independence Day and in a little days.

Speaker 87248.28s - 7249.28s

He's very sophisticated.

Speaker 57249.74s - 7252.08s

He put on a lot of times this act.

Speaker 87252.08s - 7257.18s

I would tell you, aside from its bizarre love for the, for the starship Prometheus PRODUCT from

Speaker 57257.18s - 7259.38s

that Voyager two-parter, Matt PERSON.

Speaker 87259.4s - 7260.18s

He'll get me started.

Speaker 57260.32s - 7262.36s

I don't know why you love that design so much.

Speaker 87262.52s - 7265.46s

But aside from that, it splits into three.

Speaker 57266.18s - 7266.92s

That's crazy.

Speaker 77267.12s - 7269.56s

And the dead pod racer and, you know.

Speaker 57269.56s - 7270.16s

But why?

Speaker 87270.42s - 7271.14s

Yes, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 57271.56s - 7272.6s

But I appreciate that, Brian.

Speaker 87272.68s - 7272.84s

Thank you.

Speaker 77272.9s - 7276.34s

I don't know why that ship split the three, but that's got to hurt.

Speaker 97278.34s - 7279.74s

I guess we should wrap this up.

Speaker 27280.18s - 7285.9s

I think we've said everything there is to say about Phantom Men WORK_OF_ART menace and pretty much everything else surrounding the phantom menace.

Speaker 77286.9s - 7288.92s

John Joey PERSON, I'd like to say I'm sorry.

Speaker 57290.06s - 7290.58s

Yeah, sorry?

Speaker 77292.42s - 7296.3s

If your listeners enjoy this form of hilarity, you come over to return of the pod.

Speaker 57296.3s - 7297.7s

A podcast about Star Wars WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 87297.78s - 7299.9s

I wish I wish Caitlin PERSON could be here.

Speaker 67300s - 7305.88s

Maybe we'll have you guys all for some completely non-Star Wars-related movie from 99 that we can all talk about for just.

Speaker 77305.88s - 7307.34s

Hey, that would be something.

Speaker 87308.24s - 7312.52s

Brian, Brian opens the show with Star Wars WORK_OF_ART and other.

Speaker 57312.76s - 7313.06s


Speaker 27313.52s - 7313.98s

And more.

Speaker 57313.98s - 7314.18s


Speaker 27314.32s - 7314.7s

And more.

Speaker 57314.7s - 7316.56s

Since we started doing that, we changed it.

Speaker 27316.76s - 7316.82s


Speaker 57317.2s - 7317.26s


Speaker 27317.52s - 7322s

Well, maybe we can have you back from my, well, one of my favorites ever, mystery men.

Speaker 77322.32s - 7322.72s


Speaker 57323.24s - 7324.06s

You know what?

Speaker 87324.34s - 7325.06s

Never seen it. Shut up. All right. That's a, that's really good. You know what? Never seen it.

Speaker 57325.62s - 7328.5s

Shut up. All right. That's a, that's really good.

Speaker 87328.5s - 7331.2s

I know. I guess it's only when you do blast from the pan.

Speaker 77331.2s - 7334.14s

I'm saving it. I'll do that one.

Speaker 57334.44s - 7337.18s

I get that one. Sticking on the Brandon, uh, Frasier thing.

Speaker 77337.18s - 7340.8s

Brian Silleman PERSON, you would love mystery men. I know.

Speaker 87340.96s - 7342.1s

Like it's got a lot of actors.

Speaker 57342.1s - 7343.1s


Speaker 77343.54s - 7345.3s

I guess I'm just waiting for the right moment.

Speaker 57345.6s - 7347.42s

While I'm still young.

Speaker 87348.06s - 7349.8s

You missed it, by. Knock your socks off.

Speaker 77349.8s - 7352.06s

Then the mystery man and train rolled right past you.

Speaker 57352.22s - 7354.74s

Yeah. I always get it confused with small soldiers.

Speaker 77355.16s - 7356.82s

Oh, very different. Very different.

Speaker 57357.46s - 7358.76s

Very, very different.

Speaker 77360.56s - 7364.6s

Mystery Man WORK_OF_ART has the most insane cast I've ever seen in a movie.

Speaker 97364.64s - 7366s

Well, it's Jeffrey Rush PERSON, right?

Speaker 77366.04s - 7366.5s

He's in it.

Speaker 97366.62s - 7367.3s

He is in it.

Speaker 57367.56s - 7370.4s

But so is Greg Kinnear and Ben Stiller and Paul Rubin's PERSON.

Speaker 77370.4s - 7371.5s

We can't do Mystery Men WORK_OF_ART now.

Speaker 57371.62s - 7373.8s

John, you just, you talked to Mystery Men at me the other day.

Speaker 27373.98s - 7375.68s

I could not believe what you were saying.

Speaker 57375.68s - 7376.62s

I love it so much.

Speaker 27376.62s - 7377.8s

I know.

Speaker 57377.82s - 7378.48s

It's going to be a while.

Speaker 27379.02s - 7379.34s


Speaker 57381.46s - 7382.28s

Season three, right?

Speaker 27382.28s - 7382.7s

Season three.

Speaker 57382.78s - 7383.9s

Let people look forward to season three.

Speaker 97384.06s - 7384.18s


Speaker 57384.38s - 7385.86s

Is that our four? I don't know.

Speaker 77386s - 7388.88s

Wasn't Batman v. Superman Dawn of Justice WORK_OF_ART 99?

Speaker 57390s - 7392.18s

You wish we could talk about that.

Speaker 67392.7s - 7393.76s

I don't actually.

Speaker 77393.76s - 7396.52s

You were, but I would.

Speaker 67396.6s - 7397.38s

I would talk about it.

Speaker 57397.52s - 7398.2s

I would talk about it.

Speaker 67398.44s - 7402.18s

There were no superhero movies in 99, which is so weird because there was

Speaker 57402.18s - 7402.4s


Speaker 97402.78s - 7405.86s

There was so much more cinema And cinema was better off

Speaker 57405.86s - 7407.38s

Yeah, but there's a Bond PERSON movie

Speaker 97407.38s - 7407.88s

He counts

Speaker 57407.88s - 7409.22s

You couldn't get this made today

Speaker 97409.22s - 7410.58s

Because of Spider-Man

Speaker 57410.58s - 7412.6s

I think the world is not enough

Speaker 67412.6s - 7413.4s


Speaker 57413.4s - 7415.18s

The world is not

Speaker 77415.18s - 7416.18s

November 99

Speaker 97416.18s - 7416.82s


Speaker 57416.82s - 7417.48s

Oh okay

Speaker 97417.48s - 7418.9s

You can't kill me James

Speaker 77418.9s - 7419.98s

Nothing cold blood

Speaker 97419.98s - 7421.34s

No you don't like that one

Speaker 57421.34s - 7422.34s

You like that one

Speaker 97422.34s - 7423.7s

The world is not enough

Speaker 77423.7s - 7424.5s


Speaker 27424.5s - 7426.64s

I Very bad.

Speaker 77426.9s - 7432.08s

Has the very worst line to end a Bond PERSON movie of all lines to end of bond movie.

Speaker 87432.32s - 7432.8s

Oh, no.

Speaker 67432.86s - 7433.74s

Is that the Christmas one?

Speaker 77433.78s - 7434.56s

That's the Christmas one.

Speaker 27434.74s - 7440.08s

And also the single worst performance in the history of cinema with Denise Richards as a nuclear physicist.

Speaker 67440.52s - 7440.84s


Speaker 87441.44s - 7446.1s

I also love Judy Dinch PERSON escapes from prison with a clock

Speaker 67446.1s - 7448.62s

My review on letterbox

Speaker 77448.62s - 7451.94s

I'm sorry I love it was I genuinely can't tell if these are better or worse

Speaker 87451.94s - 7453.38s

than the Connery PERSON and more adult ones

Speaker 77453.38s - 7455.62s

but I do know that I enjoy these more and that's good enough for me

Speaker 87455.62s - 7457.9s

They're just more fun I just like it I don't know I don't like the right

Speaker 77457.9s - 7462.12s

I don't know I watched Golden Eye on a plane recently

Speaker 67462.12s - 7463.5s

It was fantastic golden eye is amazing

Speaker 57463.5s - 7464.92s

All right we're done

Speaker 77464.92s - 7465.24s

You guys know the people at home how to find your podcast I watched Golden Eye on a plane recently. It was fantastic. GoldenEye PRODUCT is amazing. All right. We're done.

Speaker 57465.86s - 7466.44s

You guys,

Speaker 27473.04s - 7473.52s

know the people at home how to find your podcast and you, what your address is,

Speaker 57475.64s - 7475.76s

social security numbers, all that stuff.

Speaker 67477.2s - 7478.34s

Go, go plug.

Speaker 87482.44s - 7482.6s

Well, you can find the pod on all major podcasting platforms,

Speaker 77484.66s - 7485.34s

Return of the Pod, a podcast about Star Wars WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 87487.14s - 7487.44s

We're at Return of the Pod WORK_OF_ART on Twitter,

Speaker 77487.82s - 7488.86s

Instagram ORG,

Speaker 67491.34s - 7492.6s

Facebook, TikTok ORG, all those places. TikTok, look at you guys.

Speaker 77492.76s - 7493.06s

That's right.

Speaker 67493.12s - 7494.26s

We have three TikToks PRODUCT.

Speaker 87494.34s - 7494.98s

I made them all.

Speaker 67495.18s - 7495.38s


Speaker 57495.48s - 7496.84s

we're waiting on some more of those.

Speaker 87497.76s - 7498.32s

Keep waiting.

Speaker 67499.5s - 7502.36s

Then you can also find us a return of the

Speaker 87503.24s - 7503.88s

That's right.

Speaker 67503.96s - 7506.22s

We're the proud owners of dot net URL.

Speaker 87506.86s - 7507.76s

So you can find us there.

Speaker 77507.84s - 7509.78s

And then you find me on Twitter at Matt Romano PERSON,

Speaker 67509.88s - 7511.3s


Speaker 77511.42s - 7513.08s

I'm also on Twitter at Brian Silliman PERSON.

Speaker 87513.34s - 7513.98s

Thank you guys.

Speaker 57514.08s - 7545.74s

Yeah. Thank you so much for having us on. Thanks for listening. We will see you in two weeks. What kind of language What kind of language barriers do you have?

Speaker 77545.9s - 7551.5s

Is it anything goes or like Matt PERSON has to do bleeping every time we like the fucks and shit.

Speaker 57551.5s - 7554.14s

If the scene requires it, then it is anything goes.

Speaker 77554.28s - 7557.66s

You know, it's for the art. Sometimes it does. It's so fucking wizard.